附录A动态可靠性和安全性评价人为因素技术系统:一个现代科学扎根人类的起源P. Carlo Cacciabue收稿日期:2010年1月7日/接受日期:2010年2月27日施普林格出版社有限公司于2010年在伦敦摘要:本文讨论的要求是人机实际执行互动模式。
关键词:人类认知;可靠性建模;安全评估;根本原因分析1 介绍15年前,在1994年,我对埃里克Hollnagel在我的博士学位论文等这些方面的帮助表示感激。
(Cacciabue 1994年)。
这种批评的主要依据是一个没有模型的认知,使审议过程和人类精神的典型功能和行为表现影响到他们的上下文相关条件(Hollnagel 1994年),第二,缺乏对审。
在同一年内,制定的概念“第二代人的可靠性的方(Cacciabue和Hollnagel 1993年)和“微型的macrosimulation认知”(Cacciabue和Hollnagel 1995)随着各种技术的发展,在许多情况下是从航空运输和核医学出发,目的在于评估人类的贡献,评估安全系统和安全组织。
Unit One安全管理safety management 事故致因accident causation 不安全行为unsafe acts不安全状态unsafe conditions企业安全文化corporate safety culture安全政策safety policyUnit Two系统安全工程system safety engineering 危险辩识hazard identification/identified危险控制hazard control 安全评价safety evaluation危险分析hazard analysis安全准则safety criteria Unit Three安全人机工程safety ergonomics 工作效率work efficiency工作压力job stressors伤害率injury rate人机过程ergonomics process职业伤残work injuryUnit Four工伤保险injury insurance 人因失误human error风险评估risk assessment人机系统ergonomics system工业事故industrial system事故类型accident types Unit Five职业安全健康occupational health and safety职业安全健康管理体系occupational health and safety management system危险源分析hazard analysis 事故分析accident analysis风险管理risk management职业伤害occupational injury Unit Six工业卫生industrial hygiene 物理危害physical hazards 化学危害chemical hazards非电离辐射non-ionizing radiation生物危害biological hazards职业病occupational diseaseUnit Seven安全文化safety culture企业文化corporate culture 高危行业high-risk industry事故率accident rate应急预案emergency plan安全评审safety review Unit Eight安全激励safety motivation 自我激励self-motivation个人需求individual demand 社会需求social needs安全氛围safety atmosphere 生理需求physiological needs。
The Safety Standards of Scaffolding1. PURPOSEThis procedure provides guidelines for the safe erection, inspection, use, and dismantling of scaffolding at Air Products Facilities worldwide.2. SCOPEThis procedure applies to all personnel who erect, inspect, use, or dismantle scaffolding. Air Products plant personnel must ensure that all contractors engaged in any scaffolding activities shall comply with the provisions in this procedure.3. SUMMARY3.1 Scaffold design and specification shall as a minimum follows the nationally recognized and approved standards of the country in which the scaffold is erected. Where the requirements of this standard are different to the nationally recognized and approved standards, t he most stringent standard will apply.3.2 Scaffolds shall be inspected by competent qualified and certified personnel prior to use, after inclement weather and any occurrence where the structure has been modified. Any individual that erects or disassembles a scaffold must be certified, and all users of scaffolding must receive the appropriate training. Contract personnel must present proof of the appropriate training and qualifications prior to working on any Air Products site.3.3 Scaffolds shall only be erected and disassembled by competent approved and qualified personnel. Proper provisions must be made for the safe lifting ofscaffold fittings, poles and boards. Lifting equipment must be designed to prevent the possibility of scaffold falling to grade in the event that the load snags or knots slip. Throwing and dropping equipment is strictly prohibited.3.4 Erected scaffolds exceeding 38m (125' feet) in height (or the national limits in the country of use) shall be designed by a registered professional engineer, or the local authority where applicable, and shall be constructed and loaded in accordance with such design.3.5 The person(s) in charge of the activity, e.g., plant maintenance, construction, etc., shall ensure that any individual that has the authority and responsibility for the erection, inspection, and disassembly of scaffolding is competent to do so. Theindividual will be deemed competent after receiving suitable training by an approved scaffold training company or in-house expert and shall be documented.3.6 Scaffolds shall have guardrails, mid-rails, and toe boards installed on all open sides and ends of platforms.3.6.1 Guardrails shall be installed no less than 970 mm (38" inches) or not more than 1,140 mm (45" inches) high with a mid-rail, or as required by the National Standard. There must not be a gap between guardrails, or between toe boards and guardrails, greater than 470 mm (18" inches).3.6.2 Toe boards shall be a minimum of 102 mm (4" inches) in height and must be secured to prevent movement. Toe boards are to be of wood construction, aluminum, or steel preformed to match the scaffold.3.6.3 In windy conditions and certain situations, netting must be placed between the toe board and mid-rails (and top rails in some cases) to prevent materials, i.e. paper, rags, small tools; various materials from being blown off the scaffold decking and falling onto the ground exposing people below to fall hazards.3.7 Scaffolds must be erected on sound surfaces and base plates must be used at all times. Footing or anchorage for scaffolds shall be rigid, and capable of carrying the maximum intended load without settling or displacement. Unstable objects such as barrels, boxes, loose brick or concrete blocks shall not be used to support scaffolds. 3.8 All poles, legs, or uprights of scaffolds shall be plumb and rigidly braced to prevent swaying and displacement. Sufficient ties or raking shores shall be provided to ensure that the scaffold cannot fall away from the object being scaffolded.3.9 Scaffold surfaces shall be kept clean and free from sharp edges, burrs, or other safety hazards.3.10 Scaffolds shall not be loaded in excess of the working load for which they are intended. Scaffolds and their components shall be capable of supporting at least four (4) times the maximum intended load. Scaffolds should have their safe working loads posted or visible to those working who will be performing work on the scaffold.3.11 Scaffold work platforms shall be fully planked with wood, aluminum, or steel scaffold planks or 51 mm X 254 mm (2" x 10" inches) lumber that meets Planking Requirements and is rated to support the intended load.3.12 Scaffolds shall be maintained in a safe condition, and shall only be altered by competent approved and qualified personnel. Scaffolds undergoing modification shall be withdrawn from use until the modification work has been completed, and the scaffold inspected and approved for use by a competent approved and qualified person.3.13 Scaffolds (including mobile access towers) shall not be moved while they are in use or occupied.3.14 Scaffolds damaged or part weakened from any cause shall immediately be replaced and shall not be used until repairs have been completed and the scaffoldre-inspected.3.15 The preferred method of access and egress to a work platform is from a ladder which shall be fitted with an access gate panel. Chain gates can only be used where access gate panels are not safely accessible. Access ladders should not exceed9m (30' feet) in length, and shall extend a min. of 1.1m (3.5' feet) past the working platform.3.16 Access ladder(s) shall be provided with each scaffold built. Access ladders must be of an approved construction, fixed on a suitable foundation, and unpainted. The ladders should be fixed at the top, bottom, and sufficient intermediate points to prevent undue sagging or movement. The recommended gradient is to be 1:4(i.e., about 1 unit out for every 4 units in height). A chain gate shall be used on ladder frames when access gate panels are not safely accessible.3.17 Access or working platforms shall be no more than 9m (30' feet) apart vertically. When a scaffold height exceeds 9 m (30' feet) all additional platforms shall be on the inside of the scaffolding. If the working platforms are spaced more than6.1m (20' feet)) apart, the ladders shall then be equipped either self- retracting lifelines or an OSHA or equivalent National approved cage. The lifeline shall be installed to an acceptable anchorage point capable to withstand 2300Kgs or (5000 Lbs) per individual attached for fall protection. Any ladder over7.3m (24' feet) or 9.1m (30' feet) must have an intermediate platform as a means for resting on the way up.3.18 Use of pulleys, hoist arms, or other devices to hoist material is prohibited, unless the scaffold is guyed or braced to a permanent structure to prevent tipping or has been designed to accommodate these lifting devices.3.19 Use of ladders or makeshift devices on top of scaffold to increase its heightor to provide access from above is prohibited.4. PROCEDURE4.1 Safety Considerations4.1.1 Depending on the nature and the area of work, appropriate personal protective equipment must be worn by personnel. A competent person must determine the feasibility and safety, or where National Standards may dictate, of providing fall protection during the erection and dismantling of scaffolding.Note: Fall protection must be worn by workers erecting and dismantling scaffolds when exposed to falls greater than 6 feet.4.1.2 Personnel working on a scaffold platform with full handrail, mid rail, toe boards and gated access are not required to tie off when working inside the platform area. Safety harness shall be used during scaffold erection. Tie off is required above 2m (6' feet).4.1.3 Personal protective equipment must be used which has been identified through the Workplace Risk Assessment/Job Safety Analysis.4.1.4 Scaffolds shall be built or dismantled in a manner to prevent passage from under the scaffold. Caution tape should be used to mark a safe zone around the scaffolds. Personnel access through mid rails and cross bracing is not recommended.4.1.5 If a scaffold erection interferes with the permanent access ladder or permanent fall protection device, alternative fall protection and ladder access must be provided.4.1.6 Special precautions shall be taken to protect scaffold structure including any wire or fiber ropes when using a heat producing process.4.1.7 Falling objects protection must be installed to provide protection from falling hand tools, debris, and other small objects. This can be accomplished by using toe boards, screens or brick guards; guard rails systems, nets, catch platforms, or canopy structure methods. These systems must be capable of containing or deflecting falling objects. Overhead protection shall be provided for individuals working on a scaffold exposed to overhead hazards.4.1.8 Individuals shall not work on scaffolds during a storm or high winds. Every effort should be made to exit the scaffold prior to electrical storms. Scaffolds should only be sheeted in where the scaffold structure (including ties and/or raking shores) has been specifically designed to accommodate the additional wind loads that thisimposes.4.1.9 Individuals shall not work on scaffolding, which is covered with ice or snow, unless all ice or snow is removed and planking is covered with antiskid material to prevent slipping. This is because the deadweight of ice and snow can lead to significant overloading of the scaffold structure.4.1.10 Tools, materials, and debris shall not be allowed to accumulate in quantities to cause a hazard.4.1.11 Partly erected/dismantled scaffold must have suitable warning signs posted in prominent locations, be barricaded off, or policed to prevent unauthorized entry. The use of Scaffold tags is strongly recommended.4.1.12 When scaffold material is stored on-site, it is advisable to store the material under dry conditions.4.1.13 Scaffolds are not to be placed closer than 9m (30' feet) to live power lines, or no closer than the minimum clearance specified by the National Electrical Safety guidelines in the country of jurisdiction. In some countries grounding of the scaffold structure is required.4.1.14 Scaffold accessories shall be used and installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommended procedures. Accessories shall not be altered in the field.4.1.15 Personnel who perform work on scaffolding systems must be trained according to the requirements outlined by Air Products or according to national or local regulations. Retraining is required in at least in the following situations: Where changes at the worksite present a hazard about which any employee has not been previously trained. Where changes in the types of scaffolds, fall protection, falling object protection, or other equipment present a hazard about which an employee has not been previously trained. Where inadequacies in an affected employee's work involving scaffolding indicates that the employee has not retained the requisite proficiency. Where changes to the procedure have taken place, which an employee has not been previously trained.Note: The Following Environmental Considerations:Metal scaffold platforms should be used during Lead Abatement Activitieswhenever possible, to eliminate contamination and cleanup of wood walk boards.4.2 Scaffold Inspection4.2.1 Scaffolding shall be inspected by a competent, qualified and certified scaffold inspector prior to use, after any modification, or after any occurrence which could affect the integrity of the scaffold structure. This shall either be the contractor responsible for the provision of the scaffold or an Air Products employee trained in the proper erection, inspection and use of scaffolding. The results and periodic frequency of such inspections shall be recorded and Scaffold Tags posted in a prominent location at each access point to show the inspection status of the scaffold and next inspection period.The periodic frequency shall depend on factors such as the type of scaffold, site and weather conditions, intensity of use, age of the equipment, and how often sections or components are added, removed or changed, but should never exceed 1 week (7 days). These kinds of factors will determine how quickly or how slowly safety related faults, loose connections, degradation and other defects could be expected to develop, and consequently indicate whether inspections should be conducted more frequently than every 7 days. For routine maintenance activities, all scaffolding shall be inspected daily or before each work shift. For Construction and Turnaround Activities, all scaffolding shall be inspected at least once before each work shift or more periodic as determined by the scaffold inspector.Note: "Periodic" means frequently enough so that, in light of these factors and the amount of time expected for detrimental effects to occur, there is a good likelihood that problems will be found before they pose a hazard to working individuals.4.3.2 Upon completion of a scaffold, the scaffold inspector shall inspect the scaffold. When a scaffold is approved by the inspector a green 'SCAFFOLD COMPLETED' - 'READY FOR USE' or a yellow 'No Access' tag will be inserted into the danger tag holder. If it is not approved, the inspector will attach a red tag into the danger tag holder indicating that the scaffold is not suitable for use. The red tag must remain in place until the scaffold is repaired and inspected by a competent person4.3.2.1 The Inspector will date and sign the "GREEN" tag when there are no defects in scaffold construction noting total working load on tag. The Inspector will date and sign the "YELLOW" caution tag and fill in any restrictions or cautions associated with the scaffold noting the total working loadon tag. The Inspector will date and sign a "RED" tag indicating that the scaffold is not to be used because it is being modified or is not suitable for people to be working on it.4.3.3 No unauthorized modifications will be made to any scaffold. Only approved scaffold builders are permitted to modify a scaffold.4.3.4 Scaffolding that is required to support a load must visibly display the maximum load permitted and all persons using the scaffold must be informed of the restrictions of use for the particular arrangement (load capacity, general access, inspection only, etc.). The sign should be legible and written in the native language to ensure full understanding. In some cases, dual language signs may be necessary.4.3.5 Scaffolds shall be rated for total working load at time of inspection. To determine total working load, multiply length times width to find the square feet of the working area. Multiply working area by allowable load per square foot.Example: 1.5m (5' feet) wide by 2.1m (7 feet) long, 1.5m X 2.1m = 3.15 square meters (5'x7' = 35 square feet). Multiply this number 3.15 (35) times the working load per square meters (square foot) from the load chart found in OSHA's 1926 Subpart "L " or equivalent to find the total working load.Note: The Lumber basis for this is "Douglas Fir".Example: Full thickness undressed lumberWorking load 22.7 Kg-per square meter (50 lb-per square foot)Permissible span 2.4m (8' feet).3.15 meter squared X 22.7 Kg per squared meter = 71.5 Kg -Total working load (35 square feet x 50 p.s.f. = 1,750 pounds Total working load).Example: Nominal thickness lumber (dressed)Working load 11.1Kgs per square meter (25Lbs per square foot)3.15 meters squared X 11.1 kgs per squared meter = 35 Kgs -Total working load (35 square feet x 25 p.s.f. = 875 pounds - Total Working Load)NOTE: FOR PERMISSIBLE SPAN - USE THE NEXT HIGHER NUMBER FORLENGTH OF SPAN.4.3.6 The minimum permitted widths for scaffold are as follows (unless specified by national regulations):GeneralFor men and materialsFor supporting another platformFor the side of a sloping roof4.3.7 Scaffold boards are to be supported as follows (unless national regulations are more stringent):Thickness of boardMaximum Spacing51 mm (2 in) 2590 mm (8 ft)4.3.8 Scaffold planking shall be scaffold grade as recognized by grading rules for the species of wood and stamped on the plank.4.3.9 When a scaffold is built around a line or object, the following guidelines are to be followed: Toe-board shall be installed around the object. Planking shall be covered with plywood 15.87 mm (5/8" inches) or greater and capable of supporting the intended load. Scaffolds shall be planked end-to-end on each side of the object. The planking needs to be supported around the object to ensure the decking or planking will sufficiently hold the intended weight of people and tools and materials.4.3.10 All brackets shall be seated correctly with side brackets parallel to frames and end brackets 90° to the frame. Brackets shall not be bent or twisted from normal positions.4.3.11 Scaffolds shall be visually checked by the user prior to use to ensure that no unauthorized changes have been made and that the status tag is still valid. If the tag is not valid, the scaffold shall be removed from service by removing the scaffold tag until repairs are made and the scaffold has been re-inspected. A red tag should be fixed to the scaffolding indicating no one is to use it.4.3.12 Where gin wheels/pulleys (including ropes) or other accessories are fitted to the scaffold, these are to be included into the scope of all inspections mentioned in this procedure.4.3.13 When it is proposed to use a lightweight mobile scaffold platforms for light duty work, the scaffold shall be subject to the following: The scaffold is used with all bracing and outriggers in position and wheels locked. All scaffold is used on level firm ground only. All points of the scaffold are fully supported by the ground. The individuals erecting the scaffold have been properly trained in its use. The height of the scaffold shall not exceed the smallest base dimension by a factor greater than 3:1, subject to the manufacturer confirming that the scaffold is suitable for this and that the manufacturer instruction and information are available. If no information exists, assume 2:1 as the maximum ratio. Additionally, the smallest base dimension shall not be less than 1200 mm (4' feet). Ladders must not be used to extend the height of the scaffold.脚手架安全标准1.目的本程序为全球AOCI工厂安全安装、检查、使用和拆卸脚手架提供了指导原则。
Negligence or careless conduct which injures another person does not,by itself,give a right to action under common law.Before an action for damages can be considered,there are three conditions that must be satisfied as follows:
Miss Donoghue could not sue for breach of contract as she had not bought the ginger beer in the first instance.Instead,she sued the manufacturers of the ginger beer for their negligence.
Unit 1 safety man ageme nt system Accide nt causatio n models 事故致因理论Safety man ageme nt 安全管理Physical conditions 物质条件Machi ne guard机械保护装置ingHouse-keep ing 工作场所管理Top man ageme高层管理人员ntHuma n errors 人因失误Accide nt-pro nen ess models 事故倾向模型Mun iti ons factory 军工厂Causal factors 起因Risk ing tak ing 冒险行为Corporate culture 企业文化Loss preve nti on 损失预防Process industry 制造工业Hazard con trol 危险控制Inten sive study 广泛研究Organi zati onal performa nee 企业绩效Mutual trust 相互信任Safety officer 安全官员Shop-floor 生产区Seni ority资历、工龄Local culture 当地文化Abse nteeism rate 缺勤率Power relatio ns 权力关系Status review 状态审查Lower-level man ageme nt 低层管理者Busin ess performa nee 组织绩效Most senior executive 高级主管Supervisory level 监督层Safety prin eiple 安全规则Wall-board 公告栏Impleme nt pla n 执行计戈UHazard ide ntificati on 危险辨识Safety performa nee 安全性能译文:Schein给出了组织文化的广泛定义,他认为组织文化是由若干基本假设组成的一种模式,这些假设是由某个特定团体在处理外部适应问题与内部整合问题的过程中发明、发现或完善的。
附录A动态可靠性和安全性评价人为因素技术系统:一个现代科学扎根人类的起源P. Carlo Cacciabue收稿日期:2010年1月7日/接受日期:2010年2月27日施普林格出版社有限公司于2010年在伦敦摘要:本文讨论的要求是人机实际执行互动模式。
对Hollnagel理论能够运用“联合认知”制度全面和详进行分析,鉴定出人为因素的根本原因和潜在的复杂评价中偶然的情况.然而,死板的应用这些做法有时是过于武断,或根本不可能改善缺乏数据的缺点或构建复杂性建模架构.本文介绍了两个可行的方法,整体安全性分析是对整个工厂进行控制.另一种方法是,当明确任务和具体行为需要进行研究,提出的方法Hollnagel被认为是最先进和可以应用种最准确的工具.关键词:人类认知;可靠性建模;安全评估;根本原因分析1 介绍15年前,在1994年,我对埃里克Hollnagel在我的博士学位论文等这些方面的帮助表示感激。
(Cacciabue 1994年)。
这种批评的主要依据是一个没有模型的认知,使审议过程和人类精神的典型功能和行为表现影响到他们的上下文相关条件(Hollnagel 1994年),第二,缺乏对审.在同一年内,制定的概念“第二代人的可靠性的方(Cacciabue和Hollnagel 1993年)和“微型的macrosimulation认知”(Cacciabue和Hollnagel 1995)随着各种技术的发展,在许多情况下是从航空运输和核医学出发,目的在于评估人类的贡献,评估安全系统和安全组织.这些问题一直是核心的科学调查问题.在90年代的Hollnagel,出版了两本关于危害和风险人类活动的分析(Hollnagel 1993年,1998年)基本书籍。
关于建筑行业安全施工的分析毕业设计外文文献翻译 中英文翻译
![关于建筑行业安全施工的分析毕业设计外文文献翻译 中英文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/afef0330bd64783e09122b63.png)
附录AAnalysis of Safety Performance in the Construction IndustryData source:The HKU Scholars HubOver the years,many researchers have investigated into the safety performance of the construction industry.Some of them identified factors leading to the occurrence of accidents on construction sites.The high frequency of construction accident has casted the industry a considerable amount.The government and many concerned parties have taken measures against the potential causes of accidents,aiming at reducing accidents and promoting safety in the industry.1.Definition of AccidentLaney(1982)states that the simplest definition of an accident is“an uncontrollable occurrence which results in injury or damage”.The events leading up to an accident are controllable in most cases.International Labor Office Geneva(1983)and Kennedy(1997) also agree that accidents don’t just happen,they are preventable.All industrial accidents are, either directly or indirectly,attributable to human failings.Rowlandson(1997)points out that a number of elements which need to be incorporated into the definition if this is to be useful in terms of accident prevention.These elements are:ck of management control;b.basic personal and task factors;c.sub-standard acts and conditions–the symptoms of the accident;d.an unplanned and undesired event or incident–the accident;e.an undesired outcome–death,injury or property damage;f.a cost.He thus defines accident as:“...an unplanned incident leading to death,injury or property damage which stems from inadequate management control of work processes manifesting itself in personal or job factors which lead to substandard actions or conditions which are seen as the immediate causes of the accident.”mon Accidents in Construction IndustryAccording to Lingard and Rowlinson(1994)accident proneness can be measured by thefrequency of accident occurrence.According to some researches,construction industry has the highest accident rate over the years,thus it is said to be more accident-prone than other industries.It is essential to understand why construction industry is more vulnerable to accident than the others.The Labour Department classified construction accidents by types. Table1shows the number of injuries in2004and figures in blankets are the number of fatality fixed or stationary object11.9%Fall of person from height11.7%Injured whilst lifting or carrying16.0%Slip,trip or fall on same level17.3%Striking against or stuck by moving object19.7%Contact with moving machinery or object being machined7.0%Others16.4%The above chart shows the major accidents which contributed more than5%of the construction accidents in2004:3.Facors Affecting Safety Performance of Construction IndustryMany researchers have studied the factors affecting safety performance on construction sites.Stranks(1994)points out that the reasons of the poor safety recordmay correlate with many factors such as complexity of the work or system,risk nature of works,management style,safety knowledge and commitment,and personal behavior.Here are several factors that affect safety performance of contraction industry.pany SizeTam and Fung(1998)study the effectiveness of safety management strategies on safety performance.In this study,the safety performance of companies is gauged by their accident rates in1994as accident rates are steadier throughout the year and they can be easily obtained.In the study,it is found that company size,in term of number of management staff, affects safety performance.Tam and Fung(1998)observe that the accident rate of small companies is highest,the rate for medium sized lies almost at the industrial average and that for the large firms is the lowest.This demonstrates that larger firms generally have better safety records.This could be resulted from the more structured and formalized safetyprogrammers,and stronger management commitment to safety.It is found that the higher number of employees in the organization,the lower figure of the accident rate.b.Level of SubcontractingMulti-layer subcontracting is unique to China construction industry and has been the most common practice being used with long history.Subcontractors would normally further subcontract their work without the consent of their principal contractor to several smaller firms in order to minimize their overheads.Multi-layers of subcontractors is one of the major difficulties in implementing safety management.Recent study carried out by Wong and So (2004)shows the current status of the subcontracting practice and how multi-layer subcontracting system affects construction safety performance.Their questionnaire survey reveals that the majority of respondents(45.5%)would sublet80-90%of their works to subcontractors.None of the respondents would carry out construction work that fully relies on their own effort;at least30%of works would be subcontracted out.Lai(1987)attributes the high site accident rates to the use of labour-only subcontractors. As subcontracted workers are highly mobile,lack loyalty to contractors and are rewarded according to work done,they are difficult to control.Implementing safety practices on site becomes more difficult.Recent researchers,like Wong(1999)and Lee(1996),believe multi-layer subcontracting system is one of the major causes to poor safety performance in China’s construction industry.The most extreme case of subcontracting quoted by Lee(1999) was subcontracting up to15layers.He describes such multi-layer subcontracting as common and excessive.Small business,like subcontractors,face with specific health and safety challenges. Many firms lacked adequate resources and were often struggling to survive.Moreover,they lack an understanding of their obligations and the health and safety issues of their processes. These can be supported by Rawlinson’s(1999)study for Housing Authority.He finds that average84%of workers injured from1995to1998were subcontractors’workers.Such situation may be due to subcontractors’workers’inadequate training and awareness of safe working practice.Tam and Fung(1998)find there is a significant difference between trained and un-trained employees in relation to accident rate.municationAccording to Wong(2002),communication is a major factor affecting the safety on sites. However,it has seldom been discussed before.Wong(2002)conducts a research to find out the causes of communication problems between main contractors and subcontractors.He identifies12factors leading to poor communication in construction industry.Among them,10 are discussed here as they are more relevant to the territory and have been discussed by other researchers.These factors are listed below:i.Industry NatureIn order to complete the project on time,construction projects are carried out under almost all sorts of weather conditions.Besides,construction workers are usually not well-educated.These cause communication difficulties.ii.Industry CultureWong(2000)identifies sub-contracting system is a hurdle to construction safety as they are engaged on day-work basis,thus they are not aware to site safety.iii.Client TypeThere are2types of clients,public and private ernment bodies are public clients.Private clients can be further divided into experienced and inexperienced.Their concern and expectation on site safety performance appear to be different.anization StructureFryer(1997)suggests that organization structure,including hierarchy,downsizing and decentralization vs.decentralization,rigidity vs.flexibility,rules and procedure,would affect the result of communications.According to Wong(2002),downsizing became popular since 1990s because this can allow flexibility for people for respond more quickly to change.v.Relationship of Main and Sub-ContractorsThe poor relationship between contractors is an obstacle to construction safety.However, such situation could be resolved by partnering.Wong(2002)says that partnering is considered by most of the project participants as a worthwhile initiative.munication BarriersHicks and Gullett(1983)points out that communication overload and inattention to message can cause ineffective communication.People may receive more information than they can process or they spend time evaluating the sender and the message before the entiremessage is being passed or read.vii.Content of InformationWong(2002)attributes poor safety performance to the content of information.If content of information,such as method statements,working,drawings or safety procedures,are inaccurate or unclear,safety could not be effectively achieved.viii.Value of CommunicatorsTam et al(2001)point out that many production personnel rank safety in a lower priorities when compare with meeting the production schedule,quota and cost targets. Besides,Nichols and Stevens(1999)mention the failure of many superiors to listen.As a result,safety issue does not receive enough attention.ix.Provision of Continuous TrainingEnrichment of safety knowledge is essential.Teo et al(2005)carry out a study to find out the methods in fostering workers’safe work behaviours.They find that training is an important way to enable workers to work safely,because they are equipped with the knowledge of how to work safely.x.Workers’AttitudeWorkers’incorrect attitude towards site safety is a big difficulty in making safety sites. In Chan et al’s(1999)research,it is found that workers do not think they have the duty to comply with safety regulations for the main contractors.They will be more aware to safety issues after serious accident but they will resume their own way of practice shortly after that. Hinze(2002)and Vredenburgh(2002)state that site safety could only be improved if workers change their behaviours towards site safety.Teo et al(2005)also agree that negligence in safety and lack of awarenessto ensure lingering dangers on site would increase the chances of workers getting injured.5.Accident Costs and Safety CostsThe construction industry in China,especially for building projects,has a very poor safety record.According to Hinze and Raboud(1988),it is a common perception that “safety”is unproductive and not vital to the success of a project as contractors may not be appreciated by just keeping good safety on sites.However,it should be noted that accidents do not just lead to injury and loss of lives,a huge amount of accident costs is induced as well.Accordingly,safety investment in construction projects could better the safety performance and avoid the huge amount of accident costs.Ridiculously,most contractors are not willing to invest their money,time and effort to operate and to maintain effective safety programmers. They are not fully aware of the costs of an accident.Over the years,there have been many studies of the cost of accidents and it is found that, accident costs could be huge.Rowlinson(1997)identifies that cost of an accident is not only constituted of hospitalization and compensation costs of the individual involved in the accident.De Saram and Tang(2005)admit that construction accidents may result in numerous damages and losses.By understanding all the costs incurred by construction accidents,contractors might be surprised,and thus realize the importance of site safety investment.6.Safety Management SystemSafety management systems are not new to us.Many have been written on it.Site safet is regarded as an integral part of the project objective and safety attitudes a part of the project culture in order to pursue site safety effectively.Management at head office and on-site must be seen to care.Only then,an effective and committed safety officer will be appointed and given sufficient call on time and resources to achieve site safety.According to the Labour Department,below are the objectives of setting up a safety management system:a.to prevent improper behaviour that may lead to accidents;b.to ensure that problems are detected and reported;andc.to ensure that accidents are reported and handled properly.Besides,a safety management system enables flexibility of developing safety policies and measures most suitable to the particular circumstances of individual companies.The inputs from employer and employees make the safety management processes more readily be modified to keep pace with changing circumstances.An effective safety management system can be used to manage and control both existing and potential hazards and its effectiveness can be maximized when an organization is able to combine occupational safety and health issues into its business strategy.In this paper,statistics of construction safety,common accident types,factors affectingsafety performance and legislations related to construction safety have been reviewed. Statistics shows the unacceptable construction safety performance in the past.Therefore,the government introduced safety management system to the industry,hoping to establish a self-regulating atmosphere.Besides,government keeps introducing new legislation,for example the Construction Workers Registration Ordinance,and amending existing legislations to cope with the industry. Though the accident rate becomes stagnant in recent years,the fact shows the government’s determination in improving the industry to an accident-free one.附录B关于建筑行业安全施工的分析资料来源:香港大学学者中心多年来,许多研究人员都对建筑业的安全施工做出过深入研究。
Accident InvestigationsAlthough accident investigation is an after-the-fact approach to hazard identification, it is still an important part of this process. At times hazards exist, which no one seems to recognize until they result in an accident or incident. In complicated accidents it may take an investigation to actually determine what the cause of the accident was. This is especially true in cases where death results and few or no witnesses exist. An accident investigation is a fact-finding process and not a fault-finding process with the purpose of affixing blame. The end of any result of an accident investigation should be to assure that the type of hazard or accident does not exist or occur in the future.Your company should have a formalized accident investigation procedure, which is followed by everyone. It should be spelled out in writing and end with a written report using as a foundation of your standard company accident investigation form. It may be your workers’compensation form or an equivalent from your insurance carrier.Accidents and even near misses should be investigated by your company if you are intent on identifying and preventing hazards in your workplace. Thousands of accidents occur throughout the United States every day. The failure of people, equipment, supplies, or surroundings to behave or react as expected causes most of the accidents. Accident investigations determine how and why these failures occur. By using the information gained through an investigation, a similar or perhaps more disastrous accident may be prevented. Accident investigations should be conducted with accident prevention in mind. Investigations are not to place blame.An accident is any unplanned event that results in personal injury or in property damage. When the personal injury requires little or no treatment,it is minor. If it results in a fatality or in a permanent total, permanent partial, or temporary total (lost time) disability, it is serious. Similarly, property damage may be minor or serious. Investigate all accident regardless of the extent of injury or damage. Accidents are part of a broad group of events that adversely affect the completion of a task. These events are incidents. For simplicity, the procedures discussed in later sections refer only to accidents. They are, however, also applicable to incidents.1.Accident PreventionAccidents are usually complex. An accident may have 10 or more events that can be causes. A detailed analysis of an accident will normally reveal three cause levels:basic,indirect,and direct. At the lowest level, an accident results only when a person or object receives an amount of energy or hazardous material that cannot be absorbed safely. This energy or hazardous material is the DIRECT CAUSE of the accident. The direct cause is usually the result of one or more unsafe acts or unsafe conditions, or both. Unsafe acts and conditions are the indirect causes or symptoms. In turn, indirect causes are usually traceable to poor management policies and decisions, or to personal or environmental factors. These are the basic cause.In spite of their complexity, most accidents are preventable by eliminating one or more causes. Accident investigations determine not only what happened, but also how and why. The information gained from these investigations can prevent recurrence of similar or perhaps more disastrous accident. Accident investigations are interested in each event as well as in the sequence of events that led to an accident. The accident type is also important to the investigator. The recurrence of accident of a particular type or those with common causes shows areas needing special accident prevention emphasis.2.Investigative ProceduresThe actual procedures used in a particular investigation depend on the nature and results of the accident. The agency having jurisdiction over the lacation determines the administrative procedures. In general, responsible officials will appoint an individual to be in charge of the investigation. An accident investigation should use most of the following steps:·Defined the scope of the investigation.·Select the investigation. Assign specific tasks to each (preferably in writing).·Present a preliminary briefing to the investigating team.·Visit and inspect the accident site to get updated information.·Interview each victim and witness. Also interview those who were present before the accident and those who arrived at the site shortly after the accident. Keep accurate records of each interview. Use a tape recorder if desired and if approved.·Determine the following:·What was not normal before the accident.·Where the abnormality occurred.·When it was first noted.·How it occurred.·Determine the following:·Why the accident occurred.·A likely sequence of events and probable causes ( direct, indirect, basic ).·Alternative sequences.·Determine the most likely sequence of events and the most probable causes.·Conduct a post-investigation briefing.·Prepare a summary report including the recommended actions to prevent a recurrence. Distribute the report according to applicable instructions.An investigation is not complete until all data are analyzed and a final report is completed. In practice, the investigation work, data analyzed and report preparations proceed simultaneously over much of the time spent on the investigation.3.Fact-FindingInvestigator collects evidence from many sources during an investigation, gets information from witnesses and observation as well as by reports, interviews witnesses as soon as possible after an accident, inspects the accident site before any changes occur, takes photographs and makes sketches of the accident scene, records all pertinent data on maps, and gets copies of all reports. Documents containing normal operating procedures flow diagrams, maintenance charts or reports of difficulties or abnormalities are particularly useful. Keep complete and accurate notes in a bound notebook. Record pre-accident conditions, the accident sequence and post-accident conditions. In addition, document the location of victims, witnesses, machinery, energy source, and hazardous materials.In some investigation, a particular physical or chemical law, principle, or property may explain a sequence of events. Include laws in the notes taken during the investigation or in the later analysis of data. In addition, gather data during the investigation that may lend itself to analysis by these laws, principles, or properties. An appendix in the final report can include an extended discussion.4.InterviewIn general, experienced personnel should conduct interviews. If possible, the team assigned to this task should include an individual with a legal background. After interviewing all witnesses, the team should analyze each witness’statement. They may wish to re-interview one or more witnesses to confirm or clarify key points. While there may be inconsistencies in witnesses’statement, investigators should assemble the available testimony into a logical order. Analyze this information along with data from the accident site.Not all people react in the same manner to a particular stimulus. For example, a witness within close proximity to the accident may have an entirely different story from one who saw it at a distance. Some witnesses may also change their stories after they have discussed it with others. The reason for the change may be additional clues.A witness who has had a traumatic experience may not be able to recall the details of the accident. A witness who has a vested interest in the result of the investigation may offer biased testimony. Finally, eyesight, hearing, reaction time, and the general condition of each witness may affect his or her powers of observation. A witness may omit entire sequences because of a failure to observe them or because their importance was not realized.5.Report of InvestigationAs noted earlier, an accident investigation is not complete until a report is prepared and submitted to proper authorities. Special report forms are available in many cases. Others instances may require a more extended report. Such repots are often very elaborate and may include a cover page, title page, abstract, table of contents, commentary or narrative discussion of probable causes, and a section on conclusions and recommendations.Accident investigation should be an integral part of your written safety and health program. It should be a formal procedure. A successful accident investigation determines not only what happened, but also finds how and why the accident occurred. Investigations are an effort to prevent a similar or perhaps more disastrous sequence of events. You can then use the resulting information and recommendations to prevent future accidents.Keeping records is also very important to recognizing and reducing hazards. A review of accident and injury records over a period of time can help pinpoint the cause of view of accidents. If a certain worker shows up several times on the record as being injured, it may indicate that the person is physically unsuited for the job, is not properly trained, or needs better supervision. If one or two occupations experience a high percentage of the accident in a workplace, they should be carefully analyzed and countermeasures should be taken to eliminate the cause. If there are multiple accident involving one machine or process, it is possible that work procedures must be changed or that maintenance is needed. Records that show many accidents during a short period of time would suggest an environmental problem.Once the hazards have been identified then the information and source must be analyzed to determine their origin and the potential to remove or mitigate their effectsupon the workplace. Analysis of hazards forces us to take a serious look at them.事故调查尽管事故调查是一种事后危害识别的方法,它依旧是危害识别的一个重要组成部分。
翻译部分英文原文:thick seam mining easy spontaneous combustion ignition comprehensive program of public orderAbstract:The analysis uses the tradition along the coal bed ledger wall arrangement tunnel mining flammable thick seam easy ignition time and the space, proposed gives dual attention to the new tunnel arrangement system which picking rate and the fire prevents and controls, the parallel connection gathers the time interval and the region ignition characteristic takes the corresponding countermeasure, to the time achieves the security, the economical production goalKey word:Flammable thick seam; the synthesis puts mining; the wrong position; the triad returns picks the craft.1. introductiospontaneous combustion is one of restriction thick seam mining craft development factors, also is a topic which the coal worker for many years has devoted to solve. This article through uses the wrong position tunnel arrangement system [ 1 ], the union tradition preventing and controlling fire technology, analyzes its feasibility2. field conditions:Take some ore scene actual condition as the example, work face length 144m, picks deep 230-240m. Average coal thick 11.5m, biggest coal thick 14m, average inclination angle 12°, coal b ed structure simpler, coal bed soft, coefficient of hardness f1.4, density is 14.5kG/m3, the coal bed extremely easy spontaneous combustion, the ignition time equally is 20 days, most is short is 7 days. Includes thick 0.2 ~ 0.4m to clamp gangue 1. The coal bed directly goes against for dirt the mudstone, average thick 1.5m, always goes against for the center thick layered novaculite, thick 14m.3. spontaneous combustion ignition category analysis:Has the spontaneous combustion factor including to float the coal the existence, the coal body brokenly, and has the regeneration condition and the time with the oxygen contact. In the production regardless of will use what ways and means, the broken pulverized coal body existence as well as with the oxygen contact is inevitable, but like will be able to reduce the broken pulverized coal body the existence and reduces its regeneration time, the spontaneous combustion probability can greatly reduce. Under this guiding ideology, puts to the tradition goes against the coal tunnel arrangement system to be easy to have the spontaneous combustion region as well as to be easy to have the spontaneous combustion time interval to carry on the analysis. According to puts goes against the coal to returnto picks under the system various regions to have the spontaneous combustion probability size to carry on the rank division:1 is easy the neighboring original high temperature region which has the spontaneous combustion region tunnel to expose or sealed fire area the area, the tunnel roof partially braves to fall the area, the tunnel changes the slope roof broken area, the tunnel exposition neighboring along the spatial side stops picks the line, the smooth coal eye, contacts the lane and other room rooms and so on place2 is easier to have the spontaneous combustion region tunnel to go against coal abscission layer the broken area, along the spatial side coal column broken area3 possibly has the spontaneous combustion region tunnel lane to help the broken area as well as the working surface picks the depletion region. The frequent degree to the synthesis which according to puts when mining the spontaneous combustion accident appears, the definite fire is easy to send the place is in turn the tunnel and opens cuts the eye, end the recovery do line, the neighbor picks the depletion region, the working surface reason, like chart 1 shows. The spontaneous combustion preventing and controlling work another one is with emphasis carries on the analysis from the different time, each time preventing and controlling work must the root which produces from it begin, some four times are easiest to have the spontaneous combustion, respectively is: 1 tunneling period. The lane goes against easy to form Gao Maoqu as well as the pulverized coal crevassebelt growth belt, the partial ventilator positive pressure function intensified the oxygen to proliferate in the coal body, the depth portion produced the thermal sending out difficulty, was one of spontaneous combustion hidden dangers; 1. The tunnel and starts cuts the eye; 2. Stops picks the line; 3. Neighboring picks the depletion region; 4. The working surface reason 2 the working surface installs the period. Cuts when the eye the massive pulverized coals exist above the support, the synthesis puts the working surfacethe setup time quite to be long front, finished in the installment, possibly cancause the coal bed spontaneous combustion ignition;3 returns picks the period. First, opens primarily cuts the eye to put goes against, time-gap long, the support goes against the coal the regeneration time to be long; Next, the working surface just installed, needed to wear in the equipment, caused the advancement speed to be slow;Once more, about the reason lays down the pulverized coal massively piles up; Also, puts goes against in the process, the roof can the big area sink exterior, possibly can come under the detachment condition influence, forms leads the wind channel;4 demolishes the period. The synthesis puts the working surface, the demolision time affirms long; Above the support the coal body crevasse growth, is big with the oxygen contacted area; After the frame the coal many also is loose. Above the spontaneous combustion factor, is affecting the coal mine normal security production, seeks the more reasonable mining production system then is the solution above question important research way.4 plans analyze4.1 plans proposing that,The coal mine production throughout revolves the security, the economy, to return to the picking rate three aspects to launch, under this working condition coal bed mining receives the spontaneous combustion ignition the influence, the tradition puts goes against the coal as well as keeps the coal column along the coal bed ledger wall arrangement tunnel to protect the lane not to be able to meet the production need, urgently must use both can enhance picking rate, and can guarantee the safety in production the non- coal column tunnel arrangement as well as corresponding returns to picks the craft, this article proposed uses thewrong position tunnel arrangement system and the triad returns picks the craft to realize non- coal column mining [ 2 ], like chart 2 shows.This system synthesis integration puts goes against the coal, on thelamination shop net puts goes against the coal and under the lamination network releases goes against the coal three kinds to return picks the craft to a working surface, three kind of crafts use in the working surface different position, forms the unique triad to return picks the craft. In the chart a section, namely the working surface in enters a wind tunnel side along the roof arrangement to use on lamination which the lamination puts goes against to return picks the craft, needs to spread the net, with returns for the next working surface tunnel tunneling picks prepares. In the chart c section, namely is being away from neighboring picks the depletion region side the working surface to use the net to release goes against the coal to return picks the craft, this section does not need to spread the net, but needs to control the good coal winning machine coal cutter altitude, prevented leaks the gangue. In the chart b section, middle the working surface uses puts goes against the coal to return picks the craft.4.2 puts with the tradition goes against the coal contrast:Whether can effectively prevent and control the spontaneouscombustion determines the plan feasible important basis, put for this on the preventing and controlling spontaneous combustion aspect to the wrong position tunnel arrangement and the tradition goes against the coal [ 3 ] like chart 3 to carry on the comparison along the ledger wall arrangement tunnel:1.The sector transports the even lane;2. The sector returns to the wind even lane;3. The loss goes against the coal and the sector coal column;4. On the sector transports the even lane position;1 the wrong position tunnel arrangement system will enter the wind lane with to return to the wind lane separately to arrange in the coal bed roof picks under the depletion region with an on sector, will enter the wind lane, returns to the wind lane roof respectively be the rock and the few coals skin, basically has avoided the tunnel Gao Maoqu appearance, was allowed to reduce the spontaneous combustion ignition rate; The tradition puts goes against the coal along the coal bed ledger wall arrangement tunnel, above the tunnel is thick seam, Yi Maoluo forms the hole under the pressure function, the existence spontaneous combustion ignition hidden danger. Statistics have indicated, the synthesis puts mines 2/3 fire trouble all to occur in tunnel Gao Maoqu2 the wrong position tunnel arrangement system enters the wind lane lane gang to receive the stress function, but because this lane directly is located under the rock roof, cannot appear the tunnel to go against the coal highto brave, then intensifies the destruction which the lane helps, is not easy to form the growth the pulverized coal crevasse, arranges the coal lane lane with the ledger wall to help the comparison, the ignition probability slightly, moreover is easy to maintain; Returns to the wind lane superiority to be more obvious, because arranges in picks under the depletion region to return to the wind lane to be in exempts presses the area, helps to the lane not to be able to create the intense extrusion, may reduce the ignition probability 3 under the wrong position tunnel arrangement system, between the neighboring working surface only has the few triangles coal column the existence, moreover is in exempts presses in the area, is not easy to appear the tradition to put goes against in the coal to remain has massive "T" the coal column to occupy in the stress collection central area to press by the compression fracture crisply causes nearby the lane to pick the depletion region air regulation situation, not only is advantageous to neighboring picks the depletion region the preventing and controlling spontaneous combustion, moreover is advantageous to reduces the coal column own ignition probability 4 on a sector enters a wind lane side is on the lamination shop net puts goes against the coal craft section, this section floats the coal to exist under the net, the next sector carried on picked when may recycle, reduces has picked in the depletion region to float the coal the quantity, moreover on a sector on the one hand returned picks on the other hand is in themilk, is advantageous to forms the person work vacation to go against or to have the certain cemented effect, will pick when the next sector network next time, reduced to has picked the depletion region air regulation, therefore special returned picks the craft also is reduces the spontaneous combustion the advantage. The contrast obtains, uses the wrong position tunnel arrangement system, to have the fundamental improvement in the easy spontaneous combustion condition.5 working surfaces guard against the fire fighting:The wrong position tunnel arrangement system same tradition places along the coal bed ledger wall cloth goes against coal facies compared to, the spontaneous combustion hidden danger greatly for reduces, but the preventing and controlling fire work cannot lower one's guard. In in the spontaneous combustion preventing and controlling process, concrete eradicates the fire work in the different time, the different place takes the different countermeasure.5.1 working surfaces, under the lane working surface along with becomes the lane time to be different, the tunnel roof compression fracture becomes less crowded the broken degree gradually to develop from in to outside, destroys day by day serious and the lane wall radius expansion along with the tunnel roof, the tunnel spontaneous combustion hidden danger also gradually increases from the introversion, simultaneously, the mine shaft condition cannot promptly the thermalsending out which has the oxidation, must take the countermeasure in the tunneling work, the fire preventing occurrence.1 the strict roof control, takes strict precautions against braves to go against, if occurs braves to go against the prompt articulation frame, hits fire stopping wipes the putty, with does not burn the material to carry on fills. Has the ignition omen place, must promptly hit drills sticks goes against carries on the grouting, the note pulverized coal ash or the note rubber, eliminates the high temperature spot2 buries the grouting tube in advance, about the intermittent grouting working surface the lane lays down the grouting pipeline, each 50m supposes a Three Contacts valve, must guarantee can carry on the grouting as necessary, is in the milk not only may carry off the quantity of heat, moreover plays to the crevasse place is filling the seal role, may consider supposes a note thick liquid drill hole in the suitable distance3 presses the measure regularly to carry on about a time of working surface between the lane air regulation the situation, if about the lane string wind, should construct the adjustment wind window implementation in on lane to press the measure about, reduces between the lane and picks the depletion region air regulation.5.2 initially picks the period various aspects synthesis influence, tunnel cross section big, initially picks the speed to be slow, pressure high, creates goes against the coal brokenly air regulation, forms theignition hidden danger, should take the corresponding technical measure, the preventing and controlling spontaneous combustion.1 coal bed thickness is big, cuts the eye when the tunneling remains has massively goes against the coal, should increase dynamics which the note thick liquid hole the density and fills. The note thick liquid hole distribution needs to guarantee entire initially picks the period roof all to be able to pour the thick liquid cover. To initially picks the period the roof may use fire retardation to carry on the sealing treatment, guarantees does not appear the ignition indication2 interval of support drills the note thick liquid, after prevented floats the coal partial ignition. After3 the working surface cuts the eye to form, should in return to the wind lane upward lamination to hit drills pours water or the thick liquid, each the certain distance arranges a drill hole, the drill hole point of descent must enter on the lamination to pick the depletion region the reasonable position, does not pour water the drill hole or the invalid hole must seal strictly, prevents air regulation, returns to the wind lane to see the water to be possible to stop this drill hole pouring water or the thick liquid.5.3 picks the period returns to picks the period guards against the fire fighting the key point in the working surface two reasons, although the wrong position returns to picking rate to put compared to the traditiongoes against the coal to have the very big enhancement, but the reason transition support does not put goes against the coal, unavoidably also can have few floats the coal to fall along with the working surface advancement picks the depletion region, the existence ignition hidden danger, enters a wind lane side oxygen content to be high, the existence coal has the spontaneous combustion hidden danger. But oxidizes the noxious gas which produces along with on the loose line to flow, is easy to return to a wind side to measure.1 strengthens ventilates the management. Wells up the output according to the gas, guaranteed loose is unimpeded, the noxious gas not ultra limits as well as in the amount of wind satisfied situation, the reasonable control effective amount of wind, reduces the oxidized belt width, prevents the oxidized spontaneous combustion the effective method2 speeds up the working surface the advancement speed, guarantees picks the depletion region the coal to be at suffocates the condition.3 strengthens the working surface reason management. Although adopted in the tunnel has guarded against the fire fighting the grouting with to seal off and so on the method, but in picked moves under the influence, was very difficult to guarantee the coal body did not oxidize oneself calorific. May try to break up a fight after each class puts goes against, to the coal which lays down carries on the water spray temperature decrease; Is entering the wind lane chute nose place, supposes the watercurtain, the increase cuts the eye air regulation humidity together, lengthens the coal the spontaneous combustion ignition time; When discovery high temperature fire point, uses the note thick liquid with to construct the method which the firewall unifies 4 to tunneling period forms sealed fire area the area, must regularly be in the milk, eliminates the high temperature fire point the existence.5 returns picks the period, strengthens along with picks along with fills, enters a wind lane side to see the thick liquid to stop6 turns in about place to hang the wind curtain, reduces the old pond air regulation.5.4 at the end of working surfaces pick and returns removes the period1 stop pick, is returning to the wind lane to pick the depletion region regular grouting with the pressure tube, the working surface must regularly be in the milk, achieves the radiation fire protection the goal.2 interval of support hits the drill hole note thick liquid.3 turns a first frame in under to go against constructs the earth bag stopping, and the between slit and so on sticks strictly with the loess, about turns to。
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安全工程专业有关英文文献参考Safety engineering is a discipline that focuses on preventing accidents and injuries in various environments, including workplaces, homes, and public spaces. It involves the application of engineering principles to design systems, processes, and equipment that minimize risks and promote safety. Safety engineers work to identify potential hazards, assess risks, and develop solutions to ensure the well-being of individuals and communities. They play a crucial role in maintaining the health and safety of workers, the public, and the environment.安全工程是一门专注于预防事故和伤害发生的学科,涉及到各种环境,包括工作场所、家庭和公共空间。
One of the key components of safety engineering is risk assessment, which involves evaluating potential hazards and determining their likelihood and potential consequences. By identifying and analyzingrisks, safety engineers can develop strategies to mitigate or eliminate them, reducing the likelihood of accidents and injuries. Risk assessment is a dynamic process that requires ongoing evaluation and adjustment as new information becomes available or conditions change.安全工程的关键组成部分之一是风险评估,这涉及评估潜在危险并确定它们的可能性和潜在后果。
附录A香港旧高层建筑中消防安全评价体系的优先消防改善措施l.t 黄*,s.w 刘建筑服务工程学院, 香港理工大学、红磡、九龙、香港、中国在线发表: 2007年7月31摘要:由于在过去的十年里一些大的火灾事故的发生,使旧高层建筑的防火安全受到公众们的极大关注。
关键词:消防安全,高层建筑,香港 命名A 面积 (2m ),B 建设评分 (%),j C C , 建设改善工程成本,和第j 分类工程的费用 (港币),A C 建筑改善工程每单位楼面面积的成本 (港币2 m ), j Category 消防安全评价清单中j 分类界定的模型 (表1),E 增强指数,FSE 消防安全评价模型,H 高度,i I 第i 个项目的项目评分 (%),Item消防安全评价清单中第i个项目界定的模型 (表2) iN编号,P第j分类的分类评分 (%),jR评分支出比例,W权重因子的第j分类,j差值。
下标1,2,3,4 表示分类1,2,3和4,A 表示面积,B 表示建筑,b,a 表示“之前”和“之后”的改进,f 表示楼层数,i 表示项目,j 表示分类,s 表示楼梯,v 表示勾(说明令人满意),x 表示叉(说明令人不满意)。
1 引言香港是一个发达的城市的标志是它的高大混凝土建筑物。
Unit 1Safety Management Systems安全管理体系1.Accident Causation Models1.事故致因理论The most important aim of safety management is to maintain and promote workers' health and safety at work. Understanding why and how accidents and other unwanted events develop is important when preventive activities are planned. Accident theories aim to clarify the accident phenomena,and to explain the mechanisms that lead to accidents. All modem theories are based on accident causation models which try to explain the sequence of events that finally produce the loss. In ancient times, accidents were seen as an act of God and very little could be done to prevent them. In the beginning of the 20th century,it was believed that the poor physical conditions are the root causes of accidents. Safety practitioners concentrated on improving machine guarding, housekeeping and inspections. In most cases an accident is the result of two things :The human act, and the condition of the physical or social environment.安全管理系统最重要的目的是维护和促进工人们在工作时的健康和安全。
安全工程英文文献Safety Engineering Literature ReviewAbstract:Safety engineering is a multidisciplinary field that focuses on preventing accidents, minimizing risks, and ensuring the safety of people, equipment, and the environment. This literature review aims to explore the key concepts, methodologies, and advancements in safety engineering, with a focus on the English literature. The review will cover topics such as safety management systems, risk assessment, hazard identification, safety culture, and emerging technologies in safety engineering.1. Introduction:Safety engineering plays a crucial role in various industries, including construction, transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare. It involves the application of scientific and engineering principles to design, implement, and maintain systems that ensure safety. The goal is to identify potential hazards, assess risks, and develop effective control measures to prevent accidents and mitigate their consequences.2. Safety Management Systems:Safety management systems (SMS) are structured frameworks that help organizations manage safety effectively. They provide a systematic approach to identify hazards, assess risks, and implement control measures. The review will discuss various SMS models, such as the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, and the role of leadership, training, and employee involvement in developing a robust safety culture.3. Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification:Risk assessment is a critical component of safety engineering. It involves identifying potential hazards, assessing their likelihood and consequences, and prioritizing control measures. The review will explore different risk assessment methodologies, such as the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and the Bowtie analysis, and theirapplications in different industries. It will also discuss the importance of hazard identification techniques, including hazard and operability studies (HAZOP) and job safety analysis (JSA).4. Safety Culture:Safety culture refers to the attitudes, beliefs, and values within an organization that influence safety-related behaviors. A positive safety culture is essential for the effective implementation of safety engineering principles. The review will discuss the components of a strong safety culture, including leadership commitment, employee involvement, communication, and continuous learning. It will also highlight strategies to promote and sustain a positive safety culture in organizations.5. Emerging Technologies in Safety Engineering:Advancements in technology have the potential to revolutionize safety engineering. The review will explore emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and virtual reality (VR) and their applications in safety engineering. It will discuss how these technologies can improve hazard identification, risk assessment, training, and emergency response.6. Conclusion:Safety engineering is a dynamic field that continually evolves to address new challenges and opportunities. This literature review provided an overview of key concepts, methodologies, and advancements in safety engineering. It highlighted the importance of safety management systems, risk assessment, hazard identification, safety culture, and emerging technologies. The review emphasized the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and continuous learning to ensure the highest level of safety in various industries.In conclusion, safety engineering is a critical discipline that plays a vital role in protecting the well-being of individuals and the environment. The review highlighted the importance of implementing robust safety management systems, conducting thorough risk assessments, fostering a positive safety culture, and leveraging emergingtechnologies. By incorporating these principles and advancements, organizations can enhance their safety practices and minimize the occurrence and impact of accidents.。
RIVER WATER QUALITY MODEL NO. 1: III. BIOCHEMICALSUBMODEL SELECTIONP. Vanrolleghem(University of Kassel, Kurt-Wolters-Str. 3, D-34125 Kassel, Germany)ABSTRACTThe new River Water Quality Model no.1 introduced in the two accompanying papers by Shanahan et al. (2000) and Reichert et al. (2000) is comprehensive. Shanahan et al. (2000) introduced a six-step decision procedure to select the necessary model features for a certain application. This paper specifically addresses one of these steps, i.e. the selection of submodels of the comprehensive biochemical conversion model introduced in Reichert et al. (2000). Specific conditions for inclusion of one or the other conversion process or model component are introduced, as are some general rules that can support the selection. Examples of simplified models are presented. KEYWORDSdenitrification, dissolved oxygen, model selection, water quality models1.INTRODUCTIONThe IWA (formerly IAWQ) Task Group on River Water Quality Modelling was formed to create a scientific and technical base from which to formulate standardised, consistent river water quality models and guidelines for their use. This effort is intended to lead to the development of (a set of) river water quality models that are compatible with the existing IWA Activated Sludge Models (ASM1, ASM2 and ASM3; Henze et al. 1987, Henze et al. 1995, Gujer et al. 1999) and can be straightforwardly linked to them. Specifically, water quality constituents and model state variables characterising C, O, N and P cycling are to be selected for the basic model.In a first effort, the task group analysed the state of the art of river water quality modelling, its problems, and possible future directions (Rauch et al., 1998; Shanahan et al., 1998; Somlyódy et al., 1998). This paper is the third of a three-part series series on the development of a model. In the first paper, Shanahan et al.(2000) present thegeneral modelling approach and a six-step decision process is introduced. Reichert et al.(2000) describe in the second paper the equations for the formulation of biochemical conversion processes for a basic river water quality model. This paper gives recommendations for application-specific selection of the biochemical submodel. In addition to these three theoretical papers, two model applications to actual data sets demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed approach (Borchardt and Reichert, 2000; Reichert, 2000).2.CRITERIA FOR THE SELECTION OF THE BIOCHEMICAL SUBMODELS Step 1: Definition of the temporal representation (dynamic versus steady state) of the (sub)models. This step is not only focusing on the transport terms of the model but is also closely linked to the process model. Indeed, this step requires the listing of all characteristic time constants of all relevant processes, including the biochemical processes.Step 2: Selection of the spatial dimensionality. In this step, a decision is to be made on the inclusion of a sediment/sessile compartment in the representation of the river system. At this stage, it is decided whether this compartment has an important impact on the overall river description. Information is required on the relative importance of conversions happening in the bulk liquid and the sediment.Step 3: Determination of the representation of mixing.Step 4: Determination of the representation of advection. Compared to Steps 1 and 2, the decisions in Steps 3 and 4 do not depend on the characteristics of the conversion processes.Step 5: Selection of the biochemical submodels (see below in detail).Step 6: Definition of the boundary conditions. Depending on the model compartmentalization, certain biochemical processes may be represented as boundary conditions (typically boundary fluxes). In these instances, boundary terms may replace one or more biochemical submodels.In the overall decision process of a water quality modelling exercise summarised above, step 5 forms a fundamental part. Indeed, in this step it is determined which components and processes are to be included in the model and which ones can beomitted. In terms of Equation 1, this step determines the elements in the concentration vector, c, and the expressions to be included in the reaction vector, r(c,p). We propose that this step be completed within the framework of the Peterson stoichiometry matrix as presented by Table 1 in Reichert et al. (2000). The step in fact requires several decisions concerning specific model components and processes. These are delineated in the following.Compartments. One of the most important decisions in terms of submodel selection is of course the decision whether it is necessary to consider one or more compartments in which the reactions summarised in the process matrix are occurring. In case one decides for more compartments, the number of state variables in the models is increased substantially, leading to considerably longer calculation times.The most complete model would contain all state variables in the water column, particulate state variables attached to the surface of the river bed (interacting with dissolved compounds in the water column), all state variables in the sediment pore volume, and, finally, particulate state variables attached to sediment particles. In case the sediment is modelled as a biofilm then the number of state variables is increased even more. Also in the case of the selection of several compartments, simplifications to such a complicated model will often be appropriate. In the following, we discuss adequate models for typical situations.3.EXAMPLES OF SUBMODEL SELECTIONIn the following, some examples are presented that illustrate how simplifications of the basic River Water Quality Model no. 1 can be obtained for adequate description of particular situations in rivers.In Table 2, a simplified model is introduced in which the influences of consumers, pH-variations and phosphorus adsorption/desorption on other variables in the system can be assumed to be negligible and their variation itself is of no interest to the model builder. This model may be selected in case pH measurements indicate only slight variations thereof, when phosphate is not the limiting nutrient, and when measurements indicating the activity of consumers are not available or not sufficiently convincing to extend the model with this state variable and the correspondingprocesses.4.CONCLUSIONThe River Water Quality Model no.1 presented in Reichert et al. (2000) is discussed in this paper. It can under various circumstances be simplified as demonstrated. Guidelines on the choice of different submodels that can be selected from the multitude of biochemical process equations presented in Reichert et al. (2000) have been given. There are no clear cut decision criteria for the conversion part of the model, but guidelines have been presented and some general rules for model selection specified.REFERENCESBorchardt D. and Reichert P. (2000) River Water Quality Model No. 1: Case study II.Sediment oxygen demand in the river Lahn,submitted to the 1st World Congress of the IWA, Paris 2000 for publication in Wat. Sci. TechBrown L.C. and Barnwell T.O. (1987). The enhanced stream water quality models QUAL2E and QUAL2E-UNCAS:Documentation and User Manual, Report EPA/600/3-87/007, U.S. EPA, Athens, GA, USA.Gujer W., Henze M., Mino T. and van Loosdrecht M. (1999) Activated Sludge Model No. 3, Wat. Sci. Tech. 39(1), 183-193.矿业中的事故分析在大约50多个国家,煤都是产自于地下矿井。
Spontaneous combustion of coalCoal undergoes slow oxidation on exposure to air at ambient temperatures, with the evolution of heat, gases and moisture, the heat generated, if not dissipated, gives rise to an increase in the temperature of the coal. As the temperature of the coal rises, the rate of oxidation increases. If this is allowed to proceed unchecked it can eventually result in the ignition of the coal. This oxidation process is known as spontaneous combustion or spontaneous heating or self-heating. Self-heating, therefore, occurs when the rate of heat generation exceeds the rate of oxidation.During recent years there has been a renewed interest in the spontaneous combustion of coal in all coal mining countries particularly because of the use of caving methods and the thicker seams being mined. Large-scale bulk storage and bulk transport of coal have also become more important with the increase in coal trade.Evaluation of the potential of coal for spontaneous combustionSeveral methods have been used to evaluate the potential of coal for spontaneous combustion but none is clearly superior. The most common methods used are described blow.Oxygen absorptionIn this method, a coal sample is placed in a container and oxygen or air is added to it. The amount of oxygen absorbed by the coal is estimated from the analysis of the gaseous reaction products. The temperature increase per unit of oxygen consumed indicates potential of coal for spontaneous combustion.Heating rate/crossing-point temperatureIn this method, a coal sample is placed in a bath and heated at a constant rate. Initially, the temperature of the coal lags behind the temperature of the bath but as coal begins to self-heat, the temperature of the coal first coincides with and then exceeds the temperature of the bath. The crossing-point temperature is known as the ‘relative ignition temperature’. Usually, the crossing –point temperature is used as a measure of the potential of coal for spontaneous combustion although the index based on the ratio of heating rate to crossing-point temperature is more suitable because the spontaneous combustion potential of coal not only depends on the ignitiontemperature but also on the rate of heat generation.Adiabatic calorimetryIn this method, a coal sample is placed in an insulated bath, and the whole system is heated to a pre-selected temperature. Oxygen or air is then added to it and oxidation of the coal raises its temperature. Since no heat is lost to the surroundings, the change in the temperature of the coal in a given time, the time needed to reach a pre-selected temperature, or the amount of heat generated per unit time indicates the potential of coal for spontaneous combustion.Isothermal calorimetryIn this method, a coal sample is placed in a large bath held at a constant temperature. Heat generated in the coal sample due to spontaneous combustion is measured by thermocouples and dissipated in the relatively large heat sink. The amount of heat generated per unit time gives an indication of the potential of coal for spontaneous combustion.Factors contributing to spontaneous combustionCoal characteristicsSome coals are more prone to spontaneous combustion than others. The rate of oxidation of coal depends upon many factors, including rank, presence of pyrite, particle size, moisture content, temperature, extent of previous oxidation of coal and the composition of the ambient air.It is generally accepted that as the rank of coal decreases, the risk of spontaneous combustion increases.The presence of pyrite increases the potential of coal for spontaneous combustion, particularly when the pyrite concentration exceeds 2 % and when it is very finely distributed. Pyrite accelerates spontaneous combustion by swelling and causing disintegration of the coal mass, thereby increasing the surface area available for oxidation.The smaller the coal particle, the greater the exposed surface area and the greater the tendency toward spontaneous combustion. Friable coals which produce a considerable amount of fines when mined are more vulnerable to spontaneouscombustion.The changes in moisture content of the coal affect the potential of coal for spontaneous combustion. It has been found that the rate of oxidation increases with an increase in moisture content. Also, wetting is an exothermic process and drying is an endothermic process.Airflow rateFor spontaneous combustion to develop, the rate of heat generation should be more than the rate of heat dissipation. At very high airflow rates almost unlimited oxygen for the oxidation of coal is available but dissipation of the heat generated by oxidation is very efficient. A low flow rate restricts the amount of oxygen available , but does not allow the heat generated to be dissipated. A critical flow rate is one that provides sufficient oxygen for widespread oxidation but does not dissipate the heat generated.Geological factorsThe presence of faults in coal seams often contributes to the development of heating in coal mines by allowing air and water to migrate into the coal seams. Zones of weakness which usually develop in the area around the faults also aid in the development of heating.The temperatures of the strata increase with depth. Therefore, the oxidation rate will increase with depth, making deeper seams more vulnerable to spontaneous combustion. On the other hand, the higher rank of coal found in these seams decreases the chances of heating.Thick coal seams are often considered to have more potential for spontaneous combustion because the working of these seams is invariably accompanied by high losses of coal in the goaf areas. The low thermal conductivity of coal compared with that of shale or sandstone is also a contributory factor.When a coal seam under a shallow overburden is mined, the goaf areas become connected to the surface by cracks and fissures. Air and water from the surface can gain access to the coal and increase the potential for spontaneous combustion. Similarly, when multi-seams in close proximity are worked, the cracks and fissuresdeveloped in the intervening strata increase the potential for spontaneous combustion of the surrounding unmined seams, particularly the undermined seams.Mining practiceSome of the most common places where spontaneous heatings occur are goaf areas and unconsolidated wastes, pack wall a high proportion of coal, the edges of goaves where high strata pressure causes crushing, roof falls and floor heaves, crushed pillars, regulators doors and air crossings and constrictions in the roadways.Coal left in goaf areas is very liable to spontaneous combustion as the air movement there is very sluggish, and any heat generated as g result of oxidation will not be removed.In coal mines, coal is left in the roof and/or floor to support the weak adjoining strata or bands of inferior quality coal which are left unmined. However on long standing, roof falls and floor heaves occur causing large-scale crushing of the left coal and creating conditions susceptible for heating.Pillars that have been standing for a long time are prone to heating, particularly when they are liable to crushing.Regulators, doors and air crossings are points of high air leakage, the air moving through the fractures in the solid coal around them. The greater the pressure difference across them, the greater the leakage. Constrictions of mine roadways also cause leakage of air. Changes in ventilation, either intentional or accidental, may cause excessive air leakages or may suddenly bring moist air into contact with dry coal.Goaf areas, where a large amount of coal is left and particularly where a bleeder ventilation system is used to clear gas from the gofa, present optimal conditions for spontaneous heating.Incubation periodThe term ‘incubation period’generally implies the time required for the oxidation of coal, in suitable circumstances, to cause a rise in temperature to its ignition point. It depends on the characteristics of the coal, the air leakage and the heat accumulation in the environment. For low-rank coals, the time period generallyvaries between 3 and 6 months, but with high-rank coals the period varies between 9 and 18 months. The incubation period can be extended by reducing fissuration and/or air leakage. Under adverse conditions, the period can be less than 2 weeks, especially with low-rank coals.Prevention of spontaneous combustionPrevention of spontaneous combustion is based on two factors: (1) elimination of coal from the area and (2) control of ventilation so as to exclude oxygen entirely from the area, or to supply a sufficient flow of air to dissipate the heat efficiently as it is generated and before a critical temperature is reached. The methods adopted depend upon the local situation.Mining layoutWhen designing mining layouts for seams liable to spontaneous heating it is essential that the general layout of the mine is simple and that each area can be quickly and effectively sealed off. The relative positions of the various districts in the seam and surrounding seams must also be taken into account. It is essential to follow descending order of extraction when mining multiple seams.The panel system is an appropriate one for mining seams liable to spontaneous combustion. This system facilitates effective sealing with a few stopping. The size and configuration of the panels depend upon the method of mining, the seam contours and other geological considerations. If necessary, the panels must be of a size which would permit complete extraction within the incubation period. The size of panel barriers needs to be sufficient for stability.When working seams by the bord and pillar method, the size of the pillars must be sufficient to avoid excessive crushing. This also applies to coal pillars left at the start of longwall faces.When working a seam by a longwall, the retreating method is preferable as it eliminates leakage currents through the goaf area.On completion of production from a panel, reclamation of material should be completed without delay and the panel adequately sealed as quickly as possible.Air leakageAs far as is practicable, the formation of leakage paths should be minimised by providing adequate support, e.g. adequately sized pillars and good gateside packs. If this is not sufficient to prevent air leakage, leakage paths should be sealed off by sealant coating or injection.Fractures extending to the surface offer a source of air leakage into sealed areas. Artificial sealing from the surface, usually by sand, can prevent such leakage.Doors, regulators and stoppings should be properly sited. Unnecessary stopping and starting of main and booster fans should be avoided. When a panel has ceased production and is to be stopped off, the ventilation pressure difference should be balanced across the old panel. Balancing the ventilation pressure is not a substitute but a complementary requirement for effective stoppings.InhibitorsIn storage areas and surface stock piles, certain chemical agents can be applied to the coal surface which can hinder the penetration of oxygen into the coal by sealing the surface pores and thereby stopping initiation of auto-oxidation of coal at ambient temperatures. Surface stock piles can also be sealed off by consolidation and bitumen. Stock piles can be so designed as to reduce air movement through them.Detection of spontaneous combustionThe development of heating underground is accompanied by the progressive appearance of:(1) haze formed when air heated by an incipient fire meets colder air;(2) sweating or condensation on the roof and exposed surfaces due to the moisture formed by combustion;(3) goaf stink or fire stink with a characteristic smell, variously described as musty, oily, petrolic, aromatic or tarry;(4) smoke in airways; and(5) fire.In the past, reliance has been placed on these indications for the detection of spontaneous combustion, although it has never been satisfactory for the reason that the spontaneous combustion must have reached an advanced stage, thus seriouslylimiting the time available for control, reclamation of equipment and sealing off.Modern methods of early detection of spontaneous combustion are based on changes in air composition. The oxidation leading to the spontaneous combustion of coal consumes oxygen from the air and produces carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide is produced in much greater quantities than carbon monoxide but its presence cannot be used as an indication of the onset of spontaneous combustion because of the high base levels in fresh air (3000ppm) which make small changes undetectable. On the other hand, there is no carbon monoxide in fresh air and virtually none in a panel intake so that a change in level of a few parts per million can mean a severalfold increase.Exhausts from diesel engines and blasting fumes are two common sources of carbon monoxide underground but their effects can be distinguished from a gradual increase or trend due to spontaneous combustion because they are basically intermittent in nature.In panels where ventilation conditions are steady, even a small change in the concentration of carbon monoxide in the return airway may be sufficient to detect a spontaneous heating condition. Fluctuations in ventilation affect the concentration of carbon monoxide by dilution but an allowance for this can be made by calculating either the carbon monoxide/oxygen deficiency ratio or the actual production of carbon monoxide.Carbon monoxide/oxygen deficiency ratio(Graham ’s ratio)The calculation of this ratio depends on the constant ratio of oxygen to nitrogen in fresh air. The formula for the calculation is:22222265.010004.7993.20100.O N CO O N CO ratio def O CO -=-= where CO ,2N and 2O are the percentages of the gases present at any given time in a sample of air coming from the suspected area in a mine.Every mine and every panel has its own typical value or ‘norm’ for the make of carbon monoxide and for the carbon monoxide/oxygen deficiency ratio depending on the oxidation of the coal and the conditions in which it is mined. Any analysis showing a higher value than the norm determined should be followed by resampling. Confirmation of continuous increase warrants immediate investigation underground.Typical values of the carbon monoxide/oxygen deficiency ratio for underground coal mines are given below:0.4 or less – normal value0.5 – necessity for a thorough check-up1.0 –heating is almost certain2.0 – heating is serious, with or without the presence of active fire3.0 – active fire surely existsContinuous monitoring of carbon monoxide in mine airAutomatic monitoring for carbon monoxide is done in mines susceptible to heating. Automatic monitoring also permits the determination of carbon monoxide trends and absolute values using microprocessors without the need to relate them to oxygen deficiency.Continuous monitoring of carbon monoxide at a number of strategic points in the mine can give timely warning of the onset of spontaneous combustion and permit delineation of areas in a mine. Computerised data collection systems with graphic displays and a continuous graphical record permit easy recognition of the changes in background levels and enable exhausts from diesel equipment or other sources to be distinguished.Two types of analysers are available available for continuous monitoring of carbon monoxide in the air: (1) the infra-red analyzer and (2) the electrochemical analyzer. Only the infra-red analyzer is available in a form approved for use in underground coal mines.There are two systems used in monitoring. In one system, the analysers are installed at various points underground and they either record the percentage of carbon monoxide on site or telemeter the results to some convenient pointunderground or on the surface. In the other system, lengths of tube are installed from the sampling points to the surface and the samples drawn through these tubes are analysed sequentially. This system is known as the tube bundle system.The main advantage of installing on-site analysers underground lies in the immediate availability of results. But analysers are dedicated instruments and can monitor only carbon monoxide. The advantage of the tube bundle system is that is provides a sample for analysis on the surface which can be analysed for all gases. The limitation of this system is the delay between the air entering the tube at the sampling point and its subsequent analysis on the surface. For detecting spontaneous combustion, a delay of one or possibly two hours in getting the results of the samples is not a serious matter because spontaneous combustion has a relatively long incubation period.Generally, for large installations involving many sampling points, the tube bundle system is much less expensive than a system in which each point has a separate analyzer. The costs of pneumatic tubing are normally comparable with the wiring costs for analysers installed underground; however, the tube bundle system requires only one analyzer, whereas the other system requires an analyzer at each point underground. This reduces the cost of the tube bundle system substantially. Moreover, maintenance costs for a single analyzer and pumping station are lower than for a system containing many individual analysers, each of which must be periodically checked, cleaned, or adjusted for sensitivity. (However, when the system is to be used for monitoring ventilation during a sealing-off operation, on-site analysters are far superior due to the instant availability of results.)Control of spontaneous combustionThe method adopted for dealing with spontaneous combustion once it has occurred must depend upon the position and intensity of the heating, the likelihood of accumulation of inflammable gas and the accessibility of the heating from the point of view of ventilation and treatment. The three basic methods of control are:(1) the extraction of the hot coal;(2) the use of extinguishing agents; and(3) the exclusion of oxygen from the affected area.When the seat of heating is accessible to the existing transport system, the heated coal may be dug out and removed from the time. Under such circumstances care is usually taken to prevent the coal from catching fire while in transport by covering it with stone dust liberally as it is loaded. The disturbance of heated coal, which has been near its ignition temperature, often results in its inflammation. Steps must be taken to protect workers loading burning coal.Water under pressure as a means of controlling underground heatings must be used with caution particularly when there is no through ventilation because this would generally only aggravate the fire and introduce the risk of ignition due to a semi-water gas/producer gas reaction. Bentonite slurry, if available, may be used instead of water.The final expedient in dealing with the control of heatings underground is the sealing off of an area, thus isolating it from the rest of the mine. The object of sealing-off is to prevent further access of oxygen to the site and if done effectively there will be a gradual diminution of the amount of oxygen available until the stage is reached where the atmosphere within the sealed area will no longer support combustion.煤炭自燃煤通过于空气接触发生了缓慢的氧化作用,产生大量的水蒸气,释放出热量,当热量没有消散时,引起煤温的继续升高。
1 Why Do We Need Safety Engineering?我们为什么需要安全工程?It is difficult to open a newspaper or turn on the television and not be reminded how dangerous our world is.Both large-scale natural and man-made disasters seem to occur on an almost daily basis.只要打开报纸或电视,很难不让我们想到(无不在告诉)我们这个世界是多么危险。
大规模的自然灾害和人为灾害几乎每天都在发生.An accident at a plant in Bhopal, India, killed over 2,500 people.印度博帕尔市的一家工厂发生的事故造成了2500多人死亡A nuclear power plant in the Ukraine exploded and burned out of control, sending a radioactive cloud to over 20 countries, severely affecting its immediate neighbors’ livestock and farming.乌克兰的一座核电站爆炸,并引发了火灾,形成的放射云覆盖了20多个国家,严重影响了邻国的畜牧业和农业。
Keeping safety is responsibility of safety engineers. Are you ready to struggle for human safety and happiness in your whole life?做好安全工作是安全工程师的责任,你准备好了为了人类的安全和幸福而奋斗终生吗?A total of 6.7 million injuries and illnesses in the United States were reported by private industry in 1993.1993年美国的私有企业报告的工伤和疾病总数达到六百七十万例。
附录 A关于煤矿安全监控系统技术的研究Zhi Chang, Zhangeng Sun & Junbao GuSchool of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Tianjin Polytechnic UniversityTianjin 300160, China前言:无线射频的新的发展和运用使得RFID(射频识别)技术的应用越来越广泛。
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1992年,劳动部发布了《光气及光气化产品生产安全规程》LD 311---92部颁标准,标准中规定“报批初步设计时,必须附安全和工业卫生评价报告……”。
(2)安全评价是安全管理标准体系中的基础性内容随着工业的发展,质量保证体系及环境保护体系得到人们的认同,ISO 9000系列标准和IS014000系列标准在全世界范围内广泛采用。
危险辨识、安全评价是做好安全管理的前提,因此,国内外在有关安全管理的标准中几乎无一例外地将安全评价作为一个重要的组成部分:加拿大的《责任与关怀》将“安全评价”作为“支持实施规程应遵守的合作计划”9项工作内容之一,美国职业安全卫生管理体系、英国标准BS 8800、澳大利亚标准AS 1470也都包括了安全评价的内容;我国的《职业安全管理体系试行标准》主要由5个要素组成,在“计划”要素中将“危险辨识、安全评价和危险控制计划”作为一项重要内容。
属于这类评价方法的有安全检查表(Safety Check List,英文缩写SCL)、预先危险性分析(Preliminary Hazard Analysis,英文缩写PHA)、故障类型和影响分析(FailureMode Effects Analysis,英文缩写FMEA)、危险和可操作性研究(HazardandOperabilitySmdy英文缩写HAZOP)等方法。