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Do you know the girl over there? She wears a hat with flowers on it. Her name is Xinzi. She is a nice Japanese girl, my new friend. She is in our class, studying Chinese.

I like Xinzi. I don’t know Japanese, and Xinzi doesn’t know much Chinese. We know some English. We are the same age. And we have the same interests. We like to sing Chinese, Japanese and English songs. I help her to ride a bike and fly a kite. She helps me to swim and jump. We like playing football, but we can’t play at school because the playground is small. Xinzi and the other girls in our class will go to the swimming pool on Monday, and I want to go with them.

1.What does the girl know?

A.Much Chinese. B.Some English.

C.Little Japanese. D.Nothing.

2.What is Xinzi good at?

A.Swimming and jumping. B.Riding a bike.

C.Flying a kite. D.Playing basketball.

3.Xinzi and the other girls want to ______ on Monday.

A.play games B.go swimming

C.play football D.fly kites

On the evening of February 4, when the last two torchbearers(火炬手)ran to the center of the Bird’s Nest with the “flying” torch, the whole audience was silent and attracted attention.

The stage appeared slowly and the torch was gently put into the base. At this time, the “flying” began to change into a butterfly, and the crystal clear display screen turned into a “snowflake”, holding the flame(火焰)in the air.

In the history of the Olympic Games, the lighting ways of the main torch have been creative. But the main torch of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games is still displayed in an unexpected way in front of hundreds of millions of audiences around the world--- low fire, screen display and dancing in the air. With the support of science and technology, the main torch of the Winter Olympic Games put ice and fire together perfectly!

Three inventions create a fantastic main torch. “The biggest creation in the Research and Design of the main torch of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games is the low fire design, video display and the complete form over the Bird’s Nest by the controlling system, which is fantastic in the 100-year history of the Olympic Games.” Liu Yue, the technical director of the main torch of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, said in an interview with the science and technology daily.

Why use low fire design? It is to better show the idea of green, low-carbon(低碳)and

sustainable development. The Olympic torch before was always using fire with huge energy waste. The Beijing Winter Olympic Games used green energy—hydrogen(氢气)as fuel.

On the evening of February 4, the main torch of the Beijing Winter Olympics was successfully lit. Liu Yue, who experienced the main torch of the Beijing Winter Olympics from birth to appear amazingly, can’t hide his pride an d joy. At this time, he and his team members finished their task and successfully made a difference to the Beijing Winter Olympics.

4.What did the writer want to show in Paragraph 2?

A.How People thought of the main torch.

B.What the lighting ways of the main torch was.

C.Why the display screen turned into a “snowflake”.

D.Where the “flying” began to change into a butterfly.

5.What does the underlined word “sustainable” in last paragraph probably mean? A.perfect. B.comfortable. C.continuous. D.interesting. 6.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Low fire design is better for the environment.

B.Video display showed a complete form over the Bird’s Nest.

C.Beijing Winter Olympic Games did the same things as others.

D.The main torch put ice and fire together because of green energy.

7.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.Amazing city—Beijing B.The Successful Team

C.A Beautiful Snowflake D.Technology Winter Olympics Once upon a time, there was a group of doves (鸽子) living by a lake. One day, under the lead of their king, the doves flew away to look for food. The smallest dove found some rice under a tree. So all the doves came down and began to eat,

Suddenly a net fell over them and soon they were all in it, Then a man came. The doves tried to get out of the net, but they couldn't The oldest dove had an idea. He advised all the doves to fly up together carrying the net with them, He said if they worked together, they would be successful,

The other doves did so and together they flew off carrying the net with them. The man was shocked., He tried to follow them, but they were flying high, The doves then flew to a hill because there lived a mouse and they thought he could help them. He was a good friend of the dove king.

When they arrived, the dove king told the mouse what had happened and asked him to set them free. The mouse said that he would set the dove king free first, But the king asked him to free his subjects (臣民)first And he was the last one to come out.

The doves all thanked the mouse and flew away together, They smiled and felt closer to each other.

8.Where did the doves find food?

A.On a tree. B.Under a tree. C.In a net, D.By a lake. 9.The doves flew to the hill to .

A.look for food B.save a friend C.get some rest D.ask for help 10.How did the other doves probably feel after hearing what their king said to the mouse? A.Moved, B.Surprised, C.Worried, D.Sad. 11.The underlined word "he" in Paragraph 4 refers to .

A.the smallest dove B.the oldest dove C.the dove king D.the mouse It takes a little skill to do this experiment, but the result is truly surprising.
