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C.to read C.lot C.or C.liking C.so C.silk C.living C.Theirs C.put on C.hear
D.reading D.lots of D./ D.to like D.or D.sliks’ D.to live D.Their D.puts on D.hear to
2.综合考虑,先易后难 3. 复读检验,消除疏漏
第一步:细读首句,跳过空格,通读全文, 掌握大意
细读首句: 明确短文话题,了解篇章 结构,预测全文内容。 跳过空格,快速通读,领会大意,把 握中心。 生词的处理:跳过、判断词性、了解 大意、猜测。
二、依托语境,注意上下文之间、词 与词之间,从语法到意义的合理搭配。 尤其要注意短文中承上启下的过渡词 等,如so, but, however, then, therefore, also等。 A a Peter likes playing in a river. But there 1 river near his new house. He is not very 2 A .
3. A.her 4. A.There is
B.his B.Are there
C.our C.There are
D.their D.Is there
Peter likes playing in a 思路三: 把握整体意思,寻找答题线索,从上下文 考虑。 river. But there 1 思路四: 结合前后语境,进行逻辑推理,从日常生 a river near his new house. 活常识考虑。 “No, there isn't 5 ,”his mother says, “but 6 new house has a garden.”
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A great storm hits, and the Little Mermaid saves the prince from a neardrowning.
The Little Mermaid, longing for the prince and an eternal soul, eventually visits the Sea Witch, who sells her a potion that gives her legs, in exchange for her tongue .
邓凯文 农佳颖
47+20+14 0+2+14
知识回顾(1) • • • • • • 1. not...any more __________________ 不再…… 2. 不仅...而且..._____________ not only…but also… 3. 能,会______________ can/be able to 实现 4. come true______________ as well 5. 也, 又 _______________ cheap 6. 便宜的______________
C.aren’t C.cheap C.our C.There are C.two C.our C.them C.This C.isn’t C.go
D.are D.cold D.their D.Is there D.no D.us D.it D.There D.aren’t D.come
1. 通览全文,了解大意
1. A.isn’t 2. A.happy 3. A.her 4. A.There is 5. A.some 6. A.your 7. A.you 8. A.They 9. A.is 10. A.go to
B.is B.busy B.his B.Are there B.one B.my B.me B.it B.are B.comes to
Peter likes playing in a river. But there 1 a river near his new house. He is not very 2 . One day, he asks 3 mother, “ 4 a river near here?” “No, there isn't 5 ,”his mother says, “but 6 new house has a garden.” “I don't like 7 ,” says Peter. One morning his mother says, “ 8 is a beautiful park near here, Peter, and there 9 two pools(水池)in it. We'll go there this afternoon.” Peter is very happy. After lunch, Peter and his mother 10 the park, and he plays in one of the pools. He has a very good time.
As each of her sisters returned, the Little Mermaid listens longingly to their descriptions of the surface and of human beings.
When the Little Mermaid's turn comes, she ventures to the surface, sees a ship with a handsome prince, and falls in love with him from a distance.
Fairy Tales 童话故事
The Little Mermaid lives in a utopian underwater kingdom with her family. When a mermaid turns 15, she is allowed to swim to the surface to watch the world above.
1. A.isn’t 2. A.happy B.is B.busy C.aren’t C.cheap D.are D.cold
第三步:上下联系,逐句阅读,先易后难,初 定答案。
思路一: 分析句子结构,从语法和句型结构考虑。 思路二: 理解句子含义,判断句义关系,从词汇的意义、 用法和搭配考虑。
One day, he asks 3 mother, “ 4 a river near here?”
(1)A.read B.reads (2)A.a lot B.lot of (3)A.and B.but (4)A.like B.likes (5)A.and B.but (6)A.silk's B.silks (7)A.lives B.live (8)A.They B.Them (9)A.wear B.wears (10)A.listens B.go
5. A.some 6. A.your
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Peter likes playing in a river. But there isn’t 1 a river near his new house. He is not very happy 2 . One day, he asks his3 mother, “Is there 4 a river near here?”“No, there isn't one 5 ,”his mother says, “but our 6 new house has a garden.” “I don't like it 7 ,” says Peter. One morning his mother says, “There8 is a beautiful park near here, Peter, and there are 9 two pools(水池)in it. We'll go there this afternoon.” Peter is very happy. After lunch, Peter and his mother go to10 the park, and he plays in one of the pools. He has a very good time.
• be going to • will
正确答案:B 表示“某地有某物”用there be句型来表达,因时间是将来, 故只能选B项。
I II.句型转换。 1.Mary will do some washing tomorrow.(对划线 部分提问) What will Mary do tomorrow?; 2. Lily will leave for London in three hours.(对划 线部分提问) How soon will Lily leave for London? 3.They will go hiking this Sunday.(变为否定句) 3. They won't go hiking this Sunday. 4.Daming is going to go over his lessons for his English test.(改为一般疑问句) Is Daming going to go over his lessons for English test?
Daming’s uncle likes _1_ and he reads _2_ books and magazines. His favourite book is Harry Potter. He likes films _3_ he often goes to the cinema. He doesn’t like football. Daming’s mother _4_ candy. She never goes to the cinema, and she doesn’t like table tennis _5 basketball. She likes clothes and she usually wears _6_ shirts. She never wears jeans or trainers. Daming’s aunt and uncle _7_ in the USA. _8_ favourite clothes are jeans and T-shirts. They usually _9_ trainers. They always _10_ to concerts.
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.他们将会通过电子邮件把作业发送给老师。 They will send their homework to their teacher by email. 2.村庄里将会有许多小汽车。 There will be a lot of cars in the village. 3.将来人们用机器人做家务。 People will use robots to do the housework in the future. 4.你家将会有机器人吗? Will there be robots in your home?