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• 特点 (一)目的性 (二)科学性 (三)条理性 (四)通俗性 (五)实用性
• 作用:
• (一)宣传产品,指导消费 (二)扩大消息,促进消费 (三)传播知识,创造品牌
Lexical Features 词汇特点
一、固定性: 相关技术术语在同一行业中
• [凉拌米粉]:将米粉放入开水中浸泡3-4分 钟,松散后用冷开水过冷,加入随意的凉 拌佐料拌匀即可食用,风味独特。
在语态上,中文食 品说明书一般使用 主动语态,而英文 食品说明书中多用 被动语态。
类似......(原料)is/are selected from......的句型 则经常出现在英文的说 明书中。
The informative text includes reported ideas
or theories.
精选优质的鸡蛋、牛奶和小麦,令蛋黄派中富 蛋白质;
松软香甜的蛋糕裹住新鲜的蛋黄夹心口感柔软细 腻.
High-quality eggs, milk and wheat were selected to make the pie in rich protein;
保质期Durability/Preservation/Shelf life 生产日期 Production Date:(On the seal) 净含量 Net Content /Net Weight 产品标准号 Standard Code/ Executive Standard No. 生产商 Producer 生产许可号 Produce Licence No. 产地 Place of Origin 邮编 ZIP/Postcode 电话 TEL 电子邮件 E-mail
The Translation of Food Instruction
Group Three
Part One: 定义,内容结构,词汇特点 刘昌厚 孟祥雯
Part Two: 文本类型、功能
潘静静 严欢
Part Three:翻译原则及策略
张振波 朱科威
Part Four: 翻译方法
刘柔廷 汪丽娟
句子结构、时态 简单:
食品说明书 讲究言简意赅、 通俗易懂,避免 繁杂冗长。
II. Text Functions and types of Foodstuff Instruction
ext Functions and texts of Foodstuff Instruction
Peter Newmark divdides the functions of language into 3 major types: informative,vocative, expressive. Accordingly, texts can be divided into 3 types: the informative text , the vocative and expressive text.
Part Five: 注意事项及总结
陈礼吉 王爽
I. definition,contents,syntactic features
Foodstuff Instruction
• 定义: 一种常见的说明文,是生产者
向消费者全面、明确地介绍产品 名称、用途、性质、性能、原理、 构造、规格、使用方法、保养维 护、注意事项等内容而写的准确、 简明的文字材料。
Green Arrow gum, containing one hundred percent natural mint, makes you breath fresh and clean!
As Newmark explains, few texts are purely expressive, informative or vocative, and most include all three functions, with an emphasis on one of the three. Before identification of the text type, all functions of foodstuff instruction are analyzed and described. Based on analysis of the communicative purposes and discourse strategies, it could be seen that foodstuff instruction has the following three functions:
相关技术术语是某一专业领域中特有的词 汇术语所具有的专业特性。
Syntactic Features
大量使用祈使句:特别是在其指示说明部分频繁 使用祈使句,且大多省略主语。
Liangban rice noodles: noodles into boiling water will soak in 3-4 minutes after the loose with cold water too cold, joined at the Liangban seasonings to food, unique flavor.
Contents of Foodstuff Instructions:
• 食品名称(Food) Name • 成分/配料Ingredients • 功能Functions • 营养成分Nutrition Information • 储存指南:Storage Instructions • 适宜人群Targeting Group • 用法 Usage • 规格 Specifications
Soft sweet cake wrapped in fresh egg yolk give you soft and delicate taste.
The vocative text includes instructions, publicity, propaganda, persuasive writing (requests, cases, theses), possibly popular fiction, whose purpose is to sell the book/ entertain the reader.