2019高考模拟三校联考理综试卷化学部分1.化学与生活密切相关,下列说法正确的是()A. 明矾常用作净水剂,其作用是吸附杂质并杀菌B. 加碘盐含有碘化钾,其作用是补充碘元素C. “酒曲”酿酒工艺,是利用了催化剂使平衡正向移动的原理D. 汽车尾气中的污染物是造成雾霾天气的一种重要因素【答案】D【解析】【详解】A. 明矾常用作净水剂,是因为Al3+水解生成了Al(OH)3胶体,具有很强的吸附能力,使悬浮物聚沉,起到净水作用,没有杀菌消毒的作用,A项错误;B. 加碘盐中含的是碘酸钾,而不是碘化钾,B项错误;C. 酿酒加酒曲是因为酒曲上生长有大量的微生物,还有微生物所分泌的酶(淀粉酶、糖化酶和蛋白酶等),酶具有生物催化作用,可以将谷物中的淀粉加速转变成糖,糖在酵母菌的酶的作用下,分解成乙醇(酒精),利用的是催化剂加快化学反应速率的原理,催化剂不影响平衡,C项错误;D. 汽车尾气中含有固体颗粒污染物,是造成雾霾天气的一种重要因素,D项正确;答案选D。
2.设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是()A. 常温常压下,14 g由N2与CO组成的混合气体含有的原子数目为N AB. 78 g苯含有C=C双键的数目为3N AC. pH=1的硫酸溶液中含有的H+数目为0.1N AD. 50 mL 18.4 mol·L-1浓硫酸与足量铜微热反应,生成SO2分子的数目为0.46N A【答案】A【解析】【详解】A. 氮气和一氧化碳的摩尔质量都是28g/mol,都是双原子分子,14g由N2与CO组成的混合气体的物质的量为:=0.5mol,含有1mol原子,含有的原子数目为N A,A 项正确;B. 苯中不存在碳碳双键,B项错误;C. 没有注明稀硫酸的体积,故不能计算H+的个数,只能写做c(H+ ) = 0.1mol/L,C项错误;D. 浓硫酸随着反应进行变成稀硫酸反应停止,不能用硫酸计算二氧化硫的数据,D项错误;答案选A。
2019高考模拟三校联考理科数学试卷一、选择题.1.设i是虚数单位,则复数在复平面内所对应的点位于()A. 第一象限B. 第二象限C. 第三象限D. 第四象限【答案】B【解析】试题分析:由题意得,所以在复平面内表示复数的点为在第二象限.故选B.考点:复数的运算;复数的代数表示以及几何意义.【此处有视频,请去附件查看】2.已知集合,,则=()A. B. C. D.【答案】D【解析】分析:首先将分式不等式转化为整式不等式,之后按照一元二次不等式的解法求得结果,注意分母不等于零的条件,之后按照交集的求解方法求得结果.详解:解不等式,可得,所以集合,又,利用交集中元素的特征,求得,故选D.点睛:该题考查的是有关求两集合的交集的运算,在求解的过程中,注意在求集合A的时候,注意分式不等式的解法-------向整式不等式转化,同时要注意分母不等于零的条件,要时刻铭记两集合的交集中元素的特征即可正确求解.3.已知向量,且,则=( )A. 15B. 19C. -15D. -19【答案】D【解析】【分析】利用向量的垂直以及向量的模,数量积化简求解即可.【详解】向量=(,||=,且,可得,,.故选:D.【点睛】本题考查向量的数量积的求法,向量的模,考查转化思想以及计算能力.4.已知平面平面,交于直线,且直线,直线,则下列命题错误的是( )A. 若,则或B. 若,则且C. 若直线都不平行直线,则直线必不平行直线D. 若直线都不垂直直线,则直线必不垂直直线【答案】B【解析】【分析】选项A:通过线面平行的判定定理和性质定理,可以判定是真命题;选项B:由,如果,也可以;选项C:可以判断本命题的逆否命题的真假性;选项D:可以用反证法来判断本命题的真假性.【详解】选项A:因为平面平面,交于直线,,所以,而,,所以,又平面平面,交于直线,,所以,同理,故本命题是真命题;选项B:由,如果,也可以保证,故本选项是假命题;选项C:本命题的逆否命题是:若直线平行直线,则直线至少有一个平行直线,所以可以由选项A,判断本选项是真命题;选项D:假设直线必不垂直直线不成立,则有,因为直线都不垂直直线,所以存在过上一点的直线,,根据面面垂直的性质定理可知,,而,所以,而,,所以有,平面平面,交于直线,所以有,这与已知直线都不垂直直线相矛盾,故假设不成立,本命题为真命题,故本题选B.【点睛】本题结合线面平行的判定定理与性质定理,线面垂直的判定定理与性质定理以及面面垂直的性质定理,考查了判断命题的真假问题.本题考查了反证法、原命题与逆否命题是等价命题.5.给出下列四个命题:①命题,则;②的值为0;③若为偶函数,则曲线在点处的切线方程是.④已知随机变量,若,则.其中真命题的个数是( ) A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4.【答案】B【解析】【分析】根据全称命题的否定形式可判断①;根据微积分基本定理可求得②;由导数的几何意义及直线方程可求得③;根据正态分布可判定④,进而得到真命题的个数。
2019高考模拟三校联考理综试卷-生物部分1.下列有关细胞器的叙述中,正确的是 ( )A. 洋葱根尖分生区细胞进行有丝分裂时,④在间期进行复制B. 分解尿素的细菌分泌脲酶的过程与该菌的①有关C. 固定CO 2时,无需③中类囊体膜上产生的ATP 供能D. 在①的基质中,丙酮酸和水彻底分解成 CO 2和 NADPH【答案】C【解析】【分析】分析题图:①线粒体、②为高尔基体、③为叶绿体、④为中心体。
【详解】A 、洋葱根尖分生区细胞没有④中心体,A 错误;B 、分解尿素的细菌是原核生物,细胞中没有①线粒体,B 错误;C 、固定CO 2时不消耗能量(ATP ),C 正确;D 、在①线粒体的基质中,丙酮酸和水彻底分解成 CO 2和NADH ,D 错误。
故选C 。
2.如图为人类某种细胞所经历的生长发育各个阶段示意图,图中①—⑦为不同的细胞,a 、b 、c 表示细胞所进行的生理过程。
据图分析,下列叙述不正确的是( )A. 进入c 过程后的细胞,细胞内酶活性降低,但含水量增加B. ⑤⑥⑦的核基因相同,细胞内的蛋白质种类和数量不相同C. 若在a过程中细胞发生了癌变,则细胞膜上的糖蛋白等物质减少,容易在体内分散和转移D. a过程染色体的数目变化要经历2n→4n→2n【答案】A【解析】【分析】分析题图:图示为人体某细胞所经历的生长发育各个阶段示意图,其中a表示细胞分裂,该过程会增加细胞的数目,但不会增加细胞的种类;b表示细胞分化,该过程会增加细胞的种类,但不会改变细胞的数目。
2019-2020学年青海省西宁市第五中学高三英语第四次联考试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AFour Best Hikes in the WorldThere's nothing like getting out and getting some fresh air on a hike. No matter whether your idea of a hike is a leisure walk or climbing the highest mountain on Earth, we've got you covered. Below are four best hikes inthe world.Torres del Paine W CircuitLocation (位置): Patagonia. ChileDistance: 37 + milesTime: 5~6 daysBest time to go: October to JanuaryThe W Circuit is one of the most recommended hikes you'll find. Not only will you appreciate the diverse landscapes and striking granite pillars (花岗岩柱子), but you'll probably meet some new friends along the way.Grand Canyon Rim - to - Rim HikeLocation: Arizona, the United StatesDistance: 48 milesTime: 1~3 daysBest time to go: May to June, September to OctoberThere's no better way to experience one of the greatest wonders in the world. Located in one of the USA's most beautiful parks, the views are ly appealing. Just make sure you're prepared for the challenge.Trek to PetraLocation: JordanDistance: 47 milesTime: 5~ 6 daysBest time to go: October to AprilTake the road less traveled through the Kingdom of Jordan and experience one of the seven wonders of theworld. Hike through canyons, gorges and ridges, and see tombs and temples along the way all while avoiding crowds of tourists.Yosemite Grand TraverseLocation: California, the United StatesDistance: 60 milesTime: 6~7 daysBest time to go: July to SeptemberKnown for some of the best hiking in the world, Yosemite National Park is famous for its views and huge sequoia (红杉) trees. Praised byNational Geographic, the Yosemite Grand Traverse will take you through waterfalls and green mountaintops.1.Which of the following is the best time for the hike in Patagonia, Chile?A.AprilB.MayC.AugustD.December2.Where should you go for a less crowded hike?A.JordanB.Patagonia, ChileC.Arizona, the United StatesD.California, the United States3.What can you do along the Yosemite Grand Traverse?A.Plant sequoia treesB.Appreciate waterfallsC.Visit local templesD.Climb granite pillarsBAs an eco-minimalist, Su Yige has maintained an environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyle for the past three years while studying in Canada. She takes her own bag when she goes grocery shopping and uses second-hand items as often as possible. She avoids almost all paper-related products unless she has to use a public toilet while away from home.Diligence and thrift are time-honored traditional Chinese virtues. Su's family is a good example of this, according to the native of Weihai, Shandong province. Although they have little formal “green” knowledge, her parents lead a very environmentally friendly life.For example, the family has used the same hair dryer for more than a decade, and Su remembers many of her mother's clothes from as far back as kindergarten. “As long as something can still be used, my mother will not replace it with a new item,” she said.“I frequently asked my father to bring the plastic bag back home after dumping our waste in the trash bin. Hewas unhappy, and argued that instead of making that request, I should go downstairs to dump the waste myself” she said. In another move, her father criticized her for doing too much shopping online. Eventually, they both made steps toward becoming better environmentalists. Her father brings the bag back for reuse and she has only bought two pieces of clothing online in the past six months.Back in Canada, Su is looking forward to finding a job related to sustainable development in China after she graduates as a computer science major in the summer.4. Which of the following best describes Su Yige?A. Conservative.B. Nostalgic.C. Economical.D. Productive.5. What can be found about Su's mother according to the third paragraph?A. She has a lot of formal green knowledge.B. She regards using the same items as a lifestyle.C. She always wears old clothes due to lack of money.D. She will not replace the old items until they are out of style.6. What can be inferred about Su and her father?A. Both of them like to criticize each other.B. Su's father is particular about her clothes.C. The relationship between them is very tense.D. They urge each other to become more environmentally friendly.7. What can we learn about the author soon after she graduates in Canada?A. She will stay there to look for a job.B. She will put effort into computer science.C. She will devote herself to her motherland's future.D. She will come back to China to stay with her parents.CA team of engineers atHarvardUniversity in trying to create the first robotic fly. Designed to do what a fly does naturally, the tiny is the size of a fat housefly. Its mini wings allow it to stay in the air and perform controlled flight tasks."The added difficulty with a project like this is that actually none of its components is off the shelf and so we have to develop them all on our own’ said Robert Wood, a Harvard engineering professor.They engineered a series of systems to start and drive the robotic fly. “The seemingly simple system whichjust moves the wings hasa number of interdependencies (相互依赖)on the individual components, each of which individually has to perform well, but then has to be matched well to everything it d connected to,” said Wood.While this first robotic flyer is linked to a small, off-board power source, the goal is eventually to equip it with a built-in power source, so that it might someday perform data-gathering work at rescue sites,in farmers’ fields or on the battlefield. "Basically it should be able to take off, land and fly around,” he said.Wood says the design offers a new way to study flight mechanics and control at insect-scale. Yet, the power, sensing and computation technologies on board could have much broader applications.“You can start thinking about using them to answer open scientific questions, you know, to study biology in ways that would be difficult with the animal,but using these robots instead” he said. "So there are a lot of technologies and open interesting scientific questions that are really what drives us on a day-to-day basis.”8. What is the typical characteristic of the robotic fly?A. It's automatic.B.It's very small.C. It's controllable.D. It's quite powerful.9. We can infer from the passage that the robotic flyer can____ .A. act as a spy planeB. help do farm workC.fly at a very high speedD. answer many scientific questions10. What is Wood's idea about the robotic fly according to the last paragraph?A. It is highly questionable.B. It has wide practical applications.C. It gives scientists interest in flying machines.D. It points to a new direction in studying biology.11. What can be the best title for the passage?A. Harvand's Study in the Field of Insects.B. A Breakthrough in Engineering ScienceC. An Interesting Invention一Robotic FlyD. Robotic Fly一a Copy of Real Life InsectDThe COVID-19 vaccination(接种疫苗)rate in the US has fallen to newlows in recent weeks, threatening President Joe Biden’s goal of having 70 percent of American adults with at least one shot by July 4.With just less than one month from July 4, the current vaccination rate will put the US at somewherebetween 67 percent and 68 percent of the adult population with at least one dose(剂量)by Independence Day. To reach 70 percent by July 4, around 1.6 percent of the population needs to get their first dose per week from now until July 4.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)reported last week that 63 percent of adults hadreceived their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. That was up slightly from 62 percent from the report a week before. The additional 1 percent of adults completing their first dose is the lowest since the CDC started tracking the vaccination rate in mid-February.On average, fewer than 1 million shots are given out per day, a decline of more than two-thirds from the peak of 3.4 million in April, The Washington Post reported. In South Carolina, about 71,000 residents got a shot in the week leading up to June 3, compared to a high of nearly 300,000 in one week in early April, according to data from the CDC.The slowdown is moreprominentacross the South and Midwest. Twelve states have seen vaccinations fall to 15 daily shots per 10,000 residents. Less than a quarter of black Americans had received their first COVID-19 shot as of June 7.James Hildreth, CEO of Meharry Medical College, told Politico, “We need to make a stronger effort to bring the vaccine to the communities, rather than relying on the communities to come to vaccination centers.”The sharp decline in vaccination began in mid-April when federal officials temporarily stopped the use of the Johnson&Johnson vaccine while they investigated rare blood-clotting(凝血)reactions.The “low-hanging fruit—thosepeople who ly want to get vaccinated without you telling them anything” have already been vaccinated, which has led to the slowdown, Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on a White House-organized call with community leaders last week, according to the Post.12. What can we learn from the text?A. Dr Anthony Fauci is in charge of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.B. In South Carolina, about 300,000 residents got a shot in the week leading up to June 3C. In mid-April federal officials temporarily suspended the Johnson&Johnson vaccine.D. Less than one fourth of Americans had received their first COVID-19 shot by June 7.13. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “prominent” in Para. 5?A. Meaningful.B. Obvious.C. Inspiring.D. Complex.14. How can America increase the COVID-19 vaccination rate according to James Hildreth?A. By giving the vaccine shot at the communities.B. By offering the vaccine to the public for free.C. By frequently informing the public of the vaccine.D. By urging the communities to come to vaccination centers.15. What can be the best title for the text?A. Biden wishes to have 70% of adults with one shot by July 4B. CDC has been trackingthe vaccination rate since mid-FebruaryC. Some Americans need to get vaccinated without telling them toD. Biden’s July 4th vaccine goal may be missed第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2019-2020学年青海省西宁市第五中学高三英语第四次联考试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AMany workers have had no choice but to adapt to working from home in recent months since offices shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic (新冠疫情). And the noisy situation and endless housework may result in a terrible emotion. A new option is waiting foryou. That is WFH: work from a hotel.Hotel FigueroA special program titled Work Perks aims to reposition some of 94-year-old Hotel Figuero’s 268 rooms as day-use offices.According to Managing Director Connie Wang, the set-up launched in June and is a great opportunity to get out of their houses with high-speed Wi-Fi, unlimited printing privileges and free parking. The 350-square-foot rooms sell for $ 129 per day, with an option to extend to an overnight stay for an additional $ 20.The WytheA boutique hotel in Brooklyn. The hotel recently announced a partnership with co-working office space company Industrious through which it is recycling 13 second-story guest rooms to serve as offices for up to four people.Each of the rooms has a small outdoor platform, and dogs are welcome. Pricing starts at $ 200 and goes up to $ 275, depending on how many people use the space.The SawyerThe Sawyer, in Sacramento, California, is offering pool cabanas (更衣室) for use as outdoor offices, complete with fast Wi-Fi, free parking and catered lunch for $ 150 per day.HotelsByDayYannis Moati founded HotelsByDay back in 2015. That company has grown to include more than 1,500 hotels, and has seen a significant increase in the number of inquiries for day-use bookings lately.Moati said the current situation will force hotels to upgrade themselves to stay alive, and he predicted that offering rooms for day-use only is one of the directions they will go.1.How much should one pay for a 24-hour stay in Hotel Figuero?A.$ 129.B.$ 149.C.$ 150.D.$ 200.2.Which hotel allows pets in?A.The Wythe.B.The Sawyer.C.HotelsByDay.D.Hotel Figuero.3.What do we know about Yannis Moati?A.He started a program titledWork Perks.B.He has upgraded at least 1,500 rooms.C.He usually predicts everything correctly.D.He is optimistic about the WFH trend.BTrue friend from a distant landInternational friends can come in many shapes and sizes. However they arrive on the scene, they are always appreciated, especially in times ofturbulence. Michael Lindsay (1909 — 94) is a case in point.After graduating from the University of Oxford in 1931, Lindsay arrived in China in 1937 on a ship from Canada intending merely to teach economics at Beiping Yenching University, the current Peking University. He traveled with Norman Bethune the Canadian doctor who dedicated his life to medicine in China during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931 — 45).Lindsay left Beijing at the end of 1941, and went to the Communist-led Jinchaji base(晋察冀边区)together with his wife Li Xiaoli, who was a Shanxi local and a former student of his.“Lindsay was inspired by the hard work local Chinesepeople made in fighting against Japanese aggression. After learning that Chinese armies on the frontlines were suffering supply shortages, Lindsay was determined to lend a hand," says Yan Juhai, a retired official from Shanxi's Lyuliang city. "In the Jinchaji base, NieRongzhen( 1899 — 1992), the base's top commander, appointed him to work as the communications expert, where he became a full-time radio technician contributing greatly in communication technology innovation and training," says Yan.In 1944 Lindsay and his wife arrived in Yan'an in Shaanxi province and helped fix its telecommunication equipment. They stayed for 18 months in Yan'an, and after the victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, they decided to return to the United Kingdom to visit their parents.4. Which word in the following can best replace the underlined word?A. peaceB. warC. stressD. sorrow5. Why did Lindsay go to the Communist-led Jinchaji base according to Yan Juhai?A. Because his wife was a Shanxi local.B. Because he was warmly invited by NieRongzhen.C. Because he was touched by Chinese people's effortsD. Because he was more interested in communications.6. What can we learn from the article?A. Lindsay and his wife stayed in China for over 8 years.B. Lindsay's wife was also skilled in communication technology.C. Lindsay was appointed as the communications consultant in Shanxi province.D. Lindsay taught economics in the Jinchaji base besides his work as a radio expert.7. Where is the text probably from?A. a guidebookB. a novelC. a diaryD. a newspaperCThere is an old Chinese proverb that states “One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade,” and this is how it should be with mothers and daughters. The relationship between a mother and a daughter is sometimes confusing. The relationship can be similar to friendship. However, the mother and daughter relationship has unique characteristics that distinguish it from a friendship. These characteristics include responsibilities and unconditional love, whichprecludemothers and daughters from being best friends.Marina, 27 years old, said, “I love spending time with my mom, but I wouldn’t consider her my best friend. Best friends don’t pay for your wedding. Best friends don’t remind you how they carried you in their body and gave you life! Best friends don’t tell you how wise they are because they have been alive at least 20 years longer than you.” This doesn’t mean that the mother and daughter relationship can’t be very close and satisfying. This generation of mothers and adult daughters has a lot in common, which increases the likelihood of shared companionship. Mothers and daughters have always shared the common experience of being homemakers, responsible for maintaining(保持) and passing on family values and traditions. Today contemporary mothers and daughters also share the experience of work and technology, which may bring them even closer together.Best friends may ormay not continue to be best friends, but for better or worse; the mother and daughter relationship is permanent, even if for some unfortunate reason they aren’t speaking. Sometimes this is not an equal relationship. Daughters don’t always feel responsible for their mother’s emotional well-being. But mothersnever stop being mothers, which includes frequently wanting to protect their daughters and often feeling responsible for their happiness. The mother and daughter relationship is a relationship that is not replaceable by any other. Mothers always “trump(胜过)” friends.8. What does the underlined word “preclude” in paragraph 1 probably mean?A. differ.B. benefit.C. prevent.D. change.9. What can we learn from what Marina said?A. Best friends will not spend money on her wedding.B. Best friends will not remind her of important issues in life.C. Her mother is wiser on account of her age.D. Her mother is definitely not her best friend.10. Why can a mother and a daughter build a even closer relationship today?A. Because they share advanced technology with each other.B. Because they work together to support the whole family.C. Because they experience the same values and traditions.D. Because they have common experience in life and work.11. What is the text mainly about?A. How to build a good mother and daughter relationship.B. A mother-daughter relationship is irreplaceable.C. Mothers want to be daughters’ friends.D. A daughter is a mother’s best friend.DIf you’ve ever had a dog, you know just how deep a connection you can develop with “man’s best friend”. But a dog has a much shorter life span — about 12 to 15 years long — than humans, which means every dog owner has to go through the heartbreaking moment when their loving pet passes away.Why not make a clone of that dog then? This is the solution offered by a South Korean company, Sooam Biotech Research Foundation. The company has successfully cloned at least 400 dogs, mostly for US customers, ever since it pioneered the technique in 2005. Now, Sooam Biotech is planning to introduce their business toUKdog owners, offering them dogs that look just like their lost ones.Meanwhile, another dog is selected to supply an egg.Researchers then replace the DNA in the egg with that from the skin cell and implant the egg into the womb (子宫) of a female dog. The egg grows into a puppy over thefollowing two months. To clone a dog, researchers first need to take a skin cell from a living dog or one that has just died.The whole process takes less than a day, but it comes at a shockingly high price — around £63,000 (614,000 yuan). But if you can’t afford it now, you can also save the cells in a laboratory and access them at a later date. Just like identical twins of humans, they share the exact same DNA but there will still be small differences between them. “The spots on a Dalmatian clone will be different, for example,” Insung Hwang, head of Sooam Biotech, toldThe Guardian. However, as magical as cloning might sound, there is no guarantee that the cloned dog will be a perfect replica of the original one.Dog owners will also have to accept the fact that personality is not “clone-able”. Apart from genes, personality is also determined by upbringing and environment, which are both “random elements [that] cloning technologies simply cannot overcome”, Professor Tom Kirkwood atNewcastle University,UK, toldThe Telegraph.Perhaps bringing our dogs back with cloning is not the best way to remember them after all.Kirkwood, a dog owner himself, pointed out: “An important aspect of our relationship with them is coming to terms with the pain of letting go.”12. According to the article, Sooam Biotech Research Foundation is ______.A. working on plans to help dog owners enjoy their pets longerB. offering a way to help dogs give birth to more puppiesC. providing a service that will make copies of pet dogsD. introducing a completely new technique to clone dogs13. Which of the following statements about dog cloning is TRUE according to the article?A. Dog cloning technology hadn’t been put into practice until recently.B. Dog cloning is very expensive and usually takes several months to complete.C. Dog cloning is very popular among US andUKpet owners.D. Cloned dogs might develop different habits and characteristics even though they look very similar.14. Which of the following shows the correct order of the dog cloning process?a. an egg is taken from another dogb. a skin cell is taken from the pet dog and saved in a laboratoryc. the egg is placed in the womb of a female dogd. the DNA of the egg is replaced by the DNA from the skin celle. the egg grows into a puppy in two monthsA. acbde.B. adbce.C. bacde.D. badce.15. We can learn from the article thatKirkwood______ dog cloning.A. disapproves ofB. supportsC. is afraid ofD. is curious about第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
下列说法正确的是()A.石油裂解、海水晒盐、纤维素制火棉都包含化学变化B.地沟油禁止用于食品用油,但可以用于制肥皂和生物柴油C.含磷污水是很好的肥料,可灌溉庄稼,能直接排放到自然界水体中D.“嫦峨三号”使用的碳纤维是一种新型的有机高分子材料8、设N A为阿伏加徳罗常数的值。
下列叙述正确的是()A.1L 0.1mol•L-1的NaClO溶液中含有ClO-的数目为N AB.28g由乙烯和环丁烷(C4H8)组成的混合气体中含有的碳原子数为3N AC.400mL 1mol/L稀硝酸与足量Fe完全反应(还原产物只有NO),转移电子的数目为0.3N A D.在一定条件下,将0.1mol N2和0.3 molH2充分反应,转移的电子数目为0.6N A9、短周期主族元素X、Y、Z、W的原子序数依次增大,X原子核外最外层电子数是其电子层数的2倍,X、Y的核电荷数之比为3∶4。
下列说法正确的是( )A.X与Y能形成多种化合物,一般条件下都能与Z的最高价氧化物的水化物发生反应B.原子半径大小:X < Y,Z > WC.化合物Z2Y和ZWY3都只存在离子键D.Y、W的某些单质或两元素之间形成的某些化合物可作水的消毒剂10、根据下列实验操作和现象所得到的结论正确的是()溶液的pH约为10;0.1mol·L-1 NaHSO3溶液的pH约为5。
SO32-的强11、有机物M、N、Q的转化关系如下图所示,下列说法正确的是()A.M的名称为异丁烷B. N的同分异构体有7种(不考虑立体异构,不包括本身)C. Q的所有碳原子一定共面D.Q能使溴的四氯化碳溶液和酸性KMnO4溶液褪色,褪色原理相同12、金属(M)﹣空气电池(如图)具有原料易得,能量密度高等优点,有望成为新能源汽车和移动设备的电源,该类电池放电的总反应方程式为:4M+nO2+2nH2O=4M(OH)n,已知:电池的“理论比能量”指单位质量的电极材料理论上能释放出的最大电能,下列说法不正确的是()A.采用多孔电极的目的是提高电极与电解质溶液的接触面积,并有利于氧气扩散至电极表面B.在Mg﹣空气电池中,为防止负极区沉积Mg(OH)2,宜采用中性电解质及阳离子交换膜C.M﹣空气电池放电过程的正极反应式:正极反应式为:O2+2H2O+4e﹣=4OH﹣D.比较Mg、Al、Zn三种金属﹣空气电池,Mg﹣空气电池的理论比能量最高13、—定温度下,下列溶液的离子浓度关系式正确的是()A. pH=5 的H2S溶液中,c(H+)>c(HS-)=1×10-5mol/LB.将等物质的量的Na2CO3和NaHCO3混合溶于水中:c(CO32-) / c(HCO3-) < 1C.pH=4的H2C2O4与PH=10的NaOH 溶液等体积混合:c(Na+)>c(OH-)>c(H+)>c(HC2O4-) D. 0.1 mol / L 的硫酸铵溶液中:c(SO42-)>c(NH4+)> c(H+)> c(OH-)26、(共14分)雾霾天气严重影响人们的生活,其中氮氧化物和硫氧化物都是形成雾霾天气的重要因素。
1. 如图为血红蛋白β肽链基因表达的过程(①①表示不同生理过程)。
下列有关叙述错误的是()A.①过程以a链为模板,由RNA聚合酶催化完成B.①过程核糖体沿mRNA移动并读取遗传密码子C.图中方框处碱基对T-A替换为A-T属于染色体变异D.基因突变可能导致终止密码子提前出现而使肽链缩短2. 选取长度相同的幼苗,实验装置如图甲所示,给予光照,在不同时间测定胚芽鞘伸长的长度,结果如图乙。
能正确表示对照组、实验组光照侧和背光侧胚芽鞘伸长长度的曲线依次是A. ①①①B. ①①①C. ①①①D. ①①①3. 将基因型分别为AA和aa的个体杂交,得F1后,F1自交得F2,再将F2自交得F3,在F3中出现的基因型AA①Aa①aa等于( )A.3①2①3B. 3①4①3C. 5①2①5D. 1①2①14. 已知果蝇的长翅和残翅是一对相对性状,控制这对性状的基因位于常染色体上,现让纯种的长翅果蝇和残翅果蝇杂交,F1全是长翅,F1自交产生F2,将F2的全部长翅果蝇取出,让其雌雄个体彼此间自交、自由交配,则其F3中长翅果蝇分别占()A.3/4、5/6B.5/6、8/9C.8/9、5/6D.3/4、8/95. 已知甲、乙两种病均为单基因遗传病,①9为特纳氏综合征患者。
有关叙述正确的是A. 甲病为常染色体隐性遗传,乙病可能为常染色体显性遗传B. 若①9患有乙病,则导致该异常的原因只有可能是①4的减①异常C. 若①6与①7婚配,则生出患两病女孩的概率为1/24D. 若对第①所有个体进行基因电泳,则均可能只得到两条条带6. 下列有关细胞中的元素和无机化合物的叙述,正确的是()A. 细胞中常见的化学元素根据作用的大小分为大量元素和微量元素B. 组成人体细胞(干重)的元素中O的含量最多,H次之C. 同一种植物中萌发种子的含水量比休眠种子多D. 哺乳动物的血钙太低,会出现肌无力症状7. 图甲为两个渗透装置,溶液a、b为不同浓度的同种溶液,且a溶液浓度<b溶液浓度,c为清水,图乙为显微镜下观察到的某植物表皮细胞,下列叙述错误的是()A.图甲中装置2的液面一段时间后会高于装置1的液面B.图乙中的①①①相当于图甲中的①C.若图乙所示为某农作物根毛细胞,此时应及时灌溉D.图乙中的①与图甲中的①通透性不同8. 研究表明长期酗酒会影响线粒体中一种关键蛋白Mfn1,从而导致线粒体无法融合、再生及自我修复。
纸上作答无效......可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 O:16 S:32 N:14 I:127第I卷选择题一、单项选择题(本题共13小题,每题6分,共78分)1、下列有关细胞器的叙述中,正确的是( )A.洋葱根尖分生区细胞进行有丝分裂时,④在间期进行复制B.分解尿素的细菌分泌脲酶的过程与该菌的①有关C.固定CO2时,无需③中类囊体膜上产生的ATP供能D.在①的基质中,丙酮酸和水彻底分解成CO2和NADPH2、如图为人类某种细胞所经历的生长发育各个阶段示意图,图中①—⑦为不同的细胞,a、b、c表示细胞所进行的生理过程。
据图分析,下列叙述不正确的是()A.进入c过程后的细胞,细胞内酶活性降低,但含水量增加B.⑤⑥⑦的核基因相同,细胞内的蛋白质种类和数量不相同C.若在a过程中细胞发生了癌变,则细胞膜上的糖蛋白等物质减少,容易在体内分散和转移D.a过程染色体的数目变化要经历242→→n n n3、下列关于内环境稳态以及相关调节的叙述中,不正确的是()A.某些非免疫细胞可以产生免疫活性物质B.促胰液素通过体液的传送可作用于胰腺细胞促使胰腺细胞分泌胰液C.猕猴体内存在两种内分泌腺互为靶器官的情况D。
一个健康成年人的内环境中有较多的血红蛋白保证氧气的运送4、某小组做实验探究了解生长素类似物——NAA对月季插条生根的影响,结果如图所示,其中丙组为对照组,下列叙述错误的是( )A. 图中纵坐标可表示插条生根的数量或插条生根的长度B。
2019高考模拟三校联考理科数学试卷一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分) 1.设i 是虚数单位,则复数21ii-在复平面内所对应的点位于( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 2.已知集合1{|0}1x A x x +=-…,{0B =,1,2,3},则(A B = )A .{1-,0,1}B .{0,1}C .{1-,0}D .{0}3.已知向量,,且,则( )A .B .C .D .4.已知平面⊥α平面β,交于直线l ,且直线α⊂a ,直线β⊂b ,则下列命题错误的是( ) A. 若b a //,则l a //或l b // B. 若b a ⊥,则l a ⊥且l b ⊥ C. 若直线b a ,都不平行直线l ,则直线a 必不平行直线b D. 若直线b a ,都不垂直直线l ,则直线a 必不垂直直线b 5. 给出下列四个命题:①命题p :;②的值为0;③若为偶函数,则曲线处的切线方程是.④已知随机变量则.其中真命题的个数是( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4. 6.已知S为执行如图所示的程序框图输出的结果,则二项式6(-的展开式中常数项的系数是( )A .20-B .20C .203-D .607.设实数x ,y 满足约束条件4210x y x y x +⎧⎪-⎨⎪-⎩………,则目标函数1y z x =+的取值范围是( ) A .13(,][0,]22-∞-B .13[,]42C .11[,]24-D .13[,]22-8.《九章算术》中,将底面是直角三角形的直三棱柱称之为“堑堵”,已知 某“堑堵”的三视图如图所示,则该“堑堵”的外接球的表面积为( )A B .8π C .6π D 9.已知函数()sin()f x A x ωϕ=+ (0A >,0ω>,0)ϕπ<<,其导函数()f x ' 的部分图像如图所示,则函数()f x 的解析式为( )A .13()4sin()24f x x π=+B .1()4sin()24f x x π=+C .1()4sin()34f x x π=+D .2()4sin()34f x x π=+10.已知命题p :若2a >且2b >,则a b a b +<;命题:0q x ∃>,使(1)21x x -=,则下列命题中为真命题的是( ) A .p q ∧ B .()p q ⌝∧ C . ()p q ∧⌝D .()()p q ⌝∧⌝11.点P 在双曲线22221(0,0)x y a b a b -=>>上,12F F 、是这条双曲线的两个焦点,1290F PF ∠=︒,且12F PF ∆的三条边长成等差数列,则此双曲线的离心率是( )A B . C .2D .512. 如图所示的图形是弧三角形,又叫莱洛三角形,它是分别以等边三角形ABC的三个顶点为圆心,以边长为半径画弧得到的封闭图形.在此图形内随机取一 点,则此点取自等边三角形内的概率是 ( )A .二、填空题:(本大题共4小题,共20分) 13.设随机变量1~(6,)2X B ,则(3)P X == .14.已知递减等差数列{}n a 中,31a =-,4a 为1a ,6a -等比中项,若n S 为数列{}n a 的前n 项和,则7S 的值为 .15. 如图,在ABC ∆中,13AD DC =,P 是线段BD 上一点,若16AP mAB AC =+,则实数m 的值为 . 16.若函数,则__________.三.解答题:(本大题共70分)17.(本小题满分12分) 已知在ABC ∆中,2B A C =+,且2c a =.(1)求角A ,B ,C 的大小; (2)设数列{}n a 满足2|cos |n n a nC =,前n 项和为n S ,若20n S =,求n 的值.18.(本小题满分12分) 经调查,3个成年人中就有一个高血压,那么什么是高血压?血压多少是正常的?经国际卫生组织对大量不同年龄的人群进行血压调查,得出随年龄变化,收缩压的正常值变化情况如下表:其中:1221ˆˆˆ,ni ii nii x yn x y bay bx xn x==-==--∑∑,82117232ii x==∑,8147384i ii x y==∑(1)请画出上表数据的散点图;(2)请根据上表提供的数据,用最小二乘法求出y 关于x 的线性回归方程ˆˆˆybx a =+;ˆˆ(,a b 的值精确到0.01) (3)若规定,一个人的收缩压为标准值的0.9~1.06倍,则为血压正常人群;收缩压为标准值的1.06~1.12倍,则为轻度高血压人群;收缩压为标准值的1.12~1.20倍,则为中度高血压人群;收缩压为标准值的1.20倍及以上,则为高度高血压人群.一位收缩压为180mmHg 的70岁的老人,属于哪类人群?19.(本小题满分12分) 在等腰Rt ABC ∆中,90BAC ∠=︒,腰长为2,D 、E 分别是边AB 、BC 的中点,将BDE ∆沿DE 翻折,得到四棱锥B ADEC -,且F 为棱BC 中点,BA =(1)求证:EF ⊥平面BAC ; (2)在线段AD 上是否存在一点Q ,使得//AF平面BEQ ?若存在,求二面角Q BE A --的余弦值,若不存在,请说明理由.20.(本小题满分12分) 椭圆2222:1(0)x y C a b a b +=>>的左、右焦点分别为1(1,0)F -、2(1,0)F ,若椭圆过点3(1,)2. (1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)若A ,B 为椭圆的左、右顶点,0(P x ,00)(0)y y ≠为椭圆上一动点,设直线AP ,BP 分别交直线:6l x =于点M ,N ,判断线段MN 为直径的圆是否经过定点,若是,求出该定点坐标;若不恒过定点,说明理由.21.(本小题满分12分) 已知函数x e x x x f )1(21)(2-+=,xa x a x x g -+-=ln )1()( ,1<a . (1)求曲线)(x f 在1=x 处的切线方程; (2)讨论函数)(x g 的极小值;(3)若对任意的]0,1[1-∈x ,总存在]3,[2e x ∈,使得)()(21x g x f >成立,求实数a 的取值范围。
.....可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 C:12O:16S:32N:14I:127第I卷选择题一、单项选择题(此题共13小题,每题6分,共78分)7.化学与生活亲密有关,以下说法正确的选项是()A.明矾常用作净水剂,其作用是吸附杂质并杀菌B.加碘盐含有碘化钾,其作用是增补碘元素C.“酒曲”酿酒工艺,是利用了催化剂使均衡正向挪动的原理D.汽车尾气中的污染物是造成雾霾天气的一种重要要素8.设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的值,以下说法正确的选项是()A.常温常压下,14g由N2与CO构成的混淆气体含有的原子数目为N AB.78g苯含有C=C双键的数目为3N AC.pH=1的硫酸溶液中含有的+H数目为N AD.50mLmol·L-1浓硫酸与足量铜微热反响,生成SO2分子的数目为N A9.以下表达正确的选项是()A.用重结晶的方法除掉KNO3固体中混淆的NaCl ,是利用NaCl在水中的溶解度很大B.金属钠着火时,立刻用泡沫灭火器进行灭火C.在滤纸上称量氢氧化钠固体,致使所配制氢氧化钠溶液浓度偏低D.向AgCl悬浊液中滴加Na2S溶液,白色积淀变为黑色积淀,说明溶解度Ag2S大于AgCl10.第三周期元素X、Y、Z、W的最高价氧化物溶于水可得四种溶液,mol/L的这四种溶液pH与该元素原子半径的关系以以下图所示。
15。已知 , 分别是双曲线 :
的左、右顶点, 为 上一点,则 的外接圆的标准
由点 为 上,求 m,由外心设外心坐标 M(0,t),M 在 PB 的中垂线上求 t 即可
青海省西宁市第四高级中学、第五中学、第十四中学三校 2019 届高三数学 4 月联考试题 文(含解析)
为 上一点,
,解得 m=1,则 B(1,0),∴
PB 中垂线方程为
+2,令 x=0,则 y=3,设外接圆心 M(0,t),则 M(0,3),
的图象向右平移 ( )个单位长度后,其函数图象关
于 轴对称,则 的最小值为__.
则 的图象向右平移 个单位,可得
又由 的图象关于 y 轴对称,所以
当 时,求得 最小值
设正方形边长 ,则
,故选 A.
为 A.
C. 沉积物质来源复杂 D. 物理风化作用较强
10。 科考队发现该地阶地下部存在古老 砾石沉积层,其原始地貌可能是
A。 风积沙丘 B。 风蚀沟谷 C. 冲(洪)积扇 D. 三角洲
11. 高阶地与中阶地相对高差和表面大小不同是由于地壳抬升的
A. 高度 B. 速率 C。 规模 D. 年代
丹霞地貌底部沟谷地带发育季雨林说明沟谷地带水热条件好,较为湿润,原因是沟谷地势低,地表径流汇集;沟谷地形封闭,光照相对较弱,蒸发量较小,C错误。 水分充足,有利于发育喜湿的季雨林。正确答案选B。全年降水量丰富看不出来A错误。海拔低不代表气温高,周围被陡崖围合,主要是保水条件好。D错误.
A。 扩大金砖生产规模 B。 传承金砖制作古技法
C。 开发金砖替代原料 D. 提高皇家建筑知名度
【答案】1. C 2. A 3。 B
2019-2020学年青海省西宁市第五中学高三英语第四次联考试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ADive with Big SharksOur shark dive adventures make use of hookah systems and shark cages. A hookah system is a system of providing air from the surface to divers down below. Cage divers breathe by using a regulator connected to an air hose.Is SharkDiving Dangerous?Yes. You could get sunburnt. You could hit your head on the top bunk getting out of bed. You could fall overboard. As for a shark attack, according to the International Shark Attack File, you are far more likely to be killed by a dog or a deer.Pricing & DetailsOne day Cage Diver Adventure $ 875Our expert shark diver team will accompany you to the best viewing areas within the Marine Sanctuary. There, we'll drop our cage and prepare to provide you with a view you'll never forget.No dive experience is necessary. Our cages sit just below the surface. You'll be able to breathe comfortably from your snorkel or air hose while you move about the cage, taking photos and having fun.Top Shark Adventure $ 375If you want to see great white sharks but prefer them a little further away, we offer great top-side shark viewing from our observation deck(甲板). Help scan the horizon for fins and watch for sharks attacking their prey(猎物).Important NoteThere's No Shark GuaranteeAlthough we go to the best places at the best time of year, we cannot guarantee you'll see sharks. We've been very successful in past shark seasons and expect another incredible year. However, if we see no sharks, there is no refund(退款).1.Which of the following is TRUE about the two adventures?___________.A.Top Shark Adventure makes use of hookah systems.B.Cage Diver Adventure offers you a view of the bottom of the sea.C.Cage Diver Adventure is less interesting than the other.D.Top Shark Adventure is suitable for those worried about danger.2.We can learn from the advertisement that there might be a risk that____________.A.you fail to achieve your purpose of the tripB.you are out of breath deep down in the seaC.you are hurt by a shark while diving thereD.you suffer from lack of skill in shark diving3.It can be inferred from the advertisement that shark diving is____________.A.difficult but excitingB.challenging and tiringC.amazing and enjoyableD.expensive but popularBTrees are “social creature” that communicate with each other in cooperative ways that hold lessons for humans, too, ecologist Suzanne Simard says. Simard grew up in Canadian forests as a child of loggers before becoming an ecologist. She's now a professor of forest ecology at theUniversityofBritish Columbia.Trees are linked to neighboring trees by a network of fungi below the surface of the earth that resembles the nervous networks in the brain, she explains. In one study, Simard watched as a Douglas fir tree that had been injured by insects appeared to send chemical warning signals to a pine nearby. The pine tree then produced defense enzymes to protect against the insect.“This was a breakthrough,” Simard says. The trees were sharing “information that actually is important to the health of the whole forest.”In addition to warning each other of danger, Simard says that trees have been known to share nutrients at critical times to keep each other healthy. She says the trees in a forest are often linked to each other via an older tree she calls a “mother” or “hub” tree.“In connecting with all the trees of different ages, the mother trees can actually ease the growth of these young trees,” she says. “The young trees will link into the network of the old trees and benefit from that huge resource capacity. And the old trees would also pass a little bit of carbon and nutrients and water to the young trees, at crucial times in their lives, that actually help them survive.”The study of trees took on a new resonance for Simard when she suffered from breast cancer. During her treatment, she learned that one of the medicines she relied on was actually obtained from what some trees produce for their own mutual defense. She explains her research on cooperation in the forest, and shares herpersonal story in the new bookFinding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of theForest.4. How could a Douglas fir tree send chemical warning signals to a pine nearby?A. By an underground network of fungi.B. By the nervous networks in the brain.C. By making cooperation with each other.D. By holding lessons to it as human beings.5. According to Simard, what was a breakthrough?A. Simard was-brought up in Canadian forests.B. She became a professor of forest ecology.C. The pine tree produced defense enzymes.D. Vital information was shared among trees.6. What helped Simard understand trees further?A. Her rich knowledge of trees.B. Her childhood in the forest.C. Her medicine gained from trees.D. Her research on cooperation.7. In Simard's book we may discover the wisdom of the forest except .A. communicating cooperativelyB. warning each other of dangerC. sharing nutrientsat critical timesD. sacrificing mother trees for survivalCThe prevalence of melanoma (黑素瘤) has been rapidly rising around the world for nearly a century. While some of the increase may be due to better detection, researchers also believe it’s because we’re spending more time outdoors in the sun, vacationing to warmer climates during the winter and using tanning beds. That rise is concerning, since melanoma is the most dangerous kind of skin cancer.Most of us know to cover up and apply sunscreen on hot, sunny days, but when fall arrives, we tend to drop those habits. Experts warn that’s a mistake. Though there’s less need for sun protection after summer ends, exposure to UV rays still adds up.What precautions you should take to defend against melanoma during the cooler months depends on where you are in the world. That’s because the further away you are from the equator, the more UV rays weaken in the winter. “In southern England or Canada, the daily dose of UVA on a clear summer day is 6.5 times higher than on a clear winter day,” says Professor Brian Diffey of the British Association of Dermatologists. “People in those countries typically receive only about 5% of their annual UV exposure in the winter months.”But no matter where you are, even during colder, lower risk months, it’s a mistake to put your sun-protection habits on ice. “It’s important to wear sun-screen when there is a lot of glare from the snow,” says Victoria Mar, director of the Victorian Melanoma Service at Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia.Finally, you should monitor your moles(痣). “Early detection of melanoma is vital for successful treatment,” says Diffey. If it’s caught before it spreads to other parts of the body, the patient will have 99 % of chance to survive for five years. If it’s caught late, that can drop to 25%. Warning signs are a mole that’s changing size, shape or colour, or one that’s asymmetrical — sometimes referred to as “ugly duckling” moles. If you have concerns, talk to your doctor.8. What’s the main cause of the rise ofmelanoma?A. The climate change.B. Better detection.C. More exposure to the sun.D. The increase ofskin cancer.9.What’s a mistake according to experts?A. Applying sunscreen in summer.B. Wearing sun-screen when there is snow.C. Using sunscreen during lower risk months.D. Dropping sun-protection habits in winter.10. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. Prevention is better than cure.B. Health is better than wealth.C. A disease known is half cured.D. When the sun comes in, the doctor comes out.11. What is the best title of the text?A. Detect Melanoma.B. Beware Winter Rays.C. Monitor Your Moles.D. Spend Less Time Outdoors.DInAsia, there are special competitions where kites have complex designs and are fitted with instruments that make musical sounds as the wind blows through them. Although all kites have a similar structure (结构), they are widely different in size and shape. Kite-fighting competitions are also held, in which competitors use their kites to attack and bring down their opponents’ (对手) kites or cut their strings (线).For more than 15 years, the Big Wind Kite Factory has been giving kite-making and kite-flying classes for thechildren on an island inHawaii. In its kite-making lessons, students can make kites in as little as 20 minutes! Children as young as four years old can learn how to fly a kite. Jonathan Socher and his wife Daphne started the kite factory in 1980. Their kites are made of nylon (尼龙). Their designs are Hawaiian themes created by Daphne. The designs are cut out of the nylon with a hot knife that seals the edges and then fastened directly onto the kite. The kite that is used to give lessons is a regular diamond kite with a rainbow pattern. The difference between this kite and the ones they make during the lessons is that it is a two-string controllable kite. Big Wind employees fly the kite and for a few minutes show students how pulling on one line and then on the other controls the direction the kite goes in. Then the controls are given to the students.Jonathan insists that it is not necessary to make a huge impressive kite to have fun making and flying kites. Even the simplest structure can work, and can give hours of fun. Go on, give it a try!12. Which of the following is true according to the text?A. A hot knife is used to iron the nylon.B. Children never fly kites on their own in flying lessons.C. Kite strings must not be cut in kite-fighting competitions.D. Daphne designs kites for the Big Wind Kite Factory.13. What is different about the kite used for flying lessons?A. It has two strings.B. It is simple in design.C. It has a rainbow pattern.D. It is shaped like a diamond.14. According to Jonathan,what do you need to have fun with kites?A. A large kite.B. Any type of kite.C. A complex structure.D. A kite that impresses others.15. What is mainly described in the text?A. A kite factory.B. Kite-flying lessons.C. Special competitions.D. The kite-making process.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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2.使用石油热裂解的副产物中的甲烷来制取氢气,需要分两步进行,其反应过程中的能量变化如图所示:则甲烷和水蒸气反应生成二氧化碳和氢气的热化学方程式为()A.CH4(g)+H2O(g)=3H2(g)+CO(g) ΔH=-103.3kJ/molB.CH4(g)+2H2O(g)=4H2(g)+CO2(g) ΔH=-70.1kJ/molC.CH4(g)+2H2O(g)=4H2(g)+CO2(g) ΔH=70.1kJ/molD.CH4(g)+2H2O(g)=4H2(g)+CO2(g) ΔH=-136.5kJ/mol【答案】D【解析】【分析】本题考查化学反应与能量变化,意在考查考生的图象分析能力与推理能力。
【详解】左图对应的热化学方程式为A. CH4(g)+H2O(g)=3H2(g)+CO(g) ΔH=-103.3kJ/mol,右图对应的热化学方程式为CO (g) + H2O(g)=H2 (g) + CO2 (9) △H=-33.2kJ/mol;两式相加即可得相应的热化学方程式D. CH4(g)+2H2O(g)=4H2(g)+CO2(g) ΔH=-136.5kJ/mol,故D符合题意;答案:D。
3.下列实验对应的现象及结论均正确且两者具有因果关系的是A.A B.B C.C D.D【答案】B【解析】【详解】A.二氧化硫与氯化钡不反应,但溶解的二氧化硫能够被硝酸氧化生成硫酸,硫酸与氯化钡反应生成硫酸钡白色沉淀,结论不正确,故A错误;D.氯水先氧化碘离子生成碘单质,则溶液变蓝,可知还原性:I->Fe2+,故B正确;C.过氧化钠具有强氧化性,与水反应生成碱,过氧化钠可氧化亚铁离子,因此出现红褐色沉淀和无色液体,该现象不能说明FeCl2溶液是否变质,故C错误;D.浓硫酸滴入蔗糖中,使蔗糖脱水,反应放热,然后C与浓硫酸发生氧化还原反应生成二氧化硫等,主要体现了浓硫酸的脱水性和氧化性,结论不正确,故D错误;故选B。
4.阿伏加德罗常数用N A 表示,下列叙述正确的是 A .18克液态水与18克冰中氢键数目均为N AB .工业酸性废水中的Cr 2O 72-可转化为Cr 3+除出,现用电解的方法模拟该过程,阴极为石墨,阳极为铁,理论上电路中每通过6mol 电子,就有N A 个Cr 2O 72-被还原C .标准状况下,22.4LNO 2含有的原子数小于3N AD .1molLiAlH 4在125℃完全分解成LiH 、H 2、Al ,转移电子数为3N A 【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】A .冰中1个水分子周围有4个水分子通过氢键连接,每个水分子相当于含有2个氢键,所以1mol 冰中,氢键的数目是2N A ,故A 错误;B .铁为阳极,Fe-2e -=Fe 2+,Cr 2O 72-与亚铁离子发生氧化还原反应生成Cr 3+和三价铁离子,其离子方程式为:Cr 2O 72-+6Fe 2++14H +=6Fe 3++2Cr 3++7H 2O ;得关系式:Fe 2+~2e -~~16Cr 2O 72-,当电路中通过6mole -,有0.5molCr 2O 72-被还原,故B 错误;C .所以标准状况下,22.4LNO 2物质的量为:122.4L22.4L?mol - =1mol ,含有的原子数等于3N A ,故C 错误;D .依据分解化学方程式和盐酸化合价变化计算电子转移,1mol LiAlH 4在125℃完全分解成LiH 、H 2、Al ,化学方程式为:LiAlH 4=LiH+H 2↑+Al ,转移电子3N A ,故D 正确; 故选D 。
5.下图为光电催化能源化利用CO 2制备太阳能燃料的示意图。
下列说法不正确的是A .阳极反应式为2H 2O−4e −4H ++O 2↑B .CO 2还原产物可能为CO 、HCHO 、CH 3OH 、CH 4等C .阳极、阴极材料互换对制备太阳能燃料影响不大D .若太阳能燃料为甲醇,则阴极电极反应式为:CO 2+6H ++6e −CH 3OH+H 2O【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】图中阳极是水失电子,生成O 2和H+,电极反应式为:2H2O−4e−4H++O2↑,选项A正确;CO2被还原时,化合价降低,还原产物可能为CO、HCHO、CH3OH、CH4等,选项B正确;装置中阳极材料是光电催化材料,阴极是惰性电极Pt,二者不能互换,选项C错误;若太阳能燃料为甲醇,阴极反应物为CO2和H+,则电极反应式为:CO 2+6H++6e−CH3OH+H2O,选项D正确。
6.设N A为阿伏伽德罗常数的值,下列说法正确的是()A.18gT2O和18gH2O中含有的质子数均为10N AB.1L1mol/L的Na2CO3溶液中CO32-和HCO3-离子数之和为N AC.78gNa2O2与足量CO2充分反应转移的电子数目为2N AD.加热条件下,含0.2molH2SO4的浓硫酸与足量铜反应,生成SO2的分子数小于0.1N A【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】A.T2O的摩尔质量为22,18gT2O的物质的量为911mol,含有的质子数为9011N A,A选项错误;B.1mol/L的Na2CO3溶液中,由物料守恒有c(Na+)=2c(CO32-)+2c(HCO3-)+2c(H2CO3)=2mol/L,则c(CO32-)+c(HCO3-)+c(H2CO3)=1mol/L,c(CO32-)+c(HCO3-)<1mol/L,即离子数之和小于N A,B选项错误;C.78gNa2O2的物质的量为1mol,与足量CO2充分反应转移电子数应为1N A,C选项错误;D.随着反应的进行,浓硫酸的浓度降低变成稀硫酸后,不会再与铜发生反应,故加热条件下,含0.2molH2SO4的浓硫酸与足量铜反应,生成SO2的分子数小于0.1N A,D选项正确;答案选D。
7.在强酸性溶液中,下列离子组能大量共存且溶液为无色透明的是A.Na+ K+ OH- Cl-B.Na+ Cu2+ SO42- NO3-C.Ca2+ HCO3- NO3-K+D.Mg2+ Na+ SO42- Cl-【答案】D【解析】【分析】溶液为强酸性,说明溶液中含有大量H+,溶液为无色透明溶液,有色离子不能存在,然后根据发生复分解反应条件进行分析。
下列说法不正确的是:A.“司南之杓(勺),投之于地,其柢(勺柄)指南”,司南中“杓”的材质为Fe3O4B.宋《莲塘乳鸭图》缂丝中使用的蚕丝的主要成分是蛋白质C.宋王希孟《千里江山图》中的绿色颜料铜绿,主要成分是碱式碳酸铜D.清乾隆“瓷母”是指各种釉彩大瓶,其主要成分是二氧化硅【答案】D【解析】【详解】A. Fe3O4为磁性氧化铁,可作指南针的材料,司南中“杓”的材料为Fe3O4,A正确;B. 蚕丝的主要成分是蛋白质,B正确;C. 铜绿主要成分是碱式碳酸铜,C正确;D. 陶瓷主要成分是硅酸盐,不是SiO2,D错误;故合理选项是D。
9.X、Y 、Z、W是原子序数依次增大的短周期主族元素,其中Z的最外层电子数与X的核外电子总数相等。
下列说法正确的是A.元素非金属性:X>Y>ZB.简单离子半径:Y<Z< WC.工业上常通过电解W与Z形成的化合物制备W单质D.简单气态氢化物的稳定性:X<Z【答案】D【解析】【分析】由化合物结构式可知X可以形成四个共价键,所以X为碳或硅,Z的最外层电子数与X的核外电子总数相等,所以Z为氧,X为碳,Y介于碳与氧之间,只能为氮,W显正二价,则W只能为镁。