

小学英语-人物精品PPT课件 图文

小学英语-人物精品PPT课件 图文
He helps sick people. He is a doctor. 他帮助生病的人,他是一 个医生。
He teaches lessons. He is a teacher. 他教书的,他是一个教师。 She cleans streets. She is a cleaner. 她打扫街道的,她是一个清
He designs cars in a factory. He is an engineer. 他在 汽车厂工作,他是一个工程师
She sings songs. She is a singer. 她唱歌的,她是一 个歌手。
b eautiful
short/ l ong hair
f at/ heavy
怒火中烧,气贯长虹,他按捺不住冲 动的情 绪…… “深更半夜,两人呆在车里干什么?工 作班上 有的是 时间谈 ,昨晚 刚一起 喝的酒 ,有什 么要命 的事情 偏得这 时候说 ,电话 都不接 ……电 话?这 会儿我 俩都是 手机一 丢,莫 非…… ”他大 脑缺氧 ,心脏 急遽地 跳动起 来…… “呵呵 ……以 弗所的 寡妇(《 以弗所 的寡妇 》), 我明白 了,两 个月来 拼着性 命要走 ,一把 鼻涕一 把泪, 这儿病 那儿疼 ,归家 、爱怕 了…… 我始终 怀疑她 义无反 顾的决 心来自 何处? 她到底 是给自 己撕开 了那张 蒙面的 画皮… …百借 口、千 设难、 万般无 奈搭理 我;昨天 吐、今 天不上 班,‘ 热恋中 ’,就 像原先 对我, 白天见 、晚上 恋,万 水千山 ,一时 不见都 想念… …我扒 拉了一 圈的人 ,唯独 没睬这 只癞蛤 蟆,谁 知竟成 了她手 上的金 蟾…… 看来天 下真就 没有什 么不可 能,青 蛙变王 子、美 女与野 兽、武 大郎巧 娶潘金 莲、卖 油郎独 占花魁 ……越 是你不 待见的 ,偏就 是它… …惭愧 啊!我 竟不如 一只蛤 蟆,走 ,离开 她们… …”他 待要走 ,又一 转念: “若是 那种人 吗?不可 能啊? 莫不是 真就冤 枉了她? 兴许有 什么急 事儿… …不能 莽撞, 若不是 那种人 ,绝不 可能… …天意 遇上了 ,两个 月来的 谜,亦 或今晚 起底啦 ?‘是 福不是 祸,是 祸躲不 过’, 什么君 子小人 的,看 看再说 ……” 主意一 定,他 掉转车 头,把 车绕到 若的车 尾,停 下车, 两车相 距不足 二十米 远,熄 了火… …



4. 记住常用描写人物的形容词
模拟试题1 (见卷子)
根据下列提示,写一篇介绍我国著名的水稻专家袁 隆平的文章。
1.袁隆平, 1937年9月7日出生在重庆的一个贫困农民家 庭。
2.1953年毕业于西南农学院,毕业后被分配到湘西农校 任教。
3.1964年开始从事水稻研究。1981年荣获我国第一个国 家发明特等奖,被国际上誉为“杂交水稻之父”。
which 定从
• (3)小说被译成多种文字,并被制成电影, 如《阿Q正传》、《祝福》这两部影片。
非谓语 including
• 句子主干:小说被制成电影 • 被制成:be made into • 被译成:be translated into
• (4)一些作品还被选入了中学和大学 课本。
C.生平 (尽量用定语从句,半倒装,润色文章)
1)侯耀文不仅对科学感兴趣,而且有音乐天赋。 Not only__is__H_o_u__Y_a_o_w_e_n__in__te_r_e_s_te_d__in__s_c_ie_n,ce
but also _h_e__h_a_s_a__g_if_t/_t_a_le_n_t_f_o_r_m__u_s_ic.
Not only was Lu Xun a writer and thinker, but
awlesoll-tKhenoFwatnhCerh定oinf e从se
m半ode倒rn装Chinese literature. His novels which
have been translated into many languages have



• 4. Big events in his life
• 1)把自己一生的lifetime to … ,
2) do research about / into … • 3) do sth with great
determination and perseverance . 3)带着巨大的决心和毅力干
• 2) 当他在大学的时候,他主修…
of ……university , • 2) When at college , he majored in……,
• 3) 在…方面有天赋
• 3) have a gift for 4)获得博士学位
• 4) gain a doctor ’s degree
scientists in the world,
⑵查尔斯•狄更斯出生在贫苦的职员家庭,他几乎没有受过什么教育。 Born into a poor clerk ’s family (原因状语), Charles Dickens had little schooling.
• 例句仿写: • 1930年袁隆平出生于一个贫困的家庭,于1953年毕业于西南农业大学( Southeast
实用表达 1.学习 put one's heart into… 专注于…… study in groups 小组学习 succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事 set / achieve a goal 设立/达到目标 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事
1. 职位头衔: 用同位语, 年龄性别与家境也可用同 位语。如: ⑴孙淑伟是来自广东的14岁男孩,他是世界跳水冠 军。 Sun Shuwei, a world champion in diving (同位语), is a boy of 14 from Guangdong. 例句仿写: ⑵亚伯拉汗•林肯(Abraham Lincoln), 于1809年2月 12日出生于肯塔基州。(Kentucky) Abraham Lincoln , the son of a poor family , was born in Kentucky on February 12 , 1809 .

人物介绍英语作文 PPT课件 图文

人物介绍英语作文 PPT课件 图文
Not only Hou Yaowen is interested in science ,but also he has a gift for music. Zu Longtao ming , which makes a great contribution to China.
三、如何使文章连贯?(过渡词的使用) 1) 时间: soon, then, suddenly, meanwhile, before, after, earlier, in the morning, afterwards, later, immediately, next, the other day, nowadays, gradually… 2) 空间: above, below, up, down, under, near, far from, in front of, behind, beside, beyond, on the right/left, around, inside, outside, opposite to, next to, on top of, across... 3) 列举: for example, such as, first(ly), second(ly), finally, besides, apart form, for one thing…for another thing … 4) 比较: like, unlike, on the contrary, in contrast to, on the one hand…on the other hand, than, not so…as…, as…as…, while, similarly, the former, the latter, some…others, one…the other, compared with…



Thank you
The pros of fame:
●They can reach more people who enjoy their music. ●Fame let more people know their songs. ●They can get rid of poverty, and have more music funding. ●Beyond became an idol band from an underground band. ●They were no longer looked down upon by others. ●They drove the development of original music. ●It expanded the influence range of Beyond, let their songs to the whole world. ●It let their dream, the world tour concert, one step close
In 1983, Wong Ka Kui met Yip Sai Wing, and formed a rock band called Beyond.In 1986, Beyond self-published "Goodbye Ideals" on cassette tape. Their early styles were mostly hard rock, new wave, postpunk, experimental and avant-garde. But their album sale still did not meet expectations.
☆Beyond was a Hong Kong rock band formed


Hoover, the thirty-first president of the United States: “he was a great inventor and a benefactor to mankind.”
美国第31任总统胡佛:“他是一位伟大的发明家,也是人类的恩 人。”
Edison's educational level is very low, the contribution to mankind is so great, but he has a curious mind, a personal test of instinct, is that he has extraordinary hard work of boundless energy and courageous spirit.
When you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend.
Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors, holding a record 1,093 patents in his name. 爱迪生被认为是最多产的发明家之一,在他的名下拥有1093项专 利。 At the age of ten, Edison had already built a chemistry lab for himself. Ever since then, he never stopped searching for new and better ways to do things. 十岁时,爱迪生已经为自己建立了一个化学实验室。从那时起,他 就不再停止寻找新的更好的做事方法。



He Aenttefirresdta, hsiengeinngtecroemdpaetistiionngiinn1g995. He creolemaspeedtihtiisonfirsint a1lb9u9m5.inT1h9e9n6.he Hreegleoat mseadrrihedisinfi2r0s0t6a. lbum in 1996.
He was born on 27th July 1974 in Hong Kong.
He has 1.71 metres high. X
He is 1.71 meters tall.
1995年参加了一个歌唱比赛 1996年发行首张专辑 (release his first album) 2006年结婚(get morite Singer
I’d like to introduce my favorite singer—Chen Yixun. Chen Yixun was born on 27th July,1974 in Hong Kong. He is 1.71 meters tall.
At first, he entered a singing competition in 1995. Then he released his first album in 1996. And in 2006,he got married.
5.性格 6.评价
被 迎很的多歌人手喜之爱一,被认一为般是现中在国时最受欢 2
最喜欢的歌手 陈奕迅
Favorite singer Chen Yixun. X
My favourite singer is Chen Yixun.



runner in the next
generation o
Cantopop. He is
considered bi
some tae be Hong
Kong's third "god
o sang" efter Samuel
Hui an Jacky
Cheung. In 2012, Time
Out Hong Kong
2009年12月9日,陈奕迅在加拿 大蒙特利尔为2010温哥华冬季奥 运会传递火炬,亦成为第一位传 递过夏季和冬季两季奥运会的亚 裔火炬手。 On 9 December 2009, Eason carried the 2010 Olympic Torch through the downtown of Montreal, effectively becoming the only person of Chinese descent to carry both the Summer and Winter Olympic torch.
陈奕迅的父亲陈裘大被控受贿而入狱。此时 给陈奕迅很大的打击。2004年所有,除了拍 摄电影,陈奕迅的职业生涯处于休息状态。
2004年,陈奕迅的父亲陈裘大被控入狱,在这 期间徐濠萦一直陪伴在陈裘大身旁,每次上法 庭都见徐濠萦出现,或许因此打动了陈奕迅父 亲,认同了两人关系。而2004年也可以说是陈 奕迅事业低谷的一年,与英皇约满,极少工作 。2004年10月,女儿陈康堤出生,小生命的到 来让初为人父的陈奕迅改变很多,开始戒烟, 努力工作。
When he was in junior high school, Eason was sent to UK for



费孝通是我国著名的社会学家和社会活动家。请根 据下文提示,用英文写一篇短文介绍一下费孝通先 生。
生平 1910年11月2日生于一个富裕家庭。2005年4月24日因病 于北京逝世。
经历 评价
1、大学时先从事于医学学习,但后来却改变主意。 2、1930-1935年于清华大学学习,之后到英国继续深 造,并获得博士学位。
影 响 成为"感动中国"的人物(Moving China hero).
① In May 1923, Dr Huo Yingdong was born from a poor family in Hong Kong. ② At the age of ten, his father died. ③ After 1955, he was engaged in architecture, shipping, petroleum and became a famous person at home and abroad. ④ Since the beginning of the reform and open policy, he had donated over 10 billion dollars to sponsor education, culture, sports, and public welfare in Mainland. ⑤ He has made great contributions to constructing and benefiting our country, which makes him a Moving China hero.



The impact on social culture
Leading fashion trends
Jay's music and image are full of fashion elements, and his clothing, hairstyle, and other aspects have become objects of imitation for young people, having a profound impact on social fashion trends.
Helping the audience better understand and remember: By presenting Jay's experiences and achievements in the form of a PPT, it can help the audience better understand and remember this information, thereby deepening their impression and cognition of Jay.
Los Angeles, California, USA
Growth experience
I have loved music since childhood and worked as a drummer in a school band. Later, I self-taught piano, guitar, and other instruments, gradually demonstrating my musical talent.
The importance of introducing Jay as a character

人物介绍英语作文 PPT课件

人物介绍英语作文 PPT课件
玲子,一个贫穷家庭的女儿,出生于1989年12月 28号
B.外貌,性格 (巧用with做定语)
1) 梁志波是个近视的男生,他戴着一副眼镜
Liang Zhibo is a near-sighted boyw__it_h__a_p_a_i_r_o_f_g_l_a_s_se_s__o_n_h_i_s_n_o_s.e 2)杨扬很漂亮,有着长长的头发。 Yang Yang is good-looking_w__it_h__lo_n_g__h_a_ir.
1) Born on D__e_c_e_m__b_e_r__2_8_t_h_,1__9_8_9__, __s_h_e__la_t_er
became a__g_o_o_d__t_e_a_c_h_e_r__o_f_w__h_o_m___s_tu__d_e_n_t_s_
Introduction to a person
• A. 概况 • B.外貌,性格 • C.生平 • D.评价
• 1)肖老师,我们的化学老师,毕业于华 南师范大学。
• Miss Xie, our Chemistry teacher, 同位语
graduated from South China Normal University.
awlesoll-tKhenoFwatnhCerh定oinf e从se
m半ode倒rn装Chinese literature. His novels which
have been translated into many languages have
been made into films, including The True Story of AH Q and The New Year’s Sacrifice.

人物介绍英语作文课件 PPT

人物介绍英语作文课件 PPT
出生于1989年12月28号,她后来成为一位学生喜 欢的好老师 Ling zi 2) ___________, the daugther of a poor _____ family, was born on ___________________. December 28th,1989 玲子,一个贫穷家庭的女儿,出生于1989年12月 28号
3.Give some tips when you write about a great person?
• • • • analyze information Sort them in proper order Make an outline Examine your composition to perfect it
• • • • • • • • • •
健忘的 诚实的 幽默的 勤奋的 独立的 谨慎的 健谈的 健康的 耐心的 宽容的
• • • • • • • • • •
forgetful honest humorous diligent independent cautious talkative healthy patient tolerant
Unit5 Nelson Mandela---a modern hero
Introduction to a person
How to write about a great person
1.Let’s think about how many words when you describe a person!
她于1867年12月7日出生与波兰。 eg. She was born in Poland on Nov.7,1867.
2). Family background a) Sb was/ were born in/into a poor/ rich family b) his/her family was so poor that… c) his/ her father was very strict with him… d) the son of a poor family e) when he was a small boy/ young f) as a child/ as a boy of 15 g) during his/ her childhood h) spend his childhood in… i)live a happy/ hard life

初中英语写作人物描写 PPT课件 图文

初中英语写作人物描写 PPT课件 图文
Step 1
Name From Age
Chen Wei
… years old
Step 2
1.tall 2.short 3.not too tall or too short um height
face hair eyes
13.clever, intelligent, smart, 14.sensitive(敏感的、易生 气的)
17. Capable 18. straightforward(正直的、 坦率的) 19. ambitious 有抱负的、有 野心的
1.审题材:“记叙文” 2.审中心人称:他/她 3.审主要时态:一般现在时为主
My favourite teacher, Miss Li ,is my English teacher. She is about thirty years old. She is not very tall but very pretty with brown and curly hair. She has two big eyes and a very beautiful oval face. Miss Li always wears a blue dress. I think her favorite color is blue. She likes reading and playing badminton. Miss Li is very kind and easygoing .Her classes are very interesting. We all like her classes, for she is always very active and energetic in class and she has many ways to make her lessons lively and interesting. After class, she often plays sports with us, just like our friend. She always smiles when she speaks to us though sometimes she is very strict with us as well. We all like her very much.
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3.他1930-1935年于清华大学学习,之后到 英国继续深造.(further education) Between 1930 and 1935, he studied in Tsinghua University and then went to England for further education.
breakthroughs as he takes risks in attempting
new things.
Jay Chou(周杰伦) 4
• ① Born on the 18th of January, 1979 in Taiwan, Jay Chou, a famous singer, was raised by his mother and was shy and quiet during his childhood.
allowed him to received many awards for
his songs.
尽量用复合句,倒装,非限定定语从句等,润色文章 6
⑤ His own unique Chinese R&B style is unparalleled by others and he continues to make breakthroughs as he takes risks in attempting new things.
1.他1910年11月2日生于一个富裕家庭, 2005 年4月24日因病于北京逝世。(due to)
①He was born into a rich family on November 2,1910 and died due to disease in Beijing on April 24,2005.
3、1938年后,曾任教于清华大学和北京大学。 1、致力于社会科学研究,促使中国农村经济发展。 2、费孝通是一个活到老,学到老的人。
参考词汇:社会学家 sociologist; 社会活动家 social activist 【写作要求】使用5个句子表达全部所给的内容,并组织成连贯的短文。
How do you do the
身份与 生平
注意尽量用非谓语动词, 使文章精炼
②Showing interest in music, he began
learning to play the piano at the age
of 3.
③ When Jay's first album was released in 2000, he got the world's attention. ④ His popularity sky-rocketed (急速上升), which
Basic Writing--
Character introduction
Just guess the man Described in the following sentences
Born on the 18th of January, 1979 in Taiwan, he
was raised by his mother and was shy and quiet
②Born into a rich family on November 2,1910, he passed away due to disease in Beijing on April 24, 2005.
2.他大学时先从事于医学学习,但后来却改 变主意。
When he went to college, he first chose to work on medicine but then changed his mind.
费孝通是我国著名的社会学家和社会活动家。请根 据下文提示,用英文写一篇短文介绍一下费孝通先 生。
生平 1910年11月2日生于一个富裕家庭。2005年4月24日因病 于北京逝世。
经历 评价
1、大学时先从事于医学学习,但后来却改变主意。 2、1930-1935年于清华大学学习,之后到英国继续深 造,并获得博士学位。
4.他获得博士学位。 He received his doctor’s degree.
5.他一生致力于社会科学(sociology)研究,促 使(advance)中国农村经济发展。
He devoted himself to the research on sociology and advanced the development of China’s rural economy.
during his childhood.
Showing interest in music, he began learning to
play the piano at the age of 3.
When his first album was released in 2000, he got
the world's attention.
Basic Writing
The suggested steps:
1. 审题: 确定文体、人称和时态 2. 整合信息 :把所有内容整合成5句
3. 翻译句子:考虑语法结构 4.连句成篇 5. 检查
费孝通是我国著名的社会学家和社会活动家。请根 据下文提示,用英文写一篇短文介绍一下费孝通先 生。
生平 1910年11月2日生于一个富裕家庭。2005年4月24日因病
His popularity sky-rocketed (急速上升), and he
has received many awards for his songs.
His own unique Chinese R&Bothers and he continues to make
② 经历 1、大学时先从事于医学学习,但后来却改变主意。