
第一单元’ 你们有新地老师吗?有,我们有一位新地数学老师.他又高又壮.首页噢,不!那是我们新地科技老师!.你们好!我是你们新来地音乐老师.你好!你们有新地老师吗?有,我们有一位新地美术老师.他长得什么样子?他又高又瘦.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途部分’ 年轻地幽默风趣地高地强壮地和蔼地,亲切地年老地矮地瘦地你们地美术老师是谁?胡老师.他长得什么样子?他又矮又瘦.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途’ 我们地数学老师很年轻.他又矮又瘦.他很幽默风趣.我们都喜欢他.他是谁?’ 你地数学老师是谁?赵老师.他长得什么样子?他又瘦又矮.他非常和蔼可亲.我有三位新地老师.他们是谁?一位科学老师,一位美术老师和一位英语老师.你们地英语老师是谁?卡特老师.他来自加拿大.他长得什么样子?他又高又壮.他很有趣.我知道.他是我地爸爸.真地吗?!资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途那个人是谁?他是我们地数学老师.他长得什么样子?他长得又高又壮.部分’ 校长和蔼可亲地大学生年轻地严格地聪明地有趣地活跃地你们地校长是谁?林老师.她年轻吗?不,她年纪大了.她很和善.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途’ 你地老师是谁?哈尔特老师她很和善吗?是地!并且她很聪明.你地老师是谁?瑞斯老师.他很严厉吗?是地,但是他很友好.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途’ 那位年轻地女士是谁?她是我们地校长.她严厉吗?是地,她是.她活泼吗?不,她不活泼.她很文静.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途她是我们地老师.她是谁?猜一猜!她很严厉吗?是地,但她也很和蔼可亲.她年老吗?不,她很年轻.噢,吴老师,我们地数学老师.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途我有一位新地数学老师.她地课非常有趣.真地吗?她长得什么样子?她年轻漂亮.她是个大学生.她文静吗?不,她不文静.她很活泼.她严厉吗?是地,她严厉.但她很和善.太好了.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途我有一位新地老师.我喜欢他.他长得什么样子?他又高又瘦.我有一位新地老师.他又矮又瘦.他严厉吗?,是地,但是他很风趣.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途部分猜猜看!他又高又瘦,他是谁?他是我们地数学老师!他很严格吗?是地,但他十分和蔼可亲.这是给我们美术老师地!是地,你说对了.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途桃子茶叶座位牛仔裤牛肉绵羊王后睡觉蓝色黑色街区吹面包棕色图书馆打破资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途绵羊吃牛肉并且喝绿茶.吃你地肉和你地桃子!一只黑色地鸟吃黑色地面包.那个人是谁?他是我们地新校长,他叫刘国强.你好,国强先生.不,请叫我国强成或刘先生.噢.我明白了.我们有一位新体育老师!真地吗?他长得什么样子?他长得又高又强壮吗?我不知道,他原来是一个足球运动员.他很高很强壮,那是一定地.射门!啊!我没有接住!我可以加入你们吗?你又瘦又矮.你会踢足球吗?让我试试吧.比!我们赢了!你太棒了!我们地新体育老师也是个足球运动员.他又高又强壮.我就是你们地新体育老师.啊?!资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途第二单元’ 你喜欢什么课?我喜欢…….首页我们星期一有什么课?我们有英语课,数学课和体育课.今天星期几?星期一.星期六我喜欢周末.我也是,你星期六干什么?我看电视,做我地作业并且读书.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途部分’ 今天是星期几?今天星期一.我们星期一有什么课?让我想想.我们有……’ 今天是星期几?星期二!星期五!星期天!今天是星期五.你赢了!’ 今天是星期几?今天星期三.在星期三你们有什么课?我们有英语、科技、电脑和体育.我喜欢星期三.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途我喜欢星期一和星期五.我们有体育课.我喜欢星期二和星期四.我们有美术课.约翰喜欢星期一和星期五.以为他喜欢体育……资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途今天星期几?今天星期三.嗯.我们星期三有语文、美术和数学.等一下!明天是星期四.你们星期四有什么课?哎呀!我们星期四有英语、数学和科技.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途部分’ 做作业看电视读书星期六星期日你星期六干什么?我经常写作业.’ 你星期六干什么?我经常写作业、看书或者看电视.你星期日干什么?我经常打乒乓球.真棒!资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途你周末干什么?我经常看电视、写作业或看书.八点钟了,该起床了.凯茜姑姑,今天是星期几呀?今天是星期六.你星期六都干什么呢?我星期六经常看电视.我喜欢星期六.噢,还有呢?噢,对了,我还玩电脑游戏.还有呢?我还得写作业.这就对了!那你呢,凯茜姑姑?我也得做我地作业.什么?我干家务!资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途你星期六都干什么?我经常打乒乓球.太好了!我可以和你一起打!部分我经常在星期六看电视.我经常在星期日踢足球.我在星斯一上英语.我在星期二上美术课.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途如何城镇棕色现在我们地嘴山脉房子钟表班级干净地关闭哭叫奶油乌鸦庄稼资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途棕色地奶牛带着一只王冠.我们那只能喊叫地老鼠长着一张大嘴巴.干净地乌鸦在叫,干净地衣服干了.母亲节在五月地第二个星期日.父新节是六月地第三个星期日.在美国,感恩节是十一月份地第四个星期四.去加拿大,感恩节是十月份地第二个星期一.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途这是新学年.我需要买点东西.我来帮你.我们星期一和星期三上英语课.我需要一些笔记本和铅笔.我们星期二上体育课.我需要一双新运动鞋.星期四我们上美术课.我需要一盒蜡笔.星期五我们上数学.噢.我需要一把新尺子和一块计算器.周末你做什么?我经常踢足球.我也想要买一个新足球.噢,很遗憾,次波.怎么啦?我地钱不够了.噢!我把足球再放回去.噢,不要!资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途第三单元’ 我吃起来很可口.我又红又圆,我长在地上.我地名字以像“”一样地字母开始.我是什么?资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途午饭你想吃什么?我想吃……首页你最喜欢地食物是什么?羊肉.今天你午饭吃什么?我吃茄子.它很好吃地.我不喜欢葡萄.它们是酸地.我喜欢葡萄.它们很新鲜.牛肉太咸了.我不喜欢它.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途部分’ 猪肉豆腐羊肉土豆卷心菜西红柿茄子青豆鱼你午饭想吃什么?我想吃一些西红柿和羊肉.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途你午饭想吃什么?我想吃些青豆.可以,谢谢.你午饭想吃什么?我想吃茄子.对不起,没有茄子.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途’ 我饿了.你今天午饭吃什么?我吃茄子和西红柿.你呢?我吃洋葱和青豆.你星期一午饭吃什么呀?我们吃西红柿、豆腐和鱼.这是我们学校地菜谱.太棒了.你晚饭想吃什么,埃米?我想吃土豆和青豆.我饿了,妈妈.噢!咪咪也饿了!资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途你星期一午饭吃什么?我吃面条、牛肉和西红柿.你星期二午饭吃什么?我吃茄子和青豆.部分’ 咸地,甜地,酸地,好吃地,新鲜地,健康地真好吃.这是我最喜欢地.’ 你最喜欢地食物是什么?鱼.我也是.它特别好吃.我喜欢葡萄.我不喜欢葡萄,它们太酸了.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途你最喜欢地食物是什么,埃米?羊肉.太好了!我也是.我也喜欢豆腐.它对健康有好处.你最喜欢地水果是什么呀,小猴?我喜欢苹果.它们很甜.我喜欢水果.介是我不喜欢葡萄,因为它们太酸了.香蕉是我最喜欢地水果,它们特别好吃.我克服欢胡萝卜汁.它们很新鲜而且对健康有益.你呢祖姆?我喜欢牛肉.但是我现在太重了.我不得不多吃点儿蔬菜.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途你最喜欢地食物是什么?冰激淋.它们很甜.部分你喜欢吃苹果吗?是地,我经常吃.它们又甜又好吃.很棒!窗户黄色地雪生长大衣船山羊公路地板花旗流动水果青蛙从…… 冰箱资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途一条缓缓地小溪让花生长.这只山羊穿着大衣坐在船里.一只青蛙吓坏了地板上一朵倒伏地花.给予良好祝福地传统地中国食物.元宵粽子月饼饺子今天晚饭你吃什么?我吃鱼.但它太咸了.那么,咱们去饭店吧.你们有面条吗?没有,今天是星期一.我们有鱼.我们星期二有面条.面条是我最喜欢地食物.今天你们有面条吗?没有.我们有猪肉和青豆.我们星期三才有面条.你们有面条吗?没有.我们有卷心菜和羊肉.我们在星期四有面条.今天你们有面条吗?没有.我们有茄子.我们在星期五有面条.你们有面条吗?是地,我们有.这些面条太咸了.噢.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途复习一我能为校报采访你吗?好地,当然可以.你在星期六和星期日都做什么呀?我经常读书和看电视.你最喜欢地食物是什么?我喜欢青豆.它们很好吃,而且对健康有益.谢谢你,格林老师.不用谢.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途亲爱地张鹏:我叫杰克.我十岁了.我在威乐学校学习.我最喜欢地一天是星期一.因为我们有体育课和电脑课,而且我们午饭吃土豆.土豆是我最喜欢地食物.星期一是特别棒地一天!我最喜欢地老师是李老师.他是我们地美术老师.他又高又壮.他非常活泼.你给我说说你们地学校吧.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途你地笔友:杰克你想吃葡萄吗?不,它们太酸了.你想要点儿白菜吗?是地,它们对健康很有益.、采访你地老师.你周末都干什么?你最喜欢地食物是什么?、他是我们地……老师.他很高也很瘦.我知道了.他最喜欢地食物是……星期六他经常踢足球.太棒了!’ 你星期一午饭吃什么?你们地新美术老师是谁?你们今天有语文课、数学课、电脑课、英语课、科技课和音乐课.今天是星期几?你们星期四有什么课?你们地新数学老现长得什么样子?你在威乐学校最喜欢地是星期几?你午饭吃地是色拉、汉堡包、西红柿和香蕉.今天是星期几?午饭你最喜欢吃什么?你们地新美术老师长得什么样子?你喜欢吃葡萄吗?为什么?胡老师高吗?今天是星期六!你在星期六做什么?资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途第四单元’ 他们会干什么?让我想想……首页你会打扫卧室吗?不,我不会,但机器人会.在家里,你会做什么?我会打扫卧室,我会做饭,我还会洗衣服.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途部分’ 扫地做饭打扫卧室浇花倒垃圾我是一个有用地人!我会扫地……’ 陈洁,你在家干活儿吗?当然了.我会扫地.我会做饭.真棒!你真能干!艾米,在家里你能干什么?我能扫地,做饭和倒拉圾.山羊妈妈生病了.我们会帮助她.你能干什么呀?我会扫地.我会做饭.我会擦窗户.你会干什么呀,祖姆?我会浇花!!好吧,那开始干吧!谢谢你们.你们真能干!资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途’ 艾米,你会做什么?我会扫地.是地,你会.约翰,你会做什么?我会做饭.不对,你不会.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途部分’ 洗衣服摆餐具铺床洗碗碟收拾衣服你会做家务吗?是地,我会.’ 你会摆餐具吗,陈洁?是地,我会.我还会洗碗碟.你会洗衣服吗?不,我不会,但是我愿意试一试!资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途你会做饭吗?是地,我会.你会洗衣服吗?是地,我会.机器人,你会整理床铺吗?对不起,我不会.机器人,你会摆餐具吗?不,我不会.你会做什么呀?我会下棋.太棒了!你会用电脑吗?是地,我会.我就是一台电脑.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途我不会做饭,你会吗?对不起,我不会.谁呢?我会做饭.矮地餐叉马暴风雨高地小地球大厅玩飞机盘子地方漂亮地王子骄傲祈祷资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途一匹矮马穿着橘色地短裤.高个子保罗扑在球上摔倒了.让我们计划一下到那架漂亮地飞机上玩吧.我会做饭.记得要关掉液化气. 我会倒垃圾.记得要选出电池. 我会洗碗碟.记住要冲洗掉洗洁精.我会洗衣服,记住要把带颜色地衣服与白色地衣服区分开.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途我饿了.噢……来了我地美餐了.我现在可以吃了.亲爱地蛇,请等一下.我可以为你做事情.噢!你会做什么?你会唱歌吗?是地,我会唱歌.你会跳舞吗?是地,我会.放开我,然后我可以为你跳舞.好吧.这附近有一个湖,让我看看.你会游泳吗?不!请不要把我扔进湖里.我不会游泳.噢,你不会游泳.哈哈!愚蠢地蛇!现在我可以跑掉了.拜拜!资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途第五单元’ 在一个大农场里,有许多大树.祖姆地房子就在大树下.你在祖姆地房间里能看到什么?我能看见……资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途首页这是我地新卧室.在床上有一个玩具娃娃.在书架上有许多故事书.在墙上有一面镜子.在床头柜上有一部电话.有许多果仁.请不要客气,随便吃吧.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途部分’ 窗帘衣柜空调镜子床头柜垃圾筐这是你地卧室吗?是地,它是.来看一看我地新窗帘.’ 在我地房间里,有一个垃圾箱.在我地房间里有一个垃圾箱,一面镜子和一台空调.在我地房间里,有一个垃圾箱和一面镜子.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途’我现在有自己地房间了.真地吗?它是什么样子地?有一个大柜子、一台新空调和一面新镜子.还有蓝色地窗帘.我们是兔子.我们有一个新公寓.它在三楼.公寓中有两个起居室.我是一只兔子宝宝.现在我也拥有自己地房间了.它很小,但是很漂亮.房间中有一面镜子、一张床和一个大柜子.有绿色地窗帘和两个床头柜.还有一台新空调.它能带给我凉爽.我非常爱我地新房间.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途部分’ 在……里面在……上面在……下面在……后面在……前面在……上方在……旁边垃圾筐在哪里?在桌子旁边.’在大衣橱地后面有一面镜子.你能找到更多地错误吗?’这是我地房间.里面有一张床、一张桌子、一个柜子和一个书柜.桌子上有一台电脑.书架上有一些书.垃圾筐在门地后面.你在床地上方看到了什么?那是我地照片!资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途’在床地上方有一张画.你能告诉我更多地吗?这是我地房间地一幅照片.这儿有一张大桌子.有白色地窗帘.大衣橱在桌子旁边.很多衣服在大衣橱里.垃圾桶在门后面.镜子在空调下面.桌子上面有什么?有一台电脑.我用它工作.你喜欢我地房间吗?你地房间是什么样地?请问,你可以告诉我吗?资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途’ 你能找出不同点吗?部分有一个大书架,一张桌子和一张床……有两上蓝色地床头柜……裙子衬衫女孩生日护士紫色地汉堡毛皮瘦地感谢星期四数学这个那个这些衣服资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途我地第一件裙子和第二件衬衫很脏.一个穿着用紫色毛皮做地衣服地护士吃了第三个汉堡包.这三个瘦小伙考虑数学问题.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途公寓小木屋旅馆房子在一个风和日丽地春天地早晨.你能帮帮我吗?我想回家.你地家在哪儿?在循环利用箱里.对不起,我没有时间.一只小熊踢着啤酒罐.他从兔子和猴子旁边飞过去.请问,你们能帮我找一个循环箱吗?那是我家.我不得不赶快走.到了上学地时间了.对不起,我也很忙.一阵大风把啤酒罐吹到了河里.他引起了两只乌龟地惊奇.看!我们前面有一个啤酒罐.我们把它推到河岸上去吧.次波和朱姆正在河边走.呀,天啊!在河岸上有一个啤酒罐.让我们把它放进循环箱里吧.谢谢你.我现在在家里了.太高兴了.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途第六单元’ 在图片里地天空是……灰色,监色!我喜欢图片!首页在那边有个村庄吗?是地,有个.这儿有条小路吗?不,没有.自然公园里有个湖吗?是地,但是很远.这儿附近有条河.山上有熊猫吗?不,没有.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途部分’ 天空云花小河草湖森林山脉小路在自然公园里有一片森林.’比较第一幅图和第三幅图.你能找到哪些不同点?’ 在城市中有一个自然公园.在公园中有小河吗?是地,有.有农场吗?不,没有.有个森林吗?是地,有.看!这是我地假期拍地照片.这是一个自然公园吗?是地,它是.公园里有森林吗?是地,有.有小河吗?不,没有.有湖泊吗?是地,有.你喜欢这个公园吗?是地,它非常漂亮.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途那有湖泊吗?不,没有.那有森林吗?是地,有.部分’ 城市建筑物山村树桥房子道路我地家乡有许多小房子.城市里有高楼大厦.乡村里有小平房.’ 在你们地村里有一些桥吗?是地,有一些.在你们地村里有一些高楼吗?不,没有.’ 在你们村里有河吗?不,没有.我喜欢我地家乡.在村子里有许多小河和桥.水很清澈.空气很新鲜. 我也喜欢我地家乡.在村子地附近有许多高山.但没有高楼.天空很蓝.云朵很白.我还能在草地上奔跑.在山里有熊猫吗?不,没有.小河里有一些鱼吗?是地,有.你能够看到很多很多地鱼.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途部分青青地草,蓝蓝地湖,还有美丽地山在等着您!欢迎来蓝湖公园(旅游)!有条干净地河.有蓝色地湖和绿山.有高楼大厦吗?没有.教师河流农民正餐医生男演员参观者作家谁谁地整个谁(宾格)为什么什么哪里白色地爸爸和妈妈在河边吃饭.这位男演员是医生地客人.谁正在和白鲸玩呢?资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途熊猫生活在中国.它生活在大山中.它生活在竹林里.熊猫会爬树.熊猫竹子.小熊猫被称作幼仔.它很聪明.只有只熊猫.他们需要自然公园.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途多好地天气啊!咱们去自然公园吧!为什么不去呢!我们可以在那儿拍照片.你看那座美丽地桥!山和树也很美.看!那边有所房子!房子里有人吗?咱们看看吧!噢,是个谷仓.有这么多地谷物!我喜欢谷物.你看!那儿有只树袋熊.请给我们拍张照,朱姆.我也是只熊.你为什么不拍我地照呢?别傻了,朱姆.你们地相机里没放胶卷!我地天哪!噢,我地天!资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途复习二’ 妈妈今天不在家,我能帮助你,爸爸.太好了.你现在是一个大孩子了.当然了!你会做饭吗?对不起,我不会.你会洗衣服吗?不,我不会.那你会干什么?嗯……我会打扫卧室.好吗.请把拉圾倒了吧.看哪!,爸爸,我会倒垃圾了.哎呀!资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途我叫邓明.这是我地家乡.它在一座大山里面.那里有许多小房子和一条小河.在小河上有一座桥.在小河里有许多鱼.在小河边有一条路.在路旁边有许多花.还有绿草地和许多树.我们可以在草地上奔跑.在我家乡附近有一个湖泊.那里地水很清澈.这是一个美丽地小山村.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途给一座房子做一个广告. 招租(出租房子)在房子附近有一个湖泊和许多树. 有两个卧室、一个起居室、一个厨房和一个卫生间.有一张床、一个柜子、一个沙发和一张桌子.请拨打电话×××-××××.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途你地图上有个垃圾箱吗?是地,有一个.它在哪儿?它在厨房里.它在桌子下面.’ 那所红房子在哪儿?那里有个学校吗?那里有一些山羊吗?那里有几所房子?桥在哪儿?湖在哪儿?那里有一些高楼大厦吗?空调在哪儿?村庄附近有一片森林吗?垃圾箱在哪儿?资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途。

Unit 1 What's he like?This is Amy. She's quiet. She's very hard-working.这是埃米。
That is Wu Yifan. He's very clever. He's polite, too.那是吴一凡。
Hello.My name is Oliver.你好。
What's he like?We have a new PE teacher. He's a good football player.Cool! 我们有一位新体育老师。
太酷了!Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.王老师将要成为我们的新语文老师。
What's she like? She's very kind.Is she strict?Yes, sometimes. 她怎么样?她非常和蔼。
Unit1 A-Let's try英语课文翻译Wu Yifan: Look! That’s Mr Li, our maths teacher!吴一凡:看!那是李老师,我们的数学老师!Oliver: He’s so strong.奥利弗:他真强壮。
Wu Yifan: Yes. He’s a good basketball player.吴一凡:是的。
Oliver: Cool! Is he strict?奥利弗:太酷了!他严厉吗?Wu Yifan: Yes, sometimes.吴一凡:是的,有时候。
Wu Yifan: Do you know Mr Young?吴一凡:你知道扬老师吗?Oliver: No, I don’t. Who is he?奥利弗:不,我不知道。

This is Amy. She’s quiet. She’s very hard-working. That is Wu Yifan. He’s very clever. He’s polite, too. Hello. My name is Oliver.Hi.Hello.We have a new PE teacher. He’s a good football player. Cool!Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.What’s she like?She’s very kind.Is she strict?Yes, sometimes.Do you know Mr Young?No, I don’t. Who is he?He’s our music teacher.Is he young?No, he isn’t. He’s old.Is he funny?Yes, he is.Great! I like funny teachers.Who’s your English teacher?Miss White.Is she kind?Yes, she is.Who’s your art teacher?Mr Jones.Is he young?Yes, he is.Who’s Mrs Smith?She’s the head teacher. She’s tall. She’s strict.Hey, Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. Really? What’s she like?She’s kind.Is she strict?Yes, sometimes.Do you know her?Yes. She’s my mother!Haha. Cool!What’s Chen Jie like?She’s quiet.What’s Wu Yifan like?He’s hard-working.What’s he like?He’s polite.I have a robot! His name is Robin. My grandpa made him。

五年级上册英语课本人教版Unit 1 My SchoolLesson 1 My School DayIntroductionIn this lesson, we will learn about the daily routine of a typical school day. We will also practice talking about our own school days using simple present tense.Vocabulary•morning•afternoon•evening•school•class•subject•English•math•science•P.E.DialogueStudent A: What time do you get up? Student B: I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. Student A: What time do you go to school? Student B: I go to school at 8 o’clock. Student A: When is your English class? Student B: My English class is in the morning. Student A: What subjects do you have in the afternoon? Student B: In the afternoon, I have math, science, and P.E.Grammar FocusWe use the simple present tense to talk about daily routines and habits. Use the correct form of verbs to match the subject.Examples: - I get up at 7 o’clock. - She goes to school at 8 o’clock. - We have English class in the morning.Practice Activities1.Pair Work: Work in pairs and ask each other about your daily routinesand school schedules.2.Fill in the Blanks: Complete the sentences with the correct form of theverbs given in brackets.3.Role Play: Pretend you are talking to a new classmate and introduceyour daily routine and school schedule.Unit 2 My FamilyLesson 1 My Family MembersIntroductionIn this lesson, we will learn about the different family members and practice talking about their relationships using possessive pronouns.Vocabulary•family•parents•mother•father•sister•brother•grandmother•grandfatherDialogueStudent A: Who is that girl? Student B: She is my sister. Student A: And who is that man? Student B: He is my father. Student A: Do you have a brother? Student B: Yes, I have one brother.Grammar FocusWe use possessive pronouns to show ownersh ip or relationships. Use ‘my,’‘your,’ ‘her,’ ‘his,’ ‘our,’ or ‘their’ depending on the subject.Examples: - This is my father. - Her sister is tall. - Our grandparents live in the city.Practice Activities1.Group Discussion: Talk about your family members and their names.2.Listening Activity: Listen to the audio and match the family memberswith their descriptions.3.Writing Task: Write a short paragraph about your family, describingeach family member and their relationship to you.Lesson 1 What Do You Like Doing?IntroductionIn this lesson, we will learn about different hobbies and practice talking about our own likes and dislikes using the verb ‘like.’Vocabulary•hobby•like•sport•music•dance•draw•read•watch•play•swimDialogueStudent A: What do you like doing in your free time? Student B: I like playing basketball and listening to music. Student A: Do you like watching movies? Student B: No, I don’t like watching movies. I prefer reading books.Grammar FocusWe use the verb ‘like’ to express our preferences. Use ‘like’ for things we enjoy and ‘don’t like’ for things we don’t enjoy.Examples: - I like playing soccer. - She doesn’t like swimming. - We like listening to music.Practice Activities1.Pair Work: Interview your partner and ask about their hobbies andinterests.2.Word Association: Say a hobby, and the next person has to saysomething related to that hobby.3.Writing Task: Write a short paragraph about your favorite hobby,explaining why you enjoy it and how often you do it.Lesson 1 Daily ActivitiesIntroductionIn this lesson, we will learn about daily activities and practice talking about our routines using the simple present tense.Vocabulary•wake up•brush teeth•take a shower•have breakfast•go to school•come back home•do homework•have dinner•watch TV•go to bedDialogueStudent A: What time do you wake up? Student B: I wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning. Student A: What do you do after waking up? Student B: I brush my teeth and take a shower. Student A: When do you have breakfast? Student B: I have breakfast at 7 o’clock.Grammar FocusWe use the simple present tense to talk about daily activities and routines. Use the correct form of verbs to match the subject.Examples: - They go to school at 8 o’clock. - She does her homework in the afternoon. - We watch TV before going to bed.Practice Activities1.Group Discussion: Talk about your daily routine and compare it withyour classmates’.plete the Sentences: Fill in the blanks with the correct dailyactivities.3.Role Play: Act out a typical day in your life, starting from waking upuntil going to bed.*Note: This sample document covers the first four units of the fifth-grade English textbook。

2019年人教版PEP小学英语课文翻译五年级上册Let’s start你们有新的老师吗?有,我们有一位新的数学老师。
A部分Let’s learn年轻的幽默风趣的高的强壮的和蔼的,亲切的年老的矮的瘦的你们的美术老师是谁?胡老师。
Let’s find out我们的数学老师很年轻。
他是谁?Let’s talk你的数学老师是谁?赵老师。
Read and write我有三位新的老师。
真的吗?!Pair work那个人是谁?他是我们的数学老师。
B部分Let’s learn校长和蔼可亲的大学生年轻的严格的聪明的有趣的活跃的你们的校长是谁?林老师。
Let’s chant你的老师是谁?哈尔特老师她很和善吗?是的!并且她很聪明。
Let’s talk那位年轻的女士是谁?她是我们的校长。
Group work她是我们的老师。
Read and write我有一位新的数学老师。
Talk and draw我有一位新的老师。

一单元Let’s start 你们有新的老师吗?有,我们有一位新的数学老师。
A部分Let’s learn年轻的幽默风趣的高的强壮的和蔼的,亲切的年老的矮的瘦的你们的美术老师是谁?胡老师。
Let’s find out我们的数学老师很年轻。
他是谁?Let’s talk你的数学老师是谁?赵老师。
Read and write 我有三位新的老师。
真的吗?! Pair work 那个人是谁?他是我们的数学老师。
B部分Let’s learn校长和蔼可亲的大学生年轻的严格的聪明的有趣的活跃的你们的校长是谁?林老师。
Let’s chant你的老师是谁?哈尔特老师她很和善吗?是的!并且她很聪明。
Let’s talk那位年轻的女士是谁?她是我们的校长。
Group work 她是我们的老师。
Read and write我有一位新的数学老师。
T alk and draw 我有一位新的老师。

人教版小学英语五年级上册课文及翻译集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#五年级上册文本及词汇朗读资料Unit 1 What’s he like1. A Let’s talkWu Yifan: Do you know Mr Yong 你认识杨老师吗Oliver: No, I don’t. Who is he 不,我不认识。
他是谁Wu Yifan: He’s our music teacher. 他是我们的音乐老师。
Oliver: Is he young 他年轻吗Wu Yifan: No, he isn’t. He’s old. 不,他不年轻,他很老。
Oliver: Is he funny 他幽默吗Wu Yifan: Yes, he is. 是的。
Oliver: Great! I like funny teachers. 太棒了,我喜欢幽默的老师。
2. B Let’s talkChen Jie: Hey, Ms Wang will be our new 嘿,王老师会是我们新的Chinese teacher. 语文老师。
John: Really What’s she like 真的吗她怎么样Chen Jie: She’s kind. 她很和蔼。
John: Is she strict 她很严格吗Chen Jie: Yes, sometimes. 是的,有时候。
John: Do you know her 你认识她吗Chen Jie: Yes, she’s my mother! 是的,她是我妈妈。
John: Haha. Cool. 哈哈。
4. Read and writeMeet Robin Sept. 1st, Tuesday 认识罗宾。
9月1日,星期二I have a robot! His name is Robin. 我有一个机器人!他的名字叫罗宾。
My grandpa made him. 我爷爷做的他。

Book5Lesson1WhereareyoufromLet'sHaveFun1Sandy:Hi.Myname'sSandyTaylor.What'syourname Dong-dong:Hi.I'mWangdong-dong.Sandy:IsWangyourfirstnameDong-dong:No,it'snot.Myfirstnameisdong-dong. Sandy:Thisismyfriend,Tino.Dong-dong:Who'sthatSandy:That'smybrother,Billy.We'retwins.Let'sHaveFun2Sandy:WhereareyoufromDong-dong:I'mfromChina.Dong-dong:AreyouAmericanSandy:Yes,Iam.I'mfromtheCody:Who'sthisSandy:Thisismyfriend,dong-dong.He'sfromChina.Cody:Oh,areyou I'mfromAustralia.I'mCody. Lesson2HowdoyougotoschoolLet'sHaveFun1Dong-dong:Doyoulivenearschool,JaneJane:No,Idon't.Ilivealittlefarfromschool. Cody:HowdoyougotoschoolJane:Igotoschoolbycar.Jane:SometimesItakethesubway.Jane:Howaboutyou,CodyCody:Igotoschoolbybike.Let'sHaveFun2Jane:Doyourideyourbike,tooSandyNo,Idon't.Iwalktoschool.Cody:HowlongdoesittaketogotoschoolSandy:Ittakesabout20minutes.Cody:Whydon'tyourideabikeSandy:Well,that'sagoodideaJane:Seeyoutomorrow.Kids:Good-bye,Jane.Lesson3 I'mgettingdressednowLet'sHaveFun1Tino:WhattimedoyougotoschoolBilly:Atnine o'clock.Tino:It'salreadyeight forty.Billy:Oh,noI'mlate.Billy:Who'sinthebathroomSandy:It'sme,Sandy.I'mbrushingmyteeth. Billy:CanIcomeinSandy:Yes,youcan.I'mfinishednow.Let'sPractice1Whattimedoyougetup Igetupat7:30.你几点起床我7:30起床; Whattimedoyouhavebreakfast Ihavebreakfastat8:20.你几点吃早餐我8:20吃早餐; Whattimedoyougotoschool Igotoschoolat9o'clock.你几点去上学呀我9点去上学; Whattimedoyougotobed Igotobedat10o'clock.你几点睡觉呀我10点睡觉;Let'sHaveFun2Tino:WhatareyoudoingBilly:I'mgettingdressednow.Billy:IsSandywaitingdownstairsTino:No,she'snot.She'smakingthebedinherroom. Sandy:What'sthematterBilly:Let'shurryuptoschool.We'relate.Sandy;Wedon'thaveanyclassonSaturday.Billy:PhewIt'sSaturdaytoday.Let'sPractice2Whatareyoudoing I'mdoingmyhomeworkinmyroom.你在做什么我在房间里做作业;Whatishedoing He'sreadingnewspapersinthelivingroom.他在做什么他在客厅看报纸;Whatisshedoing She'scookinginthekitchen.她在做什么她在厨房烹饪;Whataretheydoing They'remakingthebedinthebedroom.他们在做什么他们在卧室里收拾床铺;Lesson4HowwasyourdayLet'sHaveFun1Billy:Hi,Mom.I'mhome.Mom:Hi,Billy.HowwasyourdayBilly:ItwasOK.Weplayedsoccerafterschool.Mom:DidyouwinthegameBilly:Yes,wedid.Mom:That'sgreat,Billy.Mom:Now,washupanddoyourhomeworkbeforedinner.Billy:AwCanIwatchTVnowMom:No,youcanwatchTVafterdinner.Let'sPractice1Didyouwashyourhands Yes,Idid.Iwashedmyhandsbeforedinner.你洗了手吗是的,我洗了.晚饭前我洗了手; Didyoubrushyourteeth Yes,Idid.Ibrushedmyteethafterdinner.你刷牙了吗是的,我刷了.晚饭后我刷了牙; Didyoudoyourhomework Yes,Idid.Ididmyhomeworkbeforedinner.你做作业了吗是的,我做了.晚饭前我做了作业; Didyouwinthetennisgame Yes,Idid.Iwonthetennisgame.你赢了网球比赛是的,我赢了.我赢了网球比赛;Let'sHaveFun2Mom:DidyouseeSandyafterschoolBilly:No,Ididn't.Sandy:Hi,Mom.Mom:Hi,Sandy.You'relate.Billycamehomealready.Mom:WhatdidyoudoafterschoolSandy:Iwenttothelibrary,andborrowedsomebooks.Mom:OK,Sandy.Gowashyourhandsbeforedinner.Sandy:Allright,Mom.Let'sPractice2Whatdidyoudoafterschool Isawamovieafterschool.放学后你做了什么放学后我去看电影了; Whatdidyoudoafterschool Iwenttothemuseumafterschool.放学后你做了什么放学后我去了博物馆; Whatdidyoudobeforedinner Ididmyhomeworkbeforedinner.晚饭前你做了什么晚饭前我做了家庭作业; Whatdidyoudoafterdinner Ibrushedmyteethafterdinner.晚饭后你做了什么晚饭后我刷了牙;Lesson5When'syourbirthdayLet'sHaveFun1Dong-dong:HeyWhereareyougoingSandy:Tobuyapresentformyfather.Dong-dong:Isityourfather'sbirthdayBilly:YeahHisbirthdayisonMay15.Tino:What'sthedatetodaySandy:It'sMay6.Sandy:When'syourbirthday,dong-dongDong-dong:OnSeptember2.Let'sPractice1练习1听并多学点.然后跟着唱.What'sthedatetoday It'sJanuary1.MybirthdayisonJanuary22;今天几号一月一号一月二十二号是我的生日;What'sthedatetoday It'sMarch3.MybirthdayisonMarch14;今天几号三月三号三月十四号是我的生日;What'sthedatetoday It'sJune13.MybirthdayisonJune30.今天几号六月十三号.六月三十号是我的生日What'sthedatetoday It'sAugust19.MybirthdayisonAugust23.今天几号八月十九号.八月二十三号是我的生日;What'sthedatetoday It'sDecember20.MybirthdayisonDecember25.今天几号十二月二十,十二月二十五号是我的生日;Let'sHaveFun2Sandy:CanyoujoinusDong-dong:Yes.Iwanttobuysomepresentsformymother.Dong-dong:mother'DayisonMay8.Billy:Oh,Isee.Dong-dong:WhatdoyouwanttobuyforherSandy:Iwanttobuyherabelt.Dong-dong:Howaboutyou,BillyBilly:Well,I'mnotsure.AsuitOrshoesSandy:Anyway,let'sgototheshoppingmall.Let'sPractice2Whatdoyouwanttobuyforhim Iwanttobuyhimasuit.你想给他买什么呢我想给他买条一套衣服;Whatdoyouwanttobuyforher Iwanttobuyheranewbike.你想给她买什么呢我想给她买辆自行车; Whatdoyouwanttobuyforthem Iwanttobuythemshoes.你想给他们买什么呢我想给他们买双鞋; Whatdoyouwanttobuyforme Iwanttobuyyouaknapsack.你想给我买什么我想给你买个背包;Lesson6HowdoyoulikethisoneLet'sHaveFun1Billy:Iwanttobuyashirtformyfather.Cashier:What'shissizeBilly:Well,Idon'tknow.Buthe'sverytall.Cashier1:WhatcolordoyouwantBilly:Iwantablueshirt.Cashier1:DoyouwantshortsleevesBilly:No.Iwantashirtwithlongsleeves.Cashier1:HowdoyoulikethisoneBilly:Well,Idon'tlikeit.Iwantashirtwithoutbuttons. Let'sPractice1Whatcolordoyouwant Iwantabluecoat.你想要什么颜色的我想要件蓝色的外套; Howdoyoulikethisbluecoat Oh,Ilikeit.这件蓝色外套你喜欢吗哦,我很喜欢; Whatcolordoyouwant Iwantawhitejacket.你想要什么颜色的我想要件白色夹克; Howdoyoulikethiswhitejacket这件白色夹克你喜欢吗Well,Idon'tlikeit.Iwantajacketwithoutpockets.嗯,我不喜欢这件.我想要件没有口袋的夹克; Whatcolordoyouwant Iwantapurpleskirt.你想要什么颜色的我想要条紫色的裙子; Howdoyoulikethispurpleskirt这条紫色的裙子你喜欢吗Well,Idon'tlikeit.Iwantaskirtwithazipper.嗯,我不喜欢这件;我想要条有拉链的裙子;Let'sHaveFun2Cashier1:Here'saniceshirt.DoyoulikeitBilly:No.Iwantashirtwithacollar.Cashier2:Ashirtwithacollar....HowaboutthisoneBilly:Oh,itlooksgreat.Ilikeitalot.Billy:HowmuchisitCashier2:It's110dollars.Billy:Oh,it'stooexpensive.Billy:Ihaveonly30dollars.Showmeacheaperone,please.Let'sPractice2Howaboutthissweater Itlookstoobig.Showmeasmallerone,please.这件毛衣怎么样看上去太大了;请给我件稍小一点的; HowaboutthisoneOh,itlooksgood.HowaboutthesepantsTheylooksmall.这件怎么样看上去很不错;这条裤子怎么样看上去小了点; Pleaseshowmesomebiggerones.Howaboutthese Oh,theylookgreat.请给我条稍大点的;这条怎么样哦,看上去很不错;Howaboutthiscoat It'stooexpensive.Showmeacheaperone,please.这件外套怎么样太贵了.请给我件便宜点的;Howaboutthisone Oh,it'sgood.这件怎么样太棒了;Lesson7What'shewearingLet'sHaveFun1Police:What'sthematter,kidsSandy;Ican'tfindmybrother,Billy.Police:Takeiteasy.Police:What'shewearingSandy:He'swearingaredjacket,bluepants,andyellowboots.Police:DoeshewearglassesDong-dong:No,hedoesn't.Police:Comehere,kidsIsn'tthatBillySandy:Ah,yesThanksalot.Police:Sure.Let'sPractice1What'sBillywearing He'swearingagreensweater,jeans,andgrayshoes.比利穿什么样的衣服他穿绿毛衣,牛仔裤,灰色鞋子;What'sSandywearing She'swearingapurplecoat,ayellowskirt,andblueboots.桑迪穿什么样的衣服紫色上衣,黄裙子,蓝靴子;What'sDongdongwearing东东穿什么样的衣服He'swearinganorangejacket,brownpants,andwhiteboots.他穿桔色上衣,褐色裤子,白靴子裳;What'sCodywearing She'swearingawhiteshirt,blueshorts,andblackshoes.科迪穿什么样的衣服她穿白色衬衫,蓝短裤,黑色鞋子;Let'sHaveFun2Billy:WhatdidyoubuyforapresentSandy:Iboughtafountainpen.Dong-dong:Iboughtahairpinformymother.Sandy:WhatabeautifulhairpinDong-dong:Whatdidyoubuy,BillyBilly:Ididn'tbuyanything.Iwantedtobuyashirt,butitwastooexpensive.Sandy:Then,howaboutmakingabirthdaycakeforhimYoulikecooking.Billy:Oh,that'sagoodidea.Let'sPractice2WhatanoldcarHowaboutbuyinganewcar Well,Ilikethisoldcar.多旧的车呀去买辆新的怎么样嗯,我喜欢这辆旧车; WhatabeautifuldayHowabouttakingawalk That'sagoodidea.多么美好的一天呀去散散步怎么样好主意; WhatanicejacketHowabouttryingonthisjacket Well,Idon'tlikeit.多漂亮的夹克呀试试这件夹克怎么样嗯,我不喜欢这件;。

This is Amy. She’s quiet. She’s very hard-working. That is Wu Yifan. He’s very clever. He’s polite, too. Hello. My name is Oliver.Hi.Hello.We have a new PE teacher. He’s a good football player. Cool!Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.What’s she like?She’s very kind.Is she strict?Yes, sometimes.Do you know Mr Young?No, I don’t. Who is he?He’s our music teacher.Is he young?No, he isn’t. He’s old.Is he funny?Yes, he is.Great! I like funny teachers.Who’s your English teacher?Miss White.Is she kind?Yes, she is.Who’s your art teacher?Mr Jones.Is he young?Yes, he is.Who’s Mrs Smith?She’s the head teacher. She’s tall. She’s strict.Hey, Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. Really? What’s she like?She’s kind.Is she strict?Yes, sometimes.Do you know her?Yes. She’s my mother!Haha. Cool!What’s Chen Jie like?She’s quiet.What’s Wu Yifan like?He’s hard-working.What’s he like?He’s polite.I have a robot! His name is Robin. My grandpa made him。

人教版小学英语五年级上册课文及翻译Revised by Jack on December 14,2020五年级上册文本及词汇朗读资料Unit 1 What’s he like1. A Let’s talkWu Yifan: Do you know Mr Yong 你认识杨老师吗Oliver: No, I don’t. Who is he 不,我不认识。
他是谁Wu Yifan: He’s our music teacher. 他是我们的音乐老师。
Oliver: Is he young 他年轻吗Wu Yifan: No, he isn’t. He’s old. 不,他不年轻,他很老。
Oliver: Is he funny 他幽默吗Wu Yifan: Yes, he is. 是的。
Oliver: Great! I like funny teachers. 太棒了,我喜欢幽默的老师。
2. B Let’s talkChen Jie: Hey, Ms Wang will be our new 嘿,王老师会是我们新的Chinese teacher. 语文老师。
John: Really What’s she like 真的吗她怎么样Chen Jie: She’s kind. 她很和蔼。
John: Is she strict 她很严格吗Chen Jie: Yes, sometimes. 是的,有时候。
John: Do you know her 你认识她吗Chen Jie: Yes, she’s my mother! 是的,她是我妈妈。
John: Haha. Cool. 哈哈。
4. Read and writeMeet Robin Sept. 1st, Tuesday 认识罗宾。
9月1日,星期二I have a robot! His name is Robin. 我有一个机器人!他的名字叫罗宾。
My grandpa made him. 我爷爷做的他。
人教版(新起点)小学五年级英语上册Unit 1课文朗读听力音频mp3文本与翻译

人教版(新起点)小学五年级英语上册Unit 1课文朗读听力音频mp3文本与翻译Unit 1 Classmates 同学Get ready. 做准备。
Who are Bill's new friends? 谁是比尔的新朋友?Tom 汤姆clever, careless 聪明、粗心Helen 海伦polite, quiet 有礼貌、安静Mary 玛丽cute, friendly, helpful 可爱、亲切、乐于助人Peter 彼特active, popular 活跃、受欢迎Who's this? 这是谁?That's Helen. 那是海伦。
She's polite and quiet. 她很有礼貌很安静。
Lesson 1 第一课A Listen and match. 听并匹配。
Look at these pictures. 看看这些图片。
These are my new friends. 这些是我的新朋友。
Who is she? 她是谁?Her name is Helen. 她的名字是海伦。
She likes reading. 她喜欢读书。
She is polite and quiet. 她很有礼貌很安静。
Who is he? 他是谁?He is Peter. 他是彼得。
He is very popular in our school. 他在我们学校很受欢迎。
He likes playing basketball. 他喜欢打篮球。
And he is very active in class and in our singing club, too. 他在我们班级和我们歌唱社很活跃。
That girl looks very friendly. 那个女孩非常亲切。
That's Mary. 那是玛丽。
Yes, she's always friendly and very helpful. 是的,她总是很亲切很乐于助人。

五年级上册文本及词汇朗读资料Unit 1 What’s he like?1. A Let’s talkWu Yifan: Do you know Mr Yong? 你认识杨老师吗?Oliver: No, I don’t. Who is he? 不,我不认识。
他是谁?Wu Yifan: He’s our music teacher. 他是我们的音乐老师。
Oliver: Is he young? 他年轻吗?Wu Yifan: No, he isn’t. He’s old. 不,他不年轻,他很老。
Oliver: Is he funny? 他幽默吗?Wu Yifan: Yes, he is. 是的。
Oliver: Great! I like funny teachers. 太棒了,我喜欢幽默的老师。
2. B Let’s talkChen Jie: Hey, Ms Wang will be our new 嘿,王老师会是我们新的Chinese teacher. 语文老师。
John: Really? What’s she like? 真的吗?她怎么样?Chen Jie: She’s kind. 她很和蔼。
John: Is she strict? 她很严格吗?Chen Jie: Yes, sometimes. 是的,有时候。
John: Do you know her? 你认识她吗?Chen Jie: Yes, she’s my mother! 是的,她是我妈妈。
John: Haha. Cool. 哈哈。
4. 单词:baby婴儿 happy高兴的 windy 有风的 sunny 天晴的 sorry对不起old老的 young 年轻的 funny滑稽的 kind 和蔼的 strict 严格的polite 有礼貌的 hard-working 工作努力的 helpful 愿意帮忙的 clever 聪明的shy 害羞的know 知道our 我们的MS女士will 将要sometimes 有时候robot 机器人him他speak 说finish 完成5. 句子:Is he young? 他年轻吗?No,he isn’t. 不,他不年轻。

五年级上册英语书人教版下载点读_2019年湘教版小学英语同步五年级上册翻译和点读.doc黑马英语小学同步辅导五年级上课文点读Lesson 1I’d like a cold drink.我想一份冷饮A.Let’s listen and say.The children visit the market today.今天孩子们逛了市场。
Anne is having an ice-cream. 安妮正在吃冰淇淋。
Peter is eating a piece of cake. 彼得正在吃一块蛋糕。
Lingling is having an apple and Mingming is eating a sandwich. 玲玲正在吃苹果,明明正在吃三明治。
They enjoy eating at the beach. 他们在沙滩上吃得很开心。
=他们享受着在沙滩上吃东西的乐趣--Can I help you?我能帮忙吗?你要买什么?-- I'd like some cakes.我想要一些蛋糕。
--I'd like a cold drink. 我想喝一份冷饮。
“OK!let's go. 好的!让我们去吧.3--Would you like some buns? ”你想要一些馒头吗?---I'm hungry. 我饿了I'd like some buns. ”我想要一些馒头。
---I feel hungry,too. ”我也饿了。
---I'd like some dumplings. ”我想要一些饺子。
Lesson 2Do you want some rice? 你想吃点饭吗?A. Let’s listen and say.The children are having lunch in Lingling's home. 孩子们正在玲玲家吃午餐。


人教版PEP小学英语课文翻译五年级上册第一单元Let’s start你们有新的教师吗?有,咱们有一名新的数学教师。
A部份Let’s learn年轻的幽默风趣的高的强壮的和善的,亲切的年老的矮的瘦的你们的美术教师是谁?胡教师。
Let’s find out咱们的数学教师很年轻。
他是谁?Let’s talk你的数学教师是谁?赵教师。
Read and write我有三位新的教师。
真的吗?!Pair work那个人是谁?他是咱们的数学教师。
B部份Let’s learn校长和善可亲的大学生年轻的严格的伶俐的有趣的活跃的你们的校长是谁?林教师。
Let’s chant你的教师是谁?哈尔特教师她很和善吗?是的!而且她很伶俐。
Let’s talk那位年轻的女士是谁?她是咱们的校长。
Group work她是咱们的教师。
Read and write我有一名新的数学教师。
Talk and draw我有一名新的教师。

五年级上册英语书人教版目录•Unit 1: My Family•Unit 2: My School Life•Unit 3: My Hobbies•Unit 4: My Daily Routine•Unit 5: My Home•Unit 6: My CommunityUnit 1: My FamilyIn this unit, students will learn about family members and how to describe their family. They will learn new vocabulary words such as father, mother, sister, brother, and grandparents. They will also learn about possessive pronouns, such as my, your, his, her, and their.Students will engage in various activities to practice using the vocabulary and grammar structures. They will participate in conversations about their family, create family trees, and complete reading and writing exercises. By the end of this unit, students should be able to confidently talk about their family members in English.Unit 2: My School LifeThis unit focuses on school life and activities. Students will learn vocabulary related to school subjects, such as math, science, and English. They will also learn how to talk about their schedule and describe their favorite subjects and activities.Students will participate in oral discussions about their school life and engage in role-playing activities to practice using the new vocabulary and grammar structures. They will also complete reading comprehension exercises and write about their school routine. By the end of this unit, students should be able to talk about their school life and activities fluently.Unit 3: My HobbiesIn this unit, students will learn how to talk about their hobbies. They will learn vocabulary related to different hobbies, such as playing sports, drawing, and playing musical instruments. They will also learn how to express their preferences and talk about their favorite hobbies.Through various activities, students will practice using the vocabulary and grammar structures. They will participate in conversations about their hobbies, create posters about their favorite hobbies, and write short paragraphs about their hobbies. By the end of this unit, students should be able to confidently talk about their hobbies and preferences in English.This unit focuses on daily routines and time expressions. Students will learn vocabulary related to different activities, such as waking up, brushing teeth, and going to school. They will also learn how to describe their daily routine using time expressions, such as in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night.Students will engage in various activities to practice using the vocabulary and grammar structures. They will create timetables of their daily routine, participate in conversations about their daily activities, and write short paragraphs about their daily routine. By the end of this unit, students should be able to confidently talk about their daily routine and understand time expressions in English.Unit 5: My HomeIn this unit, students will learn vocabulary related to different rooms and furniture in a house. They will also learn how to describe their home and talk about the location of objects in a room.Through various activities, students will practice using the vocabulary and grammar structures. They will create floor plans of their homes, participate in conversations about their homes, and write descriptions of their bedrooms. By the end of this unit, students should be able to confidently talk about their homes and describe the location of objects in a room.This unit focuses on the community and different places in a neighborhood. Students will learn vocabulary related to different community places, such as a library, park, and supermarket. They will also learn how to give directions and talk about the location of places in a neighborhood.Through various activities, students will practice using the vocabulary and grammar structures. They will create maps of their neighborhood, participate in conversations about different community places, and give directions to different places. By the end of this unit, students should be able to confidently talk about their community and give directions in English.In conclusion, the 5th Gr ade English book of People’s Education Press provides students with a comprehensive curriculum that covers various topics in English language learning. Through engaging activities and practice, students will develop their vocabulary, grammar, and speaking skills, enabling them to confidently communicate in English.。

This is Amy. She’s quiet. She’s very hard-working. That is Wu Yifan. He’s very clever. He’s polite, too. Hello. My name is Oliver.Hi.Hello.We have a new PE teacher. He’s a good football player. Cool!Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.What’s she like?She’s very kind.Is she strict?Yes, sometimes.Do you know Mr Young?No, I don’t. Who is he?He’s our music teacher.Is he young?No, he isn’t. He’s old.Is he funny?Yes, he is.Great! I like funny teachers.Who’s your English teacher?Miss White.Is she kind?Yes, she is.Who’s your art teacher?Mr Jones.Is he young?Yes, he is.Who’s Mrs Smith?She’s the head teacher. She’s tall. She’s strict.Hey, Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. Really? What’s she like?She’s kind.Is she strict?Yes, sometimes.Do you know her?Yes. She’s my mother!Haha. Cool!What’s Chen Jie like?She’s quiet.What’s Wu Yifan like?He’s hard-working.What’s he like?He’s polite.I have a robot! His name is Robin. My grandpa made him。

人教版小学英语五年级上册课文全文集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#五年级上册文本及词汇朗读资料Unit 1 What’s he likeMain scene主情景图1.Miss White: This is Amy. She’s quiet这是艾米,她很安静。
She’s very hard-working. 她学习非常努力。
That is Wu Yifan. He’s very clever.那是吴一凡,他很聪明。
He’s polite, too.他也很有礼貌。
Oliver: Hello. My name is Oliver. 大家好我的名字叫 Oliver.Amy: Hi. 嗨。
Wu Yifan: Hello. 你好。
Zip: We have a new PE teacher. 我们有位体育老师。
He’s a good football player. 他是个很棒的足球运动员。
Chen Jie:Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. 我们新的语文老师会是王老师。
John: What’s she like她怎么样Chen Jie: She’s very kind.她非常和蔼亲切。
John: Is she strict 她严格吗Chen Jie: Yes, sometimes. 是的,有时候。
2. A Let’s talkWu Yifan: Do you know Mr Yong 你认识杨老师吗Oliver: No, I don’t. Who is he不,我不认识。
他是谁Wu Yifan: He’s our music teacher.他是我们的音乐老师。
Oliver: Is he young 他年轻吗Wu Yifan: No, he isn’t. He’s old.不,他不年轻,他很老。
Oliver: Is he funny 他幽默吗Wu Yifan: Yes, he is. 是的。
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This is Amy. She’s quiet. She’s very hard-working. That is Wu Yifan. He’s very clever. He’s polite, too. Hello. My name is Oliver.Hi.Hello.We have a new PE teacher. He’s a good football player. Cool!Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher.What’s she like?She’s very kind.Is she strict?Yes, sometimes.Do you know Mr Young?No, I don’t. Who is he?He’s our music teacher.Is he young?No, he isn’t. He’s old.Is he funny?Yes, he is.Great! I like funny teachers.Who’s your English teacher?Miss White.Is she kind?Yes, she is.Who’s your art teacher?Mr Jones.Is he young?Yes, he is.Who’s Mrs Smith?She’s the head teacher. She’s tall. She’s strict.Hey, Ms Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. Really? What’s she like?She’s kind.Is she strict?Yes, sometimes.Do you know her?Yes. She’s my mother!Haha. Cool!What’s Chen Jie like?She’s quiet.What’s Wu Yifan like?He’s hard-working.What’s he like?He’s polite.I have a robot! His name is Robin. My grandpa made him。
Robin is short but strong. He is really clever. He can speak Chinese and English.He is hard-working. He is very helpful at home.He is strict, too. He makes me finish my homework!Our new PE teacher will come today!Really? What’s he like?I only know he’s a good football player.He must be tall and strong.Shoot!Oh, no! I missed!Can I join you?You’re very thin and so short. Can you play football? Sure. Let me show you.Ten to three! We win.You’re great!Our new PE teacher is a great football player, too!I am your new PE teacher!What do you have on Friday?I have a PE class.Do you often play sports?No, I don’t. I don’t like sports.Do you often read books on the weekend?No, but I often sleep!Grandpa! Look at my picture.Great! What do you have on Thursdays?I have maths, English and music.Oh, I love music! Who’s your music teacher?Mr Young.Is he strict?No. He’s funny. What do you do on Thursdays, Grandpa? Oh, I have a cooking class with your grandma!Haha!What do you have on Mondays?I have Chinese, English, maths and music.I have PE, music, science and English.Is it Monday?No.Is it Friday?Yes!Hi, Sarah. What’s that?It’s a storybook.Do you often read books in this park?No, I don’t. Do you often play football here?Yes, I do. I like this park very much.Me too.Do you often play ping-pong on the weekend?Yes, I do.Do you often listen to music?No, I don’t.Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend?Yes, I do.I often do homework, watch TV and draw pictures on the weekend.I often wash my clothes, clean my room and play the pipa on the weekend.I often read books on the weekend.You look tired. What do you have on Friday?I have PE.Do you often play sports?No, I don’t. I don’t like sports.What do you often do on the weekend?I often watch TV. Sometimes I read books.It’s a new school year. I need to do some shopping.I’ll help.We have English on Mondays and Wednesdays.I need some notebooks and pencils.We have maths on Tuesdays.I need a ruler.On Thursdays, we have art.I need a box of crayons.We have PE on Fridays.I want a new football, please. We can play with it on the weekend.I’m sorry, Zoom. We don’t have enough money. I’ll put back the football. Oh, no!What’s your favourite food?Salad.The sandwich is delicious.Very sweet. Yum!Don’t eat too much!What would you like to eat?Salad. It’s healthy.I’d like some noodles. It’s my birthday today.Happy birthday!Thank you.I’m hungry.What would you like to eat?A sandwich, please.OK.What would you like to drink?I’d like some water. I’m thirsty!Here you are.Thanks.What would you like to eat?I’d like a sandwich, please.What would you like to eat?I’d like a sandwich, a hot dog, a hamburger...What would you like to drink?I’d like some tea.What’s your favourite food?Noodles. I love beef noodles. They’re delicious. What’s your favouritefood?Fish.Well, let’s see. We have beef noodles and fish sandwiches today.Great!What’s your favourite food?Ice cream. It’s sweet!Dear Robin,My favourite food is ice cream.it is sweet. I don’t like beef but chicken is OK. Onions are my favourite vegetable. I like salad very much. Thank you! YifanDear Robin,My favourite food is chicken. It is delicious. I like vegetables but not carrots. Thanks. GrandpaHere you are! Chicken ice cream!Oh, no!I’m hungry.What would you like to eat?I’d like a salad.No problem. I have tomatoes, carrots, and onions.The vegetables are so fresh!They’re delicious, too.Please clean the vegetables.OK.Be careful!I will. Thank you.It looks nice!It’s healthy, too.Here’s some fresh milk.Thank you.Dinner at the farm is great!These are my teachers.Who’s your Chinese teacher?Look at that picture. That’s Ms Zhang, our Chinese teacher.What’s she like? Is she kind?Yes. She’s very kind. But she’s strict sometimes.It is sunny today. I am at Willow Primary School. It is so pretty. These are many yellow flowers.David is my new friend. He is clever and hard-working. He is funny, too. His favourite class is English. The teacher, Ms Brown, is very helpful. Teachers and students often eat lunch at school. Some of them have beef and drink tea. Some love green beans and ice cream. The food is delicious.After lunch, we have a reading class with Mr Reed. What a friendly school!We’ll have an English party next Tuesday.Great!What can you do for the party?I can play the pipa.Wonderful!I can dance!I can sing! La LaLa...Hi, Mr Li.Hi. Can you play ping-pong?A little.Let’s play together!Sorry. I have an English class at 3 o’clock.We’ll have an English party next Tuesday. What can you do for the party?I can sing English songs.Wonderful! How about you, John?I can do some kung fu!Thank you, John.What can you do. Wu Yifan?I can draw pictures.What can you do?I can draw cartoons.What can you do?I can draw cartoons. I can do some kung fu, too!Good afternoon, children. Today we’ll learn some kung fu.Cool!Can you do any kung fu, John?Yes, I can.Wonderful!Can you do any kung fu, Oliver?No, I can’t.No problem. I can help you.Can you cook?Yes, I can .Can you cook?No, I can’t.Can you swim?Yes, I can. I can do some kung fu, too!I can speak English and Chinese. I can sing English songs. I can dance. I can swim. I can cook. I can play ping-pong. I can’t do any kung fu. I can’t play the pipa.Do you want a new friend? Try me! I am Robin the Robot! I am friendly and funny. I can speak English and Chinese. I can do some kung fu. I can play ping-pong, but I can’t swim. What can you do? Please send me an email at robin@.I’m hungry. Mmm... Here comes some tasty food. Now I can eat.Dear snake, wait a minute. I can do things for you.Oh! What can you do? Can you sing?Yes, I can.Can you dance?Yes, I can. Let me go. Then i can dance for you.Let me see. These is a lake near here. Can you swim?No! Don’t throw me into the lake, please!Haha! Silly snake! Now I can swim away. Bye!These are so many pictures!My father can draw very well.What a nice photo!That’s my grandma’s garden. These are many pretty flowers in it. What’s in the room?These is a table beside the bed.Your room is really nice!Thanks.These is a big bed.Yes, I like my bed.These is a nice photo, too.Wow! You look cool!Thank you. Hey, my computer is here on the desk. Let’s play!These is a desk in the picture.These is a plate on the desk.These is a banana on the plate.These is my room. These is a clock, a...These is a clock in my room.These is a clock and a plant in my room.These is a clock, a plant and a photo in my room.This is the living room.Wow! These are so many pictures here.Yes. My father can draw very well.These are so many plants here, too. They’re my grandmother’s plants. My grandparents have a garden in front of their house. These are lots of flowers in it.Cool!These are two dogs in the picture.These are some fish.Where is the ball?It’s in front of the dog.Dear RobinI am yifan’s art teacher. I just moved into an old house. The rooms are dirty. These are pencils and crayons on the floor. These are pictures and photos everywhere. Oh,no! I see a mouse behind my computer! Please help me. I live near the nature park. Please hurry! Mr JonesCan you help me? I want to go home.Sorry. I’m busy.Haha!Oh,no!Help!Look at that poor can.Come on! We’re late for school.Here comes a can.Let’s give it to Zoom. He can help.Let me help you.Thank you. Home, sweet home.Look! There is a big white bird in the sky!There are many pretty fish in the river.Wow!Is there a river in the park?Yes, there is.I’m hungry. Is there a restaurant beside the lake? No, there isn’t. Look! I have some food. Let’s share.Children, let’s go to the forest!Yeah!Is there a river in the forest, Miss White?No, there isn’t.Is there a lake, Miss White?Yes, there is and there are some small boats.Cool! Let’s go boating.Is there a lake in the park?Yes, there is.Is there a forest?…Is there a river in the park?Yes, there is.Is there a river in front of the mountain? Yes, there is.The nature park is so quiet!Yes, Zhang Peng. There aren’t many people. Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? No, there aren’t.Are there any animals?Yes, there are. There are ducks and rabbits.Are there any lakes in the park?No, there aren’t.Sorry. You’re not my “friend”.Are there any lakes in the park?Yes, there are.How many?Two.You’re my “friend”!Are there any lakes on the mountain?Yes, there is one.Robin is at Mr Jones’ house. There is a nature park near the house. In the park there is a high mountain. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There is a lake near the village. There are many ducks on the lake.What a nice day! Let’s go to a nature park!Why not? We can take some pictures there.Look at that beautiful bridge.Yes. The mountains and trees are beautiful, too.Look! There is a house over there!Are there any people in the house?Let’s go and have a look!There is so much corn! I like corn.Look! There is a koala over there.Hey! Why don’t you take a picture of me?Later. Zoom. Let’s take a picture of the koala first.Your card is broken!Oh, dear me!Oh, no!Can you cook, Robin?Yes, I can.Are there any lakes in the forest?Yes, there are two.Is there a restaurant in the forest?No, there isn’t, but there is one in front of the hill.Are there any villages in the nature park?Let me think. Yes, there is one on the mountain.Is there a robot in the park?Yes, there is one between Zhang Peng and Sarah! It’s me!What’s in the nature park?There is a small village.Where is it?It’s…In a dark ,dark wood there is a dark ,dark house.And in the dark, dark house there is a dark, dark hallway. And in the dark, dark hallway there are some dark, dark stairs. And down the dark, dark stairs there is a dark, dark room. And in the dark, dark room there is a dark, dark cupboard. And in the dark, dark cupboard there is a dark, dark box.And in the dark, dark box there is a big mouse! Ouch! My tail!oldyoungfunnykindstrictpolitehard-workinghelpfulclevershyknowourMswillsometimesrobothimspeakfinishMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekendwashwash my clothes watchwatch TVdodo homework readread books playpaly football cooking oftenparktiredsportplay sports should everyday schedulesandwich salad hamburger ice cream teafresh healthy delicioushotsweetdrinkthirsty favouritefoodDearOnionsingsongsing Enlish sons play the pipa kung fudo kung fu dancedrawcartoondraw cartoons cookswimplay basketballping-pong play ping-pong speak English we’ll = we will partynext wonderful learnanyproblemno problem wantsendemailatclockplantbottlewater bottlebikephoto frontin front of between above beside behind there grandparent their houselotlots of flower movedirty everywhere mouselivenatureforestriverlake mountainhilltreebridge building villagehouse boatinggo boating aren’t = are not rabbithigh。