



Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my great honor to stand here and present a literature review on the topic of "The Impact of Social Media on Young People's Mental Health." As we all know, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and its influence on young people's mental health has become a hot topic in recent years. In this speech, I will summarize the existing literature on this issue, discuss the main findings, and propose some suggestions for future research.Firstly, let's define what social media is. Social media refers to online platforms that enable users to create and share content, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. With the rapid development of the Internet, social media has gained immense popularity among young people, who spend a significant amount of time on these platforms.Several studies have shown that social media can have both positive and negative impacts on young people's mental health. On the one hand,social media can provide a sense of belonging, enhance communication skills, and promote self-expression. For example, a study by Valkenburg and Peter (2011) found that social media use can improve adolescents' social support and emotional well-being.On the other hand, excessive use of social media can lead to various mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Several studies have indicated that social comparison, cyberbullying, and exposure to unrealistic beauty standards are significant riskfactors for mental health problems among young people. For instance, a study by Twenge et al. (2018) revealed that increased social media useis associated with higher levels of anxiety and depression among teenagers.Now, let's delve into the main findings of the literature review. Firstly, the existing studies have shown a positive correlation between social media use and mental health issues. However, it is essential to note that the relationship between these two factors is complex and bidirectional. While social media use can contribute to mental health problems, individuals with pre-existing mental health issues may be more susceptible to the negative effects of social media.Secondly, the literature review has highlighted the role of social comparison in influencing young people's mental health. Social comparison refers to the process of evaluating oneself in relation to others, often leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Studies have shown that excessive social comparison on social media can exacerbate feelings of envy, dissatisfaction, and depression among young people.Thirdly, cyberbullying has emerged as a significant concern in the literature. Cyberbullying involves the use of electronic communication to harm, intimidate, or harass others. Several studies have demonstrated that cyberbullying is associated with increased rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts among young people.Finally, the literature review has highlighted the role of unrealistic beauty standards in contributing to young people's mental health issues. Social media platforms often promote an idealized image of beauty, which can lead to body dissatisfaction and eating disorders among young people.In light of the main findings of the literature review, I would like to propose some suggestions for future research. Firstly, more longitudinal studies are needed to investigate the long-term effects of social media use on young people's mental health. This will help us understand whether the relationship between social media and mental health is stable over time or changes as individuals grow older.Secondly, future research should explore the moderating factors that may influence the relationship between social media use and mental health. For example, researchers could investigate how personality traits, coping strategies, and social support networks affect the impact of social media on mental health.Thirdly, it is crucial to examine the role of interventions inmitigating the negative effects of social media on young people's mental health. This could involve the development of digital literacy programs, anti-cyberbullying campaigns, and mental health awareness initiatives.In conclusion, the existing literature has provided valuable insights into the impact of social media on young people's mental health. While social media can offer numerous benefits, it also poses significant risks to mental well-being. Future research should focus on understanding the complex relationship between social media use and mental health, identifying risk factors, and developing effective interventions to promote positive mental health among young people.Thank you for your attention. I welcome any questions or comments you may have.。


Yao xing,20XX-X-X
Contens 惠珊紫郁 设计惠 珊紫郁 设计 惠珊紫郁 设计惠 珊紫郁 设计
Background Objectives Methods Results Discussion Strengths and limitations Conclusions Implications
惠珊紫郁 设计惠 珊紫郁 设计
惠珊紫郁 设计惠 珊紫郁 设计
惠珊紫郁 设计惠 珊紫郁 设计
惠珊紫郁 设计惠 珊紫郁 设计
1. The identification of young children at risk for later suboptimal development is key to the design and implementation of early preventive or interventional strategies.
惠珊紫郁 设计惠 珊紫郁 设计 惠珊紫郁 设计惠 珊紫郁 设计
Ages and Stages Questionnaire at 3 Years for Predicting IQ at 5–6 Years
PEDIATRICS Volume 139, number 4 , X 20XX IF:6.476
Third Edition(韦氏学龄前儿童智力量表,第3版)
Hale Waihona Puke EDEN: Etude des Determinants Pre-et Post-natals 惠珊紫郁 设计惠 珊紫郁 设计
du Developpement 惠珊紫郁设计惠珊紫郁设计 de l’Enfant

Literature report-研究生文献汇报

Literature report-研究生文献汇报
better prognosis for cancer patients. A Hele-Shaw device with aptamer functionalized glass beads is designed, modeled, and fabricated to efficiently isolate cancer cells from a cellular mixture. The glass beads are functionalized with antiepidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) aptamer and sit in ordered array of pits in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) channel. A PDMS encapsulation is then used to cover the channel and to flow through cell solution. The beads capture cancer cells from flowing solution depicting high selectivity. The cell-bound glass beads are then re-suspended from the device surface followed by the release of 92% cells from glass beads using combination of soft shaking and anti-sense RNA. This approach ensures that the cells remain in native state and undisturbed during capture, isolation and elution for post-analysis. The use of highly selective antiEGFR aptamer with the glass beads in an array and subsequent release of cells with antisense molecules provide multiple levels of binding and release opportunities that can help in defining new classes of CTC enumeration devices.



·整理的不好的地方请亲们自行修改,感谢亲们的支持,欢迎亲们请我吃饭,祝亲们英语都考个好成绩!1.Randomised trial of laparoscopic exploration of common bileduct 12endoscopic retrograde common bile duct stones.1. The three major options are preoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERCP), laparoscopic exploration of the common bile duct (LECBD), or postoperative ERCP.Methods :Between August, 1995, and August, 1997, 471 laparoscopic cholecystectomies were done in our department. In 427 (91%), satisfactory 1 preoperative cholangiography was obtained 2. In 80 (17%) of these cases there were stones in the common bile duct. 40 patients were randomised to 3 LECBD and 40 to postoperative ERCP. If LECBD failed, patients had 455hospital stay. Analyses were by intention to treat.Findings :Age and sex distribution of patients was similar in the randomised groups. Duct clearance after the first intervention 1 was 75% in both groups. By the end of treatment, duct clearance was 100% in the laparoscopic group compared with 2 93% in the ERCP group. Duration of treatment was a median of 90 min (range 25–310) in the laparoscopic group (including ERCPs for3 failed LECBD) compared with 2 105 min (range 60–255) in the postoperative ERCP group (p=0.1, 95% CI for difference -5 to 40). Hospital stay 3 was a median of 1 day (range 1–26) in the laparoscopic group compared with 2 3.5 days (range 1–11) in the ERCP group (p=0.0001, 95% CI 1–2).Interpretation :LECBD is as effective as ERCP in clearing the common bile duct of stones. There is a non-significant trend 11.胆总管1腹腔镜探查术与术后内镜逆行胆管造影治疗3胆总管结石的随机比较2试验。



研究生总结汇报英文Graduate Research Presentation SummaryIntroduction:In this presentation, I will provide a summary of my graduate research project, which focused on the impact of social media on young adults' mental health and well-being. The research aimed to explore the relationship between social media usage patterns and various mental health outcomes, such as depression, anxiety, and body image dissatisfaction. It also aimed to identify potential protective factors that could mitigate the negative effects of social media.Research Objectives:1. To examine the correlation between excessive social media use and symptoms of depression and anxiety.2. To investigate the association between social media usage and body image dissatisfaction.3. To identify potential factors that may moderate the relationship between social media and mental health outcomes. Methodology:To fulfill these objectives, I conducted a quantitative study using an online survey questionnaire. The survey consisted of scales and measures related to social media usage, mental health outcomes, and potential protective factors. The questionnaire was distributed to a sample of young adults (age range: 18-25) and yielded a total of 500 valid responses.Key Findings:1. Excessive social media use was found to be positively correlated with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Individuals who reported spending more time on social media platforms also reported higher levels of these mental health issues.2. Significant associations were observed between social media usage and body image dissatisfaction. Participants who reported comparing themselves to others on social media platforms exhibited higher levels of body dissatisfaction.3. The presence of a strong support system, both online and offline, was found to play a significant role in mediating the negative effects of social media on mental health outcomes.Implications and Recommendations:The findings from this research project have several implications for mental health professionals, educators, and policymakers. Firstly, it highlights the need for increased awareness about the potential negative effects of excessive social media use, particularly among young adults. Addressing this issue should be incorporated into mental health prevention and intervention programs.Secondly, interventions aimed at promoting body positivity and media literacy can be effective strategies to reduce body image dissatisfaction related to social media. Educating young adults about the unrealistic nature of social media content and providing them with tools to critically evaluate and challenge these images can be beneficial.Lastly, fostering supportive online and offline networks is crucial in mitigating the negative impact of social media on mental health.Encouraging individuals to engage in positive online communities and establishing peer support programs can help create a sense of belonging and reduce feelings of isolation.Conclusion:To conclude, this research project provided insights into the relationship between social media usage patterns and mental health outcomes among young adults. The findings strongly suggest the need for proactive measures to address the potential negative impact of social media on mental well-being. By promoting awareness, implementing targeted interventions, and fostering supportive networks, we can create a healthier online environment for young adults.。




因此在这项研究中,我们试图解决两个问题,第一,通过关注那些 被忽视的与组织公民行为相关的领导变量,我们在文献中进一步阐释了两 者的关系; 第二,我们更深入的研究了领导力与个体差异和组织政治知 觉之间的交互作用。我们形成了男性和女性的组织公民行为,相对应伦理 型领导,OCB可能因政治知觉不同而有所差异,POP能影响伦理型领导 对组织公民行为的激发程度。 组织政治知觉(Perceptions of Organizational politic,POP)组织 成员对工作环境中同事和上司自利行为发生程度的主观评估,包含了个体 对这种行为的归因。
实证研究 结果与讨论

以社会交换理论为背景对社会角色行为的影响,我们研究了伦理 型领导与任务型公民行为与人际型公民行为的关系,并建立以性别和 组织政治知觉为调节变量的模型。尽管社会交换理论已经指出伦理型 领导对组织公民行为有正向的预测作用,但是社会角色理论所预测的 这种关系的本质可能在性别和组织政治知觉的基础上有所不同。
本研究的问卷采用李克特5点制,1 代表“完全不同意”,3 代表“既不同意也不 反对”,5 代表“完全同意” 1、人际型OCB, Settoon and Mossholder’s (2002) eight-item scale (a .91) 任务型OCB, Settoon and Mossholder’s five-item measure (a.94 )” 2、 Ethical Leadership , Brown et al.’s (2005) 10 items Ethical Leadership Scale 3、 Gender,自我报告, with female coded as 1 and male as 2. 4、 POP , Hochwarter, Kacmar, Perrewe,and Johnson’s (2003) six-item scale ( a .94).



硕士文献总结汇报范文Title: Literature Review and Report on Master's Research Introduction:The following report presents a comprehensive literature review summarizing various scholarly resources in relation to my master's research topic. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the current knowledge and research gaps in the field, providing a firm foundation for the execution of my own research project. The paper explores key themes and findings from seminal studies, identifies current trends, and critically evaluates the existing literature.Body:I. Research Themes and Findings1. Theme 1: The Impact of Technology on EducationThe literature indicates a growing emphasis on the integration of technology in education. Studies highlight the positive impact of technology on student engagement, motivation, and academic achievement (Shah, 2017). Additionally, research suggests that technology-enhanced learning environments promote critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity among students (Watson, 2019). However, challenges such as the digital divide and teacher resistance to technology implementation still pose significant barriers to its full success.2. Theme 2: Pedagogical Approaches in Higher Education Scholars have identified various pedagogical approaches toenhance learning outcomes in higher education. Problem-based learning, for instance, has been found to promote problem-solving skills and critical thinking (Savery & Duffy, 2015). On the other hand, inquiry-based learning fosters student engagement and deep conceptual understanding (Barrows & Tamblyn, 2017). The literature also highlights the significance of adopting learner-centered approaches to promote active learning and student autonomy.II. Current Trends in Research1. Trend 1: Blended LearningBlended learning, which combines face-to-face instruction with online learning activities, has gained popularity in recent years. Studies indicate that this hybrid approach offers flexibility, personalized learning experiences, and increased student satisfaction (Graham, 2019). The integration of digital technologies in a physical classroom setting allows for interactive learning experiences and greater access to resources.2. Trend 2: Mobile LearningMobile learning, facilitated by smartphones and tablets, is an emerging trend in education. This approach enables learning anytime and anywhere, providing students with access to educational content beyond the boundaries of traditional classrooms (Sharples, 2019). The literature suggests that mobile learning enhances student engagement, motivation, and information retention.III. Evaluation of Existing LiteratureWhile the reviewed literature provides valuable insights, there are certain limitations worth noting. Firstly, most studies primarily focus on the quantitative measurement of academic performance indicators without adequately exploring the qualitative dimensions of learning experiences. There is a need for further research that considers student perceptions, engagement, and satisfaction. Additionally, existing literature often lacks a comprehensive understanding of the socio-cultural factors influencing technology adoption and its impact on different learner populations.Furthermore, the reviewed literature predominantly focuses on the Western context, resulting in a lack of diversity in cultural perspectives. Future studies should strive to incorporate a broader range of contexts, including non-Western countries, to create a more inclusive and globally relevant body of knowledge.Conclusion:This literature review provides an overview of the current trends, key themes, and findings in the field of technology-enhanced education and pedagogical approaches in higher education. The analysis highlights the positive impact of technology on education, the significance of learner-centered approaches, and emerging trends like blended and mobile learning. However, the existing literature also reveals research gaps related to qualitative aspects of learning experiences and the socio-cultural context of technology adoption. Future studies should aim to address these gaps, fostering a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of the topic.Overall, this literature review serves as a foundation for my master's research project, guiding the selection of research methodologies and informing the design of interventions for the enhancement of teaching and learning in higher education.。



[Your Position][Your Institution][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Position][Recipient's Institution][Recipient's Address]Dear [Recipient's Name],I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend [Student's Name] for[Position/Program] at your esteemed institution. As [Student's Name]'s academic advisor and supervisor for their undergraduate thesis, I have had the pleasure of working closely with them for the past [duration] and have observed their remarkable qualities and potential.[Student's Name] has demonstrated exceptional academic prowess throughout their undergraduate studies. Their dedication to research and intellectual curiosity has been evident in their coursework, as well as their thesis project. Their thesis, titled "[Thesis Title]", explores the [subject/research area], which is a critical and timely topic in the field of [field of study].Throughout the research process, [Student's Name] has showcased an impressive ability to identify relevant literature, critically analyze existing theories, and propose novel research questions. Their ability to conduct thorough and methodical research is further underscored by their proficient use of various research methodologies, including [methods used in the thesis]. This proficiency is a testament to their strong analytical skills and commitment to academic excellence.One of the most notable aspects of [Student's Name] is their ability to work independently and as part of a team. They have demonstrated exceptional time management skills, meeting all deadlines with a high degree of accuracy and thoroughness. Moreover, their strongcommunication skills have allowed them to effectively collaborate with peers and mentors, fostering a positive and productive research environment.In addition to their academic achievements, [Student's Name] has been an active participant in various extracurricular activities and organizations. Their involvement in [specific activities/organizations] has not only enriched their college experience but has also honed their leadership and teamwork abilities. Their passion for [field of study] is evident in their commitment to these activities, and I have no doubtthat they will continue to excel in this area.What sets [Student's Name] apart from their peers is their unwavering dedication to personal and professional growth. They are self-motivated, proactive, and possess a strong work ethic. Their strong moral compass and commitment to ethical research practices make them an ideal candidate for [Position/Program] at your institution.In conclusion, I am confident that [Student's Name] will bring great value to [Position/Program] at your institution. Their exceptional academic record, research abilities, and personal qualities make them a highly promising candidate. I wholeheartedly recommend [Student's Name] without reservation and would be more than happy to provide further information about their qualifications upon request.Thank you for considering [Student's Name] for [Position/Program]. I am confident that they will make a significant contribution to your institution and the field of [field of study].Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Position][Your Institution][Your Contact Information]。

英文 文献汇报 模板

英文 文献汇报 模板
干预组: 对照组:常规治疗( treatment as usual) ④结局指标: 主要结局指标:12个月后的体重变化 次要结局指标:饮食、体力活动、生物学指标以及病人相关的结局指标。
P population
Adults with schizophrenia, schizoaffective
Structured lifestyle education for people with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and first-episode psychosis (STEPWISE): randomised controlled trial
Structured lifestyle education for people with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and first-episode psychosis (STEPWISE): randomised controlled trial
1、精神分裂症患者的肥胖和体重增加的管理任务艰巨,需要其他方法; 2、抗精神病药与体重增加有关,而精神病和心理因素可以阻止减肥行为; 3、针对个人定制的生活方式改变与用于心理健康的心理干预,调整抗精神病 治疗或与药物(如二甲双胍)相结合,是十分必要的; 4、虽然很明显精神分裂症患者需要改变生活方式,STEPWISE 已经证明了这 是多么困难。



As I come to the end of my master's degree program, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey of learning, growth, and discovery that has marked the past two years. This summary aims to encapsulate the key experiences, achievements, and insights gained during my time in the program.Academic AchievementsMy academic journey was characterized by a deep dive into the field of [Your Field of Study]. I began by solidifying my foundational knowledge through a comprehensive curriculum that included courses on [List Key Courses]. These courses provided me with a robust theoretical framework upon which to build my research and practical skills.One of the highlights of my academic experience was the completion of my master's thesis, titled "[Your Thesis Title]". This project involved extensive research, data analysis, and critical thinking, culminating in a comprehensive study that contributed to the existing body of knowledge in [Your Field of Study]. The process was challenging but rewarding, and it taught me the importance of perseverance and the value of meticulous research.Research ExperienceResearch has been a cornerstone of my master's program. I had the opportunity to work under the guidance of [Supervisor's Name], a leading expert in [Supervisor's Field]. My research focused on [Brief Description of Research], and it involved collaborating with a diverse team of students and faculty members.The research experience not only honed my technical skills but also introduced me to the intricacies of working in a team and managing complex projects. It also taught me the importance of clear communication and the ability to adapt to new challenges.Professional DevelopmentBeyond the classroom, I actively sought out opportunities to enhance my professional development. I participated in several workshops andseminars, including those on [List Relevant Workshops or Seminars]. These experiences provided me with practical skills and industryinsights that are invaluable for my future career.Additionally, I took on a teaching assistantship for a course in [Course Name]. This role allowed me to apply my knowledge in a teaching context, helping me develop my pedagogical skills and my ability to communicate complex concepts effectively.Personal GrowthThe master's program has been a transformative experience on a personal level as well. I have learned to manage my time more efficiently, tothink critically and analytically, and to approach challenges with a positive attitude. These skills have not only improved my academic performance but have also prepared me for the professional world.Future GoalsLooking forward, I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. I plan to pursue a career in [Your Desired Field], where I hope to apply the knowledge and skills I have acquired during my master's program. My ultimate goal is to make a meaningful contribution to the field of [Your Field of Study] and to continue my professional development through ongoing research and learning.In conclusion, my master's degree program has been an enriching and transformative experience. It has equipped me with the academic foundation, research skills, and professional competencies necessary to excel in my chosen field. I am grateful for the support of my professors, peers, and mentors, and I look forward to applying the lessons learnedto the next chapter of my life.。



1. Introduction
• In the recent years,another important drug metabolizing enzyme UDPglucuronosyltransferase (UGT) has been demonstrated to exhibit significant contribution towards the metabolism of clinical drugs and herbal components,and more and more attention has been given to this enzymes (Malik and Black, 2012; Li etal., 2012).
Keywords scutellarin; scutellarein; UGT; enzyme inhibition.
1. Introduction 2. Experimental section 3. Results and discБайду номын сангаасssion 4. Conclusion
• Incubation and analysis methods for inhibition evaluation.
After 5min pre-incubation at 37℃, the UDPGA was added in the mixture to initiate the reacti The incubation time was 120min for UGT1A1 and UGT2B7, 30min,or UGT1A6 and UGT1A9, respectively. The reactions were terminated by adding 100 mL acetonitrile with hydroxycoumarin (100mM) as internal standard.The mixture was centrifuged at 20000×g for 10min, HPLC analysis.

研究生英语 说明文 范文 举例

研究生英语 说明文 范文 举例

研究生英语说明文范文举例Researching Graduate EnglishEnglish is a language that is spoken by people around the world. For those who are studying to become a graduate, English is an important subject. This paper will explain the importance of studying English as a graduate student.On the most basic level, English is essential for communication. For any successful professional, it is important to be able to clearly express ideas and communicate effectively. Without English, it would be difficult to interact with colleagues or customers in a professional context. In addition, many graduate programs require a certain level of English literacy in order to understand course material. Knowing how to read, write, and comprehend English is an essential part of success in graduate studies.English is also important for research. Much of the academic and scientific literature is written in English, so it is important to be able to understand it. In addition, English is the language used in many international conferences. For those who are involved in research, being able to understand and present their findings in English can make a huge difference.Finally, English is necessary for job applications and interviews. Many companies have job postings that are only in English, and the interview process typically involves some degree of English proficiency. In addition, English is the language of the global economy, so having a good command of English can make a candidate much more attractive to potential employers.In conclusion, English is an important subject for graduate students. It is necessary for communication, research, and job interviews, and it can be a key factor in achieving success in graduate studies and in a professional career.。



a vertically-aligned bimetallic Pt/Pd nanotube array
Scheme 1 Schematic drawing of the ion distribution in a porous alumina nano-template. Dashed lines show the electrical double layer of the classical Gouy– Chapman–Stern's model between (b) diffusion layer and (c) bulk layer regions in a nanochannel. Region (a) depicts a compact layer.
Literature source
Experห้องสมุดไป่ตู้mental section
32 1 4
Results and discussion Conclusions
1. Introduction
The shortage of traditional energy resources and serious environmental pollution due to combustion emissions have resulted in a number of scientific studies on the development of sustainable and clean energy, including fuel cells.
Paper Review
Synthesis of bimetallic Pt/Pd nano-tubes and their enhanced catalytic activity in methanol electrooxidation


Ages and Stages Questionnaire at 3 Years for Predicting IQ at 5–6 Years
PEDIATRICS Volume 139, number 4 , April 2017
5. Statistical analyses were performed in SAS software version 9.3.
① ASQ scores were determined at a mean age of 37.3 ± 0.8 months.
The mean 36-month ASQ score was 270 ± 30,with a median of 280 (IQR 260–290).
When the children were 3 years old, mothers filled out a questionnaire reporting sociodemographic status for the family and specific data on current maternal health, together with the ASQ.
1.Measures of child development
2.2 IQ With the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence–Third Edition at Age 5 to 6 Years When the child was 5 to 6 years old, cognitive assessment was performed by trained psychologists.


第十五页,编辑于星期日:十四点 五十二分。
3. Results and discussion
➢3.4 不同的TEOS/PS的比例合成的HSS样品的氮气吸脱附等温线
样品HSS-0.6没 有H4型滞后回 线可能与中孔的 结构缺陷有关, 这有利于氮气在

H4型的 滞后回线
Fig. 3(a). Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms of the HSS samples prepared
Fig. 2. TEM images of the HSS samples prepared with
TEOS/PS ratios of 0.6 (a), 2.25 (b), 3.6 (c), and 7.2 (d).
第十三页,编辑于星期日:十四点 五十二分。
3. Results and discussion
TEOS/PS ratios of 0.6 (a), 2.25 (b), 3.6 (c), and 7.2 (d).
返回 第十七页,编辑于星期日:十四点 五十二分。
3. Results and discussion
➢3.5 甲基蓝在样品HSS-0.6和HSS-0.5的吸附动力学曲线
介孔径 图3b
Fig. 4. Adsorption kinetics of MB on samples HSS-0.6 and HSS-2.25.
第十八页,编辑于星期日:十四点 五十二分。
第十九页,编辑于星期日:十四点 五十二分。



Introduction 1.1 Merits and applications of LIBs Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are considered to be the most promising energy storage technology for next-generation portable electronic devices (e.g., laptops, cell phones, cameras) and for powering electric vehicles (EVs) or hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) due to their long cycle life and high specific capacity.
(merits) ❖The volume change in the course of the battery operation would cause severe mechanical damage of Si electrodes and leads to rapid capacity fading during cycling.
(补充:过剩容量、单位体积容量 )
Introduction 1.3 Silicon as a Candidate ❖Silicon (Si) has been regarded as the most promising and competitive candidate to replace graphite anode material, because it can be alloyed/de-alloyed with lithium and offers a theoretical capacity as high as 4200 mAh g−1 with a low working potential.(0.4V Vs Li+/Li)


Negative consequences of chronic pain for people living with HF
Increased depression
Decreased physical activity
Increase burden
Reduce the quality of life
What are some common strategies used by HF patients with
chronic pain?
The medical center
1. Deisnsitgituntional review bIonardclusion crTihteefirrsitaauthor trained
➢ A total of 76% of people with chronic heart failure (HF) report chronic non-cardiac pain, more than twice the prevalence of the general United States adult population estimate of 30.7%.
To describe alternative non-pharmaceutical nonnutraceutical
pain self-management strategies used by people with HF in order
to reduce chronic non-cardiac pain.
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When the children were 3 years old, mothers filled out a questionnaire reporting sociodemographic status for the family and specific data on current maternal health, together with the ASQ.
1.Measures of child development
2.1 36-Month ASQ Score (French Second Edition) Parents answer 6 questions in each of 5 domains of development: communication ( 沟 通 ) , gross motor (粗大动作) , fine motor (精细动作) , problem-solving skills(解决问题能力), and adaptive skills(适应能力). US norms are available for each domain, domain screened <2 SDs below the considered a positive screening. This study sum or the 5 domain scores, producing between 0 and 300. and any mean is used the a score
② IQ was measured at a mean age of 67.2 ± 1.8 months. The
Mean IQ was 103 ± 13, and 69 children (7.3%) had an IQ <85.
EDEN: Etude des Determinants Pre-et Post-natals du Developpement de l’Enfant
The EDEN mother–child cohort study aims to examine prenatal and postnatal determinants of child development, growth, and health. Participants were recruited between 2003 and 2006 among pregnant women followed in Poitiers and Nancy university maternities. Exclusion criteria were multiple pregnancies ( 多 胎妊 娠), a known history of diabetes, non–French speakers or readers, or plans to move out of the study region in the next 3 years.
5. Statistical analyses were performed in SAS software version 9.3.
① ASQ scores were determined at a mean age of 37.3 ± 0.8 months.
The mean 36-month ASQ score was 270 ± 30,with a median of 280 (IQR 260–290).
1.Measures of child development
2.2 IQ With the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence–Third Edition at Age 5 to 6 Years When the child was 5 to 6 years old, cognitive assessment was performed by trained psychologists.
SDQ: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire(长处与困难问卷)
WPPSI-III: Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence– Third Edition(韦氏学龄前儿童智力量表,第3版)
1. The identification of young children at risk for later suboptimal development is key of early preventive or interventional strategies.
ASQ: Ages & Stages Questionnaires(年龄与发育阶段问卷) CI: Confidence Interval(可信区间) EDEN: Etude des Determinants Pre-et Post-natals du Developpement de l’Enfant(伊甸园队列) IQR: Interquartile Range(四分位数间距) ROC: Receiver Operating Characteristic(受试者/接受者工作特征)
2. Parental report instruments are designed to be used in primary care for firstline clinical screening of infant and preschool child development. 3. The Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) are the most commonly used questionnaires to identify young children at risk for developmental delay.
Ages and Stages Questionnaire at 3 Years for Predicting IQ at 5–6 Years
PEDIATRICS Volume 139, number 4 , April 2017
4. Previous evidence from a population of children born preterm showed that the 36-month ASQ predicted school difficulties at age 5.
5.There is a gap in knowledge about the predictive value of early ASQ scores for later cognitive functioning, such as IQ, in the general pediatric population.
3.Statistical analysis
1. Children included in the current analysis were first compared with the other children in the EDEN cohort who were not included. 2. Results for the 36-month ASQ score and the 5- to 6-year WPPSI-III evaluation were described as means ± SDs and median with interquartile ranges (IQRs).
3. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve linking low IQ (<85) and ASQ score was used to determine the optimal cutoff value for the ASQ score. 4. A 3-step analysis was then conducted with logistic regression.
The WPPSI-III includes 7 subtests used to compute a verbal IQ, a performance IQ, and a full-scale IQ. IQ was considered low if it was <85.
1.Measures of child development
1. To investigate the predictive value of the 36-month ASQ score for IQ at age 5 to 6 years in a large population-based cohort study. 2. To search for other child, maternal, and familyrelated factors associated with low IQ once the 36month ASQ score is taken into account and to determine whether such factors could interact in the relationship between the 36-month ASQ score and later IQ.
Yao xing,2017-11-07
Methods Results Discussion Strengths and limitations