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Horizontal processing center main transmission

system design


Processing center is equipped with a sword and can change automatic library tool on the more process of numerical control machine. It combined the mechanical technology, electronic technology, computer software technology, pneumatic technology, dragging technology, modern control theory, measurement and sensing technology and communications diagnosis and application programming technology of high technology products. Suitable for processing processing center complex shape, and processing procedures, higher accuracy, need to use a variety of types of ordinary machine tools and many of the technology and equipment, and need to the many times the clamping and adjust to finish machining parts. Processing center main transmission system is made of spindle motor, main shaft transmission system and the spindle component. This article on the nc machining center function and the development trend of simple, this paper focuses on the horizontal processing center main transmission system design, and its content including motor selection, sure transmission scheme, for the design of gear speed diagram, and checking, the design and the design and checking of the drive shaft

Key words:headstocks, a continuously variable speed , transmission Systerm


1 绪论 (1)

1.1 加工中心的定义 (1)

1.2 加工中心的特点 (1)

1.2.1 加工精度高 (1)

1.2.2工序集中 (1)

1.2.3 适应性强 (2)

1.2.4 生产效率高 (2)

1.2.5 经济效益好 (2)

1.2.6 劳动强度低,工作条件好 (2)

1.2.7 有利于生产管理的现代化 (3)

1.3 加工中心的主要加工对象 (3)

1.3.1 既有平面又有孔系的零件 (3)

1.3.2 结构形状复杂、普通机床难加工的零件 (3)

1.3.3 外形不规则的异形零件 (3)

1.3.4 新产品试制中的零件 (3)

1.3.5 周期性投产的零件 (4)

1.4 加工中心的基本组成 (4)

1.4.1 基础部件 (4)

1.4.2 主轴部件 (4)

1.4.3 数控系统 (4)

1.4.4 自动换刀系统 (5)

1.4.5 辅助装置 (5)

1.5 加工中心的工作原理 (5)

1.6 加工中心的分类 (6)

1.6.1 立式加工中心 (6)

1.6.2 卧式加工中心 (6)

1.6.3 万能加工中心 (6)

1.6.4 虚轴加工中心 (7)

1.7 加工中心的发展方向 (7)

2 加工中心主传动系统 (8)

2.1 加工中心主传动系统的要求 (8)

2.1.1 调速功能 (8)

2.1.2动态响应性能 (8)

2.1.3 精度和刚度要求 (8)

2.1.4 抗振性和热稳定性要求 (9)

2.1.5 具有刀具的自动夹紧功能 (9)

2.1.6 功率要求 (9)

2.1.7 主轴定位功能要求 (9)

2.2主传动系统主要技术指标的确定 (9)

2.2.1 主运动变速系统主要参数 (10)

2.2.2 主传动功率 (10)

2.2.3 选择电动机型号 (10)

2.2.4 电动机的功率、扭矩特性 (11)

2.3主传动变速系统设计 (11)

2.3.1 转速图的拟定 (11)

2.3.2 主运动的调速范围 (12)
