21世纪大学实用英语教案 Unit 4

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授课教师:韩玉霞授课班级: 11贸易乙班授课时间:2011年9月19日-2011年12月31日

课题Unit 4 Text A Running Like the Wind

Text B Exercise: What Can It Do For You?

教学基本要求与目标1. master the basic language and skills to express personal interests and state likes and dislikes;

2. understand the main idea of Texts A, B and C, and master the useful sentence structures, words and expressions found in the relevant exercises of the first two texts;

3. know how to use the present perfect and the past perfect;

4. know how to write a business card in English;

5. understand the signal words in an English passage (2).

方法与手段 explaining

实践性环节1. let the Ss discuss in group

2. let the Ss explain some important sentences

课外要求let the Ss practice reading skills by finding signal words


I. Background Information


Running has been around as long as humans have, but it did not

become a popular activity for the masses until the 1970s. American

physician Kenneth Cooper’s book Aerobics (1968) is considered one of

the first inspirations for this growth. The book demonstrated the

considerable health gains that could be derived from regular workouts

that emphasized cardiovascular fitness. Other people credit American

Frank Shorter and his gold medal in the marathon at the 1972 Olympics

with sparking a surge of interest in running. In the years following his

2 periods

win, a number of books and periodicals devoted to running emerged.

In the years following his win, a number of books and periodicals devoted to running emerged. Today running is firmly established as both a recreational pursuit and a training tool; it is practiced by millions of people to get in shape, stay fit, and have fun.

There are many different kinds of runners, from casual joggers to regular race runners to ultra marathoners who run 100 miles at a time. Each runner should have a specific training regimen tailored to the individual’s goals and abilities.

A good schedule for a beginner is to run 20 minutes at a time, every other day. Occasionally, additional time off is needed because of illness or injury. Depending on the length of the break, it is often advisable to work back into a regular workout gradually, rather than jumping back into the normal routine immediately.

In the short term, there are techniques that can help a runner perform better. Mixing in higher speed workouts is one strategy, but this can lead to injury unless the individual builds up to them gradually. Hill and trail running builds strength, and weightlifting can also help. Massage and whirlpools can help muscles recover faster between workouts. A healthy diet is also beneficial. Some distance runners find that eating foods high in carbohydrates (such as pasta) in the days before a big race provides their bodies with more fuel.

Many runners will at some point want to enter a race, to push themselves and to perhaps see how they compare with other runners at their age and experience level. Many areas have a variety of local 5-or 10-km (3.1mi or 6.2mi) road runs.

Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is the ability of the human body to function with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to engage in leisure activities, and to meet physical stresses.

The level of physical fitness can be influenced by regular, systematic exercise. Exercises that demand total body involvement improve and maintain fitness most effectively-for example, jogging, running, swimming, vigorous dancing, cycling, and brisk walking.
