IEEE 802.15.4网络共定义了四种类型的帧:信标帧,数据 帧,确认帧和MAC命令帧
1)信标帧 信标帧的负载数据单元由四部分组成:超帧描述字段、GTS分配字段、 待转发数据目标地址字段和信标帧负载数据 2)数据帧 数据帧用来传输上层发到MAC子层的数据,它的负载字段包含了上层 需要传送的数据 3)确认帧 如果设备收到请求位被置1,设备需要回应一个确认帧,确认帧的序列 号应该与被确认帧的序列号相同,并且负载长度应该为零 4)命令帧 MAC命令帧用于组建PAN网络,传输同步数据等,主要完成三方面的 功能:把设备关联到PAN网络,与协调器交换数据,分配GTS
NetBEUI:是一种短小精悍、通信效率高的广播型协议,不 需要进行设置,适合于在“网络邻居”传送数据
IPX/SPX协议:联机的游戏都支持IPX/SPX协议,这些游戏 通过IPX/SPX协议更省事,因为根本不需要任何设置(比 TCP/IP省事)
网络协议的层次结构如下:{此为ISO(国际标准化组织)制 定的OSI网络协议七层模型}
通过osalInitTasks( )函数创建OSAL任 务,其中TaskID为每个任务的唯一标 识号
一是进行任务初始化 二是处理任务事件
(1)初始化应用服务变量。 const pTaskEventHandlerFn tasksArr[ ]数组定义系统提供的应用服务和用户 服务变量
物理层 数据链路层 网络层 传输层 会话层
表示层 应用层
以帧为单位传输数据,主要任务是建立数据封装及链接 网络网络之间的通信问题,提供路由,即最佳路径 解决传输数据质量问题,提供可靠的端到端的数据传输 会话连接到传输连接的映射,数据传送,会画连接的恢复和释放,会 画管理,令牌管理和活动管理 数据语法转换,语法表示,数据压缩和数据加密
通信网技术基础172 用,如灯的开关、被动式红外线传感器等。
根据设备的功能,ZigBee 网络定义了三种设备:协调器、路由器和终端设备。
协调器和路由器必须是FFD 设备,终端设备可以是FFD 或RFD 设备。
每个ZigBee 网络都必须有且仅有一个协调器,也称为PAN 协调器。
路由器扩展了ZigBee 网络的范围。
ZigBee 网络有信标和非信标两种工作模式。
ZigBee 网络的拓扑结构有星型、网状和簇树三种,如图6-11所示。
星型拓扑网状拓扑簇树拓扑PAN 协调器全功能设备精简功能设备图6-11 ZigBee 网络的拓扑结构星型拓扑组网简单、成本低、电池使用寿命长,但是网络覆盖范围有限,可靠性不如网状拓扑结构,对充当中心节点的PAN 协调器依赖性较大。
zigbee技术文档0 zigbee协议栈基础概念简介
在通信方式上,虽然可以采用有线、无线、红外和光等多种形式,但一般认为短距离的无线低功率通信技术最适合传感器网络使用,为明确起见,一般称无线传感器网络(WSN.Wireless Sensor Network)。
Zigbee是IEEE 802.15.4协议的代名词。
IEEE 802.15.4是一个低速率无线个人局域网(Low Rate Wireless PersonalArea Networks,LR-WPAN)标准。
{ GenericApp_TaskID = task_id; } 这条语句将分配给GenericApp的任务ID保存了下来。 到此,我们就给应用程序中完整的添加了一个任务。
C:\Texas Instruments\ZStack-1.4.3-1.2.1\Projects\zstack\Samples\GenericApp。
在右侧工作空间窗口打开App文件夹,我们可以看到三个文件,分别是“GenericApp.c”、“GenericApp.h”、“OSAL_GenericApp.c”。我们整个程序所实现的功能都在这三个文件当中。 首先打开GenericApp.c这个文件。我们首先看到的是比较重要的两个函数:GenericApp_Init和GenericApp_ProcessEvent。从函数名称上我们很容易得到的信息便是,GenericApp_Init是任务的初始化函数,而GenericApp_ProcessEvent则负责处理传递给此任务的事件。
ZigBee 2006协议栈定位系统使用说明书V1.20成都无线龙通讯科技有限公司2007年10月目录0、概述 (31.下载程序至各节点步骤: (111.1初始化物理地址 (111.2正确选择对应程序下载至不同节点 (131.3为每个不同点节分配物理地址。
(132.各节点形成 (132.1网关部分(COORD (132.1.1网关程序下载 (132.1.2分配物理地址 (152.2参考节点部分(ROU (162.3移动节点(也称定位节点部分 (ROU (183.联机调试 (203.1系统硬件连接 (203.2 监控软件设置 (223.3绘制监控区域地图 (223.4参考节点安装 (243.5 移动节点(也称定位节点 (263.6调试 (280、无线定位概述地理定位、方位定位和无线定位这些名词今天被广泛地用来描述确定一个移动台(MS、也称定位节点所在位置的能力。
位置一般包含了和MS有关的坐标,坐标可以是二维或三维的,通常包含了与MS 所在位置的经度和纬度的有关信息。
全球三大通信厂商:爱立信、摩托罗拉和诺基亚于2000年10月成立了"位置信息互操作论坛LIF(Location Interoperability Forum",其目标是在全球范围内的无线网络和终端上提供基于位置的服务LBS(Location Based Service。
2005 Microchip Technology Inc.DS00965A_CN 第1页AN965引言ZigBee™是专为低速率传感器和控制网络设计的无线网络协议。
有许多应用可从ZigBee 协议受益,其中可能的一些应用有:建筑自动化网络、住宅安防系统、工业控制网络、远程抄表以及PC 外设。
与其他无线协议相比,ZigBee 无线协议提供了低复杂性、缩减的资源要求,最重要的是它提供了一组标准的规范。
如果您正在寻求现有的控制网络技术(例如RS-422、RS-485)或专有无线协议的替代方案,ZigBee 协议可能是您所需的解决方案。
此应用笔记旨在帮助您在应用中采用ZigBee 协议。
可以使用在应用笔记中提供的Microchip ZigBee 协议栈快速地构建应用。
因此,无需做重大修改就可以轻松地在射频(Radio Frequency ,RF )收发器之间移植应用程序。
在此文档末尾的“常见问题解答”中提供了有关Microchip 协议栈和用法的一些常见问题及其答案。
假设此文档假设您熟悉C 编程语言。
文档中大量使用了有关ZigBee 和IEEE 802.15.4规范的术语。
此文档没有详细讨论ZigBee 规范,只提供了对ZigBee 规范的简要概述。
建议您仔细阅读ZigBee 和IEEE 802.15.4规范。
特性Microchip ZigBee 协议栈设计为随着ZigBee 无线协议规范的发展而发展。
在发布此文档时,该协议栈的 1.0版本具有以下特点(欲知最新特性,请参阅源代码版本日志文件version.log ):• 基于ZigBee 规范的0.8版本• 使用Chipcon CC2420 RF 收发器支持2.4GHz 频带• 支持简化功能设备(Reduced Function Device ,RFD )和协调器• 在协调器节点中实现对邻接表和绑定表的非易失性存储• 支持非时隙的星型网络• 可以在大多数PIC18系列单片机之间进行移植• 协同多任务处理架构• 不依赖于RTOS 和应用• 支持Microchip MPLAB ® C18和Hi-Tech PICC-18™ C 编译器• 易于添加或删除特定模块的模块化设计限制Microchip 协议栈的1.0版本包含以下限制。
Zigbee 2006协议栈 PPT
• 1.设备类型 • 在ZigBee网络中存在三种逻辑设备类型:协调器(coordinator), 路由器(router)和终端设备(end-device)。ZigBee网络由一个协调 器以及多个路由器和多个终端设备组成。 • 协调器负责启动整个网络,是网络的第一个设备。协调器选择一 个信道和一个网络ID,即PANID,随后启动整个网络。也可用来协助 建立网络中安全层和应用层的绑定。它的角色主要涉及网络启动和配 置。一旦这些都完成后,协调器的工作就像一个路由器(或者消失)。 因此接下来整个网络的操作就不再依赖协调器是否存在。 • 路由器的功能主要是允许其他设备加入网络,多跳路由。 • 终端设备没有特定的维护网络结构的责任,它可以睡眠或者唤醒, 因此它可以是一个电池供电设备。通常终端对存储空间的需要比较小。
• •
• (2)操作系统的执行 • 启动代码为操作系统的执行做好准备工作后,就开始执行操作 系统入口程序,并由此彻底将控制权移交给操作系统。 • 操作系统一共要处理6个任务,分别为MAC层、网络层、硬件抽 象层、应用层、Zigbee设备应用层以及可完全由用户处理的应用层, 其优先级由高到低,即MAC层具有最高优先级,用户层具有最低优 先级。如果MAC层任务有事件无法处理完,用户层任务就永远不会 得到执行。 • Z-Stack已经编写了对从MAC层(macEventLoop)到Zigbee设 备应用层(ZDApp_eventloop)这五层任务的事件处理函数,一般情况 下无需修改这些函数,只需要按照自己的需求编写应用层的任务及 事件处理函数就可以。 • 一般情况下,用户只需额外添加三个文件就可完成一个项目 , 一个是主文件(xxxAPP.C),存放具体的任务事件处理函数,一个是 主文件的头文件,另一个是操作系统接口文件(以Osal开头,如 Osal_xxxAPP.C),是专门存放任务处理函数数组tasksAddr[ ]的文件。
zigbee协议栈2010-03-10 15:11zigbee协议栈结构由一些层构成,每个层都有一套特定的服务方法和上一层连接。
数据实体(data entity)提供数据的传输服务,而管理实体(managenmententity)提供所有的服务类型。
每个层的服务实体通过服务接入点(Service AccessPoint.SAP)和上一层相接,每个SAP提供大量服务方法来完成相应的操作。
IEEE 802.15.4—2003标准定义了下面的两个层:物理层(PHY层)和媒介层(MAC层)。
ZigBee联盟在此基础上建立了网络层(NWK 层)以及应用层(APL层)的框架(framework)。
APL层又包括应用支持子层(Application Support Sub—layer,APS)、ZigBee的设备对象(ZigBee Device 0bjects。
IEEE802.15.4.2003有两个PHY层,提供两个独立的频率段:868/915MHz 和2.4GHz。
它可完成对无线物理信道的接入过程管理,包括以下几方面:网络协调器(coordinator)产生网络信标、网络中设备与网络信标同步、完成PAN的入网和脱离网络过程、网络安全控制、利用CSMA—CA机制进行信道接入控制、处理和维持GTS(Guaranteed Time Slot)机制、在两个对等的MAC实体间提供可靠的链路连接。
第六章 zigbee协议栈详解
目标: 本章在向学员介绍物联网体系中传输层所使用 的相关技术,通过本课的学习,学员应该掌握 如下知识: IP协议栈的应用 WLAN无线网络应用
协议栈内部结构 IEEE802.15.4 标准和 ZigBee 协议 协议栈软件总体设计 网络层(NWK)设计 应用层 MAC 层设计 物理层(PHY)设计
ZigBee 协议按照开放系统互联的 7 层模型将协议分成了一系列的层结 构,各层之间通过相应的服务访问点来提供服务。这样使得处于协议中 的不同层能够根据各自的功能进行独立的运作,从而使整个协议栈的结 构变得清晰明朗。另一方面,由于 ZigBee 协议栈是一个有机的整体, 任何 ZigBee 设备要能够正确无误的工作,就要求协议栈各层之间共同 协作。因此,层与层之间的信息交互就显得十分重要。ZigBee 协议为 了实现层与层之间的关联,采用了称为服务“原语”的操作。
在 ZigBee 协议栈中,任何通信数据都是利用帧的格式来组织的 。协议栈的每一层都有特定的帧结构。当应用程序需要发送数 据时,它将通过 APS 数据实体发送数据请求到 APS。随后在它 下面的每一层都会为数据附加相应的帧头,组成要发送的帧信 息。
分裂、重新组装和可靠数据传输 地址映射来自于64位IEEE地址和16位网络地址
ZigBee 设备对象(ZDO)
负责定义网络中设备的角色,如:协调器或者终端设备 对绑定请求的初始化或者响应。 在网络设备之间建立安全联系 在网络中发现设备和决定供给哪个应用服务
实现这些功能,ZDO 使用 APS 层的 APSDE-SAP 和网络 层的 NLME-SAP。ZDO 是特殊的应用对象,它在端点 (endpoint)0 上实现。
ZigBee协议栈OSAL介绍操作系统抽象层OSAL常用术语:1.资源(Resource):任何任务所占用的实体都叫资源,如变量、数组、结构体2.共享资源(Shared Resource):两个或两个以上任务使用的资源,为防止破坏资源,任务在操作共享资源时是独占状态。
4.多任务运行(Muti-task Running):其实同一时刻只有一个任务运行。
6.互斥(Mutual Exclusion):多任务通信最常用方法是共享数据结构。
保护共享资源常用的方法:关中断;使用测试并置位指令(T&S指令);禁止任务切换;使用信号量;7.消息队列(Message Queue):用于任务间传递消息。
、void osal_start_system(void)是ZigBee协议栈的灵魂,不断的查看事件列表,如果有事件发生就调用相应的事件处理函数。
SYS_EVENT_MSG是一个事件集合,是由协议栈定义的事件,即系统强制事件(Mandatory Events),它的定义为:#define SYS_EVENT_MSG 0x8000;它包含如下事件:AF_INCOMING_MSG_CMD 收到一个新的无线数据ZDO_STATE_CHANGE 网络状态发生变化事件,利用它判断终端加入网络后何时向协调器发送数据包。
第六章 通信标准
ZigBee协议中定义了三种设备:ZigBee协调器、ZigBee路由器 和ZigBee终端设备:
ZigBee协调器,它负责建立并启动一个网络,包括选择合适的射 频信道、唯一的网络标识符等一系列操作。 ZigBee路由器作为远程设备之间的中继器来进行通信,能够拓展 网络的范围,负责搜寻网络,并在任意两个设备之间建立端到端的 传输。 ZigBee终端设备作为网络中的终端节点,负责数据的采集。
第六章 通信标准
IEEE 802.15.4标准——物理层
所有的物理层服务均是通过物理层服务访问接口实现的,数据服务是 通过物理层数据访问接口(PD-SAP)实现的,管理服务则是通过物 理层管理实体访问接口(PLME-SAP)实现的,每个接口都提供了相 关的访问原语。 (1)信号的发送接收与编解码 (2)物理信道的能量监测(Energy Detection,ED) (3)射频收发器的激活和关闭 (4)空闲信道评估(Clear Channel Assessment,CCA) (5)链路质量指示(LQI) (6)物理层属性参数的获取与设置
在 初 始 化 后 , 对 于 基 于 时 槽 的 CSMA/CA算法,先定位到回退时间的 边界,然后等待指定的时间,开始信 道探测,直到信道为空闲,然后在等 CW个回退周期长度,最后发送数据。 发送程序必须确保当前的数据可以在 CAP期间完成,才会进行发送,否则 将保存到下一个超帧中发送。
第六章 e协议
ZigBee技术是一种面向自动化和无线控制的价格低廉、能耗小的无线 网络协议,IEEE 802.15.4技术的出现推动了它在工业、农业、军事、 医疗等专业领域的应用。ZigBee技术建立在IEEE 802.15.4协议之上, 根据ZigBee联盟的规范,ZigBee在IEEE 802.15.4的基础上扩展了网络 层和应用层,其协议栈如图
ZigBee作为一种基于IEEE 802.15.4标准的低速无线个人区域网络通讯协议,具有低功耗、低成本、覆盖范围广等优点,被广泛应用于智能家居、工业控制、环境监测等领域。
本文将对ZigBee协议栈进行分析与设计,以便更好地理解和应用ZigBee 协议。
二、ZigBee协议栈概述ZigBee协议栈是一种为基于IEEE 802.15.4标准的无线个人区域网络(WPAN)设计的协议栈。
三、ZigBee协议栈分析1. 物理层分析物理层是ZigBee协议栈的基础,它定义了无线信号的传输方式和参数。
2. MAC层分析MAC层负责解决无线信道访问冲突问题,它采用了CSMA-CA(载波监听多路访问/冲突避免)机制。
3. 网络层分析网络层负责设备之间的网络连接和路由。
它采用了基于IEEE 802.15.4标准的地址分配和管理机制,可以实现设备之间的自动组网和路由选择。
四、ZigBee协议栈设计1. 设计目标ZigBee协议栈的设计目标是在保证无线通信可靠性的前提下,尽可能地降低功耗和成本。
2. 设计原则(1)模块化设计:将协议栈分为不同的模块,每个模块负责不同的功能,方便开发和维护。
CC2430ZDKZigBee Development Kit ProUser ManualRev. 1.2.1Table of contents1INTRODUCTION (3)2ABOUT THIS MANUAL (3)3DEFINITIONS (4)4CC2430ZDK CONTENTS (5)4.1H ARDWARE (5)4.2S OFTWARE (5)4.2.1Chipcon Software (5)4.2.23rd party Software (5)4.3T RAINING (5)4.4S UPPORT (5)5GETTING STARTED (6)5.1P OWERING S MART R F04 (6)5.2P OWERING CC2430DB (7)6HARDWARE DESCRIPTION SMARTRF04EB (9)6.1USB I NTERFACE (9)6.2RS-232 INTERFACE (10)6.3U SER INTERFACE (10)6.4A UDIO INTERFACE (10)6.5SPI INTERFACE SWAP JUMPERS (10)6.6I/O CONNECTORS (11)6.7EM CONNECTORS (12)6.8S IGNAL FLOW (13)6.9CC2430EM (13)7HARDWARE DESCRIPTION CC2430DB (14)7.1USB I NTERFACE (14)7.2U SER INTERFACE (14)7.3EEPROM (14)7.4A CCELEROMETER (14)7.5P OTENTIOMETER (15)7.6L IGHT SENSOR (15)7.7I/O CONNECTORS (15)7.8J UMPER SETTINGS (15)7.8.1P3 Jumpers (16)7.8.2P5 Jumpers (17)7.9S IGNAL FLOW (18)8USING THE CC2430ZDK FOR PROTOTYPING (19)9USING THE CC2430DB FOR PROTOTYPING (19)9.1D EBUGGING USING THE USB INTERFACE (19)9.2D EBUGGING WITH THE CC2430 DEBUG CONNECTOR (19)9.3L OW POWER OPERATION (20)9.4U SING THE CC2430SERIAL PORT TO INTERFACE TO RS232 (22)10SMARTRF04EB PROGRAMMING (24)11USING SMARTRF04EB AS AN IN-CIRCUIT EMULATOR (ICE) (25)12FIRMWARE CC2430DB (27)12.1T HE USB MCU BOOTLOADER (27)13PROGRAMMING THE USB MCU (28)13.1USB MCU SIGNAL NAMES (29)14SCHEMATICS (30)15DOCUMENT HISTORY (30)1 IntroductionThe CC2430 is the first single-chip, IEEE 802.15.4 compliant and ZigBee™ SOC (System On Chip) RF transceiver with integrated microcontroller. It provides a highly integrated, flexible low-cost solution for applications using the world wide unlicensed 2.4 GHz frequency band.The CC2430ZDK is the most powerful tool in the market today for developing complete ZigBee™ applications in the minimum timeframe. The kit includes all required hardware and software to evaluate, demonstrate, prototype and develop various ZigBee™ applications.The CC2430ZDK provides you with Figure 8 Wireless' ZigBee™ Software Development Suite including the industry-leading Z-Stack™, a seat in the 2-day Z-Training and six months email support.The CC2430ZDK is a very flexible kit that can be used to develop everything from simple light switches to advanced nodes with many peripherals. A set of ZigBee™ sample applications is included with the kit to allow users to test performance right out of the box.The hardware is representative of an actual application, and is well suited as a prototyping, evaluation and demonstration platform targeting various ZigBee applications. With this kit a ZigBee Logical device type mapped to the IEEE 802.15.4 Full Function and Reduced Function Devices (FFD and RFD) using the CC2430 can be demonstrated. An FFD can take the role of a ZigBee Coordinator, Router, or End Device depending on the ZigBee logical device type configuration. An RFD can act as ZigBee End Device and cannot serve as a ZigBee Coordinator or ZigBee Router.The CC2430ZDK has the capability to demonstrate ZigBee low power capabilities. TheCC2430ZDK is bundled with the Figure 8 Wireless ZigBee stack for evaluation, demonstration, prototyping and developing purposes of the Z-Stack features. The hardware contains an integrated PCB antenna, the IEEE 802.15.4 compliant RF transceiver CC2430 with necessary support components, joystick, buttons and LED’s that can be used to demonstrate the current ZigBee Home Lightning Profile.This User Manual describes how to use the CC2430 ZigBee Development Kit Pro. The Figure 8 Wireless Z-Stack, tools and documentation will be provided as a distribution package available for download from the Chipcon ZigBee Developer Site after the purchase of this kit. When purchased, customers will be provided with a user name and password to access this site to download the Z-Stack End Customer distribution package.2 About this manualThis manual contains both tutorial and reference information, and covers both the hardware and software components of the development kit. The following components of the kit have its own user manual that can be downloaded from the Chipcon web site:- SmartRF® Studio- Chipcon general packet sniffer- IAR EW8051 C-compiler and C-Spy debugger (From www.IAR.se)3 DefinitionsCC2430ZDK CC2430 ZigBee Development Kit Pro. This development kit SmartRF®04DK A collective term used for all development kits for the SmartRF®04platform, i.e. CC2430ZDKSmartRF®04EB Motherboard for Evaluation Modules. Used for PC interface, emulatorand programming tool as well as user interface.CC2430DB CC2430 ZigBee Development Kit Pro. The board described in thisuser manualCC2430EM CC2430 Evaluation Module, a small plug-in module forSmartRF04EB, should be used as reference design for antenna andRF layoutUSB MCU The Silicon Labs C8051F320 MCU used to provide a USB interfaceon the CC2430ZDKFactory firmware The firmware that is supplied programmed into the USB MCU fromthe factory. This firmware supports SmartRF® Studio operation as wellas a stand-alone PER testerPER Packet Error Rate. Counts the number of lost and/or faulty packetsand displays the ratio: (lost/faulty packets)/number of packets sent SoC System on a Chip. A collective term used to refer to Chipcon ICs withon-chip MCU and RF transceiverICE In Circuit Emulator4 CC2430ZDK contents4.1 Hardware2 x SmartRF04EB Evaluation Boards2 x CC2430EM Evaluation Modules2 x 2.4GHz Antennas5 x CC2430DB Demonstration Boards7 x USB cables10 x AA batteries1 x 10-wire flat cable for using SmartRF04EB as emulator for external target4.2 SoftwareSoftware4.2.1 ChipconZ-Stack™ Industry leading ZigBee™ compliant protocol stackZ-Stack Configurator™Z-Stack Profile Builder™Z-Trace™ debug toolSmartRF® Studio configuration and test toolChipcon Packet Sniffer4.2.2 3rd party SoftwareIAR EW8051 C-compiler with C-SPY debugger CD ROM(60 days evaluation license)4.3 Training2-day Z-Training4.4 Support6 months email supportImportant:Contact local telecommunication authorities before transmitting an RF signal to ensure that there are no local restrictions on the use of the 2.400 –2483.5 MHz ISM band. The CC2420 operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency band. Although this frequency band is usually described as “world-wide”, some countries do not allow unlicensed operation in this band.5 Getting startedThis section describes how to perform the most common tasks associated with the ZigBee Development Kit ProThe hardware for the ZigBee Development Kit Pro is based on the CC2430DK. To get started with the ZigBee Development Kit Pro please follow the Quick Start guide on the Chipcon web page for step-by-step information on how to set up the kit.Make sure to install SmartRF® Studio before connecting the ZigBee Development Kit Pro to a PC. SmartRF® Studio can be downloaded from the Chipcon web pages.SmartRf045.1 PoweringIf several power sources are connected, the ZigBee Development Kit Pro will be powered from the supply that supplies the highest voltage.Figure 1: Power switch settingThe Power Switch S3 must be set according to what power source is used. If 3.3V is applied using the power terminal block, the switch should be set to the left position as shown in Figure 1 above. In all other cases, the switch should be set to the right position for power to be applied to the ZigBee Development Kit Pro. This switch can be used to turn off theSmartRF04EB by switching it to the opposite position of that used to turn it on.Figure 2: Power connectorThe 4-10V input is used for powering the ZigBee Development Kit Pro using the on-board voltage regulator. 0V is the ground connection. The 3.3V terminal is used for powering the ZigBee Development Kit Pro, bypassing the on-board voltage regulator. A voltage between 2.7-3.6V can be used when USB is not active, when using USB the voltage should be limited to 3.0-3.6V.When shipped from the factory, a jumper is placed between I_OUT and I_IN. To measure the current draw of only the EM, remove the jumper and measure the current using an amperemeter.The SmartRF04EB can be powered in several different ways:•DC jack connector with standard DC jack power connectors with a 2.5mm centre pin. The centre pin is used for the positive voltage. A 4-10V DC power supply should be used. The onboard voltage regulator supplies 3.3V to the board.•Laboratory power supply. Ground should be connected to the 0V terminal on the power connector (see Figure 2). A 4-10V supply can be connected to the “4-10V” terminal, or a3.3V supply can be connected to the “3.3V” terminal (the on-board voltage regulators willbe bypassed in this case). If a 3.3V supply is used, the supply selection switch should be set to the “3V” position, otherwise the “4-10V” position should be used. If the “4-10V”position is selected, a voltage regulator supplies the circuitry on the ZigBee Development Kit Pro; otherwise the 3.3V supply is applied directly to the SmartRF04EB.•USB power. If the SmartRF04EB is connected to a USB socket on a PC, it will draw power from the USB bus. The onboard voltage regulator supplies 3.3V to the board. •Battery power. The evaluation board includes a 9V-type battery connector on the bottom side of the PCB. A 9V battery or a battery pack that uses a 9V-type connector can be connected to this battery connector. The onboard voltage regulator supplies 3.3V to the board.Please note that while the SmartRF04 devices have a wide supply range, the components on the ZigBee Development Kit Pro limit the total voltage supply range to 2.7V – 3.6V (3.0V – 3.6V while the USB is active). The ZigBee Development Kit Pro has been designed for a temperature range of –40°C to +85°C (excluding the LCD display). The EM is designed for a temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.CC2430DB5.2 PoweringThe CC2430ZDK can be powered in three different ways:•DC jack connector with standard DC jack power connectors with a 2.5mm centre pin.The centre pin is used for the positive voltage. A 4-10V DC power supply should beused. The onboard voltage regulator supplies 3.3V to the board.•USB power. If the CC2430DB is connected to a USB socket on a PC, it will draw power from the USB bus. The onboard voltage regulator supplies 3.3V to the board.•Battery power. The ZigBee Development Kit Pro includes a battery clip for two AA type batteriesIf several power sources are connected, the CC2430 will be powered from the supply that supplies the highest voltage. The USB MCU is only powered when USB or DC jack power is used.Figure 3: Power switch settingThe Power Switch S3 must be set according to what power source is used. If DC jack or USB power is applied, the switch should be set to the USB position. If the board is powered from batteries, the switch should be set to the BATT position as shown in Figure 3 above. When either DC power or batteries are used to power the board, the switch can be used as an on/off switch.When powering the CC2430DB from batteries, the CC2430 will work down to 1.8V. Please note that when using USB, the voltage range is limited to 3.0V – 3.6V. The CC2430DB has been designed for a temperature range of –40 C to +85 C.6 Hardware description SmartRF04EBFigure 4: CC2430ZDK overviewThe figure above shows the major parts of the SmartRF04. The SmartRF04serves as main platform in the development kit and is designed so that it will support future Chipcon ICs as well.6.1 USB InterfaceThe USB interface is used to interface to a PC to run SmartRF ® Studio and for programming and debugging using the PC debugging tools and programmers. If SmartRF ® Studio connects to the SmartRF04EB and detects an old version of the USB MCU the USB MCU will beupgraded via this interface. The SmartRF04EB can be bus-powered from the USB interface.connector Joystick LEDsI/O connector AI/O connector BVolume controlUSB MCU USB MCUinterface6.2 RS-232The RS-232 can be used by custom applications for communication with other devices. The RS-232 interface utilises a voltage translation device so that the RS-232 port is compatible with bipolar RS-232 levels.Note that this RS-232 level converter contains a charge-pump power supply that generates electric noise.interface6.3 UserThe CC2430ZDK includes a joystick and a push button as user input devices, and four LEDs and a 2x16 character LCD display as user output devices. The display and user interface is controlled by the application example program loaded in the CC2430.The factory firmware uses the joystick, push button and LCD display to implement a menu system used to control the packet error rate handling.interface6.4 AudioThe SmartRF04EB includes a microphone input and headphone output. This interface is not used by Zigbee and IEEE 802.15.4 specific Chipcon devices.The audio output section consists of a volume control, followed by a 4th order Chebyshev filter. This filter serves to attenuate frequencies above 6 kHz, and so converts the PWM signal to an analogue audio signal. A headphone amplifier IC (TPA4411 from Texas Instruments) is used to drive the headphones.Note that the headphone amplifier IC uses switch-mode power supply techniques to generate a negative noise, and this may cause electrical noise. The headphone amplifier can be disabled by driving a pin on the USB MCU low (the same pin is used to disable the RS-232 voltage converter).The audio input section consists of a microphone amplifier that also includes a low-pass anti-aliasing filter.A standard PC-type headset with separate microphone and headphone mini-jacks can be connected directly to the audio interface.6.5 SPI interface swap jumpersDue to a bug in early revisions of CC2430, the MISO and MOSI pins changed directions when switching between SPI slave and master modes. The default settings of the jumpers are SPI master mode, see Figure 5: SPI jumper. To use CC2430 in SPI slave mode, the jumpers must be mounted 90°. SPI slave mode is used by the packet sniffer.Figure 5: SPI jumper6.6 I/OconnectorsThe I/O connectors bring out all the signals from the EM connectors. These connectors are compatible with Agilent logic analyser probes. The connectors allow easy access to I/O signals and to connect prototyping boards.Pin Function1 N/C2 N/C3 P0_0/MIC_IN4 VDD5 VDD6 N/C7 P0_1/BUTTON_PUSH8 N/C9 P0_2/UART_RD10 N/C11 P0_3/UART_TD12 N/C13 P0_4/RTS14 N/C15 P0_5/JOY_PUSH16 N/C17 P0_6/JOY18 N/C19 P0_7/POT20 GNDTable 1: I/O connector A (P10) pin-outPin Function1 N/C2 N/C3 VDD4 P2_0*/LED45 P1_0/LED16 P2_1/DD7 P1_1/PWM_OUTPUT8 P2_0/DC9 P1_2*/LED210 P2_3*/SDA11 P1_3/LED312 P2_4*/SCL13 P1_4/CSn14 N/C15 P1_5/SCLK16 RESET_N17 P1_6/MOSI18 Debug Data Direction(DD_DIR)19 P1_7/MISO20 GNDTable 2: I/O connector B (P11) pin-out, * see chapter 6.9.connectors6.7 EMThe EM connectors are used for plugging the EM to the CC2430ZDK. The connectors P1 and P2 are used as the main interface.The EM includes RF reference design with the Chipcon IC and all required RF circuitry. It is recommended to copy the RF reference design when designing applications with Chipcon devices in order to achieve best RF performance.Note that while it is possible to plug in EM not belonging to the SmartRF®04 product range into the CC2430ZDK the factory firmware and SmartRF® Studio do not support the use of older devices. This means that CC2430ZDK can be used with custom firmware for prototype using the CC2430ZDK together with older Chipcon RF devices.flow6.8 SignalEM connectorFigure 6: Evaluation Board Signal flowThe signal lines from the EM connectors run via 0-ohm resistors to the USB MCU and the various peripherals on the SmartRF04. This allows connecting an EM module to other applications. The USB MCU can be disconnected from the signal pins by removing the 0-ohm resistors. The I/O connectors are located on the “outside” of the 0-ohm resistors, so they are still connected to the EM connectors even if the 0-ohm resistors are removed. Please refer to Table 11 on page 29 for a list of what resistors correspond to which signals.6.9 CC2430EMOn CC2430EM port P2_3 and 2_4 is connected to a 32kHz X-oscillator. The LCD display is therefore internally, on CC2430EM, swapped from P1_2 to P2_3 and P2_0 to P2_4.P2_3P2_4Figure 7: CC2430EM LCD connection7 Hardware description CC2430DBFigure 8: CC2430DB overview7.1 USB InterfaceThe USB interface is used to interface to a PC to run the In-Circuit Emulator in the IAR Embedded Workbench and using SmartRF ® Studio. It is also possible to reprogram the CC2430DB via this interface with the Chipcon programming software, and use the Chipcon packet sniffer. When connected to the USB port the CC2430DB is powered from the USB and no other voltage supplies are required. 7.2 User interfaceThe CC2430DB includes a joystick and a push button as user input devices, and two LEDs as user output devices. 7.3 EEPROMA 32Kbit EEPROM is included for non volatile storage of data that is frequently updated. The EEPROM have 1 Million guaranteed write cycles. 7.4 AccelerometerThe accelerometer can be used measure movements in 2-axis, it can also be used for tilt measurement by measuring the earths gravitation. Accelerometer self test can be initiated by shorting pin 5 and 6 on connector P3. The accelerometer has a 20 ms start-up time after power on. See the Analog Devices ADXL321 datasheet for details about the accelerometer.7.5 PotentiometerThe potentiometer resistance depends on the rotation. Typical value is 10K.sensor7.6 LightA light dependent resistor (LDR) measures light level and gives an analogue signal that is measured by the CC2430 A/D converter. The light sensor resistance ranges from 5KΩ (light) to 20MΩ (dark).connectors7.7 I/OThe I/O connectors bring out all the signals from CC2430. These connectors allow easy access to all CC2430 I/O pins. For prototyping external circuitry can be connected using these connectors.Pin Function1 VDD2 VDD_SW_CONTROLLED13 P0_0/LDR4 RESET_NPUSH5 P0_1/BUTTON6 P1_7/SO/MISO/UART_RD7 P0_2/EE_SDA8 P1_6/SI/MOSI/UART_TD9 P0_3/EE_SCL10 P1_5/SCLK/RTS11 P2_1/DD12 P1_4/CSN/SS/CTS13 P2_2/DCPUSH14 P2_0/JOY15 P0_6/JOY16 P1_2/VDD_SW_CTRL17 P0_7/POT18 P1_1/LED219 P1_0/LED120 GNDTable 3: I/O connector A (P6) pin-outPin Function1 P1_3/GPIO2 DC_JACK_PWR3 P0_4/ACC_X4 VDD5 P0_5/ACC_Y6 GNDTable 4: I/O connector B (P7) pin-out7.8 Jumpersettings1 VDD_SW_CONTROLLED is controlled by the signal named VDD_SW_CTRLFigure 9: CC2430DB Jumper settingsTable 5: Jumper settings summary7.8.1 P3 JumpersThe jumper between pin 1-2 on P3 can be replaced with an ampere meter to measure current consumption of CC2430. The jumper must be mounted for normal operation.The jumper between pin 2-3 can be removed to when performing current measurement to reduce leakage current of the peripheral devices connected to the CC2430. The jumper must be mounted for normal operationThe jumper between pin 5-6 can be mounted to perform accelerometer self test function. By mounting this jumper, a voltage is applied to the accelerometer outputs. See the AnalogHeader Pin DescriptionDefault setting P3 1-2 Replace with ampere meter to measure current consumption of CC2430Mounted P3 3-4 SW controlled power. Can be removed when performing current measurement to reduce leakage currentMountedP3 5-6 Accelerometer self test. Mount to perform accelerometer self test function Not mounted P4 7-9 Manual reset of USB MCUNot mounted P4 9-10 Mount during power on to force USB MCU into boot loaderNot mounted P5 1-2 Connects DD (Debug Data) between USB MCU and CC2430. Should be removed when connecting ICE to “SOC debug connector”Mounted P5 3-4 Connects DC (Debug Clock) between USB MCU and CC2430. Should be removed when connecting ICE to “SOC debug connector”Mounted P5 5-6Connects RESET_N signal between USB MCU and CC2430. Can be removed when performing current measurement to reduce leakage currentMountedDevices ADXL321 datasheet for details about the accelerometer self test. The jumper must be removed for normal operation.Figure 10: Default P3 jumper settings7.8.2 P5JumpersAll jumpers on header P5 must be mounted for normal operation.The jumper between pin 1-2 on P5 connects DD (Debug Data) between USB MCU andCC2430..The jumper between pin 3-4 on P5 connects DC (Debug Clock) between USB MCU andCC2430DB..When the CC2430DB is used with emulator connected to the USB port both the DD and DC jumpers must be mounted. They should only be removed if an external emulator is used. See chapter 9.1 for instructions how to connect external emulator to the CC2430DB.The jumper between pin 5-6 on P5 connects RESET_N signal between USB MCU andCC2430. The jumper can be removed when performing current measurement to reduce leakage current for the circuits connected to the RESET pin. The jumper must be mounted for normal operation.Figure 11: P5 default jumper settingsflow7.9 SignalThe signal lines from the I/O connectors run via 0Ω resistors to the CC2430. and the various peripherals on the ZigBee Development Kit Pro. This way peripheral can be disconnected from the CC2430 signal pins by removing the 0Ω resistors. Please refer to Table 8 for a list of what resistors correspond to which signals.Figure 12: CC2430DB Signal flow8 Using the CC2430ZDK for prototypingSmartRF04EB includes a debug and programming interface. The debug interface is controlled by 2 communication pins. On the SmartRF04EB the interface is controlled by the USB MCU. This allows programming and emulator interface using the USB port. For developing applications, a set of example libraries are include with the SmartRF04EB.Table 11 on page 29 shows what pins on the MCU are used for various peripheral functions. P10 and P11 pin-row connectors can be used to connect the SmartRF04EB to another PCB or prototyping board.Note: The SmartRF04EB may not work with In-Circuit Emulator (ICE), SmartRF® Studio or the examples when the 0-ohm resistors are removed.9 Using the CC2430DB for prototypingThe CC2430DB can be used for prototyping by programming the CC2430 with custom applications. All I/O ports on the CC2430 are available on pin row header at the edge of the board, and the USB interface can be used as In Circuit Emulator (ICE) interface allowing real time in circuit emulation of the CC2430.Code examples and libraries are provided by Chipcon to speed up development with theCC2430DB and CC2430. Table 8 on page 22 shows what pins on the MCU are used for various functions.P6 and P7 pin-row connectors can be used to connect the CC2430DB to other PCB or prototyping boards. See Table 3 on page 15 and Table 4 on page 15 for the pin-out of these connectors.0Ω resistors are included to isolate the CC2430 from the external components on theCC2430DB. By removing these resistors, signals can be accessed on the pin headers.9.1 Debugging using the USB interfaceThe most common way to use the CC2430DB for development is to use the USB interface to control the CC2430 on-chip In-Circuit Emulator. The USB interface supplies power to the board, so there is no need for additional DC power or batteries. The USB interface can also be used to program the CC2430 in circuit using the Chipcon programming software.To use the USB interface, simply connect the USB cable to the board and start the IAR Embedded Workbench software supplied with the kit. Follow the user guide for the IAR tools for instructions how to compile and download the code.9.2 Debugging with the CC2430 debug connectorIt is possible to use the CC2430DB with the Chipcon packet sniffer or other application that requires USB interface for communication with PC and debugging with an emulator simultaneously. In these cases the CC2430 SOC debug connector can be used for connecting the ICE. The SmartRF04EB can be used as emulator interface with a cable from P14 “SOC debug flash” on SmartRF04EB to P8 “SOC debug connector” on CC2430DB. See Figure 13 below. The jumpers between pin 1-2, 3-4 and 4-5 on header P5 must be removed. CC2430DB must be powered from battery, USB or DC jack when debugged fromSmartRF04EB.Figure 13: CC2430 Debug Connectoroperationpower9.3 LowCC2430DB is designed for low power operation when running from batteries. Only theCC2430 is powered in this mode, the USB MCU is not powered. The voltage to the peripheral functions connected to the CC2430 is controlled by an I/O pin P1.2 on the CC2430. Table 6 lists the current consumption for each of the peripherals.To obtain minimum current consumption with the CC2430DB, the P1.2 output must be configured as output.Figure 14: Voltage supply distributionTable 6 below shows the current consumption for all modules and operation modes with 3.3Vsupply voltageActive mode(mA) Power down mode(µA)TypicalMax32KhzSleep CC2430 7,2271µA0.3µAEEPROM 13 0Accelerometer 0,49 0Potentiometer 0,33 0Light sensor 0,001 0.015 0LEDs240 Total 9mA54mA1µATable 6: Current consumption summaryTo accurately measure the current consumption of the C the jumpers listed in Table 7 shouldbe removed.Header Pin Description Low power settingP3 1-2 Replace with ampere meter to measure currentconsumption of CC2430 Mounted, or connect ampere meterP3 3-4 SW controlled power. Can be removed whenperforming current measurement to reduceleakage currentNot mountedP5 5-6 Connects RESET_N signal between USB MCUand CC2430. Can be removed when performingcurrent measurement to reduce leakage currentNot mountedTable 7: Jumper setting for low power measurementsIn order to achieve lowest possible current consumption, the I/O ports of the CC2430 should be configured as listed in Power down state in Table 8 below.2430 pinName Schematic Name DescriptionActivestate2Powerdownstate0Ω ohmresistor 11 P0_0 P0_0/LDRLightdependentresistor analoginputINANALOGOUTLOWR506 12 P0_1 P0_1/BUTTON PUSHPush buttoninterrupt activelowIN PULL-UPIN 13 P0_2 P0_2/EE_SDA EEPROM SDAOUTHIGHOUTLOWR505 14 P0_3 P0_3/EE_SCL EEPROM SCLOUTHIGHOUTLOWR504 15 P0_4 P0_4/ACC_XAccelerometerx-axisINANALOGOUTLOWR507 16 P0_5 P0_5/ACC_YAccelerometery-axisINANALOGOUTLOWR508 17 P0_6 P0_6/JOYJoystickanalog signalINANALOGOUTLOWR416 18 P0_7 P0_7/POTPotentiometeranalog inputINANALOGOUTLOWR4302Active state means that Software controlled VDD is on, this should only be enabledwhen required by an I/O module9 P1_0 P1_0/LED1 Green LED OUTHIGHOUTHIGH8 P1_1 P1_1/LED2 Red LED OUTHIGHOUTHIGH6 P1_2 P1_2/VDD_SW_CTRL Voltage controlfor I/OmodulesOUTHIGHOUTLOW5 P1_3 P1_3/GPIO Free I/O forcontrollingexternal signalOUTLOWOUTLOW4 P1_4 P1_4/CSn/SS/CTS OUTLOWOUTLOWR3053 P1.5 P1_5/SCLK/RTS OUTLOWOUTLOWR3082 P1_6 P1_6/SI/MOSI/UART_TD OUTLOWOUTLOWR3061 P1_7 P1_7/SO/MISO/UART_RD OUTLOWOUTLOWR30748 P2_0 P2_0/Joy_push Joystick pushinterrupt activehighIN IN46 P2_1 P2_1/DD Debug Data IN Jumper P545 P2_2 P2_2/DC Debug Clock IN Jumper P510 RESETRESET_N ResetJumperP5Table 8: Pinout CC2430The joystick output is coded as an analog voltage. This has been done in order to save the number of pins required on the MCU to interface with the joystick. The libraries contain functions to decode the ADC values and indicate in what direction the joystick is moved. The push function of the joystick is connected to a digital input pin.9.4 Using the CC2430serial port to interface to RS232The CC2430serial port is accessible on the header connectors as 3.3V signals. An RS232 driver circuit is required to connect to a RS232 port on a PC. The RS232 port on a SmartRF04EB can be connected to the CC2430DB to allow applications to interface to a PC serial port.Table 9 shows the connection between the CC2430DB and the SmartRF04EB. Both the P8 (10-pin) connector and the P8 (20-pin) connector on the CC2430DB can be used, but only one of them should be connected.To use the serial port on CC2430DBUSART1 must be used on alternative location 2 in the CC2430. Please see the CC2430datasheet for instructions how to select serial port and location. Using the SmartRF04EB will only work if the CC2430DB is powered from a USB or DC jack. The serial port signals will not be accessible if the CC2430DB is powered from batteries.Signal Name Smartrf04EB (P10) CC2430ZDK (P8)”2430 Debug” CC2430ZDK (P6) ”I/O A”RD 9 10 6。
2.ZigBee2.1设备类型(Device Types)在ZigBee网络中存在三种逻辑设备类型:Coordinator(协调器),Router(路由器)和End-Device(终端设备)。
协调器选择一个信道和一个网络ID(也称之为PAN ID,即Personal Area Network ID),随后启动整个网络。
一旦这些都完成后,协调器的工作就像一个路由器(或者消失go away)。
注意:在Z-Stack 1.4.1中一个设备的类型通常在编译的时候通过编译选项(ZDO_COORDINATOR 和RTR_NWK)确定。
2.2栈配置(Stack Profil e)栈参数的集合需要被配置为一定的值,连同这些值在一起被称之为栈配置。
SAP的意思就是服务接入点(Service Access Point)的意思,是协议栈层与层之间的接口,协议栈都是分层结构的,接口就是层与层之间的沟通渠道。
PHY & MAC & NWKZigBee2007协议栈的物理层及MAC层都是IEEE802.5.14-2003标准中定义的。
目录一RexBee基本使用说明 (1)二组网节点查看及通过无线配置其他节点参数 (10)三网络拓扑图及节点路径查看 (13)四巧用NETWORK软件进行组命令帧 (14)一RexBee基本使用说明拿到模块,如果配合我们的开发板,那使用非常方便,如果没有开发板,那也非常简单,只需连RX,TX,VCC,GND这4根线到你们的MCU,就能跟你们进行串口通信,,外观如下图:1如果是有我们开发板,那么将模块插到我们开发板,接上电源,然后开发板上的LED灯会闪烁,说明模块正常运行,接上串口连接到电脑,然后选择相应COM口即可。
我们的TX接你们的RX,我们的RX接你们的TX,注意,我们的芯片电压是3.3V,如果你们MCU 是5V的话,需要做转换哦,详见各模块Datasheet。
首先发送AT+VER查看本身是什么节点类型,在发送AT+GETINFO查看工作在什么信道和PANID下(ZIGBEE设备只有在相同的PANID和信道下才能进行通信)发现PANID跟CH相同,那么就可以进行通信了,比如COO要发送01 02 03 04 05 06 到ROUTER,ROUTER收到数据后给COO回复06 05 04 03 02 01,那么直接在COO端发送01 02 03 04 05 06,然后在ROUTER端发送06 05 04 03 02 01即可。
1.概述1.1解析ZigBee堆栈架构ZigBee堆栈是在IEEE 802.15.4标准基础上建立的,定义了协议的MAC和PHY层。
设备是由模板定义的,并以应用对象(Application Objects)的形式实现(见图1-1)。
图1-1 zigbe堆栈框架从应用角度看,通信的本质就是端点到端点的连接(例如,一个带开关组件的设备与带一个或多个灯组件的远端设备进行通信,目的是将这些灯点亮)。
应用程序可以通过端点0与ZigBee 堆栈的其它层通信,从而实现对这些层的初始化和配置。
附属在端点0的对象被称为ZigBee设备对象 (ZD0)。
A Zigbee -subset/IEEE 802.15.4 Multi-platformProtocol StackDr. Robert B. Reese (reese@)Links: /~reese (homepage), (stack ) (C) Copyright by R. Reese, all rights reserved.Executive Summary: This document details the usage and implementation of a Zigbee-subset/IEEE 802.15.4 wireless stack, named MSSTATE_LRWPAN. Version 0.1 of the stack provides support for coordinator/router/RFD nodes, tree routing, direct messaging, and indirect messaging using static binding. Platforms currently supported are:• Platform: PICDEM Z (PIC18 + CC2420 radio), Compiler: MCC18 or HI-TECH• Platform: CC2430 Evaluation board/SOC_BB (CC2430/31 which has an 8051+802.15.4 Radio integrated in one die), Compiler: IAR51• Platform: WIN32 simulated RF nodes+ Virtual Board interface, Compiler: Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003This stack’s target audiences are educational, research, and hobbyist users who are looking to experiment with private personal-area networks using available Zigbee/802.15.4 platforms. This stack only implements a very small subset of the Zigbee 1.0 standard, and is not Zigbee compliant. Use of this stack is non-restricted for research, educational, and personal use. Commercial use of the NWK, APS, APL layers of this stack is bound by the Zigbee Trademarks, Designations, and Logos Policy [8] as these layers use Zigbee Alliance intellectual property.1. BackgroundMy name is Robert Reese, and I am an associate professor in the Electrical & Computer Engineering department at Mississippi State University. I first began experimenting with the Microchip Zigbee stack and the PICDEMZ platform in May 2005, and developed some examples over Summer 2005 to help our students use the PICDEMZ in senior design projects. During the Fall 2005 and Spring 2006 semesters, we had three senior teams use the PICDEMZ in their projects ([4][5][6]). In Fall 2006, I modified the Microchip 3.3 Stack to include security for use with the Wireless Inventory project ([4]) as a means to educate myself further on the internals of the Microchip stack, and the Zigbee [2] and 802.15.4 [1] standards. In May 2006, based upon the experience of helping our senior design teams use the Microchip stack, I decided to develop a new Zigee/802.15.4 software stack from scratch for the following reasons:• I wanted our students to be able to experiment with wireless platforms other than the Microchip PICDEMZ and the Microchip stack. Microchip gives users permission to use the Microchip stack only with Microchip processors (this is the principle reason for the new stack).• I looked at other options for wireless PANs such as TinyOS[7] and commercial Zigbee stacks. TinyOS is an impressive platform for wireless sensors, but it uses a C-based programming language called NesC that requires a modified-GCC compiler for your target CPU. Porting this environment to new platforms such as the ChipCon CC2430(8051+embedded radio) is non-trivial, and also the learning curve of NesC can bedaunting for senior design students. Commercial Zigbee stacks are an attractive option,except that you are limited to the platforms supported by them, and you generally cannotexperiment with their source code to try out new ideas.• Our student design teams do not need a full-featured Zigbee stack (at least at this time) –they used only a small subset of the available features in the Microchip stack.• There were some recurring problems with the Microchip stack that proved difficult to fix.The main problem was nodes losing connection because the radio would lock up or theprocessor would reset itself because of a watchdog timer reset (V3.3). It was a very time-consuming process to try to track down these problems; David Flowers at Microchip wasvery helpful during this time. However, we never did get the occasional networkdisconnects solved – the teams simply programmed their applications in a very defensivemanner to combat nodes becoming unable to talk on the network. Microchip may havesolved these problems in later stack releases, I don’t know as we had made manymodifications to the V3.3 stack and did not want to try correlating these changes withlater releases. The long debugging sessions with the Microchip stack made me wish foran environment in which I fully understood the implementation details and in which thestack debugging was easier. I do applaud Microchip’s effort at providing both a hardwareplatform (PICDEMZ) and a software stack for experimenting with Zigbee – it made ahuge difference in raising awareness of these topics within our ECE program. CarolPopovich, University Program Coordinator, helped in our Senior design projects bydonating two PICDEMZ boards over the ones that we had already purchased.Because of the above reasons, I have begun developing our own Zigbee-subset/802.15.4 stack, and this document details the implementation and usage of that stack. I have written this document as a way to help our students use this stack, and to help others outside of Mississippi State to use the stack if they are interested. I believe that the Microchip PICDEMZ platform is a nice platform for experimenting with wireless applications, and I hope that this stack stimulates additional interest in it for educational use.Table 1 compares the features in the current stack release against the Microchip Zigbee stack, V3.6. This table is provided as a reference for anybody considering using this stack in their own project – you easily see what the MSSTATE_LRWPAN stack code provides and what it does not provide.Table 1 Feature ListFeatureMicrochip Stack (V3.6) MSSTATE_LRWPAN Routing Mesh/Tree Tree Only Network Configuration Dynamic, network formed when nodesstartup and issuediscoveryDynamic, network formed whennodes startup and issue discovery PAN ID SelectionDynamic (Generated at startup) Static, assigned by userChannel SelectionDynamic, free channels searched at network start Static, assigned by user Frequency2.4GHz, 900MHz? 2.4GHz only Zigbee Message FormatKey/Value Pair, MSG MSG Direct MessagingYes, long/short addresses Yes, long/short addresses Binding, Indirect MessagesDynamic Binding, non-volatile binding table Static Binding only; in non-volatile table Beacon-enabled networksYES (?) NO Zigbee BroadcastYES NO APS acks for Messages YES YESPacket storage by Coord, router for nodes that are sleeping. YES NO, Coord/Router immediatelydelivers packets to destinationnodes.Zigbee Profiles YESNO Security NO NOPlatform/Compiler PICDEMZ/MCC18 (CC2420, UZ2400 radios) Restricted to Microchip processors. PICDEMZ/MCC18/HI-TECH C(CC2420 radio only)CC2430 (8051+RF radio)/AR51WIN32 Virtual Nodes/ Can be ported to other platforms for educational, research, hobbyist use.Zigbee Compliant YES NOAs is seen, the current feature set of the MSSTATE_LRWPAN stack is very limited compared to the Microchip stack. While more features will be added to the MSSTATE_LRWPAN stack over time (see the section on Future Releases), these features are sufficient for many student and hobbyist projects. At this time, I do not see this stack as ever becoming ‘Zigbee compliant’ or being promoted for commercial use, as this would require membership in the Zigbee Alliance as per the Zigbee Trademarks, Designations, and Logos Policy [8].2. TerminologyThis document assumes that you familiar with Zigbee/802.15.4 basic terminology. See the Zigbee[2] and 802.15.4 [1] standards for more information. The following terms/acronyms are used in this document:IEEE Address 8-byte 802.15.4 network address of a node, also called the long address Network Address 2-byte network address of a node, also called the short addressPAN personal area networkPAN ID : personal area network identifierFFD full function device (capable of routing)RFD reduced function deviceCoordinator The network coordinator, forms the networkHAL Hardware Abstraction Layer of the stackPHY Physical layer of the stackMAC Medium access control layer of the stackNWK Network layer of the stackAPS Application support layer of the stackAPL Application layer of the stackIDE Integrated Design EnvironmentSee Section 14 for a short description of Zigbee/802.15.4 networks.3. Installation, Directory OrganizationThe project files in the distribution assume that the file archive is unzipped to your top-level C:\ drive. The directory structure after the file archive is extracted is as follows:C:\msstate_lrwpan\msoft_net\virtual_board (Virtual Board application for WIN32 target )obj\compiletest\ (contains IDE project files, object files for target platforms)hitech_picdemz\iar51_cc2430\iar51_cc2430_soc_bb1\mcc18_picdemz\win32\src\simpletests\application test codestack\stack source code filestarget\ (contains HAL layer files for targets)iar51\cc2430_31\cc2430evb\mcc18\pic18\picdemz\win32\4. Target Platforms, Testing EnvironmentTable 2 gives the support platforms/compilers for the current version of the stack.Table 2 Support Platforms/CompilersPlatform CompilerConfigurationsTestedPICDEMZ(PIC184620+CC2420) MCC18/HI-TECHFour nodes – coordinator, routers, RFDsin various configurationsCC2430 EVB (Integrated 8501+Radio) IAR8051Three nodes (Coordinator + RFD). TheCC2430 nodes has also been used inconjunction with PICDEMZ nodes toform larger networks.WIN32 Virtual Nodes MS Visual .NET 2003 Five nodes – coordinator, routers, RFDs in various configurationsThe HAL layer of the stack assumes a platform that has a serial port, two pushbuttons, and two LEDs. When testing with PICDEMZ boards or the CC2430 boards, I used USB-to-serial port adapters to give me multiple serial ports, and Hyperterm as the serial console.The WIN32 Virtual nodes are a WIN32 console application plus a .NET GUI application called VirtualBoard that provides simulation of the pushbuttons, LEDs, and other debugging features (see the WIN32 quickstart for more information). The WIN32 Virtual node capability is useful for debugging new features of the stack as you can use the full power of the Visual Studio .NET environment for debugging. The virtual nodes use shared memory and mutexes to simulate the ether – I have simulated up to five nodes using this approach. More nodes could be simulated, but it can become somewhat cumbersome to bring up multiple console windows for the simulation. Also, I am unsure as to how well the shared memory approach scales as the number of nodes grow large – even though it works fine for small numbers of nodes there may be unanticipated contention problems for the mutex that controls access to the shared memory as the number of nodes increases, which may give undesired simulation results. I have used the WIN32 Virtual node capability extensively in developing this stack by using small numbers of virtual nodes, and have found it quite handy in tracking down problems. It is probably a good idea to test your application with a two or three Virtual nodes before trying it on actual hardware.Figure 1 shows a photograph of some of the nodes used in testing this stack.Figure 1 Current platforms that are compatible with this stack5. Example ApplicationsSeveral example applications can be found in the src\simpletests directory.Table 3 Example ApplicationsApplication Description ConfigurationsTestedhelloworld.c Used to test the UART functions ofthe HAL .Single node testboardest.c Used to test the LED, Switchfunctions of the HAL for the targetevaluation board.Single node testtimertest.c Used to test the LED, Switchfunctions of the HAL for the targetevaluation board.Single node testsleeptest.c Test of HAL sleep function Single node testmemtest.c Internal test for testing heapallocation functions in stack.Single node testping_pong.c An RFD sends a packet to acoordinator, and the coordinatorincrements a counter in the packetand sends it back. Can havemultiple RFDs sending packets.Uses direct messaging.Coord +RFDCoord + 2 RFDsCoord + Router + RFDCoord + Router + 2 RFDsCoord + 2 Routers + 2 RFDsping_pong_rejoin.c A more complex version ofping_pong.c that has rejoins/joins iffailures in TX/RX occurs.Same as ping_pong.ccoord_ep_indirect.c Tests indirect messaging betweenan endpoint on the Coordinator andand RFD.Intended as a two node testonly (Coord +RFD )direct_msg_test.c Tests different forms of directmessages from RFD to coordinator.Same as ping_pong.cindirect_msg_test.c Tests indirect messages betweentwo RFDs.Minimum configuration isthree nodes. Tested with:Coord + 2 RFDs.Coord + Router + RFDnode_sink.c Runs the stack, and prints out anypackets in the format used by theping_pong.c and rfd_sleep.cexamples.Single node application, afterjoining the network does nottransmit any packets.rfd_sleep.c Tests HAL sleep/wakeup functions– intended for use on an RFD nodethat sleeps between direct messagesends to a target node (default targetis Coordinator, but can be changedSame as ping_pong.cin the file). A good target node is one that is running the node_sink.c application so that you can see when the packet reaches the target.router_app.c A router application that canrecover from a dropped connectionwith its parent.Intended as the application torun on router nodes.The PingPong example is the default example that is linked into the project files for different targets and is the example discussed in the Quickstart sections.The PingPong example is the application that I like to leave running over night or over the weekend with four nodes (coord, router, two RFDs) to test long-term network stability. The current longest time that I have left nodes running is 72 hours, using PICDEMZ nodes. I use log files to track output, and occasionally I see the CC2420 on the PICDEMZ unable to perform a transmission, but on successive retries the nodes recover. I do not see nodes becoming unable to communicate on the network as I used to see in our applications on the V3.3 Microchip stack. I do not know the reason for this, all I know is that this stack appears to at least have a stable connection to the CC2420 on the PICDEMZ boards (similar stability has also been observed on the CC2430 nodes) The stack code itself is undoubtedly less stable in terms of higher stack functionality (routing, ill-formatted packets, etc.) than the Microchip stack because it simply has not been tested as much.6. QuickStarts for different platform targets6.1. WIN32 Target QuickStartThis section discusses how to simulate virtual hardware nodes under Windows. It assumes that you have Visual Studio .NET 2003 or later (the project files have been created with VS .NET 2003). Before trying a hardware target, it is a good idea to try out the WIN32 target first to get an idea of how the application is supposed to work.Steps to run the PingPong example.1. Start Visual Studio .NET and use File →Open →Project to open the solution named‘compiletest’ that is located at C:\msstate_lrwpan\obj\compiletest\win32. Ensure that the ping_pong.c file is linked as the sourcefile for this project.2. Use Build→Configuration Manager andselect the ‘coord’ configuration. UseBuild→Rebuild to rebuild the solution.Then use Debug→Start withoutDebugging to start the application.3. You should see a console window as seen below. This indicates the coordinator node hasstarted a network and is waiting for packets. The Address is the coordinator’s longaddress. This is set by the C++ preprocessor #defines in the compiletest property pages (use Project→compileTest Properties to open the property pages, browse to C/C++→Preprocessor , and look at the Preprocessor definitions – the #defines for aExtendedAddress_B0 (Least significant byte), aExtendedAddress_B1, etc. are used todefine the bytes of this node’s long address.Coordinator console:Property pages for compiletest, see the preprocessor definitions for #defines:When using the WIN32 nodes, the coordinator node always has to be started first as it createsthe shared memory segment used by all of the nodes. Starting a router or RFD node first willgenerate errors.4. Now use the configuration manager to select the RFD1 configuration, rebuild it, andlaunch the application. It should open a similar window, and you will see it join thecoordinator network. If Visual Studio does not let you change the configuration while thecoordinator console is opened, then this means that you started the coordinator withDEBUG enabled – you need to close the coordinator, and restart it without debugging.Observe that RFD1 has successfully joined the network.5. At this point, you need to start a Virtual Board application in order to simulate a switchpress to the RFD1 node. Launch the virtual_board.exe program found under C:\msstate_lrwpan\msoft_net\virtual_board\Debug. This will open a window as seen below:6. Type in the value ‘1’ to the EVB ID, and click on ‘Connect to EVBSim’. This willconnect the Virtual Board interface to the RFD1. The EVB ID in the RFD1 application is set by the #DEFINE EVB_ID in the compiletest property pages. This value must be unique for each console node – you can see this value printed in the Welcome message of the node in the shared memory name ‘EVBSMEM_1’ – the ‘1’ is the value of the EVB_ID of this node. After the Virtual Evaluation Board is connected, you will see something as shown below.The ‘connection succeeded!’ message indicates the Virtual Board was able to connect to the RFD1 console node. You could also open a Virtual Board for the coordinator, but it is unnecessary in this case as there is no switch interaction needed on the Coordinator node. Observe that LED1 is checked, this means that the RFD1 application has turned on LED1 (this is done by the RFD1 if it successfully joins a network).7. Click on ‘SW1’ checkbox. You should see the RFD1 and Coordinator start pingingpackets back and forth. You will also see the LED1 toggle each time a packet is received or a retry of packet send is attempted. To halt the nodes, you must close the applications.If you turn off all of the RFD nodes, the coordinator will begin constantly retrying sends of its last received packet, flooding the channel. A more robust version of the PingPong application can be found in ping_pong_rejoin.c.6.1.1. More about the PingPong application, Virtual BoardYou will observe that the PingCnt is incremented each time the packet is received by a node, so that when the PingCnt is printed on a node it advances by 2 each time since it was incremented by the remote node. The RXTimeouts is the number of times that a node timed out waiting for the packet to be returned by the coordinator – see section 8, “Stack Implementation Details”, for a discussion of stack internals and timeouts.. In the case of an RXTimeout, the node tries resending the packet (this is an application-level retry and is independent of the automatic retries at the MAC level). The TX stack latency is a measure of the latency from when the application issues the packet at the APL level to when the Radio begins transmitting – see Section 11 on Performance Tests for information on this value on the PICDEMZ and CC2430 targets.The DbgLev in the virtual board interface can be used to modify the debug_level variable in the connected node. If you set this value to 10, and then click on the WriteDgb button, you will see the console window begin printing out more details about internal stack operations, including dumping the packet contents of any packet that is transmitted. The stack code has a liberal sprinkling for debugging output statements that are conditionally controlled by the debug_level variable. A value of zero blocks any debugging output, higher values of debug_level increases the verbosity of the stack debugging output.The “Rx (enabled)” checkbox can be used to block RX to a node – you can use to simulate your node’s behavior in the case of excessive timeouts waiting for reception or excessive failures to receive MAC acks or APS acks.The ping_pong_rejoin.c application is a more complex version of ping_pong.c that performs network rejoins and joins on excessive TX or RX failures. Robust applications should probably do something similar in order to recover from dropped connections.6.1.2. Strategies for Creating Different Network TopologiesTo test various node Router/RFD combinations with the WIN32 nodes, one approach to use is: • Start the coordinator and a virtual board.• Start a router (either running the router_app.c or node_sink.c code – use the node_sink.c code if you do not want the router pinging its parent and thus creating more traffic for you to look through). Also start a virtual board for this router.• Before starting the next node or router, use the Virtual Board Rx checkbox to block the reception of all of the routers except for the router that you want the new node to join.Start up the new node, and verify that it joined the desired parent. If it did not, then just kill it, and make sure that you have the unwanted router(s) RX blocked, and try again. If the node joins the wrong router this creates an entry in that router’s neighbor table – when you kill the node that joined the wrong parent, this entry will still be in the table taking up space but it will not interfere with the network operation. It just means that the particular short address that was assigned to the node will not be reused until the router flushes its neighbor table by a join or the router is restarted.Be warned – Windows can get sluggish even with only a few nodes running – I have not tested the WIN32 virtual nodes with more than five nodes (coordinator, 2 routers, 2 RFDs) running at a time.To test the same node Router/RFD combinations with hardware platforms is more difficult if the nodes are all within range of each other. You can either customize the usrJoinVerifyCallback() function in each router to only accept a particular set of children, or you can try physically separating the nodes and seeing if the node joins the right router. Since a node joins a router based on the strongest signal strength, this is not too difficult to but requires starting/stopping a node several times and watching its console output to see if it joins the correct parent.6.2. PICDEMZ/MCC18 Target QuickStartBefore reading this section, please read the WIN32 Quickstart and experiment with the PingPong application on the virtual nodes as this section does not repeat information on the PingPong application.The project files in this archive were created with MPLAB V7.40.All project files are for the PICDEMZ target are located atC:\msstate_lrwpan\obj\compiletest\mcc18_picdemzSteps to run the PingPong example.1. Open MPLAB, and open the project named compiletest_coord.mcp project. Ensure thatthe file ping_pong.c is linked into the source files (if another sample application from Table 3 is linked in, then remove that file from the project and add the source file src/simpletests/ping_pong.c.2. Use Project→Clean to remove any pre-existing object files.3. Use Project→Build Options→Project and click on the MPLAB C18 target. You shouldsee:Replace the aExtendedAddress_B7 (MSB) through aExtendedAddress_B0 (LSB) Macro Definitions with the long address values of your the PICDEMZ node that will serve as the coordinator.4. Use Project→Make to build the application.5. Program your PICDEMZ with the resulting hex file –when you power the node up, youshould see the PingPong welcome message appear if you have a Hyperterminal window connected to the PICDEMZ node at 57600 baud.6. Close this project, and open the project named compiletest_rfd1.mcp – this project will beused to program the second PICDEMZ node as an RFD. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to specify this node’s long address, build the application and program the PICDEMZ node with your application.7. When you power up the RFD node, you should see its RA0 LED turn on indicating thatthe node connected to the network formed by the coordinator (this assumes the coordinator node is powered on). Press either RB5 or RB4 – you should start to see the RA0 LED blink on both the coordinator and RFD nodes as they ping the packet back and forth. You will also see the same status information printed on the WIN32 virtual node consoles dumped to the serial ports of the two nodes.Other project files supplied are:• compiletest_router.mcp - intended for a router node, has LRWPAN_ROUTER defined.• compiletest_rfd2.mcp - another RFD node.6.3. CC2430EVB/IAR51 QuickStartBefore reading this section, please read the WIN32 Quickstart and experiment with the PingPong application on the virtual nodes as this section does not repeat information on the PingPong application.The project files in this archive were created with IAR Embedded Workbench (IAREW) IDE, using the version available in July 2006.All workspace files are for the CC2430 EVB target are located at:C:\msstate_lrwpan\obj\compiletest\iar51_cc2430This assumes that you have two CC2430 Evaluation boards – one will run the coordinator, and one will run an RFD.Steps to run the PingPong example.1. Open IAREW, and open the workspace named compiletest.eww project.2. Select the coord configuration (coordinator configuration).3. Ensure that the file ping_pong.c is linked into the source files (if another sampleapplication from Table 3 is linked in, then remove that file from the project and add the source file src/simpletests/ping_pong.c.4. Use Project→Clean to remove any pre-existing object files.5. Click on the compiletest-coord entry at the top of the workspace file list, then useProject→Options to open the options for compiletest. Click on the C/C++ Compiler category, and then click on the Preprocessor tab, and you should see:Replace the aExtendedAddress_B7 (MSB) through aExtendedAddress_B0 (LSB) Macro Definitions with the long address values of your the PICDEMZ node that will serve as the coordinator.6. Use Project→Make to build the application.7. Program your PICDEMZ with the resulting hex file –when you power the node up, youshould see the PingPong welcome message appear if you have a Hyperterminal window connected to the PICDEMZ node at 57600 baud. I use the Chipcon SmartRF 04 Flash Programmer to program the hex file, and keep the target EVB IEEE address to the value that it was originally programmed with. I found it easiest to install the ChipCon Flash programmer as a subtool in the IAREW so that you can program the EVB from directly within the IAREW (the documentation on the Chipcon SmartRF 04 explains how to do this).8. Select the RFD configuration from within IAREW.9. Repeat steps 4 through 7 to specify this node’s long address, build the application andprogram the second CC2430 EVB node with your application.10. When you power up the RFD node, you should see its LED1 turn on indicating that thenode connected to the network formed by the coordinator (this assumes the coordinator node is powered on). Press the joystick either up or down (this simulates a button press of SW1 (up) or SW2 (down) – you should start to see the LED1 blink on both the coordinator and RFD nodes as they ping the packet back and forth. You will also see the。
ZigBee协议栈-Z-Stack API介绍(ZDO网络启动)
Z-Stack API
ZigBee 设备对象(ZDO
Z-Stack API
ZigBee 设备对象(ZDO)
网络管理服务提供了检索设备管理信息的功能,包括网络发现结果、 路由表内容、到周边节点的链路质量以及绑定表内容。它还提供了 通过断开与个人区域网络设备的联系来控制网络联系的功能。网络 管理服务主要是针对用户或调试工具而设计,用来管理网络。
ZDP描述了ZDO内部一般性的ZigBee 设备功能是如何实现的。它定义了使用命令和 响应对的设备描述和簇。通过定义命令结构体的信息,ZDP为ZDO和应用程序提供了 如下功能:
• 设备网络启动 • 设备和服务发现 • 终端设备绑定、绑定和取消绑定服务 • 网络管理服务
Z-Stack API
ZigBee 设备对象(ZDO)
Z-Stack API
ZigBee 设备对象(ZDO)
典型的绑定用于网络配置期间,即当用户需要将控制设备绑定到被控制设 备(比如开关和灯光)时。特别地,终端设备绑定支持一个简化的绑定方 法,即使用用户的输入来识别控制或被控制的设备对。绑定和取消绑定服 务提供了创建和删除绑定表条目的功能,其中绑定表的功能是记录控制信 息及其各自的目的地。
Z-Stack API
层次)的API 提供一般性的支持服务,能同时用 于ZDO 层和制造商定义的应用对象 NWK 层 ZigBee 网络层(NWK)为更高层次的(应用层)组件提供管理 和数据服务。
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Zigbee协议栈中文说明1.概述1.1解析ZigBee堆栈架构ZigBee堆栈是在IEEE 802.15.4标准基础上建立的,定义了协议的MAC和PHY层。
设备是由模板定义的,并以应用对象(Application Objects)的形式实现(见图1-1)。
图1-1 zigbe堆栈框架从应用角度看,通信的本质就是端点到端点的连接(例如,一个带开关组件的设备与带一个或多个灯组件的远端设备进行通信,目的是将这些灯点亮)。
应用程序可以通过端点0与ZigBee 堆栈的其它层通信,从而实现对这些层的初始化和配置。
附属在端点0的对象被称为ZigBee设备对象 (ZD0)。
1.1.2 802.15.4 MAC层IEEE 802.15.4标准为低速率无线个人域网(LR-WPAN)定义了OSI模型开始的两层。
PHY层定义了无线射频应该具备的特征,它支持二种不同的射频信号,分别位于2450MHz波段和868/915MHz 波段。
868 /915MHz波段中,868MHz支持1个数据速率为20kbps的信道,915MHz支持10个数据速率为40kbps的信道。
它负责建立与网络的同步,支持关联和去关联以及MAC 层安全:它能提供二个设备之间的可靠链接。
1.1.3 关于服务接入点ZigBee堆栈的不同层与802.15.4 MAC通过服务接入点(SAP)进行通信。
1.1.4 ZigBee的安全性安全机制由安全服务提供层提供。
1.1.5 ZigBee堆栈容量和ZigBee设备根据ZigBee堆栈规定的所有功能和支持,我们很容易推测ZigBee堆栈实现需要用到设备中的大量存储器资源。
ZigBee协议栈体系包含一系列的层元件,其中有IEEE802.15.4 2003标准中的MAC层和PHY层,当然也包括ZigBee组织设计的NWK层。
图2-1 zigbee协议堆栈分层结构2.1.2应用层框架ZigBee中的应用框架是为驻扎在ZigBee设备中的应用对象提供活动的环境。
2.1.3 ZigBee设备对象ZigBee设备对象(ZDO),描述了一个基本的功能函数,这个功能在应用对象、设备profile和APS 之间提供了一个接口。
在终端节点0, ZDO提供了与协议栈中与低一层连接的接口,如果是数据则通过APSDE-SAP,如果是控制信息则通过APSME-SAP。
2.2 ZigBee应用支持子层APSAPS提供了这样的接口:在NWK层和APL层之间,从ZDO到供应商的应用对象的通用服务集。
2.2.1 范围这一小节描述了应用层部分提供的服务规范和生产商定义的应用对象与ZigBee设备对象之间的接口。
如图2-2图2-2 zigbee帧格式2.2.2 目的这小节的目的是定义ZigBee应用支持子层的功能。
2.2.3 应用支持子层简介应用支持子层给网络层和应用层通过ZigBee设备对象和制造商定义的应用对象使用的一组服务提供了接口,该接口提供了ZigBee设备对象和制造商定义的应用对象使用的一组服务。
APS数据实体(APSDE)通过与之连接的SAP,即APSDE-SAP 提供数据传输服务。
APS管理实体(APSME)通过与之连接的SAP,即APSME-SAP提供管理服务,并且维护一个管理实体数据库,即APS信息库(NIB)。 应用支持子层的数据实体(APSDE)APSDE向网络层提供数据服务,并且为ZDO和应用对象提供服务,完成两个或多个设备之间传输应用层PDU。