光伏发电解决方案.............................................................................................................产品介绍...........................................................................................................................M 级光伏系统解决方案特点........................................................................................目 录03040814盛弘简介...........................................................................................................................盛弘平台...........................................................................................................................010102太阳能-朝阳新能源...........................................................................................................技术优势与用户价值..........................................................................................................W深圳市盛弘电气有限公司是一家专注于电力电子技术的高科技公司。
广州三晶电气股份有限公司数字化建筑能源管理服务商目录前言................................................ - 1 - 第一章安全注意事项 ................................ - 4 -1.1适用范围 (4)1.2安全提示 (4)1.3使用对象 (4)第二章标识说明 .................................... - 5 -2.1符号说明 (5)2.2标示说明 (6)第三章产品介绍 .................................... - 7 -3.1产品适用范围 (7)3.2产品型号说明 (8)3.3产品外观及尺寸 (8)3.4产品参数 (10)第四章安装说明 ................................... - 18 -4.1安全提示 (18)4.2安装前检查 (18)4.3确定安装方式及位置 (19)4.4安装步骤 (20)第五章电气连接 ................................... - 25 -5.1带电操作安全说明 (25)5.2电气接口说明 (26)5.3交流侧电气连接 (29)5.4直流侧电气连接 (32)5.5通讯连接 (35)第六章调试说明 ................................... - 37 -6.1人机界面介绍 (37)6.2监控操作 (38)第七章故障代码及常见故障排除...................... - 45 - 第八章回收处理 ................................... - 48 - 第九章联系方式 ................................... - 49 - 保修说明........................................ - 50 - 质保卡........................................... - 52 -第一章安全注意事项1.1 适用范围本用户手册介绍光伏并网逆变器安装、维护和故障检修的使用说明和详细步骤,适用于以下型号:R5-0.7K-S1; R5-1K-S1; R5-1.5K-S1; R5-2K-S1; R5-2.5K-S1; R5-3K-S1; R5-3K-S2;R5-4K-S2;R5-5K-S2;R5-6K-S2;R5-7K-S2;R5-8K-S2请保管好本用户手册,以便在紧急情况下使用。
电力,可以在任何所需的电压,特别是它可以操作交流电源操作而设计的设备,或纠正,以产生任何所需的voltage Grid领带逆变器的直流送入分销网络的能量,因为它们产生电流交替使用相同的波形和频率分配制度提供。
+ 86 755 2747 1900 + 86 755 2749 1460 Service@ T F E W古瑞瓦特新能源光伏并网逆变器专家专利证书软件著作权技术特点世界各地认证公司简介DK5940G83VDE0126G59VDE-AR-N4105CEI 0-21古瑞瓦特新能源(growatt)有限公司成立于2010年3月,是一家专注于光伏逆变器研发、生产及销售的新能源公司。
2010年9月Growatt 5000TL在PHOTON测评获得A+,同年特获得Intersolar进步最快逆变器奖。
目前,公司已经成为澳大利亚最大的逆变器供应商(占有率超过SMA、施耐德、POWER ONE等)、唯一在美洲大批量安装并得到认可的中国光伏逆变器厂商(安装超过5000个屋顶)、中国出口欧洲排名第一的逆变器厂商。
产.=■迥■■ • ar1.rWw"■ ■ ■« ■ *- 一•■■ ・■■■"t UJU* UMd -flrMAfl* ■ J* *h i■^■touL -Ma** - - • wB B M MM MU L* t iis* M--' -** * * ■ ■*■ P ■!■■ i • I-撑下,古瑞瓦特新能源在国际公开测试中屡获佳绩。
2010年9月Growatt 5000TL 在PHOTON测评获得A+,同年特获得In tersolar进步最快逆变器奖。
目前,公司已经成为澳大利亚最大的逆变器供应商(占有率超过SMA、施耐德、POWER ONE等)、唯一在美洲大批量安装并得到认可的中国光伏逆变器厂商(安装超过5000个屋顶)、中国出口欧洲排名第一的逆变器厂商。
多路MPPT设计和宽MPPT电压范围,更高发电可靠性;能够安装在室内或户外,只需简单调整,就能满足不同国家不同电网的要求;具备电网监控和漏电流保护(GFCI)功能;所有逆变器运行寿命超过25年;2010年12月在Photon实验室测评A+;产品稳定性和可靠性都位居国际Top One 水平。
卓越 上能20200710组串式光伏逆变器产品手册整合世界500强光伏业务 全球领先的光伏逆变解决方案提供商地址:江苏省无锡市惠山区和惠路6号邮编:214174上能电气股份有限公司3~6kW 8~12kW 20kW 36~50kW 50~70kW 100~225kW上能电气股份有限公司(股票代码:300827)是一家专注于电力电子产品研发、制造与销售的国家高新技术企业。
固德威 SMT系列 25-60kW 光伏并网逆变器 用户手册说明书
用户手册光伏并网逆变器SMT系列(25-60kW)版权声明用户手册 V1.4-2023-07-20因产品版本升级或其他原因,文档内容会不定期进行更新,如无特殊约定,文档内容不可取代产品标签或用户手册中的安全注意事项。
版权所有©固德威技术股份有限公司 2023。
目录用户手册 V1.4-2023-07-20目录1 前言 (1)1.1 适用产品 (1)1.2 适用人员 (1)1.3 符号定义 (2)1.4 版本记录 (2)2 安全注意事项 (3)2.1 通用安全 (3)2.2 直流侧 (3)2.3 交流侧 (3)2.4 逆变器 (4)2.5 人员要求 (4)3 产品介绍 (5)3.1 应用场景 (5)3.2 电路框图 (5)3.3 支持的电网形式 (7)3.4 外观说明 (8)3.4.1 外观介绍 (8)3.4.2 尺寸 (8)3.4.3 指示灯 (9)3.4.4 铭牌说明 (10)4 设备检查与存储 (11)4.1 签收前检查 (11)4.2 交付件 (11)4.3 设备存储 (12)5 安装 (13)5.1 安装要求 (13)5.2 安装逆变器 (16)5.2.1 搬运逆变器 (16)5.2.2 安装逆变器 (16)6 电气连接 (19)用户手册 V1.4-2023-07-20目录6.2 连接保护地线 (19)6.3 连接直流输入线 (20)6.4 连接交流输出线 (23)6.5 通信连接 (26)6.5.1 连接通信线 (26)6.5.2 安装通讯模块 (可选) (29)6.5.3 开启终端电阻拨码开关 (29)7 设备试运行 (30)7.1 上电前检查 (30)7.2 设备上电 (30)8 系统调测 (31)8.1 指示灯与按键介绍 (31)8.2 通过显示屏设置逆变器参数 (31)8.2.3 一级菜单 (33)8.2.4 系统设置 (35)8.3 通过APP设置逆变器参数 (40)8.4 小固云窗进行电站监控 (40)9 系统维护 (41)9.1 逆变器下电 (41)9.2 拆除逆变器 (41)9.3 报废逆变器 (41)9.4 故障处理 (41)9.5 定期维护 (43)10 技术数据 (44)用户手册 V1.4-2023-07-2001 前言1 前言1.1 适用产品本文档主要介绍了逆变器的产品信息、安装接线、配置调测、故障排查及维护内容。
用户手册光伏并网逆变器MS 系列(7-10kW) G3版权声明用户手册 V1.3-2023-05-15因产品版本升级或其他原因,文档内容会不定期进行更新,如无特殊约定,文档内容不可取代产品标签或用户手册中的安全注意事项。
版权所有©固德威技术股份有限公司 2023。
目录用户手册 V1.3-2023-05-15目录1 前言 (1)1.1 适用产品 (1)1.2 适用人员 (1)1.3 符号定义 (2)1.4 版本记录 (2)2 安全注意事项 (3)2.1 通用安全 (3)2.2 直流侧 (3)2.3 交流侧 (3)2.4 逆变器 (4)2.5 人员要求 (4)2.6 EU符合性声明 (4)3 产品介绍 (5)3.1 应用场景 (5)3.2 电路框图 (5)3.3 支持的电网形式 (5)3.4 外观说明 (6)3.4.1 外观介绍 (6)3.4.2 指示灯说明 (7)3.5.4 铭牌说明 (8)4 设备检查与存储 (9)4.1 签收前检查 (9)4.2 交付件 (9)4.3 设备存储 (10)5 安装 (11)5.1 安装要求 (11)5.2 安装逆变器 (13)5.2.1 搬运逆变器 (13)5.2.2 安装逆变器 (13)目录用户手册 V1.3-2023-05-156 电气连接 (14)6.1 安全注意事项 (14)6.2 连接保护地线 (15)6.3 连接直流输入线 (15)6.4 连接交流输出线 (18)6.5 通信连接 (20)6.5.1 连接通信线(可选) (22)6.5.2 安装通信模块(可选) (24)7 设备试运行 (25)7.1 上电前检查 (25)7.2 设备上电 (25)8 系统调测 (26)8.1 指示灯与按键介绍 (26)8.2 通过显示屏设置逆变器参数 (27)8.2.1 显示屏菜单介绍 (28)8.2.2 逆变器参数介绍 (29)8.3 通过U盘本地升级逆变器软件版本 (30)8.4 通过SolarGo App设置逆变器参数 (30)8.5 通过SEMS Portal进行设备监控 (30)9 系统维护 (31)9.1 逆变器下电 (31)9.2 拆除逆变器 (31)9.3 报废逆变器 (32)9.4 故障处理 (32)9.5 定期维护 (37)10 技术数据 (38)前言用户手册 V1.3-2023-05-151 前言1.1 适用产品1.2 适用人员本文档主要介绍了逆变器的产品信息、安装接线、配置调测、故障排查及维护内容。
禾望电气产品手册(集中 集散)大功率光伏逆变器说明书
在集散式方案中,包括1100V系统用的1000kW和1250kW并网逆变器,同时提供1MW、1.25MW、2MW、2.5MW、4MW 和5MW的逆变箱房式、箱变一体机式的一体化解决方案组合产品。
在组串式方案中,包括户用5kW~8kW单相机型,商用8kW~33kW小功率、36kW~50kW中功率和60kW~125kW大功率以及DC1500V 225kW大功率机型。
集中式光伏并网逆变器(1500V)集中式光伏并网逆变器(1100V)集散式逆变系统(1100V)集散式光伏并网逆变器集散式汇流箱集散式系统在平地光伏电站的应用——2.5MW 35kV/10kV集成逆变升压一体化电站智能数据采集器兆瓦级光伏并网逆变房集散式光储充共直流母线解决方案应用案例0408101214161820212223质量管理体系环境管理体系职业健康安全管理体系CNAS认可实验室资质国家级高新技术企业国家科学技术进步奖总部 · 深圳6大研发制造基地:深圳、苏州、东莞、盐城、西安、河源30个服务基地:布局全球市场,为更多客户提供全面服务① 4000m以上应用请联系禾望电气② 整机尺寸不包括螺钉、门锁等零部件的突出部位型号HPHV1250-550HPHV1250-630HPHV1562.5-550HPHV1562.5-600HPHV1562.5-630直流侧参数MPPT电压范围800V~1450V最大直流电压1500V标配可接入支路数6路(接24路汇流箱)/ 9路(接16路汇流箱)7路(接24路汇流箱)/ 11路(接16路汇流箱)最大支路电流400A交流侧参数额定输出功率1250kW 1562.5kW 最大输出功率1375kW1718.7kW 1719kW 1718.7kW 额定输出电流1312A 1146A 1640A 1504A 1432A 最大输出电流1443A 1261A 1804A 1654A 1575A 额定电网电压550V 630V 550V 600V 630V 允许电压范围440V~632V504V~724V440V~632V 480V~690V504V~724V额定电网频率50Hz / 60Hz允许频率范围±3Hz电流总谐波分量(THD)<3%(额定功率)直流电流分量<0.5%(额定输出电流)功率因数0.8(感性)~0.8(容性)系统参数最大效率99.00%99.02%99.11%99.00%99.01%中国效率98.47%98.50%98.47%98.50%待机自耗电<100W 冷却方式强制风冷防护等级IP20工作环境温度-40℃~+55℃(超过40℃降容使用)存储环境温度-40℃~+70℃允许海拔高度 ①≤5000m(4000m以上降额使用)允许相对湿度0%~95%,无凝露低压穿越满足零电压穿越通讯接口RS485,Ethernet 机械参数整机尺寸(宽*高*深)②1600*2150*800mm重量≤1300kg≤1400kg① 4000m以上应用请联系禾望电气② 整机尺寸不包括螺钉、门锁等零部件的突出部位型号HPHV2500-550HPHV2500-630HPHV3125-550HPHV3125-600 HPHV3125-630直流侧参数MPPT电压范围800V~1450V最大直流电压1500V标配可接入支路数12路(接24路汇流箱)/ 18路(接16路汇流箱)14路(接24路汇流箱)/ 22路(接16路汇流箱)最大支路电流400A交流侧参数额定输出功率2500kW 3125kW 最大输出功率2750kW3438kW 额定输出电流2624A 2292A 3280A 3008A 2864A 最大输出电流2886A 2522A 3608A 3309A 3150A 额定电网电压550V 630V 550V 600V 630V 允许电压范围440V~632V504V~724V440V~632V 480V~690V504V~724V额定电网频率50Hz / 60Hz允许频率范围±3Hz电流总谐波分量(THD)<3%(额定功率)直流电流分量<0.5%(额定输出电流)功率因数0.8(感性)~0.8(容性)系统参数最大效率99.02%99.04%99.06%99.11%中国效率98.49%98.62%待机自耗电<100W 冷却方式强制风冷防护等级IP55工作环境温度-40℃~+55℃(超过40℃降容使用)存储环境温度-40℃~+70℃允许海拔高度 ①≤5000m(4000m以上降额使用)允许相对湿度0%~95%,无凝露低压穿越满足零电压穿越通讯接口RS485,Ethernet 机械参数整机尺寸(宽*高*深)②1710*2505*1700mm重量≤2700kg交流软启和交直流双电源冗余,无需外配UPS或者辅电就可以完成低压穿越性能特点① 根据客户需求,逆变器交流输出电压可定制② 4000m以上应用请联系禾望电气③ 整机尺寸不包括螺钉、门锁等零部件的突出部位型号HPSP0500HPSP0630HPSP0800-CC直流侧参数MPPT电压范围500V~900V520V~900V500V~900V最大直流电压1100V标配可接入支路数8路12路最大支路电流160A 交流侧参数额定输出功率500kW 630kW 800kW 最大输出功率550kW 693kW840kW 额定输出电流902A 1137A 1010A 1320A 最大输出电流993A 1250A 1111A 1386A 额定电网电压 ①320V 320V 360V 350V 允许电压范围256V~368V256V~368V288V~414V315V~385V额定电网频率50Hz / 60Hz允许频率范围±3Hz电流总谐波分量(THD)<3%(额定功率)直流电流分量<0.5%(额定输出电流)功率因数0.9(感性)~0.9(容性)0.95(感性)~0.95(容性)系统参数最大效率99.02%99.01%99.03%99.01%欧洲效率98.3%98.3%98.4%98.5%待机自耗电<50W 冷却方式强制风冷防护等级IP20(户内型) / IP55(户外型)工作环境温度-40℃~+55℃(超过40℃降容使用)存储环境温度-40℃~+70℃允许海拔高度 ②≤5000m(4000m以上降额使用)允许相对湿度5%~95%,无凝露低压穿越满足零电压穿越通讯接口RS485,Ethernet机械参数整机尺寸(宽*高*深)③1000*2150*800mm / 1220*2300*870mm重量≤1000kg户外型户内型心数据交互。
PV Charge ControllerMP-3722User's ManualTable of ContentsPrecautions and Specifications 11.Introduction 22.Control and Indicator 23.Installation and Indication 3 3.1 Connection 3 3.2 LED Indicator 3 3.3 LCD Display 43.3.1 LCD Display Sequence 4 3.4 The Dip Switch, Set-Buttons and Reset Button Functions 43.4.1 Adjust the PV Charge Controller Settings 43.4.2 Select the Auto/Manual Equalization charging and Night-Light Mode 64.PV Charge Control Mode 6 4.1 3-Stage Charge Control 6 4.2 Equalization Charging Mode (Automatic or Manual) 64.2.1 Automatic Equalization Charging 64.2.2 Manual Equalization Charging 6 4.3 12V DC Load Terminal- Control Mode 74.3.1 Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) 74.3.2 Low Voltage Reconnect (LVR) 74.3.3 Night-Light Mode Programs 8 4.4 Temperature Sensor (Optional) 84.5 Over Temperature Protection 95.Remote Signal Terminal (Optional) 10Precautions1.Before using the charge/load controller, read all the instructions and cautionary markings on thecharge/load controller, the batteries and the photovoltaic panels.2.Do not attempt to repair the controller. Incorrect re-assembly may result in a risk of electric shock orfire.3.To reduce risk of electric shock, disconnect all wiring before attempting any maintenance or cleaning.Turning off controls will not reduce this risk. PV panels produce power when exposed to light – cover them with opaque material before servicing.4.Working in Vicinity of a Lead Acid Battery is dangerous. Batteries generate EXPLOSIVE gases duringnormal operation. Provide ventilation to outdoors from the highest point of the battery compartment.5.This charge/load controller is intended to be used with a battery supply of 12 VDC nominal voltage.6.Be extra cautious to reduce the possibility of dropping a metal tool onto batteries. It might spark orshort-circuit batteries or other electrical parts that may cause explosion. Cover wrench handles with plastic tape or vinyl dip coating material.SpecificationsModels MP-3722Battery voltage12VMaximum PV panel open circuit voltage26VContinuous load/charge current 30AMaximum charge current (5 mins)35AMaximum load current (5 mins)35AOperation current(no Load and no PV)15mAVoltage across terminals (PV to Battery) 1.2VVoltage across terminals (Battery to Load)0.6VElectronic Blocking(To protect against reverse polarity connection of PV panel and to blockYescurrent from battery to PV panel when voltage of battery is higher than PVpanel)Battery reverse polarity protection YesOvercharge & Over-discharge protection YesBattery status LED indication5-State LED IndicationsCharging status indication3-State LCD Display Recommended wire size#10AWGWeight0.48kgDimension (WxDxH)150 x 85 x 45 mmFuse40AOperating ambient temperature-10 to 50 °COver temperature protection YesBattery charging float voltage setting Adjustable from 12.0-16.5VBattery charging bulk voltage setting Adjustable from 12.0-16.5VDC load control mode (For DC load terminal):Low Voltage Disconnect(LVD)Adjustable from 8-16VLow Voltage Reconnect(LVR)Adjustable from 8-16V1. IntroductionThe MP-3722 PV Charge Controller is designed for use with all types of 12V photovoltaic(PV) panels/systems and different types of 12V batteries, such as wet or sealed lead acid, lead calcium, lead antimony battery.Numerous features are provided to maximize the performance of the system:●Electronic Blocking ( To protect against reverse polarity connection of PV panel and blockcurrent from battery to PV Panel when voltage of Battery is higher than PV panel),●Suitable for PV panels with Open Circuit Voltage from 17 to 23V,●Rated charging/load current 30A(MP-3722),●PWM Charging with 3-stage Charge Control (to allow battery be left unattended for longperiod),●User Adjustable Charge Control Settings for different types of batteries,●User Adjustable Low Voltage Disconnect and Low Voltage Reconnect,●Build-In Microprocessor for PV charge control to maximize the charging efficiency,●Overcharge and Over-discharge Protection,●Over Temperature Protection,●Short-Circuit Protection at load terminal (5) & Battery Reverse Polarity Protection at BatteryConnection Terminal (6),●Informative LCD Display and Tri-Color LED indication of system and battery conditions,●Optional Temperature Sensor for compensated battery charging,●Optional Remote Signal Terminal.2. Control and IndicatorThe following diagram shows the hardware interface of the PV Charge Controller.Figure 1 Front view of PV Charge Controller1.Battery LED Indicator2.LCD Display3.Reset button (see Section 3.4)4.Temperature Sensor (Optional )5.12V DC Load terminal with Low Voltage Disconnect/NIGHT-LIGHT mode (Section 4.3)6.12V Battery connection terminal7.PV Panel connection terminal8.Remote Signal Terminal (Optional )9.Side Door (open to access switches for setting)3. Installation and Indication3.1 ConnectionThe PV Charge Controller should be connected as follow:Figure 2 Connection of PV Charge ControllerThis controller has Electronic Blocking feature, therefore, it is not necessary to connect a diode between the PV module and the Controller.The recommended wire size is #10AWG(MP-3722).It is recommended that the PV Charge Controller should be installed in a dry, sheltered location away from sources of high temperature and moisture.3.2 LED IndicatorRed Flashing....................Battery Voltage is lower than 12.6VConstant Red...................Battery Voltage has reached Low Voltage Disconnect(LVD)Constant Green................Battery Voltage is higher than 12.6VGreen Flashing................Battery Voltage has reached Bulk Charging Setting.(Fully Charged)Orange Flashing...............Battery Voltage is lower than Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD)Voltage Setting and load has been disconnected.Red-Green Flashing.........Equalization Charging in process.Table 1 LED Indications3.3 LCD DisplayThe LCD Display shows the battery voltage, PV panel voltage and the charging modes during normal day time operation. At night time or low sunlight or PV disconnected situation, display of PV VOLT value is to be ignored .LCD DISPLAY DescriptionsBATT VOLT.................Shows the Battery VoltagePV VOLT.......................Shows the PV panel Input Voltage to the systemPV CURR......................Shows the PV panel Input Current to the systemTOD PV_AH.................Shows the total Ampere-Hour input to the system in current day L1D PV_AH..................Shows the total Ampere-Hour input to the system a day before L2D PV_AH..................Shows the total Ampere-Hour input to the system 2 days before Charging StatusBULK CHARGE...........Shows the charging process is in Bulk chargeABSORB CHARGE......Shows the charging process is in Absorption chargeFLOAT CHARGE.........Shows the charging process is in Float chargeEQULIZ CHARGE........Shows the charging process is in Equalization chargePV < BATT VOLT........Indicates the PV voltage is less than the Battery VoltageTable 2 LCD Display3.3.1 LCD Display SequenceFigure 3The LCD Display Sequence.3.4 The Dip Switch , Set-Button and Reset button functionsThe dip switch, set buttons and reset button are used for adjusting the PV Charge Controller Settings (see Section 3.4.1 and 3.4.2)( * Open the Side door, you can see the dip switch & set buttons.)3.4.1 Adjust the PV Charge Controller SettingsFactory PresetThe following table shows the factory preset values of the PV Charge Controller :Bulk Voltage..................................................14.3V Float Voltage..................................................13.5V Low Voltage Disconnect................................11.5V Low Voltage Reconnect.................................12.5VNight Light Mode Option...............................Off (refer to Table 5 in Section 4.3.3)Table 3 Preset values of the adjustable parametersThe preset Bulk and Float Setpoints are for typical Sealed Gel-type Lead Acid Battery only.For typical wet-type Lead Acid Battery, set Bulk setpoint to 14.8V and Float setpoint to 13.5V.Please refer to battery manufacturer’s specific recommended values.How to adjust the Bulk, Float Charge Voltage, LVD, LVR and Night Light Mode 1.First take out all the connections to the PV controller except those to battery.2.Push up the slide cover at the right side of the PV controller.3.Push up all three DIP Switches to OFF position.4.Disconnect the battery negative terminal at the controller.5.Press and hold the Reset Button and reconnect the battery negative terminal again.6.After 3 to 5 seconds release the Reset Button and note the LCD shows “Float V “7.The controller is now in Set Mode , short presses of the Reset Button show as in following cyclic order with preset values :“FLOAT CH: , LVD , LVR , L OPTION:, Bulk CH , FLOAT CH ”8.Press the Set Button 1 and 2 to adjust the desired setting.9.When the desired settings are done , double check all settings by pressing the Preset Button.10.To store the new settings , push down the Dip Switch 2 to on position and take note of the LCD displays ”INITIALIZATION…. “until one complete cycle. Figure 5Figure 4Figure 6 Adjustable parameters in Setting Mode3.4.2 Select the auto- equalization charging and night-light modeThe dip switch 1 is for Night-Light Mode , switch 2 for Equalization Charging mode and switch 3 is always set at off positionTHE PV CHARGE CONTROLLER IS FACTORY PRESET FOR USE WITH SEAL TYPE BATTERYTHAT IS : NO AUTO EQUILIZATION CHARGING BECAUSE DIP SWITCH 2 IS AT ON POSITION.* Equalization(Eq.) charging is only for wet-type Lead Acid BatteryWhen Auto-Equalization Charging is set at ON mode , Equalization charge will occur for 2 hours once every thirty days.Use the dip switch to select equalization charging and night-light mode as below:AUTOEqualizationCharging*Night-Light ModeDip Switch SettingsOFFOFFDip switch 1 – OFFDip switch 2 – ON Dip switch 3 - OFFOFF ONDip switch 1 – ON Dip switch 2 – ON Dip switch 3 - OFF ON OFFDip switch 1 – OFF Dip switch 2 – OFF Dip switch 3 - OFF ONONDip switch 1 – ON Dip switch 2 – OFF Dip switch 3 - OFFTable 4 Dip Switch FunctionsFactoryPreset4. PV Charge Control ModeThe MP-3722 PV Charge Controller can operate in the several modes. This includes the 3-stage Charge Control, Equalization Charging Mode, DC Load Control Mode, NIGHT-LIGHT mode, Temperature Sensing and Over Temperature Protection features.4.1 3-Stage Charge ControlThe main function of charge controller is to regulate the flow of electricity from the photovoltaic panels to the batteries. In PV systems with batteries, the batteries must be protected from overcharging and be maintained at fully charged state.The PV Charge Controller uses the Micro-Processor and PWM ( Pulse Width Modulation ) to give optimal and safe charging .It makes varying On-Off pulses of electrical energy from the photovoltaic(PV) panel in charging the battery according to the battery state. It has 3 stages of charging, as follows:a. BULK CHARGE – At this mode, a preset maximum constant amount of current (amps) isfed into the battery as the no PWM is present. As the battery is being charged up , the voltage of the battery increases gradually.b. ABSORPTION CHARGE – After the preset voltage is reached (approximately 14.3 voltsfor a 12 volt system) the voltage is then held constant. As the battery continues to be charged at constant voltage, the charging current decreases. The charging voltage is held at the Bulk Voltage Setting for one full hour with various rapid On-Off pulses (PWM). It then switches to Float Charge Mode.c. FLOAT CHARGE –The controller will maintain the battery voltage at the float voltagesetting by giving shorter On-pulse charge to make up for any detected self discharge of the battery. When the battery voltage drops below the Float Voltage Setting for a total period of 10 minutes, a new charging cycle is activated in Bulk or Absorption Charge.The three stages charging method works well with the chemical reaction that occurs as a battery is being charged. When a battery is more discharged, a regulated maximum current can be applied, since there is a lot of material available for the reactions to occur.As the battery refills, less and less chemical material is available for the reaction. By using PWM to slowly reducing the charge current, while maintaining a preset high voltage, the battery is more closely refilled at the reaction rate of the chemicals. Finally, the Float voltage keeps the battery fully charged at all times taking care of the self discharge .Remarks:1.When the Battery is charged up to Bulk Charge Voltage setting, the LCD will only show theBulk charge voltage one or two times quickly, then the PV controller switches to Absorption charge2.The “Batt Volt” display during Absorption charge is less than Bulk Voltage Setting. Thedifference will decrease as the Absorption time increase.3.The “Batt Volt” display during Float Charge is less than the Float Charge Voltage Setting.4.2 Equalization Charging Mode (Automatic or Manual)WARNING: Equalization Charging is only for Wet-type Lead Acid Battery.The Equalization Charging Voltage is factory pre-set to the Bulk Voltage + 1 Volt.The battery manufacturer should be consulted. Clean, distilled water will need to be added to the battery AFTER the equalization process.4.2.1 Automatic Equalization ChargingAutomatic Equalization charge is only available when battery voltage is higher than the Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) voltage , see 4.3.1.To set Automatic Equalization Charging, set the dip switch 2 to OFF position.The PV Charge Controller will perform Equalization charging for 2 hours once every 30 days During equalization charge , it can be stopped any time by pressing the Reset button once and the controller will return to the charging mode before the Equalization charge.4.2.2 Manual Equalization ChargingSet the Night-Light Mode , dip switch 1 to off position.P ress and hold the Reset button for 10seconds and the equalization charge will go on for two hour.During equalization charge , it can be stopped any time by pressing the Reset button once and the controller will return to the charging mode before the Equalization charge.4.3 12V DC Load Terminal – Control ModeThe 12V DC load terminal is designed for low power DC load such as street light.It prevents over-discharging the battery and has 10 Night-Light timer programs.4.3.1 Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD)When the battery voltage is lower than the Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) setting for5 minutes, the LED will blink orange once every 2 seconds and the load will be cut off. After the load is cut off, user can press the Reset button once to switch on the load for a grace period of10 minutes for emergency purpose.4.3.2 Low Voltage Reconnect (LVR)When the battery voltage is higher than Low Voltage Reconnect (LVR) setting for 5 minutes, the controller will automatically reconnect the load.4.3.3 NIGHT-LIGHT Mode ProgramsIn the night-light mode, we have 10 selections.To Activate the NIGHT-LIGHT Mode, switch the dipswitch 1 to ON position.After activating, when the PV panel voltage is lower than 3.5V for 10 minute, the Controller will turn on the light for a preset period of time according to the option selected.When the PV panel voltage is higher than 3.5V for 10minute, the Controller will turn off the light.In NIGHT-LIGHT Mode, press and hold the Reset button can switch on the Light to test the light.Also, when the battery is lower than the Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) for 5 minutes, the load will be cut off.When the battery voltage becomes higher than Low Voltage Reconnect (LVR) setting for 5 minutes, the controller will automatically reconnect the load again.The following chart shows the night light mode selections.LCD Display Explanation SUNSET NIGHT SUNRISE OFF OFF2 HR ON 2 HOURS ON4 HR ON 4 HOURS ON6 HR ON 6 HOURS ON8 HR ON8 HOURS ON10 HR ON10 HOURS ON3 / OFF / 1 3 / OFF / 14 / OFF /2 4 / OFF /26 / OFF /2 6 / OFF /2DK--DN Dusk to DawnTable 5 DESCRIPTION:OFF – Load remain turned off.X Hours On –Load is turned on for X hours after sunset.Y / OFF / Z – Load is turned on after for Y hours after sunset, turned off during the night, then turned on again Z hours before sunrise.Dusk to Dawn – Load is turned on all night.Measure Night LengthThe load timer options that turn the load on again before sunrise require that the PV charge controller to measure the length of the night. The default value of night length is 12 hours after installation (or disconnect then reconnect the battery). The local length of night will take the moving average of 4 consecutive nights.If the solar array is disconnected during service, the controller will then record premature night duration. This wrong night length data will be outdated after another 4 days of normal service. Alternatively, the above error can be corrected by disconnect then reconnect the battery.Verify Night-Light Mode selectionTo verify the night-light mode selection. During night-light mode, press the reset button once. The green LED will flash once per second. Count these LED flashes to confirm the correct selection.Each of the 10 night-light mode options has a unique number of flashes. These are as follows:Switch Setting # of FlashesOFF02 Hours On 14 Hours On 26 Hours On 38 Hours On 410 Hours On 53 / OFF / 164 / OFF / 276 / OFF /28Dusk to Dawn9Note: Do not press the reset button when the LED is flashing during the verification .4.4 Temperature Sensor (Optional)When an external temperature sensor (optional accessory) is installed, the controller will adjust the Bulk and Float Charge Voltage according to the temperature of the battery type. The regulation setpoint is 25ºC. The Controller adjusts the BULK and FLOAT setpoints -0.03V/ ºC.Only the factory provided temperature sensor (optional accessory) can be used.If no temperature sensor is installed, the controller will set the temperature of the battery at 25ºC.4.5 Over Temperature ProtectionThe operation temperature of the transistors of the PV Charge Controller is also continuously monitored. If excessive temperature is detected, the charge controller transistors will repeatedly and rapidly turn On and Off to reduce the charging rate so as to reduce the transistors'temperature. In case the charging current (from the solar panel) is reduced to zero and over temperature condition still persists, the load will also be disconnected.When the temperature has dropped to the working range, the PV panel and the load will be connected again.5. Remote Signal Terminal (Optional)The PV controller has a remote signal output terminal (Optional) which can:1.control the ON/OFF operation of equipment such as inverter hooked up to the battery bank to operate along with the night-light mode program and share the safeguard function such as low battery disconnect and reconnect.2.make extension connection of the battery status LED to allow remote monitoring Battery bank status (see Section3.2)Figure 7Table 6Activate the featurePlease follow the steps below:ConnectionUse the RJ-45 connector (8-pin) to control ON/OFF of the LED and Equipments.The pins configuration and connection are as follow:Pin 1 & 2On/Off Control Signal synchronized with Night-light ModePin 7 & 4High/Low control signal (12V, 0V) up to 1A, synchronized with Night Light modePin 6 & 4Shows the battery status Red LED (See Section 3.2)Pin 8 & 4Shows the battery status Green LED (See Section 3.2)Table 7 Pins configurationNote: Pin 3 and 5 are not used in Remote signal Terminal.Rev. 2.0 05/20097673-7130-2301Figure 81.Open the case of the controller, there should be a small control board near the Remote Signal Terminal as shown in figure 6.2.On the small control board, there is a sky blue color dip switch. Turn the dip switch 1 and 2to ON position as shown in figure 7.Figure 10Figure. 11 Connection diagram of RJ-45 to Equipments.Figure 9。
MT系列用户手册350-00202-00SOLAR INVERTER光伏并网逆变器公司网站公司微信售后服务直拨热线: 400-998-1212备注:以上联系方式如有变更,恕不另行通知。
1 符号释义2 安全说明与警告3 安装方式4 操作说明5常见问题解答6 技术参数7 产品维护8 相关认证3.1安装说明3.2逆变器外观介绍与包装信息3.3设备安装3.4电气安装4.1指示灯说明4.2显示屏和按键说明4.3故障代码4.4提示与免责声明4.5WiFi模块重启和恢复出厂设置 (01).................................................... 02.. (02).................................................... 03. (05) (10) (11)................................................. 16....................................... 16.. (01) (17)6.1指示灯说明6.2主电路示意图 (19) (26) (23)7.1清理风扇 7.2DC开关检查7.3电气连接 .............................................. 22. (23) (16).................................................... 237.4更换保险丝 . (23)注意安全—忽视该手册中警示标志,会造成轻微或中度伤害高压危险 小心触电表面灼热 小心触碰不得作为普通垃圾弃置,要经过特殊的途径回收处理CE标志可回收再利用此面向上不得倾斜倒放叠压层限制 最高可以叠6层易损物品 小心轻放怕潮湿断电后需等待5分钟确保机器完全放电1 符号释义江苏固德威电源科技股份有限公司(以下简称固德威)MT系列光伏并网逆变器是严格按照相关安全法规设计及测试的,但作为电气和电子设备,安装、维护时需遵守以下安全说明,不当的操作将对操作者、第三方造成严重伤害以及财产损失。
目录1.基本资料 (4)1.1产品概述及特点 (4)1.2基本系统介绍 (5)1.3产品特征 (6)2.安装说明 (7)2.1安装注意事项 (7)2.2接线规格和断路器选型 (8)2.3安装及连线 (10)3.工作模式 (14)3.1充电模式 (14)3.2输出模式 (15)4.LCD屏操作说明 (17)5.其他功能 (26)5.1干结点功能 (26)5.2RS485通信功能 (26)5.3CAN通信功能 (26)5.4USB通信功能 (26)6.保护 (27)6.1具备的保护功能 (27)6.2故障代码含义 (28)6.3部分故障排除措施 (29)7.系统维护 (30)8.技术参数 (31)1.基本资料1.1产品概述及特点HF系列是集太阳能储能&市电充电储能、交流正弦波输出于一体的新型混合太阳能储能逆变控制一体机,采用DSP控制,通过先进的控制算法,具有高响应速度、高可靠性和高工业化标准等特点。
AURORA 光伏并网逆变器利用了最新的功率器件如SIC 二极管,CoolMOSTM,IGBT 等器件降低开关损耗。 AURORA在所有关键元件上都采用了很大的降额设计标准以使其能够稳定‚可靠的连续运行超过25 年,并持续不 断的输出最大功率。在这种设计理念下,AURORA 逆变器的最高效率超过了96%。另一方面,在控制上,AURORA 逆变 器采用高频开关技术,使其THD(总电流谐波失真)不超过1%。另一个突出的优势是AURORA 逆变器有两个输入通道, 每一个通道都有自己独立的MPPT(最大功率跟踪),便于多组光伏阵列安装的应用(只有3600W机型可以)。
室内型并网光伏逆变器 PVI-3600 PVI-2000
具有双通道输入,每通道具有独立的MPPT 功能(最大3600W机型) 牢固的IP21(NEMA2)防护,舒适的外壳涂料,能适应苛刻的环境 实时高效的MPPT 算法提高太阳能利用率 紧凑轻巧设计,方便安装:3600W 机型尺寸仅为 440mm×465mm×57mm, 重量只有7.5公斤 前面板的LCD显示器集成了数据采集功能,可以显示图形 无隔离变压器,最高效率达到96% 极性接反保护,防止误接线造成的损坏 完美的正弦波输出 孤岛效应防护 通过并网运行的国际标准认证 内置的RS232和RS485串行接口,具有远端通讯可能(PLM,拨号上网,GSM和以太网)
6600 英尺(2000 米)以上降额
型号名称 PVI-2000-OUTD-F (带风扇) PVI-2000-OUTD
太阳能发电系统-Solar Generated SystemLINE BACK ∑型逆变器- LINE BACK ∑Inverter使用说明书-Service Instruction北京日佳电源有限公司- Beijing Rijia Power supply Co., Ltd.绪言对您购买北京日佳电源有限公司的太阳能发电系统用LINE BACK ∑型逆变器,表示非常感谢!本使用说明书介绍如何正确、安全地使用逆变器。
PREFACEYou purchase the LANE BACK ΣPLUS Type Inverter used for solar generated system made by Beijing Rijia Power supply Co., Ltd. and Japan GS, express very thinks!This Service Instruction of the LANE BACK ΣPLUS Type Inverter will introduce what to use it by means of right and safely.Before making use of the LANE BACK ΣPLUS Type Inverter, please you be sure to read this Service Instruction. In addition before reading not the contents of this Service Instruction, please you be sure to not the LANE BACK ΣPLUS Type Inverter.After this Service Instruction had been read, please you must treasure up it, if necessary, may bring at once it here, and study again it.If you were not see what in this Service Instruction of the LANE BACKΣPLUS Type Inverter, please must negotiate or consult with Marketing Board or nearby Marketing Networks build by Beijing Rijia Power Supply Co., Ltd.公司名称:北京日佳电源有限公司- Corp. Name: Beijing Rijia Power Supply Co., Ltd.地址:北京市通州区中关村科技园区通州园金桥科技产业基地景盛南四街13号5A- Add:Tongzhou District, Beijing Zhongguancun Science ParkTongzhou Park Jinqiao Science and Technology Industry Base Shengnan King Street on the 13th four-5A电话-Tel:86-010-********传真-Fax:86-010-********联系人:刘福强-Liaison:Liu FuqiangE-Mail:**************.cn网址:目录- Contents.1. 安全注意事项- Matters Needing Attention in the field of safety1.1.使用环境- Service Environments1.2.注意事项- Points for Attention2.电缆接线- Cables Wiring3.保管- Storage3.1.设备的长期保管- Storage Long-term4. 操作部分- Operation for Power Conditioner4.1. 逆变器设定开关- Setting Switch of Inverter4.2.并网保护功能设定开关- Setting Switch of Grid-connected protection5.设定- Setting5.1.逆变器的设定- Setting for Inverter5.2.并网保护功能设定- Setting for Grid-connected protection6.运行、停止的方法- Method of Run and Stop6.1.操作注意事项- Matters Needing Attention in the field of Operation6.2.运行顺序- Run Sequence6.3. 停止顺序- Stop Sequence7.并网保护功能的试验方法- Test Method of Grid-connected protection8.动作概要- Action Outline运转、停止- Run & Stop并网运行(自动运行)- Grid-connected (Auto-A)并网运行(手动运行)- Grid-connected (Manual-M)外部控制运行/停止- Run and / or Stop Controlled from Exterior8.2. 自立运行(有自立运行输出的系统)- Self-supporting (with self-supporting Output)8.2.1. 动作概要(无蓄电池的系统)- Action Outline (without Storage Battery)8.2.2. 动作概要(有蓄电池的系统)- Action Outline (with Storage Battery)8.2.3.起动、停止(无蓄电池的系统)- Run & Stop (without Storage Battery)8.2.4.起动、停止(有蓄电池的系统)- Run & Stop (with Storage Battery)8.3. 充电运行(有蓄电池的系统)- Charging (with Storage Battery) 8.3.1. 动作概要- Action Outline8.3.2.手动充电与充电停止- Manual Charging and Charging stop 8.4. 融雪运行(有融雪运行功能的系统)- Thawing Snow (System withMelted Snow)8.4.1.动作概要- Action Outline8.4.2.运行、停止- Run & Stop8.5.最大功率跟踪控制- MPPT(Max. Power Point Tracking) Control8.6.与系统并网技术要领指南的吻合情况- Degrees Tallied with System Grid-connected Technical Essentials Guide8.6.1. 并网保护功能- Grid-connected Protection8.6.2.被动方式-电压控制相位跳变检测方式- Passive Fashion – Test Method of Phase Jump controlled with Voltage8.6.3.主动方式-改变无功功率方式- Active Fashion – Test Method of Varying Reactive Power8.7.自动电压调整功能- Voltage Auto Regulation (Function)8.7.1.相位超前无功功率控制- Phase lead Reactive Power Control 8.7.2.输出控制- Output Control8.8.保护动作- Protection Actions9.保护功能的类型、整定值和保护动作- Type, Setting and Action of Protection9.1.逆变器保护功能- Protection for Inverter9.2.并网保护功能和自动电压调整功能- Grid-connected Protection and Voltage Auto Regulation10.维护检修- Maintenance and Repair10.1.维护检修方面的注意事项- Matters Needing Attention for Maintenance and Repair10.2.日常检查- Daily Tests10.3.部件更换与更换周期- Parts Replacement and Replacing Period11.运行开关状态表示、保护报警回路- States Show of Run Switch and Protective Warning Circuits11.1.运行开关状态表示- States Show of Run Switch11.2. 保护报警回路- Protective Warning Circuits11.3.报警自保持复位- Reset of Warning self-hold12.紧急时的对策- Countermeasure s in case of Emergences 12.1.紧急时的注意事项- Matters Needing Attention in case of Emergency12.2.紧急时处理顺序- Handle Sequence in case of Emergency13. 设备的报废- Facilities Discard13.1. 设备的报废- Facilities Discard14. 紧急时的联系方法- Liaison Offices in case of Emergency1.安全注意事项- Matters Needing Attention for Safety1. 1.使用环境- Service Environments为了您的安全使用,又为保证设备的功能,安装地点和使用环境请按如下要求:●周围温度-10~40℃;周围温度85%以下(无结露)的地方;●设备的四周一定留有散热、换气的空间以保证通风良好。
Solaredge SE25K SE30K SE33.3K 三相逆变器说明书
INVERSORESInversor trifásicoSE25K / SE30K / SE33.3KDiseñado para trabajar con optimizadores de potenciaInversor a tensión fija CC para una eficiencia superior (98,3%) y strings más largosMonitorización a nivel de módulo concomunicación por Ethernet, inalámbrica o telefonía móvil para una visibilidad completa del sistema Funciones de seguridad avanzadas: protección integrada contra fallos de arco y apagado de seguridad SafeDCIP65 - Instalación en interiores y exterioresUnidad de seguridad de CC integrada opcional: elimina la necesidad de interruptores externos de CC Puesta en marcha rápida y sencilla del inversor directamente desde su smartphone con SolarEdge SetAppPequeño, el más ligero de su categoría, y fácil de instalar12-20AÑOS DE GARANTÍAPreparado para ampliación futura con soluciones de almacenamiento SolarEdgeProtección opcional frente a sobretensiones para CA de tipo 2 y RS485Protección contra sobretensiones en CC de tipo 2 integrada, para mejorar la resistencia en caso de tormentas o rayosInversor trifásicoSE25K / SE30K / SE33.3K(1) Si fuera necesaria una protección diferencial externa, su valor de disparo tiene que ser ≥ 100mA (2)Donde permitido por la normativa local(3)La conexión a internet por Wi-Fi requiere un componente Wi-Fi adicional, que se tiene que solicitar por separado. Para más detalles contactar con el departamento comercial de SolarEdge o hacer referencia a: https:///products/communication(4)Código de artículo del inversor con apagado rápido: SExxK-xxRxxxxxx(5) Para conocer todas las normativas consultar el apartado de Certificados en la página de Descargas: /groups/support/downloads(6) Entradas de CC disponible con conectores MC4 o prensaestopas según el código de producto del inversor . Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con SolarEdge (7)Se permite solamente el uso de conectores MC4 fabricados por Stäubli.(8) Para más información consultar: https:///sites/default/files/se-temperature-derating-note.pdf.Aplicable a inversores con código de productoSEXXK -RWX0IXXXXSE25KSE30KSE33.3KSALIDAPotencia nominal de salida CA250002999033300WPotencia máxima de salida CA250002999033300VA T ensión nominal de salida CA: fase-fase / fase-neutro 380 / 220 ; 400 / 230Vca Rango de tensión de salida CA: fase-fase / fase-neutro304 - 437 / 176 - 253 ; 320 - 460 / 184 - 264,5VcaFrecuencia CA50/60 ± 5 %HzCorriente máxima de salida constante (por fase)36,2543,548,25AacPosibles conexiones de la línea de salida CA3 W + PE,4 W + PEMonitorización de red, protección contra funcionamiento en isla, factor de potencia configurable, umbrales configurables por país SíDistorsión armónica total < 3 %Rango de factor de potencia+/- 0.8 a 1Corriente de Derivación Máxima Inyectada(1)100mAENTRADAPotencia máxima de CC admitida (módulo STC) 437505250058275W Sin transformador, sin puesta a tierra SíT ensión nominal de entrada CC+ a CC-750VccCorriente máxima de entrada36,2543,548,25 AccProtección contra polaridad inversa SíDetección de fallo de aislamiento a tierraSensibilidad 150 kΩ(2)Rendimiento máximo del inversor98,3%Rendimiento ponderado europeo98%Consumo de energía nocturno <4WCARACTERÍSTICAS ADICIONALESInterfaces de comunicación 2 x RS485, Ethernet, Wi-Fi (Opcional)(3), T elefonía móvil (opcional)Gestión Smart EnergyLimitación de exportaciónPuesta en marcha del inversor Con la aplicación móvil SetApp utilizando la conexión Wi-Fi integrada para la conexión localProtección contra fallos de arcoIntegrado, configurable por el usuario (según UL1699B)Apagado rápidoOpcional (4) (Automático tras desconexión de la red de CA)Protección contra sobretensiones RS485OpcionalProtección contra sobretensiones de CCTipo II, reemplazable, integrada Protección contra sobretensiones de CA Tipo II, reemplazable, opcionalUNIDAD DE SEGURIDAD DE CC (OPCIONAL )Desconexión de 2 polos 1000 V / 48,25A Fusibles de CC Opcionales, 25ACumplimiento UTE-C15-712-1CUMPLIMIENTO DE NORMATIVASSeguridadIEC-62109 N ormas de conexión a la red (5)VDE-AR-N-4105, AS-4777, EN50438, CEI-021, VDE 0126-1-1, CEI-016, EN50549-1, EN50549-2,VDE-AR-N-4110, TOR Erzeuger Typ A, G99, G99 (NI), VFR 2019Emisiones IEC61000-6-2, IEC61000-6-3 Clase A, IEC61000-3-11, IEC61000-3-12RoHSSíESPECIFICACIONES PARA LA INSTALACIÓNDiámetro prensaestopas de salida de CA/Sección transversal de línea/Sección transversal de PE18 - 25 mm / 4 – 16 mm 2 / 4 – 16 mm 2Entradas de CC (6)4 pares MC4Entrada de CC con unidad de seguridad (6)(7)4 pares MC44 entradas por prensaestopas: Diámetro exterior del cable5 - 10 mm / Sección trasversal delcable 2.5 - 16mm 2Dimensiones (Al x An x P)550 x 317 x 273mmDimensiones con unidad de seguridad (Al x An x P)836 x 317 x 300 (DC MC4); 819 x 317 x 300 (DC Gland)mm Peso32kg Peso con unidad de seguridad 36,5kg Rango de temperatura de funcionamientoDe -40 a +85(8)˚CRefrigeración Ventilador (reemplazable por el usuario)Ruido<62dBAGrado de protección IP65 — exterior e interiorMontajeSobre soporte (suministrado)©SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. Reservados todos los derechos. SOLAREDGE, el logo de SolarEdge, OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE son marcas comerciales o registradas de SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. Cualquier otra marca que se mencione en este documento es propiedad de su correspondiente titular. Fecha: 08/2022/V01/SP EU. Sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso.。
4.4.2 起吊搬运 ........................................................................................... 22 4.5 安装挂板..................................................................................................... 23
1 安全说明 ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 拆包检查....................................................................................................... 1 1.2 安装安全....................................................................................................... 2 1.3 电气连接安全 ................................................................................................ 2 1.4 运行安全....................................................................................................... 3 1.5 维护安全....................................................................................................... 4 1.6 报废安全....................................................................................................... 4
特变电工新能源控制器和逆变器系列产品1.小功率充电控制器系列Small Power Charge Controller Series型号TypeXNY-TZ12/24 10BⅡXNY-TZ12/24 20BⅡXNY-TZ12/2430BⅡXNY-TZ12/24 40BⅡ充电输入Charge Input组件最大开路电压Maximum OpenCircuit Voltage ofSolar Module25V / 50V额定输入电流Rated Input Current10 A 20 A 30 A 40 A蓄电池Storage Battery标称电压Nominal Voltage12V / 24V浮充电压Float Voltage13.7V / 27.4V过充电压Over Charge Voltage14.3V / 28.6V欠压电压Lack of Voltage10.8V / 21/6V直流输出DC Output输出电压Output Voltage10.8-14.3V / 22.0-28.6V输出最大电流Maximum OutputCurrent20A 40A提示关断电压Prompt for cuttingvoltage11.5V / 23.0V欠压关断Cutting for lack ofvoltage10.8V / 21.6V欠压恢复LV resumption13.0V / 26.0V显示Display LED指示indication系统运行、欠压提示、欠压保护、过充保护、负载保护、短路保护Systematic operation, LV indication, LV protection, over chargeprotection, loads protection, short circuit protection液晶显示(可选)LCD display(optional)充电电压、充电电流、蓄电池电压、蓄电池容量、输出电流Charge voltage, charge current, voltage of storage battery,capacity of storage battery, output current报警保护Alarm Protections输入反接保护Input reverseconnectionprotection有Yes输出短路保护Output short circuitprotection有Yes蓄电池欠压保护LV protection forstorage battery有Yes蓄电池反接保护Reverse connectionprotection forstorage battery有Yes其它项Other Items防护等级Defend rank符合DIN EN60529规定IP22或IP65标准In compliance with regulations of DIN EN60529 and standards ofIP22 or IP65充电模式Charge modePWM脉宽调制,恒流-恒压模式,蓄电池自动维护功能PWM ,constant current—constant voltage, function of automaticprotection for storage battery散热方式Radiating mode 自冷Automatic cooling工作模式Working mode普通控制器、光控开+时控关、时控开+光控关General controller, lighting for on+ timing for off, timing for on +lighting for on自耗电Self electricityconsumption< 10 mA < 15mA环境Environment使用环境温度Environmentaltemperature-10℃ --45℃使用环境湿度Ambient humidity0--90%,不结露no dew海拔Altitude≤4500m体积Volume 长*宽*高Length*Width*Height120*90*45 180*110*55 180*110*55 180*110*552.小功率户用电源系列Small Power Electrical Source Series for Home Use型号Type XNY-TNX 12/24 300 L III型XNY-TNX 12/24 500 L III型充电输入Charge Input组件最大开路电压Maximum Open CircuitVoltage of SolarModule25V / 50V额定输入电流Rated Input Current25A/12.5A 50A/25A蓄电标称电压Nominal Voltage12V / 24V池Storage Battery浮充电压Float Voltage13.7V / 27.4V过充电压Over Charge Voltage14.3V / 28.6V欠压电压Lack of Voltage10.8V / 21/6V直流输出DC Output输出电压Output Voltage10.8-14.3V / 22.0-28.6V输出最大电流Maximum OutputCurrent20A 40A欠压关断Cutting for lack ofvoltage10.8V / 21.6V欠压恢复LV resumption13.0V / 26.0V交流输出AC Output输出电压Output VoltageAC220V±10%输出波形Output Wave Shape修正正弦波Modified Sine Wave输出频率Output Frequency50±1 Hz额定输出功率Rated Output Power300W 600W转换效率Conversion Efficiency>94%显示Display LED显示充电指示、直流负载输出、欠压、过压等状态指示.Charge Indication, DC Load Output, Lack of Voltage, OverVoltage and other status indication环境Environment温度Temperature-10℃—45℃湿度Humidity0—90%,不结露no dew海拔Altitude≤4500m外形Appearance参考重量Reference Weight30Kg(不带蓄电池)Not including Storage Battery参考尺寸Reference Dimension430*320*1603.小功率逆变器系列Small Power Inverter Series型号Type XNY-NS 48V 1K B I XNY-NS 24V 600 B I直流输入DC Input额定输入电压Rated input voltage48V 24V 额定输入电流Rated input current19A 23A 输入直流电压允许范围Allowed input DC voltage scope42.7V—58V 21.3V—29V开机电压范围Voltage scope of starting upequipments47V—58V 23.5V—29V欠压告警点LV alarm point46V 23V 过压告警点OV alarm point54V 27V 反灌杂音电流Anti-noise current≤10%≤10%交流输出AC Output额定容量(VA)Rated capacity1000VA 600VA 额定输出功率(W)Rated output power800W 500W 额定输出电压及频率Rated output voltage andfrequency220Vac,50Hz 220Vac,50Hz额定输出电流(A)Rated output current4.5A 2.7A输出电压精度(Vac)Output voltage precision220±5%输出频率精度(Hz)Output frequency precision50±1%波形失真率(THD)(线性负载)Rate of wave distortion(Linearity loads)≤2%动态响应时间(负载0←→100%)Dynamic response speed5S过载能力Overload capability120%,2分钟two minutes150%,15秒钟15seconds 逆变效率(80%阻性负载)Inverting efficiency80% resistive loads≥90%使用环境温度Ambient temperature-10℃ -- +40℃湿度Humidity0--90%,不结露no dew 使用海拔(m)Altitude≤4500保护功能Protection Function输入欠压保护Input LV protection输入过压保护Input OV protection输出过载保护Output overload protection输出短路保护Output Short Circuit Protection4. -48V通讯电源系列48V Communication Power Supply Series型号TypeXNY-CT48 – 120XNY-CT48 – 160XNY-CT48 -200XNY-CT48 -300输入特性Input Characteristics输入电压范围Input voltagescope0~100V输入方式Input mode 多路many loops 额定输入电压Rated inputvoltage-68V蓄电池电压级别voltage rank ofstorage battery-48V控制器性能Performances ofcharger太阳能输入接口Solar inputterminal3路3loops 4路4loops 5路5loops 8路8loops额定充电电流Rated chargecurrent120A 160A 200A 300A单路额定充电电流Rated chargecurrent of singleloop40A欠压关断Cutting for lack ofvoltage-43.2V(-43.0—-47.0V constant adjustable)欠压恢复LV resumption-53.0V(-52.0—-54.4V constant adjustable)浮充电压Float voltage-56.0V(-52.0—-56.0V constant adjustable)均充电压Average voltage-58.0V(-54.0—-58.0V constant adjustable)高压关断Cutting forhigh-voltage-60.0V(-58.0—-62.0V constant adjustable)温度补偿系数Temperaturecompensationcoefficient-4mV/cell/℃(-1—-5mV/cell/℃ constant adjustable)放电输出接口Discharge outputterminal2circuits路(每路最大60A)Max. 60A each circuit静态工作电流Static workingcurrent≤60mA显示Display LCD显示display充电电压、充电电流、电池电压、电池容量、输出电压、输出电流Charge voltage, charge current, voltage of storagebattery, capacity of storage battery, output voltage,output current通信Communication RS422/RS485历史数据存储100天,参数可修改,符合RS422/RS485标准通信接口协议。
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特变电工新能源控制器和逆变器系列产品1.小功率充电控制器系列Small Power Charge Controller Series型号TypeXNY-TZ12/24 10BⅡXNY-TZ12/24 20BⅡXNY-TZ12/2430BⅡXNY-TZ12/24 40BⅡ充电输入Charge Input组件最大开路电压Maximum OpenCircuit Voltage ofSolar Module25V / 50V额定输入电流Rated Input Current10 A 20 A 30 A 40 A蓄电池Storage Battery标称电压Nominal Voltage12V / 24V浮充电压Float Voltage13.7V / 27.4V过充电压Over Charge Voltage14.3V / 28.6V欠压电压Lack of Voltage10.8V / 21/6V直流输出DC Output输出电压Output Voltage10.8-14.3V / 22.0-28.6V输出最大电流Maximum OutputCurrent20A 40A提示关断电压Prompt for cuttingvoltage11.5V / 23.0V欠压关断Cutting for lack ofvoltage10.8V / 21.6V欠压恢复LV resumption13.0V / 26.0V显示Display LED指示indication系统运行、欠压提示、欠压保护、过充保护、负载保护、短路保护Systematic operation, LV indication, LV protection, over chargeprotection, loads protection, short circuit protection液晶显示(可选)LCD display(optional)充电电压、充电电流、蓄电池电压、蓄电池容量、输出电流Charge voltage, charge current, voltage of storage battery,capacity of storage battery, output current报警保护输入反接保护Input reverseconnectionprotection有YesAlarm Protections输出短路保护Output short circuitprotection有Yes蓄电池欠压保护LV protection forstorage battery有Yes蓄电池反接保护Reverse connectionprotection forstorage battery有Yes其它项Other Items防护等级Defend rank符合DIN EN60529规定IP22或IP65标准In compliance with regulations of DIN EN60529 and standards ofIP22 or IP65充电模式Charge modePWM脉宽调制,恒流-恒压模式,蓄电池自动维护功能PWM ,constant current—constant voltage, function of automaticprotection for storage battery散热方式Radiating mode 自冷Automatic cooling工作模式Working mode普通控制器、光控开+时控关、时控开+光控关General controller, lighting for on+ timing for off, timing for on +lighting for on自耗电Self electricityconsumption< 10 mA < 15mA环境Environment使用环境温度Environmentaltemperature-10℃ --45℃使用环境湿度Ambient humidity0--90%,不结露no dew海拔Altitude≤4500m体积Volume 长*宽*高Length*Width*Height120*90*45 180*110*55 180*110*55 180*110*552.小功率户用电源系列Small Power Electrical Source Series for Home Use型号Type XNY-TNX 12/24 300 L III型XNY-TNX 12/24 500 L III型充电输入Charge Input组件最大开路电压Maximum Open CircuitVoltage of SolarModule25V / 50V额定输入电流Rated Input Current25A/12.5A 50A/25A蓄电池Storage Battery标称电压Nominal Voltage12V / 24V浮充电压Float Voltage13.7V / 27.4V过充电压Over Charge Voltage14.3V / 28.6V欠压电压Lack of Voltage10.8V / 21/6V直流输出DC Output输出电压Output Voltage10.8-14.3V / 22.0-28.6V输出最大电流Maximum OutputCurrent20A 40A欠压关断Cutting for lack ofvoltage10.8V / 21.6V欠压恢复LV resumption13.0V / 26.0V交流输出AC Output输出电压Output VoltageAC220V±10%输出波形Output Wave Shape修正正弦波Modified Sine Wave 输出频率Output Frequency50±1 Hz额定输出功率Rated Output Power300W 600W转换效率Conversion Efficiency>94%显示Display LED显示充电指示、直流负载输出、欠压、过压等状态指示.Charge Indication, DC Load Output, Lack of Voltage, OverVoltage and other status indication环境Environment温度Temperature-10℃—45℃湿度Humidity0—90%,不结露no dew海拔Altitude≤4500m外形Appearance参考重量Reference Weight30Kg(不带蓄电池)Not including Storage Battery参考尺寸Reference Dimension430*320*1603.小功率逆变器系列Small Power Inverter Series型号Type XNY-NS 48V 1K B I XNY-NS 24V 600 B I直流输入DC Input额定输入电压Rated input voltage48V 24V 额定输入电流Rated input current19A 23A 输入直流电压允许范围Allowed input DC voltage scope42.7V—58V 21.3V—29V开机电压范围Voltage scope of starting upequipments47V—58V 23.5V—29V欠压告警点LV alarm point46V 23V 过压告警点OV alarm point54V 27V 反灌杂音电流Anti-noise current≤10%≤10%交流输出AC Output额定容量(VA)Rated capacity1000VA 600VA 额定输出功率(W)Rated output power800W 500W 额定输出电压及频率Rated output voltage andfrequency220Vac,50Hz 220Vac,50Hz额定输出电流(A)Rated output current4.5A 2.7A输出电压精度(Vac)Output voltage precision220±5%输出频率精度(Hz)Output frequency precision50±1%波形失真率(THD)(线性负载)Rate of wave distortion(Linearity loads)≤2%动态响应时间(负载0←→100%)Dynamic response speed5S过载能力Overload capability120%,2分钟two minutes150%,15秒钟15seconds 逆变效率(80%阻性负载)Inverting efficiency80% resistive loads≥90%使用环境温度Ambient temperature-10℃ -- +40℃湿度Humidity0--90%,不结露no dew使用海拔(m)Altitude≤4500保护功能Protection Function输入欠压保护Input LV protection输入过压保护Input OV protection输出过载保护Output overload protection输出短路保护Output Short Circuit Protection4. -48V通讯电源系列48V Communication Power Supply Series型号TypeXNY-CT48 – 120XNY-CT48 – 160XNY-CT48 -200XNY-CT48 -300输入特性Input Characteristics输入电压范围Input voltagescope0~100V输入方式Input mode 多路many loops 额定输入电压Rated inputvoltage-68V蓄电池电压级别voltage rank ofstorage battery-48V控制器性能Performances ofcharger太阳能输入接口Solar inputterminal3路3loops 4路4loops 5路5loops 8路8loops额定充电电流Rated chargecurrent120A 160A 200A 300A单路额定充电电流Rated chargecurrent of singleloop40A欠压关断Cutting for lack ofvoltage-43.2V(-43.0—-47.0V constant adjustable)欠压恢复LV resumption-53.0V(-52.0—-54.4V constant adjustable)浮充电压Float voltage-56.0V(-52.0—-56.0V constant adjustable)均充电压Average voltage-58.0V(-54.0—-58.0V constant adjustable)高压关断Cutting forhigh-voltage-60.0V(-58.0—-62.0V constant adjustable)温度补偿系数Temperaturecompensationcoefficient-4mV/cell/℃(-1—-5mV/cell/℃ constant adjustable)放电输出接口Discharge outputterminal2circuits路(每路最大60A)Max. 60A each circuit静态工作电流Static workingcurrent≤60mA显示Display LCD显示display充电电压、充电电流、电池电压、电池容量、输出电压、输出电流Charge voltage, charge current, voltage of storagebattery, capacity of storage battery, output voltage,output current通信Communication RS422/RS485历史数据存储100天,参数可修改,符合RS422/RS485标准通信接口协议。