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Rx/Tx coil assembly:装电感线圈 range test:距离测试 result of samples(sample size and inspection results)抽验数量及测试结果 re-flow soldering:回流焊 reject goods notice:退货通知单 responsibility:职责 root case:原因分析
deficient tin paste:少锡 defect: description: decision: dirty in PCB surface:板面污迹 designation: diode: 二极管 engineer:工程师
electrolytic capacitor preforming 电解电容成型 effective status: experimentation record:试验报告 engineering change notice:工程修改通知
transistor:三极管 transformer:变压器 trichloro-ethane:三氯乙烷 touch up for P.S side:执锡P.S面 twist:缠脚 tin dipping: 浸锡 telecom:电信 telecommunications: train:训练,培养 turn:转动,旋转,转变方向,轮流
rub crystal gap/soldering:在石英上磨缺口/加锡
SMT component placement traveling report
SMT component :贴片元件 switch:开关 socket:插座 screw:螺丝 soldering wire:焊锡丝(粘焊排线) soldering paste:焊膏 silicon for heatsink:导热硅胶 stick label:贴标签 soak in tin:浸锡 status:状态 separate:分板 statistics:统计学,统计表 sheet:(一)片,(一)张,薄片,被单,被褥 site:地点,场所,遗址 short:短的,矮的,不足的,不够的, scratch:乱写,刮擦声,抓痕,擦伤
component excess tin paste:元件多锡 component/wire scalded:元件/线烫伤 cold solder (joint):虚焊 change material time:换料时间 copper indented:银层翘起 collimator:瞄准仪 countersign:会签 checked:审核 content:内容 crystal:石英 crystal preforming:石英成型 crepe paper stick:贴皱纹纸 cut pin/lead:剪脚 clean:清洁 cleanliness:外观清洁
LED:发光二极管 label:贴纸,标签 test labed:测试标签 label barcode:条码标签 location:不良发生地点 long term CA:长期对策
modified content:修改内容 modification record:修改记录 made by:制定 model No.:型号 material: MRB decision:MRB 处理决定
serial:连续的 setup:机构,设置,装备,组织,计划,调整
ultrasonic fusion:超声波熔接
varistor:压敏电阻 visual inspection for cs side:视检cs面 wire:导线 washer galv:垫片
varistor/ptc preforming:压敏/热敏电阻成型 washer spring:垫片 vendor:卖主 wave soldering:波峰焊 wire soldering:焊线 workmanship:手艺,技艺,作工,技巧
常用口语 Good morning/afternoon/evening/night/bye. How is your wife/husband? See you tomorrow/later. I have to go now. May I have your name? Just call me Tom. What's your family name? How do you spell it? Who is the lady in white? Could you introduce me to her? Rose,Let me introduce my friend to you. He's my classmate. Nice to meet you. Let me introduce myself. May I introduce myself? I'm from……… I'm the monitor of the class. I'm an accountant at a foreign company. May I introduce my friend Wu Ying to you? She is an outstanding student in our school.
diode bridge:整流桥 diode bridge preforming:整流桥成型 description of change: disposition:部署 distributions:区分,分发 drying:烘烤 details of nonconforming:不良描述 due completion date:预计完成日期 definition:定义 defect ratio:不良率
PCB surface scratched:板面划伤 PCB surface distorted:板面变形 put heatsink into diode bridge soldering 整流桥装散热片 purchasing: production:生产,产品 part No.:部件编号 part description:零件名称 package:封装 parameter:参数
confirm:确认人员 contraty Qty:不良数量 component (in) reverse:元件贴反 component wrong:元件贴错 component missing:元件漏贴 component perpendicularity:元件直立 component deviate:元件偏移 component overlay:元件重叠 component excessive:元件多贴 component sideways:元件侧立 component damaged:元件破损 component float:元件浮起 component wrong insertion:元件插错 component incorrect polarity:元件插反
ptc:热敏电阻 place shunt:装连接帽 U14 programing prcedure:U14的烧录 pedo bending and dipping:水银开关成型 PCB clean:洗板 pedo soldering:焊点质量 program:编码,编程序 printing:丝印 programming:(编程)规划,设计 preproduction:前加工 pressurize inspection:密封检查 punching:冲片 portion filed by originator: petah-tikva preparation for keyboard and cover assemble keyboard 按键外壳处理及装配 promise:允诺,答应 performance:履行,执行,成绩,性能,表演
component leg short/long:元件脚未伸出/过长
content :内容 certificate :证明书,授予证书 conformance :顺应,一致,服从 circuit:电路,一圈,周游,巡回 corrective:纠正的,矫正的 carton box:纸盒完好性 calibration:频率调校 cut and peel skin:下线剥线 coil assembly :组合线圈 coiling(winding):绕线 connect wire:接导线 confirmation before insert component 插件前确认 insert component:插件确认 confirmation:确认记录 corrective action justification 确认对策 customer:客户名称 customer service department:客户服务部 correctness:外观正确性 capacitor:电容 connector:端子,插座 2 pin connector:2位插座 carton:外箱
nut:螺帽 non-conformity:不合格状况
order No.:工作单号 over much tin paste:多锡 occurrence stage:发生阶段 originator:创作者,发明人 original:最初的,原始的,独创的,新颖的 operation:运转,操作,实施,作用 output:产量,输出,输出量
instruments:仪器设备 introduction: immediately: IC:集成电路 inlet cable:防水线卡 inner box:内盒 inspection I :视检I improvement required:改善要求 inside:里面,内部,内脏,内情 initial:最初的,词首的,初始的
glue on terminal pad:胶水上焊盘 gasket:密封圈
header (3) pin:(3)位端子 heatsink:散热片 inspection:检查
inspection rule:检验标准 inspection items:检验项目
high temperature paper:高温胶纸
feeder designation:喂料器位置 final result:处理结果
green oil blistered:绿油起泡 green oil shed drop:绿油脱落 glue : 封胶
final inspection:终检 file NO.:文件编号 fuse :保险管 fuse holder:保险管座 fuliy female:端子接口 front cover:前壳 function test:功能测试 force test:拉力测试 feeding:上料 function test for semi-product:半成品测试 fix screw:打螺丝 finished products:
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
reasons of changes: running change: rejected ECN: reference Doc No.:参阅文件 SMT换料跟踪记录表 shift: signature:签名,署名 sign by: remarks:备注 resistor:电阻 resonator:石英 relay:继电器 rear cover:后壳
battery soldering :焊电池 batch(size):批量 badness :不良现象 bad steel stencil print :丝印不良 button:钮扣,按钮
acknowledge : 确认 adhesive :红胶 adhesive deviate:粘接剂偏移 after SMT : 贴片后 after W/S : 回流焊后 approval : 赞成,批准 approved approved by approval signature approved vendor:认可供应商 approved ECN achieve :完成,达到,得到 assemble connector:装连接器 assy shunt :装连接帽 assy base :装底壳 assy cover :装面壳 attachment :附则 accessory :附件 affected Bom affected Job No audited by :审核 alcohol :酒精 anti-peel test of soldermask Attach file of SMT working instruction ass'y 附件(SMT作业指导书) analysis:分析,分解 agent