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一.Translation (words)(每题1分,共10分。)

1. genius ___________ 6. 聪明人____________

2. theory ___________ 7. 幽默____________

3. applause ___________ 8. 认为____________

4. sense ___________ 9. 讲座____________

5. audience ___________ 10. 避免____________

二.Translation (phrases)(每题1分,共10分。)

1. receive invitation ___________ 6. 幽默感__________

2. on one’s way to ___________ 7. 避免做某事___________

3. take a seat _________ 8. 使某人失望___________

4. join in ___________ 9. 轻而易举___________

5. have no idea ___________ 10. 能背诵__________

三.Multiple choices. (每题1分,共20分。)

( ) 1. Did you learn the article by heart?

A. listen well

B. like well

C.remember well

( ) 2. You can’t let your parents down.

A. leave…alone

B. allow…to leave

C.make …disappoint

( ) 3. They were impressed by his sense of humour.

A. ability to make someone cry

B. ability to make someone laugh

C. good behavior

( ) 4. It is my pleasure to drive you home.

A. lucky

B. honor

C. happiness

( ) 5. Jeff is a Math genius and he can work out the math problems without difficulty.

A. difficultl

B. easily

C. perfectly

( ) 6. Doctors warn people to avoid too much sun this summer.

A. make fun of

B. damage

C. keep away from

( ) 7. You speak too fast and I have no idea what you are talking about.

A. don’t know

B. was happy with

C. was angry with

( ) 8. People consider Einstein as the greatest scientists in the world.

A. think

B. regard

C. believe

( ) 9. John is a mind and he founds his own company within one month.

A. boss

B. smart person

C. businessman

( ) 10. Han gave the lecture instead of Einstein that day.

A. speech

B. class

C. explanation

( ) 11. If you don’t obey the rules at school, you will be punished.

A. follow

B. break

C. make ( ) 12. I am going to the cinema with my friends tonight.

A. later

B. this evening

C. tomorrow ( ) 13. Twenty students will join in the game in my class.

A. take part in

B. win

C. watch ( ) 14. Dr. Einstein .gave the lecture perfectly.

A. carefully

B. without ant mistakes

C. badly ( ) 15. --His dream is ________ a scientist

--It ________ be true. He said he wished to be a policeman half an hour ago.

A. to be; can

B. to be; can’t

C. being; can’t

( ) 16. –What is your plan for the weekend?

--My plan is ________ to Beijing.

A. to get

B. get

C. getting ( ) 17.—Their parents are so ________.

--Yes, the children are going to find a way ________ their parents happy.

A. tiring; make

B. tired; to make

C. tired; making

( ) 18. –Please ________ a seat. Make yourself at home.

--Sorry. I am a little nervous before a genius ________ you.

A. take; like

B. taking; as

C. sit; like ( ) 19. –I don’t know what ________ to make Lily happy.

--What about play a joke ________ her?.

A. to do; on

B. do; on

C. to do; in ( ) 20. –Would you like something ________?

-- I’d like some ________.

A. to drink; oranges

B. to drink; orange

C. drink; orange

四.Translation (sentences)(每题2分,共20分。)

1. This story about him shows that he also had a sense of humor.

______________________________________________________________ 2. Einstein often received invitations to explain his theories at different university.

______________________________________________________________ 3. I wish I could avoid giving my lecture tonight, but I don't want to let my
