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Set-up reduction: internal & external,
1950: Fool proofing techniques and the concept of “autonomation” (Poka-yoke)
1st stages of SMED: 1950 1950: Andon, visual control
1950: Multi (3-4) machine handling, rectangular or “U” shaped layout
1948: Pull: Withrawal by subsequent processes 1947: Dual machine handling, “L” shaped layout
Introduction to Poka Yoke
Poka-yoke and Jidoka: Simple & Clear
Poka-yoke: Poka-yoke prevents defects from being made
Jidoka: Prevents defects from being passed on to the next step in the process
SMED methodology formalized: 1969
Inspired by Toyota “Foolproofing” measures, develops methodology to apply techniques to source inspection: 1965
1965: Kanban, external suppliers
Introduction to Poka Yoke
Evolution of Key “Lean” Concepts
= Concepts related to Poka-yoke
Shigeo Shingo
Zero Quality Control concept: 1977 “Zero Defects” concept: 1975
1945: Just In Time
Toyota & Taichii Ohno
Introduction to Poka Yoke
Introduction to Poka-yoke and types of inspection systems
Poka-yoke Systems Poka-yoke Methods Common Mistake Proofing Devices Poka-yoke exercises Shingo Quiz
Introduction to Poka Yoke
Poka-yoke and Jidoka: Continuous improvement to Zero Quality Control
Introduction to Poka Yoke
Quality and Human Error
“To err is human…” …Alexander Pope
Quality Control Operator Time dedicated to
Continuous Improvement
Introduction to Poka Yoke
Three Basic Types of Inspection
There are three basic types of inspection techniques
may do required process inspections
Visual Inspection &
Jidoka The beginning of autonomation significant defect
Mistake Proofing
Poka-yoke Evolution toward Zero
1962: Kanban, company wide, internal
Shigeo Shingo begins consulting relationship with Toyota: 1954
1955: Water spider concept
1953: “Supermarket” systems 1953: Work cells in “U” shaped layouts
Human beings make mistakes, human beings sometimes forget. If you rely on a human being to produce quality product and not
make a mistake or not forget sometimes….. Then you really do not care to make a quality product.
Will not reduce defects
Judgment Inspection – Human, visual, possibly measured – Only discovers defects after production
Informative Inspection
– Statistical Quality Control: flow charts, control charts
Human Inspection
Human Intervention with machine assist
Toll-gate Inspection
at Finished Goods
or the end of main processes
In-Process Inspection
Final Inspection may decrease, operators
– Theoretical sampling techniques
– Self check inspection, Successive Inspection