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Task 2

It’s on the blink. (机器、工具)坏了; (人)不舒服 All right, don’t make a meal of it. 小题大作;做得太过分 All right, the penny’s dropped. 终于明白;水落石出 Sorry I got stuck in the loop. to get in a situation in which there is no way-out and in which the same things keep repeating themselves over and over again following the same order or process You can say that again. 说得好 Go and take a long walk on the shore. take a walk:v. leave; depart; get out
Bag: abandon Shrink: therapist Strung out: mentally disturbed

一般来说,有些使用范围有限的词语应该避免使用,有些 应该谨慎使用或将之用于特定的场合。
Task 1

What is the context of the conversation? ① Excuse me, could you tell me the right time, please? ② What’s the time? ③ Time?

Task 3

Stats suggest that one in every five hundred college kids carries the virus. Statistics…one fifth of…students A person with AIDS does not deserve to be subjected to exclusionary(排他的) behavior or callousness(麻木的) on the part of his fellow citizens. Instead, he has the necessity for all the compassion(同情), medical care, and financial assistance due those who are in the extremity(绝境) of illness. Deserved

Social dialect is a variety of language associated with a social group such as a social class(社会阶层), an age group, etc. 社会方言指的是语言的使用因各种社会因素 的不同而发生变化,形成变体,语言的变体就是社会 方言。

Exactness of Words 词汇的精确性 Brief Expressions 简洁的表达方式
Appropriateness of Words

所谓词汇恰当性,指的是词汇的使用要适合交际情景的要 求,即要适合话题、目的、读者或听众。 (Context/Audience/Tone)
E.g. 有些病人决定放弃治疗,因为他们的治疗医师似乎神志恍惚。 ①Some patients decide to bag counseling because their shrinks seem strung out. ②Some patients decide to abandon counseling because their therapists seem disturbed.

莎士比亚诗句中的“hath(has)”, “thou(you)”等词语现在 已经不再使用,因此不适合使用在诸如写作的场合。 新词(neologism)指的是那些新造出来的但还没有被公 认的词,必须要在确保读者或听众能够理解的情况下 才能使用新词。

Technical Words 慎用专门术语
When in eternal lines to time thou growest: So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
我怎能将你与夏日相比? 你比它更温和可爱: 动人的花蕾在五月咆哮的风 中颤抖, 夏日的美好时光也绝不长久: 太阳的金色光芒虽然耀眼, 却常常以灰暗的面貌出现; 再美貌的物什都逃不过凋谢, 命运流转或无意间将其拆解; 可你如夏日般不会褪色, 你的美貌也将永存; 死神无法夸耀你曾在它的阴 影中游荡, 伴随永恒的诗篇你将留存: 只要人类生生不息 我的诗句 能被见证, 你就会在传承中得到永生!

Slang is a kind of informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions; often vulgar(粗俗的). 俚语使用得是否恰当,一定要考虑使用的目的、场合和使 用者的态度。 在俚语流行范围内,使用俚语可能会取得更生动形象的效 果; 但多数俚语的意思不是很精确,不能用于有效话语中,因 此一般不适合用于大学写作和商务信函等场合。 E.g. Many students start out pretty together but then get weird. Many students start out with clear goals but then lose their direction.
Lecture 3 Proper Words in Proper Places

Appropriateness of Words 词汇的恰当性
Dialect (方言的有限使用功能) Slang (使用俚语的特定场合) Colloquial Language (使用口语体的场合) Obsolete/New words (不用过时词,慎用新词) Technical Words (慎用专门术语) Euphemism/Fancy Writing (不用迂回说法、花哨文字) Sexist Language (不用性别歧视语言)
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd: But thy eternal Summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
Nor shall Death brag thou wanderest in his shade,
Colloquial Language

注意使用口语体的场合 口语用词一般具有含糊性,因此精确性不高。 (pretty, jolly, great, fantastic, etc.) 在大学写作、商务书信中不能使用,尤其注意不能把 口语体的词语或表达方式和标准词汇混合使用。如: According to a native American myth, the Great creator had a dog hanging around with him when he created the earth. According to a Natice American myth, the Great Creator was accompanied by a dog when he created the earth.
①if someone is hyper, they are very excited and energetic. ② If you mess something up or if you mess up, you cause something to fail or be spoiled.

If negotiators become excited or upset during contract discussions, they may harm chances for a settlement.
Task 3

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a major deal all over the world. AIDS is a major issue over the world. The disease gets around primarily by sexual intercourse, exchange of bodily fluids, shared needles, and blood transfusion. …is transmitted… Those who think the disease is limited to homos and druggies are quite mistaken. …homosexuals… drug abusers

Leabharlann Baidu

语言的多样性使人类能有更多的机会来表达思想感情, 有更多的方式通过语言来认识世界。 但是,有时方言的使用也会带来交际上的障碍,因此 方言的使用范围是有限的。 从社会的角度看,标准语享有不容忽视的社会威望。 标准语:Standard English;Mandarin
Slang 注意使用俚语的特定场合

Regional dialect(地域方言) and social dialect(社会方言) A regional dialect is not a distinct language but a variety of a language spoken in a particular area of a country. 一 种语言在不同地方使用的话,每一种方言都有自己的 词汇、发音和语法。 Difference in Pronunciation. (Video) Difference in Vocabulary
And Summer's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And oft' is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,

Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

Task 3

Rewrite the sentence by using standard and formal English.

If negotiators get hyper during contract discussions, they mess up chances for a settlement.

Technical word has a particular meaning within a specific industry. 专业术语指的是某一行业、职业或团体使用 的专门术语。 Medical English: The patient has a severe contusion. =There’s a nasty bruise you’ve got there. 你瘀伤很严重。 因此,与非同一职业、行业的人交流时,尽量不用专 业术语。