




bush n.矮树丛。

shrub n.有木茎的灌木,灌木丛。

jungle n.热带稠密的雨林或丛林。

certify, rectify, testify, verify这是一组形近易混词。

certify v.证明,声称是真的。

He certified it was his wife's handwriting.他证明那是他妻子的手迹。

rectify v.改正,纠正;整顿。

He rectified the mistake in the contract by changing its wording.他通过改变措辞纠正了合同里的错。

testify v. (在法庭上)宣誓作证;表明。

He is the only person who can testify in this case, because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously.由于其他的证人已经被神秘地杀害,他成为这件案例中唯一可以作证的人。

verify v. (用事实)证实或核实。

I verified the store's address by calling to check it.我打电话询问,以核实商店的地址。

compel, constrain, force, oblige这一组动词都有"强迫"的意思。

compel v.强迫,迫使,常表示运用权利、力量迫使对方做某事;有时也表示"别无办法,不得不做"。

His illness compelled him to stay in bed.他的病迫使他卧床休息。

constrain v.力劝,强迫,与compel意思相近,但更多强调内心情感(如道德、怜悯等)的强迫和限制作用,一般用于正式的场合。

As an artist he didn't consider himself constrained by the same rules of social conduct as other people.他认为自己是艺术家,不必象一般人那样要受到社会行为准则的约束。




1. Always:这个单词和forever一样,都是表示“永远、始终如一”的意思。

例如:I will always love you.
2. Eternal:这个单词同样表示“永恒的、永久的”。

例如:Their love is eternal.
3. Everlasting:这个单词意思也是“永恒的、永久的”。

例如:His memory will be everlasting.
4. Perpetual:这个单词表示“永恒的、不断的”。

例如:The sun is in perpetual motion.
5. Endless:这个单词意思是“无尽的、永久的”。

例如:The possibilities are endless.
6. Immortal:这个单词表示“不朽的、永生的”。

例如:His art is immortal.
7. Incessant:这个单词意思是“不断的、不间断的”。

例如:The rain was incessant.

- 1 -。




GRE红宝书词汇积累incise v.切,切割incision n.切口,切割incisive adj.一针见血的incisor n.门牙(incite v 激发,刺激inclement adj. (天气)严酷的,严厉的inclusive 包含一切的,范围广的incogitant 无思维能力的 cogit-思考incommensurate adj.不成比例的incompatible adj.不能和谐共存的incompetent adj.无能力的,不能胜任的inconceivable adj.难以想象的,不可能的incongruity n.不一致inconsequential adj.不重要的,微不足道的inconstancy 反复无常的incontestable adj.无可争辩的,明确的incorporate v.合并,并入incorrigibility 无可救药incorrigible adj.积习难改的,不可救药的incorruptible 不受腐蚀的 corruptible 腐败incredulity 怀疑increment n.增值,增加incriminate v.连累,牵连incubator n.孵卵器,早产婴儿保育箱 incubus 梦魇 concubine 小妾incubus n.恶梦,负担inculcate v.灌输,谆谆教诲inculpate 连累incumbent n.在职者,现任者 cumb-躺incur v.招惹indebted adj.感激的,感恩的indecipherable 无法破译的 cipher 密码indecisive 非决定性的indefatigable adj.不知疲倦的indelible adj.擦试不掉的,不可磨灭的indemnify v.赔偿,偿付 demn-损坏indent v.切割成锯齿状 dent-牙齿indenture n.契约,合同indeterminate 不确定的,不明确的indicate 显示indicative 暗示的 be indicative of 表明indices 指数indict v.控诉,起诉 dictator 独裁者 dictation 听写 (反)exculpate 使无罪indifferent adj.不感兴趣的,漠不关心的 (反)avid 热情的indigence 贫穷indigenous 土产的indigent adj.贫穷的,贫困的indignant adj.愤慨的,愤愤不平的 dign-高贵的indignation n.愤慨indignity 侮辱indispensability 不可缺少individual 单独的indoctrinate 教导 doctrine 教条,思想indolent adj.懒惰的,懒洋洋的indubitable adj.不容置疑的 dubit 怀疑induce v.诱导,引起 duce 引导induct v.使就职,使入伍induction n.就职,入伍仪式,归纳indulge 放纵,满足indurate 使坚硬industrious 勤劳的ineffable adj.妙不可言的,说不出的ineffectual 无效的inelasticity 无弹性GRE红宝书词汇积累interplay n.相互影响interpolate v.加入(额外的事),窜改interpose v.置于?之间,使介入interregnum n.无王时期, interrogate v.审问,审讯interrogative adj.疑问的interrupt 暂时中止,打断intersect v.横截,横断intersperse v.散布,点缀intertwine v.纠缠,缠绕intervene v.介入,干涉intimate 亲密的intimidate v.恐吓,协迫intoxicate v.使醉,陶醉intractable adj.倔强的,难管的 trac-拉intransigent adj.不妥协的,固执的intrepid adj.无畏的,刚毅的intricacy n.错综复杂intricate 复杂难懂的intrigue v.密谋,引起极大兴趣 intriguing 密谋的,迷人的introspective adj.反省的intrude v.闯入,强行引入 intruder 侵略者intuition 直觉intuitive 直觉的inundate v.淹没,泛滥联想—sedate 安定的 antedate 提前的 mandate 命令 inundate(助记)口诀:坐那约会要安定,蚂蚁约会要提前,男生约会下命令,里面否定才淹没。



testimeny证据commemorate纪念hearten使人振作implement实施multilateral多变的ongoing进行中coward懦夫hint暗示fable寓言transcend超越immune免疫的Perception认识pun 双关语incongruous不合适的trigger激发machinist机构notable显著的synergy协同作用augur预示fulfillment实现delicate较弱的first aid急救come into being 形成doctorate博士学位scale登记表aggression侵犯resemblance类似deceive欺骗flatter感到荣幸的subtle含蓄的nourish培育indulge沉迷contradiction矛盾sham虚假的witty风趣的sane正常的nominate提名bridge消除差距visualize是形象化imbue使人充满prevalence把什么灌注于see about 处理or rather 更确切的说pipe 烟斗magnify 放大disguise化妆用具see after 照看forgery赝品attendant 护理者shrewd机敏的flatten 使变平scrawl涂写lean斜靠insatiable贪得无厌的genre类型dismiss不接受intriguing迷人的cosy 温暖的santiation 公共卫生give credit for 寄予肯定toll 钟鸣rambling杂乱无章的sentimental多情的lavishly大方的immaculate清洁的gleam闪光preside指挥scrub刷洗enlightened开朗的inaccessible达不到的hospital好客的vicinity邻近的fresco壁画abruptly突然的tramp徒步行走ferry运chunk厚块embark on 开始干straggle蔓延dilapidated倒塌的Sardine沙丁鱼motionless不动的procession行列shawl披巾sheer纯粹的pesticide杀虫剂listerine杆菌profound极度的irritation烦躁的incessant连续不断的whine发出呜呜声nag唠叨不休cater for 迎合snore打鼾offender冒犯者stagger令人惊愕plead辩解newlyweds新婚夫妇gaily愉快地novice新手assemble组装outlet出路resourceful足智多谋的fuse短路rickety晃动的clog堵塞delusion错觉lawn mouwer 割草机screw 螺丝钉dismantle 拆卸insurmountable不能克服的rust 生锈lay out 布置。


中秋节吃月饼吃到 deficient,厂家请proficient 工人加班做,他们很能做就efficient ,到最后就sufficient 了
admission office:入学办公室
[考点]commit a blunder/crime:犯错误/罪
commit suicide:自杀
[扩展]MIT(Massachusettes Institute of Technology)麻省理工学院



Agri, Agroagriculture / 5AgrikQltFE/ n.农业,农艺;农学agricultural / Agri5kQltFErEl/ a. 农业的agriculturist / / n.农学家agrimotor / 5AgrimoutE/ n. 农耕用拖沓机agronomy / E5grRnEmi/ n. 农艺学,农学agronomic / AgrE5nRmik/ a. 农艺学的,农事的agrology / E5grRlEdVi/ n. 土壤学agrobiology / Agrou5baiRlEdVi/ n. 农业生物学Annanniversary / ,Ani5vE:sEri/ n.周年纪念日annual / 5AnjuEl/ a.每一年的annals / 5AnElz/ n. 纪年表,年鉴,年报annalist / 5AnElist/ n. 纪年表编者,纪年史作者annuity / E5nju:iti/ n.年金,年金享受权; 年金保险annuitant / E5nju:itEnt/ n. 领受养老金者superannuation / 5su:pE5rAnju5eiFn/ n.年老退休, 退休金perennial / pE5renjEl/ a. 终年的;连年生长的semiannual / / adj.(每) 半年的,一年两次的biannual / bai5ANju:El/ a. 一年二次的biennial / bai5eniEl/ n. 二年生植物,二年一次的事triennial / trai5enjEl/ a. 每三年一次的centennial / sen5tenjEl/ n. 百年纪念annually / 5AnjuEli/ ad.一年一次,每一年centenarian / sentE5nZEriEn/ n. 百岁或逾百岁以上的人bicentennial / baisen5tenjEl/ n. 二百年的,每二百年的millennia / / n.一千年,千年纪念Astro(Astro Boy 铁臂阿童木)astrology / E5strRlEdVi/ n.占星学,占星术astrologer / E5strRlEdVE/ n. 占星家astronomy / Es5trRnEmi/ n.天文学astronomer / Es5trRnEmE/ n.天文学家astrospace / 5Astrouspeis/ n. 宇宙空间astrobiology / Astroubai5RlEdVi/ n. 太空生物学astronaut / 5AstFEunR:t/ n. 宇航员astronautics / AstrE5nR:tiks/ n. 太空航空学astrophysics / AstrE5fiziks/ n. 天体物理学astrocompass / / n. 星象罗盘astronavigation /AstounAvE5geiFEn/ n. 太空航行astral / 5AstrEl/ a. 星的,多星的,星界的asterism / 5AstErizm/ n. 星群,三星符号asterisk / 5AstErisk/ n.星号asteroid / 5AstErRid/ a.星状的;[天]小行星disaster / di5za:stE/ n. 灾难,大不幸Audaudience / 5R:djEns/ n.听众,观众,读者auditorium / R:di5tR:riEm/ n.会堂audible / 5R:dibl/ a. 听得见的audibility / R:di5biliti/ n. 可听到,能听度inaudible / in5R:dEbl/ a. 听不见的,不可闻的audit / 5R:dit/ v.审计auditor / 5RditE/ n.审计员; 查帐员auditory / 5R:ditB:i/ adj.听觉的audiphone / / n. 助听器audition / R:5diFEn/ n.(演员等)试唱audiometer / / n. 听力表,测听计,音响测定器audiometry / / n. 测听术audiology / R:di5RlEdVi/ n. 听觉学audio / 5R:diou/ a. 成音频率的,声音的audiovisuals / 5R:diou5viVuElz/ n. pl. 视听教具Belrebel / 5rebEl, ri5bel/ v.起义,反叛rebellion / ri5beljEn/ n.兵变,起义rebellious / ri5beljEs/ adj. 招架的,难控制的bellicose / 5belikEus/ adj. 好战的,好斗的bellicosity / 5beli5kRsEti/ n.好战; 好斗bellicism / be5lisizEm/ n. 好战性; 斗争性belligerent / bi5lidVErEnt/ adj.(国家等)交战的,挑斗的belligerency / bE5lidVErEnsi/ n. 交战状态Biobiology / bai5RlEdVi/ n.生物学;生态学biologist / bai5RlEdVist/ n.生物学家biography / bai5RgrEfi/ n.传记biographer / bai5RgrEfE/ n. 传记作者autobiography / R:tEbai5RgrEfi/ n.自传biotic / bai5Rtik/ adj.关于生命的antibiotic / Antibai5Rtik/ n. 抗生素,adj. 抗菌的amphibian / Am5fibiEn/ a. 两栖类的,水陆两用的amphibious / Am5fibiEs/ a. 水陆两栖,两用的microbiology / maikroubai5RlEdVi/ n. 微生物学biosphere / the ~/ n. 生命层,生物圈biocide / 5baiEsaid/ n.生物杀灭剂biochemistry / baiEu5kZmistri/ n. 生物化学biophysics / baiou5fiziks/ n. 生物物理学bioelectricity / 5baiouilek5trisiti/ n. 生物电流biographical / baiE5grAfikl/ a. 传记(体)的biofeedback / 5baiou5fi:dbAk/ n.生物反馈biome / 5baioum/ n. 生物群系biopsy / bai5Rpsi/ n. 活组织检查Brevabbreviate / E5bri:vieit/ vt. 缩写,使...简略,缩短abbreviation / Ebri:vi5eiFEn/ n.缩短,省略,简称abbreviator / E5bri:vieitE/ n. 缩写者brevity / 5breviti/ n.简短,简练brief / bri:f/ a.简短的;短暂的briefness / 5bri:fnis/ n.简单,短促breve / bri:v/ n.短音符号breviary / 5bri:vieri/ n. 每日祈祷书,摘要Cedprecedent / 5presidEnt/ adj.在先的,在前的n.先例precedented / 5presidentid/ adj. 有先例的unprecedented / Qn5presidEntid/ a. 空前的precede / pri(:)5si:d/ v. 在…之前,早于preceding / pri(:)5si:diN/ a.在前的;在先的exceed / ik5si:d/ vt.超过excess / ik5ses, 5ekses/ n.过量;超过excessive / ik5sesiv/ a.过度的proceed / prE5si:d/ vi.进行;继续进行procession / prE5seFEn/ n.行列,仪仗antecedent / AntE5si:dnt/ n. 前情,先行词antecede / 5Anti5si:d/ vt. 在...之前; 居...之先successor / sEk5sesE/ n.继承人,继任者succession / sEk5seFEn/ n.继承(权),后裔successive / sEk5sesiv/ a.持续的;接连的recession / ri5seFEn/ n.衰退时期,萧条时期recede / ri5si:d/ v. 后退,收回(诺言)retrocede / 5retrou5si:d/ vt. 归还; 交还<占领的领土> retrocession / retrou5seFEn/ n. 交还,后退intercede / intE5si:d/ v. 说好话,代求情intercession / intE5seFEn/ n. 仲裁,调解,说项intercessor / intE5sesE/ n. 仲裁者,调解人cede / si:d/ v.割让(土地,权利)cession / 5seFEn/ n.割让,转让cessation / se5seiFEn/ n. 中止,(短暂的)停止precedence / pri5si:dns/ n.领先,优先权predecessor / 5pri:disesE/ n.先辈,前任者procedure / prE5si:dVE/ n. 程序, 进程,手续proceeding / prE5si:diN/ n.程序,行动,事项process / 5prEuses/ n. 进程recess / ri5ses/ n. 休假,休息accede / Ak5si:d/ v.同意access / 5Akses/ n.通路,途径accessory / Ak5sesEri/ 附件accessible / Ak5sesEbl/ 可存取accession / Ak5seFEn/ n. 抵达,即位,增加,同意exceedingly / ik5si:diNli/ adv.过份地excessively / ik5sesivli/ ad.过度,极端地concede / kEn5si:d/ v. 承认(为正确),妥协concession / kEn5seFEn/ n.妥协,迁就secession / si5seFEn/ n.离开、退出succeed / sEk5si:d/ vt.继…以后vi.成功success / sEk5ses/ n.成功,成绩,胜利successful / sEk5sesful/ adj.成功的successfully / sEk5sesfuli/ ad.成功地incessant / in5sesnt/ adj. 无中断的,持续的abscess / 5Absis/ n. 脓疮,溃疡Ceptexcept / ik5sept/ prep.除...之外,除非exception / ik5sepFEn/ n.除外,例外exceptional / ik5sepFEnl/ a.例外的;优越的exceptive / ik5septiv/ a. 例外的,特殊的accept / Ek5sept/ v.接受acceptable / Ek5septEbl/ a.可接受的,合意的intercept / intE5sept/ v. 半途拦截,截取interception / 5intE5sepFn/ n.半途夺取,拦截incept / in5sept/ vt. 起始,摄取,接收deception / di5sepFEn/ n.欺骗deceptive / di5sZptiv/ a. 迷惑的,虚假的,讹诈的acceptance / Ek5septEns/ n.接受,验收;承认precept / 5pri:sept/ n. 箴言,格言preceptor / pri5septE/ n. 教师,训诫者susceptible / sE5septEbl/ adj.易受影响的,多情的contraception / kRntrE5sepFEn/ n. 避孕,避孕法contraceptive / kRntrE5septiv/ a. 避孕的deceit / di5si:t/ n.欺骗,讹诈deceive / di5si:v/ vt.欺骗,蒙蔽,行骗concept / 5kRnsept/ n.概念,观念,假想conception / kEn5sepFEn/ n.概念,观念,想法conceptual / kEn5septFuEl/ a. 概念上的conceit / kEn5si:t/ n.自大,自高自大conceive / kEn5si:v/ vt.假想,以为;怀孕inconceivable / inkEn5si:vEbl/ a.难以想象的receipt / ri5si:t/ n.收到receive / ri5si:v/ vt.收到,接到receiver / ri5si:vE/ n.受领人,听筒reception / ri5sepFEn/ n.接待,欢迎receptive / ri5septiv/ adj. 擅长接受的perceive / pE5si:v/ v. 发觉,觉察perception / pE5sepFEn/ n.感觉;概念;理解力perceptive / pE5septiv/ adj.感觉灵敏的imperceptible / impE5septEbl/ adj. 觉察不到的recipe / 5resipi/ n.烹饪法;处方;菜谱recipient / ri5sipiEnt/ n.收件人emancipate / i5mAnsipeit/ v. 解放,解除anticipate / An5tisipeit/ v. 预期,期待incipient / in5sipiEnt/ adj.初期的,刚出现的participate / pa:5tisipeit/ v.参加,分享participant / pa:5tisipEnt/ n.参加者a.有份的occupy / 5RkjupEai/ vi.占领,占据occupation / Rkju5peiFEnl/ n.职业,工作preoccupation / pri:Rkju5peiFEn/ n.先入之见preoccupy / pri5Rkjupai/ vt. 先占领,先取,迷住recuperate / ri5kju:pEreit/ v. 恢复(健康),恢复recuperation / rikju:pE5reiFEn/ n. 恢复cupidity / kju:5piditi/ n.贪婪,贪婪,贪欲Cidesuicide / 5sjuisaid/ n.vi.vt.自杀homicide / 5hRmisaid/ n.凶杀patricide / 5pAtrisaid/ n. 弑父matricide / 5meitrisaid/ n. 弑母insecticide / in5sektisaid/ n. 杀虫剂parasiticide / pArE5sitisaid/ n. 驱虫剂bactericide / bAk5tirEsaid/ n. 杀菌剂decide / di5said/ v.决定,裁决decided / di5saidid/ a. 肯定的,坚决的decidedly / di5saididli/ ad.明确地,坚决地decidable / di5saidEbl/ a. 可决定的undecided / Qndi5saidid/ a. 未定的decision / di5siVEn/ n.决定indecision / indi5siVEn/ n. 优柔寡断decisive / di5saisiv/ a.决定性的;果断的indecisive / indi5saisiv/ a. 非决定性的,优柔寡断的,不明确的excide / ik5said/ vt. 切开excision / ek5siVEn/ n. 切除,割除concise / kEn5sais/ adj. 简练的precise / pri5sais/ a.精准的,准确的precision / pri5siVEn/ n.精准,精密,精密度incise / in5saiz/ v. 切,切割incision / in5siVEn/ n. 切口,切割incisive / in5saisiv/ adj. 一针见血的incisor / in5saizE/ n. 门牙circumcise / 5sE:kEmsaiz/ vt. 对<某人>行割礼precis / 5preisi:/ n. 摘要,大纲precisely / pri5saisli/ adv.精准地excise / ek5saiz/ v. 切除,删去Caddeciduous / di5sidjuEs/ adj.脱落的,落叶的decadence / di5kedns/ n. 衰落,颓废decadent / 5dekEdEnt/ adj.颓废的,衰退的cascade / kAs5keid/ n. 小瀑布Cascase / keis/ n.情况;事实;病例casual / 5kAVjuEl/ adj. 偶然的,n. 临时工casualty / 5kAVjuElti/ n.伤亡人员occasion / E5keiVEn/ n.场合,盛事,机缘occasional / E5keiVEnEl/ a.偶然的;临时的occasionally / E5keiVEnEli/ ad.偶然;超级常地occidental / Rksi5dentl/ n.adj.西方(的)accident / 5AksidEnt/ n.意外的;事故accidental / Aksi5dentl/ adj. 意外的,偶然的incident / 5insidEnt/ n.小事件;插曲;事变incidentally / insi5dentEli/ ad.顺便说一下incidence / 5insidEns/ n.发生,影响;入射coincide / kEuin5said/ v. 巧合,一致coincidence / kEuin5sidEns/ n. 巧合(之事)coincident / kou5insidEnt/ adj. 一致的,符合的,暗合的coincidental / kouinsi5dentl/ a. 一致的,符合的,暗合的Circcircus / 5sE:kEs/ n.马戏;马戏团circle / 5sE:kl/ n.圆;圈;环encircle / in5sE:kl/ vt. 围绕semicircle / 5semisE:kl/ n.半圆,半圆形体circular / 5sE:kjulE/ a.圆的;循环的circulate / 5sE:kjuleit/ vt.使循环vi.循环circulation / sE:kju5leiFEn/ n.循环;(货币等)流通circulative / 5sE:kjuleitiv/ a. 循环性的,增进循环的,具有流通性的circulatory / 5sE:kjulEtEri/ a. 循环的circlet / 5sE:klit/ n. 小圈,小的环,饰环circuit / 5sE:kit/ n.电路,回路circuitous / sE5kju:itEs/ adj. 迂回的,绕圈子的circuity / sE:5kju:iti/ n. 迂曲,迂回,迂阔encirclement / in5sE:klmEnt/ n. 围绕,围绕,包围circumference / sE5kQmfErEns/ n.圆周,周长,圆周线circumstance / 5sE:kEmstEns/ n.情况,条件;境遇circumlocution / sE:kEmlou5kju:FEn/ n. 迂回累赘的陈述circumscribe / sE:kEm5skraib/ v. 限制circumspect / 5sE:kEmspekt/ adj.慎重的,仔细的circumvent / sE:kEm5vent/ v. 智胜,回避,绕行cycle / 5saikl/ vi.骑自行车,循环cyclical / / adj.循环的,周期性的unicycle / 5ju:nisaikl/ n. 单轮脚踏车cyclone / 5saiklEun/ n. 旋风,飓风bicycle / 5baisikl/ n.自行车bicyclist / 5baisiklist/ n. 骑脚踏车者tricycle / 5traisikl/ n.三轮车encyclopedia / ensaiklEu5pi:djE/ n. 百科全书encyclopedic / / adj. 广博的,知识渊博的cycloid / 5saiklRid/ n. 摆线,轮转线cyclometer / sai5klRmEtE/ n. 记转器计程器,圆弧测定器tetracycline / tetrE5saiklin/ n. 抗生素的一种cyclorama / saiklE5rRmE/ n. 圆形幻画,大风光画幕autocycle / 5R:tEsaikl/ n. 摩托车recycle / 5ri:5saikl/ vt.(使)再循环cyclotron / 5saiklEtrRn/ n.回旋加速器Claimexclaim / iks5kleim/ vi.呼喊;惊叫exclamation / eksklE5meiFEn/ n.呼喊,惊叫;感叹exclamatory / ik5sklAmEtEri/ a. 感叹的,惊叹的proclaim / prE5kleim/ vt. 声明,宣告;表明proclamation / prRklE5meiFEn/ n. 宣言,发布,文告proclamatory / prou5klAmEtEri/ adj. 文告的; 文告式的acclaim / E5kleim/ v. 欢呼,称赞acclamation / AklE5meiFEn/ n. 欢呼acclamatory / E5klAmEtEri/ a. 欢呼的,喝彩的clamour / 5klAmE/ n. 吵闹、喧哗clamorous / 5klAmErEs/ adj. 吵闹的,喧哗的clamant / 5kleimEnt/ a.吵闹的,嚷叫着主张,紧急的declaim / di5kleim/ v. 高谈阔论,雄辩,高声说declamation / deklE5meiFEn/ n. 高声说话,高调declamatory / di5klAmEtEri/ a. 演说语气的,雄辩家式的,朗诵式的claim / kleim/ n.(据权利提出的)要求clamor / 5klAmE/ n. 喧闹,叫嚷,高声的要求reclaim / ri5kleim/ v. 纠正,开垦(土地)reclamation / reklE5meiFEn/ n. 矫正,驯养,教化disclaim / dis5klem/ v. 放弃权利,拒绝承认Claredeclare / di5klZE/ vt.断言;声明;表明declarer / di5klZErE/ n. 宣言者,申报者declaration / deklE5reiFEn/ n.宣布,宣言;申述declarative / di5klArEtiv/ adj.说明的,陈述的clarify / 5klArifai/ vt.澄清,阐明clarification / klArEfE5keiFEn/ n.解释,澄清clarity / 5klAriti/ n. 清楚claret / 5klArEt/ n. 红葡萄酒,深紫红色clarion / 5klAriEn/ n. 尖音号角clear / kliE/ adj.清楚的,明确的clearly / 5kliEli/ adv.明白地;清楚地Cludeexclude / iks5klu:d/ v.排除exclusive / iks5klu:siv/ adj. (人)孤僻的,(物)专用的exclusion / iks5klu:VEn/ n. 拒绝,排斥exclusionism / iks5klu:VEnizEm/ n.排他主义; 排外主义; 闭关主义include / in5klu:d/ vt.包括,包括inclusion / in5kluVEn/ n.包括inclusive / in5klu:siv/ a.包围住的;包括的conclude / kEn5klu:d/ vt.&vi.推断出,判定conclusion / kEn5klu:VEn/ n.结论,推论;结尾conclusive / kEn5klu:siv/ a. 决定性的,确实的,最后的seclude / si5klu:d/ vt. 使隔间seclusion / si5kluVEn/ n.隐遁,隔离seclusive / si5klu:siv/ adj.好隐居的recluse / ri5klu:s/ n.隐士reclusive / ri5klu:siv/ a. 隐遁的,隐居的occlude / E5klu:d/ vt.堵塞,封锁occlusion / E5klu:VEn/ n. 闭塞,吸收,吸藏occlusive / E5klu:siv/ a. 闭塞的,咬合的preclude / pri5klu:d/ v. 避免,排除preclusion / pri5klu:Vn/ n.排除,除去,防碍,阻止preclusive / pri5klu:siv/ adj. 排除的; 除外的; 阻止的; 预防的;close / klEuz, klEus/ vt.关闭closely / 5klEusli/ ad.紧密地,接近地closet / 5klRzit/ n.壁橱;小房间closure / klouVE/ n. 关闭,中址disclose / dis5klEuz/ vt.揭开;揭发;揭露disclosure / dis5klouVE/ n. 觉察,败露,败露的事情enclose / in5klEuz/ v.围住,圈起,封入enclosure / in5klEuVE/ n.围绕;围场,围栏exclusively / iks5klu:sivli/ adv.独占地Cog(Know)cognition / kRg5niFEn/ n. 熟悉,熟悉力,知觉cognitive / 5kRgnitiv/ a.熟悉的cognize / 5kougnaiz/ vt. 认知,熟悉cognizable / 5kRgnizEbl/ adj.可认知的incognizable / in5kRgnizEbl/ adj. 难觉察的; 难认知的;难识别的cognizance / 5kagnEzEns/ n. 熟悉,认定,审理cognizant / 5kRnizEnt/ a. 已熟悉,既知道,知道incognizant / in5kRgniznt/ a. 不熟悉,无心识的,不知觉的recognize / 5rekEgnaiz/ v.识别recognizable / 5rekEgnaizEbl/ a. 可熟悉的,可承认的,可辨别的recognition / rekEg5niFEn/ n. 承认;认可precognition / pri:kRg5niFEn/ n.预感,早知Carcar / ka:/ n.汽车,小汽车cargo / 5ka:gEu/ n.船货,货物carriage / 5kAridV/ n.客车箱;四轮马车carry / 5kAri/ vt.携带;运载;传送carrier / 5kAriE/ n.运输工具;运载工具cart / ka:t/ n.二轮运货马车discharge / dis5tFa:dV/ vt.释放;排出n.释放surcharge / 5sE:tFB:dV/ n.超载,追加罚款,额外费overcharge / 5ouvE5tFB:dV/ v.,n.多收(的)钱undercharge / QndE5tFB:dV/ vt.索要低价,不装足够的火药Cordcordially / 5kR:djEli/ adv.亲切地cordiality / kR:di5Aliti/ n. 诚实,郑重,恳挚record / 5rekR:d, ri5kR:d/ n. v.记录,记载;履历recorder / ri5kR:dE/ n.录音机recordable / ri5kR:dEbl/ adj. 可记录的; 可录音的recordation / 5rekE5deiFEn/ n.记载; 记录recording / ri5kR:diN/ a. 记录的,记录用的recordist / / n. 录音员concord / 5kRNkR:d/ n.和睦,公约concordance / kEn5kR:dEns/ n. 调和,一致,用语索引concordant / kEn5kR:dEnt/ adj.和谐的,一致的discord / 5diskR:d/ n. 不调和,不和discordance / dis5kR:dEns/ n. 不调和,不和discordant / dis5kR:dEnt/ adj. 不一致的,不调和的accord / E5kR:d/ v.同意,依充(to)accordance / E5kR:dEns/ n.依照,与...一致accordant / E5kR:dEnt/ a. 一致的,符合的,调和的according / E5kR:diN/ ad. 按照accordingly / E5kR:diNli/ ad.因此,因此cordate / 5kR:deit/ a. 心脏形的core / kR:/ n.果实的心,核心cordial / 5kR:djEl/ a.真诚的,诚恳的cardiac / 5ka:diAk/ a.心脏的; 强心剂;患心脏病的人cardinal / 5ka:dinl/ adj.主要的courage / 5kQridV/ n.勇气,胆子,胆识courageous / kE5reidVEs/ a.勇敢的,无畏的discourage / dis5kQridV/ vt.使泄气discouragement / dis5kQrridVmEnt/ n.失望; 气馁encourage / in5kQridV/ vt.鼓励,支持,助长encouragement / in5kQridVmEnt/ n.鼓励,奖励,鼓动encouraging / in5kQridViN/ a. 奖励的,可奖励的Corpcarcass / 5ka:kEs/ n. 尸身carrion / 5kAriEn/ n. 腐肉caricature / kArikE5tjuE/ n. 讽刺画,滑稽仿照carnage / 5ka:nidV/ n. 大屠戮,残杀carnal / 5karnEl/ a. 肉体的,肉欲的carnivore / 5ka:nivR:/ n.食肉动物carnivorous / kB:5nivErEs/ a. 食肉的incarnate / in5kB:neit/ adj. 具有肉体的,化身的reincarnation / ri:inkB:5neiFEn/ n.化身,转世的生命corporation / kR:pE5reiFEn/ n.公司corporator / 5kR:pEreitE/ n. 法人集体的一员,市自治体的一分子corporate / 5kR:pErit/ adj. 集体的,一路的incorporate / in5kR:pEreit/ v. 归并,并入incorporation / inkR:pE5reiFEn/ n. 结合,编入,集体组织incorporator / in5kR:pEreitE/ n. 归并者,法人创建者corporal / 5kR:pErEl/ adj. 肉体的,身体的corporeal / kR:5pR:riEl/ a. 肉体的,有形的,物质的incorporeal / inkR:5pR:riEl/ adj. 无形体的,非物质的corporeality / kR:pR:ri5Aliti/ n. 有形的,具体性,肉体的存在corps / kR:/ n. 队;团;特殊军种corpse / kR:ps/ n. 尸身corpulent / 5kE:pjulEnt/ adj. 肥胖的Credcredible / 5kredEbl/ a.可信的credibility / kredi5biliti/ n. 可信用,确实性,靠得住incredible / in5kredEbl/ a.难以置信的,惊人的incredibility / inkredi5biliti/ n. 不能相信credulous / 5kredjulEs/ adj. 轻信的,易信的incredulous / in5kredjulEs/ a. 怀疑的,不轻信的credit / 5kredit/ n.信用贷款;信用creditable / 5kreditEbl/ adj. 值得称赞的,可信的discredit / dis5kredit/ v. 怀疑,n. 丧失名誉credence / 5kri:dEns/ n.信赖,相信credential / kri5denFEl/ n. 国书,凭据,印信credo / 5kri:dou/ n. 信条credulity / kri5dju:liti/ n.轻信,易信creed / kri:d/ n. 信条,教义incredibly / in5kredEbli/ ad. 不能相信地accredit / E5kredit/ vt. 信赖,授权,归于,委任accreditation / EkrediteiFEn/ n. 委派,信赖Cruxcrucial / 5kru:FiEl/ a.决定性的,紧要关头的;严酷的极困难的crusade / kru:5seid/ n. 为保护理想,原则而进行的运动或斗争crusader / kru:5seidE/ n. 十字军战士,改革者cruise / kru:z/ v.巡游,巡航cruiser / 5kru:zE/ n. 巡洋舰,巡航飞机,警察巡逻车crucifix / 5kru:sifiks/ n. 十字架crucifixion / 5kru:si5fikFn/ n. 钉死于十字架上crucify / 5kru:sifai/ vt. 十字架上钉死cruciform / 5kru:sifR:m/ a. 十字形的excruciate / iks5kru:Fieit/ vt.使受酷刑,折磨;使苦恼excruciation / iks5kru:Fi5eiFEn/ n. 酷刑; 拷问Cursecurity / si5kjuEriti/ n.安全,安全感secure / si5kjuE/ a.安心的;安全的insecure / insi5kjuE/ a. 不安全的,不牢靠的,不牢固的, curious / 5kjuEriEs/ adj.稀奇的,奇妙的curiosity / kjuEri5Rsiti/ n. 好奇心curio / 5kjuEriou/ n. 古玩,古玩incurious / in5kjuriEs/ a. 无好奇心的,无关心的,普通无趣的incuriosity / inkjuri5Rsiti/ n. 无好奇心,无关心occur / E5kE:/ vi.发生;出现,存在occurrence / E5kQrEns/ n.事件,发生concur / kEn5kE:/ vi. 意见相同,一致,合作concurrent / kEn5kQrEnt/ adj.同时的recur / ri5kE:/ vi. 复发,回到,重现,循环,依赖,recurrent / ri5kQrEnt/ a. 再发生的,按期重复的,循环的incur / in5kE:/ v. 招惹excursion / iks5kE:FEn/ n.短途旅游precursor / pri5kE:sE/ n. 前驱,预兆discursive / di5skE:siv/ adj. 散漫的,无层次的accuracy / 5AkjurEsi/ n.精准,准确accurate / 5Akjurit/ a.准确的;正确的inaccurate / in5Akjurit/ a.不精密的,不准确的accurately / 5Akjuritli/ 准确地curate / 5kjurit/ n. 副牧师,助理牧师curator / 5kjuE5reitE/ n.(博物馆等)馆长current / 5kQrEnt/ a.当前的;通用的currently / 5kQrEntli/ ad. 此刻currency / 5kQrEnsi/ n.通货;通用;市价cure / kjuE/ vt.医治;消除n.治愈curable / 5kjurEbl/ a. 可医治的,医得好的incurable / in5kjuErEbl/ adj.无可救药的curative / 5kjuErEtiv/ a.治病的cursor / 5kE:sE/ 光标cursory / 5kE:sEri/ adj.粗略的,轻率的cursorily / 5kE:sErili/ ad. 粗糙地,马虎地,疏忽地course / kR:s/ n.课程;进程;一道菜courier / 5kuriE/ n.送急件的人,信使concourse / 5kRnkR:s/ n. 集合,合流,群众intercourse / 5intE(:)kR:s/ n.交际,往来,交流discourse / dis5kR:s/ n.发言,演说,讲道Dictcontradict / kRntrE5dikt/ vt.反驳,否定contradiction / kRntrE5dikFEn/ n.矛盾,不一致;否定contradictory / kRntrE5diktEri/ a. 反驳的,反对的,抗辩的dictate / dik5teit/ v.口传,命令dictation / dik5teiFEn/ n.口传笔录,听写dictator / dik5teitE/ n.专制者dictatorial / diktE5tR:riEl/ a. 专制者的,专制的,独断的dictatorship / dik5teitEFip/ n.专制政治predict / pri5dikt/ vt.预言prediction / pri5dikFEn/ n.预言,预报;预报predictable / pri5diktEbl/ adj. 可预知的,平庸的malediction / mAlE5dikFEn/ n.诅咒maledictory / mAli5diktEri/ a. 诅咒的,坏话的benediction / beni5dikFEn/ n.祝愿,祈祷benedictory / benE5diktEri/ a. 祝愿的,感激的indicate / 5indikeit/ vt.表明indication / indi5keiFEn/ n.指示;表示;表明indicator / 5indikeitE/ n. 指示者,指示物indicative / in5dikEtiv/ a.指示的;陈述的dictionary / 5dikFEnEri/ n.词典,字典diction / 5dikFEn/ n. 措辞;用语dictum / 5diktEm/ n. 格言、声明edict / 5i:dikt/ n. 法令、命令dictaphone / 5diktEfoun/ n. 口述录音机indict / in5dait/ v. 控诉,起诉indictment / in5daitmEnt/ n. 起诉,控诉,起诉状interdict / intE5dikt/ v. 禁止,切断(补给线)predicate / 5predikit/ v.论断,断言addict / E5dikt/ vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾addiction / E5dikFEn/ n. 沈溺,上瘾dedicate / 5dedikeit/ vt. 献出,贡献abdicate / Abdi5keit/ v. 让位,辞职,放弃tradition / trE5diFEn/ n.传统,老例traditional / trE5diFEnl/ a.传统的,老例的traditionalism / trE5diFEnlizm/ n. 传统主义,墨守传统,圣传主义editorial / edi5tR:riEl/ n.社论,期刊的社论editorship / / n.编辑[主编] 的地位[职位]subeditor / sQb5editE/ n. 副编辑,副主编extradite / 5ekstrEdait/ v.引渡回国,拿获归案extradition / ekstrE5diFEn/ n. 引渡逃犯,将亡命者送还本国extraditable / 5ekstrEdaitEbl/ a. 该引渡的,可引渡的condition / kEn5diFEn/ n.条件,情况,状态conditional / kEn5diFEnl/ 条件的recondite / 5rekEndait/ adj. 深奥的,难解的Dondonate / dEu5neit/ v.捐献donation / dou5neiFEn/ n. 捐赠pardon / 5pa:dn/ n.,vt.原谅condone / kEn5dEun/ vt. 赦,宽恕condonation / 5kRndou5neiFn/ n.宽恕,赦免,原谅donator / 5douneitE/ n. 捐赠人donor / 5dEunE/ n.捐献者donee / dou5ni:/ n. 受赠者endow / in5dau/ vt.资助;给予,授予endowment / in5daumEnt/ n.捐赠,捐钱(基金);才能,天资Duceeducate / 5edju(:)keit/ vt.教育;培育;训练education / edju:5keiFEn/ n.教育;训导;教育学introduce / 5intrE5dju:s/ vt.提出(议案等) introduction / intrE5dQkFEn/ n.引言introductory / intrE5dQktEri/ a. 介绍的,引导的,开端的conduct / 5kRndEkt, kEn5dQkt/ vt.引导conductor / kEn5dQktE/ n.(乐队)指挥,售票员misconduct / 5miskEn5dQkt/ vt. 办错,使行为不端produce / prE5dju:s, 5prRdju:s/ vt.生产;产生;展现product / 5prRdEkt/ n.产品,产物;(乘)积production / prE5dQkFEn/ n.生产,制造productive / prE5dQktiv/ adj.能生产的,多产的reproduce / ri:prE5dju:s/ vt.&vi.繁衍,生殖abduct / Ab5dQkt/ v. 绑架,拐走abduction / Ab5dQkFEn/ n. 诱拐abductor / Ab5dQktE/ n. 诱拐者seduce / si5dju:s/ v. 勾引、诱惑seducer / si5dju:sE/ n. 诱惑者,骗子,玩弄女性的人aqueduct / 5AkwidQkt/ n. 高架渠,渡槽viaduct / 5vaiEdQkt/ n. 高架桥ventiduct / 5ventidQkt/ n. 通风管reduce / ri5dju:s/ v.减少,贬为reduction / ri5dQkFEn/ n.减少,减小,缩减ductile / 5dQktl/ adj.易拉长的,易变形的,可塑的adduce / E5dju:s/ v. 给予(理由),举出conduce / kEn5dju:s/ v. 引发,有助于conducive / kEn5dju:siv/ adj. 有助于…的conduction / kEn5dQkFEn/ n.传导,传热conductivity / kRndQk5tiviti/ n. 导电率,传导率,传导度semiconductor / semikEn5dQktE/ n.半导体deduce / di5dju:s/ v.演绎,推断deducible / di5dju:sEbl/ a. 可推论的deduct / di5dQkt/ v.扣除,减去;演绎deduction / di5dQkFEn/ n.推断,减少educational / edju5keiFEnl/ a. 教育的,教育性的educe / i5djus/ vt. 引出,唤起,使显出induce / in5dju:s/ vt.劝诱;引发;感应induction / in5dQkFEn/ n.就职,入伍仪式,归纳producer / prE5dju:sE/ n.生产者;舞台监督productivity / prEdQk5tiviti/ n.生产力,生产率reproduction / ri:prE5dQkFEn/ n.生殖,复制byproduct / / n. 副产品seductive / si5dQktiv/ adj. 诱人的、有魅力的traduce / trE5djus/ v.中伤,诽谤conduit / 5kRndit/ n. 导管,水管,沟渠Ediedible / 5edibl/ a. 可以吃的edibility / edE5biliti/ n. 适食性,可食性inedibility / inedi5biliti/ n. 不适于食用edacious / i5 deiFEs/ a. 贪吃的,狼吞虎咽的edacity / i5 dAsiti/ n. 贪吃,狼吞虎咽Faceface / feis/ n.脸facade / fE5sB:d/ n. 建筑物的正面,外表facet / 5fAsit/ n. 面;方面deface / di5fes/ vt. 损伤外观efface / i5feis/ v. 擦掉,抹去interface / 5intE(:)feis/ n.分界面preface / 5prefis/ n. 序言,开端surface / 5sE:fis/ n.地面,表面;外表superficial / sju:pE5fiFEl/ a.表面的;肤浅的Factfactory / 5fAktEri/ n.工厂,制造厂manufacture / mAnju5fAktFE/ v.n.制造manufacturer / mAnju5fAktFErE/ n.制造商benefactor / 5benifAktE/ n.行善者,捐助者benefaction / beni5fAkFEn/ n. 善行,恩惠,施舍malefactor / 5mAlifAktE/ n. 罪人,犯人,坏人malefaction / mAli5fAkFEn/ n. 罪行,罪恶factitious / fAk5tiFEs/ adj.人为的,不真实的fact / fAkt/ n.事实;实际factual / 5fAktFuEl/ a. 事实的,实际的facture / 5fAktFE/ n. 制作,制作法faculty / 5fAkElti/ n.才能,能力;系,科faction / 5fAkFEn/ n.派别,宗派,小集团factor / 5fAktE/ n.因素;因子artifact / 5B:tifAkt/ n.手工艺器;文物facsimile / fAk5simili/ n.复制本,摹本facile / 5fAsail/ adj. 容易做的,肤浅的facility / fE5siliti/ n.设备;容易;便利facilitate / fE5siliteit/ v.使容易,帮忙fabric / 5fAbrik/ n.织物,构造fabricate / 5fAbrikeit/ v. 捏造,制造fabrication / fAbri5keiFEn/ n.制作,虚构prefab / 5pri:5fAb/ a. 预制的Ferconfer / kEn5fE:/ vt. 授予conference / 5kRnfErEns/ n.会议differ / 5difE/ vi.不同,相异difference / 5difrEns/ n.不同;差;不合different / 5difrEnt/ adj. 不同的differential / difE5renFEl/ a. 不同的,特定的,微分的differentiate / difE5renFieit/ v.区别,分辨differentiation / difErenFi5eiFEn/ n. 区别,分化,变异offer / 5RfE/ vt.提供;提出n.提供offering / 5RfEriN/ n.报盘,提供的货物prefer / pri5fE:/ v.较喜欢,宁愿preferable / 5prefErEbl/ a.更可取的,更好的preference / 5prefErEns/ n.偏爱(之物) preferential / prefE5renFEl/ adj.优惠的transfer / trAns5fE:/ vt.转移;调动vi.转移transference / trAns5fE:rEns/ n. 迁移,移动,转送floriferous / flR:5rifErEs/ a. 有花的,开花的,多花的aquiferous / E5kwifErEs/ adj. 含水的; 导水的indifference / in5difErEns/ n.冷淡,不关心indifferent / in5difrEnt/ a.冷漠的;不踊跃的differently / 5difrEntli/ adv.不同地,有不同地offertory / 5RfEtEri/ n. 奉献仪式,捐钱proffer / 5prRfE/ v. 献出,赠送,n. 提议,建议refer / ri5fE:/ vt.把...提交vi.提出reference / 5refErEns/ n.引用referee / refE5ri:/ n.裁判员defer / di5fE:/ v.拖延deference / 5dZfErEs/ n. 敬意,尊重deferential / defE5renFEl/ a. 恭顺的infer / in5fE:/ v.推断inference / 5infErEns/ n.推断,推论的结果circumference / sE5kQmfErEns/ n.圆周,周长,圆周线ferment / 5fE:ment/ v.n.使发酵,骚动fermentation / fE:men5teiFEn/ n. 发酵fervent / 5fE:vEnt/ adj.强烈的,热烈的fervid / 5fE:vid/ a. 热的,热心的fervor / 5fE:vE/ n. 热诚,热心effervesce / ZfE5vZs/ v.冒泡,热情洋溢effervescent / efE5vesnt/ a. 冒泡的,兴奋的,沸腾的florist / 5flR:rist/ n. 花商,种花者floral / 5flR:rEl/ a. 花似的,花的,植物的florid / 5flRrid/ adj. 富丽的,(脸)红润的floridity / flR5riditi/ n.鲜红,红润floriculture / 5flR:rikQltFE/ n. 种花,栽培花卉defloration / di:flR:5reiFEn/ n. 摘花,夺美,糟蹋处女uniflorous / ju:ni5flR:rEs/ a. 开单花的,有单花的floret / 5flR:rit/ n. 小花,小筒花floriferous / flR:5rifErEs/ a. 有花的,开花的,多花的effloresce / 5ZflEu5rZs/ vi. 开花,风化efflorescence / eflR:5resns/ n. 开花,风化flourish / 5flQriF/ vi.繁荣,茂盛,兴旺flourishing / 5flE:iFiN/ a. 繁茂的,隆盛的,繁荣的reflourish / ri:5flQriF/ vi. 复活; 复盛; 再开花flora / 5flR:rE/ n. (某地域或时期的)植物群efflorescent / eflR:5resnt/ a. 开花的,风化的,发疹性的fluent / 5flu(:)Ent/ a.流畅的fluency / 5flu:Ensi/ n. 流畅,雄辩,善辩influence / 5influEns/ v. n.影响;权势influential / influ5enFEl/ a.有影响的;有权势的uninfluential / 5Qn5influ5enFEl/ adj. 无影响力的; 没有势力的influenza / influ5enzE/ n. 流行性伤风confluence / 5kRnfluEns/ n. 合流,汇流fluid / 5flu(:)id/ n.液体adj.流动的fluidity / flu:5iditi/ n. 流动性,流质,变移性refluent / 5refluEnt/ a. 逆流的,倒流的,退潮的refluence / 5refluEns/ n. 逆流,回流,退潮defluent / 5deflu:Ent/ a. 向下流的circumfluent / sE5kQmfluEnt/ a. 周流的,环流的effluent / 5efluEnt/ n.流出的污物superfluous / sju(:)5pE:fluEs/ adj. 多余的,累赘的superfluity / / n. 多余; 多余superfluid / sju:pE5tlu:id/ n. 超流体的flow / flEu/ vi.流,流动fluctuate / 5flQktjueit/ vi.波动vt.使波动fluctuation / flQktju5eiFEn/ n. 波动flu / flu:/ n.流行性伤风flux / flQks/ n.变迁,不断的转变overflow / EuvE5flEu/ vt.从…中溢出influx / 5inflQks/ n. 涌入effluence / 5efluEns/ n. 流出,流出物,射出affluence / 5AfluEns/ n.丰硕,富裕;流入,涌入affluent / 5AfluEnt/ adj. 富裕的n. 支流mellifluous / me5lifluEs/ adj.(音乐等)柔美流畅的refuse / ri5fju:z/ vt.拒绝vt.拒绝refusal / ri5fju:zEl/ n.拒绝,谢绝confuse / kEn5fju:z/ vt.使混乱,混淆confusion / kEn5fju:VEn/ n.混乱;骚乱;混淆transfuse / trAns5fju:z/ v. 输血,充满transfusion / trAns5fju:Vn/ n. 注入,输血; 移注infuse / in5fju:z/ v. 灌输,使…充满diffuse / di5fju:z/ v. 散布,(光等)漫射,adj. 漫射的,散漫的diffusion / di5fjuVEn/ n.传播,散布interfuse / intE5fju:z/ vt.vi. (使)混入,(使)混合perfuse / pE5fju:z/ vt. 洒遍,撒满,撒布profuse / prE5fju:s/ adj. 很多的,浪费的profusion / prE5fju:VEn/ n.丰硕、大量、浪费fuse / fju:z/ n.保险丝,引火线fusion / 5fjuVEn/ n.熔化suffuse / sE5fjuz/ v.(色彩等)弥漫,染遍foundry / 5faundri/ n. 铸造,铸造场,铸造类confound / kEn5faund/ vt. 使混淆,使狼狈,挫败refund / ri:5fQnd/ v.再投资,归还n.退款found / faund/ v.开办,使有按照foundation / faun5deiFEn/ n.地基founder / 5faundE/ n.创建者,奠基者foundress / 5faundris/ n. 女创建者fund / fQnd/ n.资金,基金,款项fundament / 5fQndEmEnt/ n.基础,臀部,肛门fundamental / fQndE5mentl/ n.根本profound / prE5faund/ a.深奥的profundity / prE5fQnditi/ n. 深奥,深刻geography / dVi5RgrEfi/ n.地理,地理学geographer / dVi5RgrEfE/ n. 地理学者geometry / dVi5Rmitri/ 几何geometrician / dViEme5triFEn/ n. 几何学者geology / dVi5RlEdVi/ n.地质学geologist / dVi5RlEdVist/ n. 地质学家geologize / dVi5RlEdVaiz/ vi. 研究地质,调查地质geophysics / dVi:ou5fiziks/ n. 地球物理学geoscience / dVi:ou5saiEns/ n. 地球科学geopolitics / dVi:ou5pRlitiks/ n. 地缘政治学geomagnetic / dVi:oumAg5netik/ a. 地磁的geospace / 5dVi:ouspeis/ n. 地球空间geostrategy / 5dVi:ou5strAtidVi/ n.(与战略有关的) 地缘政治学geothermal / 5dViou5WE:ml/ adj. 地热的geographical / dViE5grAfikEl/ a.地理的;地域(性)的geometrical / dViE5metrikEl/ a.几何学的trigon / 5traigRn/ n. 三角形,三角琴,三宫之一组trigonometry / trigE5nRmitri/ n. 三角法trigonometric / trigEnE5metrik/ a. 三角法的,据三角法的tetragon / 5tetrEgRn/ n. 四角形pentagon / 5pentEgEn/ n.五角形hexagon / 5heksEgRn/ n. 六角形,六边形heptagon / 5heptEgRn/ n. 七角形,七边形enneagon / 5eniEgEn/ n. 九角形decagon / 5dekEgRn/ n.十边形polygon / 5pRligEn/ n.多边形isogon / 5aisEgRn/ n. 等角多角形goniometer / gouni5RmitE/ n. 角度计,测角器diagonal / dai5AgEnl/ n.对角线antagonize / An5tAgEnaiz/ vt. 使成仇敌,敌对,反对antagonist / An5tAgEnist/ n.敌手,对手protagonist / prEu5tAgEnist/ n. 领导者;提倡者gradual / 5grAdjuEl/ adj.逐渐的,慢慢的retrograde / 5retrEugreid/ adj.后退的v.倒退retrogradation / retrEgrE5deiFEn/ n. 逆行,后退,倒退graduate / 5grAdjueit/ n.毕业生vi.大学毕业graduation / grAdju5eiFEn/ n.毕业undergraduate / QndE5grAdjuit/ n.大学肆业生postgraduate / / adj. 大学毕业后的; 研究生的degrade / di5greid/ v. 降格,降级degradation / degrE5deiFEn/ n.降级;退化;衰变grade / greid/ n.年级gradation / grei5deiFEn/ n.灰度upgrade / 5Qp5greid/ vt. 改善;提高downgrade / / adj.adv.下坡的[地]; 走下坡的[地] gradually / 5grAdjuEli/ ad.逐渐地,慢慢地gradient / 5greidjEnt/ n.坡度,斜度degrading / di5greidiN/ a. 丧失体面的,不名誉的,可耻的centigrade / 5sentigreid/ a.百分度的,摄氏温度的grammar / 5grAmE/ n.语法;语法书grammarian / grE5mZEriEn/ n. 文法家,文法学者,文法教师diagram / 5daiEgrAm/ n.图解,图表,简图cryptogram / 5kriptEgrAm/ n.暗号,密码parallelogram / pArE5lelEgrAm/ n. 平行四边形gram / grAm/ n.克kilogram / 5kilEgrAm/ n.千克,千克gramophone / 5grAmEfEun/ n.留声机phonogram / 5founEgrAm/ n. 表音符号,唱片,谐音字hologram / / n. 立体照相seismogram / 5saizmEgrAm/ n. 震动图grammatical / grE5mAtikEl/ adj.语法的program / 5prEugrAm/ vi.编制程序telegram / 5teligrAm/ n.电报anagram / 5AnEgrAm/ n. 由倒置字母而成的字(片语) epigram / 5epigrAm/ n. 警语,讽刺短诗photograph / 5fEutEgra:f/ n. v.照相,拍照photography / fE5tRgrEfi/ n.摄影术autograph / 5R:tEgrB:f/ n. 亲笔,自署,亲笔签名geography / dVi5RgrEfi/ n.地理,地理学biography / bai5RgrEfi/ n.传记autobiography / R:tEbai5RgrEfi/ n.自传historiography / histR:ri5RgrEfi/ n. 编史,历史之编纂orthography / R:5WRgrEfi/ n. 正确拼字,拼字,正字法monograph / 5mRnEgrB:f/ n. 专题论文pseudograph / 5sju:dEgrB:f/ n. 伪书,伪作,伪笔polygraph / 5pRligrB:f/ n.多产作家, 测谎器micrograph / 5maikrougrB:f/ n. 显微图macrograph / 5mAkrEgrB:f/ n. 肉眼观测的图seismograph / 5saizmEgrB:f/ n. 地震计telegraph / 5teligra:f/ n.电报机;电报cyclograph / 5saiklEgrAf/ n. 圆弧规,轮转式全景相机holography / hE5lRgrEfi/ n. 全息摄影术graphics / 5grAfiks/ n.图形graph / grAf/ n.图形graphic / 5grAfik/ adj. 图表的,生动的graphite / 5grAfait/ n.石墨,石墨电极graphology / grA5fRlEdVi/ n. 笔迹学,笔迹相法,图表法epigraph / 5epigrAf/ n. 碑文,题铭,题辞holograph / 5hRlEgrAf/ n. 亲笔信photographic / fEutE5grAfik/ a.摄影的,摄影用的。






►vir=man,表示男人virile a 男性的,阳刚的(vir+ile 表形容词,如:fertile 肥沃的)virago n 泼妇(vir+ago象男人一样的女人悍妇)virue n 美德(有男子气概美德)viruoso n 艺术名家,大师(virtue 美德,技能+oso 表示人技能之人大师)virtuosity n (技艺)精湛(来自virtuoso)►vot=vow,表示发誓devote v 投身于,献身(de 加强+vote拼命发誓献身)devotion n 献身;虔诚(devote+ion)devotional a 虔诚的(devotion 献身+al)ote v 投票(投票前需要发誓以示诚实)►ware=watch,表示注视wary a 警惕的;谨慎的aware a 警惕的,戒备的(a+ware)unaware a 不知道的(un+aware 意识到)awareness n 意识,知觉(aware+ness)►zeal=ardor,表示热心zeal n 热心,一心一意zealot n 热心者,狂热者(zeal+ot 表示人,如;hekot 奴隶)zealous a 热心的(zeal+ous)ealous a 妒忌的(jeal[=zeal]+ous对热心而得不到,所以妒忌)►总结abol=do away with(消除)ablish v 废除accoutr=dress (穿着)accoutrement n 装备acm=top (顶端)acme n 顶峰adip=fat (肥)adipose a 肥胖的adjut=assist (帮助)adjutant 副手,副官advant=ahead (前面)advantage n 利益,好处avant n 先峰agger=heap (堆积)ecaggerate v 夸张alacr=swift (迅速)alacrity n 迅速,敏捷ald=old (老)alderman n 市政议员alesc=grow (成长)coalesce v 结合,联合amen=pleasant (愉快)amenity n 舒服,愉快amenable a 通情达理的amic=friend (朋友)amicable a 友好的angu,anx=distress (苦恼)amguish a 苦恼的anxious a 焦虑的anth = flower (花)antholigy n 选集chrysanthemum n 菊花(chrys 黄色anthem 花+um)ap=bee (蜜蜂)apiary n 养蜂场aper=open (开)aperture n 开口,孔April 四月(开花季节)apex=aummit (顶峰)aquil=eagie (鹰)aquiline a 鹰的,似鹰的ar=plow (犁地)arable a 可耕种的ar=dry (干)arid a 干旱的arefavtion n 弄干arbor=tree (树)arboreous a 树木的arboriculture n 种树业arch=chief (主要的)architect n 建筑师archipei ago n 群岛arch=bear (熊)arctic a 北极的(在大熊星座下)antarctic a 南极的(ant 相反+arctic)ard=burn (燃烧)ardent a 热情的arson v 纵火(ars=ard)ardu=difficult (困难)arduous a 劳累的aren=sand (沙)arena 角斗场(以沙铺地)arom=apice n (香料)aroma n 芳香aromatic a 芳香的arter=pipe (管道)artery n 动脉articul=joint (关节)artivulate v 关节结合;咬字清楚asin=ass (驴子)asinine a 像驴在的;愚蠢的asper=rough (粗糙)asperity n 粗暴exasperate v 激怒;使恶化asthm=panting (喘气)asthma n 气喘病athl=contest (比赛)athlete n 运动员atmo=vapor (蒸汽)atmosphere n 大气层atroc =cruel (残酷)atrocious a 残暴的atrocity n 残暴aur=gold (金)aureate v 镀金auriferous a 含金的;产金的aur = ear (耳朵)aueiform a 耳状的auricular a 耳的;听觉的auster=severe (严重的)austere a 严肃的;朴素的austr=aouth (南方)austeal a 南面的Australia n 澳大利亚(在南半球)auxili=help (帮助)auxiliary a 辅助的aval=kownward (向下)avalanche v 雪崩(aval+lanche 滑向下滑)avar=greedy (贪婪)avarice n 贪婪axi=worthy (有价值)axiom n 公理,真理badin=jest (说笑)badinage v 打趣,逗笑bank=bench (长椅)bank n 银行(由柜台转化而来)banktupt n 破产者(bank 椅子柜台+rupt 断柜台断了破产)bard=beard (胡子)barber n 理发师(兼修理胡子)bard n 倒钩;刺人的话(像胡子一样刺人)barbar=stammer (胡说)barbarian a 野蛮的(野蛮人说的话听不懂)barr=bar (栅栏)barrier n 障碍embargo v 禁运(em 进入+bar 禁止+go 状态beat=blessed (有福的)beatify v 祝福beatific a 快乐的;天使般的bell=fine (美好)embellish v 装饰(em 使+bell+使美好)belle n 美女bever=drink (喝)beverage n 饮料bey=expect (期待)abeyance n 暂停,中止(a 在+bey+ance在期待中观望,暂停)bias=slant (斜)bias n 偏见bib=drink (喝)imbibe v 喝入,饮bibulous a 吸水的;喜喝酒的blas=bamage (毁坏)blasphemy v 亵渎神灵(blas+phemy 神的显示)blem=stain (弄脏)blemish v 玷污bombast=cotton (棉花)bombast n 吹牛的话(像棉花一样膨胀)bon=good (好)bonus n 奖金boon n 恩惠bor=dweller (居民)neighbor n 邻居(neigh 附近+bor 人)bord=side (边)border n 边境transborder a 横穿边境的bosc=feed (喂)proboscis n 象鼻子;吻针(pro 前面+boscis,象用鼻子喂食)botan=erb (草)botany n 植物学bouch=mouth (嘴)debouch v 流出;走出bov=ox (牛)boving a 牛的brack=vomit (呕)brackish a 令人恶心的broch=pierce (刺,缝)brochure n 手册(用线缝在一起的纸)broach n 钻孔器v 开瓶塞;提出问题bry=sprout (发芽)embryo n 胚胎,萌芽burl=mockery (嘲笑)burlespue n 滑稽戏(burl+espue 反缀,如grotespue古怪的)byss=borrom (底)abyss n 深渊(a 没有+byss没有底)cadaver=corpse (尸体)cadaverous a 死灰色的,苍白的cal=beautiful (美丽)calligraphy n 书法kaleidoscope n 万花筒calam=misfortune (不幸)calamity n 灾难,不幸calend=first day (每月第一天)calendar n 日历call=vhard skin (硬皮)callous a 冷漠的,无感觉的can=dog (狗)canine a 狗的capr=goat (山羊)caprice v 突变;任性caper v 欢蹦,跳跃carcer=prison (监狱)caric=load (过分)aricature n 漫画;讽刺文caten=chain (链)concatenare v 把连在一起cathar=pure (纯洁)cathartic n 泻药catharsis v 导泻;精神发泄cathol=general (普通的)catholic a 普遍的,一般的caul=stem (根,杆)cauliflower n 花菜(从根上长出花来)caust=bun (烧)caustic a 苛刻的;腐蚀性的holocaust n 大火灾(holo 全部+caust全部烧光)caval=horse (马)cavalier n 骑士cavalry n 骑兵ceal=hide (藏)concea v 隐藏cel=heaven (天空)celestia a 天的,天空的ceiling n 天花板(ceil+cel)celebr=honor (荣誉)celebrate 庆祝celebrity n 名人celib=single (单个)celibacy n 独身celibate n 独身生活的人a 独身的cem=sleep (睡)cemetery n 墓地cephal=head (头)acephalous a 没有头的ceram=earth (陶土)eramic n 陶瓷erebr=brain (脑)cerebrum n 大脑cess=stop (停止)cessatinon n 停止,中止incessant a 无穷无尽的chame=ground (地)chameleon n 变色龙(chame+leon 狮子地上的狮子变色龙)chondr=cartilage (软骨)h 软骨ypochondria n 臆想病症(hypo 在下面+chondr+ia病在软骨下的病人的臆想病)chtys=golden (金色)chrysanthemum n 菊花ciner=ash (灰)incinerate v 焚烧inerary a 骨灰的cinct=bins (捆)succinct a 简洁的cist=box (盒子)cistern n 贮水桶cla=break (打破)iconoclast n 反对崇拜偶像者clandestin=secret (秘密)clandestine a 秘密的clys=dash (猛冲)cataclysm n 洪水(cata 向下+clysm)col=strain (排水)cpercolart v 渗滤,渗透colander n 漏勺oll=neck (脖子)collar n 衣领accolade v 奖励,授骑士士爵位礼(把奖品挂在脖子上)com=sleep (睡)coma n 昏迷,昏睡cintamin=pollute (污染)contaminate v 弄脏,污染cop=abundance (丰富)copious a 大量的cornucopia n 丰富;丰饶角(corn 角+u+cop+ia象征丰收的角丰饶角)cori=skin (皮)excoriate v 剥皮;严厉批评corrig=correct (改正)incorrigible a 不能改正的corusc=glitter (发光)coruscate v 闪耀,闪烁cost=side (旁边)accost v 向人搭话;调情cras=mixing (混合)idiosyncras (人的)特性crastin=tomorrow (明天)procrastinate v 拖延(明日复明日)creas=flesh (肉)pancreas n 胰腺(pan 接近+creas像肉的东西胰腺)crepit=burst (爆裂)becrepit a 衰老的(脾气不再火爆)crimin=ceime (罪)crimina n 罪犯recriminate v 反责;反诉(crud=raw (生的)crude a 粗糙的;原始的recrudesce (病等)复发(re 再+crud+esce再次变粗糙复发)crust=shell (外壳)crustscean a 甲壳纲的(动物)culin=kitchen (厨房)culinary a 厨房的culmin=top (顶)culminate v 到达顶峰cmul=heap (堆积)accumulate v 积累cumulus n 积云cup=desire (渴望)cpidity n 贪财,贪心curt=short (短)curt (说话)短而粗暴的curtail v 截短;缩短(讲话、节目等)custod=guard (看护)custody v 监护cylind=roll (卷)cylinder n 圆柱体dama=conpuer (征服)adamant a 坚定的,坚固的(a 不+dama+ant不可征服的)de=god (神)deity n 神diefy v 神化deb=owe (欠债)debenture n 借据;债券dibit n 借方;负债debt n 债务dibil=weak (衰弱)dibility n 衰弱debilitate v 使衰弱deleter=destroyer (毁坏者)deleteriois a 有害的delect=delight (愉快)delectable a 愉快的delir=mad (疯)delirious a 神志失常的,妄想的deterior=worse (更坏)deteriorate 恶化didact=teach (教)didactic 教训的,教导的digit=finger (手指)digitate 有指的,指状的dogm=opinion (观点)domga 教条dogmatic 教条主义的domin=lord (主人)dominate 统治dominion 领地;统治domit=tame (驯服)indomitable 不可征服的dors=back (背)dorsal 背部的indorse 背书;同意(在背后签子)dot=give (给)antidote 解毒药(anti 对抗毒)anecdote 轶事;短故事(an 不+ec 出+dotenot published没出版的小故事)dra=perform ( 表演)drastic 剧烈的drama 戏剧dubi=doubtful (怀疑)dubilus 怀疑的indubitable 明确的,无可怀疑的ebri=drunken (醉)inebriate 陶醉的,酒鬼eleg=lament (悲伤)elegy 哀歌emul=equal (平等)emulate 模仿;超越et=being (存在)entity 存在nonentity 不存在;无名之人entom=insect (昆虫)entomology 昆虫学equ=horse (马)equine 马的ero=love (爱)erotic 色情的ert=erect (直)alert 警惕的(al+ert 站直了看警惕的)escal=ladder (梯子)escalade 攀登escalate 逐步上升esoter=inner (内在)esoteric 秘传的estim=value (价值)estimate 估计,估量esteem (尊敬)estimable 可尊敬的;可估计的ethn=nation (民族)ethnology 人种学ethnic 种族的etymo=true (真的)etymology 词源学(词的真实来源)fam=hunger (饿)famine 饥荒famish 挨饿fan=temple (庙)fanatic 狂热的,盲信的(在庙里盲目信仰)fascin=enchant (迷住)fascinate 使---入迷fatig=weary (疲倦)fatigue 疲劳indefatigable 不知疲倦的fatu=silly (笨)fatuous 昏庸的infatuate 使糊涂,使迷醉febr=fever (烧)febrile 发烧的fecund=fruit (果实)fecundity 肥沃;多产(果实很多)felic=happy (幸福)felicity 幸福;得体femin=woman (女人)feminine 女人的;温柔的fer=wild (野)ferocity 凶猛feral 野生的;凶猛的ferr=iron (铁)ferreous 铁的,含铁的fisc=pruse (钱包)fiscal 财政的confiscate 没收,把---充公fiss=split (分裂)fissure 裂缝,分裂fissile 易分裂的flagell=whip (鞭子)flagellate 鞭打fluctu=wave (波浪)fluctuate 波动for=bore (打孔)perforate 打孔fratern=brother (兄弟)fraternity 兄弟情谊fraternize 亲如兄弟;友善fraterm=fresh (新鲜)fresco 壁画(用新鲜颜料画的画)fresc=shine (果实)fructufy 使多产;结果实fulg=shine (发光)effulgence 光辉,灿烂refulgent 光辉的fulmin=thunder (雷声)fulminate 大声怒吼fulminous 怒喝的furt=steal (偷)furtive 偷偷摸摸的furc=fork (分叉)bifurcate 分成两叉furcal 叉状的fusc=dark (黑的)obfuscate 混淆;弄黑暗fuscous 暗褐色的;深色的gain =against (反对)gainsay 否认against 反对galax=milk (乳)galaxy 欢蹦,跳跃(用腿蹦跳)garr=chatter (唠叨)garrulous 唠叨的gastr=stomach (胃)gastric 胃的gasreitis 胃炎genu=knee (膝盖)genuflection 曲膝ger=bear (带有)belligerent 好斗的(bell 战争)glomer=ball (球)conglomerate 合并,联合glomerulus 小球glut=devour (吞吃)glut 吞吃glutton 饱食者(gluttony 暴饮暴食)gorg=throat (喉)qorge 吞咽,峡谷gorgeous 壮观的;美丽的gross=great (大)engross 正式写成(议案、决议等);大量(或全部)收买,独占gross 总共的;重大的gymn=naked 裸体的gymnasium 体育馆(脱衣服锻炼的地方)harm=fitting (适合)harmony 和谐charm 魅力吸引力(harm 的变体)haught=high (高)haughty 高傲的hein=odious (可恨的)heinous 憎恨的hemo=blood (血)hemorrhage 大出血(hemo=rrhage 流出)hemer=day (一天)eohemeral 转瞬即逝的(一天就消失了)hom=man (人)homicide 杀人者(homi+cide 杀)homage 尊敬,崇敬(把别人当人看)host =enemy (敌人)hostile 故意的hostility 敌对hum=moist (湿)humid 潮湿的icon=image (形象)iconoclast 反对崇拜偶像者iconography 肖像画法ident=same (相同)identical 一样的identify 认出,识别ign=fire (点火)ignite 点燃igneous 火的,似火的incip=begin (开始)incipient 开始的intim=inmost (内心的)intimate 亲密的暗示isol=island (岛)isolate 孤立isolable 可隔离的isthm=narrow pass (狭道)isthmus 地狭jac=lie (躺)adjacent 邻近的,毗连的circumjacent 周围的jacul=javelin (标枪)ejaculate 突然说出(像把标枪扔出去一样)jaculate 把向前掷去jubil=shout of joy (欢呼)jubilation 欢庆,欢腾jubilant 欢快的laver=torn (撕开)lacerate 割碎;伤害lass=weaty (倦)lassitude 疲倦,无精打采lat=wide (宽)latitude 纬度;自由laud=praise (赞扬)laudable 值得赞美的laudatory 表示赞美的,褒扬的lemma=argument (争论)dilemma 进退两难(di 表示二,二种争论进退两难)lent=loose (松)relent 放松;宽厚(re 再+lent再放松)relentless 无情的leth=oblivion (遗忘)lethargy 昏睡(leth 原意是忘川,喝了忘川水,一切都忘记)lethal 致命的(忘了,死了)lig=bind (捆绑)ligament 韧带;纽带ligature 绷带lign=wood (木头)ligneous 木质的lignivorous (昆虫的幼虫)食木的loft=sky (天空)aloft 在高处,在空中lofty 极高的;崇高的lop=run (跑)elope 私奔interloper 入侵者,干涉者(跑入二者之间)lubric=slip (滑)lubricate 使润滑lubricant 润滑油luc=light (灯)lucubration 灯下工作lucid 清晰的lug=mourn (悲伤)lugubrious 悲伤的,伤心的(lug+ubr 工作+ious悲伤起作用)lup=wolf (狼)lupine 狼的lyr=lute (笛子)lyric 抒情诗maci=lean (瘦)emaciate 使憔悴;瘦弱macilent 瘦的macul=spot (斑点)maculate 弄上污点immacvulate 无缺点的mall=hammer (锤子)malleable 可锻造的,可塑的mallet 小锤子mamm=breast (奶)mammal 哺乳动物mascul =male (雄性)masculine 男子气的emasculate 阉割mastic=chew (嚼)masticate 咀嚼;三思matin=morning (早上)matinee 日场戏me=go (走)permeate 渗透medit=ponder (思考)meditate 思考premeditate 预先思考medl=mic (混合)medley 混合(品)mell=honey (蜜)mellifluous (声音)甜美的melan=black (黑)melancholy 忧郁(的);令人伤感(的)(原指伤心得胆汁发黑)melior=better (更好)ameliorate 改善,改良mendic=beg (乞讨)mendicant 乞丐mer=lake (湖)mermaid 美人鱼(maid 女人)mol=meal (饭)immolate 焚祭,作祭品(给神吃饭)mol=heap (堆)molecule 分子demolish 破坏,摧毁(de 去掉+mol+ish,把堆起来的东西毁掉)morb=disease (病)morbid 病态的myth=fable (寓言)mythology 神话学narc=numbxx 神话学narcotic 麻醉的nebul=cloud (云)nebula 星云状的nebulous 星云的;朦胧的nec=kill (杀)internecine 自相残杀的negat=deny (否认)negative 否认的abnegation 否认;自我克制nom=pasture (牧场)nomad 游牧成员nomadic 游牧的;流浪的nu=nod (点头)innuendo 暗示,含沙射影(点头表示)nugator=trifle (烦事)nugatory 无价值的numism=coin (钱币)numismatist 钱币学家nupti=wedding (婚礼)unptial 婚姻的;婚礼的obed=obey (服从)obedient 服从的obeisance 敬礼;敬意obes=fat (肥)obese 肥胖的obit=death (死)obituary 讣告obliv=forget (忘记)oblivion 遗忘oblivious 疏忽的obsol=decay (腐烂)obsolete 过时的obsolescent 逐渐被废弃的ocul=eye (眼睛)ocular 眼睛的oculist 眼科医生od=road (道路)odometer 里程表(meter 仪表)odi=hate (恨)odium 憎恨odious 可憎的odyn=pain (痛)anodyne 止痛药(an 没有+odyne 痛)ole=oil (油)petroleum 石油oleaginous 产油的;油质的olfact=scent (味)olfaction 嗅觉olfactoty 嗅觉的omin=omen (预兆)ominous 凶兆的abominate 厌恶,憎恶(ab 离开+omin+ate离开凶兆憎恨凶兆)opl=armor (盔甲)panoply 全副武装(pan 全部,全身都是盔甲)ornith=bird (鸟)ornithology 鸟类学oscul=kiss (吻)osculate 亲吻;接触ostens=appear (出现)ostensible 表面的,明显的ostentation 夸示的;虚饰的ostrac=tile (瓦片)ostracize 流放;放(古希腊人投瓦片表示放入出境)ov=shout (叫喊)ovation 大声欢迎;鼓掌pachy=thick (厚)pachyderm 厚皮动物;脸皮厚的人pan=bread (面包)pantry 面包房company 同伴;公司(共同有面包吃)pat=walk (走)peripatetic 巡回走动的(peri 来回+pat+etic)phem=speech (讲话)blasphemy 亵渎(blas 坏+phem+y讲坏话)euphemism 委婉的说法(eu 好+phem+ism讲好话)phen=show (显示)phenomenon 现象(phen+omen 预兆+on显示预兆现象)pher=bring (带来)periphery 周边,周围环境(peri 四周)ping=fasten (系紧)impinge 撞击;侵犯(im 进入+ping+e紧迫进入侵犯)pinn=peak (顶)pinnacle 顶峰,尖顶plais=please (高兴)complaisant 讨好的plas=mold (模式)plaster 膏药plastic 可塑的protoplast 原物型pleb=people (人们)plebeian 普通民众的pleth=crowdx (挤,多)plethora 多余,供过于求supplicant 恳求者 a.哀求的(跪下去求别人)plum=feather (羽毛)plumage 羽毛plume 整理羽毛;骄傲pneumon=lung (肺)pneumonia 肺炎pol=smooth (光滑)polish 抛光,擦亮plite 有礼貌的postul=demand (要求)postulate 要求;假定存在expostulate 规劝,忠告pragm=deed (行为)pragmatic 实用主义的(以行为为最重要)psych=soul (灵魂)psychology 心理学psychical 心理学;灵魂的pud=shame (害羞)imoudent 无礼的,不知羞耻的pudency 羞怯,害羞puer=boy (男孩)puerile 孩子气的,幼稚的pulver=dust (灰尘)pulverize 把弄粉碎pusill=mean (卑微的)pusillanimous 胆小的,胆怯的(anim 生命)pyr=fire (火)pyre 火葬柴堆empyrean 苍天,太空(em 进入+pyr+ean,进入火进入太阳天空)quarant=forty (四十)quarantine 隔离检查(被隔离40 天)quer=complain (抱怨)querulous 抱怨的quarrel 争吵rab=rage (怒)rabid 狂怒的,狂热rabies 狂犬病radi =ray (光线)radiant 发光的irradiate 发光,(光)漫射ram=branch (枝)ramify 分叉,分枝ramiform 枝状的reg=king (国王)regnant 国王的,皇家的regicide 杀害国王regn=reign (王朝)regnant 统治的,占优势的intrerregunm 无王时期remn=remain (留下)remnant 剩余物rest=stay (停留)arrest 阻止,逮捕redtless 不安的;得不到休息的(和restive 是同一意思)retic=silent (安静)reticent 沉默的rever=awe (敬畏)revere 尊敬reverent 尊敬的,敬畏的rhe=flow (流)diarrhea 痢疾(dia 对穿对穿流过拉肚子)rheum 泪水rhin=nose (鼻子)rhinoceros 犀牛riv=stream (河流)rivulet 小河(let 表示小)derive 派生,得出rug=wrinkle (皱)corrugate 起皱(cor 一起,皱到一起)sacchar=sugar (糖)saccharin 糖精salu=health (健康)salubrious 有益健康的(salubr=salu)salutary 有益健康的sanat=taste (味道)sapid 美味的,有趣的insipis 无味的;无吸引力的sarc=flesh (肉)sarcasm 尖刻讽刺(尖刻的话像咬人一块肉一样)sarcophagous 食肉的scintill=spark (火花)sembl=be like (相像)resemble 和相像dissemble 假装,掩盖(dis 不,和本性不一样,假装)sept=rotten (烂)antiseptic 防腐的septic 腐败的;败血病的sibil=hiss (咝咝声)sibilant 发嘶声的sider=star (星星)sidereal 星星的,星空的consider 考虑(研究星象引申而来)stetho=chest (胸)stethoscope 听诊器succ=juice (果汁)succulent 多汁的succus 液,汁sud=sweat (汗)sudatory 发汗的exude 渗出,慢慢流出(由出汗引申出来)sumptu=expense (花费)sumptuous 奢侈的,豪华的sumptuary 规定个人费用的tabul=plank (平板)tabular 表格的;平坦的tabulate 把列成表格taph=tomb (墓)epitaph 墓志铭(epi 的旁边,在墓边的墓志铭)tauto=same (相同)tautology 同义反复,累赘templ=tmple (庙)contemplate 静思,深思(像庙中人一样深思)temple 寺庙torp=numb (麻木)torpid 呆板的torpify 使麻木;使迟钝torr=dry (干)torrid 酷热的torrefy 焙,烤trepid=trembling (颤抖)trepidation 胆怯intrepid 大无畏的tum=swell (肿)tumid 肿胀的intumescence 开始发胀uber=fruitful (果实)exuberant 茂盛的;多产的uberty 丰饶,多产,生育力ucor=wife (老婆)uxorious 怕老婆的,宠爱老婆的uxoricide 杀妻vale=farewell (再见)valediction 告别演说veh=carry (带来)vehicle 车辆vehement (感情等)猛烈的(猛烈状态带来后果)velop=cover (盖上)envelop 把包住,裹住develop 发展verd=green (绿)erdant 碧绿的erdigris 铜绿,铜绣;碱性veter=old (老)veteran 老兵inveterate 根深蒂固的viti=fault (错误)itiate 污染;使堕落vituper=blame (责备)vituperate 严厉责备zym=ferment (发酵)enzyme 酶zymology 发酵学31。



高中英语必修5单词1. Abolish - 废除2. Absurd - 荒谬的3. Accomplish - 完成4. Accumulate - 积累5. Adhere - 粘附6. Admire - 赞美7. Advocate - 提倡8. Affirm - 断言9. Allegiance - 忠诚10. Allocate - 分配11. Ambiguous - 模棱两可的12. Amend - 修改13. Anecdote - 轶事14. Antagonize - 敌对15. Anticipate - 预期16. Apex - 高潮17. Appalling - 令人震惊的18. Appreciate - 欣赏19. Arbitrary - 专制的20. Arena - 竞技场21. Arrogance - 傲慢22. Ascend - 上升23. Assert - 断言24. Assess - 评估25. Assign - 分配26. Attain - 实现27. Authentic - 真实的28. Awe - 敬畏29. Backbone - 骨干30. Bankrupt - 破产的31. Barren - 贫瘠的32. Belligerent - 好战的33. Benchmark - 基准34. Bias - 偏见35. Bizarre - 古怪的36. Blatant - 明目张胆的37. Bolster - 支持38. Breach - 违反39. Brevity - 简短40. Brittle - 脆弱的41. Budget - 预算42. Burden - 负担43. Calamity - 灾难44. Candid - 坦率的45. Capricious - 反复无常的46. Cascade - 瀑布47. Catastrophe - 灾难48. Ceaseless - 不停的49. Celebrate - 庆祝50. Censure - 谴责51. Cerebral - 理智的52. Champion - 冠军53. Chaos - 混乱54. Characteristic - 特征55. Chasm - 分裂56. Cite - 引用57. Civil - 民事的58. Clarify - 澄清59. Classic - 经典的60. Cliche - 陈词滥调61. Coerce - 强迫62. Collaboration - 合作63. Colleague - 同事64. Collaborate - 合作65. Commemorate - 纪念66. Commend - 赞扬67. Commentary - 评论68. Communal - 社区的69. Compassion - 同情70. Compel - 强迫71. Compete - 竞争72. Complement - 补充73. Comprehend - 理解74. Comprehensive - 全面的75. Compromise - 妥协76. Concede - 承认77. Conceit - 自大78. Concept - 概念79. Conceivable - 可想象的80. Concentrate - 集中81. Conclude - 结束82. Condemn - 谴责83. Condense - 浓缩84. Confess - 坦白85. Configuration - 配置86. Confine - 限制87. Confound - 使困惑88. Confront - 面对89. Congenial - 同性质的90. Conglomerate - 聚集物91. Conjure - 召唤92. Conquest - 征服93. Conscientious - 尽责的94. Conscious - 有意识的95. Conserve - 保存96. Constitute - 構成97. Contemplate - 思考98. Contemporary - 当代的99. Contribute - 贡献100. Controversy - 争议101. Convey - 传达102. Conviction - 信念103. Cordial - 热情的104. Correspond - 相应105. Counsel - 忠告106. Counterpart - 对应物107. Credibility - 可靠性108. Creed - 信条109. Crisis - 危机110. Criterion - 标准111. Crucial - 决定性的112. Crusade - 改革运动113. Culminate - 达到顶点114. Cumulative - 累积的115. Cunning - 狡猾的116. Curiosity - 好奇心117. Cynical - 愤世嫉俗的118. Dearth - 缺乏119. Debase - 贬低120. Debate - 辩论121. Deceive - 欺骗122. Decline - 下降123. Dedicate - 献身124. Deduce - 推断125. Defeat - 打败126. Defend - 辩护127. Deficit - 赤字128. Deft - 灵巧的129. Defy - 违抗130. Deliberate - 深思熟虑的131. Delineate - 描绘132. Demolish - 拆除133. Demonstrate - 证明134. Demoralize - 使士气低落135. Denounce - 谴责136. Dependence - 依赖137. Deplete - 耗尽138. Deplore - 哀叹139. Deploy - 工作140. Depreciate - 贬值141. Derive - 获得142. Descent - 下降143. Desolate - 荒芜的144. Desperate - 绝望的145. Detain - 拘留146. Determined - 决心的147. Detrimental - 有害的148. Deviate - 偏离149. Devotion - 热爱150. Dictate - 口授151. Dignify - 使高贵152. Dilapidated - 破旧的153. Diligent - 勤奋的154. Diminish - 减少155. Dire - 可怕的156. Discipline - 纪律157. Discrepancy - 差异158. Disdain - 鄙视159. Disengage - 脱离160. Disgrace - 耻辱161. Dishearten - 使失去勇气162. Disillusioned - 不抱幻想的163. Disinterested - 公正无私的164. Dismiss - 解雇165. Disparage - 蔑视166. Disperse - 分散开167. Displace - 取代168. Dispute - 争吵169. Disrupt - 扰乱170. Dissent - 意见不一致171. Distinct - 明显的172. Diverse - 多种多样的173. Divert - 转移174. Divulge - 泄露175. Domain - 领域176. Dominate - 支配177. Drowsiness - 困倦178. Dubious - 疑惑的179. Durable - 持久的180. Duration - 持续时间181. Dynamics - 动力学182. Earnest - 真诚的183. Eccentric - 古怪的184. Elaborate - 精心制作的185. Elegant - 优雅的186. Element - 元素187. Elevate - 提升188. Elusive - 难以捕捉的189. Embarrass - 使尴尬190. Embody - 体现191. Embryonic - 萌芽期的192. Emulate - 追赶193. Enable - 使能够194. Encompass - 包括195. Encounter - 遇到196. Endorse - 背书197. Endure - 忍受198. Engender - 引起199. Enlighten - 启蒙200. Enrich - 丰富201. Entail - 牵涉202. Enthral - 迷住203. Entice - 诱惑204. Entrepreneur - 创业者205. Envision - 设想206. Epitomize - 体现207. Equivocal - 暧昧不清的208. Eradicate - 根除209. Erratic - 不规律的210. Essence - 本质211. Esteem - 尊敬212. Ethos - 道德观213. Euphemism - 委婉语214. Evocative - 唤起回忆的215. Exacerbate - 使恶化216. Exalt - 提升217. Exceed - 超过218. Exclude - 排除219. Exemplify - 作为典型例证220. Exhaustive - 详尽的221. Exhibit - 展出222. Exhilarate - 使高兴223. Existential - 存在主义的224. Exoneration - 免除责任225. Exotic - 异国的226. Expedite - 加速227. Exploit - 开采228. Exquisite - 精美的229. Extend - 扩展230. Extol - 赞美231. Extraordinary - 非凡的232. Extricate - 解脱233. Fabricate - 篡改234. Facilitate - 促进235. Factual - 事实的236. Faint - 微弱的237. Fairness - 公平238. Fallacy - 谬论239. Fanatic - 狂热者240. Fascinate - 迷住241. Fastidious - 挑剔的242. Fathom - 理解243. Fatigue - 疲劳244. Feasible - 可行的245. Feign - 假装246. Felicity - 幸福247. Fervor - 狂热248. Finite - 有限的249. Flagrant - 明目张胆的250. Flaunt - 炫耀251. Flaw - 缺陷252. Flexible - 灵活的253. Flourish - 兴旺254. Fluctuate - 波动255. Flurry - 快速行动256. Foolhardy - 鲁莽的257. Forbearance - 忍耐258. Foreboding - 不祥的259. Foreseeable - 可预见的260. Forge - 锻造261. Formidable - 可怕的262. Fortitude - 坚韧不拔263. Fragile - 脆弱的264. Frailty - 脆弱265. Frantic - 疯狂的266. Fraud - 欺诈行为267. Frequent - 频繁的268. Frivolous - 不重要的269. Frustration - 挫折270. Fulfil - 实现271. Fundamental - 基本的272. Futility - 徒劳273. Gaiety - 欢乐274. Galvanize - 激励275. Garish - 炫耀的276. Generosity - 慷慨277. Genre - 类型278. Genuine - 真正的279. Germane - 相关的280. Glaring - 显眼的281. Glaze - 使平滑282. Glimpse - 一瞥283. Gloomy - 产生悲观情绪的284. Glorious - 辉煌的285. Goal - 目标286. Gracious - 亲切的287. Grandiose - 宏伟的288. Graphic - 生动形象的289. Grasp - 抓住290. Gratitude - 感激291. Grave - 严重的292. Greed - 贪婪293. Grieve - 伤心294. Grim - 冷酷的295. Gritty - 有砂砾的296. Grotesque - 怪异的297. Guarantee - 保证298. Guise - 外表299. Habitual - 习惯性的300. Halcyon - 盛世的301. Hamper - 妨碍302. Handicap - 障碍303. Haphazard - 杂乱无章的304. Harmonious - 和谐的305. Haughty - 高傲的306. Havoc - 破坏307. Hazard - 危险308. Heed - 注意309. Heighten - 加强310. Hierarchy - 等级制度311. Hinder - 阻碍312. Histrionic - 戏剧的313. Honor - 荣誉314. Hostile - 敌对的315. Humanitarian - 人道主义者316. Humility - 谦逊317. Hurdle - 障碍318. Hygiene - 卫生319. Hype - 过分吹嘘320. Hypocrisy - 伪善321. Idealistic - 理想主义的322. Identify - 确定323. Idiosyncrasy - 特质324. Illuminate - 照明325. Illusion - 幻觉326. Illustrate - 说明327. Immaculate - 无瑕疵的328. Immerse - 沉浸329. Imminent - 即将发生的330. Immoral - 不道德的331. Immune - 免疫的332. Impeccable - 无误的333. Impediment - 障碍334. Impenetrable - 无法被穿透的335. Imperative - 必不可少的336. Imperceptible - 察觉地没有的337. Impersonal - 没有人情味的338. Impetus - 动力339. Implement - 实施340. Implore - 恳求341. Imply - 暗示342. Import - 进口343. Impose - 征税344. Impoverished - 贫困的345. Impressive - 令人印象深刻的346. Imprison - 禁锢347. Impromptu - 即兴的348. Improve - 提高349. Impute - 归因于350. Inability - 无力351. Inaccurate - 不准确的352. Inadequate - 不充分的353. Inadvertently - 不经意的354. Inalienable - 不可分割的355. Inane - 愚蠢的356. Inaugurate - 开始357. Incapable - 无能力的358. Incentive - 刺激359. Incessant - 不停的360. Incline - 倾向361. Incoherent - 不连贯的362. Incomparable - 无可比拟的363. Incompatible - 不相容的364. Incongruous - 不协调的365. Inconsequential - 不重要的366. Inconsiderable - 不重要的367. Inconsistent - 不一致的368. Inconvenient - 不便的369. Incorporate - 合并370. Incriminate - 控告371. Indecision - 犹豫不决372. Indecisive - 优柔寡断的373. Indefatigable - 不知疲倦的374. Indel。



act,ag=act 行为,行动action(act+ion)active (act+ive) activity(act+ity) actor actress actual实际的,具体的(做出来的)actually practice 练习,实践,实习(pr提前+act行动)practical react 反应(re相反+行为=反过来行为)reaction transact 交易.交流(trans从一点到另一点+行为)transaction interact 交流,沟通,交换(inter彼此之间+act行为) interaction agency 机构,公司,团体(ag做事情+ency表名词=做事情的地方)agent 代理人,经纪人,助手(ag做+ent人)agile 灵巧的,灵活的(ag行动+ile反复的=能反复行动=灵活的)agility agenda 议程,事项(要做得事)alter, ali= to change, 表示“其他的,改变状态”alter 变更,收变alterable 可收变的(alter+able 能…的)alternation 交互,交错(alternate+ion)alternative 二者择一(的)(来自alternate 交替,交替选择的方法)alien 外国的,外来的,陌生的(ali+en 表形容词或名词意思为地方→其他地方的→外国的,外国人的)alienate 疏远(alien 外国的+ate→把别人当外国人→疏远)alienation#amb=round(来来回回,反复.循环)ambiguous 模糊的,歧义的(也就是反复不清楚的意思)ambitious 有野心的,有抱负的(amb来回+it走+ous反复=为了一个目的反复来回走,来自古希腊有志于选举的人的选战策略)ambition ambulance 救护车,野战医院(来回反复的开)#ani=live 近义词根:viv/bioanimation 生机,活力,动画animal animated 有生机的,活泼的unanimous 意见一致的(un一个+anim 生命+ous→[大家]同一个生命→一致的)ann=annual 年annually 一年的,每年的 anniversary 周年纪念日(anni年+ver改变=年年都改变)annuity 年金,养老金(annu+ity 每年的东西→年金)perennial 终年的,长期的(per 始终+ennial 年的→终年的)art/tech= skill 技术技巧art 美术,艺术 artistry艺术气质,艺术天赋 artistic艺术的 artist artificial 人造的,虚构的(art技术+fic制作)article 文章,物品technique 技术 technician 技工 technical technology 工科科学(tech技术+logy学科)*astro=star 星星,天空astrology 星象学(astro星星+logy学科) astrological astrologer astronomy 天文学(astro天空+nomy学科)astronomical 天文学的,天文数字般的 astronomer astronaut 宇航员 catastrophe 巨大灾祸(cate向下+astro星星=星宫向下(陨落))catastrophic disaster 灾难(dis分散+aster星星=星位散开,偏离轨道)aud=hearaudio 音频 aural 听力,听觉的 audible 听得见的 audit 旁听(aud 听+it走=走过去听)auditor 旁听生 audition 试镜,试听(让别人听你的声音)audience 观众 obey 听从,遵守 obedient 顺从的ash=ash灰尘象征着破坏和无用的废弃物ash 灰尘 dash 猛冲,飞奔,快速完成 crash 坠毁,失事,崩溃 crush 压碎,挤破 smash 粉碎,破坏 lash 用鞭子抽打 trash 垃圾(无营养的坏作品和思想)bar=bar 长形棍状物体,常引申为阻挡和障碍,使不便bar 棍子 bolt 门闩 barrel 长筒猎枪 barrier 障碍 block 障碍,大石块,街区(被挡开隔开的部分) barricade 障碍 embarrass 使不便,使尴尬 embarrassment barren 不孕不育的,贫瘠的 barn 牲口棚bargain 讨价还价 banish v 放逐,摒弃(ban 禁止+ish)bas=base 基础,底部base 基地 basic basically basis 基础 basin 盆地 basket 篮子basement 地下室 bashful 害羞的(底部的,不外露的=害羞的)abase 降低,诋毁(a强调+base基础=使回到基础底部)debase 贬低,侮辱(de向下+base基础)debased 被贬低的bat=hit 打近义词根:flictbat 打.v 蝙蝠.n baton 警棍,指挥棒 batter 重击 battle 战斗 debate 辩论(de分开+bat打=分主题的唇枪舌剑)combat 打斗,格斗 abate 废除,罢免,降低bene=good 象征着宗教的善行近义词根: eubenefit 有益于,受益于(bene好处+fit做)beneficial benediction 祝福,赞美(bene好+dic说)benefaction 善行,仁慈(bene好+fac做)benefactor benevolence 善意,美德(bene好+vol意愿+ence名词)benevolent benign 良性的,善意的bio=life 近义词根:viv/aniantibiotic 抗生素(anti反抗+bio生命+ic药) biography 传记(bio 生活+graph写)biology 生物学(bio生+logy学科)autobiography 自传(auto自动)bra=two arms ,表示“两臂”引申为支持包含围绕bra 胸罩 brace v 支持 n.支持物 bracelet n 手镯(brace+let 小东西→带在手上的小东西→手镯)embrace v 拥抱;包括(em 进入+brace →进入两臂→拥抱)Libra 天平座(想想星座图案天平起什么作用就明白了)library 图书馆librarian 图书管理员b...d=bind 表示捆绑,束缚近义词根:ly,ligbind 包扎 bond 合同,契约 bound 必须的,有义务的 boundary 国界,边境 bandage 绷带 band 一伙人 bunch 扎,簇,串 bundle 捆,包,箱blend 混合 blind 盲人的b...l=圆形并且膨胀ball 球 bowling 保龄球 ballet 芭蕾 balloon 气球 bullet 子弹belly 肚子 bulb 灯泡 bubble 气泡 bucket 桶 ballot 选票(古代用小圆球计票)bowl 碗 symbol 象征(sym表示相同)blast 爆炸 blossom 开花 boom 繁荣.发展 boil 煮car=car 装载,运送car career 职业 cargo 货物 carpenter 木匠 carriage 搬运,马车carry cart 小马车 charge 充电,收费,装载 discharge 放电,卸货recharge*ceed,cess/grade,gress/it/vade=go1.proceed 继续,进行(pro向前+ceed走)process procedure 程序,过程(往前走的状态)procession 前进,队列(pro向前+cess走+ion状态)processive incessant 不断地 succeed 继承,接替(suc下+ceed走=从下面往上走)succession 继承successive successor 继承人ancestor 祖先(an前+cest走+or人=走在前面的人)access 进入 exceed 超过(ex过+ceed走)excess excessive 过度过分的 recess 退步(re 向回+cess走)recession recessive recede 撤退,退步 precede 领先,提前 preceding precedence 领先,优势 intercede 干涉,阻碍(inter 彼此之间+ced走=走入别人之间)concession n.让步,迁就,妥协(con 一起+cess走=大家朝目标共同走一部)concede 妥协 excellent a 杰出的(e超出+cel)excel 超过2.grade 级gradual graduate 毕业生(grad走+ate人=走完了的人)graduation undergraduate 本科在读生 regress 退步(re表示向回)regressive regression aggressive 侵略的,有攻击性的 aggressor aggress侵略,进攻(强调+gress走=非一般的走入,不请自来)aggression congress 国会,众议院(con一起+gress走=大家共同走来,强调大众性,权力比参议院低)congressman progress 进步progressive progression digress vt.跑题(di分散+gress走=走到另一个题目) upgrade 升级(up表示向上)degrade 降级(de表示向下)integrate 结合,进入(in进入+gra走=走进,融合) integrated 综合的integrity 完整,正直3initial 大写字母.n 开始的,最初的.adj(in进入+it走=走进去=开始)initiative initialize 初始化,开始initiate 开创initiation ambitious 有抱负的(amb来回+it走动+ous大量=为了一个目的来回走)ambition transit 运输(trans从一点到另一点+it走动)transition exit 出口(ex出去)circuit 循环,电路(circ圆圈+it走)agitate 点燃,煽风点火,引发(ag强调+it走+ate使=使走动别人当中)agitation 4.invade 侵略(in表示进入)invader wade 跋涉 waddle 跋涉 evade 逃离(e表示出来)evasion pervade 弥漫,遍及(per完全+vad走=走得到处都是)pervasion pervasive*cert/test/fid=believecertificate 证书,文凭,契约(cert相信+fic制作=做出来使别人相信自己)certification testify 作证,证明(test信任+ify使…化=使信任)testimony 证据(使别人相信的东西)contest 比赛,竞争 protest 抗议 credit 信用.信誉,信贷 accredit 确信 incredible 难以置信的(in不+cred信任+ible能够)credible 可信任的 credulous 轻信的(cred信任+ous反复,多=总是相信别人)certain certainly certainty confident confidence confidential 机密的,极其受信任的.adj 机密n diffident 缺乏自信的(dif表示否定) discreet 小心谨慎的(dis不+cre相信=不相信的)*cip,cap,ceive=v.take做动词多表示 1.拿 2.接受/n.head 做名词除了动词的意思之外还表示 3头,重要近义词根:hold拿住,控制1.participate 参加,分享(part部分+cip参加+ate)anticipate 预料,提前行动(anti前+cip拿,占据)anticipation anticipatory receipt 收据,收条(re向回+ceipt拿=拿回来的东西)recipient 收件人discipline 纪律,训诫(dis分散+cip拿+line直线=使分散的成为一条直线=纪律)principal 主要的,首要的(prin首先+cip拿)principle 根本原则 emancipate解放,使自由(e出来+man手+cip拿+ate使=把手放出来,不再被控制)emancipation2disciple 信徒,门徒(dis分散+cip接受=分散在各处接受同一个信仰的人群)concept 概念(con大家+cept接受)perceive 察觉,知道(per 完全+ceive拿=彻底地拿到)perception perceptible deceive 欺骗(de 坏+ceive拿=坏的方式拿走别人的东西和情感)deceit deceiver 骗子receive 接受(re表示向回)reception receptionist 接待员accept (开心地)接受 acceptable 称心如意的 accepted 公认的 acceptance except 除此之外 exception3.cap 帽子(cap头)captain 队长,船长,上尉 capital 重要的(头不就是重要的么)adj 首都,资本.n capitalism escape 逃离(es出来+cap 拿住=从被控制中出来)captive 俘虏(被拿住的人)capture 捕获captivate 捕获,占据(就是拿住的意思)captivation cabbage 卷心菜(头很大,有些地方叫头菜,奇妙的中国阿)capable 有能力的(cap 控制+able能够)capacity 容量,容积(能装能拿)capability 能力cabinet 内阁(一堆的头头和大臣)handicap 使不便,使残疾(hand手+cap控制=手被别人控制住)handicapped 残疾的,不方便的cid,cas=fall落下常引申为偶然和意外accident 事故,意外 accidental incident 小事件,小插曲(in进入+cid 落入+ent事情=落入我们生活中的事情)incidental decay 败落,没落,衰落(de表示向下)casual 偶然的,随意的casualty 伤亡人数occasion 机会,场合occasional coincide 巧合(落入一起)coincidencecid,cis=cut切割(引申为切开,迅速,简洁) 近义词根:sec,seque,exequedecide 决定 decision decisive suicide 自杀(切自己)precise(提前切好的=精准的)acute 尖锐地,急性的(需要被切)concise 简洁的excise 切除(ex表示出去)excision homicide 杀人犯circ,cycle=ring循环,圆圈circle circuit 循环(circu循环+it走)cycle 自行车 recycle 循环再利用 cyclist circulate 循环,流通 circulation circular 圆形,环形,拐弯抹角的 circus 马戏团(到处循环着表演)circumstance环境,周围(circum圆圈+sta站立ance名词表示状态=绕在周围的状态=环境)circumstantial circumspect 小心翼翼的,谨慎的(circu循环+spect看=绕在周围看而不上前)encyclopedia 百科全书(en使+cyclo 循环+ped足+ia事务=足迹遍及各处的资料)*cl=粘粘,结合近义词根:her,hescling 依靠,坚持,依附 clip夹紧,钳牢 clog 堵塞,塞满,妨碍(粘在一起的后果,所以恋爱还是要有距离感) close clumsy 笨拙的,不灵活的(因为淤塞和粘黏) cluster 一簇,一束clutch 抓住,控制collide vi.碰撞, 抵触clud,clus=close 关/结束conclude 结束,结论 conclusion conclusive exclude 排除,排斥(ex 出去+clude关=关在外面)exclusive 排斥的,奢华的,独家的(后两个意思其实就是排斥的引申义)exclusion include inclusion preclude 排斥 preclusion disclose 揭示,曝光(dis分开+close关=把关的事物打开)closet 壁橱,小房间(封闭的空间)recluse 隐士(re返回+clud封闭=回到山林田园去封闭自己)reclusive 归隐的,与世隔绝的reclusioncord=heart 引申为真诚,协调,一致record 记录(re反复+cord心=反复在心上)cord 核心,内涵 cordial 真诚的 cordiality 真心 accord 使一致 according 一致的,协调的accordingly concord 使一致discord分歧concord 协调,一致concordant 和谐的 concordancecre=make 近义词根:fic,fact/genincrease increasing concrete 水泥.n 坚固的.a(con一起+cre制造=水泥就是把东西粘合在一起的)concretion decrease 减少(de表示反义)create creation creature 生物creative discrete 不连续的,分开的(dis分开+cre制造=分开制造)recreate 休息,放松,娱乐(re表示再一次,为了能够再次生产,因此必须休息)recreationcur=run跑引申为循环currency 货币,循环current 目前的,当下的occur 发生,想起occurrence recur 再发生 concur 同时发生(con一起+cur跑=跑到一起)concurrence excursion 郊游(ex出去+cur跑)excursive course 课程(循环开设的,铁打的校园流水的学生)curtain 帘 curriculum 课程(表)(curr+iculum 表名词→学员跑来跑去的[依据]→课表)secure 安全的(se分开+cur跑=跑到一边躲起来)security cursory adj.匆促的 curtail 缩减dem=people 近义词根:pub,munidemocratic 民主的(dem人民+crat统治=人民统治)democracy 民主制democrat 民主主义 epidemic 传染的(在人民中的)academy 学院(人民受教育的地方,最初的意思是私塾)academic学术的,学究的*dic=tell 讲述近义词根:log/noun,claim/voc/fessdictate 口授,命令 dictation dictator 独裁者,听写者 predict 判断,预言(pre提前+dic说)prediction unpredictable 无法预言的indicate 表明,显示(in进入+dic说+ate使=使说进去=说清,表明)indication contradict 与...相矛盾,顶嘴(contra反+dic说)contradiction addict 使上瘾(ad强调+dic说=不停的说,因为喜欢)addiction 上瘾abdication benediction 祝福(bene好+dic说)dictionary abdicate 废除,退位(ab坏的方式远离+dic说+ate使=使皇帝离开位置说话)abdicationdit,don= give (给有价值的东西) 近义词根:tributdonate 捐赠 donation donor dedicate 投入,投身于 dedication 奉献 devote 奉献 devotion 奉献 pardon 宽恕(par平等+don给予=给予平等)condition conditional edit 编辑(e出来+dit给)editor edition editorial tradition 传统(trans从一点到另一点+dit给=一代人留给一代人的东西)traditional endow 捐赠 abandon 放弃(ab表示否定+don给=不再给)doc,dox=instruction命令doctor 博士,医生(发布命令者)document 档案,文件 documentary 档案的.adj 纪录片. N. paradox 悖论(para相等相似+dox命令=相等又相似的命令)paradoxical doctrine 命令,教条 orthodox n 正统思想(ortho正+dox→正的观点→正统思想)*dom/eco/reg=dom (圣经中家的意思,引申为统治,管理) 近义词根:crat,arch)dome 圆屋顶,苍穹(象征着覆盖和控制) dormitory 宿舍 economy 经济 economical 勤俭的,实惠的 economic 经济的 ecology 生态学(logy表示学科) ecological ecologist freedom 自由(free放松)domestic 国内的,家庭的,统治的 dominate 统治 dominant 有统治力的domination kingdom 王国(king国王+dom统治=国王管理的地方)realm 疆域,范围 region 区域 regional regulate 管理 regulation regular 规范的,有规则的(被统治的后果就是老老实实的)irregular 不规则的 reign 管理 register 登记,注册(方便管理的好方式)registrationduc= lead引导,指挥,带领conduct 率领,指挥 conductor semiconductor 半导体 introduce 介绍,说明 introduction reduce 减少(re表示向回)reduction educate 教育(把才能引导出来)education educational deduce推导(de表示分开) abduct 诱拐(ab远离+duc引导=远远的引导到僻静的地方)abduction produce production productive subdue 征服,指挥(sub 向下+duc=上级引导下级)educe 推导,推断(引出来) education seduction induce v.劝诱,导致, 引起d...z=表示晕或者不清醒dizzy 眩晕的,眼花缭乱的 doze 打瞌睡 dozy 困的 daze dazzle 使迷惑,眼花缭乱 dazzling 困惑的,眼花缭乱的fa=假和虚幻的东西fable 寓言,童话 fabulous 奇思妙想的 fairy 仙子,仙女 fairyland fallacy 谬误 fault faulty fabricate 伪造fabrication fame 名誉(人生就是一场幻觉,名誉是虚幻的)famous fan 粉丝 fancy 幻想fantasy 幻想 fantastic 异想天开的,美妙的 fascinate 使迷惑fascinating 令人着迷的,有魅力的 fake 假冒的 fanatic 狂热的fanaticism 盲从主义 fate 命运 fatal fatalism*fact,fect,fit=制造和做近义词根:cre/genfact 事实 factor 原因,因素 factory 工厂(fac做+tory场所)manufacture 加工(manu手+fact做+ure名词)manufacturer 制造商facilitate 使方便 facility便利,设备 affect 影响 affection 喜爱affected effect 效果,作用(ef出来+fect做=做出来的东西=效果)effective 有效果的 efficient 高效的 efficiency 效率 perfect 完美的(per完全+fect做=完全的做,彻底的做)perfection perfectionist defect 缺点(de表示反义+fect做=不做)defective 有缺陷的 infect 影响,感染(in进入+fect做=做到别人里面去)infected被感染的,受影响的 infectious 具有传染性的 infection profit 利润,利益(pro提前+fit生产)profitable sacrifice 牺牲(sac神圣+fit做=为了神圣的目的而作的事情) sacrificial sufficient 充分的,足够的(suf下面+fic做=把下面做好,地基打牢) sufficiency superficial 肤浅的,表面的(super上面+fic做=做在上面的而浮光掠影) benefit 有益于,受益于(bene好+fit做)beneficial benefaction 恩惠,施舍(bene好+fact做)benefactor fiction 小说(虚构的,做出来的)fictitious 虚构的 deficit n赤字(de反义+fic生产=不生产,坐吃山空)office official 官方的,正式的 officer officious adj.好管闲事的proficient a 精通的,熟练的(pro 前+fic+ient→以前做过→熟练的)proficiency n 精通,熟练(pro+fic+inecy)(pro+fic+inecy)*fer=carry(1.搬运,拿/2,承载,装近义词根:gest,ger)1.offer 提供(of附近+fer拿)prefer preference 偏爱,优先选择preferential infer推断 inference confer商量,讨论(con一起+fer 拿=把很多东西拿到一起)conference 会议 refer 涉及,有关reference 参考,借鉴,涉及(re反复+fer拿=需要反复拿的东西) referee 裁判,法官(re反复+拿+ee被动的人=被反复借鉴,参考的人)defer 扣押,延迟(de表示反义+fer拿给=不给)transfer 调转,调动(trans从一处到另一处+fer拿=从一个地方被拿到另一个地方)interfere 干涉,妨碍(inter彼此之间+fer拿=把自己的想法主意拿到别人之间)interference2.fertile 肥沃的,多产的(能够装载的)fertilizer 肥料 differ different difference suffer 忍受(suf下面+fer装=把牢骚放在肚子里)ferry 轮渡(装人的工具)fin=scope 范围,界限confine 限制(con强调+fin范围=使在固定范围内)define 下定义(de 分开+fin范围=给出不同事务不同的范围来做区别)definite 明确的finite 有限的(有范围的,看得见摸得着的)infinite 无限的definition 定义 definitely finance 财政,金融 financial fine 罚金(理解为超过界限)refine 精制,提炼(re反复+fin范围=反复做使到一个好的范围)refinement affiliate 加盟,入会,成为附属(af强调+fil范围=具有共同范围)flict,fend=fight 近义词根:batconflict 斗争,矛盾confliction conflictive afflict 折磨affliction inflict 打击 infliction offend 攻击 offensive 进攻的,冒犯的 defend 防守(de表示反义)defendant defensive manifest a 明显的v表明,证实(mani+fest 打击→用手打出→不隐藏→表明)form=form类型,模式近义词根:mod ,norm=norm 状态formal 正式的(符合类型的)informal forum 论坛 inform 通知(in进入+form=使进入模式=使知道)information reform 改革(re反复+form模式=反复塑造模式) uniform 制服(uni统一+form模式=一模一样的模式)transform 改变(trans从一点到另一点) formula 模式,公式 formation formulate 模式化 conform 遵守,服从(con一起,一致+form模式=使大家便成同一个模式)perform v 执行(任务),表演(per完全,彻底+form 形状→从头到尾做出形状→表演)performance abnormal 不正常的 subnormal 低规格,低标准的 enormous 巨大的(e 超出norm状态+ous反复=反复超出常规状态)enormityfort,forc=strong 强大的事物force 强迫.v 武装.n enforce 增援,迫使 reinforce fort 堡垒,要塞fortress 堡垒 forte 长处,优点comfort 安慰(使强大)comfortable 舒适的 fortune 财富 misfortune 不幸 fortunate unfortunate effort 努力(ef出来+fort力量=把力量拿出来)*frag/rupt= break 断裂,破裂引申为毁灭破坏interrupt 打断,插话(inter彼此之间+rupt断开=中间断开)bankrupt 破产(bank银行+rupt断送=银行断送)corrupt 腐蚀,腐败(cor强调+rupt 断=完全的被断送)corruption erupt 喷出,爆发(e出来+rupt断=断裂的部分出来,类似于火山喷岩浆)eruption eruptive abrupt a 突然的,莽撞的(ab离开+rupt→断开→突然断开→突然的) fraction 断裂fracture 碎片 fragment 碎片,片断 fragile 脆弱的,易碎的 frail 脆弱的*fus,flu=flow 流动refuse 拒绝 refusal fuse 熔合,熔化(流到一起)confuse 使困惑confused confusion influence 影响 influential fluent 流利的fluency 流利,流畅 fluid 流体,液体 flush 流过 float 漂浮 flu 流感 influenza 流行感冒 flow 流动 inflow 流入 influx 流入diffuse 弥漫,蔓延(dif分散+fus流动=流得到处都是)diffusion effuse 流出,表达(ef向外+fus流)effusion effusive afflux 流经,流过 affluent 流过的,富庶的(有河流经过的地方象征着富裕)affluence fluctuate 波动,震荡(flu流+ate使=想象河流经过时候的波峰波谷)fluctuation*gen,gener=produce 生产近义词根:cre/fic,factgerm 微生物,细菌,胚芽 general gene 基因 genesis 起源 generous 大量的,丰富的,慷慨的(gener生产+ous大量)generosity 丰富,慷慨generate 生产,开始 degenerate 降级,堕落(de表示反义)generation 代 genius 天才(善于生产,发明)gift 天赋 genuine 真正的,真实的(可理解为生产出来的而并非虚构的)pregnant 怀孕的(pre提前+gn 生产+ant的)pregnancy 怀孕 genetic 遗传的 homogeneous 同类的(homo表示同)indigenous 土产的,土著的(in内部+gen+ous→内部产生→土产的)ingenious 聪明的,足智多谋的(in内心+gen生产+ous多=内心可以生产出很多想法)gl= light 1看/2.发光/3.光荣近义词根:lum,lus1.glance 一瞥 glimpse 一瞥 glare 愤怒的看 gaze 愤怒的看2.gleam glitter glisten glimmer glow 发灼热光 gloomy 昏暗的,痛苦悲惨的(没有光的意思)3.globe 环球 global globalization 全球化glory 光荣 glorious glorify 使荣耀(ify使)glamour 光环,魅力 glamorousgrac,grat,gree=please 表示可以令人开心和愉悦的事物grace 优雅,美丽 graceful 优雅的,美丽的 gracious 优雅的,和蔼的graceless 粗俗的(less表示否定)grateful 感谢的 gratitude 感激agree 同意 agreeable 令人愉悦的agreement congratulate 恭喜congratulation gratify 使满足(ify使)*graph,gram/scribe= write 写,画telegram 电报(tele远+gram写=从远处写就可以收到)telegraph 电报 program 计划,安排(pro提前+gram写=提前写的东西)diagram 图表 graph 图表 grammar 语法(规范写作的东西)paragraph 段落(para 相等+graph写=把同一主题的写到一起)photograph biography 传记(bio生命+graph写=写生命)autobiography 自传(auto表示自动)describe 详细描写(de分开+scirbe写=分部分的仔细写)description descriptive prescribe 开处方(pre提前+scribe写=去医院医生提前写给你的东西)prescription subscribe 签名,捐赠,订购(sub向下+scribe写=在纸的下方写上名字)subscription inscription script 手稿,笔记,剧本 manuscript 手稿(manu手+script写)grav=heavy 重,即表示重要又表示重力grave 重要的,严重的.adj 坟墓.n gravity 重力(grav重+ity性质)aggravate 加重,加剧(ag强调+grav重+ate使)aggravation engrave 雕刻,铭记(en使+grave重=铭记是不遗忘的最好的方式,不能拥有你爱的人就好好记住她/他吧)grief n悲伤,心情沉重 grieve v使悲伤grievous a 悲伤的,严重的(griev+ous)grievance n 牢骚,苦水(griev 悲伤+ance→说悲伤的话→牢骚)her,hes=her 象征女性,可表示优点:生育,传承;也可以表示缺点:粘,犹豫近义词根:cladhere 黏 adhesion adhesive 坚持的,忠贞的 cohere 粘贴 cohesion hesitate 犹豫 hesitation inherit 继承(in进入+her她=在母体中)inherent a 天赋的,生来的(in 里面+her+ent→天生[与身体内]连着→天赋的)heredity 遗传 heritage 遗产 heir 继承人 heiress 女继承人hibit=hold 引申为得到占有近义词根:host/tan,tainhabit habituate 使习惯 inhabit 居住,占据(得到的意思)inhabitant 居民(in里面+habit占有+ant人=在里面居住的人) inhabitation exhibit 展示(ex出来+hibit拥有=把用有的拿出来)exhibition prohibit 控制,禁止(pro提前+hibit拿住=提前控制住)prohibitive prohibitionhost=hold 表示装,容纳近义词根:tan,tain/hibithost 主人hostess 女主人air-hostess 空姐hospital 医院hospitable 好客的,殷勤的(hospi容纳+able能够=能够容纳别人)hospitality 殷勤好客 hostage 人质(被抓住的人)hotel 宾馆 hostel 青年旅社hor.ter=tremble 表示恐惧,惊悚引申为土地horrible 恐惧的 horrify 使恐惧(hor恐惧+ify使动) horror 恐惧terrible 恐惧的 terrify 使恐惧 terror 恐惧 horn 号角 exterior a外部的(ex外+ter土地)interior a 内部的(in内+ter土地)territory 领土territorial 领土.领地的 mediterranean 地中海(med中间+terr 土地+an地名)hum= earth (近义词根:agar,acre)humid 潮湿的 humble 谦卑,卑微的(来自于土地被人踩在脚下)humility n 谦让,低下(hum+ility 状态→低下)humiliate 羞辱,使降低 humiliation human (女娲,上帝用土造人,因此土就表示了人)humane 仁慈的,亲切的(如大地般的) inhuman 不仁慈的*ject=throw(通常指丢,仍没有用的东西,常有负面意思)object 物体.n 反对.v (ob反+ject扔=扔回去) objective 客观的,实质的.adj 目标.n objection 反对 project 计划,安排.n(pro提前+ject 丢出=提前丢出的东西)投射.v (pro向前+ject丢=向前抛)projective 投射的 projection projector 投影仪 reject 反对(re向回+ject丢)rejection subject 物体,实质.n 使隶属,征服.v(sub向下+ject丢=把东西丢到下面去)subjective 客观的,征服的 subjection inject 注射,吸毒(in进入+ject丢=把坏东西打入体内)injection eject 发射(e出去+ject丢)ejection abject 悲惨的,可怜的(ab远离+ject丢=被远远的抛弃在角落)abjectionjus,jud=law 法律,裁决近义词根:legjust 正义的,正好的(符合法律的)jury 陪审团 judge 法官,裁判.n 判断,仲裁.v judgment n 判断,判断力(judg+ment)judicial a 司法的,法官的(judic 判断→法官→司法的)prejudice n 偏见(pre 预先+judice→预先判断→偏见)injury n 伤害,不法行为(in 不+jury 法→不法行为)injurious a 有害的(injury+ous)*lect,lig/opt=choose 选择,挑选select 精选(se分开+lect选择=分开选择,仔细挑选)selection selective collect 收集(选在一起)collective 共同的,集体的(一起+col挑选)collection elect 选举(e出来+lect选)election neglect 忽视(neg表示否定+lect选择=不选择)negligence 渎职 option 选项optional 可选择的 adopt 采纳,收养(ad强调+opt选择=在一堆里面慎重选择一个)adoptive adoption optimistic 乐观的optimismintellectual 知识分子(intel彼此之间+lect选择=聪明人善于在不同事物之间进行选择和判断)intelligent 聪明的intelligence elegant 优雅的,美丽的(e出来+lect选择+ant的=被精挑细选出来的)elegance eligible a 合格的,有资格的(e出来+lig+ibe→选出来的→合格的)eligibility 合格 elite 精华,精英(被挑选出来的人)leg=law(近义词根:jud)legal 合法的 illegal 非法的 privilege 特权(privi一个人+leg法律=一个人的法律)allege 宣称(al强调+leg法律=强调法律,发出正义之声)allegory 寓言 legislate 立法(leg法律+ate使=使形成法律)delegate 代表人,代表团(de分开+leg法律+ate人=一组一组合法的正式团体)delegation 代表legacy 遗产lev=raise抬高引申为减轻,缓解elevate 提升,抬高(e向外+lev升+ate使=使升起来)elevator 电梯elevation lever 杠杆 level relief n.救赎,缓解 relieve 减轻,释放,缓解(re向回+lie举起=把重物放回去,一块石头落地)alleviate 减轻,缓解 release 释放 alleviation levy 征税(向上向中央征集)loft 阁楼(向上凸起的部分)lofty 高耸的,崇高的let,lit=education 受教育,有文化letter 字母,书信 literature 文学 literary 文学的literacy 识字,有文化 illiterate 不识字的,文盲的(il否定+literate识字)literate 识字的literal 文字的,字面的literally polite 有礼貌的,有教养的 politeness 礼貌,教养 policy政策(文化人所制定的)politics 政治 political 政治的 politician 政客log= speak 近义词根:fess/dic/noun,claim/voclogic(来自于音译,会说话既意为行得通有逻辑的)logical dialog catalog 目录(cata向下+log说=说在下面的话)eloquence 口才,雄辩eloquent 有口才的 prologue 前言 analogy n 类比,类似(ana 一样+logy→说的一样→类比)apology 道歉(ap表示强调) apologizelus,lum=light 近义词根:glillustrate 照明,解释(il进入+lustr光+ate使=使光明进入,照亮黑暗,扫除愚昧)illustration illustrious 杰出的(发光的)illuminate 照亮,启蒙(il进入+lumin光+ate使=使光亮进来)illumination illuminative 照明的,启蒙的 luster 光泽,光环 lusty 有光泽的luxury 奢华 luxurious luxuriant 丰富,华丽,奢华的#lud,lus=play,表示“玩,戏弄”"allude v 提及,暗指(al不断+lude→不断演戏→不直截了当→暗指) delude v 欺骗(de坏+lude→玩坏的[手段]→欺骗)delusion n 欺骗prelude n 序曲( pre+lude 玩,演奏→先演奏→序曲)illusion n 错觉,幻觉(it进入+lus+ion→被玩弄了→产生错觉)illusionary 幻觉的 disillusion 幻觉 disillusioned 幻灭的 lure 勾引(不负责任的玩弄的意思)allure 引诱,勾引ly,lig=bind (捆绑,表示束缚,义务近义词根:b…d)ally 结盟(一荣俱荣,一损俱损的团体)alliance 联盟 allied 结盟的 rely 依靠(re表示反复)reliable 可靠的 reliability 可靠性religion 宗教(本质就是对信徒其约束和控制作用)oblige 迫使,使具有义务 obligation 责任,义务 league 联盟,联赛 colleague 同事(在一个联盟内工作的人)man=hand 表示控制,制造manage management emancipate 解放(e出来+man手+cip拿+ate使=手被解脱释放出来)emancipation manufacture 手工制造,加工(manu手+fact做+ure名词)manufacturer 生产商 manual 手工的 permanent 持久地,永恒的(per完全一直+man手=一直用手拿着) permanence 坚持,永恒,忠诚 manuscript 手稿(manu手+script写)maintain维持(main 手+tain拿着=用手拿住) manifest a 明显的v 表明,证实(mani+fest 打击→用手拍打→不隐藏→表明)manipulate v 巧妙处理,操纵(mani+pul推动+ate→同时用手做事情→巧妙处理)command 命令commander 司令 demand 要求mar,mer=sea,water 近义词根:aquamarine a.大海的,海洋的 mariner n 水手 mermaid 美人鱼(mer海洋+maid少女=海中少女)submarine 潜水艇(sub向下+marine海洋=海洋下面的)mercury 水银,水星 mercy n.仁慈,怜悯(像水一样温柔)marinate v.浸泡(mar水+ate使=使在水中)merge=sink 沉没emerge 爆发,浮出(e出来+merge沉=从沉默中浮现) emergency 紧急事件,曝光submerge 沉没(sub表示向下)submergence immerge 吞没(sub向下)immergence merge 吞并,合并med,mid= 1.medicine医学 2.middle中间,中级1.medicine medical remedy 治疗2 .middle media 媒体,媒质(就是充当中间人的意思)medium intermediate 中级的(inter彼此之间)medieval 中世纪的(med中+eva=era时代,纪元=中世纪的)immediate 马上的,立即的(im没有+med 中间=不经过中间的)immediately midsummer 仲夏 mediate 调停,仲裁(med中间+ate使=在中间和解)mediation mediator 调解人Mediterranean 地中海(med中+terr土地+an表示地方)intermediary 中介 meddle 干涉,插足(进入别人中间)men/,cure=think 思考,想到mental 心理的 mentally mention 想到,涉及 comment 评论,注解(com 强调+ment想起=使别人能够在记住你)commentate 评注 commentary 评价,解说 recommend 介绍,推荐(re再一次+com大家+mend想起=让别人再一次想起你)recommendation cure 治疗 curiosity 好奇心 curious accurate 精准的,准确的(反复思考使事务准确)accuracy memory 记忆 memorial 纪念碑 memorize 记住 remember memo 备忘录immemorial 古老的,无法追忆的(im表示否定)memorandum 备忘录obscure 不起眼的.暗淡的(ob相反+cure想=不被别人想起得)curator 馆长(cura想+or人=需要思考很多事情的人)mentor n 导师(ment 精神)*miss,mit= send 1.发出/2.委任,派遣(带有命令,嘱托或强制)1. miss promise(pro前面+mise→在做事前送出的话→允诺)promising 有前途的(能够兑现承诺的)missile 导弹(miss发出+ile 物体)emit 发射(e出去+mit发=发出去)emission emissive omit 忽。



UNIT ONE[Words and expressions]Insight: capacity of gaining a deep instinctive understanding of a situation Sermon: religious teachingWintry: of winter; coldFall through: fail to be successfully completed; come to nothingProspect: something one expects to happenProspects: opportunitiesFrown: vi 皱眉;皱眉表示不悦Invariable: never changingEminent: famous and respected within a particular profession.Checker: little squareChew the cud: think over, careful contemplation 反刍;仔细想Cud:反刍之食物;倒嚼之食物Hindsight: n. 事后聪明Muffle:(1)(用东西蒙住或包扎住)使声音降低(2) 裹;覆盖;围住Gnome: a small little manCaseload: all the people a doctor is responsible for at one time (医务工作者、社会工作者)的工作量Melancholy: adj. Sad; gloomy; depressedIndestructible: strong, can’t be destroyedPerceptiveness: unusual ability to notice and understand 洞察能力At some length:in some detailAt length:at lastDenominator: a mathematic term; here, the common characteristics Perspective: way of observing a subjectProceed to do: begin to doBerate: scold; criticize angrilyWoeful: sorrowful; miserable; pitifulLament: bemoan; feel regretful; feel or express deep sorrowPerverse streak: obstinate qualityStreak:a part of a person’s character, especially an unpleasant partRuthless streak 冷酷的性格Vicious streak 邪恶的性格Mean streak 卑鄙的性格Hash over one’s mistakes: bring up the old mistakes again for consideration Ruefully: regretfullyDrag: sl. A boring thing; nuisanceHere in this context: sth that retards motion, action or advancementGrim: depressing;unpleasantWindowpane: window glassPane: a piece of glassCruising: traveling at a steady speedSly: cunningAbsurd: sth that is absurd looks ridiculousIn full stride坦然自若地Perceptible: can be felt in mindClick: a short hard sound (used figuratively), meaning “reminder”, “urge of encouragement”Immortality: never-ending life or endless fameImmortal: not mortalMortal: can not live forever; must dieUNIT TWO[Words and expressions]Exhort: advise sb earnestly; urge sb to doEarl: title of a British ranking between a marquis and a viscountFive titles of nobleman:Duke 公爵Marquise 侯爵Earl 伯爵Viscount 子爵Baron 男爵Get around to doing sth: find the time to do sth. 抽时间做某事Worthies(通常用复数):important people;VIPCool one’s heels:have sb wait for a long timeAnteroom: waiting roomAttest to:show/ prove/ demonstrate that sth is trueDub: give sb a nickname, often in a humorous way 起绰号Cunctator: delayerVinum break: wine breakVinum: Latin word for wine.Tea breakCoffee breakPlead: give as an excuse 提出…为借口Rationalize:make…sound reasonableJehovah: God in the Old Testament 耶和华Edict: a firm, authoritative order 命令;法令Procrastination: delay; postponeDo-it-nower: one who never delaysMortgage: a loan of money one gets from a bank in order to buy a house 房屋抵押款Ungodly: (informal use) this word is used to describe sth that seems unreasonable to you and therefore is annoying.The apocalyptic voice of Diners threatens doom from Denver: a menacing orderfrom Denver, the credit card company, so threatening an order that incurs trouble and catastrophe to those who haven’t paid their credit-card bills. Apocalyptic: threatening; menacing.This word is derived from Apocalypse (《启示录》) from the New Testament. It predicts the coming of disaster, and the coming of Jesus.Doom: catastropheDiners: the Diners’ Club, which introduced, in 1950, the first credit card which could be used at different establishments.Denver: the head office of the Diners credit cardIncur:give rise toInspire: cause; encourageRevive: regenerate; bring backCunctator: delayerMonopoly: complete control; domination 垄断Proconsul:(古罗马)总督Ruminate: think deeply; meditate; ponderBlessedly:fortunately;gloriouslyLoot:steal or take things by force; robAttorney: lawyerChronic: habitual 积习难改的;长期的Echelon: levelAddicted入迷的;热衷的Breed:causeFortify: support or strengthenSmother: cover thicklyReappraisal: action of re-examining sth; re-evaluationStud: decorate a surface with many studs, precious stonesChurn out: mass produceAssi d uous:determined; persistentShrink: psychiatrist 心理医生Subliminal: being perceived or affecting the mind without being aware of it; unconsciousDeliberation: slowness of movement;Mellow: become ripeAssassin: killerDevour: eat sth. hungrilyUNIT THREEPlay God:perform the duties or functions of God 充当上帝;尽上帝之责任Fatted calf: 养肥的小牛Vulture: 兀鹫Pick at: get small amount to eat;eat like a birdResuscitate: make sb become conscious again; revive 使恢复知觉;使苏醒Macho: behaving in an aggressively masculine way 大男子气概的;粗野的Scheme of things:the things in which people want things to be organized 安排的格局;计划安排Bowel: 肠Bladder膀胱Haggard:having a tired expression because of illness and bad sleep憔悴的Beaten: depressed;frustrated沮丧的Saliva:唾液Drool:淌口水(saliva) coming out without being able to stop it.Irrigate:冲洗Crater: big holeBedsore: 褥疮Feces:粪便;排泄物Scrub:rub hard in order to clean 用力擦洗Upholstery: 软垫Agonized:极度痛苦的Be liable for negligence: 易于失职;易于玩忽职守Liable: likely to happenLucid: being able to think clearly 头脑清楚的Crumble: fall; become weakmedication: medicinemoaning: low and miserable cryinfuse … with注入sense of humility: 谦恭感impotence: state of being weak;illusion: 幻想salvation拯救meddle in: interfere withhaunt: frustrateriddle: plague; frustratemutter: speak very quietlya clutch of: a large amount of;band: bind round tightly 紧紧勒住pallor:pale colorUNIT FOURPainfully: the author feels pain when touching upon this issueTake liberties with sth.: treat freely without caring about…Nourish the society: provide for and support the society; sustain the society Outlaw: adj. illegaln. a criminalv. made illegal: The use of poison gas is outlawed.Outlaw litter: unlawful strewing a place with rubbishElicit: illegalElicit noise: very loud noise that is not permittedAnarchy: disorder; confusion(Represent) the wave of the future: (be)the normal way of behavior in the future Motorized anarchy: disorder or chaos created by motoristsTake to doing sth.: form the habit of doing sth.; like doing sth.Blithely: happilyDereliction: misdeeds; less serious illegal behaviorAs a matter of course: as sth. naturalEthic: moral belief that influences the behavior, attitudes, and philosophy of life 道德规范;伦理标准Cf.Ethics: pl. moral beliefs and rules about right and wrongethnic 种族的Abound v. there are large numbers ofGraffiti: drawings, words, pictures drawn on the walls in public places 涂鸦Be exempt from: be free from; not affected or bound by …;not restricted; not controlledlitter bugs: those who leave waste materials, or garbage everywherebug: (slang)a person who has great enthusiasm for sth.Flurry: sudden burst of intense activityOrdinances: rules and regulationsDecibel: unit to measure how high the sound is分贝Hooliganism: the behavior of hooligansBeer-soaked: drunkenPlague: n. disease like cholera or typhoidv. bother, cause trouble for sbduck v. move away; avoidpot smoker: marijuana addictjoint: a cigarette containing drugsflagrant: obvious, not concealed 明目张胆;赤裸裸的Festering: shameful; disgracefulJaywalker: one who crosses roads in a careless wayScofflawry: act of scoffing the lawFare beate r: one who evades paying the fare on a public vehiclePose risk to: present risk to; cause riskStatute: law and regulationCf. statue; statue of libertyFire safety statute: law for fire safety 防火安全法令Culprit: person who has done sth wrong; offenderAdd up to: amount to,Colossal: very large; immense; hugeJam v. make the street crowdedNuisance: thing, person or behavior that is troublesome or annoyingAdd up to a colossal public nuisance: amount to an act that is tremendously illegal Hazard: dangerDouble parking: parallel parkingFlout: disobey openly and scornfullyWane: decreasing; becoming less and less.Cf. wax: (the moon)growing largerThe moon waxes and wanes every month.Russian roulette: a game of chance in which the player, using a revolver(左轮手枪) containing only one bullet(子弹), spins the cylinder(旋转枪膛)of the revolver, points the muzzle(枪口)at his own head, and pulls the trigger. Here it means a very dangerous activity.Intersection: crossroadsToss-up: tossing up a coin to make a decision between two alternatives.The social mood: the general attitude of societyIncessant: non-stopping; continualA deep dent: a scar on a car, which goes inwardPay a repetitious price in frustration, inconvenience and outrage: endure repeatedly such unpleasant situations as frustration, inconvenience and outrage(great anger)Repetitious: repetitivePay a price: endure some unpleasant situation in order to get something desirable You have to pay a price in heat while preparing the college entrance examination.Peril: serious dangerMortal peri l: deadly dangerTribute: respectFurtiveness: being secret and quiet so as not to be noticedIf hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, then furtiveness is the true outlaw’s salute to the force of law-and-order.→ Vice pays tribute to virtue by means of hypocrisy; then the criminal shows respect to the police by means of being cautious.Brazen: shamelessCollapse: fall of moralsPublic manners: social moralityEtiquette: formal rules of polite behaviorProspect: possibility or likelihood of future event occurring.Foretaste: foresightIncivility: impolitenesscivil → civility → incivilityBolt: 螺栓nut:螺帽,螺母Dump truck: dumper truck:自动装卸卡车Houston freeway traffic violence:1)Flash high-beam lights at a car 用远光灯照射Hurl a beer can at the window shield 用啤酒瓶砸车窗玻璃Kick out the tail lights用脚踢尾灯Slug him eight stitches’ worth: punch him so that his wound has 8 stitches.2)Batter the trunk and the driver with steel bolt: hit or strike violently3)Rear-end the car which goes within 55 m.p.h. limit: follow closely behind Freeway syndrome(高速公路综合征): the incivility characteristic of the drivers on the Houston Freeway.stereotypical: traditionally typicalstereotype 刻板印象;模式化的见解→ stereotypicallaw-abiding citizens: those who abide by the lawtake to doing sth: form the habit of doing sth.; like doing sth.Skirt the law: ignore the lawCome to the main issue. Don’t skirt around it.Mild:gentleProhibition (1920-1933) American history禁酒令Exhilarating: very exciting; cheerfulan exhilarating drink 提神的饮料an exhilarating news 振奋人心的消息wipe out: destroyundermine: weaken gradually;mine: dig out the earth from undergroundlegitimacy:合法性legalitylegitimate: legal adj.ironically: used to modify a whole sentence 颇有讽刺意味的是s cofflaw spirit:违法意识undetermined: uncertain; unsolvedunwittingly: unconsciously;unintentionally; unknowinglybeing too outspoken, he blurted out the secret unwittingly.mandate: orderconstituent: voter选民constituency 选区subvert: undermine; do away withsubvert the government推翻政府compliance:obedience;agreementcomply with → compliancePuny: small in numberPuny fines: a small number of fine 微小的罚金Transgression: sin; law-breaking; violation of the lawTrivialize: pay little attention to;Trivial → trivializeDramatize: magnify or exaggerateNullify: make (an agreement) lose its legal forceto nullify a contract 取消合同null → nullifynull: nothing; no effectnullify the law: 使法律失去效力court-ordered: ordered by the court 法院下令的Desegregation: the elimination of racial isolation in sthDesegregation rulings废除种族隔离法令Administration:American governmentDisquieting: disturbing; upsetting; annoying; worrying; making people worried Quiet -→ disquietingInfectiousness: spreadingInfectious → infectiousnessTerminally: fatallyTerminal disease: a disease which can not be curedTerminal cancer 晚期癌症Terminal patient:重危病人Indefinitely: without control; endlesslyUNIT FIVEFuss and bother: worry and anxietyFuss: unnecessary anger, anxiety, excitement or interestOverpopulate: over + populate -→ overpopulatePlight: serious and difficult situation or conditionAs often as no t: quite frequently; at least half the timeGive sb. equal time with sb. else: give sb. as much attention as is given to sb. else Publicize: bring to public notice 公布于众;宣传Public → publicizeCf. publish 出版;发行Widely publicized counterparts: those ordinary illiterates who are widely known to the publicInterrogate: question sb aggressively or closely and for a long time 审问Cross-examine: question 盘问,often used for asking suspects to give evidence Pry and probe: inquireArticulate: able to use language fluentlyCovet: want very muchCoveted fellowship: money for academic research desired by everyone学术基金Cf. scholarship 奖学金Coveted: eagerly wished for; eagerly desiredExogenous: of external factorDecode: change a coded message into intelligible languagecf. codeAllegory: an imaginary story 寓言故事Gibberish: meaningless talk; nonsenseProvidentially: fortunately; luckilyProvidence n. a divine force 天道,天意Take one’s cue from……: follow the advice or example of……Affliction: trouble or mental suffering or distressInexorable: (1) relentless;(2)continuing; unstoppableProfundity: profound or deep matters.Grapple with: fight with; deal with"Bulging with: full ofBulge: be so full of sth as to swell in size. 肿起;凸起Barbarous jargon: unintelligible terms; meaningless terms; words which are difficult to understandMonstrous phrases: horrible words; terms which are shocking or frightening Monstrous: frightening; shockingPleasure principle(愉悦原则): man is both biological animal and social animal. In keeping with his biological endowment, man tends to seek pleasure and avoid pain. This truism is known as “pleasure principle” .UNIT SIXSchizophrenia: 精神分裂症Diglossia:双言症Dialect:here 社会方言Black English: 黑人英语Stigmatize: treat sb in a way that makes them feel ashamed.使感到羞辱Be stigmatized as:be condemned/denounced as被指责为Radically: completely; thoroughlyLiberal: a member of the Liberal PartyEducation deprivation教育缺乏Anatomy: analysisNew World blacks: 通过奴隶贸易从非洲运往北美的黑人Spirited vocabulary: 带有黑人种族特征的词汇Tote:add upStigmatize: treat sb in a way that makes them feel ashamed.使感到羞辱Inferior: not good or not as good as sb. or sth. elseConsistent: always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards, etc.Be tied up with: be very closely related to; busy withAttribute: believe or say that a situation or event is caused by sth.Eradicate: get rid of completelyOriginate: come from a particular place; start in a particular situationGive rise to: lead to; causeSeep: flow slowly through small holes or spaces; move or spread gradually Derive: develop or come fromBestow: give sb. sth of great value or importanceGraft: join sth onto sth; add sth to sthBe stigmatized as:be condemned/denounced as被指责为Anatomy: analysisOverwhelming: very large; enormousSeep: trickle; ooze(液体) 渗透Fig. come out very slowly 渐渐地、慢慢地外露出来Groovy: attractive; fashionableJive:摇摆舞Rap:(电子乐器伴奏的)说唱Chick:chickenRip off: 撕掉;迅速脱掉Chigger: sand flea (一种跳蚤)Yam:山药;番薯Tater:马铃薯;土豆Bestow: give, grant sth to sb to show how much they are respected授予,赠与,赐给Overseer:监工;监督人;掌管人Graft:移植;嫁接Beside the point:unrelated 不相关的;离题的UNIT SEVENLamely: unconvincinglyOccur to: come to sb’s mindParadoxical: contradictory; incongruousParadox: a situation which involves two opposite factsParadoxical: contradictoryPedagogical acts:教育行为Disciple: follower of any leader of religious thought, learning, art. Originally referred to the followers of Jesus Christ.Be wary of: be cautious about possible danger or problem.Enchantments: magic power/charm of beautyDeprive of: take fromLose prestige: lose significance; lose prominencePrestige: general respect or admiration felt for someone or something because they have high quality, success.Accumulate: make or become greater in number or quantity.In the throes of: in the middle of doing sth very difficult.Throe: intense or violent pain and struggle. Often used in plural formIdentify with: consider two things as being the same; equate with; associate with. The obligation to be / to try: the duty to be beautiful or try to be beautiful An obligation is an act to which one is morally or legally bound.Evaluate: judge the value ofConfirm: give support to a fact by providing more proof.A declared Robert Redford fan: an enthusiastic/faithful supporter of Robert Redford.Declared: openly admitted asUNIT EIGHTPara 1 definition of appetite: keenness of livingThe keenness of living: strong interest in livingKeen adj. Having a strong interest in sth. Eager to do sth.Have an edge on: be eager to satisfy one’s desiresEdge: keenness of desireMultitudinous: extremely large in numberBite into the world: experience the worldPara 2 appetite --- any condition of unsatisfied desireLust for food: strong desire for foodBurning in the blood: strong desireGet one’s heart’s desire: have one’s desire satisfiedPrefer doing sth to doing sth.Para 3 appetite --- a state of wantingTreat n. something that gives great pleasure, especially unexpected.Orgy: party (festivity) which brings great pleasureTreat and orgies: something that gives pleasurePitch of happiness: degree of happinessThe greatest pitch of happiness: the highest degree of happinessToffee太妃糖Toffeeness: the taste of toffeesImperceptible: cannot be perceived Cf. perceptibleGross act of doing sth: ungraceful act of doing sth. 不雅的行为Inexhaustible: not exhaustible, can not be used upTreasure-house of flavors: a great variety of flavorsPara 4 pleasure of appetite --- in wanting, not in satisfactionTexture: the feel of a substanceBludgeon: force sb to do sth.Satiation: over-satisfaction; over-indulgenceOver doing it: eat too muchAppetite is too precious to be bludgeoned into insensibility by satiation: … so good that I don’t want to force it into insensibility by means of over-satisfaction. Para 5 function of fastingSquare mea l: a big meal; a meal which is substantial and richOrgiastic: full of excitement; here it means the meal which makes people feel excited.Table-groaning: (food which is so much and rich) that makes the table groan, or the table groans under the weight of food.Blow-out: (slang)a large meal; a feast 盛餐;美餐Fasting:eating no foodPuritanical device:a way to avoid enjoyment as puritans do. Puritans think enjoyment is unnecessary or wrong.Puritanical: very strict and severe in moralsAnticipate: expectSupreme indulgence: luxury pleasure which is of the highest degree.Para 6 fasting --- respect for appetiteFasting is an act of homage to the majesty of appetite: fasting is a way to respect the grandness of appetite.Appetite is grand, excellent,Homage: respectMajesty: grandnessIntensity: power or strength of pleasureWeariness of modern life: monotony of modern lifeLive too much on top of each other: live too close to each other, too dependent upon each otherOn end: continuouslyCrouch: lower the body by bending the kneesWail: cryGorge: eat greedilyGorge oneself: fill oneself with food; stuff oneself with foodAppetite came into its own: appetite showed its true value.Sacred celebration of life: holy celebration of lifeImpotence of life: life in which one loses his ability “瘫痪”的生活Guardian:one who protects othersDivinity of appetite: appetite is divine, or respectable, hence the divinity of appetite Blunt: weakenedPara 8 need of thirst in order to get springs: the need of appetite in order to get the greatest pitch of happinessAcute: keen; sharpBliss: great joyParch: make very dry and hot。



第二章cession / 5seFEn/ n.割让,转让cessation / se5seiFEn/ n.中止,(短暂的)停止precedence / pri5si:dns/ n.优先,居先predecessor / 5pri:disesE/ n.前辈,前任者procedure / prE5si:dVE/ n.程序,手续,过程proceeding / prE5si:diN/ n.程序,行动,事项process / 5prEuses/ n.过程,工序 vt.加工recess / ri5ses/ vi.n. 休息,休会,放假accede / Ak5si:d/ v.应允,同意access / 5Akses/ n.接近,通道,入口accessory / Ak5sesEri/ n.同谋 a.附属的accessible / Ak5sesEbl/ a.易达到的,易受影响的 accession / Ak5seFEn/ n.到达,即位,增加,同意exceedingly ad.极端地,非常excessively ad.过分地,非常地concede / kEn5si:d/ vt.承认,退让 vi.让步concession / kEn5seFEn/ n.让步,迁就secession / si5seFEn/ n.脱离、退出succeed / sEk5si:d/ vt.继…之后 vi.成功success / sEk5ses/ n.成功,成就,胜利successful / sEk5sesful/ a.成功的,结果良好的 successfully / sEk5sesfuli/ ad.顺利地,成功地 incessant / in5sesnt/ a.无间断的,连续的celerity / si5leriti/ n.快速,迅速accelerate / Ak5selEreit/ vt.(使)加快,促进 acceleration / AkselE5reiFEn/ n.加速,加速度accelerator / Ak5selEreitE/ n.加速装置,加速剂 accelerative / Ek5selErEtiv/ a.加速的,促进的 accelerometer / Ak5selEmi:tE/ n.加速计decelerate / di:5selEreit/ v.(使)减速deceleration / di:selE5reiFEn/ n.减速center / 5sentE/ n.中心,中心点,中锋central / 5sentrEl/ a.中心的,主要的centralize / 5sentrElaiz/ vt.使集权centrifugal / sen5trifjugEl/ a.离心的centripetal / sen5tripitl/ a.向心的concentrate / 5kRnsEntreit/ vt.集中,聚集,浓缩 eccentric / ik5sentrik/ n.怪人,偏心圆 a.古怪的except / ik5sept/ prep.除…之外exception / ik5sepFEn/ n.例外,除外exceptional / ik5sepFEnl/ a.例外的,优越的exceptive / ik5septiv/ a.例外的,特殊的accept / Ek5sept/ vt.vi.接受,同意acceptable / Ek5septEbl/ a.可接受的,合意的intercept / 5intE5sept/ v.中途拦截,截取interception / 5intE5sepFn/ n.中途夺取,拦截incept / in5sept/ vt.起始,摄取,接收deception / di5sepFEn/ n.欺骗,诡计deceptive / di5sZptiv/ a.虚伪的,骗人的acceptance / Ek5septEns/ n.接受,验收,承认precept / 5pri:sept/ n.箴言,格言preceptor / pri5septE/ n.教师susceptible / sE5septEbl/ a.易受影响的,易感动的 contraception / kRntrE5sepFEn/ n.避孕,避孕法contraceptive / kRntrE5septiv/ a.避孕的n.避孕用具 deceit / di5si:t/ n.欺骗,欺诈deceive / di5si:v/ vt.欺骗,蒙蔽,行骗concept / 5kRnsept/ n.概念,观念,设想conception / kEn5sepFEn/ n.概念,观念,想法conceptual / kEn5septFuEl/ a.概念上的conceit / kEn5si:t/ n.自负,自大conceive / kEn5si:v/ vt.设想,以为,怀孕inconceivable / 5inkEn5si:vEbl/ a.难以想象的,不可能的 receipt / ri5si:t/ n.收到,收条,收据receive / ri5si:v/ vt.收到,得到,接待receiver / ri5si:vE/ n.收受者,收件人reception / ri5sepFEn/ a.接待,招待会,接受receptive / ri5septiv/ a.善于接受的perceive / pE5si:v/ vt.察觉,发觉,理解perception / pE5sepFEn/ n.感觉,概念,理解力perceptive / pE5septiv/ a.感觉敏锐的imperceptible / 5impE5septEbl/ a.觉察不到的concern / kEn5sE:n/ n.关心,挂念,关系secern / si5sE:n/ vt.区别vi.分开discern / di5sE:n/ vt.看出,辨出,辨别decree / di5kri:/ n.命令,法令 v.颁布命令discreet / dis5kri:t/ a.言行谨慎的,小心的discrete / di5skrit/ a.不连续的,离散的excrete / eks5kri:t/ vt.排泄,分泌secret / 5si:krit/ n.秘密 a.秘密的,隐蔽的secretary / 5sekrEtri/ n.秘书,书记,大臣secrete / si5kri:t/ v.分泌,藏匿incertitude / in5sE:titju:d/ n.疑惑,不确定 certitude / 5sE:titju:d/ n.确实,确信incertitude / in5sE:titju:d/ n.疑惑,不确定 certain / 5sE:tEn/ a.确实的,肯定的certainly / 5sE:tEnli/ ad.一定,必定,当然certainty / 5sE:tnti/ n.确实性,确信,确实uncertain / Qn5sE:tn/ a.无常的,不确定的uncertainty / Qn5sE:tnti/ n.不确定,不可靠certify / 5sE:tifai/ vt.vi.证明,保证certifier / 5sE:tifaiE/ n.证明者certified / 5sE:tifaid/ a.被鉴定的certifiable / 5sE:tifaiEbl/ a.可保证的,可确认的 certification / sE:tifi5keiFEn/ n.证明ascertain / 5AsE5tein/ vt.查明,确定,弄清certificate / sE5tifikit/ n.证书,证件,执照chemical / 5kemikl/ a.化学的 n.化学制品chemism / 5kemizm/ 化学机理chemisorb / 5kemisR:b/ 用化学方法吸收chemist / 5kemist/ n.化学家,药剂师chemistry / 5kemistri/ n.化学chemosphere / 5kemEsfiE/ n.臭氧层chemotherapy / kemou5WerEpi/ n.化学疗法choir / 5kwaiE/ n.(教堂的)歌唱队choral / 5kR:rEl/ a.合唱队的chorale / 5kR:rB:l/ n.圣诗,赞美诗choric / 5kB:ik/ a.合唱曲的,歌舞团的chorister / 5kB:istE/ n.唱诗班歌手,唱诗队指挥chorus / 5kR:rEs/ n. 合唱队 vt.vi.合唱monochrome / 5mRnEkroum/ n.单色画,a.单色的polychrome / 5pRlikroum/ n.彩色画,a. 彩色的trichromatic / traikrou5mAtik/ a.三色的,三原色的 chromatic / krE5mAtik/ a.彩色的,五彩的photochrome / 5foutEkroum/ n.彩色照片homochromous / 5houmE5kroumEs, 5hRmE-/ a.单色的 panchromatic / pAnkrou5mAtik/ a.全色的chromosome / 5kroumEsoum/ n.染色体chronic / 5krRnik/ a.慢性的,习惯性的 n.慢性病患者synchronism / 5siNkrEnizEm/ n.对照性历史年谱,同时发生 synchronize / 5siNkrE5naiz/ v.使同步chronometer / krE5nRmEtE/ n.精密计时器chronicle / 5krRnikl/ n.编年史 vt.载入编年史chronicler n.年代记编者,年代史家chronology / krE5nRlEdVi/ n.年代表chronoscope / 5krRniskoup/ n.精密计时器chronological / 5krRnE5lRdVikl/ a.按年月顺序的anachronism / E5nAkrE5nizEm/ n.年代错误,落伍之物suicide / 5sjuisaid/ n.vi.vt.自杀homicide / 5hRmisaid/ n.杀人patricide / 5pAtri5said/ n.弑父matricide / 5meitrisaid/ n.弑母insecticide / in5sektisaid/ n.杀虫剂parasiticide / pArE5sitisaid/ n.驱虫剂bactericide / bAk5tirEsaid/ n.杀菌剂decide / di5said/ vt.决定,决心,解决decided / di5saidid/ a.确定的,坚决的decidedly / di5saididli/ ad.果断地,断然地decidable / di5saidEbl/ a.可决定的undecided / Qndi5saidid/ vt.使不受欺骗,使醒悟decision / di5siVEn/ n.决定,决心,果断indecision / indi5siVEn/ n.优柔寡断decisive / di5saisiv/ a.决定性的,果断的indecisive / indi5saisiv/ a.犹豫不决的,不明确的 excide / ik5said/ vt.切开excision / ek5siVEn/ n.切除,割除concise / kEn5sais/ a.简洁的,简明的precise / pri5sais/ a.精确的,准确的precision / pri5siVEn/ n.精确,精密,精密度incise / in5saiz/ v.切,切割incision / in5siVEn/ n.切口,切割incisive / in5saisiv/ a.一针见血的incisor / in5saizE/ n.门牙circumcise / 5sE:kEmsaiz/ v.进行割礼precis / 5preisi:/ n.摘要,大纲precisely ad.ad.正好excise / ek5saiz/ v.切除,删去abscise / Ab5saiz/ vt.切除vi.被切除,脱离scissile / 5sisail/ a.易切断的,易裂开的scissors / 5sizEz/ n.剪刀recipe / 5resipi/ n.处方,菜谱recipient / ri5sipiEnt/ n.接受者,接收者emancipate / i5mAnsipeit/ v.解放,解除anticipate / An5tisipeit/ vt.预料,预期,期望incipient / in5sipiEnt/ a.初期的,刚出现的participate / pa:5tisipeit/ vi.参与,参加,分享participant / pa:5tisipEnt/ n.参加者 a.有份的occupy / 5RkjupEai/ vt.占领,占有occupation / 5Rkju5peiFEnl/ n.占领,占据,职业preoccupation / pri:Rkju5peiFEn/ n.当务之急preoccupy / pri5Rkjupai/ v.使全神贯注,迷住recuperate / ri5kju:pEreit/ v.恢复(健康),复原 recuperation / ri5kju:pE5reiFEn/ n.恢复cupidity / kju:5piditi/ n.贪婪circus / 5sE:kEs/ n.马戏,马戏团circle / 5sE:kl/ n.圆,圆周,圈子encircle / in5sE:kl/ vt.环绕,围绕,绕行一周semicircle / 5semi5sE:kl/ n.半圆形circular / 5sE:kjulE/ a.圆的,循环的circulate / 5sE:kjuleit/ vt.使循环 vi.循环circulation / 5sE:kju5leiFEn/ n.循环,(货币等)流通 circulative / 5sE:kjuleitiv/ a.循环的,流通的circulatory / 5sE:kjulEtEri/ a.循环的circlet / 5sE:klit/ n.小圈circuit / 5sE:kit/ n.电路,环行,巡行circuitous / sE5kju:itEs/ a.迂回的,绕圈子的circuity / sE:5kju:iti/ n.迂回,绕行encirclement / in5sE:klmEnt/ n.环绕circumference / sE5kQmfErEns/ n.圆周,周长,圆周线circumstance / 5sE:kEmstEns/ n.情况,条件,境遇circumlocution / sE:kEmlou5kju:FEn/ n.迂回累赘的陈述circumscribe / sE:kEm5skraib/ v.限制circumspect / 5sE:kEmspekt/ a.慎重的,仔细的circumvent / sE:kEm5vent/ v.用计谋战胜,规避cycle / 5saikl/ n.循环,自行车cyclical / -kl/ a.轮转的,循环的unicycle / 5ju:nisaikl/ n.单轮脚踏车cyclone / 5saiklEun/ n.旋风,飓风bicycle / 5baisikl/ n.自行车bicyclist / 5baisiklist/ n.骑自行车的人tricycle / 5traisikl/ n.三轮车,机器三轮车encyclopedia / en5saiklEu5pi:djE/ n.百科全书 encyclopedic a.广博的,知识渊博的recycle / 5ri:5saikl/ vt.使再循环,再利用cyclotron / 5saiklEtrRn/ n.回旋加速器cite / sait/ vt.引用,引证,举例citation / sai5teiFEn/ n. 引用excite / ik5sait/ vt.使激动,引起excitant / 5eksitEnt/ adj.刺激性的 n. 兴奋剂excitement / ik5saitmEnt/ n.激动,兴奋,刺激 incite / in5sait/ v. 激发,刺激incitation / 5insai5teiFn/ n. 刺激, 激励recite / ri5sait/ vt.vi.背诵,朗诵recital / ri5saitl/ n. 独奏,吟诵resuscitate / ri5sQsiteit/ v. 使复活,使苏醒 civil / 5sivl/ a.公民的,文职的civilian / si5viljEn/ n.平民 a.平民的civilize / 5sivilaiz/ vt.使文明,教育citizen / 5sitizn/ n.公民,市民,居民city / 5siti/ n.城市exclaim / iks5kleim/ vi.呼喊,惊叫exclamation / 5eksklE5meiFEn/ n.惊呼,惊叹词 exclamatory / ik5sklAmEtEri/ a.叫喊的,惊叹的 proclaim / prE5kleim/ vt.宣告,宣布,表明proclamation / 5prRklE5meiFEn/ n.宣布proclamatory / prou5klAmEtEri/ a.公告的,宣言的 acclaim / E5kleim/ v.欢呼,称赞acclamation / AklE5meiFEn/ n.欢呼acclamatory / E5klAmEtEri/ a.欢呼的,喝彩的clamour / 5klAmE/ n.吵闹、喧哗clamorous / 5klAmErEs/ a.吵闹的,喧哗的clamant / 5kleimEnt/ a.吵闹的,急迫的declaim / di5kleim/ v.雄辩,大声说declamation / deklE5meiFEn/ n.高声说话,雄辩 declamatory / di5klAmEtEri/ a.雄辩式的claim / kleim/ vt.声称,主张,索取clamor / 5klAmE/ vi.n.喧闹,叫嚷reclaim / ri5kleim/ vt.开垦,开拓,回收reclamation / reklE5meiFEn/ n.矫正,驯养,教化disclaim / dis5klem/ v.放弃权利,拒绝承认declare / di5klZE/ vt.断言,声明,表明declarer / di5klZErE/ n.宣言者,申报者declaration / 5deklE5reiFEn/ n.宣布,宣言,申诉 declarative / di5klArEtiv/ a.宣言的,公布的clarify / 5klArifai/ vt.澄清,阐明clarification / klArEfE5keiFEn/ n.解释,澄清clarity / 5klAriti/ n.清楚,透明claret / 5klArEt/ n.红葡萄酒,深紫红色clarion / 5klAriEn/ n.号角clear / kliE/ a.清晰的 vt.清除clearly / 5kliEli/ ad.明显地,无疑地decline / di5klain/ vt.下倾,偏斜,衰退declination / dekli5neiFEn/ n.倾斜,衰微declinometer / deklE5nRmEtE/ a.倾斜的,衰退中的recline / ri5klain/ vi.斜倚,凭依incline / in5klain/ n.斜坡 vt.使倾斜inclination / 5inkli5neiFEn/ n.斜坡,爱好inclinable / in5klainEbl/ a.倾向于...的disinclination / disinkli5neFEn/ n.厌恶isoclinal / aisE5klainEl/ a.等倾斜的,等伏角的declension / di5klenFEn/ n.词尾变化,倾斜,衰退acclivity / E5kliviti/ n.向上的陡坡declivity / di5klivEti/ n.倾斜面,斜坡proclivity / prEu5klivEti/ n.倾向,癖性exclude / iks5klu:d/ vt.把…排除在外exclusive / iks5klu:siv/ a.排他的,独占的exclusion / iks5klu:VEn/ n.拒绝,排斥exclusionism / iks5klu:VEnizEm/ n.排外主义,排他主义 include / in5klu:d/ vt.包括,包含inclusion / in5kluVEn/ n.包含,内含物inclusive / in5klu:siv/ a.包围住的,包括的conclude / kEn5klu:d/ vt.推断出,结束conclusion / kEn5klu:VEn/ n.结论,推论,结尾conclusive / kEn5klu:siv/ adj决定性的;最後的 seclude / si5klu:d/ vt. 使隔离,使孤立,隔开seclusion / si5kluVEn/ n.隐遁,隔离seclusive / si5klu:siv/ a.好隐居的abrecluse / ri5klu:s/ n.隐士 v.隐居reclusive / ri5klu:siv/ a.隐遁的,隐居的occlude / E5klu:d/ v.使闭塞,使锢囚occlusion / E5klu:VEn/ n.闭塞,锢囚锋occlusive / E5klu:siv/ a.闭塞的,咬合的preclude / pri5klu:d/ vt.预防,阻止preclusion / pri5klu:Vn/ n.排除,阻止preclusive / pri5klu:siv/ a.除外的,妨碍的close / klEuz, klEus/ vt.关闭,结束closely / 5klEusli/ ad.接近地closet / 5klRzit/ n.小房间,壁碗橱closure / klouVE/ n.关闭,中止disclose / dis5klEuz/ vt.揭开,揭发,透露disclosure / dis5klouVE/ n.发觉,败露,败露的事情 enclose / in5klEuz/ vt.围住,圈起,附上enclosure / in5klEuVE/ n.围绕,围场,围栏exclusively ad.专门地concoct / kEn5kRkt/ v.调制,捏造concoction / kEn5kRkFEn/ n.调配(物),谎言decoct / 5di5kRkt/ vt.熬,煎(药等)precocious / pri5kEuFEs/ a.早熟的precocity / pri5kRsiti/ n.早熟,早成cook / kuk/ vt.烹调,煮 n.厨师cooker n.炊具cookery / 5kukEri/ n.烹调术cognition / kRg5niFEn/ n.认识cognitive / 5kRgnitiv/ a.认知的,认识的cognize / 5kougnaiz/ vt.认知,认识cognizable / 5kRgnizEbl/ a.可辨识的,可以审理的 incognizable / in5kRgnizEbl/ a.难觉察的,不可知的 cognizance / 5kagnEzEns/ n.认识,审理,认定cognizant / 5kRnizEnt/ a.认知的incognizant / in5kRgniznt/ a.没有意识到的recognize / 5rekEgnaiz/ vt.认识,认出,承认recognizable / 5rekEgnaizEbl/ a.可认识的,可辨别的 recognition / 5rekEg5niFEn/ n.认出,识别,承认precognition / pri:kRg5niFEn/ n.预感abcommon / 5kRmEn/ a.普通的,共同的commonly / 5kRmEnli/ ad.通常,平常uncommon / Qn5kRmEn/ a.不凡的,罕见的commonplace / 5kRmEnpleis/ a.平凡的 n.常识commonsense a.有常识的communicate / kE5mju:nikeit/ vi.通讯,传达,传播communication / kE5mju:nikeiFEn/ n.通讯,交流,交通communism / 5kRmjunizEm/ n.共产主义communist / 5kRmjunist/ n.共产党员community / kE5mju:niti/ n.社区,社会,公社commune / 5kRmju:n/ n.公社communique / kE5mju:nikei/ n.官报,公报,公告excommunicate / 5ekskE5mju:nikeit/ vt.逐出教会continue / kEn5tinju(:)/ vt.继续,连续,延伸continuation / kEn5tinju5eiFEn/ n.继续,续集,增刊,续篇continued / kEn5tinju:d/ a.继续的,延续的continent / 5kRntinEnt/ n.大陆,陆地,洲continental / 5kRnti5nentl/ a.大陆的,大陆性的 continence / 5kRntinEns/ n.节制、克制力continual / kEn5tinjuEl/ a.不断的,连续的continuous / kEn5tinjuEs/ a.连续不断的,持续的 continuously / kEn5tinjuEsli/ ad.不断地,连续地 cordial / 5kR:djEl/ a.真诚的,诚恳的cordially / 5kR:djEli/ ad.诚恳地,诚实地cordiality / kR:di5Aliti/ n.诚实,郑重,诚恳record / 5rekR:d, ri5kR:d/ n.记录,履历 vt.记录 recorder / ri5kR:dE/ n.记录者,录音机recordable / ri5kR:dEbl/ a.可记录的recordation / 5rekE5deiFEn/ n.记载,记录recording / ri5kR:diN/ a.记录的,记录用的concord / 5kRNkR:d/ n.和睦,公约concordance / kEn5kR:dEns/ n.和谐concordant / kEn5kR:dEnt/ a.和谐的,一致的discord / 5diskR:d/ n.不和谐discordance / dis5kR:dEns/ n.不调和,不和discordant / dis5kR:dEnt/ a.不一致的,不调和的 accord / E5kR:d/ vt.使一致,给予accordance / E5kR:dEns/ n.一致,和谐,授予accordant / E5kR:dEnt/ a.一致的,符合的,调和的according / E5kR:diN/ ad.根据accordingly / E5kR:diNli/ ad.因此,所以,照着cordate / 5kR:deit/ a.心脏形的core / kR:/ n.果实的心,核心courage / 5kQridV/ n.勇气,胆量,胆识courageous / kE5reidVEs/ a.勇敢的,有胆量的discourage / dis5kQridV/ vt.使泄气,使灰心discouragement / -mEnt/ n.失望,气馁encourage / in5kQridV/ vt.鼓励,支持,助长encouragement / in5kQridVmEnt/ n.鼓励,奖励encouraging / in5kQridViN/ a.奖励的,可奖励的corporation / 5kR:pE5reiFEn/ n.公司,企业,社团corporator / 5kR:pEreitE/ n.法人团体的一员corporate / 5kR:pErit/ n.组织incorporate / in5kR:pEreit/ vt.结合,合并,收编incorporation / inkR:pE5reiFEn/ n.合并,组成公司(或社团) incorporator / in5kR:pEreitE/ n.合并者,法人创立者corporal / 5kR:pErEl/ a.肉体的,身体的corporeal / kR:5pR:riEl/ n.法人团体的一员incorporeal / inkR:5pR:riEl/ a.无形体的,非物质的corporeality / kR:pR:ri5Aliti/ n.肉体的存在,形体的存在corps / kR:/ n.军团,队,团,兵种corpse / kR:ps/ n.尸体corpulent / 5kE:pjulEnt/ a.肥胖的cosmic / 5kRzmik/ a.宇宙的,广大无边的cosmology / kRz5mRlEdVi/ n.宇宙哲学,宇宙论cosmologist / kRz5mRlEdVist/ n.宇宙学家,宇宙论者 cosmonaut / 5kRzmEnR:t/ n.宇航员,航天员cosmos / 5kRzmRs/ n.宇宙cosmopolitan / 5kRzmE5pRlitEn/ a.全世界的cosmopolitanism / -tEnizEm/ n.世界大同主义microcosm / 5maikroukRzm/ n. 微观世界microcosmic / 5maikrou5kRzmik/ a.微观的macrocosm / 5mAkrEkRzm/ n.宇宙,宏观世界cosmopolite / kRz5mRpElait/ a.世界性的, 世界主义的 account / E5kaunt/ n.记述,解释,帐目count / kaunt/ vt.计算 vi.数,计数 discount / 5diskaunt/ n.折扣cover / 5kQvE/ vt.盖住,包括 n.盖子 coverage / 5kQvEridV/ n.掩饰,隐蔽covert / kQvEt/ a.秘密的,隐密的discover / dis5kQvE/ vt.发现,暴露,显示discovery / dis5kQvEri/ n.发现,被发现的事物 recover / ri5kQvE/ vt.重新获得,挽回recovery / ri5kQvEri/ n.重获,痊愈,恢复。





traffic accident 交通事故▌incident:小的变数、插曲,小事件,没accident那么严重。

an international incident 一次国际事件continuous/continual▌continuous:持续不断的,且可以做表语和定语continuous pain 持续的疼痛(疼痛一直有)▌continual:中间有间隔的重复,只能做定语continual improvements in technology 技术上的不断进步(进步是间隔性的)considerate/considerable▌considerate:体贴的,考虑周到的Be a good neighbor, be considerate of those living around you.做一个好邻居,体谅周围的人。

▌considerable:相当大的,值得尊敬的,重要的We took a considerable length of time to decide.我们花了好长时间才决定。

a considerable person值得尊敬的人electric/electrical▌electric:电的,用电的,带电的,指任何电动的或发电的装置,被修饰的物体本身可带电。

electric light 电灯Please connect the two electric wires.请将这两根电线接起来。


electrical engineer 电气工程师All the electrical work was done by my younger brother.所有的电工活都由弟弟来干。



高中选修一英语四单元重点单词1. Ambiguous (adjective)Meaning: Open to interpretation; having multiple possible meanings or explanations.Usage: The message he sent was ambiguous, and I couldn't understand whether he was upset or just joking.2. Comprehend (verb)Meaning: To understand or grasp the meaning of something.Usage: It took me a while to comprehend the complex instructions, but eventually, I figured it out.3. Diligent (adjective)Meaning: Showing earnest and persistent effort in doing something.Usage: She is a diligent student who always completes her assignments on time and studies regularly.4. Elaborate (adjective/verb)Meaning (adjective): Detailed and intricate, often involving many parts or aspects.Usage (adjective): The artist's elaborate painting showcased his exceptional talent and attention to detail.Meaning (verb): To provide more details or information.Usage (verb): Could you please elaborate on your point? I didn't fully understand what you meant.5. Implicate (verb)Meaning: To show or suggest the involvement or participation of someone in a crime or wrongdoing.Usage: The evidence found at the crime scene implicates the suspect in the robbery.6. Inevitable (adjective)Meaning: Certain to happen; unavoidable.Usage: Change is inevitable, so we must learn to adapt and embrace new circumstances.7. Mundane (adjective)Meaning: Lacking interest or excitement; dull or ordinary.Usage: Cleaning the house can be mundane, but it is a necessary task that needs to be done.8. Optimistic (adjective)Meaning: Having a positive outlook or expecting favorable outcomes.Usage: Despite facing challenges, she remained optimistic and believed that things would eventually work out.9. Ponder (verb)Meaning: To think deeply or consider carefully.Usage: After reading the book, I took some time to ponder the author's perspective on life.10. Resilient (adjective)Meaning: Able to recover quickly from difficult situations or setbacks. Usage: Despite facing numerous obstacles, she remained resilient and never gave up on her dreams.11. Tedious (adjective)Meaning: Boring, monotonous, or tiresome due to a lengthy and repetitive nature.Usage: The data entry job was tedious, as I had to enter the same information over and over again.12. Unanimous (adjective)Meaning: Showing complete agreement or sharing the same opinion among all members of a group.Usage: The decision to approve the project was unanimous; everyone agreed that it was a good idea.13. Validate (verb)Meaning: To confirm or prove the validity, truth, or accuracy of something. Usage: The experiment's results validated our hypothesis, providing evidence to support our theory.14. Wary (adjective)Meaning: Cautious, watchful, or suspicious of potential dangers or risks. Usage: She was wary of strangers and always took necessary precautions to ensure her safety.15. Alleviate (verb)Meaning: To reduce or ease the intensity of pain, suffering, or discomfort. Usage: The painkiller helped alleviate the patient's discomfort.16. Apprehensive (adjective)Meaning: Anxious or worried about future events or outcomes.Usage: He felt apprehensive about his upcoming job interview.17. Benevolent (adjective)Meaning: Kind, generous, and desiring to do good.Usage: The benevolent billionaire donated a large sum of money to charity.18. Credible (adjective)Meaning: Able to be believed or trusted; reliable.Usage: The witness provided credible evidence that helped solve the crime.19. Enigmatic (adjective)Meaning: Mysterious, difficult to understand, or puzzle out.Usage: The enigmatic smile on her face made it impossible to guess what she was thinking.20. Facilitate (verb)Meaning: To make something easier or possible.Usage: Modern technology has facilitated communication between people around the world.21. Hindrance (noun)Meaning: Something that slows or prevents progress or success.Usage: Procrastination can be a significant hindrance to achieving one's goals.22. Incessant (adjective)Meaning: Continuing without stopping; unrelenting.Usage: The incessant rain made it impossible to go outside.23. Juxtapose (verb)Meaning: To place two or more things side by side for comparison or contrast. Usage: The museum exhibit juxtaposed ancient artifacts with modern artworks. 24. Latitude (noun)Meaning: Freedom or scope to make decisions or act without restriction. Usage: The manager gave us latitude in choosing how to complete the project. 25. Magnanimous (adjective)Meaning: Generous and forgiving, especially towards enemies or rivals.Usage: After winning the election, the magnanimous politician reached out to her opponents to discuss future collaborations.26. Negligible (adjective)Meaning: So small or unimportant as to be not worth considering.Usage: The difference in prices between the two products was negligible.27. Ostentatious (adjective)Meaning: Showy or extravagant, often in an attempt to impress others.Usage: He lived in an ostentatious mansion and drove luxurious cars.28. Perseverance (noun)Meaning: Steadfastness and continued effort, even in the face of difficulty. Usage: Her perseverance paid off when she finally achieved her goal.29. Prudent (adjective)Meaning: Wise, careful, and avoiding unnecessary risks.Usage: It is prudent to save money for emergencies.30. Reputable (adjective)Meaning: Having a good reputation; worthy of trust or respect.Usage: The reputable doctor had been practicing medicine for over 20 years. 31. Substantiate (verb)Meaning: To provide evidence or proof to support a claim or statement.Usage: The researcher substantiated his findings with extensive data and analysis.32. Turbulent (adjective)Meaning: Characterized by unrest, instability, or strong disturbance.Usage: The turbulent weather made the flight uncomfortable for many passengers.33. Vacillate (verb)Meaning: To waver or change one's mind repeatedly.Usage: He vacillated between two job offers, unable to make a decision.34. Warrant (verb/noun)Meaning (verb): To give authorization or justification for.Usage (verb): The police officer warranted the arrest based on the evidence. Meaning (noun): A document authorizing arrest or a reason for doing something. Usage (noun): The police officer had a warrant to search the suspect's house.35. Zeal (noun)Meaning: Great enthusiasm or passion for something.Usage: She approached her work with zeal, always going above and beyond to achieve the best results.。



· incident· n. ['ɪnsɪdənt] ( incidents )·· 双解释义· C 1. 发生的事,小插曲event or happening often of minor importance· C 2. 敌对行动,军事冲突hostile military activity between countries, opposing forces, etc.· C U 3. 骚乱,事故,暴力事件public disturbance, accident or violence · 基本要点•1.incident一般用作可数名词,可表示“(一事件中的)小小波澜,小插曲,小纠纷”。



•· 词汇搭配•avoid an incident 避免事端•close an incident 结束事端•create〔make, stage〕 an incident 避免〔结束,制造〕事端•bring about〔cause〕 an incident 引起事端•provoke an incident 挑拨事件•suppress an incident 压制事件•witness an incident 目睹事端〔事件〕•another incident 另一起事件,又一事端•casual incident 偶然事件,碰巧的事情•common incident 常见的事件•following incident 下述事件•main incident 主要事件•serious incident 严重事件•strange incident 奇怪的事件•touching incident 感人的事件•border incident 边境事件•frontier incidents 边境纠纷•in an incident 在事件中•incidents in one's life 人生的插曲•incidents of a journey 旅途中发生的事· 句型例句•Incident often brings out character.小事情往往显露品质。



英语单词中的否定前缀u n,i l,i n-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1unable adj. not able; without the power, knowledge, time, etc., to do something 不能的;无能为力的;不胜任的;没时间做的uncertain adj. 1. not certain; doubtful 不确定的;不明确的;可疑的2. undecided or unable to decide 未作决定的;无法断定的undivided adj. complete 完整的,未分割的;专一的unfair adj. 不公平的;不公正的 [来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K]unfold v. 1. to open from a folded position 展开,摊开,打开2. to make or become clear, more fully known, etc. 显露,表露unhealthy adj. 1. not generally in good health 不健康的;有病的2. not likely to give good health 对健康不利的;对身心有害的3. unnatural 非自然的;反常的;怪异的unknown n.& adj. (a person or thing) whose name, value, or origin is not known(人或事物的名称、价值或起源)未知的,未被发现的,不了解的;未知的人(或事物)unpleasant adj. not pleasant; causing dislike; not enjoyable; unkind 使人不愉快的;讨厌的;不合意的;不和善的-unpleasantly adv.. -unpleasantness n.unreserved adj. without limits or reservations 无限制的,无保留的;充分的;坦白的unrest n. 不安;骚动unsold adj. 未销售的unsuccessful adj. 不成功的;失败的illegal [i'li:gəl] a.违法的illegitimate [`ili'dʒitimit] a.不合法的;私生的illicit [i'lisit] a.违法的illiterate [i'litərit] a.文盲的illusion [i'lu:ʒən] n.假象,错觉illusive [i'lu:siv] a.迷惑人的,迷幻的illusory [i'lu:səri] a.虚幻的illustrate ['iləstreit] v.为…作插图或图表;说明,阐明inadvertence [`inəd'və:təns] n.漫不经心inadvertently [`inəd'və:təntli] adv.不小心地,非故意地inalienable [in'eiljənəbl] a.不可剥夺的inane [i'nein] a.无意义的;空洞的inanimate [in'ænimit] a.无生命的inappreciable [`inə'pri:ʃəbl] a.微不足道的incessant [in'sesnt] a.无间断的,连续的inchoate ['inkəueit] a.刚开始的;未发展的incogitant [in'kɔdʒitənt] a.无思想的,考虑不周的incommensurate [`inkə'menʃərit] a.不成比例的,不相称的incompatible [`inkəm'pætəbl] a.不能和谐共存的incompetent [in'kɔmpitənt] a.无能力的,不能胜任的incongruity [`inkɔŋ'gru(:)iti]n.不协调,不相称inconsequential [in`kɔnsi'kwenʃəl] a.不重要的,微不足道的incontrovertible [`inkɔntrə'və:təbl] a.无可辩驳的incorrigibility [in`kɔridʒə'biliti] n.无可救药incorrigible [in'kɔridʒəbl] a.积习难改的,不可救药的incorruptible [`inkə'rʌptəbl] a.(道德上)不受腐蚀的incredulity [`inkri'dju:liti] n.怀疑,不相信indebted [in'detid] a.感激的,感恩的indecipherable [`indi'saifərəbl] a.无法破译的indecisive [`indi'saisiv] a.非决定性的,迟疑不决的indefatigable [`indi'fætigəbl] a.不知疲倦的indelible [in'delibl] a.擦拭不掉的,不可磨灭的indeterminate [`indi'tə:minit] a.不确定的,不明确的indifferent [in'difərənt] a.不感兴趣的,漠不关心的indispensability ['indis`pensə'biləti] n.不可缺少indubitable [in'dju:bitəbl] a.不容置疑的ineffectual [`ini'fektjuəl] a.无效的,徒劳无益的inelasticity [`inilæs'tisiti] n.无弹性,无伸缩性ineluctable [`ini'lʌktəbl] a.不能逃避的inept [i'nept] a.无能的;不适当的ineptitude [i'neptitju:d] n.无能,不称职inequity [in'ekwiti] n.不公正,不公平inexhaustible [`inig'zɔ:stəbl] a.用不完的,取之不竭的inexorable [in'eksərəbl] a.不为所动的;坚决不变的inexplicable [in'eksplikəbl] a.无法解释的infelicitous [`infi'lisitəs] a.不幸的,不妥当的infelicity [`infi'lisiti] n.不幸;不恰当inimitable [i'nimitəbl] a.无法仿效的,不可比拟的iniquitous [i'nikwitəs] a.邪恶的,不公正的iniquity [i'nikwiti] n.邪恶,不公正innocuous [i'nɔkjuəs] a.(行为,言论等)无害的insatiable [in'seiʃəbl] a.不能满足的,贪心的inscrutable [in'skru:təbl] a.高深莫测的,神秘的insensate [in'senseit] a.无感觉的;蠢笨的insentient [in'senʃənt] a.无知觉的,无生命的insincerity [`insin'seriti] n.伪善insipid [in'sipid] a.乏味的,枯燥的insoluble [in'sɔljubl] a.不溶解的;不能解决的insolvency [in'sɔlvənsi] n.无力偿还;破产insouciant [in'su:siənt] a.漫不经心的insubordinate [`insə'bɔ:dnit] a.不服从的,反抗的insubstantial [`insəb'stænʃəl] a.非实体的;薄弱的insufficient [`insə'fiʃənt] a.不足的intangible [in'tændʒəbl] a.不可触摸的interminable [in'tə:minəbl] a.无尽头的intermission [`intə(:)'miʃən] n.暂停,间歇intermittent [`intə(:)'mitənt] a.断断续续的,间歇的intransigent [in'trænsidʒənt] a.不妥协的intrepid [in'trepid] a.无畏的,刚毅的inviolable [in'vaiələbl] a.不可侵犯的;不可亵渎的involuntary [in'vɔləntəri] a.无意的invulnerable [in'vʌlnərəbl] a.无法伤害的。













incessant 翻译

incessant 翻译

incessant 翻译基本解释●incessant:不停的,连续的●音标:/ɪnˈses.ənt/●形容词(adj) 不停的,连续的具体用法●形容词:o不停的,连续的o同义词:constant, unceasing, perpetual, continuous, relentless o反义词:intermittent, sporadic, occasional, infrequent, irregular o例句:●The incessant noise from the construction site made itdifficult for me to concentrate on my work, which was due thenext day.●(建筑工地不断的噪音让我很难集中精力工作,而我的工作第二天就要交了。

)●Her incessant talking during the movie annoyed everyone inthe theater, leading to several complaints from other viewers.●(她在电影期间不停地说话惹恼了影院里的每个人,导致其他观众多次投诉。

)●The incessant rain over the weekend caused severe floodingin several areas, disrupting the lives of many residents.●(周末不停的降雨导致多个地区严重洪水,扰乱了许多居民的生活。

)●Despite the incessant criticism from the media, the politicianremained steadfast in his policies and decisions.●(尽管媒体不断批评,这位政治家在其政策和决策上仍然坚定不移。



、基础词汇:无特别记忆、需建立与汉语词意间的联系<naive>naive 天真的奶一壶</naive>2、希腊神话(听故事记单词)<tantalize>tantalus 诱惑tantalize 逗引或招惹泰坦希腊神话</tantalize><rim>rim 边缘rim是边缘brim 边缘加B也不变grim 恐怖的加鬼真恐怖trim 修剪整齐加T修剪整齐prim 呆板的加P真呆板prose 单调、散文扑在玫瑰下真单调plight 困境扑在光下是困境pray 祈祷扑在光线下是祈祷</rim>3、外来词汇<chaos>chaos 混乱、紊乱齐</chaos>汉语拼音:―chao‖吵死了<flirt>flirt 调情汉语拼音:抚弄他逗她笑→调情</flirt><quaint>quaint 古怪的(拼音:guai怪)acquaint 熟悉,见怪不怪ac是一再</quaint><charisma>charisma 领袖气质中国-生起了-毛泽东</charisma><orison>orison 祈祷O太阳-ris-on</orison><mirth>mirth 妈妈(mum)看到孩子出生(b"irth")→高兴的</mirth><blear>blear 不是(b)→ 模糊clear 清晰</blear>拉丁语系讲究构词法,重点记忆词根、词缀<pose>pose 姿势、v.放expose 暴露ex 放在外面放出来的词根compose 组成com 共同共同的放decompose 分解de 是向下、反意depose 免职向下放despise 轻视、蔑视de-spit向下吐口水deposit 存款、下蛋、沉淀物de –pos向下放repose 休息re 是往回返回放回来就是休息reticent 记忆法:阿姨(re)提(ti)钱(cent)→ 沉默不语的intimate 记忆法:在内心深处(in)总提(ti)人家(mate)→亲密的vigorous 记忆法:6(vi)个(g)人(or)(一个人具有六个人的体力)→ 精力充沛的</pose>三、谐音记忆法<ponderous>ponderous ―胖得要死‖ → 笨重的</ponderous><boff>boff ―暴富‖→狂笑quaff ―夸父‖→痛饮</boff><sting>sting ―死叮‖→蜇、咬scowl ―思考‖→皱眉头</sting><exhaust>exhaust ―一个早死的他‖→ 耗尽、精疲力尽的robust ―乐百事,四肢发达头脑简单‖ → 强壮的luxury ―力士香皂,奢侈‖→ 奢侈Nike 胜利女神caste ―卡死他‖→ 等级制度frugal ―腐乳就够了‖ →节俭的miserly ―mist李‖ →小气的、吝啬的厕所打手机</exhaust>3、代码联想记忆法loom v.若隐若现n.织布机bloom v.开花blast 爆炸ignite v.点燃ignore v.忽视ostrich n.鸵鸟stigma 耻辱、污点stroll 闲逛stink 恶臭prestige 名声、名誉gloom 郁闷的abide 忍受孤独的absurd 荒谬的echo 回声echo本地回声定位amorous 好色的morose 郁闷的4、推荐词典《朗文》、《韦氏》、下载有声版行之有效的记忆法:向别人复述单词3遍UNIT 11. Living in that _____ house over there has nearly driven the hero of the story mad.A. bleakB. hauntedC. gauntD. acumen<bleak>bleak (只是不漏雨)荒凉的leak 漏,漏水bold a. 大胆的,勇敢的,粗体的,醒目的boldface 黑体字blast 爆炸blight 枯萎take a leak 去洗手间May I go somewhere?You can go anywhere.你可以随地大小便。

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记忆英语单词incessant,inchoate 和incinerate不择手段背单词"incessant",adj 无间断的;连续不断的【记】in不,cess
=cease(v 停止;终了),ant-连续不断的【参】concession
(n 让步
"incessant",adj 无间断的;连续不断的
【记】in不,cess=cease(v 停止;终了),ant-连续不断的
【参】concession(n 让步);cessation(n 停止)
【反】interrupted(adj 中断的)"
"inch",v 慢慢移动
"inchoate",adj (愿望、计划等)刚开始的;早期的=incipient;不成熟的(未充分形成或发展的)
【记】inch(n 英寸),o象嘴,ate吃:嘴只能一寸一寸的吃面条-小孩刚出生的-早期的in进入,choate=chocolate巧克力:巧克力进入嘴的时候-刚开始融化
【类】immature:developed=incipient [inchoate]:realized不成熟的还没有完全发展=未成形的还没有完全实现
【反】completely formed(完全形成的);fully formed(完全形成的);explicit(adj 外在的;清楚的)"
"incidence",n 事情发生;出现=occurrence;(常与of连用)发生率
【区】accident(n 意外事件;事故)"
"incinerate",v 焚化(使…烧成灰)=cremate
【参】cinerary(adj 灰的;骨灰的)
