



2024年适用股权转让协议中英对照版本合同目录一览1. 股权转让1.1 股权转让的范围1.2 股权转让的价格1.3 股权转让的支付方式2. 股权转让的条件2.1 转让方的资格2.2 受让方的资格2.3 股权转让的批准3. 股权转让的程序3.1 股权转让的协议签订3.2 股权转让的工商变更3.3 股权转让的交割4. 股权转让的期限4.1 股权转让的生效时间4.2 股权转让的终止时间4.3 股权转让的续约条款5. 股权转让的费用5.1 股权转让的费用承担5.2 股权转让的费用支付方式6. 股权转让的限制6.1 转让方的限制6.2 受让方的限制7. 股权转让的违约责任7.1 转让方的违约责任7.2 受让方的违约责任8. 股权转让的争议解决8.1 争议的解决方式8.2 争议的解决地点8.3 争议的解决时效9. 股权转让的其他条款9.1 股权转让的保密条款9.2 股权转让的强制执行9.3 股权转让的法律法规适用10. 股权转让的签署10.1 股权转让协议的签署日期 10.2 股权转让协议的签署地点10.3 股权转让协议的签署人11. 股权转让的附件11.1 股权转让的相关文件11.2 股权转让的补充协议12. 股权转让的生效12.1 股权转让的生效条件12.2 股权转让的生效时间12.3 股权转让的生效证明13. 股权转让的解除13.1 股权转让的解除条件13.2 股权转让的解除程序13.3 股权转让的解除后的处理14. 股权转让的备案14.1 股权转让的备案程序14.2 股权转让的备案材料14.3 股权转让的备案时间第一部分:合同如下:1. 股权转让1.1 股权转让的范围1.1.1 本次股权转让涉及的股权比例为标的公司的___%的股权。

1.1.2 本次股权转让的股权包括但不限于标的公司的股东权益、利润分配权、决策权等。

1.2 股权转让的价格1.2.1 股权转让的价格为人民币____元整(大写:____元整),其中包括人民币____元整的股权价值及人民币____元整的溢价。



股权转让协议中英文模板(二)股权转让协议中英文模板股权转让协议(英文版)Agreement for the Transfer of Equity本协议由下列各方于(日期)签署:This Agreement is entered into on (date) by and among the following parties:甲方(Transferor)姓名/公司名称:地址:法定代表人/负责人:电话:传真:电子邮件:Party A (Transferor)Address:Legal representative/Responsible person:Phone:Fax:乙方(Transferee)姓名/公司名称:地址:法定代表人/负责人:电话:传真:电子邮件:Party B (Transferee)Address:Legal representative/Responsible person: Phone:Fax:注册地:公司地址:法定代表人/负责人:电话:传真:电子邮件:Registered place:Legal representative/Responsible person: Phone:Fax:鉴于:Whereas:1. 甲方即(Transferor)为乙方(Transferee)现持有的位于(公司注册地)的(公司名称)的(股权比例)的股权转让有意愿。

2. 乙方(Transferee)同意购买甲方(Transferor)所持有的股权,并为此支付一定金额。

Whereas Party B (Transferee) agrees to purchase the equity held by Party A (Transferor), and will pay a certain amount for this purpose.各方经协商一致,达成如下协议:Now, therefore, in consideration of their mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows:第一条股权转让Article 1 Transfer of Equity1.1 股权转让说明Instructions for the Transfer of Equity1.1.1 甲方(Transferor)同意将其在(公司名称)所持股份中的(转让数量)股权转让给乙方(Transferee)。



股权转让协议书中英文对照版发布日期:2010-07-08 作者:范宏伟律师•凡因履行本协议所发生的或与本协议有关的一切争议,各方应通过友好协商解决;如果协商不能解决,应提交中国国际贸易仲裁委员会根据该机构的仲裁规则进行仲裁。

股权转让协议书中英文对照版A公司股权转让协议签订协议各方:出让方:G公司受让方:P公司‘A’ Company’s Equity Assignment Agreement dated as of __________, 2008, by and betweenG Company, the AssignorP Company, the AssigneeA公司是由G公司投资设立的一家外资企业。


现经转让方与受让方友好协商,在平等互利,协商一致的基础上,达成协议如下:‘A’Company, a foreign-funded company, was established with investment from G Company. ‘A’Company was registered in the Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce of Hangzhou with a registered capital of USD xxx, the total paid up capital is USD xxx.Whereas, the Assignor desires to sell and assign the equity interests of ‘A’Company, and the Assignee desires to acquire and accept assignment from the Assignor, the legal ownership of ‘A’Company's shares. Now, therefore, after amicable negotiation, the parties hereby agree as follows:第一条、出让方和受让方的基本情况出让方:1.1、G公司,法定地址:_________________;法定代表人:________;职务:__________;国籍:_________。



20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年标准版股权转让协议中英文对照文本本合同目录一览1. 股权转让1.1 股权转让的范围1.2 股权转让的价格1.3 股权转让的支付方式2. 股权转让的限制2.1 受让方的资格限制2.2 转让方的义务限制3. 股权转让的生效条件3.1 双方签字盖章3.2 政府部门审批4. 股权转让的登记手续4.1 转让方的登记手续4.2 受让方的登记手续5. 股权转让后的权益5.1 受让方的权益5.2 转让方的权益6. 股权转让的违约责任6.1 转让方的违约责任6.2 受让方的违约责任7. 股权转让的争议解决7.1 争议解决的途径7.2 争议解决的时间限制8. 股权转让的适用法律8.1 法律适用8.2 法律解释9. 股权转让的其他条款9.1 双方约定的其他事项9.2 双方约定的保密条款10. 股权转让的附件10.1 股权转让证明文件10.2 双方的公司章程11. 股权转让的签字盖章11.1 转让方的签字盖章11.2 受让方的签字盖章12. 股权转让的日期12.1 股权转让的生效日期12.2 股权转让的登记日期13. 股权转让的附加条款13.1 双方约定的附加条款13.2 附加条款的生效条件14. 股权转让的终止与解除14.1 股权转让的终止条件14.2 股权转让的解除程序第一部分:合同如下:第一条股权转让1.1 股权转让的范围甲方向乙方转让的股权为甲方持有的目标公司%的股权。


1.2 股权转让的价格双方协商一致,本次股权转让的价格为人民币万元整(大写:人民币壹佰玖拾捌万元整)。

1.3 股权转让的支付方式乙方应于本协议签订之日起5个工作日内,将股权转让款支付至甲方指定的银行账户。


第二条股权转让的限制2.1 受让方的资格限制乙方应具备合法的受让资格,并承诺在股权转让完成后,按照法律法规及目标公司的章程规定,履行股东义务。




股权转让协议书中英文对照版A公司股权转让协议签订协议各方:出让方:G公司受让方:P公司‘A’ Company’s Equity Assignment Agreement dated as of __________, 2008, by and betweenG Company, the AssignorP Company, the AssigneeA公司是由G公司投资设立的一家外资企业。


现经转让方与受让方友好协商,在平等互利,协商一致的基础上,达成协议如下:‘A’ Company, a foreign-funded company, was established with investment from G Company. ‘A’Company was registered in the Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce of Hangzhou with a registered capital of USD xxx, the total paid up capital is USD xxx.Whereas, the Assignor desires to sell and assign the equity interests of ‘A’ Company, and the Assignee desires to acquire and accept assignment from the Assignor, the legal ownership of ‘A’Company's shares. Now, therefore, after amicable negotiation, theparties hereby agree as follows:第一条、出让方和受让方的基本情况出让方:1.1、G公司,法定地址:_________________;法定代表人:________;职务:__________;国籍:_________。



20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX股权转让协议范本:2024年国际通用中英对照版本合同目录一览1. 股权转让协议1.1 定义与缩略语1.1.1 定义1.1.2 缩略语1.2 股权转让1.2.1 转让的股权1.2.2 转让价格与支付方式1.3 股权转让的生效与交割1.3.1 生效条件1.3.2 交割程序1.4 股东权益与责任1.4.1 转让前的权益与责任1.4.2 转让后的权益与责任1.5 协议的修订与终止1.5.1 修订程序1.5.2 终止条件与后果1.6 争议解决1.6.1 争议解决方式1.6.2 适用法律1.7 保密条款1.7.1 保密义务1.7.2 例外情况1.8 适用法律与管辖1.8.1 适用法律1.8.2 管辖法院1.9 合同的生效、修订与终止1.9.1 生效条件1.9.2 修订程序1.9.3 终止条件与后果1.10 定义与解释1.10.1 定义1.10.2 解释1.11 附加条款1.11.1 附加条款内容1.11.2 附加条款的生效条件 1.12 签署与日期1.12.1 签署人1.12.2 签署日期1.13 附件1.13.1 附件内容列表1.14 签署副本1.14.1 签署副本数量1.14.2 签署副本的提交与保存第一部分:合同如下:1. 股权转让协议1.1 定义与缩略语1.1.1 本协议中的"转让方"指的是甲方,即愿意出售其持有的股权的股东。

1.1.2 本协议中的"受让方"指的是乙方,即愿意购买转让方持有的股权的股东。

1.1.3 本协议中的"目标公司"指的是转让方和受让方所涉及的股权所属的公司。

1.1.4 本协议中的"股权"指的是转让方持有的目标公司的股份。

1.1.5 本协议中的"转让价格"指的是乙方同意支付给甲方的股权购买价格。

1.1.6 本协议中的"支付方式"指的是乙方按照本协议约定的方式向甲方支付转让价格。



股权转让协议中英文对照(2024版)合同编号:__________股权转让协议1. 名称:____________________2. 注册地址:__________________3. 法定代表人:_______________4. 联系电话:_______________5. 电子邮箱:_______________1. 名称:____________________2. 注册地址:__________________3. 法定代表人:_______________4. 联系电话:_______________5. 电子邮箱:_______________鉴于:1. 甲方是一家依据______法律合法成立的有限责任公司,持有目标公司的股权,并拥有完全的民事权利能力和民事行为能力。

2. 乙方是一家依据______法律合法成立的公司,拥有对目标公司的投资意向,并具有完全的民事权利能力和民事行为能力。

3. 甲方愿意将其持有的目标公司股权转让给乙方,乙方愿意受让该股权。

基于上述情况,双方为明确双方之间的权利和义务,经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条股权转让1.2 乙方同意受让甲方持有的目标公司______%的股权。

第二条股权转让价格及支付方式2.2 乙方应于本协议签订之日起______个工作日内,将转让价格支付至甲方指定的银行账户。

第三条股权转让的交割3.1 本协议签订后,甲方应协助乙方办理目标股权的变更登记手续,包括但不限于提供相关文件、资料和证明。

3.2 乙方应按照相关法律、法规和政策的规定,及时完成目标股权的变更登记手续。

第四条股权转让后的权益4.1 乙方自目标股权变更登记之日起,享有目标公司的股东权益,包括分红、投票权等。

4.2 甲方应保证目标股权的合法性、有效性和完整性,不得有任何隐瞒、欺诈等行为。

第五条保密条款5.1 双方应对本协议的内容和签订过程予以保密,未经对方同意,不得向第三方披露。



股权转让协议中英文对照Equity Transfer Agreement本协议由以下各方于____年____月____日签订:This Agreement is entered into by and between the following parties on the ____ day of ____ month of ____ year:甲方(转让方): ________(以下简称“甲方”)Party A (Transferor): ________ (hereinafter referred to as "Party A")乙方(受让方): ________(以下简称“乙方”)Party B (Transferee): ________ (hereinafter referred to as "Party B")鉴于甲方为______公司(以下简称“目标公司”)的股东,持有目标公司______%的股权;Whereas Party A is a shareholder of ________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Target Company"), holding ________% of the equity interest in the Target Company;鉴于甲方同意将其持有的目标公司股权转让给乙方,乙方同意接受该股权;Whereas Party A agrees to transfer the equity interest in the Target Company held by it to Party B, and Party B agrees to accept such equity interest;鉴于双方就股权转让事宜达成如下协议:Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:第一条股权转让Article 1 Equity Transfer1.1 甲方同意将其持有的目标公司______%的股权转让给乙方。



股权转让协议中英文版第一篇:股权转让协议中英文版股权转让协议(节录)Equity Transfer Agreement(excerpt)......(2)The Indemnifying Party shall be entitled to employ counsel reasonably acceptable to the Indemnitee to assume and defend any such third party claim or demand asserted against the Indemnitee at its own expense;provided, however, that such counsel has no conflict of interest.The Indemnitee shall be entitled to participate in(but not control)the defense of any such claim or demand at its own expense.The Indemnifying Party shall notify the Indemnitee in writing, as promptly as possible after the date of the notice of claim given by the Indemnitee to the Indemnifying Party under Section 8.5(1), of its election to defend in good faith any such third party claim or demand.The Indemnitee shall not settle compromise any such third party claim or demand without the consent of the Indemnifying Party(not to be unreasonably withheld)unless the judgment or proposed settlement by its terms(i)obligates the Indemnitee to pay the full amount of the liability in relation to such third party claim;(ii)releases the Indemnifying party completely in relation to such third party claim;(iii)does not impose an injunction or other equitable relief upon the Indemnifying Party;and(iv)dos not otherwise adversely affect the Indemnifying Party.The Indemnitee shall cooperate with and shall make available to the Indemnifying Party or its agents, all records and other material in the Indemnifies Party’s possession reasonably required by it for its use in contesting any third party claim or demand.......(2)补偿方有权聘请可被受补偿方合理接受的律师对第三方向受补偿方提出的索赔或要求进行辩护,费用由补偿方承担;但是,该律师不得有利益冲突。



20XX 标准合同模板范本PERSONAL RESUME甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年适用股权转让协议中英对照版本合同目录一览第一条股权转让1.1 股权转让的范围1.2 股权转让的价格1.3 股权转让的支付方式第二条股权转让的条件2.1 股权转让的生效条件2.2 股权转让的审批程序2.3 股权转让的登记手续第三条股权转让的期限3.1 股权转让的生效期限3.2 股权转让的履行期限3.3 股权转让的终止期限第四条股权转让的限制4.1 股权转让的限制性规定4.2 股权转让的禁止行为4.3 股权转让的合规要求第五条股权转让的费用5.1 股权转让的相关费用5.2 费用支付的责任方5.3 费用的支付方式及时间第六条股权转让的违约责任6.1 股权转让双方的违约责任6.2 违约行为的补救措施6.3 违约责任的计算方法第七条股权转让的争议解决7.1 争议解决的途径7.2 争议解决的时间限制7.3 争议解决的适用法律第八条股权转让的保密条款8.1 保密信息的范围8.2 保密信息的保护期限8.3 保密信息的违约责任第九条股权转让的强制性规定9.1 强制性规定的遵守9.2 强制性规定的法律后果9.3 强制性规定的适用范围第十条股权转让的税收问题10.1 税收责任的承担10.2 税收计算及支付方式10.3 税收相关手续的办理第十一条股权转让的变更和解除11.1 股权转让的变更条件11.2 股权转让的解除条件11.3 变更和解除的程序及手续第十二条股权转让的继承和赠与12.1 股权转让的继承规定12.2 股权转让的赠与规定12.3 继承和赠与的程序及手续第十三条股权转让的国际法律适用13.1 国际法律适用的原则13.2 国际法律适用的例外13.3 国际法律适用的争议解决第十四条股权转让的其他条款14.1 其他条款的说明14.2 其他条款的补充性质14.3 其他条款的修改和补充程序第一部分:合同如下:第一条股权转让1.1 股权转让的范围1.1.1 本协议项下的股权转让范围包括但不限于目标公司的全部或部分股权。





















股权转让协议(中英文对照版)股权转让协议目录一、前言二、定义和术语1. 股权转让方2. 股权受让方3. 股权4. 股权转让价格5. 股权转让日三、股权转让1. 股权转让方同意将其持有的股权全部转让给股权受让方。

2. 股权受让方同意购买并支付股权转让价格。

四、股权转让价格和支付方式1. 股权转让价格2. 支付方式五、股权转让的交付和过户1. 股权转让的交付2. 股权转让的过户六、陈述、保证和承诺1. 股权转让方的陈述、保证和承诺2. 股权受让方的陈述、保证和承诺七、违约责任八、争议解决九、适用法律十、合同的修改和终止十一、合同的生效、修订和解除十二、保密条款十三、通知十四、附件1. 股权转让方的身份证明文件2. 股权受让方的身份证明文件3. 股权转让价格的支付凭证4. 其他相关文件以下是股权转让协议的具体内容:一、前言本股权转让协议(以下简称“本协议”)由以下双方于______年______月______日签订:1. 股权转让方:_________(以下简称“转让方”)2. 股权受让方:_________(以下简称“受让方”)鉴于:1. 转让方是_________公司(以下简称“公司”)的股东,持有公司_________%的股权。

2. 转让方愿意将其持有的股权全部转让给受让方。

3. 受让方愿意购买并支付股权转让价格。

根据上述情况,双方本着平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则,达成如下协议:二、定义和术语1. 股权转让方:指本协议中将其持有的股权转让给受让方的公司股东。

2. 股权受让方:指本协议中购买转让方持有的股权的公司或个人。

3. 股权:指转让方持有的公司股权,包括股权比例和相应的权益。

4. 股权转让价格:指受让方购买转让方持有的股权所需支付的价格。

5. 股权转让日:指甲方将股权交付给乙方并办理完毕过户手续的日期。

三、股权转让1. 股权转让方同意将其持有的股权全部转让给股权受让方。

2. 股权受让方同意购买并支付股权转让价格。



股权转让协议中英文对照股权转让协议 Equity Transfer Agreement本文档由【公司名称】(以下简称甲方)和【公司名称】(以下简称乙方)依据自愿、平等和互利原则,经友好协商,就股权转让事宜达成如下协议:第一章总则第一条协议的签署与生效甲乙双方在充分明确各自权利和义务的基础上,自愿签订本协议,并在协议签署日生效。



第三条转让价格和支付方式1. 转让价格为【具体金额】。

2. 乙方应在协议生效之日起【具体日期】内,将全部转让价格支付给甲方。


第二章转让程序第四条调查与评估1. 乙方有权在签署本协议前对甲方的财务状况、资产状况、经营业绩等进行调查。

2. 若乙方对甲方的调查结果不满意,乙方有权取消本次股权转让协议。

第五条过户手续1. 甲方应配合乙方办理相关过户手续。

2. 乙方应负责支付过户所需的相关费用。

第三章保证与陈述第六条股权保证1. 甲方保证其所持有的股权合法有效,不存在任何权属争议和限制。

2. 甲方保证其提供的股权转让文件真实、完整、有效。

第七条经营保证1. 甲方保证其经营的业务合法,不存在任何违法、违规行为。

2. 甲方保证其提供的经营资料真实、完整、准确。


第四章违约与争议解决第九条违约责任1. 若一方违约,应支付给对方一定的违约金。

2. 违约一方还应承担因该违约所造成的损失。


第五章附件本协议附件如下:1. 股权转让登记申请书2. 股权过户凭证3. 其他相关附件第六章法律名词及注释1. “股权”指股份、股权投资基金份额、合伙企业权益等。



股权转让协议书中英文对照版目录一、前言二、股权转让协议书1. 定义和术语2. 股权转让3. 转让价格和支付方式4. 交割条件5. 陈述和保证6. 违约责任7. 争议解决8. 其他条款三、附件1. 股权转让协议书(中文版)2. 股权转让协议书(英文版)一、前言本股权转让协议书(以下简称“本协议”)由以下双方于______年______月______日在中华人民共和国______省______市签订:转让方(以下简称“甲方”):名称:____________________地址:____________________法定代表人:______________联系方式:______________受让方(以下简称“乙方”):名称:____________________地址:____________________法定代表人:______________联系方式:______________鉴于:1. 甲方是______公司(以下简称“目标公司”)的股东,持有目标公司______%的股权;2. 乙方愿意按照本协议的条款和条件购买甲方持有的目标公司股权;3. 甲方同意将持有的目标公司股权按照本协议的条款和条件转让给乙方。

根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国公司法》等法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则基础上,就股权转让事宜达成如下协议:二、股权转让协议书1. 定义和术语1.1 本协议中,除非上下文另有规定,以下词语具有以下含义:(1)“目标公司”指______公司,一家根据中国法律注册成立的公司;(2)“股权转让”指甲方将其持有的目标公司股权转让给乙方;(3)“转让价格”指甲方根据本协议的约定向乙方转让股权的对价;(4)“交割”指甲方按照本协议的约定向乙方转让股权的行为;(5)“陈述和保证”指甲方和乙方在本协议中所作的陈述和保证。

1.2 本协议中的仅为方便阅读而设,不影响本协议的解释。



股权转让协议_中英文对照版Equity Transfer Agreement股权转让协议This Equity Transfer Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into on [DATE], by and among [TRANSFEROR NAME], a [TRANSFEROR COUNTRY/STATE] corporation with its principal place of business at [ADDRESS], (“Transferor”), [TRANSFERRER NAME], a [TRANSFERRERCOUNTRY/STATE] corporation with its principal place of business at [ADDRESS] (“Transferrer”), and [TRANSFEREE NAME], a [TRANSFEREE COUNTRY/STATE] corporation with its principal place of business at [ADDRES S] (“Transferee”) (each of which a “Party” and collectively the “Parties”).本股权转让协议(本“协议”)于[日期]在以下各方之间订立:投资方][注册地/州]公司,其主要营业地点位于[地址](“转让方”);转让者][注册地/州]公司,其主要营业地点位于[地址](“受让方”);和受让者][注册地/州]公司,其主要营业地点位于[地址](“受让方”)(各自为一方,合称“各方”)。

WHEREAS, Transferor is the owner of [PERCENTAGE]% of the outstanding shares of [TARGET COMPANY NAME], a [TARGET COMPANY COUNTRY/STATE] corporation with its principal place of business at [ADDRESS] (the “Company”); and鉴于,转让方是[目标公司名称]的[持股比例]%的股份拥有人,其为[目标公司注册地/州]公司,其主要营业地点为[地址](“公司”);并且WHEREAS, Transferrer and Transferee desire that Transferrer transfer and Transferee acquire, the shares owned by Transferor in the Company, on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.鉴于,转让者和受让者希望依据本协议的规定,将转让者持有的公司股份转让给受让者。



















股权转让协议(中英文对照)范本模板一、甲方和乙方的背景介绍甲方:[甲方的名称和注册地址]乙方:[乙方的名称和注册地址]二、股权转让的基本信息1. 转让股权的公司:[公司名称]2. 转让股权的数量:[转让股权数量]3. 转让股权的比例:[转让股权比例]4. 转让价格:[转让价格]5. 转让方式:[转让方式]三、股权转让的条件1. 甲方必须在协议签署后的十个工作日内向乙方交付转让股权的所有法律文件和证明文件;2. 乙方必须在协议签署后的十个工作日内向甲方支付全部转让价格;3. 甲方和乙方应协商确定股权转让的完成日期;4. 本协议生效后,甲方将不再对转让股权的公司享有任何权益和义务。

四、股权转让的保证1. 甲方保证其对转让股权享有合法的所有权,并未以任何方式将该股权转让给其他方;2. 甲方保证其向乙方提供的所有法律文件和证明文件真实、合法、有效;3. 甲方保证在签署本协议时,没有发生任何对转让股权产生重大影响的诉讼、仲裁或行政程序。

五、协议的生效和终止1. 本协议自双方签署后生效;2. 本协议终止的情况包括:双方一致同意解除、自动终止、或发生违约情况。

六、适用法律和争议解决1. 本协议适用中华人民共和国法律;2. 任何因本协议引起的争议应由双方协商解决,协商不成的,提交有管辖权的人民法院解决。

甲方(签名):__________________ 日期:____________乙方(签名):__________________ 日期:____________---Share Transfer Agreement Template (Chinese-English)1. Background of the PartiesParty A: [Name and registered address of Party A]Party B: [Name and registered address of Party B]2. Basic Information of the Share Transfer2. Number of shares being transferred: [Number of shares]3. Percentage of shares being transferred: [Percentage of shares]4. Transfer price: [Transfer price]5. Method of transfer: [Transfer method]3. Conditions of the Share Transfer1. Party A shall deliver all legal documents and certifications related to the transferred shares to Party B within ten working days after the signing of this agreement.2. Party B shall make full payment of the transfer price to Party A within ten working days after the signing of this agreement.4. After the effectiveness of this agreement, Party A will no longer have any rights and obligations in relation to the transferred shares.4. Guarantees of the Share Transfer1. Party A guarantees that it has legal ownership of the transferred shares and has not transferred the shares to any other party in any way.2. Party A guarantees that all legal documents and certifications provided to Party B are true, legal, and valid.3. Party A guarantees that there are no significant litigations, arbitrations, or administrative procedures that may have a material impact on the transferred shares at the time of signing this agreement.5. Effectiveness and Termination of the Agreement1. This agreement shall take effect upon the signing by both parties.2. The termination of this agreement may occur through mutual agreement, automatic termination, or in case of breach.6. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution1. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.Party A (Signature): _______________ Date: ____________ Party B (Signature): _______________ Date: ____________。



20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX股权转让协议中英文对照(2024版)本合同目录一览1. 股权转让1.1 转让方1.2 受让方1.3 股权比例1.4 股权转让价格1.5 股权转让方式1.6 股权转让程序2. 股权转让款的支付2.1 支付方式2.2 支付期限2.3 支付金额2.4 支付条件3. 股权转让前的权利和义务3.1 转让方的权利和义务3.2 受让方的权利和义务4. 股权转让后的权益处理4.1 股权变更登记4.2 股东权益的享有和承担4.3 股权转让对公司的影响5. 合同的生效、终止和解除5.1 合同生效条件 5.2 合同终止条件5.3 合同解除条件6. 争议解决6.1 争议解决方式 6.2 争议解决地点6.3 适用法律7. 保密条款7.1 保密内容7.2 保密期限7.3 违约责任8. 合同的修改和补充 8.1 修改条件8.2 补充内容9. 合同的签署和语言 9.1 签署地点和时间9.2 合同语言10. 其他条款10.1 适用法律10.2 争议解决10.3 合同的生效11. 附件11.1 股权转让证明文件11.2 公司章程11.3 其他相关文件12. 签署页13. 附录13.1 中文对照表13.2 英文对照表14. 签署日期第一部分:合同如下:第一条股权转让1.2 受让方同意购买并持有转让方持有的股权。

1.3 股权比例为____%,具体股权数量和比例以公司最新注册资本及股东名册为准。

1.4 股权转让价格为人民币____元整(大写:_________________________元整),受让方应按照本合同约定的方式支付。

1.5 股权转让方式为现金支付。

1.6.1 双方签署本合同;1.6.2 转让方将股权转让给受让方;1.6.3 受让方支付股权转让款;1.6.4 公司办理股权变更登记手续。

第二条股权转让款的支付2.1 受让方应在本合同签署后____个工作日内,将股权转让款支付给转让方。



股权转让协议中英文对照Stock Transfer Agreement股权转让协议This Stock Transfer Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Transferor's Name] (the "Transferor") and [Transferee's Name] (the "Transferee").本股权转让协议(下称“本协议”)由[转让人全名](下称“转让人”)和[受让人全名](下称“受让人”)于[日期]签署并生效。

1. Transfer of Stock 股权转让1.1 Transferor currently owns [Number of Shares] shares of the common stock (the "Stock") of [Company Name] (the "Company"). Transferor agrees to sell and transfer all of their Stock to the Transferee for the purchase price as specified in section2.1.1 转让人目前拥有[股权数目]股[公司名称](以下简称“公司”)的普通股(以下简称“股权”)。


1.2 Upon the execution of this Agreement, Transferor shall deliver the stock certificates representing the Stock to Transferee. The Transferor ensures that the Stock is free and clear of any liens, claims, or encumbrances, and that they have full authority to transfer the Stock.1.2 在签署本协议后,转让人应向受让人交付代表股权的股权证书。

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甲方:乙方:日期:Transferer: (hereinafter referred to as Party A for short)No. of Business Registration Certificate:Registered Address:Legal Representative:Attorney:Transferee: (hereinafter referred to as Party B for short)No. of Business Registration Certificate:Registered Address:Legal Representative:(hereinafter referred to as the Company for short), founded on of , has been transferred to and operated by Party A. The Company has registered capital of and total assetsof . Party A holds 100% of its stock equity, and now the Company is insolvent due to poor management. Party A is willing to transfer 100% of its stock equity in the Company together with the debts of the Company and some cash to Party B, and the following agreement is concluded for stock equity transfer,as approved by the Board of Directors of the Company and through negotiation between Party A and Party B:Article 1 Stock Equity Transfer1. The registered capital of the Company is (in words: HKD). Party A sells and transfers all its shares in the Company to PartyB, and Party B purchases and obtains the stock equity of Party A in the Company and the relevant rights and interests, in which there are no defects in equity,and the same will come into force as of the date of validity.2. Party B will hold 100% of the stock equity of the Company after the Agreement is executed, and Party B will become the sole shareholder of the Company and enjoy corresponding interests and bear duties in accordance with the new Articles of Association and regulations of the Company.3. All debts arising from the operation of the Company shall be born by Party B, and Party A shall pay RMB to Party B (in words: RMB ) otherwise as compensation fund.4. Party A shall pay 50% of the compensation fund to Party A or to the bank account number in Hong Kong designated by Party A in cash or in the form of telegraphic transfer within 1 month after the execution of the Agreement, and the rest of the compensation fund shall be transferred after transaction of the procedures for business registration.Article 2 Articles of ConfidentialityAll parties under the Agreement shall keep secret within ten years since the execution of the Agreement, and either party has no rights to disclose part or all of (including but not limited to) product, operation, instruction book,prospectus or concept, product information, expertise, design, business secret, market opportunity and commercial data related to the Company to any third parties, without written consent by the other party under the Agreement in advance, unless for the purpose for approval by competent authorities.Article 3 Expenses and Taxes1. Any of the parties under the Agreement shall bear all expenses and expenditures occurred in the stages of negotiation and preparation of the Agreement unless it is agreed otherwise in the Agreement.2. Any of the parties under the Agreement shall equally bear all expenses related to examination and approval of the Agreement in accordance with the provisions of the laws and rules of China unless it is agreed otherwise in the Agreement.3. Party A needs not to pay any taxes related to sales and transfer of stock equity under the Agreement which shall be born by Party B in accordance with the provisions of the laws and rules of China.Article 4 Others1. Party A shall aid Party B to compete the procedures for alteration of investor and stock equity after stock equity transfer.2. This Agreement shall constitute all agreements related to the subject of this Agreement between all parties, and shall replace all written or oral negotiation, communication, statement, task and agreement previously related to the subject of this Agreement between all parties.3. Any modification, alteration or addition to the Agreement shall be invalid and shall not be binding to either party unless the Agreement is jointly signed by all parties in written forms.4. In case any articles of the Agreement become invalid or inexecutable, the valid and executable articles which are legally and economically closest to theinvalid or inexecutable articles shall be implemented by all parties through negotiation based on the principle of good faith.5. In case any articles under the Agreement are invalid due to the reasons of laws or rules, and such invalid articles have no influence over the substantial performance of the Agreement, the duties of all parties under other articles of the Agreement shall not be exempted, and all parties shall not be deprived of the rights under other articles of the Agreement.6. In case that either party under this Agreement fails to perform any articles of this Agreement or exercise any rights concerned, it shall not be deemed that these articles or other articles under this Agreement or the same rights or other rights are waived.Article 5 Responsibilities for Breach of Agreement1. All parties under this Agreement shall perform their duties in the Agreement,in case any of the parties breaches the duties which shall be born by it, it shall be deemed as a breach of the Agreement.2. Should Party B fail to pay the entire compensation fund to Party A in time as provided in the Agreement, Party B shall pay the compensation fund which shall be paid and has not been paid by it and a penalty equivalent to 0.05% of the compensation fund each day from the date in which the compensation fund shall be paid to the date of actual payment.3. The responsibilities of all parties under the Agreement shall not surpass the total sum of the transfer fee as provided under Article 2.Article 6 Statement and Guaranties1. Party A states and pledges to Part B that the shares held by Party A are legal and valid, and there are no mortgage or obstacles in other forms.2. Party B states and pledges to Part A that Party B is capable of repaying the debts of the Company and the responsibilities of Party A shall not be traced in the operation of the new company.Article 7 Force MajeureEither party shall bear no responsibilities for the losses arising from delay or nonperformance of the duties under the Agreement due to the reasons which are unpredictable when the Agreement is signed or which are unavoidable or insurmountable even through reasonable approaches.Article 8 Applicable Laws and Solution of Disputes1. The validity, interpretation and execution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China which have been issued and can be learned in public.2. Any disputes related to or in the execution of this Agreement shall be settled through consultation by all parties hereto. In case no settlement to disputes can be reached through consultation, any of parties may submit such disputes to China International Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration, which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules. The arbitration award by arbitration tribunal shall be made in Chinese and in English, which is final and binding upon all parties in the disputes. The。
