
医院常用中英文对照姚玺中医科Chinese Medicine中医内科Chinese Internal Medicine中医针灸科Chinese Acupuncture内科Internal Medicine内科─一般门诊Internal Medicine: General内科─日间化学治疗Day Chemotherapy内科─胃肠科Gastroenterology内科─胸腔科Pulmonary Medicine内科─肾脏科Nephrology内科─内分泌科Endocrinology内科─内分泌代谢科Endocrinology and Metabolism内科─心脏(血管)内科Cardiology Dept.内科─血液肿瘤科Hematology and Oncology内科─老人医学门诊Geriatrics内科─过敏免疫风湿科Rheumatology/Immunology/Allergy内科─神经科Neurology内科─加护病房MICU内科─肝胆胰内科Hepatic-biliary-pancreatic Medicine内科─感染科Infectious Disease外科Surgery外科─儿科Pediatric Surgery外科─骨科Orthopedics外科─神经Neurosurgery外科─手外科Hand Surgery外科─消化科Gastrointestinal Surgery外科─一般门诊Surgery-General Clinic外科─大肠直肠Colo-rectal Surgery外科─整形Plastic Surgery外科─甲状腺乳腺Thyroid and Breast Surgery 外科─乳腺Breast Surgery Clinic外科─心脏Cardiac Surgery外科─心脏血管Cardiovascular Surgery外科─胸腔Thoracic Surgery外科─美容外科Cosmetic Surgery外科─肝胆Hepatic Surgery外科─肝胆胰外科Hepatic-biliary-pancreatic Surgery外科─重建整形Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery外科─胃肠及一般Gastroenterology & General Surgery骨外伤科Orthopedic Traumatology外科加护病房SICU妇产科Obstetrics and Gynecology妇产科─不孕症Infertility Clinic妇产科─子宫颈癌Cervical Carcinoma Clinic妇产科─羊水穿刺Amniocentesis妇产科─妇科肿瘤Gynecological Oncology妇产科─子宫颈病变Cervical Dysphasia Clinic妇产科─妇女更年期Menopause Clinic妇产科─快速子宫颈抹片Express Smear Service妇产科─抹片及乳腺检查Pap Smear妇癌科Gynecologic Oncology妇科泌尿学科Gynecology Urology儿科Pediatrics儿科─心脏Pediatric Cardiology儿科─外科Pediatric Surgery儿科─心肺Pediatric Cardiopulmonary儿科─感染Pediatric Infectious Diseases儿科─胃肠Pediatric Gastroenterology儿科─眼科Pediatric Ophthalmology儿科─神经科Pediatric Neurology儿科─遗传科Pediatric Genetics儿科─预防注射Pediatric Vaccinations儿科─一般门诊Pediatrics儿科─青少年门诊Adolescent Health儿科─过敏免疫风湿科Pediatric Allergy Immunology 儿科─血液肿瘤科Pediatric Hematology & Oncology 儿科─泌尿科Pediatric Urology儿科─重症医学科Pediatric Intensive Care新生儿科加护病房NICU小儿加护病房PICU儿童急救加护医学科Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Medicine小儿心肺功能室Pediatric PFT优生保健科Perinatal Genetics皮肤科Dermatology皮肤科─一般门诊Dermatology-General Clinic皮肤科─职业性皮肤病Occupational Dermatology耳鼻喉科ENT Dept.(Otolaryngology)耳鼻喉科─一般门诊General ENT Clinic耳鼻喉科─门诊小手术Minor Surgery耳鼻喉科─鼻窦内视镜门诊Sinus Endoscopy泌尿科Urology泌尿科─一般门诊Urology-General Clinic泌尿科─女性尿失禁Incontinence Clinic泌尿科─男性不育症Male Infertility Clinic泌尿科─性功能障碍Sexual Dysfunction Clinic不孕症学科Infertility牙科Dentistry(Dental)Dept.家庭牙医科Family Dentistry牙科─特别门诊Dental Specialty Clinic牙科一般门诊(初诊)Dental Clinic-Initial Visit牙科复诊(约诊)Dental Clinic-Appointment Only口腔颚面外科Oral Maxillo-facial Surgery口腔病理诊断科Oral Pathology齿颚矫正科Orthodontics儿童牙科Pediatric Dentistry牙周病科Periodontics口腔修复科Prosthodontics眼科Ophthalmology眼科─青光眼Glaucoma Clinic眼科─斜弱视Strabismus and Amblyopia眼科─视网膜Retina Section眼科─一般门诊Optometry-General Clinic眼科─兵役检查Military Service Eye Exam眼科─配光检查Optometry眼科─视力保健Vision Protection Clinic眼科─荧光摄影Fluorescent Photography眼科激光治疗Ophthalmologic Laser Therapy精神科Psychiatry精神科-身心内科Psychosomatic Clinic精神科-焦虑忧郁失眠门诊Anxiety and Insomnia Clinic精神科-癌症团体心理治疗Group Cancer Therapy精神科-儿童青少年特别门诊Youth Psychiatry正子影像中心PET Imaging Center分子影像中心Molecular Imaging Center准分子雷射室Excimer Laser放射线科Radiology核医科Nuclear Medicine疼痛科Pain Management麻醉科Anesthesiology(Anesthesia)Dept.复健科Rehabilitation解剖病理科Anatomical Pathology预防注射科Prophylactic Immunization病理科Pathology青少年咨询特别门诊Juvenile Psychiatry Department肿瘤科Oncology神经内科Neurology神经外科Neurosurgery家庭医学科Family Medicine脑血管中心Cerebral Vascular Clinic神经医学中心Brain Center烧伤中心Burn Center癌症中心Cancer center心血管加护病房Cardiac CU(CCU)心血管中心Cardiovascular Center中西合作医疗中心Chinese-Western Cooperative Treatment Center心脏血管外科加护病房P CVSICU急诊Emergency Dept.急诊医学科Emergency Medicine内视镜科Endoscopy Section健康检查中心Health Evaluation Center血液透析Hemodialysis肝胆科Hepatology高危险妊娠症学科High-risk Pregnancy安宁疗护Hospice Center高压氧治疗中心Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center 职业病科Occupational Medicine放射肿瘤科Radiation Oncology保健科Preventive Medicine运动医学科Sport Medicine肺结核加护病房TBICU外伤加护病房Trauma ICU肥胖防治中心Weight Reducing洗肾中心Hemodialysis Center医学美容中心Medical Cosmetic Center 医学影像中心Medical Image Center小区护理Home Care护理之家Nursing Home运动复健中心Rehabilitation-Exercise Center 血库Blood Bank技术室Technical Support Division脑波室EEG Unit检验室Laboratory营养室Nutrition Dept.医务室,医疗站Clinic药剂科Pharmacy内视镜室Endoscopy心电图室EKG肌电图室EMG肺功能室Pulmonary Function Testing 膀胱镜室Cystoscopy RoomX光摄影室X-ray Room生化实验室Biochemical Lab乳腺摄影室Mammography物理治疗Physical Therapy细菌研究室Bacterial Laboratory激光治疗室Laser Therapy检体处理室Lab Samples临床病理室Clinical Pathology心脏血管中心Cardiovascular Center复健科治疗室Rehabilitation Therapy微生物实验室Microbiological Lab心脏血管检查室Cardiovascular Examinations物理职能治疗室Occupational and Physical Therapy 计算机断层摄影室CT Scan Unit血清免疫学实验室Immu-serological Lab解剖病理科实验室Anatomical Pathology Laboratory 血液肿瘤科Hematology采尿室Urine Collection Room体外震波碎石机Lithotripsy腹部超声Abdominal echo胃镜室Endoscopy Room听力检查室Hearing Exam. Room泌尿超声Urology Echo乳腺超声Breast Echo气管镜室Bronchoscopy Room腹膜透析室CAPD血管摄影室Cardiac Angiography心导管室Cardiac Catheterization Room 化学治疗Chemo-Therapy胸部超声Chest Echo产房Delivery Room闪烁摄影室Diagnostic Imaging Unit内分泌检查室Endocrine Examination Room 检验科Laboratory Medicine多功能超声室Multi-Function Echo Room 磁振造影扫描室MRI Unit职能治疗Occupational Therapy外围血管室Peripheral Vascular Examination 肺功能PFT生理检查科Physiological Exam放射免疫分析室Radioimmunoassay Unit 放射线治疗科Radiotherapy肾功能室Renal Function呼吸治疗Respiratory Therapy语言治疗Speech Therapy晕眩检查室Vertigo Test心脏超声Heart Echo肾脏超声Renal EchoCT 登记处CT Admission内科诊查室Internal Medicine Clinic 水疗室Hydrotherapeutics石膏室Plaster Room儿童治疗室Pediatric Therapy Room放射科登记室Radiology Registration急诊X光室ER X-Ray Room麻醉科实验室Anesthesiology Laboratory检伤分类Triage检体收发室Specimen Collection摄影室Digital Image门诊体检Physical Check-Ups尿动力检查室Urokinetic Exam Room电疗室Electrotherapy Room门诊检验Outpatient Check-UPS皮肤病诊断中心Dermological Pathological Center光子刀治疗中心Photon Knife Center血管功能检查室Vascular Function Test儿童物理治疗室Pediatric Physical Therapy儿童职能治疗室Pediatric Occupational Therapy 泌尿科微波热疗室Genitouro Urologic特殊检查室Special Examination骨质密度检查室Bone Density骨骼肌肉超声室Echo for Skeletal Muscles紫外线光疗室Ultraviolet Therapy视力检查室Check-up for Eye Sight新生儿观察室Observation Room-New Born Babies运动治疗室Therapeutic Exercise Room膀胱功能室Bladder Function Test器官移植Organization Transplantation胎儿影像中心3D Live Image Center不孕症咨询室Infertility Consultation Room禁食槟榔Chewing betel nut is prohibited电梯内请勿交谈,请戴口罩Do not talk in elevator,Please put on respirator严禁工作人员戴手套触摸按钮Employee, pushing button with your grove on is prohibited义工室Volunteers义工服务Volunteer Services社工室Social Worker Office供应室Supply Room病历室Medical Records Room秘书室Administrative Services(Office)/Secretary(Office)/Administrative(Administration)Office院长室Superintendent劳安室Work Safety Office劳安部门Labor Safety Section会计室Accounting Office公文收发Mail Room行政副院长室Administrative Deputy Superintendent 医疗副院长室Medical Deputy Superintendent社区副院长室Community Deputy Superintendent 药剂科主任室Pharmacy Chief感染控制委员会Infection Control Commission人事室Personnel Office人力资源部Human Resources Department人事处Department of Personnel工安室Industrial Safety Office工务科Maintenance公关室Public Relations Office出纳室Cashier出纳部门Cashier Section安全卫生室Labor Safety and Hygiene 防台中心Typhoon Emergency Center 总务室General Affairs Office护理部Nursing Dept.小区医学部Community Medicine糖尿病人保健推广中心DM Center诊断书Medical Certificate行政管理中心Administration企划室Strategy Planning Office科主任办公室Dept. Chief Office医师休息室Physicians' Lounge医师讨论室Physicians' Meeting Room 护理长室Head Nurse佛堂Buddhist Prayer Room批价Cashier病房Ward挂号Registration出院室Discharge Office住院室Admissions污物间Soiled Materials材料库/储藏室/库房Storage 育婴室Mother and Baby Room 放映室Projection Room注射室Injections治疗室Treatment Room恢复室Recovery Room洗衣房Laundry研究室Research候诊区Waiting Area哺乳室Nursery Room消毒室Sterilization病毒室Viral Laboratory讨论室Seminar Room配膳间Meal Checking健检室Physical Examination 清洁班Cleaning Crew诊疗室Consulting Room演讲厅Auditorium卫教室Health Education Office 驻警室Security盥洗室Restroom日间门诊Clinic Area日间照护Day Care Center加护病房Intensive Care Unit(ICU)各科门诊Out-Patient Departments(OPD)早产儿室Premature Babies夜间门诊Evening Clinic居家护理Home Health Care服务台Information门诊检验OPD Laboratory健儿门诊Well Baby Clinic急诊批价ER Cashier消毒锅区Equipment Sterilization茶水供应Hot Water健检中心Physical Examination Center访客电梯Visitor Elevator中央控制室Control Center儿童游戏场Recreation Area垃圾处理室Disposal Area居家护理室Home Health Care社福卫教室Social Work and Health Education 空调机械室Air-con Plant急诊清洁室ER Janitor家属休息室Lounge检查室Examination Room信息室机房Data Processing团体治疗室Group Therapy语言治疗室Speech Therapy卫教公布栏Health Education Bulletin Board医师研究室Physicians' Office产后妇女中心Postpartum Care Center产后护理之家Postpartum Care会议室及图书室Conference Room and Library医疗器材贩卖部Medical Supply Dispensary健保卡换卡服务中心National Health Insurance Card Renewal药物医药分业咨询专线Medical and Pharmaceutical Consultation Inquiries申诉案件及行政革新专线Citizens' Hotline门诊满意调查回收意见箱Suggestion Box身体健康检查咨询预约服务专线Physical Examination请取号码牌,静候叫号时径往挂号Take a number. Go to counter when number is called.处挂号茶水间Hot Water/Drinking water/Kitchen讨论室Meeting Room阅览室Reading Room会议室Conference Room贵宾室Reception公用电话Pay Phone / Telephone / Public Phone 日间留院Adult Day Care Center安全门Exit美容院Beauty Salon出租车招呼站Taxi Stop限高Max Headroom值日室Duty Room值班休息室Duty Office员工餐厅Cafeteria晒衣场Clothes Drying消防箱Hydrant您的位置You are here救护车Ambulance爱心轮椅Courtesy Wheelchairs 员工专用Staff only禁止进入No entry露台Terrace变电室Substation变电站Power Sub-station西药库Medication Storage中药库Chinese Medicine Storage总楼层索引Floor Plan紧急用电梯Emergency Elevator演讲室Lecture Room演讲厅Lecture Hall隔离检疫舍Quarantine House电器设备,严禁擅入Do not enter-power Equipment 气喘卫教室Asthma Health Education Room婴儿室Nursery中药局Chinese Medicine Pharmacy待产室Labor Room太平间Morgue门诊部Out-patient转诊中心Referral Center警卫室Security Room社会服务室Social Worker Room 大厅Hall女厕Woman's Restroom男厕Man's Restroom更衣室Dressing Room空调机房Air-Conditioning门诊大厅Outpatient Hall门诊注射室Outpatient Injection急诊暂留观察室ER Observation Room 研讨室Meeting Room提款机ATM会客室Reception Room电器室Electric Room领药处Medicine Receiving日常生活训练营Daily Activity Training 借取片Loan X-ray Film Serves轮椅推床区Movable Beds药物咨询Drug Information义工服务台Volunteer Services健保卡换发处National Health Insurance Card Renewal禁止将投手伸出扶梯外Please do not stretch out your hand or head发烧筛检站Fever Clinic。

diabetes neuropathies: update on definitions,diagnostic criteria,estimation of severity,and treatments糖尿病神经病变:更新的定义,诊断标准,估计的严重程度,与治疗Tesfaye S,Boulton A J.Dyck P J,et al.内容概要,博尔顿一·戴克磷,等。
AbstractPreceding the joint meeting of the 19th annual Diabetic Neuropathy Study Group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (NEURODIAB) and the 8th International Symposium on Diabetic Neuropathy in Toronto, Canada, 13–18 October 2009, expert panels were convened to provide updates on classification, definitions, diagnostic criteria, and treatments of diabetic peripheral neuropathies (DPNs), autonomic neuropathy, painful DPNs, and structural alterations in DPNs.前联席会议第十九年糖尿病神经病变研究组欧洲糖尿病研究协会(neurodiab)和第八届国际糖尿病神经病变在多伦多,加拿大,–13 18 2009年十月,专家小组召开了提供更新的定义,分类,诊断标准,治疗糖尿病周围神经病变(标准草案),自主神经病变,痛苦的标准草案,和结构改变的标准草案。

Currentusageofthree-dimensionalcomputedtomographyan giographyforthediagnosisandtreatmentofrupturedcereb ralaneurysmsKenichiAmagasakiMD,NobuyasuTakeuchiMD,TakashiSatoMD,Toshiyu kiKakizawaMD,TsuneoShimizuMDKantoNeurosurgicalHospital,Kuma gaya,Saitama,JapanSummaryOurpreviousstudysuggestedthat3D-CTangiographycou ldreplacedigitalsubtraction(DS)angiographyinmostcasesofrupt uredcerebralaneurysms,especiallyintheanteriorcirculation.Th isstudyreviewedourfurtherexperience.Onehundredandfiftypatie ntswithrupturedcerebralaneurysmsweretreatedbetweenNovember1 998andMarch20XX.Only3D-CTangiographywasusedforthepreoperati vework-upstudyinpatientswithanteriorcirculationaneurysms,un lesstheattendingneurosurgeonsagreedthatDSangiographywasrequ ired.Both3D-CTangiographyandDSangiographywereperformedinpati entswithposteriorcirculationaneurysms,exceptforrecentcasest hatwerepossiblytreatedwith3D-CTangiographyalone.Onehundreds ixteen(84%)of138patientswithrupturedanteriorcirculationaneu rysmsunderwentsurgicaltreatment,butadditionalDSangiographyw asrequiredin22cases(16%).Onlytworecentpatientsweretreatedsu rgicallywith3D-CTangiographyalonein12patientswithposteriorc irculationaneurysms.Mostpatientswithrupturedanteriorcircula tionaneurysmscouldbetreatedsuccessfullyafter3D-CTangiograph yalone.However,additionalDSangiographyisstillnecessaryinaty picalcases.3D-CTangiographymaybelimitedtocomplementaryusein patientswithrupturedposteriorcirculationaneurysms.a20XXElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved.Keywords:3D-CTangiography,cerebralaneurysm,subarachnoidhaem orrhage,surgeryINTRODUCTIONRecently,three-dimensionalcomputedtomography(3D-CT)angiogra phyhasbecomeoneofthemajortoolsfortheidentificationofcerebra laneurysmsbecauseitisfaster,lessinvasive,andmoreconvenientt hancerebralangiography.1–7Patientswithrupturedaneurysmscouldbetreatedunderdiagnosesb asedononly3D-CTangiography.5;63D-CTangiographyhassomelimita tionsforthepreoperativework-upforrupturedcerebralaneurysms,soadditionaldigitalsubtraction(DS)angiographyisstillnecessa ry,especiallyforaneurysmsintheposteriorcirculation.8Ourprev iousstudysuggestedthat3D-CTangiographycouldreplaceDSangiogr aphyinmostpatientswithrupturedcerebralaneurysmsintheanterio rcirculation.1Thisstudyreviewedourexperienceoftreatingruptu redcerebralaneurysmsintheanteriorandposteriorcirculationsba sedon3D-CTangiographyin150consecutivepatientstoassessthecur rentusageof3D-CTangiography.METHODSANDMATERIALPatientpopulationWetreated150patients,60menand90womenagedfrom23to80years(mea n57.5years),withrupturedcerebralaneurysmidentifiedby3D-CTan giographybetweenNovember1998andMarch20XX. Managementofcases Thepresenceofnontraumaticsubarachnoidhaemorrhage(SAH)wascon firmedbyCTorlumbarpuncturefindingsofxanthochromiccerebrospi nalfluid.3D-CTangiographywasperformedroutinelyinallpatients .DSangiographywasperformedinpatientswithanteriorcirculation aneurysmsonlyifadditionalinformationwasconsiderednecessaryf ollowingaconsensusinterpretationoftheinitialCTand3D-CTangio graphybyfourneurosurgeons.Patientswithrupturedaneurysmsinth eposteriorcirculationunderwentboth3D-CTangiographyandDSangi ographyexceptfortworecentpatientswithtypicalvertebralartery posteriorinferiorcerebellarartery(VA-PICA)aneurysm. Typicalsaccularaneurysmsweretreatedbyclippingsurgery. Fusiformanddissectinganeurysmsweretreatedbyproximalocclusio nbyeithersurgeryorendovasculartreatmentwithorwithoutbypasss urgery.Regrowthofbleedinganeurysmswastreatedbyeithersurgery orendovasculartreatment.Postoperatively,allpatientsweremana gedwithaggressivepreventionandtreatmentofvasospasmincluding intra-arterialinfusionofpapaverineortransluminalangioplasty .3D-CTangiographyacquisitionandpostprocessingCTangiographywa sperformedwithaspiralCTscanner(CT-W3000AD;Hitachi,Ibaraki,J apan).Acquisitionusedastandardtechniquestartingattheforamen magnum,withinjectionof130mlofnonioniccontrastmaterial(Omnip aque;DaiichiPharmaceutical,Tokyo,Japan).Thesourceimagesofea chscanweretransferredtoanoff-linecomputerworkstation(VIPstation;TeijinSystemTechnology,Japan).Bothvolume-renderedimage sandmaximumintensityprojectionimagesofthecerebralarterieswe reconstructed.Theanteriorcirculationandposteriorcirculation wereevaluatedseparatelyonthevolume-renderedimages,afteragen eralsuperiorviewwasobtained.Theanteriorcirculationwasevalua tedbyfirstobservingtheanteriorcommunicatingartery(ACoA)byro tatingtheview,andtheneachsideofthecarotidsystembyrotatingth eimagewitheditingoutofthecontralateralcarotidartery.Thepost eriorcirculationwasalsoevaluatedbyrotatingtheimagebutwithou teditingoutofanyvessel.Onceapossiblerupturesitewasfound,the viewwaszoomedandcloselyrotatedwiththeothervesselseditedout. Theaneurysmsizewasmeasuredon3D-CTangiographyasthelargerofth elengthofthedomeorthewidthoftheneck.Manipulationwasperforme dbythescannertechnician,withaneurosurgeontoprovideeditingas sistance.DSangiographyacquisitionStandardselectivethree-orfour-vesselDSangiogramswithfrontal ,lateral,andobliqueprojectionswereobtained.The3D-CTangiogra mwasalwaysavailableasaguideforpossibleadditionalDSangiograp hyprojections.AneurysmsizewasmeasuredwithDSangiographywhent hequalityof3D-CTangiographywasinadequate.Allpatientsexcepte lderlypatientsorpatientsinsevereconditionunderwentDSangiogr aphypostoperatively.Gradingofpatients Theclinicalconditionsofthepatientsatadmissionwereclassified accordingtotheHuntandKosnikgrade.9Clinicaloutcomewasdetermi nedat3monthsaccordingtotheGlasgowOutcomeScale.10RESULTSTheaneurysmlocationsandsizesareshowninTable1.Onehundredsixt een(84%)of138casesofaneurysmsintheanteriorcirculationweretr eatedafteronly3D-CTangiography,and22cases(16%)requiredaddit ionalDSangiography.Tenof12casesofaneurysmsintheposteriorcir culationrequiredboth3D-CTangiographyandDSangiography,buttwo recentcasesoftypicalVA-PICAaneurysmwereclippedafteronly3D-C Tangiography(Fig.1).Thefirst10ofthe22casesintheanteriorcirc ulation,whichrequiredadditionalDSangiographyweredescribedpr eviously,1sothemostrecent12patientsarelistedinTable2.Theserecentcasesincludedsomeatypicalaneurysms.Cases6and8hadafusif ormaneurysmoftheinternalcarotidartery(ICA).AdditionalDSangi ographywasperformedtoobtainhaemodynamicinformation.ICAtrapp ingwithsuperficialtemporalartery-middlecerebralarteryanasto mosiswasperformedinCase6becausetheatheroscleroticarteriesfa iledtodemonstratetheballoonocclusiontest(Fig.2).ICAocclusio nbyendovasculartreatmentwasperformedinCase8becausethepatien tcouldtoleratetheballoonocclusiontest.Cases4,9,and10suffere dregrowthofbleedinganeurysmsafterclippingsurgery.Clipartifa ctspreventedevaluationoftherupturedsiteaswellasidentificati onofdenovoaneurysmsinthesecases(Fig.3).Surgicalclippingwasp erformedinCases4and10andendovasculartreatmentinCase9.Case11 hadanACoAaneurysmassociatedwithanarteriovenousmalformation( AVM)(Fig.4).DSangiographywasperformedtoevaluatetheAVM.Case1 2hadalargeICA-posteriorcommunicatingartery(PCoA)aneurysm,an dadditionalDSangiographywasperformedbecausethePCoAcouldnotb edetectedby3D-CTangiography(Fig.5).Cases1,2,3,5,and7present edwithsmallaneurysms,andDSangiographywasperformedtoexcludeo therlesionsaswellastoobtaininformationabouttheproximalICAfo rpatientswithsupraclinoidtypeaneurysms.Table1Distributionandsizeofcerebralaneurysmsin150consecutiv epatientsSiteNo.ofpatientsAnteriorcirculation 138ICA(supraclinoid) 3ICAbifurcation 1ICA-OphA 3ICA-PCoA 39(1)ICAfusiform 2ACoA 50DistalACA 4MCA 36(1) Posteriorcirculation 12PCA 1BAtip 3BA-SCA 1BAtrunk 1(1)VA-PICA 3VAdissecting 3(1)Size(mm)<5 42P5to<12 99P12 9 Numberinparenthesesindicatespatientswhounderwentendovascula rtreatment.OphA,ophthalmicartery;ACA,anteriorcerebralartery;MCA,middle cerebralartery;PCA,posteriorcerebralartery;BA,basilarartery ;SCA,superiorcerebellarartery.Table2Twelvepatientswithrupturedanteriorcirculationaneurysm swhounderwentadditionalDSangiographyCaseNo. Location Size(mm)1 lt.ICA-PCoA 3.12 ACoA 2.23 lt.ICAsupraclinoid 1.64 lt.ICA-PCoA 7.85 lt.ICAsupraclinoid 2.46 lt.ICA(fusiform) 11.87 lt.ICA-PCoA 3.28 rt.ICA(fusiform) 18.89 lt.MCA 9.610 lt.ICA-PCoA 10.511 ACoA 10.112 lt.ICA-PCoA 18.2 Thesurgicalfindingscorrelatedwellwiththe3D-CTangiographyorD Sangiography.Table3showstheconditiononadmissionandoutcomeat 3monthsaftersurgery.Somepatientswithgoodgradesonadmissiondi edofseverespasm,acutebrainswelling,orpoorgeneralcondition,b uttheseoutcomeswerenotrelatedtothepreoperativeradiologicali nformation.DISCUSSION Thepresentstudyofrupturedaneurysmsinbothanteriorandposterio rcirculationsfoundthattheindicationsforadditionalDSangiogra phyintheanteriorcirculationaresimilartothatfoundpreviously, butweexperiencedsomenewatypicalcases.Treatmentoffusiformane urysmsdependsonthehaemodynamicinformation,whichcouldonlybeo。

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The clinical and cost-effectiveness of Pharmalgen®for the treatment of bee and wasp venom allergy1 TITLE OF PROJECTThe clinical and cost effectiveness of Pharmalgen®for the treatment of bee and wasp venom allergy2 TAR TEAMLiverpool Reviews and Implementation Group (LR i G), University of Liverpool Correspondence to:Rumona Dickson, MsDirector, LR i GUniversity of LiverpoolRoom 2.12WhelanBuildingThe QuadrangleBrownlow HillLiverpoolL69 3GBTel: +44 (0) 151 794 5682Fax: +44 (0)151 794 5585Email: R.DicksonFor details of expertise within the TAR team, see section 7.3 PLAIN ENGLISH SUMMARYAllergic reactions to bee and wasp venom may occur in venom-sensitive patients immediately following a sting, and can vary in severity, with initially mild symptoms sometimes progressing to critical conditions within seconds. The most severe systemic allergic reactions (generalised reactions) are known as anaphylaxis, a reaction characterised by abnormally low blood pressure, fainting or collapse, and in extreme reactions these symptoms can cause death.Each year in the UK there are between two and nine deaths from anaphylaxis caused by bee and wasp venom. The immediate treatment for severe allergic reactions to bee and wasp venom consists of emergency treatment with drugs to decrease the patient’s response to the venom and support breathing, if required.To avoid further reactions, the use of sensitisation to bee and wasp venom, through a process known as venom immunotherapy (VIT), has been investigated. Venom immunotherapy consists of subcutaneous injections of increasing amounts of venom into patients with a history of anaphylaxis to bee and wasp venom. Pharmalgen®has had UK marketing authorisation for the diagnosis and treatment (using VIT) of allergy to bee venom (using Pharmalgen®Bee Venom) and wasp venom (using Pharmalgen®Wasp Venom) since March 1995, and it is used by more than 40 centres across the UK. This review aims to assess whether using Pharmalgen®in VIT is clinically useful when treating people with a history of severe reaction to bee and wasp stings. The review will compare preventative treatment withPharmalgen®to other treatment options, including high dose antihistamines, advice on the avoidance of bee and wasp stings and adrenaline auto-injector prescription and training. If suitable data are available, the review will also consider the cost effectiveness of using Pharmalgen®for VIT and other subgroups including children and people at high risk of future stings or severe allergic reactions to future stings.4 DECISION PROBLEM4.1 Clarification of research question and scopePharmalgen®is used for the diagnosis and treatment of immunoglobin E (IgE)-mediated allergy to bee and wasp venom. The aim of this report is to assess whether the use of Pharmalgen®is of clinical value when providing VIT to individuals with a history of severe reaction to bee and wasp venom and whether doing so would be considered cost effective compared with alternative treatment options available in the NHS.4.2 BackgroundBees and wasps form part of the order Hymenoptera (which also includes ants), and within this order the species that cause the most frequent allergic reactions are the Vespidae (wasps, yellow jackets and hornets), and the Apinae (honeybees).1Bee and wasp stings contain allergenic proteins. In wasps, these are predominantly phospholipase A1,2 hyaluronidase2 and antigen 5,3 and in bees are phospholipase A2 and hyaluronidase.4 Following an initial sting, a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction may occur in some individuals which produces the IgE antibody. This sensitises cells to the allergen, and any subsequent exposure to the allergen may cause the allergen to bind to the IgE molecules, which results in an allergic reaction.These allergens typically produce an intense, burning pain followed by erythema (redness) and a small area of oedema (swelling) at the site of the sting. The symptoms produced following a sting can be classified into non-allergic reactions, such as local reactions, and allergic reactions, such as extensive local reactions, anaphylactic systemic reactions and delayed systemic reactions.5-6 Systemic allergic reactions may occur in venom-sensitive patients immediately following a sting,7 and can vary in severity, with initially mild symptoms sometimes progressing to critical conditions within seconds.1The most severe systemic allergic reaction is known as anaphylaxis. Anaphylactic reactions are of rapid onset (typically up to 15 minutes post sting) and can manifest in different ways. Initial symptoms are usually cutaneous followed by hypotension, with light-headedness, fainting or collapse. Some people develop respiratory symptoms due to an asthma-like response or laryngeal oedema. In severe reactions, hypotension, circulatory disturbances, and breathing difficulty can progress to fatal cardio-respiratory arrest.Anaphylaxis occurs more commonly in males and in people under 20 years of ageand can be severe and potentially fatal.84.3 EpidemiologyIt is estimated that the prevalence of wasp and bee sting allergy is between 0.4% and 3.3%.9 The incidence of systemic reactions to wasp and bee venom is not reliably known, but estimates range from 0.15-3.3%,10-11 Systemic allergic reactions are reported by up to 3% of adults, and almost 1% of children have a medical history of severe sting reactions.9, 12 After a large local reaction, 5–15% of people will go on to develop a systemic reaction when next stung.13 In people with a mild systemic reaction, the risk of subsequent systemic reactions is thought to be about 18%.13 Hymenoptera venom are one of the three main causes of fatal anaphylaxis in the USA and UK.14-15 Insect stings are the second most frequent cause of anaphylaxis outside of medical settings.16 Between two and nine people in the UK die each year as a result of anaphylaxis due to reactions to wasp and bee stings.17 Once an individual has experienced an anaphylactic reaction, the risk of having a recurrent episode has been estimated to be between 60% and 79%.13In 2000, the register of fatal anaphylactic reactions in the UK from 1992 onwards was reported by Pumphrey to determine the frequency at which classic manifestations of fatal anaphylaxis are present.18 Of the 56 post-mortems carried out, 19 deaths were recorded as reactions to Hymenoptera venom (33.9%). A retrospective study in 2004 examined all deaths from anaphylaxis in the UK between 1992 and 2001, and estimated 22.19% to be reactions to Hymenoptera venom (47/212). This further breaks down into 29/212 (13.68%) as reactions to wasp stings, and 4/212 (1.89%) as reactions to bee stings. The remaining 14/212 were unidentified Hymenoptera stings (6.62%).194.4 Current diagnostic optionsCurrently, individuals can be tested to determine if they are at risk of systemic reactions to bee and wasp venom. The primary diagnostic method for systemic reactions to bee and/or wasp stings is venom skin testing.Skin testing involves intradermal injection with the five Hymenoptera venom protein extracts, with venom concentrati ons in the range of 0.001 to 1.0 μg/ml. This establishes the minimum concentration giving a positive result (a reaction occurring in the individual). As venom tests show unexplained variability over time,20 and as negative skin tests can occur following recent anaphylaxis, it is recommended that tests be repeated after 1 to 6 months.21Other methods of diagnosis in patients following an anaphylactic reaction include radioallergosorbent test (RAST), which detects allergen-specific IgE antibodies in serum. This test is less sensitive than skin testing but is useful when skin tests cannot be done, for example in patients with skin conditions.22-234.5 Current treatment optionsPreventative treatments include education on how to avoid bee and wasp venom,and prescription of high dose antihistamines. Patients with a history of moderate local reactions should be provided with an emergency kit,24 containing aH1-blocking antihistamine and a topical corticosteroid for immediate use following a sting. Patients with a history of anaphylaxis should be provided with an emergency kit containing a rapid-acting H1-blocking antihistamine, an oral corticosteroid and an auto-injector for self administration, containing epinephrine.Injected epinephrine (a sympathomimetic drug which acts on both alpha and beta receptors) is regarded as the emergency treatment of choice for cases of acute anaphylaxis as a result of Hymenoptera stings.25 For adults, the recommended dose is between 0.30 mg/ml and 0.50 mg/ml I.M, and 0.01 ml/kg I.M. for children. Individuals with a history of anaphylactic reactions are recommended to carry auto injectors containing epinephrine (commonly known as EpiPen®, Adrenaclick®, Anapen®or Twinject®). These are intended for immediate self-administration by individuals with a history of hypersensitivity to Hymenoptera stings and other allergens.Preventive measures following successful treatment of a systemic allergic reaction to Hymenoptera venom consists of either allergen avoidance or specific allergen immunotherapy, known as VIT. Venom immunotherapy is considered to be a safe and effective treatment.26 Currently, VIT can be used with several regimes, including Pharmalgen®(manufactured by ALK Abello, and licensed in the UK), Aquagen®and Alutard SQ®(both manufactured by ALK Abello and unlicensed in the UK but licensed in some parts of Europe), VENOMENHAL®(HAL Allergy, Leiden, Netherlands, unlicensed in the UK), Alyostal®(Stallergenes, Antony Cedex, France, unlicensed in the UK), and Venomil®(Hollister-Stier Laboratories LLC, unlicensed in the UK). Venom immunotherapy is recommended to prevent future systemic reactions. It is recommended that VIT is considered ‘when positive test results for specific IgE antibodies correlate with suspected triggers and pa tient exposure’.27 Venom immunotherapy consists of subcutaneous injections of increasing amounts of venom, and treatment is divided into two periods: the build up phase and maintenance phase. Venom immunotherapy is now the standard therapy for Hymenoptera sting allergy,28 and is a model for allergen-specific therapy,29-30 with success rates (patients who will remain anaphylaxis free) being reported as more than 98% in some studies.4, 31 There are now 44 centres across the UK which provide VIT to people for bee and wasp sting allergy. Venom immunotherapy is normally discontinued after 3 to 5 years, but modifications may be necessary when treating people with intense allergen exposure (such as beekeepers) or those with individual risk factors for severe reactions. There is no method of assessing which patients will be at risk of further anaphylactic reactions following administration of VIT and those who will remain anaphylaxis free in the long term following VIT.27Local or systemic adverse reactions may occur as a result of VIT. They normally develop within 30 minutes of the injection. Each patient is monitored closely following each injection to check for adverse reactions. Progression to anincreased dose only occurs if the previous dose is fully tolerated.4.6 The technologyPharmalgen®is produced by ALK Abello, and has had UK marketing authorisation for the diagnosis (using skin testing/intracutaneous testing) and treatment (using VIT) of IgE-mediated allergy to bee venom (Pharmalgen®Bee Venom) and wasp venom (Pharmalgen®Wasp Venom) since March 1995 (marketing authorisation number PL 10085/0004). The active ingredient is partially purified freeze dried Vespula spp. venom in Pharmalgen®Wasp Venom and freeze dried Apis mellifera venom in Pharmalgen®Bee Venom, each provided in powder form for solution for injection.Before treatment is considered, allergy to bee or wasp venom must be confirmed by case history and diagnosis. Treatment with Pharmalgen®Bee or Wasp Venom is performed by subcutaneous injections. The treatment is carried out in two phases: the initial phase and the maintenance phase.In the build up phase, the dose is increased stepwise until the maintenance dose (the maximum tolerable dose before an allergic reaction) is achieved. ALK Abello recommends the following dosage proposals: conventional, modified rush (clustered) and rush updosing. In conventional updosing, the patient receives one injection every 3-7 days. In modified rush (clustered) updosing, the patient receives 2-4 injections once a week. If necessary this interval may be extended up to two weeks. The 2-4 injections are given with an interval of 30 minutes. In rush updosing, while being hospitalised the patient receives injections with a 2-hour interval. A maximum of four injections per day may be given in the initial phase.The build up phase ends when the individual maintenance dose has been attained and the interval between the injections is increased to 2, 3 and 4 weeks. This is called the maintenance phase, and the maintenance dose is then given every 4 weeks for at least 3 years.Contra-indications to VIT treatment are immunological diseases (e. g. immune complex diseases and immune deficiencies); chronic heart/lung diseases; treatment with β-blockers; severe eczema. Side effects include superficial wheal and flare due to shallow injection; local swelling (which may be immediate or delayed up to 48 hours); mild general reactions such as urticaria, erythema, rhinitis or mild asthma; moderate or severe general reactions such as more severe asthma, angioedema or an anaphylactic reaction with hypotension and respiratory embarrassment; anaphylaxis (often starting with erythema and pruritus, followed by urticaria, angioedema, nasal or pharyngial congestion, wheezing, dyspnoea, nausea, hypotension, syncope, tachycardia or diarrhoea). 324.7 Objectives of the HTA projectThe aim of this review is to assess the clinical and cost effectiveness of Pharmalgen®in providing immunotherapy to individuals with a history of type 1 IgE-mediated systemic allergic reaction to bee and wasp venom. The review willconsider the effectiveness of Pharmalgen®when compared to alternative treatment options available in the NHS, including advice on the avoidance of bee and wasp stings, high dose antihistamines and adrenaline auto-injector prescription and training. The review will also examine the existing health economic evidence and identify the key economic issues related to the use of Pharmalgen®in UK clinical practice. If suitable data are available, an economic model will be developed and populated to evaluate if the use of Pharmalgen®for the treatment of bee and wasp venom allergy, within its licensed indication, would be a cost effective use of NHS resources.5 METHODS FOR SYNTHESISING CLINICAL EFFECTIVENESS EVIDENCE5.1 Search strategyThe major electronic databases including Medline, Embase and The Cochrane Library will be searched for relevant published literature. Information on studies in progress, unpublished research or research reported in the grey literature will be sought by searching a range of relevant databases including National Research Register and Controlled Clinical Trials. A sample of the search strategy to be used for MEDLINE is presented inAppendix 1.Bibliographies of previous systematic reviews, retrieved articles and the submissions provided by manufacturers will be searched for further studies.A database of published and unpublished literature will be assembled from systematic searches of electronic sources, hand searching, contacting manufacturers and consultation with experts in the field. The database will be held in the Endnote X4 software package.Inclusion criteriaThe inclusion criteria specified in Table 1 will be applied to all studies after screening. The inclusion criteria were selected to reflect the criteria described in the final scope issued by NICE for the review. However, as there is likely to be a limited amount of RCT data, the inclusion criteria of study design may be expanded to include comparative studies and descriptive cohorts. The clinical and cost effectiveness of Pharmalgen®for the treatment of bee and wasp venom allergy Page 11 of 21Table 1: Inclusion criteria Intervention(s) Pharmalgen®for the treatment of bee and wasp venom allergy,Population(s) People with a history of type 1 IgE-mediatedsystemic allergic reactions to:wasp venom and/or bee venomComparators Alternative treatment options available inthe NHS, without venom immunotherapyincluding:advice on the avoidance of bee and wasp venom,high-dose antihistamines,adrenaline auto-injector prescription andtrainingStudy design Randomised controlled trialsSystematic reviewsOutcomes Outcome measures to be considered include:number and severity of type 1 IgE-mediatedsystemic allergic reactionsmortalityanxiety related to the possibility of futureallergic reactionsadverse effects of treatmenthealth-related quality of lifeOther considerations If the evidence allows, considerations willbe given to subgroups of people, according totheir:risk of future stings (as determined, forexample, by occupational exposure)risk of severe allergic reactions to futurestings (as determined by such factors asbaseline tryptase levels and co-morbidities)If the evidence allows, the appraisal willconsider separately people who have acontraindication to adrenaline.If the evidence allows, the appraisal willconsider children separately.Two reviewers will independently screen all titles and abstracts of papers identified in the initial search. Discrepancies will be resolved by consensus and where necessary a third reviewer will be consulted. Studies deemed to be relevant will be obtained and assessed for inclusion. Where studies do not meet the inclusion criteria they will be excluded.Data extraction strategyData relating to study design, findings and quality will be extracted by one reviewer and independently checked for accuracy by a second reviewer. Study details will be extracted using a standardised data extraction form. If time permits, attempts will be made to contact authors for missing data. Data from studies presented in multiple publications will be extracted and reported as a single study with all relevant other publications listed.Quality assessment strategyThe quality of the clinical-effectiveness studies will be assessed accordingto criteria based on the CRD’s guidance for undertaking reviews in healthcare.33-34 The quality of the individual clinical-effectiveness studies will be assessed by one reviewer, and independently checked for agreement by a second. Disagreements will be resolved through consensus and if necessary a third reviewer will be consulted.Methods of analysis/synthesisThe results of the data extraction and quality assessment for each study will be presented in structured tables and as a narrative summary. The possible effects of study quality on the effectiveness data and review findings will be discussed. All summary statistics will be extracted for each outcome and where possible, data will be pooled using a standard meta-analysis.35 Heterogeneity between the studies will be assessed using the I2 test.34 Both fixed and random effects results will be presented as forest plots.6 METHODS FOR SYNTHESISING COST EFFECTIVENESS EVIDENCEThe economic section of the report will be presented in two parts. The first will include a standard review of relevant published economic evaluations. If appropriate and data are available, the second will include the development of an economic model. The model will be designed to estimate the cost effectiveness of Pharmalgen®for VIT in individuals with a history of anaphylaxis to bee and wasp venom. This section of the report will also consider budget impact and will take account of available information on current and anticipated patient numbers and service configuration for the treatment of this condition in the NHS.6.1 Systematic review of published economic literatureThe literature review of economic evidence will identify any relevant published cost-minimisation, cost-effectiveness, cost-utility and/or cost-benefit analyses. Economic evaluations/models included in the manufacturer submission(s) will be included in the review and critiqued as appropriate.Search strategyThe search strategies detailed in section 5 will be adapted accordingly to identify studies examining the cost effectiveness of using Pharmalgen®for VIT in patients with a history of allergic reactions to bee or wasp venom. Other searching activities, including electronic searching of online health economic journals and contacting experts in the field will also be undertaken. Full details of the search process will be presented in the final report. The search strategy will be designed to meet the primary objective of identifying economic evaluations for inclusion in the cost-effectiveness literature review. At the same time, the search strategy will be used to identify economic evaluations and other information sources which may include data that can be used to populate a de novo economic model where appropriate. Searching will be undertaken in MEDLINE and EMBASE as well as in the Cochrane Library, which includes the NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED).Inclusion and exclusionIn addition to the inclusion criteria outlined in Table 1, specific criteria required for the cost-effectiveness review are described in Table 2. In particular, only full economic evaluations that compare two or more options and consider both costs and consequences will be included in the review of published literature. Any economic evaluations/models included in the manufacturer submission(s) will be included as appropriate. Studies that do not meet all of the criteria will be excluded and their bibliographic details listed with reasons for exclusion.Table 2: Additional inclusion criteria (cost effectiveness) Study design Full economic evaluations that consider both costs and consequences (cost-effectiveness analysis,cost-utility analysis,cost-minimisation analysis and cost benefit analysis)Outcomes Incremental cost per life year gainedIncremental cost per quality adjustedlife year gainedData extraction strategyData relating to both study design and quality will be extracted by one reviewer and independently checked for accuracy by a second reviewer. Disagreement will be resolved through consensus and, if necessary, a third reviewer will be consulted. If time constraints allow, attempts will be made to contact authors for missing data. Data from multiple publications will be extracted and reported as a single study.Quality assessment strategyThe quality of the cost-effectiveness studies/models will be assessed according to a checklist updated from that developed by Drummond et al.36 This checklist will reflect the criteria for economic evaluation detailed in the methodological guidance developed by NICE.37 The quality of the individual cost-effectiveness studies/models will be assessed by one reviewer, and independently checked for agreement by a second. Disagreements will be resolved through consensus and, if necessary, a third reviewer will be consulted. The information will be tabulated and summarised within the text of the report.6.2 Methods of analysis/synthesisCost effectiveness review of published literatureIndividual study data and quality assessment will be summarised in structured tables and as a narrative description. Potential effects of study quality willbe discussed.To supplement findings from the economic literature review, additional cost and benefit information from other sources, including the manufacturer submission(s) to NICE, will be collated and presented as appropriate.Development of a de novo economic model by the AGa. Cost dataThe primary perspective for the analysis of cost information will be the NHS. Cost data will therefore focus on the marginal direct health service costs associated with the intervention.Quantities of resources used will be identified from consultation with experts, primary data from relevant sources and the reviewed literature. Where possible, unit cost data will be extracted from the literature or obtained from other relevant sources (drug price lists, NHS reference costs and Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting cost databases).Where appropriate costs will be discounted at 3.5% per annum, the rate recommended in NICE guidance to manufacturers and sponsors of submissions. 37 b. Assessmentof benefitsA balance sheet will be constructed to list benefits and costs arising from alternative treatment options. LRiG anticipates that the main measures of benefit will be increased QALYs.Where appropriate, effectiveness and other measures of benefit will be discounted at 3.5%, the rate recommended in NICE guidance to manufacturers and sponsors of submissions. 37b. ModellingThe ability of LRiG to construct an economic model will depend on the data available. Where modelling is appropriate, a summary description of the model and a critical appraisal of key structures, assumptions, resources, data and sensitivity analysis (see Section d) will be presented. In addition, LRiG will provide an assessment of the model’s strengths and weaknesses and discuss the implications of using different assumptions in the model. Reasons for any major discrepancies between the results obtained from assessment group model and the manufacturer model(s) will be explored.The time horizon will be a patient’s lifetime in order to reflect the chronic nature of the disease.A formal combination of costs and benefits will also be performed, although the type of economic evaluation will only be chosen in light of the variations in outcome identified from the clinical- effectiveness review evidence.If data are available, the results will be presented as incremental cost per QALY ratios for each alternative considered. If sufficient data are not available to construct these measures with reasonable precision, incrementalcost-effectiveness analysis or cost-minimisation analysis will be undertaken. Any failure to meet the reference case will be clearly specified and justified, and the likely implications will, as far as possible, be quantified.d. Sensitivity analysisIf appropriate, sensitivity analysis will be applied to LRiG’s model in order to assess the robustness of the results to realistic variations in the levels of the underlying parameter values and key assumptions. Where the overall results are sensitive to a particular variable, the sensitivity analysis will explore the exact nature of the impact of variations.Imprecision inthe principal model cost-effectiveness results with respect to key parameter values will be assessed by use of techniques compatible with the modelling methodology deemed appropriate to the research question and to the potential impact on decision making for specific comparisons (e.g. multi-way sensitivity analysis, cost-effectiveness acceptability curves etc).7 HANDLING THE MANUFACTURER SUBMISSION(S)All data submitted by the drug manufacturers arriving before 22nd March 2011 and meeting the set inclusion criteria will be considered for inclusion in the review. Data arriving after this date will only be considered if time constraints allow. Any economic evaluations included in the manufacturer submission(s) will be assessed. This will include a detailed analysis of the appropriateness of the parametric and structural assumptions involved in any models in the submission and an assessment of how robust the models are to changes in key assumptions. Clarification on specific aspects of the model may be sought from the relevant manufacturer.Any 'commercial in confidence' data taken from a manufacturer submission will be clearly marked in the NICE report according to established NICE policy and removed from the subsequent submission to the HTA8 EXPERTISE IN THIS TAR TEAM AND COMPETING INTERESTS OF AUTHORSThis TAR team will be made up of the following individuals:Juliet HockenhullTeam lead /clinical systematicreviewerSenior economic modeller Professor Adrian BagustSystematic reviewer (clinical) Gemma CherrySystematic reviewer (economics) Dr Angela BolandEconomic modeller Dr Carlos Martin SaboridoInformation specialist Dr Yenal DundarMedical statistician James OyeeDirector Ms Rumona DicksonClinical advisor A team of clinical experts will beestablished to address clinicalquestions related to the technologyand to provide feedback on drafts ofthe final report9 REFERENCES1. Freeman T. Hypersensitivity to hymenoptera stings. NEJM. 2004;351:1978-84.。

医学病症词典(中英文对照表)Abadie's Sign <Chinese>阿巴迪征(跟腱受压无感觉,见于脊髓痨) Abaptiston <Chinese>安全开颅圆锯abarognosis <Chinese>压觉缺失abasia astasia <Chinese>立行不能abasia <Chinese>步行不能abdominal reflex <Chinese>腹壁反射abduction <Chinese>外展abiotrophy <Chinese>生活力缺失ablepsia <Chinese>视觉缺失ablute <Chinese>切除abnormal <Chinese>异常abnormity <Chinese>畸形abrupt <Chinese>意外absolute hemianopia <Chinese>完全偏盲abstinent <Chinese>戒断症状abstraction <Chinese>抽象acalculia <Chinese>失算acataleptic <Chinese>智能缺陷acatamathesia <Chinese>理解不能acataphasia <Chinese>连贯表达不能acatastasia <Chinese>反常acathexis <Chinese>心力贯注不能acathisia <Chinese>静坐不能accessory cramp <Chinese>痉挛性斜颈accommodation reflex <Chinese>调节反射accommodation <Chinese>适应aceburtolol <Chinese>醋丁洛尔acedia <Chinese>淡漠性忧郁症acenesthsia <Chinese>存在觉缺失acenocoumarol <Chinese>新抗凝acephalia <Chinese>无头畸形acervulus <Chinese>松果体石acetazolamide <Chinese>乙酰唑胺acetohrdroxamic acid <Chinese>乙酰氧肟酸acetophenazine<Chinese>乙酰非那嗪acetylcholinergic pathway <Chinese>乙酰胆碱能通路acetylcholinesterase <Chinese>乙酰胆碱脂酶acetylcholine <Chinese>乙酰胆碱acetylglutamide <Chinese>乙酰谷氨酰胺acetylsalicylic acid <Chinese>乙酰水杨酸acetyl-spiramycin <Chinese>乙酰螺旋霉素Achilles jerk <Chinese>踝反射Achilles tendon reflex <Chinese>踝反射acinesia <Chinese>运动不能aconative <Chinese>意向缺失acorea <Chinese>无瞳孔acouesthesia <Chinese>听觉acousmatamnesia <Chinese>听觉性健忘acousma <Chinese>幼听acoustic neuroma <Chinese>听神经瘤acoustic pathway <Chinese>听觉传导路acoustic stria <Chinese>听纹acouticolateral area <Chinese>听侧线区acroagnosis <Chinese>肢体感觉缺失acroanesthesia <Chinese>肢端麻木acrobrachycephaly <Chinese>扁头acrocephalosyndactyly <Chinese>尖头并指acrocephaly <Chinese>尖头acrocinesis <Chinese>运动过多acrodynia <Chinese>肢体疼痛症acrognosis <Chinese>肢体感acrokinesia <Chinese>感觉过敏acrokinesis <Chinese>运动过多acromegaly <Chinese>肢体肥大症acroneurosis <Chinese>肢体神经官能症acroparalysia <Chinese>肢麻痹acroparesthesia <Chinese>肢体感觉异常acrosclerosis <Chinese>肢体硬化症acrotrophoneurosis <Chinese>四肢营养神经病actinine <Chinese>辅肌动蛋白actinomycosis of brain <Chinese>脑放线菌病actinoneuritis <Chinese>放射性神经炎actin <Chinese>肌动蛋白action tremor <Chinese>动作性震颤active negativism <Chinese>主动违拗症actomyosin <Chinese>肌动球蛋白acuity <Chinese>敏度acute alcohol intoxication <Chinese>急性酒精中毒acute brain syndrome <Chinese>急性脑综合征acute poliomyelites <Chinese>急性脊髓前角灰质炎acute spontaenous myelites <Chinese>急性非特异脊髓炎acute suppurative myelites <Chinese>急性化脓性脊髓炎acyclovir <Chinese>无环鸟苷acystinervia <Chinese>膀胱神经无力Adamkiewicz's demilunes <Chinese>阿达姆基维支新月形细胞(在有髓神经纤维的神经膜底下)adaptation <Chinese>适应adduction <Chinese>内收adenoma of pituitary gland <Chinese>脑下垂体腺瘤adenovirus <Chinese>腺病毒adiphenine <Chinese>解痉素adiposis cerebralis <Chinese>脑性肥胖症adiposis dolorosa <Chinese>痛性肥胖症adrenergic <Chinese>肾上腺素能adreno leukodystrophy <Chinese>脑白质营养不良aerasthenia <Chinese>飞行员精神衰弱aetiology <Chinese>病因学affektepilepsie <Chinese>情感性痉挛affensplate <Chinese>月状沟(大脑枕叶)afferent <Chinese>传入African meningitis <Chinese>非洲脑膜炎(昏睡病) aganglionosis <Chinese>神经节细胞缺乏症ageing of nervous tissue <Chinese>神经组织老化agenesis of corpus callosum <Chinese>胼胝体发育不良agitation <Chinese>焦虑agnosia <Chinese>失认agraphia <Chinese>失写agyria <Chinese>无脑回akathisia <Chinese>静坐不能akinesia <Chinese>运动不能akinetic seizures <Chinese>运动不能发作akinetic-rigid syndrome <Chinese>运动不能-强直综合征Akureyri disease <Chinese>良性肌痛性脑脊髓炎alar plate <Chinese>翼板albendazole <Chinese>阿苯达唑alcoholic coma <Chinese>酒精中毒性昏迷aldosterone <Chinese>醛固酮alertness <Chinese>警觉alexia <Chinese>失读alleviated<Chinese> 缓和allopurinol <Chinese>别嘌呤醇allucination <Chinese>幻觉almufibrate <Chinese>氯贝丁酯铝alprenollol <Chinese>心得舒alptazolam <Chinese>阿普唑仑alternating hemiplegia <Chinese>交替性偏瘫altitudinal hemianopia <Chinese>上下性偏盲aluminium nicotinate <Chinese>烟酸铝Alzheimer's disease <Chinese>阿尔塞梅茨病amantadine <Chinese>金刚烷胺amaurotic idiocy <Chinese>黑朦性白痴amaurotic <Chinese>黑朦ambient cistern <Chinese>环池amblyopic <Chinese>弱视ameboid glia <Chinese>阿米巴样神经胶质细胞ameliorate <Chinese>改善amentia <Chinese>神错乱amiculum of olive <Chinese>橄榄核囊amikacin <Chinese>丁胺卡那霉素aminoacidurias <Chinese>氨基酸尿aminocaproic acid, EACA <Chinese>6-氨基己酸aminopyridine <Chinese>氨基比林amitriptyline<Chinese> 阿米替林amnesic <Chinese>遗忘amobarbital <Chinese>异戊巴比妥amoxycillin <Chinese>羟氨苄青霉素amphetamine <Chinese>苯丙胺amphetamines <Chinese>安非他命amplitude <Chinese>幅度amyotonia congenita <Chinese>先天性肌张力不全症amyotrophia <Chinese>肌萎缩amyotrophic lateral sclerosis <Chinese>肌萎缩性侧束硬化症anaerobic <Chinese>厌氧的anal reflex <Chinese>肛门反射analgesia <Chinese>痛觉缺失anencephaly<Chinese> 无脑anesthesia dolorosa <Chinese>痛性感觉缺失anesthesia <Chinese>感觉缺失aneurysms <Chinese>微动脉瘤aneuryson <Chinese>动脉瘤angiography <Chinese>血管造影angular gyrus <Chinese>角回anisocoria <Chinese>瞳孔不等大ankylosing spondylitis <Chinese>关节固定性脊柱炎anorexic <Chinese>厌食anosmia <Chinese>嗅觉缺失anosognosia <Chinese>病觉缺失anosognosia <Chinese>偏瘫否认ansamysin <Chinese>襻霉素anterior amygdaloid <Chinese>前杏仁区anterior cerebellar incesure <Chinese>小脑前切迹anterior commissure <Chinese>前连合anterior corticospinal tract <Chinese>皮质脊髓前束anterior fontanel <Chinese>前囟anterior horn of lateral ventricle <Chinese>侧脑室前角anterior lateral suleus <Chinese>前外侧沟anterior limb of internal capsule <Chinese>内囊前脚anterior median fissure <Chinese>前正中裂anterior medullary velum <Chinese>前髓帆anterior parolfactory suleus <Chinese>前旁嗅沟anterior perforated substania <Chinese>前穿质anterior speech cortex <Chinese>前说话区(Broca氏区) anterior spinocerebellar tract <Chinese>脊髓小脑前束anterior white commissure <Chinese>白质前连合anterior <Chinese>前anterior(ventral) funiculus <Chinese>前索(脊髓)anterior(ventral) horn <Chinese>前角(脊髓)anterior(ventral) root <Chinese>前根anterograde amnesia <Chinese>顺行性遗忘anterograde axoplasmic transport <Chinese>顺向轴浆输送anterograde degeneration <Chinese>顺行变性anterolateral corticospinal tract<Chinese>前外侧皮质脊髓束anterolateral <Chinese>前外侧anterolivary suleus <Chinese>橄榄前沟antiepilepsirin <Chinese>抗癫灵anxiety hysteria <Chinese>焦虑性癔病anxiety tension state <Chinese>焦虑紧张状态anxiety <Chinese>焦虑症aone of Obersteiner?Redlich <Chinese>奥贝斯坦纳?热里希氏带Apert syndrome <Chinese>塔头并指畸形症aphasia <Chinese>失语aphingolipid <Chinese>神经鞘脂apnoea <Chinese>窒息apoplectic coma <Chinese>中风性昏迷apraxia <Chinese>失用aprotinin <Chinese>抑肽酶arachnoid granulation <Chinese>蛛网膜颗粒arachnoid villi <Chinese>蛛网膜绒毛arachnoid <Chinese>蛛网膜arachnoiditis <Chinese>蛛网膜炎archeo cerebellum <Chinese>古小脑arcuocerebellar fibers<Chinese>弓状小脑纤维area postrema <Chinese>最后区area temporalis inferior <Chinese>颞下区area temporalis media <Chinese>颞中区area temporalis superior <Chinese>颞上区area temporalis transverse externa <Chinese>颞横外侧区area temporalis transverse interna <Chinese>颞横内侧区area <Chinese>区areflexia <Chinese>反射消失arfonad <Chinese>咪噻芬arginine <Chinese>精氨酸Arnold-Chiari malformation <Chinese>先天性小脑延髓下疝畸形arteriovenous malformation of brain <Chinese>脑动静脉畸形arteriovenous malformotion <Chinese>动静脉畸形arthroneuralgia<Chinese>关节神经痛articulation <Chinese>连接ascending reticular activing system <Chinese>网状上行激活系统ascending reticular inhibiting system <Chinese>网状上行抑制系统assessment <Chinese>评估association neuron<Chinese>联络神经元astereognosia <Chinese>立体觉失认asterixis <Chinese>扑翼样震颤asthenia <Chinese>衰弱asthenic syndrome <Chinese>脑衰弱综合征asthenocoria <Chinese>瞳孔反应迟钝astrocytoma <Chinese>星形细胞瘤astroglia cell <Chinese>星形胶质细胞asymmetrical synapse <Chinese>不对称型突触asymmetry <Chinese>不对称asymptomatic <Chinese>无症状asynchronism <Chinese>协调障碍asyndesis <Chinese>言语不能asynergy <Chinese>协同不能asystole <Chinese>心脏停搏atactic<Chinese> 协调不能atactiform <Chinese>共济失调样ataxia <Chinese>共济失调atelocephalous <Chinese>头发育不全atelocephaly<Chinese>头颅发育不全atenolol <Chinese>阿替洛尔athalposis <Chinese>温觉缺失atheroma <Chinese>粥样斑atherosclerosis <Chinese>动脉硬化athetosis <Chinese>手足徐动症atlanto-axial subluxation <Chinese>寰枢椎半脱位atonia <Chinese>肌张力缺失atonic bladder <Chinese>无张力性膀胱atopognosia <Chinese>位置觉缺失atremia <Chinese>歇斯底里性步行不能atretopsia <Chinese>瞳孔闭锁atypical absences <Chinese>非典型发作atypical <Chinese>非典型auditory evoked potential <Chinese>听觉诱发电位auditory hallucination <Chinese>幻听auditory radiation <Chinese>听辐射aural nystagmus <Chinese>耳原性眼球震颤aural vertigo <Chinese>耳源性眩晕aura<Chinese>先兆automatism <Chinese>自动症autonomic nervous system <Chinese>自主神经系autonomous bladder <Chinese>自主性膀胱autonomous neurogenic bladder <Chinese>自主神经原性膀胱autosomal <Chinese>常染色体autotomography <Chinese>自体感知不能autotophagnosia <Chinese>自体结构失认Avellis' Syndrome <Chinese>阿费利斯综合征(疑核脊髓丘脑性麻痹) avulsion of scalp <Chinese>头皮撕裂伤axis <Chinese>枢椎axo-axonal synapse <Chinese>轴-轴突触axo-dendritic synapse <Chinese>轴-树突触axolemma <Chinese>轴膜axon hillock <Chinese>轴丘axonotmesis <Chinese>轴突中断axon <Chinese>轴突axophage <Chinese>噬髓鞘细胞axoplasmic flow <Chinese>轴浆流axoplasmic transport <Chinese>轴浆输送axopodium <Chinese>轴伪足axo-somatic synapse <Chinese>轴-体突触axosopongium <Chinese>轴突海绵质axo-spinous synapse <Chinese>轴-棘突触Ayala's index <Chinese>阿亚拉指数(脑脊液压指数)Ayer's test <Chinese>艾尔试验(检测椎管阻滞)aypnia <Chinese>失眠azathioprine <Chinese>硫唑嘌呤azidothymidine, AZT<Chinese> 叠氮胸苷Babinski sign <Chinese>巴彬斯基征Babinski-Nageotte syndrome <Chinese>延髓腹外侧综合征Backer muscular dystrophy <Chinese>贝克肌营养不良backward progression <Chinese>后退步态baclofen <Chinese>氯苯氨丁酸Baillarger's line <Chinese>贝亚尔若线(大脑皮层锥体细胞层内的白色带) Balint syndrome <Chinese>巴林特综合征(双侧顶-枕区损害) ballismus <Chinese>投掷症Balo disease <Chinese>巴娄病(同心层型轴周性脑炎)band of Kaes?Bechterew <Chinese>卡依斯?贝克特如氏带Barany's pointing test <Chinese>巴腊尼指向试验(检脑损害)Barany's symptom <Chinese>巴腊尼症状(冷热水试验)barbitalism <Chinese>巴比妥中毒Bard's sign <Chinese>巴尔德征(眼球震颤征)Barre-Guillain Syndrome <Chinese>急性热病性多神经炎Barre-Lieou Syndrome <Chinese>后颈交感神经综合征barrier <Chinese>屏障baryencephalia <Chinese>智力迟钝baryesthesia <Chinese>压觉baryglossia <Chinese>言语拙笨binocular hemianopia <Chinese>双眼偏盲binocular microscope <Chinese>双目显微镜Binswanger disease<Chinese> 宾斯万格病(皮质下脑病)biopsy <Chinese>活检Biot's respiration <Chinese>比奥呼吸(间歇性呼吸暂停,见于颅内压增高) bipolar neuron <Chinese>双极神经元bitamporal <Chinese>颞侧bitemporal hemianopia <Chinese>颞侧偏盲bithionol <Chinese>硫双二氯酚black-out syndrome <Chinese>黑蒙综合征blackouts <Chinese>黑朦bladder <Chinese>膀胱blastoneuropore <Chinese>胚神经孔blepharoptosis <Chinese>睑下垂blepharospasm <Chinese>睑痉挛blink reflex <Chinese>瞬目反射blink <Chinese>眨眼blood-brain barrier <Chinese>血脑屏障blood-CSF barrier <Chinese>血脑脊液屏障blood-nervus barrier <Chinese>血神经屏障Blumenau's nucleus <Chinese>布路门奥核(楔核外侧核)Blumenbach's clivus <Chinese>布卢门巴赫斜坡(与枕骨底突相连的蝶骨斜坡) Blumenbach's process <Chinese>筛骨钩突blurring <Chinese>模糊body of lateral ventricle <Chinese>侧脑室体部body, corpus, complex <Chinese>体Bonnier's syndrome <Chinese>邦尼埃综合征(前庭神经外侧核或前庭束损害) Bornholm disease <Chinese>流行性肌痛Bourneville's disease <Chinese>结节硬化症boutons en passant <Chinese>旁结boutons terminaus <Chinese>终结bouts <Chinese>发作bowel <Chinese>直肠boxing encephalopathy <Chinese>拳击员脑炎brachcephaly <Chinese>短头brachial plexus <Chinese>臂丛brachium conjunctivum <Chinese>结合臂brachium pontis <Chinese>脑桥臂brachium <Chinese>臂brachycranic <Chinese>短颅的(颅指数为81.0至84.9)bradycardia <Chinese>心动过缓bradykinesia <Chinese>运动迟缓bradylalia <Chinese>言语迟缓bradylexia <Chinese>阅读过慢bradylogia <Chinese>言语过慢bradyphemia <Chinese>言语过慢bradyphrasia <Chinese>迟语症bradyphrenia <Chinese>智力迟钝(流行性乙型脑炎)bradypragia <Chinese>动作过慢brain, encephalon<Chinese> 脑Brain's reflex <Chinese>布雷恩反射(当病人采取四足位置时,偏瘫性屈曲上臂伸直)brainstem <Chinese>脑干briskly <Chinese>活跃Brissaud's syndrome <Chinese>交叉性面痉挛偏瘫综合征Broca's area <Chinese>布若卡氏区Brodmann's areas <Chinese>布劳德曼区(大脑皮层细胞结构分区) bromazepam <Chinese>溴基安定bromazolam <Chinese>宁神定bromocriptine <Chinese>溴隐亭Brown-Sequard syndorme <Chinese>脊髓半切综合征Brudzinski sign <Chinese>布鲁金斯基征Bruns' syndrome <Chinese>布伦斯综合征(第四脑室包囊虫眩晕综合征) Budge's center <Chinese>布吉氏中枢Buerger disease <Chinese>闭塞性血栓性脉管炎bufetolol <Chinese>丁呋心安Buiswangen disease <Chinese>缺血性白质脑病bulbar paralysis <Chinese>球麻痹Burdach's columns <Chinese>布尔达赫柱(脊髓楔束)Burdach's fasciculus <Chinese>布尔达赫束(大脑上纵束)Burdach's fibers <Chinese>布尔达赫纤维Burdach's fissure <Chinese>布尔达赫裂(脑岛外侧面和岛盖内面间裂) Burdach's nucleus <Chinese>布尔达赫核(楔束核)buspirone <Chinese>丁螺环酮cabernous sinus <Chinese>海绵窦cacesthesia <Chinese>感觉异常cachinntion <Chinese>癔病狂笑cafe au lait spots <Chinese>咖啡牛乳色斑caffeine <Chinese>咖啡因Caffey disease <Chinese>婴儿骨皮质增生症Cajal's cells <Chinese>卡哈尔细胞(星形胶质细胞)Cajal's double method <Chinese>卡哈尔双重染色法(显示神经节细胞) Cajal's method <Chinese>卡哈尔染色法(显示星形胶质细胞)calan <Chinese>卡兰calcar avis <Chinese>禽距calcarine fissure <Chinese>距状裂calcified <Chinese>钙化Calleja's islets <Chinese>卡耶哈岛(海马回嗅觉小岛) callosal suleus <Chinese>胼胝体沟callosum<Chinese> 胼胝体caloric nystagmus <Chinese>温热性眼球震颤caloric test<Chinese>冷热试验Canavan disease <Chinese>海绵状脑白质营养不良症candida <Chinese>念珠菌canine hysteria <Chinese>犬惊病canine spasm <Chinese>痉笑caprylhydroxamic acid <Chinese>辛酰氧肟酸capsule <Chinese>囊carbamazepine <Chinese>卡马西平carbechal <Chinese>氨甲酰胆碱carbenicillin <Chinese>羧苄青霉素carbidopa <Chinese>卡比多巴cardiac plexus <Chinese>心丛cardio-accelerating center<Chinese>心加速中枢cardio-encephalopathy <Chinese>心性脑病cardio-inhibitor center <Chinese>心抑制中枢cardioneurosis <Chinese>神经性循环衰弱cardioplegia <Chinese>心麻痹carotid angiograpathy <Chinese>颈动脉血管造影carotid bifuracation <Chinese>颈动脉分叉carotid compression <Chinese>压颈动脉试验carotid sinus reflex <Chinese>颈动脉窦反射carotid sinus syncope <Chinese>颈动脉窦性晕厥carpal tunnel syndrome <Chinese>腕管综合征carteolol <Chinese>喹酮心安cartid-cavernous fistula <Chinese>颈动脉海绵窦瘘caseating <Chinese>干酪样cataplexy <Chinese>猝倒catatonia <Chinese>紧张症catatonic pupil <Chinese>紧张性瞳孔catecholamine <Chinese>儿茶酚胺categories <Chinese>类型cauda equins <Chinese>马尾(脊髓)causalgia <Chinese>灼性神经痛cavernous sinus <Chinese>海绵窦综合征cefadroxil <Chinese>头孢拉定cefaloridine <Chinese>头孢噻啶cefathiamidine <Chinese>头孢硫脒celiac plexus <Chinese>腹腔丛cellulitis <Chinese>蜂窝织炎cenral spinal cord dyndrome <Chinese>脊髓中央综合征center <Chinese>中枢centers of autonomic nerve<Chinese>自主神经中枢central canal <Chinese>中央管central core disease <Chinese>中央轴突症central excitatory state <Chinese>中枢兴奋状态central gray substance <Chinese>中央灰质central pain <Chinese>中枢性疼痛central sulcus <Chinese>中央沟central suleus of insula <Chinese>岛中央沟central tegmental tract <Chinese>被盖中央束centraphose <Chinese>中枢性暗觉centrifuged deposit <Chinese>离心后沉淀centrokinesia <Chinese>中枢性运动cephalgia <Chinese>头痛cephalic flexure <Chinese>头曲cephalin <Chinese>脑磷脂cephalitis <Chinese>脑炎cephalocele <Chinese>脑膨出cephalocentesis <Chinese>头颅穿刺术cephalochord <Chinese>头索cephalodynia <Chinese>头痛cephaloplegia <Chinese>头面肌瘫痪cephalothin sodium <Chinese>头孢噻吩钠cephaoexin <Chinese>头孢氨苄cephazolin sodium <Chinese>头孢唑啉钠ceptriaxone <Chinese>头孢噻肟二嗪ceramidase <Chinese>神经鞘氨醇酶ceramide glucoside <Chinese>葡糖脑苷脂ceramide trihexoside <Chinese>神经鞘氨醇己三糖苷ceramide <Chinese>神经鞘氨醇cerebellar ataxia <Chinese>小脑共济失调cerebellar atrophy <Chinese>小脑萎缩cerebellar corpus <Chinese>小脑体cerebellar cortex <Chinese>小脑皮质cerebellar ectopia <Chinese>小脑外疝cerebellar hemisphere syndrome <Chinese>小脑半球综合征cerebellar hemisphere <Chinese>小脑半球cerebellar plate <Chinese>小脑板cerebellar pressure cone <Chinese>小脑压迫圆锥cerebellar tonsillar herniation <Chinese>小脑扁桃体疝cerebellitis <Chinese>小脑炎cerebello- olivary fibers<Chinese>小脑橄榄纤维cerebellomedullary cistern <Chinese>小脑延髓池cerebellopontine angle <Chinese>小脑桥脑角cerebelloreticular fibers <Chinese>小脑网状纤维cerebellorubral fibers <Chinese>小脑红核纤维cerebellovestibular fibers <Chinese>小脑前庭纤维cerebellum <Chinese>小脑cerebral abscess <Chinese>脑脓肿cerebral agenesis <Chinese>大脑发育不全cerebral angiograpathy <Chinese>脑血管造影cerebral atrophy <Chinese>大脑萎缩cerebral commissure <Chinese>大脑连合cerebral contusion <Chinese>脑挫伤cerebral cortex <Chinese>大脑皮质cerebral cysticercosis <Chinese>脑囊虫病cerebral diaplegia <Chinese>脑性双侧瘫痪cerebral dysgenesis <Chinese>脑发育障碍cerebral edema <Chinese>脑水肿cerebral embolism <Chinese>脑栓塞cerebral haemorrhage <Chinese>脑出血cerebral hemisphere <Chinese>大脑半球cerebral infarction <Chinese>脑梗死cerebral ischemia <Chinese>脑缺血cerebral lipidosis <Chinese>脑脂质增多症cerebral malacia <Chinese>脑软化cerebral paragonimiasis <Chinese>脑型肺吸虫病cerebral peduncle <Chinese>大脑脚cerebral plasy <Chinese>脑性瘫痪cerebral schistosomiasis <Chinese>脑型血吸虫病cerebral sclerosis <Chinese>脑硬化症cerebral spasm <Chinese>大脑性痉挛cerebral thrombosis <Chinese>脑血栓形成cerebral-arteriosclerotic dementia <Chinese>脑动脉硬化性痴呆cerebriform <Chinese>脑形的cerebritis <Chinese>脑炎cerebrocuprein <Chinese>脑铜蛋白cerebrogalactose <Chinese>脑半乳糖cerebrogalactoside <Chinese>脑半乳糖苷脂cerebrohyphoid <Chinese>脑组织样的cerebroid <Chinese>脑形的cerebrolysin <Chinese>脑活素cerebroma <Chinese>脑瘤cerebromacular degeneration <Chinese>大脑黄斑变性症cerebromalacia <Chinese>脑软化cerebromeningitis <Chinese>脑膜脑炎cerebron <Chinese>羟脑苷脂cerebropathy <Chinese>脑病cerebrosclerosis <Chinese>脑硬化cerebrose <Chinese>脑半乳糖cerebroside <Chinese>脑苷脂类cerebrosidosis <Chinese>脑苷脂沉积病cerebrosis <Chinese>脑病cerebrospinal fluid <Chinese>脑脊液cerebrospinal leak <Chinese>脑脊液漏cerebrospinal rhinorrhea <Chinese>脑脊液鼻漏cerebrospinase <Chinese>脑脊液氧化酶cerebrovascular accident <Chinese>脑血管意外cerebrum <Chinese>大脑ceroid <Chinese>蜡样质ceruloplasmin <Chinese>血浆铜蓝蛋白cervical ansa <Chinese>颈袢cervical enlargement <Chinese>颈膨大(脊髓)cervical flexure <Chinese>颈曲cervical plexus <Chinese>颈丛cervical rib syndrome <Chinese>颈肋综合征cervical rigidity <Chinese>颈强直cervical spondylosis <Chinese>颈关节强直cervical vertigo <Chinese>颈性眩晕cervical <Chinese>颈的Cestan-Chenais syndrome <Chinese>副-舌下神经麻痹综合征Chaddoch sign <Chinese>查多克征Chamberlain's line <Chinese>硬腭枕大孔(张伯伦)线Charcot's foot <Chinese>夏科氏足(脊髓痨性关节病患者的畸形足)Charcot's gait <Chinese>夏科氏步态(家族性共济失调步态)Charcot's joint <Chinese>夏科氏关节(神经原性关节病)Charcot's syndrome<Chinese>夏科氏综合征(肌萎缩性侧索硬化,间歇性跛行,肝病性间歇热)Charcot's triad <Chinese>夏科氏三征(眼球震颤,意向震颤,断音言语见于多发性硬化症)Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease <Chinese>腓骨肌萎缩征Chassalgnac's tubercle <Chinese>夏桑亚克结节(第六颈椎横突的颈动脉结节) chemical synapse <Chinese>化学突触Cheyne-Stokes nystagmus <Chinese>节律性眼球震颤chiasmatic cistern <Chinese>交叉池childhood dystrophy <Chinese>儿童营养不良chitoneure <Chinese>神经膜鞘chlomezanone <Chinese>芬那露chloral hydrate <Chinese>水合氯醛chloramphenicol <Chinese>氯霉素chlorazepate <Chinese>二钾氯氮卓chloridiazepoxide <Chinese>利眠宁chlorimipramine <Chinese>氯丙咪嗪chlormezanone <Chinese>氯苯甲酮chloroquine <Chinese>氯喹chlorpromazine <Chinese>氯丙嗪chlorprothixene <Chinese>泰尔登chlorthialidone <Chinese>氯噻酮chocking <Chinese>窒息cholesteatom <Chinese>胆脂瘤cholestipol <Chinese>降胆宁cholestyramine <Chinese>消胆胺考来烯胺cholinergic <Chinese>胆碱能cholinesterase <Chinese>胆碱脂酶cholinolytic <Chinese>抗胆碱cholinomimetic <Chinese>类胆碱chondroitine <Chinese>硫酸软骨素chorda tympani <Chinese>鼓索支chordiazepoxide <Chinese>氯氮平chordoma <Chinese>脊索瘤chorea <Chinese>舞蹈病choreiform <Chinese>舞蹈病样的choreoathetosis <Chinese>舞蹈手足徐动症choroid epithelium <Chinese>脉络丛上皮choroid fissure <Chinese>脉络裂choroid plexus of fourth ventricle <Chinese>第四脑室脉络丛choroid plexus of lateral ventricle <Chinese>侧脑室脉络丛choroid plexus of third ventricle <Chinese>第三脑室脉络丛choroid plexus <Chinese>脉络丛choroid <Chinese>脉络膜chromidial substance <Chinese>嗜染质chromphil substance <Chinese>染色质chronic progressive inflammatory polyneuropathy <Chinese>慢性进行性炎症性多发性神经病chronotaraxia <Chinese>定时不能Chyne-Stokes respiration <Chinese>潮式呼吸ciliary medullary center <Chinese>延髓睫状体中枢ciliospinal center <Chinese>睫脊中枢cillary neuragia <Chinese>睫状神经痛cimetidine <Chinese>西米替丁(甲氰咪呱)cinerea <Chinese>灰质cingulate gyrus <Chinese>扣带回cingulate suleus <Chinese>扣带沟cingulectomy<Chinese> 扣带回切除术cingulumotomy <Chinese>扣带回切开术cinnarizine <Chinese>脑益嗪(肉桂苯哌嗪)circle of Willis <Chinese>脑底动脉环circumventricular organ <Chinese>室周器cis-platinum <Chinese>顺铂cistern <Chinese>池cisternal puncture <Chinese>小脑延髓池穿刺Clarke's cells <Chinese>克拉克细胞(脊髓背核色素细胞) clasmatodendrosis <Chinese>星形胶质细胞突破折clasp knife phenomenon <Chinese>折刀现象clasp-knife <Chinese>折刀样Claude's hyperkinesis sign <Chinese>克洛德运动增强征(疼痛刺激时瘫痪肌肉的反射性动作)Claude's syndrome <Chinese>克洛德综合征(一侧动眼神经瘫痪,对侧协同不能,讷吃)claw-hand <Chinese>爪形手clindamycin <Chinese>克林霉素clomipramine <Chinese>氯丙咪嗪clonazepam <Chinese>氯硝安定clonic seizure <Chinese>阵挛发作clonic spasm <Chinese>阵挛性痉挛clonidine <Chinese>氯压定clonus <Chinese>阵挛cloxacillin <Chinese>邻氯青霉素coccidioidomycosis of brain <Chinese>脑隐球菌病coccygeal <Chinese>尾的cochlear duct <Chinese>蜗管cochlear <Chinese>迷路cochleostapedial reflex <Chinese>镫骨肌反射coenzyme A <Chinese>辅酶-Acoffin formation <Chinese>柩状形成(神经细胞被吞噬) cogwheel rigidity <Chinese>齿轮样强直Cohnheim's areas <Chinese>孔海姆区(肌原纤维的多边形暗区) coiling reflex <Chinese>蟠曲反射collateral eminence <Chinese>侧副隆起collateral suleus <Chinese>侧副沟collateral trigone <Chinese>侧副三角Collet-Sicard syndrome <Chinese>颅底综合征colliculocochleunuclear projection <Chinese>下丘蜗核投射colliculo-olivary projection <Chinese>下丘上橄榄投射colliculus <Chinese>丘coma <Chinese>昏迷comatose <Chinese>昏迷commissure of inferior colliculus <Chinese>下丘连合commissure <Chinese>连合communicating hydrocephalus<Chinese>交通性脑积水compensate<Chinese>代偿compound microscope <Chinese>复式显微镜compression of the brain <Chinese>脑受压compression <Chinese>压迫concha of cranium <Chinese>颅盖concussion of brain <Chinese>脑震荡concussion of spinal cord <Chinese>脊髓震荡concussional <Chinese>震荡Cone test <Chinese>脑脊液动力检查confluence of sinus<Chinese> 窦汇congenital myopathy <Chinese>先天性肌病congenital <Chinese>先天性congruous hemianopia <Chinese>同侧偏盲conjugate <Chinese>共轭conjunctival reflex <Chinese>结膜反射consciousness <Chinese>意识consensual reflex <Chinese>间接光反射consensual <Chinese>间接constipation <Chinese>便秘constitutional <Chinese>原发性contraiadicate <Chinese>禁忌contralateral <Chinese>对侧contrecoup injury <Chinese>对冲性损害contusion of spinal cord <Chinese>脊髓挫伤contusion <Chinese>挫伤conus medullaris <Chinese>圆锥(脊髓)convalescent <Chinese>恢复convergence defect <Chinese>会聚障碍convergence spasm <Chinese>会聚痉挛conversion hysteria <Chinese>转换性癔病convuision <Chinese>惊厥coordination <Chinese>协调coprolalia <Chinese>秽语症cornea <Chinese>角膜corneal reflex <Chinese>角膜反射cornucopia <Chinese>外侧隐窝(第四脑室)corona radiation <Chinese>辐射冠coronal <Chinese>冠状的corpus callosum <Chinese>胼胝体corpus Luysi <Chinese>路易斯氏体corpus quadrigemina <Chinese>四叠体corpus straitum <Chinese>纹状体corssed hemianopia <Chinese>异侧偏盲cortex <Chinese>皮质Corti's arch <Chinese>蜗螺旋神经节corticectomy <Chinese>脑皮层切除术cortico- olivary fibers <Chinese>皮质橄榄纤维corticobulbar tract <Chinese>皮质脑干束corticocerebral <Chinese>大脑皮层的corticocollicular projection <Chinese>皮质下丘投射corticonuclear tract <Chinese>皮质核束corticopontine tract <Chinese>皮质脑桥束corticoreticular fibers <Chinese>皮质网状纤维corticostriatal fibers <Chinese>皮质纹状体纤维cortico-striato-spinal degeneration <Chinese>皮质-纹状体-脊髓变性。

但是, 在有关胃癌方面没有可利用的数据。
结果—livin mRNA和蛋白质的表达检测40例中有19例(47.5%)有胃癌和SGC-7901细胞。
相关发现在livin基因的表达和肿瘤的微小分化和淋巴结转移一样(P < 0.05)。
其中之一,能有效地减少livin基因的表达,抑制基因不少于70%(P < 0.01)。
当livin基因沉默,胃癌细胞的生殖活动明显低于对照组(P < 0.05)。
研究还表明,IC50上的5-Fu和顺铂在胃癌细胞的治疗上是通过shRNA减少以及刺激这些细胞(5-Fu proapoptotic和顺铂)(P < 0.01)。

一、Study Design (研究设计)1. 随机对照试验 (Randomized Controlled Trial, RCT)- 定义:将研究对象随机分为实验组和对照组,对比两组结果以评估干预措施的疗效- 示例: A randomized controlled trial of drug A on patients with hypertension2. 前瞻性队列研究 (Prospective Cohort Study)- 定义:在研究开始之前,根据暴露因素进行观察,随访研究对象并记录结果- 示例: A prospective cohort study of smoking and lung cancer risk3. 横断面研究 (Cross-sectional Study)- 定义:在某个特定时间点上收集数据,不考虑因果关系- 示例: A cross-sectional study of the prevalence of diabetes in a rural community二、Outcome Measures (研究终点指标)1. 死亡率 (Mortality Rate)- 定义:在一定时间内发生死亡的患者数与特定人群总数之比- 示例: The mortality rate of patients with heart failure after one year of follow-up2. 生存率 (Survival Rate)- 定义:在一定时间内生存下来的患者数与特定人群总数之比- 示例: The 5-year survival rate of breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy3. 病情进展率 (Progression Rate)- 定义:患者疾病进展的速度或患病程度的评估指标- 示例: The progression rate of multiple sclerosis measured by MRI scans三、Statistical Analysis (统计分析)1. 方差分析 (Analysis of Variance, ANOVA)- 定义:用于比较多个组别差异的统计方法- 示例: One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the differences in blood pressure among different age groups2. 相关分析 (Correlation Analysis)- 定义:评估两个变量之间关系的统计方法- 示例: Pearson correlation analysis was performed to examine the association between BMI and blood glucose levels3. 生存分析 (Survival Analysis)- 定义:评估患者生存时间的统计方法,常用于研究肿瘤等疾病- 示例: Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was used to assess the overall survival rates of lung cancer patients四、Evidence Levels (证据级别)1. 临床实证 (Level of Evidence)- 定义:根据研究设计和方法的科学性和可靠性评估研究证据的质量- 示例: This meta-analysis provides high-level evidence for the efficacy of drug B in treating depression2. 系统综述及Meta分析 (Systematic Review and Meta-analysis)- 定义:对多个独立研究进行整体分析和结论汇总的研究方法- 示例: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of acupuncture for chronic pain management3. 专家共识 (Expert Consensus)- 定义:基于专家意见和经验形成的共识性陈述- 示例: The current guidelines are based on expert consensus and clinical experience结论:通过掌握医学文献指标中的中英文术语对照,读者能够更准确地理解和应用这些指标,在医学研究和临床实践中获得准确和可靠的信息支持。

英文文献翻译第1 篇 Effects of sevoflurane on dopamine, glutamate and aspartate release in an vitro model of cerebral ischaemia七氟醚对离体脑缺血模型多巴胺、谷氨酸和天冬氨酸释放的影响兴奋性氨基酸和多巴胺的释放在脑缺血后神经损伤中起重要作用。
第2篇The Influence of Mitochondrial K ATP-Channels in the Cardioprotection of Proconditioning and Postconditioning by Sevoflurane in the Rat In Vivo线粒体K ATP通道在离体大鼠七氟醚预处理和后处理中心肌保护作用中的影响挥发性麻醉药引起心肌预处理并也能在给予再灌注的开始保护心脏——一种实践目前被称为后处理。

医学基本中英文对照【解剖学方面】中英文对照1、颅脑大脑cerebrum大脑纵裂longitudinal cerebral fissure大脑皮质cerebral大脑镰falx cerebri大脑导水管,中脑水管cerebral aqueduct中脑midbrain, mesencephalon小脑cerebellum小脑幕tentorium cerebelli丘脑,视丘thalmus延髓medulla oblongata侧脑室lateral ventricle第三脑室third ventricle第四脑室fourth ventricle第五脑室fifth ventricle脑桥,桥脑pons脑干brain stem间脑diencephalon中间块intermidiate mass尾状核caudate nucleus脉络丛choroid plexus胼胝体corpus callosum脑岛,岛叶insula大脑脚cerebral peduncles大脑外侧沟(窝、裂)lateral sulcus , sylvius fissure 穹窿fornix透明隔septum pellucidum透明隔腔cavity of septum pellucidum额叶frontal lobe顶叶parietal lobe枕叶occipital lobe颞叶temporale lobe缘叶limbic lobe大脑动脉环Willi's artery circle大脑前动脉anterior cerebral artery大脑中动脉middle cerebral artery大脑后动脉posterior cerebral artery基底动脉basilar artery前交通支(动脉)anterior communicating branch后交通支(动脉)posterior communicating branch颅前窝,凹anterior cranial fossa颅中窝,凹middle cranial fossa颅后窝,凹posterior cranial fossa2、眼、面颈、涎腺、乳腺、胸肺眼球optic bulb ,eyeball角膜cornea前房anterior chamber虹膜iris睫状体ciliary body视网膜retina脉络膜choroid巩膜sclera房水aqueous humour玻璃体vitreous玻璃体膜hyaloid membrae晶状体lens(眼)直肌recti muscles视神经optic nerve眶上动脉supraorbital artery眼动脉ophthalmic artery视网膜中央动脉central retinal artery睫状后长(短)动脉posterior long (short) ciliary artery 泪腺动脉lacrimal gland artery滑车上动脉supratrochlear artery眼静脉ophthalmic vein眶上静脉suprorbital vein滑车上静脉supratrochlear vein视网膜中央静脉central retinal vein涡状静脉vorticose veins眼眶orbit结膜conjunctiva唾液腺、涎腺salivary gland腮腺parotid (gland)颌下腺submaxillary gland舌下腺sublingual gland甲状腺thyroid (gland )甲状旁腺parathyroid (gland )上颌窦maxillary sinus气管trachea食管esophagus乳腺breast, mammary gland额front枕occiput颞temples颊cheek胸廓、胸腔thorax, thorax cavity肋骨ribs, costae肋软骨costal cartilages胸骨sternum乳腺组织breast tissue悬韧带suspensory ligament, Copper's ligament 乳腺后组织retromammary tissue横膈diaphragm颈总动脉common carotid artery颈外动脉external carotid artery颈内动脉internal carotid artery椎动脉vertebral artery无名动脉innominate artery颈内静脉internal jugular vein甲状腺上动脉superior thyroid artery乳房内动脉internal mammary artery3、腹部血管、周围血管腹主动脉abdominal aorta腹腔动脉celiac artery肠系膜上动脉superior mesenteric artery肠系膜下动脉inferior mesenteric artery肝总动脉common hepatic artery肝动脉hepatic artery胃左动脉left gastric artery胃十二指肠动脉gastroduodenal artery脾动脉splenic artery肾动脉renal artery卵巢动脉ovarian artery髂总动脉common iliac artery髂内动脉internal iliac artery髂外动脉external iliac artery锁骨下动脉subclavian artery椎动脉vertebral artery乳房内动脉internal mammary artery颈内静脉internal jugular vein颈外静脉external jugular vein腋静脉axillary vein奇静脉azygos vein大隐静脉great saphenous vein下腔静脉inferior vena cava门静脉portal vein肠系膜上静脉superior mesenteric vein肝静脉hepatic vein肾静脉renal vein腰静脉lumbar vein精索静脉spermatic vein肾弓形动脉renal arcuate arteries股动脉femoral artery肱动脉humeral artery桡动脉radial artery尺动脉ulnar artery面动脉facial artery锁骨下动脉subclavian artery颈浅动脉superficial cervical artery颞浅动脉superficial temporal artery4、肝、胆、胰、脾、泌尿男生殖肝左叶left liver lobe(LL)肝右叶right liver lobe(RL)尾状叶caudate lobe(CL)方叶quadrate lobe(QL)附垂叶Riedel's lobe胆囊gallbladder(GB)胆囊管cystic duct(CD)肝管hepatic duct(HD)胆总管common bile duct (CBD)肝门porta hepatis胆囊窝gallbladder forssa肝圆韧带hepatoumbilical ligament, round ligament 肝镰状韧带falciform ligament肝静脉韧带venose ligament胆管、胆道bile duct(BD)螺旋状瓣spiral valve肝总管common hepatic duct肝外胆管extrahepatic duct乏特壶腹V ater's ampulla胰腺pancreas胰管pancreatic duct , Wirsung's duct副胰管Santorini duct胰头head of pancreas胰颈neck of pancreas胰体body of pancreas胰尾tail of pancreas钩突uncinate process脾spleen脾门splenic hilum肾周脂肪perinephrit fat集合系统collective system肾kedney肾盂renal calyes锥体pyramids肾柱renal colums肾上腺adrenal gland输尿管ureters, ureteral , uretero膀胱urinary bladder , bladder尿道urethra睾丸testis附睾epididymis鞘膜tunica vagialis, vagina tunic白膜tunica albuginea , albuginea输精管ductus deferens, deferent duct精囊vesiculae seminals, seminal vesicle射精管ejaculatory ducts阴囊scrotum, scrotal sac精索spermatic cord腹股沟inguen前列腺prostate5、妇产科子宫uterus输卵管uterine tube, oviduct卵巢ovary, ovaries子宫颈cervix子宫腔uterine canal子宫内膜endometriosis子宫直肠陷凹rectouterine fossa子宫内口internal ostium of the uterus子宫口orifice of the uterus阴道vagina胚胎embryo卵黄囊yolk sac羊膜amnion羊膜腔amniotic cavity蜕膜decidua绒毛villus绒毛膜chorion胎盘placenta胎儿fetus胎心fetal heart胎动fetal movement, feta motion胎儿脊柱fetal spine胎儿胃泡fetal stomach bubble胎儿胸部fetal thorax胎儿肾fetal kidney胎儿肢体fetal limb脐带umbilical cord卵泡,滤泡follic le附件adnexa羊水amniotic fluid宫内节育器intrauterine device妊娠囊gestational sac顶臀长度crown-rump length双顶径biparietal diameter胎头指数cephalic index枕额径occipito-frontal diameter头围head circumference胸围thoracic circumference腹围abdominal circumference小脑径cerebellum diameter头(径)指数cephalic index双眼间距ocular distance腹部横径transverse trunk diameter腹部前后径anteroposterior trunk diameter椎骨长度(胸6~腰3)length of vertebrae 脊柱spine, vertebral colum股骨长度femur length肱骨长度humerus length胎儿体重fetal weight脐动脉umbilical artery脐静脉umbilical vein胎盘placenta孕周gestational week孕龄gestational ageCT技术术语及常见病名的中英文对照A----------abscess of kidney 肾脓肿acoustic 听神经瘤acute pancreatitis 急性胰腺炎analog 模拟analog/digital converter 模拟/数字转化器angiography of spinal cord 脊髓血管造影angioma 血管瘤angiomyolipoma 血管平滑肌脂肪瘤anterior cerebral artery,ACA大脑前动脉anterior communicating artery,AcoA前交通动脉arachnoidcyst 蛛网膜囊肿arterior-venous malformation,A VM 动静脉畸形artifact 伪影astrocytoma 星形细胞瘤atelectasis 肺不张attenuation 衰减attenuation coefficient 衰减系数axial scan 轴位扫描B----------B basilar artery,BA基底动脉Beam hardening artifact 射线硬化伪影biopsy gun 活检枪biopsy needle 活检针biphasic contrast enhancement 双期增强扫描bone mineral density,BMD 骨密度brain abscess 脑脓肿brain hemorrhage 脑出血brain trauma 脑外伤bronchiectsis 支气管扩张bronchogenic carcinoma 支气管肺癌C----------calcification of the pleura 胸膜钙化calculus of kidney 肾结石carcinoma of bladder 膀胱癌carcinoma of the cervix 宫颈癌carcinoma of kidney 肾癌carcinoma of prostate 前列腺癌carcinoma of ovary 卵巢癌cavity 空洞central bronchogenic carcinoma 中央型肺癌cerebral atrophy 脑萎缩cerebral contusion 脑搓伤cerebral infarction 脑梗塞cerebral ischemia 脑缺血cerebral cycticercosis 脑囊虫病cholesteatoma 胆脂瘤cholangiocarcinoma 胆管癌cholecystitis 胆囊炎chronic pancreatitis 慢性胰腺炎circle of willis 脑底动脉环cirrhosis 肝硬化collimator 准直器console 控制台contrast medium 对比剂contrast enhancement 对比增强contrast media bolus 造影剂团注contusion of kidney 肾挫伤contusion of spinal cord 脊髓挫伤coronal scan 冠状面扫描craniopharyngioma 颅咽管瘤CT angiography,CTA CT血管造影术CT arterial portography,CTAP CT动脉性门脉造影CT fluoroscopy CT透视CT guided needle biopsy CT导向穿刺活检CT guided fine needle aspiration biopsy CT导向细针抽吸活组织检查CT guided stereotaxis CT导向立体定位CT intervention CT介入CT muelography,CTM CT脊髓造影CT value CT值Cyst of Kinney 肾囊肿D----------delayed scan 延迟扫描density resolution 密度分辨率digital martrix 数字矩阵dynamic scanning 动态扫描E----------enhancement scan 增强扫描ependymoma 室管膜瘤epidural hematoma 硬膜外血肿F----------fatty liver 脂肪肝field of view,FOV 视野FWHM 有效层厚G----------gallbladder carcinoma 胆囊癌gallstone 胆石症golima 胶质瘤Graves’ disease 格氏眼病H----------hepatic cyst 肝囊肿hepatocellular 肝细胞癌high KV radiography 高千伏摄影high resolution CT,HRCT 高分辨率CThigh spatial-freqyency algorithm 高空间频率计算法重建hypaque 泛影钠I----------image post-processing 图象后处理image reconstruction 图象重建informatics in radiology,infoRAD 信息放射学interventional radiology 介入放射学iodipamide/biligrafin/cholografin 胆影葡胺iohexol 碘苯六醇(欧乃派克)iopromide 碘普罗胺isovist 伊索显L----------laser printer 激光打印机M----------matrix 矩阵maximum intensity projection,MIP 最大强度投影medulloblastoma 髓母细胞瘤meningioma 黑色素瘤motion artifact 运动伪影multiformat camera 多幅相机multiplanar reformation,MPR 多平面重建multiple sclerosis 多发性肝硬化N----------neurofibroma 神经纤维瘤noise 噪声O----------orbitomeatal line 听眶线overlap scan 重叠扫描P----------partial volume effect 部分容积效应peripheral space phenomenon 周围间隙现象picture achieve and communication system,PACS 图象存储和传输系统pitch 螺距pixel 像素plain scan 平扫pleural effusion 胸腔积液posterior cerebral artery,PCA大脑后动脉preventive maintenace 日常维护程序protrusion of intervertebral disk 椎间盘突出Q----------quantitative computed tomography,QCT 定量CTR----------region of interest 兴趣区retinoblastoma 视网膜母细胞瘤S----------scout view 定位扫描slice increment 间距slice thickness 层厚spatial resolution 空间分辨率spinal srenosis 椎管狭窄spiral CT/helical CT 螺旋CTsubdural hematoma 硬膜下血肿T----------teleradiology 远程放射学temporal resolution 时间分辨率thin slice scan 薄层扫描three dimension computed tomography,3 DCT 三维CTthree-dimensional surface reconstrction,SSD 三维表面重建threshold 阈值tomography 体层摄影tuberculosis 肺结核U----------ultrafast CT,UFCT 超高速CTultravist 优维显urografin 泛影葡胺V----------vertebral artery,V A椎动脉virtual endoscopy,VE 仿真内镜volume acquisition 容积采集volume scan 容积扫描voxel matrix 像素矩阵W----------window level 窗位window width 窗宽work station 工作站X----------Xeroradiography 干板照相X-ray tube X线球管Xenon,Xe 氙气关于CT方面的中英文对照:anterior pararenal space 肾旁前间隙aortopulmonary window level 主肺动脉窗层面bone window 骨窗CT angiography, CTA CT血管造影density resolution 密度分辨力distal of the aortic arch level 主动脉弓上层面dural sac 硬膜囊dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging 动脉增强扫描electron beam CT, EBCT 电子束CTfluid-fluid level 液-液平面four-chamber level “四腔心”层面higt resolution CT, HRCT 高分辨力CTHounsfield Unit HUintra/extra-capsular ligaments 囊内外韧带lateroconal fascia 侧锥筋膜left atrial level 左心房层面pericardial defect 心包缺损pericardial neoplasm 心包新生物pericardial effusions 心包渗出pericardial thickening and calaification 心包增厚和钙化pericardium 心包perirenal space 肾周间隙posterior pararenal space 肾旁后间隙pulmonary artery level 主肺动脉层面soft-tissue window 软组织窗spatial resolution 空间分辨力spiral CT 螺旋CTaortic arch level 主动脉弓层面ventricle level 心室层面头部急诊平扫 Emergent Head Scan头部急诊增强 Emergent Head Enhanced Scan 头部平扫 Head Routine Scan头部增强 Head Enhanced Scan眼部平扫 Orbits Routine Scan眼部增强 Orbits Enhanced Scan内耳平扫 Inner Ear Routine Scan内耳增强 Inner Ear Enhanced Scan乳突平扫 Mastoid Routine Scan乳突增强 Mastoid Enhanced Scan蝶鞍平扫 Sella Routine Scan蝶鞍增强 Sella Enhanced Scan鼻窦轴位平扫 Sinus Axial Routine Scan鼻窦轴位增强 Sinus Axial Enhanced Scan鼻窦冠位平扫 Sinus Coronal Scan鼻窦冠位增强 Sinus Coronal Enhanced Scan 鼻咽平扫 Nasopharynx Routine Scan鼻咽增强 Nasopharynx Enhanced Scan腮腺平扫 Parotid Routine Scan腮腺增强 Parotid Enhanced Scan喉平扫 Larynx Routine Scan喉增强 Larynx Enhanced Scan甲状腺平扫 Hypothyroid Routine Scan甲状腺增强 Hypothyroid Enhanced Scan颈部平扫 Neck Routine Scan颈部增强 Neck Enhanced Scan肺栓塞扫描 Lung Embolism Scan胸腺平扫 Thymus Routine Scan胸腺增强 Thymus Enhanced Scan胸骨平扫 Sternum Routine Scan胸骨增强 Sternum Enhanced Scan胸部平扫 Chest Routine Scan胸部薄层扫描 High Resolution Chest Scan胸部增强 Chest Enhanced Scan胸部穿刺 Chest Puncture Scan轴扫胸部穿刺 Axial Chest Punture Scan上腹部平扫 Upper-Abdomen Routine Scan中腹部平扫 Mid-Abdomen Routine Scan上腹部增强 Upper-Abdomen Routine Enhanced Scan中腹部增强 Mid-Abdomen Routine Scan腹部穿刺 Abdomen Puncture Scan轴扫腹部穿刺 Axial Abdomen Puncture Scan颈椎平扫 C-spine Routine Scan胸椎平扫 T-spine Routine Scan腰椎平扫 L-spine Routine Scan盆腔平扫 Pelvis Routine Scan盆腔增强 Pelvis Enhanced Scan骶髂关节平扫 SI Joint Scan肩关节平扫 Shoulder Joint Scan上肢软组织平扫 Upper Extremities Soft Tissue Scan上肢软组织增强 Upper Extremities Soft Tissue Enhanced 肘关节平扫 Elbow Joint Routine Scan腕关节平扫 Wrist Joint Routine Scan手部平扫 Hand Routine Scan髋关节平扫 Hip Joint Routine Scan膝关节平扫 Knee Joint Routine Scan踝关节平扫 Ankle Joint Routine Scan下肢软组织平扫 Lower Extremities Soft Tissue Scan下肢软组织增强 Lower Extremities Soft Tissue Enhanced足部平扫 Foot Routine Scan血管造影和三维成像头部血管造影 Head CT Angiography颈部血管造影 Neck CT Angiography心脏冠脉造影 Coronal Artery Angiography心脏冠脉钙化积分 Cardiac Calcium Scoring Scan 胸部血管造影 Chest CT Angiography腹部血管造影 Abdomen CT Angiography上肢血管造影 Upper Extremities CT Angiography 下肢血管造影 Lower Extremities CT Angiography五官三维成像 3D Facial Scan胃三维 3D Stomach CT Scan结肠三维 3D Colon CT Scan颈椎三维 3D C-Spine胸椎三维 3D T-Spine腰椎三维 3D L-Spine肩关节三维 3D Shoulder Joint肘关节三维 3D Elbow Joint腕关节三维 3D Wrist Joint髋关节三维 3D Hip Joint膝关节三维 3D Knee Joint踝关节三维 3D Ankle Joint检查名称英文对照头部平扫 Head Routine Scan头部常规增强 Head Routine Enhanced Scan头部动态增强 Head Dynamic Enhanced Scan垂体平扫 Sella Routine Scan垂体增强 Sella Enhanced Scan鼻咽部平扫 Nasopharynx Routine Scan鼻咽部增强 Nasopharynx Enhanced Scan眼眶部平扫 Orbits Routine Scan眼眶部增强 Orbits Enhanced Scan内听道平扫 Inner Ear Routine Scan颈部平扫 Neck Routine Scan颈部普通增强 Neck Enhanced Scan颈部动态增强 Neck Dynamic Enhanced Scan上腹部平扫 Upper Abdomen Scan上腹部普通增强 Upper Abdomen Routine Enhanced 上腹部动态增强 Upper Abdomen Dynamic Enhanced 中腹部平扫 Mid-Abdomen Scan中腹部普通增强 Mid-Abdomen Routine Enhanced中腹部动态增强 Mid-Abdomen Dynamic Enhanced 肾脏平扫 Kidney Routine Scan肾上腺平扫 Adrenal Routine Scan肾脏普通增强 Kidney Routine Enhanced Scan肾脏动态增强 Kidney Dynamic Enhanced Scan胰胆管造影 MRCP尿路造影 MRU腹和盆腔联合扫描 Abdomen & Pelvis Scan颈椎平扫 C-spine Scan颈椎增强 C-spine Enhanced Scan胸椎平扫 T-spine Scan胸椎增强 T-spine Enhanced Scan腰椎平扫 L-spine Scan腰椎增强 L-spine Enhanced Scan胸腰段平扫 T&L Spine Scan胸腰段增强 T&L Spine Enhanced Scan胸部平扫 Chest Scan胸部普通增强 Chest Routine Enhanced Scan胸部动态增强 Chest Dynamic Enhanced Scan女性盆腔平扫 Female Pelvis Scan女性盆腔普通增强 Female Pelvis Routine Enhanced女性盆腔动态增强 Female Pelvis Dynamic Enhanced男性盆腔平扫 Male Pelvis Scan男性盆腔普通增强 Male Pelvis Routine Enhanced男性盆腔动态增强 Male Pelvis Dynamic Enhanced肩关节平扫 Shoulder Joint Scan肘关节平扫 Elbow Joint Scan腕关节平扫 Wrist Joint Scan手部平扫 Hand Scan上肢软组织平扫 Upper Soft Tissue Scan上肢软组织普通增强 Upper Soft Tissue Routine Enhanced 上肢软组织动态增强 Upper Soft Tissue Dynamic Enhanced骶髂关节平扫 Sacrum Ilium Joint Scan髋关节平扫 Hip Joint Scan膝关节平扫 Knee Joint Routine Scan踝关节平扫 Ankle Joint Routine Scan足部平扫 Foot Routine Scan下肢软组织平扫 Lower Soft Tissue Scan下肢软组织普通增强 Lower Soft Tissue Routine Enhanced 下肢软组织动态增强 Lower Soft Tissue Dynamic Enhanced上肢MRA Upper Extremities MRA下肢MRA Lower Extremities MRA心脏大血管造影 Heart MR Angiography胸主动脉造影 T-Artery MR Angiography腹主动脉造影 Abd-Artery MR Angiography头部血管造影 Head MR Angiography颈部血管造影 Head MR Angiography盆腔血管造影 Pelvis MR Angiography下腔静脉MRA Portal V ein MRAultrasound 超声ultrasonography 超声成像gray scale 灰阶real time imaging 实时成像B-mode ultrasound B型超声color Doppler ultrasound 彩色多普勒超声sonogram (echogram) 省像图probe 探头acoustic shadowing 声影angiography 血管造影digital subtration angiography (DSA) 数字减影血管造影digital radiography (DR) 数字X线摄影intraarterial DSA (IADSA) 动脉DSAintravenous DSA (IVDSA) 静脉DSAInterventional radiology 介入放射学V ascular interventional radiology 血管性介入放射学transcatheter embolization(TAE) 栓塞术emboliaztion agents 栓塞剂gelfoam 明胶海绵Ivalon 聚乙烯醇spring coil 弹簧圈detachable ballon 可脱球囊Seldinger technique 经股动脉穿刺术percutaneoius transluminal angioplasty(PTA) 经皮血管腔内成形术laster angioplasty 激光血管成形术atherectomy 粥样斑块切除术ultrasonic angioplasty 超声血管成形术metalic stent 金属内支架endovascular stent 血管内支架restenosis 再狭窄percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty 经皮球囊二尖瓣成形术percutaneous balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty 经皮球囊肺动脉瓣成形术thrombolysis 血栓溶解transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (Tipss) 经颈静脉肝内门-体静脉分流术nonvascular interventional radiology 非血管性介入放射学percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) 经皮经肝胆道造影percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTCD) 经皮经肝胆道引流术needle puncture biopsy 针刺活检percutaneous pyelostomy 经皮肾盂造瘘术常规位置:standard views;补充位置:supplementary views;前后位AP,anteroposterior;后前位PA,posteroanterior;侧位lateral;斜位oblique;轴位axial;切线位tangential;眼眶orbit鼻窦后前23°位、华氏位、顶颏位occipitomental,Waters;眼眶后前37°位、柯氏位、鼻颌位、枕额位occipitofrontal,Caldwell;视神经孔后前位,瑞氏位Rhese;颞骨temporal bone乳突侧位:15°侧位,劳氏位Law;25°侧位,许氏位Schuller;35°侧位,伦氏位Runstrom;斜位:后前(45°)斜位,斯氏位Stenvers;前后斜位、反斯氏位;岩部轴位:(仰卧45°)梅氏位Mayer;欧文氏位Owen;岩部前后位AP axial,Towne;拇指thumb拇指前后位Robert;手hand后前斜位pronation oblique;前后斜位supination oblique,ball-catcher's腕wrist舟骨位scaphoid;腕管位carpal tunnel;肘elbow小头位capitellum,鹰嘴位olecranon;髋hip侧位(蛙形位)frog-leg,侧位(仰卧水平投照)cross-table lateral,groin lateral;颈椎cervical spine第1、2颈椎前后位,张口位open-mouth,OMV;胸部chest侧卧位lateral decubitus,前凸位(前后位及后前位)apical lordotic;前弓位kyphotic;附:床旁portable;呼气像expiratory;高千伏摄影high kilovoltage radiography;腹部abdomen腹平片plain abdominal radiograph,abdominal plain film尿路仰卧前后位,尿路平片:KUB,plain film of kidney,ureters,bladder(仰卧)前后位supine abdominal radiograph;立位upright abdominal radiograph;乳腺breast钼靶X线摄影:mammogram,molybdenum target radiography;yanxingzaoyingjipositive contrast agent (阳性)negtive contrast agent (阴性)一、部位location:同侧ipsilateral;对侧contralateral;患侧affected side;健侧intact side;近侧proximal side;远侧distal side;移位deviation,shift,displacement;无移位nondisplaced;抬高elevation;下降descent,fall;邻接abutting,next to,secondary to;二、范围extent:局限localized,regional;弥散diffuse;三、分布distribution:单侧unilateral;双侧bilateral,(in)both(lung fields);对称symmetric;不对称asymmetric;孤立solitary;散在scattered;融合confluence(confluent);中心性central;偏心性eccentric;周围的periphery,peripheral;主要predominantly,primarily;in a segmental or lobar distribution;(sth) on the left;in the left lower zone;稀疏;集中;四、数目number:单发solitary,single;多发multiple;增多increase;减少decrease;消失disappear;五、大小size:大large;小small;扩大enlarge/enlargement;扩张dilatation;膨胀distention;缩小shrink;体积缩小loss of volume;狭窄stenosis,narrowing;闭塞occlusion,obliteration,emphraxis;生长速率rate of growth;倍增时间doubling time;直径小于3厘米less than 3cm in diameter;不超过1厘米(small nodules)10 mm or less in size;直径增长25% 25% increase in diameter;体积增大一倍doubling of volume;大小不同的of varying sizes;六、形状shape,morphology:点状dot(punctual,punctate);斑点状mottling,stippled;粟粒状miliary;结节状nodular;团块状mass,masslike;圆形circular,round,rounded;卵圆形oval;椭圆形ellipse;长方形(椭圆形)oblong;分叶状lobulated;片状patchy;条索stripe;线状linar;网状reticular;囊状cystic;弧线形curvilinear;星状stellate;纠集crowding,converging;舟状boat-shaped,navicular,scaphoid;哑铃状dumb-bell;不规则形irregular;细致fine;粗糙coarse;变形deformity;增粗、增厚thicken;变细、变薄thinning;变平flattened;七、边缘border,margin(marginated),rim,edge(edged);轮廓(外形)outline,contour;光滑(smooth);清晰,锐利(sharp,well-defined,well-circumscribed,clear,distinct);模糊hazy,indistinct,blurred,ill-defined,obscured,silhouette out (sth);不规则irregular;毛刺状、针状spiculated;分叶的lobulated,multilobulated;八、密度density(dense),densitometry,attenuation(X线成像):透亮lucency(lucent),transparent;病灶lesion:阴影shadow;不透光haziness,opacification,opacity,opaque;致密density(dense);低密度hypodense,low density;高密度hyperdense,high density;混杂密度mixed density;solid,subsolid(part solid),ground-glass(nonsolid)回声echo(echoic)(超声成像):* 无回声anecho,弱回声poor echo,低回声hypoecho,low level echo;等回声medium echo,iso-echo,高回声hyper echo,high level echo,强回声strong echo;信号signal(磁共振成像):低信号hypointensity;高信号hyperintensity;九、程度:轻度mild;slightly;中度moderately;重度severe;grossly;十、变化:一过性的,短暂的ephemeral;fleeting;transient;稳定stability(stable);密度水样密度watery density等密度isodense均匀密度homogeneous density不均匀密度nonhomogeneous density信号等信号isointensity混合信号heterogeneous intensity信号强度减弱decreased signal intensity信号强度增高increased signal intensity流空现象flow empty phenomena增强enhancement静脉团注法intravenous bolus injection technique静脉快速滴注法intravenous rapid infusion增强扫描enhancement scan延迟扫描delayed scan动态扫描dynamic scan电影扫描cine scan增强前pre-enhancement pre-contrast增强后post-enhancement post-contrast动脉期arterial phase微血管期capillary phase静脉期venous phase延迟期delayed phase均匀增强homogeneous enhancement不均匀增强nonhomegeneous enhancement环状增强circular enhancement结节状增强nodular enhancement片状增强patchy enhancement脑回样增强gyriform enhancement边缘增强rim enhancementmedical imageology 医学影像学diagnostic radiology 放射诊断学x-ray diagnosis X线诊断imaging 影像contrast 对比resolution 分辨率fluoroscopy 荧光透视radiology 放射摄影tomography 体层摄影contrast agents (media) 造影剂protection from radiation 放射防护computed tomography (CT) 计算机体层摄影ct scanner CT扫描仪(CT机)analog/digital converter 模拟/数字转换器digital/analog converter 数字/模拟转换器voxel 体素pixel 象素spatial resolution 空间分辨率density resolution 密度分辨率Houlsfield unit CT值单位plain ct scan CT平扫contrast enhancement ct scan CT增强扫描convertional CT 常规CTspiral CT 螺旋CTultrafast ct (electric beam CT) 超高速CT(电子束CT)magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 磁共振成像radio frequency (RF) 射频脉冲relaxation time 驰豫时间spin-lattice relaxation time 自旋-晶格(即纵向)(longitudinal relaxation time) 驰豫时间,简称T1spin-Spin(transverse) relaxation time 自旋-自旋(即横向)驰豫时间,简称T2spin-echo sequence (SE) 自旋回波序列echo time 回波时间repetitiontime 脉冲重复间隔时间(TR)T1 weighted (T1WI) image T1成像T2 weighted (T2WI) image T2成像magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) 磁共振血管成像flowing void effect 流空效应Time of flight (TOF) 时间流逝法phase contrast (PC) 相位对比法Gadolinium-DTPA (Gd-DTPA) 钆-二乙三胺五醋酸(磁显葡胺)检查名称英文对照头颅正侧位 Skull PA & LA T鼻窦 Sinus PA左侧乳突 Left Mastoid Process右侧乳突 Right Mastoid Process鼻骨侧位 Nasal Bones LA T颈椎正侧位 C-Spine PA & LA T颈椎双斜位 C-Spine Dual Oblique胸椎正侧位 T-Spine PA & LA T腰椎正侧位 L-Spine PA & LA T骶尾正侧位 Saccrum/Coccyx AP & LA T胸部正侧位(成人) Chest PA & LA T (Adult)胸部正侧位(儿童) Chest PA & LA T (Pediatrics)骨盆(成人) Pelvis PA (Adult)骨盆(儿童) Pelvis PA (Pediatrics)腹部(成人) Abdomen ( Adult)腹部(儿童) Abdomen (Pediatircs)左侧肩关节 Left Shoulder Joint右侧肩关节 Right Shoulder Joint左侧肱骨正侧位 Left Humerus AP & LA T右侧肱骨正侧位 Right Humerus AP & LA T左侧尺桡骨正侧位 Left Forearm AP & LA T右侧尺桡骨正侧位 Right Forearm AP & LA T左侧肘关节正侧位 Left Elbow Joint AP & LA T右侧肘关节正侧位 Right Elbow Joint AP & LA T左手正斜位 Left Hand AP & Oblique右手正斜位 Right Hand AP & Oblique左侧腕关节正侧位 Left Wrist Joint AP & LA T右侧腕关节正侧位 Right Wrist Joint AP & LA T双腕关节正位(成人) Dual Wrist Joint AP (Adult)双腕关节正位(儿童) Dual Wrist Joint AP (Pediatrics) 左侧股骨正侧位 Left Femur AP & LA T右侧股骨正侧位 Right Femur AP & LA T左侧膝关节正侧位 Left Knee Joint AP & LA T右侧膝关节正侧位 Right Knee Joint AP & LA T左侧胫腓骨正侧位 Left Tibia Fibula AP & LA T右侧胫腓骨正侧位 Right Tibia Fibula AP & LA T 左侧踝关节正侧位 Left Ankle Joint AP & LA T右侧踝关节正侧位 Right Ankle Joint AP & LA T左侧足部正侧位 Left Foot AP & LA T右侧足部正侧位 Right Foot AP & LA T足跟侧位 Calcaneus LA T检查方法名称英文对照胸部正位 Chest PA胸部正侧位 Chest PA & LA T心脏三位片 Heart胸部斜位 Chest OBL胸骨侧位 Sternum LA T胸锁骨关节像 Sternum Calvicle Joint PA锁骨正位 Calvicle PA肩关节正位 Shoulder Joint AP头颅正位 Skull AP头颅正侧 Skull AP & LA T颈椎正位 C-spine AP颈椎张口位 C-spine Open Mouth颈椎正侧位 C-spine AP & LA T颈椎正侧双斜位 C-spine AP & LA T & Dual OBL颈椎六位像 C-spine 6 position颈椎正侧双斜张口位 C-spine AP & LA T & Dual OBL Open Mouth 颈胸段正侧位 C-T-spine AP & LA T胸椎正侧 T-spine AP & LA T胸腰段正侧位 T-L-spine AP & LA T腰椎正侧位 L-spine AP & LA T腰椎正侧双斜 L-spine AP & LA T & Dual OBL腰椎双斜 L-spine Dual OBL腰椎六位像 L-spine 6 position腰椎过伸过屈位 L-spine Lordotic Kyphotic Position腰骶椎正侧位 L-S-spine AP & LA T骶尾椎正侧位 Saccrum/Coccyx AP & LA T尾椎侧位像 Coccyx LA T骶髂关节正位 Sacrum Ilium Joint AP骶髂关节切线位 Sacrum Ilium Joint Tangential Position骨盆正位 Pelvis AP耻骨坐骨正位 Pubis Ischium AP常规位置:standard views;补充位置:supplementary views;前后位AP,anteroposterior;后前位PA,posteroanterior;侧位lateral;斜位oblique;轴位axial;切线位tangential;眼眶orbit鼻窦后前23°位、华氏位、顶颏位occipitomental,Waters;眼眶后前37°位、柯氏位、鼻颌位、枕额位occipitofrontal,Caldwell;视神经孔后前位,瑞氏位Rhese;颞骨temporal bone乳突侧位:15°侧位,劳氏位Law;25°侧位,许氏位Schuller;35°侧位,伦氏位Runstrom;斜位:后前(45°)斜位,斯氏位Stenvers;前后斜位、反斯氏位;岩部轴位:(仰卧45°)梅氏位Mayer;欧文氏位Owen;岩部前后位AP axial,Towne;拇指thumb拇指前后位Robert;手hand后前斜位pronation oblique;前后斜位supination oblique,ball-catcher's腕wrist舟骨位scaphoid;腕管位carpal tunnel;肘elbow小头位capitellum,鹰嘴位olecranon;髋hip侧位(蛙形位)frog-leg,侧位(仰卧水平投照)cross-table lateral,groin lateral;颈椎cervical spine第1、2颈椎前后位,张口位open-mouth,OMV;胸部chest侧卧位lateral decubitus,前凸位(前后位及后前位)apical lordotic;前弓位kyphotic;附:床旁portable;呼气像expiratory;高千伏摄影high kilovoltage radiography;腹部abdomen腹平片plain abdominal radiograph,abdominal plain film尿路仰卧前后位,尿路平片:KUB,plain film of kidney,ureters,bladder (仰卧)前后位supine abdominal radiograph;立位upright abdominal radiograph;乳腺breast钼靶X线摄影:mammogram,molybdenum target radiography;腹部平片 Abdomen AP上肢 Upper Extremities下肢 Lower Extremities华氏位 Waltz Position下颌骨正侧位 Mandible PA_LA T头颅正侧位 Skull PA_LA T颧弓切线位 Zygomatic小儿胸片 Chest膝关节造影 Knee Joint Contrast肩关节造影 Shoulder Joint Contrast椎管造影 Spinal ContrastTMJ造影 TMJ contrast腮腺造影 Parotid Contrast静脉肾盂造影 IVP逆行尿路造影 Contrary Urethral Contrast子宫造影 Uterus ContrastT管造影 T-tube Cholangiography五官造影 Facial Contrast窦道造影 Contrast Fistulography瘤腔造影 Tumor Cavity Contrast异物定位 Orientation胆系造影 CholecystographyERCP ERCP上消化道造影 Upper Gastrointestinal Contrast 全消化道造影 Full Gastrointestinal Contrast 钡灌肠造影 Barium Contrast of Colon小肠低张造影 Small Bowel Enema结肠低张造影 Hypotonic Colon Contrast食道造影 Contrast Esophagography关于X线方面的部分中英文对照:acromioclavicular joint 肩锁关节air bronchogram 支气管影像ankle joint 踝关节ankylosis of joint 关节强直arches of foot 足弓biligrafin 胆影葡胺bone age 骨龄bone canaliculi 骨小管bone cortex 骨皮质bone deformity 骨骼变形bone destruction 骨质破坏bone lacuna 骨陷窝bone lamella 骨板bony articular surface 骨关节面bursa 滑膜囊calcification 钙化carpal bones 腕骨cavity 空洞chondral calcification 软骨钙化compact bone and spongy bone 密质骨和松质骨degeneration of joint 关节退行性变destruction of joint 关节破坏diaphysis 骨干digital subtraction angiography, DSA数字减影血管造影dislocation of joint 关节脱位dual photon absorptiometry, DPA双光子吸收法dual X-ray energy absorptiometry, DXA双能X线吸收法elbow joint 肘关节encapsulated effusion 包裹性积液end plate 终板epiphyseal line 骨骺线epiphyseal plate 骨骺板epiphysis 骨骺exudation 渗出fibrotic lesion 纤维性病变filling defect 充盈缺损free pleural effusion 游离性胸腔积液haemosiderosis 含钱血黄素沉着Hafersian system 哈弗系统haversian lamella 哈氏骨板hilar dance 肺门舞蹈hip joint 髋关节hydropneumothorax 液气胸hydroxyapatite crystal 羟基磷灰石结晶hyperostosis/osteosclerosis 骨质增生硬化intercondyloid eminence 髁间隆起interlobar effusion 叶间积液intermediate lamella 骨间板internal and external circumfereutial lamella 内、外环骨板interstitial pulmonary oedema 间质性肺水肿intervertebral disc 椎间盘intervertebral foramen 椎间孔intervertenral space 椎间隙。

Unit OneText A: Hippocratic Oath, The Medical Ideal1.Perhaps the most enduring --- certainly the most quoted --- tradition in thehistory of medicine is the Hippocratic Oath. Named after the famous Greek physicianHippocrates, this oath was written as a guideline for the medical ethics of doctors.Although the exact words have changed over time, the general content is the same- an oath to respect those who have imparted their knowledge upon the science ofmedicine, and respect to the patients as well as the promise to treat them to thebest of the physicians' ability.或许在医学史上最持久的,被引用最多次的誓言就是”希波克拉底誓言”.这个以古希腊著名医师希波克拉底命名的誓言,被作为医师道德伦理的指导纲领.虽然随着时代的变迁,准确的文字已不可考,但誓言的主旨却始终如一——尊敬那些将毕生知识奉献于医学科学的人,尊重病人,尊重医师尽己所能治愈病人的承诺。
Who was Hippocrates, and Did he Write the Oath?2.For a man considered by many to be the 'Father of Medicine', little is known aboutHippocrates of Cos. He lived circa 460-380 BC, and was the contemporary of Socratesas well as a practising physician. He was certainly held to be the most famousphysician and teacher of medicine in his time. Over 60 treatises of medicine, calledthe Hippocratic Corpus have been attributed to him; however, these treatises hadconflicting contents and were written some time between 510 and 300 BC, and thereforecould not all have been written by him.作为被大家公认的”医学之父”,我们对希波克拉底知之甚少.他生活于约公元前460-380年,作为一名职业医师,与苏格拉底是同代人.在他的时代,他被推举为当时最著名的医师和医学教育者.收录了超过60篇论文的专著——希波克拉底文集,被归于他的名下;但是其中有些论文的内容主旨相冲突,并成文于公元前510-300年,所以不可能都是出自他之手.3.The Oath was named after Hippocrates, certainly, although its penmanship is stillin question. According to authorities in medical history, the contents of the oath suggest that it was penned during the 4th Century BC, whichmakes it possible that Hippocrates had himself written it. Anyway, regardless ofwhether or not Hippocrates himself had written the Hippocratic Oath, the contentsof the oath reflect his views on medical ethics.这个宣言是以希波克拉底命名的,虽然它的作者依然存在疑问。

下面是小编带来的医学中英文对照文章,欢迎阅读!医学中英文对照文章1美国科学家研究起死回生术A groundbreaking trial to see if it is possible to regenerate the brains of dead people, has won approval from health watchdogs.探究死者大脑能否重获新生的开创性实验已获卫生监管部门批准可以开展。
A biotech company in the US has been granted ethical permission to recruit 20 patients who have been declared clinically dead from a traumatic brain injury, to test whether parts of their central nervous system can be brought back to life.美国一家生物科技公司获得伦理许可,将招募20位因脑创伤被宣布临床死亡的病人,用于测试他们的部分中枢神经系统能否被复苏。
Scientists will use a combination of therapies, whichinclude injecting the brain with stem cells and a cocktail of peptides, as well as deploying lasers and nerve stimulation techniques which have been shown to bring patients out of comas.科学家们将合用多种治疗方法,包括给大脑注入干细胞和混合多肽,以及利用激光和神经刺激技术等等。

在动脉粥样硬化的形成过程中, 内皮细胞病变是其中极其重要的因素,最显著的变化是动脉内皮功能紊乱, 血管内皮细胞的损伤和功能改变是动脉粥样硬化发生的起始阶段。
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease caused by atherosclerosis is one of diseases with higher mortality and morbidity at present . In the formation of atherosclerosis, the endothelial cell lesion is one of the most important factors, in which, the most significant change is endothelial dysfunction. In addition, the injuries and the changes of vascular endothelial cells are the initial factors of atherosclerosis.许多因素会导致血管内皮细胞受损, 主要包括脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharides , LPS)、炎症介质、氧自由基等。
其中脂多糖因其广泛的生物学作用, 越来越引起研究者的关注。
LPS 是一种炎症刺激物, 是革兰阴性杆菌细胞壁的主要组成成分,其通过刺激血管内皮细胞,引起其相关细胞因子和炎性因子的表达紊乱,尤其是Ca2+ 和活性氧簇(Reactive Oxygen Species , ROS的合成和释放发生改变诱导细胞氧化应激内环境紊乱。
大量研究表明, LPS 直接参与动脉粥样硬化的形成过程, 特别是动脉粥样硬化血管炎症的初始阶段, LPS可通过直接作用或间接影响的方式激活并损伤内皮细胞,从而引起血管内皮细胞形态与功能的改变。
PUBMED 搜索种类中英文对照

PUBMED 搜索种类中英文对照Addresses 演说(对什么演说)Autobiography 自传Bibliography 参考书目;文献目录Biography 档案,个人简历Books and Documents 图书馆文献Case Reports 病例报导Classical Article 经典论文Clinical Conference 临床讨论会;病例讨论会Clinical Trial 临床试验Clinical Trial, Phase IClinical Trial, Phase IIClinical Trial, Phase IIIClinical Trial, Phase IVComment 评论类Comparative Study 比较研究,对比研究。
Congresses 高级会议Consensus Development ConferenceConsensus Development Conference, NIHControlled Clinical Trial 临床研究对照Corrected and Republished Article 校正的和再版的论文Dataset 资料组Dictionary 字典Directory 目录Duplicate Publication 重复发表Editorial 出版;出版物Electronic Supplementary Materials 子文件English Abstract 英文摘要Evaluation Studies 评价研究Festschrift 纪念文集Government Publications 政府出版物Guideline 指导方针Historical Article 历史文献Interactive Tutorial 交互式教程Interview 采访;面谈Introductory Journal Article 介绍性的期刊文章。

Association between IL28B gene polymorphisms and plasmaHCV-RNA levels in HIV/HCV-co-infected patients.Labarga P, Soriano V, Caruz A, Poveda E, Di Lello F, Hernandez-Quero J, Moreno S, Bernal E, Miró JM, Leal M, Gutierrez F, Portilla J, Pineda JA; on behalf of CoRIS.aInfectious Diseases Department, Hospital Carlos III, Madrid, Spain bMolecular Biology Department, Jaen University, Jaen, Spain cInfectious Diseases Unit, Hospital de Valme, Seville, Spain dInfectious Diseases, Hospital San Cecilio, Granada, Spain eInfectious Diseases Service, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain fService of Internal Medicine, Hospital Reina Sofía, Murcia, Spain gInfectious Diseases Service, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, Spain hInfectious Diseases Service, Hospital Virgen del Rocio, Seville, Spain iInfectious Diseases Unit, Hospital de Elche, Elche, Spain jInfectious Diseases Unit, Hospital de Alicante, Alicante, Spain.AbstractBACKGROUND: IL28B polymorphisms influence both the rate of spontaneous hepatitis C virus (HCV) clearance and response to interferon α (IFNα)-based therapy. This observation has been reproduced in HIV-co-infected individuals. Controversy exists about the impact of IL28B alleles on HCV load. METHODS: CoRIS is a nationwide, open cohort of newly diagnosed HIV-1 adults in Spain. In the subset of HCV-co-infected individuals, the relationship between plasma HCV-RNA and IL28B (rs12979860) genotypes was evaluated.RESULTS: A total of 4670 HIV-1-infected patients had been included in CoRIS up to June 2010. All were naive for IFNα. HCV antibodies were reac tive in 895 (19%). Of them, 289 specimens were available and tested positive for plasma HCV-RNA, with median values of 959 900 IU/ml. The rs12979860 genotype distribution in HCV viremic patients was CC 45%, CT 42.2% and TT 12.8%. The median plasma HCV-RNA according to IL28B genotypes was: CC 1 385 000, CT 848 939 and TT 251 189 IU/ml (P = 0.006). The percentage of patients with HCV-RNA more than 600 000 IU/ml was: CC 67.7%, CT 56.6% and TT 35.1% (P = 0.001). In multivariate analysis, IL28B CC/CT genotypes, infection with HCV genotypes 1/4 and prior intravenous drug users were independent predictors of HCV-RNA more than 600000 IU/ml.CONCLUSION: HIV/HCV-co-infected patients with the C allele (CC/CT) at rs12979860 show significantly higher plasma HCV-RNA load than TT carriers. Notably, plasma HCV-RNA levels associated with poorer response to IFNα-based therapy are significantly more frequent in CC/CT than TT carriers. Hypothetically, patients harboring the rs12979860 allele C could display a lower activity of endogenous IFNα, allowing higher HCV replication while keeping an enhanced susceptibility to exogenous IFNα therapy.PMID: 21378537 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]selected towards the adverse genotypes rs12979860CT/TT compared to non-transplanted HCV-infected patients (p=0.046). Patients with the donor genotype rs12979860CC had higher peak ALT and HCV RNA serum concentrations than those with CT/TT (p=0.04 and 0.06, respectively). No associations were observed between ALT / HCV RNA serum concentrations and recipient genotypes (p>0.3). More important, donor IL28B rs12979860 CC vs. CT/TT genotypes were associated with rapid, complete early, and sustained virologic response (RVR, cEVR, SVR) to treatment with PEG-IFN-α and ribavirin (p=0.003, 0.0012, 0.008, respectively), but weaker associations of recipient genotypes with RVR, cEVR and SVR were observed as well (p=0.0046, 0.115, 0.118, respectively).CONCLUSIONS: We provide evidence for a dominant, but not exclusive impact of the donor rather than the recipient IL28B genetic background on the natural course and treatment outcome of HCV liver graft reinfection.Copyright © 2010. Published by Elsevier B.V.PMID: 21147186 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]/pubmed/21147186PubMed找以上在此找的Randomized Trial of Stents versus Bypass Surgery for Left Main Coronary Artery DiseaseSeung-Jung Park, M.D., Young-Hak Kim, M.D., Duk-Woo Park, M.D., Sung-Cheol Yun, Ph.D., Jung-Min Ahn, M.D., Hae Geun Song, M.D., Jong-Young Lee, M.D., Won-Jang Kim, M.D., Soo-Jin Kang, M.D., Seung-WhanLee, M.D., Cheol Whan Lee, M.D., Seong-Wook Park, M.D., Cheol-Hyun Chung, M.D., Jae-Won Lee, M.D., Do-Sun Lim, M.D., Seung-Woon Rha, M.D., Sang-Gon Lee, M.D., Hyeon-Cheol Gwon, M.D., Hyo-Soo Kim, M.D., In-Ho Chae, M.D., Yangsoo Jang, M.D., Myung-Ho Jeong, M.D., Seung-Jea Tahk, M.D., and Ki Bae Seung, M.D.April 4, 2011 (10.1056/NEJMoa1100452)AbstractArticleReferencesBACKGROUNDPercutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is increasingly used to treat unprotected left main coronary artery stenosis, although coronary-artery bypass grafting (CABG) has been considered to be the treatment of choice.Full Text of Background...METHODSWe randomly assigned patients with unprotected left main coronary artery stenosis to undergo CABG (300 patients) or PCI with sirolimus-eluting stents (300 patients). Using a wide margin for noninferiority, we compared the groups with respect to the primary composite end point of major adverse cardiac or cerebrovascular events (death from any cause, myocardial infarction, stroke, or ischemia-driven target-vessel revascularization) at1 year. Event rates at2 years were also compared between the two groups.Full Text of Methods...RESULTSThe primary end point occurred in 26 patients assigned to PCI as compared with 20 patients assigned to CABG (cumulative event rate, 8.7% vs. 6.7%; absolute risk difference,2.0 percentage points; 95% confidence interval [CI], −1.6 to 5.6; P=0.01 for noninferiority).By 2 years, the primary end point had occurred in 36 patients in the PCI group as compared with 24 in the CABG group (cumulative event rate, 12.2% vs. 8.1%; hazard ratio with PCI, 1.50; 95% CI, 0.90 to 2.52; P=0.12). The composite rate of death, myocardial infarction, or stroke at 2 years occurred in 13 and 14 patients in the two groups, respectively (cumulative event rate, 4.4% and 4.7%, respectively; hazard ratio, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.43 to 1.96; P=0.83). Ischemia-driven target-vessel revascularization occurred in 26 patients in the PCI group as compared with 12 patients in the CABG group (cumulative event rate, 9.0% vs. 4.2%; hazard ratio, 2.18; 95% CI, 1.10 to 4.32; P=0.02).Full Text of Results...CONCLUSIONSIn this randomized trial involving patients with unprotected left main coronary artery stenosis, PCI with sirolimus-eluting stents was shown to be noninferior to CABG with respect to major adverse cardiac or cerebrovascular events. However, the noninferiority margin was wide, and the results cannot be considered clinically directive. (Funded by the Cardiovascular Research Foundation, Seoul, Korea, and others; PRECOMBAT number, NCT00422968.)Full Text of Discussion...Read the Full Article...Use of Fibrates in the United States and Canada1.Cynthia A. Jackevicius, PharmD, MSc;2.Jack V. Tu, MD, PhD;3.Joseph S. Ross, MD, MHS;4.Dennis T. Ko, MD, MSc;5.Daniel Carreon, PharmD;6.Harlan M. Krumholz, MD, SM[+] Author Affiliations1.Author Affiliations: Department of Pharmacy Practice and Administration, College of Pharmacy, Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, California (Drs Jackevicius and Carreon); Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Drs Jackevicius, Tu, and Ko); Department of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation, Faculty of Medicine (Drs Jackevicius and Tu) and Division of Cardiology, Schulich Heart Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Drs Tu and Ko), University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los Angeles, California (Dr Jackevicius); University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Dr Jackevicius); Department of Medicine, Section of General Internal Medicine (Dr Ross), Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Section of Health Policy and Administration (Dr Krumholz), and Section of Cardiovascular Medicine (Dr Krumholz), Yale UniversitySchool of Medicine, Center for OutcomesResearch and Evaluation, Yale New HavenHospital, New Haven, Connecticut (Drs Rossand Krumholz); and Robert Wood JohnsonClinical Scholars Program, New Haven,Connecticut (Dr Krumholz)AbstractContext Interest in the role of fibrates intensified after the publication of the negative results from the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) trial, which assessed therapy with fenofibrate plus statins. The evidence for clinical benefit in outcomes with the use of fibrates is heavily weighted on the use of the older fibrates such as gemfibrozil and clofibrate. Objectives To examine trends in the current use of fibrates and to examine the relationship between differences in the availability and use of brand-name vs generic formulations of fenofibrate and the economic implications in the United States compared with Canada. Design, Setting, and Patients Population-level, observational cohort study using IMS Health data fromthe United States and Canada of patients prescribed fibrates between January 2002 and December 2009. Main Outcome Measures Fibrate prescriptions dispensed and expenditures.Results In the United States, fibrate prescriptions dispensed increased from 336 prescriptions/100 000 population in January 2002 to 730 prescriptions/100 000 population in December 2009, an increase of 117.1% (95% confidence interval [CI], 116.0%-117.9%), whereas in Canada, fibrate prescriptions increased from 402 prescriptions/100 000 population in January 2002 to 474 prescriptions/100 000 population in December 2009, an increase of 18.1% (95% CI, 17.9%-18.3%) (P <.001). In the United States, fenofibrate prescriptions dispensed increased from 150 prescriptions/100 000 population in January 2002 to 440 prescriptions/100 000 population in December 2009, an increase of 159.3% (95% CI, 157.7%-161.0%), comprising 47.9% of total fibrate prescriptions in 2002 and 65.2% in 2009. In Canada, fenofibrate prescriptions increased from 321prescriptions/100 000 population in January 2002 to 429 prescriptions/100 000 population in December 2009. The annual ratio of generic to brand-name fenofibrate use in the United States ranged from 0:1 to 0.09:1 between 2002 and 2008, while the ratio in Canada steadily increased from 0.51:1 to 1.89:1 between 2005 and 2008. In the United States, crude fenofibrate expenditures increased from $11 535/100 000 population/month in 2002 to $44 975/100 000 population/month in 2009, while the rates in Canada declined from $17 695/100 000 population/month in 2002 to $16 112/100 000 population/month in 2009. Fibrate expenditures per 100 000 population were 3-fold higher in 2009 in the United States compared with Canada.Conclusion During the past decade, prescriptions for fibrates (particularly fenofibrate) increased in the United States, while prescriptions for fibrates in Canada remained stable.KEYWORDS:Atazanavir Plus Ritonavir or Efavirenz as Part of a 3-Drug Regimen for Initial Treatment of HIV-1A Randomized Trial+ Author Affiliations1.From Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLAMedical Center and the University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; Harvard School of Public Health, Boston,Massachusetts; University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami,Florida; Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard MedicalSchool, Boston, Massachusetts; National Institute of Allergy andInfectious Diseases, Bethesda, Maryland; Social & ScientificSystems, Silver Spring, Maryland; Frontier Science & TechnologyResearch Foundation, Amherst, New York; Stanford University,Palo Alto, California; Bristol-Myers Squibb, Plainsboro, New Jersey;Gilead Sciences, Foster City, California; GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina; Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park,Illinois; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina;University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California; andUniversity of Washington and Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, Washington.AbstractBackground:Limited data compare once-daily options for initial therapy for HIV-1.Objective: To compare time to virologic failure; first grade-3 or -4 sign, symptom, or laboratory abnormality (safety); and change or discontinuation of regimen (tolerability) for atazanavir plus ritonavir with efavirenz-containing initial therapy for HIV-1.Design: A randomized equivalence trial accrued from September 2005 to November 2007, with median follow-up of 138 weeks. Regimens were assigned by using a central computer, stratified by screening HIV-1 RNA level less than 100 000 copies/mL or 100 000 copies/mL or greater; blinding was known only to the site pharmacist. ( registration number: NCT00118898) Setting: 59 AIDS Clinical Trials Group sites in the United States and Puerto Rico. Patients: Antiretroviral-naive patients.Intervention:Open-label atazanavir plus ritonavir or efavirenz, each given with with placebo-controlled abacavir–lamivudine or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate(DF)–emtricitabine.Measurements:Primary outcomes were time to virologic failure, safety, and tolerability events. Secondary end points included proportion of patients with HIV-1 RNA level less than 50 copies/mL, emergence of drug resistance, changes in CD4 cell counts, calculated creatinine clearance, and lipid levels.Results: 463 eligible patients were randomly assigned to receive atazanavir plus ritonavir and 465 were assigned to receive efavirenz, both with abacavir–lamivudine; 322 (70%) and 324 (70%), respectively, completed follow-up. The respective numbers of participants in each group who received tenofovir DF–emtricitabine were 465 and 464; 342 (74%) and 343 (74%) completed follow-up. Primary efficacy was similar in the group that received atazanavir plus ritonavir and and the group that received efavirenz and did not differ according to whether abacavir–lamivudine or tenofovir DF–emtricitabine was also given. Hazard ratios for time to virologic failure were 1.13 (95% CI, 0.82 to 1.56) and 1.01 (CI, 0.70 to 1.46), respectively, although CIs did not meet prespecified criteria for equivalence. The time to safety (P = 0.048) and tolerability (P < 0.001) events was longer in persons given atazanavir plus ritonavir than in those given efavirenz with abacavir–lamivudine but not with tenofovir DF–emtricitabine.Limitations: Neither HLA-B*5701 nor resistance testing was the standard of care when A5202 enrolled patients. The third drugs, atazanavir plus ritonavir and efavirenz, were open-label; the nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors wereprematurely unblinded in the high viral load stratum; and 32% of patients modified or discontinued treatment with their third drug.Conclusion: Atazanavir plus ritonavir and efavirenz have similar antiviral activity when used with abacavir–lamivudine or tenofovir DF–emtricitabine.Primary Funding Source: National Institutes of Health.英国医学杂志Group therapy for adolescents with repeated self harm: randomised controlled trial with economic evaluationOPEN ACCESS1. J M Green, professor of child psychiatry 16,2. A J Wood, consultant adolescent psychiatrist2,3. M J Kerfoot, honorary professor of mental healthstudies1,4. G Trainor, nurse consultant3,5. C Roberts, reader in biostatistics1,6. J Rothwell, research associate1,7. A Woodham, research assistant1,8. E Ayodeji, lecturer in child and adolescent mentalhealth4,9. B Barrett, lecturer in health economics5,10. S Byford, reader in health economics5,11. R Harrington, professor of child psychiatry (deceased)1 + Author Affiliations1. 1Psychiatry Research Group, University of Manchester,Manchester M13 9PL, UK2. 2Tier 4 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services,Young People’s Centre, Chester, UK3. 3Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHSFoundation Trust, Manchester4. 4School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Salford,Salford5. 5Centre for the Economics of Mental Health Institute ofPsychiatry, King’s College London, London, UK6. 6Manchester Biomedical Research Centre andAcademic Health Sciences Centre, Manchester1. Correspondence to: Jonathan Green****************************.uk•Accepted 18 December 2010Next Section AbstractObjective To examine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of group therapy for self harm in young people.Design Two arm, single (assessor) blinded parallel randomised allocation trial of a group therapy intervention in addition to routine care, compared with routine care alone. Randomisation was by minimisation controlling for baseline frequency of self harm, presence of conduct disorder, depressive disorder, and severity of psychosocial stress.Participants Adolescents aged 12-17 years with at least two past episodes of self harm within the previous 12 months. Exclusion criteria were: not speaking English, low weight anorexia nervosa, acute psychosis, substantial learning difficulties (defined by need for specialist school), current containment in secure care.Setting Eight child and adolescent mental health services in the northwest UK.Interventions Manual based developmental group therapy programme specifically designed for adolescents who harm themselves, with an acute phase over six weekly sessionsfollowed by a booster phase of weekly groups as long as needed. Details of routine care were gathered from participating centres. Main outcome measures Primary outcome was frequency of subsequent repeated episodes of self harm. Secondary outcomes were severity of subsequent self harm, mood disorder, suicidal ideation, and global functioning. Total costs of health, social care, education, and criminal justice sector services, plus family related costs and productivity losses, were recorded. Results183 adolescents were allocated to each arm (total n=366). Loss to follow-up was low (<4%). On all outcomes the trial cohort as a whole showed significant improvement from baseline to follow-up. On the primary outcome of frequency of self harm, proportional odds ratio of group therapy versus routine care adjusting for relevant baseline variables was 0.99 (95% confidence interval 0.68 to 1.44, P=0.95) at 6 months and 0.88 (0.59 to 1.33, P=0.52) at 1 year. For severity of subsequent self harm the equivalent odds ratios were 0.81 (0.54 to1.20, P=0.29) at 6 months and 0.94 (0.63 to 1.40, P=0.75) at 1 year. Total 1 year costs were higher in the group therapy arm (£21 781) than for routine care (£15 372) but the difference was not significant (95% CI −1416 to 10782, P=0.132).Conclusions The addition of this targeted group therapy programme did not improve self harm outcomes for adolescents who repeatedly self harmed, nor was there evidence of cost effectiveness. The outcomes to end point for the cohort as a whole were better than current clinical expectations.Trial registration ISRCTN 20496110Previous SectionNext Section IntroductionSelf harm in adolescents is a major public health problem in many countries. It is associated with recurrent psychosocial problems12 and poor long term outcome,3 and it may mark an emerging personality disorder.4 Self harm tends to recur; the reported risk of repetition in adolescents ranges from 10% within six months to 42% during a 21-month follow-up, with a median recurrence of 5-15% each year.5 The risk of suicide after self harm in adolescence is around 0.1-0.5% over 10 years26 with retrospective studies reporting a repetition rate of 36% over10-12 years7 and lifetime mortality rates of 4-11%.89 Self harm shows comorbidity with axis I psychiatric disorders in 43% to 70% of cases, with evidence that the number of comorbid conditions is associated with increased risk of a serious suicide attempt.10 Around two thirds of children and adolescentspresenting with self harm score positively for depressive disorders1112131415; suicidal adolescents with chronic and recurrent affective illness are at increased risk of repetition.111617 18 The persistence of major depressive disorder predicts substantially increased risk of further self harm in young adulthood when other factors are controlled.19 The incidence of self harm is increasing in some areas of the UK.20Self harming adolescents contribute substantially to the workload of health services, in terms of both emergency risk assessment and longer term management. A further substantial burden is placed on wider social care and education. At the time of a self harm event, the young person commonly presents to an accident and emergency department; current National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance1 for England and Wales is for overnight medical hospital admission as a minimum response and more lengthy medical or psychiatric admission is often needed in situations of risk or more severe disorder. A follow-up study of young adults who had deliberately poisoned themselves as adolescents21found that their lifetime service costs were significantly greater than those of matched controls. They used more service provided accommodation, special education, and hospital services, incurred greater criminal justicecosts, and received more social security benefits.Despite this large burden, very little is known about the cost-effectiveness of interventions.22 In one of the few studies to date, Byford and colleagues23undertook a cost-effectiveness analysis of a home based social work intervention for children and adolescents who deliberately poisoned themselves. They found no significant differences between the two groups in terms of the main outcome measures or costs, although in a subgroup of children without major depression, suicidal ideation was significantly lower in the intervention group at follow-up with no significant differences in cost.The design and delivery of effective treatments for this group are complex and have to accommodate considerable variations in presentation.1 A subgroup of patients needs emergency inpatient management; the majority require long term treatment approaches in the context of multi-agency partnerships. A Cochrane review of psychosocial and pharmacological treatments for self harm24found continuing uncertainty about which forms of treatment are most effective and insufficient evidence against which to make firm recommendations. Across all age ranges, a promising additional benefit over standard carewas found for problem solving therapy (summary odds ratio across five studies 0.70; 0.45 to 1.11) and provision of an emergency contact card (summary odds ratio across two studies 0.45; 0.19 to 1.07), but neither of these results reached statistical significance. The authors noted a number of key limitations across all studies reviewed. These included insufficient sample sizes, leading to possible type 2 errors in effectiveness estimates; lack of adequate description of the services used as comparison groups; and use of service data (usually further hospital attendance) rather than interview data to define the primary outcome of repetition, which could introduce biases in outcome estimates, owing to variation in service use and the possibility that the intervention itself could alter willingness to seek hospital help.Hawton and colleagues24noted that only two of the studies reviewed focused on adolescent self harm, despite the importance of the problem in this age group and the likelihood that the treatment needs of adolescents differ from those of adults. Trials of adolescent focused treatments are therefore of high priority to inform service provision. Harrington and colleagues15tested a brief family intervention for adolescents (total n=149) against standard aftercare and found no significanteffect on repetition (odds ratio 1.02; 95% CI 0.41 to 2.5; P=0.97). The same group then undertook a developmental group psychotherapy programme designed to focus on the multiple clinical problems typical in this population (depression, experience of abuse, behavioural disorder, substance misuse, poor self esteem and body image, and family conflict and disruption) and to combine effectively with other interventions (pharmacotherapy, individual and family therapies) using a group therapy format that was cost-effective of clinician time. A pilot randomised trial of developmental group psychotherapy compared with routine care in 63 adolescents referred with repeated self harm to child and adolescent mental health services25 showed a significant relative reduction of repeated self harm over 29 weeks of follow-up (2/31 in developmental group psychotherapy versus 10/31 in routine care; odds ratio 6.3; 95% CI 1.4 to 28.7). The total number of self harm episodes per participant during follow-up was also lower for the treatment group (mean 0.6) than for the routine care group (mean 1.8), but this difference was not statistically significant. This trial was one of the few to have suggested effectiveness of an intervention in patients of any age. A replication in northern Australia, with remote supervision from the UK developing team (n=72)26 failedto show a treatment effect. This study, however, recruited from general referrals to child and adolescent mental health services where patients were identified to have self harming behaviour, rather than from specific self harm referrals, and it only recruited 57% of its target for analytical power.The Assessment of Treatment In Suicidal Teenagers (ASSIST) trial reported here was intended as a definitive test of this group intervention using a large sample with a pragmatic design and including a detailed health economic evaluation. Our objective was to use a large parallel group randomised trial to compare the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of developmental group psychotherapy plus routine care with that of routine care alone for adolescents presenting with repeated self harm in the previous year. We addressed some of the methodological weaknesses in previous studies identified by Hawton and colleagues24by recruiting a large cohort size, making detailed description of routine treatment undertaken, and triangulating two independent interview based ascertainments of the primary outcome rather than using service data on hospital attendance.Previous SectionNext Section MethodsParticipantsParticipating centres were established child and adolescent mental health services teams in the northwest of England, who served substantial geographical areas and were experienced in the assessment and management of young people with self harm. They delivered the developmental group psychotherapy in partnership with the ASSIST research team.Participants were adolescents aged between 12 years and 16 years 11 months who had presented with two or more episodes of self harm during the previous 12 months. In the context of this study “self harm” was deemed to include the non-accidental overdose of drugs or other toxic substances, or non-accidental self inflicted injuries such as scratching, cutting, burning, or strangulation. Exclusion criteria were non-English speakers, severe low weight anorexia nervosa, current psychotic illness, attendance at special learning disability school, current containment in secure care (young people in other forms of looked after care such as adoption, fostering, or non-secure residential units were, however, included).InterventionsExperimental treatmentDevelopmental group psychotherapy was a manual based treatment specifically designed for self harming adolescents.25 The programme integrated techniques from a number of other therapies that have previously been applied to depressed or suicidal adolescents and their families, including cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy, and group psychotherapy.152728 Group goals were oriented around themes that previous research suggested were important in adolescents who harm themselves, such as poor peer relationships, bullying, and family problems. Adolescents learned strategies to deal with these difficulties using group based techniques such as role play. The groups had a rolling entry; young people started attending as soon as their initial assessment and randomisation were completed and attendance continued until the young person felt ready to leave. Therapists had a minimum of three years of relevant post-qualifying experience. They had initial training in fidelity to the model from AJW and GT (the original developers of the intervention), who also led subsequent regular supervision, comprising urgent telephone consultation during working hours and attendance at a monthly supervision group. In the base site, developmental group psychotherapy was provided by AJW and GT and included patients considered clinically challenging by。
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在动脉粥样硬化的形成过程中, 内皮细胞病变是其中极其重要的因素,最显著的变化是动脉内皮功能紊乱, 血管内皮细胞的损伤和功能改变是动脉粥样硬化发生的起始阶段。
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease caused by atherosclerosis is one of diseases with higher mortality and morbidity at present . In the formation of atherosclerosis, the endothelial cell lesion is one of the most important factors, in which, the most significant change is endothelial dysfunction. In addition, the injuries and the changes of vascular endothelial cells are the initial factors of atherosclerosis.
许多因素会导致血管内皮细胞受损, 主要包括脂多糖( Lipopolysaccharides,LPS)、炎症介质、氧自由基等。
其中脂多糖因其广泛的生物学作用, 越来越引起研究者的关注。
LPS 是一种炎症刺激物, 是革兰阴性杆菌细胞壁的主要组成成分,其通过刺激血管内皮细胞,引起其相关细胞因子和炎性因子的表达紊乱,尤其是Ca2+ 和活性氧簇(Reactive Oxygen Species,ROS)的合成和释放发生改变诱导细胞氧化应激内环境紊乱。
大量研究表明, LPS直接参与动脉粥样硬化的形成过程, 特别是动脉粥样硬化血管炎症的初始阶段, LPS可通过直接作用或间接影响的方式激活并损伤内皮细胞, 从而引
Many factors induce vascular endothelial cell damage, including lipopolysaccharides (LPS), inflammatory mediators and oxygen free radical. Of which, LPS, due to its general biologic effects, is paid more and more attention from researchers. As a component of the outer membrane outer Gram-negative bacteria, LPS is an inflammatory stimulus, which induces disorder expression of apoptosis-related factors, by stimulating vascular endothelial cells, especially the releases of Ca2 And reactive oxygen species (ROS) induce oxidative stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) . Previous studies have indicated that LPS was directly involved in the process of atherosclerosis, especially in the initial stage of vascular inflammation, and damaged endothelial cells, causing the morphological and functional change of vascular endothelial cells.
Mitochondria, composing of the inner membrane and outer membrane, is not only a crucial place for generating cellular energy by cellular respiration and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHO), but also involved in the endothelial cells apoptotic progression of atherosclerosis. Mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis is an essential signaling, which is the precursor of irreversible apoptosis。
Our present study strongly suggests that PCr plays a vital role in LPS-induced HUVECs through mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation signaling pathway. PCr improves creatine shuttle of HUVECs through directly enhanced ATP synthase and mitochondrial creatine kinase, and reactived FADH2pathway in mitochondrial respiration chain. Our work provides new insight for the noval antiapoptotic effects of PCr in endothelial cells,
which may give a pharmacological basis for the clinical application of PCr for treatment of atherosclerosis or other inflammationrelated cardiovascular diseases which is related to endothelial cell apoptosis.。