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Legend legendary Foes (opponent) chew on(考虑)(the warrior said nothing ,for his mouth was full.) Swallow enough talk(少说废话) shashabooey that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness. He is too awesome. Attractive how can we repay you? There is no charge for awesomeness or attractive ( 凶猛帅气本是天生) bodacity never before had a panda been so feared. ---We should hang out.(闲逛)---agreed demon(恶魔,邪恶的人)that’s only one thing that matters. You will be late for work. What are you doing up there? Nothing monkey mantis crane viper tigress. Coming(就来了) sorry doesn’t make the noodles. What were you doing up there? all that noise. I just had a crazy dream. About what? What else would I be dreaming about? That soup is sharp. You don’t know how long I have been waiting for the moment. This is a sign.(好兆头)you are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup. Then you will fullfil your destiny and take over the restaurant. mahJong we are noodle folk, broth(肉汤,液体培养基)runs through our veins. Didn’t you ever want to do something else? I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu. A stupid dream we all have our place in this world.Service with a smile.

Well done! You need more ferocity(凶猛,残忍,暴行).Greater speed. Subtlety(微妙,敏锐,精明)

master oogway you summoned me. Why must something wrong for me to want to see my old friend? I have had a vision. Nothing is impossible. Guard weapon one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.We can’t let him march on(前进,进攻) the valley, take his revenge. Your mind is like the water,when it is agitated(焦虑,激动,不安),it becomes difficult to see. The dragons’scroll who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? Watch it suck it up.(别抱怨,算了吧,忍耐)A thousand pardons. Bow you’re forgetting your noodle cart. Bean buns they are about to go bad. There is spots at the top. We will bring you back a souvenir. It is a historic day. Tournament(锦标赛)let me in . it is my great honor to present to you peeky-hole ready for battle get out of the way(让开,避开)you have not seen anything yet face iron oxand his blades of death I sense the dragon warrior is among us. I lied. What’s going on?

I just wanted to see who the dragon warrior was. Are you pointing at me? The universe has brought us the dragon warrior. That flabby panda can’t possibly be the answer to our problem. You were about to point at tigress and that thing fell in front of her. There are no accidents. Forgive us we have failed you. If the panda has not quit by morning,then I will have failed you. Extra precaution your prison may not be adequate. You doubt my prison security. Absolutely not. I am just the messenger. Impressive . take us down behold(瞧看)I am just gonna wait right here(就是这里)(我就在这里等着好了). It’s perfectly safe. Crossbow tough guy don’t get him mad what’s he gonna do about it?i have got him completely immobilized. Tail

wait a second I think there’s been a slight mistake. The sacred(神圣的)hall of warriors armor(装甲,盔甲)authentic(真正的)battle damage sword invisible I’ve only seen paintings(印刷品)of that painting. the legendary urn(瓮,骨灰盒)of whispering warriors. Have you finished sight-seeing(观光)? I should have come to you frist. My patience is wearing thin. Would you turn around? Fix it glue I guess so . ladder trampoline (蹦床)you think it’s that easy? Secret to limitless power one must first
