Chapter 1 General introduction 《国际结算》 PPT课件
![Chapter 1 General introduction 《国际结算》 PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3ce6ddcd5901020206409c10.png)
factoring and forfaiting
commercial invoice,
bilclsomofmleardciniagl, insinurvaoniccee,poplaiccikeisn,g celritsitf,icbailtlessooff orliagidni,nge,tcinsurance
✓ (跟单信用证项下审核单据的国际标准实务)
✓International Standby Practice 98 (ISP98);(国际备用信用证惯例)
✓Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458;
• Settlement through the Internet
• 物权单据化,金融中介化,支付复杂化
1.3 contents
proImnisstsrourmy ennottess,
➢bills of exchange, ➢ promissory notes, ➢ checks
on the part of the foreign exchange banks.
1.4 International payment system
• Brief introduction
• Some major payment system
• Related international customs
Chapter One Introduction
❖1.1 Concept ❖1.2 Evolution ❖1.3 Contents ❖1.4 International payment systems ❖1.5 Laws and customs ❖1.6 Currency banking network
commercial invoice,
bilclsomofmleardciniagl, insinurvaoniccee,poplaiccikeisn,g celritsitf,icbailtlessooff orliagidni,nge,tcinsurance
✓ (跟单信用证项下审核单据的国际标准实务)
✓International Standby Practice 98 (ISP98);(国际备用信用证惯例)
✓Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.458;
• Settlement through the Internet
• 物权单据化,金融中介化,支付复杂化
1.3 contents
proImnisstsrourmy ennottess,
➢bills of exchange, ➢ promissory notes, ➢ checks
on the part of the foreign exchange banks.
1.4 International payment system
• Brief introduction
• Some major payment system
• Related international customs
Chapter One Introduction
❖1.1 Concept ❖1.2 Evolution ❖1.3 Contents ❖1.4 International payment systems ❖1.5 Laws and customs ❖1.6 Currency banking network
safe Payment ord er may be lo st or delayed Demand dra ft may be los t or delayed
3.4 Reimbursement of Remittance
• According to the flow direction of instrument and fund , remittance in broad sense can be classified into remittance in narrow sense and reverse remittance.
3.2.4 Payee
Payee is also called the beneficiary. It is the person who is addressed to receive the remitting fund.
3.3 Types of Remittance
Generally speaking , there are three different type of rem ittance.they are telegraphic transfer(T/T) , mail transfer( M/T) and demand draft(D/D).
3.1 Introduction of Remittance
• Remittance , as a frequently used payment method in international trade ,refers to funds from one party to another among different countries.
3.3 Promissory note
3.3.1 Definition of a promissory note 3.3.2 Characteristics of a promissory note 3.3.3 Contents of a promissory note 3.3.4 Classification of a promissory
3.3.2 Characteristics of a promissory note
(1) It is an unconditional promise in writing (2)The basic parties to a promissory note are the maker and the payee (3) There is no need to accept the instrument if it is payable at a fixed or determinable future time (4)The same promissory note can only be made once
Hong Kong, March 15, 2011
USD 5 000.00
On demand we promise to pay to the order of D Company the sum of Five Thousand U.S Dollars only For A Company Hong Kong
3.3.3 Contents of a promissory note
Requisite items:
3.3.1 Definition of a promissory note 3.3.2 Characteristics of a promissory note 3.3.3 Contents of a promissory note 3.3.4 Classification of a promissory
3.3.2 Characteristics of a promissory note
(1) It is an unconditional promise in writing (2)The basic parties to a promissory note are the maker and the payee (3) There is no need to accept the instrument if it is payable at a fixed or determinable future time (4)The same promissory note can only be made once
Hong Kong, March 15, 2011
USD 5 000.00
On demand we promise to pay to the order of D Company the sum of Five Thousand U.S Dollars only For A Company Hong Kong
3.3.3 Contents of a promissory note
Requisite items:
§1.1What is “International Settlement”
International Trade Settlement
financial activities arisen from international commercial transactions.
International Non-trade Settlement
§1.1 What is“International Settlement”
Commodity Production
Exchange of commodity
Circulation of Commodity Circulation of Currency
§1.1 What is “International Settlement”
D.From simple trade term to complicated
trade which connected with both delivery of goods and payment of proceeds
E. From paper documents to electronic
Who bears the credit risks? Who finances the transaction? Who will bear transportation costs and risks? In what currency will payment be made? What are the political and legal risks? What are the costs of each method of financing and payment? Etc...
第七章 国际结算 《国际金融实务》PPT课件
![第七章 国际结算 《国际金融实务》PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/72d78590ac51f01dc281e53a580216fc700a53ab.png)
• (一)信用证的含义 • 信用证(letter of credit)是银行(开证行)根据买方(进口商)的要求和指示,
向卖方(出口商)开立的在一定期限内凭规定的单据符合信用证条款,即期或一个 在未来可以确定的日期支付一定金额的书面承诺。简言之,信用证是一种有条件的 银行付款承诺。信用证可分为光票信用证和跟单信用证两类,在国际贸易中主要使 用的是跟单信用证。
• (三)汇款的种类 • 1.电汇 • 电汇(telegraphic transfer,T/T)是汇出行应汇款人的申请,用加押电报
(tested cable)、电传(telex)或SWIFT形式指示汇入行付款给指定收款人的 一种汇款方式。 • 电汇业务流程如图7-4所示。
图7-4 电汇业务流程
• (1)付款交单(documents against payment,D/P)是指出口商的交单以进 口商的付款为条件,即出口商发货后,取得货运单据,委托银行办理托收,并指示 银行只有在进口商付清货款以后,才能把商业单据交给进口商。付款交单又可根据 汇票的付款期限不同,分为即期付款交单和远期付款交单两种。图7-5是付款交单 流程:
受益方开出的,担保申请人一定履行某种义务,并在申请人未能按规定履行其责任 和义务时,由担保行代其支付一定金额或作出一定经济赔偿的书面文件。
一、银行保函 • (二)银行保函业务的当事人
一、银行保函 • (三)银行保函的分类
•借款保函是指银行应借款人的要求向贷款行作出的一种旨在 保证借款人按照借款合约的规定按期向贷款方归还所借款项 本息的付款保证承诺。
Basic parties
出口商/债权人(Export Supplier) 进口商/债务人(Import Buyer) 出口保理商(Export Factor) 进口保理商(Import Factor)
2、向出口保理商提出叙做保理的需求并要求 为进口商核准信用额度
益处 增加营业 额 风险保障
节约成本 简化手续
对于新的或现有的客户提供更 有竞争力的O/A、D/A付款条件, 以拓展海外市场,增加营业额
利 用 O/A 、 D/A 优 惠 付 款 条 件 , 以有限的资本,购进更多货 物,加快资金流动,扩大营 业额
进口商的信用风险转由保理商 承 担 , 出 口 商 可 以 得 到 100% 的 收汇保障
福费廷(Forfeiting)也称包买票据或票据买断,指包 买商(Forfeiter)从出口商那里无追索权地购买由银行 承兑/承付或保付的远期汇票或本票,而向出口商提供 融资的业务。 基本特点: ▪ 远期票据应产生于销售货物或提供技术服务的经常 贸易项下; ▪ 出口人放弃一切票据权利(在票据上加注“无追索 权”),而包买商放弃对出口人的追索权; ▪ 是一项中长期融资业务,少则半年,多则十年
适合的贸易方式:O/A、D/A 在核准的额度内成交、发货 出口保理商对出口商融资是否有追索权 发票上应注明债权转让条款,并出据债 权转让通知书 费用较高:1%-2% 如有贸易纠纷,保理商将解除担保责任 付款有时较迟
Characteristics of two-factor system
应收账款债权两次转让 进口保理商调查进口商的资信 并核准信用额度 实际承担信用风险和承担坏账担保的, 也是进口保理商
Summary: A letter of credit is a payment guarantee document issued by a bank, in which one party (the applicant) requests the other party (the beneficiary) to receive payment when specific conditions are met.
Political risk refers to the risk that transactions cannot proceed normally in international trade due to political factors (such as war, political turmoil, changes in trade policies, etc.).
Basic process
Notes in international settlement
Draft is a written agreement indicating the existence of unfinished transactions or commitments between two parties.
Usually includes a description of the goods or services, quantity, unit price, total price, and payment method.
An Invoice is an invoice used to provide detailed transaction information to another party and request payment.
among countries, and other payments such as oversease remittances, educational expenses, and inheritance.
International Settlements & Payments 3
Debit 借记---an increase in an asset account or a decrease in a liability account.
Debit advice (MT900) 借记报单---a written note given by the depository bank to the depositor bank to certify a payment from a current account.
5. More and more modern techniques are widely used in international settlements. (电子技术广泛运用)
• Communication (information exchange)(通讯领域)
International Settlements & Payments 3
Debit 借记---an increase in an asset account or a decrease in a liability account.
Debit advice (MT900) 借记报单---a written note given by the depository bank to the depositor bank to certify a payment from a current account.
5. More and more modern techniques are widely used in international settlements. (电子技术广泛运用)
• Communication (information exchange)(通讯领域)
第四节. 银行间赔付规则
一.赔付准则的主旨(美国) 1. 银行不应承担另一银行的错误造成的损失 2. 赔偿金不超过本行获得的利益 3. 赔偿金为美元 4. 必须通过双方银行进行 5. 90天诉讼时效 6. 以仲裁解决纠纷
二. 利息赔偿的情况
1. 倒起息 支付金额ⅹ联邦基金利率ⅹ倒起息的天数
∕360+200 200为付款起息银行的管理费用 2. 提前起息 3.付款错误
二. 美元清算系统
1. CHIPS系统(Clearing House Inter-bank payments System,CHIPS)
国际美元清算系统 2. FEDWIRE系统 美国境内美元清算系统 3. Book Transfer 4. 美元早清算Βιβλιοθήκη 务 5. CHECK 6. ACH
三. 欧元清算系统 四. 日元清算系统
第二节 SWIFT系统
一.SWIFT简介 英文全称:Society for Worldwide Interbank
Financial Telecommunication SWIFT是一个国际银同业间非营利性的合作组
织,负责管理、建设SWIFT国际网络。 SWIFT网络是银行间发送加密电报的网络,支
第三章. 国际银行清算
第一节. 国际银行清算和清算系统
一.清算与清算中心 清算(clearing)是指不同银行之间因资金的
代收、代付而引起的债权债务通过票据清 算所或清算网络进行清偿的活动 清算是结算的延续,一般专指银行间通过银 行清算网络结算债权债务关系 在国际结算中,任何货币的清算最终都要在 该货币的清算中心进行结算。
1. 项目的表示方式 2. 日期的表示方式 3. 数字的表示方式 4. 货币的表示方式
国际结算双语课件Chapter 1 General introduction
![国际结算双语课件Chapter 1 General introduction](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1c186466c1c708a1294a442a.png)
Definition of payment system
A payment system is the means whereby cash value is transferred between a payer’s bank account and a payee’s account. It includes: 1) policies and procedures, including rules for crediting and debiting balance; 2) a medium for storing and transmitting payment information; 3) financial intermediaries for organizing information flow, carrying out value transfer instructions, and generally administering payment activities.
“in cover, we have authorized Bank of China, Beijing to debit our account and credit your account with them.”
Selecting a correspondent bank
➢ reputation and creditworthiness; ➢ size and financial status; ➢ location; ➢ services offered by it; ➢ polices and strength of it; ➢ physical features and personnel; ➢ momentum of early start
effected through a financial intermediary
safety, high efficiency, low cost, standardization
• From payments under simple price terms to payments under more complex price terms
• Settlement through the Internet
• 物权单据化,金融中介化,支付复杂化
1.3 contents
bills of exchange,
proImnisstsrourmy ennottess,
➢bills of exchange, ➢ promissory notes, ➢ checks
Payment methods
of credit, standby lbeatnrcotkeoefmlrlgceiurotcaefttrdaiocanitnrnc,este,dessei,tltesa,,tntdebrys intleertntaetrioonfalcredit, facbtaonrkingguaanrdantees, forifnateitrinagtional
国际结算:为清偿国际间的债权债务关系而发生在不同国家 之间的货币收付活动
• Trade settleon-trade settlement:
1、invisible trade settlement: payments for services, technology transfer, patents and copyright contracts, etc 2、financial transaction settlement: buying and selling of financial assets, overseas money-raising and investing 3、payments between governments:aids and grants 4、others: overseas remittances, educational
safety, high efficiency, low cost, standardization
• From payments under simple price terms to payments under more complex price terms
• Settlement through the Internet
• 物权单据化,金融中介化,支付复杂化
1.3 contents
bills of exchange,
proImnisstsrourmy ennottess,
➢bills of exchange, ➢ promissory notes, ➢ checks
Payment methods
of credit, standby lbeatnrcotkeoefmlrlgceiurotcaefttrdaiocanitnrnc,este,dessei,tltesa,,tntdebrys intleertntaetrioonfalcredit, facbtaonrkingguaanrdantees, forifnateitrinagtional
国际结算:为清偿国际间的债权债务关系而发生在不同国家 之间的货币收付活动
• Trade settleon-trade settlement:
1、invisible trade settlement: payments for services, technology transfer, patents and copyright contracts, etc 2、financial transaction settlement: buying and selling of financial assets, overseas money-raising and investing 3、payments between governments:aids and grants 4、others: overseas remittances, educational
国际结算英文课件 chapter4 Collection
![国际结算英文课件 chapter4 Collection](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a64540cf80c758f5f61fb7360b4c2e3f572725e4.png)
• Definition of Collection Under the Uniform Rules for Collection (URC), ICC Publication No.522
• collection means: the handling by banks of documents, in accordance with instructions received, in order to:
① Obtain payment and / or acceptance; ② Deliver documents against payment and /or against
acceptance; ③ Deliver documents on other terms and conditions.
• Under cash in advance, the importer pays the exporter before delivery of goods by the exporter, the importer extend credit to the exporter and bears the risk of exporter’s non-delivery.(in favor of the exporter)
• Attention:
financial documents
Commercial documents
• Financial documents: bills of exchange, promissory notes, cheques, or other similar instruments used for obtaining the payment.
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Capital & Financial account ➢ capital item ➢ financial item
§1.1What is “International Settlement”
International Settlement
Financial activities conducted among
financial activities across the borders generated in the course of other economic,political and cultural contracts.
Key issues in international settlement:
financing and payment? Etc...
§1.1What is “International Settlement”
➢International Trade Settlement
financial activities arisen from international commercial transactions.
➢International Non-trade Settlement
§1.1 What is“International Settlement”
Commodity Production Exchange of commodity Circulation of Commodity Circulation of Currency
§1.1 What is “International Settlement”
Focal and difficult points
The historical development of international settlement and its system; the fund clearing systems in major international financial centers.
To pay an obligation
§1.1 What is “Internationቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱl Settlement”
Balance of payment : Current account
➢ Goods ➢ Services ➢ Income ➢ current transfers
Key terms
Settlement, International Trade Settlement,"Cargo Documentation", "Performance Certification", Control Documents, Correspondent Bank, Bank Account.
Content of Chapter One
What is “International Settlement” The history of development of International Settlement Condition of International Settlement
❖Who bears the credit risks?
❖Who finances the transaction? ❖Who will bear transportation costs and risks? ❖In what currency will payment be made? ❖What are the political and legal risks? ❖ What are the costs of each method of
different countries in which payment are transferred from one country to another , in order to settle accounts, debts, claims, etc. emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contracts among them.
International Settlement
➢ International Settlement : An Overview ➢ Instruments of payment ➢ Remittance & Collection ➢ Letter of Credit ➢ Documents ➢ Bank’s letter of guarantee ➢ International Factoring ➢ International Forfaiting
International Settlement
Lecturer: shao xinli
Course teaching goal
This course is designed to help students to understand the fundamentals and basic methods of international settlement, grasp the basic skill of the international settlement practice operation. Its primary aim is to realize the purpose that " learn, realize and get it".
Chapter One
International Settlement An Overview
Teaching purpose
Find out about the concept, developing history and system of international settlement; grasp the concrete conditions of international settlement.
§1.1What is “International Settlement”
International Settlement
Financial activities conducted among
financial activities across the borders generated in the course of other economic,political and cultural contracts.
Key issues in international settlement:
financing and payment? Etc...
§1.1What is “International Settlement”
➢International Trade Settlement
financial activities arisen from international commercial transactions.
➢International Non-trade Settlement
§1.1 What is“International Settlement”
Commodity Production Exchange of commodity Circulation of Commodity Circulation of Currency
§1.1 What is “International Settlement”
Focal and difficult points
The historical development of international settlement and its system; the fund clearing systems in major international financial centers.
To pay an obligation
§1.1 What is “Internationቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱl Settlement”
Balance of payment : Current account
➢ Goods ➢ Services ➢ Income ➢ current transfers
Key terms
Settlement, International Trade Settlement,"Cargo Documentation", "Performance Certification", Control Documents, Correspondent Bank, Bank Account.
Content of Chapter One
What is “International Settlement” The history of development of International Settlement Condition of International Settlement
❖Who bears the credit risks?
❖Who finances the transaction? ❖Who will bear transportation costs and risks? ❖In what currency will payment be made? ❖What are the political and legal risks? ❖ What are the costs of each method of
different countries in which payment are transferred from one country to another , in order to settle accounts, debts, claims, etc. emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contracts among them.
International Settlement
➢ International Settlement : An Overview ➢ Instruments of payment ➢ Remittance & Collection ➢ Letter of Credit ➢ Documents ➢ Bank’s letter of guarantee ➢ International Factoring ➢ International Forfaiting
International Settlement
Lecturer: shao xinli
Course teaching goal
This course is designed to help students to understand the fundamentals and basic methods of international settlement, grasp the basic skill of the international settlement practice operation. Its primary aim is to realize the purpose that " learn, realize and get it".
Chapter One
International Settlement An Overview
Teaching purpose
Find out about the concept, developing history and system of international settlement; grasp the concrete conditions of international settlement.