



关的射频能量信息和安全操作说明 (摩托罗拉

部件编号 6804110J47),以确保符合射频能量

常规对讲机系统一般是指通过单个信道进行的 设备到设备的通信。常规系统还允许对讲机用 户通过转发器传递信息的方式来扩大通信范 围。为确保多个用户的协调使用,每个对讲机 用户在发射信息前必须对信道或转发器进行监 听,确定系统目前不是处于繁忙状态。
设置静噪级别 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 设置功率级别 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 功能板开 / 关. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
对讲机呼叫 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
接收选呼 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
接收呼叫提示选呼 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
对讲机概述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
静音监听 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 打开静噪监听 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
电池充电状态. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11



1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE MATERIAL AND SUPPLIERHHR-07F3A3, HHR-07F4G4, HHR-30HF5G1, HHR-11F2A1, HHR-21AHF2A1 - MODEL NAMESSynonym(s)BATTERIES Use(s)1.2 Uses and uses advised against1.3 Details of the supplier of the productYOKOGAWA AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Supplier name Tower A, 112 Talavera Road, North Ryde, NSW, 2113, AUSTRALIA Address (02) 8870 1100Telephone (02) 8870 1111Fax ****************.com Email (02) 8870 1100Emergency1.4 Emergency telephone number(s)/au/Website1.1 Product identifier NICKEL METAL HYDRIDE/NICKEL CADMIUM BATTERIES (S9064UD, S9765UK, S9400UK, S9129FA,S9548FA)Product name 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONNEW ZEALAND:Batteries are considered to be manufactured articles and are not,therefore,covered by the HSNO Act.Although they may contain hazardous substances,the item has an end use function wholly dependent on its shape and design,which does not involve the intentional release of any hazardous component.Also,the primary function of the article does not lead to any (HSNO)hazardous effect.Hazards arising during transport will still be controlled,as the local transport legislation picks up the international requirements. Disposal issues will be covered by the MfE hazardous waste programme and local authority requirements.NOT CLASSIFIED AS HAZARDOUS ACCORDING TO SAFE WORK AUSTRALIA CRITERIA 2.2 Label elementsNo signal word, pictograms, hazard or precautionary statements have been allocated.For the battery cell,chemical materials are stored in a hermetically sealed metal case,designed to withstand temperatures and pressures encountered during normal use.As a result,during normal use,there is no physical danger of ignition or explosion and chemical danger of hazardous materials'leakage.However,if exposed to a fire,added mechanical shocks,decomposed,added electric stress by misuse,the gas release vent will be operated.The battery cell case will be breached at the extreme.Hazardous materials may be released. Moreover, if heated strongly by the surrounding fire, acrid or harmful fume may be emitted.2.3 Other hazards2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture3. COMPOSITION/ INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSIngredientCAS Number EC Number Content <35%7429-90-5231-072-3ALUMINIUM POWDER (STABILISED)<35%7440-48-4231-158-0COBALT <35%7439-96-5231-105-1MANGANESE <35%7440-02-0231-111-4NICKEL 10 to 25%7439-89-6231-096-4IRON3.1 Substances / Mixtures15 to 25%12054-48-7235-008-5NICKEL HYDROXIDE <15%1310-65-2215-183-4LITHIUM HYDROXIDE <15%1310-58-3215-181-3POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE <15%1310-73-2215-185-5SODIUM HYDROXIDE 1 to 5%21041-93-0244-166-4COBALT (II) HYDROXIDE4. FIRST AID MEASURESExposure is considered unlikely unless casing is damaged.Flush gently with running water.Seek medical attention if irritation develops.4.1 Description of first aid measuresEyeExposure is considered unlikely. Due to product form / nature of use, an inhalation hazard is not anticipated.Inhalation Exposure is considered unlikely unless casing is damaged.Gently flush affected areas with water.Seek medical attention if irritation develops.Skin For advice,contact a Poisons Information Centre on 131126(Australia Wide)or a doctor (at once).If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Ingestion is considered unlikely due to product form.Ingestion None allocated.First aid facilitiesSee Section 11 for more detailed information on health effects and symptoms.4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed4.3 Immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Treat symptomatically.5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESNon flammable. May explode if exposed to high temperatures due to pressure build up in battery casing.5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureEvacuate area and contact emergency services.Toxic gases may be evolved in a fire situation.Remain upwind and notify those downwind of hazard.Wear full protective equipment including Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)when combating e waterfog to cool intact containers and nearby storage areas. CAUTION: Batteries may explode.5.3 Advice for firefightersNone allocated.5.4 Hazchem code Use an extinguishing agent suitable for the surrounding fire.5.1 Extinguishing media6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESWear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as detailed in section 8 of the SDS.6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Prevent product from entering drains and waterways.6.2 Environmental precautionsIf battery casing is damaged and contents released,contain spillage,then cover /absorb spill with non-combustible absorbent material (vermiculite, sand, or similar), collect and place in suitable containers for disposal.6.3 Methods of cleaning upSee Sections 8 and 13 for exposure controls and disposal.6.4 Reference to other sections7. HANDLING AND STORAGEStore in a cool, dry, well ventilated area, removed from incompatible substances and foodstuffs.7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesNo information provided.7.3 Specific end use(s)7.1 Precautions for safe handlingBefore use carefully read the product e of safe work practices are recommended to avoid eye or skin contact and inhalation.Observe good personal hygiene, including washing hands before eating. Prohibit eating, drinking and smoking in contaminated areas.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1 Control parameters Exposure standards IngredientReference TWASTELppm mg/m³ppm mg/m³Cobalt, metal dust & fume (as Co) (h)SWA (AUS)--0.05----Iron oxide fume (Fe2O3) (as Fe)SWA (AUS)--5----Iron salts, soluble, as FeSWA (AUS)--1----Manganese, dust & compounds (as Mn)SWA (AUS)--1----Manganese, fume (as Mn)SWA (AUS)--1--3Nickel, metalSWA (AUS)--1----Nickel, soluble compounds (as Ni)SWA (AUS)--0.1----Potassium hydroxideSWA (AUS)-- 2 (Peak)----Sodium hydroxide (peak limitation)SWA (AUS)-- 2 (Peak)----Biological limits Ingredient Determinant BEISampling Time15 µg/L End of shift at end of workweek Cobalt in urine COBALT1 µg/L End of shift at end of workweekCobalt in bloodReference: ACGIH Biological Exposure IndicesPPEEye / Face Not required under normal conditions of use.Hands Not required under normal conditions of use.BodyNot required under normal conditions of use.RespiratoryNot required under normal conditions of use.Due to product encapsulation and nature of use, natural ventilation should be adequate.8.2 Exposure controlsEngineering controls 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesCYLINDRICAL SOLID (ENCLOSED)AppearanceSLIGHT ODOUR OdourNON FLAMMABLE FlammabilityNOT RELEVANT Flash pointNOT AVAILABLE Boiling pointNOT AVAILABLE Melting pointNOT AVAILABLE Evaporation rateNOT AVAILABLE pHNOT AVAILABLE Vapour densityNOT AVAILABLE Specific gravityINSOLUBLE Solubility (water)NOT AVAILABLE Vapour pressure9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesNOT RELEVANT Upper explosion limitNOT RELEVANT Lower explosion limitNOT AVAILABLE Partition coefficientNOT AVAILABLE Autoignition temperatureNOT AVAILABLEDecomposition temperature NOT AVAILABLE ViscosityNOT AVAILABLE Explosive propertiesNOT AVAILABLE Oxidising propertiesNOT AVAILABLE Odour threshold10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10.2 Chemical stabilityStable under recommended conditions of storage.10.4 Conditions to avoidAvoid heat, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources.10.5 Incompatible materialsIncompatible with oxidising agents (e.g.hypochlorites),acids (e.g.nitric acid),alkalis (e.g.sodium hydroxide),heat and ignition sources.May evolve toxic gases if heated to decomposition.10.6 Hazardous decomposition productsPolymerization is not expected to occur.10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions 10.1 ReactivityCarefully review all information provided in sections 10.2 to 10.6.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONNo specific acute toxicity data exists for this product.Batteries consist of a hermetically sealed metallic container containing a number of chemicals and materials of construction that may be hazardous upon release.Over exposure considered unlikely unless battery ruptures and contact with contents occurs.Contents may be harmful.Acute toxicityInformation available for the ingredient(s):Ingredient Oral Toxicity (LD50)Dermal Toxicity (LD50)Inhalation Toxicity(LC50)6170 mg/kg (rat)----COBALT 9000 mg/kg (rat)----MANGANESE 20000 mg/kg (guinea ----IRON1515 mg/kg (rat)> 2000 mg/kg (rat)1200 mg/m³/4 hours NICKEL HYDROXIDE ----960 mg/m³/4hrs (rat)LITHIUM HYDROXIDE 333 mg/kg (rat)----POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE > 5000 mg/kg (rat)----COBALT (II) HYDROXIDE Not classified as a skin irritant unless the battery ruptures.Contact with contents may cause irritation,redness, dermatitis and possible burns with prolonged contact.Skin Not classified as an eye irritant unless the battery ruptures.Contact with contents may cause irritation,redness and possible burns with prolonged contact.EyeNot classified as causing skin or respiratory sensitisation.Sensitisation Not classified as causing organ damage from single exposure.STOT - singleNot classified as a reproductive toxin.Reproductive Not classified as a carcinogen.Carcinogenicity Not classified as a mutagen.Mutagenicity 11.1 Information on toxicological effectsexposure Not classified as causing aspiration.AspirationNot classified as causing organ damage from repeated exposure.STOT - repeated exposure 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12.1 ToxicityNo information provided.12.2 Persistence and degradability No information provided.12.4 Mobility in soil No information provided.No information provided.12.5 Other adverse effects 12.3 Bioaccumulative potential No information provided.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSRecycle where possible.Dispose of to an approved landfill or waste processing site.Contact the manufacturer/supplier for additional information (if required).13.1 Waste treatment methodsWaste disposalDispose of in accordance with relevant local legislation.Legislation14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONLAND TRANSPORT (ADG)SEA TRANSPORT (IMDG / IMO)AIR TRANSPORT (IATA / ICAO)None allocated.None allocated.None allocated.None allocated.None allocated.None allocated.14.3 Transport hazard class 14.4 Packing Group None allocated.None allocated.None allocated.None allocated.None allocated.None allocated.14.1 UN Number 14.2 ProperShipping Name No information provided.14.5 Environmental hazards None allocated.Hazchem codeClassified as UN3028,but they are exempted from Dangerous Goods pursuant to UN Special Provision as below.Not restricted, as per Special Provision A123.Special Provision 304:Battery,dry,containing corrosive electrolyte which will not flow out of the battery if the battery case is cracked are not subject to these Regulations provided the batteries are securely packed and protected against short-circuits.Examples of such batteries are :alkali-manganese, zinc-carbon, nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium batteries.Other information14.6 Special precautions for userNOT CLASSIFIED AS A DANGEROUS GOOD BY THE CRITERIA OF THE ADG CODE, IMDG OR IATA15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONA poison schedule number has not been allocated to this product using the criteria in the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP).15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixturePoison scheduleNone allocated.Risk phrases AUSTRALIA: AICS (Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances)All components are listed on AICS, or are exempt.EUROPE:EINECS (European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances)All components are listed on EINECS, or are exempt.NEW ZEALAND: NZIoC (New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals)All components are listed on the NZIoC inventory, or are exempt.Inventory listing(s)None allocated.Safety phrases None allocated.Hazard codes Safework Australia criteria is based on the Globally Harmonised System (GHS)of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals.The classifications and phrases listed below are based on the Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances [NOHSC: 1008(2004)].Classifications16. OTHER INFORMATIONEXPOSURE STANDARDS -TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGES:Exposure standards are established on the premise of an 8hour work period of normal intensity,under normal climatic conditions and where a 16hour break between shifts exists to enable the body to eliminate absorbed contaminants.In the following circumstances,exposure standards must be reduced:Strenuous work conditions;hot,humid climates;high altitude conditions;extended shifts (which increase the exposure period and shorten the period of recuperation).WORKPLACE CONTROLS AND PRACTICES:Unless a less toxic chemical can be substituted for a hazardous substance,ENGINEERING CONTROLS are the most effective way of reducing exposure.The best protection is to enclose operations and/or provide local exhaust ventilation at the site of chemical release.Isolating operations can also reduce ing respirators or protective equipment is less effective than the controls mentioned above, but is sometimes necessary.PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT GUIDELINES:The recommendation for protective equipment contained within this report is provided as a guide only.Factors such as form of product,method of application,working environment,quantity used,product concentration and the availability of engineering controls should be considered before final selection of personal protective equipment is made.HEALTH EFFECTS FROM EXPOSURE:It should be noted that the effects from exposure to this product will depend on several factors including:form of product;frequency and duration of use;quantity used;effectiveness of control measures;protective equipment used and method of application.Given that it is impractical to prepare a report which would encompass all possible scenarios,it is anticipated that users will assess the risks and apply control methods where appropriate.Additional informationACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial HygienistsAbbreviationsCAS #Chemical Abstract Service number - used to uniquely identify chemical compoundsCNS Central Nervous SystemEC No.EC No - European Community NumberEMS Emergency Schedules (Emergency Procedures for Ships Carrying DangerousGoods)GHS Globally Harmonized SystemGTEPG Group Text Emergency Procedure GuideIARC International Agency for Research on CancerLC50Lethal Concentration, 50% / Median Lethal ConcentrationLD50Lethal Dose, 50% / Median Lethal Dosemg/m³Milligrams per Cubic MetreOEL Occupational Exposure LimitpH relates to hydrogen ion concentration using a scale of 0 (high acidic) to 14 (highlyalkaline).ppm Parts Per MillionSTEL Short-Term Exposure LimitSTOT-RE Specific target organ toxicity (repeated exposure)STOT-SE Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure)SUSMP Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and PoisonsSWA Safe Work AustraliaTLV Threshold Limit ValueTWA Time Weighted AverageThis document has been compiled by RMT on behalf of the manufacturer,importer or supplier of the Report statusproduct and serves as their Safety Data Sheet ('SDS').It is based on information concerning the product which has been provided to RMT by themanufacturer,importer or supplier or obtained from third party sources and is believed to representthe current state of knowledge as to the appropriate safety and handling precautions for the productat the time of issue.Further clarification regarding any aspect of the product should be obtaineddirectly from the manufacturer, importer or supplier.While RMT has taken all due care to include accurate and up-to-date information in this SDS,it doesnot provide any warranty as to accuracy or completeness.As far as lawfully possible,RMT acceptsno liability for any loss,injury or damage(including consequential loss)which may be suffered orincurred by any person as a consequence of their reliance on the information contained in this SDS.Risk Management TechnologiesPrepared by5 Ventnor Ave, West PerthWestern Australia 6005Phone: +61 8 9322 1711Fax: +61 8 9322 1794Email:************.auWeb: .au[ End of SDS ]。


信令Quick CallII、DTMF、部分的MDC1200
电池寿命8个小时(高功率、10个小时(低功率一使用美国军用标准美国军用 标准810C、D和E
功率输出-5W- 136 - 174MHz, 4W- 403 - 470MHz,450 -频率-136- 174MHz/330 - 400MHz(仅可使用16条信信道容量16
403 - 470MHz,450 - 527MHz
MHz(仅可使用16条信道/ 403 - 470MHz/ 450 - 527MHz



(整理)常用对讲机参数描述常用对讲机参数目录TC-510 (3)TC-320 (4)TC-610 (4)TC-620 (4)TC-780 (5)TC-980 (5)TC-700 (6)TC-700 EX (6)TC-600 (7)TC-3000 (7)TC-3600 (8)TC-1688 (9)TM-610 (9)TM-600 (10)TM-800 (10)TR-800 (11)TC-500 (11)TC-368S (12)TC-1600 (12)GR1225B (13)GP3688 (13)GP328 (14)GP338 (14)GP338plus (15)GP328 plus专业对讲机 (15)GP2000 (16)GP2000S (16)A8 (17)CP1660 (17)CP1300 (17)GP3188 (18)TK-3107/TK2107 (18) TK-3207 (19)TK-3207G (19)TK-378G (20)EB558 (20)PT558 (21)PT668 (21)PT3500 (22)PT558S (22)CP330 (23)CP-M150 (23)VX168 (24)VX351 (24)UT808 (25)UT608A (25)T5728 (26)T6508 (26)MTP850 (27)MTM800 (27)V82 (28)GM3188 (28)GM3688 (29)GM338 (29)TK-8108/7108 (30) TK-768GC/868GC (30)TKR-750/850 (31)VX2208 (31)VX4208 (32)TM-271A/471A (32)PT8000 (33)TC-510专业无线对讲机●创新按键设计操作便捷●抗跌落防损功能●语音加密频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):350-390/400-470/470-510载波输出功率:5W/2W(VHF)4W/2W(UHF)信道数:16标配电池:1100mAh高容量锂电重量:240g外型尺寸(mm):110×52×28其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54 TC-320商用对讲机●外型小巧时尚●双色防滑设计●Mini USB插孔可充电频率范围:UHF(MHz):400-420/450-470载波输出功率:2W/0.5W信道数:16标配电池:1100mAh高容量锂电重量:135g外型尺寸(mm):110×48×27TC-610专业无线对讲机●可冲洗●声音洪亮更远的通话距离●稳固的电池卡扣结构●动感外观设计频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):400-420/440-470/450-470 载波输出功率:5W/2W信道数:16标配电池:1200mAh高容量锂电重量:270g外型尺寸(mm):119×55×33其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP66TC-620专业无线对讲机●语音清晰穿透力强●稳固的电池卡扣结构●金属网罩双重防护●典雅的商务设计频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):400-420/440-470/450-470 载波输出功率:5W/2W信道数:16标配电池:1200mAh高容量锂电重量:275g外型尺寸(mm):117×54×31其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54TC-780专业无线对讲机●频段宽声音洪亮●多种安全保障●齐备智能欣令●强大的二次开发功能频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):400-470/350-390/450-520 载波输出功率:5W/2W/1W信道数:256标配电池:1700mAh高容量锂电重量:360g外型尺寸(mm):126×54×35其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54TC-980专业无线对讲机●七级防水●多种安全保障●强大的二次开发接口(可选)频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):450-520/400-470载波输出功率:5W/2W/1W信道数:512标配电池:1700mAh高容量锂电重量:400g外型尺寸(mm):137×56×35其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP67TC-700专业无线对讲机●多种安全保障●语音加密●信道播报●HDC2400信令与无线调度巡更功能频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):300-350/350-390/400-450/420-470/440-490/470-520/400-470/450-520载波输出功率:5W/2W/1W 4W/2W/1W信道数:16标配电池:1700mAh高容量锂电重量:316g外型尺寸(mm):122×55×35其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54TC-700 EX专业无线防爆机●语音加密●信道播报●HDC2400信令与无线调度巡更功能●采用本质安全型防爆技术频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):350-390/400-450载波输出功率:3.5W/1W防爆标志:Ex ib ⅡB T3信道数:16标配电池:1600mAh镍氢电池(工作时间约14小时)重量:406g外型尺寸(mm):123×55×38其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54TC-600专业无线对讲机●通话距离远●声音洪亮清晰●机器坚固耐用●工作时间持久频率范围:VHF(MHz):150-174UHF(MHz):350-370/370-390/400-420/450-470载波输出功率:4W/2W(UHF)5W/2W(VHF)信道数:16标配电池:1250mAh高容量锂电重量:249g外型尺寸(mm):111×54×34其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54 TC-3000 ●振动功能●软件可升级●紧急报警频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-162UHF(MHz):350-390/400-430/440-470/400-470/400-470/480-520载波输出功率:4W/2W(UHF)5W/2W(VHF)信道数:16 标配电池:1700mAh高容量锂电重量:289.5g外型尺寸(mm):105×57×37其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54TC-3600专业无线对讲机●振动功能●软件可升级●紧急报警●录音功能(可选)●短信功能频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-162/136-174UHF(MHz):350-390/400-430/440-470/400-470/400-470/480-520载波输出功率:4W/2W(UHF)5W/2W(VHF)信道数:512 标配电池:1700mAh高容量锂电重量:315g外型尺寸(mm):105×57×39其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54民用无线对讲机●先进的语音压扩技术音质清晰●专业尾音消除技术●大屏幕LCD显示简单的菜单操作●时间显示和闹钟功能●声控(VOX)功能频率范围(MHz):409.7500-409.9875(免费公用频段) 载波输出功率:0.5W信道数:20标配电池:800mAh镍合电池重量:148g外型尺寸(mm):98×53×32其他:五种呼叫音(CALL)可选TM-610专业无线车载台●宽频段体积小巧●音质清晰内置语音加密●信令齐全可实现数传功能★●密码保护●大液晶显示频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):400-470/450-500/470-520载波输出功率:5W/25W信道数:128高音频输出功率:最大达13W电源:DC13.8V重量:1000g外型尺寸(mm):125×152×43其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54 专业无线车载台●宽频段体积小巧●音质清晰内置语音加密●信令齐全可实现数传功能★●密码保护频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):400-470/450-500/470-520载波输出功率:5W/25W信道数:8高音频输出功率:最大达13W电源:DC13.8V重量:1000g外型尺寸(mm):125×152×43其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54 TM-800专业无线车载台●音量大●可分体安装●可收发短信●二次开发功能频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174 UHF(MHz):350-400/400-470 440-490/450-512450-520载波输出功率:45W/25W/5W(UHF)50W/25W/5W(VHF)信道数:512,可灵活分组高音频输出功率:最大达12W电源:DC13.8V重量:1700gTR-800常规基站/中继台●大功率多重散热●内置集成控制器●内置电源,交、直流供电●操作便捷,配置齐全频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174 UHF(MHz):350-400/400-470/ 450-512载波输出功率:45W/25W/5W(UHF)50W/25W/5W(VHF)信道数:512,可灵活分组重量:11kg外型尺寸(mm):310×190×362其他:CTCSS/CDCSS分组TC-500专业对讲机●经济实用●性能可靠●外观小巧●尾音消除频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-150/150-174UHF(MHz):400-420/450-470 载波输出功率:4W(UHF)信道数:16标配电池:1100mAh高容量锂电工作电压:6V重量:270gTC-368S专业对讲机●音质清晰●通话距离远●性能稳定可靠频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-150/150-174UHF(MHz):400-420/450-470载波输出功率:5W(VHF)4W(UHF)信道数:16标配电池:1100mAh高容量氢电重量:377g外型尺寸(mm):126×59×33其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54TC-1600民用无线对讲机●可在FRS频点使用,无需申请执照●专业尾音消除技术●大屏幕LCD显示简单的菜单操作●时间显示和闹钟功能●声控(VOX)功能频率范围(MHz):FRS载波输出功率:0.5W信道数:最高99标配电池:1100mAh高容量锂电重量:148g外型尺寸(mm):98×53×32其他:五种呼叫音(CALL)可选GR1225B全双工中继台●25瓦100%工作循环●数据口(选件)方便与系统控制器联接●内置电源,交、直流供电●操作便捷,配置齐全频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):403-474 载波输出功率:45W/25W/5W(UHF)50W/25W/5W(VHF)信道数:16重量:11kg外型尺寸(mm):485×132×285其他:CTCSS/CDCSS分组GP3688专业对讲机●聚碳酸脂外壳,可靠耐用●逼真音效,通信能力更强●单手操作●内置数据信令传输功能频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):403-440/438-470载波输出功率:4W(UHF)5W(VHF)信道数:16标配电池:1400mAh高容量镍氢电池1800mAh高容量锂电(选配)重量:270g外型尺寸(mm):126.5×61.5×45其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54GP328专业对讲机●先进的音频压扩技术●电池电量显示● MDC1200信令个人身份码●现场插卡扩展功能●采用本质安全型防爆技术频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174/30-50/66-88UHF(MHz):403-470/300-370/330-400 载波输出功率:4W(UHF)信道数:16标配电池:1450 mAh镍氢电池1200mAh防爆镍镉电池防爆标志:Ex ib ⅡB T3重量:428g(配氢电)350g(配锂电)外型尺寸(mm):109×54×34其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54 GP338专业对讲机●先进的音频压扩技术●大屏幕来电显示● MDC1200信令个人身份码●现场插卡扩展功能●采用本质安全型防爆技术频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174/30-50/66-88UHF(MHz):403-470/300-370/330-400 载波输出功率:4W(UHF)信道数:128标配电池:1450 mAh镍氢电池1200mAh防爆镍镉电池防爆标志:Ex ib ⅡB T3重量:428g(配氢电)350g(配锂电)外型尺寸(mm):109×54×34其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54GP338plus专业对讲机●先进的音频压扩技术●MDC1200信令个人身份码●机型精致轻巧耐用●采用本质安全型防爆技术频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):403-470/330-400载波输出功率:4W(UHF)5W(VHF)信道数:128标配电池:1100mAh锂电池防爆标志:Ex ib ⅡB T3重量:250g外型尺寸(mm):101.5×55.5×30.5其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54 液晶显示GP328 plus专业对讲机●先进的音频压扩技术●MDC1200信令个人身份码●机型精致轻巧耐用●采用本质安全型防爆技术频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):403-470/330-400载波输出功率:4W(UHF)5W(VHF)信道数:16标配电池:1100mAh锂电池防爆标志:Ex ib ⅡB T3重量:250g外型尺寸(mm):101.5×55.5×30.5其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54GP2000专业对讲机●模拟私线/数字私线●8位字符显示一目了然●三级可调功率有效节电●简洁易用效率出众频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):403-440/435-480载波输出功率:4W(UHF)5W(VHF)信道数:99标配电池:1500mAh镍氢电池重量:350g外型尺寸(mm):115.5×56×37其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54 符合ISO 9001标准GP2000S专业对讲机●模拟私线/数字私线●8位字符显示一目了然●三级可调功率有效节电●简洁易用效率出众频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):403-440/435-480载波输出功率:4W(UHF)5W(VHF)信道数:99标配电池:1500 mAh镍氢电池重量:375g外型尺寸(mm):115.5×56×37其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54 符合ISO 9001标准A8专业对讲机●经济实用体型小巧●高低功率选择●强/正常静噪选择频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-150/150-174UHF(MHz):403-425/450-470载波输出功率:5W信道数:16标配电池:1200mAh高容量锂电重量:270g外型尺寸(mm):108×58×37其他:超时定时器CP1660专业对讲机●选择呼叫(DTMF)●内置语音整理功能●提升了抗干扰功能●X-pand技术语音清晰频率范围:VHF(MHz):136-174UHF(MHz):403-446/435-480载波输出功率:4W(UHF)5W(VHF)信道数:99标配电池:1500mAh高容量锂电重量:335g外型尺寸(mm):120×55×35.5其他:符合美国军标MIL-STD-810C/D/E/F/及IP54 CP1300专业对讲机。



鑫为技术镍氢充电管理芯片CHK0602规格书doc-电Ni-mh 电池充电芯片 CHK0602规格说明书一、 Ni-mh 电池充电过程解析充电过程电压变化趋势表1.2501.3001.3501.4001.4501.5001.5501 316191121151181211241271301331361391421451481 时间轴电压轴充电过程温度变化趋势表25.0030.0035.0040.0045.0050.0055.0060.0065.001 316191121151181211241271301331361391421451481 时间轴温度轴1. 从上面的电压曲线图我们可以看出,电池电压在通电时比断电时的电压要高出0.8~1V 左右。

根据电池不同,这高出的电压值也不同,因此Ni-mh 电池不宜采用定电压判断是否充满;2. 从上面的温度曲线图我们可以看出,在电池接近充满的时候(时间=420~450时),温度有一个突变上升(ΔT )的过程。

相应的电压曲线图上,电压有一个突变下降(-ΔV )的过程;注:以上条件是建立在“快充电流≥0.2C3. 判断电池是否充电结束可以通过检测温度变化和电压变化来判断,既通过ΔT 和-ΔV判断是否充满。

二、芯片性能和特点1.具备同时检测温度变化(ΔT)检测和电压(ΔV)变化,通过ΔT和ΔV综合判断电池充满,提高了电池充满的检测准确度和电池充电的效率;2.在电池刚装上时进行电池适用检测,并根据检测的不同结果采用智能控制,规定检测和处理如下:l正常的可充电电池:根据电池串联数量,检测电池电压平均每节在1.0~2.0V 之间,允许进行正常恒流电流充电;l过放电池:如果每节电池平均电压介于0.5V~1.0V时判断为过放电电池,采用涓流电流充电,只要电池电压恢复到1.0V以上,即转换到正常恒流电流充电,如10分钟后电压仍未恢复,则认为该电池已经损,充电器对该电池停止充电并闪灯警示;l短路或损坏电池:如果每节电池平均电压低于0.5V认为电池内部短路,采用小电流涓流进行修复, 如果修复1分钟后电压仍小于0.5V,则认为该电池已经损,充电器对该电池停止充电并闪灯警示;l不可充电电池:如果每节电池平均电压高于2.0V时认为是不可充电电池,停止充电并闪灯警示;3.具备恒流控制、电压检测和温度检测功能,综合采用ΔV、ΔT和Limit V等参数进行智能化判断和控制电池的充电进展,其中:l恒流控制波动≤±5%;l电压检测精度≤5mV;l温度检测精度≤1℃/S;4.对充电电流和时间片进行积分,通过时间限制对电池的最大充电电量进行安全保护。



最小 典型
直径 高度
内阻 at 1000Hz.
标准 快速
环境温度 充电
快速 放电 储存
1C 放电
750毫安时2 800毫安时
700毫安时 750毫安时

0 -0.5
Байду номын сангаас
0 -1.0

0 -0.020
0 -0.039
55欧姆 (充满电后)
80毫安(0.1C) X16小 时
800毫安(1C) X 1.25小时 oC
0oC to 45oC 10oC to 40oC -10oC to 50oC -10oC to 40oC
主要特性 标准充电特性
1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4
注: 1. 以0.1C充电需15小时充满。 2.额定容量,0.2C, 20oC 3. 平均容量,仅供参考 4. 内阻和重量仅为参考。
1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8
放电: 800毫安 1.25小时 温度:100C/68 0F
发 往: 型 号: 编 制: 审 核:
岚宝电 器
魏姣辉 张娜达
地 址:浙江省余姚市梁辉镇南庙村 电 话:0574-62578042 邮 箱:wangxk2009@



附件信息 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 安装电池. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 取下电池. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 安装天线. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 取下天线. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 安装皮带扣 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 取下皮带扣 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
产品安全和射频辐射说明. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 开始使用 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
目 录
介绍 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 打开或关闭对讲机. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
对讲机概述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
静音监听 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 打开静噪监听 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16



北峰5118对讲机简要使用指南!基本操作请参照使用说明书,不再多罗说这次我们的机子的工作频段为430.000 MHz ~ 450.000 MHz预设了22个工作信道,(本机可以设100个信道)频点分别为CH-01 440.125 MHz 以下频点为出厂预设频点CH-02 440.225 MHzCH-03 440.325 MHzCH-04 440.425 MHzCH-05 440.525 MHzCH-06 440.625 MHz 经过我们试用,觉得这个频率效果还行CH-07 440.725 MHzCH-08 440.825 MHzCH-09 440.925 MHzCH-10 441.025 MHzCH-11 441.125 MHzCH-12 441.225 MHzCH-13 441.325 MHzCH-14 441.425 MHzCH-15 441.525 MHzCH-16 441.625 MHzCH-17 441.725 MHzCH-18 441.825 MHzCH-19 441.925 MHzCH-20 441.025 MHzCH-99 449.900 MHz建议大家使用时尽量使用01~10信道,这些信道频点是在机子频率范围的中点,天线的效率最高。



其他使用指南频率工作模式:5118一般是在信道工作模式下工作,即直接打开电源,屏幕显示:CH-xx (如CH-08),按CH+或CH-健选择工作信道5118也可以在频率工作模式下工作,操作:按住SCAN键后顺时针旋转POWER(电源)开关,直到显示屏显示“xxx.xxx(频率点,如440.125)”按CH+或CH-健可以改变频点,步进频率为0.025MHz。



电池规格书(Ni-MH SC2500mAh)

电池规格书(Ni-MH SC2500mAh)

NI-MH BATTERYDELIVERY SPECIFICATIONS镍氢电池规格书******************PRESENTED TO(呈送):MODEL NO.(产品型号): Ni-MH SC2500mAh 1.2VDATE(制作日期): 20th July 2012 Customer Part No.(客户物料编码) :Add:地址:Postcode(邮编): http(网址):Tel(电话): Fax(传真):E-mail(邮箱):1. Scope (适用范围)This specification governs the performance of the following Nickel-Metal Hydride cylindricalbattery 。


2. Innovation model(亿诺型号):Ni-MH SC2500mAh 1.2V。

3. External Appearance(外观)The cell / battery shall be free from cracks, scars, breakage, rust,discoloration, leakage and deformation. 电池/电池组外观无破裂、划痕、变形、生锈、污迹、电解液泄漏等不良现象。

4. Ratings(规定参数)The data involving the nominal voltage and the approximate weight of the battery pack。

5. Performance(电池性能)Unless otherwise stated, tests should be done within one month of delivery under the following conditions: 除非其它规定,测试应在到货之日起1个月内进行,并且符合以下测试条件:Relative humidity(相对湿度):65±20%。



对讲机镍氢电池规格书(参考).doc镍氢电池规格书供应商:供应商型号:公司型号:适⽤机型:规格书变更纪录⽬录1.适⽤范围-------------------------------------------------------12.引⽤标准-------------------------------------------------------13.规格-----------------------------------------------------------14.测试要求-------------------------------------------------------15.组合⽅式-------------------------------------------------------31、适⽤范围:本《规格书》描述了对镍氢电池组的参考要求,适⽤于 7.2V 6节AA镍氢电池组上。

2、引⽤标准:本《规格书》参考GB/T 18288-2000等技术标准编制⽽成。

3.规格:4、测试要求4.1 测试条件除⾮另有规定 , 本规范中各项测试应在试验的标准⼤⽓条件下进⾏ :温度 :15℃~ 35℃;相对湿度 :45% ~ 85%;⼤⽓压⼒ :86 kPa~106 kPa。

4.2 测量仪表4.2.1 测量电压的仪表的准确度应不低于0.5级,电压表的内阻⾄少应为 10kΩ/v。

4.2.2 测量电流的仪表的准确度应不低于 0.5级。

4.2.3 测量时间的仪表的准确度应不低于±0.1%。

4.2.4 测量温度的仪表的准确度应不低于±0.5℃。

4.2.5 恒流源的电流恒定可调 ,在充电或放电过程中,其电流变化应在±1%范围内。

4.3 外观检查⽬测电池的外观、标识。

要求:a) 电池表⾯应清洁、⽆锈蚀及⽆机械损伤;b) 电池表⾯标识内容为“ABELL Ni-Mh 1000mAh AA 7.2V”,丝印清晰正确。



18650电池规格书LGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk HyunLRB-PS-CY2402003-07-16 0ApprovedDescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A3P R O D U C T S P E C I F I C A T I O NRechargeable Lithium Ion Battery Model : ICR18650 A3 2400mAhREVISIONDATE ORIGINATOR REASON FOR CHANGE 0 2004-07-16Ryu, Duk HyunOriginal ReleasePrepared Reviewed Approved Ryu, Duk HyunJung, Jae HanKim, Soo RyoungDate :’04. 07. 16. Date : ’03. 07. 16.Date : ’04. 07. 16.20 YOIDO-DONG YOUNGDUNGPO-GU,SEOUL 150-721, KOREATEL : (82) 2-3773-3599, 3659 FAX : (82) 2-3773-7005/doc/268f9d4769eae009581bec86.htmlLGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A31. ScopeThis product specification defines the requirements of the rechargeable lithium ion battery to be supplied to the customer by LG Chem, Ltd. Should there be any additional information required by the customer, customers are advised to contact LG Chem, Ltd. before selecting a solution.2. Description and Model2.1 Description : Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery2.2 Model : ICR18650 A33. Technical Information3.1 Capacity Nominal : 2430 mAh (by standard charge and discharge)Minimum : 2380 mAh3.2 Nominal V oltage : Average 3.7 V3.3 Standard Charge : Constant Current and Constant V oltage (CC/CV)mACurrent =1200V oltage = 4.2 VEnd Current = 50 mA3.4 Max. Charge Current : 2400 mA3.5 Standard Discharge : Constant Current (CC)Current = 480 mAEnd V oltage = 3.0 V3.6 Max. Discharge Current : 4800 mA (for continuous discharge)3.7 Weight : Approx. 46.1 g3.8 Operating Temperature Charge :0 to 45 o CDischarge : -20 to 60 o C3.9 Storage Temperature 1 month : -20 to 60 o C3 months : -20 to 45 o C1 year : -20 to 20 o CLGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A34. Cell DimensionsDiameter : 18.3 ± 0.1 mm ( Max. 18.4 mm )Height : 64.9 ± 0.2 mm ( Max. 65.1 mm )5. AppearancesThere shall be no such defects as deep scratch, crack, rust, discoloration or leakage, which may adversely affect the commercial value of the cell.6. Characteristics6.1 Standard ChargeUnless otherwise specified, “Standard Charge” shall consist of charging at constant current of 1200mA. The cell shall then be charged at constant voltage of 4.2V while tapering the charge current. Charging shall be terminated when the charging current has tapered to 50mA. For test purposes, charging shall be performed at 23oC ± 2oC.6.2 Standard Discharge“Standard Discharge” shall consist of discharging at a constant current of 480mA to 3.0V.Discharging is to be performed at 23 oC ± 2 oC unless otherwise noted (such as capacity versus temperature).6.3 Initial CapacityCells shall be charged per 6.1 and discharged per 6.2 within 1 hour after full charge. Initial capacity shall meet the following requirement.Initial Capacity ≥ 2380 mAh6.4 Cycle LifeCells shall be charged at constant current of 1200mA to 4.2V with end current of 50mA. Cells shall be discharged at constant current of 1200mA to 3.0V. Cells are to rest 10 minutes after charge and20 minutes after discharge. A cycle is defined as one charge and one discharge. Discharge capacityshall be measured per 6.1 and 6.2 after 300 cycles.Discharge capacity (301th Cycle) ≥80 % (of minimum capacity in 3.1)6.5 Initial AC ImpedanceLGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A3Initial AC impedance is measured at 1kHz after standard charge.Initial AC Impedance ≤ 90 m? (with PTC)6.6 Temperature Dependency of CapacityCells shall be charged per 6.1 at 23oC ± 2oC and discharged per 6.2 at the following temperatures.Relative capacity at each temperature shall meet the following.Charge Temp. Discharge Temperature-10oC0oC 23oC 60oC23oC70 % 90 % 100 % 95 %6.7 Storage CharacteristicsCells shall be charged per 6.1 and stored in a temperature-controlled environment at 23oC ± 2oC for30 days. After storage, cells shall be discharged per 6.2 to obtain the remaining capacity.Remaining capacity ≥90 % (of minimum capacity in 3.1)6.8 Cell V oltage (as of shipment)V oltage range : 3.7 ~ 3.9 V7. Mechanical Characteristics7.1 Drop TestTest method : Cells charged per 6.1 are dropped onto an wooden floor from 4 feet height for 3 cycles, where each cycle consists of 3 drops, 2 drops from each cell terminal and1drop from the side of cell can (Total number of drops = 9). After test, cells aredischarged per 6.2 and cycled per 6.1 and 6.2 for 3 cycles to obtain recoveredcapacity.Criteria : No leakage, Capacity recovery rate ≥ 80 %7.2 Vibration TestTest method : Cells charged per 6.1 are vibrated for 90 minutes per each of the three mutually perpendicular axis (x, y, z) with an amplitude of 0.8mm, frequency of 10Hz to55Hz and sweep of 1Hz change per minute. After test, cells are discharged per6.2 and cycled per 6.1 and 6.2 for 3 cycles to obtain recovered capacity.Criteria : No leakage, Capacity recovery rate ≥ 80 %LGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A38. Environmental Test8.1 High Temperature Storage TestTest method : Cells are charged per 6.1 and stored in a temperature-controlled environment at 60oC for 1 week. After test, cells are discharged per 6.2 and cycled per 6.4 for 3cycles to obtain recovered capacity.Criteria : No leakage, Capacity recovery rate ≥ 80 %8.2 High Temperature and High Humidity TestTest method : Cells are charged per 6.1 and stored at 60oC (95% RH) for 168 hours. After test, cells are discharged per 6.2 and cycled per 6.4 for 3 cycles to obtain recoveredcapacity.Criteria : No leakage, No rust, Capacity recovery rate ≥ 80 %8.3 Thermal Shock TestTest method : 65oC (8Hrs) ← 3hrs →-20oC (8Hrs) for 8 cycles with cells charged per 6.1.After test, cells are discharged per 6.2 and cycled per 6.4 for 3 cycles to obtainrecovered capacity.Criteria : No leakage, Capacity recovery rate ≥ 80 %9. Safety Test9.1 Abnormal Charge TestTest method : Cells are discharged per 6.2, then charged at constant current of 7200mA and constant voltage of 4.2V while tapering the charge current. Charging is continuedfor 48 hours (Per UL1642).Criteria : No rupture, No fire9.2 External Short-circuiting TestTest method : Cells are charged per 6.1, and the positive and negative terminal is connected bya 100m?-wire for 1 hour (Per UL1642).Criteria : No rupture, No fire9.3 Overdischarge TestTest method : Cells are discharged at constant current of 480mA to 250% of the minimum capacity (Per UL1642).Criteria : No rupture, No fireLGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A39.4 Nail TestTest method : A nail (diameter : 2.5~5mm) is penetrated vertically through the center of cells charged per 6.1 and left for 6 hours.Criteria : No rupture, No fire9.5 Heating TestTest method : Cells are charged per 6.1 and heated in a circulating air oven at a rate of 5oC per minute to 150oC. At 150oC, oven is to remain for 10 minutes before test isdiscontinued (Per UL1642).Criteria : No rupture, No fire9.6 Impact TestTest method : Cells charged per 6.1 are impacted with their longitudinal axis parallel to the flat surface and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the 15.8mm diameter bar(Per UL1642).Criteria : No rupture, No fire9.7 Crush TestTest method : Cells charged per 6.1 are crushed with their longitudinal axis parallel to the flat surface of the crushing apparatus (Per UL1642).Criteria : No rupture, No fire10. Standard Test ConditionsUnless otherwise specified, all tests stated in this Product Specification are conducted at temperature 23±2oC and humidity 65 ± 20 %RH.11. Product LiabilityThe coverage of LG Chem, Ltd. is for the cell itself, while the customer assumes the liability of the product including the cell and its protection circuit.12. WarrantyAs long as the cell is treated in accordance with this Product Specification and/or Proper Use and Handling, LG Chem, Ltd. warrants that the cell should be free from any defect for a period of 1 year from date of manufacturing.LGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0 Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A3The warranty set forth above or described in Proper Use and Handling excludes a defect which is not related to manufacturing on the cell.13. OthersAny matter not included in this specification shall be conferred between the both parties.This document shall replace the document bearing a former revision index, and customers are kindly requested to destroy the former document in possession.LGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0 Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A3Fig 1. Dimensional Drawing of ICR18650 A3。



量能科技镍氢电池规格书EPTBATTERYAAJ1800-LNi-MHSPECIFICATIONEPT BATTERY CO LTD Product specificationCustomer:Model:EPT AAJ1800mAh-LDate: 2010-5-12Type:- Rechargeable Nickel MetalHydrideModel:EPT AAJ1800mAh-LCell Size: AANominal voltage: 1.2VTypical Weight about 25g(ref)Capacity (20℃, discharge at 0.2Cto ccv=1.0V)Typical: 1830mAh(ref)Minimum: 1800mAhCharge condition(20℃)Charging Condition: charge at 180mA for16h Fast Charge: 900mA~1800mADT/dt=0.8℃/min(0.5C~0.9℃0.8C~1℃/min(1C) /TCO:(45~55) ℃ /time: charge capacity reach to 105% nominal capacity) Trickle charge: 0.05 I t A ~0.1 I t AMax over-charge current 0.1 I t A charge for 48 hrsDischarge conditionDischarge cut off voltage: 1.0VMaximum Discharge Current 1800mAStorage Temperature(65±20%RH)Storage(1year)-20℃~25℃Storage(six month)-20℃~35℃Storage(1 month)-20℃~45℃Storage(7days)-20℃~55℃Operation temperature(Relative humidity:65±20%RH)Discharge: -20℃~60℃Charge:0℃~45℃Fast charge 10℃~40℃Trickle charge 0℃~45℃1、PERFORMANCEUnless otherwise stated, tests should be done within one month of delivery under the following conditions AmbientTemperature Ta:20±5℃Relative Humidity:65±20%RHNotes: Standard Charge/Discharge Condition:Charge:180mA(0.1 IA)×16 hrs Discharge: 360mA (0.2 I A) to 1.0V/CellNotes:1. RT: Ambient Temperature.2. Approximate charge time from discharged rate, for reference only. 1.1.2 IEC 61951-2(2003)IEC61951-2(2003) Cycle Life Test:3. EXTERNAL APPEARANCEThe cell / battery shall be free from cracks, scars, breakage, rust, discoloration, leakage and deformation4. WARRANTYOne year limited warranty against workmanship and material defects.5. WARRANTY5.1 Do not reverse charge batteries5.2 Do not short circuit batteries, permanent damage to batteries may result5.3 Do not subject batteries to adverse condition such as extreme temperature, deep cyclingand excessive5.4 Store batteries in a cool dry place, Always disharge batteries before bulk storage orshipment.5.5Do not solder directly to cells or batteries.5.6 If find any noise, excessive temperature or leakage from a battery, please stop its use.5.7 Do not incinerate or mutilates batteries, may burst or release toxic material.5.8 Do not mix new batteries in use with semi-used batteries, over-discharge may occur. 5.9 Do not remove the outer sleeve from a battery pack nor cut into its housing.5.10 Never put a battery into water or seawater6. CAUTION6.1 Batteries should be charged prior to use6.2 For charging methods please referred to our technical handbookUse the correct charger for Ni-MH batteries6.3 Avoid batteries being used in an airtight compartment. Ventilation should be providedinside the battery compartment ,otherwise batteries may generate hydrogen gas , which could cause an explosion if exposed to an ignition source6.4 Do not attempt to take batteries apart or subject them to pressure or impact. Heat may begenerated or fire may result. The alkaline electrolyte is harmful to eyes and skin, and it may damage clothing upon contact 6.5 Keep away from children. If swallowed, contact a physician at once.6.6 When using a new battery for the first time or after long term storage, please fully charge thebattery before use6.7 When using a new battery in use with semi-used batteries, over-discharge may occur. 6.8When connecting a battery pack to a charger, ensure correct polarity.6.9 When the battery is hot, please do not touch it and handle it, until it has cooled down.6.10 When find battery power down during use, please switch off the device to avoid overdischarge.6.11 Unplug a battery by holding the connector itself and not by pulling at its cord.6.12 After use, If the battery is hot. Before recharging it, allow it to cool in a well-ventilated placeout of direct sunlight.7、storage7.1 In order to ensure the battery to maintain the capacity level, We suggest Ni-MH battery andbattery pack should be stored under the condition of the -20 ~ 35 ℃, low humidity, nocorrosive gases 。


ADD: 上海市定西路 1310 弄 2 号 605# ZIP: 200050 TEL: 86-21-52375161 WEB: E-MAIL: gest植入:RED LED 亮,GREEN LED 灭; 快充过程:GREEN LED 闪烁,RED LED 灭; 涓充过程:GREEN LED 亮,RED LED 灭; 异常状态:GREEN LED 灭,RED LED 闪烁。 注:LED 闪烁频率 1Hz; 上电,LED 响应时间需在 1.5s 以内; 拔出电池,LED 响应时间需在 1.2s 以内; 其他情况,LED 响应时间需在 1.0s 以内。
满充判断: 当检测到-⊿V 时,认为电池充满,停止充电; 当充电总时间达到 120 分钟,认为电池充满,停止充电; 当电池温度超过 45℃,认为电池充满,停止充电; 当电池温度达到 40℃后,若检测到⊿T 达到 1℃/分钟,停止充电。
涓流充电: 快速充电停止后,进入补充充电,即涓流充电:以 1700mA±200mA 恒流充电 5 秒,停止充 电 2 分钟;再以 1700mA±200mA 恒流充电 5 秒,停止充电 2 分钟,如此循环。
温度保护: 在快速充电过程中,若电池温度>45℃(±3℃),则停止快速充电,进入涓流充电状态。
电池接触良好保护: 在充电过程中,若检测到电池接触不良,则停止充电,充电器显示无电池插入。
过流保护: 在充电过程中,若检测到充电电流超过 2200mA±200mA,则停止充电,充电器显示异常状 态。
Shanghai Zhiqin Electronics Ltd.
12~24V 镍氢电池充电控制器规格书
本款镍基电池充电控制器采用 HOLTEK MCU——HT46R47,针对镍基电池充放电而设计。 充电过程以 PWM 方式,根据典型的镍基电池快速充电曲线进行控制,具有很高的充电控制特 性,并预留接口,方便用户进行个性化功能扩展。



VSLP VCC falling VBAT=12V
0.14 0.18 V
0.23 0.28
0.32 0.39
VSLPR VCC rising, VBAT=12V
0.42 0.52 V
5A 多节镍氢电池充电管理集成电路
CN3718 是 PWM 降压模式多节镍氢电池充 电管理集成电路,独立对多节镍氢电池充电 进行自动管理,具有封装外形小,外围元器 件少和使用简单等优点。 CN3718 具有涓流,恒流和维持充电模式, 非常适合多节镍氢电池的充电。对于深度放 电的电池,当电池电压低于所设置的最高充 电电压的 66.7%时,CN3718 用所设置的恒 流充电电流的 24%对电池进行涓流充电。在 恒流充电模式,充电电流通过一个外部电阻 设置。在维持充电模式,充电电流为恒流充 电电流的 24%,维持充电时间由外部电容设 置,当充电时间达到外部电容所设置的值 时,CN3718 进入充电结束状态。在充电结 束状态,如果电池电压下降到所设置的最高 充电电压的 88.6%时,自动开始新的充电周 期。当输入电源掉电或者输入电压低于电池 电压时,CN3718 自动进入低功耗的睡眠模 式。 其它功能包括输入低电压锁存,电池温度监 测,电池端过压保护和充电状态指示等。 CN3718 采用 16 管脚 TSSOP 封装。
0.47 0.58


采用摩托罗拉的 compandingTM 技术,能提供清脆且更清楚响亮的语音质量,甚至在嘈杂的环境中也能听清对讲消息。
在低功率模式下,通话时间长达 19 小时;在池保险闩功能,可将电池紧扣到对讲机上,能进行持续的通信。
带 LED 电量指示器,可显示电池电量状况。
重量 (g/kg) - 437g(带标准镍氢电池)
功率输出 - 1-4W (UHF)
频率 - 403-440MHz,438-470MHz
信道容量 - 16
外形尺寸(长 X 宽 X 厚) - 126.5mm x 61.5mm x 43mm(带标准镍氢电池)
GP3688 对讲机
产品详细说明 GP3688 是摩托罗拉最新款的手持双向无线电对讲机,具有通话时间长的特点,低功率模式下可达 19 小时,而高功率模式下可达 14 小时,能提高工作效率。此款无线电对讲机十分轻巧,采用符合人体工程学的设计,具备新的电池保险闩功能,可将电池紧扣到对讲机上,以进行持续的通信。它也可以通过 PROIS 协议命令进行简短的数据传输应用和刷新选件板。
Prois 协议信令支持 STD1200 和选件板刷新
配备用户友好的、基于 Microsoft WindowsR 的客户编程软件,可快速方便地对无线电对讲机编程
符合美国军用标准 810。
信令 - DTMF
选件板 - 有
电池使用时间 - 10 个小时(高功率)、13 个小时(低功率) — 使用标准镍氢电池



XiR P3688优异的质量和品质坚强品质,结实耐用通过ALT五年加速老化实验及美国军标检测最低成本完成模拟到数字的平滑过渡P3688是GP3688的升级换代产品P3688与GP3688的电池和配件通用使用USB数据线编程优异的性能及指标语音提示功能优先发射功能(被打断)远程被监听功能超强的语音还原能力一键访问功能具备中继台接入限制(RAS)功能优异的数字接收灵敏度:0.19μV模拟/数字双模式直通模式下两时隙同时通话配合中瑞特的数字系统以及P86系列对讲机,组成综合应用解决方案优异的质量和品质优异的性能及指标最低成本完成模拟到数字的平滑过渡坚强品质,结实耐用,通过五年加速老化实验及美国军标检测ALT-加速老化实验:摩托罗拉内部模拟五年使用强度的苛刻环境测试. 包括跌落测试,温度骤变测试,震动测试,防尘测试,防静电测试及湿度测试等。

MIL STD 810C, D, E, F and G :美国军用标准在恶劣环境下使用测试,包括盐雾及灰尘测试, 高温及低温下使用及存储测试。

IP54 防尘及防水:五级防尘及四级防水级别。












18650电池规格书LGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk HyunLRB-PS-CY2402003-07-16 0ApprovedDescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A3P R O D U C T S P E C I F I C A T I O NRechargeable Lithium Ion Battery Model : ICR18650 A3 2400mAhREVISIONDATE ORIGINATOR REASON FOR CHANGE 0 2004-07-16Ryu, Duk HyunOriginal ReleasePrepared Reviewed Approved Ryu, Duk HyunJung, Jae HanKim, Soo RyoungDate :’04. 07. 16. Date : ’03. 07. 16.Date : ’04. 07. 16.20 YOIDO-DONG YOUNGDUNGPO-GU,SEOUL 150-721, KOREATEL : (82) 2-3773-3599, 3659 FAX : (82) 2-3773-7005/doc/268f9d4769eae009581bec86.htmlLGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A31. ScopeThis product specification defines the requirements of the rechargeable lithium ion battery to be supplied to the customer by LG Chem, Ltd. Should there be any additional information required by the customer, customers are advised to contact LG Chem, Ltd. before selecting a solution.2. Description and Model2.1 Description : Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery2.2 Model : ICR18650 A33. Technical Information3.1 Capacity Nominal : 2430 mAh (by standard charge and discharge)Minimum : 2380 mAh3.2 Nominal V oltage : Average 3.7 V3.3 Standard Charge : Constant Current and Constant V oltage (CC/CV)mACurrent =1200V oltage = 4.2 VEnd Current = 50 mA3.4 Max. Charge Current : 2400 mA3.5 Standard Discharge : Constant Current (CC)Current = 480 mAEnd V oltage = 3.0 V3.6 Max. Discharge Current : 4800 mA (for continuous discharge)3.7 Weight : Approx. 46.1 g3.8 Operating Temperature Charge :0 to 45 o CDischarge : -20 to 60 o C3.9 Storage Temperature 1 month : -20 to 60 o C3 months : -20 to 45 o C1 year : -20 to 20 o CLGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A34. Cell DimensionsDiameter : 18.3 ± 0.1 mm ( Max. 18.4 mm )Height : 64.9 ± 0.2 mm ( Max. 65.1 mm )5. AppearancesThere shall be no such defects as deep scratch, crack, rust, discoloration or leakage, which may adversely affect the commercial value of the cell.6. Characteristics6.1 Standard ChargeUnless otherwise specified, “Standard Charge” shall consist of charging at constant current of 1200mA. The cell shall then be charged at constant voltage of 4.2V while tapering the charge current. Charging shall be terminated when the charging current has tapered to 50mA. For test purposes, charging shall be performed at 23oC ± 2oC.6.2 Standard Discharge“Standard Discharge” shall consist of discharging at a constant current of 480mA to 3.0V.Discharging is to be performed at 23 oC ± 2 oC unless otherwise noted (such as capacity versus temperature).6.3 Initial CapacityCells shall be charged per 6.1 and discharged per 6.2 within 1 hour after full charge. Initial capacity shall meet the following requirement.Initial Capacity ≥ 2380 mAh6.4 Cycle LifeCells shall be charged at constant current of 1200mA to 4.2V with end current of 50mA. Cells shall be discharged at constant current of 1200mA to 3.0V. Cells are to rest 10 minutes after charge and20 minutes after discharge. A cycle is defined as one charge and one discharge. Discharge capacityshall be measured per 6.1 and 6.2 after 300 cycles.Discharge capacity (301th Cycle) ≥80 % (of minimum capacity in 3.1)6.5 Initial AC ImpedanceLGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A3Initial AC impedance is measured at 1kHz after standard charge.Initial AC Impedance ≤ 90 m? (with PTC)6.6 Temperature Dependency of CapacityCells shall be charged per 6.1 at 23oC ± 2oC and discharged per 6.2 at the following temperatures.Relative capacity at each temperature shall meet the following.Charge Temp. Discharge Temperature-10oC0oC 23oC 60oC23oC70 % 90 % 100 % 95 %6.7 Storage CharacteristicsCells shall be charged per 6.1 and stored in a temperature-controlled environment at 23oC ± 2oC for30 days. After storage, cells shall be discharged per 6.2 to obtain the remaining capacity.Remaining capacity ≥90 % (of minimum capacity in 3.1)6.8 Cell V oltage (as of shipment)V oltage range : 3.7 ~ 3.9 V7. Mechanical Characteristics7.1 Drop TestTest method : Cells charged per 6.1 are dropped onto an wooden floor from 4 feet height for 3 cycles, where each cycle consists of 3 drops, 2 drops from each cell terminal and1drop from the side of cell can (Total number of drops = 9). After test, cells aredischarged per 6.2 and cycled per 6.1 and 6.2 for 3 cycles to obtain recoveredcapacity.Criteria : No leakage, Capacity recovery rate ≥ 80 %7.2 Vibration TestTest method : Cells charged per 6.1 are vibrated for 90 minutes per each of the three mutually perpendicular axis (x, y, z) with an amplitude of 0.8mm, frequency of 10Hz to55Hz and sweep of 1Hz change per minute. After test, cells are discharged per6.2 and cycled per 6.1 and 6.2 for 3 cycles to obtain recovered capacity.Criteria : No leakage, Capacity recovery rate ≥ 80 %LGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A38. Environmental Test8.1 High Temperature Storage TestTest method : Cells are charged per 6.1 and stored in a temperature-controlled environment at 60oC for 1 week. After test, cells are discharged per 6.2 and cycled per 6.4 for 3cycles to obtain recovered capacity.Criteria : No leakage, Capacity recovery rate ≥ 80 %8.2 High Temperature and High Humidity TestTest method : Cells are charged per 6.1 and stored at 60oC (95% RH) for 168 hours. After test, cells are discharged per 6.2 and cycled per 6.4 for 3 cycles to obtain recoveredcapacity.Criteria : No leakage, No rust, Capacity recovery rate ≥ 80 %8.3 Thermal Shock TestTest method : 65oC (8Hrs) ← 3hrs →-20oC (8Hrs) for 8 cycles with cells charged per 6.1.After test, cells are discharged per 6.2 and cycled per 6.4 for 3 cycles to obtainrecovered capacity.Criteria : No leakage, Capacity recovery rate ≥ 80 %9. Safety Test9.1 Abnormal Charge TestTest method : Cells are discharged per 6.2, then charged at constant current of 7200mA and constant voltage of 4.2V while tapering the charge current. Charging is continuedfor 48 hours (Per UL1642).Criteria : No rupture, No fire9.2 External Short-circuiting TestTest method : Cells are charged per 6.1, and the positive and negative terminal is connected bya 100m?-wire for 1 hour (Per UL1642).Criteria : No rupture, No fire9.3 Overdischarge TestTest method : Cells are discharged at constant current of 480mA to 250% of the minimum capacity (Per UL1642).Criteria : No rupture, No fireLGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A39.4 Nail TestTest method : A nail (diameter : 2.5~5mm) is penetrated vertically through the center of cells charged per 6.1 and left for 6 hours.Criteria : No rupture, No fire9.5 Heating TestTest method : Cells are charged per 6.1 and heated in a circulating air oven at a rate of 5oC per minute to 150oC. At 150oC, oven is to remain for 10 minutes before test isdiscontinued (Per UL1642).Criteria : No rupture, No fire9.6 Impact TestTest method : Cells charged per 6.1 are impacted with their longitudinal axis parallel to the flat surface and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the 15.8mm diameter bar(Per UL1642).Criteria : No rupture, No fire9.7 Crush TestTest method : Cells charged per 6.1 are crushed with their longitudinal axis parallel to the flat surface of the crushing apparatus (Per UL1642).Criteria : No rupture, No fire10. Standard Test ConditionsUnless otherwise specified, all tests stated in this Product Specification are conducted at temperature 23±2oC and humidity 65 ± 20 %RH.11. Product LiabilityThe coverage of LG Chem, Ltd. is for the cell itself, while the customer assumes the liability of the product including the cell and its protection circuit.12. WarrantyAs long as the cell is treated in accordance with this Product Specification and/or Proper Use and Handling, LG Chem, Ltd. warrants that the cell should be free from any defect for a period of 1 year from date of manufacturing.LGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0 Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A3The warranty set forth above or described in Proper Use and Handling excludes a defect which is not related to manufacturing on the cell.13. OthersAny matter not included in this specification shall be conferred between the both parties.This document shall replace the document bearing a former revision index, and customers are kindly requested to destroy the former document in possession.LGCRP/BTC Ryu, Duk Hyun LRB-PS-CY240 2003-07-16 0 Approved DescriptionLGCRP/BTC Kim, Soo Ryoung Lithium Ion ICR18650 A3Fig 1. Dimensional Drawing of ICR18650 A3。



(第一次征求意见稿)随着煤炭工业发展和矿山装备技术进步,监测通信系统、紧急避险设施、井下运输车辆等对防爆电源的容量要求越来越高,同时《爆炸性环境第 2 部分:由隔爆外壳“ d”保护的设备》中明确禁止存在析氢危险的蓄电池在隔爆外壳内使用。




2规范性引用文件GB 爆炸性环境第 1 部分:设备通用要求GB 爆炸性环境第 2 部分:由隔爆外壳“ d”保护的设备GB 爆炸性环境第 4 部分:由本质安全型“ i ”保护的设备GB 低压开关设备和控制设备第 1部分总则GB/T 含碱性或其他非酸性电解质的蓄电池和蓄电池组便携式密封单体蓄电池第 2 部分金属氢化物镍电池MT/T煤矿用电器设备产品型号编制方法和管理办法MT 209-1990煤矿通信、检测、控制用电工电子产品通用技术要求MT/T 286煤矿通信、自动化产品型号编制方法和管理办法MT/T 408-1995煤矿用直流稳压电源MT/T 1078-2008矿用本质安全输出直流电源QC/T 744-2006电动汽车用金属氢化物镍蓄电池3术语和定义单体电池构成蓄电池最小电气单元的电极和电解质的组合。






I 55 h率放电电流,其数值等于C5/5(A) 。

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本《规格书》描述了对镍氢电池组的参考要求,适用于 7.2V 6节AA镍氢电池组上。

本《规格书》参考GB/T 18288-2000等技术标准编制而成。

4.1 测试条件
除非另有规定 , 本规范中各项测试应在试验的标准大气条件下进行 :
温度 :15℃~ 35℃;
相对湿度 :45% ~ 85%;
大气压力 :86 kPa~106 kPa。

4.2 测量仪表
4.2.1 测量电压的仪表的准确度应不低于0.5级,电压表的内阻至少应为 10kΩ/v。

4.2.2 测量电流的仪表的准确度应不低于 0.5级。

4.2.3 测量时间的仪表的准确度应不低于±0.1%。

4.2.4 测量温度的仪表的准确度应不低于±0.5℃。

4.2.5 恒流源的电流恒定可调 ,在充电或放电过程中,其电流变化应在±1%范围内。

4.3 外观检查

要求:a) 电池表面应清洁、无锈蚀及无机械损伤;
b) 电池表面标识内容为“ABELL Ni-Mh 1000mAh AA 7.2V”,丝印清晰正确。

4.4 充电制式

版本:L-A1 2/3
4.5 放电性能
4.5.1 常温放电性能
电池按4.4规定充电后,开路搁置5min, 再以1.5C放电至终止电压。


4.5.2 低温放电性能


4.5.3 高温放电性能

4.6 环境适应性
4.6.1 恒定湿热试验
电池按4.4规定充电后,将电池放入40℃±2℃, 相对湿度为90%~95%的恒温恒湿箱中搁置48h后, 将电池取出在环境温度为20℃±5℃的条件下搁置2h, 目测电池外观,再以1C放电至终止电压。

要求: 电池不应有明显变形、锈蚀、冒烟或爆炸,放电容量≥额定容量的75%。

4.6.2 振动试验
电池按4.4规定充电后,将电池直接安装或通过夹具安装在振动台的台面上, 按下面的振动频率和对应的振幅调整好试验设备, X、Y、Z三个方向每个方向上从10Hz~55Hz循环扫频振动30min,扫频速率为
振动频率: 10Hz~30Hz 位移幅值(单振幅):0.38mm
振动频率: 30Hz~55Hz 位移幅值(单振幅):0.19mm

要求: 电池不应有变形、漏液、冒烟或爆炸,试验结束后,电池电压应不低于7.2V。

4.6.3 碰撞试验
脉冲峰值加速度 100 m/s2
每分钟碰撞次数 40~80
脉冲持续时间 16 ms
碰撞次数 1000 ± 10


4.6.4 自由跌落试验


4.7 荷电保持能力
电池按4.4规定充电后,在环境温度为20℃±5℃的条件下, 将电池开路放置30d,以1.5C放电至终止电压。


4.8 过充电性能


4.9 短路保护


版本:L-A1 3/3



4.10 循环寿命



4.11 贮存


5.1 组合要求
5.1.1 每个电极引片的焊点数目为4个、且分布均匀可靠(90度拉力>2kg),引片材料要求使用纯镍片

5.1.2 正极片长为12mm±1mm,负极片长为8mm±1mm,其宽都为3mm。


5.1.3 电池上、下电极裸露处加贴纤维纸绝缘层。

5.1.4 安装RFE-175热保护片(保证2A电流在3分钟内不能断开,2A-4A在20秒内能够断开),安装位置

5.1.5 在电池体丝印标识:内容为“ABELL Ni-Mh 1000mAh AA 7.2V”,丝印要清晰正确。

5.1.6 组合平整度要求:将电池成品夹在两块平行板中间,平行板间距最大值为14.5mm,要求组合后的电

5.2 组合图。
