HSBC Interview - 汇丰银行面试问题
汇丰银行面试第一篇:汇丰银行面试微笑三思后答不置可否1、你理解的外资银行与中资银行的区别先进的经营理念(以客户为中心)和管理方式金融产品创新灵活与品牌优势雄厚的资金实力和盈利情况好服务环境和服务质量好安全性与保密性高端客户2、你应聘柜员岗的优势耐心细心稳重善于和人沟通真诚值得信任缺点自己经验不足~还需要进一步学习3、你的职业规划汇丰提供很多internal transfer的机会,只要先进来,1年后内部转岗甚至跨部门转岗都是很有机会的,所以发展空间还是很广阔的。
Teller之上是Section Head,Counter Officer, Counter Executive, Sub-branch Manager。
4、汇丰柜员要求Bachelor degree or above;Good command of oral English;Good interpersonal skills and strong sense of responsibility;Strong communication skills and problem solving skills;Commitment to service and sales and willingness to work under a flexible timetable;Knowledge of PC and typing skill.面试官关心的是你的soft skill,看你怎么处理问题,看你怎么组织语言等,问题有:1你组织过的活动?2你如何激发组员的动力?曾经看到过这样一个故事:在日本,有很多渔民每天都出海捕鳗鱼,但是因为船舱小,等回到岸边的时候,鳗鱼也基本死的差不多了。
汇丰的⾯试经历 决定写点⾯经,其实不是写,是把我以前收集的关于AC的⾯经贴出来,够⼤家伙们⽤了。
汇丰的⾯试经历 汇丰银⾏bankerdevelopment的筛选过程是我经历的⾯试⾥⾯最严格、最正规的 上⼤家对此的介绍不多,今天跟⼤家分享,算是为师弟师妹积累点有益的东西吧 汇丰银⾏今年有两个program,⼀个managementtrainee,⼀个是bankerdevelopment 前者是针对数据中⼼的经理⼈员培养计划,后者则是培养你成为熟悉全⾯银⾏业务的银⾏家,期限都是2年,后者要在北京、上海、⾹港等地rotation BD的⾯试有四轮 1st,SHL的test,跟kpmg的⼀样,只不过全是英⽂,数学部分的时间有点紧,试题与恒⽣银⾏竟然完全⼀样,因此在⼤家都做过的前提下必须保证⾜够的正确率。
整个1个半⼩时始终保持⼀种⾼度紧张状态,铅笔机械式的挥动(xiaosu曾提醒⼤家⼀定要带⾃动铅笔,偶也深受其害,两只2b铅笔被磨的没有尖,还要尽量保持卷⾯的整体整洁⼯整,这是⼀个良好的职业态度!)最后,作⼀个100道选择题的personality测试,考察你的性格是否适合银⾏家这种职业 4th,finalassessmentcenter,最tough也最有意思的⼀轮啦!整整⼀天,包括三个部分:groupdiscussion,facetofaceinterview,caseanalysisanpresentation.这⼀轮分两组,每组六个⼈,先作⼀个1⼩时的groupdiscussion,需要组⾥的⼈通例合作,解决⼀个⽇程安排的问题,最重要的是每⼈找到⾃⼰的位置,在组中有⼀个很好的contribution,是不是做leader不是很重要,我们围坐在⼀个圆桌中,背后被4个考官监视着,⼀举⼀动都被记录在案,不过⼀点也不紧张,还好讨论是⽤中⽂。
3. help to handle it when custom have some problems
E. what do you think a best telephone custom service?
1. you are polite
2. you are famillar with the products and service
3. you are very patient
4. you can have great communication with custom
Д4. what are your caree plan?
1. HSBC is a great company and I want to learn more knowledge and skills in the company
.could you introduce yourself?
My nama i... I graduated fro...,l am .r old are travelling.playing backestall...
I am a hardworking,positive and self-motived person
I believe I am qualificated for the position and look forward the opportunity to work with yo u
汇丰银行面试题. Please state why you chose to follow these activities and how they have contributed to your personal development. You may wish to give details of your role whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties you encountered.请说明你为什么选择这些步骤以及它们对你的个人发展有何贡献,你最好能就你的角色中所可能遇到的任何人或者遭遇到的任何困难给出细节。
2. Please state how you have benefited from your work experience.请说明你是如何从你的工作经验中获益的。
3. How much is your present monthly salary including allowances. 请问你现时包括所有津贴在内的每月薪水是多少。
4. Do you need to compensate your present employer if you resign?If so,please give details. 如果你现在辞职是否需要给原雇主以补偿?如果需要,请详细说明。
5. Other than academic success,what has been your greatest achievement to date?What do you see as your personal strength,why?除了纯粹的成功以外,还有其它最大的成就么,你如何看待你的个人力量?为什么?6.Please state why the position you have applied for is appropriate for you;Why you have selected HongKong Bank and what your career objectives are. 请说明为什么你所期望的位置适合你,为什么你选择汇丰银行以及你的事业目标是什么HSBC笔试和面经发信人:solzhu(sol),信区:job标题:我的面经4发信站:饮水思源(2004年03月03日11:32:37星期三)一笔(全英文)1.numerical35分钟35题。
HSBC Interview - 汇丰银行面试问题资料讲解
![HSBC Interview - 汇丰银行面试问题资料讲解](
H S B C I n t e r v i e w-汇丰银行面试问题36 Behavior questions1.Why do you want to work for the position?Tips: -Say it fits your skillsets: analytical, problem solving, great communicator-Say you spoke to______, who’s in this position, loved his experience2.Why do you want to work for the company?3.What differentiate you from other candidate?4. Tell me about yourself: Tell your life stories in 3 mins, more laid backWalk me through your resume: more formal, pick top experiencesTips: Prep for the two versions5. Tell me what you enjoy the most about your school experience.Tips: talk about academic, extracurricular activities and professional development6. Favourite course and least favourite course7. 5-10 YEAR Career GOAL8. How would working for our company help you achieve your long term goal?9. Hobbies outside class?Tips: Not just any hobbies. Try to tie the hobbies into the positionIf it is an analytical role that requires market knowledge, say you spent 3 hours a day to follow the newsIf its people type of role, say football experience, and tie it back to the position, say you learned to work with ppl through football, you are used to work with people, its part of you. So you want this role.10. Tell me about your previous work experience?11. Tell me about the skills you have acquired through your eduction, employment and other activities that you believe will help you in this job at our job?Tips: Break down to academic experience including CFA, your work and extracurricular experiences12. Do you like working with others or working along.Tips: Say both depending on the nature of the work. Experienced working independently and working with a team in your role as a student ambassador for TMX( Work solo at U of T, work collaboratively with other ambassadors from other schools)13. Major accomplishment to date?14. Why do you think you will be the most successful candidate at this role.Tips: “ read job description, see your company is looking for people with skill 1, skill 2, skill 3”. Then elaborate the 3 skills you have that match with the job description.15. Do you work well under stress?16. . If someone you worked with was unable to carry out their responsibilities, would you assist them and how would you go about it?17. Tell me a time when you came up with a creative idea18.Talk about your best project19. Tell me about a time you displayed leadership20. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an unsatisfied coworkers/ boss?21. There are times when we are faced with problems. Describe a time when you had to deal with a small problem before it became a huge problem.22. Describe a time where you failed in one of your job assignments23. Give me an example of how you suggested an idea to your boss and how you sold the idea to him.24. What was your best written achievement? How do you do research for the written piece? 25. describe a presentation you had to do26. When taking high risks, sometimes it is possible to have a failure. Have you taken a high risk, which has later worked fine, but initially you have questioned yourself whether it was worth to take the risk? /How you convince, what strategy you use to convince team to choose your solutions.27. tell me about a time when you proposed improvements to the company (or your boss)28. .tell me about a new transition that you had to me make and how you adjusted29. . 5 strengths & 3 weakness30. success story about demonstrating technical skills. Tell me a time when had to communicate something technical to someone with a non-technical background, in writing31. how have you dealt with a situation that was bound to fail32. Has anyone ever asked you or put you into a situation where your ethical decision making is jeopardized? How have you dealt with it? How did you handle difficult people at workplace33. Why choose the finance major?34. . Tell me about time you gave idea to another person? Coaching/ showing compassion / Use your knowledge to help someone/ Ask the right question/give a suggestion/helped someone?35. What was a situation where you failed to achieve your stated goal?/ Work below expectation.36. Do you make your opinions known when you disagree with the views of your supervisor?。
问题:1.自我介绍?2.为什么选择进银行业?3.为什么选汇丰?4.之前有没有团队合作经历?举例?5.有没有碰到很难合作的人?你是怎么处理的?举例?6.有什么优点可以让你胜任这个职位?6.性格里有什么缺点?举例?我对你说的那个地址的汇丰的面试笔试不是特别的清楚但我对于汇丰上海总部和汇丰数据中心的笔试面试还是了如指掌的和你大概说一下吧以下内容针对的是非大规模招聘应届生的情况1. 笔试是这样的总部的笔试大概30到45分钟3个大类词汇完型阅读40-50题好像词汇10-15题完型2-3篇剩下的都是阅读接近BEC的考试模式和思路数据中心的就麻烦了2个小时的企业报告让你制作会计分录全英文的反正后者我是不行了呵呵看你的职位应该和总部的面试比较接近吧搞不好也是同一套题目哎总部的题目2年了就没变过笔试通过一般还有2轮的面试至少哦一轮是HR 免不了单挑英语的汇丰的HR不像别的外资银行英文还是可以的你一定会准备的那道自我介绍即使你说的很溜你也吓不倒他们哈哈一轮是部门领导第一轮式半英文后一轮基本是中文了不过你遇到的是外籍领导那基本上就是全英文了看你运气咯问得题目么自我介绍优缺点兴趣爱好对申请岗位的认识以前的相关经验职业规划等等很基本的关键看面试官的思路没什么标准答案如果你英语笔试成绩非常好的话你后面的面试有优势的前提是你能通过面试呵呵预祝你笔试顺利啊哈哈Interviewer, good afternoon! My name is XX, this 22-year-old. I am a XX college graduates, my professional e-commerce. In more than two years of university study and life, in addition to master e-commerce basic knowledge, but also skilled manipulation of computer office software. and passed the qualifying examination, Assistant e-commerce division, but also received scholarships to the school's progress. I am a man warm and generous, polite, good communication and a conscientious caution, is a responsible girl. I am confident that I am a man doing things the way and expertise. If we add your company for my training, I will be able to qualified this post,My self-introduction is completed, thank you!信贷内勤|二级1、政治上要可靠,如果你是学生党员,最好提一下;2、对银行业务要有所了解。
HSBC 的提问
![HSBC 的提问](
汇丰银行HSBC1.At HSBC we are looking for graduates and interns who are passionate about working for usand have a real interest in our industry.QuestionPlease tell us about your interest in the role that you have applied for and HSBC. Please address the following questions in your response:-Why are you interested in the role at HSBC?-What specifically have you done that demonstrates your interest in this role and HSBC?当我还是高中生的时候,我就对国际会计和国际金融充满了兴趣,所以大学我选择了学习ACCA,也正是因为学习ACCA,我有更多的机会接触到国际上的金融和经济。
汇丰银行香港最大的注册银行,以及香港三大发钞银行之一this imply that HSBC has very strong competitive ability and adaptiveness.,并且优质服务已获得广泛的认可It demonstrates that HSBC has a good fame.,And the good reputation of HSBC attracts me most. 这也是为什么我选择了汇丰银行Those are reasons why I choose HSBC 为了让我自己更加符合银行的岗位需求,我努力在刚过去的两年内学习ACCA,目前我已经通过了ACCA的10门国际统考,我还计划在毕业之后的三年内考上CFA.Since I’m a high school student, I’m interested in international accounting and international finance, so I chose ACCA as my major in my university. It is also because by learning ACCA, I have more opportunities to access the international finance and economic .At that time, I already had the intention to enter a international banks in the future, to this end, I found a lot of international banks information, and HSBC is one of them. HSBC is the largest registered bank of Hongkong and one of the three major banks in Hongkong, this imply that HSBC has very strong competitive ability and adaptiveness. And HSBC's quality service has been widely recognized, this demonstrates that HSBC has a good fame. And the good reputation of HSBC attracts me most.HSBC, as an important international bank, I can work for future career opportunities.Those are the reasons I choose HSBC.In order to make myself in line with the needs of the bank's position, in just the past two years, I worked hard in ACCA. Until now, I have passed 10 subjects of ACCA, and I am Making preparation of P3&P4. After graduation, I plan to admitted to the CFA, within three years.2.We want our graduates and interns to have successful careers at HSBC and, therefore, we want to ensure that you have the relevant skills for your programme. We are equally interested in recruiting graduates and interns from finance and non-finance degrees. We are particularly interested in the transferable skills通用技能that you have gained from the variety of experiences that you have had.QuestionWhat skills do you believe are important to be successful on the HSBC graduate or intern programme for which you are applying? Please give specific examples of how you have demonstrated some of these skills.I think that flexibility, leadership and Communication skills are important to be successful on the HSBC graduate or intern programme.Flexibility: When I was working for a company, as a member of a team, the next week we weresupposed to prepare a financial reports on three subsidiaries of a wine group. But an expected event during the working paper of the consolidated financial statements , result in the redistribution of the work load. Before the weekend, I have been asked to do prepare financial reports on three subsidiaries of a wine group by myself for Monday. Being not very familiar with financial reports on this wine group.I had to get familiar on this particular topic and gained the knowledge necessary for the task(such as learn how to use eAudit in audit ). Even despite the short time and the novelty of the task, I was able to successfully complete the work and enable my team concentrate on they own task.Communication: When I was in a company as a logistics supervisor, the milk before each meal was distributed to the whole camp teachers and students by my partner and me .One day, the milk was temporarily changed into different two grades, one was better than the other. My partner advised that the milk should be distributed in accordance with the grades of classes. (Three grades of classes: basic class, improving class and foreign teacher class. Different grades, different tuitions)I thought that this approach of distribution is controversial and maybe lead an argument, so I advocated distributing milk according to the students' age, primary school students and junior high school students would have the milk with higher grade. There is a problem I have to solve: Every headteacher would choose the better one for their student and they maybe object to my point. To persuade each headteacher of senior classes, I explained patiently that we should not graduate classes in accordance with tuition. I also play a trick: it is a virtue for youth to take good care of the children.Finally, the milk was distributed according to my suggestion. The teachers accepted the result with understanding and joy.Leadership: When I served as an activity assistant in a company, every class needed to perform a staged cantata in the party, this task was supervised by me. To succeed, I realized that it is important for the leaders to mobilize emotion and manage time in a reasonable manner.The time of preparing this program was very limited. In order to save time, Firstly I collected songs when my students were having classes, then my students spend half an hour to decide which song would be chosen. Secondly, the students and I agreed to spend most of their time on singing practice and only spend a small proportion of the time in the outdoor on queuing and transforming formation.To fire up the passion of all the class, I divide all students in 4 groups, and then compete with each other. To inspire the collective consciousness and confidence of the whole class,I led students over and over again to sing loudly in the classroom with music player.Finally, nothing is impossible for a willing heart,my class won the best group award3.At HSBC our objective is to be the world’s leading international bank. In all that we do, we also must consider the potential risks.QuestionIn your opinion, what are the top three risks facing HSBC globally and why?From my perpective, the most important risk is Interest Risk. Interest Risk that concerns the balance sheet of the bank. Highlighting several central banks that have raised rates prematurely,the analysts say that post-crash economies often perform differently to pre-crash economies and are therefore hard to judge. Premature tightening can bring recoveries driven by low rates to an end, and, with US wage growth not yet rebounding strongly, HSBC said there are signs a rate rise may yet prove unhealthy.Credit Risk: For different analysts the impact of a slowdown in growth could be particularly damaging given the still-fragile state of the global economy. Expanding that analysis into investment implications, the likely impact of a slowdown would be widening the credit spreads, a flattening US treasury yield curve and a "widespread US dollar rally".Market Risk :As emerging markets have lost their appeal for international investors over the last two years, many countries' economies have been seriously affected. The governments of those countries have begun looking at structural reforms to bolster growth.4. Everything we do at HSBC is done with “Courageous Integrity”勇敢正直. We expect everyone, no matter what their level or experience, to take accountability for doing the right thing. QuestionPlease describe a situation when you have challenged someone about a decision or an action you felt was wrong. Please address the following questions in your response:-What was the situation?-Why did you challenge the person?-What challenges did you face in doing this?-What approach did you take and why did you choose this approach?-How did they react to your challenge?-What was the direct result of your involvement?-What did you learn from this experience?When I was an intern in a company, my supervisor handed me a task of checking whether the figures on the final financial report were right. Other interns and employees who received such a task would be doing this in accordance with the usual method - first printing the report, and then calculating one by one. I thought such method would be very troublesome, so I told my idea of a different approach to my supervisor. But she was firmly opposed to my point of view and criticized me for wasting time.But I think I should persist in my view and approach. So, after my working hours, I asked for the electronic version of the report from my supervisor, and then show my approach to her - First coping each addend of forms into the statement to Excel(not copy the sum number),and then calculating a sum number, finally I just needed to make a comparison between the sum numbers on the two tables. After that I told her:By using this method, large amount of time could be saved, errors of manual operation calculator would be avoided, and the result thus became more accurate.At last, this method was use widely in the company service.5.Self-motivation and drive to succeed自我激励意识和成功的动力我在新东方实习工作时,从面试到培训再到入营工作,每一步都不简单,四个月下来,大部分助教有的在培训期间放弃的,有的在工作中途离开的,我也不止一次想放弃,但每次都说服自己坚持了下来。
第一次面试通过,会通知交资料, ___复印件等等,然后是体检,接着是考打字速度,更简单,要求没分钟25个英文以上,正确率百分之90以上就行,如果没达到,不要紧,继续打,打到合格为止,HR的人不会理你,最要紧的是你有个合格的成绩给他记录交差就行。
微笑三思后答不置可否1、你理解的外资银行与中资银行的区别先进的经营理念(以客户为中心)和管理方式金融产品创新灵活与品牌优势雄厚的资金实力和盈利情况好服务环境和服务质量好安全性与保密性高端客户2、你应聘柜员岗的优势耐心细心稳重善于和人沟通真诚值得信任缺点自己经验不足~还需要进一步学习3、你的职业规划汇丰提供很多internal transfer的机会,只要先进来,1年后内部转岗甚至跨部门转岗都是很有机会的,所以发展空间还是很广阔的。
Teller之上是Section Head,Counter Officer, Counter Executive, Sub-branch Manager。
4、汇丰柜员要求Bachelor degree or above;Good command of oral English;Good interpersonal skills and strong sense of responsibility;Strong communication skills and problem solving skills;Commitment to service and sales and willingness to work under a flexible timetable; Knowledge of PC and typing skill.面试官关心的是你的soft skill,看你怎么处理问题,看你怎么组织语言等,问题有:1你组织过的活动?2你如何激发组员的动力?曾经看到过这样一个故事:在日本,有很多渔民每天都出海捕鳗鱼,但是因为船舱小,等回到岸边的时候,鳗鱼也基本死的差不多了。
在回答时,应包括以下内容:- 姓名、年龄、教育背景- 专业技能和兴趣爱好- 工作经历或实习经历(如有)- 个人特质和优势示例回答:您好,我叫张三,今年25岁,毕业于南京某知名大学金融学专业。
在回答时,应考虑以下几点:- 短期目标(1-3年)- 中期目标(3-5年)- 长期目标(5年以上)- 如何实现这些目标示例回答:我的短期目标是成为一名优秀的金融分析师,通过在汇丰银行积累工作经验,提升自己的专业技能和综合素质。
在回答时,应包括以下内容:- CAPM的定义- CAPM的公式- CAPM的应用示例回答:资本资产定价模型(CAPM)是一种用于评估投资风险和收益的金融模型。
CAPM的公式为:E(Ri) = Rf + βi (E(Rm) - Rf),其中E(Ri)为资产的预期收益率,Rf为无风险收益率,βi 为资产的Beta系数,E(Rm)为市场预期收益率。
第一部分:基础知识与应用1. 请简述需求分析的基本概念和重要性。
2. 需求分析过程中,如何确保需求的一致性和完整性?3. 需求分析的方法有哪些?请分别简述其优缺点。
4. 在需求分析过程中,如何进行需求分类?5. 请举例说明需求变更对项目的影响。
第二部分:案例分析6. 案例背景:某企业计划开发一款在线支付系统,以提高支付效率和用户体验。
请根据以下信息进行分析:- 用户需求:方便快捷的支付方式、安全性高、可跨平台使用;- 系统功能:账户管理、支付交易、订单查询、优惠券功能等;- 技术选型:Java、MySQL、微信支付、支付宝等;- 项目周期:6个月;- 项目预算:100万元。
请回答以下问题:a. 针对用户需求,列出至少3个功能需求;b. 针对系统功能,列出至少2个非功能需求;c. 分析该项目的可行性,并给出可行性分析报告;d. 设计该项目的需求规格说明书。
7. 案例背景:某银行计划开发一款移动银行APP,以提升客户体验和业务拓展。
请根据以下信息进行分析:- 用户需求:便捷的账户管理、转账、理财、信用卡等功能;- 系统功能:账户管理、转账、理财、信用卡、客户服务、个人信息管理等;- 技术选型:Android、iOS、Java、MySQL等;- 项目周期:12个月;- 项目预算:200万元。
请回答以下问题:a. 针对用户需求,列出至少3个功能需求;b. 针对系统功能,列出至少2个非功能需求;c. 分析该项目的可行性,并给出可行性分析报告;d. 设计该项目的需求规格说明书。
1. 请介绍一下你对汇丰银行的了解。
2. 请谈谈你在银行行业的经验。
3. 请谈谈你对风险管理的理解。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
36 Behavior questions
1.Why do you want to work for the position?
Tips: -Say it fits your skillsets: analytical, problem solving, great communicator
-Say you spoke to______, who’s in this position, loved his experience
2.Why do you want to work for the company?
3.What differentiate you from other candidate?
4. Tell me about yourself: Tell your life stories in 3 mins, more laid back
Walk me through your resume: more formal, pick top experiences
Tips: Prep for the two versions
5. Tell me what you enjoy the most about your school experience.
Tips: talk about academic, extracurricular activities and professional development
6. Favourite course and least favourite course
7. 5-10 YEAR Career GOAL
8. How would working for our company help you achieve your long term goal?
9. Hobbies outside class?
Tips: Not just any hobbies. Try to tie the hobbies into the position
If it is an analytical role that requires market knowledge, say you spent 3 hours a day to follow the news
If its people type of role, say football experience, and tie it back to the position, say you learned to work with ppl through football, you are used to work with people, its part of you. So you want this role.
10. Tell me about your previous work experience?
11. Tell me about the skills you have acquired through your eduction, employment and other activities that you believe will help you in this job at our job?
Tips: Break down to academic experience including CFA, your work and extracurricular experiences
12. Do you like working with others or working along.
Tips: Say both depending on the nature of the work. Experienced working independently and working with a team in your role as a student ambassador for TMX( Work solo at U of T, work collaboratively with other ambassadors from other schools)
13. Major accomplishment to date?
14. Why do you think you will be the most successful candidate at this role.
Tips: “ read job description, see your company is looking for people with skill 1, skill 2, skill 3”. Then elaborate the 3 skills you have that match with the job description.
15. Do you work well under stress?
16. . If someone you worked with was unable to carry out their responsibilities, would you assist them and how would you go about it?
17. Tell me a time when you came up with a creative idea
about your best project
19. Tell me about a time you displayed leadership
20. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an unsatisfied coworkers/ boss?
21. There are times when we are faced with problems. Describe a time when you had to deal with a small problem before it became a huge problem.
22. Describe a time where you failed in one of your job assignments
23. Give me an example of how you suggested an idea to your boss and how you sold the idea to him.
24. What was your best written achievement? How do you do research for the written piece?
25. describe a presentation you had to do
26. When taking high risks, sometimes it is possible to have a failure. Have you taken a high risk, which has later worked fine, but initially you have questioned yourself whether it was worth to take the risk? /How you convince, what strategy you use to convince team to choose your solutions.
27. tell me about a time when you proposed improvements to the company (or your boss)
28. .tell me about a new transition that you had to me make and how you adjusted
29. . 5 strengths & 3 weakness
30. success story about demonstrating technical skills. Tell me a time when had to communicate something technical to someone with a non-technical background, in writing
31. how have you dealt with a situation that was bound to fail
32. Has anyone ever asked you or put you into a situation where your ethical decision making is jeopardized? How have you dealt with it? How did you handle difficult people at workplace
33. Why choose the finance major?
34. . Tell me about time you gave idea to another person? Coaching/ showing compassion / Use your knowledge to help someone/ Ask the right question/give a suggestion/helped someone?
35. What was a situation where you failed to achieve your stated goal?/ Work below expectation.
36. Do you make your opinions known when you disagree with the views of your supervisor?。