
Thank you
Win the presidential election.
You will need to do more than win the popular vote, which is the tally of all votes in your favor. You will also need to win the electoral college. 270 votes and you've got it! Each state has a certain number of electors based on its size and population. To become president, one candidate must have more electoral votes than the other. In the event of a tie, the House of Representatives will decide the election
Attend your party's convention
Once you emerge(浮现) as the strongest candidate in your political party, you will hold a convention where all the delegates will pledge(保证) their support for your candidacy.
natural-born citizen of the United States at least 35 years old
Presidential election美国总统选举流程,英文介绍

So m e p e o p l e e v e n t a k e d i r e c t a c t i o n s make political programme make political feeler Call at states Meet keyman and donators build relationship with main interest groups and media state their view in public and TV programs
choose a suitable occasion to declare that they will run for nomination of presidential candidates
set up a committee to reelect the president
raise money
Na t i o n a l Re p r e s e n t a t i v e s Co n f e r e n c e
After National Representatives Conference, someone is elected as party’s official candidate their own party’s political claims voters their own political programmes give promises Serve the people voters get more support
Social policies
• Oppose government recognition of samesex unions such as with same-sex marriage. • Pro-life(反堕胎) and oppose elective 反堕胎) abortion(流产) 流产) • Support school choice through charter schools and school vouchers for private schools

篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统
❖ July - August
❖National conference on political parties(党的全国人民代表大会): the two parties hold their national congress, state representatives elected by the party's presidential and vice presidential candidates and the development of the party's political program.
由选举人团投票,如得票数超过选举人总数的一半,即当选为总统, 这就是选举人团制。
50 states 538
Senate 100
House of Representatives 435
Colombia DC 3
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统
选举人投票(electoral voting) 12月份第二个星期三后的第一个星期一
大选日选民投票(voting on Election Day) 11月份第一个星期一后的第一个星期二
总统候选人竞选 正式选举(general election)
总统提名 (1)1790-1824年的国会党团会议提名制
篮球比赛是根据运动队在规定的比赛 时间里 得分多 少来决 定胜负 的,因 此,篮 球比赛 的计时 计分系 统是一 种得分 类型的 系统

U.S.AElection-美国总统选举流程中英⽂对照America’s Election美国实⾏总统制,总统选举每四年举⾏⼀次。
The United States presidential system, presidential elections held every four years. American presidential election system is complex, the process is long. Election of the main program includes pre selection, the parties held a National Congress to determine that the presidential candidate, candidate for the presidency and national voters elected president "the elector", "the elector" established in the electoral college vote formally elect the president and President elect presidential inauguration in several stages.1、预选阶段:预选是美国总统选举的第⼀阶段,通常从⼤选年的年初开始,到年中结束。

The first part, who can be a president? First, the U.S. president must be native American born in the United States. Second, he must be at least 35 years old. Third, he has lived in the United States at least 14 years.Next, I will introduce the process of the election. The U.S. implement Presidential system, the presidential election was hold every four years. It includes five stages. Primary election、Nominating process、Running、General election 、Inauguration. Let's look it one by one.1. Primary election usually starts in Feb. and ends in June. It has two forms: indirect election system & direct election system. The first form, each county, strict, state host meeting to select electors. The second form, all voters cast ballots in the same day to select electors. Most states adopt the second form. purpose: To select electors for the National Party Conventions.2.Nominating process from July to Aug. The electors from each state make up the "Electoral College".The major political parties will officially hold its Presidential Nominating Conventions. In this Nominating Conventions, the "Electoral College" cast ballots for the candidates. Normally, the candidate for president receiving the majority(>50%) of the electoral votes is the elected president.3.Running. The candidates of the major parties will go to many states to win the supporters by means of: campaigning trips to different states, addressing TV speeches, showing on TV debates etc. The candidates deliver countless speeches and shake countless hands. The media tools play an important role in this process. From this picture, we can see this process costs a lot.4.General election: The first Tuesday after the first Monday in Nov. is called Presidential Election Day. That day, all voters cast ballots for the candidates. V oters can't determine the president directly. The first Monday after the second Wednesday is the real presidential election day. That day, the “Electoral College”represents the wishes of the voters to cast ballots for the candidate. Take California as an example, this state has 55 ballots, if more than a half voters support President Obama, then the electoral college will vote these 55 ballots to Obama. From this picture, we can see, there are 538 ballots altogether. Each state is allocated a number of Electoral College electors equal to the number of its Senators and Representatives in the U.S. Congress.5.The candidate who gets more than 270 ballots can be the president. In 2012, president Obama got 332 ballots.In Inauguration day, there are nine events, let 's look at together .1.Morning Worship ServiceThe tradition of attending a morning worship service on Inauguration Day began with Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.2.Procession to the CapitolBy tradition, the outgoing President accompanies the President-elect to the Capitol for the swearing-in ceremony.3.Vice President’s Swearing-In CeremonyUntil 1937, the Vice President was sworn into office in the Senate.4.President’s Swearing-In Ceremony5.Inaugural AddressSince George Washington in 1789, every President has delivered an Inaugural address.6.Departure of the Outgoing PresidentFollowing the inaugural ceremony on the west front of the U.S. Capitol, the outgoing President and First Lady leave the Capitol to begin their post-presidential lives.7.Inaugural LuncheonSince 1953, a luncheon was hosted at the U.S. Capitol for the new President, Vice President, and guests.8.Inaugural ParadeWhile early parades were mostly military escorts, by 1841, floats, citizens groups, and bands became standard.9.Inaugural BallThe first Inaugural ball in Washington was thrown for James and Dolley Madison in 1809.The final part is presidential oath. Firstly, I will introduce some details about the oath. Later, I will show you a short video about the oath of the president Obama.1.Presidents say their name after the first " I"2.Presidents raise their right hand and put their left hand on the bible while swearing in.3.The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court(最高法院首席法官) swears in the President of the United States.4.The swearing in ceremony was held in Washington, D.C.5.It is customary for presidents to add the words "So help me God " to the end of the oath .6.Presidents give an inaugural speech after their oath.。

The presidential ballot is divided into two parts. Firstly, on the Election Day , a national referendum is taken place not only to elect the president but also to choose the electors of each state. The combination of electors is called electoral college. They will follow the willingness of citizens on their own state and then vote the president in December.
President-election-美国 总统选举流程
Brief introduction Election process
Electoral college Counting of votes
Political terms
• General election • Electoral college • Primary election • National Convention • Election campaign • National referendum • Inaugural address • Take the oath • Joint session of Congress • District system
Election process
Primary election
National convention

美国总统选举流程英语The United States Presidential Election is a complex process that takes place quadrennially to select the head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States. Here we delve into the intricacies of this election process, examining the key steps and milestones. **1. Primary Elections and Nominations**The presidential election cycle begins with primary elections, typically held in late spring and summer of the election year. These primaries are conducted by the individual states and are used to select the nominees for the two major political parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Each party has its own unique primary system, with some states using a winner-take-all approach and others allocating votes proportionally based on the candidate's share of the vote.**2. General Election Campaign**Once the nominees are chosen, the general election campaign officially begins. This phase involves intense debate, policy proposals, and a barrage of advertisementsand public appearances by the candidates. Both candidates engage in a series of debates, which are broadcast nationwide and provide an opportunity for the American people to hear directly from the nominees about theirvision for the country.**3. Voting Day**On Election Day, citizens of the United States cast their votes for president. The Election Day is always a Tuesday and is typically held in November of the election year. Voting takes place at designated polling stations throughout the country, and citizens can register to vote as long as they are US citizens, at least 18 years old, and have resided in their voting district for a certain period of time.**4. Electoral College**A unique feature of the American presidential election is the Electoral College. After the votes are cast, the elected officials of each state, known as electors, cast their votes for president. Each state is allocated a number of electors equal to the total number of senators and representatives it has in Congress. The candidate whoreceives a majority of the votes in a state wins all the electors from that state.**5. Counting the Votes and Inauguration**Once all the votes are cast and the electors have voted, the votes are tallied. The candidate who receives amajority of the votes cast by the electors becomes the president-elect. If no candidate receives a majority, the House of Representatives votes to select the president,with each state casting a single vote. The newly elected president is then sworn in during a ceremony known as the Inauguration, typically held in January of the yearfollowing the election.The presidential election process in the United Statesis a robust democratic mechanism that ensures the peaceful transfer of power and the representation of the will of the American people. From the primaries to the inauguration, it is a testament to the resilience and durability of American democracy.**美国总统选举流程深度解析**美国总统选举是一个每四年举行一次的重要过程,旨在选举出美国的国家元首和武装部队的总司令。

Each party has its own electoral college(选举委员 会)
The electors from Each State make up the "Electoral College“ The major political parties will officially hold its presidential nominating conventions. In this nominating conventions, The “Electoral College” Votes for the President candidate.
•Basic introduction •Qualifications of a president •The job of a president •The process of the election
Basic introduction
Start with the Consititution Once every four years Nomination:june Election campaign:September to November Presidential electors:not the Congress,but electors to elect Vote: December No matter what race,color ,sex and age you are
Republican Party
Democratic Party
5.Inaug-urElection 全国选举
Each state starts to conduct popular elections to choose their state of electors: indirect election system.

• Main ways
Having speeches Holding press conferences Having open debate on the TV
4.The popular vote on Election Day
• 1.Time:the first Tuesday on November of election year
1792 , 1854
Republican Party
Main policies: a. Free-market policies, economic liberalism; b. neoconservatism on anti-terrorism policy ;
The main jobs of Republican National Convention: a .elect ,b. party's election platform, c. party chairman election
Electoral procedure
The primary elections National Congress of the Two Parties Presidential Campaign The popular vote on Election Day
Vote in the Electoral college
2. Form:every electoral college /the capital of their state/ formal election
3. Result: the candidate /more than half of the total (270 beds) /winner

Social policies
• Oppose government recognition of samesex unions such as with same-sex marriage.
• Pro-life(反堕胎) and oppose elective abortion(流产)
• Support school choice through charter schools and school vouchers for private schools
538 electors
• General election—the voters across the nation go to the polls.
• Electoral College—winner-take-all feature, majority of electors.
with children living at home
divorced, or divorced
Income Race
High-income voters
Hispanic and Asian American voters
Law-income voters
Native,African, Jewish,Arab and Muslim America8 ns
Democratic Party
• 1824 • Center-left • The party's platform is more liberal
and progressive in the U.S. political spectrum. • The party has the lengthiest record of continuous operation in the United States.
President election 美国总统选举流程

• 大选 • 总统选举团 • 预选 • 全国代表大会 • 竞选造势 • 国民公投 • 就职演讲 • 宣誓就职 • 两院联席会议 • 区域计票制
Brief introduction
• Us presidential election( General election) is held every 4 years to select the president and vice president.
• Date: the first Tuesday in November of certain year that is multiple of 4.
• Indirect election: According to the American constitution, the president is not elected by the Congress or voters but by electoral college which consists of representatives selected by citizens of each state.
Inaugural address
The result of vote will be announced on January 20th next year of election year. The chairman of Senate will address the president in the a joint session of Congress. The same day when taking the oath, the new president will place his hand on the Bible and after that he will deliver an inaugural address to encourage the civilians. The inauguration marks the beginning of a new president’s term of office.
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The requirements for holding office: natural born citizen older than 35years old, at least 14years
dit] Voter turnout
The background and election process of America president
Elections in US are held once in four years.
The total number of years that a person can be US President is 8 Years at : This election is held to choose the final candidate which are nominated by parties running as independents or Write-Incandidates.
Time :Tuesday following the first Monday of November
Political Campaign
Time :beginning at first Monday of September
Ways :TV ads, lecture Thus, the candidates need a large amount
If no candidate receives a majority of the electoral vote, the rules outlined by the 12th Amendment. Specifically, the selection of President would then be decided by a ballot of the House of Representatives.
The nomination process
1. the Primary election or caucus held in each state.
2. the nominating conventions held by each political party.
Inauguration ceremony
of capital .
Election indirect elections superdelegates
Winner-take-all system Electoral College
Counting of the ballots
In early January, the total Electoral College vote count is opened by the sitting Vice President.