



【雅思】8月28日考试完整版机经及解析(含范文)听力LISTENINGPart 1新题/旧题:新题场景:志愿者的申请主题:工作申请题型及数量:10+填空关键信息June FridayPart 2新题/旧题:旧题场景:澳洲地区的地理及农业主题:地域介绍题型及数量:4选择题+6匹配题11-14)Multiple Choice11.What are the features that affect gardening in CanberraA.inland cityB.high altitudeC.has mountain around it12. what should gardeners keep record itA.duration of frostB.number of frostC.average frost temperature13. what about rainfall in CanberraA.plentifulB.seasonableC.unreliable14.what are the problem of soil in CanberraA.stop plants getting enough waterB.high level of mineralsC.very acidi15-20) Matching15. E (offering shade)16. F (insider house)17. C (near water)18. A (west near fence)19. B (ventilate close to street)20. DPart 3新题/旧题:旧题场景:音乐对缓解压力的讨论主题:学术分析对话题型及数量:6选择题+4地图21-26)Multiple Choice21. why do Sarah and James choose rock music in the experiment?A. it will produce more measurable results22. what does James say about the book Building A case?B. it offers practical help23. why does Sarah add some statistics in their experiment? 为什么SarahC. she thinks it will make her better with figures24. what are the relations of the study of Warwick University with that in Sarah and James’s?B. physical results25. what are the main focuses of the study of Sydney University?A. the relationship between music and relaxation26. The University of Lowa?B. the number of people used was too small.27-30) Matching27. limitation of the self-written questionnaire: E. get additional materials from the internet28. the complaint with the disturbance: F. borrow equipment29. the unreliability of CD players: A. get help from technicians30. the insufficient time of writing report: D. divide the workloadPart 4新题/旧题:旧题场景: 最古老的机械电脑-安提凯瑟拉机器主题: 报告题型及数量:10+填空The world oldest mechanical computer - Antikythera mechanism31-40) Completionsdiscovered in 1990, Greek island of Antikythera31.It was in the cargo of a ship that sank about 2000 years ago32.People find one item was assumed to be a lump of rock.33.One machine, called a Dome. can take photographs with a light coming from different angles.34.This has made far more of the inscriptions on the mechanism legible35.The blade runner was originally designed to examine engines for cracks.36.The mechanism is thought to have been mounted in a wood frame.How this to be used?37.The person simply rotated a handle to operate the gear wheels.38.the mechanism could predict when an eclipse39.It helped in planning the timing for agricultural and religious calendar of events40.a number of clocks were made, providing astronomical information as well as showing the time of day.阅读READING本场考试三篇,两篇新题一篇旧题,难度较大。



剑桥雅思8-第三套试题-阅读部分-PASSAGE 1-阅读真题原文部分:READING PASSAGE 1You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.Striking Back at Lightning With LasersSeldom is the weather more dramatic than when thunderstorms strike. Their electrical fury inflicts death or serious injury on around 500 people each year in the United States alone. As the clouds roll in, a leisurely round of golf can become a terrifying dice with death - out in the open, a lone golfer may be a lightning bolt's most inviting target. And there is damage to property too. Lightning damage costs American power companies more than $100 million a year.But researchers in the United States and Japan are planning to hit back. Already in laboratory trials they have tested strategies for neutralising the power of thunderstorms, and this winter they will brave real storms, equipped with an armoury of lasers that they will be pointing towards the heavens to discharge thunderclouds before lightning can strike.The idea of forcing storm clouds to discharge their lightning on command is not new. In the early 1960s, researchers tried firing rockets trailing wires into thunderclouds to set up an easy discharge path for the huge electric charges that these clouds generate. The technique survives to this day at a test site in Florida run by the University of Florida, with support from the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), based in California. EPRI, which is funded by power companies, is looking at ways to protect the United States' power grid from lightning strikes. 'We can cause the lightning to strike where we want it to using rockets, ' says Ralph Bernstein, manager of lightning projects at EPRI. The rocket site is providing precise measurements of lightning voltages and allowing engineers to check how electrical equipment bears up.Bad behaviourBut while rockets are fine for research, they cannot provide the protection from lightning strikes that everyone is looking for. The rockets cost around $1, 200 each, can only be fired at a limited frequency and their failure rate is about 40 per cent. And even when they do trigger lightning, things still do not always go according to plan. 'Lightning is not perfectly well behaved, 'says Bernstein. 'Occasionally, it will take a branch and go someplace it wasn't supposed to go. ' And anyway, who would want to fire streams of rockets in a populated area? 'What goes up must come down, ' points out Jean-Claude Diels of the University of New Mexico. Diels is leading a project, which is backed by EPRI, to try to use lasers to discharge lightning safely - and safety is a basic requirement since no one wants to put themselves or their expensive equipment at risk. With around $500, 000 invested so far, a promising system is just emerging from the laboratory.The idea began some 20 years ago, when high-powered lasers were revealing their ability to extract electrons out of atoms and create ions. If a laser could generate a line of ionisation in the air all the way up to a storm cloud, this conducting path could be used to guide lightning to Earth, before the electric field becomes strong enough to break down the air in an uncontrollable surge. To stop the laser itself being struck, it would not be pointed straight at the clouds. Instead it would be directed at a mirror, and from there into the sky. The mirror would be protected by placing lightning conductors close by. Ideally, the cloud-zapper (gun)would be cheap enough to be installed around all key power installations, and portable enough to be taken to international sporting events to beam up at brewing storm clouds.A stumbling blockHowever, there is still a big stumbling block. The laser is no nifty portable: it's a monster that takes up a whole room. Diels is trying to cut down the size and says that a laser around the size of a small table is in the offing. He plans to test this more manageable system on live thunderclouds next summer.Bernstein says that Diels's system is attracting lots of interest from the power companies. But they have not yet come up with the $5 million that EPRI says will be needed to develop a commercial system, by making the lasers yet smaller and cheaper. 'I cannot say I have money yet, but I'm working on it, ' says Bernstein. He reckons that the forthcoming field tests will be the turning point - and he's hoping for good news. Bernstein predicts 'an avalanche of interest and support' if all goes well. He expects to see cloud-zappers eventually costing 100, 000 each.Other scientists could also benefit. With a lightning 'switch' at their fingertips, materials scientists could find out what happens when mighty currents meet matter. Diels also hopes to see the birth of 'interactive meteorology' - not just forecasting the weather but controlling it. 'If we could discharge clouds, we might affect the weather, ' he says.And perhaps, says Diels, we'll be able to confront some other meteorological menaces. 'We think we could prevent hail by inducing lightning, ' he says. Thunder, the shock wave that comes from a lightning flash, is thought to be the trigger for the torrential rain that is typical of storms. A laser thunder factory could shake the moisture out of clouds, perhaps preventing the formation of the giant hailstones that threaten crops. With luck, as the storm clouds gather this winter, laser-toting researchers could, for the first time, strike back.Questions 1-3Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.Write the correct letter in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.1 The main topic discussed in the text isA the damage caused to US golf courses and golf players by lightning strikes.B the effect of lightning on power supplies in the US and in Japan.C a variety of methods used in trying to control lightning strikes.D a laser technique used in trying to control lightning strikes.2 According to the text, every year lightningA does considerable damage to buildings during thunderstorms.B kills or injures mainly golfers in the United States.C kills or injures around 500 people throughout the world.D damages more than 100 American power companies.3 Researchers at the University of Florida and at the University of New MexicoA receive funds from the same source.B are using the same techniques.C are employed by commercial companies.D are in opposition to each other.Questions 4-6Complete the sentences below.Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 4-6 on your answer sheet.4 EPRI receives financial support from………………………….5 The advantage of the technique being developed by Diels is that it can be used……………….6 The main difficulty associated with using the laser equipment is related to its……………….Questions 7-10Complete the summary using the list of words, A-I, below.Write the correct letter, A-I, in boxes 7-10 on your answer sheet.In this method, a laser is used to create a line of ionisation by removing electrons from 7 …………………………. This laser is then directed at 8 …………………………in order to control electrical charges, a method which is less dangerous than using 9 …………………………. As a protection for the lasers, the beams are aimed firstly at 10………………………….A cloud-zappersB atomsC storm cloudsD mirrorsE techniqueF ionsG rockets H conductors I thunderQuestions 11-13Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?In boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet writeYES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writerNO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writerNOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this11 Power companies have given Diels enough money to develop his laser.12 Obtaining money to improve the lasers will depend on tests in real storms.13 Weather forecasters are intensely interested in Diels's system.READING PASSAGE 1篇章结构体裁说明文主题用激光回击闪电结构第1段:闪电带来的危害第2段:科研人员正在研究回击闪电的方法第3段:先前的闪电回击术介绍第4段:火箭回击术的缺陷第5段:更安全的激光回击术第6段:激光回击术的技术原理第7段:激光回击术的缺陷第8段:通过实地实验改进激光回击术第9段:激光回击术对其他学科也有益处第10段:激光回击术的其他用途解题地图难度系数:★★★解题顺序:按题目顺序解答即可友情提示:烤鸭们注意:本文中的SUMMARY题目顺序有改变,解题要小心;MULTIPLE CHOICE的第三题是个亮点,爱浮想联翩的烤鸭们可能会糊掉。





Passage1:非洲某个国家的农业参考原文及答案:A By tradition land in Luapula is not owned by individuals,but as in many other parts of Africa is allocated by the headman or headwoman of a village to people of either sex, according to need. Since land is generally prepared by hand,one ulupwa cannot take on a very large area; in this sense land has not been a limiting resource over large parts of the province. The situation has already changed near the main townships, and there has long been a scarcity of land for cultivation in the Valley. In these areas registered ownership patterns are becoming prevalent.B Most of the traditional cropping in Luapula,as in the Bemba area to the east,is based on citemene,a system whereby crops are grown on the ashes of tree branches. As a rule,entire trees are not felled (v. 砍到),but are pollarded (v. 截去树梢)so that they can regenerate. Branches are cut over an area of varying size early in the dry season, and stacked to dry over a rough circle about a fifth to a tenth of the pollarded area. The wood is fired before the rains and in the first year planted with the African cereal finger millet (Eleusine coracana). The grain of this crop is used to brew local beers such as cipumu, which contribute several vitamins of the B complex to peoples’ diet. Cipumu is also used in cementing reciprocal working relationships (Pottier 1985).C During the second season, and possibly for a few seasonsmore the area is planted to variously mixed combinations of annuals (n. 一年生植物)such as maize,pumpkins (Telfiria occidentalis)and other cucurbits,sweet potatoes,groundnuts,Phaseolus beans and various leafy vegetables,grown with a certain amount of rotation (n. 轮流). The diverse sequence ends with vegetable cassava, which is often planted into the developing last-but-one crop as a relay.D Richards (1969) observed that the practice of citemene entails a definite division of labour between men and women. A man stakes out a plot in an unobtrusive manner,since it is considered provocative towards one’s neighbours to mark boundaries in an explicit way. The dangerous work of felling branches is the m en’s province,and involves much pride. Branches are stacked by the women,and fired by the men. Formerly women and men cooperated in the planting work, but the harvesting was always done by the women. At the beginning of the cycle little weeding is necessary, since the firing of the branches effectively destroys weeds. As the cycle progresses weeds increase and nutrients eventually become depleted to a point where further effort with annual crops is judged to be not worthwhile: at this point the cassava is planted, since it can produce a crop on nearly exhausted soil. Thereafter the plot is abandoned,and a new area pollarded for the next citemene cycle.E When forest is not available-this is increasingly the case nowadays-various ridging systems (ibala)are built on small areas,to be planted with combinations of maize,beans,groundnuts and sweet potatoes, usually relayed with cassava. These plots are usually tended by women,and provide subsistence. Where their roots have year-round access to watertables (n. 地下水位、潜水面)mango, guava and oil-palm trees often grow around houses, forming a traditional agroforestry (n. 农林业)system. In season some of the fruit is sold by the roadside or in local markets.F The margins of dambos are sometimes planted to local varieties of rice during the rainy season, and areas adjacent to vegetables irrigated with water from the dambo during the dry season. The extent of cultivation is very limited,no doubt because the growing of crops under dambo conditions calls for a great deal of skill (Dougnac 1987:9-10). Near towns some of the vegetable produce is sold in local markets.G Fishing has long provided a much needed protein supplement (n. 补充)to the diet of Luapulans, as well as being the one substantial source of cash. Much fish is dried for sale to areas away from the main waterways. The Mweru and Bangweulu Lake Basins are the main areas of year-round fishing, but the Luapula River is also exploited (v. 开采)during the latter part of the dry season. Several previously abundant and desirable species,such as the Luapula salmon or mpumbu (Labeo altivelis)and pale (Sarotherodon machochir)have all but disappeared from Lake Mweru,apparently due to mismanagement (Huckaby 1979).H Fishing has always been a far more remunerative activity in Luapula that crop husbandry (n. 农业、资源管理). A fisherman may earn more in a week than a bean or maize grower in a whole season. I sometimes heard claims that the relatively high earnings to be obtained from fishing induced an‘ easy come,easy go’ outlook a mong Luapulan men. On the other hand, someone who secures good but erratic earnings may feel that their investment in an economically productive activity is notworthwhile because Luapulans fail to cooperate well in such activities. Besides, a fisherman with spare cash will find little in the way of working equipment to spend his money on. Better spend one’s money in the bars and have a good time!I Only small numbers of cattle or oxen are kept in the province owing to the prevalence of the tse-tse fly. For the few herds, the dambos provide subsistence grazing during the dry season. The absence of animal draft power greatly limits peoples’ ability to plough (n. 耕、犁)and cultivate land:a married couple an rarely manage to prepare by hand-hoeing.J Most people keep freely roaming chickens and goats. These act as a reserve for bartering (物物交换),but may also be occasionally slaughtered for ceremonies or for entertaining important visitors. These animals are not a regular part of most peoples’ diet.K Citemene has been an ingenious system for providing people with seasonal production of high quality cereals and vegetables in regions of acid, heavily leached soils. Nutritionally,the most serious deficiency was that of protein. This could at times be alleviated when fish was available,provided that cultivators lived near the Valley and could find the means of bartering for dried fish. The citemene/fishing system was well adapted to the ecology of the miombo regions and sustainable for long periods,but only as long as human population densities stayed at low levels.L Although population densities are still much lower than in several countries of South-East Asia, neither the fisheries nor the forests and woodlands of Luapula are capable,with unmodified traditional practices,of supporting the people in sustainable manner. For instance,even in a normal seasonpeople suffer from a lack of energy,protein,vitamins and minerals in the diet. A third of under-five children brought to clinics are either stagnant (adj. 停滞的)in growth, or are losing weight.M Overall, people must learn to intensify and diversify their productive systems while yet ensuring that these systems will remain productive in the future, when even more people will need food. Increasing overall production of food, though a vast challenge in itself, will not be enough, however. At the same time storage and distribution systems must allow everyone access to at least a moderate share of the total.Questions 1-4 .................................................................................Complete the sentences below with words taken from Reading Passage 1.Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.1 In Luapula land allocation is in accordance with2 The citemene system provides the land with where crops are planted.3 During the second season, the last planted crop is4 Under suitable conditions, fruit trees are planted nearQuestions 5-8 .................................................................................Classify the following items with the correct description.Write your answers in boxes 5-8 on your answer sheetA fishB oxenC goats5 be used in some unusual occasions, such as celebrations.6 cannot thrive for being affected by the pests.7 be the largest part of creating profit.8 be sold beyond the local area.Questions 9-12 ...............................................................................Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?In boxes 9-12 on your answer sheet, writeTRUE if the sataement agrees with the informationFALSE if the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN if there is no information on this9 People rarely use animals to cultivate land.10 The local residents eat goats on a regular time.11 When it is a busy time, children are usually taken as the labor force.12 Though citemene has been a sophisticated system,it could not provide enough protein.Questions 13 ...................................................................................Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.Write the correct letter in the box 13 on your answer sheet.What is the writer’s opinion about the traditional ways of practices?A They can supply the nutrition that people need.B They are not capable of providing adequate support to the population.C They are productive systems that need no more improving.D They will be easily modified in the future.1. need2. ashes3. vegetable cassava4. houses5. C6. B7. A8. A9. TRUE10. FALSE11. NOT GIVEN12. TRUE13. BPassage2:考古发现古埃及水下遗迹参考答案:待补充Passage3: facial expression面部表情参考原文及答案:A A facial expression is one or more motions or positions of the muscles in the skin. These movements convey the emotional state of the individual to observers. Facial expressions are a form of nonverbal communication. They are a primary means of conveying social information among aliens, but also occur in most other mammals (哺乳动物)and some other animal species. Facial expressions and their significance in the perceiver can, to some extent, vary between cultures with evidence from descriptions in the works of Charles Darwin.B Humans can adopt a facial expression to read as a voluntary action. However, cause expressions are closely tied to emotion, they are more often involuntary (不知不觉的). It can be nearly impossible to avoid expressions for certain emotions,even when it would be strongly desirable to do so; a person who is trying to avoid insulting an individual he or she finds highly unattractive might ,nevertheless,show a brief expression of disgust before being able to reassume a neutral expression. Microexpressions(微表情)are one example of thisphenomenon. The close link between emotion and expression can also work in the other direction; it has been observed that voluntarily assuming an expression can actually cause the associated emotion.C Some expressions can be accurately interpreted even between members of different species- anger and extreme contentment (满足,满意)being the primary examples . Others ,however,are difficult to interpret even in familiar individuals. For instance, disgust and fear can be tough to tell apart. Because faces have only a limited range of movement,expressions rely upon fairly minuscule differences in the proportion and relative position of facial features, and reading them requires considerable sensitivity to same. Some faces are often falsely read as expressing some emotion, even when they are neutral, because their proportions naturally resemble those another face would temporarily assume.D Also, a person 1s eyes reveal much about how they are feeling,or what they are thinking. Blink rate(眨眼率)can reveal how nervous or at ease a person may be. Research by Boston College professor Joe Tecce suggests that stress levels are revealed by blink rates. He- supports his data with statistics on the relation between the blink rates of presidential candidates and their success in their races. Tecce claims that the faster blinker in the presidential debates has lost every election since 1980. Though Tecce 1 s data is interesting,it is important to recognize that non-verbal communication is multi-channeled,and focusing on only one aspect is reckless. Nervousness can also be measured by examining each candidates’ perspiration,eye contact and stiffness.E As Charles Darwin noted in his book The Expression of theEmotions in Man and Animals:the young and the old of widely different races, both with man and animals, express the same state of mind by the same movements. Still, up to the mid—20th century most anthropologists (人类学家)believed that facial expressions were entirely learned and could therefore differ among cultures. Studies conducted in the 1960s by Paul Ekman eventually supported Darwin’s belief to a large degree.F Ekman’s work on facial expressions had its starting point in the work of psychologist Silvan Tomkins. Ekman showed that contrary to the belief of some anthropologists including Margaret Mead, facial expressions of emotion are not culturally determined,but universal across human cultures. The South Fore people of New Guinea were chosen as subjects for one such survey. The study consisted of 189 adults and 130 children from among a very isolated population,as well as twenty three members of the culture who lived a less isolated lifestyle as a control group. Participants were told a story that described one particular emotion; they were then shown three pictures (two for children)of facial expressions and asked to match the picture which expressed the story’s emotion.G While the isolated South Fore people could identify emotions with the same accuracy as the non-isolated control group, problems associated with the study include the fact that both fear and surprise were constantly misidentified. The study concluded that certain facial expressions correspond to particular emotions and can not be covered,regardless of cultural background,and regardless of whether or not the culture has been isolated or exposed to the mainstream.H Expressions Ekman found to be universal included those indicating anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise(note that none of these emotions has a definitive social component,such as shame,pride,or schadenfreude). Findings on contempt (which is social) are less clear, though there is at least some preliminary evidence that this emotion and its expression are universally recognized. This may suggest that the facial expressions are largely related to the mind and each parts on the face can express specific emotion.Questions 28-32 .............................................................................SummaryComplete the Summary paragraph described below. In boxes 28-33 on your answer sheet, write the correct answer with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDSThe result of Ekman’s study demonstrates that fear and surprise are persistently 28 and made a conclusion that some facial expressions have something to do with certain 29 which is impossible covered,despite of 29 and whether the culture has been 30 or 31 to the mainstream.Questions 33-38 .............................................................................The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-H.Which paragraph contains the following information?Write the correct letter J-J^ in boxes 34-38 on your answer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.33 the difficulty identifying the actual meaning of facial expressions34 the importance of culture on facial expressions35 collected data for the research on the relation between blink and the success in elections36 impossible to differentiate some closely related expressions37 an indicator to reflect one’s extent of nervousness38 the relation between emotion and facial expressionsQuestions 39-40 .............................................................................Choose two letters from the A-EWrite your answers in boxes 39-40 on your answer sheet.Which Two of the following statements are true according to Ekman’s theory?A No evidence shows animals have their own facial expressions.B Mind controls man’s facial expressions.C Facial expressions are concerning different cultures.D Different spots on face convey certain state of mind.E The definite relationship between facial expressions and state of mind exists28. misidentified29. emotions30. cultural background31. isolated32. exposed33. C34. A35. D36. H37. D38. B39. B40. D。




一、考题解析P1 芭蕾P2 潮汐能P3 IT公司选址二、名师点评1. 本次考试难度整体简单。

2. 整体分析:涉及发展史类(P1)、科学类(P2)、商业类(P3)本场考试题型整体偏细节题型,配对题行较少,第一篇共两个题型(判断和填空),定位明显,逻辑清晰,简单易懂;第二篇文章为旧题,话题比较陌生,好在题型定位明显,并无太大理解障碍;第三篇为新题,,共两个题型,说明性质文体,但话题不够熟悉,行文方式学术化较强,难度略高。

3. 主要题型:本次考试配对题型比例较低,主要出现在第二篇中,细节题偏多,尤其是判断与填空题型占主要,故对考生来说,要求快速定位能力。

4. 文章分析:第一篇文章主要介绍芭蕾舞的发展历程;第二篇文章讲述科学家利用海洋潮汐,为人类提供能量来源,例如发电等;第三篇介绍IT公司选择公司地址时需要考虑的因素;5. 部分答案及参考文章:Passage 1:题型:判断6+填空 7Until 1689,ballet in Russia was nonexistent. The Tsarist control and isolationism in Russia allowed for little influence from the West. It wasn't until the rise of Peter the Great that Russiansociety opened up to the West. St. Petersburg was erected to embrace the West and compete against Moscow’s isolationism. Peter the Great created a new Russia which rivaled the society of the West with magnificent courts and palaces. His vision was to challenge the west. Classical ballet entered the realm of Russia not as entertainment,but as a “standard of physical comportment to be emulated and internalized-an idealized way of behaving. The aim was not to entertain the masses of Russians,but to create a cultivated and new Russian people.Empress Anna,(1730 –1740)was devoted to ostentatious amusements (balls, fireworks, tableaux), and in the summer of 1734 ordered the appointment of Jean-Baptiste Landé as dancing-master in the military academy she had founded in 1731 for sons of the nobility. In 1738, he became ballet master and head of the new ballet school, launching the advanced study of ballet in Russia, and winning the patronage of elite families.France provided many leaders such as Charles Didelot in St Petersburg (1801-1831),Jules Perrot(1848-1859)and Arthur Saint-Léon (1859-69).In the early 19th century, the theaters were opened up to anyone who could afford a ticket. A seating section called a rayok,or 'paradise gallery', consisted of simple wooden benches. This allowed non-wealthy people access to the ballet, because tickets in this section were inexpensive.One author describes the Imperial ballet as “unlike that of any other country in the world…the most prestigious of the ballet troupes were those attached to the state-supported theatres. The directors of these companies were personally appointed by the tsar, and all the dancers were, in a sense, Imperial servants.In the theatre,the men in the audience always remained standing until the tsar entered his box and,out of respect,after the performance they remained in their places until he had departed. Curtain calls were arranged according to a strict pattern: first,the ballerina bowed to the tsar’s box, then to that of the theater director, and finally to the general public1. T2. F3. NG4. T5. T6. F7. theater8. win worldwide popularity9. dance and dress10. ?11. successful publication12. director13. comic技巧分析:本文并未出现配对题型,考生应尽可能利用定位法找出答案,细节题型同时出现,考生可以根据顺序原则快速定位答案范围,同时留意三个题型间的关系,如处在中间的判断题,可以根据单选的最后一题出现的位置向后找,可以提高效率;做选择题时需要注意巧妙利用排除法,找出最合适的答案;最后需要注意多选题答案一般涉及文章一部分,根据其出现的位置,可以从文章结尾向前找答案,节省时间。

雅思A类大作文2019真题范文汇总 持续更新

雅思A类大作文2019真题范文汇总 持续更新

2018已经结束,让我们开始2019新的雅思征程吧!本文将持续记录2019年全球雅思A类写作大作文真题分享给大家!2019-08-31: Task 2Nowadays some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?2019-08-24: Task 2Research into new types of medicine and treatments are essential for improve health and deal with diseases. Who do you think should fund these researches: private companies, individuals or governments?Questions and samples related to topic “HEALTH”:2019-08-24: Task 2When a new town is planned, it is more important to develop public parks and sports facilities than shopping centers for people to spend their free time in. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Questions and samples related to topic “PEOPLE”:2019-08-24: Task 2Some people think that government should spend money for faster public transportation, others think that there are other important priorities of public transport (cost, environment). Discuss both view and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “GOVERNMENT,MONEY”:2019-08-24: Task 2In some countries, the unemployment is high, therefore some people think children should study only primary education and not secondary education as because they cannot ?nd jobs in the future. To what extent do you agree or disagree.Questions and samples related to topic “EMPLOYMENT,EDUCATION”:2019-08-24: Task 2When new towns are planned, it is important to build more public parks and sports facilities, rather than shopping centres for people to spend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2019-08-17: Task 2More and more parents are allowing their children to play on computers and tablets as they think that children should learn technology skills. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?Questions and samples related to topic “TECHNOLOGY”:2019-08-17: Task 2Some people think the manufacturers or shopping malls should sell less packaged products and others argue that people have the responsibility to buy products with less packaging. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “CONSUME”:2019-08-17: Task 2Study shows that many criminals have a low level education. For this reason, some people believe that the best way to reduce crime is to educate people in prison, so that they can get a job when they leave prison. Do you agree or disagree?Questions and samples related to topic “CRIME,EDUCATION”:2019-08-17: Task 2Government should stop spending on restoration of old buildings in cities. Instead they should spend the money on housing and road development. Do you agree or disagree?Questions and samples related to topic “GOVERNMENT,MONEY”:2019-08-10: Task 2Some people say that drug companies have a responsibility to spend money on researching medicines that will help people in poorer countries. Others say the main responsibility of drug companies is to make money. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “MONEY”:2019-08-10: Task 2Some people think zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, some people think zoos can help protect the rare animals. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “ANIMAL”:2019-08-07: Task 2Nowadays many of us prefer to throw damaged things away, whereas in the past people used to repair damaged items and keep them for a long time. Why has this change happened? What are the effects of this change? Give relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.Questions and samples related to topic “WASTING”:2019-08-01: Task 2Some people think learning history in school is important. Some others think learning subjects more relevant to life is important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “SCHOOL,HISTORY”:2019-08-01: Task 2In many countries, the cost of living is on the rise. What effects do higher prices have on individuals and society? How to deal with higher costs?Questions and samples related to topic “LIFESTYLE”:2019-07-27: Task 2Today, the quality of life of people in big cities is getting worse. What are the causes of this problem? Any measures should be taken to solve it?Questions and samples related to topic “LIFESTYLE,CITY”:2019-07-27: Task 2Some parents give their children everything that their children ask for and accept what their children want to do. Is this good for children? What could be consequences for these children when they grow up?Questions and samples related to topic “CHILDREN,PARENT”:2019-07-27: Task 2Some people think that young people should spend free time with families instead of outside entertainment, others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Questions and samples related to topic “YOUNG PEOPLE”:2019-07-27: Task 2Parents are trying to reach childcare tutors, to learn how to care children? Is that essential? Give your opinion on this and illustrate an exampleQuestions and samples related to topic “PARENT,CHILDREN”:2019-07-20: Task 2Many people aim to achieve a balance between work and other parts of lives, but few people achieve it. What are the problems in trying to achieve it and how to overcome these problems?Questions and samples related to topic “LIFESTYLE,WORK”:2019-07-20: Task 2The news media’s tendency to report problems and emergencies rather than positive development is harmful to individuals and the society. To what extend do you agree or disagree?Questions and samples related to topic “MEDIA”:2019-07-18: Task 2The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world costs enormous government expenditure. This money should be used in new housing and road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Questions and samples related to topic “GOVERNMENT,MONEY”:2019-07-18: Task 2Reading for pleasure can develop imagination and language skills better than watching TV. To what extent you agree or disagree?Questions and samples related to topic “LEISURE ACTIVITY”:2019-07-18: Task 2Many employers believe that good social skills is as important as good quali?cations to succeed in a job, so they are employing people who are with good social skills. To what extent you agree or disagree?Questions and samples related to topic “EMPLOYMENT”:2019-07-18: Task 2Houses are essential for people. Some people think that the government should o?er free houses for people who cannot a?ord to pay for it. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?Questions and samples related to topic “HOUSE,GOVERNMENT”:2019-07-06: Task 2Many people today prefer to eat locally produced food. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh disadvantages for the environment and economy?Questions and samples related to topic “FOOD,ENVIRONMENT”:2019-07-06: Task 2More and more business meetings and business training have taken place on the internet. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?Questions and samples related to topic “BUSINESS,INTERNET”:2019-06-29: Task 2Some people claim that many things children learn at school have actually wasted their time. Other people argue that everything taught at school is useful in the future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “CHILDREN”:2019-06-29: Task 2Sending criminals to prison is not the best method of dealing with them. Education and job training are better ways to help them. Do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “CRIME”:2019-06-29: Task 2Some people from poor and rural backgrounds find it difficult to get university education. Universities have to make it easy to let them in, especially for those groups. To what extent do you agree or not?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “EDUCATION”:2019-06-29: Task 2For some people, consumer goods have become most important thing in the life. Doadvantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “EDUCATION”:2019-06-24: Task 2New technologies provided machines which replaced workers to do certain physical jobs and tasks. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “TECHNOLOGY”:2019-06-22: Task 2Many museums and historic sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why is it the case? What can be done to attract local people?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “ART”:2019-06-22: Task 2As countries develop, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Do advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh the disadvantage for the environment?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “ENVIRONMENT”:2019-06-22: Task 2Many famous sports players advertise in sports products. Do you think advantages outweigh the disadvantages?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “AD,SPORT”:2019-06-22: Task 2Some people believe that a country becomes more interesting and develops faster when its population includes a mixture of different nationalities and cultures. Do you agree or disagree?【范文】2019-06-13: Task 2In many countries today, people in cities ether live alone or in small family units, rather than in large, extended family groups. Is this a positive or negative trend?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “LIFESTYLE”:2019-06-13: Task 2Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment. Only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “ENVIRONMENT”:2019-06-01: Task 2Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give our opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “ENVIRONMENT”:2019-06-01: Task 2An increasing number of developing countries are expanding their tourist industry. Why do you think it is the case? Do you think it is a positive development?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “TOURISM”:2019-06-01: Task 2Earlier technological developments brought benefits and changes to the lives of ordinary people more than recent technological developments. To what extent do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “TECHNOLOGY”:2019-06-01: Task 2Some people think that books should be stopped in school and that videos, films and computers should be used instead. To what extent do you agree?2019-05-25: Task 2In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education with a range of subjects. In others, it has a narrow range of specific subjects to focus student to their future career. What system will be more appropriate in today’s world?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “EDUCATION”:2019-05-23: Task 2In many countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers. Why has this happened? What can be done to deal with this?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “CRIME”:2019-05-23: Task 2There is little control over the design and construction of new homes and office buildings, and people can build in whatever style they like. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “HOME,BUILDING”:2019-05-23: Task 2It is important to give children a possibility to act independently and make their own decisions from early age. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this idea?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “CHILDREN”:2019-05-23: Task 2Some people think that big international sporting events are not worth for the host country. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this idea?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “SPORT”:2019-05-18: Task 2People are surrounded by many kinds of advertising which can influence their life. Does the positive effect of this trend outweigh the negative effect?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “AD”:2019-05-18: Task 2Employers should give their staff at least 4 weeks’ holiday. It can make them perform better in their work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “BUSINESS”:2019-05-11: Task 2Most of the world’s problems are caused by over-population. To what extend do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “POPULATION”:2019-05-11: Task 2Many businesses think that the new employees who graduate from schools lack basic interpersonal skills, such as working with colleagues as team. What has caused this and what are solutions to the problems?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “BUSINESS”:2019-05-11: Task 2In some countries, more and more shops are open long hours every day. What are positive and negative developments of this situation?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “BUSINESS”:2019-05-04: Task 2As technology is used more in the workplace, some people tend to believe that young people can find jobs more easily than older people. To What extend do you agree or disagree?Questions and samples related to topic “TECHNOLOGY”:2019-05-04: Task 2Children spend a lot of time playing computer games rather than playing sport. Why has this happened? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “GAME,SPORT”:2019-05-04: Task 2Some people think the best way to solve environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To what extend do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “ENVIRONMENT”:2019-05-04: Task 2In many cities, young people prefer shopping as a form of leisure activity. Why has this happened? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “SHOPPING”:2019-05-04: Task 2Some people think studying in groups is good for school students and others think self study is better. Explain both and give your opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “STUDY”:2019-05-04: Task 2Some people think that the development of technology help to decrease crime, others think that encourage crime.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “TECHNOLOGY”:2019-04-27: Task 2Mainly museums and historical sites are visited by tourist not local people. Discuss the reasons and give a solution to this problem.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “TOURISM”:2019-04-27: Task 2Economic wealth in rich countries brings happiness. To what extent do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “ECONOMIC”:2019-04-27: Task 2Some people think certain old buildings are more worth preserving than the other ones. Which types of old buildings should be preserved? To what extent do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “BUILDING”:2019-04-27: Task 2Some people think that it is a waste of time for an individual to plan for the future and that it is more important to focus on the present. To what extent do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “WASTING”:2019-04-25: Task 2Why are young people leaving their homes from rural areas to study or work in thecities? Do advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “LIFESTYLE”:2019-04-25: Task 2In many countries today, people in cities either live alone or in small family units, rather than in large, extended family groups. Is this a positive or negative trend?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “LIFESTYLE”:2019-04-13: Task 2Some people believe famous people’s support towards international aid organizations draws attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “CELEBRITY”:2019-04-06: Task 2Many people believe that government should support sports and the arts at school to encourage children to take part in sports, more than supporting professional sports and artistic performances for general public. To what extent do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “CHILDREN,”:2019-04-06: Task 2Some think the best way to reduce time people spending traveling to work is to replace the parks and gardens close to the city centers with apartment buildings where commuter can live, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “TRANSPORT”:2019-04-06: Task 2Today, many people have little knowledge about the importance of natural world. What are the reasons for this? How can we solve this problem?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “ENVIRONMENT”:2019-03-23: Task 2In the future, there will be more older people than younger people in most nations. Is this a positive or negative development?Questions and samples related to topic “POPULATION”:2019-03-23: Task 2Some people believe that the family has greater influence in child’s development. Others believe that other influences (television, friends, music etc) has greater influence. Discuss both views and give your opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “CHILDREN”:2019-03-14: Task 2Many small town center shops are running out of business because rural residents tend to go shopping in big cities store. To what extent do the disadvantages of this development outweigh the advantages?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “SHOPPING,CITY”2019-03-14: Task 2Scientists have been warning from many years about environmental protection and we should limit the use of energy in daily lives. What are the reasons for that? How to encouraged people to take an interest towards environment protection?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “ENVIRONMENT”2019-03-10: Task 2In many countries, more money is spent on transport system in the cities. In contrast, very little is spent in rural areas. What are the effects of this? What can be done to solve this problem?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “TRANSPORT,SPENTING”2019-03-09: Task 2Some people think that men are naturally more competitive than women. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Questions and samples related to topic “GENDER,COMPETITION”2019-03-02: Task 2The world of work is changing rapidly. Working conditions today are not the sameas before and people no longer rely on taking one job for life. Describe the possible causes and give suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the future.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “WORK”2019-03-02: Task 2Leaders and directors in some organisations are frequently older people. Some people think younger leaders would be better. What extent do you agree and disagree?【范文】2019-03-02: Task 2Some people believe that teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects, others think that they should focus on subjects which they do best or find interesting. Discuss both views and your opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “SUBJECT”2019-03-02: Task 2Country should produce all food eaten by their populations and import less as possible. To what extent you agree or disagree.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “FOOD”2019-02-23: Task 2Today people are sleeping less than before in many countries. What effect does it have on an individually and on society? Why do people do it?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “HEALTH”2019-02-23: Task 2Some people think that government is wasting money on the arts and this money could be spent elsewhere. To what extent do you agree with this view?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “MONEY,ART”2019-02-23: Task 2Computer techniques have become cheap and easy to assess, young or adults will work from home and children will study from home. Do you think it is a positive or negative change.Questions and samples related to topic “TECHNOLOGY”2019-02-22: Task 2Some people believe that products are all about good quality and its needs in people, advertisement is unnecessary and only a form of entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “AD”2019-02-17: Task 2Some countries spend a lot of money to make bicycle usage easier. Why is this? Is this the best solution?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “MONEY”:2019-02-14: Task 2Now many people spend less and less time at home. What are the causes for this? What are the effects of this on individuals and on the society?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “LIFESTYLE”2019-02-14: Task 2Economic growth is only one key factor for ending world poverty problem, however someone says it leads towards a environment damaging and should be stopped. Discuss both of these views and give you own opinion.【范文】2019-02-14: Task 2Plastic shopping bags contribute to the pollution of land and sea, some think they should be banned. Do you agree or disagree? Give examples of your knowledge.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “POLLUTION”2019-02-12: Task 2If you sell a product and the people buy it, then advertising is not necessary and considered as a kind of entertainment. Are you agree or disagree with this? Give an example from your experience to support your opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “AD”2019-02-09: Task 2The government should make people take responsibility for their actions to the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “ENVIRONMENT”:2019-02-09: Task 2Some people think that a good diet and exercise are not necessary for health and long life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “HEALTH”2019-02-09: Task 2Some people think that the government should spend on big art pieces and sculptures. Discuss both of these views and give you own opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “MONEY”2019-02-02: Task 2People can access games or films at any time from mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptop computers. Do the advantages of such developments outweigh the disadvantages? 【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “GAME,FILM”2019-02-02: Task 2Some people think that animal testing to advance medical research for human use Is necessary. Others think it is not right. Discuss both of these views and give you own opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “ANIMAL”2019-01-29: Task 2Some people believe that family is the most powerful influence in a child’s development. Others believe that the factors such as television, friends, music etc. play a greater role today. Discuss both views and give your opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “CHILDREN, FAMILY”2019-01-29: Task 2Many people believe that advertising have negative effects on customers. What extend do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “AD”2019-01-29: Task 2Some parents believe that advertisements are misleading to children, while advertisers claim that they provide knowledge for children. Discuss both views and give your opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “AD”2019-01-25: Task 2Most people work hard to earn lots of money and there is no other reason. To what extent do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “MONEY”2019-01-19: Task 2 (Poland)Some people think that government should spend money on creating new pubic buildings such as museum, city halls, rather than renovating the existing ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “MONEY”2019-01-19: Task 2Some people think the money spent in developing technology for space exploration is not justified. There are more beneficial ways to spend this money. To what extent do you agree or disagree.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “MONEY”2019-01-19: Task 2Some people think that the best way to learn is from newspaper. Others think that the best way to learn is through media. Discuss each views and your opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “LEARN,STUDY”2019-01-12: Task 2 (Saudi Arabia; Egypt)People waste a lot of food that was bought from shops and restaurants these days. What causes it and what solutions are possible.【范文】2019-01-12: Task 2 (India; Nepal)Nowadays people live longer, so should people remain in the workforce for a longer time. To what extent do you agree or disagree.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “WORK”2019-01-12: Task 2 (Canada; USA)Many people think that we have to focus on the endangered species while other think that we should pay attention to the problem of human beings. Discuses both and give your opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “ANIMAL”2019-01-12: Task 2 (Australia)Some people believe that parents with the help of parenting and child development course can improve the life of children. To what extent do you agree or disagree?【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “CHILDREN”2019-01-05: Task 2 (Turkey)Some employers think that in order to find best employees they need to consider personal qualities rather than qualifications and experience.To what extent do you agree or disagree.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “EMPLOYMENT”2019-01-05: Task 2 (India)In some culture old people are valued more while in some culture young are given more value. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.【范文】Questions and samples related to topic “PEOPLE”。


2019 年英语专业八级考试真题答案及解析
பைடு நூலகம்
1. power and dominance 2. make oneselfbig/ open up 3. make oneself small/ close up 4. the opposite/ complementary 5. occupymg space 6. gender/ sex 7. minds and bodies 8. assertive/ confident/ optimistic 9. different people 10. a gambling opportunity 11. dominance hormone 12. stress hormone 13. assertive or stress-reactive/ confident or stress-reactive 14. change our outcomes/ change the outcomes 15. do the best
And what are nonverbal expressions of power and dominance? Well, this is what they are. In the animal kingdom, nonverbal expressions of power and dominance are about expanding. So you make yourself big, you stretch out, you take up space and you're basically opening up. And… and humans do the same thing. So they do this when they're feeling powerful in the moment. And this one is especially interesting because it really shows us how universal and old these expressions of power are. For example, when athletes cross the finish line and they've won, it doesn't matter if they've never seen anyone do it. They do this. So the arms are up in the V sign, the chin is slightly lifted. But what do we do when we feel powerless? We do exactly the opposite. We close up. We make ourselves small. We don't want to bump into the person next to us. And this is what happens when you put together high and low power. So what we tend to do when it comes to power is that we complement the other's nonverbals. What I mean is if someone is being really powerful with us, we tend to make ourselves smaller. We don't mirror them. We do the opposite.



2019年雅思阅读理解精选试题及答案卷面总分:100分答题时间:50分钟试卷题量:10题一、问答题(共10题,共100分)1.Selling Digital Music without Copy-protection Makes SenseA. It was uncharacteristically low-key for the industry’s greatest showman. But the essay published this week by Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple, on his firm’s website under the unassuming title “Thoughts on Music” has nonetheless provoked a vigorous debate about the future of digital music, which Apple dominates with its iPod music-player and iTunes music-store. At issue is “digital rights management” (DRM)—the technology guarding downloaded music against theft. Since there is no common standard for DRM, it also has the side-effect that songs purchased for one type of music-player may not work on another. Apple’s DRM system, called FairPlay, is the most widespread. So it came as a surprise when Mr. Jobs called for DRM for digital music to be abolished.B. This is a change of tack for Apple. It has come under fire from European regulators who claim that its refusal to license FairPlay to other firms has “locked in” customers. Since music from the iTunes store cannot be played on non-iPod music-players (at least not without a lot of fiddling), any iTunes buyer will be deterred from switching to a device made by a rival firm, such as Sony or Microsoft. When French lawmakers drafted a bill last year compelling Apple to open up FairPlay to rivals, the company warne d of “state-sponsored piracy”. Only DRM, it implied, could keep the pirates at bay.C. This week Mr. Jobs gave another explanation for his former defence of DRM: the record companies made him do it. They would make their music available to the iTunes store only if Apple agreed to protect it using DRM. They can still withdraw their catalogues if the DRM system is compromised. Apple cannot license FairPlay to others, says Mr Jobs, because it would depend on them to produce security fixes promptly. All DRM does is restrict consumer choice and provide a barrier to entry, says Mr Jobs; without it there would be far more stores and players, and far more innovation. So, he suggests, why not do away with DRM and sell music unprotected? “This is clearly the best alternative for consumers,” he declares, “and Apple would embrace it in a heartbeat.”D. Why the sudden change of heart? Mr Jobs seems chiefly concerned with getting Europe’s regulators off his back. Rather than complaining to Apple about its use of DRM, he suggests, “those unhappy with the current situation should redirect their energies towards persuading the music companies to sell their music DRM-free.” Two and a half of the four big record companies, he helpfully points out, are European-owned. Mr Jobs also hopes to paint himself as a consumer champion. Apple resents accusations that it has become the Microsoft of digital music.E. Apple can afford to embrace open competition in music players and online stores. Consumers would gravitate to the best player and the best store, and at the moment that still means Apple’s. Mr Jobs is evidently unfazed by rivals to the iPod. Since only 3% of the music in a typical iTunes library is protected, most of it can already be used on other players today, he notes. (And even the protected tracks can be burned onto a CD and then re-ripped.) So Apple’s dominance evidently depends far more on branding and ease of use than DRM-related “lock in”.F. The music giants are trying DRM-free downloads. Lots of smaller labels already sell music that way. Having seen which way the wind is blowing, Mr Jobs now wants to be seen not as DRM’s defender, but as a consumer champion who helped in its downfall. Wouldn’t it lead to a surge in piracy? No, because most music is still sold unprotected on CDs, people wishing to steal music already can do so. Indeed, scrapping DRM would probably increase online-music sales by reducing confusion and incompatibility. With the leading online store, Apple would benefit most. Mr Jobs’s argument, in short, is transparently self-serving. It also happens to be right.Notes to Reading Passage 11. low-key:抑制的,受约束的,屈服的2. showman:开展览会的人, 出风头的人物3. unassuming:谦逊的, 不夸耀的, 不装腔作势的4. iPod:(苹果公司出产的)音乐播放器5. iTunes store:(苹果公司出产的)在线音乐商店6. get off pe rson’s back:不再找某人的麻烦,摆脱某人的纠缠7. gravitate:受吸引,倾向于8. unfazed:不再担忧,不被打扰Questions 1-7Do the following statemets reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?Write your answer in Boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.TRUE if the statement reflets the claims of the writerFALSE if the statement contradicts the claims of the writerNOT GIVEN if it is impossbile to say what the writer thinks about this1. Apple enjoys a controlling position in digital music market with its iPod music-player and iTunes music-store.2. DRM is a government decree issued with a purpose to protect downloaded music from theft by consumers.3. Lack of standardization in DRM makes songs bought for one kind of music player may not function on another.4. Apple has been criticized by European regulators since it has refused to grant a license FairPlay to other firms.5. All music can be easily played on non-iPod music devices from Sony or Microsoft without too much fiddling.6. Apple depends far more on DRM rather than branding for its dominance of the digital music devices.7. If DRM was cancelled, Sony would certainly dominate the international digital music market.Questions 8-10Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 8-10 on your answe sheet.8. Which of the following statements about Mr. Jobs’ idea of DRM is NOT TRUE?A. DRM places restrictions on consumer’ choice of digital music products available.B. DRM comples iTunes buyers to switch to a device made by Sony or Microsoft.C. DRM constitutes a barrier for potential consumers to enter digital music markets.D. DRM hinders development of more stores and players and technical innovation.9. The word “unfazed” in line 3 of paragraph E, means___________.A. refusedB. welcomedC. not botheredD. not well received10. Which of the following statements is TRUE if DRM was scapped?A. Sony would gain the most profit.B. More customers would be “locked in”.C. A sudden increase in piracy would occur.D. Online-music sales would probably decrease.Questions 11-14Complete the notes below.Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from Reading Passage 1 for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.Mr. Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple, explains the reason why he used to defend DRM, saying that the company was forced to do so: the record companies would make their music accessible to …11...only if they agreed to protect it using DRM; they can still…12…if the DRM system is compromised. He also provides the reason why Apple did not license FairPlay to others: the company relies on them to …13….But now he changes his mind with a possible expectation that Europe’s regulators would not trouble him any more in the future. He proposes that those who are unsatisfactory with the current situation in digital music market should …14… towards persuade the music companies to sell their music DRM-free.正确答案:1. TRUESee the second sentence in Paragraph A “… the future of digital music, which Apple dominates with its iPod music-player and iTunesmusic-store.”2. FALSESee the third sentence in Paragraph A “…At issue is “digital rights management” (DRM)—the technology guarding downloaded music against theft.”3. TRUESee the fourth sentence in Parag raph A “Since there is no common standard for DRM, it also has the side-effect that songs purchased for one type of music-player may not work on another.”4. TRUESee the second sentence in Paragraph B “It has come under fire from European regulators who claim that its refusal to license FairPlay to other firms has “locked in” customers.”5. NOT GIVENThe third sentence in Paragaph B only mentions music from the iTunes store, nothing about that of Sony or Microsoft. “Since music from the iTunes store cannot be played on non-iPod music-players (at least not without a lot of fiddling).”6. FALSESee the last sentence in Paragraph E “So Apple’s dominance evidently depends far more on branding and ease of use than DRM-related “lock in”.7. NOT GIVENSee the fourth sentence in Paragraph F only mentions music generally, no particular information about business prospect of Sony “Indeed, scrapping DRM would probably increase online-music sales by reducing confusion and incompatibility.”8. BSee the fourth sentence of Paragraph C “All DRM does is restrict consumer choice and provide a barrier to entry, says Mr Jobs; without it there would be far more stores and players, and far more innovation.”9. CSee the third sentence of Paragraph E and the context “Mr Jobs is evidently unfazed by rivals to the iPod. Since only 3% of the music in a typical iTunes library is protected, most of it can already be used on other players today.”10. ASee the last four sentences of Paragraph F “Wouldn’t it l ead to a surge in piracy? No, because most music is still sold unprotected on CDs, people wishing to steal music already can do so. Indeed, scrapping DRM would probably increase online-music sales by reducing confusion and incompatibility. With the leading online store, Apple would benefit most.”11. the iTunes storeSee the second sentence of Paragraph C “They would make their music available to the iTunes store only if Apple agreed to protect it using DRM.”12. withdraw their cataloguesSee the third sentence of Paragraph C “They can still withdraw their catalogues if the DRM system is compromised.”13. produce security fixesSee the fourth sentence of Paragraph C “Apple cannot license FairPlay to others, says Mr Jobs, because it would depend on them to produce security fixes promptly.”14. redirect their energiesSee the second sentence of Paragraph D “Rather than complaining to Apple about its use of DRM, he suggests, “those unhappy with the current situation should redirect their energies towards persuading the music companies to sell their music DRM-free.”2.new weapon to fight cancer1. British scientists are preparing to launch trials of a radical new way to fight cancer, which kills tumours by infecting them with viruses like the common cold.2. If successful, virus therapy could eventually form a third pillar alongside radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the standard arsenal against cancer, while avoiding some of the debilitating side-effects.3. Leonard Seymour, a professor of gene therapy at Oxford University, who has been working on the virus therapy with colleagues in London and the US, will lead the trials later this year. Cancer Research UK said yesterday that it was excited by the potential of Prof Seymour’s pioneering techniques.4. One of the country’s leading geneticists, Prof Seymour has been working with viruses that kill cancer cells directly, while avoiding harm to healthy tissue. "In principle, you’ve got something which could be many times more effective than regular chemotherapy," he said.5. Cancer-killing viruses exploit the fact that cancer cells suppress the body’s local immune system. "If a cancer doesn’t do that, the immune system wipes it out. If you can get a virus into a tumour, viruses findthem a very good place to be because there’s no immune system to stop them replicating. You can regard it as the cancer’s Achilles’ heel."6. Only a small amount of the virus needs to get to the cancer. "They replicate, you get a million copies in each cell and the cell bursts and they infect the tumour cells adjacent and repeat the process," said Prof Seymour.7. Preliminary research on mice shows that the viruses work well on tumours resistant to standard cancer drugs. "It’s an interesting possibility that they may have an advantage in killing drug-resistant tumours, which could be quite different to anything we’ve had before."8. Researchers have known for some time that viruses can kill tumour cells and some aspects of the work have already been published in scientific journals. American scientists have previously injected viruses directly into tumours but this technique will not work if the cancer is inaccessible or has spread throughout the body.9. Prof Seymour’s innovative solution is to mask the virus from the body’s i mmune system, effectively allowing the viruses to do what chemotherapy drugs do - spread through the blood and reach tumours wherever they are. The big hurdle has always been to find a way to deliver viruses to tumours via the bloodstream without the body’s immune system destroying them on the way.10. "What we’ve done is make chemical modifications to the virus to puta polymer coat around it - it’s a stealth virus when you inject it," he said.11. After the stealth virus infects the tumour, it replicates, but the copies do not have the chemical modifications. If they escape from the tumour, the copies will be quickly recognised and mopped up by the body’s immune system.12. The therapy would be especially useful for secondary cancers, called metastases, which sometimes spread around the body after the first tumour appears. "There’s an awful statistic of patients in the west ... with malignant cancers; 75% of them go on to die from metastases," said Prof Seymour.13. Two viruses are likely to be examined in the first clinical trials: adenovirus, which normally causes a cold-like illness, and vaccinia, which causes cowpox and is also used in the vaccine against smallpox. Forsafety reasons, both will be disabled to make them less pathogenic in the trial, but Prof Seymour said he eventually hopes to use natural viruses.14. The first trials will use uncoated adenovirus and vaccinia and will be delivered locally to liver tumours, in order to establish whether the treatment is safe in humans and what dose of virus will be needed. Several more years of trials will be needed, eventually also on the polymer-coated viruses, before the therapy can be considered for use in the NHS. Though the approach will be examined at first for cancers that do not respond to conventional treatments, Prof Seymour hopes that one day it might be applied to all cancers.Questions 1-6Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? For questions 1-6 writeTRUE if the statement agrees with the informationFALSE if the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage1.Virus therapy, if successful, has an advantage in eliminatingside-effects.2.Cancer Research UK is quite hopeful about Professor Seymour’s work on the virus therapy.3.Virus can kill cancer cells and stop them from growing again.4.Cancer’s Achilles’ heel refers to the fact that virus may stay safely in a tumor and replicate.5.To infect the cancer cells, a good deal of viruses should be injected into the tumor.6.Researches on animals indicate that virus could be used as a new way to treat drug-resistant tumors.Question 7-9Based on the reading passage, choose the appropriate letter from A-D for each answer.rmation about researches on viruses killing tumor cells can be found(A) on TV(B) in magazines(C) on internet(D) in newspapers8.To treat tumors spreading out in body, researchers try to(A) change the body’ immune system(B) inject chemotherapy drugs into bloodstream.(C) increase the amount of injection(D) disguise the viruses on the way to tumors.9.When the chemical modified virus in tumor replicates, the copies(A) will soon escape from the tumor and spread out.(B) will be wiped out by the body’s immune system.(C) will be immediately recognized by the researchers.(D) will eventually stop the tumor from spreading out.Questions 10-13Complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the list of words. You can only use each word once.NB There are more words in the list than spaces so you will not use them all.In the first clinical trials, scientists will try to ……10…… adenovirus and vaccinia, so both the viruses will be less pathogenic thanthe ……11…….These uncoated viruses will be applied directly to certain areas to confirm safety on human beings and the right ……12…… needed. The experiments will firstly be ……13……to the treatment of certain cancers正确答案:1.答案:FALSE (见第2段:If successful, virus therapy could eventually form a third pillar alongside radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the standard arsenal against cancer, while avoiding some of the debilitating side-effects. Virus therapy 只能避免一些副作用,而不是根除。

2019-2020-剑桥雅思八雅思口语真题解析(Test 2)-范文模板 (2页)

2019-2020-剑桥雅思八雅思口语真题解析(Test 2)-范文模板 (2页)

2019-2020-剑桥雅思八雅思口语真题解析(Test 2)-范文模板本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==剑桥雅思八雅思口语真题解析(Test 2)Part 1 这个题目考的频率非常高。


同学们不要认为这题目在 C 8出现了就不会考了--------绝对还要考。

Which magazines and newspapers do you read ?What kind of articles are you most interested in ?Have you ever read a newspaper or a magazine in a foreign language ?你有没有看过外语报纸或杂志? 神马时候看的和为神马看的Do you think reading a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language is a good way to learn the language ?看外语杂志是否是学外语的一种好方法。


Part 2 这个题估计还会考但是频率会低。

Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to 描述一个你喜欢去的餐馆You should sayWhere the restaurant wasWhy you chose the restaurantWhat type of food you ate in the restaurant and explain why you enjoyed eating in this restaurantPart 3Discussion topics :。



完整文字版PARTI SECTIONA0.If you want to pass the grade 8 exam1.at one time, add 5691290001.Power and dominance2.stretch out3.close upmplementing other people5.experessingpower6.thoughts and felings7.minds andhormones8.assertive optimistic confident9.dominance and stress10.opportunitg to gamble11.risk to lerance12.stress hormone.13.stressreactive14.change our outcomes15.do the bestPART I SECTIONB1-5CCBAC6-10CDCACPART II SECTIONA11-15 DCABB16-20DCABC21-24 BACDPART ll SECTIONB25.He knew how to act and conceal his feelings26.He could disguise his low spirit27.Journalism I need prolessional persons withgreat aptitude28.Greeley was seldom believed in his party29.They were both incurable eccentrics30.Only take from rich and only kill for justice31.The hope of fighting against injustice32.He protests against injustice and neversurrenders33.0.If you want to pass the grade 8 exam at one time, add 569129000PARTIII1is后加that2.more 后加is3though 后去is4at 改in5.required 改requires6.final 改lastnguage 去掉8.away 去掉9.but 后加it10.to 改andPART IVBaiyangdian was once mentioned as "Jiangnan in the North of China ",but the shape of it's cottages has its own characteristics which is totally different from that of the southof the Yangtze river,lt's rainy in the south and houses there have sloping roofs. The cottages here are different, with the roof a place to dry the grain Every time in history when there was flood,villagers had to move their belongings to the roof. 0.If you want to pass the grade 8 exam at one time, add 569129000The houses are so dose that some of the roofs are against connected to each other.。



2019年5-8月雅思口语测试题库及答案总分:100分题量:50题一、问答题(共50题,共100分)1.Wedon’tacceptpaymentinUSdollars.PleaseconcludethebusinessintermsofSwissfra ncs.答:采购付款以我方为受益人不可撤消信用证有效,在伦敦以即期汇票英磅货币支付2.Paymentofthepurchaseistobeeffectedbyanirrevocableletterofcreditino urfavour,payablebydraftatsightinpoundssterlinginLondon.答:采购付款以我方为受益人不可撤消信用证有效,在伦敦以即期汇票英磅货币支付3.Accordingtothecontract,afterreceiptofthepreliminaryshippingadvice, youarekindlyrequestedtoopenwiththeBankofChinatherelativeL/Cinourfavo urwithintendays.答:据合同,接到预装船通知后,你方需在10天内开具以我方为受益人的中国银行信用证4.Thetermsofpaymentwewishtoadoptareconfirmedandirrevocableletterofcr edit.答:关于付款条件我们希望采用保兑不可撤消信用证5.Ourusualtermsofpaymentarebyconfirmed,irrevocableletterofcreditinou rfavour,reachingusonemonthaheadofshipment.答:我们一般付款条款为以我方为受益人保兑、不可撤消信用证,并于装运之前一个月开到我方6.Wearetooheavilycommittedtobeabletoentertainfreshorders.答:我们因忠于诚信而无法供应新鲜产品.7.Weregretthatweareunabletomeetyourrequirementforthetimebeingasorder shavebeenfullybooked.答:因为订单已满,我们很遗憾在这个时间里不能满足你方要求8.Wefeelgreatregretthatwecannolongersupplythegoodsyouorderastheprodu ctionhasbeendiscontinuedsincelastAugust.答:非常遗憾我们不再供应订单上的货物,因为生产已于八月停止9.Wehavenowdecidedtosupplyyouwithallthepartsasitemizedinyourorderand goingtoapplytothegovernmentagenciesconcernforexportlicenses.答:我们现在决定向你供应你订单中各类配件,并向政府申请出口许可证10.Theorderissourgentlyrequiredthatwemustaskyoutomaketheearliestposs ibleshipment.答:该订单急需,我们要求你必须尽早的运出11.Ifyoucanfillourorderof5000tiesverysoonwe‘dliketoplacetheorderwithyounow.答:若你们能迅速供应5000条领带的话,我们现在就下订单给你12.Wefindbothpriceandqualityofyourproductssatisfactorytoourclientand wearepleasedtogiveyouaorderfortheitemsonthissheet.答:我们发现贵司产品在价格和质量上能使我们的客户满意,我们给你下该表格中此类别的订单13.ThankyouforyourquotationdatedMay20th.Andthisisourofficialorderfor 10palacelanterns.答:感谢你5月250日的报价,这是我们10只宫灯的正式订单14.Wearepleasedtoplacewithyouanorderfor2,000washingmachinestobesuppl yfromcurrentstock.答:我们向贵司下2,000台洗衣机的订单以作库存供应15.Wearepleasetogiveyouanorderfor3,000computersincurrentstockatthepr icesyouquoted.答:根据你方报价,我们向你下了3,000台库存计算机的订单16.Wearepreparetoofferourcomputerstoyouatthespecialdiscountrateof15% .答:我们正准备对我司计算机给你15%的特别折扣。



2019专八听力-真题解析2019 专八听力-真题解析Mini-lectureBody Language and MindIntroductionBody language reveals who we are.Nonverbal expressions of (1)feeling powerful : (2)----e.g. attention with arms up in a V signfeeling powerless: (3) _----e.g. refusing to bump into the person nearbyin a high-and low-power situation.people’s behavior tends to become (4)----people don’t mirror each other.MBA students exhibit the full range of power nonverbal.----e.g. students with power have strong desire for (5) .power nonverbal are also related to (6) .Relationship between (7)the powerful are more (8)hormones differ with (9)an experiment:----procedures:----adopting high- or low-power poses and completing items----being given (10)----having saliva tested----results:----(11) : much higher with high-power people----an increase in (12) in low-power people----hormonal changes: making brain (13)ConclusionBehavior can (14)Before getting into stressful situations----get your brain ready to (15)参考答案:1.power and dominance2.expanding// opening up3.closing up/doc/dd16351009.html,plementary5.dominance6.gender7.bodies and minds8.assertive, confident, optimistic9.level of power10.opportunities to gamble11.risk tolerance// dominance hormone12.stress hormone13.assertive, confident, stress-reactive14.change outcomes15.do the best原文:Body Language and MindGood morning, everyone. In today’s lecture, I’d like to focus on how our body language reveals who we are. We’re really fascinated with body language, and particularly interested in other people’s body language. You know, we’re sometimes interested in an awkward interaction, or a smile, or acontemptuous glance, or maybe a very awkward wink, or handshake.So what kind of body language am I talking about? (1) I am interested in power dynamics---- that is the nonverbal expressions of power and dominance. And what are nonverbal expressions of power and dominance? Well, this is what they are.(2) In the animal kingdom, nonverbal expressions of power and dominance are about expanding. So you make yourself big, you stretch out, you take up space and you’re basically opening up. And… and humans do t he same thing.So they do thi s when they’re feeling powerful in the moment. And this one is especially interesting because it really shows us how universal and old these expressions of power are. For example, when athletes cross the finish line and they’ve won, it doesn’t matter if they’ve never seen anyone do it. They do this. So the arms are up in the V sign, the chin is slightly lifted. (3) But what do we do when we feel powerless? We do exactly the opposite. We close up.We make ourselves small. We don’t want to bump into the person next to us. And this is what happens when you put together high and low power. (4) So what we tent to do when it comes to power is that we complement the other’s nonverbal. What I mean is if someone is being really powerful with us, we tend to make ourse lves smaller. We don’t mirror them. We do the opposite.I’m watching this behavior in the classroom, and guess what I have noticed. (5) I notice that MBA students really exhibit the full range of power nonverbal. They get right into the middle of the room before class ever starts, like they really want to occupy space. When they sit down, t hey’re sort of spread out.They raise their hands high. You have other people who are virtually collapsing when they come in.As soon as they, I mean other people, come in, you see it on their faces and their bodies, and they sit in their chair and they make themselves tiny, and they will not fully stretch their arms whenthey raise their hands. I also notice another interesting thing about this. (6) It seems women are much more likely to do this kind of thing than men. I mean women are more likely to make themselves small. Women feel chronically less powerful than men, so this is not surprising.(7)The second question concerns our minds. We know that our minds change our bodies. But is it also true that our bodies change our minds? And when I say minds, in the case of the powerful, what do I mean? I’m talking about thoughts and feelings and the sort of physiological things that make up our thoughts and feelings, and in my case, that’s hormones. I look at hormones. So what do the minds of the powerful versus the powerless look like?(8)Powerful people tend to be, not surprisingly, more assertive and more confident, more optimistic. They actually feel that they’re going to wi n even at games of chance. They also tend to be able to think more abstractly. They take more risks. So there are a lot of differences between powerful and powerless people. (9) Physiologically, there also are differences on two key hormones: one is dominance hormone, and the other is stress hormone.What we find is that powerful and effective leaders have high dominance hormone and low stress hormone. What does it mean? That means power is also about how you react to stress.Once we did an experiment. We decided to bring people into the lab and run that little experiment. These people adopted, for two minutes, either high-power poses or low-power poses. We, for two minutes, say, “You need to do this or this.” And we also want them to be feeling power.So af ter two minutes we will ask them “How powerful do you feel?” on a series of items, (10) and then we give them an opportunity to gamble. Before and after the experiment, we take their sample of saliva for a hormone test. That’s the whole experiment.(11) And this is what we have found ---- risk tolerance, which is gambling. What we find is that when you’re in the high-power pose condition, 86 percent of you will gamble. When you’re in the low-power pose condition, it’s down to only 60 percent, and that’s a pretty significant difference. Here’s what we find on dominance hormone. (11) From their baseline when they come in, high- power people experience about a 20-percent increase, and low-power people experience about a 10-percent decrease. So again, two minutes, and you get these changes. (12) Concerning stress hormone, high-power people experience about a 25-percent decrease, and the low-power people experience about a 15-percent increase. (13) Once again, two minutes lead to these hormonal changes that configure your brain to basically be either assertive, confident or really stress-reactive, and, you know, feeling sort of shut down. And we’ve all had that feeling, right? So it seems that our nonverbals do govern how we think and feel about ourselves.Also, our bodies change our minds. So, power posing for a few minutes really changes your life in meaningful ways.When I tell people about this, that our bodies change ourminds and our minds can change our behavior, (14) and our behavior can change our outcomes, they say to me, “I don’t believe that. It feels fake. Right?” So I said, “fake it till you make it” I’m going to live you with this.(15) Before you go into the next stressful evaluative situation, for example, a job interview, for two minutes, try doing this, in the elevator, or at your desk behind closed doors and say to yourself “That’s what I want to do.” Configure your brain to do the best in that situation. Get your dominance hormone up, and get your stress hormone down. Don’t leave that situation fe eling like, oh, I didn’t show them who I am.Leave that situation feeling like, oh, I really managed to say who I am and show who I am.To sum up, today, we talk about the “nonverbal expressions of power and dominance” andthe strong effects of the change of behavior. I suggest you try power posing, which is simple but will significantly change the outcomes of your life. OK, next time we are going to discuss the social functions of body language.Conversation or Interview1. A. Environmental issues.B.Endangered species.C.Global warming.D.Conservation.2. A. It is thoroughly proved.B.It is definitely very serious.C.It is just a temporary variation.D.It is changing our ways of living.3. A. Protection of endangered animals’ habitats.B.Negative human impact on the environment.C.Frequent abnormal phenomena on the earth.D.The woman’s indifferent attitude to the earth.4. A. Nature should take its course.B.People take things for granted.C.Humans are damaging the earth.D.Animals should stay away from zoos.5. A. Objective. B. Pessimistic.C. Skeptical.D. Subjective.Questions:1.What do the speakers mainly talk about?2.What does the woman think of global warming?3.What is the man mainly concerned about?4.What do the speakers both agree on the topic?5.What is the woman’s attitude toward the topic?原文:Conversation OneM: Hey, Cathy, did you read this article in the National Geographic? I can't believe how much man is changing the planet.W: Yeah, I had a look at it. (5)Quite interesting I suppose if you believe that sort of thing.M: What? What do you mean, "if you believe that sort of thing"? Are you saying you don't believe that we are damaging the planet?W: (5)To be honest, Matt, not really.M: What are you saying? Are you saying global warming isn't a fact, deforestation isn't a fact, the greenhouse effect isn't actually happening?W: Hey, calm down Mark. (5)I just think too many people take these things as being definitely true without knowing all the facts.M: You really don't think global warming is happening. Youknow they've said sea levels are going to rise by quite a few meters over the next fifty to a hundred years.Weather conditions are getting worse all over the world. Can you remember how many big hurricanes there have been in the United States over the last few years? I think evidence is all around us.W: (2) I don't think we have enough information to be honest. We've only been measuring these things for around two or three hundred years. We have no idea what was happening 50,000 years ago. For all we know, this is just a natural blip in the whole climate cycle. I don't think we should change how we're living just because of twenty years of abnormal measurements.M: (3) And don't you think all the other effects we're having on the planet are destructive?W: What do you mean?M: I mean, like, deforestation, overpopulation, threatening the existence of many endangered animals, pollution of the air and the seas...I mean, I could go on if you want!W: No, no...I understand what you're saying and, yes, (4) it's true that there are several problems worldwide caused by human influence. I think the destruction of the Amazon rainforest is really dangerous and it's something we could live to regret. I read somewhere that they were considered to be the "lungs of the planet" and there we are happily chopping it all down.And it would be a shame to lose some of those animals that may become extinct, you know, like the rhino or the panda. But I think we shouldn't interfere with nature. If they are going to become extinct, then we have to allow nature to take its course.M: You've just contradicted yourself in two sentences, Kate. First you said it's bad that we're interfering with nature bydestroying the rainforest and then…W: That's not the same thing!M: Well, of course it is! The only reason 99% of these animals are endangered is precisely because WE are threatening their habitats, either by chopping it down as you say or by expanding towns and farming into areas where these animals normally live and hunt. You can't destroy an animal's habitat and then turn around and say we can't interfere with nature to save it.W: I don't think having twenty panda cubs in zoos around the world is a very smart way to save an animal. It's totally artificial and is cruel to the animals involved.M: I would go along with that, yes. The real solution is to save the animal's original habitat…6. A. Teachers’ resistance to change.B.Students’ inadequate ability to read.C.Teachers’ misunderstanding of such literacy.D.Students’ indifference to the new method.7. A. Abilities to complete challenging tasks.B.Abilities to learn subject matter knowledge.C.Abilities to perform better in schoolwork.D.Abilities to perform disciplinary work.8. A. Recalling Specific information.B.Understanding particular details.C.Examining sources of information.D.Retelling a historical event.9. A. Engaging literacy and disciplinary experts in the program.B.Helping teachers understand what disciplinary literacy is.C.Teaching disciplinary discourse practices by literacy teachers.D.Designing learning strategies with experts from both sides.10. A. To argue for a case.B.To discuss a dispute.C.To explain a problem.D.To present details.Questions:6.According to the woman, what is the biggest problem in teaching disciplinary l iteracy?7.What does disciplinary literacy really mean?8.What would a more disciplinary assessment ask students to do?9.Which is the best practice in teacher training institutions topromote disciplinary literacy teaching?10.What is the purpose of the interview?原文:Conversation TwoM: Cyndie, you've been doing research on disciplinary literacy for about 20 years now. In that time, you've probably been asked just about everything possible. What question comes up most often these days?W: That's easy. We're doing better convincing teachers that disciplinary literacy is worth teaching, but they still are hesitant about their students' reactions. A teacher said to me recently, "I have enough trouble getting my kids to read a textbook chapter. How would I ever motivate them to read in a disciplinary way?"M: Is that a real question or is it just a mask for teacher resistance?W: I think it‘s a real question, and in fact, it’s also our biggest problem, (6) because many teachers still don't understand the distinctions between content area reading and disciplinary literacy. M: What is disciplinary literacy anyway? Yousaid that's different.W: Disciplinary literacy doesn't promise to make someone a better student. It invites students to join the disciplinary field itself. It's a kind of invitation to join a club.M: Does it mean it invites students to join the "history club" by reading like a historian or the "science club" by reading like a scientist.W: Right, but i t goes beyond that. It says, “We want you to join us. We want to share with you our cognitive secrets, our way of thinking about the world, and how we solve problems. We want to count you as one of us.” In doing that, it both holds out the promise of affiliation, (connecting with others is a big motivator), and (7) the promise of greater competency with challenging tasks -- not competency in being a kid or a student, but competency in being successful with the kinds of things that adults do.M: What about assessment? How do we test disciplinary literacy?W: There aren't any standardized disciplinary reading or writing tests yet, but one can easily imagine how classroom assessments could change in the future as instruction becomes more disciplinary in focus.M: Past assessments in history, literature, or science have aimed to find out if students had mastered particular information. Questions about content would certainly still have a place in disciplinary literacy since knowledge matters in disciplinary literacy too. But what would a more disciplinary assessment look like?W: I think a more disciplinary assessment would seek to find out whether students are interpreting such information in asophisticated way according to the traditions of that discipline. For example, a disciplinary test in history might ask not only what we know about a historical event, (8) but how we know about it -- students would be questioned about the source of the information, the reliability of the source, and how the information matches with information from other sources. In cases where the information is contradictory, the assessment might ask students to determine whose account was more credible, requiring students to weigh evidence using the same kinds of criteria that historians use.M: Uhmm. That sounds interesting.W: Or a literature assessment might ask students to engage in deeper interpretation than in the past. Instead of asking about the theme of a story, for example, an assessment might ask students to determine alternative themes and to decide --based on text evidence -- which one the author seemed most sympathetic to. In other words, it would ask the student to participate in the reading more as a literary critic than a student.M: How should we prepare teachers to teach disciplinary literacy in teacher training institutions? W: So far, teacher training institutions haven't done a very good job of helping subject matter teachers understand the discourse practices of their disciplines; so those practices often remain implicit, untaught.M: I agree with that. But have you seen any good examples?W: Sure, there are some examples of programs that do make disciplinary literacy practices explicit.(9)The best of these programes, in my opinion, are the result of literacy and disciplinary experts collaborating to determine what these practices are and then engaging students in them.。


B.receive a lovely book in advancebooking
C.more convenient than incity
16.Themost interesting partoftheexhibit is they offer答案选B
A.how locomotive engineworks
B.only on everyevening
C.onevery afternoon(因为这个项目特别popular)
13. For historians lovers历史爱好者,可以游玩哪个地方?答案选C
C.Location of an old city hallbuilding
2.(The US)markets
判 断6-9 6.NOT GIVEN
B.great musicians a popularsinger
C.internationalcooks(原文中提到alocal cook)
15.Why did peoplechoosebuyingtickets in thelibrary?答案选A
A.cheaper one withdiscount
B.people can have dinner inside the old traincabinet




Part 1:考频TOP 151Work or studies2Home/Accommodation3The area you live in4Travel5Perfume6Weather7Pet8Stars9Smile10Math11Tea/coffee12Social network13Sky14Visit relatives15ReadingPart 2:考频TOP 15 1外国名人2喜欢穿的衣服3少用物品4公园5说外语的人6历史建筑7广告8给别人建议9利用网络解决问题10理想房子11旅游经历12喜欢的歌手13特定场合食品14俊男美女15早起难题解析Part 2Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person.You should say:When it happened;what you taught;who you taught it to;why you taught it to this person;and explain how you felt about it.思路分析:这篇范例以教骑自行车为例给大家一个参考。




Sample answer:I'd like to talk about a time when I taught my nephew to ride bikes.I remember it was last summer vacation, I stayed in Beijing with my big brother for some time. He's got a son, Josh, whohad just turned 4. And my brother wanted Josh to learn how to ride a bike.I didn't have much to do that time so I suggested that I could teach him.At first, I took Josh to the shop to pick a bike with training wheels. Also, for health and safety reasons, I got him a helmet,a pair of kneecaps and other things for protection.In the following days, I was with him all the time when he tried to get the hang of riding. I showed him the right moves,as well as the basic rules which he should obey when riding on roads, like how to use the cycling path properly.After he had been riding with training wheels for a week, I decided that it was time to increase the challenge. That evening,I took off the training wheels and asked him to have a go. At first,I would hold the back of his bike to help him keep balance. At one point,I would let go and see how he's coping. It was interesting that he could keep balance for about 10 or 20 seconds,but when he found out I wasn't holding the bike anymore, he would lose balance and fall, almost immediately.In the end, it took three days for him to completely master the skill of keeping balance.I was really pleased, not only for him, but for the fact that it reminded me of the time when my mom taught me to ride a bike!答案分数级别:7.0分词汇和短语:training wheels:辅助轮helmet:头盔kneecaps:护膝get the hang of:掌握…的窍门cycling path:自行车道Part 3题目:1.What skills should be taught to children?2.What can children learn from teachers and parents?3.What skills do adults need to have?4.How can people be motivated to learn new things?1.What skills should be taught to children?2.What can children learn from teachers and parents?思路:这两个问题可以合并成一个答案,从两个方面来分析:生存技能和行为准则。

2019年雅思听力:7月考试解析及8月预测-范文word版 (1页)

2019年雅思听力:7月考试解析及8月预测-范文word版 (1页)

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TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2019)-GRADE EIGHT-TIME LIMIT:150MIN PARTⅠLISTENING COMPREHENSION(25MIN)SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture.You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY.While listening to the mini-lecture,please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.Make sure what you fill in is both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.Now,listen to the mini-lecture.When it is over,you will be given THREE minutes to check your work.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear TWO interview.At the end of each interview,five questions will be asked about what was said.Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY.After each question there will be a ten-second pause.During the pause,you should read the four choices of[A],[B],[C],and[D],and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the choices.Now,listen to the first interview.Questions1to5are based on first interview.1.A.Environmental issues. B.Endangered species.C.Global warming.D.Conservation.2.A.It is thoroughly proved. B.It is definitely very serious.C.It is just a temporary variation.D.It is changing our ways of living.3.A.Protection of endangered animals’habitats. B.Negative human impact on the environment.C.Frequent abnormal phenomena on the earth.D.The woman’s indifferent attitude to the earth.4.A.Nature should take its course. B.People take things for granted.C.Human are damaging the earth.D.Animals should stay away from zoos.5.A.Objective. B.Pessimistic. C.Skeptical. D.Subjective.Now,listen to the second interview.Questions6to10are based on the second interview.6.A.Teachers’resistance to change. B.Students’inadequate ability to read.C.Teachers’misunderstanding of such literacy.D.Students’indifference to the new method.7.A.Abilities to complete challenging tasks. B.Abilities to learn subject matter knowledge.C.Abilities to perform better in schoolwork.D.Abilities to perform disciplinary work.8.A.Recalling specific information. B.Understanding particular details.C.Examining sources of information.D.Retelling a historical event.9.A.Engaging literacy and disciplinary experts in the program.B.Helping teachers understand what disciplinary literacy is.C.Teaching disciplinary discourse practices by literacy teachers.D.Designing learning strategies with experts from both sides.10.A.To argue for a case. B.To discuss a dispute.C.To explain a problem.D.To present details.PARTⅡREADING COMPREHENSION(45MIN)SECTION A MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONSIn this section there are several passages followed by fourteen multiple choice questions.For each multiple choice question,there are four suggested answers marked[A],[B],[C]and[D].Choose the one that you think is the best answer and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PASSAGE ONE(1)When it came to concealing his troubles,Tommy Wilhelm was not less capable than the next fellow.So at least he thought,and there was a certain amount of evidence to back him up.He had once been an actor—no,not quite,an extra—and he knew what acting should be.Also,he was smoking a cigar,and when a man is smoking a cigar,wearing a hat,he has an advantage;it is harder to find out how he feels.He came from the twenty-third floor down to the lobby on the mezzanine to collect his mail before breakfast,and he believed—he hoped—that he looked passably well:doing all right.It was a matter of sheer hope,because there was not much that he could add to his present effort.On the fourteenth floor he looked for his father to enter the elevator;they often met at this hour, on the way to breakfast.If he worried about his appearance it was mainly for his old father’s sake.But there was no stop on the fourteenth,and the elevator sank and sank.Then the smooth door opened and the great dark-red uneven carpet that covered the lobby billowed toward Wilhelm’s feet.In the foreground the lobby was dark,sleepy.French drapes like sails kept out the sun,but three high,narrow windows were open,and in the blue air Wilhelm saw a pigeon about to light on the great chain that supported the marquee of the movie house directly underneath the lobby.For one moment he heard the wings beating strongly.(2)Most of the guests at the Hotel Gloriana were past the age of retirement.Along Broadway in the Seventies, Eighties,and Nineties,a great part of New York’s vast population of old men and women lives.Unless the weather is too cold or wet they fill the benches about the tiny railed parks and along the subway gratings from Verdi Square to Columbia University,they crowd the shops and cafeterias,the dime stores,the tearooms,the bakeries,the beauty parlors,the reading rooms and club rooms.Among these old people at the Gloriana,Wilhelm felt out of place.He was comparatively young,in his middle forties,large and blond,with big shoulders;his back was heavy and strong,if already a little stooped or thickened.After breakfast the old guests sat down on the green leather armchairs and sofas in the lobby and began to gossip and look into the papers;they had nothing to do but wait out the day.But Wilhelm was used to an active life and liked to go out energetically in the morning.And for several months,because he had no position,he had kept up his morale by rising early;he was shaved and in the lobby by eight o’clock.He bought the paper and some cigars and drank a Coca-Cola or two before he went in to breakfast with his father.After breakfast—out,out,out to attend to business.The getting out had in itself become the chief business.But he had realized that he could not keep this up much longer,and today he was afraid.He was aware that his routine was about to break up and he sensed that a huge trouble long presaged(预感)but till now formless was due.Before evening,he’d know.(3)Nevertheless he followed his daily course and crossed the lobby.(4)Rubin,the man at the newsstand,had poor eyes.They may not have been actually weak but they were poor in expression,with lacy lids that furled down at the corners.He dressed well.It didn’t seem necessary—he was behind the counter most of the time—but he dressed very well.He had on a rich brown suit;the cuffs embarrassed the hairs on his small hands.He wore a Countess Mara painted necktie.As Wilhelm approached,Rubin did not see him;he was looking out dreamily at the Hotel Ansonia,which was visible from his corner,several blocks away.The Ansonia,the neighborhood’s great landmark,was built by Stanford White.It looks like a baroque palace from Prague or Munich enlarged a hundred times,with towers,domes,huge swells and bubbles of metal gone green from exposure,iron fretwork and festoons.Black television antennae are densely planted on its round summits.Under the changes of weather it may look like marble or like sea water,black as slate in the fog,white as tufa in sunlight.This morning it looked like the image of itself reflected in deep water,white and cumulous above,with cavernous distortions underneath.Together,the two men gazed at it.(5)Then Rubin said,“Your dad is in to breakfast already,the old gentleman.”“Oh,yes?Ahead of me today?”“That’s a real knocked-out shirt you got on,”said Rubin.“Where’s it from,Saks?”“No,it’s a Jack Fagman—Chicago.”(6)Even when his spirits were low,Wilhelm could still wrinkle his forehead in a pleasing way.Some of the slow,silent movements of his face were very attractive.He went back a step,as if to stand away from himself and get a better look at his shirt.His glance was comic,a comment upon his untidiness.He liked to wear good clothes,but once he had put it on each article appeared to go its own way.Wilhelm,laughing,panted a little;his teeth were small;his cheeks when he laughed and puffed grew round,and he looked much younger than his years.In the old days when he was a college freshman and wore a beanie(无檐小帽)on his large blonde head his father used to say that,big as he was,he could charm a bird out of a tree.Wilhelm had great charm still.(7)“Ilike this dove-gray color,”he said in his sociable,good-natured way.“It isn’t washable.You have to send it to the cleaner.It never smells as good as washed.But it’s a nice shirt.It cost sixteen,eighteen bucks.”11.Wilhelm hoped he looked all right o his way to the lobby because he wanted to________.A.leave a good impressionB.give his father a surpriseC.show his acting potentialD.disguise his low spirit12.Wilhelm had something in common with the old guests in that they all________.A.lived a luxurious lifeB.liked to swap gossipsC.idled their time awayD.liked to get up early13.How did Wilhelm feel when he was crossing the lobby(Para.2)?A.He felt something ominous was coming.B.He was worried that his father was late.C.He was feeling at ease among the old.D.He was excited about a possible job offer.14.Which part of Rubin’s clothes made him look particularly awkward?(Para.4)?A.The necktie.B.The cuffs.C.The suit.D.The shirt.15.What can we learn from the author’s description of Wilhelm’s clothes?A.His shirt made him look better.B.He cared much about his clothes.C.He looked like a comedian in his shirt.D.The clothes he wore never quite matched.PASSAGE TWO(1)By the1840s New York was the leading commercial city of the United States.It had long since outpaced Philadelphia as the largest city in the country,and even though Boston continued to be venerated as the cultural capital of the nation,its image had become somewhat languid;it had not kept up with the implications of the newly industrialized economy,of a diversified ethnic population,or of the rapidly rising middle class.New York was the place where the“new”America was coming into being,so it is hardly surprising that the modern newspaper had its birth there.(2)The penny paper had found its first success in New York.By the mid-1830s Ben Day’s Sun was drawing readers from all walks of life.On the other hand,the Sun was a skimpy sheet providing little more than minor diversions;few today would call it a newspaper at all.Day himself was an editor of limited vision,and he did not possess the ability or the imagination to climb the slopes to loftier heights.If real newspapers were to emerge from the public's demand for more and better coverage,it would have to come from a youthful generation of editors for whom journalism was a totally absorbing profession,an exacting vocational ideal rather than a mere offshoot of job printing.(3)By the1840s two giants burst into the field,editors who would revolutionize journalism,would bring the newspaper into the modern age,and show how it could be influential in the national life.These two giants,neither of whom has been treated kindly by history,were James Gordon Bennett and Horace Greeley.Bennett founded hisNew York Herald in1835,less than two years after the appearance of the Sun.Horace Greeley founded his Tribune in1841.Bennett and Greeley were the most innovative editors in New York until after the Civil War.Their newspapers were the leading American papers of the day,although for completely different reasons.The two men despised each other,although not in the ways that newspaper editors had despised one another a few years before. Neither was a political hack bonded to a political party.Greeley fancied himself a public intellectual.He had strong political views,and he wanted to run for office himself,but party factotum he could never be;he bristled with ideals and causes of his own devising.Officially he was a Whig(and later a Republican),but he seldom gave comfort to his chosen party.Bennett,on the other hand,had long since cut his political ties,and although his paper covered local and national politics fully and he went after politicians with hammer and tongs,Bennett was a cynic,a distruster of all settled values.He did not regard himself as an intellectual,although in fact he was better educated than Greeley.He thought himself only a hard-boiled newspaperman.Greeley was interested in ideas and in what was happening to the country.Bennett was only interested in his newspaper.He wanted to find out what the news was,what people wanted to read.And when he found out he gave it to them.(4)As different as Bennett and Greeley were from each other they were also curiously alike.Both stood outside the circle of polite society,even when they became prosperous,and in Bennett’s case,wealthy.Both were incurable eccentrics.Neither was a gentleman.Neither conjured up the picture of a successful editor.Greeley was unkempt,always looking like an unmade bed.Even when he was nationally famous in the1850s he resembled a clerk in a third-rate brokerage house,with slips of paper—marked-up proofs perhaps—hanging out of his pockets or stuck in his hat.He became fat,was always nearsighted,always peering over spectacles.He spoke in a high-pitched whine(哀号).Not a few people suggested that he looked exactly like the illustrations of Charles Dickens’s Mr.Pickwick.Greeley provided a humorous description of himself,written under the pretense that it had been the work of his long-time adversary James Fenimore Cooper.The editor was,according to the description,a half-bald,long-legged,slouching individual“so rocking in gait(步态)that he walks down both sides of the street at once.”(5)The appearance of Bennett was somewhat different but hardly more reassuring.A shrewd,wiry(瘦而结实的)Scotsman,who seemed to repel intimacy,Bennett looked around at the world with a squinty glare of suspicion.His eyes did not focus right.They seemed to fix themselves on nothing and everything at the same time. He was as solitary as an oyster,the classic loner.He seldom made close friendships and few people trusted him,although nobody who had dealings with him,however brief,doubted his abilities.He,too,could have come out of a book of Dickensian eccentrics,although perhaps Ebenezer Scrooge or Thomas Gradgrind comes to mind rather than the kindly old Mr.Pickwick.Greeley was laughed at but admired;Bennett was seldom laughed at but never admired;on the other hand,he had a hard professional competence and an encyclopedic knowledge of his adopted country,an in-depth learning uncorrupted by vague idealisms.All of this perfectly suited him for the journalism of this confusing age.(6)Both Greeley and Bennett had served long,humiliating and disappointing apprenticeships in the newspaper business.They took a long time getting to the top,the only reward for the long years of waiting being that when they had their own newspapers,both knew what they wanted and firmly set about getting it.When Greeley founded the Tribune in1841he had the strong support of the Whig party and had already had a short period of modest success as an editor.Bennett,older by sixteen years,found solid commercial success first,but he had no one behind him except himself when he started up the Herald in1835in a dingy cellar room at20Wall Street.Fortunately this turned out to be quite enough.16.Which of the following is NOT the author’s opinion on Ben Day and his Sun(Para.2)?A.Sun had once been a popular newspaper.B.Sun failed to be a high-quality newspaper.C.Ben Day lacked innovation and imagination.D.Ben Day has striven for better coverage.17.Which of the following statements is CORRECT about Greeley’s or Bennett’s political stance(Para.3)?A.Greeley and Bennett were both strong supporters of their party.B.Greeley,as a Whig member,believed in his party’s idealsC.Bennett,as an independent,loathed established values.D.Greeley and Bennett possessed different political values.18.Which of the following figures of speech was used to describe Greeley’s manner of walking(Para.4)?A.Exaggeration.B.Paradox.C.Analogy.D.Personification.19.In Para.5Bennett was depicted as a man who________.A.had stronger capabilities than GreeleyB.possessed a great aptitude for journalismC.was in pursuit of idealism in journalismD.was knowledgeable about his home country20.How was Greeley different from Bennett according to Para.6?A.He had achieved business success first.B.He started his career earlier than Bennett.C.He got initial support from a political party.D.He had a more humiliating apprenticeship.PASSAGE THREE(1)Why make a film about Ned Kelly?More ingenious crimes than those committed by the reckless Australian bandit are reported every day.What is there in Ned Kelly to justify dragging the mesmeric Mick Jagger so far into the Australian bush and away from his natural haunts?The answer is that the film makers know we always fall for a bandit,and Jagger is set to do for bold Ned Kelly what Brando once did for the arrogant Emiliano Zapata.(2)A bandit inhabits a special realm of legend where his deeds are embroidered by others;where his death rather than his life is considered beyond belief;where the men who bring him to“justice”are afflicted with doubts about their role.(3)The bandits had a role to play as definite as that of the authorities who condemned them.These were men in conflict with authority,and,in the absence of strong law or the idea of loyal opposition,they took to the hills. Even there,however,many of them obeyed certain unwritten rules.(4)These robbers,who claimed to be something more than mere thieves,had in common,firstly,a sense of loyalty and identity with the peasants they came from.They didn’t steal the peasant’s harvest;they did steal the lord’s.(5)And certain characteristics seem to apply to“social bandits”whether they were in Sicily or Peru.They were generally young men under the age of marriage,predictably the best age for dissidence.Some were simply the surplus male population who had to look for another source of income;others were runaway serfs or ex-soldiers;a minority,though the most interesting,were outstanding men who were unwilling to accept the meek and passive role of peasant.(6)They usually operated in bands between ten and twenty strong and relied for survival on difficult terrain and bad transport.And bandits prospered best where authority was merely local—over the next hill and they were free.Unlike the general run of peasantry they had a taste for flamboyant dress and gesture;but they usually shared the peasants'religious beliefs and superstitions.(7)The first sign of a man caught up in the Robin Hood syndrome was when he started out,forced into outlawry as a victim of injustice;and when he then set out to“right wrongs”,first his own and then other people’s. The classic bandit then“takes from the rich and gives to the poor”in conformity with his own sense of social injustice;he never kills except in self-defense or justifiable revenge;he stays within his community and even returns to it if he can to take up an honorable place;his people admire and help to protect him;he dies through the treason of one of them;he behaves as if invisible and invulnerable;he is a“loyalist”,never the enemy of the king but only of the local oppressors.(8)None of the bandits lived up fully to this image of the“noble robber”and for many the claim of larger motives was often a delusion.(9)Yet amazingly,many of these violent men did behave at least half the time in accordance with this idealist pattern.Pancho Villa in Mexico and Salvatore Giuliano in Italy began their careers harshly victimized.Many oftheir charitable acts later became legends.(10)Far from being defeated in death,bandits’reputation for invincibility was often strengthened by the manner of their dying.The“dirty little coward”who shot Jesse James in the back is in every ballad about him,and the implication is that nothing else could have brought Jesse down.Even when the police claimed the credit,as they tried to do at first with Giuliano’s death,the local people refused to believe it.And not just the bandit’s vitality prompts the people to refuse to believe that their hero has died;his death would be in some way the death of hope.(11)For the traditional“noble robber”represents an extremely primitive form of social protest,perhaps the most primitive there is.He is an individual who refuses to bend his back,that is all.Most protesters will eventually be bought over and persuaded to come to terms with the official power.That is why the few who do not,or who are believed to have remained uncontaminated,have so great and passionate a burden of admiration and longing laid upon them.They cannot abolish oppression.But they do prove that justice is possible,that poor men need not be humble,helpless and meek.(12)The bandit in the real world is rooted in peasant society and when its simple agricultural system is left behind so is he.But the tales and legends,the books and films continue to appear for an audience that is neither peasant nor bandit.In some ways the characters and deeds of the great bandits could so readily be the stuff of grand opera—Don Jose in“Carmen”is based on the Andalusian bandit El Empranillo.But they are perhaps more at home in folk songs,in popular tales and the ritual dramas of films.When we sit in the darkness of the cinema to watch the bold deeds of Ned Kelly we are caught up in admiration for their strong individuality,their simple gesture of protest,their passion for justice and their confidence that they cannot be beaten.This sustains us nearly as much as it did the almost hopeless people from whom they sprang.21.Which of the following words is NOT intended to suggest the approval of bandits?A.Bold(Para.1).B.Claimed(Para.4).C.Legend(Para.2)D.Loyalty(Para.4).22.Of the following reasons which is the LEAST likely one for becoming bandits?A.They liked theatrical clothes and behavior.B.They wanted to help the poor country folk.C.They were unwilling to accept injustice.D.They had very few careers open to them.23.“...began their careers harshly victimized”(Para.9)means that they________.A.had received excessive ill-treatmentB.were severely punished for their crimesC.took to violence through a sense of injusticeD.were misunderstood by their parents and friends24.What has made bandits suitable as film heroes is that they________.A.are sure they are invincibleB.possess a theatrical qualityC.retain the virtues of a peasant societyD.protest against injustice and inequalitySECTION B SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONSIn this section there are eight short answer questions based on the passages in Section A.Answer each question in NO MORE THAN WORDS in the space provided on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PASSAGE ONE25.In“...,and there was a certain amount of evidence to back him up(Para.1)”,what does“evidence”refer to?26.What is Wilhelm’s characteristic that has never changed all those years according to Para.6?PASSAGE TWO27.Summarize in your own words the meaning of the italicized part in the last sentence of Para.2.28.What does“...,bur he seldom gave comfort to his chosen party”mean according to the context(Para.3)?29.What is the similarity between Bennett and Greeley according to Paras.4and5?PASSAGE THREE30.Write down TWO features of the idealist pattern(Para.9).31.What does“hope”mean according to the context(Para.10)?32.What does“He is an individual who refuses to bend his back”mean(Para.11)?PARTⅢLANGUAGE USAGE(15MIN)The passage contains TEN errors.Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error.In each case, only ONE word is involved.You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way: For a wrong word,underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blankprovided at the end of the line.For a missing word.mark the position of the missing word with a“∧”sign and write theword you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end ofthe line.For an unnecessary word,cross the unnecessary word with a slash“/”and put the word in theblank provided at the end of the line.Example__________ When∧art museum wants a new exhibit,(1)an__________ it never buys things in finished form and hangs(2)never them on the wall.When a natural history museum__________ wants an exhibition,it must often build it.(3)exhibit Proofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET THREE as instructed.PARTⅣTRANSLATION(20MIN)Translate the underlined part of the following text into English.Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.白洋淀曾有“北国江南”的说法,但村舍的形制自具特色,与江南截然不同。



题型 填空 10 题
History 34. flowers 35. the climate of the area 36. the large amount of sand in the soil
Future Crop Plans 37. there is a system of irrigation 38. use plastic fence to prevent the weeds 39. dry the roots of dead plants 40. 瓶装销售的标签 is organic
旧 V09375
多选 5 题 summary 填空 5 题
Frank and Bridget are discussing about studying accounting and Japanese.
答案回忆: 多选 21-23 Choose THREE letters, A-H (8 选 3) What are the benefits of this course according to the girls from the accounting apartment? 答案选 B E G A. 待补充
B. useful teaching staff
C. personal tutor
D. interesting teaching methods
E. important to future career
F. chance of visiting off-campus
G. small tutorial class H. 待补充
单选 1-2 1. What is the preferred location? 答案选 B
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8月1日雅思口语真题回忆:Part 1考题总结考题总结基本题NamesDo you like your names?Does your name have any special meaning?What kinds of names are popular in China?Are there many Chinese people who have the same names as you?Is there any tradition about naming babies?HometownWhere’s your hometown?Do you like it?What do you like most about it?What don’t you like about it?Are there any tourist attractions?Do you like to live beside the seaside?Study or workDo you work or study?What’s your major?Do you like it? Do you find it interesting?What work do you do?What do you find most difficult with your job/studies?Do you think your job/subject is easy or difficult?What are you planning to do in the future?Is salary important for work?AccommodationDo you live in a house or flat?Which part of your house do you like most?What’s the difference between an apartment and a house? Which do you prefer? What facilities are there in your neighborhood?What’s your favorite place in your home?Do you live with your family?娱乐题TravellingDo you like travelling?What kind of cities do you like to travel to?What is the best place you have been to?When was your last trip?When was the last time you took a taxi?OutdoorDo you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?Did you like to go outside when you were young?Did you often go over to your friends' house when you were young?Is it important for children to play outdoors?PhotosDo you like to take photos?Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? How often do you take photos?In what situations do you take photos?How do you keep your photos?Do you like to take photos with your cellphone or camera?MoviesDo you watch movies?How often do you watch movies?What kind of movies do you like?Do you prefer to go to a movie alone or with others?Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?MusicDo you like to listen to music?What kinds of music do you like?Have you been to a concert or live performance?What are the differences between listening to live music and from recordings? What kinds of music are popular in China?Is music an important subject at school in China?Public holidaysWhat public holidays do you have in your country?Do people in your country celebrate foreign festivals?What do you usually do during public holidays?What did you do during the last public holiday?Do you think public holidays are important?Why do we need public holidays?How many public holidays do you have in China?Do you think people need more public holidays?How do you usually spend your holidays?Which holiday is your favorite?PaintingWhat do you know about painting?Have you learned drawing or painting?Is it important to hang pictures at home?What kind of paintings do you like?If someone wants to draw a picture of you, will you agree?HandwritingDo you often write with a pen?Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?Do you like to receive cards with hand-written words?Can we tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting? What’s the difference of writing with a pen and typing on a computer?CookingHave you ever cooked?Do you like cooking?Do you want to learn how to cook?Is it difficult to cook Chinese food for you?HolidayWhat kinds of places do you like to go on holiday?Who would you like to go on holiday with?Where do you plan to go for holidays in the future?SportsDo you like to watch sports on TV?Do you play any sports?Do you have a favourite sport star?What kinds of sport are popular in China?环境题GarbageWhy do some people throw garbage on the street?What do you do with garbage when you are on the street?How do you feel when you see people throw garbage on the street?Do you think your city is clean or not?The area you live inDo you like the area that you live in?What are some changes in the area recently?Do you know any famous people in your area?Where do you like to go in that area?Crowded placeWhat places do you think are often crowded?When was the last time you were in a crowed place?How do you feel when you are in crowded places?WeatherDo you prefer dry or wet weather?What kind of weather do you like most?What’s your favourite season?What kind of weather is typical in your hometown?SkyHow often do you look at the sky?Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night?Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?Do you like to watch the sky?Have you learned any courses about stars or planets?Where is a good place to watch stars?What is the sky like at night in your hometown?What's your favorite star?CitiesDo you like the city you are living now?Which city have you been to recently?Do you prefer the city or the countryside?What kind of cities do you like?Which city do you want to go to?Park/gardenAre public parks very important in China?Are there many public gardens in China?Do you think there are enough public gardens or parks in your hometown? What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?Why do people who live in cities like public gardens?休闲题Social networkWhy do you use social networking apps?How often do you use social networking applications?Do you think it is good to make friends online?What are the disadvantage of social networking apps?MarketDo you often go to the supermarket?What do street markets sell?Are there many street markets in China?What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?PerfumeDo you use perfume?What kind of perfume do you like?Do you buy others perfume as gifts?Why do you buy perfume?ReadingHow often do you read?Do you have many books at home?Do you read books related to your profession?What do you usually read?What is your favorite type of book?Do Chinese people like to read?Do Chinese people do enough reading?Morning routineWhat do you do in the mornings?Is breakfast important?What is your morning routine?Do you like to get up early in the morning?Will you change your daily routine in the near future?SleepingHow many hours are you asleep for everyday?Is it necessary to take a nap everyday?Do old people sleep a lot? Why?What time do you usually go to bed?Do you always have a good sleep?Do you take naps at noon?Do you like to read before bed?How have your sleeping habits changed since you were young?LettersDo you write many letters?Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?What do you usually write about?Is it hard to think of what to write?E-mailHow often do you write an E-Mail?Who do you write to?What kind of E-Mail do you receive that makes you happy?Do you think it’s importantly to reply E-Mails quickly?Which one is better to use, SMS or email?人类题Visiting relativesDo you often visit your relatives?What do you do when visiting relatives?When was the last time you visited a relative?Why do people visit their relatives?TeacherWhat kinds of teachers do you like best?Who was your favorite teacher when you were young?Would you want to be a teacher in the future?Have you ever had bad teachers before?StarWho is your favorite movie star?Are international superstars popular in your country?Have you ever met a celebrity/ superstar in real life?Do you want to be a superstar?另类题Borrow or lend somethingHave you ever borrowed books from others?Have you ever borrowed money from others?Do you like to lend things to others?How do you feel when people don't return things they borrowed from you? Is borrowing money okay for you?SmileDo you like to smile?When do people smile at others?Do you smile when people take pictures of you?Can you recognize a fake smile?PlanDo you make plans every day?Are you good at managing your time?What is the latest plan you made?What is the hardest part about making plans?MathDo you think mathematics is important?Do you think it's difficult to learn math well?Are girls generally good at math?Do you often use a calculator?TransportationHow did you come here today?Why did you choose that form of transport?What form of transport do you usually use?Do you usually take the bus?Is it convenient to take a bus/taxi in your city?Is driving to work popular in your country?Drink waterHow often do you drink water?What kinds of water do you like to drink?Do you drink bottled water or water from machine?SharingDo you have anything to share with others recently?Did your presents teach you to share when you were a child? What kind of things do you like to share with others?What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?PatienceWere you patient when you were young?How do you feel when other people are not patient?Were you less or more patient when you were angry?PetAre there many people keeping pets in China?Have you ever had a pet when you were young?What pet will you keep if you want?Tea and coffeeDo Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?Do you prepare tea or coffee for the guests at home?When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?SunglassesDo you like to wear sunglasses?Where can you buy sunglasses?Do people in your country wear sunglasses?ColorWhat’s your favourite color?Do you like dark colors?Are there any colors you dislike?Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite color?ShoesHow often do you buy shoes?Have you ever bought shoes online?Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?What’s your favourite type of shoes?Save moneyDid you save money when you were young?Have you ever given money to other children?Do you think parents should teach children to save money? Do parents give children pocket money in China?GiftsHow often do you buy other gifts?Why do people send gifts?Do you like to send expensive gifts?What kinds of gifts are popular in China?Part 2考题总结考题总结人类题1.A person who made you laugh happily when you were a child2.A person who helps others3.Someone who speaks a foreign language well4.A person who encouraged you to achieve a goal5.A person who has interesting ideas or opinions6.A foreign celebrity you want to meet in person7.Your favorite singer or band8.A person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome9.A person who helps to protect the environment10.An interesting person you would like to meet.11.A childhood friend of yours.12.A teenager you know.13.Someone who is talkative.14.An interesting animal.15.A popular comic actor/actress in your country.地点题16.A park/garden you like visiting17.A beautiful city18.A newly built public facility (such as parks, cinemas etc.) That influences your city19.An indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for you to study20.A place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home21.An interesting part of your country.22.A building you like.23.A quiet place you found.物件题24.Something special you took home from a tourist attraction25.A prize you want to win26.A piece of clothing you like wearing27.A historical building you have been to28.An advertisement you remember well29.A present you received which was made by hand30.Something lost by others but found by you31.An item you bought but do not often use32.Something given to you that you really need33.Something you made that you gave to other people34.A film or TV program that made you laugh35.The last book you read.36.A skill that took you a long time to learn.37.Something important that you lost in the past.38.Something you own that you want to replace.39.A favourite song of yours.经验体验题40.A time a child made you laugh41.An occasion when you invite your family or friends to dinner42.Something you do to stay healthy43.A success you friend has achieved44.An occasion when you got incorrect information45.A practical skill you learned46.An unusual experience of travelling47.An experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time48.A time you borrowed something from your friends or family49.An occasion when you got up early50.A time that you give advice to others51.An experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel52.An experience that you received a call from someone you do not know in the public place53.A success your friend has achieved.54.A piece of good news you heard(from TV or the Internet)55.An occasion when you were scared.56.An activity you would do when you are alone in your free time.57.A time that you looked for information from the Internet.58.A time you solved a problem through the internet59.A party that you joined.60.An interesting talk or lecture.61.An occasion when you helped a person.62.A time when you had some medicine.63.A complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result.64.A game that you played in your childhood.65.A happy experience you had before.66.Something that can help you concentrate.67.Something interesting that your friend has done but you haven’t done.68.A trip that you went on by public transportation.69.A time that you had to change your plan/you changed your mind.文娱类70.A family business you know71.A historical period you would like to know72.A sport that you have watched (on TV) before and you want to try73.A water sport you would like to try in the future74.A language you want to learn (not English)75.A time that a piece of equipment of yours was broken (such as TV).76.A competition you want to take part in.77.A good law in your country.78.A party that you joined.79.A website you like to visit.本次考试考题精选范例解析Do you think it is good to make friends online?Analysis: 上网交朋友的有利原因可以从便利性出发,可以阐明上网交友的优点或描述一些细节,或者可以再加自己的感受就可以了;另外需注意用一般现在式。
