CS2-PM2.5 CO2 智能控制器说明书(EC)

二、按键功能说明1、 键:开关机键2、 键:参数上调键3、键:参数下调键4、 键:开启或关闭风阀5、 键:切换工作模式6、键:设置时钟及定时参数旁通阀状态星期显示室内温度 室内湿度 室内PM2.5VOC 污染等级滤网提示室内CO 风速三、详细说明1、开关机:按 键开机或关机,关机状态所有输出关闭,显示关闭。
2、切换工作模式:按 键切换工作模式,工作模式在“自动-手动-定时-自动”三种状态循环切换,每按一次按键切换一种工作状态。
3、手动模式:由用户设定风机风速,不受定时和空气质量影响,通过 键或 键调整风速。
4、定时模式:按设定时间及风速运行,可设定星期一至星期天,每天 4 段,共计 28 个时段。
5、自动模式:控制器根据空气质量状况(PM2.5 和 CO2 浓度)自动调速风速;当 PM2.5 浓度高于设定值 70ug/m3 或 CO2 浓度高于设定值 500ppm, 风机高速运行;当 PM2.5 浓度高于设定值35 - 69ug/m3 或 CO2浓度高于设定值 200-499ppm, 风机中速运行;当 PM2.5 浓度高于设定值0 -34ug/m3 或 CO2 浓度高于设定值 0-199ppm, 风机低速运行;当 PM2.5 和 CO2 浓度均低于设定值,风机停止。
6、自动模式风机启动浓度值设定:在自动模式下长按 2 秒进入 CO2 参数设置,原先显示 CO2浓度位置将显示设置值并闪烁,通过 和 键修改数值;自动模式下长按 2 秒进入 PM2.5 参数设置,原先显示 PM2.5 浓度位置将显示设置值并闪烁,通过 和 键修改数值;超过 10 秒钟无按键操作控制器自动保存设置参数并返回正常工作状态。

微型PM2.5传感器研究和测试作者:刘婷婷来源:《现代信息科技》2020年第05期摘; 要:近年来,由于空气污染日益严峻,空气质量引起了大家的重视和关注。
关键词:微型粉尘传感器;PM2.5传感器;气溶胶;空气污染中图分类号:X851;TP212; ; ; 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0055-04Research and Test of Micro PM2.5 SensorLIU Tingting(Tianjin University of Technology and Education,Tianjin; 300222,China)Abstract:Recently,due to the increasingly severe air pollution,the air quality has attracted people’s attention. With the rapid development of technology,micro dust sensors are widely used in a variety of civil equipment. Their appearance makes us intuitively understand the real-time air quality state. In order to understand the performance of these sensors and the authenticity of measurement data of PM2.5 products,we use professional instruments and equipment to simulate and test four brands of micro dust sensors (PM2.5 sensors) to evaluate whether they are suitable for use in aerosol,dust workshop and urban environment.Keywords:micro dust sensor;PM2.5 sensors;aerosol;air pollution0; 引; 言隨着技术的快速发展,微型PM2.5粉尘传感器广泛应用于各种家电设备中,虽然这些微型粉尘传感器性能不能与专业仪器相比,但是可以清楚地让人们了解到周围的空气质量,帮助人们及时做好预防措施。
龙腾伟业PM2.5 PM10浓度二合一有线2变送器产品使用手册

1PM2.5/PM10浓度二合一有线变送器产品使用手册V1.2版1概述LT-CG-S/D-001-A7020-2-12PM2.5/PM10传感器采用符合国际标准的激光散射原理,内嵌式设计、开发,操作简单,使用方便,模块内部提供激光光源及光电接收装置,激光照射在空气悬浮物颗粒上产生散射,同时在某一角度接收散射光,得到散射光强随时间变化曲线,基于米氏理论算法,得出颗粒物的等效粒径及单位体积内不同粒径颗粒物的数量(PCS/0.1L )、重量(ug/L )两种测量结果,并通过串口分别输出PM1.0、PM2.5、PM10三档不同量程的颗粒物体积浓度或质量浓度数据。
采用DC 6~24V 电源供电,可选配液晶屏实时显示采集参数,还可选配1路继电器报警输出。
作为现场采集从站,标准MODBUS-RTU 通信协议RS485数字信号输出,适合远距离组网传输,完全兼容组态王等多种上位机组态软件,易与第三方设备配套。
2特点1、激光原理测量,信号无衰减,零错误报警率、计数更精确,产品寿命长2、传感器探头可准确测量0.3~10um 直径颗粒,测量范围宽、线性度好3、传感器通过串口分别输出0.3~1um、1~2.5um、2.5~10um 三档不同量程的颗粒物浓度信号,统计更精确、合理4、变送器可选配液晶屏、继电器报警输出等功能5、激光测量PM2.5比IRED 测量方式更专业,1um、2.5um、10um 三档量程更符合国内外权威机构认可3外形规格4产品资料规格型号:LT-CG-S/T-001-A7021-2-12-V1.2(包含液晶屏)LT-CG-S/T-001-A7020-2-12-V1.2(不含液晶屏)LT-CG-S/T-001-A7021-2-DO-12-V1.2(包含液晶屏、1路报警)PM2.5/PM10测量原理:激光散射法2PM2.5/PM10测量直径:0.3~1、1~2.5、2.5~10umPM2.5测量范围:0~999ug/m3,可选0~1999ug/m3(质量浓度)PM10测量范围:0~999ug/m3,可选0~1999ug/m3(质量浓度)体积颗粒物浓度:PCS/0.1L(每0.1升多少颗粒)最小颗粒直径:0.3um精度:<±10%分辨率:0.1ug/m3或1PCS/0.1L重复性:<10%输出信号:瞬时PM1.0、PM2.5、PM10浓度测量稳定时间:5秒响应时间:<10秒工作环境:-20~55度,5~95%RH(无凝结)存储环境:-25~70度供电电压:DC7~24V显示方式:LCD液晶屏(选项)液晶屏规格:08022行显示,每行8个字符报警、控制输出(选配):1路继电器,触点容量(阻性):3A/AC220V、DC24V通信接口:RS485通信速率:2400、4800、9600、19200、38400、115200。

Y A N G Y o n g - j i e , Z H A N G Y u — s h e n g , Y A N G S a i - c h e n g , Z H A N G X i a o - m e i
( S c h o o l o f E l e c t r o n i c s a n d I n f o r ma t i o n, N a n t o n g U n i v e r s i t y , N a n t o n g 2 2 6 0 1 9, C h i n a )
光 电传感器是采用光 电元件作为检测元件把 被测 量的
变化转换成光信号 的变化 , 然 后借助 光 电元 件进 一步将 光 信号转换成 电信号 , 根据 电信 号 的变 化就 可 以间接得 到被 测量的大小 。采用的雪崩 光 电二 极管有 着 良好 性能 , 光 电
流的大小与光照强度呈 正 比, 能够根 据光 照强度 的变化 而 灵敏地产生相应 电流 。本 系统采 用对射 型检测 方式 , 把 发 射器与接收器相互对 射安装 , 使发 射器发 出 的光 能进入 接
收器 。当有检测物体进 入发ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 器和接 收器之 间时 , 被测 物
就会遮蔽光线而导致 进入接 收器 的光量减 少 , 根据接 收器 光量 的变化就可 以检测被 测物 的含 量 。此方 法稳定 性 高 、
PM2.5 传感器介绍

表2. 完整协议
命令长度(字节) 读取微粒测量结果 发送
响应,异常反馈 开始微粒测量 发送 响应,正常反馈 响应,异常反馈 停止微粒测量 发送 响应,正常反馈 响应,异常反馈 设置客户调节系数 发送 响应,正常反馈 响应,异常反馈
0x68 0x40
霍尼韦尔保证生产的产品不会使用有缺陷的材料和不完善的 工艺。霍尼韦尔的常规产品都承诺遵守该保证,由霍尼韦尔 另行注明的除外。对于质量保证细节请参考订单确认或咨询 当地的销售办事处。如果产品在质量保证期间返回霍尼韦 尔,霍尼韦尔将免费修复或更换被确认有缺陷的产品。 上述内容为买方唯一的补偿方法并代替其他的明言或隐含的 包括适销性和合用性保证。霍尼韦尔对衍生的,特殊的或间 接的损失不承担任何责任。 当我们通过文献和霍尼韦尔网站提供个人应用协助时,应由 客户决定产品应用的适应性。 规格可能未经通知进行更改。我们相信提供在此处的信息是 精确和可靠的,但不承诺对其使用负责。
读取客户调节系数 发送 响应,正常反馈 响应,异常反馈 停止自动发送 发送 响应,正常反馈 响应,异常反馈 启用自动发送 发送 响应,正常反馈 响应,异常反馈
图1. 安装指南
0x68 0x40
0x01 0x02
0x10 0x10
DF1: 30 ~ 200 (默认:100)
CS = MOD ( (65536-(HEAD+LEN+CMD+DATA)), 256 ) CS = MOD ( (65536-(HEAD+LEN+CMD+DATA)), 256 )


建筑智能系统部霍尼韦尔智能建筑与家居集团上海市浦东新区张江高科技园区环科路555号1号楼电话:021-********传真:021-********更多资讯官方网站: 官方邮箱:hbschina@ 服务热线:4009202288©2017 Honeywell International Inc.HBS-IAQ-Aug.2017-CN01扫描上方二维码关注微信公众号空气质量检测仪 Modbus 版Honeywell IAQ 联网显示EBI R500主控制器/协议转换器IAQ全面检测 让呼吸更清新*本产品适用于室内环境,产品通讯使用Modbus RTU 协议接口形式为RJ45基于Honeywell 强大的激光探测和烟感传感技术的实时空气品质检测装置,可衡量显示空气中的几个重要参数包括温度,湿度,PM2.5,TVOC ,二氧化碳和甲醛,并可以通过中央楼控软件进行空气净化控制。
以 太 网本地集中监控系统架构图:产品描述建议:应用于学校、医院和酒店PM2.5色带显示:蓝色0 79 µg/m³橙色80 199 µg/m³红色200 µg/m³及以上PM2.5数值TVOC, 二氧化碳, 甲醛显示对应表采用霍尼韦尔成熟传感集成技术实时监测6种空气参数,LED 屏幕靓丽显示随时配合启动空气净化设备,室内空气时刻保持健康清新实时显示LED 显示酒店面临的空气质量问题健身房内的高强度运动可能引起空气高度污染,主要污染物有TVOC ,甲醛,二氧化碳,PM2.5 以及不适宜的温湿度健身中心面临的空气质量问题人员流动率极高,呼吸道、皮肤、毛发等带出病菌、病毒污染物、人员流量大导致TVOC ,二氧化碳,PM2.5 浓度高以及不适宜的温湿度医院面临的空气质量问题我国全部学生合计2.56亿,1/3时间在教室度过。
教室主要的空气污染物有二氧化碳,PM2.5 以及不适宜的温湿度教室面临的空气质量问题室内装修污染及人员活动带来的主要污染物有甲醛,二氧化碳,TVOC ,PM2.5金属外壳、彰显质感、轻巧便捷。
adafruit pm2.5空气质量传感器使用指南说明书

PM2.5 Air Quality SensorCreated by lady adahttps:///pm25-air-quality-sensor Last updated on 2023-08-29 03:38:32 PM EDT3471215Table of ContentsOverviewArduino Code• Wiring Python & CircuitPython• CircuitPython Microcontroller Wiring• Python Computer Wiring• CircuitPython & Python Usage• CircuitPython Microcontroller• Linux/Computer/Raspberry Pi with PythonUsage Notes• Standard vs. Environmental Concentration• Analysis Report of Using PM2.5Downloads• Files:OverviewBreathe easy, knowing that you can track and sense the quality of the air around you with the PM2.5 Air Quality Sensor with Breadboard Adapter particulate sensor. Mad Max & Furiosa definitely should have hooked up one of these in their truck while scavenging the dusty desert wilderness of post-apocalyptic Australia (). And for those of us not living in an Outback dystopia, this sensor + adapter kit is great for monitoring air quality, and super easy to use!WITNESS real-time, reliable measurement of PM2.5 dust concentrations! (PM2.5 refers to particles that are 2.5 microns or smaller in diameter.) This sensor uses laser scattering to radiate suspending particles in the air, then collects scattering light to obtain the curve of scattering light change with time. The microprocessor calculates equivalent particle diameter and the number of particles with different diameter per unit volume.You'll need to hook this up to a microcontroller with UART input (or you could theoretically wire it up to a USB-Serial converter and parse the data on a computer ())- we have code for both Arduino and CircuitPython. 9600 baud data streams out once per second, you'll get:PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10.0 concentration in both standard & enviromental units Particulate matter per 0.1L air, categorized into 0.3um, 0.5um, 1.0um, 2.5um,5.0um and 10um size binsAs well as checksum, in binary format (its fairly easy to parse the binary format, but it doesn't come out as pure readable ascii text)We give you the sensor box as well as the cable and a 0.1" / 2.54mm breakout board so you can wire it easily. You only need power plus one data pin (for the UART TX).Power is 5V, logic is 3.3V Arduino CodeUsing the PM2.5 with Arduino is a simple matter of wiring up it to your Arduino-compatible microcontroller, installing the Adafruit PM25AQI () library we've written,and running the provided example code.This code will get you started with any Arduino compatible (e.g. Arduino UNO,Adafruit Metro, ESP8266, Teensy, etc. As long as you have either a hardware serial or software serial port that can run at 9600 baud.• •WiringWiring is simple! Power the sensor with +5V and GND and then connect the data out pin (3.3V logic) to the serial input pin you'll use. Whether or not you are using hardware or software UART/serial may affect the pin, so adjust that as necessary. This wiring works for ATMega328P-based boards for sure, with Digital #2 as the data pin:To use this example with the PM2.5 sensor, you'll need to make some changes./* Test sketch for Adafruit PM2.5 sensor with UART or I2C */#include "Adafruit_PM25AQI.h"// If your PM2.5 is UART only, for UNO and others (without hardware serial)// we must use software serial...// pin #2 is IN from sensor (TX pin on sensor), leave pin #3 disconnected// comment these two lines if using hardware serial//#include <SoftwareSerial.h>//SoftwareSerial pmSerial(2, 3);Adafruit_PM25AQI aqi = Adafruit_PM25AQI();void setup() {// Wait for serial monitor to openSerial.begin(115200);while (!Serial) delay(10);Serial.println("Adafruit PMSA003I Air Quality Sensor");// Wait one second for sensor to boot up!delay(1000);// If using serial, initialize it and set baudrate before starting!// Uncomment one of the following//Serial1.begin(9600);//pmSerial.begin(9600);// There are 3 options for connectivity!if (! aqi.begin_I2C()) { // connect to the sensor over I2C//if (! aqi.begin_UART(&Serial1)) { // connect to the sensor over hardware serial //if (! aqi.begin_UART(&pmSerial)) { // connect to the sensor over softwareserialSerial.println("Could not find PM 2.5 sensor!");while (1) delay(10);}Serial.println("PM25 found!");}void loop() {PM25_AQI_Data data;if (! aqi.read(&data)) {Serial.println("Could not read from AQI");delay(500); // try again in a bit!return;}Serial.println("AQI reading success");Serial.println();Serial.println(F("---------------------------------------"));Serial.println(F("Concentration Units (standard)"));Serial.println(F("---------------------------------------"));Serial.print(F("PM 1.0: ")); Serial.print(data.pm10_standard);Serial.print(F("\t\tPM 2.5: ")); Serial.print(data.pm25_standard);Serial.print(F("\t\tPM 10: ")); Serial.println(data.pm100_standard);Serial.println(F("Concentration Units (environmental)"));Serial.println(F("---------------------------------------"));Serial.print(F("PM 1.0: ")); Serial.print(data.pm10_env);Serial.print(F("\t\tPM 2.5: ")); Serial.print(data.pm25_env);Serial.print(F("\t\tPM 10: ")); Serial.println(data.pm100_env);Serial.println(F("---------------------------------------"));Serial.print(F("Particles > 0.3um / 0.1L air:"));Serial.println(data.particles_03um);Serial.print(F("Particles > 0.5um / 0.1L air:"));Serial.println(data.particles_05um);Serial.print(F("Particles > 1.0um / 0.1L air:"));Serial.println(data.particles_10um);Serial.print(F("Particles > 2.5um / 0.1L air:"));Serial.println(data.particles_25um);Serial.print(F("Particles > 5.0um / 0.1L air:"));Serial.println(data.particles_50um);Serial.print(F("Particles > 10 um / 0.1L air:"));Serial.println(data.particles_100um);Serial.println(F("---------------------------------------"));delay(1000);}Comment out the following line by adding "//" before it:if (! aqi.begin_I2C()) { // connect to the sensor over I2CUncomment the following lines by removing the "//" from the beginning://#include <SoftwareSerial.h>//SoftwareSerial pmSerial(2, 3);//pmSerial.begin(9600);//if (! aqi.begin_UART(&pmSerial)) { // connect to the sensor over software serialOnce the changes are made, upload this code to your board, and open up the serial console at 115200 baud. You'll see data printed out once a second, with all the measurements. For a clean-air indoor room you'll see something like this:If you hold up a smoking soldering iron or something else that creates a lot of dust,you'll see much higher numbers!Note that the numbers are very precise looking but we don't believe that they're going to be perfectly accurate, calibration may be necessary!Python & CircuitPythonIt's easy to use the PM2.5 and the Adafruit CircuitPython PM25 ()module. This libraryallows you to easily write Python code that reads particle concentrations, and particle diameter and the number of particles with different diameters per unit volume.You can use this sensor with any CircuitPython microcontroller board or with acomputer that has GPIO and Python thanks to Adafruit_Blinka, our CircuitPython-for-Python compatibility library ().CircuitPython Microcontroller WiringFirst, connect the sensor to your microcontroller board using UART (a serial port).Here is an example of it connected to a Feather M0 using UART:Sensor VCC to board 5VSensor GND to board GNDSensor TX to board RXRemember: RX does not connect to RX!Python Computer WiringSince there's dozens of Linux computers/boards you can use we will show wiring for Raspberry Pi. For other platforms, please visit the guide for CircuitPython on Linux to see whether your platform is supported ().Here you have two options: An external USB-to-serial converter, or the built-in UART on the Pi's RX pin. Here's an example of wiring up the USB-to-serial converter ():Sensor VCC to USB 5VSensor GND to USB GNDSensor TX to USB RX (white wire)Remember: RX does not connect to RX!Here's an example using the Pi's built-in UART:Sensor VCC to Pi 5VSensor GND to Pi GNDSensor TX to Pi RXRemember: RX does not connect to RX!If you want to use the built-in UART, you'll need to disable the serial console and enable the serial port hardware in raspi-config. See the UART/Serial section of the CircuitPython on Raspberry Pi guide () for detailed instructions on how to do this.CircuitPython & Python UsageTo demonstrate the PM2.5 in CircuitPython and Python, let's look at a complete program example.CircuitPython MicrocontrollerWith a CircuitPython microcontroller, save this file as code.py on your board. Then comment out the following lines by inserting a '#' before each one:i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA, frequency=100000)pm25 = adafruit_pm25.i2c.PM25_I2C(i2c, reset_pin)And uncomment the following lines by removing the '# ' (hash and space both!)before each one:For single board computers other than the Raspberry Pi, the serial port may be tied to the console or not be available to the user. Please see the boarddocumentation to see how the serial port may be usedTo use the pm25_simpletest.py with the PM2.5 sensor, you'll have to make some changes.# uart = busio.UART(board.TX, board.RX, baudrate=9600)# pm25 = adafruit_pm25.uart.PM25_UART(uart, reset_pin)Then, open up the serial console () to see its output.Linux/Computer/Raspberry Pi with PythonWhen using a USB to serial cable or a Raspberry Pi, comment out the following lines by inserting a '#' before each one:i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA, frequency=100000)pm25 = adafruit_pm25.i2c.PM25_I2C(i2c, reset_pin)For Raspberry Pi, uncomment the following lines by removing the '# ' (hash and space both!) before each one:# import serial# uart = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyS0", baudrate=9600, timeout=0.25)For a USB to serial cable, uncomment the following lines by removing the '# ' (hash and space both!) before each one:# import serial# uart = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=9600, timeout=0.25)Install the python serial with library withpip3 install pyserialNow you're ready to run the program with the following command:python3 pm25_simpletest.py# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT"""Example sketch to connect to PM2.5 sensor with either I2C or UART."""# pylint: disable=unused-importimport timeimport boardimport busiofrom digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pullfrom adafruit_pm25.i2c import PM25_I2Creset_pin = None# If you have a GPIO, its not a bad idea to connect it to the RESET pin# reset_pin = DigitalInOut(board.G0)# reset_pin.direction = Direction.OUTPUT# reset_pin.value = False# For use with a computer running Windows:# import serial# uart = serial.Serial("COM30", baudrate=9600, timeout=1)# For use with microcontroller board:# (Connect the sensor TX pin to the board/computer RX pin)# uart = busio.UART(board.TX, board.RX, baudrate=9600)# For use with Raspberry Pi/Linux:# import serial# uart = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyS0", baudrate=9600, timeout=0.25)# For use with USB-to-serial cable:# import serial# uart = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=9600, timeout=0.25)# Connect to a PM2.5 sensor over UART# from adafruit_pm25.uart import PM25_UART# pm25 = PM25_UART(uart, reset_pin)# Create library object, use 'slow' 100KHz frequency!i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA, frequency=100000)# Connect to a PM2.5 sensor over I2Cpm25 = PM25_I2C(i2c, reset_pin)print("Found PM2.5 sensor, reading data...")while True:time.sleep(1)try:aqdata = pm25.read()# print(aqdata)except RuntimeError:print("Unable to read from sensor, retrying...")continueprint()print("Concentration Units (standard)")print("---------------------------------------")print("PM 1.0: %d\tPM2.5: %d\tPM10: %d"% (aqdata["pm10 standard"], aqdata["pm25 standard"], aqdata["pm100 standard"]))print("Concentration Units (environmental)")print("---------------------------------------")print("PM 1.0: %d\tPM2.5: %d\tPM10: %d"% (aqdata["pm10 env"], aqdata["pm25 env"], aqdata["pm100 env"]))print("---------------------------------------")print("Particles > 0.3um / 0.1L air:", aqdata["particles 03um"])print("Particles > 0.5um / 0.1L air:", aqdata["particles 05um"])print("Particles > 1.0um / 0.1L air:", aqdata["particles 10um"])print("Particles > 2.5um / 0.1L air:", aqdata["particles 25um"])print("Particles > 5.0um / 0.1L air:", aqdata["particles 50um"])print("Particles > 10 um / 0.1L air:", aqdata["particles 100um"])print("---------------------------------------")You should see output looking something like the following:That's all there is to using the PM2.5 air quality sensor with CircuitPython! Usage NotesStandard vs. Environmental ConcentrationThe PM2.5 returns two sets of concentrations: standard and environmental. Standard refers to the concentration at standard pressure (i.e. sea level). Environmental refers to the concentration that depends on ambient pressure.Analysis Report of Using PM2.5StanJ wrote up an amazing analysis report of using the PM2.5 sensor in their lab (), and we think its helpful for others to understand what and how the sensor works and what to expect from it! We've duplicated it here as well:I've read quite a lot on the PlanTower sensors, although I'm nothing like anexpert :-). The CF readings are 'Calibration Factory' and aren't useful; the'Environmental' or 'Ambient' concentration readings are the data you wantfor air quality measurements. I'm using the PMS5003 for a continuouscheck on cleanroom quality, so I only use the raw Particle Counts as that'sthe measurement specified in ISO 14644-1 .As Solaria123 noted in viewtopic.php?f=19&t=135496 (), the sensor estimates particles > 2.5um and doesn't (or can't) measure them. The article atResearchGate showed that a concentration composed solely of largerparticles wasn't seen by the sensor. For our cleanroom use that's OK as theHEPA filters are more efficient as the particle size increases. For non-filtered air it's a bit more of concern as the different particle sizes arecomposed of different pollutants, so you might be missing a pollutant if it's composed primarily of larger particles like pollen.One amusing note in the translated PlanTower datasheet is "Only the consistency among the PM sensors of PLANTOWER is promised and ensured. And the sensor should not be checked with any third party equipment." Several groups including have done exactly that, and we have as well. The PlanTower sensor compares favorably with the readings from our calibrated Beckman Particle Counter, although the30-50% uncertainty on the PlanTower 0.3 and 0.5 um bins means you can't get an exact comparison. We're only using the sensor for a rough check on current air quality, not to verify compliance with ISO 14644.A frustrating artifact of the PlanTower sensor is the sampling rate versus data output. With small change between readings the sensor only updates the counts every 2.3 seconds, although it outputs data every second. That means it may duplicate over half of the data, with no way to verify whether any reading is a duplicate. For a normal home or outdoor setting you could simply discard any reading when the checksum is identical to the previous data, as you're highly unlikely to have two successive samples with the same values. In a cleanroom we're looking at very low particle counts, and two successive samples might well be identical. The only way I could get around that is by throwing away 2 of every 3 data packets to insure I'm getting real counts, which increases the total sample time. I add the results from 100 unique 0.1 liter samples to get a reading of particles in 10 liters ofair for my measurement, which means 300 samples with 2/3rds of the data thrown away.amb=[003a 005c 0061] raw=[386a 1160 0325 004c 000b 0001] csum=0542amb=[003b 005d 0063] raw=[38cd 1175 033c 0054 000e 0004] csum=05eaamb=[003c 0060 0065] raw=[398a 11ba 033c 0054 000a 0003] csum=05f4amb=[003c 0060 0066] raw=[3a8c 120f 0340 0050 000d 0003] csum=0555amb=[003d 0060 0066] raw=[3b04 122e 0333 0050 000d 0003] csum=04e1amb=[003c 005e 0064] raw=[3b04 122a 0339 0056 000b 0003] csum=04dcamb=[003c 005e 0064] raw=[3b04 122a 0339 0056 000b 0003] csum=04dc duplicate amb=[003c 005e 0064] raw=[3b04 122a 0339 0056 000b 0003] csum=04dc duplicate amb=[003c 005c 0062] raw=[3b22 1232 0330 004b 000a 0003] csum=04e2amb=[003c 005c 0062] raw=[3b22 1232 0330 004b 000a 0003] csum=04e2 duplicate amb=[003c 005c 0062] raw=[3b22 1232 0330 004b 000a 0003] csum=04e2 duplicate amb=[003b 0059 005f] raw=[3a7a 1211 030e 0043 000a 0003] csum=04deamb=[003a 0058 005e] raw=[3a7a 1211 030e 0043 000a 0003] csum=04d8amb=[003a 0058 005e] raw=[3a7a 1211 030e 0043 000a 0003] csum=04d8 duplicate amb=[003a 0058 005e] raw=[3a35 11fa 030c 003b 0009 0003] csum=056e What you're seeing above is the 1 second data window sliding along the(typical) 2.3 second sampling window. When the data changes significantly between samples the sensor shortens the sample window to 200-800ms,which may be why the first 6 data points show unique numbers (fastersampling rate).The readings above are in my home, and I smoke so the particle countsvary wildly about 1000:1 over time with a decent quality air filter. When I'mhome I run the air handler fan continuously to level out the temperatureover the house, and when I'm away I let the fan cycle with the AC or heat.You can see the difference below in how rapidly the particle counts fall off with continuous filtering. The rapid fall off continuous curve is [sleeping],and the slow fall off is cycling [away from home]. Data points are every 30minutes.Downloads Files:•PMS5003 Datasheet / Manual ()。

目前激光型灰尘传感器已慢慢占据红外型灰尘传感器的市场,对于民用级的激光PM2.5传感器目前做的比较好的品牌有日本figaro、攀腾Plantower、炜盛,典型型号和对比如下:当然,假如对测量数据要求不高,对价格要求比较便宜的,可以考虑红外型PM2.5传感器,目前市场上红外型PM2.5传感器做的比较好的品牌有韩国三赢syhitech、美国GE、日本夏普Sharp、日本神荣Shinyel,这些品牌占据了低价低端产品很大一块市场,典型型号和对比如下:对于高端高价市场,一般对测试数据要求比较严谨、对产品稳定性、一致性、精度等都要求比较高,这就需要用到工业级的PM2.5传感器,首推英国Alphasense PM2.5传感器/大气粒子监测器 - OPC-N3,这款传感器通常适合用于重度污染的室外城市环境监测,常用于一些气象台、城市环境监测站、大气监测站等场合。

具体应用:新品亚都空气净化器KJG2701负离子除PM2.5 、Honeywell霍尼韦尔空气净化器HHT-011APCN除PM2.5除尘负离子空气净化器、爱飞德新风系统+除PM2.5+负离子+静电除尘壁挂吊顶家庭空气净化器等。

4.引脚说明外壳阴刻名称I/O说明V VCC-电源正极,直流5.0V,电源纹波小于100mVG GND-电源地R UART_RX I串口数据接收,兼容3.3V/5.0VT UART_TX O串口数据发送,兼容3.3V/5.0V附件1:1.25mm间距连接线4Pin端子线类型:双头同向线长:150MM数量:1根附件2:半圆头内六角螺钉型号:M2*10数量:3粒备注:波特率:9600;数据位:8;校验:None;停止位:1.0;控制流:无5.数据格式1.传感器数据输出数据方向:(传感器—>设备)Blue Loong长度数据高位数据低位时间常数校验0x420x4c0x05xx xx xx xx说明:该指令为传感器正常工作时以1S周期输出。
高精度激光 PM2.5 10、PM100 传感器 使用说明书

高精度激光PM2.5/10、PM100传感器使用说明书适用产品系列/型号:ZZ-SDS011,SDS198历史版本修订日期修订记录版本号修订人2022/03/01版式修订,错误修改V2.2李世涛目录1.产品介绍 (2)2.规格参数 (2)3.产品尺寸 (4)4.上位机的使用 (4)5.调试流程 (9)6.通信协议与报文解析 (11)6.1.通信协议说明 (11)6.2.注意事项 (11)6.3.示例报文解析 (12)6.3.1.查询上报 (12)6.3.2.主动上报 (15)7.安装方式 (16)7.1.基本结构 (16)7.2.基本尺寸 (16)7.3.推荐安装方向 (17)7.4.其他事项 (17)8.产品维护保养 (18)8.1.设备使用环境 (18)9.售后服务 (18)9.1.售后服务承诺 (18)9.2.免责声明 (18)9.3.联系方式 (19)用户须知使用前请详细阅读本说明书,并保存以供参考。
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