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Plain TA CT ima ge through the p lane a bit cranial to the previous, showing the rou nd expanded an d osteolytic lesio n with thin disco ntinued margins, the oropharynx was shifted sligh tly to the left
Leabharlann Baidu
Plain TA CT s cans, through both mandibul ar angles and ascending ra mi, showing th e lesion was s till osteolytic w ith a rather sm ooth inner wall and an irregul ar undulated o uter wall. No o ther significant soft tissue ma ss was found
mass for half a year
Plain cranial CT TA view, through both bodies of the mandi ble, bone window se ttings, showing there was a bony mass ori ginating from the po sterior portion of the right mandibular bod y, which was round i n shape with clear c ontours, measured a bout 3.0 cm in diam eter . Bone ‘defects’ at the medial aspect of the involved mand ibular body were not ed. Swelling of the a djacent soft tissues was also demonstrat ed
Plain CT reco nstructed imag es of coronal v iew, bone win dow settings, t hrough the pla nes of right m andible lesion, showing the b ony mass in th e right mandib ular angle was
The reconstructed CT 3-D images of t he skull, using SSP techniques, showin g the whole view of the right mandibular angle and ramus m ass. It was an expa nded and multi-ocul ated one with sharp reticular network an d margins
A Mandible CT Examination
张 X , female, 59 years of age, complaining t hat pain was suddenly felt on her right posteri or molar teeth area of the mandible, accompa nying with a relative right mandibular bulging
Plain TA CT scans , through the plane s of both maxillary sinuses and upper ends of bilateral m andibular rami, sh owing there was a round soft-tissue l esion within the lef t maxillary sinus. The right mandibul ar bony lesion was now hardly seen, e xcept thinning of t he involved bone a nd swelling of the adjacent muscular structures were no ted
Plain cranial TA CT, through both bodies of mandible at the level a bit cranial to the previous, showing the expanded round bony mass looked like a pingpong ball with a bony septum, the wall at its medial aspect was discontinued with some blurred calcified spots and flecks. Swelling of adjacent soft tissues was still seen and the interface btw the subcutaneous fat and relative soft tissues was clear
multioculated with lots of various sized cystic/ osteolytic compartments. The bo ny septa btw the compartments were sh arp, the relative soft tissues adjacent to the lesion were swelling, whereas, the in terface btw the mass and the subcutane ous fat showed clear