尼罗红-荧光光谱法测定亚心形扁藻油脂含量宋琪;李泉;邴欣;刘双;于道永【摘要】尼罗红-荧光光谱法能够快速地对微藻细胞中的油脂含量进行检测,但是该方法对所测微藻物种具有一定依赖性,在分析不同微藻细胞油脂含量前需要对测试条件进行优化.优化后的亚心形扁藻油脂含量分析条件为:藻液800×g离心5 min 去除培养基,用体积分数4%的二甲基亚砜(DMSO)水溶液重悬至OD750=0.3,尼罗红质量浓度0.8 μg/mL,避光40℃水浴恒温10 min,激发波长520 nm.发现亚心形扁藻在培养的对数生长后期油脂开始积累,稳定期后期油脂含量趋于恒定,优化后的尼罗红-荧光光谱法能够准确地检测亚心形扁藻生长过程中的油脂含量变化.【期刊名称】《中国油脂》【年(卷),期】2016(041)010【总页数】4页(P98-101)【关键词】亚心形扁藻;尼罗红;荧光光谱法;油脂含量【作者】宋琪;李泉;邴欣;刘双;于道永【作者单位】中国石油大学(华东)生物工程与技术中心,山东青岛266580;中国石油大学(华东)生物工程与技术中心,山东青岛266580;中国石油大学(华东)生物工程与技术中心,山东青岛266580;中国石油大学(华东)生物工程与技术中心,山东青岛266580;中国石油大学(华东)生物工程与技术中心,山东青岛266580【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS222;TQ646随着全球能源消耗量的不断增加,不可再生的化石能源日渐短缺,而使用化石燃料还会产生大量的CO2及硫、氮氧化物等有害气体危害环境。
Fluval 水arium LED灯光控制器用户操作指南说明书
![Fluval 水arium LED灯光控制器用户操作指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/741b2f0a1fb91a37f111f18583d049649b660eee.png)
1. APP-ÜBERSICHT1.1 ÜbersichtDie FluvalSmart App wurde konzipiert, um das Beleuchtungssystem Ihres Fluval Aquariums über die kabelloseBluetooth-Technik zu bedienen, so dass Sie das LED-Beleuchtungssystem und die verschiedenen Beleuchtungseffekte ganz bequem und mühelos steuern können (Hinweis: Diese Bedienungsanleitung bezieht sich auf dieFirmware-Version 1.03 der Beleuchtung).1.2 Anwendbare ModelleAquasky 2.014550 12 Watt 14551 16 Watt 14552 21 Watt 14553 25 Watt 14554 27 Watt 14555 30 Watt 14556 33 Watt14549 21 Watt14531 12 Watt14532 18 Watt14533 27 Watt14534 35 WattMarine 3.0Marine Nano 3.0Plant 3.0Plant Nano 3.014514 22 Watt14515 32 Watt14516 46 Watt14517 59 Watt14520 22 Watt14521 32 Watt14522 46 Watt14523 59 Watt14541 20 Watt14539 15 Watt2. VORBEREITUNGENBluetooth-Version BLE 4.0 und darüberAndroid 4.3 und darüber / iOS 9.0 und darüber2.1 Systemvoraussetzungen des Mobilgeräts2.2 Verbindung Ihrer BeleuchtungVerbinden Sie die LED-Beleuchtung mit dem Transformator und verbinden Sie den Transformator dann mit dem Stromnetz.BELEUCHTUNGSTECKDOSEAquasky 2.0Verbinden Sie die LED-Beleuchtung mit dem Transformator und verbinden Sie den Transformator dann mit dem Stromnetz.BELEUCHTUNGPlant 3.0 & Marine 3.0STECKDOSESTROMVERSORGUNGDrücken Sie auf den Schalter an derBeleuchtungseinheit, bis er grün wird, um eine Bluetooth-Verbindung zu ermöglichen.Befestigen Sie die LED-Beleuchtung an der Montagehalterung über dem Becken.Plant Nano 3.0 & Marine Nano 3.02STECKDOSEVerbinden Sie die LED-Beleuchtung mit dem Transformator und verbinden Sie den Transformator dann mit dem Stromnetz.1Suchen Sie im Google Play Store (Android Benutzer) oder App Store (iOS Benutzer) nach …FluvalSmart “ und installieren Sie die kostenlose App.Downlaod der FluvalSmart AppFür Android Benutzer Für iOS Benutzer3. BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG3.1 App-Installation3.2 App-Bedienung und -EinstellungenNach der Installation wählen Sie das …FluvalSmart “ Icon, um die App zu öffnen:Wenn Sie die App das erste Mal öffnen, wählen Sie Ihre Sprache und Ihr Land und wählen dann …Weiter “,um in das Hauptmenü zu gelangen.FluvalSmart123.3 App- und Lampen-VerbindungAchten Sie darauf, dass das Beleuchtungssystem an ist und dass die Bluetooth-Verbindung Ihres Mobilgerätes aktiviert ist.1Wählen Sie das …+“ in der Mitte oder der oberen rechten Ecke des Displays, um Ihre unmittelbare Umgebung nach einem kompatiblen Fluval Beleuchtungssystem abzuscannen.24Wählen Sie die gewünschte Zeile aus der Geräteliste, um das Beleuchtungssystem zu verbinden und geben Sie das Ausgangspasswort …000000“ ein. Die Symbole für die manuelle Steuerung sollten nun auf dem Display erscheinen.3Nachdem das gewünschte Beleuchtungssystem auf dem Display erscheint, wählen Sie …Stopp “ in der oberen rechten Ecke, um den Scanvorgang zubeenden. Wählen Sie dann das … “ Icon neben dem Beleuchtungssystem und danach das rote …√“ Icon unten auf dem Display, um das Beleuchtungssystem in der Geräteliste zu speichern.5Sie müssen das …000000“ Passwort nur eingeben, wenn Sie das LED-Beleuchtungssystem das erste Mal verbinden. Bei weiteren Verbindungen muss das Passwort nicht wieder eingegeben werden, da es in der App gespeichert ist. Eine Änderung des Passwortes ist zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt möglich.3.4 Beschreibung der Funktionen3.4.1…Man“ – Manueller ModusFeld für den manuellen Modus.1Helligkeitsanpassung: Nach LINKS oder RECHTS schieben, um die Intensität des einzelnen Farbkanals zu steuern.2P1, P2, P3 und P4: Speichern Sie bis zu 4 manuell eingegebene Lichtspektren (nachdem Sie manuell die gewünschtenFarbintensitäten eingegeben haben, drücken Sie auf diese Felder, um die Einstellungen zu speichern). Plant & Marine 3.0 / Plant & Marine Nano 3.0An-/Aus-Schalter: Schaltet die Beleuchtungseinheit ein und aus.41243Feld für den manuellen Modus.1An-/Aus-Schalter: Schaltet die Beleuchtungseinheit ein und aus.2Voreingestellte Farbfelder. Aquasky 2.0RGB+W (rot, grün, blau und weiß) Helligkeitsanpassung. Die schwarzen Felder stehen für weißes Licht.4P1, P2, P3 und P4: Speichern Sie bis zu 4 manuell eingegebene Lichtspektren (nachdem Sie manuell die gewünschtenFarbintensitäten eingegeben haben, drücken Sie auf diese Felder, um die Einstellungen zu speichern).5Felder für dynamische Effekte.6Play-/Pause-Feld für die dynamischen Effekte.727653.4.2 …Auto“ – Automatischer ModusFeld für den automatischen Modus.1Der 24-Stunden-Zeitgraf: Visuelle Darstellung deraktuellen Einstellungen.2Individuelle Einstellungen des Beleuchtungsablaufs und der Farbintensitäten. Plant & Marine 3.0 / Plant & Marine Nano 3.0Export: Hier kann der Benutzer die voreingestellten oderindividuell eingestellten Daten, die in der App gespeichert sind, exportieren.4123Speichern unter: Hier kann der Benutzer die gewünschten Einstellungen speichern.5Vorschau: Schnelldurchlauf des aktuellen24-Stunden-Beleuchtungszyklus in weniger als einer Minute.6456Feld für den automatischen Modus.1Der 24-Stunden-Zeitgraf: Visuelle Darstellung der aktuellen Einstellungen.2Individuelle Einstellungen des Beleuchtungsablaufs und der Farbintensitäten. Aquasky 2.0Export: Hier kann der Benutzer die voreingestellten oderindividuell eingestellten Daten, die in der App gespeichert sind, exportieren.4Speichern unter: Hier kann der Benutzer die gewünschten Einstellungen speichern.5Vorschau: Schnelldurchlauf des aktuellen24-Stunden-Beleuchtungszyklus in weniger als einer Minute.6Dynamische Effekte: Wählen Sie zu bestimmten Zeiten am Tag oder zu bestimmten Tagen in der Woche dynamische Effekte. Nach dem Ablauf des dynamischen Effekts kehrt das System zu dem automatischen Modus zurück.712345673.4.3 …Pro“ ModusFeld für den …Pro “ Modus.1Der 24-Stunden-Zeitgraf: Visuelle Darstellung der aktuellen Einstellungen.2Zeitpunkte: Bestätigt die Anzahl der verschiedenen Zeitpunkte, die in dem 24-Stunden-Zyklus eingestellt wurden. Plant & Marine 3.0 / Plant & Marine Nano 3.0Export: Hier kann der Benutzer die voreingestellten oderindividuell eingestellten Daten, die in der App gespeichert sind, exportieren.4123Speichern unter: Hier kann der Benutzer die gewünschten Einstellungen speichern.5Vorschau: Schnelldurchlauf des aktuellen24-Stunden-Beleuchtungszyklus in weniger als einer Minute.6456Bearbeiten : Anpassung der Einstellungen in dem 24-Stunden-Beleuchtungszyklus.7Übersicht : Ansicht aller Zeitpunkte und Lichtintensitäten, die in dem 24-Stunden-Beleuchtungszyklus eingestellt wurden.878Feld für den …Pro “ Modus.1Der 24-Stunden-Zeitgraf: Visuelle Darstellung der aktuellen Einstellungen.2Dynamische Effekte : Wählen Sie zu bestimmten Zeiten am Tag oder zu bestimmten Tagen in der Woche dynamische Effekte. Nach dem Ablauf des dynamischen Effekts kehrt das System zu dem …Pro“ Modus zurück. Aquasky 2.0Export: Hier kann der Benutzer die voreingestellten oderindividuell eingestellten Daten, die in der App gespeichert sind, exportieren.4123Speichern unter: Hier kann der Benutzer die gewünschten Einstellungen speichern.5Vorschau: Schnelldurchlauf des aktuellen24-Stunden-Beleuchtungszyklus in weniger als einer Minute.6456Bearbeiten : Anpassung der Einstellungen in dem 24-Stunden-Beleuchtungszyklus.7Übersicht : Ansicht aller Zeitpunkte und Lichtintensitäten, die in dem 24-Stunden-Beleuchtungszyklus eingestellt wurden.8783.4.4 Bearbeiten im …Pro“ Modus (FIRMWARE-UPDATE NOTWENDIG – siehe Abschnitt 3.5.4)Der 24-Stunden-Zeitgraf: Visuelle Darstellung der aktuellen Einstellungen.1Verlauf der eingestellten Zeitpunkte.2Anpassung der Helligkeit: Nach LINKS oder RECHTS schieben, um die Intensität des einzelnen Farbkanals zu steuern.3Fügen Sie weitere Zeitpunkte hinzu (in der App können bis zu 10 verschiedene Zeitpunkte eingestellt werden).4Löschen Sie Zeitpunkte (im …Pro “ Modus müssen mindestens 4 Zeitpunkte eingestellt werden).5Abbrechen: Brechen Sie die Einstellungen im derzeitigen Menü ab und kehren Sie zu den zuvor gespeicherten Parametern zurück.6Speichern: Speichern Sie die gerade gewählten Einstellungen.7Wählen Sie …Pro “ in dem Lampensteuerungsmenü, um in den …Pro “ Modus zu gehen. Wählen Sie …Bearbeiten “ unten in dem folgenden Menü (Sie können auch …X Zeitpunkte eingestellt “ wählen), um zu denBearbeitungspunkten zu gelangen.3.5.1 Lampen-Scan-FunktionWählen Sie …Suchen “ im Hauptmenü der Beleuchtungssteuerung, um das Beleuchtungssystem für die derzeitigen Einstellungen zu bestätigen (Dies ist besonders sinnvoll, wenn Sie mehrere LEDs verwenden). Das verbundene Beleuchtungssystem blinkt dann mehrere Male auf.3.5.2 Umbenennung der LampeIm Hauptmenü der Beleuchtungssteuerung können Sie den Namen des Beleuchtungssystems ändern, indem Sie die Funktion …Umbenennung “ in der oberen rechten Ecke wählen.3.5.3 Passwort-VerwaltungsfunktionWenn Sie das Beleuchtungssystem das erste Mal verbinden, fordert Sie das System auf, das Ausgangspasswort …000000“ einzugeben. Nachdem Sie die Gerätesteuerung eingegeben haben, können Sie das Ausgangspasswort ändern, indem Sie die Funktion …Passwort verändern“ in der oberen rechten Ecke des Displays verwenden (Hinweis:Das Passwort muss aus 6 Zeichen bestehen). Zurücksetzung des PasswortesWenn Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen haben, befolgen Sie bitte diese Schritte:In dem Passwort-Login-Menü bitte…Passwort vergessen“ wählen. EinPop-up-Fenster erscheint.1Wählen Sie …Kopieren“. Hiermit kopierenSie die Geräteinformationen.2Senden Sie eine E-Mail an*************************,fragenSienach der Zurücksetzung des Passworts undkopieren Sie die Geräteinformationen, dieSie im vorherigen Schritt kopiert haben, indiese E-Mail.3Das Kundenservice-Team vom Fluvalsendet Ihnen dann per E-Mail einZurücksetzungspasswort zu, das Sie in dasFeld zur Zurücksetzung des Passwortes –siehe – kopieren. Danach wählen Sie…Zurücksetzen“ – siehe ). Nun erscheintIhr ursprüngliches Passwort.41563.5.4 Firmware-UpdateFirmware-Update – 1. MöglichkeitWenn die Firmware des Beleuchtungssystems aktualisiert werden kann, erscheint ein Icon oben in demSteuerungsmenü des Gerätes. Wählen Sie dieses Icon, um, wie unten gezeigt, in das OTA-Aktualisierungsmenü zu gelangen.1Gehen Sie in das OTA-Menü und das System erkennt, ob das Gerät aktualisiert werden kann.2Wenn das Gerät aktualisiert werden kann, erscheint ein Pop-up-Fenster. Wählen Sie …Abbrechen “, um die Aktualisierung abzubrechen, oder …Weiter“, um mit der Aktualisierung fortzufahren.3Nachdem Sie die Aktualisierung bestätigt haben, beginnt ein 20-sekündiger Countdown. Bitte warten Sie, bis dieser Countdown abgelaufen ist und wählen Sie dann …Weiter “, um die Aktualisierung zu beginnen.4Während der Aktualisierung können Sie Ihr Mobilgerät nicht bedienen. Warten Sie, bis die Aktualisierung vollständig abgeschlossen ist, bevor Sie mit dem nächsten Schritt fortfahren.5Sobald die Aktualisierung erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurde, erhalten Sie eine Bestätigungsnachricht.Sie können dann …Schließen “ wählen, um die Aktualisierung zu beenden.6Sollte die Aktualisierung fehlgeschlagen sein, wählen Sie bitte …Für die Aktualisierung hier drücken “, um eine erneute Aktualisierung zu versuchen.7123456Das Firmware-Update ist notwendig, um zu den aktuellsten Funktionen Ihres LED-Beleuchtungssystems zu gelangen.3.5.4 Firmware-Update (Fortsetzung)Firmware-Update – 2. MöglichkeitIn der Auflistung der Geräte wischen Sie in der Zeile des gewünschten Gerätes nach links. Hier sehen Sie die Optionen …Aktualisieren“ und …Entfernen“. Wählen Sie …Aktualisieren“, um in das OTA-Aktualisierungsmenü zu gelangen. Bitte folgen Sie dann denselben Aktualisierungsschritten wie in der 1. Möglichkeit.3.5.5 Entfernen der LampeIn der Auflistung der Geräte wischen Sie in der Zeile des gewünschten Gerätesnach links. Hier sehen Sie die Optionen …Aktualisieren“ und …Entfernen“.Wählen Sie …Entfernen“, um die Lampe aus der aktuellen Auflistung derGeräte zu löschen.4. WEITERE INFORMATIONEN4.1 HilfeHier haben Sie Zugang zu den Rubriken …FAQ“und …Problembehebung“, um sofort Antwortenauf häufig gestellte Fragen zu der App und derTroubleshooting4.2 KonfigurationsmenüDie App kann so programmiert werden, dass die11Ändern Sie die Sprache.2。
fluoromax 荧光光谱仪操作流程
![fluoromax 荧光光谱仪操作流程](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/71b2ad6e492fb4daa58da0116c175f0e7dd11964.png)
Max. working pressure:........100 psig (6.9 bar)o oMax. fluid temperature:........130 F (54 C)o o o o Max. ambient temperature:..14 to 110 F/ -10 to 43 C Output adjustment range:....5-100% Duty cycle:.............................ContinuousMaximum viscosity:..............5,000 Centipoise Maximum suction lift:...........30 ft. Water 0 psig Maximum Solids:..................50% by volume Enclosure:.............................NEMA 3R, (IP23)Approximate shipping wt: ...10 lb. (4.5 kg)!!!!!!!Peristaltic pump design does not have valves that can clog requiring maintenance.Self priming - even against maximum line pressure. By-pass valves are not required. Cannot vapor lock or lose prime.Outputs to 5.17 GPH (19.56 LPH).Output pressures to 100 PSI (6.9 bar).Output volume is not effected by changes in back pressure.Patented pump tube design installs easily and stays centered on the rollers without manual adjustment.Two pump tubes supplied with each pump. No extra tubing required.Blue-WhiteRq!!!!!!Easy to use dial knob output control.20:1 turndown ratio.Adjustable 5 second repeating interval timer. 0.25 - 5.0 second adjustable on time per 5 second cycle.Built-in Tube Failure Detection system (TFD). Senses chemical in the pump head, shuts off the pump and activates an NPN open collector output.Compatible with Blue-White’s output flow verification sensor system.Durable housing of chemical resistant Valox (PBT) thermoplastic.Specifications:Voltage (max amp):...............115VAC/60Hz, 14 & 30 rpm = 1.37 amp 45 & 60 rpm = 1.87 amp 230VAC/60Hz, 14 & 30 rpm = 0.64 amp 45 & 60 rpm = 0.74 amp 220VAC/50Hz, 14 & 30 rpm = 0.68 amp 45 & 60 rpm = 1.14 amp 240VAC/50Hz, 14 & 30 rpm = 0.66 amp 45 & 60 rpm = 1.04 amp Power Cord Plug Type:.........115V60Hz = NEMA 5/15 (USA) 230V60Hz = NEMA 6/15 (USA) 220V50Hz = CEE 7/VII (EUROPE) 240V50Hz = CEE 7/VII (EUROPE)Materials of Construction:Wetted components:q Pump Head & Enclosure:.....Valox (PBT) thermoplastic Pump Head Cover:................Clear PVCCover Screws:.......................300 Stainless, Polypropylene cap Roller Assembly:q Rotor:..................................Valox (PBT) Rollers:...............................Nylon Roller Bearings:.................BronzeMotor Shaft:...........................Nickel plated steel TFD System Sensor pins:....Hastelloy C-276Power Cord:..........................3 conductor, SJTW-A Water-resistantNon-Wetted components:systemTFD Tube Failure DetectionqqqPump Tube Assembly:..........Norprene , Tygothane or Viton tubing PVDF tube assembly connection fittings Suction Tubing:.....................Clear PVCSuction Strainer:...................Natural PolypropyleneDischarge Tubing:.................Natural Polyethylene (LLDPE) Injection/Check valve:Body & insert:....................Polypropylene (optional PVDF) Check Ball:.........................CeramicSpring:................................Hastelloy C-276 Ball Seat O-ring:.................TFE/P (optional EP)q Static Seal O-ring:..............Viton (optional EP)Blue-WhiteqFLEXFLO Peristaltic Metering PumpsDimensions:Model Number Matrix:MODEL A1NMaximum Motor RPM 0 = 14 RPM1 = 30 RPM2 = 45 RPM3 = 60 RPM Power Supply 0 = 115V60Hz 1 = 220V50Hz 2 = 230V60Hz 8 = 240V50HzOutput ControlC = Analog timer, 5 sec. Cycle - 100% duty A = Analog timer, 60 sec. Cycle - 100% duty S = Analog timer, 60 sec. Cycle - 10% duty V = Digital speed control with external input F = Analog speed controlE = Digital batch timer with external input Z = Proportional feed system - JBox/Cord X = No output control - fixed feed rateTubing Connection Type T = Compression tube nuts Q = Push-on quick connect Miscellaneous Options (not required)1 = TI40-6V injector replaces A-014HD-6A2 = C-340V footvalve replaces C-342-6 strainer 5 = A-014HDK-6A injector PVDF T7 = 7 gallon chemical tank system T15 = 15 gallon chemical tank system T30 = 30 gallon chemical tank system --C Technical data sheet #85000-039 rev.072406All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Pump Tube Size and Material 1 = 1/4” OD Tygothane 2 = 3/8” OD Tygothane 3 = 7/16” OD Tygothane 4 = 1/4” OD Norprene 5 = 5/16” OD Viton 6 = 3/8” OD Norprene 7 = 7/16” OD Norprene14 RPM MODELSTubing Material Tygothane Tygothane Tygothane Norprene Viton Norprene Norprenelph 0.901.924.370.360.661.083.42oz/m 0.511.082.470.200.370.611.92ml/m 1532736111857gph 0.240.511. Flow rate and pressure capacities:Replacement Pump Tubes:Pump Tube Part NumberA-002N-1T A-002N-2T A-002N-3T A-002N-4T A-002N-5T A-002N-6T A-002N-7T A-002N-1Q A-002N-2Q A-002N-4Q A-002N-6QNominal Pump Tube OD1/4” (6,4mm)3/8” (9,5mm)7/16” (11,1mm)1/4” (6,4mm)5/16” (7,9mm)3/8” (9,5mm)7/16” (11,1mm)1/4” (6,4mm)3/8” (9,5mm)1/4” (6,4mm)3/8” (9,5mm)Pump Model Number Suffix-1T -2T -3T -4T -5T -6T -7T -1Q -2Q -4Q -6QTube no.1234567PSI(bar)65(4.5)65(4.5)50(3.5)100(6.9)25(1.7)100(6.9)50(3.5)30 RPM MODELSlph 2.104.5010.380.781.562.528.28oz/m 1.182.545.850.440.881.424.66ml/m 3575173132642138gph 0.551.192.740.210.410.672.1945 RPM MODELSlph 3.246.9015.661.262.343.7812.00oz/m 1.833.898.820.201.312.136.76ml/m 54115261213963200gph 0.861.824.140.100.621.003.1760 RPM MODELS lph 4.028.4019.561.502.884.7415.00oz/m 2.264.7311.010.851.622.678.45ml/m 67140326254879250gph Tube MaterialTygothane Tygothane Tygothane Norprene Viton Norprene Norprene Tygothane Tygothane Norprene NorpreneGallons shown are U.S. GallonsPSI(bar)65(4.5)65(4.5)50(3.5)100(6.9)25(1.7)100(6.9)50(3.5)PSI(bar)65(4.5)65(4.5)50(3.5)100(6.9)25(1.7)100(6.9)50(3.5)PSI(bar)65(4.5)65(4.5)50(3.5)75(5.2)25(1.7)75(5.2)50(3.5)5mm Base MountingRear Panel Mounting5mm 4 places* NOTE: 50Hz units deliver 20% less output.。
152R o b b i n s R d,D o w n i n g t o w n,P A U S Aw w w.H u d d l e C a mH D.c omT h i s e n t r y l e v e l w e b c o n f e r e n c e k i t i n c l u d e se v e r y t h i n g y o u n e e df o r h igh q u a li t y v i d e oc o n f e r e n c i n g a nd c o l l a b o r a t i o n f o r s ma l l te a ms .M S R P:$2,849S K U:H C-T E A M-V C S-G 2T e a m K i tV i d e o C o l l a b o r a t i o nS o l u t i o nI n t r o d u c i n g t h e180********S i mp l i f y t h e c o mp l i c a t e d c o l l a b o r a -t i o n e x p e r i e n c e w i t h e a s y t o u s e “o n e c l i c k ” a p p l i c a t i o n l a u n c h i n g .C u s t o mi z e y o u r me e t i n g w o r k s p a c eC o n s i s t a n t a n d e a s y u s e r e x p e r i e n c eU s e i n o p e n o r l o c k e d d o w n mo d e s.O p e n P l a t f o r mE a s y i n t e g r a t i o n w i t h t h e l e a d i n g v i d e o c o n f e r e n c i n g s o f t w a r e i n c l u d i n g : B l u e -j e a n s , V i d y o , S k y p e a n d G o T o Me e t i n g .E a s i l y s w i t c h b e t w e e n t h e p e r s i s t e n t t o o l b a r a n d d e s k t o p v i e w w i t h c u s t o m-i z e d a n d t i e r e d b u t t o n sA l w a y s i n t h e s t a t e y o u e x p e c t w i t h y o u ro r g a n i z a t i o n ’s l o o k a n d f e e l.S a f e , S e c u r e & Ma n a g e a b l eF o r I T d e p a r t me n t s , i t r e d u c e s t r a i n i n g a n d s u p p o r t c o s t b y p r o v i d i n g a s e c u r e a n d ma n a g e a b l e i n t e r f a c e .K e e p y o u r c o n fid e n t i a l d a t a s e c u r e w i t h t h e ‘R o o m R e s e t ’ f e a t u r eO p t i o n a l ‘l o c k -d o w n ’ mo d e t o r e s t r i c t u s a g e o f y o u r Q u i c k l a u n c h d e v i c e a n d p r o t e c t i t a g a i n s t u n w a n t e d c h a n g e s.E n h a n c e P r o d u c t i v i t yQ U I C K L A U N C H B E N E F I T SO N E S Y S T E M F O R A N Y S O F T WA R EQ u i c k l a u n c h i s a n e a s y -t o -u s e mu l t i -p l a t f o r m, o n e -c l i c k /o n e -t o u c h a p p l i c a t i o n t o j o i nme e t i n g s , s t a r t a p p l i c a t i o n s , a c c e s s d a t a , p l a y me d i a , s h o w c a s e y o u r o r g a n i z a t i o n ’s c o n t e n t a n d b u s i n e s s i n t e l l i g e n c e a s s e t s . I t ’s i n c l u d e d i n b o t h o f o u r V C S k i t s f o r a e a s y t o ma n a g e c o n f e r e n c e s p a c e .* L C D & L C D mo u n t n o t i n c l u d e d w i t h s y s t e m.P R O D U C T D A T A S H E ET152 R o b b i n s R d D o w n i n g t o w n , P A 19335, U S AP h o n e : 800 - 486 5276 F a x : (610) 518 2200 e M a i l : s a l e s @H u d d l e C a mH D .c o mPlease check for the most up to date version of this document1 Rev 1.5 9/17From 3X - 30X, We’ve got you coveredModel Number: HC3X-BK-G2 (Black) HC3X-WH-G2(White) http://huddlecamhd. com/ huddlecamhd-3x/Conferencing CameraThe HuddleCamHD 3X is ideal for small to medium sized meeting rooms. This camera is compatible with every system that accepts USB cameras.•3X Optical Zoom • USB 2.0 • RS-232• 1920 x 1080 • 74° Field of View • Up to 30 fps • 64 Presets •IR Remote1. Lens4. IR Receiver7. RS-232 In Port3x Optical Zoom To receive IR remote control signal Used for connecting RS-232 control to camera 2. IR Receiver5. DC In 12V Socket 8. RS-485 In PortTo receive IR remote controller signal Only use the poweradapter supplied with this camera Used for connecting RS-485 control to camera; & daisy chaining via PELCO-D 3. Power LED6. IR Receiver9. USB 2.0 InterfaceBlue LED lights when unit is powered and is dark in standby mode.To receive IR remote control signalFor video connection to PC (USB 2.0 port. Will also function in a USB 3.0 port as a USB 2.0 device)Image Sensor & LensPhysicalVideo CMOS Sensor 1/2.7” CMOS, 2.1 Mega Pixel MaterialAluminum, PlasticResolution 1080p-30/25, 720p-30/25, SVGA, VGA Dimensions (in.)4.88 W x5.7 H x 4.75 D (5.9 H max w/ tilt) Frame Rate up to 30fps (MJPEG)Dimensions (mm)124 x 145 x 120 (150 H max w/ tilt) Lens Zoom 3X Optical Zoom f = 3-10mm F1.4 Weight 1.66 lbs (0.75 kg)Field of View 36° (tele) to 74° (wide)Box Dimensions 8.75” x 8.88” x 7” (222 x 225 x 178 mm) Pan/Tilt Movement Boxed Weight 3.66 lbs (1.66 kg)Pan Movement ±340°Operating Temperature 32°F to 113°F (0°C to 45°C)Tilt Rotation Up: 90°, Down: 30° ColorsBlack, White, *Silver; * = Special Order Presets 64 PresetsRear Board Connectors Electrical Index Video InterfaceUSB 2.0Power Supply Adapter 12V DC 2AController Signal Interface Mini DIN-8 (RS232 IN, RS485 IN, PELCO-D IN/OUT) Input Voltage 12V DC (10.5-14V DC) Controller Signal Config. Dip-Switch Pin 7/TTL Signal Input Power24W (Max) Baud Rate9600 bps Working Environment IndoorPower Supply Interface DC 12V 2AOtherQuality Management SystemMfg. Warranty 2 Years Parts & LaborQMSCertified ISO9001: 20088 42 1• 3X Zoom USB 2.0 Camera • 12V/2.0A DC Power Adapter • Mounts: Tripod Mount• USB 2.0 Data Cable (16ft/4.8m) • Serial Control Cable• RS-232C to RS-485 Adaptor • IR Remote Control • User Manual7965 3Model Number: NUC-I5-G3•••••• • ••• ••••••• •• • ••• •• •• • •• • • • ••••••••••••• Neoprene Travel CaseSpecificationsVolume MuteMute speakerphone volumeUSB 2.0 PlugFor power and chargingPower LEDsBlue power onSpeaker LEDSolid Blue: MuteBlinking Blue: Max Volume 1.2.3.Volume Up/DownControl’s speaker volume.Mute MicrophoneMutes microphones5. 0.8 lbs (.36 kg)Size: 7” Diameter, 1.5” Height (177mm Diameter, 38mm Height)Working environment: Temp 0~40°C, Humidity 20%~85%Compatibility: MS WIN7/8, Mac 10.5+, Android 4.4+RF frequency range: 2.400 GHz 2.4835 GHz Certifications: CE Mark (R & TTE Directive)HuddlePod Air SpeakerphoneWireless Receiver & Antenna Neoprene Travel Case User ManualUSB 2.0 Cable (charge and power only) USB Charger312PowerTurn speakerphone on/off4.6Mic LEDBlue: MutedBlinking Orange: Low Battery Solid Orange: Full Charge7.10Echo Cancellation 256 Channel echo cancellation Audio Output 1/8” TRS headphone Noise CancellationIntelligent NC up to 16db Digital EQ Built-in Digital EQ for stable audio Battery Life 6-8 Hours, 4-5 hour charge time Warranty3 YearsHP-AIR-BA-BKModel Number: HP-AIR-BK• GoToMeeting • Lifesize• Skype for Business(Lync)• Polycom RealPresence • Radavision • Spontania • Skype• • Vidyo • Vsee • •• Google Hangouts on Air YouTube Live Headphone Jack Rev 1.1 8/1510.Durable Wireless RecieverIn protective plastic caseModel Number:N9Z-0000112345Small Universal Wall MountDATA SHEETHuddleCamHDSmall Universal Wall Mount• Mounts directly to wall with supplied hardware • Black powder coat finish provides long lasting durability • Universally compatible with all center mount cameras • Mounting hardware included • 3 Year WarrantyThis Universal Thin Profile Wall Mount was designed specifically for an ideal way to wall mount a camera above or below a plasma or LCD monitor. Constructed from heavy gauge steel, this mount comes with a 3year manufacture warranty.Wall Mounting HolesPrecut 4 post pattern fits U.S. doublegang box.Slot for 1/4-20 machine screwSecures camera to mount.Mount Base5 11/16” wide univeral metal camera tray.1.2.123Compatibility• All small base HuddleCamHD Cameras • All PTZOptics Cameras • Most small based SONY, Panasonic, Cisco, Polycom and Vaddio cameras with a 1/4-20 mounting hole.SpecificationsCamera MountMounting Hardware: (4) Mounting Screws & Washers (4) Drywall/Masonary Anchors(1) Quarter Twenty bolt(4) Device mounting screws for 2-Gang BoxDimensions (in.): 5-11/16W x 8-5/16D x 5-1/16H Dimensions (mm.) 145W x 212D x 129H Weight (lbs.) 1.9 Weight (kg.) 0.84143.Cable AccessConvenient cable access under mount or through wall.Model Number: HCM-1HuddleCamHDRev. 1.0 9/15Features4.HC3X-BK-G2HC3XW-GY-G2HC3XW-WH-G23X optical zoom, 33-92° HFOV, USB 3.0 video up to 1080P-30 HC10X-720-BK HC10X-720-WH10X optical zoom, 7-57° HFOV, USB 2.0 video up to 720P-30HC10X-GY-G3HC10X-WH-G310X optical zoom, 8-61° HFOV, USB 3.0 video up to 1080P-30HC20X-GY-G2HC20X-WH-G220X optical zoom, 5-58° HFOV, USB 3.0 video up to 1080P-30HC30X-GY-G2HC30X-WH-G230X optical zoom, 4-63° HFOV, USB 3.0 video up to 1080P-30 Control AccessoriesHC-JOYHCM-2-BK HCM-2-WHSmall Open Ceiling Mount, mounts to 1”NPT pipeHCM-1C-WHHCM-2C-WHPT-CM-1-BKLarge Wall Mount, mounts directly to wall or box with supplied hardwareLarge Open Base Ceiling Mount, mounts to 1”NPT pipeSurface Ceiling Mount, mounts directly to ceil or box w/ supplied hardware DB9M-F-xxVISCA-xxExtension Cable, DB9M-F, Plenum, 4 lengths shown in ft. (xx=25, 50, 75, 100)Daisy Chain Cable, miniDIN8-MM, Plenum, 4 lgs in ft. (xx=25, 50, 75, 100) Reliable USB Conference CamerasFrom 3X - 30X, We’ve got you coveredConference AudioHP-AIR-BA-BK Wireless Speakerphone with USB receiver and external ampli er feed152 Robbins Road Downingtown, PA 19335 800-486-5276。
Duramin-4Manual micro and micro/macro hardness testerEntry level Vickers hardness tester –optimal repeatability and easy operationThis entry-level range of micro hardness testers primarily targets Vickers testing, but can also be used for Knoop and Brinell testing. The Duramin-4 testers are equipped with a combination of manual and automatic features to ensure easy operation. Duramin-4 is available in two load ranges; 10 gf - 2 kgf and 1 kgf - 62.5 kgf.• S uitable for Vickers, Knoop andBrinell hardness testing• A vailable in two load ranges: 10 gf - 2 kgf and 1 kgf - 62.5 kgf• A utomatic 6-position turret• Manual XY stage or anvil• Manual Z axis• M anual indent evaluation via eyepieceAUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEALAND Struers Australia 27 Mayneview Street Milton QLD 4064AustraliaPhone +61 7 3512 9600Fax +61 7 3369 8200******************BELGIUM (Wallonie)Struers S.A.S.370, rue du Marché Rollay F- 94507 Champigny sur Marne CedexTéléphone +33 1 5509 1430Télécopie +33 1 5509 1449******************BELGIUM (Flanders)Struers GmbH Nederland Zomerdijk 34 A 3143 CT MaassluisTelefoon +31 (10) 599 7209Fax +31 (10) 5997201**********************CANADA Struers Ltd.7275 West Credit AvenueMississauga, Ontario L5N 5M9Phone +1 905-814-8855Fax +1 905-814-1440****************CHINAStruers Ltd.No. 1696 Zhang Heng Road Zhang Jiang Hi-Tech Park Shanghai 201203, P.R. China Phone +86 (21) 6035 3900Fax +86 (21) 6035 3999******************CZECH REPUBLIC & SLOVAKIA Struers GmbH Organizační složka vědeckotechnický park Přílepská 1920,CZ-252 63 Roztoky u Prahy Phone +420 233 312 625Fax +420 233 312 640*******************************************GERMANY Struers GmbHCarl-Friedrich-Benz-Straße 5D- 47877 WillichTelefon +49 (0) 2154 486-0Fax +49 (0) 2154 486-222******************FRANCEStruers S.A.S.370, rue du Marché Rollay F-94507 Champigny sur Marne CedexTéléphone +33 1 5509 1430Télécopie +33 1 5509 1449******************HUNGARY Struers GmbHMagyarországi Fióktelepe 2040 BudaörsSzabadság utca 117Telefon: +36 (23) 80 60 90Fax: +36 (23) 80 60 91Email:******************IRELAND Struers Ltd.Unit 11 Evolution@ AMP Whittle Way, Catcliffe Rotherham S60 5BL Tel. +44 0845 604 6664Fax +44 0845 604 6651***************.uk ITALYStruers ItaliaVia Monte Grappa 80/420020 Arese (MI)Tel. +39-02/38236281Fax +39-02/38236274*********************JAPANMarumoto Struers K.K.Takanawa Muse Bldg. 1F 3-14-13 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa Tokyo141-0022 JapanPhone +81 3 5488 6207 Fax +81 3 5488 6237******************.jpNETHERLANDSStruers GmbH Nederland Zomerdijk 34 A 3143 CT MaassluisTelefoon +31 (10) 599 7209Fax +31 (10) 5997201**********************NORWAYStruers ApS, Norge Sjøskogenveien 44C 1407 VinterbroTelefon +47 970 94 285***************AUSTRIA Struers GmbHZweigniederlassung Österreich Betriebsgebiet Puch Nord 85412 PuchTelefon +43 6245 70567Fax +43 6245 70567-78******************POLANDStruers Sp. z o.o.Oddział w Polsce ul. Jasnogórska 4431-358 KrakówPhone +48 12 661 20 60Fax +48 12 626 01 46*****************ROMANIAStruers GmbH, Sucursala BucurestiStr. Preciziei nr. 6R062203 sector 6, Bucuresti Phone +40 (31) 101 9548 Fax +40 (31) 101 9549******************SWITZERLAND Struers GmbHZweigniederlassung Schweiz Weissenbrunnenstraße 41CH-8903 Birmensdorf Telefon +41 44 777 63 07Fax +41 44 777 63 09**********************SINGAPOREStruers Singapore 627A Aljunied Road, #07-08 BizTech Centre Singapore 389842Phone +65 6299 2268Fax +65 6299 2661*********************SPAINStruers EspañaCamino Cerro de los Gamos 1Building 1 - Pozuelo de Alarcón CP 28224 MadridTeléfono +34 917 901 204Fax +34 917 901 112*********************FINLANDStruers ApS, Suomi Hietalahdenranta 1300180 HelsinkiPuhelin +358 (0)207 919 430Faksi +358 (0)207 919 431******************SWEDENStruers Sverige Box 20038161 02 BrommaTelefon +46 (0)8 447 53 90Telefax +46 (0)8 447 53 99***************UNITED KINGDOM Struers Ltd.Unit 11 Evolution @ AMP Whittle Way, Catcliffe Rotherham S60 5BL Tel. +44 0845 604 6664Fax +44 0845 604 6651***************.uk USAStruers Inc.24766 Detroit RoadWestlake, OH 44145-1598Phone +1 440 871 0071Fax +1 440 871 8188****************Struers ApSPederstrupvej 84DK-2750 Ballerup, Denmark Phone +45 44 600 800Fax +45 44 600 801******************30.10.2018 RO1 / 62140665 Printed in DenmarkDuramin-4 M1Duramin-4 M2LOADS AND APPLICATIONS Load range (main loads)10 gf - 2 kgf1 kgf - 62.5 kgfVickers capability Yes Yes Knoop capability Yes Yes Brinell capabilty NoYes STAGES AND TURRETS XY-stageManual Anvil XY-stage or anvil size (mm)90x90Ø60mm XY-stage stroke, max (mm)25x25Vertical capacity (mm)125148Throat depth (mm)170170Motorized Z-axis No No Motorized turret Yes Yes Turret positions 66Anti-collision protection Yes Yes Machine weight 75 kg 85 kg OPTICS Indent evaluationManually via eyepieceManually via eyepieceSOFTWARE AND MODULES Statistics Yes Yes Data exportYesYes INTERFACES AND CONNECTIVITY OperationTouch screen Touch screen Communication PortsUSB 2.0USB 2.0Technical data。
fluoromax-4使⽤⼿册FluoroMax-4使⽤⼿册⽬录1 FluoroMax-4介绍 (1)2 开关机-校准 (2)2.1 开关机 (2)2.2 校准(推荐校准周期⼀⽉/次) (2)3 功能 (5)3.1.1 发射谱(Emission) (6)3.1.2 激发谱(Excitation) (8)3.1.3 同步谱(synchronous) (9)3.2 Kinetics (10)3.3 3D (11)3.4 Single Point (12)3.5 Anisotropy (13)3.5.1 vs Emission (13)3.5.3 vs Time (15)3.6 Phos (16)3.6.1 Decay by Delay (17)3.6.2 Decay by window (18)3.6.2 Emission and Excitation (19)1 FluoroMax-4介绍FluoroMax-4(以下简称FM-4)是⼀款全⾃动,⼀体化荧光光谱仪。
2 开关机-校准2.1 开关机开机- 打开FluoroMax-4电源开关(在仪器右侧⾯),电源键拨到“0”表⽰关机,“1”表⽰开机- 电脑开机- 点击桌⾯FluorEssence软件- 点击仪器会⾃动建⽴端⼝通讯,初始化关机- 关闭FluorEssence,电脑- 关闭FluoroMax-4电源开关建议开机后仪器预热30分钟为宜。
2.2 校准(推荐校准周期⼀⽉/次)使⽤仪器前须对设备进⾏校准,保证得到测量数据准确。
校准步骤如下:a 激发端波长校准选择“Spectra”“excitation”使⽤“Monos”(发射波长350nm,狭缝1nm,发射扫描范围200-600nm,步进1nm)选择“Detectors”(输出信号R)输出信号为氙灯的光谱图,对照最⾼峰位在467nmb 发射端波长校准(使⽤建议电阻率在18.3MΩ的纯净⽔)选择“Spectra ”“emission”在“Monos”界⾯输⼊参数(激发波长350nm,狭缝5nm,激发扫描范围365-450nm,步进0.5nm)“Detectors”积分时间0.1s,输出信号“S”。
福博软木 - 4P 使用说明书
![福博软木 - 4P 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d0d4e4b2bb0d4a7302768e9951e79b89680268d1.png)
oldnewoldold old old newnew newnew newnewnewnew old 4’ & 6’4’ & 6’4’ & 6’2166 22072186 218722082204 220921622182 220622132214 2212221122102067 4’ & 6’Colored Forbo CorkWhat is Forbo CorkForbo Cork is Environmentally Friendly and always looks like new. Forbo Bulletin Board Cork is made from purenatural ingredients that combine under heat and pressure to create a smooth,uniformly dense,suede like surface of unsurpassed beauty and durability.Expanded range of 15contemporary colors that go all the way through to the burlap backing. For some great application pictures see on back of brochure.Forbo Cork is a 1/4"thick uni-colored linoleum with a self-healing surface that accepts pins and tacks.It is twice the density of natural cork and is widely used in educational and commercial applications. Made from cork,linseed oil,wood flour,pine resin,jute and pigments.We sell the Forbo Cork under the Tac-A-Cork name but is exactly the same product distributed by Claridge as Claridge Cork,Walltalkers/RJF as Tac-Wall and Mark-a-Wall as Tac-a-Cork. If ordered from us you will get genuine Forbo Cork. We pull from multiple distribution points so we are able to get you the colors you want,in the quantity you want,in the time frame you need.Phone:860-632-2026Ann at ext.115Fax 860-632-2028E-mail:*******************sales office only in CT Fob Point CT or OHForbo Cork has all of the following features...•Looks like a Premium Surface•21Colors that go all the way through to burlap back•4colors available in 6’width,all are available in 4'roll width.•Roll size approx.88-96'in 4'or 6'wide by 1/4"thick •Self healing surface --Will not Warp or Crumble •Soil resistant,washable surface.•Tacks insert easily,are gripped firmly.•Low light reflection -non-reflective •Dimensionally stable all directions.•Naturally inhibits bacterial growth.•No toxins or harmful emissions.•Meets or exceeds MIL-C-15116-C,Type 1.****Note all Prices here are subject to Resale/Contractor Discounts **** 2022All Full Rolls Are Based On 95’Rolls,But you can order partial rolls in full foot increments!All Sizes Are Approximate .Actual Roll Size Is Determined At Time Of ShippingInvoice is Based On Actual Amount Shipped (89-96’per roll)Not amount noted per roll above at 95’1Product thickness width Roll Length Sq ft /Roll $SF/$LF Less than Roll$SF/$LF/Roll 1full roll PriceRoll ListColored 1/4”4’~95’380$6.50/$26 $5.75/$23 $2,185Colored1/4”6’~95’570$6.50/$39 $5.75/$34.50$3,277Phone:860-632-2026Fax 860-632-2028E-mail:*******************sales office only in CTRecommended Adhesive for Colored CorkOnly L-910W is recommended by Forbo -anything else leaves you on your own.....L910W is a solvent-free,SBR type linoleum adhesive.Coverage is approx 90sqft/gallon at $67.00,360sqft/4gallons bucket at $208Forbo Recommends L910W for direct to the Wall:Forbo adhesive is water based and works bet-ter with surfaces that breath,not recommended for Glass.Please note if this is for a direct to the wall installation,theinstallers should be familiar/trained in this type of installation.Some Installers think the Forbo adhesive is to quick to set.This adhesive can be used for flat panel assembly but care is needed.In general the L-910W is has higher initial grab than other adhesives but less of a final grab.Forbo recommends applying to both wall and Cork at a specified thickness and then waiting (up to 20minutes,depends on temp,humidity)for proper tackiness to develop.Material once put up needs to be rolled with a linoleum roller.Please watch video and read instructions at .Adhesive is applied with a notched trowel.While use of factory recommended adhesive in itself does not guarantee a perfect installation,use of other adhesive w/lack of experience with material,and L910W adhesive will probably lead to e of any other adhesive other then the L910W voids material warranty.Installation and ToolsSee notching and cutting tools at .Please get yourself set up correctly to in-stall this high end product.Seams can be done by multiple methods and determining customers needs and your skills are critical for a top notch installation.Improper installation will be costly and material will not be replaced.Also damaged or defective material should not be installed.T103 trimmer is $280 we also stock hook and straight blades. Contact Jen at x 116Shipping—Cork Weight 1.2lb per square ft:Generally rolls and cut lengths can shipped within 24-48hours from OH UPS can take up to 4’by 16’or 6’by 14’.Any more must go by truck!Minimum truck rates apply and Fast truck deliveries are prohibitably expensive.Installation:cuts etcexperienced installers do cuts by hand but there is are Forbo tools available,see our web site.FAQ’SWhere to Get –Cork is not sold locally–order from for UPS or truck shipment Die Lots –Large orders for multiple rolls of one color–Make sure you specify same die lots Roll Packaging –Material is shipped in a roll with brown craft paper around it on a skidFire Rating —is Class B,as is natural Cork.The only way to get Class A tack boards is to cover and A rated material such as fire retardant Homosote with a fire retardant fabric.2Tackable Tiles - Mounted to harboard - Call for Info All the Colors with Cross Reference ConversionsSubject to change 1/1/201653IND-8 J-Trim with 1/4” opening for CorkLong leg .880”Short leg .360”Front to back .361”Inside .250”Available in 8’ 1”, 12’ 2”, 16’ 4”Free Samples of Forbo Colored CorkInstallation:This can be difficult on walls but very easy on panels. We recommend you watch video, read full instruc-tions, start with factory adhesive and get a sample piece to practice on if new to this material. Pleasewatch video on our web site leave plenty of time for installation.Ways to Purchase Colored Cork•Can be bought as a part of a roll. For example you could order 8 linear ft from a 4 ft wide roll . •Can be bought in full roll lengths at a better price. $1.50 less per square foot.•Can be bought glued onto hardboard in pieces up to 4’ x 16’ sheets.•Can be bought glued onto stock pieces of Masonite as small tiles (see page 3of brochure)Cork Panels to 4’ by 16’ available pre-mounted(860)632-2026Voice(860)*********************************4The actual colored cork is on a sample board with all 15 colors. Each sample on the board is 1.25” by 2.125”. If you require a 3"x5"piece we have limited pieces available.。
E -mail :wujinxiu888@焙烧温度和掺杂浓度对Ca 1-x Sm x WO 4发光性能的影响吴锦绣*,1,2,3李梅1,2柳召刚1,2胡艳宏1,2王觅堂1,2(1内蒙古科技大学材料与冶金学院,包头014010)(2内蒙古自治区高校稀土现代冶金新技术与应用重点实验室,包头014010)(3内蒙古自治区白云鄂博矿多金属资源综合利用重点实验室,省部共建国家重点实验室培养基地,包头014010)摘要:采用水热法制备了不同Sm 3+掺杂量和不同焙烧温度的CaWO 4:Sm 3+系列荧光粉。
用X 射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEMand EDS)、荧光分光光度计(FL)、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FIIR)和HORIBA Fluoromax -4仪等手段对样品的组成、结构、形貌、发光性质和量子效率进行分析和表征。
在405nm 近紫外光激发下,产物的发射光谱都有3个主发射峰组成,分别位于566、606和650nm 处,归属于Sm 3+的4G 5/2→6H J /2(J =5,7,9)跃迁。
随着Sm 3+的物质的量分数的增加,样品发光强度先增强后减弱,当Sm 3+的物质的量分数为1%时发光强度达到最高。
对实验数据进行分析确定了钐离子间的能量传递类型为离子交换作用;并计算了能量传递的临界距离为2.46nm 。
关键词:CaWO 4∶Sm 3+;水热法;光致发光中图分类号:O482.31文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-4861(2016)01-0034-09DOI :10.11862/CJIC.2016.018Effects of Doped Concentration and Calcination Temperature on Luminescence Propertiesof Ca 1-x Sm x WO 4PhosphorsWU Jin -Xiu *,1,2,3LI Mei 1,2LIU Zhao -Gang 1,2HU Yan -Hong 1,2WANG Mi -Tang 1,2(1College of Materials and Metallurgy,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology Baotou,Inner Mongolia 014010,China )(2Key Laboratory of Inner Mongolia Autonomous University on New Technologies of Modern Metallurgy and Application of RareEarth,Baotou,Inner Mongolia 014010,China )(3Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory for Utilization of Bayan Obo Multi -Metallic Resources ,Elected State Key Laboratory ,Baotou ,Inner Mongolia 014010,China )Abstract :The Ca 1-x Sm x WO 4phosphors with different doping concentrations and different sintered temperatures were synthesized by hydrothermal method.The phase structure ,morphology,luminescent properties and quantum efficiency of the as -synthesized samples were characterized by X -ray diffraction ,fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,scanning electron microscope,fluorescence spectrophotometer respectively and Fluoromax -4.The results showed that all the phases were indexed to scheelite structure.The emission spectra of Ca 1-x Sm x WO 4phosphors exhibit three main peaks assigned to the 4G 5/2→6H J /2(J =5,7,9)transitions of Sm 3+under 405nm excited radiation,the dominating emission peaks at 566,606,650nm.The luminescence intensity firstly increases with increasing of Sm 3+mole fraction,and then decreases.Experiments show that the best Sm 3+doping concentration is 1%.The energy transfer type between Sm 3+ions was determined to be the exchange interaction and the critical energy transfer distance (D c )was calculated to be 2.46nm.Keywords :CaWO 4∶Sm 3+;hydrothermal method;photoluminescence第32卷第1期2016年1月Vol .32No .134-42无机化学学报CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY第1期吴锦绣等:焙烧温度和掺杂浓度对Ca1-x Sm x WO4发光性能的影响0引言钨酸盐是典型的自激活发光材料,其本征发光谱带很宽,几乎占据可见光区域的大部分,并且发光光谱十分稳定。
钙荧光探针Fluo-4, AM(5mM 无水DMSO溶液)
![钙荧光探针Fluo-4, AM(5mM 无水DMSO溶液)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ca662474a2161479171128bb.png)
使用说明:for Human T cells(1)5mM的Fluo-4,AM/DMSO配置Pluronic F127母液:100mg Pluronic F127中加入0.5ml DMSO,配置成20%(w/v)的DMSO母液。
Hanks•balanced salt solution(HBSS不含钙镁)HEPES buffer saline(10mM HEPES,1mM Na2HPO4,137mM NaCl,5mM KCl,1mM CaCl2,0.5mM MgCl2,5mM glucose,0.1%BSA,pH7.4)(2)操作①.向Fluo-4,AM/DMSO溶液中加入等体积的20%的Pluronic F127溶液,Pluronic F127可以防止Fluo-3,AM在HBSS中聚合并能够帮助其进入细胞。
FluoroMax-4使用手册目录1 FluoroMax-4介绍 (1)2 开关机-校准 (2)2.1 开关机 (2)2.2 校准(推荐校准周期一月/次) (2)3 功能 (5)3.1.1 发射谱(Emission) (6)3.1.2 激发谱(Excitation) (8)3.1.3 同步谱(synchronous) (9)3.2 Kinetics (10)3.3 3D (11)3.4 Single Point (12)3.5 Anisotropy (13)3.5.1 vs Emission (13)3.5.3 vs Time (15)3.6 Phos (16)3.6.1 Decay by Delay (17)3.6.2 Decay by window (18)3.6.2 Emission and Excitation (19)1 FluoroMax-4介绍FluoroMax-4(以下简称FM-4)是一款全自动,一体化荧光光谱仪。
2 开关机-校准2.1 开关机开机- 打开FluoroMax-4电源开关(在仪器右侧面),电源键拨到“0”表示关机,“1”表示开机- 电脑开机- 点击桌面FluorEssence软件- 点击仪器会自动建立端口通讯,初始化关机- 关闭FluorEssence,电脑- 关闭FluoroMax-4电源开关建议开机后仪器预热30分钟为宜。
2.2 校准(推荐校准周期一月/次)使用仪器前须对设备进行校准,保证得到测量数据准确。
校准步骤如下:a 激发端波长校准选择“Spectra”“excitation”使用“Monos”(发射波长350nm,狭缝1nm,发射扫描范围200-600nm,步进1nm)选择“Detectors”(输出信号R)输出信号为氙灯的光谱图,对照最高峰位在467nmb 发射端波长校准(使用建议电阻率在18.3MΩ的纯净水)选择“Spectra ”“emission”在“Monos”界面输入参数(激发波长350nm,狭缝5nm,激发扫描范围365-450nm,步进0.5nm)“Detectors”积分时间0.1s,输出信号“S”。
Lumidor Minimax X4 多气体监测器说明书
![Lumidor Minimax X4 多气体监测器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0d48b3a1bb0d4a7302768e9951e79b89680268af.png)
Lumidor Minimax X4Tough Durable Housing• Small and lightweight• Rugged, impact and weather resistant • Includes crocodile clip or optional belt clipEasy to Use• Works straight out of the box • Single button on/off operation• Intuitive icons suitable for all languages • User configurable via menu•Interactive product training guide availableUltra Clear Backlit Display• U nique ‘flip display’ at the press of a button • Continuous reading of gas levels • T WA/STEL and two instantaneous alarmlevels with peak hold facility• Battery life, calibration and self-test statusEffective Gas Alarm Indication• A larm and backlight combine to demandattention• Distinctive loud audible alarm• Vibrating alarm supplied as standardReliable Operation• S elf-test on start up or on demand checksdisplay, battery, sensor, audiovisual and vibrating alarms • U ses patented SureCell TM sensortechnology and Reflex TM cell check technique • I ncludes TempraSURE TM thermalcompensation and shock protection • P eriodic flash and/or beep for increasedconfidence (user configurable)Unsurpassed RFI Performance• C an be used alongside walkie-talkiesor cell phones • E xceeds the toughest industrial standardsfor RFI immunityCost Effective• Fully inclusive 2 year warranty • Minimum 2 year sensor life• Initial and on-going running costs minimizedMinimax X4 is an easy-to-use portable gas detector for protection againstflammable, oxygen, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide gas hazards. It’s ideal for use by those companies wanting advanced datalogging and product performance,reliability and ease of use without high costs of long term maintenance.Minimax X4 focuses on ease of use by offering only the functionality required to comply with legislation. Everything that a user ROUTINELY HAS TO DO can be achieved with a singlebutton press! Keeping it simple reduces training requirements and enables use in a wider range of industries.Ease of use doesn’t mean basic functionality. For example, every instrument has the capability to log data using a simple to fit memory card (the type you get in a digital camera). Events, gas data and the calibration history are all stored and the free software downloaded from our web site enables you to graph or print reports at the press of a button.Convenience and the way users want to work is an important consideration. When clipped to the belt or harness users may want there-assurance of being able to view the display from different positions. But with many other units the display is upside down forcing the user to remove the unit to look at the display, perhaps creating a hazard. With theMinimax X4 users can ‘flip’ the display at the press of a button for that added convenience and safety.With an ultra clear backlit display, vibrating and powerful audiovisual alarms, the Minimax X4 demands attention when gashazards are detected in even the most adverse working conditions. All in all, Minimax X4 offers reliable, easy to use gas detection to keep you safe.Data Logging Icon Battery IconPass Code Protection Icon %Vol Unit Icon 9876%LEL Unit Icon STEL Icon TWA IconAlarm Level 2 Icon(for flammable and toxic)Calibration Icon Gas Label Icon O 2 Deficiency Alarm Icon O 2 Excess Alarm Icon1017161514131211Optional Accessories• Field case • Belt clip• Hand aspirator kit with inline filter • Tubing (2 m/6')• 1 m (3') sample probe• 10 m (30') sample tubing with ball float • C alibration gas (Balanced Air, CH 4 50% LEL,CO 50 ppm, H 2S 25 ppm)• 0.3 L/min flow regulator • S pare memory card for data logging(Refer to the manual for acceptable models and part numbers)• Desktop USB memory card reader• Data log graphing and reporting software • Interactive training guide CD • Data logging kit • Confined space kit • Calibration kit• Bump Test gas cylinderDisplay DetailsFind out moreContact Honeywell Analytics: AmericasHoneywell Analytics Inc. 405 Barclay Blvd.Lincolnshire, IL 60069USATel: +1 847 955 8200Toll free: +1 800 538 0363 Fax: +1 847 955 8210***********************Europe, Middle East, Africa Life Safety Distribution AG Wilstrasse 11-U31CH-8610 Uster SwitzerlandTel: +41 (0)44 943 4300Fax: +41 (0)44 943 4398**************************Asia PacificHoneywell Analytics Asia Pacific #508, Kolon Science Valley (I) 187-10 Guro-Dong, Guro-Gu Seoul, 152-050 KoreaTel: +82 (0)2 2025 0307 Fax: +82 (0)2 2025 0329**************************Please Note:While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in this publication, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions. Data may change, as well as legislation, and you are strongly advised to obtain copies of the most recently issued regulations, standards, and guidelines. This publication is not intended to form the basis of a contract.Technical Services***************************H_Minimax X4_V4 2/08© 2008 Honeywell AnalyticsH W A 6066Honeywell Analytics Lines of BusinessCommercial Vulcain-brand gas detection from stand-alone units to fully engineered, multi-point systems, all offering cost-effective regulatory compliance» Applications: parking structures, chillers, mechanical rooms, office towers, commercial buildings,shopping centers, swimming pools, golf courses, schools and universities, laboratoriesIndustrialRenowned Sieger and Manning gas detection systems with advancedelectrochemical, infrared and open path sensing technologies» Applications: oil and gas, cold storage, water/wastewater treatment,chemicals, engine rooms, plastics and fibers, agriculture, printing and light industrialHigh Tech/GovernmentA complete portfolio of gas and chemical detection instrumentation includinginfrared spectroscopy (MST) with no cross interference, to Chemcassette paper-based solutions (MDA Scientific) offering detection down to parts per billion » Applications: semiconductormanufacturing and nanotechnology, aerospace propulsion and safety, s pecialty chemicals industry, research laboratories, emergency responsePortablesSingle or multi-gas Lumidor and other premium detectors with compact, lightweight designs ranging from simple alarm only units to advanced, fully configurable and serviceable instruments» Applications: underground utility and electricity ducts, boiler rooms, post-fire sites, sewers, industrial plants, industrial hygiene, first responder teams, remote fleetsTechnical Services24/7 global network includes post-sales service and Systems Integration teams» Emergency call out, servicecontracts, on/off-site repair, training and commissioning» Complete range of spares, consumables and accessories。
Fluo-4, AM 产品说明书
![Fluo-4, AM 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b6e7a22e842458fb770bf78a6529647d272834c2.png)
Fluo-4, AMStorage upon receipt: -20°C, protected from lightIntroductionFluo-4, AM is an analog of Fluo-3, AM with the two chlorine substituents replaced by fluorines, which results in increased fluorescence excitation at 488 nm and consequently higher fluorescence signal levels. Fluo-4, AM is a membrane permeant probe and can be passively loaded in cells by simple incubation. Once inside the cell, Fluo-4 becomes fluorescent in the presence of free Ca2+. Fluo-4, AM is widely used for determining GPCR function via cell-based high-throughput screening.This indicator is useful for fluorescence and confocal microscopy, flow cytometry, and microplate screening applications.Fluo-4, AM is supplied as 0.5 mg solid (C219), special packing 10×50 µg (C220), and 1 mM solution in DMSO (C221).SpecificationsApplicationsCell Loading GuidelineNote: The following protocol is provided as an introductory guide only. The detailed procedures can be found from literatures.1,21. Prepare a Fluo-4 AM stock solution in anhydrous DMSO at 1-5 mM.2. Dilute an aliquot of Fluo-4 AM stock solution (1-5 mM) to a final concentration of 1-5 µM in the bufferedphysiological medium of choice. Addition of the non-ionic detergent Pluronic R F-127 can assist inPage 1dispersion of the nonpolar Fluo-4 AM ester in aqueous media. This can be conveniently accomplished by mixing the aliquot of Fluo-4 AM ester stock solution in DMSO with an equal volume of 20% (w/v) Pluronic in DMSO (Cat No. C021) before dilution into the loading medium, making the final Pluronic concentration about 0.02%.3. The organic anion-transport inhibitors probenecid (1-2.5 mM) may be added to the cell medium toreduce leakage of the de-esterified indicator.4. Cells are normally incubated with the Fluo-4 AM ester for 15–60minutes at 20–37°C. Exact loadingconcentration, time, and temperature will need to be determined empirically; in general it is desirable to use the minimum dye concentration required to yield fluorescence signals with adequate signal to noise.Subcellular compartmentalization, an inherent problem with the AM ester loading technique, is usually lessened by lowering the incubation temperature.5. Before fluorescence measurements are commenced, cells should be washed in indicator-free medium(containing an anion transport inhibitor, if applicable) to remove any dye that is nonspecificallyassociated with the cell surface, and then incubated for a further 30 minutes to allow completede-esterification of intracellular Fluo-4 AM ester.High-Throughput ScreeningIntracellular Ca2+ measurements in 96-well and 384-well microplates are an essential tool for high- throughput pharmacological screening. Cell samples in microplate wells are loaded with the AM ester form of the indicator using protocol basically similar to those described in Cell Loading Guideline. References:1. Methods Cell Biol 40, 155 (1994);2. Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook, 2nd Edition, J.E. Celis, Ed., Volume 3, pp 363–374,Academic Press (1998);Page 2。
发光液晶材料的合成及发光特性研究陆红波;张超;吴少君;邱龙臻;杨家祥【摘要】The luminescent liquid crystals ( LLCs) with aggregation-induced enhanced emission can solve the conflicts between fluorescence quenching caused by the aggregation and the requirement of aggregation or self-organization for LCs. A novel LLC, (2Z,2′Z)-2,2′-(1,4-phenylene)bis(3-(4-hexyloxy) phenyl) acrylonitrile ( PHPA) was designed and synthesized. The aggregation luminescent properties, solvation effect, thermodynamic properties and emitting anisotropy of PHPA were investi-gated. The results demonstrate that PHPA has aggregation-induced emission phenomenon and LC phases, and the aligned thin film can emit anisotropic luminescence. It can greatly improve the dis-play technology with a simple device design and substantially increase the device brightness, con-trast, efficiency, when the luminescent liquid crystal material is used in LCD.%具有聚集诱导发光增强效应的发光液晶材料,能有效地解决一般发光材料聚集时荧光猝灭和液晶自组装之间的矛盾,在液晶显示等领域有极大的应用价值. 本文报道了一种自发光液晶材料(2Z,2′Z)-2,2′-(1,4-亚苯基)二(3-(4-己氧基)苯基)丙烯腈( PHPA). 研究了PHPA的聚集态发光性质﹑溶剂化效应﹑热力学性质及发光各向异性. 结果表明,PHPA同时具有聚集态诱导发光增强效应和液晶性,其有序取向的薄膜发出的光具有各向异性. 该发光液晶材料应用于液晶显示将能简化器件结构﹑增加亮度﹑对比度和能效.【期刊名称】《发光学报》【年(卷),期】2015(036)011【总页数】6页(P1227-1232)【关键词】聚集诱导发光增强;发光液晶;发光各向异性【作者】陆红波;张超;吴少君;邱龙臻;杨家祥【作者单位】合肥工业大学光电技术院特种显示技术国家工程实验室, 省部共建现代显示技术国家重点实验室(培育基地),特种显示技术教育部重点实验室,安徽合肥230009;合肥工业大学光电技术院特种显示技术国家工程实验室, 省部共建现代显示技术国家重点实验室(培育基地),特种显示技术教育部重点实验室,安徽合肥230009;合肥工业大学光电技术院特种显示技术国家工程实验室, 省部共建现代显示技术国家重点实验室(培育基地),特种显示技术教育部重点实验室,安徽合肥230009;合肥工业大学光电技术院特种显示技术国家工程实验室, 省部共建现代显示技术国家重点实验室(培育基地),特种显示技术教育部重点实验室,安徽合肥230009;安徽大学化学与化工学院安徽省功能无机材料重点实验室,安徽合肥230601【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O63液晶作为一种特殊的功能材料,随着显示技术的发展,已经深入到各行各业和社会生活的各个方面[1-3]。
FluoroMax-4基础使用指南本指南主要介绍了HORIBA Scientific的FluoroMax-4(简称:FM-4)的基础操作,包括主要以下几个部分:1仪器校准;2 发射谱采集;3 激发谱采集。
1 仪器结构FM-4主要结构包括以下几个部分:1)光源[150w无臭氧氙灯] 2)激发单色仪;3)参比检测器[R];4)样品池;5)发射单色仪;6)信号检测器[S]。
2 实验功能选择界面实验功能选择界面(简称:九宫格),黑色表示在该设备上能正常使用的功能。
1 仪器校准(推荐校准周期在1月/次)使用仪器前须对设备进行校准,保证得到测量数据准确。
校准步骤如下:a 激发端波长校准选择“Spectra”“excitation”使用“Monos”参数(发射波长350nm,狭缝1nm,发射扫描范围200-600nm 步进1nm)选择“Detectors”(输出信号R)输出信号为氙灯的光谱图,对照最高峰位在467nmb 发射端波长校准(使用建议电阻率在18.3MΩ的纯净水)选择“Spectra ”“emission”在“Monos”界面输入参数(激发波长350nm,狭缝5nm,激发扫描范围365-450nm,步进0.5nm)“Detectors”积分时间0.1s,输出信号“S”。
2 学院大型仪器简介
2.1 学院大型仪器列表
2 学院大型仪器简介
类型 光谱类 电子类
红外光谱仪 研究型红外光谱仪 紫外可见分光光度计
原子吸收分光光度计 激光紫外拉曼光谱仪 研究级光散射系统
用安装在前面板的 LCD 液晶屏显示所测气体读数和其他有用信息。
首次打开检测仪前,需要装入两节"AA"劲量 E91 碱性或镍氢充电电池。
按住 ON/OFF 键两秒,检测仪将打开。
当先前测量的非零 STEL 和TWA 数值转至下次测量时,将显示"Delete no"并同时显示气体标志以及STEL 和 TWA 图标(STEL 和TWA 数值为零时,不显示"Delete no")。
按 UP 或 DOWN 键滚动到"no"或"yes",按 ON/OFF 键进行选择。
选择"NO"时,所纪录的 STEL 和 TWA 数值将用作当前测量进程 STEL 和 TWA 的初始值。
选择"YES",STEL 和 TWA 数值将被清除。
在测量模式下,按住 ON/OFF 键。
倒计数 5 秒,检测仪一声哔并关闭。
按下 ON/OFF 键,检测仪检查传感器、电路、电池、音频、可视闪光及振动报警。
国标《白光LED用荧光粉量子效率测试方法》(送审稿)编制说明一、工作简况1.1立项目的及意义以LED(Light Emitting Diode,发光二极管)为代表的半导体照明技术因其具有节能、环保、体积小、全固态、使用寿命长等优点,是继白炽灯、荧光灯、高强度气体放电灯之后的第四代光源。
国际调研机构LED inside发布的《2017全球LED照明市场趋势》指出,2017年LED照明市场规模已经达到331亿美金。
Ruelco MP-4手动复位启动器说明书
![Ruelco MP-4手动复位启动器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/69e6b493f80f76c66137ee06eff9aef8941e48c2.png)
35 (2.4) with
Relay ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้pen
30 PSI Spring.
Cv Factor
Standard Corrosive Service - (-)
N.A.C.E. Option -
Black Knob - B Red Knob - R Green Knob - G
• 30 psi closing spring. • Stem protector to prevent external debris accumulation on relay shaft. • Green or red knob colors (black is standard).
Lock Nut
316 St. Stl.
Detent Assembly
316 St. Stl.
316 St. Stl.
Panel Mount Nut
316 St. Stl.
Shaft Assembly
0 - Without Panel Mount Nut N - With Panel Mount Nut
0 - Without Stem Protector P - With Stem Protector S - With St. Stl. Piston & Base T - With Options P & S Above
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FluoroMax-4使用手册目录1 FluoroMax-4介绍 (1)2 开关机-校准 (2)2.1 开关机 (2)2.2 校准(推荐校准周期一月/次) (2)3 功能 (5)3.1.1 发射谱(Emission) (6)3.1.2 激发谱(Excitation) (8)3.1.3 同步谱(synchronous) (9)3.2 Kinetics (10)3.3 3D (11)3.4 Single Point (12)3.5 Anisotropy (13)3.5.1 vs Emission (13)3.5.3 vs Time (15)3.6 Phos (16)3.6.1 Decay by Delay (17)3.6.2 Decay by window (18)3.6.2 Emission and Excitation (19)1 FluoroMax-4介绍FluoroMax-4(以下简称FM-4)是一款全自动,一体化荧光光谱仪。
2 开关机-校准2.1 开关机开机- 打开FluoroMax-4电源开关(在仪器右侧面),电源键拨到“0”表示关机,“1”表示开机- 电脑开机- 点击桌面FluorEssence软件- 点击仪器会自动建立端口通讯,初始化关机- 关闭FluorEssence,电脑- 关闭FluoroMax-4电源开关建议开机后仪器预热30分钟为宜。
2.2 校准(推荐校准周期一月/次)使用仪器前须对设备进行校准,保证得到测量数据准确。
校准步骤如下:a 激发端波长校准选择“Spectra”“excitation”使用“Monos”(发射波长350nm,狭缝1nm,发射扫描范围200-600nm,步进1nm)选择“Detectors”(输出信号R)输出信号为氙灯的光谱图,对照最高峰位在467nmb 发射端波长校准(使用建议电阻率在18.3MΩ的纯净水)选择“Spectra ”“emission”在“Monos”界面输入参数(激发波长350nm,狭缝5nm,激发扫描范围365-450nm,步进0.5nm)“Detectors”积分时间0.1s,输出信号“S”。
c RTC功能当使用上述测量峰位不在准确峰位,使用RTC功能校准。
在“Monos”栏选择“excitation/emission”在“position”输入实际测量值,回车,点击“caliberate ”在输入栏输入理论值(467nm/397nm)点击“ok”,结束矫正过程。
A 激发端RTC校准-打开RTC-选择“Monos”,在界面中继续选择“Excitation 1,”,在“position control”输入真实测量值,输入后回车确认。
注意此时在左栏的探测器应选择“R”-点击“Calibrate Excitation”在输入框中输入理论值(氙灯的最高峰位467nm),确认点击“OK”。
B 发射端RTC校准-打开RTC-选择“Monos”,在界面中继续选择“Emission 1,”,在“position control”输入真实测量值,输入后回车确认。
注意此时在左栏的探测器应选择“S”-点击“Calibrate Excitation”在输入框中输入理论值(水在350nm激发的拉曼光谱最高峰位397nm),确认点击“OK”。
3 功能进入操作软件FluorEscence,点击,系统会弹出如下图3-1所示功能对话框。
该对话框介绍了仪器的主要功能,包括1)Spectra[激发-发射光谱];2)Kinetics[动力学];3)3D[三维图谱];4)Anistropy[各向异性];5)Single Point[单点测量];6)Phos[磷光];7)Lifetime[寿命];8)Lifetime Kinetics[寿命动力学];9)Anisotropy Decay[各向异性衰减]。
3.1 Spectra在Spectra功能里包含三个基本功能键,分别是发射(emission)、激发(excitation)、同步(synchronize)。
3.1.1 发射谱(Emission)a 打开FluorEsscenceb 点击,进入功能窗口c 选择“Spectra”,在弹出的对话框中选中“Emission”。
d 进入“Monos”,在该界面内输入测试的参数。
包括激发波长(Excitation wavelength park,根据样品的吸收谱确定相应的激发波长),激发端狭缝(Slit),发射波长扫描范围(Emission wavelength start —end),发射端狭缝(Slit),扫描步进(Inc)在整个的软件参数界面都类似这种布局,这里解释一下这个界面布局。
在左侧包括“Monos”(测试参数),“Dectectors”(信号输出参数),“Accessories”(附件参数),“Display Options”(显示控制),“Units”(单位选项)。
在“General Information”栏里包含了实验数据输出文件保存地址。
可以在这栏里进行导入,保存等功能e 进入“Detectors”,输入采样点的积分时间“Integration Time”,采集总时间,选择输出信号。
采样点的积分时间“Integration Time”表示在单个采样点上面采集的时间,输出为在该时间内采集数据的平均值。
“Time Based”栏里面有“Time Increment”和“Total Time”分别表示的是在一个采样点的停留时间,明显该时间是不能小于“Integration Time”,以及是总的采样时间。
“Dark Offset”为暗噪音消除,“Correction”为波长响应校正。
当在“Select”栏里勾选输出信号后,会首先出现在右下方的“Signal Algebra”,然后在点击“Add”会进入“Formulas”,最终的输出光谱数据是在“Formulas”栏里面的数据。
f 点击“Run”在首次输出信号是,我们需要检查输出信号强度是否超出了检测器的量程。
3.1.2 激发谱(Excitation)a 前两步与发射谱一致,进入到“Spectra”b 在“Spectra”里选中“Excitation”c 在“Monos”里输入发射波长,激发扫描波长,狭缝e 在“Detectors”里输入积分时间,点击“Run”,输出信号“Sc/Rc”3.1.3 同步谱(synchronous)a 同上进入“Spectra”,选中“synchronous”b 在“Monos”中输入扫描范围,步进,“Offset”输入的是激发,发射波长差值。
c 在“Detectors”中输入积分时间(integration time)以及输出信号“Sc”。
3.2 Kinetics动力学主要测试的是在某一固定激发发射波长下强度随时间(秒)的关系。
a 点击,进入功能窗口。
b 在“Monos”里输入固定单一对的激发波长和发射波长,以及狭缝。
c 点击左侧的“Detectors”,输入需要采样的时间,输出信号。
d 点击“Run”3.3 3D所谓3D就是包含了激发波长,发射波长,强度的一个三维信息图谱。
a 点击,进入功能窗口。
b 在“Monos”栏里分别输入激发波长和发射波长扫描范围,步进,狭缝。
在标红范围内建议勾选“Rayleigh Masking”栏里面的“Mask 1st order Rayleigh”和“Mask 2nd order Rayleigh”。
同时在“SUM of slit widths(in bandpass)”在此处填写的值为激发端和发射端狭缝和的2倍。
例如两个狭缝分别为1nm,1nm,那么此处应填写4 [(1+1)×2=4]c 在“Detectors”里输入积分时间,选择输出信号“Sc/Rc”。
3.4 Single PointSingle Point指的是固定在某一激发发射波长,在这一点测量一次得到的强度。
它与Kinetics的不同之处是Single Point得到的是一次测量强度,是一个单独强度数值,而Kinetics得到的是在一定时间长度范围内得到的强度随时间的变化曲线。
在做Single Point是需要有一个标准的数据曲线,做标准曲线的时候需要用空白样品做数据校正。
a 点击,进入功能窗口。