国际商务谈判英文版PPT-3 . Negotiating Power
3.2.5 Economic and military power
• Negotiating power was closely related througho ut the negotiations to a country’s economic and military power
• Sources of negotiating power in international bus iness negotiations include capital, technology an d established marketing net works – as well as a company’s innovative capacity and knowledge
3.3.4 Need
• In both international and domestic business negotiations, the relative power of the parti es generally depends on who needs whom the most
Tacit knowledge
3.3.3 Language
• Language is a potent source of negotia ting power in international business neg otiations
商务谈判对话英文版:实用对话A: Good morning, Miss. Glad to meet you.早上好,很高兴见到你。
B: Good morning, Mr . gald to have the opportunity of visting your company and I hope to conclude some business with you。
A:I think so ,and I don’t believe we’ve met.我们以前没有见过吧?B: No, I don’t think we have. 我想没有。
A: My name is Li Sung-lin 我叫李松林。
B: My name is Cheery Smith. 您好,我是切莉史蜜斯A: Here’s my name card. 这是我的名片。
B: And here’s mine. 这是我的。
A: I'm our sales representative, how do you do,what can I do for you.我是我们公司的销售代表,你是做什么的,有什么可以为你服务的吗?B:Our company will buy in a batch of compters, as the procurement manager secretary,I want to get to know your product.我们公司要购进一批电脑,作为采购经理的秘书,我想了解一下你们的产品。
A:Our company engaged in import and export trade for 5 years, has many professional and qualified partners. Company in good standing, developed many long-term partners, look forward to working with you.我公司从事进出口贸易5年来,已经拥有很多专业的,资质良好的合作商。
parties reach an agreement or make a decision on the terms of the deal.
Preparing for a Negotiation
Gather inform…
research the other party, including their interests, needs, and negotiating style.
国际商务谈判英文版第六 版chap
• Introduction • The Nature and Context of International
Business Negotiation • The Process of International Business
Байду номын сангаас 03
The Process of International
Business Negotiation
The Negotiation Process
Initial con…
Negotiation Conclusion
parties exchange initial greetings and introduce themselves.
• The Skills and Competencies of the Effective Negotiator
• The Application of Negotiation Theory and Practice
CATALOGUEThe General Overview on International Business NegotiationThe General Procedures of International Business NegotiationFive Links of International Business NegotiationCross-Cultural Problems in International Business NegotiationBasic Qualities for NegotiatorsSome Styles in International Business NegotiationTactical Expressions in Business NegotiationPreparation for ExportingPreparation for NegotiationBusiness Negotiation IBusiness Negotiation IIBusiness Negotiation IIIBusiness Negotiation IVAfter the NegotiationChapter Onee GTheneral Overview on International Business NegotiationAn Overall Framework of International Business NegotiationFeatures of International Business NegotiationBasic Rules of International Business NegotiationStock PhrasesSome Tips for Trade Delegation1.What is Negotiation?The word “negotiation” derives from the Latin Infinitive “negotiari”(做贸易或生意)which means “to trade or do business”. This word itself is from another word, “negare”(拒绝), meaning “ to deny” and a noun, otium(休闲), meaning “leisure”. Thus , the ancient Romanbusinessperson would “deny leisure” until the business has been settled. Negotiation is a common human activity as well as a process that people undertake everyday to manage their relationships such a buyer and a seller, a husband and wife, children and parents. As the stakes in some of these negotiations are not very high, people need not have to get preparations for the process and the outcome. But in international business negotiations, the stakes are usually high, people cannot ignore this fact, they have to get preplans in a more careful way. Both parties in this kind of negotiation should contact each other so that they can get a better deal rather than simply accepting or rejecting what the other is offering. The whole process of negotiation is based upon the premise that both parties are interdependent, that is, one side cannot get what he/she wants without taking the other into consideration. In the process of negotiation, there are no rules, tradition, rational methods or higher authorities available to resolve their conflict once it crops up. Negotiation is a voluntary process of giving and taking where both parties amend their offers and modify their expectations so as to come closer to each other and they can quit, at any time.2. Why do People Negotiate?Negotiation is at the heart of every transaction and, for the most part, it comes down to the interaction between two sides with a common goal (profits) but divergent methods. These methods (the details of the contract) must be negotiated to the satisfaction of both parties. As we will see later that it can be a very trying process that is full of confrontation and concession. Whether it is trade or investment, one party will always arrive at the negotiation table in a position of greater power. That power ( the potential for the profits ) may derive from the extent of the demand or from the ability to supply. The purpose of negotiation is to redistribute that potential. There is no such thing as “to take it or leave it” in international business. In fact, everything is negotiable. It all depends on the expertise of the negotiators.3. An Overall Framework of IBNInternational business negotiation (IBN) is a consultative process between governments, trade organizations, multinational enterprises, private business firms and buyers and sellers in relation to investment and import and export of products, machinery and equipments and technology. Negotiation is one of the important steps taken towards completing import and export trade agreements.To reach the desired results, the negotiators must seriously carry out the relative trade policies of their own countries. They should have good manners and speak fluent English. They should have a profound knowledge of professional technology and international markets. They should know the specifications, packing, features and advantages of the products and be able to use idiomatic and professional terms. In general, an overall framework of international business negotiation cover the following aspects: background factors, the atmosphere and the process.3.1 Background factors refer to objectives, environment, markets position, third parties and negotiators. They influence the process of negotiation and the atmosphere in a positive or negative way. Objectives mean what each side desires to achieve in the end. They are common, conflicting or complementary interests in both sides’ w anting a successful transaction to take place; their interests conflict as profit to one is cost to the other; and complementary interest brings themtogether. Common and complementary objectives leave direct and positive effects while conflicting objectives have negative ones on the negotiation process. Environment here is defined as the political, social and structural factors related to both parties. It often hinders the process in international negotiation. Political and social aspects can affect the process whereas market structure does the atmosphere. The market position of the parties involved plays a leading role in the negotiation process. The third parties such as governments, brokers, consultants and so on may influence the process with their own objectives. Negotiators affect the negotiating process by means of their own experience and negotiating skills.3.2 The atmosphere is of great importance to the whole process of the international business negotiation. The atmosphere and the process influence each other at each stage. Atmosphere refers to the perceived “milieu”(氛围) around the interaction, how each party regards the other’s behavior, and the properties of the process. It has to do with people’s perception of reality. To be more exact, in negotiation it is the perception of reality that is far more important than the reality itself. Some characteristics of the atmosphere are dominant at one stage; others at other stage. For example, cooperation is dominant at the pre-negotiation rather than conflict, as both sides look for mutual solutions. Different characteristics of atmosphere dominate from process to process. These characteristics are classified as conflict vs cooperation, power vs dependence and expectations. The existence of conflict and cooperation is a fundamental characteristic of the negotiation process. On one hand, both sides have some common interests in finding a solution to the problem that fits them both. On the other hand, a conflict of interest may arise, as cost to one can mean income to the other. The relation between power and dependence is closely related to the actual power relation, which is affected by the value of the relationship to the sides and their available alternatives. As for expectations, there are two types: long-term expectations with respect to the possibilities and values of future business; short-term expectations regarding prospects for the present deal. Expectations develop and change in different stages of the process.3.3 The process of international business negotiation is made up of the three different stages. A stage is defined as a specific part of the process and covers all actions and communications by either side pertaining (relevant) to negotiations made during that part. Either side communicates with the other to exchange information within each stage. A specific stage comes to an end with where both sides decide to proceed on to the next stage or decide to abandon the communication if they see no point in further negotiations. The three different stages are: pre-negotiation, face-to face-negotiation and post-negotiation.3.3.1 The pre-negotiation stage starts from the first contact between the two sides whose interest in doing business with each other is shown. From this stage on, both sides begin to understand one another’s needs and evaluate the benefits of entering into the process of negotiation. This stage is more usually important than the formal negotiations in the international business relationship. Social and informal relationships between negotiators, trust and confidence in each other are of great help. Both sides now also start to form their strategy for face-to-face negotiation as well as try to foresee and take precautions against possible events.3.3.2 At Face-to-face stage, both sides know that they can work together for a solution to a joint problem in spite of that the fact that each side may view the situation in its own way. This indicates the importance of having face-to-face negotiation in an open-minded way and getting ready several alternatives. It is time for both sides to explore the differences in preferences and expectations so that they can come closer to each other. Generally, the negotiation process is controlled by the side that has arranged the agenda, for in the process, he can stress his own strengths and the opponent’s weaknesses, thus putting the other side on the defensive. However, the agenda may reveal the preparing side’s position in advance and hence permit the other side to prepare its countermeasures. Some people prefer to start negotiations by discussing and agreeing on broad principles. Another way to ensure success at this stage is an initial discussion on items of common interest, which can help create an atmosphere of cooperation between both sides. As for the choice of strategy, it depends on3.3.3 All the terms and conditions at this(Post-Negotiation ) stage have been agreed upon with the contract being drawn up to be signed. What is worth noticing is that writing the contact and the wording in it is a negotiation process in itself, for meaning and values may be different between both sides. This stage may lead to a renewed face-to-face negotiation if there is negative feedback from background factors and atmosphere. Therefore, the terms and conditions agreed upon should be read to each other after concessions are exchanged and discussions be held by means of minutes of meetings, or something unpleasant and unexpected may arise later on in the course of the implementation of the contract unless both sides make sure that they have paid enough attention to every detail. It is necessary that both sides should make sure that they understand everything they have agreed on before they leave the negotiation table.4. Three Targets of International Business NegotiationFor a successful agreement, participants need to know negotiation principles and tactics. There are two principles in international business negotiations. First, at the beginning of the negotiation, the negotiators should know well their desired results and not be willfully manipulated by their counterparts. Only with a definite purpose will the negotiators grasp the key to the negotiation and realize their expected purpose. Second, negotiators need to put forward what they expect, take a firm stand and make clear their position.In international business negotiations, price is usually the key point because it directly concerns the economic benefits to both sides. Both sides seek a desired result.To get the expected result or achieve a certain purpose, the negotiators, should calculate carefully and decide three different targets: 1) the best target; 2) the intermediate target; 3) the acceptable target4.1 The best target is to achieve all desired results. You should know well whether your first quotation is high or low if it is generally accepted by your counterpart. Usually both sides have a few bargains before acceptance. In the beginning, make a high offer and negotiate for the best target. Generally speaking, persons who firmly maintain the desired objectives to the end can obtain the best deal.4.2 The intermediate target is fair for both sides, although slightly lower than the best target. Don’t begin negotiating at too low of a price. Your quotation is to be a little lower each time. Do it step by step. Each time you reduce the price, you should remain serious about the desired results. Under this situation, your counterpart may well accept your quotation as the best possible price. It is likely that you may reach an agreement at this price. Please keep in mind that taking a serious and firm attitude is the key to avoiding further price reductions and unnecessary expenses. This will result in increased profits. If you meet with negotiators who always bargain using harsh language, do not be angry. This indicates that they want to buy your products. You should be patient and friendly, using soft words and moderate speaking speed and tone, knowing well what not to say, what to say and when to say. When you feel in danger of going into a deadlocked negotiation, it is suggested to request a break or rest. Then readjust your plan and continue the negotiation.4.3 The acceptable target is the minimum level both sides can bear. It should not be exposed to your counterpart at the beginning of the negotiation. Your counterpart may not believe it and although the price is the lowest, he may reject your quotation. On the other hand, even if the agreement is reached at the minimum acceptable price, your counterpart may not have a satisfactory sense of having brought your price down…In brief, the purpose of the negotiation is to arrive at an agreement to both sides’ advantage. The successful results of the negotiations depend on the determined objectives, perseverance and the language expressed by the negotiators. They should do their best to use soft words, speak euphemistically, use less flowery language, have a sense of humor and create a harmonious atmosphere.5. Basic Rules of International Business NegotiationInterdependenceConcealment and OpennessDifferent Negotiating SituationsBargaining Mix and CreativityProposal ExchangeWinner or Loser5.1 Interdependence“One palm cannot clap”. This is true of everyday life, and is also no exception to conducting a business negotiation, in which both sides are locked together on account of their goals. A seller cannot exist unless he has a buyer,which determines this relationship between them.5.2 Concealment and opennessIn many business negotiations, both parties may conceal their real intentions and goals to better their chances of best deal possible. As this is an open secret, smooth communication and good mutual understanding will to some degree become difficult, which does easily lead to misunderstanding. To achieve more satisfactory results, both parties will have to decide how openand honest they should be about personal preferences and needs, and to what extent they should trust the other side.5.3 Different Negotiating SituationsBoth parties must change as required of them by situations. If either of them fails to find out which type of negotiation is necessary in a particular situation, the odds (chances) are he will fail.5.4 Bargaining Mix and CreativityHow to make both “sides” meet in negot iations without causing much loss to either, which may bring both out of the win-lose mix and help accomplish their objective, requires creativity. And the discovery of this is based on the environment where negotiators feel cooperative and dedicated to se eking the best solution possible instead of meeting but one side’s needs.5.5 Proposal ExchangeThe heart of negotiation is the exchange of offers and proposals. There is an unstated assumption in negotiation that both sides will show their exchange of offers to the process of finding a solution by making concessions to the other side’s offer. And through the process of offer and counter-offer a point is reached on which both sides will agree. To be successful, a negotiator needs to be able to understand the events that are taking place during the exchange of offers, to know how to use them to advantage, to keep the other side from using them to the negotiator’s disadvantage.5.6 Winner or LoserIn the process of business negotiation, if both parties try to reach an agreement that maximizes their outcome, it may lead either party to be concerned about only with his ends and ignore the needs of other side. Such a situation will most probably create problems.Generally speaking, in a common negotiation the parties involved are either winner or loser, but in a formal international negotiation such a phenomenon will not probably occur just because of the engagement of experts.Chapter TwoThe General Procedures of International Business NegotiationPreparing StageAgreement Concluding and Executing StageContacting and Materially Negotiable Stage1. Preparing StageSince there are typical time constraints of international negotiations, good preparations must be made before negotiation begins. Good negotiation preparations mainly cover two aspects: 1) gathering information and planning strategies and tactics; 2) manipulation of the negotiation situation. The best negotiators on both sides manage such details with great care. To get the most out of business negotiations it is important to have every causal factor working in your favor. The following checklist is the general works prepared for negotiation:l Assessment of the situation and the peoplel Agendal Concession strategiesl Facts to confirm during the negotiationl Manipulation of the negotiation situation1.1 Assessment of the Situation and the PeopleIt is common to learn as much as possible about a potential client or partner before negotiations begin. All kinds of information might be pertinent depending on the nature of the contemplated deal.Given the crucial nature of business negotiations, knowledge of a particular executive’s background, hobbies, and family status can be a great advantage. It should be clearly understood that knowing who you will be bargaining with is far more important than most people would assume.The last step is estimate the probable goal and preferences of your counterpart by using the analysis of the their various data. For example, the Japanese tend to focus on business relations, and long-term, gradual growth are Japanese modes of business reasoning. The Japanese side will most likely be looking for stable growth over at least a ten-year period. Meanwhile, American companies and executives, looking at the same information, would be focusing on length of payback and profit in the first three years.1.2 AgendaIn general, most business negotiators come to the negotiation table with an agenda for the meeting in mind. It is important to do two things with that agenda. First, write out the agenda for all members of your negotiating team. Second, don’t try to settle each issue at a time. In any bargaining situation, it is better to get all the issues and interests out on the table before trying to settle any one of them. This will be particularly true when the other side brings a carefully considered agenda. A safe strategy for you is to check beforehand with your counterpart about the agenda. However, tactics on agenda should be used with caution as it will result in great discomfort for your counterpart.1.3 Concession StrategiesConcession strategies should be decided upon and written down before negotiations begin. Such a process—discussion and recording—goes a long way toward ensuring that negotiators stick to the strategies. In the midst of a long negotiation there is a tendency to make concessions. When making concessions, you need to have specific reasons for the size of each concession you make. When bargaining with Japanese, you will notice very quickly that they never make a concession without first taking a break. Issues and agreements are reconsidered away from the social pressure of the negotiation table. This is good practice for you to learn.1.4 Facts to confirm during the negotiationNo matter how careful the analysis and how complete the information available, all critical information and assumption should be reconfirmed at the negotiation table. As part of the preparations a list of such facts should be discussed among the members of the negotiation team,and specific questions should be written down.1.5 Manipulation of the Negotiation SituationAnother aspect of negotiation preliminaries is manipulation of the negotiation situation to your company’s advantage. Particularly in a tough negotiation, everything should be working in your favor. If situational factors are working against you, it will be important to manipulate them before the negotiation begins. Also, management of situational factors may be important once the discussions have commenced. There are several situational factors that we consider particularly important: location, number of participants, communication channels, time limit1.5.1 LocationThe location of the negotiation is perhaps the most important situational factor for several reasons, both practical and psychological. Having the “home court” is an advantage because the home team has all its information resources readily available。
商务谈判英文模拟对话:实例对话Now that we are all here, let's begin the talk, shall we?现在人都到了,咱们开始,怎么样?What do you think if we begin now?我们现在开始,好吗?If you don't mind, I think we'd better begin right away.你要是不介意,我们就开始吧。
Suppose we get down to business now?现在我们开始怎么样?Let's get straight down to business now?我们直截了当谈问题吧。
Well, I know you're all extremely busy, so why don't we get started?我知道你们都特别忙,那就赶紧开始吧。
As we are familiar with each other, let's come straight to the point.大家都是熟人,我们就开门见山吧。
We've gone too far off the point. Let's return to the topic under discussion.咱们离题太远了,还是回到正题上来吧。
Let's have a word about delivery, OK?咱们谈谈交货问题,好吗?Let's have a talk over the question of payment terms, if you don't mind.你要是不反对,我们就谈谈付款条件。
(一)The seller Miss Lin representing Huaxin Trading Co. Ltd.The buyer Miss Cai representing James Brown & SonsA: Good morning, Miss Cai. Glad to meet you.B: Good morning, Miss Lin. It’s very nice to see you in person. Let me introduce my colleagues to you. This is my manager, Miss Cai.A: How do you do? Miss Cai.B: How do you do? Mr. Wang. Nice to meet you.B: ……And this is Mr. Cai. He is in charge of sales department. This is Miss Huang. She is in charge of business with clients.A: Nice to meet you, Mr. Cai, Miss Huang.B: Nice to meet you, Miss Lin.A: How are thing going?B: Everything is nice.A: I hope through your visit we can settle the price for our Chinaware, and conclude the business before long.B: I think so, Miss Lin. We came here to talk to you about our requirements of HX Series Chinaware. Can you show us your price-list and catalogues?A: We’ve specially made out a price-list which cover those items most popular on your market. Here you are.B: Oh, it’s very considerate of you. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go over your price-list right now.A: Take your time, Miss Cai.B: Oh, Mr. Wang. After going over your price-list and catalogues, we are interested in Art No. HX1115 and No. HX1128, but we found that your price are too high than those offered by other suppliers. It would be impossible for us to push any sales at such high prices.A: I’m sorry to hear that. You must know that the cost of production has risen a great deal in recent year while our prices of Chinaware basically remain unchanged. To be frank, our commodities have always come up to our export standard and the packages are excellent designed and printed. So our products are moderately priced.B: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you in this respect. I know that your products are attractive in design, but I wish to point out that your offers are higher than some of the quotations. I’ve received from your competitors in other countries. So, your price is not competitive in this market.A: Miss Cai. As you may know, our products which is of high quality have found a good market in many countries. So you must take quality into consideration, too.B: I agree with what you say, but the price difference should not be so big. If you want to get the order, you’ll have to lower the price. That’sreasonable, isn’t it?A: Well, in order to help you develop business in this line, we may consider making some concessions in your price, but never to that extent. B: If you are prepared to cut down your prices by 8%, we might come to terms.A: 8%? I’m a fraid you are asking too much. Actually, we have never gave such lower price. For friendship’s sake we may exceptionally consider reducing the price by 5%. This is the highest reduction we can afford. B: You certainly have a way of talking me into it. But I wonder if when we place a larger order, you’ll farther reduce your prices. I want to order one container of HX1115 and 438 sets of HX1128.A: Miss Cai, I can assure you that our price is most favourable. We are sorry to say that we cannot bring our price down to a still lower level. B: OK. I accept. Now, let’s talk about the terms of payment. Would you accept D/P? I hope it will be acceptable to you.A: The terms of payment we usually adopt are sight L/C.B: But I think it would be beneficial to both of us to adopt more flexible payment terms such as D/P term.A: Payment by L/C is our usual practice of doing business with all customers for such commodities. I’m sorry, we can’t accept D/P terms. B: As for regular orders in future, couldn’t you agree to D/P?A: Sure. After several smooth transactions, we can try D/P terms.B: Well, as for shipment, the soon the better.A: Yes. Shipment is to be made in April, not allowing partial shipment. B: OK. I see. How about packing the goods?A: We’ll pack HX1115 in carton of one set each, HX1128 in cases of one set each, two cases to a carton.B: I suggest the goods packed in cardboard boxes, it’s more attractive than cartons. Do you think so?A: Well. I hope the packing will be attractive, too.B: For transaction concluded on CIF basis, insurance is to be covered by the sellers for 110% of invoice value against WPA. Clash & Breakage and War Risk.A: This term less these goods should damage in transit. I agree with it. B: I’m glad we have brought this transaction to a successful conclusion and hope this will be the beginning of other business in the future. Let’s confirm these items we concluded at the moment.A: Yes. We concluded as follows: 542 sets of HX1115 at the price of USD 23.50 per set to be packed in cardboard boxes of one set each and to be shipped CIFC5 Toronto; 438 sets of HX1128 at the price of USD 14.50 per set to be packed in case of one set each, two cases to a cardboard box and to be shipped CIFC5 Toronto.B: All right. By the way, when can I expect to sign the S/C?A: Miss Cai, Would it convenient for you to come again tomorrowmorning. I’ll get the S/C ready tomorrow for your signature.B: That’s fine. See you tomorrow. Goodbye, Miss Lin.A: See you and thanks for coming, Miss Cai.(二)A The seller: Miss Li representing Huaxin Trading Company LimitedB The buyer: Mr. Huang representing James Brown & SonsA: Good morning, Mr. Huang. Glad to meet you.B: Good morning, Miss Li. Glad to meet you, too. It is my first time to visit Shanghai. Shanghai has been known to me as an interaction port city before I came here.A: We always take attention to establish business relations with the new clients in other countries. I wish we will have a good time this morning. B: I come here to visit you hoping to have a discussion with you on the purchase of your HX Series chinaware.A: Which Art. No. are you interested in?B: HX1115 and HX1128.A: Which price terms do you prefer, FOB, CFR, or CIF?B: CIF.A: The price of HX1115 is USD 24.19 per set CIF Toronto. The price of HX1128 is USD 14.93 per set CIF Toronto. It is understood that the above prices are net, without any commission.B: I am afraid it goes against the usual commercial practice not to allow acommission.A: We are prepared to grant you a 5% commission. 442 sets of HX1115 at the price of USD 24.68 per set CIFC5 Toronto; 338 sets of HX1128 at the price of USD 15.23 per set CIFC5 Toronto.B: I’m afraid your prices appear unworkable.A: I am assuring you that our prices are most favorable. A trial sale will unvoiced you of my words.B: Unless the prices could match with the market level, it is difficult to persuade customers to purchase with you. In order to conclude the transaction, I think you should reduce your price to USD 23.00 per set of HX1115. Will you consider cutting down your price to USD 14.20 per set of HX1128.A: As the raw material has advanced by 10% during the last few months and the prices are going up, owing to the rise in the cost of raw materials. We can’t accept this prices.B: I think it unwise for both of us to insist on his own prices. Can we each make some concession, say, the price of HX1115 is USD 23.50 per set CIFC5 Toronto; the price of HX1128 is USD 14.50 CIFC5 Toronto?A: If we accept your prices, we will not leave a little of margin of profit. B: I am afraid we have to call the whole deal off if you still insist on your original quotation.A: Well for friendship’s sake, we are prepared to make a 5% reduction ifyour order is big enough. Our minimum quantity is a 20’ container for each article.B: Our quantities are 542 sets of HX1115 and 438 sets of HX1128.A: OK.B: Shall we have a talk about terms of payment now?A: Our usual payment terms are by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by sight draft against presentation of shipping documents and to reach us 30 days before the month of shipment.B: To open an L/C will cause us a great deal of difficult. It’s expensive to open an L/C and ties up the capital of a company like ours. So it’s better for us to adopt D/P or D/A.A: L/C at sight is our usual payment terms.B: It is better for us to adopt D/P at sight than L/C at sight.A: We have never granted D/P terms to any new clients. So we hope you can accept the L/C terms. After several smooth transactions, we can try other terms.B: We can’t help it if you insist requiring payment by L/C at sight. By the way, what cover will you take out?A: The insurance is to be covered by us for 110% of invoice value against WPA Clash & Breakage and War Risks as per the Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of PICC (1981.1.1).B: All right. How would you pack the goods?A: HX1115 is to be packed in cartons of one set each. HX1128 is to be packed in cases of one set each, two cases to a carton.B: I hope the packing will be attractive. Nice packing helps find a market. Please give special attention to the packing or the goods could be damaged in transit.A: All right.B: When is shipment to be made?A: Shipment is to be made before or on April 30, 1998.B: We have to point out that the goods are not allowing partial shipment. A: OK. By the way, what are the Ports of Shipment & Destination?B: Shanghai and Toronto.A: I’m glad we have brought this transaction to a successful conclusion and hope this will be the forerunner of other business in the future.B: All right. I accept your offer of 542 sets of HX1115 at the price of USD 23.50 per set, and 438 sets of HX1128 at the price of USD 14.50 per set. Shipment is to be made no later than April 30, 1998 after receipt of L/C and not allowing partial shipment. The Ports of Shipment & Destination are from Shanghai to Toronto. HX1115 is to be packed in cartons of one set each and HX1128 is to be packed in cases of one set each, two cases to a carton. The payment terms are by L/C at sight. Insurance is to be covered by you for 110% of invoice value against WPA Clash & Breakage and War Risks as per the Ocean Marine Cargo Clausesof PICC (1981.1.1).A: That’s right. I will get the Sales Confirmation re ady tomorrow for your signature. Would it be convenient for you to come again tomorrow morning?B: OK. We expect to find a good market for your goods and hope to place further and large orders with you in the near future. See you tomorrow morning.A: See you.。
商务谈判Business Negotiation
Wood:I see.But if you can ,please work out as soon as possible.
Simth:Thanks.We have finally reached a basic agreement on the problems that should be worked out.
史密斯先生:谢谢。对一些需要解决的问题我们终于基本上 达成了共识。
Wood:Both of us parties have made a great effort.
Simth:That is ture .It is time for us to sign the contract.
Wood:I have been looking forward to this moment. I will fax the counter-signed contract to you later .Each of us has two formal copies of the contract,one in Chinese and one in English.Would you keep these two copies?
史密斯先生:谢谢。对一些需要解决的问题我们终于基本 上达成了共识。
Smith:Yes,that is ok.I understand your position.
Wood:That is all right.But our company must test the website each month,of course,this can give you the best level of service.
国际商务谈判(英文版)Chapter 5 Strategies and Tactics
(3) Convincing the other party's supporters to block the other party's operation;
(4) Convincing the other party of the hopelessness of trying to continue on their own.
your offer.9源自②Dependence The most effective and often explored methods to this end are:
(1) Reducing, delaying or withholding services or resources the other party hopes to attain;
Factors Causing the Changes of Negotiating Power
Relations of the three factors with the power changes are expressed in the following equation:
P(A~B) = MB×"DB:A" /"SB" -MA×"DA:B" /"SA"
(4) One party has ability to use expert counsel,
persuasion, communication and legal,
historical or moral precedents to gain access to
国际商务谈判(英文)chapter10 Negotiation Strategies
(14)Straw Man
(16)Use of Power
10.3.2The Accommodation Strategy
(1)Face-Saving (2)Identification (3)Take the Lead Oar (4)Take Reasonable Actions
1 Improving Negotiation Skills 2 Strategic Considerations 3 Developing Your Negotiation strategies
10.1 Improving Negotiation Skills • “Strategy” is considered as comprising the
10.3.5 The Avoidance Strategy (1)Negotiate Money Issues First (2)Negotiate Non-Money Issues First (3)Refuse to Combine Negotiation of Related
Disputes (4)Walk Out of the Negotiation (5)Withdraw an Issue (6)Switching Strategies
国际商务谈判(英文)chapter10 Negotiation Strategies
Chapter10 Negotiation Strategies
Teaching Objectives
After studying this module, you should be able to know: • 1. Strategic considerations • 2. negotiation strategies; • 3. choices of strategy; • 4. how to develop your own negotiation style
国际商务谈判(英文)chapter6 Counter-offer and its strategy
(7)Look before you leap.
(8)Do not make it too easy for the other party to gain what he wants.
(9)Take back an improper and ill-conceived concession .
(10)Let the other party do it first and then follow suit.
Time Constraints.
Bargaining Skills.
Importance of the Contract to Each Party. 6
6.2.2 How to set a price range of a counter offer?
6.3.2 general principle for makin concessions
(1)Do not make a senseless concession. (2)Do not make concessions blindly. (3)Seize the big “fish” and release the small one. (4)Choose the right time.
6.2 bargaining tactics
商务谈判对话英文版Business Negotiation DialogueDialogue 1:Company A: Good morning, Mr. Smith. I'm here today to discuss a potential partnership between our companies.Company B: Good morning, Mr. Johnson. Thank you for coming. I'm looking forward to hearing your proposal.Company A: We believe that our companies can benefit greatly from working together. We have extensive experience in developing and marketing innovative products, and we admire your company's strong distribution network.Company B: Thank you. We are always open to exploring new partnerships. What are the specific areas you would like to collaborate on?Company A: We propose a joint marketing campaign for our new product line. We have recently launched a line of eco-friendly household appliances, and we believe your expertise in retail distribution can help us reach a wider audience.Company B: That sounds interesting. Can you provide more details on the marketing campaign?Company A: Certainly. We suggest developing a co-branded advertising campaign, featuring both our companies' logos, to raise awareness of the eco-friendly appliances. Additionally, we can offer special discounts to your customers and provide training for your sales staff.Company B: I see the potential in this collaboration. However, we would need to evaluate the financial feasibility. What are your expectations regarding the costs involved?Company A: We understand the importance of cost considerations. We propose a cost-sharing model where both companies invest in the marketing campaign based on their respective market share. We can provide a detailed cost breakdown for your review.Company B: That seems fair. We will need some time to analyze the proposal and discuss it internally. Can we schedule a follow-up meeting next week to further discuss the financial aspects?Company A: Absolutely. We can also provide additional materials and case studies that showcase the success of our previous collaborations. Let's meet next Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. Does that work for you?Company B: Perfect. I will make sure our team is prepared for the meeting. Thank you for your time today.Company A: Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to discussing the details further next week.Dialogue 2:Company A: Good afternoon, Mr. Wang. I'd like to discuss the possibility of a joint venture between our companies.Company B: Good afternoon, Mr. Jones. I'm interested in exploring this opportunity. Please tell me more about your proposition.Company A: We have noticed that your company has a strong presence in the Asian market, and we believe that together we can expand our reach and increase market share.Company B: I appreciate your interest. Could you provide some information about the specific industry or sector you have in mind?Company A: Certainly. We propose collaborating in the renewable energy sector, specifically in the development and production of solar panels. We have advanced technology in this field, and with your established distribution channels, we can effectively penetrate the market.Company B: Solar energy is indeed a promising industry. How do you suggest we structure this joint venture?Company A: We suggest a 50/50 partnership, where both companies invest equally in capital, resources, and expertise. This way, we can share risks and rewards.Company B: That sounds reasonable. Besides financial contributions, what other support can each company provide?Company A: In addition to financial investments, we can contribute our research and development capabilities, as well as our expertise in manufacturing high-quality solar panels. Your company's distribution channels and local market knowledge would be valuable assets to the joint venture.Company B: I see potential synergies in this collaboration. However, we need to carefully assess the costs and potential returns. Can you provide a detailed financial projection?Company A: Of course. We will prepare a comprehensive financial analysis, including investment requirements, projected revenue growth, and estimated return on investment. We can discuss these details in our next meeting.Company B: That would be great. Let's meet again next Monday to review the financial projections and discuss any further questions or concerns.Company A: Excellent. We will be well-prepared and ready to address any additional inquiries. Thank you for your time and consideration.Company B: Thank you for presenting this opportunity. I look forward to our follow-up meeting.In conclusion, business negotiation dialogues play a crucial role in establishing partnerships and reaching agreements. They require effective communication, clear proposal presentations, and a willingness to find common ground. These dialogues provide a framework for companies to explore collaboration opportunities, discuss potential benefits, address concerns, and ultimately work towards mutually beneficial agreements.。
Skills and Competencies for International Business NegotiatorsCase Studies of International Business Negotiation
Introduction to International Business Negotiation
Preparing well
Preparing well for the negotiation is crucial, including understanding the other party's position, needs, and interests.
Flexibility and cre…
Building trust
Following etiquette rules helps to build trust between the parties, leading to more successful negotiation outcomes.
International Business Etiquette
Using authoritative data and industry standards to strengthen your arguments and demonstrate your credibility.
Showing respect for the other party and their views, and actively listening to their concerns to build trust.
国际商务谈判英文版第三版篇一:国际商务谈判英文版第三版Chapter 1Negotiation Motives and Key Termin ology(谈判动机与关键概念)Negotiatio(谈判)Conflicts(冲突)Stakes(利益得失)Case Study:Chrysler Missed the Best Opportunit y Entering ChinaAutomobile Market(案例研究:克莱斯勒公司错失进入中国汽车市场良机) Chapter 2Negotiation Procedure and Structure(谈判程序与结构)Negotiation Procedure(谈判程序)General Structure of Negotiatio(谈判的一般结构)Structure of Business Negotiatio(贸易谈判结构)Simulation:An Economic Recession(模拟谈判:一次经济衰退)Case Study I:The Principle of Complementary Con cession(案例研究Ⅰ:对等性让步原则)Case Study II:Sino-US Negotiatio on Intellectual Property Right Protection(案例研究Ⅱ:中美知识产权谈判)Chapter 3 Negotiation Lubrication(谈判润滑剂)Target Decision(设定谈判目标)Collecting Information(信息调研)Staffing Negotiation Teams(配备谈判组成员) Choice of Negotiation Venues(谈判地点的确定)Simulation:Silk Selling(模拟谈判:丝绸销售) Case Study:Cases Showing Importance of Pre-ne gotiation Preparation(案例研究:谈判前准备工作的重要性)Chapter 4 Win-win Concept(双赢原则) Traditional Concept(传统理念)Introduction of Win-win Concept--a&nbs p;Revolution in Negotiation Field(赢一赢理念的引入——谈判界的一场革命)How Can Both Sides win(怎样实现双赢)Simulation:Financial Leasing Negotiation (模拟谈判:融资租赁谈判)Case Study:Argument between the Developing C ountries andDeveloped Countries(案例研究:发展中国家与发达国家的争论)Chapter 5 Collaborative Principled Negotiation(合作原则谈判法)Collaborative Principled Negotiation and Its Four Components(合作原则谈判法及其四个组成部分)Separate the People from the Problem(对事不对人)Focus on Interests But Not P ositio(着眼于利益而非立场)Invent Optio for Mutual Gain(创造双赢方案)Introduce Objective Criteria(引入客观评判标准) Simulation:Hotel Selling(模拟谈判:旅馆销售) Case Study:Company Policy(案例研究:公司政策)Chapter 6 Law of Interest Di stribution(利益分配法则)Needs Theory(需求理论)Application of the Needs Theory& nbsp;in Negotiation(需求理论在谈判中的应用)Three Levels of Interests at t he Domestic Level(国内谈判的三层利益)Law of Two-Level Game(双层游戏规则) Simulation:A Dam on the River(模拟谈判:河上建坝纠纷)Case Study:US-Japan Negotiatio on Semiconducto (案例研究:美日半导体谈判)Chapter 7 Negotiating Power and& nbsp;Related Facto(谈判力及相关因素) Negotiating Power and Sources of Negotiating Power(谈判力及谈判力的来源)Facto Causing the Changes of&n bsp;Negotiating Power(影响谈判力变化的因素)Application of Power Tactics(谈判力策略的应用)Estimating Negotiating Power(测量谈判力) Simulation:Negotiation on Oil Contract (模拟谈判:石油合同谈判)Case Study:Law—a Source of Negotiating Power (案例研究:法律——谈判力的一个来源)Chapter 8 Law of Trust(信任法则) Trust and Its Interpretation(信任及其解释)How to Decide a Pe on Tru sts or Is Trusted?(怎样决定一个人信任他人或者被别人信任) Determinants Affecting a Pe on”s Trustful or Mistrustful Behavior(影响一个人信任或不信任行为倾向的决定因素)Effects of Trust(信任的效应)Suggestio of Enhancing Mutual T rust(如何增进相互信任)Simulation:Market Research for a New Pr oduct(模拟谈判:新产品的市场调研)Case Study:Dilemma of the Management(案例研究:经理层的尴尬)Chapter 9 Pe onal Styles vs.Neg otiation Modes(谈判者性格类型与谈判模式)Negotiato “ Pe onal Styles(谈判者的性格类Negotiato “ Pe onal Styles and A C Model(个人性格类型与AC模型)Pe onal Styles vs.Negotiation Modes (性格类型与谈判模式)Application of Pe onality Checks(性格测试在谈判中的应用)Simulation:Global Corporation VS.Hi—tech Corporat ion(模拟谈判:全球公司与高科技公司)Case Study:Shopping in Manhattan (案例研究:在纽约曼哈顿购物)Chapter 10Game Theory and Negotiation Applic ation(博弈论及其在谈判中的应用)Game Theory,Its Assumptio and Rules(博弈论及其基本假设和规则)Co equences and the Matrix Displ(结果和矩阵排列)The Prisoner”s D ilemma(囚徒困境)Direct Determinants of the Coordin ation Goal(合作目标的直接决定因素)Simulation:China and Japan in Iron 0re&n bsp;Negotiation(模拟谈判:中国与日本铁矿石谈判中的博弈)Case Study:Making a Decision under Uncertainty (案例研究:不确定条件下的决策)Chapter 11 Distributive Negotiation  ;and Price Negotiation(两分法谈判与价格谈判)Distributive Negotiatio(两分法谈判)Price Negotiation and Negotiation Zone(价格谈判和谈判区间)Simulation:Sales for a Second-hand Car(模拟谈判:二手车销售)Case Study:An Example of the Use of&nb sp;Cost Analysis(案例研究:一个运用成本分析法的例子)Chapter 12 Complex Negotiatio(复杂谈判)Complex Negotiatio and Their Pr operties(复杂谈判及其特点)Involvement of Third Parties(第三方的参与)Coalition,Multi—party Negotiation(多方参与的谈判和谈判联合体)Simulation:Green Bank(模拟谈判:格林银行) Case Study:Iacocca Rescuing Chrysler (案例研究:艾柯卡拯救克莱斯勒公司)Chapter 13Culture Patter vs.Negotiation Patter(文化模式与谈判模式)Definition of Culture(文化的定义)Culture Patter(文化模式)Hofstede Cultural Value Study(霍夫斯泰德的文化价值研究)Simulation:Cultural Conflicts in the Negotiation of the World Bank Rural&nbs p;Water Supply Project(模拟谈判:世界银行改水项目谈判中的文化冲突)Case Study:Southern Candle”s Tour to France (案例研究:南部蜡烛公司的法国之行)篇二:国际商务谈判英文版第三版 However, some nego-tiators do not want to give up easily because the failure of the negotiation means neithercan have their interests realized. There can be another way Out. negotiating partiesmake efforts and explore alternatives to the options put forward before. A capable nego-tiator can always exhibit great initiatives and high ability by coming up with new op-tions and constructive suggestions which show the concern to the interests of both pari-ties. Quite often the final agreement of negotiations is reached based on several options. Roger Fisher and William Ury put forward an idea of “best alternative to a negotia-ted agreement (BATNA)” in their work Getting to Yes--Negotiating Agreement with-out Giving in. BATNA refers to your last choice between the conditions of the otherside and the opportunity for other better results. An example can help understand thepoint better. When you feel dissatisfied with your present salary and want to ask yourboss to raise your salary, what do you hope to put in your pocket? Is it a gun or a joboffer from another company that is a strong competitor to your present company? To find a BATNA is not an easy task. It requires a lot of investigation, considera-tion and comparison between your own options and options of other parties. Researchshows most of negotiators are ignorant of the importance of BATNA because they areoveroptimistic and overconfident. In fact most of important negotiations can not find asolution from one option. Negotiations without alternative options often end with failure. The following is an example of how to make an assessment of BATNA. Step One: Brainstorm alternatives. Assuming that a company is negotiating withits overseas distributor on commission fee. The negotiator should brainstorm to gener-atealternatives if the overseas distributor refuses to accept 6% commission on sales.The alternatives should be realistic and based on reliable information. The negotiatormay consider distributing in the overseas market through a home-based company. Asecond one may be to utilize the Internet to participate in the overseas market. A thirdalternative may be to increase the commission of the distributor.书摘()版权页: However, some nego-tiators do not want to give up easily because the failure of the negotiation means neithercan have their interests realized. There can be another way Out. negotiating partiesmake efforts and explore alternatives to the options put forward before. A capable nego-tiator can always exhibit great initiatives and high ability by coming up with new op-tions and constructive suggestions which show the concern to the interests of both pari-ties. Quite often the final agreement of negotiations is reached based on several options.Roger Fisher and Will iam Ury put forward an idea of “best alternative to a negotia-ted agreement (BATNA)” in their work Getting to Yes--Negotiating Agreement with-out Giving in. BATNA refers to your last choice between the conditions of the otherside and the opportunity for other better results. An example can help understand thepoint better. When you feeldissatisfied with your present salary and want to ask yourboss to raise your salary, what do you hope to put in your pocket? Is it a gun or a joboffer from another company that is a strong competitor to your present company?To find a BATNA is not an easy task. It requires a lot of investigation, considera-tion and comparison between your own options and options of other parties. Researchshows most of negotiators are ignorant of the importance of BATNA because they areoveroptimistic and overconfident. In fact most of important negotiations can not find asolution from one option. Negotiations without alternative options often end with failure. The following is an example of how to make an assessment of BATNA.Step One: Brainstorm alternatives. Assuming that a company is negotiating withits overseas distributor on commission fee. The negotiator should brainstorm to gener-ate alternatives if the overseas distributor refuses to accept 6% commission on sales.The alternatives should be realistic and based on reliable information. The negotiatormay consider distributing in the overseas market through a home-based company. Asecond one may be to utilize the Internet to participate in the overseas market. A thirdalternative may be to increase the commission ofthe distributor.作者简介() 白远,教授,硕士生导师,现任教于北京第二外国语学院国际经济贸易学院,主讲国际商务谈判、当代世界经济、国际贸易和国际经济合作等课程(前三门为全英语授课)。
2.The Negotiators Should Select Those Issues Rele vant to the Particular Negotiation
This is a matter of obtaining an understanding of so me of the points referred to in the above mentioned section so that the negotiators can recognize both t he degree of their importance and the extent to whi ch they are interrelated.
The brief should: 1. define the negotiating objective in terms of the
major issues to be discussed. 2. state the minimum acceptable level for each of t
The business system: business conduction; significance given to contract, roles of profession al advisers (wyer); negotiation proceeding (e.g. first the technical and then the commercial. How to make concession?); and the counterpart of the negotiation (e.g. agency or the operating c ompany) and etc.
Negotiations谈判: A negotiation is a process of communication between parties to manage conflicts in order for them to come to an agreement, solve a problem or make arrangements.Conflicts冲突:A conflict is dispute, disagreement or argument between two or more interdependent parties who have different and common interests.Stakes利益:Stakes are the value of benefits that may be gained or lost,and the costs that may be incurred or avoided.Information信息: Information is generally esteemed as a valuable commodity in a sense that it has power to reduce uncertainty。
Power能力: is a social phenomenon ,which endows people with control Negotiation power谈判力:Negotiation power is the ability that one negotiator can make use of to control over and affect the other side's decision making and to resolve the dispute and attain the target of negotiation。
A:Good morning,welcome to our company. Glad to meet you。
B: Good morning,glad to have the opportunity of visiting your company and we hope to conclude some business with you.A: That’s our common ground。
B: Our Company will buy some sports equp,we want to know more details about your products。
A2: ok, this is our marketing manager;let her make an introduction to U。
PriceB: we are interested in all kinds of your products,but this time we would like to order some hoola。
Please quote us C。
xini.A:Please let us know the quantity required so that we can work out the premium and freight charges。
B2:We are going to place a trial order for1000 hoola.A2:All right. Here are our F.O。
price lists。
All the prices are subject to our final confirmation.B3:Do you offer discounts for plentiful purchases?A: Yes, we do indeed. Our usual figure is around 5%,but that depends on the size of the order.B: Oh, I think your prices are much too high for us to accept. Can you cut down the price for me?A2:Sorry, It would be very difficult to come down with the price。
国际商务谈判英文版一、国际商务的概念但是我与此同时我们更需要注意的是,这也是一个关于国际的商务谈判,其中就没有很好的运用我们上文中所提出的观点应该在谈判之前了解对方的文化,并且应该想好一旦迟到的情况下应该如何是好,如何地应对这种文化上的差异.接下来我们来看一下另一个事例,同样是面对这种迟到的情况,日本的谈判代表是如何做的:The Concept of International Business1. What Is Business?Traditionally, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed, but today it has a more technical definition, which is the production, distribution, and sale of goods and service for a profit. Business includes production, i.e. the creation of products or the offer of services, distribution, sale and profit. One good example is the conversion of iron ore into metal machine tool parts. The machine tools, made up of the various parts, need to be moved from a factory to a market place or a machine dealership, which is known as distribution. The sale means the exchange of goods or services for money. For example, a machine tool is sold to someone in exchange for money or a mechanic offers a service by repairing a machine tool for money, which we call sales.From the above, we can say, business is a combination of all these activities: production, distribution and sale, through which profit or economic surplus will be created. The major goal in functioning of any business company is to make profit, the money that remains after all the expenses are paid. So, creating profit or economic surplus is a primary goal of business activities.2. What Is International Business?International business as a field of management training deals with the special features of business activities that cross national boundaries. These activities may be movements ofgoods, services, capital, or personnel; transfers of technology, information, or data, or even the supervision of employees. International business has emerged as a separate branch of management training, because the growing scale and complexity of business transactions across national boundaries gives rise to new and unique problems of management and governmental policy that have received inadequate attention in traditional areas of business and economics.Business transactions that extend between different sovereign political units are not new phenomena on the world economic scene. Some business firms have had foreign direct investments and foreign operations for many years, predominantly in (but not limited to) the fields of mining, petroleum, and agriculture. Foreign trade, moreover, has a venerable history dating back to the emergence of the nation-state. But since the end of World War II a dramatic change has occurred in the patterns of international business activities. Thousands of business firms in many nations have developed into multinational enterprises with ownership control or other links that cross national boundaries. These firms take a global view of all aspects of business ---- from markets to resources ---- and they integrate markets and production on a world scale. Traditional international trade in the form of transactions between independent firms in different nations has continued to grow. But the relative importance of trade in the total picture has declined to other forms of cross-border business transactions which have expanded more rapidly.The international business field is concerned with issues facing international companies and governments in dealing with all types of cross border business transactions. The field encompasses international transactions in commodities,international transfers of intangibles such as technology and data, and the performance of international services such as banking and transportation. It gives special attention to the multinational enterprise ---- an enterprise based in one country and operating in one or more other countries ---- and the full range of methods open to such enterprises for doing business internationally.3. The Scope of International Business Activities谈判双方友好沟通;明确谈判目标;确定谈判人员;相关性地全面搜集资料,透彻分析目标关键,周全谈判计划,制定谈判战略;谈判地点选择,行程安排确定,翻译人员的决定,到达谈判地进行谈判;实质性谈判,体现谈判风格,运用谈判策略争取自身利益最大化(或共赢局态);协议的签订;谈判总结,成果汇报。
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莎:I’m glad to meet you here today.We aim to sign a satisfactory contract.Can we start now please?
慧:We want your company to supply three models:SG1000,SG500,SG200.
丹:The SG1000 has some special additional features,because this model occupied a big share.
聿:The SG1000 will be costly because it has advanced technical features.
沙:it does not matter.
秀:Ok!How many do you want to order?
慧:For SG1000,we want 750,for SG500 we want 500,and for SG200 we want 300.
秀:First,we want to tell you the SG1000 is almost manufactured by other Korean firms.
莎:No,no,no.We want all the guitars are on KGC’s own factory.According to what we have known,the quality Korean supplier’s products are not as good as KGC’s.
秀:we receive many orders each year ,It’s impossible to manufactured all of them in our factory.So I suggest that you can order the SG200 more.
丹:We can’t make a compromise about the quality.Quality is
the most important thing.We are sure that demand will good for the SG1000,the SG1000 must be manufacture by your own factory.Some of SG500 and SG200 can be manufactured by other factories.
聿:I can agree to that, but there is an extra requirement. You should order more SG200 and SG500.Besides,you should order larger quantities of the SG200.
慧:According to your suggestion,we only increase by 100 for the SG500,for SG200,we will increase to 600.Is it reasonable? 莎:It’s okay,if all the guitars sell well,we will place a larger order in there month’s time.
难:Now ,I’ll quote the price.
SG1000 US$920
SG500 US$550
SG200 US$475
莎:The price of SG500 and SG200 are reasonable.But the SG1000 is a little high.It can’t meet our normal profit margin,and the SG1000 is our best-selling.
丹:Although this is a first order,we want a discount of at least 6% off the quoted price and 10% on further orders of over 1,000.
难:I’m sorry we can’t accept that. Our company policy is to offer new customers 3% off list price for first order, and 5% second and further orders.
秀:But now we can offer you 4% off at most.
莎:Let me see..We can agree that unless the prices should be CIF San Francisco
难:Are you kidding! If you choose CIF, our prices must be increased by 5%.
丹:We can’t make a agreement now.Let’s leave aside for a moment.
男:Ok,now let’s talk about the guarantee. How about “One year guarantee”?
莎:One year is not enough.We hope the guarantee is at least two years.
男:Our products have high quality. Don’t worry about that. Maybe one and half year is ok!
丹:The long guarantee also is a selling point compared with others competitor,and it’s good for your company,too.
男:Ok! If you want , we can give you two year guarantee.
聿:As to the payment, you should pay it by bank transfer.
慧:We would like the letter of credit 60 days,this will give time
to sell the products.
聿:No, Our company lack of flow currency, Could you cash on delivery?
莎:Okay,we approve of that.We will pay for it as long as the goods arrive.
丹:Due to the Music Festival in California,it can stimulate demand.So the delivery should by June 1.
秀:If you require our company to deliver earlier. The price must be increased by 10% because of overtime payments to workers. 慧:The price is too high.If all the product by June 1st,we can give you 5% of overtime payments.
秀:I agree.
男:I hope we can have a contract with your company. I hope we can make business with you in the future.
莎:Actually we want to have a non-exclusive contract with you.If all the guitars sell well,we will have an exclusive contract with you.
聿:Let’s back to the point of transport. In my opinion, you should add the 5% to the purchase prices.
莎:That’s okay.That’s it,then.I think we’re covered everything.Wish us have a good cooperation.。