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这又是一个定语从句译成带‚的‛的短语放在中心词前面 的 例子。
3. The Westerner who developed a farm, opened a shop, or set up in business as a trader, could hope to prosper only as his own community prospered—and his community ran from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Canada down to Mexico. 西部人经营农场, 开设店铺, 从事买卖,只有当他自己的集体 兴旺发达,他个人才有指望发家致富——而他的集体由大西洋 延伸到太平洋,从加拿大直抵墨西哥。 这个句子的定语从句内容较多,字数较长,放在中心词‚西 部人‛后面,比放在前面更符合汉语的表达习惯。 4. His famous will, in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding work in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideals. 他那著名的遗嘱是对他爱好和理想的纪念, 在遗嘱中他遗留下 了钱, 为在物理学,化学, 生理学,医学,文学与和平方面的 杰出成就提供奖金。 这里,非限制性定语从句太长,翻译时处理成独立分句的形式 放在句末。
1. A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps. 我们往往可以从一个人所阅读的书以及所交往的朋友去看他 的为人。 定语从句‚he reads” ,“he keeps”分别被译成带‚的‛的 短语‚所阅读的‛,‚所交往的‛放在中心词前面。
Practical Translation
1. 融合法 融合法是指翻译时把主句和定语从句融合成一句简单句, 其中的定语从句译成简单句中的谓语部分。由于限制性 定语从句与主句关系较紧密,所以,融合法多用于翻译 限制性定语从句,尤其是 there be 结构带有定语从句的 句型。
3) Being OK with risk is something that industry demands. 企业要求员工能承受风险。
与其将从句处理成带“的”的前臵定语“接受风险是企业要 求的东西”,或是后臵的分句“承受风险,那是企业要求 的”,都没有将主从句相融合译得更简洁紧凑。
2.转换法 有些定语从句从形式上看是定语从句,但从意义上分析 却具有状语从句的性质和功能。翻译时应分析原文主句 和从句之间的逻辑关系,然后译成相应的分句。 1) As hardworking as Dog was, he could not keep up with demand so his customers often had to wait a long time to be served. 尽管狗子工作非常努力,可他还是无法满足顾客们的需求, 所以他们只能等很长时间。 上例英语定语从句被译成汉语的结果状语从句。
Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. Pay particular attention to the adverbial clauses. Paragraph One “Business happens 24/7/365, which means that competition happens 24/7/365, as well,” says Haut. “One way that companies win is by getting „there‟ faster, which means that you not only have to mobilize all of the functions that support a business to move quickly, but you have to know how to decide where „there‟ is! This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions. This needs to run throughout an organization and is not exclusive to management.”
Translation for Reference: ‚一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,生意始终在进行, 那意味着一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,竞争也同 样在进行,‛豪特说,‚公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快 地到达‘目的地’!这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公 司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定 ‘目的地’是哪里。这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们, 也对那些思维敏捷,并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都 提出了要求。这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管 理部门的工作。‛
2) He would be a rash man who should venture to defy world public opinion and act arbitrarily. 如果有人公然反抗世界公众舆论而一意孤行,他定是个鲁莽 之徒。 上例英语定语从句被译成汉语的条件状语从句。 3) I met your mother, who was doing shopping at the supermarket. 你母亲在超市买东西时,我遇见了她。 这里,将英语定语从句译成汉语的时间状语从句。
8. If you are looking for fun and adventure, you might want to try the “Mystery Express”, which runs from New York to Montreal, Canada. This trip interests people who have always wanted to play a role in an Agatha Christie play or a Sherlock Holmes detective novel.
这里,将英语定语从句译成汉语的目的状语从句。 6) I could not recognize her, who had changed so much in the past 10 years. 我几乎认不出她了,因为在过去10 年中,她变得太多了。
Paragraph Two Zhejiang cuisine is light and exquisite, and is typical of food from along the lower Yangtze River. One famous dish is West Lake Vinegar Fish, which looks pretty and has the delicate refreshing flavors of nature. Many Chinese restaurants in China, as well as other parts of the world, serve this dish, but often the flavor is less authentic compared to that found in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, which has unique access to the fish and water of West Lake.
5. People are still talking about the historic events of several years ago, when man took his first walk in space.
非限制性定语从句译成短句放在被修饰词‚几年前‛后面, 译文表达清晰流畅。 6. They are looking for a city where the standard of living is high and the cost of living is low.
这里,where引导的定语从句较长,放在中心词 “city”后面, 符合汉语表达习惯。 7. They act mostly on suggestions from present members, of whom four are women.
2. But if you put down a book you don‟t like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time. 但是如果你把自己觉得没劲的书放下另换别的,直到发现一 本你认为有意思的书,然后轻松地读下去,那么几乎可以肯 定你会感到很快活的。
4) He insisted on building another house, which he had no use for. 他坚持要再造一幢房子,尽管他并无此需要。 这里,将英语定语从句译成汉语的让步状语从句。
5) He is collecting authentic material that proves his argument. 为了证明他的论点,他正在收集确凿的材料。
如果你想找乐子和冒险,你也许想要乘一下“神秘特快” ,该车从纽约 开往加拿大的蒙特利尔。那些总想在阿加莎克里斯蒂的剧本里或是在夏 洛克福尔摩斯侦探小说中扮演一个角色的人们对这趟旅行特别感兴趣。
这个句子的非限制性定语从句,译成了后臵的独立短句, 比处理成前臵带的短语‚从纽约开往加拿大的蒙特利尔的 ‘神秘特快’‛要简洁明了,而限制性定语从句虽然字数 较多,意思却不复杂,译成前臵带的短语修饰“people”,符 合汉语表达习惯。
Practical Translation
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
定语从句在句中充当定语,修饰某一名词或代词。引导 定语从句的关联词可以是关系代词(如 who, which, that)和 关系副词(如 when, where, as)。定语从句可分为限制性定 语从句和非限制性定语从句两种。 定语从句的翻译: 在英译汉中,定语从句的处理办法一般用前置法、后置法、 融合法和转换法等。 1. 前置法 把英语原文的定语从句翻译成带“的”的定语词组, 放置于 被修饰的词之前,将英语原文的复合句翻译成汉语的简单句。 2. 后置法 有时定语从句可视上下文将其译成独立的句子或与主句并列 的分句,放在被修饰词的后面。
1) There is a man downstairs who wants to see you. 楼下有人要见你。 原句中的主句部分there is a man 翻译成‚有人‛,然后 将定语从句译成句子的谓语部分。
2) In our factory, there are many people who are much interested in the new invention. 在我们工厂里,许多人对这项新发明很感兴趣。 原句中的主句部分there are many people 翻译成‚许多人‛, 作译文的主语,然后将定语从句译成句子的谓语部分。