Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing(CAD/CAM)Throughout the history of our industrial society,many invention have been patented and whole new technologies have evolved .Whitney is concept of interchangeable parts,Watt’s steam engine,and Ford is assembly line are but a few developments that are most noteworthy during our industrial period . Each of these developments has impacted manufacturing as we know it,and has earned these individuals deserved recognition in 0ur history hooks. Perhaps the single development that has impacted manufacturing more quickly and significantly than any previous technology is the digital computer.Since the advent 0f computer technology, manufacturing professionals have wanted to automate the design process and use the database developed therein for automating manufacturing processes. Computer—aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM),when successfully implemented, should remove the “wall” that has traditionally existed between the design and manufacturing components .CAD/CAM means using computers in the design and manufacturing processes. Since the advent of CAD/CAM,other terms have developed:Computer graphics(CG)Computer—aided engineering(CAE)Computer-aided design and drafting(CADD)Computer aided process planning(CAPP)These spin-off terms a11 refer to specific aspects of the CAD/CAM concept CAD/CAM itself is a broader,more inclusive term. It is at the heart of automated and integrated manufacturing.A key goal of CAD/CAM is to produce data that can be used in manufacturing a product while developing the database for the design of that product When successfully implemented, CAD/CAM involves the sharing of a common database between the design and manufacturing components of a company,Interactive computer graphics (ICG) plays an important role in CAD/CAM, Though the use of ICG, designers develop a graphic image of the product being designed while storing the data that electronically make up the graphic image. The graphic image can be presented in a two-dimensional (2+D) , three-dimensional(3-D),or solids format. ICG image are constructed using such basic geometric characters as points, lines, circles, and curves. Once created, these images can be easily edited and manipulated in a variety of ways including enlargements,reductions, rotations, and movements.An lCG system has three main components :1 ) hardware, which consists of the computer and various peripheral devices; 2) software, which consists of the computer programs and technical manuals for the system ; and 3) the human designer, the most important of the three components.A typical hardware configuration for an ICG System include a computer,a display terminal, a disk drive unit for floppy diskettes, a hard disk, or both; and input/output devices such as a keyboard,plotter, and printer. These devices, along with the software, are the tools modern designers use to develop and document their designs.The ICG systems could enhance the design process by allowing the human designer to focus on the intellectual aspects of the design process, such as conceptualization and making judgment-based decisions. The computer performs tasks for which it is better suited, such as mathematical calculations, storage and retrieval of data,and various repetitive operations such as crosshatching.Rationale for CAD/CAMThe rationale CAD/CAM is similar to that used to justify any technology-based improvement in manufacturing . It grows out of a need to continually improve productivity,quality.and,in turn competitiveness. There are also other reasons why a company might make a conversion from manual processes to CAD/CAM:increased productivitybetter qualitybetter communicationcommon database with manufacturingreduced prototype construction costsfaster response to customersIncreased ProductivityProductivity in the design process is increased by CAD/CAM. Time-consuming tasks such as mathematical calculations.data storage and retrieval, and design visualization are handled by the computer,which gives the designer more time to spend on conceptualizing and completing the design. In addition, the amount of time required to document a design can be reduced significantly with CAD/CAM. All of these taken together means a shorter design cycle, shorter overall project completion time, and a higher level of productivity.Better QualityBecause CAD/CAM allows designers to focus more on actual design problems and lesson time-consuming,nonproductive tasks,product quality improves with CAD/CAM. CAD /CAM allows designers to examine a wider range of design alternatives and to analyze each alternative more thoroughly before selecting one. In addition, because labor-intensive tasks are performed by the computer, fewer design errors occur. These all lead to better product quality.Better CommunicationDesign documents such as drawings,parts lists, bills of material, and specifications are tools used to communicate the design to those who will manufacture it. The more uniform , standardized, and accurate these tools are, the better the communication will be. Because CAD/CAM leads to more uniform, standardized, and accurate documentation, it improves communication.Common DatabaseThis is one of the most important benefits of CAD/CAM. With CAD/CAM.the data generated during the design of product can be use in product the product. This sharing of a common database helps to eliminate the age-old “wall” separating the design and manufacturing functionReduced Prototype CostsWith manual design,models and prototypes of a design must be made and tested, adding to the cost of the finished product. With CAD/CAM,3-D computer models can reduce and, in some case, eliminate the need for building expensive prototypes. Such CAD/CAM capabilities as solids modeling allow designers to substitute computer models for prototypes in many cases.Faster Response to CustomersResponse time is critical in manufacturing. How long does it take to fill a customer’s order? The shorter the time, the better it is. A fast response time is one of the keys to being more competitive in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Today, the manufacturer fastest response time is as likely to win a contract as the one with the lowest bid. By shortening the overall design cycle and improving communication between the design and manufacturing components, CAD/CAM can improve a company’s response timeHistorical Development of CAD/CAMThe historical development of CAD/CAM has followed close behind the development of computer technology and has paralleled the development of ICG technology. The significant developments leading to CAD/CAM began in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The first of these was the development, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),ofthe Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) computer programming language.The purpose of APT was to simplify the development of parts programs for numerical control machines. It was the first computer language to be used for this purpose. The APT language represented a major step toward automation of manufacturing processes.Another significant development in the history of CAD/CAM followed close behind APT, also developed at MIT, was called the Sketchpad project. With this project, Ivan Sutherland gave birth to the concept of ICG. The Sketchpad project was the first time a computer was used to create and manipulate graphic images on a CRT display in real time. Throughout the remainder of the 1960s and 70s, CAD continued to develop and several vendors made names for themselves by producing and marketing turnkey CAD systems. These were complete systems including hardware,software,maintenance and training sold as a package. These early systems were configured around mainframe and minicomputer. As a result, they were too expensive to achieve wide-scale acceptance by small to medium manufacturing firms.By the late 1970s,it became clear that the microcomputer would eventually play a role in the further development of CAD/CAM. However, early microcomputers did not have the processing power, memory, or graphic capabilities needed for ICG. Consequently, early attempts to configure CAD/CAM systems around a microcomputer failed.In 1983 IBM Introduced the IBM PC,the first microcomputer to have the processing power, memory, and graphic capabilities to be used in CAD/CAM. This led to a rapid increase in the number of CAD/CAM vendors. By l989 the number of CAD/CAM installations based on microcomputers equaled the number based on mainframe and minicomputer.Computer and DesignThe computer has had a major impact on the way everyday tasks associated with design are accomplished. It can be used in many ways to do many things. However, all design tasks accomplished using a computer fall into one of three broad categories:Design modelingDesign analysisDesign reviewIn CAD/CAM design modeling, a geometric model of a product is developed that describes the part mathematically. This mathematical description is converted to graphic form and displayed on a cathode ray tube. The geometric model also allows the graphic image to be easily edited and manipulated once displayed.Design AnalysisThe computer has simplified the design analysis stage of the design process significantly. Once a proposed design has been developed, it is necessary to analyze how it will stand up to the conditions to which it will be subjected. Such analysis methods as heat transfer and stress-strain calculations are time-consuming and complex. With CAD/CAM, special computer programs written specifically for analysis purposes are available.Design ReviewAnother step in the design process that has been simplified by the computer is design review. This involves checking the accuracy of all aspects of the design. There are several ICG capabilities that make design review in CAD/CAM easier than with manual design. CAD-to-CAM InterfaceWith CAD/CAM, the real interface between the design and manufacturing components is the common database they share. This is the essence of CAD/CAM. With manual design and manufacturing, engineers go through each step in the design, drafters produce drawings and other documents to communicate the design, manufacturing personnel use the drawings to develop process plans,and shop personnel actually make the product.With the old approach,until the design and drafting personnel completed their work, the manufacturing personnel did not see it. The design and drafting department did its job and“threw the plans over the wall”to manufacturing so it could do its job. This approach led to continual breakdowns in communication as well as poor relations between the design and manufacturing components. The result was a loss of productivity.With CAD/CAM.manufacturing personnel have access to the data created during the design phase as soon as they are created. At any point in the design process, they can call up information from the design database and use it. Since the data are shared from start to finish, There are no surprises when the completed design is ready to be produced. While designers are creating the database and drafters are documenting the design,manufacturing personnel can be programs.Everything needed by manufacturing personnel to produce the product is contained in the common database. The mathematical models, graphic images,bills of material,parts lists,size,from. locational dimensions, tolerance specifications and material specifications are all contained database计算机辅助设计和计算机辅助(CAD/CAM)纵观人类工业社会的历史,许多发明获得了专利,整个新技术也逐渐形成。
日期:2016年11月20日计算机辅助工程分析摘要:计算机辅助工程,即CAE(Computer Aided Engineering),是一个涉及面广、集多学科与工程技术于一体的综合性、知识密集型技术。
在产品开发阶段,企业应用CAE 能有效地对零件和产品进行仿真检测,确定产品和零件的相关技术参数,发现产品缺陷、优化产品设计,并极大降低产品开发成本。
目前,CAE 主要应用于汽车、航空、电子、土木工程、通用机械、兵器、核能、石油和化工等行业。
关键词: CAE 有限元前处理后处理1、计算机辅助工程1.1 CAE的由来CAE(Computer Aided Engineering)英文翻译是计算机辅助工程,泛指包括分析、计算和仿真在内的一切研发活动。
制造工程协会SAE(Society of Manufacturing Engineering)将计算机辅助工程(CAE)作为CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)技术构成进行如下定义:分析设计和进行运行仿真,以决定它的性能特征和对设计规则的遵循程度。
21 世纪,是信息时代,随着计算机技术向更高速和更小型化的发展,分析软件的不断开发和完善以及网络通讯的普及,CAE技术的应用将愈来愈广泛并成为衡量一个国家科学技术水平和工业现代化程度的重要标志。
1.2 CAE的发展CAE 是以有限元法、有限差分法及有限体积法为数学基础发展起来的。
2001·4专用汽车Special P ur pose Vehicle ・3・☆设计·研究☆重型自卸车举升机构的计算机辅助设计周廷美崔元捷王仲范(武汉理工大学湖北武汉430070[摘要]根据用户对重型自卸车的设计要求, 采用计算机辅助设计的方法对重型自卸车的举升机构的布置方案、各个不同举升位置的受力计算、举升油缸及液压系统的设计计算进行了探讨。
关键词:重型自卸车举升机构计算机辅助设计中图分类号:U 469. 4. 02文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-0226(2001 04-0003-03Lift Mechanism CAD of Heavy -duty Dump CarZhou Ting -mei et alAbstract A ccor ding to desig n r equirement o f heavy -duty dump car , CA D method ar e used to make ar-r ang ements fo r lift mechanism layout , calculate active fo rce in differ ent lift lo cation , decide lift hy dr o -cy linder and hy dr aulic system.Key words heavy -duty dump car ; lift mechanism ; CA D随着西部大开发战略的实施, 重型自卸车的使用日益增多, 专用汽车生产厂家也在不断调整生产计划, 在目前已有的底盘基础上进行修改设计以满足市场的需要。
举升机构是自卸车的核心机构, 它直接关系到自卸车的整车及举升性能, 这里将介绍重型自卸车举升机构的布置方案的优选及举升机构的受力分析及液压系统的设计计算方法及程序设计方法, 使得举升机构的设计计算方便、快捷, 可使工程技术人员从烦琐的计算或作图工作中解放出来, 全心致力于方案设计之中。
DEVELOPMENT Calculation and Simulation Modern CAE systems can now effectively analyse most components and systemswithin an engine. The 3D geometry is however normally generat-ed manually using traditional engineering skills and experience.Integral Powertrain has developed a radical, parametric,rule-based design approach in which templates are used to increase automation and incorporate knowledge, thus re-ducing development time whilst increasing quality.1 IntroductionIn the engineering of new and modified powertrain products, OEMs and engineer-ing consultants are all striving for a com-petitive advantage. This is driving quality and specification upwards whilst reducing project duration. This has resulted in major advances in a number of areas, notably simulation, digital mock -up, rapid proto-typing and sophisticated ‘virtual test bed’techniques for NVH and mechanical valida-tion.Many of these have focused on produc-ing and testing or analysing mature de-signs. Integral Powertrain (IP) decided to al-so investigate the potential for advances in CAE techniques to enable major process im-provements in the generation of designs.By achieving better initial designs, it was anticipated that the end product would be improved and the cost and time required for validation reduced.As a result of this investigation, a re-vised process has been defined and pilot R&D projects run using the cylinder head and crank train as subjects. Most recently,the new process, known as Automated In-telligent Engine Design (AIED), has been ap-plied to commercial projects for the first time, enabling IP to offer its clients im-proved speed and quality of new concept design and powertrain upgrades. Integral Powertrain is also offering the creation of customised templates as a service to its clients, enabling OEMs and suppliers to achieve similar benefits while incorporat-ing their own rules and knowledge.2 The New Design ProcessThe main high-level objectives for the new process were:■time compression: in particular improv-ing communication and reducing the cycle time for defining and optimising geometryBy Luke BarkerWeiterentwicklung einerMotorenfamilie durch moderne CAE-TechnikYou will find the figures mentioned in this article in the German issue of MTZ 7-8/2004 beginning on page 570.New CAE TechniquesAutomate the Creation of Engine Component Design■knowledge capture and re-use: automat-ically incorporating engineering k nowl-edge and tools to improve design quality ■promotion of continuous improvement: enabling the upgrading of models and rules as a result of experience and R&D.2.1 CAE ImprovementsThe latest CAE / PLM tools offer enhance-ments in many areas. The key enabling fea-tures for AIED are:■the ability to create fully and partly parametric models with stability over a wide geometric range■the ability to select or de-select features ■the incorporation of rules, calculations and logic either directly or by interfacing with other software tools.2.2 ParametricsThe basic building block of the new process is the tolerant parametric model (TPM). This is a highly flexible model driven by key parameters, Figure 1. Typically, the model will also contain a number of options or features that can be selected or de-selected. For example, instead of creating a new pis-ton model every time a new design is re-quired, the same model is used for all pis-tons but with appropriate features being selected and with appropriate values for each parameter.This already introduces a level of time compression, since the model structure is already in place. Also, the use of this same basic model ensures a greater level of con-sistency across designs.2.3 RulesOnce the TPM is in place, values of certain k ey parameters, clearances and tolerances can be linked to each other or determined as the result of explicit calculations. As rela-tionships and rules are added, the number of parameters adjusted by the design engineer is reduced, thus allowing further reductions in design time. This approach also automati-cally captures much of the design methodol-ogy, promoting consistency and quality.2.4 Evaluating and Optimising the DesignClearly, by using this approach, a design can be generated very quickly to a consis-tent structure obeying explicit design rules. The criteria for optimisation, however, may be very complex, so that automatically reaching an optimum single solution is im-practical. For example, a crankshaft must meet certain criteria, including pack age, balance, dynamics, weight, stress, bearing loads and cost of manufacture.The approach used in AIED, Figure 2, is to enable designers to carry out a basic analysis of all the key criteria with almostinstant results. In this way, they can ex-plore the ‘design space’ and rapidly con-verge on an optimum solution. Mathemat-ical optimisers are incorporated within thisstructure as appropriate. This analysis canoften be carried out within the CAD soft-ware, although for more complex tech-niques it is generally more efficient to in-terface with other software tools andspreadsheets.2.5 Interfaces withDownstream AnalysisOnce the design satisfies the basic ‘first-pass’ analysis criteria, more extensive tech-niques can be used if required to fine tuneand validate the design. Since the same ba-sic model is re-used, it is efficient to stream-line the generation of mesh and boundaryconditions, so once again timing and quali-ty benefits are achieved.2.6 Template Structure for theWhole EngineSingle component templates can reducethe time taken to generate a viable designfor a given component. In order to gainmaximum reduction in time to generate (oriterate) a design for the whole engine, it isimportant to manage the interaction ofcomponent designs. It must also be possi-ble to rapidly review the status of key at-tributes in a dynamic design environment.These are primarily issues of communica-tion.2.7 Publishing andCommunicationFor each template, it is possible to publish asummary containing accurate design infor-mation in a structured manner. This will in-clude key dimensions likely to affect othercomponents, mass properties, etc. It may al-so contain business or commercial infor-mation such as cost estimation or requiredvalidation activities. Publishing helps to co-ordinate components into systems andstreamline communication across the busi-ness and with suppliers.2.8 System TemplatesIn many cases, there are clear interactionsbetween key dimensions in the engine. Forexample, the crank pin, bearing insert andconnecting rod big end must be consistentwith one another. These are controlled byintroducing higher-level “system” tem-plates to control the relationships betweencomponents, Figure 3.2.9 Vertical TemplatesPublished information can also be collectedacross system templates and combined togive an overall view of important attribut-es and of project or business issues.3 IT System ImpactImplementing the new design processgives rise to two important issues:■control of links between models■interfacing of vertical templates.In a traditional design process, the CADmodel contains pure geometry, and the on-ly link that exists is between the model andthe drawing. In the case of the AIED ap-proach, the template model contains farmore information. For example, the geom-etry is driven by links to analytical tools orother models. In addition, a complex com-ponent like a cylinder head is made up of anumber of sub-models that, when assem-bled, define the complete component. Thismulti-model structure further increases thenumber of links.This places great demands on the PDMsystem in order to manage the associativelinks and change process. For this reason, itis essential to review PDM capability andplan the implementation of necessary up-grades in parallel with changes to the de-sign process.The successful incorporation of verticaltemplates is a different challenge. Thestructure is less complex in this direction,but the systems used (e.g. resource plan-ning, cost control, etc.) are likely to be basedaround different platforms and to varygreatly between companies. Maximumflexibility is assured if the horizontal tem-plates are considered simply as informa-tion providers. The key requirement in thiscase is that information is published in aconsistent form and can be read andprocessed by the vertical templates.4 The Pilot ProjectIn order to prove the process, it was neces-sary to ensure that it could work for com-plex components. We therefore selected thecylinder head. Figure 4shows the high-lev-el structure comprised of linked sub-mod-els. Each of these is parametrically drivenand incorporates design rules and method-ology.Figure 5shows the sub-model used togenerate the inlet port and injector pack-age. This includes basic port parametersand rules to generate throat and seat ma-chining. Other models relate to valve trainpackage, combustion chamber design, boltbosses, etc.Development of this structure began in1999, using Catia V4, Figure 6, althoughthe functionality was limited. Adoption ofV5 software in 2002 enabled more complex DEVELOPMENT Calculation and Simulationdesign rules and logic to be embedded and also enabled automated link s with other engineering software tools. Development of the system on the Catia V5 platform has continued ever since, and after extensive internal testing and evaluation, the AIED approach was applied in a customer project for the first time in late 2003.5 Continuous Improvement Since the manufacture of the initial proto-type cylinder head tool, templates have now been developed for the cylinder block and crank train (crank, con rod and piston)components. The cylinder head flexibility has also been improved to cover a number of different valve train options.The benefits of the new process in con-cept design have since been well estab-lished. Typically, a more thorough investi-gation of alternatives can be carried out in a given time, and the fast optimisation cy-cle enables better decisions concerning key dimensions. Aggressive specifications can therefore be met with a greatly reduced risk, Figure 7.The parametric, rule-based approach has also proven to be a very powerful driver towards improving best practice. Design rules that limit the package or performance are easily identified. Further detailed work can then be carried out to improve under-standing and develop more aggressive rules, Figure 8. There is also a natural ten-dency for the rules to evolve: successful de-sign rules continue to be used whilst un-successful rules are modified or replaced.This tendency towards continuous im-provement has also been used successfully to investigate powertrain upgrade poten-tial. Firstly, competitor engine geometry is rapidly reproduced using the appropriate AIED tools. The integrated optimisation tools are then used to assess the design and make comparisons with benchmark values.Potential upgrade plans can then be devel-oped and assessed against the benchmarks.6 Applying AIED to an Engine Upgrade StudyThe AIED tool set has recently been applied to a customer engine upgrade study. The client required a thorough feasibility study covering a variable valve train, increased engine capacity, higher engine speed and pressure-charged derivatives consistent with defined manufacturing constraints of a mature engine family.Facsimile models of the client’s cylinder head, valve train and crank train geometry were developed using AIED templates. This enabled the customer’s current design to be thoroughly benchmarked. The comprehen-sive rule base in the AIED also enabled the rapid definition and evaluation of potential upgrade paths. Each iteration was supported by a complete set of simulations to collect benchmark data covering engine forces and balancing, valve train dynamics and drive loads, engine performance, component load-ing and durability, NVH characteristics,gas/coolant flow and heat transfer.Four new engine concepts were present-ed to the customer after six weeks of engi-neering activity and were supported by comprehensive benchmark data generated by the tools. A similar study using tradi-tional modelling and analysis methods would tak e approximately twelve week s.This gives a good illustration of the benefits gained from the new tools.7 ConclusionThe latest CAE and PLM capability enables complex engine component geometry to be generated using a parametric, rule-based process. When compared to existing design processes, this greatly reduces the time re-quired to generate and optimise concept designs whilst simultaneously improving their quality. The new approach is also highly compatible with benchmarking and the promotion of continuous improve-ment.It is suggested that the generation of better initial geometry will substantially improve the end product and reduce the time and cost associated with validation.■DEVELOPMENT Calculation and Simulation4 The Pilot Project Figure 6: Concept of an Atkinson-cycle cylinder head generated using a prototype AIED tool5 Continuous ImprovementFigure 7: V12 engine designed in five weeks using AIED。
减轻重量:通过使 用轻质材料和优化 结构设计,降低传 动系统的重量
提高效率:减轻重 量可以提高传动系 统的效率,降低能 耗
增加寿命:轻量化 设计可以降低传动 系统的磨损,提高 使用寿命
环保节能:减轻重 量可以降低燃油消 耗,减少排放,符 合环保要求
智能化:采用智能控制技术, 优化传动系统效率,降低能 耗
节能环保:提 高燃油效率, 减少排放
轻量化:减轻 重量,提高燃 油经济性
智能化:实现 自动变速、智 能驾驶等功能
模块化:提高 通用性,降低 成本
电动化:发展 纯电动、混合 动力等新能源 汽车
网联化:实现 车辆与车辆、 车辆与基础设 施的互联互通
离合器的功能是实现发动 机与传动系统的分离和结 合,保证汽车平稳起步和 换挡。
变速器的功能是改变传动 比,扩大驱动轮转矩和转 速的变化范围,以适应不 同行驶条件的需要。
传动轴的功能是将动力传 递给驱动桥,实现动力的 传递。
差速器的功能是实现左右 驱动轮的差速转动,保证 汽车在转弯时的行驶稳定 性。
驱动桥的功能是将动力传 递给驱动轮,实现汽车的 行驶。
智能化设计的应用:在重型汽车传动系 统优化设计中,智能化设计已经得到了 广泛的应用,如自动变速器、电控系统 等。
影响传动效率的因素:齿轮 啮合、轴承摩擦、油液粘度 等
传动效率的定义:输入功率 与输出功率的比值
提高传动效率的方法:优化 齿轮设计、降低轴承摩擦、
附录附录AThe frame is the most basic test bench car, all the suspension and turned to connect components are installed in frame above. If car frame flexible is too big, can make cars can neither turned, also cannot normal control. And if the car too rigid frame structure, and would cause unnecessary vibration passed to the driver and passenger's seat cabins. Auto frame and suspension structure design is not only the vehicle noise size and the decision of the vibration amplitude strength, but also will affect the quality of the car and the normal control vehicle. Car manufacturers in their production car are used in several different frame structure. Among them, through the seventy s the most commonly used is shell and girders of fission structure.At present it is still in large trucks, small tonnage truck and a truck on the application. In car shell and the beam structure in the fission, engine, transmission device, transmission gear and the car is through shell insulation devices in the body on the sole fixed. The frame of the internal insulation devices is artificial rubber pad to be able to stop road uneven and engine noise and vibration of the work related to the driver and passenger's cockpit. The second isthe single structure of automobile frame. This kind of design so far in the modern car is the most commonly used. According to the strength of the frame monomer to points, design have light structure. In this car structure as part of the beam frame welding to be directly on the shell. The weight of the chassis increased the strength of the beam. Transmission gears and transmission device via big and soft artificial rubber insulation mat installed in the frame monomer. Insulation pad weakened the noise transmission and vibration. If the insulation pad too soft, will cause transmission gears and transmission device displacement. The displacement called soft quantity, it will affect the manipulation of car performance and control performance. If the insulation pad too hard, cannot play its isolation and reduce the role of the vibration noise. Car manufacturers well-designed insulation mat, put them in proper place device car, in order to reduce the noise, vibration, make the transmission buffer for driving car, drivers and passengers take comfort. The performance of the insulation mat with use fixed number of year changing, when the old car becomes the performance of the original also changed.He third kind of structure is the first two kinds of structure of the main characteristics unifies in together. It in front of the car used car beam, in the short HouCang use a frame. A monomer, and shortrigid part of the beam's action is insulation to enhance the car.Car manufacturers in the car that choose low production cost and at the same time to meet with noise, vibration control performance requirements of high driving frame structure. The old large vehicles, trucks, and trucks often use shell and girders of fission structure. A new, smaller vehicles often use single structure frame.Engine piston connecting rod groupThe piston connecting rod group of piston, piston, piston pins, connecting rod, connecting rod bearings etc.Function: the piston is the work of gas pressure to bear, and through the piston pin to connecting rod rotation, the piston driven crankshaft top or part of the combustion chamber. Working conditions: the piston in high temperature and high pressure, high speed, bad lubrication under the conditions of the job. The piston directly with high temperature, gas contact instantaneous temperatures up to 2500 K above, therefore, heat, and cooling conditions and serious is very poor, so the piston work temperature is very high, the top as high as 600 to 700 K, and the temperature distribution is not uniform; The piston top bear gas pressure to do work, especially the greatest pressure, the gasoline engine trip up to 3 ~ 5 MPa, diesel engine as high as 6 ~ 9 MPa, this makes the piston impact, and bear the role of the lateral pressure, therefore,the piston should have enough heat resistance, to try to reduce the piston, piston cooling heating strengthen heat transfer surface, suitable enlargement, make the tops of the pistons. The highest temperature drop Inside the cylinder piston at high speed (8 to 12 m/s) reciprocating motion, and speed changing constantly, which has made a big inertia force, driving the piston is much additional load. The piston in this harsh conditions, can produce deformation work and accelerated wear, still can produce additional load and thermal stress, and the chemical corrosion function by gas. In order to reduce reciprocating inertia force, must reduce the weight of the piston as much as possible. The piston is in high temperature and high pressure, high speed (piston average speed can reach 101115 m/s) under the working conditions of the poor, the lubrication, piston and cylinder wall friction between serious. To reduce the friction, the piston surface must wear-resisting. Requirements:1)To have enough stiffness and strength, power transmission and reliable;2)Thermal conductivity, resistance to high pressure, high temperature resistant, wear resistance;3) Quality, light weight, small to minimize reciprocating inertia force. Aluminum alloy material basically meet the above requirements,therefore, the piston typically use the high-strength aluminum alloy, but in some low speed diesel engine USES the senior cast iron or heat resistant steel.Suspension systemSuspension shock absorbers and control including a spring, connecting rod device. It must be able to support the body weight and enough to load. Suspension also should be able to withstand the engine and braking to it an opposite reaction. Suspension system is the most important function of the tire and road surface contact time as far as possible the long. In support of body and load, even in rough roads should be more so. The four tire tread come in contact with the car is the only part. All output power, engine to force and power system through come in contact with the pavement of the tire tread work. Whenever tires and road surface contact or car started when the car skid, control ability (power, to force, braking force) will be weakened or even lost.Car body is supported by spring, spring can be divided into the spiral, steel plate type, twist bar type and inflatable. The spiral spring is the most widely used in modern car type. The spiral, torsion bar type and inflatable spring is need to use the connecting rod and connecting with the wheel arm in place. Leaf spring provide the horizontal and vertical vehicle control, in order to prevent thecar wheel in cars, they often unnecessary displacement with truck in the van and truck.Suspension system is along with the development of the passenger car and change and improvement. A luxury car, special vehicle, small cars and light trucks are designed completely different. Modern tire improvement continuously improve the vehicles operating performance, it is the improvement and shock absorbers, steering system and suspension control device of synchronous improvement together.In modern car of the manipulation conditions need to tires and the road, so that safe, correct contact to control and motor vehicles. To want to maximum driving safety, to remember this four tires must in any time and the road phase contact. At the same time to consider the vehicle steering flexibility, tire wear resistance, automobile driving comfort and driving safety, in order to achieve the effective control of the car. Suspension system is divided into front suspension and after suspension.The front suspension design has been rapid development. From relatively coarse hard shaft structure to the development of the modern light, high strength, support type independent suspension structure, and by increasing the connecting rod device and make the car's performance is improved. Suspension structure isimproved with the improvement of the road, and drivers need and the improvements.Most lead the engine, rear wheel drive car USES a simple after the dependency of the suspension. But a rear wheel drive independent suspension structure is complex, and high cost, and only used for a bus.To lead the engine of the car front wheel drive, through the transmission device, moved to the front suspension after only used to regulate driving control and the reaction of braking. This has the simplified of independent suspension institutions, half independent suspension institutions and independent suspension after the application, the latter a large institutions used in the design of the structure of new vehicles.附录B车架是汽车最基本的台架,所有的悬架和转向连接部件都安装在车架上面。
重型卡车悬架参数的计算机优化道格拉斯•布鲁福特汽车公司(此前屈于美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学),美国Bohdan T. Kulakowski宾夕法尼亚大学,美国摘要一种考虑整车性能的重型卡车悬架参数的最优化设计方法已被提出。
基于计算机的悬架优化第一次出现在1967年,其中就有Bender[l]o 一些研究人员从那个时候开始研究,主要利用1/4或1/2汽车模型,但据文献记载,应用在狡接汽车悬架设计上的数字最优化设计技术的仅有尝试是由El-Madany[2]完成的。
应用计算机辅助工程设计重型卡车车架 外文翻译 精品
应用计算机辅助工程设计重型卡车车架Carlos Cosme, Amir Ghasemi and Jimmy GandeviaWestern Star Trucks, Inc. 摘要:近年来,重型卡车市场变得非常的注重重量和降低成本。
本文论述了运用计算机集成、计算机辅助设计和工程软件代码(Pro / Engineer,ADAMS软件和ANSYS)来辅助设计更改车架。
许多有联系的制造事件被组合在一起进而组成一个特别的应用系统,可以被称为生产和控制系统( PACS),生产和控制系统从一个制造设备到另一个。
它已经把制造技术带到了一个智能领域,生产技术的进步带来了计算机技术和制造技术并带来了制造技术的进步,这样的结合是计算机辅助制造和控制(CAPACS)的基础,计算机带动了CAPACS的发展,所以,计算机辅助制造和控制系统增强了智能机器在生产和控制功能的作用,增加作用的智能机器要求有更亲密之间的交流和互动等功能,例如设计,生产,财务,生产,人性化和市场营销,概念化,形式化,排挤化的生产经营方式将由CAPACS改变在制造业中典型的研究如下:CAD 计算机辅助设计CAIN 计算机辅助检验CAM 计算机辅助制造CAPP计算机辅助程序计划CAQC计算机辅助质量检测控制CIPM 计算机集成生产管理DNC直接数字控制GT 成组技术图1.2计算机辅助制造和控制系统在制造系统中的相互关系图1.2对计算机辅助制造和控制系统相互关联的功能由一个综合数据库系统做了概述,设计数据是通过研究之间的相互作用产生的,它是一个集合了所有的介绍产品及相关操作的信息。
机械工程专业英语文章翻译机械工程专业英语题目:Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing学号:20110334304班级:数控121姓名:康振平Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing计算机辅助设计与制造Computer-aided design(CAD)involves the use of computers tocreate design drawings and product models. Computer-aided design is usually associated with interactive computer graphics(known as a CAD system). Computer-aided design systems are powerful tools and are used in the mechanical design and geometric modeling of products and components.计算机辅助设计(CAD)是指用计算机来创造设计图纸和产品模型。
In CAD,the drawing board is replaced by electronic input and output devices. When using a CAD system,the designer canconceptualize the object to be designed more easily on the Graphics screen and can consider alternative designs or modify a particular design quickly to meet the necessary design requirements or changes. The designer can then subject the design to a variety of engineering analyses and can identify potential problems (such as an excessive load or deflection).The speed and accuracy of such analyses far surpass what is available from traditional methods.在CAD(计算机辅助设计)中,传统的画图板被电子输入和输出设备所替换。
CAD And CAMThe term CAD/CAM is a shortening of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM). Well then, what is a general CAD system?The general CAD system was developed by considering a wide range of possible uses of such a system. The following were considered in detail:(1) Mechanical engineering design;(2) Building design;(3) Structural engineering design;(4) Electronic circuit design;(5) Animation and graphic design.It was postulated that four basic processes involving graphics occurred, to various degrees, in each field, namely:(1) Pure analysis - standard design and analysis processes.(2) Pure draughting–production of a drawing or picture by the manual creation and manipulation of lines, arcs, etc.(3) Drawing by analysis–the production of a picture or part of a picture directly from analysis: for example, production of cam profiles.(4) Analysis of drawing–evaluation of the properties of an item described graphically, for example the production of a quantity list by anal ysis of a builder’s plan drawing.For the system to be able to support pure analysis it must contain facilities for the running of analysis programs of unlimited length and for the storage and rapid retrieval of large amounts of data.It was considered important that the user should be able to communicate directly and graphically with analysis programs. Graphics facilities were provided which were considered to be sufficient for a general design draughting system. However, the range of graphical construction techniques is so large in practice that the system contained only as many facilities as could practically be incorporated in the draughting system, leaving other more specialized techniques to be developed by the applications programmer.For both the production of drawing items by analysis and the analysis of drawings, it is essential that there is a simple efficient link between data produced by the draughting system and analysis programs. It is also essential that graphic data can be annotated in a way which is recognized by analysis programs but which does not affect the draughting system.It was thought that for most practical application the general draughting system would be incorporated in a much larger specific applications system. For this reason the draughting system was as simple as possible consistent with reasonable running efficiency, so that it could be incorporated into an applications system with the minimum of effort.The facilities embodied in the general CAD system are now described. These facilities are aimed at allowing a user to input graphical information into the computer and file it. Initial data entry is made by digitizing rough sketches. The system also permits the user to access the data, manipulate it, process it, output it in hard-copy form, or re-file it for permanent storage.There are many reasons for using CAD; the most potent driving force is competition. In order to win business, companies used CAD to produce better designs more quickly and more cheaply than their competitors. Productivity is much improved by a CAD program enabling you to easily draw polygons, ellipses, multiple parallel lines and multiple parallel curves. Copy, rotate and mirror facilities are also very handy when drawing symmetrical parts. Many hatch patterns are supplied with CAD programs. Filling areas in various colors is a requirement in artwork and presentations. Different style fonts for text are always supplied with any CAD programs. The possibility of importing different graphic file formats and scanning of material (photographs) into a CAD program is also an asset especially as the image can be manipulated, retouched and animated.Another advantage of a CAD system is its ability to store entities, which are frequently used on drawings. Libraries of regularly used parts can be purchased separately or can be created by the draughtsman. For repetitive use on a drawing, a typical item may be retrieved and positioned in seconds, also oriented at any angle to suit particular circumstances.Using CAD products, assembly drawings can be constructed by inserting existing component drawings into the assembly drawing and positioning them as required.Clearance between different components can be measured directly from the drawing, and if required, additional components designed using the assembly as reference.CAD is very suitable for fast documentation. Previously, engineers and drafters wasted almost 30% of their time looking for drawings and other documents. Editing drawings to effect revisions and produce updated parts lists is quick and easy using a CAD product.When you’re working on paper and a customer wants to change a drawing, you have to draw it all over again; In CAD, you make the change immediately and print out a new drawing in minutes, or you can transmit it via E-mail or Internet all over the world instantly. On paper creating complex geometry often involves a lot of measuring and location of reference points; In CAD it is a breeze and revisions are even simpler. Many CAD programs include a macro or an add-on programming language that allows customizing it.Customizing your CAD programs to suit your specific needs and implementing your ideas can make your CAD system different from yourrivals. CAD can enable companies to producebetter designs that are almost impossible to produce manually and to eliminate dubious options during the conceptual design phase.Many CAD systems permit the rapid generation of models of proposed designs as wireframes. The solid modeling created in CAD can be transferred to a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) program, which will then verify whether the suggested design will be capable of supporting the expected loads.CAD will be linked to CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) whenever possible.CAD/CAM systems could produce computerized instructions for computerized machine controllers: lathes, mills, machining centers, turret punches, welding equipment, automated assemblies, etc.The CAM parts have evolved from the technology of Numerical Controlled (NC) machines. Early NC machines had their own on-board electronic control systems for their servo drives and motors, and where programmed by punched paper tape. In time, that becomes equivalent to a control stream of ASCII text data typed into a text editor.Each machine maker developed their own control code scheme, usually a very cryptic set of letters for machine actions and numbers for the values of speed, depth, etc., and position coordinates.NC machines include a computer with a screen and keyboard. These use a “conventional” control language. Modern CAD/CAM systems automatically generate tool paths from a 3D model, and can simulate the cutting action on-screen. The most CAD/CAM systems are modular that means you can buy whichever modules do the option you want and they integrates into a unified system.CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) means complete integration of all aspects of manufacturing utilizing computerized information.CIM is the use of component data created by CAD in the CAM environment. In other words, the part geometry for manufacturing use in computerized form is used for NC programming. This stage of development may be termed small-scale integration.The most highly developed form of CIM is the creation of a database containing all the information required for flexible manufacturing of components produced by the plant, in a form in which it can be retrieved and used by anyone who needs it. Flexible manufacturing means the ability to make any components in small numbers or well as large, quickly, at economical cost, thus reducing tool charges, work in process and costly inventory.The main information flows involved in computer integrated manufacturing were clearly outlined by Helberg. CAD generates product model and product describing data that are transformed by CAPP (computer aided process planning) into routings and control programs for the CAM systems. The PPC (production planning and control systems) systemsgenerate andmanage all operational data that are used for controlling in the CAM area. CAQ (computer aided quality assurance) on a short-term basis corrects deviations in the manufacturing process and in the long run influences the development of products and methods with regard to quality assurance.Helberg’s outline does not include further necessary or desirable informational connections between the systems, such as a connection of CAD/CAPP and PPC for an accompanying calculation during design and routing generation, or feedback from manufacturing to planning. Furthermore, at least in the case of single-parts manufacturing, processes like design and process planning can be regarded as elements of the lead time of an order and therefore can be planned and controlled by the PPC system in the same way as the actual manufacturing and assembly processed. In that case a corresponding feedback becomes necessary.System integration and rationalization is not simply a technological matter, as the CIM theorists suggest. To integrate disperse and incompatible systems we must change traditional procedure, not just throw in more money and equipment. Whenever we try to change procedures we find resistance. The larger the company and the more independent the network, the more difficult it is to turn policies and procedures around. Yet, as Fig. 21.1 suggests, a condition for successful system integration is that it extends along functional and support lines, in the global sense of the distributed environment.FUNCTIONAL(LINES OFPRODUCTS ANDSERVICES)Fig. 21.1 System IntegrationFig. 21.1 System integration should be accomplished along three different axes of reference: distributed environment (topology), functional support, software and hardware.Because the tangible and intangible benefits of CIM are long term, theusual discounted-cash-flow and return-on-investment methods cannotjustify a CIM installation of a flexiblemanufacturing process frequently. Instead, strategic advantages and intangible benefits must be used to weigh the desirability of investment in CIM.CAD And CAM术语CAD/CAM是计算机辅助设计(CAD)和计算机辅助制造(CAM)的缩写。
cad和cab技术范文 -回复
通过使用CAD 和CAB 技术,生产过程可以实现自动化和数字化,从而减少了人力成本和时间浪费。
最后,CAD 和CAB 技术也为企业创新提供了良好的基础。
尽管CAD 和CAB 技术带来了许多好处,但它们也面临一些挑战。
毕业设计(论文)外文翻译题目计算机辅助设计与制造专业名称班级学号学生姓名指导教师填表日期20** 年03 月11 日计算机辅助设计与制造CAD/CAM是表示计算机辅助设计和计算机辅助制造的专业术语。
正如定义所表示的那样,CAM应用程序可分为两大类:1.计算机监控程序;2. 制造程序。
机械专业中英文对照翻译In the field of mechanical engineering, there are numerous terms and concepts that require precise translation between English and Chinese. Understanding these terms and how they relate to one another is essential for effective communication in the industry.机械工程领域有很多术语和概念需要在英文和中文之间进行精确翻译。
Below are some key terms and their translations:以下是一些关键词汇及其翻译:1. Mechanical engineering 机械工程学2. Kinematics 运动学3. Dynamics 动力学4. Thermodynamics 热力学5. Fluid mechanics 流体力学6. Mechanics of materials 材料力学7. Robotics 机器人学8. Machine design 机械设计9. Manufacturing 制造业10. CAD (Computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计11. CAM (Computer-aided manufacturing) 计算机辅助制造12. CNC (Computer numerical control) 计算机数控13. Finite element analysis 有限元分析14. Stress 应力15. Strain 应变16. Fatigue 疲劳17. Fracture 断裂18. Yield point 屈服点19. Elastic modulus 弹性模量20. Plastic deformation 塑性变形21. Shear stress 剪切应力22. Tensile stress 拉伸应力23. Compression stress 压缩应力24. Torque 扭矩25. Power 功率26. Efficiency 效率27. Lubrication 润滑28. Bearing 轴承29. Gear 齿轮30. Spring 弹簧31. Shaft 轴32. Coupling 联轴器33. Fastener 紧固件34. Welding 焊接35. Machining 加工36. Turning 车削37. Milling 铣削38. Drilling 钻孔39. Grinding 磨削40. Assembly 装配When translating these terms, it is important to consider their context within a particular field or industry. For example, the term “shear stress” may have a slightly different connotation in the context of civil engineering compared to mechanical engineering. Additionally, some terms may have multiple translations depending on the specific application or use case.当翻译这些术语时,考虑到它们在特定领域或行业中的背景非常重要。
高效的运输网络建立了一个我们每天都要参与的 “世界市场”。
但是, 即使一种设计最终被落实, 制造业者一定愿意通过允许最后的工程设计变化,而没有通过影响装运进度表,或者改变产品质量来适应他们的用户。
大多数美国的生产公司基于趋向计算机辅助设计(CAD )/计算机辅助制(CAM )和CIM 为他们的制造系统提供灵活性。
现在不仅为零件生产设计制造系统,而且为零件从一台机器运送到另一台机器的命令顺序设计了制造系统,如图(1),它还包含一个经济区域的制造经济计划在美国和其他国家,手工产品总是还有一些市场的,此外真正的工业产品对于特殊的“one-of-a-kind ”技术项目还是需要的。
“one-of-a-kind ”通过大量的货物来表明、各种各样的工业需要各种各样的加工方法。
Volume-productionPer partNumber HighLowHigh IntegratedAutomationTechnologies Transter LinesDedicated SystemsFlexible Systems Automated CellsJob ShopsVariety-Part Numbers Per System图(1)2.柔性制造系统柔性制造系统(FMS)像人们通常知道的那样的,能使用一个可编程的制造系统自动地生产各种各样的产品。
计算机辅助工程的研究与应用第一章:介绍计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering, CAE)是指利用计算机技术对工程问题进行模拟、分析、优化和设计的过程。
第二章:CAE的基本概念CAE主要包括计算机辅助设计(Computer Aided Design, CAD)、计算机辅助制造(Computer Aided Manufacturing, CAM)和计算机辅助工程分析(Computer Aided Engineering Analysis, CAEA)三个方面。
计算机辅助下的机械工程文档翻译——以某汽车《维修手册》为案例王春艳【摘要】This paper makes an analysis of the requirements and fulfillmentof language, format, terminology, text style and teamwork coordination for computer-aided mechanics literature translation, using an automobile service manual translation as a case study. CAT technology maximizes human and machine capacities by defining stage tasks to human and software parties according to strength of each and controlling the translation progress to avoid terminology inconsistency and achieve style decency effectively. Large size translation projects are thus controllableand translation quality and efficiency expectable.%选取某汽车《维修手册》为案例,在分析其语言、项目、格式特点及其在术语、风格等方面易出现的问题的基础上,探讨计算机辅助翻译在机械工程文档中的翻译流程和功能。
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应用计算机辅助工程设计重型卡车车架Carlos Cosme, Amir Ghasemi and Jimmy GandeviaWestern Star Trucks, Inc. 摘要:近年来,重型卡车市场变得非常的注重重量和降低成本。
本文论述了运用计算机集成、计算机辅助设计和工程软件代码(Pro / Engineer,ADAMS软件和ANSYS)来辅助设计更改车架。
先进的CAD 系统功能丰富,如参数化实体建模和大型装配管理。
CAE技术在本文所讨论的工具包括基与CAD的Pro / Engineer,ANSYS进行有限元分析,以及基于ADAMS的MSS。
CAE重型汽车建模如上所述,在目前提供的C AD与CAE工具提供了大量的整合。
使用ADAMS软件代码,建立了WesterStar 卡车的模型。
图2 ADAMS的MSS的模型该模型包括以下几个特点:•100刚体•180力元•45共同元素•415度-的自由度固定的机构包括车架,驾驶室,车桥,车轮,发动机,引擎盖,散热器,钢板弹簧,悬挂臂,传动轴。
Pro / Engineer的组件是用来确定这些元素的几何位置。
CAE解决方案的框架灵活性前人技法- 在过去,一些技术已经使用捕捉画面灵活性的MSS的模型。
模态综合技术- 在有限元分析和MSS整合最新进展克服了上述方法的困难。