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Study on the legal aspects of employment



The right to work and employment is a basic human right guaranteed by the Constitution of China. How to implement the constitutional rights of citizens is a major responsibility of the relevant Employment Promotion Law, the Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities, the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, the Labor Law, and the Labor Contract Law. With the increase of employment pressure, the phenomenon of employment discrimination has also become a discordant factor in the construction of a harmonious society. It is contrary to the guiding ideology of social development in China, and is not conducive to the allocation of resources in the labor market and hinders economic construction.

Through the analysis of the concept, manifestation and cause of employment discrimination, this paper points out the deficiencies in the legal governance of employment discrimination in China, and puts forward the idea of improving the legal system of employment discrimination in China. This paper discusses the improvement measures from three aspects: legislation, law enforcement and judicial. It is necessary to formulate the "Anti-Employment Discrimination Law" in legislation, set up a special agency for anti-employment discrimination in law enforcement, and implement the litigation relief mechanism in justice.

[Keywords]employment discrimination;performance;Employment Discrimination Act


一、就业歧视的界定 (1)

(一)就业歧视的概念 (1)

(二)就业歧视的危害 (1)

1.阻碍和谐社会的构建 (1)

2.拉大了贫富差距,引发社会动荡不安 (2)

3.阻碍经济发展,人力资源浪费 (2)

二、就业歧视的表现 (3)

(一)性别歧视 (3)

(二)健康歧视 (4)

1.对"乙肝病毒携带者"的歧视 (4)

2.对残疾人的歧视 (4)

(三)年龄歧视 (5)

(四)经历、学历歧视 (5)

三、导致就业歧视出现的原因 (6)

(一)劳动力市场供大于求 (6)

(二)用人单位用人自主权的滥用 (6)

(三)政府对反就业歧视的宣传教育不足 (7)

四、我国就业歧视立法现状及存在问题 (7)

(一)立法现状 (7)

1.宪法 (7)

2.《劳动法》 (8)

3.《就业促进法》 (8)

4.行政法规、部门规章、地方性规定 (8)

(二)存在问题 (9)

1.就业歧视界定过窄 (9)

2.缺乏司法救济途径 (9)

3.缺乏专门立法 (10)

4.有关就业歧视的法律法规缺乏可操作性 (10)

五、对于防范就业歧视的完善建议 (11)

(一)制定《反就业歧视法》 (11)

1.制定《反就业歧视法》的必要性 (11)

2.制定《反就业歧视法》的可行性 (11)

3.立法的目的与范围 (12)

4.反就业歧视的专门机构 (12)

5.法律责任 (13)

6.救济机制 (13)

(二)加大反就业歧视法的宣传教育 (13)

参考文献 (15)
