江苏农业学报(JiangsuJ.ofAgr.Sci.)ꎬ2023ꎬ39(2):576 ̄581http://jsnyxb.jaas.ac.cn石㊀琨ꎬ袁㊀洁ꎬ叶佳敏ꎬ等.丛枝菌根真菌在甘薯生产中的应用研究进展[J].江苏农业学报ꎬ2023ꎬ39(2):576 ̄581.doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000 ̄4440.2023.02.032丛枝菌根真菌在甘薯生产中的应用研究进展石㊀琨1ꎬ2ꎬ㊀袁㊀洁2ꎬ㊀叶佳敏2ꎬ3ꎬ㊀汪吉东2ꎬ㊀朱国鹏1ꎬ㊀王㊀磊2ꎬ㊀张㊀辉2ꎬ㊀张永春2ꎬ3(1.海南大学园艺学院ꎬ海南海口570228ꎻ2.江苏省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所/国家农业环境六合观测实验站ꎬ江苏南京210014ꎻ3.南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院ꎬ江苏南京210095)收稿日期:2022 ̄11 ̄15基金项目:国家甘薯产业技术体系项目(CARS ̄10)ꎻ江苏省农业科技自主创新基金项目[CX(21)1009]作者简介:石㊀琨(1997-)ꎬ女ꎬ河北廊坊人ꎬ硕士研究生ꎬ主要从事植物生长和养分吸收研究ꎮ(E ̄mail)915399405@qq.com通讯作者:汪吉东ꎬ(E ̄mail)jdwang66@163.comꎻ朱国鹏ꎬ(E ̄mail)guopengzhu@163.com㊀㊀摘要:㊀甘薯(IpomoeabatatasL.)是一种适应性强㊁高产㊁多用途的粮食作物ꎮ丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)是一种广泛分布的能与宿主建立互惠共生关系的真菌ꎮAMF能够定殖于甘薯根系ꎬ其菌丝的延伸不仅扩大了根系吸收养分的范围ꎬ还促进了根系分泌有机碳等物质ꎬ起到改善宿主根际环境㊁活化土壤养分的作用ꎮ接种AMF能促进甘薯对养分的吸收利用ꎬ调控块根的形成和膨大ꎮ本文围绕甘薯与AMF的共生效应ꎬ综述AMF与甘薯共生关系的建立㊁AMF与甘薯共生效应的影响因素㊁AMF促进甘薯生长发育的作用机制ꎮ最后ꎬ分析了目前甘薯与AMF共生效应研究中的局限ꎬ并针对存在问题进行探讨和展望ꎬ为甘薯等作物可持续高效生产提供理论基础和应用依据ꎮ关键词:㊀甘薯ꎻ丛枝菌根真菌ꎻ根际微生物ꎻ有机碳中图分类号:㊀S154.39㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:㊀A㊀㊀㊀文章编号:㊀1000 ̄4440(2023)02 ̄0576 ̄06AdvancesinapplicationofarbuscularmycorrhizalfungionsweetpotatoproductionSHIKun1ꎬ2ꎬ㊀YUANJie2ꎬ㊀YEJia ̄min2ꎬ3ꎬ㊀WANGJi ̄dong2ꎬ㊀ZHUGuo ̄peng1ꎬ㊀WANGLei2ꎬ㊀ZHANGHui2ꎬ㊀ZHANGYong ̄chun2ꎬ3(1.SchoolofHorticultureꎬHainanUniversityꎬHaikou570228ꎬChinaꎻ2.InstituteofAgriculturalResourcesandEnvironmentꎬJiangsuAcademyofAgricul ̄turalSciences/NationalAgriculturalExperimentalStationforAgriculturalEnvironmentꎬLuheꎬNanjing210014ꎬChinaꎻ3.CollegeofResourcesandEnvi ̄ronmentalSciencesꎬNanjingAgriculturalUniversityꎬNanjing210095ꎬChina)㊀㊀Abstract:㊀Sweetpotato(IpomoeabatatasL.)isanadaptableꎬhigh ̄yieldandmulti ̄purposefoodcrop.Arbuscularmycorrhizafungi(AMF)arewidelydistributedfungithatcanestablishasymbioticrelationshipwiththeirhosts.AMFcancolonizesweetpotatoroots.TheextensionofAMFmyceliumnotonlyexpandstherangeofnutrientabsorptionbyrootsꎬbutalsopromotesthesecretionoforganiccarbonandothersubstancesbyrootsꎬwhichplaysaroleinimprovingthehostrhizo ̄sphereenvironmentandactivatingsoilnutrients.AMFinoculationcanpromotetheabsorptionandutilizationofnutrientsinsweetpotatoꎬandregulatetheformationandexpansionofroottubers.Inthispaperꎬtheestablishmentofsymbioticrelation ̄shipbetweenAMFandsweetpotatoꎬtheinfluencingfactorsofsymbioticeffectbetweenAMFandsweetpotatoꎬandthemechanismofAMFpromotingthegrowthanddevelopmentofsweetpotatowerereviewed.FinallyꎬthelimitationsofthecurrentresearchonthesymbioticeffectofsweetpotatoandAMFwereanalyzedꎬandtheexistingproblemswerediscussedandprospected.Thisstudyprovidestheoreticalbasisandapplicationbasisforthesustainableandefficientproductionofsweetpotatoandothercrops.Keywords:㊀sweetpotatoꎻarbuscularmycorrhizal675fungiꎻrhizospheremicroorganismsꎻorganiccarbon㊀㊀菌根是土壤中的真菌与植物根系形成的共生体ꎮ通过真菌菌丝的扩展延伸ꎬ菌根能为植物获取更多的养分和水分ꎬ植物的光合物质又为真菌的生长提供物质和能量ꎮ丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)是分布最广㊁与农业生产关系最为密切的一种内生菌根真菌ꎬ能在植物根细胞内产生连续双叉分枝形成灌木状结构ꎬ同时根外菌丝通过延伸能为植物获取更多的资源ꎬ进而调控植物的生长发育[1]ꎮ甘薯(IpomoeabatatasL.)是继马铃薯㊁木薯之后的第三大薯类ꎬ在中国占据重要的地位ꎬ是粮食安全保障体系中重要的经济㊁饲料和粮食作物[2 ̄3]ꎮ目前ꎬAMF调控甘薯生长的研究得到了较好的开展ꎮ一般认为接种AMF能显著提高甘薯净光合速率㊁气孔导度和蒸腾速率等光合参数[4]ꎬ促进甘薯对磷和钾的吸收[5]ꎬ能调控甘薯地上部氮素向根部运输[6]ꎬ增加甘薯产量[7 ̄8]ꎮAMF能够有效促进甘薯生长发育[9]ꎬ相比块根膨大期和收获期ꎬAMF对甘薯块根形成期(栽后30d)产生的影响最为明显[10]ꎬ这一时期根系的生长发育决定着甘薯的产量ꎮ与此同时ꎬAMF还可以通过活化土壤养分㊁改善土壤的理化性质来调节植物生长[11]ꎮ本文围绕甘薯与AMF的共生效应ꎬ对AMF与甘薯共生关系的建立ꎬ影响AMF与甘薯共生效应的因素以及AMF促进甘薯生长发育的作用机制进行综述ꎮ最后就目前甘薯与AMF共生研究中存在的问题及未来发展方向进行探讨和展望ꎬ为促进菌根技术在甘薯生产中更广泛和科学的应用提供依据ꎮ1㊀AMF与甘薯共生关系的建立1.1㊀AMF与甘薯共生关系建立的标志AMF侵染植物根系会产生典型的共生结构ꎬ包括丛枝㊁泡囊㊁菌丝等[12 ̄14]ꎮ丛枝是AMF根内菌丝在根系皮层细胞内产生的灌木状结构ꎬ是AMF同宿主植物进行营养交换的主要场所ꎻ泡囊则是AMF根内菌丝末端膨大形成的泡状结构ꎬ具有贮存营养物质的作用[13 ̄14]ꎮAlhadidi等[15]㊁Yuan等[16]发现AMF侵染甘薯根系后能在根内细胞产生泡囊㊁丛枝㊁根内菌丝等结构ꎬ同时AMF定殖甘薯根系后ꎬ其根外菌丝能够在土壤中延伸ꎬ扩大根系吸收养分的范围[17]ꎮ1.2㊀与甘薯共生的AMF物种多样性迄今为止ꎬ中国已在烟草㊁小麦㊁玉米等作物的根际中分离得到了100多种AMF[18]ꎬ在甘薯根区土壤中也分离出了大量AMF菌种ꎮ1990年彭生斌等[19]从昆明㊁广州和武汉的甘薯农田中分离得到丽孢无梗囊霉(Acaulosporaelegans)和苏格兰斗管囊霉(Funneliformiscaledonium)等菌种ꎮ盖京苹等[20]从中国北方甘薯根区土壤分离得到的AMF优势菌种为摩西斗管囊霉(Funneliformismosseae)和幼套近明球囊霉(Claroideoglomusetunicatum)ꎮ根据最新的AMF分类体系及相关文献的细分类列表[18ꎬ21]ꎬ目前中国甘薯根区土壤中分离鉴定的AMF包含4属8种(表1)ꎮ其中幼套近明球囊霉(Cl.etunicatum)具有较高的选择竞争力ꎬ这是由于幼套近明球囊霉不仅显著影响甘薯生长发育ꎬ还能适应不同的土壤环境[22]ꎮ表1㊀中国甘薯根系土壤中分离得到的AMF及其分布区域Table1㊀Arbuscularmycorrhizalfungi(AMF)isolatedfromsweetpotatorootsoilinChinaanditsdistributionarea属㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀种㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀来源㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀近明球囊霉属(Claroideoglomus)幼套近明球囊霉(Cl.etunicatum)河北[20]近明球囊霉(Cl.claroideum)河北[20]斗管囊霉属(Funneliformis)摩西斗管囊霉(F.mosseae)河北[20]苏格兰斗管囊霉(F.caledonium)昆明㊁广州㊁武汉[19]根孢囊霉属(Rhizophagus)根内根孢囊霉(R.intraradices)河北[20]明根孢囊霉(R.clarus)河北[20]无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora)丽孢无梗囊霉(A.elegans)北京[23]㊁昆明㊁广州㊁武汉[19]细凹无梗囊霉(A.scrobiculata)北京[24]775石㊀琨等:丛枝菌根真菌在甘薯生产中的应用研究进展2㊀影响AMF与甘薯共生效应的因素2.1㊀AMF和甘薯之间的选择适应性不同种类的AMF菌株在相同品种甘薯根系的侵染率存在差异ꎮ刘文科等[25]发现幼套近明球囊霉(Cl.etunicatum)对甘薯根系的侵染率显著低于摩西斗管囊霉(F.mosseae)和根内根孢囊霉(Rhizophagusintraradices)等菌种ꎬ混合AMF菌剂(R.intraradices和F.mosseae)的甘薯根系侵染率显著高于单一AMF菌剂ꎬ且混合菌剂具有更好的促生效果ꎮ相同的AMF菌剂对不同品种甘薯根系的侵染率和促生效应也存在差异ꎮYooyongwech等[26]研究结果表明ꎬ同样的AMF菌剂虽然能够与不耐干旱型和耐干旱型的两个品种甘薯建立共生关系ꎬ但AMF对耐干旱型品种甘薯根系的侵染率要高于不耐干旱型甘薯品种ꎬ同样AMF对耐干旱型品种甘薯的促生效果要更好ꎮ因此ꎬAMF菌种和甘薯品种之间存在选择适应性ꎬ这种选择适应性在烟草和油橄榄等作物中亦有发现[27 ̄28]ꎮ这种选择适应性产生的原因可能是根系分泌物对真菌定殖产生的诱导作用ꎬ如根系分泌的有机酸可以调控根际有益微生物的聚集[29]ꎬ植物激素尤其是独脚金内酯(SL)可以调控AMF孢子的萌发和菌丝生长[30]ꎮ2.2㊀AMF的生态适应性中国的甘薯种植区划分为北方春薯区㊁北方夏薯区㊁长江流域夏薯区㊁南方夏秋薯区和南方秋冬薯区ꎬ5大甘薯种植区域的海拔㊁气候㊁地貌存在较大差异[31]ꎮ虽然表1显示近明球囊霉属㊁根孢囊霉属真菌仅在北方植薯区被发现ꎬ而斗管囊霉属和无梗囊霉属真菌则在不同气候区的甘薯田中均有发现ꎬ但由于调查范围的局限性ꎬ目前尚没有全国不同甘薯种植区确切的AMF适应性规律ꎮ土壤类型㊁温度㊁湿度㊁酸碱度㊁养分水平等是影响AMF与甘薯共生效应的重要因素ꎮMukhongo等[32]比较了季节变化对甘薯根系AMF定殖的影响ꎬ发现雨水少的春季AMF定殖率高于雨水多的秋季ꎬ表明土壤适度缺水可能会促进AMF在甘薯根系定殖ꎮ刘文科等[25]比较了摩西斗管囊霉(F.mosse ̄ae)对种植在北京褐土和湖北棕壤中甘薯根系的侵染效果ꎬ发现AMF对种植在北京褐土中的甘薯根系侵染率(31 7%)高于种植在湖北棕壤中的甘薯根系侵染率(20 2%)ꎮArle等[33]的研究结果表明ꎬ中性土壤中微生物活动最活跃ꎬ而过酸和过碱的土壤环境会限制AMF孢子的萌发和菌丝的扩展ꎮ王幼珊等[34]发现土壤中速效磷含量在10mg/kg左右时最有利于摩西斗管囊霉的繁殖和侵染植物根系ꎮ含磷量高的土壤环境会抑制宿主植物根际微生物的活动ꎬ同时也阻碍了根系与AMF的物质交换[35 ̄37]ꎮAMF具有生态适应性的原因可能是由于气候条件和土壤环境影响AMF的活性ꎮ3㊀AMF促进甘薯生长发育的作用机制3.1㊀AMF影响甘薯对养分的吸收和分配AMF与宿主植物建立共生关系多以养分为基础ꎬ菌根共生体及其引起的根际微生物活动有助于活化根际养分ꎬ进而促进植物对土壤养分的吸收利用ꎬ提高植物对贫瘠营养环境的适应性[38]ꎮAMF菌丝产生的球囊霉素相关蛋白质(Glomalin ̄relatedSoilProteinꎬGRSP)是土壤中有机碳的重要来源ꎬ接种AMF能提高土壤有机碳含量[39 ̄41]ꎻ同时ꎬGRSP作为一种直接的胶结剂ꎬ能够促进土壤团聚体的形成[42 ̄43]ꎬ改善土壤结构ꎮ此外ꎬGRSP还能够螯合土壤中的氮㊁磷㊁钾以及中量㊁微量元素ꎬ起到活化土壤养分的作用[44]ꎮAMF侵染根系时还可以通过菌丝向土壤中释放有机酸㊁氨基酸㊁糖类等根系分泌物ꎬ这些根系分泌物作为有益微生物的化学引诱剂ꎬ能刺激土壤微生物的活动[45 ̄50]ꎬ调控解磷菌㊁解钾菌㊁产脲酶菌等微生物在根际定殖[51]ꎬ增强磷酸酶㊁过氧化氢酶㊁脲酶㊁蛋白酶的活性[52 ̄53]ꎬ进而驱动土壤养分活化[32ꎬ54 ̄55]ꎮAMF在促进土壤养分活化的同时ꎬ还能通过菌丝生长获取更多的资源ꎬ进而促进植物的生长ꎮ周晓月等[5]㊁李欢等[8]的研究结果表明接种AMF能够优化甘薯根系形态ꎬ显著增加根体积㊁根表面积㊁平均根直径等ꎬ促进甘薯根系对土壤养分的吸收ꎮ此外ꎬ接种AMF还能调控甘薯对养分的分配ꎮ张树海等[6]研究发现接种AMF能促进甘薯生长前期氮素向叶片分配ꎬ限制膨大期氮素向叶片分配㊁促进氮素向块根分配ꎬ这是由于接种AMF提高了块根中谷氨酸脱氢酶㊁谷氨酰胺合成酶和谷氨酸合成酶的活性ꎬ加速土壤中无机氮向有机氮的转化ꎬ进而促进氮素向地下部的转运ꎮ接种AMF还能促进了甘薯块根形成期磷和钾向块根的转运[5]ꎮ总之ꎬ接种AMF能影响甘薯的养分吸收与分配ꎮ875江苏农业学报㊀2023年第39卷第2期3.2㊀AMF影响甘薯光合生产和源库关系光合产物合成及其向块根运输是甘薯块根形成和持续膨大的基础ꎮ接种AMF能促进土壤养分的活化及植物根系对养分的吸收ꎬ进而增强甘薯光合能力㊁促进光合产物的形成及向块根的运输分配[56 ̄57]ꎮ徐西红等[4]研究结果表明接种AMF能显著提高甘薯叶片净光合速率㊁气孔导度和蒸腾速率等光合参数ꎬ增强甘薯叶片蔗糖合成酶㊁蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性ꎬ从而促进光合产物的积累和淀粉的合成ꎮ接种AMF还能促进潜在块根分化㊁增强干物质向块根的分配和转运[5]ꎬ进而实现增产[58 ̄60]ꎮ因此ꎬAMF不但能扩库(促进块根分化)ꎬ还能增源(增强光合能力)ꎬ从而实现甘薯源库关系的平衡ꎮ综上所述ꎬ甘薯与AMF建立的共生关系主要通过三个方面调控甘薯对养分的吸收利用ꎬ进而影响块根形成和膨大ꎮ①AMF侵染甘薯根系后ꎬ其菌丝的延伸扩大了根系吸收养分的范围ꎮ②AMF产生的GRSP可以螯合土壤养分ꎬ改善根际环境ꎻAMF诱导甘薯根系分泌的有机酸有助于促使根际有益微生物聚集ꎬ提高土壤中多种酶的活性ꎬ活化土壤养分ꎬ促进甘薯对养分的吸收ꎮ③AMF通过增强甘薯的光合能力和潜在块根分化ꎬ调控源库关系ꎮ三方面共同影响甘薯对养分的吸收利用ꎬ调控甘薯块根形成和膨大ꎬ影响产量(图1)ꎮ图1㊀AMF对甘薯生长发育调节机制示意图Fig.1㊀RegulationmechanismofAMFonthegrowthanddevelopmentofsweetpotato4㊀问题及展望减肥增效㊁绿色生产是实现农业生态环境保护和粮食安全的保障ꎮ农田土壤中富含AMFꎬ合理运用AMF可以改善土壤特性ꎬ促进作物养分吸收ꎬ有助于实现减肥增效㊁绿色生产ꎮ因此ꎬ菌根技术为甘薯产业发展提供了新的发展机遇ꎮ然而ꎬ菌根在甘薯上的应用研究还存在明显的局限性:①AMF在种植甘薯土壤中的分离鉴定研究不够完善ꎮ甘薯在中国被广泛种植ꎬ然而在种植甘薯土壤中分离出的真菌仅4属8种ꎬ实验室接种应用多以摩西斗管囊霉和幼套近明球囊霉为主[15 ̄16ꎬ25]ꎮ由于ꎬAMF和甘薯之间存在选择适应性ꎬ因此开展更广泛的AMF菌种分离鉴定及其对不同品种甘薯的生长影响分析势在必行ꎮ②目前大多研究侧重AMF对甘薯的促生效应ꎬ但亦有研究发现施用AMF会对植物生长产生负效应ꎬ如高磷条件下AMF会阻碍甘薯块根的生长发育而导致减产[4]ꎬ因此ꎬ对不同气候和土壤环境下AMF应用的合理性㊁适宜菌种的选择等还需要进一步的系统研究ꎮ③接种AMF会影响氮㊁磷㊁钾等营养元素的分配过程ꎬ调控甘薯对养分的吸收和利用ꎬ但目前这方面的研究大多侧重在生理方面ꎬ而对AMF介导的甘薯根975石㊀琨等:丛枝菌根真菌在甘薯生产中的应用研究进展系吸收利用养分的分子机制缺乏深入研究ꎮLiu等[61]通过亚细胞定位分析和RT 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a e as h o n n p ce n t e r go . Diti to f te oh r 1 s e i sv re t dfee t sa e . Th r r r lo t e d mi a ts e is i h e in sr buin o h t e 6 p ce a d a i r n tg s i f ee we e sg i c n i e e c s i h a e a e ifc in fe u n is o o tpa t ewe n t e frta d s c n t g s o u n in f a tdf r n e n te v r g ne t r q e ce f h s lns b t e h s n e o d sa e n s n y i f o i so e . Ho v i t e p r d n i h d o in fc n dfee c a n t e iv sa e . By o tat te e lp s we e , h s o e e st y a n sg i a t i r n e mo g h f e tg s i f c nr s , h r wa n s o sg i c n i e e c n t ei fcin fe u n isa n h v tg so h d lp s n h p r e st tt efu t in f a td f r n ei h ne t r q e ce mo gt ef e sa e n s a y so e ,a d t es oe d n i a h o rh i f o i y a d ff tg s wa ih r ta h ta h rta d s c n sa e . Rih e s a d d v ri ft e f n u p ce r n i h sa e s h g e h n ta tt e f s n e o d tg s t i c n s n ie st o h u g s s e is we e y hg ra h o rh a d ff tg s n o ra h rta d t id sa e e ad e so lp s e t On s n y so e ihe tt efu t n t sa e ,a d lwe tte f s n hr tg sr g r ls fso e a p c . i h i u n lp s, e e n s fAM u g tt es c n v n e s o f n ia h e o d,tid a d t efu h sa e r ih rta h ta h f tg .Ho v rte ewa h r n h o r t g swee hg e nt a tt ef t sa e t h i h we e h r s n in f a tdfe e c n t e e e n s n s a y so e .Th s e ut r mp r n o u h rsu yn h eain h p o sg i c n i r n e i h v n e so h d lp s i f e e rs l ae i o a tfrf r e td i g te rlto s i s s t t
KOH,90℃水浴 0.5 h,清水冲洗 3 次;加入碱性
H2O2 脱色 2 h,清水冲洗 3 次;加 5% 冰乙酸,酸 化 2 h;加 5% 墨水醋染液,66℃水浴染色 1 h,用
清 水 漂 洗 3 ~ 5 次, 用 清 水 浸 泡 12 h 以 上 脱 色
备用。 根 系 检 测 参 考 Trouvelot 等[13] 的 方 法, 使 用
柑 橘(Citrus reticulata Blanco) 是 芸 香 科, 柑 橘 属 植 物。 其 味 美 色 鲜, 营 养 丰 富, 既 可 鲜 食, 又可加工成果汁。柑橘是世界第一大水果,面积 和产量均居全球第一。2017 年,全球柑橘栽培面 积 953 万 hm2, 产 量 1.84 亿 t。 全 世 界 有 138 个 国 家生产柑橘[1],是仅次于小麦、玉米的第三大国 际贸易农产品。而目前我国种植的柑橘大多都是 嫁接苗,嫁接苗是由接穗品种(下称接穗)与砧 木品种(下称砧木)嫁接组合而成的共同体。砧 木是柑橘嫁接的基础,对接穗的树体营养、生长 活 力、 果 实 产 量、 品 质 和 抗 逆 性 具 有 显 著 的 影 响[2-5]。 柑 橘 产 业 中 几 乎 所 有 的 柑 橘 栽 培 品 种 都 是嫁接在砧木上进行生产的,因此,选择合适的
本 试 验 包 括 柑 橘 砧 木 品 种 和 接 种 两 个 因 素。 其中柑橘砧木品种为香橙和枳壳两种;接种处理 包 括 接 种 丛 枝 菌 根 真 菌 和 不 接 种 丛 枝 菌 根 真 菌。 试验共有 20 个处理,每个处理设置 24 个生物学 重复。
供试香橙和枳壳的种子经由 1‰高锰酸钾灭菌
收稿日期:2022-08-14;录用日期:2022-11-06 基金项目:广西科技基地和人才专项(桂科 AD20159001);广西 农业科学院基本科研业务专项(桂农科 2021YT097);厦门大学合 作项目(2017-21)。 作者简介:康贻豪(1996-),硕士研究生,研究方向为柑橘土壤 微生物。E-mail:1500670461@qq.om。 通讯作者:张金莲,E-mail:zhangjinlian1@;陈廷速,E-mail: 2831404955@。
菌根及丛枝菌根概述刘 茵 (河南省商丘师范学院生命科学系 476000)摘 要 本文简述了菌根的概念、类型以及丛枝菌根在植物生长和逆境中的生理作用,并对应用丛枝菌根修复污染土壤技术的发展趋势和研究重点进行了展望。
关键词 菌根 丛枝菌根 土壤污染 应用前景自然环境和人类活动造成的土壤质量下降是严重的农业资源和环境问题之一,保持土壤肥力,提高土壤环境质量,从而保障农业可持续发展日益成为人们的共识。
1 菌根和丛枝菌根1885年,德国植物生理学和森林学家F rank首创 菌根(fungus-root即m ycorrhiza)这一术语。
1989年,H arley根据参与共生的真菌和植物种类及它们形成共生体系的特点,将菌根分为7种类型,即丛枝菌根、外生菌根、内外菌根、浆果鹃类菌根、水晶兰类菌根、欧石楠类菌根和兰科菌根。
其中丛枝菌根是一种内生菌根真菌,能在植物根细胞内产生 泡囊(vesi cules)和 丛枝(ar bus cles)两大典型结构,名为泡囊-丛枝菌根(vesi cular -ar buscular m ycorrhiza,VAM)。
由于部分真菌不在根内产生泡囊,但都形成丛枝,故简称丛枝菌根(ar buscularm ycorrhiza,A M)。
菌根( y r i ) M c e  ̄ 是土壤中一类真菌与植物形成的互惠共生联合体, ona 广泛存在于 自然界 中。 尤其是 从枝菌根( e su r yc'z, ) A o cl m e h a u a m i 分布最为 广泛。其不仅能改善植物 的营养状况, 促进植物生长, 提 高植物的抗逆性和抗病性, 同时对于 自然界中植物之间碳的迁移…、 维持寄主植物的多样性和植物资源
e l aeb e f  ̄ l i usd+ tf v en p n lh i yds se c
K yw rs Xni g A bsua cr i ug ;ee n pc sapi t n e o d : i a ; r cl Myo h aF nignr adsei ;p l ao jn u r rz a e ci
富蕴、 青河等地冬季最低气温可达 一 2 而有“ 5" C。 火洲” 之称 的吐鲁番盆地夏季气温可达 4" 。 8 地表温度 C 达 7" 0 C以上 ; 吐鲁番盆地年均降雨量仅为 1 . 1T 土壤高度盐碱化,H值可达 98 而位于天山西部的 53T I I, p ., 巩乃斯林场却雨量充沛, 年均降雨量在 1 0 I 以上, 中国的江淮地区相 当。由于新疆特殊的地理 01 I 0 T T 与 位置和“ 三山夹两盆” 的特殊地貌, 形成 了新疆特有的干旱、 高温、 盐碱、 低温等丰富多样的 自然生态环 境。 适应于这些 自然生态环境 。 形成 了丰富多样的植物类群和与植物互惠共生的从枝菌根 ( ) 类群。 开展新疆土壤中 菌的调查研究。 对于 丰富我国 A 菌资源, M 筛选高效菌种, 开发菌根真菌资源的应
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测定牧草叶片光合速率、叶绿素 含量、根系活力等生理指标,以 揭示促生长机制。
分析牧草中蛋白质、脂肪、纤维 等营养成分含量,以评价牧草品 质改善情况。
1 2 3
综合比较不同处理组牧草生长指标和生理指标差 异,评估丛枝菌根真菌对牧草的促生长效应。
本研究首次系统地研究了丛枝菌根真菌根外菌丝的形成时间及其对牧草的促生长效应,为丛枝菌根真 菌在牧草生产中的应用提供了理论依据。
由于实验条件和时间的限制,本研究未能涵盖所有可能的菌种和宿主植物组合,也未能深入研究丛枝 菌根真菌与牧草之间的互作机制。
温度、湿度、光照等环境条件对 丛枝菌根真菌的生长和繁殖具有 重要影响,因此也会影响根外菌 丝的形成时间。
土壤中的营养成分、pH值、透 气性等因素也会影响丛枝菌根真 菌的生长和根外菌丝的形成时间 。
04 丛枝菌根真菌对 牧草的促生长效 应
设置不同接种量、接种时间和培养条件等处理组,以探究最佳促 生长条件。
定期测定牧草株高、叶面积、生 物量等生长指标,以评估促生长 效果。
本研究采用了先进的分子生物学技术 和显微观察手段,对丛枝菌根真菌根 外菌丝的形成过程进行了深入细致的 研究,为揭示其促生长机制提供了有 力支持。
AM 真菌对提高宿主植物抵抗病害的作用受到 病 原 菌 、 植 物 、 AM 真 菌 和 环 境 条 件 4 个 因 素 的 调 控。植物是病原菌与 AM 真菌作用的主体平台,病 原菌如何致使植物患病?早期的研究表明,病原菌 接触寄主植物后,在合适的条件下会产生入侵结 构,然后侵入植物体内,在植物体内定殖扩展,通过 产生各种致病效应因子如胞外酶、真菌毒素等,使 植 物 产 生 病 害 症 状 [29], 而 这 一 过 程 又 离 不 开 适 宜 的 环境条件。AM 真菌提高宿主植物的抗病性是一个 复杂综合的过程,既有可能是在局部产生抗病效
收稿日期:2020-06-18 接受日期:2020-12-03 基金项目:国家绿肥产业技术体系 (CARS-22);国家牧草产业技术体系 (CARS-34) 第一作者:陈涛 (1996-),男,甘肃山丹人,在读硕士生,研究方向为草学。E-mail: chent20@ 通信作者:段廷玉 (1976-),男,甘肃靖远人,教授,博士,研究方向为菌根生态学。E-mail: duanty@
抗病性。自此,越来越多的研究关注了 AM 真菌对 植物病原菌的防控作用。诸多报道指出,AM 真菌 与植物所形成的共生体,能够有效抵御病菌的危
害,提高宿主植物的抗病性。AM 真菌通过改变植 物的次生代谢能力,来提高植物的防御系统[19-20],比
如,在植物遭受病虫害以及逆境时,AM 真菌能够加 快 多 酚 氧 化 酶 (polyphenol oxidase, PPO)、 过 氧 化 物 酶 (peroxidase, POD)、 过 氧 化 氢 酶 (catalase, CAT) 等 的代谢过程,促进相关代谢产物的合成,提高植物 的 防 御 能 力 [21-23]。 一 般 来 说 , 与 单 纯 的 植 物 个 体 相
云南3种黄精根系丛枝菌根真菌群落结构特征差异研究作者:黄博邓利娟杨双琳钟宇罗荣琴吴春燕王宗琴李曼任禛来源:《南方农业学报》2023年第06期DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1191.2023.06.007摘要:【目的】明確云南黄精主栽品种根系间丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)的定殖状况、多样性和群落结构差异,并探讨黄精根系AMF多样性与根际土壤理化性质间的关系,为黄精栽培专用AMF菌肥的研发和利用打下基础。
【结果】黄精根系中AMF定殖强度及定殖率分别在15.11%~39.21%和44.34%~92.22%,根际土壤孢子密度在105.33~285.33个/25 g,其中鸡头黄精的定殖程度显著高于其他2种黄精(P<0.05,下同),而滇黄精根际土壤中的AMF孢子密度最高。
Glomeromycota SPECIES LISTlast updated - News: Glomus africanum and G. iranicum included. Some new descriptions added, . Racocetra beninensis. The synonyms list is corrected and now explicitly indicates the basionyms. The Gigasporaceae systematics was adopted according to the recent publication of Morton and Msiska (Mycorrhiza 2010, DOIs00572-010-0303-9), which rejects the split of Scutellospora into 3 families and 6 genera (Scutellospora in the Scutellosporaceae, Racocetra & Cetraspora in the Racocetraceae, Dentiscutata & Fuscutata & Quatunica in the Dentiscutataceae). The revision now leaves only Racocetra as an additional genus, placed in the Gigasporaceae. Also, we adopt to the rejection of Kuklospora, a genus indicated from the beginning to be 'phylogenetically invalid' that now has been placed in Acaulospora (Kaonongbua et al. 2010).If you spot any mistakes, PLEASE inform us ! We try to hold everything up to date and also serve and collaborate with the Index Fungorum and Species 2000 databases.Thanks to those which already sent us pdf-files, or scanned pages, and to the publishers that gave us copyright clearance (see ) !!!We have been refused copyright clearance by the publisher Springer and the journals Nova Hedwigia and Botany (former Can. J. Bot.), and thus we cannot provide pdf files of the respective papers. If authors wish to have their taxonomic papers available public, . included in this website, we suggest that you choose journals with suitable policy (or maybe you can pay for an open access pdf file). It would be helpful for the scientific community if authors of names in the Glomeromycota seek copyright clearance and provide us with a pdf file, if this is possible.Go directly to the genera (alphabetically):Colour coding in the following table: taxon in blue = link to description (pdf-file); green = opinion of C. Walker, not proved or formally published (potentially needs further studies)Current name Basionyms,synonyms &additional commentsAuthorities Family OrderTrappe & Gerd. (1974)Oehl, Sykorova & Sieverd.(2006)Acaulosporaceae Diversisporales = A. elegans ?. Rothwell & Trappe (1979)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesBłaszk. (1990)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesBłaszk. (1989)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesAcaulospora colliculosa Kaonongbua, . Morton & Bever(2010)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesAcaulospora colombiana Basionym: Spain & .Schenck (1984)Oehl & Sieverd. (2006)(Spain & . Schenck)Kaonongbua, . Morton & Bever(2010)Acaulosporaceae Diversisporales = A. capsicula ?. Schultz, Bever & . Morton(1999)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesC. Walker, . Pfeiff. & Bloss(1986)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesAcaulosporadenticulataSieverd. & S. Toro (1987)Acaulosporaceae Diversisporales. Morton (1986)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesTrappe & Gerd. (1974)Acaulosporaceae Diversisporales. Velázquez & Cabello (2008)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesIngleby & C. Walker (1994)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesTrappe & Janos (1982)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesBłaszk. (1988)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesAcaulospora kentinensis Basionym: . Wu & . Liu(1995)Oehl & Sieverd. (2006). Wu & . Liu) Kaonongbua, .Morton & Bever (2010)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesBłaszk. (1995)Acaulosporaceae Diversisporales. Morton (1986)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesGerd. & Trappe (1974)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesSpain & . Schenck (1984)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesSpain & . Schenck (1984)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesSpain & . Schenck (1984)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesSpain, Sieverd. & . Schenck(1986)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesC. Walker, . Reed & . Sanders(1984)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesAcaulosporapaulinae= A. undulata ?Błaszk. (1988)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesBłaszk. (1988)Acaulosporaceae Diversisporales AcaulosporarehmiiSieverd. & S. Toro (1987)Acaulosporaceae Diversisporales. Morton (1986)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesTrappe (1977)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesC. Walker & Trappe (1981)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesSieverd., Chaverri & I. Rojas(1988)Acaulosporaceae Diversisporales needs taxonomic study. Berch (1985)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesAcaulospora taiwanianeeds taxonomic study . Hu (1988) Acaulosporaceae Diversisporales Błaszk. (1988) Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesJanos & Trappe (1982) Acaulosporaceae Diversisporales = A. paulinae ? Sieverd. (1988) Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesKramad. & Hedger (1990)Acaulosporaceae DiversisporalesC. Walker, Vestberg&Schuessler (2007)Basionym:Spain,Sieverd. & . Schenck(1984) Spain, Oehl & Sieverd. (2006)(Spain, Sieverd. & . Schenck) C.Walker (2008)AmbisporaceaeArchaeosporales. Goto, . Maia & Oehl (2008)Ambisporaceae ArchaeosporalesBasionym:Sieverd.(1988)C. Walker, Vestberg & Schuessler (2007) (Sieverd.) C. Walker, Vestberg &Schuessler (2007) AmbisporaceaeArchaeosporalesBasionym: . Schenck & .Sm. (1982) C. Walker, Vestberg & Schuessler (2007). Schenck & . Sm.) C. Walker (2008)Ambisporaceae ArchaeosporalesC. Walker, Vestberg & Schuessler (2007)C. Walker, Vestberg&Schuessler (2007)AmbisporaceaeArchaeosporalesBasionym: . Rose, .Daniels & Trappe (1979) Spain, Oehl & Sieverd. (2006), . Morton & D. Redecker (2001) . Rose, . Daniels & Trappe) C.Walker, Vestberg & Schuessler (2007) Ambisporaceae ArchaeosporalesBasionym: . Schenck & .Nicolson (1979)Spain, Oehl & Sieverd. (2006). Schenck & . Nicolson) C.Walker (2008) AmbisporaceaeArchaeosporalesBasionym: . Schenck & . Sm. (1982) C. Walker, Vestberg & Schuessler (2007). Schenck & . Sm.) C. Walker, Vestberg & Schuessler (2007)Remark: . Morton & D. Redecker(2001) was composed of , with& (Morton et al. 1997). This was eventually reversed by Walker(2008). For a full explanation about what happened to the species Acaulosporagerdemannii,Ac.appendicula, Glomus leptotichumAmbisporaceae Archaeosporalesand Gl. fecundisporum, see. Morton & D. Redecker (2001)( by Spain 2003)Basionym: . Ames &Linderman (1976). Ames & Linderman) . Morton &D. Redecker (2001) emend. Spain (2003)Archaeosporaceae ArchaeosporalesC. Walker & A. Schuessler (2004)()Basionym: . Pfeiff., C. Walker & Bloss (1996) . Pfeiff., C. Walker & Bloss) C.Walker & A. Schuessler (2004)Diversisporaceae DiversisporalesC. Walker, GamperandSchuessler (2009)Diversisporaceae Diversisporales. Ames & . Schneid. (1979)Błaszk., Madej & Tadych (1998) Entrophosporaceae DiversisporalesBasionym: . Hall (1977) (theonly'CERTAIN' Entrophospora sp.). Hall) . Ames & . Schneid.(1979)Entrophosporaceae DiversisporalesEntrophospora nevadensisJ.Palenzuela, N.Ferrol,Azco´n-Aguilar & Oehl (2010) Entrophosporaceae DiversisporalesF. v. Wettstein (1915)()( by Schuessler2002)Basionym:Kützing (1849)(Kützing) F. v. Wettstein (1915)emend. Schuessler (2002)GeosiphonaceaeArchaeosporalesGerd. & Trappe (1974). Schenck & . Sm. (1982) Gigasporaceae Diversisporales = G. candida ?. Chou (1991)GigasporaceaeDiversisporales Gi. rosea sensu Bent. & Mort. (1995) Bhattacharjee, Mukerji, . Tewari& Skoropad (1982) GigasporaceaeDiversisporales. Hall & . Abbott (1984)GigasporaceaeDiversisporales Basionym: . Nicolson & Gerd. (1968) . Nicolson & Gerd.) Gerd. &Trappe (1974) GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesNOT a Gigaspora Montecchi, Ruini & G. Gross(1996)GigasporaceaeDiversisporales. Becker & . Hall (1976)GigasporaceaeDiversisporales Gi. margarita sensu Bent. & Mort. (1995) Spain, Sieverd. & . Schenck(1989) GigasporaceaeDiversisporales. Nicolson & . Schenck (1979)GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesTul. & C. Tul. (1845)Pirozynsky & Dalpé()1989Glomus achrumBłaszk., D. Redecker, Koegel,Schuezek, Oehl & Kovacs (2009)Glomeraceae GlomeralesGlomus africanumBłaszk. & Kovács (2010) Glomus Group A Glomerales( here). Schenck & . Sm. (1982) Glomeraceae Glomerales Possibly not Glomus C. Walker & . Rhodes (1981) Glomeraceae Glomerales. Sm. & . Schenck (1985) Glomeraceae Glomerales = Glomus intraradices ? Cabello (1994) Glomeraceae GlomeralesMcGee (1986)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesBłaszk., Tadych & Madej (2001) Glomeraceae Glomerales = Glomus botryoides ?McGee & Pattinson (2002) GlomeraceaeGlomeralesBłaszk., Blanke, Renker & Buscot (2004)Diversisporaceae DiversisporalesGlomus aureumComparewithGlomusinvermaium Oehl & Sieverd. (2003)Glomeraceae Glomerales (Berk.) . Berch (1983) Glomeraceae Glomerales. Sinclair (2000)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesOehl, Redecker & Sieverd.(2005) Glomus Group AGlomerales. Mehrotra (1997)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesGlomus bistratumBłaszk., D. Redecker, Koegel,Symanczik, Oehl & Kovacs (2009)Glomeraceae GlomeralesBasionym: Thaxt. (1922) (Thaxt.) Trappe & Gerd. (1974) Glomeraceae Glomerales. Rothwell & Victor (1984) Glomeraceae GlomeralesSieverd. & Oehl (2002)GlomeraceaeGlomerales Basionym: . Nicolson & Gerd. (1968) . Nicolson & Gerd.) Trappe &Gerd. (1974) Glomus Group AGlomerales Basionym: Thaxt. (1922) (Thaxt.) Trappe & Gerd. (1974) Glomeraceae GlomeralesMcGee (2002) Glomeraceae Glomerales= Glomus pallidum ?McGee (1986)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesGlomus citricolaType material difficult to interpret. Maybe mixed,maybe a Glomus GlGrAb organism, or even an Acaulospora. Tang & M. Zang (1984) GlomeraceaeGlomerales( by Walker & Vestberg 1998)D. D. Mill. & C. Walker (1986),Mukerji, Bhattacharjee & . Tewari N. C. Schenck & G . S. Sm.(1982) emend C. Walker & Vestberg (1998)Glomus Group BGlomerales(1983), Skou & I.Jakobsen (1989). Nicolson & . Schenck (1979) Glomus Group Ab GlomeralesBasionym: Trappe (1977) (Trappe) . Almeida & . Schenck(1990) GlomeraceaeGlomerales Trappe (1977) Glomeraceae GlomeralesGerd. & Trappe (1974) GlomeraceaeGlomeralesBasionym:Berk.&Broome (1875)S. alba, S. coccogena, ), XenomycesochraceusCes. (1879), Ackermannia coccogena, Sphaerocreascoccogena, Sph. dussii,Sph. javanicum Höhn. (1908), Endogone minutissima Beeli (1923), E. alba Note:thereis some controversy aboutthegenericname. Furtherwork may be needed.(Berk. & Broome) D. Redecker& . Morton (2000)Glomus Group AGlomeralesGiovann. (1991) Glomus Group A Glomerales Błaszk. (1995) Glomeraceae GlomeralesMcGee & Cooper (2002) GlomeraceaeGlomeralesC. Cano & Y . Dalpé (2009) Glomus Group Ab GlomeralesMukerji,Bhattacharjee&.Tewari (1983)Trappe, Bloss & . Menge (1984) Glomeraceae Glomerales. Morton & C. Walker (1984)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesConfused name due toerror. The type includesfour already described species.Boyetchko & . Tewari (1986)Glomeraceae GlomeralesGlomus dolichosporum. Zhang & You S. Wang (1997) Glomeraceae GlomeralesBlaszk. & C. Renker (2006)Glomus Group BGlomerales . Kenn., . Stutz & . Morton (1999) Glomeraceae Glomerales. Becker & Gerd. (1977)Glomus Group BGlomerales( Walker & Koske 1987) Basionym: Thaxt. (1922)E. macrocarpa f. media,(Thaxt.) Gerd. & Trappe (1974)emend. C. Walker & Koske (1987)Glomus Group Ab GlomeralesBasionym: M. Lange & . Lund (1955) (M. Lange & . Lund) Trappe &Gerd. (1974) GlomeraceaeGlomerales . Wu & . Chen (1986)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesBasionym:Paurocotylisfragile Berk. & Broome (1875) (Berk. & Broome) Trappe &Gerd. (1974)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesSkou & I. Jakobsen (1989)Glomus Group AGlomeralesBasionym:Endogonefuegiana Speg. (1887) (Speg.) Trappe & Gerd. (1974) GlomeraceaeGlomeralesBasionym:Paurocotylisfulvum Berk. & Broome (1875)Endogone fulva (Berk. &Broome) Pat.(1903), Endogone moelleri Henn. (1897), Endogone lignicola Pat. (1902)(Berk. & Broome) Trappe &Gerd. (1974)Diversisporaceae Diversisporales( here)Basionym: . Nicolson &Gerd. (1968). Nicolson & Gerd.) C. Walker(1982)Glomus Group AGlomeralesBłaszk. (1997) Glomeraceae Glomerales Koske & C. Walker (1986) Glomeraceae GlomeralesSieverd. (1987) Glomeraceae Glomerales = Glomus clarum ? . Rose & Trappe (1980) Glomeraceae Glomerales . Sm. & . Schenck (1985) Glomeraceae Glomerales. Berch & Trappe (1985)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesSwarapu, Kunwar, Prasad &Manohar (2004) GlomeraceaeGlomeralesGlomus indicumBłaszk., Wubet,Harikumar(2010) GlomeraceaeGlomerales Błaszk. (2004) GlomeraceaeGlomerales. Schenck & . Sm. (1982) Glomus Group Ab Glomerales. Hall (1977)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesGlomus iranicumBłaszk., Kovács & Balázs (2010) Glomus Group ABła szk., Wubet, Renker&Buscot (2008) Glomus Group Ab GlomeralesDalpé & Strullu (2002) Glomeraceae Glomerales Probably not Glomus . Rose & Trappe (1980) Glomeraceae GlomeralesDalpé, Koske & Tews (1992)Glomus Group BGlomeralesBasionym: . Wu & . Chen (1987) . Wu & . Chen) . Almeida & .Schenck (1990)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesS. cunninghamia. Kenn., . Stutz & . Morton (1999) Glomus Group B Glomerales( here, of Tul. & C. Tul.)Tul. & C. Tul. (1851), E. australis,Paurocotylisfulva var. zaelandica, E.versiforme (Note: this wassuggested in Gerd. &Trappe 1974, but definitelyNOT = E. versiforme), E.pampaloniana,E.tenebrosa, E. guttulata, E. nudaTul. & C. Tul. (1845)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesMiller & C. Walker (1986) Glomeraceae Glomerales. Hall (1977)GlomeraceaeGlomerales= Glomus clarum ?. Howeler, Sieverd. & . Schenck(1984)Glomus Group Ab GlomeralesGlomus megalocarpumD. Redecker (2007) Diversisporaceae Diversisporales Gerd. & Trappe (1974)GlomeraceaeGlomerales Koske, Gemma & . Olexia(1986)GlomeraceaeGlomerales( here by . Berch & . Fortin 1984)EndogonemicrocarpusTul. & C. Tul. (1851)E. neglecta Tul. & C. Tul. (1845)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesBłaszk., Tadych & Madej (2000) Glomeraceae Glomerales Gerd. & Trappe (1974) Glomeraceae GlomeralesBentiv. & Hetrick (1991)GlomeraceaeGlomerales Basionym: . Nicolson & Gerd. (1968) . Nicolson & Gerd.) Gerd. &Trappe (1974)Glomus Group AGlomeralesGerd. & . Bakshi (1976) Glomeraceae Glomerales Tadych & Błaszk. (1997) Glomeraceae Glomerales Koske & Gemma (1990) Glomeraceae Glomerales . Hall (1977) Glomeraceae Glomerales . Berch & Koske (1986) Glomeraceae GlomeralesMcGee & Pattinson (2002) Glomeraceae GlomeralesBłaszk. & Kovács (2009)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesCompare withGlomusarborense Dalpé & Declerck (2000)Glomus Group Ab GlomeralesGlomus przelewicenseBłaszk. (1988) Glomeraceae GlomeralesBasionym: Sphaerocreas pubescens Sacc. & Ellis(1882)Sclerocystispubescens,Endogone pubescens(Sacc. & Ellis) Trappe & Gerd.(1974)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesBasionym:Endogonepulvinatus Henn. (1897) (Henn.) Trappe & Gerd. (1974) GlomeraceaeGlomeralesKoske, Friese, C. Walker &Dalpé (1986)GlomeraceaeGlomerales Basionym: Thaxt. (1922) (Thaxt.) Trappe & Gerd. (1974) GlomeraceaeGlomeralesBhattacharjee & Mukerji (1980)Basionym:Gerd.&Trappe (1974) S. indicus, (Gerd. & Trappe) . Almeida & .Schenck (1990)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesTrappe, Spooner & Ivory (1979) GlomeraceaeGlomeralesBasionym: Gerd. & .Bakshi (1976)(Gerd. & . Bakshi) . Almeida & .Schenck (1990)Glomus Group AGlomerales. Hu (2002)Glomeraceae Glomerales Compare withGlomuspansihalosSieverd. & Oehl (2003)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesNot validly published (noLatin description). Mehrotra & Baijal (1992)Basionym: . Wu & . Chen (1987) . Wu & . Chen) . Almeida & .Schenck (1990) GlomeraceaeGlomerales Basionym: Thaxt. (1922) (Thaxt.) . Berch (1983) Glomeraceae GlomeralesControversialspecies;published as Glomus tener . Tandy (1975)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesBasionym:Greenall(1963)Possibly not belonging to Glomus(Greenall) . Hall (1977)Glomeraceae Glomerales. Schenck & . Sm. (1982) Glomeraceae GlomeralesKoske & Halvorson (1989) GlomeraceaeGlomeralesNOTbelongingtoGlomeromycota, moved toDensosporatubiformis (McGee 1996. Aust. Syst. Bot. 9: 330). Tandy (1975)Błaszk. (1997) Glomus Group A Glomerales Basionym: Thaxt. (1922) (Thaxt.) Gerd. & Trappe (1974) Glomus Group AGlomeralesE. tjibodensis (?). Nicolson (1995) Glomus Group B GlomeralesBasionym: P .Karst(1884). Daniels & Trappe (1979)(P . Karst.) . Berch (1983)Diversisporaceae DiversisporalesBlaszk. & C. Renker (2006) Glomus Group B GlomeralesMcGee (1986)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesBłaszk., Blanke, Renker &Buscot (2004) Glomus Group AGlomeralesGlomus zaozhuangianus. Wang & . Liu (2002)GlomeraceaeGlomeralesOehl & Sieverd. (2006)Basionym: Sieverd. & S. Toro (1987) (Sieverd. & S. Toro) Oehl &Sieverd. (2006)Archaeosporaceae ArchaeosporalesJ. Palenzuela, N. Ferrol & Oehl (2008)Phylogenic / taxonomicaffiliation to Diversisporaceae needs reinvestigationJ. Palenzuela, N. Ferrol & Oehl(2008)Diversisporaceae DiversisporalesOehl & Sieverd. (2004)(=)Basionym: . Wu & . Liu (1995)C.Walker,Blaszk., Schuessler & Schwarzott, nom. inval. (Art. Oehl & Sieverd. (2004). Wu & . Liu) C. Walker, Vestberg& Schuessler (2007) PacisporaceaeDiversisporalesOehl & Sieverd. (2004) Pacisporaceae Diversisporales Oehl & Sieverd. (2004) Pacisporaceae DiversisporalesOehl & Sieverd. (2004)PacisporaceaeDiversisporalesBasionym: Novas &Fracchia (2005) (link to publisher!)(Novas & Fracchia) C. Walker,Vestberg & Schuessler (2007)PacisporaceaeDiversisporalesOehl & Sieverd. (2004) Pacisporaceae DiversisporalesBasionym: . Rose &Trappe (1980)nom. inval. (Art. Oehl &Sieverd. (2004), Oehl & Sieverd. (2004), Walker, Błaszk.,Schuessler&Schwarzott (2004),. Rose & Trappe) C. Walker,Vestberg & Schuessler (2007)PacisporaceaeDiversisporales(Błaszk.). Morton & D. Redecker (2001)Basionym: Spain & J. Miranda (1996) (Spain & J. Miranda) . Morton &D. Redecker (2001) Paraglomeraceae Paraglomerales( here)Basionym: C.Walker (1982)(C. Walker) . Morton & D.Redecker (2001)Paraglomeraceae Paraglomerales(this is a link to commercial publisher not willingtogive copyright clearance!)Basionym:Glomus laccatum Błaszk. (1988) (Błaszk.) C. Renker, Błaszk. & F.Buscot (2007) Paraglomeraceae ParaglomeralesOehl, . Souza & Sieverd. (2008)Basionym: Ferrer & .Herrera (1981)C. Walker & . Sanders (1986)(Ferrer & . Herrera) Oehl, .Souza & Sieverd. (2008) GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesRacocetra beninensisOehl, Tchabi & Lawouin (2009)Basionym: C. Walker (1993) (C. Walker) Oehl, . Souza &Sieverd. (2008) GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesBasionym: Trappe, Gerd.& I. Ho (1974)C. Walker & . Sanders (1986)(Trappe, Gerd. & I. Ho) Oehl, .Souza & Sieverd. (2008) GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesBasionym: Koske & C. Walker (1986) (Koske & C. Walker) Oehl, .Souza & Sieverd. (2008) GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesBasionym: . Schenck & .Nicolson (1979)C. Walker & . Sanders (1986). Schenck & . Nicolson) Oehl, .Souza & Sieverd. (2008) GigasporaceaeDiversisporales. Goto & Oehl (2009) Gigasporaceae DiversisporalesRacocetra minutaBasionym: Ferrer & .Herrera (1981)C. Walker & . Sanders (1986)(Ferrer & . Herrera) Oehl, .Souza & Sieverd. (2008) GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesBasionym: Koske & C.Walker (1985)C. Walker & . Sanders (1986)(Koske & C. Walker) Oehl, .Souza & Sieverd. (2008) GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesBasionym: Koske & C.Walker (1985)C. Walker & . Sanders (1986)(Koske & C. Walker) Oehl, .Souza & Sieverd. (2008) GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesC. Walker & . Sanders (1986)Koske & Halvorson (1990) Gigasporaceae DiversisporalesBłaszk. (1993)GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesBasionym: . Hall . Hall) C. Walker & . Sanders(1986)GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesSpain, Sieverd. & S. Toro (1989) GigasporaceaeDiversisporales( here)Basionym: . Nicolson &Gerd. (1968) . Nicolson & Gerd.) C. Walker & .Sanders (1986)GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesSpain & J. Miranda (1996)GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesDentiscutata colliculosaBasionym:Dentiscutatacolliculosa . Goto & Oehl (2010) Note: basionymgivenhere,becauseDentiscutatawassynonymized by Morton & Msiska(2010)with Scutellospora,andthespecies therefore must be transferred toScutellospora. Goto & Oehl (2010)GigasporaceaeDiversisporales. Herrera, Cuenca & C. Walker(2001)GigasporaceaeDiversisporales Basionym: C. Walker & Koske (1985) (C. Walker & Koske) C. Walker& . Sanders (1986) GigasporaceaeDiversisporales =Scutellosporacalospora ?. Morton & Koske (1988)GigasporaceaeDiversisporales Basionym: Koske & C. Walker (1984) (Koske & C. Walker) C. Walker& . Sanders (1986) GigasporaceaeDiversisporales Basionym: Trappe & Gerd. (1974) (Trappe & Gerd.) C. Walker & .Sanders (1986) GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesKoske & Gemma (1995)GigasporaceaeDiversisporales Basionym: . Nicolson &Gerd. (1968). Nicolson & Gerd.) C. Walker & .Sanders (1986)GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesBasionym: . Redhead (1979) . Redhead) C. Walker & .Sanders (1986)GigasporaceaeDiversisporalesBłaszk. (1991)Gigasporaceae Diversisporales( here)Basionym: . Nicolson &N. C. Schenck (1979). Nicolson & N. C. Schenck) C.Walker & . Sanders (1986)Gigasporaceae DiversisporalesOehl, Silva, N. Freitas, . Maia(2008)Gigasporaceae DiversisporalesKramad. & C. Walker (2000)Gigasporaceae Diversisporales Basionym: Koske, . Mill.& C. Walker (1983)(Koske, . Mill. & C. Walker) C.Walker & . Sanders (1986)Gigasporaceae DiversisporalesStürmer & . Morton (1999)Gigasporaceae Diversisporales Basionym: . Herrera &Ferrer (1981). Herrera & Ferrer) C. Walker & .Sanders (1986)Gigasporaceae DiversisporalesC. Walker & Dieder. (1989)Gigasporaceae DiversisporalesC. Walker & Cuenca (1998)Gigasporaceae DiversisporalesCuenca & . Herrera (2008)Gigasporaceae Diversisporales Basionym: . Herrera &Ferrer (1981). Herrera & Ferrer) C. Walker & .Sanders (1986)Gigasporaceae Diversisporales. Pan & Zhang (1997)Gigasporaceae Diversisporales Oehl, . Souza & Sieverd.(2008)Koske & C. Walker (1986)Gigasporaceae DiversisporalesThanks to all the publishers/ editors allowing us to put the full text papers from their journals on this site!This is highly appreciated by many scientists! We acknowledge (alphabetically):Acta Societatis Botanicorum PoloniaeAnnals of BotanyAustralian Systematic Botany[CSIRO PUBLISHING, full text of papers can be obtained via eithersubscriptions or pay-per-view services at Journal of BotanyCryptogamic BotanyJournal of Applied Botany and Food QualityMycotaxonMycological ResearchMycologiaNew PhytologistPhilippine Journal of ScienceTaywaniaTrans. Br. Mycol. Soc.。
(4)辅助细胞(Auxiliary cell)辅助细胞是巨孢囊霉真菌所特有的结构,这个科的真菌不在根系皮层细胞内或间隙产生泡囊。
菌 物 系 统 2 4 1( )
m yc s t a o ysem
渤 海 湾 岛屿 的 丛枝 菌根 真 菌
刘 润进 王发 园 孟祥 霞
( 阳 农 学 院菌 根 生 物 技 术 实验 室 山 东栗 阳 2 5 0 ) 莱 6 2 0
摘 要 :从渤 海湾 岛屿上 的天 然植被 根 围土壤 中分离 到丛枝 菌根 真菌 7属 3 5种 ,其 中无柄 囊霉 属 Acuop r 5种 ,原囊霉 属 A c as o a 口 t Da s rh e r 1种 ,内养囊 霉属 E t p op r p nr h s oa 1种 ,球囊 霉属 o G o s属 1 lmu 8种 ,巨孢囊 霉 属 G罾 D口 ,3种 , 类 球囊霉 属 P rgo s属 1种 ,盾 巨孢 囊 霉 aa lmu 属 S uels o a 种 。 生盾 巨孢囊 霉 S uelso a rg r c tl p r 6 群 o c tl p r g e a i o a和易误 巨孢 囊 霉 Gg s oad c es iap r ei n pi 为我 国 的新记 录种 。标本保 藏于 莱 阳农 学 院菌根 生物 技术 实验 室 。 关键 词 :渤海 湾 ,原 囊霉 属 ,类 球 囊霉 属 , 巨孢 囊霉 属 ,盾 巨孢 囊 霉属 ,新记 录种
用 湿筛 倾析 一 糖 离心法 获 取孢 子 , 体视 镜下 先 观察记 录 孢子 的颜 色 、 蔗 在 大小 、 孢 菌丝 的特 征 、 连
孢 子 果形态 等 ;在 此基 础上 ,用 微 吸管挑 取孢 子 置于 载 玻片上 ,加浮载 剂 如水 、乳 酸 、乳酸 甘 油 、P 、P L 等在 O y u 显 微镜 下观 察 、测定 孢 子 的颜 色 、大 小 ;孢 壁颜色 、类型 、厚 VL V G lmp s 度 、特 征 、内含物 的性 质等 。鉴 定 中辅助 使用 Me e’试 剂 、棉 兰试 剂 ,观察 孢子 的特 异 反应 ; lr z S 对 有代 表 性或 特异 性 的特 征随 时拍照 。综 合 以上观 察 结果 ,根据 S h n k& P rz18 ) “ A cec ee(9 8的 V 菌 根 真菌 鉴 定手册 ” ,并参 阅鉴 定材 料和 近几 年 发表 的新 种 、新记 录种 ( 宇澄 等 ,1 8 ;吴 继 方 96
2.1.1 AM真菌改善植株碳素营养机制
大量实验表明,AM真菌通过改善作物的光合参数 提高植株叶片光合速率与光合能,间接获得与对 照相比更多的可溶性糖或淀粉等碳水化合物,进 而改善或促进植物的碳素营养。
菌根植物的生长取决于真菌对宿主植物提供的营 养物质的增加( 这是促进因素) 和真菌本身对碳水 化合物的消耗( 这是减弱因素) 之间的平衡。
根据其形态和解剖学特征,菌根可分为外生菌根、内生菌 根和内外生菌根3种类型。
1.1 外生菌根
菌根具有菌丝套。 部分菌丝侵入根的外皮层细胞间隙,形成哈氏网。 菌丝不进入皮层细胞之中。 加强植物对矿质营养元素的吸收。 向植物提供生长素、维生素、细胞分裂素、抗生
素和脂肪酸等代谢产物,促进植物生长。 提高植物对病原菌侵染和对温度、干旱和过酸或
关于丛枝菌根对植物钾素营养的影响作,目前观点 不一。养的作用 , 目前观点不一。菌根感染后植 物体内钾含量有时会升高,有时会下降。
有的试验表明,AM真菌感染植物体后,植物体内 钾含量升高。比如,在丛枝菌根真菌对芋组织培养 苗生长 的影响试验中,接种AM真菌比对照显著提 高了根、叶内钾含量。
也有研究指出,接种AM真菌对马铃薯苗期植物钾 的影响不大,王倡宪等在3种丛枝菌根真菌对黄瓜 幼苗生长的影响研究中发现,接种丛枝菌根真菌, 对钾的吸收影响不大 。
产生这种不同结果的原因可能和试验所用菌种、 寄主植物类别、立地条件等有关。
有研究认为,虽然植物需钾量大大超过需磷量, 但菌丝的直接吸收和运输作用对植物钾营养的贡 献有限,菌根效应的间接作用可能更重要。
另外,有研究表明,AM菌根真菌与根瘤菌双接种 比单独接种能更有效地提高寄主植物的生物量和 钾的积累。对于AM真菌促进吸收钾元素的机理尚 需进一步研究。
l me l ta ut a a la t,l e ,4. 5-5 0 x r s a . I c a s ,9. I d s or m a e .Hy ha s t nd n e e ur a a , m 7 x a p a b sm m p e ub e e t s r c v t e
h lna e li e l t e 2.- 1 0 ya i e v lpa ld u ea ,1 5 5. ve i u a i r us ulr yc rhi a . sc l r b c a im a o r z s d a . xt n a q d 4. m nfas i m ,e e s e us ue a 2 5 i r por m . a For a m ns
国家 自然 科 学 基 金 (9 7 4 8和 山 东 省 科 学 基 金 ( 9 5 资助 项 目 3 9 O9) Y9 DO ) 收 原 稿 日 期 :2 0 .8 1 0 10 .3,收 修 改 稿 日 期 : 2 0 .2 1 0 11 .7
2 -23 I 00 0 x m, l t a . Tu c dit t bita a e t ro hy ln uee ni a si e nc sr t , x e r i a i a, 9 5 2. I c a s ; i e or . -1 5 x m r s a nt r i
孢 子 通 常 土 中单 生 ,着 生 于菌 丝 顶 端 。成 熟孢 子 表 面光 滑 ,球 形 或 近球 形 ,2 0 2 0I , 0 ~ 3 m x 黄 色 。孢 子 幼 时颜 色 略 浅 。孢壁 两 层 :外层 ( 1 L )均 一 ,无 色 ,厚 95 1 . m ; 内层 ( 2 . 25 ~ L ) 层状 ,易 与 外 壁 分离 ,黄 色 ,厚 45 50 l ,在 连 点处 加 厚 至 97 m 。一 根连 孢 菌 丝 ,常 弯 . . a ~ i n . 曲, 无色 至 浅 黄 色 , 宽 l .- 50 l ,在 孢 子基 部 加 宽 至 2 . m 。菌丝 壁 与 孢 壁 相连 。连 点 25 1 . a i n 45 由孢 壁 L 1和 L 2延 伸 而成 ,喇 叭形 或 漏 斗状 ,宽 95 2 . I 。连 点 孔 开放 ,无 隔 。孢 子 内含 .~ 50X m 物 为 无色 油 滴 。可 形成 泡 囊 丛 枝 结 构 。 宿 主 及 分 布 :土样 采 自山东 枣庄 煤 矿 的矸石 山矿 土 中 。标本 编 号 Z 0 。该 样 点 的优 势 植 Z3
( . prmet f co io y Sc unA r utrl i ri , aa 6 5 1 , i un Chn ; 1Deat n rbo g , i a gl l aUnv sy Y ’n 2 0 4 Sc a , i o Mi l h e u e t h a
2. e g uC lg f d ii , e g u 6 0 8 , i ; . a k aR sa c n l ePa t tt no Ch n d ol eo Me c e Ch n d 1 0 3 Chn 3 L u a ee rh a dE i l S ai f e n a t n o
要 : 态学分类 法测 土壤样 品中丛枝茵根真 茵的数量和种类分布特点 , 果表 明, 用形 结 丛枝 茵根真 茵广泛分布 于
四川农业土壤 中, 但其数量和种类较少, 种群结构单一。共计分 离鉴定出3个属 坞 种丛枝 茵根真茵, 囊霉属 球 ( l s 1 种, Go )3 无梗囊霉属( cu s r ) mu A alp a 2种 , 巨孢 囊霉属( ctlpr ) oo 盾 Su ls a 3种, 中只有 G . oee 1 eo o 其 1 m sa ,G . s
A s atA b sua crhzl ug A bt c: rucl myori n i( MF)weeivsiae nma rbef l hog ot r r af r n et tdi i aal id truhu g n e s
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This is an electronic version of the publication:Schüßler A, Walker C (2010)The Glomeromycota. A species list with new families and new genera.Arthur Schüßler & Christopher Walker, Gloucester. Published in December 2010 in libraries at The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, The Royal Botanic Garden Kew, Botanische Staatssammlung Munich, and Oregon State University.Electronic version freely available online atThis electronic version is 100% identical to the printed publication. This includes the errors; therefore the electronic version contains one additional, initial page as a corrigendum, giving corrections of some errors and typos.Corrections, 2 FEB, 14 FEB, 19 JUL 2011. The corrections are highlighted in red.p 7. FOR Claroidoglomeraceae READ Claroid e oglomeraceaep 10. DELETEGlomus pulvinatum (Henn.) Trappe & Gerd. [as 'pulvinatus'], in Gerdemann & Trappe, Mycol. Mem. 5: 59 (1974)≡Endogone pulvinata Henn., Hedwigia 36: 212 (1897)p 11. AFTER Botanical Code for formal descriptions after 1 Jan 1935 INSERT)p 14. BELOW ≡ Endogone macrocarpa var. geospora T.H. Nicolson & Gerd., Mycologia 60(2): 318 (1968) INSERT ≡ Glomus macrocarpum var. geosporum (T.H. Nicolson & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe [as macrocarpus var. geosporus], Mycol. Mem. 5: 55 (1974)p16. ABOVE Sclerocystis coccogenum (Pat.) Höhn., Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturw. Kl., Abt. 1 119: 399 [7 repr.] (1910) INSERTSclerocystis clavispora Trappe, Mycotaxon 6(2): 358 (1977)≡ Glomus clavisporum (Trappe) R.T. Almeida & N.C. Schenck, Mycologia 82(6): 710 (1990)p 19. FOR Rhizophagus irregulare READ Rhizophagus irregularisp 19. FOR Rhizophagus proliferus (Błaszk., Kovács & Balázs) READ Rhizophagus proliferus (Dalpé & Declerck)p 28. FOR Scutellospora arenicola Koske Koske & Halvorson READ Scutellospora arenicola Koske & Halvorsonp 29. FOR Scutellospora pernambucana Oehl, Oehl, D.K. Silva, READ Scutellospora pernambucana Oehl, D.K. Silva, p 30. FOR Genus name: Racocetra Oehl, F.A. Souza & Sieverd., Mycotaxon: 334 (2009) READ Genus name: Racocetra Oehl, F.A. Souza & Sieverd., Mycotaxon 106: 334 (2009)p 35. FOR Acaulospora mellea Spain & N.C. Schenck, in Schenck, Spain, Sieverding & Howeler, Mycologia 76(4): 689 READ Acaulospora mellea Spain & N.C. Schenck, in Schenck, Spain, Sieverding & Howeler, Mycologia 76(4): 690 p 39. FOR Entrophospora nevadensis J. Palenzuela, N. Ferrol & Oehl, Mycologia 102(3): 627 (2010) READ Entrophospora nevadensis Palenz., N. Ferrol, Azcón-Aguilar & Oehl, in Palenzuela, Barea, Ferrol, Azcón-Aguilar &Oehl, Mycologia 102(3): 627 (2010)p 41. FORGeneric type: Pacispora chimonobambusae (C.G. Wu & Y.S. Liu) Sieverd. & Oehl ex C. Walker, Vestberg & A.Schüßler, in Walker, Vestberg & Schüßler, Mycol. Res. 111(3): 255 (2007)≡Gerdemannia chimonobambusae (C.G. Wu & Y.S. Liu) C. Walker, Błaszk., A. Schüßler & Schwarzott, in Walker,Błaszkowski, Schwarzott & Schüßler, Mycol. Res. 108(6): 717 (2004)≡Glomus chimonobambusae C.G. Wu & Y.S. Liu, in Wu, Liu, Hwuang, Wang & Chao, Mycotaxon 53: 284 (1995)READGeneric type: Pacispora scintillans (S.L. Rose & Trappe) Sieverd. & Oehl ex C. Walker, Vestberg & A. Schüßler, in Walker, Vestberg & Schüßler, Mycol. Res. 111(3): 255 (2007)≡Glomus scintillans S.L. Rose & Trappe, Mycotaxon 10(2): 417 (1980)≡Gerdemannia scintillans (S.L. Rose & Trappe) C. Walker, Błaszk., A. Schüßler & Schwarzott, i n Walker,Błaszkowski, Schwarzott & Schüßler, Mycol. Res. 108(6): 716 (2004)=Glomus dominikii Błaszk., Karstenia 27(2): 37 (1988) [1987]=Pacispora dominikii (Błaszk.) Sieverd. & Oehl, in Oehl & Sieverding, J. Appl. Bot., Angew. Bot. 78: 76 (2004)Pacispora chimonobambusae (C.G. Wu & Y.S. Liu) Sieverd. & Oehl ex C. Walker, Vestberg & A. Schüßler, in Walker, Vestberg & Schüßler, Mycol. Res. 111(3): 255 (2007)≡Gerdemannia chimonobambusae (C.G. Wu & Y.S. Liu) C. Walker, Błaszk., A. Schüßler & Schwarzott, in Walker,Błaszkowski, Schwarzott & Schüßler, Mycol. Res. 108(6): 717 (2004)≡Glomus chimonobambusae C.G. Wu & Y.S. Liu, in Wu, Liu, Hwuang, Wang & Chao, Mycotaxon 53: 284 (1995)p 41. BELOW Pacispora robigina Sieverd. & Oehl, in Oehl & Sieverding, J. Appl. Bot. (Angew. Bot.) 78: 75 (2004) DELETE Pacispora scintillans (S.L. Rose & Trappe) Sieverd. & Oehl ex C. Walker, Vestberg & A. Schüßler, inWalker, Vestberg & Schüßler, Mycol. Res. 111(3): 255 (2007)≡Gerdemannia scintillans (S.L. Rose & Trappe) C. Walker, Błaszk., A. Schüßler & Schwarzott, in Walker,Błaszkowski, Schwarzott & Schüßler, Mycol. Res. 108(6): 716 (2004)≡Glomus scintillans S.L. Rose & Trappe, Mycotaxon 10(2): 417 (1980)=Pacispora dominikii (Błaszk.) Sieverd. & Oehl, in O ehl & Sieverding, J. Appl. Bot., Angew. Bot. 78: 76 (2004)p 43. FOR≡Glomus aurantium Błaszk., Blanke, Renker & Buscot, Mycotaxon 90: 540 (2004) READ≡Glomus aurantium Błaszk., Blanke, R enker & Buscot, Mycotaxon 90: 450 (2004)p 43. FOR Genus name: Otospora Palenz., Ferrol & Oehl READ Genus name: Otospora Oehl, Palenz. & N. Ferrolp 43. FOR Generic type: Otospora bareae Palenz., Ferrol & Oehl [as 'bareai'] READ Generic type: Otospora bareae Palenz., N. Ferrol & Oehl [as 'bareai']p 50. FOR Ambispora granatensis J. Palenzuela, N. Ferrol READ Ambispora granatensis Palenz., N. Ferrolp 53. FOR (Morton & Redecker 2001; Kaonongbua 2010). READ(Morton & Redecker 2001; Kaonongbua et al. 2010). Comment on the gender of the epithets in Redeckera.In publishing the new genus Redeckera, in honour of Dirk Redecker, we treated the gender as neuter, thus giving the epithets as pulvinatum, megalocarpum, and fulvum. We had inadvertently missed the recommendation 20A.1(i) in the Botanical Code requesting that all such epithets should be made feminine, and we apologise for this. However, because the names have been formally published, the requirements of Article 62 apply, and the neuter gender must be retained.The GlomeromycotaA species list with new families andnew generaArthur Schüßler1 and Christopher Walker21 Dept. Biology, Biocenter of the Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, Grosshaderner Strasse 4, D-82152 Planegg-Martinsried, GERMANY2 Honorary Research Associate, Royal Botanic Garden, EdinburghandHonorary Research Fellow, University of Western AustraliaCONTENTSIntroduction (3)Glomerales (7)Glomeraceae (7)Glomus sensu stricto (7)Species of uncertain position in Glomus sensu lato (8)Funneliformis (13)Sclerocystis (16)Species of uncertain position in Sclerocystis (16)Rhizophagus (19)Claroideoglomeraceae (21)Claroideoglomus (21)Species of uncertain position in Claroideoglomus (22)Species of uncertain position in Glomerales (22)Diversisporales (24)Gigasporaceae (24)Gigaspora (26)Scutellospora (28)Species of uncertain position in Scutellospora (28)Racocetra (30)Species of uncertain position in Racocetra (31)Species of uncertain position in Gigaspora ceae (31)Acaulosporaceae (33)Acaulospora (35)Species of uncertain position in Acaulospora (36)Entrophosporaceae (39)Entrophospora (39)Species of uncertain position Entrophospora (39)Pacisporaceae (41)Pacispora (41)Diversisporaceae (43)Diversispora (43)Otospora (43)Redeckera (44)Paraglomerales (46)Paraglomeraceae (46)Paraglomus (46)Archaeosporales (48)Geosiphonaceae (48)Geosiphon (48)Ambisporaceae (50)Ambispora (50)Archaeosporaceae (53)Archaeospora (53)Literature cited (54)INTRODUCTIONFor many years, the molecular phylogeny of the Glomeromycota (Schüßler et al. 2001) has been published in parts, and frequently updated on the webpage . We also provide the Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life (Schüßler 2010) with those data. However, the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) does not allow solely electronic publication of taxonomic novelties, so formal changes could not be implemented on this widely used information source. Moreover, because it was not possible to establish the true phylogenetic placement of Glomus macrocarpum, which is the type species of Glomus, a deeply revised taxonomy for the Glomeromycota was impossible. Without knowing the phylogenetic position of this species, we lacked the evidence to classify our long proposed groupings at familial (Schwarzott et al. 2001) and generic levels (Schüßler et al. 2011). We have recently established Glomus macrocarpum in pot culture and sequenced the SSU rRNA gene to allow us to anchor the position of this fungus and thus establish its natural phylogenetic position in relation to others in this ‘genus’. We can now restructure the systematics of the order Glomerales (Glomeromycota) and also the three other orders in the Glomeromycota. In this work, we have listed all glomeromycotan species presently described. We have created new families and genera based on recent phylogenetic analyses, established in large parts by our own research, and we have categorised those species for which the molecular identity is still unknown as ‘species of uncertain position’ in the taxonomic hierarchy, and listed them under their original genus. Also, a number of epitypes are established, all of which are based on living cultures available for scientific research.The Glomeromycota consists of fungi that are generally considered to be obligately symbiotic. Although probably correct, this is an assumption based on analogy with the species for which the biology is known. Such species have been shown either (in one instance) to have a Nostoc (Cyanobacteria) species as a symbiont (Schüßler 2002), or (in all other known instances) to form an intimate symbiosis, generally known as an arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), with embryophytes (land plants). As well as vascular land plants, hornworts (Schüßler 2000) and liverworts (Fonseca & Berbera 2008) also may form AM. Many glomeromycotan species are known to form AM, but many others have been described from field collected specimens for which the nutritional state of the fungus is unknown. Some species have been established in pot culture in the past, but are no longer available as living material, and consequently have not been subjected to molecular analysis. A few have had genetic markers DNA-sequenced before the demise of the cultures, or from adequately determined field material, and thus can be placed phylogenetically, but many remain to have their true phylogeny uncovered.Historically, most species in this phylum have been described and named from the morphology of their spores. These are produced in the main ectocarpically in the substratum, or in the roots of their host plants. Some produce spores in unstructured dense masses or in structured sporocarps at or near the surface of the soil, and it was these that were first observed and named. However, Morton et al. (1998) argued cogently that the spore is uncoupled from other parts of the organism, and if this is so, variation among spores will not necessarily reflect the true phylogeny. This has been proven since molecular methods have been available, and it has been shown that ‘cryptic’ speciation exists. In fact, it is evident that sometimes spore morphology may be almost indistinguishable among species in different families or even orders (Morton and Redecker 2001; Walker et al. 2007; Walker 2008; Gamper et al. 2009).For the most part, the phylogenetic base used here is the analysis of the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene, but we consider also data from the large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region (comprising the 5.8S rRNA gene and the ITS 1 and ITS2). For simplicity we refer to these as the SSU, LSU, and ITS region. Moreover, we take account of β-tubulin sequence data published in Msiska and Morton (2008) and Morton and Msiska (2010). The SSU subunit is too conserved for resolving species level in the Glomeromycota, but is an important marker for robust phylogenies down to (sub-) genus resolution. Sequences, considered sufficiently good to determine species level are in the region of 1500bp in length, covering part of the SSU and LSU and all of the ITS-region (Krüger et al. 2009; Stockinger et al. 2009) but are not yet available for most AM fungi. Generally speaking, family and generic resolution can be determined by using the SSU or parts of the LSU, and species level resolution can be obtained by additionally using further LSU and the ITS-region data (Stockinger et al. 2010).Many AM fungal species are placed in genera without conclusive evidence. Because this work is based on a natural classification from molecular phylogeny combined with convincing morphological evidence when available, we have excluded species for which we lack such evidence, but have retained them in their original genera, as ‘species of uncertain position’. As a consequence, the phylogeny we offer is imperfect, but gradually it may be possible to move such species to their correct taxa, when living material that can confidently be assigned a name is discovered and DNA sequences of sufficient quality can be analysed with consequential study of phylogeny. We have tended to be conservative in our approach, and thus organisms that may appear from morphology to fall into well defined groups have sometimes been placed among the species of uncertain position, pending the production of further evidence. We provide a phylogenetic tree showing the clades with their associated genus names (page 5), which was computed by using a maximum likelihood method based on near full length SSU rRNA gene sequences. The numbers at the branches show the bootstrap support for the respective topologies.Where possible, cultures of AM fungi cited are given an unique numerical identifier from a purpose designed database used by C. Walker. Such numbers may be notional if the culture is deduced from externally provided information in the literature or actual if the culture is known for certain to have existed. Notional numbers may include a series of subcultures if full details are unknown. The numbers have an Attempt number and an associated subculture number. An example is Attempt 1495-0, which is a first attempt to establish a culture with spores from a field-collected sporocarp as inoculum. Voucher specimens from the C. Walker collection in E are given a number preceded by W, e.g., W5288 was taken from Attempt 1495-0 on 04 Mar 2009. Herbarium abbreviations are from Thiers, B. Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. New York Botanical Garden's Virtual Herbarium. /ih/We are grateful for the help of Paul Kirk, CABI, and for the compilers of Index Fungorum, whose work made constructing this list much easier. However, we should stress that any errors or omissions are entirely our responsibility.Order name: Glomerales J.B. Morton & Benny [as 'Glomales'], Mycotaxon 37: 473 (1990)GLOMERACEAEThis monogeneric family formerly included all the species in Glomus sensu lato, a form-genus that has become a resting place for all of the species with purely glomoid (Glomus-like) spores but unknown phylogenetic affiliations. We made suggestions for separation into several genera and two families about a decade ago, but while we were establishing phylogenetic evidence, we refrained from making formal taxonomic separations. We now have the evidence to separate the order into taxa representing a natural classification, based mainly but not exclusively on molecular phylogenetic analyses. The family is now separated into two, Glomeraceae based on Glomus macrocarpum, and Claroidoglomeraceae fam. nov. based on the former Glomus claroideum.Family name: Glomeraceae Piroz. & Dalpé [as 'Glomaceae'], Symbiosis 7: 19 (1989) emend C. Walker & A. Schüßler Spores glomoid, produced at or near the soil surface, in sporocarps, usually with partial or complete peridium or as spores singly or in clusters in the soil or substrate. With the sequence TGTYADGGCAYYRCACYGG in the ribosomal RNA geneGLOMUS SENSU STRICTOThis genus is based on the species Glomus macrocarpum Tul. & C. Tul. (1845), later lectotypified by Berch & Fortin (1983). For many years, this fungus has been known only from field collections or from unverified pot cultures that have not been available for taxonomic study. We have now established a pot culture and have consequently been able to obtain sequences from the type species for the genus Glomus. We also have molecular evidence from two other samples, one from a field collection, and the other from a pot culture, along with morphological comparison with the lectotype of the species. We define an epitype from our culture to allow future comparison. Some of the synonyms indicated by earlier authorities, should be considered as doubtful pending further studies.Genus name:Glomus Tul. & C. Tul., G. Bot. Ital. 1 (7-8): 63 (1845) emend C. Walker & A. Schüßler≡Parapseudoglomus S.P. Gautam & U.S. Patel, The Mycorrhizae, Diversity, Ecology and Applications (Delhi): 11 (2007)Spores glomoid, produced at or near the soil surface, in sporocarps, usually with partial or complete peridium or as spores singly or in clusters in the soil or substrate. With the sequences GGTACGYACTGGTATCATTGG and TCGGCTGTAAAAGGCYYTTG in the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene specific for the genus.Included species:Generic type:Glomus macrocarpum Tul. & C. Tul. [as 'macrocarpus'], G. Bot. Ital. 1(7-8): 63 (1845)≡Endogone macrocarpa (Tul. & C. Tul.) Tul. & C. Tul., Fungi Hypog.: 182 (1851)Specimens examined:W941 lectotype (see below)W5288 field collected from which Attempt 1495-0 established from which W5581 was taken for molecular analysis.Type materialLectotype. France, Forêt de Chinon, près Ussé, Oct. 1841, Tulasne, determined by Bucholtz, 17 Apr. 1911 to be Endogone macrocarpa Tul., No. 13, designated as lectotype by Berch & Fortin (1983), examined 21 Dec1983 by C. Walker (W941).Epitype. W5581; 4 Mar. 2009 lodged in the C. Walker collection at E, here designated. Derived from the pot culture (Attempt 1495-0); ex-epitype culture material is available on request.SPECIES OF UNCERTAIN POSITION IN GLOMUS SENSU LATOGlomus achrum Błaszk., D. Redecker, Koegel, Schützek, Oehl & Kovács, Botany 87(3): 262 (2009)According to published rDNA sequences, this species clusters basal to the phylogenetic Glomus Group Ab and probably belongs to a separate genus that cannot yet be robustly defined.Glomus aggregatum N.C. Schenck & G.S. Sm., Mycologia 74(1): 80 (1982)According to a published β-tubulin sequence analysis, G. aggregatum clusters with Claroideoglomus, but this seems unlikely and to be potentially eroneous, so we classify it as of uncertain position, for now.Glomus albidum C. Walker & L.H. Rhodes [as 'albidus'], Mycotaxon 12(2): 509 (1981)Glomus ambisporum G.S. Sm. & N.C. Schenck, Mycologia 77(4): 566 (1985)Glomus antarcticum Cabello, in Cabello, Gaspar & Pollero, Mycotaxon 51: 124 (1994)Glomus arborense McGee, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 87(1): 123 (1986)Glomus arenarium Błaszk., Tadych & Madej, Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 70(2): 97 (2001)Glomus atrouva McGee & Pattinson, in McGee & Trappe, Aust. Syst. Bot. 15(1): 115 (2002)Glomus aureum Oehl & Sieverd., in Oehl, Wiemken & Sieverding, J. Appl. Bot., Angew. Bot. 77: 111 (2003)Glomus australe (Berk.) S.M. Berch, in Berch & Fortin, Can. J. Bot. 61(10): 2611 (1983)≡Endogone australis Berk., in Hooker, Flora Tasman., Fungi 2: 282 (1859) [1860]Glomus avelingiae R.C. Sinclair, in Sinclair, Greuning & Eicker, Mycotaxon 74(2): 338 (2000)Glomus bagyarajii R.C. Sinclair, in Sinclair, Greuning & Eicker, Mycotaxon 74(2): 338 (2000)Glomus bistratum Błaszk., D. Redecker, Koegel, Symanczik, Oehl & Kovács, Botany 87(3): 267 (2009)According to published rDNA sequences, this species clusters basal to the phylogenetic Glomus Group Ab and probably belongs to a separate genus that cannot yet be robustly defined.Glomus boreale (Thaxt.) Trappe & Gerd. [as 'borealis'], in Gerdemann & Trappe, Mycol. Mem. 5: 58 (1974) ≡Endogone borealis Thaxt., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 57: 318 (1922)Glomus botryoides F.M. Rothwell & Victor, Mycotaxon 20(1): 163 (1984)Glomus caesaris Sieverd. & Oehl, in Oehl, Wiemken & Sieverding, Mycotaxon 84: 381 (2002)Glomus canadense (Thaxt.) Trappe & Gerd. [as 'canadensis'], in Gerdemann & Trappe, Mycol. Mem. 5: 59 (1974) ≡Endogone canadensis Thaxt., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 57: 317 (1922)Glomus candidum Furrazola, Kaonongbua & Bever, Mycotaxon 113: 103 (2010)Glomus canum McGee, in McGee & Trappe, Aust. Syst. Bot. 15(1): 116 (2002)Glomus cerebriforme McGee, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 87(1): 123 (1986)According to published rDNA sequences, this species clusters in the phylogenetic Glomus Group Ab, but the culture used to generate the sequences may not correspond to the species and is in need of verification, so we here refer to it as of uncertain position.Glomus citricola D.Z. Tang & M. Zang [as 'citricolum'], Acta bot. Yunn. 6(3): 301 (1984)Glomus convolutum Gerd. & Trappe [as 'convolutus'], Mycol. Mem. 5: 42 (1974)Glomus corymbiforme Błaszk., Mycologia 87(5): 732 (1995)Glomus cuneatum McGee & A. Cooper, in McGee & Trappe, Aust. Syst. Bot. 15(1): 117 (2002)Glomus delhiense Mukerji, Bhattacharjee & J.P. Tewari, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 81(3): 643 (1983)Glomus deserticola Trappe, Bloss & J.A. Menge, Mycotaxon 20(1): 123 (1984)The article in which the molecular evidence for this species is published (Chellappan et al. 2005) shows an illustration of a fungus, but it cannot be verified as G. deserticola. The ex-type culture of this species is available, and pending new molecular evidence, we retain this as a species of uncertain phylogenetic position.Glomus dimorphicum Boyetchko & J.P. Tewari, Can. J. Bot. 64(1): 90 (1986)Glomus dolichosporum M.Q. Zhang & You S. Wang, in Zhang, Wang & Xing, Mycosystema 16(4): 241 (1997)Glomus flavisporum (M. Lange & E.M. Lund) Trappe & Gerd. [as 'flavisporus'], Mycol. Mem. 5: 58 (1974)Glomus formosanum C.G. Wu & Z.C. Chen, Taiwania 31: 71 (1986)Glomus fragile (Berk. & Broome) Trappe & Gerd. [as 'fragilis'], in Gerdemann & Trappe, Mycol. Mem. 5: 59 (1974) ≡Paurocotylis fragilis Berk. & Broome, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 14(2): 137 (1875)Glomus fuegianum (Speg.) Trappe & Gerd. [as 'fuegianus'], in Gerdemann & Trappe, Mycol. Mem. 5: 58 (1974) ≡Endogone fuegiana Speg., Anal. Soc. Cient. Argent. 24(3): 125 [no. 5, reprint page 6] (1887)Glomus gibbosum Błaszk., Mycologia 89(2): 339 (1997)Glomus globiferum Koske & C. Walker, Mycotaxon 26: 133 (1986)Glomus glomerulatum Sieverd., Mycotaxon 29: 74 (1987)Glomus halonatum S.L. Rose & Trappe [as 'halonatus'], Mycotaxon 10(2): 413 (1980)Glomus heterosporum G.S. Sm. & N.C. Schenck, Mycologia 77(4): 567 (1985)Glomus hoi S.M. Berch & Trappe, Mycologia 77(4): 654 (1985)Current DNA evidence for organisms that have been determined as G. hoi shows that two different cultures fall into two clades separated at the level at least of genus and possibly family. Consequently, we are retaining it in the species of uncertain position pending further clarification.Glomus hyderabadensis Swarupa, Kunwar, G.S. Prasad & Manohar., Mycotaxon 89(2): 247 (2004)Glomus indicum Blaszk., Wubet & Harikumar, Botany 88(2): 132-143 (2010)According to published rDNA sequences, this species clusters basal to the phylogenetic Glomus Group Ab and probably belongs to a separate genus that cannot yet be robustly defined.Glomus insculptum Błaszk., in Błaszkowski, Adamska & Czerniawska, Mycotaxon 89(2): 227 (2004)Glomus invermaium I.R. Hall [as 'invermaius'], Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 68(3): 345 (1977)Glomus kerguelense Dalpé & Strullu, in Dalpé, Plenchette, Frenot, Gloaguen & Strullu, Mycotaxon 84: 53 (2002)Glomus lacteum S.L. Rose & Trappe [as 'lacteus'], Mycotaxon 10(2): 415 (1980)Glomus magnicaule I.R. Hall [as 'magnicaulis'], Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 68(3): 345 (1977)Glomus melanosporum Gerd. & Trappe [as 'melanosporus'], Mycol. Mem. 5: 46 (1974)Glomus microaggregatum Koske, Gemma & P.D. Olexia, Mycotaxon 26: 125 (1986)Glomus microcarpum Tul. & C. Tul. [as 'microcarpus'], G. Bot. Ital. 1(7-8): 63 (1845)Glomus minutum Błaszk., Tadych & Madej, Mycotaxon 76: 189 (2000)Glomus monosporum Gerd. & Trappe [as 'monosporus'], Mycol. Mem. 5: 41 (1974)This has always been something of a problem. It was established in pot culture, but the culture was lost long before DNA sequencing methods were applied as markers for clades in the Glomeromycota. There have been several cultured organisms that have been given this name, but none seems properly to fit the species description of brown spores that have ornamentation of spines on the laminated wall component.Glomus mortonii Bentiv. & Hetrick, Mycotaxon 42: 10 (1991)Although this fungus has produced spores in soil traps in Finland, it has not yet been possible either to establish it in pure culture or to extract DNA. Consequently, it is unclear as to whether or not it belongs in any of the established clades.Glomus multicaule Gerd. & B.K. Bakshi [as 'multicaulis'], Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 66(2): 340 (1976)Glomus multiforum Tadych & Błaszk., in Blaszkowski & Tadych, Mycologia 89(5): 805 (1997)Glomus nanolumen Koske & Gemma, Mycologia 81(6): 935 (1990) [1989]Glomus pallidum I.R. Hall [as 'pallidus'], Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 68(3): 343 (1977)Glomus pansihalos S.M. Berch & Koske, Mycologia 78(5): 832 (1986)Glomus pellucidum McGee & Pattinson, in McGee & Trappe, Aust. Syst. Bot. 15(1): 120 (2002)Glomus perpusillum Błaszk. & Kovács, in Błaszkowski, Kovács & Balázs, Mycologia 101(2): 249 (2009)Glomus przelewicense Błaszk. [as 'przelewicensis'], Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Biological Sciences 36(10-12): 272 (1988)Glomus pulvinatum (Henn.) Trappe & Gerd. [as 'pulvinatus'], in Gerdemann & Trappe, Mycol. Mem. 5: 59 (1974) ≡Endogone pulvinata Henn., Hedwigia 36: 212 (1897)Glomus pustulatum Koske, Friese, C. Walker & Dalpé, Mycotaxon 26: 143 (1986)Glomus radiatum (Thaxt.) Trappe & Gerd. [as 'radiatus'], in Gerdemann & Trappe, Mycol. Mem. 5: 46 (1974) ≡Endogone radiata Thaxt., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 57: 316 (1922)Glomus reticulatum Bhattacharjee & Mukerji [as 'reticulatus'], Sydowia 33: 14 (1980)This has such a vague and inadequately illustrated species description that it is impossible to apply the name with any confidence to any organism. The type material seems not to exist, and it is thus a species name that exists but which cannot be usefully applied.Glomus segmentatum Trappe, Spooner & Ivory [as 'segmentatus'], in Trappe, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 73(2): 362 (1979) This is a truly sporocarpic fungus. It is known only from field collections, but no sequence exists that can be used to establish its true phylogeny.Glomus spinosum H.T. Hu, Mycotaxon 83: 160 (2002)The species description is more or less uninterpretable, and no type material exists for any of Hu’s species.Glomus spinuliferum Sieverd. & Oehl, in Oehl, Wiemken & Sieverding, Mycotaxon 86: 158 (2003)。