英语作文苏联解体的原因英文:The dissolution of the Soviet Union was a complex and multifaceted process, with various factors contributing to its eventual collapse. One of the main reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union was its economic inefficiency and stagnation. The centrally planned economy of the Soviet Union was unable to keep up with the rapid advancements in technology and global market trends. As a result, the country faced severe shortages of consumer goods and widespread poverty. The lack of economic growth and development led to widespread dissatisfaction among the Soviet people, who began to demand greater economic freedom and prosperity.Another significant factor that led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union was the nationalistic movements within its constituent republics. The Soviet Union was a multi-ethnic state, comprised of various ethnic groups withdistinct cultures, languages, and histories. As the Soviet government began to lose its grip on power, many of these ethnic groups sought greater autonomy and independence.This led to the rise of nationalist movements in republics such as Ukraine, Lithuania, and Estonia, which eventually declared their independence from the Soviet Union.Furthermore, the policies of Soviet leaders, such as Mikhail Gorbachev, also played a crucial role in the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev's attempts to reform the Soviet system through policies such as glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring) inadvertently weakened the authority of the central government and emboldened nationalist movements. The loosening ofpolitical restrictions and censorship allowed for the emergence of alternative political ideologies and movements, further destabilizing the Soviet regime.In addition to these internal factors, external pressures also contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The arms race with the United States and its NATO allies placed a significant strain on the Soviet economy,diverting resources away from essential social and economic needs. The Soviet Union's involvement in costly military interventions, such as the war in Afghanistan, further exacerbated its economic woes and weakened itsinternational standing.Ultimately, the combination of economic inefficiency, nationalist movements, and misguided policies led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The collapse of the Soviet Union had far-reaching consequences, not onlyfor the former Soviet republics but also for the global geopolitical landscape.中文:苏联解体是一个复杂而多方面的过程,有各种因素导致了它最终的崩溃。
1.高度集权的政治体制。在党和国家的关系上,长期党政不分,以党代政,权力高度集中于党中央的执行机 构,党中央的权力又高度集中于苏共中央总书记一人,斯大林长期独揽党政军大权。
2.一党专政,苏共是唯一的执政党。原因有三。第一苏共领导十月革命,取得政权。第二,十月革命后,在 苏维埃政府中也曾有与左派革命政党联合执政,后者退出并武装反苏。第三,后来阶级斗争尖锐,党逐渐对政府 实行高度集中领导。
苏联的民族政策建立在十月革命时列宁所提出的两项重要原则之上:是民族自决,大民族要补偿小民族曾经 受到的不公正待遇。这一政策在十月革命后具体体现在苏联按民族划分行政区域,实行以主体民族冠名加盟共和 国和行政区域,实行民族—国家联邦制上。
在国内战争时期,在布尔什维克党组织的统一领导下,各共和国通过与俄罗斯联邦签订双边条约的形式结成 同盟,采取协调一致的行动,在俄罗斯联邦人民委员会下成立联合的人民委员部(包括军事、财政、劳动、交通、 邮电等),这些委员部在各共和国驻有全权代表。在这一背景下,列宁主张承认少数民族的权利,建立联邦制国 家。苏联成立后,各加盟共和国境内又按民族划分民族自治地区,但为了所谓的国家利益,苏联政府常常忽视民 族地区的特殊性。二战前,斯大林对少数民族不信任,以维护国家安全为由,把居住在苏联西部的3万多波兰人、 居住在远东的10多万朝鲜人、居住在伏尔加河流域的 100多万德意志人等从他们的居住地强行迁至中亚和西伯利 亚。
在苏联解体之前,立陶宛于1990年3月11日率先宣布独立,其他共和国也纷纷加以仿效,先后发表了宣布恢 复或收复主权的声明,并开始制订实现独立的步骤和措施。
苏联解体主题演讲稿英文The Disintegration of the Soviet Union。
Ladies and gentlemen, today I am honored to stand before you to discuss the topic of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. This historic event, which took place in 1991, had a profound impact not only on the former Soviet republics, but also on the global political landscape. The collapse of the Soviet Union marked the end of the Cold War and the beginning of a new era in international relations.The disintegration of the Soviet Union can be attributed to a combination of internal and external factors. Internally, the Soviet Union was plagued by economic stagnation, political repression, and ethnic tensions. The policies of glasnost and perestroika, introduced by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, aimed to reform the Soviet system, but ultimately led to the unraveling of the union. Externally, the United States and its allies played a significant role in hastening the demise of the Soviet Union through their support for anti-communist movements and their military buildup.The disintegration of the Soviet Union had far-reaching consequences for the former Soviet republics. The newly independent states faced numerous challenges, including economic restructuring, political instability, and ethnic conflicts. Some republics, such as Ukraine and Belarus, chose to maintain close ties with Russia, while others, such as the Baltic states, sought to distance themselves from their former overlord. The dissolution of the Soviet Union also had a profound impact on the global balance of power, as the United States emerged as the world's sole superpower.In conclusion, the disintegration of the Soviet Union was a watershed moment in20th-century history. It marked the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter in international relations. The legacy of the Soviet Union continues to shape the political, economic, and social landscape of the former Soviet republics to this day. Thank you.。
苏联解体后的英语作文Title: The Aftermath of the Soviet Union's Dissolution。
The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 was a watershed moment in global history, marking the end of the Cold War era and reshaping the geopolitical landscape. This monumental event brought about significant repercussions,not only for the countries directly involved but also forthe entire world. In this essay, we will explore the aftermath of the Soviet Union's dissolution and itsenduring impact.One of the most immediate consequences of the Soviet Union's collapse was the emergence of independent states from its former republics. Fifteen new countries emerged from the ashes of the Soviet Union, each grappling with the challenges of nation-building, establishing political systems, and transitioning to market economies. The dissolution unleashed a wave of nationalism and ethnic tensions, particularly in regions like the Caucasus andCentral Asia, where longstanding grievances resurfaced.Economically, the dissolution of the Soviet Union precipitated a period of profound upheaval. The centrally planned economy of the Soviet era gave way to the complexities of a market economy, leading to widespread economic dislocation and hardship. The sudden shift from state-controlled industries to privatization brought both opportunities and hardships, with some individuals amassing vast wealth while others faced unemployment and poverty.Internationally, the end of the Cold War ushered in a new era of geopolitical dynamics. With the demise of the Soviet bloc, the United States emerged as the sole superpower, leading to a unipolar world order characterized by American hegemony. This shift in power dynamics had far-reaching implications for global politics, with the United States exerting influence over regions formerly within the Soviet sphere of influence.Furthermore, the dissolution of the Soviet Union had profound implications for global security. The end of theCold War reduced the risk of nuclear confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, easing tensions and paving the way for arms control agreements such as the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). However, it also created new security challenges, including theproliferation of nuclear weapons and the rise of non-state actors.Moreover, the dissolution of the Soviet Union had a profound impact on the lives of its citizens. While some experienced newfound freedoms and opportunities, others grappled with economic uncertainty, social upheaval, and political instability. The transition from communism to democracy was not without its challenges, as many struggled to adapt to the demands of a new political and economic system.In conclusion, the dissolution of the Soviet Union was a seismic event that reverberated across the globe, reshaping political, economic, and security landscapes. While it brought about newfound freedoms for some, it also unleashed a host of challenges, from economic upheaval togeopolitical realignments. The legacy of the Soviet Union's dissolution continues to shape the world we live in today, underscoring the enduring impact of this historic event.。
苏联解体主义的瓦解苏联解体主义(Soviet Disintegrationism)是指苏联社会主义共和国联盟解体的过程,发生在1991年。
苏联为什么解体演讲稿英文The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was a significant event in world history, marking the end of the Cold War and the beginning of a new era. Many factors contributed to the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and in this speech, we will explore the reasons behind this historic event.First and foremost, the economic challenges faced by the Soviet Union played a crucial role in its demise. The centrally planned economy of the Soviet Union was unable to keep up with the rapid pace of technological advancement and global economic changes. The inefficiency and corruption within the system led to widespread shortages of goods and services, as well as a decline in living standards for the Soviet people. The inability of the Soviet economy to adapt to the changing global economic landscape ultimately weakened the foundation of the Soviet Union.Furthermore, the political and social dynamics within the Soviet Union also contributed to its downfall. The authoritarian rule of the Communist Party stifled dissent and suppressed individual freedoms, leading to widespread discontent among the Soviet population. The policies of glasnost and perestroika introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in the 1980s aimed to reform the political and economic system, but instead, they inadvertently accelerated the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The loosening of government control and the rise of nationalist movements in the republics further weakened the unity of the Soviet state.In addition to internal factors, external pressures also played a significant role in the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The arms race with the United States and its allies during the Cold War strained the Soviet economy and diverted resources away from much-needed domestic development. The collapse of the Soviet Union's Eastern European allies, such as Poland and East Germany, further weakened the Soviet sphere of influence and eroded the legitimacy of the Communist regime.The failure of the Soviet Union to effectively address the aspirations of its diverse population and to adapt to the changing global political and economic landscapeultimately led to its dissolution. The legacy of the Soviet Union continues to shape the geopolitical dynamics of the world today, and its collapse serves as a cautionary tale of the consequences of political and economic stagnation.In conclusion, the collapse of the Soviet Union was the result of a complex interplay of economic, political, and social factors, as well as external pressures. The inability of the Soviet Union to adapt to the changing global landscape and address the aspirations of its diverse population ultimately led to its demise. The lessons learned from the collapse of the Soviet Union continue to be relevant in today's world, serving as a reminder of the importance of adaptability and responsiveness to the needs of the people. Thank you.。
Policy #1: Glasnost
Freedom of speech and free elections 1989 elections reformist politicians swept into power unwittingly unleashed emotions and political feelings that had been pent up for decades Pandora’s Box
Results of August Coup
Gorbachev was unable to reestablish real control negotiated the transition of power made inevitable by the will of the people. December 1, 1991 all nonRussian republics declared independence (population wanted democracy) political movements which had emerged since the implementation of glasnost resulted in immediate fall
The Fall of the Soviet Union
History’s Important?
Russian Revolution in 1917 Established a communist state; became totalitarian Tried to create unified, central state where national and ethic differences were eliminated
Solidarity’s Chairman: Lech Walesa
The Polish military drove Solidarity underground in 1981. However, in 1983, Solidarity’s chairman, Lech Walesa, won the Nobel peace prize. In 1990, he would be the first freely elected president of the Polish nation in more than sixty years.
The Objective: Survival
Gorbachev knew that the Soviet Union would have to change if it was to survive. Central planning in a modern industrial economy brought many inefficiencies. The factory management system provided little incentive to make technological improvements and every incentive to hide factory capacities to ensure low quotas The socialist farm system was inefficient – there were poor worker incentives and storage and transportation problems. The Soviet State could no longer afford the high defense spending that accompanied the Cold War.
苏联战胜德国的保障就是建立起强大的工业基 础。--源源不断的飞机和大炮的来源。斯大林 格勒拖拉机厂生产的不是拖拉机,而是坦克。 20天生产240辆T-34型坦克.工人们驾驶这些 坦克,直接出厂,迎战德军。 在这次保卫战中,还有1531门“喀秋莎”火箭 炮(叶卡捷琳娜的爱称),倾注对家人的爱和 深情。 1942年,飞机产量达到2万架,是德国的1倍。
实施战略重点转移 正确处理工农关系 提出合作社的构想 提出文化革命的思想 坚强党的建设思想— 党政职能分开; 加强监督机制和监察职能; 加强法制,反对“纯行政段”; 科学管理,科学决策; 扩大中央委员会,防止分裂央。
在国家体制上的二元主权体系事实上的存在, 为国家分裂留下隐患。宪法“各加盟共和国 有自由退出联盟的权利。” 在遵守铁的纪律的同时,无条件服从拥有独 裁权利的苏维埃领导者的个人意志。
为了获得粮食,为了反对投机商,反对富农, 恢复秩序,进行粮食争夺战。 凡不交出余粮的,一律宣布与人民为敌,判处 十年以上徒刑,没收全部财产,永远逐出村社。
余粮收集制上升为党的长期方针,是社会主 义的基础。 工业企业集中生产军火和军事物资,整个国 民经济围绕军事工业展开。
各独立的共和国平等,发展顺利 共同的敌人——帝国主义的武装干涉与威胁 各共产党的党组织受联盟党中央的统一领导 经济和社会的联系难以割断
英语作文苏联解体的原因Title: The Causes of the Dissolution of the Soviet Union。
The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the end of an era in global politics and the conclusion of the Cold War. This monumental event had far-reaching consequences, reshaping the geopolitical landscape and impacting millions of lives. The collapse of such a superpower was a complex phenomenon driven by various interconnected factors. In this essay, we will explore the key reasons behind the demise of the Soviet Union, drawing insights from historical analyses and scholarly research.One of the primary factors contributing to the dissolution of the Soviet Union was its economic inefficiency and structural weaknesses. The Soviet economy, characterized by central planning and state ownership of the means of production, struggled to adapt to the demands of the modern world. Centrally planned economies areinherently inefficient due to their inability to allocate resources effectively and respond to market signals. The Soviet Union's reliance on heavy industry and military expenditure drained resources from more productive sectors, leading to stagnation and declining living standards forits citizens.Moreover, the inefficiencies of the Soviet economy were exacerbated by systemic corruption and bureaucratic mismanagement. The centralization of power in the hands of the Communist Party elite fostered a culture of nepotism and cronyism, where party officials prioritized personal gain over the common good. This pervasive corruption undermined public trust in the government and hindered efforts to implement meaningful reforms.Another critical factor in the dissolution of the Soviet Union was the erosion of ideological legitimacy and the loss of public support. The Communist Party's monopoly on power was challenged by growing dissent and disillusionment among the populace. Years of propaganda and censorship could not conceal the failures of the Sovietsystem, as people became increasingly aware of its shortcomings and injustices. The ideals of Marxism-Leninism lost their appeal in the face of economic hardship,political repression, and social inequality.Furthermore, the Soviet Union's demise was hastened by the rise of nationalist movements within its constituent republics. Ethnic tensions simmered beneath the surface for decades, suppressed by the authoritarian regime. However, the policies of glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring) introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in the 1980s inadvertently unleashed long-suppressed nationalist sentiments. Republics such as Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia sought greater autonomy and eventually declared independence, sparking a chain reaction that culminated in the dissolution of the union.The geopolitical dynamics of the Cold War also played a significant role in the Soviet Union's collapse. The arms race and proxy conflicts with the United States strained the Soviet economy and drained its resources. The reforms initiated by Gorbachev, intended to revitalize the Sovietsystem, inadvertently weakened its grip on Eastern Europe. The unraveling of communist regimes in Poland, Hungary, East Germany, and other Eastern Bloc countries signaled the waning influence of the Soviet Union in the region.Additionally, external factors such as the decliningoil prices and the loss of strategic allies further undermined the Soviet Union's stability. The collapse of the oil market in the 1980s dealt a severe blow to the Soviet economy, which heavily relied on oil exports to finance its activities. Meanwhile, the loss of client states in Eastern Europe and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact deprived the Soviet Union of its buffer zone and geopolitical leverage.In conclusion, the dissolution of the Soviet Union was a multifaceted process driven by economic, political, social, and geopolitical factors. The combination of economic inefficiency, ideological decay, nationalist aspirations, and external pressures ultimately proved insurmountable for the Soviet regime. The collapse of such a formidable superpower reshaped the global order andmarked the end of the Cold War era, leaving a profound impact on world history.。
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以下是苏联解体后形成的主要国家的简要概述:1. 俄罗斯联邦(Russia):苏联解体后,俄罗斯成为苏联的继任国家,并且保留了苏联时期的国家机构和领土。
2. 乌克兰(Ukrne):乌克兰是苏联解体后最大的独立国家之一,拥有丰富的农业和工业资源。
3. 白俄罗斯(Belarus):白俄罗斯是苏联解体后的另一个独立国家,政治体制较为专制。
4. 哈萨克斯坦(Kazakhstan):哈萨克斯坦是亚洲面积最大的国家之一,拥有丰富的能源资源。
5. 乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan):乌兹别克斯坦是中亚地区最人口密集的国家之一,拥有丰富的自然资源和农业产能。
6. 吉尔吉斯斯坦(Kyrgyzstan):吉尔吉斯斯坦是一个中亚的内陆国家,曾经经历过政治动荡和领导人更迭。
7. 阿塞拜疆(Azerbjan):阿塞拜疆是南高加索地区的一个国家,拥有丰富的石油和天然气资源。
8. 格鲁吉亚(Georgia):格鲁吉亚是南高加索地区的一个国家,曾经是苏联的一个加盟共和国。
英语作文苏联解体了吗The dissolution of the Soviet Union was a significant event that reshaped the geopolitical landscape of the late 20th century. The question of whether the Soviet Union has truly dissolved is complex and multifaceted, involving political, economic, and social dimensions.In December 1991, the leaders of three Slavic republics—Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus—signed the Belavezha Accords, declaring the dissolution of the Soviet Union and establishing the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in its place. This marked the formal end of the Soviet Union as a political entity. However, the process of dissolution was not straightforward, and its effects continue to reverberate in the post-Soviet space.Firstly, while the Soviet Union ceased to exist as a centralized state, its legacy still influences politics and society in the former Soviet republics. Many of these countries continue to grapple with the challenges oftransitioning from a centrally planned economy to a market-based system. The dissolution of the Soviet Union also ledto the emergence of new states, each with its own national identity and geopolitical aspirations. Conflicts over territory, ethnicity, and resources have plagued several post-Soviet states, undermining stability and hindering economic development.Furthermore, the dissolution of the Soviet Union didnot eradicate all vestiges of its influence. Russia, as the largest successor state, has sought to maintain its sphereof influence in the post-Soviet space through various means, including economic partnerships, military interventions,and political alliances. The annexation of Crimea in 2014 and ongoing tensions in eastern Ukraine are stark reminders of the enduring geopolitical rivalries stemming from the Soviet era.Economically, the transition from communism tocapitalism has been uneven across the former Soviet republics. While some countries, such as the Baltic states and Georgia, have successfully implemented market reformsand achieved significant economic growth, others have struggled with corruption, poverty, and stagnation. The privatization of state-owned enterprises, often accompanied by insider deals and crony capitalism, has contributed to widening economic disparities and social discontent.Socially, the dissolution of the Soviet Union has reshaped identities and relationships within and between the successor states. The collapse of the Soviet ideology and state apparatus has created a vacuum that has beenfilled by a resurgence of nationalism, ethnic tensions, and competing historical narratives. Minority rights, language policies, and historical grievances have become flashpoints for conflict, undermining efforts to foster reconciliation and cooperation.In conclusion, while the formal dissolution of the Soviet Union occurred in 1991, its effects continue to be felt in the post-Soviet space today. The legacy of the Soviet era, both positive and negative, shapes politics, economics, and society in the former Soviet republics. Whether the Soviet Union has truly dissolved depends onone's perspective: while it no longer exists as a unified political entity, its influence persists in myriad ways, shaping the dynamics of the region for years to come.。
英语作文苏联解体Title: The Dissolution of the Soviet Union: AHistorical Turning Point。
The dissolution of the Soviet Union marked a pivotal moment in world history, reshaping geopolitics and international relations in profound ways. From its emergence as a global superpower after World War II to its eventual collapse in 1991, the Soviet Union's demise hadfar-reaching implications across political, economic, and social spheres.First and foremost, the dissolution of the Soviet Union fundamentally altered the geopolitical landscape of the world. For much of the latter half of the 20th century, the Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union defined global politics. The collapse of the Soviet Union effectively ended this bipolar power structure, leading to the emergence of the United States as the sole superpower on the world stage. This shift in power dynamicshad significant implications for international relations,as it reshaped alliances, security arrangements, and diplomatic strategies.Economically, the dissolution of the Soviet Union had profound consequences for the newly independent states that emerged from its ashes. The Soviet economy had long been characterized by central planning, state ownership of industry, and inefficiency. The transition to a market-oriented economy was fraught with challenges, including hyperinflation, unemployment, and widespread poverty. Manyof the newly independent states struggled to adapt to the demands of the global market economy, leading to economic stagnation and social unrest in some cases.Socially, the dissolution of the Soviet Union unleashed a wave of nationalism and ethnic conflict across the region. As former Soviet republics asserted their independence,long-suppressed ethnic tensions resurfaced, leading to violence and bloodshed in places like the Caucasus and Central Asia. The collapse of the Soviet Union also precipitated mass migration as people sought betteropportunities and greater freedoms in newly independent states or abroad.The dissolution of the Soviet Union also hadimplications for global security. With the demise of the Soviet Union, nuclear proliferation became a major concern as former Soviet republics inherited vast nuclear arsenals. Efforts to secure and dismantle these weapons of mass destruction became a top priority for the international community to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. Additionally, the collapse of the Soviet Union created new security challenges, including the proliferation of transnational crime, terrorism, and regional conflicts.In conclusion, the dissolution of the Soviet Union wasa watershed moment in world history with far-reaching implications across political, economic, and social dimensions. It marked the end of the Cold War era and the emergence of a new global order dominated by the United States. However, the legacy of the Soviet Union continuesto shape the geopolitical landscape of Eurasia and beyond,reminding us of the complex interplay of history, ideology, and power in shaping the course of human events.。
苏联开始解体英语作文The Beginning of the Disintegration of the Soviet Union。
The Soviet Union was once a superpower that dominatedthe world stage. However, in the late 1980s, the country began to experience a series of political, economic, and social changes that led to its eventual disintegration.This essay will explore the events that led to the downfall of the Soviet Union.One of the main factors that contributed to thecollapse of the Soviet Union was the economic stagnationthat plagued the country in the 1980s. The Soviet economy was heavily centralized and controlled by the government, which led to inefficiencies and a lack of innovation. Additionally, the country was heavily dependent on oil exports, and when oil prices fell in the 1980s, the Soviet economy suffered greatly.Another key factor was the political reforms that wereintroduced by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Gorbachev's policies of glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring) aimed to modernize the Soviet Union and make it more democratic. However, these reforms also led to increased political instability and unrest, as different groups within the country began to demand greater autonomy and independence.The Baltic states, in particular, were at the forefront of the movement for independence. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania had been annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940, and their populations had long resented Soviet rule. In thelate 1980s, these countries began to demand greater autonomy, and eventually, full independence. This movement inspired other regions within the Soviet Union to demand greater autonomy as well.The disintegration of the Soviet Union was also influenced by external factors. The United States, under President Ronald Reagan, had pursued a policy of aggressive anti-communism, which put pressure on the Soviet Union to reform. Additionally, the Soviet Union was heavily involvedin the Cold War, and the arms race with the United States had drained the country's resources.In 1991, the Soviet Union officially dissolved, marking the end of an era. The country was replaced by a number of independent states, including Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. The collapse of the Soviet Union had far-reaching consequences, both for the people of the former Soviet republics and for the world as a whole.In conclusion, the disintegration of the Soviet Union was a complex process that was influenced by a number of factors. Economic stagnation, political reforms, demandsfor greater autonomy, and external pressures all played a role in the downfall of the Soviet Union. While the collapse of the Soviet Union was a momentous event, it also marked the beginning of a new era in world history.。
目錄[隱藏]∙ 1 蘇聯解體的原因∙ 2 八一九事件∙ 3 各加盟共和國的獨立∙ 4 蘇聯的終結∙ 5 影響o 5.1 政治o 5.2 經濟o 5.3 文化∙ 6 註釋∙7 相關連結[此條目或章節可能包含原創研究或未查證內容。
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Let’s Get To Know the Crucial Leaders Involved…
DESCRIPTIຫໍສະໝຸດ Na communist reformer was appointed General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1985. His major reforms were glasnost, perestroika and democratization. These reforms allowed the problems of the USSR to be uncovered and become public knowledge. Emerged as the dominant leader in the 1970’s. { right before Gorbachev}. He was determined to keep Eastern Europe in Communist hands and was uninterested in reform. Under his rule, the party officials were living large, while average Russians fought just to make ends meet. When elected in 1980, the relations with the Soviets got even worse as he referred to them as an “evil empire”. He began a military buildup, which stimulated a new arms race. {weaponry} By providing military aid to proSoviet regimes in Afghanistan, he thought he would force them to waste their resources on a foreign war. President of the Russian republic, and new commander in chief of Russia after collapse of the Soviet Union. He vowed to transform Russia’s socialist economy into a free market. Elected President in 2000. He was a former officer of the secret police and was widely seen as someone who wanted to keep a tight reign on government power.
The Collapse of the Soviet Union
Causes and Consequences
By Andrea Lopez, John Amalfitano, Nicole Conejo, & Yesenia Santadrea
Before We Begin…
Mikhail Gorbachev Soviet Union
Leonid Brezhnev
Soviet Union
Ronald Reagan
Boris Yeltsin
Vladimir Putin
Review of Key Terms
• Nationalism - devotion and loyalty to one's own nation; patriotism. • Republic – a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them. • Democracy - government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. • Communism – where no government exists and the means of production are owned and operated by all people as one equal class. • Socialism – where the means of production are owned and run by the government; non profit driven • Capitalism - the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development and is based on the principle of individual rights; profit driven
Now It’s Time To Start…
What’s been going on?
Soviets Under Stress
• Between 1964 and 1982, drastic change in the Soviet Union was highly unlikely. So, what the happened to create such a rapid turnaround?