SAMPLE FINANCIALPROCEDURES MANUALApproved by ___________ (organization’s) Board of Directors on ____________ (date)I. GENERAL1. The Board of Directors formulates financial policies, delegates administration of thefinancial policies to the Executive Director and reviews operations and activities.2. The Executive Director has management responsibility including financial management.3. Current job descriptions will be maintained for all employees, indicating financial dutiesand responsibilities.4. Financial duties and responsibilities must be separated so that no one employee hassole control over cash receipts; disbursements; payroll; reconciliation of bank accounts;etc.5. All employees involved with financial procedures shall take vacations or leaves of 5consecutive work days each year. During such periods, back-up personnel who havebeen cross-trained in their duties will perform their tasks.6. A blanket employee dishonesty coverage in the amount of $_________ shall bemaintained.7. Professional financial service providers will be established annually. For _______ (year)these include ___________ (accounting software), __________ (payroll services), the___________ (insurance), ____________ (banking), _______________ (restrictedinvestments and retirement services), and ______________ (auditors).8. The ___________ (staff position) will maintain a current and accurate log of the chart ofaccounts, job accounts and accounting classes.9. These policies and procedures will be reviewed bi-annually by the ___________ (BoardCommittee)II. CASH RECEIPTS (includes checks)1. The ____________ (staff position) opens any mail addressed to _____________(organization name) or without specific addressee. The receipt of checks or cash will berecorded in the accounting system. All other checks or cash will be immediatelyforwarded to the _________________ (staff position).2. The ___________ (staff position) will endorse all checks by rubber stamp to read asfollows:PAY TO THE ORDER OF________ BankAccount #FOR DEPOSIT ONLYOrganization NameAccount NumberThe endorsement stamp will specify into which corporate account (savings, checking) the deposit will be made.3. A report will be printed that includes the source and amount of the receipt as well as thetotal daily deposit amount.4. The checks and cash will then be forwarded to the _______________ (staff position), whowill complete deposit slips in duplicate. Receipts and deposit slip will be placed in an envelope for __________ (Bank).5. If no cash is present, the envelope may be sealed and sent through the US mail. If cashis present, the _______________ (staff position) will verify deposited funds prior tosealing the envelope and making the deposit in person.6. Documentation for all receipts (a copy of check, letter, etc.) will be attached to theduplicate slip and filed chronologically.7. All receipts will be deposited intact. No disbursements will be made from cash or checkreceipts prior to deposit.8. The ______________ (staff position) will record each cash payment received in a numberreceipt book with a duplicate for the payer. Cash shall be locked in a secure location until taken to the bank.9. The Executive Director will receive a copy of all deposit reports for review.10. Checks received at the _______ (other office) location will be endorsed as in #2 aboveand mailed to the mail office for processing. Receipts will be given for cash as in #8 above. Cash will be brought to the main office by a staff or board member.III. CASH DISBURSEMENTSA. CHECK AUTHORIZATION1. All invoices will be immediately forwarded to the ______________ (staff position) who willreview all invoices for mathematical accuracy, validity, conformity to the budget (or other board authorization) and compliance with bid requirements.2. Prior to payment, all invoices will be approved (indicated by initialing) by the________________ (staff position), who will code the invoice with an appropriateexpense or other chart of accounts line item number, class and job number (whereapplicable).a. By approving an invoice, the ______________ (staff position) indicates that it hasbeen reviewed by the ______________ (staff position) and authorizes a check.b. The _____________ (staff position) will ensure that all conditions and specificationson a contract or order have been satisfactorily fulfilled, including inventorying itemsreceived against packing slip counts. The ______________ (staff position) isresponsible for timely follow-up on discrepancies and payment.3. Approved invoices will be entered into the accounting system using the “Enter Bills”screen.4. The __________________ (staff position) will prepare checks on a weekly basis.5. Authorized signers on _____________ (organziation’s) accounts include the ExecutiveDirector, Chair and Treasurer of the Board.B. CHECKS1. The ________________ (staff position) will be responsible for all blank checks.2. All checks, including payroll checks (with the exception of direct deposit payroll items)will be signed by the Executive Director or designated members of the Board ofDirectors.3. The _______________ (staff position) will generate checks for approved invoices throughthe accounting system using “Pay Bills” and/or “Write Checks” screens whereappropriate.4. Voided checks will have "VOID" written boldly in ink on the face and have the signatureportion of the check torn out. Voided checks will be kept on file.5. In no event will:a. invoices be paid unless approved by an authorized signerb. blank checks (checks without a date or payee designated) be signed in advancec. checks be made out to "cash", "bearer", "petty cash", etc.d. checks be prepared on verbal authorization, unless approved by the ExecutiveDirector.6. In the event that it is necessary to issue a duplicate check for checks in an amount over$15, a stop payment will be ordered at the bank on the original check.C. BANK RECONCILIATIONS1. Bank statements will be received directly and opened by the _______________ (staffposition).2. The ________________ (staff position) will reconcile the bank statement monthly.3. The Treasurer of the Board will receive monthly statements of checks paid on allaccounts.4. The Executive Director shall verify the reconciliation of the bank accounts on at least aquarterly basis.5. On all checks outstanding over 90 days, the _____________ (staff position) should takeappropriate action.IV. PURCHASINGA. PURCHASES UNDER $5,0001. All purchases over $500 must be approved in advance by the Executive Director.2. The Project Director is responsible to know if the item ordered is within the budget andguidelines.3. If purchase is less than $150, persons authorized by the Project Director for immediatepurchase and delivery can make the purchase. When this is done, invoice copies are to be turned into the Project Director.B. PURCHASES OVER $5,0001. All purchases including services over $500 must be approved in advance by theExecutive Director.2. Purchases over $5000 will be required to undergo a competitive bid procedure.3. All bid requests will contain clear specifications and will not contain features which undulyrestrict competition.4. The Project Director will be responsible to ensure that all conditions and specifications ofa contract, bid, or order have been satisfactorily fulfilled and will be responsible fortimely follow-up of these purchases.5. The Project Director will obtain at least 3 bids wherever possible unless prior approvalby Executive Committee has been obtained.6. Purchases of over $5000 will not be fragmented or reduced to components of less than$5,000 to avoid the bid process.V. PAYROLLA. TIME SHEETS1. Each hourly employee will be responsible for completing a time sheet on a biweeklybasis.2. Completed time sheets will be dated and signed by the employee, time cards will bestapled to the back, and both will be submitted to the _____________ (staff position) atthe end of the last working day of each pay period.3. No payroll checks will be issued without a completed time sheet and time card ifrequired.4. Incomplete time sheets and cards will be returned to the employee for correction.5. The _______________ (staff position) will verify the accuracy of the time sheets andaddition.6. Employees will be paid every two weeks, deductions are itemized on each paycheck.B. PAYROLL1. The __________ (vendor name) Payroll System will enter payroll, print payroll checks,make direct deposit transfers print payroll reports and send reports to the ____________ (staff position).2. The _____________ (staff position) will review the payroll checks before they aredistributed.3. The ____________ (staff position) will distribute the payroll checks to the employees.Checks will not be issued to any person other than the employee without writtenauthorization from the employee.4. The _____________ (staff position) is responsible for entering payroll reports into theaccounting system.5. Voluntary terminations will be paid at regular pay date. Involuntary terminations will bepaid on day of separation.C. PAYROLL TAXES1. _______________ (staff position) will prepare and transmit the payroll tax reports, W-2forms, and 1099 forms.2. The _______________ (staff position) will verify payroll tax preparation on a quarterlybasis.D. BENEFITS1. Payroll will be prepared in accordance with the personnel policies and benefit plan. VI. TRAVEL & EXPENSES1. Each employee will complete an expense voucher if any traveling is done. Vouchershould include all expenses including credit card charges. Voucher will reflectreimbursement sources other than _____________ (organization).2. Mileage to and from residence will not be paid by _____________ (organization), exceptfor board members traveling from outside the Twin Cities to board meetings.3. The expense voucher will be submitted within 60 days for payment, with a total, signedby the employee, authorized for payment by the Executive Director.4. Reimbursement will be based upon current travel policies. Receipts must be attachedto the expense voucher for lodging, common carrier transportation, and receipts formeals where required.5. Incomplete expense vouchers will be returned.6. Employees and board members will be reimbursed for travel and other relatedexpenses at the rate set by the Board. The Executive Director must approve employee travel and workshop expenditures prior to their occurrence. The organization willreimburse no more than the standard mileage rate for the business use of a car asestablished by the IRS. _____________ (organization) will reimburse meal expensesincurred in direct connection with _____________ (organization) employment, or a perdiem rate of $___ per day. The mileage rate and per diem rate will be establishedannually by the board.VII. CONSULTANTS1. Consideration will be made of internal capabilities to accomplish services beforecontracting for them.2. Written contracts clearly defining work to be performed, terms and conditions will bemaintained for all consultant and contract services.3. The qualifications of the consultant and reasonableness of fees will be considered inhiring consultants.4. Consultant services will be paid for as work is performed or as delineated in the contract.5. The Board of Directors will approve audit and other significant contracts.6. The ________________ (staff position) will prepare 1099 returns for consultants at year-end.VIII. PROPERTYA. EQUIPMENT1. Equipment shall be defined as all items (purchased or donated) with a unit cost of $500or more and a useful life of more than one year.2. The _______________ (staff position) will maintain an inventory log; which shall list adescription of the item, date of purchase or acquisition, price or fair value of the item and its location.3. A depreciation schedule shall be prepared at least annually for the audited financialstatements.4. The _____________ (staff position) will record all equipment in the accounting system.An entry must be made whenever property is disposed of or acquired.IX. LEASESA. REAL ESTATE1. The Executive Director will review leases prior to submission to the Board of Directorsfor approval.2. All leases, clearly delineating terms and conditions, will be approved by the Board ofDirectors and signed by the Board Chair.3. The Executive Director will keep a copy of each lease on file.4. The Consulting Accountant will be notified of each lease and lease specifications, andwill make proper general journal entries for same.B. EQUIPMENT1. The Executive Director will review all leases.2. All leases, clearly delineating terms and conditions, will be approved and signed by theExecutive Director.3. The Executive Director will keep a copy of each lease on file.4. The Consulting Accountant will be notified of each lease and lease specifications, andwill make proper general journal entries for same.X. INSURANCE1. Reasonable, adequate coverage will be maintained to safeguard the assets of thecorporation. Such coverage will include property and liability, worker’s compensation, employee dishonesty and other insurance deemed necessary.2. The Executive Director will carefully review insurance policies before renewal.3. The Executive Director will maintain insurance policies in insurance files.4. Insurance policies will correspond to the calendar year whenever possible.5. The __________________ (staff position) will prepare and maintain an insurance register. XI. TELEPHONE1. Personal long distance or cellular phone calls made on _____________ (organization’s)telephones by employees must be logged with the _______________(staff position),indicating that it is a personal call. Employees will be billed on these calls.2. _____________ (organization) business calls from phones outside the office should bebilled to the _____________ (organization’s) telephone account.XII. BOOKS OF ORIGINAL ENTRY1. _____________ (organization will utilize a double entry system for accounting for allfunds.2. Adequate documentation will be maintained to support all general entries.3. At the end of each month, the ____________ (staff position) will prepare a BalanceSheet, Statement of Activities, and Statement of Activities by Project that will bereviewed by the Executive Director.4. The Statement of Activities report will include a comparison to the budget.5. _____________ (organization will maintain its accounting records on the accrual basis ina manner that facilitates the preparation of audited financial statements conforming togenerally accepted accounting principles.XIII. GRANTS AND CONTRACTS1. The Executive Director will carefully review each award and contract to ensurecompliance with all financial and programmatic provisions. The ____________ (staffposition) will maintain originals of all grants and contracts in a file. The ConsultingAccountant will prepare initial entries as appropriate to record each award.2. The ______________ (staff position) will prepare and maintain on a current basis aGrant/Contract Summary form for each grant or contract awarded to _____________(organization). This form shall include the name, address, contact person, and phonenumber for the funding organization; the time period applicable to expenditures; allsignificant covenants (such as bonding or liability insurance requirements) andrestrictions on expenditures; all require financial and program report and due dates; and the chart of accounts line item number for the revenue deposited.3. Payments for projects for which _____________ (organization serves as fiscal agentshall be paid out within one week.4. The Consulting Accountant will prepare financial reports to funding sources as required.5. The Executive Director will review and approve all reports to funding sources.6. It will be the responsibility of the Executive Director to insure that all financial reports aresubmitted on a timely basis.XIV. BUDGETS1. The Executive Director and the _______________(staff position) will prepare thefinancial budget.2. The __________________ (staff position) will insure that budgets are on file.3. The Board of Directors must approve proposed changes in the budget, should theyexceed $______ or _______% of the line item, whichever is greater.XV. LOANS1. The Board of Directors will approve loans.2. A promissory note will be prepared and signed by the Board Chair and another officerof the Board before funds are borrowed.XVI. OTHERA. MINUTES OF MEETINGS1. The Secretary of the Board will prepare accurate minutes of all meetings of the Board ofDirectors and committees.2. The Executive Director will note all items in the minutes relating to finance and takeappropriate action.B. NON-PROGRAM INCOME1. Donations of cash and non-program related income will be separately accounted for.C. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE1. Documentation will be maintained for accounts receivable.2. Accounts receivable will be recorded in the books and collected on a timely basis.D. FINANCIAL PROCEDURES1. Financial procedures will be reviewed bi-annually by the Finance Committee. TheBoard of Directors must approve changes to the financial procedure manual prior toimplementation.E. FORM 9901. 1.The Board of Directors in conjunction with the audit will authorize preparation of Form990. Form 990 will be signed by an officer of the Board.2. Copies of Form 990 will be files in the _____________ (staff position)’s files, and a copyof the _____________ (organization’s) Form 990 and Form 1023 shall be located at thefront desk for public inspection and/or copying.F. AUDITS1. The Board of Directors shall annually contract with an independent auditing firm a fullaudit of the books, to be completed prior to the following first of September.G. PERSONNEL FILES1. The _______________ (staff position) will maintain a personnel file for each employee,containing appropriate documents, such as the signed compensation agreement,approval of changes in compensation, an I-9 immigration form, and withholding forms for taxes, benefits, deferred compensation, and charitable contributions.H. FISCAL AGENT STATUS1. The _____________ (organization) executive committee must authorize all fiscalsponsorship arrangements, which are then approved by the board.2. All fiscal sponsorship arrangements will begin with a written agreement, stating the termsof the relationship and the purpose for the use of funds.3. Fiscal sponsorships will be limited to projects for which the _____________(organization’s) executive committee determines that the project is charitable andconsistent with the _____________ (organization’s) mission of strengthening the nonprofit sector, and that no real or perceived conflicts of interest exist with board or executivecommittee members.4. The _____________ (organization) will negotiate with the sponsored project a rate forindirect or direct costs to cover the _____________ (organization’s) expenses ofadministering the temporarily restricted fund.5. Sponsored projects will be required to submit full and complete quarterly and year endreports to the _____________ (organization) by the end of the _____________(organization’s)fiscal year, (date)_____________,: and must include:• detailed expenses using budget categories for original grant;• program accomplishments and activities;• lobbying expenditures; and• amount of remaining funds.6. Any changes in the purpose for which grant funds are spent must be approved in writingby the _____________ (organization) before implementation. The _____________(organization) retains the right, if sponsored project’s breaches the fiscal sponsorshipagreement, or if a sponsored project jeopardizes the _____________ (organization) legal or tax status, to withhold, withdraw, or demand immediate return of grant funds.7. The _____________ (organization’s) executive director will submit quarterly reports to theExecutive Committee, to be circulated to the entire board, on the status of active fiscal sponsorships.8. The _____________ (organization) will file appropriate tax forms for sponsored projects,including IRS form 1099.。
Development Workbench - Notifications Oracle Banking Treasury ManagementRelease[April] [2020]Contents1Preface (3)1.1Audience (3)2Introduction (3)How to use this Guide (3)3Notification – Getting started (4)3.1What is Notification (4)3.2Notification Trigger (4)4Notification Development (4)4.1Pre-request for Notification development and testing (4)4.2Notification specification (5)4.3Notification XML development (5)4.4Notification Process (5)4.5Development process in Development Workbench (5)4.6Notification Trigger (6)4.7Notifications (12)5Deploy Notification (18)5.1Notification - Workbench related deployment (18)5.2Notification Trigger deployment (18)6Test Notification (18)6.1Notification flow (19)6.2Scheduler based notification (19)6.3MDB based notification flow (20)6.4Triggering notification and testing (21)1PrefaceThis document describes the steps to develop the notification XML and notification trigger using Oracle FLEXCUBE Development Workbench for Universal Banking.1.1AudienceThe Development Workbench Notification Development book is intended for theFLEXCUBE Application Developers who perform the following tasks:▪Develop new Notification2IntroductionHow to use this GuideThe information in this guide includes:▪Chapter 3, “Introduction”▪Chapter 4, “Notification - Getting started”▪Chapter 5, “Notification Development”▪Chapt er 6, “Deploy Notification”▪Chapt er 7, “Test Notification”3 Notification – Getting started3.1 What is NotificationNotification framework in FLEXCUBE UBS is used to communicate the business event happened in FLEXCUBE UBS to external systems. Depending upon the event, the XML message is pushed to external system ’s asynchronous Queues for their consumption.3.2 Notification TriggerNotification Triggers is developed to recognize the event and then invoke the notification process. This trigger is developed using Development Workbench. 4 Notification Development4.1 Pre-request for Notification development and testingFollowing are pre-request for notification development:∙ Target FLEXCUBE Environment with Notification framework installed ∙ Development Workbench link mapped to the FLEXCUBE environment ∙ Required Query Web services developed and testedFig 5.1.1: Development of NotificationsPrepare Specification DevelopNotification XML in WorkbenchDevelopNotification Trigger in Workbench Deploy the units in Target Test Notification4.2Notification specificationIdentify the notification requirement as below∙What is the Notification function ID name for RAD XML (Third character should be N)?∙What is the Notification code?∙What is the Base table in FLEXCUBE UBS that triggers the notification?o What operation at base table triggers (insert/update/delete)?o What is the where clause for filter?∙What is the query Web service to be used?o What is the operation?o What are the tags required?Example;∙Notification function ID name –STNCUMOD∙Notification code –NOTIF_CA_CUSTACC_MOD∙Base table - STTM_CUST_ACCOUNTo Operation –DELETEo Filter –Account class type in ( S , U )∙Web service to be used –FCUBSAccServiceo Operation –QueryCustAcco Request node –Cust-Account-IO4.3Notification XML developmentNotification RAD XML development creates the following files:∙RAD XML∙SPC∙SQL∙Static Data4.4Notification ProcessThere will be one trigger for the base table of notification and in case of multiplenotifications sharing the same base table, there will be no new triggers created. Instead the same trigger created on the base table will be reused. This approach reduces the number of triggers being used for notifications.4.5Development process in Development WorkbenchThe notification development process in Workbench is split into two steps:1.Notification Triggers2.Notification Filter ProcedureThe first step is to create notification triggers for base tables. The trigger generated from Workbench will be inserting key details into a static notification log table. The following details will be captured:∙Trigger code: A unique value to for a notification trigger.∙Base Table: The base table on which, the trigger is built.∙When Clause: A simple when clause for the notification trigger.The second step is to capture details of notifications and generate the notification filter procedure. The following details are captured:∙Notification code: A unique value to identify a notification.∙Description: Meaningful description of the notification.∙Gateway Service:4.6Notification TriggerAfter successful login to Development Workbench click on Notification Trigger option in the tree as shown below:Fig 4.6.1: Notification triggerFig 4.6.2: Notification trigger optionsNotification Trigger we have two options - Add a new Trigger or Modify Existing one. New:Fig 4.6.3: Notification trigger: New optionTrigger Code: A unique value to for a notification trigger. Follow the naming conversion it should start with TRG_XXXX.This is mandatory field. This attribute signifies the trigger code created as part of trigger creation step in OTD. Each notification will be linked to a trigger code.Description : Information field. Meaningful description of Trigger is to be given.Firing Time : Specify when trigger needs to fired. We can create only BEFORE and AFTER triggers for tables. (INSTEAD OF triggers are only available for views; typically they are used to implement view updates.) (After/Before). Each Record: specify for each row required or not. If FOR EACH ROW option is specified, the trigger is row-level; otherwise, the trigger is statement-level. (Yes/No)Base Table: The base table on which, the trigger is built. This is mandatory field. Select a valid table from available LOV next to the field.Pk Cols: Enter Primary key fields of table in tilde (~) separated format. This is mandatory field.Pk Types: Enter Primary key type of the corresponding primary key field. This is mandatory field.Selected Columns and Data Types: DefunctTrigger When Clause: A simple when clause for the notification trigger. A trigger restriction can be specified in the WHEN clause, enclosed by parentheses. The trigger restriction is a SQL condition that must be satisfied in order for Oracle to fire the trigger. This condition cannot contain sub queries. Without the WHEN clause, the trigger is fired for each row.Notification Codes: If the trigger is associated with a specific notification code, then the particular notification code has to be provided in the field. If the trigger is shared across many Notifications, field can be left emptyFig 4.6.4: Notification trigger: GenerationOn successful save Notification Trigger will generate two files (gwtr#_<trg-code>.trg and GWTM_NOTIFICATION_TRIGGERS__<trg-code>.INC) user needs to compile them in FLEXCUBE schema.Modify:Fig 4.6.5: Notification trigger: ModificationFig 4.6.6: Notification trigger: Modification- Selecting Trigger nameFig 4.6.7: Notification trigger: Modification- Entering valuesFig 4.6.8: Notification trigger: Modification- Entering valuesFig 4.6.9: Notification trigger: Modification- Successful Generation4.7NotificationsNotifications Screen will be used to create new notification or modify existingnotification; here we capture notification information for notification codes. We savenotification details into xml.Fig 4.7.1: Notification ScreenAction:. We can choose either new or Load action. New to create a new notification and Load is used to modify the existing one.Save Xml Path: Specify the path to save notification xml. This would be considered only if the Save Mode is Client and Work Directory is specified as $CURRENT_DIRECTORY Notification Function: Specify the notification function-id name.Conventions:Maximum 8 chars. 3rd letter must be ‘N’.Example: FTNCONONNotification Code: Enter the notification code to which we need to capture values. This is Mandatory field.Recommended Convention for Notification Codes:NOTIF_<Module Code>_<Description>Example:NOTIF_LD_CONTRACTThis is the notification indicating that a LD contract has been created/modified Description: Information field. Meaningful description of the Notification has to be provided in the fieldModule: This attribute signifies the module on which the notification is based.Module Description: Information field. Module Description which would be defaulted from Module LOVNotification XSD: Notification XSD name will have to be provided in the corresponding Field. Naming convention to be followed while naming Notification XSD is as follows [Module Name] – [Notification Description] – Notif.xsdExample: FT-Contract-Notif.xsdNotification XSD has to be provided only if no Gateway Web Service Query Operation is configured to the NotificationBase Table: Select the base table on which trigger needs to be applied.Firing Time: Indicates the Operation on the base Table for which Notifications has to be sent. Options available are Insert, Update or BothFilter Type: This attribute can take the following values.1.Where clause2.Plsql blockPk Cols: Enter Primary key columns of the Base Table.Pk Types: Enter Primary key field Data Types.Provide details of Gateway Service, Operation, Type XSD Name and Full Screen Reply if a Query Web Service has to be mapped to the NotificationGateway Operation: The gateway operation name to execute query for the mentioned Service.Gateway Service: The gateway service to be used to get the full screen response. Gateway IO Request: The gateway IO request node to be used in querying operation.Type XSD Name: This field has to be entered if Notification is mapped to a Service and Request. Name of the Master Type XSD for the service and operation has to be provided here. This can be found in include portion of the Request Msg XSD of particular Service-OperationExample: LC-Contract-Types.xsdFull screen Reply: This attribute decides whether full screen or primary key notification response to be sent. This is applicable only if gateway Service details are providedHO only: This attribute is used to send notification only from head office.Filter Logic: The filter logic which decides whether the notification needs to be sent or not. This can be a simple where-clause on base table or a complex pl/sql block.Web service Tags: The columns selected from base table as part of web service tags, will be used to send the full screen notification response. These tags defines the elements of Notification Xml when no Query service is mapped to it:Fig 4.7.2: Notification Screen generationFig 4.7.3: Notification Screen Generation SuccessfulModifying an Existing Notification RADXMLThe process of modifying an existing Notification RADXML is illustrated in the images belowFig 4.7.4: Notification Screen LoadingFig 4.7.5: Notification Screen LoadedFig 4.7.6: Notification Screen Loaded and Modified5Deploy Notification5.1Notification - Workbench related deploymentCompile the following files in Target FLEXCUBE UBS Database schema•Notification Main Package generated from ODT•Hook Packages•GWTM_NOTIFICATION_TAG_MAP___<Notification Function ID>_.INC •GWTM_NOTIFICATIONS_MASTER___<Notification Function ID>_.INC 5.2Notification Trigger deploymentCompile the following files in Target FLEXCUBE UBS Database schema•GWTM_NOTIFICATION_TRIGGERS__TRIG_CONTRACT.INC•GWTR#_TRIG_CONTRACT.TRG6Test NotificationThis section explains the run time notification flow and testing steps.6.1Notification flowThe notification process occurs as two parts:1.Oracle JOBs created using FCJ Scheduler framework that sends data required fornotification to an internal JMS queue.2.Gateway MBD that lists on internal JMS queue, that picks the notification XMLs andprepare full web service response and send to external system queues.6.2Scheduler based notificationThe Notification Process in FLEXCUBE can be done using the jobs scheduler as follows: The trigger generated from Workbench will be inserting key details into a staticnotification log (STTB_NOTIFICATION)Once Job is triggered, a request is sent to EJB layer from job execution class and thenotification log table will be polled for unprocessed records.Each unprocessed record is locked.The record is verified against the notification maintenance and checked whethernotification is to be sent or not.If notification is to be sent, pre notification message xml is built and it is sent to internal NOTIFY_QUEUE(JMS queue) configured in Gateway layer.The job is then rescheduled to fire next time based on the previous execution.Refer Gateway Installation documents on how to setup the Queues.Flow Chart for Notification Flow in Scheduler6.3MDB based notification flowNotification processes in MDB are as follows:1.Notification MDB listens on the internal NOTIFY_QUEUE(JMS queue)2.On any message received, the MDB identifies which schema to connect using theJNDI name being present as part of the message xml.3.Gateway notification processing package is called from MDB to build notifications.4.In MDB, the notifications built is processed and sent to the destination specified incorresponding notification.5.In case of exception the transaction is rolled back.6.If all notifications are successfully processed, transaction is committed.Flow Chart for Notification Flow in MDB6.4Triggering notification and testingFollow the below steps to test notification:∙Simulate a case where base table under goes data change.∙Check record populated at STTB_NOTIFICATION table∙Check Notification messageGWTBS_NOTIFICATIONS_LOG.NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE21 Development Workbench - Notifications22Development Workbench - Notifications Development Workbench - Notifications [April ] [2020] Version Financial Services Software Limited Oracle Park Off Western Express Highway Goregaon (East) Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 063 IndiaWorldwide Inquiries: Phone: +91 22 6718 3000 Fax:+91 22 6718 3001 /financialservices/Copyright © 2007, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 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It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate failsafe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.。
二、系统功能2.1 财务核算本系统提供了完善的财务核算功能,包括以下子模块:2.1.1 总账管理:用于管理企业的资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表等财务报表,支持多级科目的设置和科目余额的查询。
2.1.2 应收应付:用于管理企业的应收账款和应付账款信息,支持账龄分析和逾期提醒功能,帮助企业及时催收款项。
2.1.3 成本核算:用于管理企业的成本信息,包括直接成本和间接成本的计算和分配,支持成本效益分析。
2.1.4 固定资产:用于管理企业的固定资产信息,包括购置、折旧和报废等操作,支持固定资产的清查和统计。
2.2 报表统计本系统提供了灵活的报表统计功能,包括以下子模块:2.2.1 现金流量表:用于统计企业的现金流量情况,包括经营活动、投资活动和筹资活动的流入流出情况,分析企业的现金流量状况。
2.2.2 利润表:用于统计企业的利润情况,包括销售收入、成本支出和利润分配等指标,帮助企业评估经营绩效。
2.2.3 资产负债表:用于统计企业的资产和负债情况,包括流动资产、固定资产和所有者权益等指标,反映企业的财务状况。
2.3 预算控制本系统提供了强大的预算控制功能,包括以下子模块:2.3.1 预算编制:支持企业的预算编制工作,包括收入预算和支出预算的制定,提供预算编制模板和预算执行跟踪功能。
2.3.2 预算执行:用于监控企业的预算执行情况,包括预算执行进度和预算偏差的分析,提供预算执行报告和异常预警功能。
2.4 财务分析本系统提供了全面的财务分析功能,包括以下子模块:2.4.1 财务比率分析:用于计算和分析企业的财务比率,包括流动比率、速动比率和资产负债率等指标,帮助企业评估财务风险和盈利能力。
个人财政支出管理付欣05计算机四班指导老师:梁新元一、问题描述及分析 (1)二、实验程序设计思想及功能描述 (2)3、主要函数模块的设计思想和具体实现 (3)三、实验程序测试 (7)1、程序开始执行时系统的所显示的页面: (7)2、选择退出系统: (7)3、选择登陆,并且输入的帐号和密码都正确: (7)4、用户输入的帐号不正确: (8)5、用户输入的帐号正确,密码不正确: (8)四、实验程序自我评价 (9)五、课程设计创新 (10)六、课程设计总结 (10)七、参考书目: (10)八、实验程序源代码 (10)一、问题描述及分析编写一个个人财政支出管理系统,主要解决的问题是作为一个系统而言,它所要面对不只是某一个人而言,而是要面对很多的用户。
它的成员为每个用户的帐号(account)、密码(code)、姓名(name)、记录(record rec[max]),以及记录的条数(rec_len)。
8、日常业务处理 · 固定资产 37 8.1、日常处理 37 8.1.1、生成折旧凭证 37 8.1.2、录入固定资产增加资料 37 8.1.3、录入固定资产减少资料 38 8.1.4、录入固定资产其他变动资料 38 8.2、报表查询 38 8.2.1、固定资产清单 39 8.2.2、固定资产台账 39 8.2.3、折旧费用分配表 39 9、日常业务处理 · 出纳管理 9.1、录入出纳序时账 9.1.1、序时账对账 9.1.2、出纳分类日记账 9.1.3、出纳现金收支报表 9.2、银行对账 9.2.1、录入对账单 9.2.2、凭证对账分录 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 43
附录 65 附录一:打印设置 65 1、设置打印机、打印纸 65 2、页面设置 65 3、字体及其颜色设置 65 4、杂项设置 66 5、小预览窗 66 附录二:凭证套打 66 附录三:账簿套打参数设置 71 附录四:现金流量表编制方法 72 1、编表目的 72 2、现金流量表的编制 72 3、现金流量表的编制方法 73 4、现金流量表的编制程序 73 5、同步循环法 73
Preface 前言
版本声明 本书著作权属深圳蜜蜂源软件有限公司所有,在未经本公司许可授权情况下,任何单位和个人不 得以任何方式对本书的部分内容和全部内容进行增删、编辑、节录、翻译、翻印、改写。 关于本手册 本手册以图表、操作步骤、实例等各种方式对蜜蜂源财务管理软件V7作以全面地介绍,使您全面 地了解蜜蜂源财务管理软件V7的强大功能,助您方便、快捷地提升管理功效,帮助您获得成功。 本文指导您如何应用蜜蜂源财务管理软件V7来解决管理问题,并按照系统流程及工作流程引导您 按部就班地完成工作,并解答您工作中可能遇到的问题,让您的工作变得轻松和愉悦。使您更深 入地了解蜜蜂源财务管理软件V7的内涵,并获得更多的管理思想。 前提和假设 本手册假设您对手册中所涉及的业务领域具有较好的工作经验和理论基础,并对蜜蜂源财务软件 的一贯风格和知识体系有较多的了解。如果您是第一次使用蜜蜂源财务软件,建议您参加一次或 多次蜜蜂源财务软件的技术培训,并同深圳蜜蜂源软件有限公司的各分支机构联系以获得更多的 技术支持与培训,同时获得更新的软件版本和技术文档。 严禁使用各种数据库工具修改蜜蜂源财务软件V7的数据结构 数据的完整和数据结构的完整是蜜蜂源财务管理软件V7的生命基础,如果您使用ACCESS等数据 库工具或流传于互联网上的数据库解密工具,修改了蜜蜂源财务管理软件V7的数据库结构或数据 内容,您将有破坏蜜蜂源财务管理软件V7数据完整性和数据结构完整性的风险,修改结果将是不 可恢复的,且不能追查修改变更记录。由此而产生的损失,深圳蜜蜂源软件有限公司及分支机构 将不负任何责任,且不提供任何修复服务。 其它信息来源及服务策略 您还可通过以下途径了解我们的系统,并获取您所需要的技术服务和支持。 1、在线信息 您如果需要及时了解蜜蜂源财务管理软件V7的产品动态,交流产品应用经验,请登录深圳蜜蜂源 软件有限公司网站: 2、售前咨询服务 根据企业发展的需要和管理需要,提供咨询及解决方案,帮助企业做出快速、正确的决策。 3、产品培训 深圳蜜蜂源软件有限公司秉承创新技术、服务客户的精神,在不断地开发新产品,提供新的解决 方案的同时,不断推出新的配套培训和服务策略,帮助用户应用蜜蜂源软件达到事半功倍的效果的同 时,感受到蜜蜂源细致入微的服务精神。 4、现场支持服务 我们的资深技术支持工程师亲临现场和您面对面地沟通,对实际问题进行研究分析,以使问题能 够迅速得到解决。 5、服务中心 设在公司总部的服务中心,可以快速地解答您的问题,并可由软件技术人员聆听您的指教,和您 在软件技术上进行沟通。 6、个性化服务 针对企业个性化的要求,我们提供“量身定做”服务,使用一切资源为您提供全面的解决方案。 7、版本升级服务 版本升级服务保证随时代的进步而保持投资的增值,以优惠的价格实现软件的“以旧换新”。 致谢 感谢您使用蜜蜂源财务管理软件V7,感谢您对我们的信任和支持,我们期待您的反馈意见。有了 您的支持,我们将进步更快并为您提供更好的产品、更优的服务。
F INANCIAL A DMINISTRATION AND S TANDARDS M ANUALCHAPTER:TEAMSNUMBER: 2.4 REFERENCE: FASM 2.3 – Table Maintenance EFFECTIVE DATE:March 25, 2019 SUPERSEDES: March 27, 2017 REVIEW DATE: March 2021 PAGE NUMBER: Page 1 of 2 SUBJECT:A CCOUNTING AND C LASSIFICATION S TRUCTURES APPROVED SIGNATURE: /s/ Tracy Wroblewski Chief Financial OfficerP URPOSE : This standard provides the policy for managing the accounting and classification structures in the Transportation Environment Accounting and Management System (TEAMS). S TANDARD : TEAMS accounting and classification structures allow the Department to capture and classify information regarding daily operating activities and performance. Processing in TEAMS requires standard coding be used for all revenue and expenditure transactions recorded in the system. Following nightly processing, the transactions become available for reporting. The TEAMS Structure Group reviews the TEAMS data elements and makes appropriate changes to the classification structures as appropriate. TEAMS data classification is organized into the following areas:• Activity Structure• Appropriation Structure• EA Type and Status• Expenditure Account (EA/Subjob)• Expenditure Object Structure (Category, Object, Object Detail)• Fund Structure• Organization Structure• Organizational Unit Number• Program Structure• Related EA• Revenue/Agency Source Structure2.4 Accounting and Classification StructuresPage 2 of 2 R ESPONSIBILITIES:R ESPONSIBILITY A CTIONFinancial Services •Ensure that financial accounting and classification structures aremaintained accurately and timely to facilitate the flow of informationacross the organization for financial and management reportinganalysis.Fleet ServicesHighway Budget Office Transportation Development Division – Active Transportation Section •Coordinate with Financial Services to ensure that financial accounting and classification structures are maintained accurately and timely to facilitate the flow of information across the organization for financial and management reporting analysis.TEAMS Structure Group:•Define TEAMS data elements.•Review and approve recommended changes to TEAMS dataelements ensuring they do not have a negative effect to theDepartment in obtaining and reporting financial information.•Implement changes and communicate the changes to thoseaffected.。
二、安装金蝶1. 下载金蝶软件包在金蝶官网下载页面,选择适合您操作系统的版本,并进行下载。
2. 安装金蝶软件双击下载的安装文件,按照提示进行安装金蝶软件。
三、登录和基本功能的使用1. 打开金蝶软件安装完成后,在桌面上找到金蝶的图标,双击打开软件。
2. 登录金蝶账号在登录界面输入您的账号和密码,点击登录按钮。
3. 导航栏功能金蝶的导航栏位于软件窗口的顶部,包含了主要的功能模块。
4. 创建新的数据在金蝶的各个功能模块中,您可以点击“新建”按钮创建新的数据,填写相关信息并保存。
5. 查询和检索数据在金蝶的各个功能模块中,您可以使用查询和检索功能找到需要的数据。
四、高级功能的使用说明1. 财务管理金蝶提供了强大的财务管理功能,包括会计核算、资产管理、成本控制等。
2. 人力资源管理金蝶的人力资源管理模块可以帮助企业管理员工档案、薪资核算、绩效考核等信息。
3. 供应链管理金蝶的供应链管理模块可以帮助企业管理采购、库存、销售等业务流程。
五、常见问题解答1. 金蝶软件打不开怎么办?请确保金蝶软件已成功安装,并检查操作系统和软件版本是否兼容。
2. 如何备份金蝶的数据?在金蝶的系统设置功能中,有数据备份和还原的选项。
帝隆担保管理软件用户手册目录1系统登录 (3)1.1登录前设置 (3)1.1.1登录 (5)2功能介绍 (6)2.1消息中心 (6)2.1.1系统短消息 (6)2.1.2站内公告 (9)2.1.3短消息管理 (10)2.2客户管理 (11)2.2.1个人客户 (11)2.2.2企业客户 (15)2.3项目办理 (18)2.4风险管理 (24)2.4.1保后管理 (24)2.4.2违约管理 (28)2.5财务管理 (32)2.5.1待办财务单据 (32)2.5.2收款管理 (34)2.6报表管理 (37)2.6.1财务报表 (38)2.7系统设置 (40)2.7.1权限管理 (40)2.7.2系统管理 (49)1系统登录1.1 登录前设置在登录系统前;先要把系统网址加入到信任网站..操作步骤如下:⏹打开IE;选择“工具”;选择“Internet选项”;⏹在打开的窗口中选择“安全”;然后选择“受信任的站点”;点击“站点”按钮..在打开的窗中;在“将该网站添加到区域中”;把本系统的网址输入到输入框中;例如:“”;然后点击“添加”按钮;最好点击“确定”按钮..并设置窗口阻止程序:1.1.1登录进入系统网址;在帐号处如下图输入登录人帐号;在密码处输入帐号相应密码;回车或者点击“登录”按钮;如何帐号和密码正确;将登录到系统操作界面..2功能介绍2.1 消息中心消息中心是系统信息交流的工具..该模块主要有“系统短消息”、“邮件短消息”、“手机短消息”、“站内公告”和“短消息管理”..2.1.1系统短消息本功能记录了登录人员进行的‘发送短信息’、‘收件箱’和‘发件箱’的操作;一般为后台人员使用..本功能提供了查询和删除功能.. 发送短信息操作页面:点击“行政管理”—>“系统短消息”—>“发送短信息”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:1.填写标题:在标题栏填入短信息的标题此处必需填写2.填写短信息内容:在'内容'栏填入短信息的标题..可以选择字体、颜色、对齐方式等样式..3.选择收件人:点击'请选择'..进入‘收件人’选择页面;如下:可以在‘按部门分类’选择部门;然后在用户列表中;选择发送人;按;可使选择人进入‘已选用户’中;选择用户;如下:点击选中了‘收件人’.. 收件箱1.操作页面:点击菜单”系统管理-系统短信息-收件箱”可以选中记录双击或者点击按钮;进行查看记录信息.. 发件箱1.操作页面:点击菜单”系统管理-系统短信息-发件箱”可以选中记录双击或者点击按钮;进行查看记录信息..2.1.2站内公告本功能记录了站内的公告内容和添加公告功能;一般为后台人员使用..本功能提供了查询和添加功能.. 公告管理点击“行政管理”—>“站内公告”—>“公告管理”;进入查询界面;如下图:可以选中记录双击或者点击“修改数据”按钮;进行查看或修改公告信息..也可以点击“添加公告”按钮;进行添加填写相应的公告内容;最后点击‘保存’完成公告添加.. 公告查看点击“行政管理”—>“站内公告”—>“公告管理”;进入查询界面.. 可以选中记录双击或者点击“查看公告”按钮;进行查看公告信息..2.1.3短消息管理查询功能.. 消息管理2.2 客户管理<客户管理>包括“机构”、“银行”、“个人客户”、“企业客户”、“中介”和“其他往来单位”等..2.2.1个人客户记录个人客户的基本信息..操作页面:点击“客户管理”—>“个人客户”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:然后点击打印或者导出页面的数据1.双击记录或选择记录后点击;可以修改或查看客户信息..点击按钮可使其他信息展开或收缩:点击按钮保存‘个人客户’信息..上标题栏的‘银行帐号’和‘联系人信息’可参考‘机构’.. “个人信用记录”可以点击“新增”按钮;上传记录..2.2.2企业客户记录个人客户的基本信息..操作页面:点击“客户管理”—>“企业客户”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:然后点击打印或者导出页面的数据2.双击记录或选择记录后点击;可以修改或查看客户信息.. 点击按钮可使其他信息展开或收缩:对于股本结构的客户股东个人和股东企业点击按钮保存‘企业客户’信息..上标题栏的‘银行帐号’和‘联系人信息’可参考‘机构’..“个人信用记录”可以点击“新增”按钮;上传记录....2.3 项目办理2.3.1.1 新建项目操作页面:点击“担保业务管理”—>“项目办理”—>“新建项目”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:点击按钮;会弹出‘选择产品’窗口;如未见到任何产品;可能是没有产品的权限;可叫管理员配置权限选择产品后进入信息页面:可点击展开功能模块;如、、、等..填写信息后可点击;提交数据..是跨级审批可以授权给另外用户受理需输入用户名和密码..点击标题栏的进入:功能相似..另外标题栏的、、也有相应的页面.. 待办项目操作页面:点击“担保业务”—>“项目办理”—>“待办项目”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:双击记录或点击操作列的可进入信息页面:功能类似“担保业务管理”—>“项目办理”—>“新建项目”;可参考.. 点击记录条操作列的可进入流程图页面:查看流程信息..该功能也在首页显示2.3.1.3 已办项目功能类似“担保业务管理”—>“项目办理”—>“待办项目”;可参考.. 将来待办项目功能类似“担保业务管理”—>“项目办理”—>“待办项目”;可参考..2.4 风险管理该系统功能主要是风险业务的管理;包括“企业财务分析”、“定性评价设置”、“模版设置”、“保后管理”、“违约管理”、“资信评级”、“五级分类”等..2.4.1保后管理2.4.1.1 贷后首次跟踪调查操作页面:点击“风险管理”—>“保后管理”—>“保后首次跟踪调查”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:点击按钮;出现新增页面:首先点击;选择项目:选中记录点击按钮或选择记录后面操作列的;来选择项目.. 注:选择的项目要求有客户;否则出现以下提示选择完项目后;填写相关数据保存后;上标题栏的的‘贷款使用明细’可选.. 点击上标题栏的的‘贷款使用明细’出现:点击出现:进行数据填写.. 企业信息变动情况操作页面:点击“风险管理”—>“保后管理”—>“企业信息变动情况”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:功能类似“风险管理”—>“保后管理”—>“保后首次跟踪调查”;请参考.. 保后监管点击节点名称;可以查看当前节点位置..点击数据查看:2.4.2违约管理2.4.2.1 逾期未还款查询该功能用来查询所有逾期未还款的项目;可以在首页提醒中显示.. 将到期还款查询该功能是查询将到期还款的项目;可以在首页提醒中显示..操作页面:点击“风险管理”—>“违约管理”—>“小额贷款违约”—>“到期未还款查询”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:可点击按钮;弹出页面:点击按钮;打印‘到期未还款单’;也可点击查看‘到期未还款单’的打印预览.. 担保违约本功能记录了一级违约、二级违约和三级违约的信息..一级违约操作页面:点击“风险管理”—>“违约管理”—>“担保违约”—>“一级违约”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:‘一级违约’不仅可查看‘一级违约’还可查看‘二级’和‘三级’违约;但不可修改‘二级’和‘三级’违约..二级违约操作页面:点击“风险管理”—>“违约管理”—>“担保违约”—>“二级违约”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:‘二级违约’可查看二、三级违约;但不可修改‘三级违约’且不可添加数据‘二级违约’功能类似“风险管理”—>“违约管理”—>“担保违约”—>“一级违约”;请参考..三级违约操作页面:点击“风险管理”—>“违约管理”—>“担保违约”—>“三级违约”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:功能类似“风险管理”—>“违约管理”—>“担保违约”—>“一级违约”;请参考.. 小额贷款违约2.一级违约本功能是‘小额贷款’的一级违约..操作页面:点击“风险管理”—>“违约管理”—>“小额贷款违约”—>“一级违约”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:功能类似“风险管理”—>“违约管理”—>“担保违约”—>“一级违约”;请参考..二级违约本功能是‘小额贷款’的二级违约..操作页面:点击“风险管理”—>“违约管理”—>“小额贷款违约”—>“二级违约”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:功能类似“风险管理”—>“违约管理”—>“担保违约”—>“二级违约”;请参考..三级违约本功能是‘小额贷款’的三级违约..操作页面:点击“风险管理”—>“违约管理”—>“小额贷款违约”—>“二级违约”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:功能类似“风险管理”—>“违约管理”—>“担保违约”—>“三级违约”;请参考..2.5 财务管理2.5.1待办财务单据该功能主要是待办财务单据的打印和导出..操作页面:点击“财务管理”—>“待办财务单据”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:1.点击按钮;就会弹出打印页面:点击按钮;打印‘待办财务单据’;也可点击查看‘待办财务单据’的打印预览..2.选择一条记录点击按钮;就会弹出打印页面:点击按钮;就可下载数据表单..3.点击记录的单据编号;显示单据编号的具体信息页面;如下图所示:功能类似“财务管理”—>“收款管理”—>“项目费用收款”;请参考..2.5.2收款管理该功能主要包含‘项目费用信息’、‘项目费用收款’.、‘小额贷款本息回收’模块.. 项目费用信息操作页面:点击“财务管理”—>“收款管理”—>“项目费用信息”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:输入:填写需要搜索的条件点击搜索按钮进行查找.点击记录操作列的;可查看相关明细: 项目费用收款操作页面:点击“财务管理”—>“收款管理”—>“项目费用收款”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:可按‘单号’、‘客户’、‘收款日期’查询数据..1.点击按钮;显示操作页面:首先选择案件点击案件栏的按钮选择案件;填完相应数据后点击;保存数据..保存后;‘审核’、‘作废’按钮可选;且‘收款单明细’栏出现相应的收款单明显..操作人可点击修改、删除和保存..点击按钮后;‘收款单明细’栏会屏蔽;按钮变可操作..点击按钮后;按钮屏蔽;数据不可编辑..数据可以‘作废’;点击按钮..2.选择记录后点击按钮或双击某条记录;可修改记录..操作同上..3.选择记录后点击可删除记录.. 小额贷款本息回收操作页面:点击“财务管理”—>“收款管理”—>“小额贷款本息回收”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:功能类似“财务管理”—>“收款管理”—>“项目费用收款”;请参考..2.6 报表管理该功能主要分为:“金融办人行报表”、“小额贷款报表”和“财务报表”;“反担保统计”;“担保报表”;“银行合作统计”;“台账”;“银行授信统计”;“自定义报表”..2.6.1财务报表2.6.1.1 未收回银行保证金统计2.6.1.2 未归还客户保证金统计2.6.1.3 收支汇总统计2.6.1.4 收支明细统计2.6.1.5 台账2.6.1.6 总台账2.7 系统设置<系统管理>主要分为<业务基础数据>、<权限管理>、<系统管理>和<流程配置>四大部分2.7.1权限管理<权限管理>分为“部门管理”、“角色管理”、“岗位管理”、“用户管理”、“修改密码”.. 部门管理操作页面:点击“系统设置”—>“权限管理”—>“部门管理”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:1.左边是‘部门信息显示’;按按钮展开所有;收起所有的子节点;刷新部门;2.选中‘部门信息显示’中的记录右击可弹出:3.右击某个节点;如下:功能类似双击;可以弹出窗口;修改保存该节点的信息;可以弹出窗口;添加跟该节点‘同级’的地区信息;可以弹出窗口;添加该节点‘下级’的地区信息;删除该节点的信息;3.点击部门后;右边相应出现该部门的员工信息;选择某员工选择<修改> 弹出详细信息窗口:4.点击部门后;右边相应出现该部门的员工信息;选择某员工选择<授予数据权限> 角色管理操作页面:点击“系统管理”—>“权限管理”—>“角色管理”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:1.点击按钮;弹出窗口;添加角色:2.双击记录;或者选中记录;点击;也可以在相应记录的操作列点击进入修改页面:3.选中若干条记录点击按钮;也可以在相应的记录后面点击;来删除记录..4.点击记录的操作列中的;进入授权页面;对该用户进行权限分配:点击可展开所有;点击则收起;是刷新..勾选相应的系统功能表示分配了此权限;反之没有;勾选根节点则其相对应的子节点也会勾选上;点击按钮确认分配;该用户在登录时;未分配到的功能在‘系统菜单’的‘系统功能’是见不到此功能模块的.. 岗位管理操作页面:点击“系统设置”—>“权限管理”—>“岗位管理”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:1.点击按钮;显示添加岗位页面;如下所示:输入岗位信息;点击保存信息..点击关闭添加岗位页面..2.选中一条记录点击按钮;也可以在相应的记录后面点击;来修改记录..3.选中若干条记录点击按钮;也可以在相应的记录后面点击;来删除记录.. 用户管理此功能主要是用于对系统用户相关的基本信息的管理操作页面:点击“系统设置”—>“权限管理”—>“用户设置”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:1.输入通用用户名值..或者入职日期的起始;或者两者都不输;进行查询输入如下;显示如下:2.点击按钮;可弹出页面;如下:下栏‘用户角色’可参考“系统管理”—>“基础数据”—>“案件基础资料”—>“产品管理”的添加功能..如果当前用户具有‘管理员’的权限;可显示按钮;对用户的密码管理;还可以点击按钮保存所填信息..2.选中记录点击按钮;或双击记录;也可以点击记录后面的;进入该用户的修改页面;可对该用户进行修改..3.选中若干条记录点击按钮;也可以在相应的记录后面点击;来删除记录..4.点击记录后面管理模块中的;进入授权页面:此页面显示所有的产品名称;用户可以对它进行相应的操作.. 修改密码该功能是修改当前登录人的密码;需输入旧密码..操作页面:点击“系统设置”—>“系统设置”—>“修改密码”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:输入后;可按按钮保存密码..2.7.2系统管理<权限管理>分为“字典参数管理”、“定时管理”、“附件管理”、“分类管理”、“菜单管理”、“日志管理”和“系统参数”.. 字典参数管理该功能是对系统所有的字典定义和添加显示..操作页面:点击“系统设置”—>“系统管理”—>“字典参数管理”;显示主操作页面;如下所示:1.双击记录;或者选中记录;点击;也可以在相应记录的操作列点击弹出修改页面:输入后;可按按钮保存数据..2.点击记录操作列的;弹出页面:。
二、功能介绍1. 人力资源管理:华博系统提供全面的人力资源管理功能,包括员工信息管理、考勤管理、薪资福利管理等。
2. 财务管理:华博系统拥有强大的财务管理功能,包括会计科目管理、财务报表生成、预算管理等。
3. 销售管理:华博系统支持完整的销售管理流程,包括客户管理、销售订单管理、销售统计分析等。
4. 供应链管理:华博系统提供全面的供应链管理支持,包括供应商管理、采购订单管理、库存管理等。
三、使用方法1. 注册登录:用户首先需要在华博系统官方网站上注册账号,填写相关信息并选择适合自己企业需求的套餐。
2. 界面导航:华博系统的界面设计简洁明了,主要分为顶部导航栏、左侧菜单栏和主要工作区。
3. 功能操作:当用户选择相应的模块后,会进入具体功能页面。
1引言 (2)1.1编写目的 (2)1.2背景 (3)1.3定义 (3)1.4参考资料 (3)2任务概述 (3)2.1需求规定 (3)2.2运行环境 (4)2.3根本设计概念和处理流程 (4)3接口设计 (4)3.1处理流程 (4)3.1.1客户及程序流程 (4)3.1.1客户及程序流程 (5)3.1.1客户及程序流程 (6)3.1.2效劳器程序流程 (6)3.1.1效劳器程序流程 (7)3.2总体设计和模块外部设计 (7)3.2.1客户机局部 (7)3.2.1客户机局部 (8)3.2.2效劳器局部 (8)3.2.2效劳器局部 (9)3.3功能分配 (9)4接口设计 (9)4.1外部接口 (9)4.1.1用户界面 (9)4.1.2软件接口 (9)4.1.3硬件接口 (10)4.2内部接口 (10)5系统数据结构设计 (10)5.1数据库结构设计 (10)5.2物理结构设计 (11)5.3数据结构与程序的关系 (12)6运行设计 (12)6.1运行模块组合 (12)6.2运行操纵 (12)6.3运行时间 (13)7系统出错处理设计 (13)7.1出错输出信息 (13)7.2出错处理对策 (13)7.3平安保密设计 (13)7.4维护设计 (14)概要设计说明书1引言1.1编写目的在本财务治理系统工程的前一阶段,也就是需求分析阶段中,已经将系统用户对本系统的需求做了详细的阐述,这些用户需求已经在上一阶段中对贸易公司的调研中获得,并在需求规格说明书中得到详尽得表达及说明。
<财务管理系统> 需求规格说明书2011年3月10日第一章.引言1.1目的1.2范围1.3 背景1.4 参考资料1.5概述第二章.整体说明2.1 产品目标2.2 产品功能2.3 用户特性2.4约束第三章.功能需求3.1登入3.3显示整个交互界面3.4记入账单功能3.4浏览账目功能3.5修改账目功能3.6搜索账单功能3.7记事本功能3.8备忘录功能第四章.其他需求1.1系统运行的环境1.2数据安全需求第一章.引言1.1目的财务管理系统帮助个人以及小企业主更好的参与财务管理。
1.3 背景本产品为财务信息管理系统,由软件学院开发完成,用于中小企业以及个人管理财产管理。
1.4 参考资料《财务管理学》《财务管理分析》《财务管理学》1.5概述在这竞争激烈的时代,落后就要挨打,个人和企业一样,也需要提高战斗力的个人,管理好自身的财务将有利自身的发展。
3.2 显示整个交互界面登入成功后,进入系统主界面。
[家庭财务管理系统]需求说明书[V1.0(版本号)]拟制人______周雨_____________ 审核人_____郭云飞____________ 批准人______________________[2011年10 月17日]需求说明书1.引言1.1编写的目的本需求分析报告是为开发家庭财务管理系统小组而编写,旨在明确系统的要求和功能,供后续开发人员阅读,方便分析与设计人员沟通。
Mysql格式如下:[1] 周仁云《数据库技术SQLServer2005》对外经济贸易出版社2.任务概述2.1目标由于当今的家庭管理非常繁琐,家庭财务情况存在多样性,如果仅靠手工操作管理工作量大,效率低。
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第一章绪论 ......................................................................................... - 2 -第2章可行性分析 ............................................................................. - 3 -2.1可行性分析. (3)2.2技术可行性 (3)2.3操作可行性 (4)2.4经济可行性 (4)第3章需求分析 ................................................................................. - 5 -3.1用户需求.. (5)3.2功能需求 (5)3.3ER图 (7)第四章总体设计 ................................................................................. - 8 -4.1层次结构图. (8)4.2数据表 (9)第五章详细设计 ............................................................................... - 10 -5.1登陆界面 (10)5.2主界面 (11)5.3收入支出界面 (12)5.4报表界面 (13)第六章设计总结与体会 ................................................................... - 13 -参考文献 ............................................................................................. - 14 -第一章绪论当今社会越来越着朝着信息化和数字化法发展,计算机的应用领域使我们的生活越来越方便和快捷,可以说我们的每个人生活都离不开计算机的帮助了。
现在,关于企业的会计制度逐渐完善,而且针对企业的财务软件以及EPR(enterprise resource planning)系统也在飞速发展,但针对个人或家庭的财务系统目前还是一段空白。
第2章可行性分析2.1 可行性分析当接受一个软件开发任务,就进入软件生命的第一个阶段,即进行可行性的研究。
2.2 技术可行性根据客户提出的系统功能、性能及实现系统的各项约束条件,根据新系统目标,来衡量所需的技术是否具备。
本系统主要采用数据库管理方法,服务器选用微软的SQL Server 2008数据库,他是它是目前能处理所有中小型系统最方便的流行数据库,它能够处理大量数据,同时保持数据的完整性并提供许多高级管理功能。
硬件方面,该系统短小精悍对赢家没有太大要求,只要能够运行Windows 7就可以很好的运行该软件。
2.3 操作可行性本系统采用用户界面交互方式,并有必要的帮助信息,操作简单,用户只要具备简单的应用计算机的能力,无论学历,无论背景,均可以使用本系统,用户界面上的按钮的功能明确,用户一看就可以了解怎么使用本系统,以及本系统能够完成的功能,因此本系统在操作上是可行的。
2.4 经济可行性估算新系统的成本效益分析,其中包括估计项目开发的成本,开发费用和今后的运行、维护费用,估计新系统将获得的效益,估算开发成本是否回高于项目预期的全部经费。
第3章需求分析3.1 用户需求本系统是针对用户要求,使用计算机对自己日常的资金和物品的收入、支出以及相关的各种信息进行记录、修改、添加等操作,并实现对信息进行统计和以文档形式输出的操作而设计的一种现代化个人财务管理软件。
3.2 功能需求本系统具有以下几个功能模块:用户登录模块、系统管理模块、收支管理模块、报表统计模块。
数据流图:3.3 ER 图用户实体:其中用户名是用户的主键,每个用户都有唯一的用户名,其中收入编号是收入的主键,收入类型包括买入、借入,收入,如果是金钱,金额就是金钱的数量,备注就是对事件的详细说明,支出联系同收入联系,支出类型包括:借出、卖出、支出,备注可以填写用途或原因的说明。
支出实体:收入实体:第四章总体设计4.1 层次结构图个人财物管理系统结构图:4.2 数据表用户信息表设计:收入表设计:支出表设计:个人财务管理收支管理借贷管理查询数据收支记录收支修改借入记录借出记录按月查询总体查询第五章详细设计5.1 登陆界面登录窗口是很多应用系统中不可缺少的组成部分。
本系统建立一个登录窗口,运行界面如图:登陆代码如下:If IsNull(Me![用户名称]) ThenMsgBox "请选择用登录用户!", 64, "系统提示"Me![用户名称].SetFocusElseIf IsNull(Me![用户密码]) ThenMsgBox "请输入密码,密码不能为空!", 64, "系统提示"Me![用户密码].SetFocusElseDim stemp As StringDim rs As ADODB.RecordsetSet rs = New ADODB.Recordsetstemp = "select * from 用户信息表where 用户名='" & Me![用户名称] & "'"rs.Open stemp, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimisticIf rs("密码") <> Me![用户密码] ThenMsgBox "密码错误,请重新输入!", vbOKOnly, "系统提示"Me![用户密码] = ""Me![用户密码].SetFocusElseDoCmd.CloseDoCmd.OpenForm "主窗体"End IfEnd IfEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub 登录_Enter()5.2主界面主界面是负责应用程序的,由它调用其他模块。
主界面包括五大部分:收入记录,收入查询,支出记录,支出查询以及报表统计,外观简明,容易操作,拥有良好的人机交互界面!5.3收入支出界面本界面可进行修改,添加和更新数据,其中修改数据需要界面下方的按钮进行实现,并最终进行数据保存!其界面如下:5.4 报表界面该界面主要是实现用户对收支的记录。