



免疫学试题库(含答案)一、单选题(共IOO题,每题1分,共100分)1、五聚体IgM与抗原的实际结合价是A、2价B、5价C、1价D、4价E、3价正确答案:B2、NK细胞的典型标志是A、CD3B、CD4C、CD8D、C D14E、CD56正确答案:E3、髓样树突状细胞的主要标志为A^CD11c+H1A~B+1ineagaB、CD1Ic+H1A-DR+1ineagaC、CD11c-CD33H1A-DR+1ineaga-cd123+D、CD11c-CD33H1A-A+1ineaga-cd123+E、CD11c+CD33H1A-A+1ineaga-cd123-正确答案:B4、生物素-亲合素系统中“ABC”的含义是A、生物素-抗体B、亲合素-生物素抗体复合物C、生物素-酶复合物D、亲合素-生物素化酶复合物E、亲合素-酶复合物正确答案:D5、以下选项中,不属于免疫组织化学技术的拓展的是A、免疫组织化学-组织芯片技术B、免疫组织化学-显微切割技术C、显微注射技术D、共聚焦显微镜技术E、荧光激活细胞分类技术正确答案:C6、检测S1gE时,可能出现交叉反应的检测方法是A、WESTERNBIOTB、R ASTC、RASTEIAD、FEIAE、R ASTFEIA正确答案:A7、下面说法中,错误的是A、量子点理想的储存环境为:2〜8℃,避光保存B、镯系元素离子不能直接与抗体分子结合,需利用双功能基团的螯合剂C、胶体金对蛋白质的吸附主要取决于PH值D、胶体金不具有胶体的特性E、放射性核素结合物鉴定包括放射化学纯度、比放射活性和免疫活性三个参数正确答案:D8、补体经典激活途径的C3转化酶是A、C4b2aB、C4b2a3bC、C3bBbpD、C3bBb3bE、C5b67正确答案:A9、关于“RIA”,描述错误的是A、一种竞争性免疫分析模式B、体系中抗体限量C、适合小分子抗原测定D、分离技术采用双抗体-PEG沉淀法E、游离标记物放射活性与待检抗原呈反比例函数关系正确答案:E10、较为受青睐的量子点的制备方法是A、低温等离子法B、蒸汽冷凝法C、水相合成法D、气相沉积E、有机相合成法正确答案:C11、影响抗原-抗体反应的实验环境因素有A、电解质、PH和反应体积B、温度、抗原抗体的浓度和反应体积C、温度、电解质和反应体积D、电解质、PH和温度E、温度、PH和反应体积正确答案:D12、免疫系统的组成是A、免疫器官、免疫细胞、免疫分子B、中枢免疫器官、外周免疫器官C、免疫器官、免疫细胞D、中枢免疫器官、免疫细胞、皮肤免疫系统E、免疫细胞、黏膜免疫系统、中枢免疫系统正确答案:A13、首次与第二次动物免疫接种的时间间隔最好为A、2周B、4周C、3周D、5周E、1周正确答案:C14、介导同种移植排斥反应的抗原不包括A、红细胞血型抗原B、组织特异性抗原C、异嗜性抗原D、次要组织相容性抗原E、主要组织相容性抗原正确答案:C15、正常血清免疫球蛋白含量最低的是A、IgMB、IgGC、IgAD、IgDE、IgE正确答案:E16、下列检测方法中,自身抗体筛查实验首选的是A、IIFB、W esternb1otC、E1ISAD、RIAE、C1IA正确答案:A17、检测SIgE时,存在放射性污染的是A、RASTB、w esternb1otC、FEIAD、RASTFEIAE、RASTEIA正确答案:A18、不能通过飞沫传播的病毒是A、乙型肝炎病毒BsSARS冠状病毒C、甲型流感病毒D、高致病性禽流感病毒E、埃博拉病毒正确答案:A19、在补体参与的溶血试验中,加入适量的Ca和Mg的目的是A、增强补体的活化B、维持反应液的PHC、灭活血清中的蛋白Ds抑制溶血反应E、维持反应液的等渗环境正确答案:A20、化学发光酶免疫测定中使用的发光底物为A、口丫咤酯B、AMPPDC、三联毗咤钉D、碱性磷酸酶E、4-MUP正确答案:B21、滋养层的免疫屏障作用的描述,不正确的是A、能刺激母体产生封闭抗体,阻止父系抗原被母体免疫系统识别杀伤B、能分泌细胞因子促进母体免疫细胞激活C、滋养层细胞免疫原性弱D、与蜕膜细胞融合,避免被母体免疫细胞识别E、表达补体调节蛋白,抑制补体造成的免疫损伤正确答案:B22、生物素化抗体为A、ABCB、1ABC、BABD、直接法BASE、间接法BAS正确答案:D23、Img亲合素的活性单位是A、3~5UB、13~15UC、5~8UD、15-18UE、20~30U正确答案:B24、能刺激淋巴细胞增殖的物质不包括A、肿瘤抗原B、噬菌体C、PHAD、ConAE、PWM正确答案:B25、关于免疫电泳,说法错误的是A、区带电泳与免疫双扩散相结合B、可分析抗体的纯度C、可分析抗原的纯度D、定性试验E、不会出现沉淀弧重叠正确答案:E26、细胞内细胞因子测定的方法为A、E1ISAB、化学发光酶免疫试验C、流式细胞术D、酶联免疫斑点试验E、生物学检测法正确答案:C27、结构中有羟基或氨基的发光剂与蛋白质的标记方法为A、碳二亚胺(EDC)缩合法B、过碘酸钠氧化法C、戊二醛交联法D、重氮盐偶联法E、N-羟基琥酰亚胺活化法正确答案:A28、在进行抗血细胞抗体检测时•,最易于标准化的是A、凝聚胺法B、间接免疫荧光试验C^抗球蛋白试验D、酶介质法E、微柱凝胶法正确答案:E29、单参数直方图反映的是A、细胞大小和细胞表面分子表达水平之间关系B、不同细胞大小和复杂度细胞群体的相对荧光强度之间关系C、单维参数与细胞数量之间关系D、两个独立参数与细胞相对数之间的关系E、细胞内部颗粒度和精细结构的变化正确答案:C30、下列指标中,对于诊断类风湿关节炎特异性最高的是A、RFB、抗CCP抗体C、ESRD、CRPE、抗核抗体正确答案:B31、H1V抗体检测初筛试验采取的方法是A、E1ISAB、化学发光法C、免疫印迹法D、放射免疫法E、胶体金免疫层析法正确答案:A32、E1ISA中用于测定特异抗体亚型常采用的方法是A、双抗体夹心法B、双抗原夹心法C^竞争法D、间接法E、捕获法正确答案:E33、抗原、抗体比例合适时称为A、等价带B、前带C、后带D、前带或后带E、前带或后带正确答案:A34、外周血单个核细胞包括A、有核红细胞B、单核细胞C、单核细胞和淋巴细胞D、淋巴细胞正确答案:C35、免疫胶乳比浊法的最大优点是A、提高免疫浊度测定的特异性B、减少抗体的用量C、减少伪浊度的形成D、提高免疫浊度测定的灵敏性E、减少抗原的用量正确答案:D36、下列选项中,不属于生物素-亲合素系统特点的是A、适用于多种标记免疫分析技术B、两者结合反应易受试剂稀释的影响C、可用于生物分子的分离与纯化D、生物素与亲合素结合呈高度专一性E、两者结合为不可逆反应正确答案:B37、临床上作为早期妊娠诊断指标的激素是A、HCGB、FSHC、1HD、PR1E、雌三醇正确答案:A38、兼顾特异性和简便快速的分离方法是A、PEG沉淀B、双抗体沉淀C、滤膜过滤D、双抗体-PEGE、活性炭吸附正确答案:D39、下述选项中,室内质量控制所监测不到的是A、结果记录错误B、仪器问题C、加样不准D^试剂问题E、环境条件改变正确答案:A40、对流免疫电泳中,抗体向负极移动是因为A、电泳作用E抗原带负电B、抗体带负电荷C、抗体带正电荷D、电渗作用正确答案:D41、抗核抗体核膜型主要见于A、自身免疫性肝炎B、原发性硬化性胆管炎C、原发性胆汁性肝硬化D、脂肪肝E、肝癌正确答案:C42、临床预测值的高低与以下选项无关的是A、试剂的特异性B、试剂的敏感性C、检测人群有相关家族史D、检测人群有相关临床表现E、试剂的精密度正确答案:E43、抗CCP抗体最主要的类型是A、IgGB、IgMC、IgAD、IgDE、IgE正确答案:A44、丙型肝炎的病原体是A、HPVB、HAVC、HCVD、HIVE、HSV正确答案:C45、为了保证速率散射测定分析的测定结果准确性,该类型仪器中特有的设计是A、抗体过量检测系统B、抗原过量检测系统C、信号处理系统D、样本自动稀释系统E、数字转换系统正确答案:B46、SPDP是目前常用的非均一双功能交联剂,下列选项中不属于其优点的是A、对蛋白质的伯胺基和脂肪族链上的游离筑基反应敏感B、反应容易控制C、副反应较少D、交联后的大分子生物活性高于一般交联剂方法E、可通过氧化反应使其再生正确答案:E47、关于"IRMA”,正确的描述是A、一种竞争性免疫分析B、用放射性核素标记抗体C、常用于小分子抗原定量分析D、标准曲线为反比例函数E、体系中抗体限量正确答案:B48、电化学发光免疫分析中,电化学反应发生的时段位置)是A、在工作电极表面B、固相包被抗体-抗原-酶标抗体复合物的表面C、在电磁铁表面D、在抗原-抗体反应的各个阶段E、在抗原-抗体反应液液相中正确答案:A49、免疫组织化学技术中,有关抗体浓度的描述正确的是A、抗体的稀释度应由抗体的供应商提供B、抗体越多与抗原的结合越充分C、抗体适当减少可以提高结合的特异性D、抗体的效价越高,抗原抗体的结合越特异E、需进行预实验,摸索抗体的最佳稀释度正确答案:E50、下列关于免疫电泳技术的描述中,正确的是A^不加快沉淀反应B、交流电场作用下加快沉淀反应C、抗原-抗体反应的高特异性与电泳技术的高分辨率结合的技术D、交流电场作用下的凝胶扩散试验E、扩散方向不固定正确答案:C51、补体经典激活途径的C5转化酶是A、C4b2aB、C4b2a3bC^C3bBbpD、C3bBb3bE、C5b67正确答案:B52、以下不是基因工程抗体的是A、基于DNA重组技术制备抗体B、利用蛋白质工程技术制备抗体C、人工制备抗体D、对目的基因处理后导人受体细胞表达的抗体E、基于细胞融合技术制备抗体正确答案:E53、在速率散射比浊法中,抗原过量的检测方法是A、在抗原-抗体反应完成后再加入相同抗体B、在抗原抗体反应完成后再加入相同抗原C、在抗原-抗体反应的第二阶段进行D、在抗原抗体预反应阶段进行E、在抗原-抗体反应的第一阶段进行正确答案:C54、利用黏附贴壁法可以从单个核细胞中去除Λ^血小板B、粒细胞C、吞噬细胞D、单核细胞E、浆细胞正确答案:D55、不需酶催化反应即可发光的发光底物是A、口丫咤酯B、鲁米诺C、鲁米诺衍生物D、4-MUPE、三联毗咤钉正确答案:A56、关于我咤酯化学发光反应的特点,叙述错误的是A、氧化反应不需要酶的催化B、试剂稳定性好C、发光在酸性环境下进行D、反应的本底低E、发光迅速正确答案:C57、甲状腺激素作为甲状腺功能亢进治疗监测指标时,采购试剂时,在方法学其他性能指标基本满足临床要求时,应该重点关注的性能指标是A、检测项目的经济效益因素B、正确度C、最低检测限D、设备安放地点的电力供应、供水、通风、照明和温湿度条件E、精密度正确答案:E58、下列选项中,不属于酶促化学发光剂的是A、鲁米诺B、口丫咤酯C、4-氨基苯二甲酰肿D、AMPPDE鲁米诺衍生物正确答案:B59、FK-506免疫抑制作用的可能机制是A、干扰T细胞I1-2基因的表达B、T细胞活化的共刺激分子C、影响T细胞内钙调蛋白的作用D、抑制B细胞产生抗体E、抑制NK细胞活性正确答案:C60、采用细胞法检测循环免疫复合物的常用细胞是A、HEp-2B、RajiC、肝细胞D、虫体细胞E、Vero细胞正确答案:B61、下面描述错误的是A、金溶胶颗粒直径和加人的氯金酸量密切相关B、多种蛋白质、葡聚糖、PEG2000.明胶等均为胶体金良好的高分子稳定剂C、常用0.1mo1∕1K£0剖0.1mo1/1盐酸溶液调定胶体金溶液的PH值D、胶体金标记就是蛋白质等大分子被吸附到胶体金颗粒表面的包被过程E、胶体金的PH值低于蛋白质的等电点时,则会聚集而失去结合能力正确答案:A62›以下对1eVey-JenningS质控图方法的描述中,错误的是A、属于阳性质控标本测定重复性的统计室内质量控制方法B、需要先进行基线测定C、所谓基线测定就是首先使用质控品确定实验在最佳条件和常规条件下的变异D、如果在30次室内质量控制结果中出现1个结果超过2SD,说明质控品失控E、通常以±2SD为告警限,±3SD为失控限判断质控结果正确答案:D63、Img链霉亲合素最高的活性单位是A、18UB、15UC、20UD、8UE、5U正确答案:A64、HP感染时,与CagA蛋白关系密切的疾病是A、浅表性胃炎B、萎缩性胃炎C、胃出血D、消化性溃疡E、胃癌正确答案:E65、适合测定小分子抗原的放射免疫技术为A、放射自显影B、放射配体分析C、免疫放射分析D、放射受体分析E、放射免疫分析正确答案:E66、检测SIgE时,灵敏度最好的是A、RASTB、w esternb1otC、FEIAD、RASTFEIAE、RASTEIA正确答案:D67、斑点金免疫渗滤试验间接法测血清标本中抗体,导致假阳性结果的主要原因是A、血清标本中非目的IgC的干扰B、血清标本中非目的抗原的干扰C、洗涤不充分D、反应时间过短E、反应时间过长正确答案:A68、在ABC-E1ISA(双抗体夹心)体系中,需将HRP标记在A^抗体分子B、抗原分子C、生物素D^亲合素原E、第二抗体正确答案:C69、HIV最常用的初筛试验是A、免疫印迹试验B、P CR法C、E1ISAD、RT-PCR⅛E、自身红细胞凝集试验正确答案:C70、具有强还原性的是A^[Ru(bpy)J2B、TPAC、TPA•]3D^[Ru(bpy)3E、A+B正确答案:C71、释放能量的是激发态的A、[Ru(bpy)P3B、TPAC、TPA•D、[Ru(bpy)Γ3E、A+B正确答案:A72、下面选项中,不属于B细胞主要功能的是A、产生IgMB、抗原提呈C、产生IgGD、分泌细胞因子E、合成补体正确答案:E73、抗原-抗体反应的特异性是指A、两者之间功能的相近性B、两者之间结合的专一性C、两者分子的电子云吸引力D、两者分子大小的相近性E、两者分子空间结构的相似性正确答案:B74、在速率散射比浊法中抗原过量的检测方法是A、在抗原抗体预反应阶段进行B、在抗原-抗体反应完成后再加入相同抗原C、在抗原-抗体反应的第一阶段进行D、在抗原-抗体反应的第二阶段进行E、在抗原-抗体反应完成后再加入相同抗体正确答案:D75、自身抗体检测最常用的E1ISA方法类型是A、双抗体夹心法B、竞争法C、双抗原夹心法D、间接法E、捕获法正确答案:D76、目前国内HIV确认实验采用的方法是A、免疫渗滤试验B、免疫印迹试验C、斑点酶免疫吸附试验D、酶联免疫吸附试验E、免疫层析试验正确答案:B77、HRP的酶活性基团是A、白蛋白B、球蛋白C、糖蛋白D、亚铁血红素E、色氨酸正确答案:D78、放射免疫试验的明显缺点是A、分析特异度低B、检测时间长C、放射性污染D、分析敏感度低E、检测成本高正确答案:C79、临床上采用化学发光免疫分析法检测IgM类抗体(如抗HCVTgM)常采用抗原-抗体反应模式为A、固相抗原竞争法B、双抗体夹心法C、双抗原夹心法D、间接法E、直接法正确答案:D80、微柱凝胶法中涉及的原理和技术不包括A^沉淀反应Bs抗原抗体反应C、分子筛D、离心技术E^抗人球蛋白试验正确答案:A81、荧光酶免疫试验最常用的发光底物是A、OPDB、4-MUPC、BCIP/NBTD、TMBE、PNP正确答案:B82、不属于保护性抗体的是A、抗PIVS1gAB、抗-HBSIgGC、抗一RVIgGD、抗一HAVIgGE、抗-HBSIgG正确答案:B83、常用于纯化特异性抗体的方法是A、亲和层析法B、盐析法C、离子交换层析法D、凝胶层析法E、超速离心法正确答案:A84>BAS用于固相包被,下述选项不正确的是A、生物素可直援吸附在固相表面B、链霉亲合素可直接吸附在固相表面C、利用链霉亲合素与生物素化抗原结合D、利用链霉亲合素与生物素化抗体结合E、链霉亲合素预包被磁性纳米微球可以用来分离生物分子正确答案:A85、免疫球蛋白异常增多的致病机制不包括A、浆细胞异常增殖B、血液黏稠C、溶骨性病变D、细胞免疫抑制E、体液免疫抑制正确答案:D86、在检测可溶性黏附分子中,E1ISA常用A、直接法B、间接法C、夹心法D、竞争法正确答案:C87、再次免疫应答的主要抗体是A、IgGB、IgAC、IgMD、IgEE、IgD正确答案:A88、下列选项中,不属于黏膜相关淋巴组织中主要的免疫细胞的是A、巨噬细胞B、T细胞C、B细胞D、中性粒细胞E、树突细胞正确答案:D89、4-MUP在A1P催化下生成4-甲基伞形酮,在激发光作用下发出荧光的波长为Λ^450nmB、360nmC、525nmD^570nmE、640nm正确答案:A90、最早出现的免疫标记试验是A、酶免疫试验B、荧光免疫试验C、化学发光免疫试验D、放射免疫试验E、胶体金免疫试验正确答案:B91、最早出现的免疫标记技术是A、荧光免疫试验B、酶联免疫试验C、放射免疫试验D、化学发光免疫试验正确答案:A92、可同时测定两种细胞因子的方法是A、E1ISAB、RIAC、生物学检测法D、E1ISPOTE、C1EIA正确答案:D93、人体最大的外周免疫器官是A、法氏囊B、脾脏C、淋巴结D、胸腺E、骨髓正确答案:B94、淋巴细胞交叉配型的主要目的是A、检测供者血清中有无抗受者淋巴细胞抗体B、检测受者血清中有无抗供者淋巴细胞抗体C、检测供者H1A抗原D、检测受者H1A抗原正确答案:B95、有关免疫胶体金染色技术,描述正确的是A、胶体金既可用于透射电镜又可用于扫描电镜B、其最大优点是可进行单重标记C、不同的胶体金水溶胶因粒子大小不同,颜色相同D、胶体金只可用于透射电镜E、胶体金只可用于扫描电镜正确答案:A96、下列选项中,不属于量子点与抗原、抗体等生物分子偶联的方法的是A、生物素-亲合素法B、透析法C、共价结合法D、静电吸附法E、戊二醛法正确答案:B97、以下选项中,不属于分析前质量控制的内容的是A、患者的准备Bs标本的前处理C、标本的采集、运送和接收D、标本检测前的保存E、检验项目的申请正确答案:B98、电化学发光免疫分析的电子供体是A、三联毗嚏钉[Ru(bpy)3]2+B、三丙胺(TPA)C、4-甲基伞形酮磷酸盐D、EU〃螯合物E>TRITC正确答案:B99、酶联免疫吸附试验最常用的固相载体是A、聚氯乙烯B、磁微粒C、硝酸纤维素膜(NC膜)D、聚偏二氟乙烯膜(PVDF膜)E、聚苯乙烯正确答案:E100、获得诺贝尔奖的免疫学检测技术是A、酶联免疫吸附试验B、杂交瘤技术C、免疫散射比浊试验D、放射免疫试验E、化学发光免疫试验正确答案:D。



治安管理处罚法的考题英文回答:The Law on Administration of Public Security Punishments, also known as the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, is an important legal framework in China that regulates the maintenance of public order and the punishment of violators. As a citizen of China, I am familiar with this law and its provisions.One of the key aspects of this law is the establishment of various administrative penalties that can be imposed for offenses related to public security. These penalties include warnings, fines, detention, and even the revocation of licenses or permits. For example, if someone is caught engaging in illegal gambling activities, they may be fined a certain amount of money or even detained for a period of time.Another important provision of the law is the powergiven to public security organs to enforce these penalties. Public security organs have the authority to investigate, collect evidence, and impose punishments on individuals who violate public security regulations. For instance, if someone is caught stealing, the police have the right to investigate the case, gather evidence, and then impose an appropriate punishment.The law also provides guidelines for the procedures and rights of individuals who are subjected to administrative punishments. It ensures that individuals have the right to defend themselves, present evidence, and appeal against the decision. This ensures that the punishment is fair and just. For instance, if someone is accused of a crime, they have the right to hire a lawyer to defend their case and present evidence to prove their innocence.Furthermore, the law also emphasizes the importance of education and rehabilitation. It encourages public security organs to provide guidance and education to individuals who have committed offenses, in order to help them understand the consequences of their actions and prevent them fromreoffending. For example, if someone is caught vandalizing public property, they may be required to attend educational programs or community service to learn about the importance of respecting public spaces.Overall, the Law on Administration of Public Security Punishments plays a crucial role in maintaining socialorder and ensuring the safety and well-being of citizens in China. It provides a legal framework for the punishment of public security offenses and promotes fairness and justicein the enforcement of these penalties.中文回答:治安管理处罚法,也被称为公安管理处罚法,是中国的一项重要法律框架,用于规范公共秩序的维护和违法者的惩罚。



2022年2月份耳鼻喉科三基试题(7-9章)您的姓名: [填空题] *_________________________________1.女,35岁。


查体可见颈静脉怒张,其发生机制是() [单选题] *A.上腔静脉阻塞B.下腔静脉阻塞C.右心房压力升高(正确答案)D.右心房向右心室回流受阻E.静脉向右心房回流受阻2肾癌最常见的组织类型是() [单选题] *A嗜色细胞B.透明细胞(正确答案)C.颗粒细胞D.树突状细胞E.嫌色细胞3男,28岁。

头部受伤后意识模糊约20min,头痛,恶心,呕吐,追问问受伤经过不能记忆,查体无异物相向,可能诊断为() [单选题] *A.脑震荡(正确答案)B脑挫裂伤C脑膜外血肿D颅骨骨折E.颅内血肿4.男,69岁。

诊断多发性肌炎5年多,现门诊复查发现贫血、血沉增快,首先应检查的疾病是() [单选题] *A. 结核病B.其他结缔组织病C.恶性肿瘤(正确答案)D.感染E.神经元疾病5.乙胺丁醇的主要不良反应有() [单选题] *A.周围神经炎B.肝功能损害C.肾功能损害D.听力障碍E.视神经炎(正确答案)6.急性缺血性脑卒中患者早期应用重组组织纤溶酶原激(tPA)应在发病多长时间内按照适应和禁忌证严格筛选患者,尽快给予静脉溶栓治疗() [单选题] *A.4.5h内(正确答案)B.8h内C.10h内D.12h内E.24h内7对于高血压脑出血患者,急性期处理最重要的环节是() [单选题] *A亚低温疗法B.合理使用抗生素防止继发感染曲千关C立即用药将血压降至正常水平D抗脑水肿降低颅内压(正确答案)E止血治疗8.慢性髓系白血病患者护理措施错误的是() [单选题] *A 嘱患者取右侧卧位,以缓解腹胀(正确答案)B鼓励患者多饮水,每日饮水量大于1500mlC定期复查血象D注意个人卫生和饮食卫生,预防感染E 注意休息,避免劳累9.皮肌炎的典型皮疹为() [单选题] *A.结节红斑B.皮革样皮肤改变C.双下肢紫癜样皮疹D.网状青斑E.眶周水肿性紫红色斑(正确答案)10.肾癌最常见的症状是() [单选题] *A.疼痛B 低热C腰部肿块D间歇性.无痛性全程血尿(正确答案)E尿路刺激症状11.患儿,5岁。





(10分)4、试考虑一个由ala,arg2,glu2,asp2,gly,lys,ser,thr组成的十一肽,用Sanger试剂DNFB处理确定其N-末端为谷氨酸,经部分酸水解后得到下列各肽段:(asp,glu) (glu,gly) (asp,glu,gly) (ala,asp)(ala,asp,ser) (asp,glu,lys) (ser,thr) (asp,lys)(arg,thr) (arg2,thr) (ala,asp,gly) (arg,lys)此十一肽的氨基酸全顺序如何?(注:给出的12个小肽段只表示氨基酸组成,而非顺序)5、下图为两种蛋白质(a和b)分别经交联剂处理前后,SDS-PAGE的结果,试分析A蛋白和B蛋白的四级结构。

(10分)(注:“-”示交联剂处理前SDS-PAGE,“+” 示交联剂处理后SDS-PAGE)6、一个假设的酶促反应中不同底物浓度(酶的用量固定),初始速度如下表:[S](mol/l)v(mmol/min)[S](mol/l)V(mmol/min)2.0x10-160 2.0x10-4482.0x10-260 1.5x10-4452.0x10-360 1.3x10-512问:(1)此反应的V MAX是多少?(2)为什么底物浓度大于2.0x10-3 mol/L时,V是常数?(3)当底物浓度为2.0x10-2 MOL/L时,此酶的浓度如何?(10分)7、氨甲蝶呤(MTX?),5-氟尿嘧啶,放线菌素D和嘌呤霉素各有何作用?(10分)1992年硕士生入学试题---生物化学(1)一、解释(30分)1、滚环复制2、套索RNA(lariat RNA)3、聚合酶链反应(PCR)4、组织纤溶激活物(tPA)5、苹果酸-门冬氨酸穿梭6、次级主动转运(secondary active transport)二、问答题(50分)1、分析下列四种基因型的细菌(LAC区为双倍体)中当有或无诱导存在时各种酶的活性(10分)i+p+o+z-y+a-isp+ocz+y+a-A.---------B.----------i+p-o+z+y-a+i+p+o+z-y-a+i+p+o+z-y+a-i-p+o+z+y-a+C.---------D.----------i+p+o+z+y-a+i+p+o+z+y-a+[注:P-表示启动子区缺失]2、测定一种酶的活性得到下列数据:底物的初浓度:1nmol/10ml反应时间:10分钟产物生成量:50nmol/10ml蛋白质浓度:10mg/10ml反应速度至少在10分钟内与酶活性呈正比,试问此酶的比活力(specific activity)是多少?(5分)3、柠檬酸循环中并无O2的直接参与,为什么说它是一个需氧代谢途径?(5分)4、已知在体内dUMP可转变成为dTMP,那么为何说用[5-3H]-尿苷可以特异标记RNA呢?(5分)5、遗传密码是怎样被破译的?(10分)6、举例说明生物体内蛋白质磷酸化的生物学意义。



医学影像测试题+答案一、单选题(共100题,每题1分,共100分)1、在MR仪的主要硬件中,对成像速度影响最大的是A、接收线圈B、主磁体C、梯度线圈D、计算机系统E、激发线圈正确答案:B2、CT值增加,图像亮度的变化是A、降低B、增加C、不变D、变灰E、先亮后暗正确答案:B3、反转恢复脉冲序列,施加的第一个脉冲是(A.)A、180°B、90°C、270°D、50°E、25°正确答案:A4、在SE.序列中,T1加权像是指()A、长TR,短TE.所成的图像B、长TR,长TE.所成的图像C、短TR,短TE.所成的图像D、短TR,长TE.所成的图像E、依组织密度所决定的图像正确答案:C5、下列说法正确的是()A、高浓度铁蛋白缩短T2时间B、高浓度铁蛋白在T2加权像上显低信号C、正常脑组织中也存在铁D、细胞内的铁具有高磁化率E、以上均对正确答案:E6、MRA.是利用了流体的A、流空效应B、流入性增强效应C、相位效应D、以上均是E、以上均不是正确答案:D7、铁磁性颗粒造影剂对质子弛豫时间的影响为()A、T1延长,T2缩短B、T1缩短,T2延长C、T1缩短,T2缩短D、T1不变,T2缩短E、T2不变,T2延长正确答案:D8、在SE.序列中,TR是指()A、90°脉冲到180°脉冲间的时间B、90°脉冲到信号产生的时间C、180°脉冲到信号产生的时间D、第一个90°脉冲至下一个90°脉冲所需的时间E、质子完成弛豫所需要的时间正确答案:D9、横向弛豫是指A、氢质子顺磁场方向排列B、T1弛豫C、氢质子逆磁场方向排列D、自旋-晶格弛豫E、自旋-自旋弛豫正确答案:E10、关于X线滤线栅的工作原理的叙述,错误的是( )A、原发射线投射方向应与铅条排列方向垂直B、原发X线与滤线栅铅条平行C、X线中心线对准滤线栅的中心D、焦点到滤线栅的距离应与栅焦距相等E、将滤线栅置与胶片和被照体之间正确答案:A11、心脏MRI检查的绝对禁忌证是A、安装心脏起搏器的患者B、长期卧床的老年患者C、下腔静脉置人金属支架的患者D、体内置有金属节育环的患者E、装有义齿的患者正确答案:A12、与屏-片摄影相比,常规体层摄影A、低对比度分辨率高B、单幅图像的表面剂量低C、单幅图像的球管热量低D、空间分辨率高E、指定层面冠状面成像正确答案:E13、实现层面选择应用的方法是A、提高信噪比B、改变主磁场强度C、使用梯度磁场D、改变射频脉冲频率E、使用表面线圈正确答案:C14、有关滤线栅的叙述,错误的是( )A、滤线栅排除散射线B、活动滤线器的运动多采用振动式C、高电压摄影时不用交叉滤线栅D、滤线栅不能侧向倾斜E、滤线栅不能侧向偏离栅焦距正确答案:C15、MR图像通常是指A、H1图像B、H2图像C、H3图像D、C13图像E、F10图像正确答案:A16、第一幅人体头部MR图像是哪一年获取的A、1977年B、1972年C、1978年D、1952年E、1946年正确答案:C17、SE.序列中,180°RF的目的是()A、使磁化矢量由最大值衰减到37%的水平B、使磁化矢量倒向负Z轴C、使磁化矢量倒向XY平面内进动D、使失相的质子重聚E、使磁化矢量由最小值上升到63%的水平正确答案:D18、有关特性曲线的叙述,错误的是( )A、胶片的平均斜率影响照片对比度B、平均斜率大的胶片,宽容度小C、特性曲线是不受显影液性能影响D、反差系数指的是胶片特性的最大斜率E、宽容度大的胶片,影像层次多正确答案:B19、MRI检查的禁忌证为()A、装有心脏起搏器B、眼球内金属异物C、人工关节D、动脉瘤用银夹结扎术后E、以上都是正确答案:E20、扰相梯度回波序列需要在回波采集后()A、减少纵向磁化矢量B、增加横向磁化矢量C、去除横向磁化矢量D、去除纵向磁化矢量E、稳定横向磁化矢量正确答案:C21、在SE.序列中,质子密度加权像是指A、长TR,短TE.所成的图像B、长TR,长TE.所成的图像C、短TR,短TE.所成的图像D、短TR,长TE.所成的图像E、依组织密度所决定的图像正确答案:A22、危重病人一般不宜进行MRI检查,是因为A、MR扫描中不易观察病人B、一般的监护仪器在MR室内不能正常工作C、MRI一般检查时间偏长D、危重病人一般难以配合检查E、以上都是正确答案:E23、下列哪项属于MRI的优点(E.)A、软组织对比优于CTB、多参数、任意方向成像C、除提供形态学信息外,还能提供功能和代谢信息D、无骨伪影E、以上均正确正确答案:E24、以下有关像素和体素的表述,正确是()A、像素是一个二维概念B、像素越小,图像的分辨率相对越差C、CT图像的基本组成单元称为体素D、体素实际上是象素在成像时的表现E、像素是扫描层被按矩陈排列分隔的基本成像单元正确答案:A25、影响散射线因素的叙述,错误的是( )A、物体越厚,产生散射线越少B、管电压越高,产生散射线越多C、物体受照面越大,产生散射线越多D、被照体越厚,产生散射线越多E、X线波长越短,产生散射线越多正确答案:A26、梯度磁场的目的是A、增加磁场强度B、帮助空间定位C、增加磁场均匀性D、减少磁场强度E、减少噪音正确答案:B27、不属于MRI系统现场调整的程序有()A、RF发射系统调节B、RF接收系统调节C、梯度场调节D、主磁场调节E、匀场正确答案:D28、有关稀土增感屏的组合,错误的是( )A、稀土增感屏——硫氧化镧屏B、稀土增感屏——发光效率高C、稀土增感屏——硫氧化钆屏D、稀土增感屏——钨酸钙屏E、稀土增感屏——乳腺专用增感屏正确答案:D29、SE.序列相位重聚是指()A、90°脉冲激励时B、90°脉冲激励后C、180°脉冲激励时D、使离散相位又一致E、横向宏观磁化矢量变小正确答案:D30、早期脑梗塞最适宜的扫描方式为()A、灌注成像B、T1加权成像C、T2加权成像D、质子加权成像E、弥散加权成像正确答案:E31、下列SE.序列的扫描参数,符合T1的是()A、TR2500ms,TE.100msB、TR400ms,TE.100msC、TR400ms,TE.15msD、TR1000ms,TE.75msE、TR2500ms,TE.15ms正确答案:C32、下述组合,错误的是( )A、Kx大----X线照片上K小B、40~60kV----低压摄影C、γ值大----X线照片对比度大D、25~40kV----软X线摄影E、100~150kV----高压摄影正确答案:A33、2IP板曝光后,需要在( )小时内读出信息。





心电图检查示窦性心律,心率82次/min,P-R0.28秒,Ⅰ导联QRS波呈qR 型(江南博哥),Ⅱ及Ⅲ导联QRS波呈rS型,SⅢ>SⅡ。

















a.丙烯b.乙烯c.丙烯腈6. 丙烯酸应用下列那种方法精制()A 碱洗水洗蒸馏B 重结晶C 减压蒸馏D 萃取7.乳液聚合生产过程中,破乳方法不包括(B )。

A 强烈搅拌B 加热C 加入电解质D 调节pH8.对于粘度很高流动性差的合成橡胶溶液聚合,反应釜应选择(A )搅拌器。

A 螺带式B 平浆式C 锚式D 旋浆式9.本体法生产有机玻璃的特点不包括()。

A 提高聚合速率,分子量降低B 反应体系粘度高,散热困难C 分子量分布窄D 产品后处理简单12.乙烯高压自由基本体聚合中,得到的是(D )。


A 胶束B 增容胶束C 单体液滴D 单体分子14.C4馏分中所含的丁烷、丁二烯、丁烯各异构体的沸点非常相近,可通过(C )的方法进行分离。

A 闪蒸B 水蒸气蒸馏C 萃取精馏D 减压蒸馏15.自由基聚合中,可以同时提高反应速率和分子量的聚合是(B)。

A 本体聚合B 乳液聚合C 悬浮聚合D 溶液聚合16.自由基聚合中,悬浮聚合在较高温度下进行时,可以选用()做分散剂。

A 聚乙烯醇B 羟丙基纤维素C 明胶D 碳酸镁17.用无机粉末做分散剂的自由基悬浮聚合结束后,用()洗涤以除去分散剂。

A 稀碱B 稀酸C 去离子水 D十二烷基苯磺酸钠18.BPO常常和()组成氧化还原引发体系用于自由基聚合。

A 亚硫酸钠B 硫代硫酸钠C 二甲苯胺D 硫酸亚铁20.可以制成AB型,多嵌段等不同形式的嵌段共聚物的主要聚合方法为()。




The following balance sheet and income statement should be used for questions #1 through #5:Windswept, Inc.2005 Income Statement($ in millions)Net sales $8,450Less: Cost of goods sold 7,240Less: Depreciation (1)Earnings before interest and taxes 810 Less: Interest paid 70Taxable Income $ 740Less: Taxes 259Net income (2)Windswept, Inc.2004 and 2005 Balance Sheets($ in millions)2004 2005 2004 2005Cash $ 120 $ 140 Accounts payable $1,110 $1,120 Accounts rec. 930 780 Long-term debt 840 1,210 Inventory 1,480 1,520 Common stock 3,200 3,000 Total (3) $2,440 Retained earnings (5) 710 Net fixed asset (4) 3,600Total assets $5,680 $6,040 Total liabilities & equity $5,680$6,0401. a.400 b. 410 c.350 d. 420 e.4252. a. $487 b. $481 c.$523 d.$ 498 e. $5403. a. $2345 b. $2300 c.$2530 d.$2413 e. $24504.a.3510 b.3423 c. 3545 d.3500 e. 36555. a. 530 b.540 c. 555 d.550 e.515The following balance sheet and income statement should beused for questions #6through #15:Re Do It, Inc. 2005 Income Statement (in million)Net sales $2430Less: Cost of goods sold 1,344Less: Depreciation 276Earnings before interest and taxes $810Less: Interest paid 150Taxable Income $ 660Less: Taxes 187Net income $ Dividends $121 Addition to retained earnings 242Re Do It, Inc. 2004 and 2005 Balance Sheet (in million) 2004 2005 2004 2005Cash $ 84 $ 98 Accounts payable $543 $530Accounts rec. 165 188 Long-term debt 550 $457Inventory 393 422 Common stock 500 $550Total $642 $708 Retained earnings 1,799 2,041 Net fixed assets $2,731 $2,880Total assets $3,373 $3,588 Total liabilities & equity $3,373$3,5886. What is the days’ sales in receivables? (use 2005 values)a. 21.8 daysb. 23.7 daysc. 28.3 daysd. 29.7 dayse. 32.4days7. What is the cash coverage ratio for 2005?a. 6. 4b. 6.5c. 6.6d. 6.7e. 6.88. What is the amount of the net cash from investment activity for 2005?a. -$50 millionb. $250millionc. $425 milliond. $700 millione. $850 million9. How many dollars of sales are being generated from every dollar of currentassets? (use 2005 values)a. $2.59b. $2.89c. $3.43d. $3.26e. $3.7610. How does cash affect the statement of cash flows for 2005?a. a use of $14 million of cash as an investment activityb. a sourceof $14 million of cash as an operating activityc. a use of $10 million of cash as a financing activityd. a source of$10 million of cash as an investment activitye. a use of $14 million of cash as an operating activity11. What is the amount of net new borrowing for 2005?a. -$37b. -$74c. $0d.- $ 93e. $7412. What is the operating cash flow for 2005?a. $184b. $178c. $125d. $145e. $17013. What is the amount of the non-cash expenses for 2005?a. $276b. $430c. $445d. $370e. $20014. What is the amount of dividends paid in 2005?a. $35b. $231c. $270d. $325e. $44515. What is the cash flow to creditors for 2005?a. -$215b. -$25c. $25d. $215e. $5716. The financial statement that summarizes the sources and uses ofcash over a specified period of time is the:a. income statement.b. balance sheet.c. tax reconciliation statement.d. statement of cash flows.e. statement of operating position.17. A conflict of interest between the stockholders and management of afirm is called:a. stockholders’ liability.b. corporate breakdown.c. the agency problem.d. corporate activism.e. legal liability.18. The financial statement showing a firm’s accounting value on aparticular date is the:a. income statement.b. balance sheet.c. statement of cash flows.d. tax reconciliation statement.e. shareholders’ equity sheet.19. When fixed assets on a pro forma statement are projected to increase at a rate equivalent to the projected rate of sales growth, it can be assumed that the firm is:a. projected to grow at the internal rate of growth.b. projected to grow at the sustainable rate of growth.c. creating excess capacity.d. currently operating at full capacity.e. retaining all of its projected net income20. The sales level that results in a project’s net present value exactlyequaling zero is called the _____ break-even.a. operationalb. leveragedc. accountingd. cashe. financial21. The expected return on a stock that is computed using economicprobabilities is:a. guaranteed to equal the actual average return on the stock for the nextfive years.b. guaranteed to be the minimal rate of return on the stock over the nexttwo years.c. guaranteed to equal the actual return for the immediate twelve monthperiod.d. a mathematical expectation based on a weighted average and not anactual anticipated outcome.e. the actual return you should anticipate as long as the economicforecast remains constant.22. Interest earned only on the original principal amount invested iscalled _____ interest.a. freeb. annualc. simpled. interest one. compound23. Financial ratios that measure a firm’s ability to pay its bills over theshort run without undue stress are known as _____ ratios.a. asset managementb. long-term solvencyc. short-term solvencyd. profitabilitye. market value24. Which one of the following measures is relevant to the systematicrisk principle?a. varianceb. alphac. standard deviationd. thetae. beta25. An option that may be exercised at any time up its expiration date is called a(n) _____option.a. futuresb. Asianc. Bermudand. Europeane. American26. Shareholders’ equity in a firm is $500. The firm owes a total of $400of which 75 percent is payable within the next year. The firm has netfixed assets of $600. What is the amount of the net working capital?a. -$200b. -$100c. $0d. $100e. $20027. Ivan’s, Inc. paid $500 in dividends and $600 in interest this pastyear. Common stock increased by $200 and retained earningsdecreased by $100. What is the net income for the year?a. $400b. $500c. $600d. $800e. $1,00028. A firm has total assets of $2,640 and net fixed assets of $1,500. Theaverage dailyoperating costs are $170. What is the value of the interval measure?a. 6.71b. 8.82c. 11.03d. 13.33e. 15.5329. Rosita’s Restaurante has sales of $4,500, total debt of $1,300, total equity of $2,400, and a profit margin of 5 percent. What is the return on assets?a. 5.00 percentb. 6.08 percentc. 7.39 percentd. 9.38 percente. 17.31 percent30. Kurt’s Adventures is operating at full capacity with a sales level of $1,200 and fixed assets of $900. What is the required addition to fixed assets if sales are to increase by20 percent?a. $160b. $180c. $240d. $320e. $36031. _____ refers to the net expenditures by the firm on fixed assetpurchases.a. Operating cash flowb. Capital spendingc. Net working capitald. Cash flow from assetse. Cash flow to creditors32. Ratios that measure how efficiently a firm uses its assets to generatesales are known as _____ ratios.a. asset managementb. long-term solvencyc. short-term solvencyd. profitabilitye. market value33. The cash ratio is measured as:a. current assets divided by current liabilities.b. current assets minus cash on hand, divided by current liabilities.c. current liabilities plus current assets, divided by cash on hand.d. cash on hand plus inventory, divided by current liabilities.e. cash on hand divided by current liabilities.34. The financial ratio measured as net income divided by total assets isknown as the firm’s:a. profit margin.b. return on assets.c. return on equity.d. asset turnover.e. earnings before interest and taxes.35. Venture capital is primarily found through:a. internet web sites.b. a bidding process.c. newspaper advertisements.d. personal contacts.e. letters submitted to venture capital firms.36. Which of the following are included in current liabilities?I. note payable to a supplier in eighteen monthsII. debt payable to a mortgage company in nine monthsIII. accounts payable to suppliersIV. loan payable to the bank in fourteen monthsa. I and III onlyb. II and III onlyc. III and IV onlyd. II, III, and IV onlye. I, II, and III only37. Cash flow from assets must be negative when:a. the firm has a taxable loss for the year.b. the cash flow from creditors and the cash flow from stockholders areboth negative.c. the cash flow from creditors is negative and the cash flow fromstockholders is positive.d. the change in net working capital exceeds the net capital spending.e. operating cash flow is less than the change in net working capital.38. Which one of the following statements concerning net present value (NPV) is correct?a. An investment should be accepted if, and only if, the NPV is exactlyequal to zero.b. An investment should be accepted only if the NPV is equal to theinitial cash flow.c. An investment should be accepted if the NPV is positive and rejectedif it is negative.d. An investment with greater cash inflows than cash outflows,regardless of when the cash flows occur, will always have a positiveNPV and therefore should always be accepted.e. Any project that has positive cash flows for every time period afterthe initial investment should be accepted.39. An annuity stream of cash flow payments is a set of:a. level cash flows occurring each time period for a fixed length of time.b. level cash flows occurring each time period forever.c. increasing cash flows occurring each time period for a fixed length oftime.d. increasing cash flows occurring each time period forever.e. arbitrary cash flows occurring each time period for no more than 10years.40. The cost of capital:a. will decrease as the risk level of a firm increases.b. is primarily dependent on the source of the funds used in a project.c. implies that a project will produce a positive net present value only when the rate ofreturn on the project is less than the cost of capital.d. remains constant for all projects sponsored by the same firm.e. depends on how the funds are going to be utilized.41. What is the present value of $13,450 to be received four years from today if the discount rate is 5.25 percent?a. $10,854.20b. $10,960.59c. $10,974.21d. $10,982.18e. $11,003.1442. Your grandmother invested one lump sum 17 years ago at 4.25 percent interest.Today, she gave you the proceeds of that investment which totaled $5,539.92. Howmuch did your grandmother originally invest?a. $2,700.00b. $2,730.30c. $2,750.00d. $2,768.40e. $2,774.9043. Ten years ago, Joe invested $5,000. Five years ago, Marie invested $2,500. Today, both Joe and Marie’s investments are each worth $8,500. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning their investments?a. Three years from today, Joe’s investment will be worth more thanMarie’s.b. Last year, Marie’s investment was worth more than Joe’s.c. Joe has earned more interest on interest than Marie.d. Marie earned an annual interest rate of 27.73 percent.e. Joe earned an annual interest rate of 6.45 percent.44. Your older sister deposited $5,000 today at 8 percent interest for five years. You would like to have just as much money at the end of the next five years as your sister. However, you can only earn 6 percent interest. How much more money must you deposit today than your sister if you are to have the same amount at the end of five years?a. $201.80b. $367.32c. $399.05d. $423.81e. $489.8445. Forty years ago, your father invested $2,500. Today that investment is worth $107,921. What is the average rate of return your father earned on his investment?a. 8.50 percentb. 9.33 percentc. 9.50 percentd. 9.87 percente. 9.99 percent46. The specified date on which the principal amount of a bond is repaidis called the bond’s:a. coupon.b. face value.c. maturity.d. yield to maturity.e. coupon rate.47. The rate of return required by investors in the market for owning abond is called the:a. coupon.b. face value.c. maturity.d. yield to maturity.e. coupon rate.48. A bond with a face value of $1,000 that sells for more than $1,000in the market is called a _____ bond.a. parb. discountc. premiumd. zero coupone. floating rate49. The unfunded debt of a firm is generally understood to mean thefirm’s:a. preferred stock.b. debts that mature in more than one year.c. debentures.d. debts that mature in less than one year.e. secured debt.50. When you retire forty years from now, you want to have $1 million. You think you can earn an average of 8.5 percent on your money. To meet this goal, you are trying to decide whether to deposit a lump sum today, or to wait and deposit a lump sum five years from today. How much more will you have to deposit as a lumpsum if you wait for five years before making the deposit?a. $18,001.06b. $18,677.78c. $18,998.03d. $19,272.81e. $21,036.8351. Syed’s Industries has accounts receivable of $700, inventory of $1,200, sales of$4,200, and cost of goods sold of $3,400. How long does it take Syed’s to both selltheir inventory and then collect the payment on the sale?a. 128 daysb. 146 daysc. 163 daysd. 190 dayse. 211 days52. A firm has net working capital of $400, net fixed assets of $2,400, sales of $6,000, and current liabilities of $800. How many dollars worth of sales are generated from every $1 in total assets?a. $1.33b. $1.67c. $1.88d. $2.33e. $2.5053. Rosita’s Restaurante has sales of $4,500, total debt of $1,300, total equity of $2,400, and a profit margin of 5 percent. What is the return on assets?a. 5.00 percentb. 6.08 percentc. 7.39 percentd. 9.38 percente. 17.31 percent54. Patti’s has net income of $1,800, a price-earnings ratio of 12, and earnings per share of $1.20. How many shares of stock are outstanding?a. 1,200b. 1,400c. 1,500d. 1,600e. 1,80055. A firm has 5,000 shares of stock outstanding, sales of $6,000, net income of $800, a price-earnings ratio of 10, and a book value per share of $.50. What is the market-to-book ratio?a. 1.6b. 2.4c. 3.0d. 3.2e. 3.656. Jupiter Explorers has $6,400 in sales. The profit margin is 4 percent. There are 6,400 shares of stock outstanding. The market price per share is $1.20. What is the price- earnings ratio?a. 13b. 14c. 21d. 30e. 4857. Lee Sun’s has sales of $3,000, total assets of $2,500, and a profit margin of 5 percent. The firm has a total debt ratio of 40 percent. What is the return on equity?a. 6 percentb. 8 percentc. 10 percentd. 12 percente. 15 percent58. A firm has a return on equity of 15 percent. The debt-equity ratio is50 percent. The total asset turnover is 1.25 and the profit margin is 8percent. The total equity is$3,200. What is the amount of the net income?a. $480b. $500c. $540d. $600e. $62059. A firm wants a sustainable growth rate of 2.68 percent whilemaintaining a 40 percent dividend payout ratio and a 6 percent profitmargin. The firm has a capital intensity ratio of 2. What is the debt-equity ratio that is required to achieve the firm’s desired rate ofgrowth?a. .42b. .45c. .49d. .52e. .5460. The Green Giant has a 5 percent profit margin and a 40 percentdividend payout ratio. The total asset turnover is 1.40 and the equity multiplier is 1.50. What is the sustainable rate of growth?a. 6.30 percentb. 6.53 percentc. 6.72 percentd. 6.80 percente. 6.83 percent61. The process of accumulating interest on an investment over time to earn more interest is called:a. growth.b. compounding.c. aggregation.d. accumulation.e. discounting.62. The decision of which lender to use and which type of long-term loan is best for aproject is part of:a. working capital management.b. the net working capital decision.c. capital budgeting.d. a controller’s duties.e. the capital structure decision.63. _____ refers to the firm’s dividend payments less any net newequity raised.a. Operating cash flowb. Capital spendingc. Net working capitald. Cash flow from assetse. Cash flow to stockholders64. A supplier, who requires payment within ten days, is most concerned with which one of the following ratios when granting credit?a. currentb. cashc. debt-equityd. quicke. total debt65. Activities of the firm in which cash is spent are known as:a. sources of cash.b. uses of cash.c. cash payments.d. cash receipts.e. cash on hand.66. You just won the lottery! As your prize you will receive $1,200 amonth for 100 months. If you can earn 8 percent on your money, what is this prize worth to you today?a. $87,003.69b. $87,380.23c. $87,962.77d. $88,104.26e. $90,723.7667. You own a classic automobile that is currently valued at $39,500. If the value increases by 6 percent annually, how much will the auto be worth ten years from now?a. $64,341.34b. $44,734.42c. $69,843.06d. $70,738.48e. $74,146.9368. The Inferior Goods Co. stock is expected to earn 14 percent in arecession, 6 percent in a normal economy, and lose 4 percent in abooming economy. The probability of a boom is 20 percent while theprobability of a normal economy is 55 percent and the chance of arecession is 25 percent. What is the expected rate of return on thisstock?a. 6.00 percentb. 6.72 percentc. 6.80 percentd. 7.60 percente. 11.33 percent69. You sold (wrote) three TXA call option contracts with a strike price of $35 when the option was quoted at $2.60. The option expires today when the value of TXA stock is$33.70. Ignoring trading costs and taxes, what is your total profit or loss on your investment?a. $0b. $260c. $390d. $780e. $1,17070. You own six convertible bonds. These bonds have a 5 percent coupon, a $1,000 face value and mature in 8 years. The bonds are convertible into shares of common stock at a conversion price of $20. How many shares of stock will you receive if you convert all of your bonds?a. 8.33 sharesb. 50.00 sharesc. 52.50 sharesd. 300.00 sharese. 315.00 shares71. The length of time required for a project’s discounted cash flows toequal the initial cost of the project is called the:a. net present value.b. internal rate of return.c. payback period.d. discounted profitability index.e. discounted payback period.72. Interest rates or rates of return on investments that have been adjustedfor the effects of inflation are called _____ rates.a. realb. nominalc. effectived. strippede. coupon73. Payments made by a corporation to its shareholders, in the form ofeither cash, stock or payments in kind, are called:a. retained earnings.b. net income.c. dividends.d. redistributions.e. infused equity.74. The market price of a bond is equal to the present value of the:a. face value minus the present value of the annuity payments.b. annuity payments plus the future value of the face amount.c. face value plus the present value of the annuity payments.d. face value plus the future value of the annuity payments.e. annuity payments minus the face value of the bond.75. The discount rate that makes the net present value of an investmentexactly equal tozero is called the:a. external rate of return.b. internal rate of return.c. average accounting return.d. profitability index.e. equalizer.76. You wrote ten call option contracts on JIG stock with a strike price of $40 and anoption price of $.40. What is your net gain or loss on this investment if the price of JIG is $46.05 on the option expiration date?a. -$6,450b. -$5,650c. $400d. $5,650e. $6,45077. What is the expected return on a portfolio comprised of $3,000 instock K and $5,000 in stock L if the economy is normal?State of Probability of Returns if State OccursEconomy State of Economy Stock K Stock LBoom 20% 14% 10%Normal 80% 5% 6%a. 3.75 percentb. 5.25 percentc. 5.63 percentd. 5.88 percente. 6.80 percent78. What is the expected return on a portfolio comprised of $4,000 instock M and $6,000 in stock N if the economy enjoys a boom period?State of Probability of Returns if State OccursEconomy State of Economy Stock M Stock NBoom 10% 18% 10%Normal 75% 7% 8%Recession 15% -20% 6%a. 6.4 percentb. 6.8 percentc. 10.4 percentd. 13.2 percente. 14.0 percent79. Several rumors concerning Wyslow, Inc. stock have started circulating. These rumors are causing the market price of the stock to be quite volatile. Given this situation, you decide to buy both a one-month put and a call option on this stock with an exercise price of $15. You purchased the call at a quoted price of $.20 and the put at a price of $2.10. What will be your total profit or loss on these option positions if the stock price is $4 on the day the options expire?a. -$230b. $870c. $890d. $910e. $1,31080. You sold ten put option contracts on PLT stock with an exercise price of $32.50 and an option price of $1.10. Today, the option expires and the underlying stock is selling for $34.30 a share. Ignoring trading costs and taxes, what is your total profit or loss on this investment?a. -$2,900b. -$1,100c. $700d. $1,100e. $2,90081. The real rate of return on a stock is approximately equal to the nominal rate of return:a. multiplied by (1 + inflation rate).b. plus the inflation rate.c. minus the inflation rate.d. divided by (1 + inflation rate).e. divided by (1- inflation rate).82. The time value of an option is equal to the:a. option’s market price minus its intrinsic value.b. option’s intrinsic value minus its market price.c. risk-free interest rate in the economy.d. net present value of the option’s cash flows.e. net present value of the option’s cash flows, discounted at the risk-free interest rate.83. Risk that affects at most a small number of assets is called _____risk.a. portfoliob. undiversifiablec. marketd. unsystematice. total84. As long as the inflation rate is positive, the real rate of return on a security investment will be ____ the nominal rate of return.a. greater thanb. equal toc. less thand. greater than or equal toe. unrelated to85. The standard deviation for a set of stock returns can be calculated asthe:a. positive square root of the average return.b. average squared difference between the actual return and the averagereturn.c. positive square root of the variance.d. average return divided by N minus one, where N is the number ofreturns.e. variance squared.86. A firm wants to maintain a growth rate of 8 percent without incurringany additional equity financing. The firm maintains a constant debt-equity ratio of .5, a total asset turnover ratio of .83, and a profitmargin of 8 percent. What must the retention ratio be?a. 71.8 percentb. 72.7 percentc. 74.4 percentd. 75.1 percente. 76.3 percentReturn on equity = .08 .83 (1 + .50) = .0996; Sustainable growth = [.0996 b] [1- (.0996 b)] = .744 = 74.4 percent87. Neal’s Nails has an 11 percent return on assets and a 30 percentdividend payout ratio. What is the internal growth rate?a. 7.11 percentb. 7.70 percentc. 8.34 percentd. 8.46 percente. 11.99 percentI88. Katelyn’s Kites has net income of $240 and total equity of $2,000. The debt-equityratio is 1.0 and the plowback ratio is 40 percent. What is the internal growth rate?a. 2.46 percentb. 3.00 percentc. 4.92 percentd. 5.88 percente. 6.00 percent89. Neal Enterprises common stock is currently priced at $36.80 a share. The company isexpected to pay $1.20 per share next month as their annual dividend. The dividendshave been increasing by 2 percent annually and are expected to continue doing so.What is the cost of equity for Neal Enterprises?a. 5.18 percentb. 5.22 percentc. 5.26 percentd. 5.33 percente. 5.67 percent90. You currently own a one-year call option on Way-One, Inc. stock. The current stock price is $26.50 and the risk-free rate of return is 4 percent. Your option has a strikeprice of $20 and you assume that it will finish in the money. What is the current value of your call option?a. $6.25b. $6.50c. $6.76d. $7.13e. $7.2791. The _____ tells us that the expected return on a risky asset dependsonly on that asset’s nondiversifiable risk.a. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH)b. systematic risk principlec. Open Markets Theoremd. Law of One Pricee. principle of diversification92. The process of valuing an investment by determining the present value of its futurecash flows is called (the):a. constant dividend growth model.b. discounted cash flow valuation.c. average accounting valuation.d. expected earnings model.e. Capital Asset Pricing Model.93. The proportions of the market value of the firm’s assets financed via debt, commonstock, and preferred stock are called the firm’s:a. financing costs.b. portfolio weights.c. beta coefficients.d. capital structure weights.e. costs of capital.94. The costs incurred by the firm when new issues of stocks or bonds are sold are called:a. required rates of return.b. costs of capital.c. flotation costs.d. capital structure weights.e. costs of equity and deb95. A financial contract that gives its owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a specified asset at an agreed-upon price on or before a given future date is called a(n) _____ contract.a. optionb. futuresc. forwardd. swape. straddle96. A particular risky asset’s risk premium, measured relative to its betacoefficient, is its:a. diversifiable risk.b. systematic risk.c. reward-to-risk ratio.d. security market line.e. market risk premium.97. The overall cost of capital for a retail store:a. is equivalent to the after-tax cost of the firm’s liabilities.b. should be used as the required return when analyzing a potential acquisition of a wholesale distributor.c. reflects the return investors require on the total assets of the firm.d. remains constant even when the debt-equity ratio changes.e. is unaffected by changes in corporate tax rates98. The length of time required for an investment to generate cash flowssufficient to recover the initial cost of the investment is called the:a. net present value.b. internal rate of return.c. payback period.d. profitability index.e. discounted cash period99. You are considering purchasing stock S. This stock has an expectedreturn of 8 percent if the economy booms and 3 percent if theeconomy goes into a recessionary period. The overall expected rate of return on this stock will:a. be equal to one-half of 8 percent if there is a 50 percent chance of aneconomic boom.b. vary inversely with the growth of the economy.c. increase as the probability of a recession increases.d. be equal to 75 percent of 8 percent if there is a 75 percent chance of aboom economy.e. increase as the probability of a boom economy increases.100. A firm’s overall cost of equity is:I. directly observable in the financial markets.II. unaffected by changes in the market risk premium.III. highly dependent upon the growth rate and risk level of a firm.IV. an estimate only.a. I and III onlyb. II and IV onlyc. I and II onlyd. III and IV onlye. I and IV only。



Q1:个人信息姓名 ____________医院 ____________Q2:以下哪些胸痛疾病为致命性胸痛疾病○A、急性胸膜炎○B、肋间神经炎○C、急性心肌梗死○D、反流性食管炎○E、颈椎病Q3:中山市小榄人民医院胸痛中心的电话是○A、88662120○B、89822344○C、22288120○D、89822308○E、89822338Q4:急性胸痛患者首次医疗接触(患者进入急诊大门时间或120出车到达接触患者时间)进行第一份心电图检查时间为○A、30分钟内○B、1小时内○C、20分钟内○D、10分钟内○E、15分钟内Q5:急性胸痛患者进行床旁快速检测抽血后出结果时间为○A、30分钟内○B、1小时内○D、10分钟内○E、2小时内Q6:自行来院或经120入院的急性ST段抬高心肌梗死患者在首次医疗接触到开始溶栓时间(FMC TO N)应小于等于○A、30分钟○B、60分钟○C、90分钟○D、100分钟○E、120分钟Q7:下列哪项不是导致急性心肌梗死救治延误的因素○A、患者延误:发病至就诊5、8小时○B、转运延误○C、建立院内绿色通道○D、PCI医院和非PCI医院之间缺乏有效协作机制○E、误诊及漏诊Q8:心电图示心室颤动后,应立即○ A.静注利多卡因○ B.静注异丙基肾上腺素○ C.电除颤○ D.静注阿托品○ E.安装临时起搏器Q9:急性前壁心肌梗死最常见的心律失常为○ A.室性过早搏动○ C.心房颤动○ D.房性过早搏动○ E.室上性心动过速Q10:急性心肌梗死时溶栓治疗,判断疗效最有价值的是○ A.2小时内胸痛基本消失○ B.2小时内抬高的ST段回降50%○ C.心肌酶CK-MB峰值提前出现(14小时内)○ D.2小时内出现再灌注性心律失常○ E.冠状动脉造影Q11:急性心肌梗死酶学检查特异性最高的是○ A.谷草转氨酶○ B.碱性磷酸酶○ C.乳酸脱氢酶○ D.肌酸磷酸激酶的同工酶○ E.谷丙转氨酶Q12:急性心肌梗死早期,哪种药物不宜应用○ A.β受体阻滞剂○ B.抗凝药○ C.ACEI○ D.洋地黄○ E.硝酸酯类Q13:急性心肌梗死时出现高危性室性早搏,治疗首选○ A.利多卡因○ C.胺碘酮(乙胺碘呋酮)○ D.丙吡胺(双异丙吡胺)○ E.普鲁卡因胺(普鲁卡因酰胺)Q14:室颤电除颤采用○ A.非同步200J以上○ B.同步200J以上○ C.非同步150J○ D.同步150J○ E.交流电除颤Q15:不稳定型心绞痛和非ST段抬高心肌梗死(非Q波心肌梗死)之间主要的差别是○ A.斑块表面是否存在血栓形成○ B.心绞痛的严重程度○ C.ST段压低持续的时间○ D.冠状动脉造影的结果○ E.CK-MB≥正常上限的2倍或者肌钙蛋白升高Q16:急性心肌梗死溶栓治疗的依据是○ A.多数急性心肌梗死尸检证实为冠状动脉栓塞○ B.多伴有斑块破裂○ C.斑块严重狭窄○ D.多伴有斑块内出血○ E.闭塞性的血栓形成Q17:有关心肌梗死的再灌注治疗,哪项不正确○ A.直接PTCA的开通率最高○ C.tPA溶栓应同时使用静脉肝素抗凝○ D.再灌注治疗的关键是尽早开通冠状动脉,恢复前向血流○ E.心源性休克的患者应该尽快溶栓Q18:有关不稳定型心绞痛的心电图改变,不正确的是○ A.心绞痛发作时明显的ST段压低有预后意义○ B.发作时可以出现室速○ C.心电图正常不能诊断为不稳定型心绞痛○ D.每次心电图检查都有异常可能与伴随的高血压有关○ E.与既往心电图比较更有诊断意义Q19:下列哪项不是主动脉夹层的可能病因○ A.主动脉中层肌肉退行性变○ B.弹性纤维缺少○ C.马方综合征○ D.主动脉瓣二叶瓣畸形及主动脉狭窄○ E.低血压Q20:下列哪项不是主动脉夹层的体征○ A.夹层破裂入心包腔可引起心包填塞,可有心包摩擦音○ B.胸骨左缘第2、3肋间突然闻及连续性血管杂音○ C.夹层破裂入胸膜腔内引起胸腔积液○ D.主动脉瓣的支架结构可以受损,能够导致主动脉瓣关闭不全○ E.脉搏减弱或消失Q21:某一诊断为冠心病、急性下壁心肌梗死的患者,突发晕厥约几分钟,最可能的诊断为○ A.二度Ⅰ型房室阻滞○ C.一度房室阻滞○ D.三度房室阻滞○ E.房性早搏Q22:患者女性,68岁,高血压病史20年,持续剧烈胸痛1h,出冷汗,口服硝酸甘油不缓解,查体BP180/100mmHg,心率80bpm,心电图示“左室肥厚,V3~Vs导联T波增高而两肢对称”,错误的处置是什么○ A.尽早开始溶栓治疗○ B.量双侧肢体血压看是否一致,听心脏杂音○ C.超声心动检查有无主动脉夹层○ D.系列心电图检查○ E.口服β受体阻滞剂Q23:患者男性,72岁,持续胸痛伴呕吐、大汗6h,血压80/50mmHg,窦性心律,45bpm,心电图示下壁和右室梗死,不合理的处置是○ A.补液维持肺毛细血管嵌压15~18mmHg○ B.首先静点硝酸甘油○ C.阿托品0.5mg肌注○ D.尽快行直接PTCA○ E.止吐、镇痛Q24:心绞痛诊断的最重要依据为○ A.典型症状○ B.冠状动脉造影○ C.静息心电图○ D.运动平板○ E.心肌核素显像Q25:患者女性,突感胸部疼痛3h,面色苍白,大汗淋漓,昏迷,左侧偏瘫,测血压190/100mmHg,超声心动图检查可见主动脉根部扩张、升主动脉呈真假双腔征。



1第41套 上机考试试题一、基本操作题在考生文件夹下,存在一个Excel 文件“Test.xls ”和一个数据库文件“samp1.accdb ”。

“samp1.accdb ”数据库文件中已建立三个表对象(名为“线路”、“游客”和“团队”)和一个窗体对象(名为“brow ”)。

试按以下要求,完成表和窗体的各种操作:(1)将“线路”表中的“线路ID ”字段设置为主键;设置“天数”字段的有效性规则属性,有效性规则为大于0。

(2)将“团队”表中的“团队ID ”字段设置为主键;添加“线路ID ”字段,数据类型为“文本”,字段大小为8。


(4)将考生文件夹下Test.xls 文件中的数据链接到当前数据库中。

要求:数据中的第一行作为字段名,链接表对象命名为“tTest ”。


(6)修改窗体“brow ”,取消“记录选择器”和“分隔线”显示,在窗体页眉处添加一个标签控件(名为Line ),标签标题为“线路介绍”,字体名称为隶书、字号大小为18。

二、简单应用题考生文件夹下存在一个数据库文件“samp2.accdb ”,里面已经设计好“tA ”和“tB ”两个表对象。























国家普通话水平测试题(1)一、读单音节字词( 100 个音节,共10 分,限时 3.5分钟)卧(w?)鸟 (ni ǎo) 纱 (sh ü)悔 (hu ǐ)掠(lu t ) 酉 (y ǒu) 终(zh ōng) 撤(ch a)甩 (shu ǎi)蓄(x ù)秧(y üng) 四 (s ì)仍 (r ?ng) 叫 (jiào)台(t ái) 婶 (sh t n)贼 (z ?i)耕 (g yng)半 (b àn)掐(qi ü)布(b ù)癣(xu ǎn)翁(wyng)弱(ru ?)刷(shu ü)允(y ǔn) 床 (chu áng)改 (g ǎi) 逃(t áo) 舂(ch ōng)驳(b ?)纯(ch ún)导(d ǎo) 虽 (su ?)棒 (b àng)伍 (wǔ)知(zh ?)末(m?) 枪 (qi üng) 蹦(b ang)港(g ǎng) 评 (p íng) 犬 (qu ǎn) 课 (k a) 淮(hu ái) 炯(jiǒng)循 (x ún)纺 (fǎng)拴 (shu ün) 李(l ǐ)赛(s ài)捡(ji ǎn) 梯(t ?) 呕 ( ǒu) 绳(sh ?ng)揭 (ji y)陇(lǒng)搓(cu ō)二 ( ar) 棉(mi án)桩(zhu üng) 皿(mǐn) 宋(s ?ng) 狭(xi á)内(n ai) 啃 (k t n) 字(z ì)环(hu án) 州(zh ōu) 秒(mi ǎo)抛(p üo)代 (d ài)关(gu ün)停(t íng)祛 (q ū)德(d ?)孙(s ūn)旧(jiù)崔(cu ?) 凝 (n íng)烈(li a)倪 (n í)荆(j ?ng)擒(q ín)案( àn)砸 (z á)垮(ku ǎ)焚 (f ?n) 帝 (d ì)聊(li áo)颠(di ün) 涌 (y ǒng) 牛 (ni ú)汝(r ǔ)粤(yu a)篇 (piün) 竹 (zh ú)草(c ǎo)迟(ch í) 泛(fàn)二、读多音节词语( 100 个音节,共20 分,限时 2.5分钟)参考 (c ünkǎo) 船长 (chu ánzhǎng) 艺术家 (y ìshùji ü) 聪明 (c ōngmíng) 她们 (t ümen)红军 (h ?ngj ūn) 煤炭 (m?it àn)工厂 (g ōngchǎng) 发烧 (f üshüo) 嘟囔 (d ūnüng) 黄瓜 (hu ángguü) 效率 (xi àol ǜ) 别针儿 (bi ?zhyn?r) 责怪(z ?guài)大娘 (d àni áng) 喷洒 (p ynsǎ)保温 (b ǎowyn) 产品 (ch ǎnpǐn) 佛学 (f ?xu?) 童话 (t ?nghuà)男女 (n ánnǚ) 做活儿 (zu ?hu?er) 缘故 (yu ángù) 谬论 (mi ùlùn) 穷困 (qi ?ngkùn) 今日 (j ?nr ì) 完整 (wánzht ng) 决定(ju ?dìng)斜坡 (xi ?pō) 疲倦 (p íju àn) 爱国 ( àigu ?) 能量 (n ?ng liàng)英雄(y ?ng xi ?ng)口罩儿(kǒu zhào ?r)让位(r àng wai)叶子 (y azi) 封 (f yng) 锁 (su ǒ) 核 (h ?) 算 (su àn) 而 ( ?r) 且(qi t ) 转 (zhu ǎn) 脸 (li ǎn) 人 (r ?n) 群 (q ún) 飞 (f yi) 快(ku ài)牙(y á) 签 (qi ün) 丢(di ū) 掉 (di ào) 往(wǎng) 来 (l ái) 罪(zu ì) 恶( a) 首 (sh ǒu) 饰 (sh ì)此 (c ǐ) 起(q ǐ)彼(b ǐ)伏(f ú)国家普通话水平测试题(2)一、读单音节字词( 100 个音节,共 10 分,限时 3.5 分钟)蹦(b ang) 耍 (shu ǎ) 德 (d ?)扰(rǎo)直(zhí)返(fǎn)凝(níng)秋(qiū)淡(dàn)丝(s ?)炯(jiǒng)粗(cū)袄(ǎo)瓮(wang)癣(xuǎn)儿( ?r)履(lǚ)告(gào)筒(tǒng)猫(müo)囊(n áng)驯(x ùn)辱(r ǔ)碟 (di ?)栓 (shu ün)来(l ái)顶 (d ǐng)墩 (d ūn) 忙(máng) 哀( üi)霎(sh à)果 (gu ǒ)憋 (bi y)捺 (n à) 装 (zhu üng) 群 (q ún) 精 (j?ng)唇 (ch ún) 亮 (liàng) 馆(gu ǎn) 符 (f ú)肉 (r ?u)梯 (t ?)船 (chu án)溺 (n ì)北 (b t i)剖(p ōu)民 (mín)邀(y üo)旷(ku àng) 暖 (nu ǎn)快(ku ài)酒 (jiǔ) 除(ch ú)缺(qu y) 杂(z á)搜(sōu) 税(shu ì) 脾(p í)锋(f yng)日 (rì)贼(z ?i)孔 (k ǒng) 哲(zh ?) 许 (x ǔ)尘 (ch ?n)谓(wai)忍 (r t n)填(tián)颇 (p ō) 残(c án)涧 (jiàn)穷(qi ?ng)歪(wüi)雅(y ǎ)捉(zhu ō)凑(c ?u)怎(z t n)虾(xi ü)冷(l t ng) 躬(g ōng)莫 (m?)虽(su ?)绢(juàn)挖 (wü)伙 (hu ǒ)聘(p ìn)英(y ? ng)条 (tiáo)笨 (b an) 敛(liǎn)墙 (qi áng) 岳 (yu a)黑 (h yi)巨 (jù) 访 (f ǎng)自 (z ì)毁(hu ǐ) 郑(zh ang) 浑 (h ùn)二、读多音节词语( 100 个音节,共 20 分,限时 2.5 分钟)损坏 (sǔnhuài) 昆虫 (kūnch?ng) 兴奋 (x?ngfan) 恶劣 (ali a) 挂帅 (guàshuài) 针鼻儿 (zhynbíer) 排斥 (páichì) 采取 (cǎiq ǔ) 利索 (l ìsuǒ) 荒谬 (huüngmiù) 少女 (shàonǚ) 电磁波 (diàncíbō) 愿望 (yuànw àng) 恰当(qiàdàng) 若干 (ru?gün) 加塞儿 (ji üsüier) 浪费 (làngfai) 苦衷 (kǔzhōng) 降(ji àng)低 (d?) 夜(ya)晚(w ǎ n) 小(xi ǎo)熊(xi ?ng)儿(?r)存 (cún) 留(li ú) 上(shàng)午(w ǔ) 按( àn)钮 (niǔ) 佛教 (f?ji ào) 新娘 (x?nniáng) 逗乐儿 (d?ulaer)全面(quánmiàn)包括(büoku?)不用(búy?ng)培养(p?iyǎng)编纂(biünzuǎn)扎实(zhüshi) 推测 (tu?ca) 吵嘴 (chǎozuǐ) 均匀 (j ūnyún)收成 (shōuch?ng)然而(rán?r)满口(mǎnkǒu)怪异(guàiy ì)听话 (t?nghuà)大学生 (dàxu?shyng)发(fü)作(zu?)侵(q?n)略(lua)钢(güng)铁(tit )孩(hái)子(zi) 光(guüng)荣 (r?ng) 前 (qián)仆(pū)后 (h?u)继 (j ì)三、朗读短文( 400 个音节,共 30 分,限时 4 分钟)作品37号àitɑi一位访美中国女作家,在纽约遇到一位卖花的老太太。











4、dBd是实际天线波形能力集中能力与半波振子天线之间的对比,dBi = dBd+_2.15_ 。

5、半功率点波瓣宽度,指最大值下降__3__dB点的夹角;6、VSWR为天线的一项技术参数,其最大值通常应不大于__1.5_ 。





12、100米7/8 "馈线在频率为800MHz/900MHz时的损耗约为_4 dB,而频率为450MHz时的损耗约为_2.7 dB。










《跨文化交际》试卷Section I: Language Appropriacy and Accuracy [45 points] Instructions: There are altogether 15 statements or questions below. You are offered four choices marked with A, B, C and D for each statement or question. Choose the most appropriate one and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. Bob, I need your help. The whole thing seems to be freaking out. Whatever I do, it is getting worse.A. funnyB. decliningC. losing controlD. happening2. What did you do to increase profit and eliminate losses? We haven’t been in the black for two months in a row.A. lack of moneyB. in the dark nightC. needing moneyD. gaining money3. I’ll have to start earlier the next time. This time I only finished by the skin of my teeth.A. finished it unsuccessfullyB. finished with my mouth shutC. barely succeeded in finishing itD. rarely shut my mouth when finishing it4. I don’t think you can depend on Jack to do that job by himself. He is too green.A: shy B. inexperienced. C. timid D. naive5. --Wow! Carl has done some really amazing things!--Don’t believe everything he tells you. He was probably pulling your leg.A. teasing youB. cheering you upC. ridiculing youD. dragging your leg6. Below are some topics. Three of them should be avoided in the cultural communication. Which one is the right expectation?A. Are you Christian?B. How much did you pay for the dress?C. Do you have a brother or a sister?D. Nice to see you again, you’re fatter.7. Which one in the following expressions is Not True?A. as meek as a lambB. as foolish as a donkeyC. as wise as an owlD. as strong as a cow8. We know that the dog is regarded as man’s best friend in the West, but sometimes dogs also have negative associations, such as ‘ _______ “A. A top dogB. Get the dogC. He worked like a dogD. Lead a dog’s lite9. I do think her presentation is wonderful. I simply can’t _____ the flaw in her argument.A. lay a finger onB. keep my hand inC. put my finger onD. hold my hand in10. Which of the following groups are family names?A. Thomas, Richard, RobertsonB. William, Smith, ClarkC. Taylor, Anthony, WatkinsD. George, Edwards, Jackson11. In a Western meal, you’re offered a ‘second helping, but you have already had enough. What would you say?A. No, thanks, I don’t like it.B. No, I don’t want any.C. No, I’m terribly full.D. That is delicious, but I’ve already had plenty, thanks.12. Which one in the following expressions is Not True?A. The Gang of FourB. A flock of cootsC. A school of birdsD. A pack of wolves13. Which one in the following expressions is Not True ?.A. as slippery as an eelB. as majestic as a tigerC. as stubborn as a muleD. as stupid as a goose14. Which idiom or saying below shows people’s positive attitude towards dogs?A. A jolly dog.B. He worked like a dog.C. Lead a dog’s life.D. Treat someone like a dog.15. Which of the following statements is Not True?A. Female names tend to be longer with more syllables.B. Female names tend to have higher percentage of names with stress on a syllable other than the first.C. Male names tend to make more use of /i/ sound, such as Steve, Peter, and Keith.D. Female names more likely end with vowel sound, while male names with a plosive sound.Section II: Reading Comprehension [25ints]Part 1: Questions16-20 are based on this part. (15 points)Read Passage 1 and then answer Questions 16-20 briefly. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1In Australian families the central relationship is usually that between husband and wife, with children being thought of as independent individuals from an early age. The central relationship around which Chinese families revolve is quite different. Here the stress is placed on the relationship between parents and children. Couples with children view the roles of mother acid father as coming before those of husband and wife. It is the parents, usually the father, who make all important decisions for children. It is the father, for example, who will usually make decisions concerning what and where the children should study. This is in marked contrast to Australian families where children play an increasingly important role in deciding such matters as they grow older. This independence is also shown in the Australian custom of children leaving home to live independently of their parents long before marriage. There are few if any opportunities for young people to set up independently in this fashion in China. Indeed, the Australian practice in this regard can seem from a Chinese perspective to indicate that Australians do not care about their families.Australian children are more likely to be expected to work while they are studying than their Chinese counterparts. This can also apply to household chores, with Chinese parents expecting their offspring to devote their time to their studies. Children may be excused such duties right up to marriage, so that married life can sometimes come as a rude awakening to the need to cook and clean. Whereas in Australia students may work during the holidays or part-time during term, such activity is rare in China. The situation has changed somewhat since the end of the 1980s, with some students taking work as tutors or providing various services such as dressmaking. But the initial public reaction was one of shock. It is, then, still viewed as primarily the parents’ responsibility to support their children while they are pursuing their education. Money spent in this way is under no circumstances regarded as a loan, to be repaid when the children finish their education and have secured a job. University students in Australia also receive financial assistance from their parents and there is in some families an understanding that this will be repaid once they are financially independent. To many Chinese this may smack of lack of love and family feeling.The Australian emphasis on fostering independence in children from an early age runs counter to the Chinese view. Chinese children are not expected to be autonomous of their families to the same extent, with dependence on parents up to the time they are married. The protection and care of their children is the duty of parents. Chinese parents would look upon the failure to fulfill this duty as violating the most basic of parental responsibility. Dependence is the inevitable corollary and not something to shed as soon as possible but the expression of strong family bonds of affection.16. What’s the primary relationship in an Australian family and in a Chinese family?17. What role do children play in an Australian family?18. Why don’t Chinese children do household chores at home?19. What are Australian children expected to do during their school years?20. What’s the main idea of the passage?Part 2: Questions 21--25 are based on this part. (10points)Read Passage 2 and then decide whether Statements 21- 25 are True or False according to the information given in the passage. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false on the Answer Sheet.Passage 2The English CharacterNo Englishman believes in working from book learning. He suspects all theories, philosophical or other. He suspects everything new, and dislikes it, unless he can be compelled by the force of circumstances to see that this new thing has advantages over the old. Race-experience is what he invariably depends upon, whenever he can, whether in India, in Egypt, or in Australia. His statesmen do not consult historical precedents in order to decide what to do: they first learn the facts as they are; then they depend upon their own common sense, not at all upon their university learning or upon philosophical theories. And in the case of the English nation, it must be acknowledged that this instinctive method has been eminently successful. The last people from whom praise can be expected, even for what is worthy of all praise, are the English. A new friendship, a new ideal, a reform, a noble action, a wonderful poem, an exquisite painting -- any of these things will be admired and praised by every other people in Europe long before you can get Englishmen to praise. The Englishman all this time is studying, considering, trying to find fault. Why should he try to find fault? So that he will not make any mistakes at a later day. He has inherited the terrible caution of his ancestors in regard to mistakes. It must be granted that his caution has saved him from a number of very serious mistakes that other nations have made. It must also be acknowledged that he exercises a fair amount of moderation in the opposite direction -- his modern Englishman; he has learned caution of another kind, which his ancestors taught him. ‘Power should be used with moderation; for whoever finds himself among valiant men will discover that no man is peerless.’ And this is a very important thing for the strong man to know -- that however strong, he cannot be the strongest; his match will be found when occasion demands it. Not only Scandinavian but English rulers have often discovered this fact to their cost.The judgment of the Englishman by all other. European peoples is that heis most suspicious, the most reserved, the most unreceptive, the most unfriendly, the coldest- hearted, and the most domineering of all western peoples. Ask a Frenchman, an Italian, a German, a Spaniard, even an American, what he thinks about Englishmen; and every one of them will tell you the very same thing. This is precisely what the character of men would become who had lived for thousands of years in the conditions of northern society. But you would find upon the other hand that nearly all nations would speak highlyof certain other English qualities- energy, courage, honor, justice (between themselves). They would say that although no man is so difficult to make friends with, the friendship of an Englishman once gained is more strong and true than any other. And as the battle of life continues, and must continue for thousands of years to come, it must be acknowledged that the English character is especially well fitted for the struggle. Its reserves, its cautions, its doubts, its suspicions, its brutality -- these have been forit in the past, and are still in the present, the best social amour and panoplyof war. It is not a lovable nor an amiable character; it is not even kindly. The Englishman of the best type is much more inclined to be just than he isto be kind, for kindness is an emotional impulse, and the Englishman is on his guard against every kind of emotional impulse. But with all this, the character is a grand one, and its success has been the best proof of its value.21. The Englishmen are willing to see the advantages of new things.22. The Englishmen would rather depend on their race experience than university learning or philosophical theories.23. It is less likely to get praise from an American than from an Englishman.24. Being quite cautious, the Englishman has avoided making a lot of mistakes that other nations have made.25. Emotional impulse is one of the English characters.Section Ⅲ: Communication Analysis [30 points]Instructions; The following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communicationor cultural understanding in each case by answering Questions 26-28 respectively. Your analysis of each case should be about 100 -- 150 words. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Note:! Your writing ability will also be assessed in this section of the test. Case 1 (7 points)Li Gang is a new Chinese student in an American university. He is very glad that one of his classmates, Peter, invites him to see a film one day. Li Gang goes to the cinema on time. When he gets there, Peter is waiting for him. Peter says, ‘I have bought mine. You go quickly to buy your ticket.’ Li Gang gets surprised.Question 26. Why does Li Gang get Surprised?Case 2 :(10 points)Mrs. Chen has just moved to America. Her husband is a guest professor there. She finds that a car is very necessary in America, so she decides to buy one. After she has chosen a suitable car, she takes out the cash to pay. The salesman is very glad and surprised, ‘Great. You pay in cash. ‘Mrs. Chen gets confused.Question 27: Why does Mrs. Chen get confused?Case 3 (13 points)Sarah and Daniel are a young American couple who are teaching English at Zhejiang University. They are leaning Chinese and enjoy their new lives. They have been eager to get to know Chinese people better so were pleased when Chen’ Li, their new Chinese colleague invited them to her h ome for? dinner at one weekend:When Sarah and Dahiel arrived, Chen Li introduced them to her hus- band Wang Bing, asked them to sit down at a table containing 8 plates of various cold dishes served them tea and then disappeared with her husband into the kitchen. Sarah offered to help in the kitchen but Chen Li said she didn’t need any help.A half-hour later she came back and sat down and the three began to eat. Wang Bing came in from time to time to put several hot dishes on the table. Most of the food was wonderful and there was much more than Sarah and Daniel could eat. They wanted Wang Bing to sit down so that they could talk to him. Finally he did sit down and ate a bit, but quickly he turned on the TV to show them high tech features. Soon it was time for Sarah and Daniel to go home.Sarah and Daniel felt slightly depressed by this experience, but returned the invitation one month later. They decided to make a nice American meal and felt lucky to find olives, tomato juice, butter and even some cheese in the hotel shop. They put these out as appetizers. For the main course they prepared spaghetti and a salad with dressing made from oil, vinegar, and some spices they found in the market.When Chen Li and Wang Bing arrived they were impressed by the apartment and the decorations, and asked about the price of the furniture, paintings, the carpet and other things. Sarah politely refused to answer their questions. They took small tastes of the appetizers and ate only a little spaghetti and didn’t finish the salad on their plates. Sarah urged them to eat more but they refused. Sarah and Daniel talked about their families and asked the Chinese couple about theirs. After a while, Daniel cleared the table and served coffee and pastries. The Chinese couple didn’t drink nor eat too much. After they left, Sarah and Daniel felt puzzled, because their Chinese guests didn’t eat too much, while they themselves left Chen Li’s home so full. Question 28How does Chinese understanding of the host-guest relationship influence Chen Li and WangBing’s way of enterta ining Sarah and Daniel? How does Sarah and Daniel’s understanding of the host-guest relationship influence their way of treating Chen Li and Wang Bing? What advice could you give to both couples to help them further their friendship?跨文化交际试题答案及评分标准Section I: Language Appropriacy and Accuracy 1-30 points](45 points, 3 points each. )1. C2. D3. C4. B5. A6. C7. D8. D9. C 10. D11. D 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. CSection Il: Reading Comprehension 25points]Part 1. (15oints, 3points each. 0.5 point off for eachgrammar/spelling mistake, but at most 1 point can be deducted for each item for the grammar/spelling mistakes. The exact wording is not required, but the meaning must be the same. )16. In an Australian family the primary relationship is husband and wife, whereas in a Chinese family the basic relationship is between parents and children.17. Children play an increasingly important role in deciding the matters in the family as they grow older.18. Because Chinese parents expect their children to devote their time to studies.18. During their school years Australian children may work in the holidays and may work part-time during the terms.20. The passage discusses the differences between Chinese and Australian families in child-rearing.Part 2. (10oints, 2points each)21. F 22. T 23. F 24. T 25. FSection Ⅲ’: Communication Analysis [30 points]Question 26.Case 1 (7 points, 5 points for the analysis, 2 points for overall language quality. )1)In China, if somebody invites you to see a film, he will buy the ticket for you.2)In America, invitation is very common. And people are used to paying individually.3)Li Gang hasn’t got used to this yet. He thought that Peter would buy the ticket for him.Question 27.Case 2 (10 points, 8 points for the analysis, 2 points for overall language quality. )1)In China, people are used to paying in cash, especially in daily life.2)Chinese people consume within their consumptive capability.3)The Americans are used to paying in cheque or credit card. And they like consuming in advance. But the merchants prefer to have cash.Question 28.Case 3 (13 points, 11 points for the analysis, 2 points for overall language quality.)Note: The words of the sample answer below are more than the required, for the purpose of providing enough reference.1)In China, it is traditional that hosts entertain guests by offering many courses of dishes to show their hospitality, and the number of courses served usually has the connotation of good luck, e. g.the number ‘8’ sounds like 发, which means getting rieh. It is quite common, especially in cities, that the husband helps a lot in cooking and servlng food. Hosts treat guests, especially distinguished guests, very politely, and guests’ offer 0f help in the kitchen ;is normally Politely refused Besides, TV programs often play an important role in providing entertainment at formal family dinner parties. These Chinese conventions help explain the way Chen Li and Wang Bing en~ertained Sarah and Daniel.2)In the West, hosts’ hospitality is not shown by the qual ity and quantity Of the food, but by offering their own specialty. They hope their guests Would like the food and enjoy their efforts. The hospitality is also shown by the hosts’ accompanying the guests and having a conversatio n with them. So both the host and hostess would’ ac company the guests to have dinner and have a warm talk t0gether. Guests would not ask any private questions, such as the price of the furniture, etc. These Western ‘conventions help explain the way Sarah a nd Daniel treated Chen Li and Wang Bing. Chen Li and Wang Bing followed the Chinese conversation habit, that’ S Why they asked about the prices, and often Chinese guests want to show their cultivation and manners by eating limited amount of food, and this may explain Why Chen Li and Wang Bing ate only a little food.3) It is advisable for both couples to learn the other culture through experience, chatting, observing and reading. On suitable occasions, e.g. at parties, friendly and interesting conversations about their respective cul tures, Such as ways of entertaining guests, normal conversation’ ‘topics and taboos etc, can be an effective way of understanding each other‘ Through such interactions; their friendship will surely be enhanced。




输出格式:在一行中按“f(x) = result”的格式输出,其中x与result都保留一位小数。

输入样例1:10输出样例1:f(10.0) = 0.1输入样例2:0输出样例2:f(0.0) = 0.0#include<stdio.h>int main(){float x,result;scanf("%f",&x);if (x==0){result=0;}else{result=1.0/x;}printf("f(%.1f) = %.1f",x,result);return 0;}编写一个程序,要求用户输入24小时制的时间,然后显示12小时制的时间。





如5:6 PM表示下午5点零6分。

注意,在英文的习惯中,中午12点被认为是下午,所以24小时制的12:00就是12小时制的12:0 PM;而0点被认为是第二天的时间,所以是0:0 AM。

输入样例:21:11输出样例:9:11 PM#include<stdio.h>int main(){int a,b;scanf("%d:%d",&a,&b); if(a>12){printf("%d:%d",a-12,b);}if(a==12){printf("%d:%d",a,b);}if(a<12){printf("%d:%d AM",a,b);}else{printf(" PM",a,b);}return 0;}给定平面上任意三个点的坐标(x1,y1)、(x2,y2)、(x3,y3),检验它们能否构成三角形。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。


输出格式:在一行中按“f(x) = result”的格式输出,其中x与result都保留一位小数。

输入样例1:10输出样例1:f(10.0) = 0.1输入样例2:0输出样例2:f(0.0) = 0.0#include<stdio.h>int main(){float x,result;scanf("%f",&x);if (x==0){result=0;}else{result=1.0/x;}printf("f(%.1f) = %.1f",x,result);return 0;}编写一个程序,要求用户输入24小时制的时间,然后显示12小时制的时间。





如5:6 PM表示下午5点零6分。

注意,在英文的习惯中,中午12点被认为是下午,所以24小时制的12:00就是12小时制的12:0 PM;而0点被认为是第二天的时间,所以是0:0 AM。

输入样例:21:11输出样例:9:11 PM#include<stdio.h>int main(){int a,b;scanf("%d:%d",&a,&b); if(a>12){printf("%d:%d",a-12,b);}if(a==12){printf("%d:%d",a,b);}if(a<12){printf("%d:%d AM",a,b);}else{printf(" PM",a,b);}return 0;}给定平面上任意三个点的坐标(x1,y1)、(x2,y2)、(x3,y3),检验它们能否构成三角形。


输出格式:若这3个点不能构成三角形,则在一行中输出“Impossible”;若可以,则在一行中输出该三角形的周长和面积,格式为“L = 周长, A = 面积”,输出到小数点后2位。

输入样例1:4 5 6 9 7 8输出样例1:L = 10.13, A = 3.00输入样例2:4 6 8 12 12 18输出样例2:Impossible#include<stdio.h>int main(){int a,b,c;scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c); if((a+b>c)&&(b+c>a)&&(a+c>b)){printf("YES");}else{printf("NO");}return 0;}输入一个年份,判断其是否为闰年,若是闰年输出“yes”的信息,否则输出“no”的信息。



输入样例:1900 输出样例:no输入样例:2000 输出样例:yes输入样例:1904 输出样例:yes#include<stdio.h>int main(){int a;scanf("%d",&a);if(a%4==0&&a%100!=0||a%400==0){printf("yes\n");}else{printf("no\n");}return 0;}输入三个整数x,y,z,请把这三个数由小到大输出。


输出格式:在一行中按照“x=最小值,y=次小值, z=最大值”的顺序输出结果,最大值、次大值和最小值均原样输出,没有宽度控制。

输入样例:2 1 3输出样例:x=1,y=2,z=3#include<stdio.h>int main(){int x,y,z,temp;scanf("%d %d %d",&x,&y,&z,&temp);if(x>y){temp=x,x=y,y=temp;}if(x>z){temp=x,x=z,z=temp;}if(y>z){temp=y,y=z,z=temp;}printf("x=%d,y=%d,z=%d",x,y,z);}第5周本题要求编写程序将一个百分制成绩转换为五分制成绩。




输入样例:90输出样例:A#include<stdio.h>int main(){int a,ch;scanf("%d",&a);if(a>90||a==90){ch='A';}else if(a>80||a==80){ch='B';}else if(a>70||a==70){ch='C';}else if(a>60||a==60){ch='D';}else{ch='E';}printf("%c",ch);}中国有句俗语叫“三天打鱼两天晒网”。


输出格式:在一行中输出此人在第N天中是“Fishing”(即“打鱼”)还是“Drying”(即“晒网”),并且输出“in day N”。

输入样例1:103输出样例1:Fishing in day 103输入样例2:34输出样例2:Drying in day 34#include<stdio.h>int main(){int N;scanf("%d",&N);if(N%5==4||N%5==0){printf("Drying in day %d",N);}else{printf("Fishing in day %d",N);}return 0;}本题要求编写一个简单计算器程序,可根据输入的运算符,对2个整数进行加、减、乘、除或求余运算。






输入样例1:-7 / 2输出样例1:-3输入样例2:3 & 6输出样例2:ERROR#include <stdio.h>int main(){int x,y;char ch;scanf("%d %c %d", &x, &ch, &y);switch(ch){case '+':printf("%d\n",x+y);break;case '-':printf("%d\n", x-y);break;case '*':printf("%d\n", x*y);break;case '/':printf("%d\n", x/y);break;case '%':printf("%d\n", x%y);break;default:printf("ERROR\n");break;}return 0;}股票价格涨跌趋势,常用蜡烛图技术中的K线图来表示,分为按日的日K线、按周的周K 线、按月的月K线等。



如果Low比Open和Close低,称为“Lower Shadow”(即“有下影线”),如果High比Open和Close高,称为“Upper Shadow”(即“有上影线”)。




如果有上、下影线,则在类型后加上with 影线类型。

如果两种影线都有,则输出with Lower Shadow and Upper Shadow。

输入样例1:5.110 5.250 5.100 5.105输出样例1:BW-Solid with Lower Shadow and Upper Shadow输入样例2:5.110 5.110 5.110 5.110输出样例2:R-Cross输入样例3:5.110 5.125 5.112 5.126输出样例3:R-Hollow#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>int main(){double open, high, low, close;scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf", &open, &high, &low, &close);if(close < open)printf("BW-Solid");else if(close > open)printf("R-Hollow");else if(fabs(close - open) == 0)printf("R-Cross");if((low < open && low < close) && (high > open && high > close)) printf(" with Lower Shadow and Upper Shadow\n");else if(low < open && low < close)printf(" with Lower Shadow\n");else if(high > open && high > close)printf(" with Upper Shadow\n");return 0;}本题要求编写程序计算某年某月某日是该年中的第几天。
