人教版高中英语必修2人教版必修二Unit3Computers教案Period1 Reading


人教版高中英语必修2教案Unit 3 Computer

人教版高中英语必修2教案Unit 3 Computer

人教版高中英语必修2教案Unit 3ComputerUuterPart One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) Period 1: A sample lesson plaading(WHO AM I?)AimsTo talk about computerTo read about computerProceduresI. Warming upWarming up by talking about computerLook auage 17. What are they? What dav?are computers. Then what is a computer?A computer is a machine wwledgand does calculaat knowledge. This knowledgd in symbols;alled data. A computer usually has aw results. Howevuters can speak;uters can be used for voice mail.计算机室A computer frequently requires a boot device. The boot devauter’s operatingand data. Computer programs can be installed onto a compulat computersare less usefuldo not have aITbecause the Iallowud and receive data and email aworld.曙光3000巨型计算机A compuw almost always an eldevice. It usually contains materials which are toxic;aterials will bxic waste when disposed of. When a new compuurchasedlaces, laws require thawaste management must also be paid for. Talled product stewardship.Iuld computers aled (melted down) to get gold andals. This is dangerous, becaudure releaxic wawater and soiluters become obsolete quickly. Vare given away and newlawithin twars. This mablem wuling is thuad working compudeveloping naan be re-used and will not become waste as quickluter jargon 计算机行话Computer jargon means words to do wuters and surroundingwing whawords mean can help you know more about compule uwordle (Also known as buzzwords). Examples of jargon:Bit - The smallest data unit, cabe a “0.” or a “1.”.Byte - unit of data. See also Kilobyte, Megabyte,Gigabyte and NibbleCPU –Central Pg Unit, AaData - Informad on a computerDisk - A pladata.Email - Elail.GHz - Gigahertz. Usedly to describd of aBut w2.4 GHaster than 3.6 GHlear thaust a salesmaLoad - Get data from a diskNibble - Half a ByteSave - Put data on a diskRAM – random-a(随机存取存储器)bUSB - Universal Serial Bus(通用串行总线,一种简化了插接多种附件的薄型插座)WWW - World Wide Web, paIII. Pre-reading1. Qug and answering&#8209;&#8209;&#8209;What do you know about computer?●Elachine capablg calculations andanipulavarioudata, undl of a storeduThe malardware;uctions agraware. Depending uuters are called mainfrauters, anduulude desk-top and portablal computers.●A multi-fuldevice that can execuua task.●A device that aaand supplies an output. A computer usually contaa control unit, aand logical units, anda meaut and output.●a programmable hardwaalled bally stored programs and that caubstantial computations (including aand logic operations) without human intervA compuallg uunits, and associatedal input and output devices.●Related to automation and eldatag. The Libragly clauter-related bHF5548, QA75-76, Z52, T385, and some TK ranges.●a mag calculations automaticallycalculator: an expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines)●A computer is a devaaking calculalling operaat are expressible in numerical or logicaluters auctedale well-defined fuThe complex interadow computers wabilation. Ily configured (usually by, programming) a computer can be madaa problem or part of aIf a compuguredway is give2. Discussing and sharing&#8209;&#8209;&#8209;How have computers changed our lives?Somedau haven’t already, you’re likely to pluguternetwork nation growing in our midualall compud via modem (a modulator/demodulauding/decoding computer chatter) to ordinary telephone luld be as ubiquitous allf. They’re a muuseful and humane tool thaand wate behindworks will be everywhere----changing our livan alogautomobilg a computer netwame ag a commuallare like villages, where new members are formally welcomed. The larger netwurce and CompuServxample, a-anonymous, full of life and events, but difficulIII. Reading1. Listening and readingdingxt WHO AM I?Turn to page 18 and listen and readdingxt. Pay aauunciation and intonaative reader.2. Reading aloud and underlining exNow we aad the text once again and underline all the exxt. Put them dowur notebook after class as homewllocaWHO AM I? begin as…, a calculating machine, be built as…, follow instru…, sound simple, aa technological revolution, write a book, make…work, solve problems, become huge, had artificial intelligence, go back to……, go by, changball and thin, get quick, stand there by oneself, bd by…, shaation by…, talk to…,bring…into…, deal with…, communicate with…, serve the human race3. </st1:dg and settlingAlease! Ixand iddifficulTry analyzinguctudifficuland discuamong your group members. You may also put your qulp.Chat (online)(在线)聊天To chaalk about ordinary things that are not vant. You can chaany people. People also uword now for paIwhere we can talk with many dle at the saUsually, you chaa chaaging service like AOL(American On-Line) Instager (AIM), YagN Messeng and tragScaxalable below, describing the develuter.In 1642In 1822IIn 1960sIn 1970sIV. Closing down by doingding exTurn to page 18 and in pairs dding exNo. 1 and 2.Period 2: A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language(The Present Perfect Passive Voice)AimsTo learn to useThe Present Perfect Passive Voice To discover useful words and exTo discover useful structuresProceduresI. Warming up by readingapeTo begin with, turn to page 18, listening to and readingdingxt WHO AM I? Agauses and intonation, as well aunciaader.II. Discovering useful words and exIn pairs do the ex2 and 3 on pages 19 and 20. You mu0 minutes. III. Learning about grammar1. Passive Voice—OverviewTdelPassivle PThe TOEFL exam is given every sixle past The TOEFL exam was given lale FutureThe TOEFL exaar will be givbPuousThe TOEFL exam is being given every year.PThe TOEFL exam has been given every yea0.PaThe TOEFL exam had been given bVietnam War occurredle ModalThe TOEFL exam should be given to every Foreignstudent.Past ModalThe TOEFL exam should have been given to allUS colleges.2. The Present Perfect Passive VoiceThe structure of The Present Perfect Passive Voice is: have/ has + been+~edIV. Reading aloud and discoveringNow go back to pagad aloud and discovxt examples of The Present Perfect Passive VAars have gone by, I have been made smaller and smallamily and I have been used by billle to deal wation with eaaround the world by the IV. Discovering useful structureWe shall do grammar ex2 and 3 on page 20.VI. Closing down by doing a quaassive vxample: The house was build in 1880. (The house was buil0.)1. 3000 employees were laying off.2. A story will made up.3. An idea was putted forward for discuHas the book been give bau yet?bank loan will be payedve yeaNothing can be hold agaur allies will be lend suas never heardwas being knocked down by a bus.10. She was letted off with aThe candle was blow out by the draught.12. Tal were locked uThe flood water was be kept back by baTvwill made up for bTust have been being left behind.16. The old cinema is being pull dowTbeing held back blThe road was blockingTle were laid off last week.20. Your jacket can be hanged up ovPeriod 3: A sample lesson plan for Using Language(ANDY— THE ANDROID)AimsTo discuss about ITTo write aabout ITTo read about androids or robotsProceduresI. Warming up by talking about ITWhat is Informalogy?Informalogy (IT)ation and communicalogy (ICT)logy requiredag. In particular the use of eluters and compuwavansmit, and retrievaanywhere, aII. Listening and writingTurn to page 21. Look aures and la conversation aboutddalogy or IT, discuss and write down in groups the advantages and disadvantages of each kind.III. Speaking and writingSuu and your partner are going to heluur school. Now talk aboual things eauter can do and write aur headmaster.IV. Reading, underlining and speakingIt is said that computers could be put into androids or robots. Read the text Andy—The Android, underlining all the exandun you could have! ExAndy—The Androidpart of a football teaa year, get toglay a football game, be as…as…, in fat, look like…ball team, run falike a human, shout to…uter language, have a gooda goal, gd place, wlace, have a new kind of prograve one’s intelligate a blay against a human team, in a way, program…with…, make up…, after all, wlp of…V. Writing a luu are an android. What would say to a spoiled child who would not dwork? Write a lboy. AndroidAn android is an artificially created being thatresembles a human being. The word derivGreek Andr- ‘man, human’ and the suffix -eides used to mean ‘d, alike’ (from eidos ‘species’).The word droid, a robar Wars univderivedaningle maintain thalogically, the word android meabling a male human and that a robbling a woman should logically be called a gynoid for sexist language to be avoided; howevwordly used.Unlbot (a mechanical being) and cyborg (a being that is partly organic and partly mechanical), the word android has been used in literature anddia to dveral dds of man-made, autonomous creations:a robot that closely resembles a humana cyborg that closely resembles a humanan artificially createdarily organic, being that closely resembles a humanAlthougally humalogdealworking robascinadeveloping robots that caan be foundallassimilaw: simulacra (devices that exhibit likeness) and automata (devices that have independence).Tandroid waused by the French author Mathias Villiers de l'Isle-Adam (1838-1889)work Tomorrow’sEve, featuring a man-made human-like robot named Hadaly. As said b“In this age of Realien advawho knows what gdblanical dolls.” 找教案http://zhaojiaoaPart Tw Teaching Resources (第二部分:教学资源): A text structure analWHO AM I?I. Type of writing and summary of WHO AM I?Type of writingThis is aarrative writing.Main ideaassageBeginning as just a calculatingma</st1:country-reguter has been exg improvement again and over again over 300yeawhich haly madbeautiful and intelligent but also changed man’s life a great deal!TaragraphI began as a calculating ma France → an Analytical Ma22 → a “universal machine.”→a large room → made smaller and smaller → getting new tra0s→ clever and qu icker → a netwarly 1960s → talking to humans using BASIarly 1960s → brougle’0s → IIII.A retold vxt WHO AM I?Iuter, was a calculating ma. Then I was built as anAnalytical Ma22, which was a technological revolution. I became a “universal machine”lve any mathematical problem. I was not very big aI became huga large room before I was made smaller and smaller. Getting new tra0s I became clever and quicker. I wad wuters and turned out to part of a netwarly 1960s. Then I began talking to humans using BASIarly 1960s. In 1970s I was brougle’and came the I2: Background informautersI. How Do Computers Work?Computer BasicsTo accomplish a task using a computer, you need a combinaardwaware, and input.Hardwadevices, lulboarduse and speakers. Inside your compuabardware, includingboard, where you would find the magat make ualg unit (CPU). The hardwaandvware, andaalculawaame givgrams that you installuaactivities. Tatingware, such as the Appla MaWindowWindowa PC. Talso applicaware, lgames we plals we uldo math problu providut. When you type a command or click on au are tellinguter what to do. That is called input.How They Work TogetherFu provide input when you tuuter. Tware tells the CPU to start up certain programs and to tuardware devat they are readuu. This wholalled booting up.The nexappens when youa program you want to use. You cla command to stagram. Let’s uxample of an Ibrowgram has startedadur instruuan address (called a URL, which stands for Uniform Resource Locator), or click on an address you’ve saved already.Iauter now knows what you wado. The browwagoes oud that addarting uardware devices, such as a modem, wdIabldaddbrowser willll your compudaweb page ovwable to your computer. Eventually, youwebu were looking for.If you decide you waage, you clAgain, you have provided input to telluter what to do. The browware dwu have aattached to your computer, and wurned on. It may remind you to tudation about the web pagur computer ovablwd out.II. Televld portable televisionA television (also TV or telly) is a device (tool) with aat receives broadcast signals and tuures andsound. The word “television”words tele (Gar away) and vision (seeing).Usually a TV looks like a box. Older TVs had large wooden frames and saloor like furniture. Newer TVs became smalluldlvven portable so you could take it with you wherever you went. The smallest TVs caur hand. The largest TVs can take up a whole wall in your house, and malbe just a large flaat can be mountedwall. Many TVs are now made in widape like movie theaather than oldquare TVs.A television has an antenna (or aerial)as a cable. This ggnalaable provider. TVs can also show movDVD plaVCRs. TVs can bduters and gales, usually through a kindalled “SCART”.III. Web or World Wide WebThe World Wide WebaIat contains web sites and web pages. Iused to describe WebPages that are used offline wvices are not availabluter network exists - such as Wikipedia on CD. Iaal physical site exan the place wuBlog and Wiki capabilities will also not be available becauquire a communication wuters. IV. RadioRadio is a communicavThough originally usedunicate between two peoplw used to lusic, news, and people talking. Radio shows wdTV programs. V. DVDDVDly stands for “digital versatile disk”. It can play video thaa higher quality than a VHS tape. VI. Two kinds of DVDThey can also hold 4.7 GBation ad00 MB that a CD can hold. A plus of using a DVD for a vidabilave interactive menus and bonus features such as deletedandaries. VII. EmailEmail (elail) is a message, usually texIuser to aail is quan snail mail(mail) when sending over long distances and is usuallTo sendve an email, a computer with a modem and telephone ldIand an email program are required. Email addresses are generally formated l: login@server.(g or </st1:country-reg)anies let you send and receive emaila website. Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo! dVIII. HumanHere are two humans. A maleft and a womaght. A human or human being is alike you. A male human is a man, a female human is a woman. If you think about all humawhole world, they are called humanity. In thepale have also used man and mankind to mean all humans. Humans are called Homo sapiens bHumans are an animalat belonggroup called primaare primabualle are gorillas and chimpaat chimpanzees and humans caaaby what is called evoluanimals evlike humans than chimpalived too, but they are now extinct. Human rights ags that everyone deserves and the wauld be treated bl: Words and exUuan area of grassland wwhich all people ause or alandational use in an urban area (常用于专有名词中): Every Saturday Jean went ridingvillagHarlowvery beautiful in winter.哈洛公园在冬天时风景很美。



新课标高中英语必修2 Unit 3 Computer 全单元教案M2 Unit 3 ComputerPeriod 1:Warmin/g up(WHO AM I?)Warming upThis section is an introduction to the topic.It is to get the students thinking about the different ways computers can be made.Do this part of the lesson in pairs and as a speaking activity.Warming up by talking about computerLook at the pictures on page 17. What are they? What do they have in common? Yes, they are computers. Then what is a computer?A computer is a machine which stores knowledge in its memory and does calculations on that knowledge. This knowledge is stored in symbols; it is called data.A computer usually has a monitor to show results. However, some computers can speak; these computers can be used for voice mail.Draw on the blackboard a diagram to illustrate the influence of the computer and the Internet over the school education.Below is a diagram you may like to use.Ask students to look at the diagram and consider, ”What changes have computers and the Internet brought to schools? What changes will they bring to schools in the future?”Ask the Ss to work in groups and to make a list of the possible changes they can think of.When most of the groups have their lists ready, the teacher can hold a class discussion.Write down the major changes the students think of under / beside the diagram.The teacher can add one or two changes that may affect their own teaching.For example, “Computers and the Internet can help busy parents contact teachers by email.”The teacher can end the task with a brief s ummary, or hold a further discussion to find out students' personal opinions about the changes.For example, ask them, “Do you like all these changes? Why and why not? What changes do you like / dislike?”Some information:计算机室A computer frequently requires a boot device. The boot device contains the computer’s operating system and data. Computer programs can be installed onto a computer. Some people think that computers are less useful if they do not have access to the Internet. They think this because the Internet allows the computers to send and receive data and email across the world.曙光3000巨型计算机A computer is now almost always an electronic device. It usually contains materials which are toxic; these materials will become toxic waste when disposed of. When a new computer is purchased in some places, laws require that the cost of its waste management must also be paid for. This is called product stewardship.In some countries old computers are recycled (melted down) to get gold and other metals. This is dangerous, because this procedure releases the toxic waste into the water and soil.Computers become obsolete quickly. Very often they are given away and new ones replace them within two or three years. This makes the problem worse. Computer recycling is thus common. Many projects try to send working computers to developing nations so they can be re-used and will not become waste as quickly. Computer jargon 计算机行话Computer jargon means words to do with computers and surrounding topics. Knowing what these words mean can help you know more about computers. Some people use these words to impress other people (Also known as buzzwords). Examples of jargon:Bit - The smallest data unit, can either be a “0.” or a “1.”.Byte - unit of data. See also Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and NibbleCPU –Central Processing Unit, Another name for processorData - Information stored on a computerDisk - A place to store data.Email - Electronic mail.GHz - Gigahertz. Used often incorrectly to describe the speed of a processor. But with some 2.4 GHz processors faster than 3.6 GHz ones, it is clear that it is just a salesman trick.Load - Get data from a diskNibble - Half a ByteSave - Put data on a diskRAM – random-access memory(随机存取存储器), the more the better.USB - Universal Serial Bus(通用串行总线,一种简化了插接多种附件的薄型插座)WWW - World Wide Web, part of the InternetPeriod2-3 Pre-reading & ReadingPre-readingThis can be a continuation of the Warming Up.Let the students discuss the questions set out in the Student's Book.1. Questioning and answering What do you know about computer?●Electronic machine capable of performing calculations and other manipulations of various types of data, under the control of a stored set of instructions. The machine itself is the hardware; the instructions are the program or software. Depending upon size, computers are called mainframes, minicomputers, and microcomputers. Microcomputers include desk-top and portable personal computers.●A multi-function electronic device that can execute instructions to perform a task.●A device that accepts information, processes it, and supplies an output. A computer usually contains memory, a control unit, arithmetic and logical units, and a means for input and output.●a programmable har dware component that is controlled by internally stored programs and that can perform substantial computations (including arithmetic and logic operations) without human intervention. A computer typically consists of one or more processing units, memory units, and associated peripheral input and output devices.●Related to automation and electronic data processing. The Library of Congress commonly classes most computer-related books in HF5548, QA75-76, Z52, T385, and some TK ranges.●a machine for performi ng calculations automaticallycalculator: an expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines)●A computer is a device or machine for making calculations or controlling operations that are expressible in numerical or logical terms. Computers are constructed from components that perform simple well-defined functions. The complex interactions of these components endow computers with the ability to process information. If correctly configured (usually by, programming) a computer can be made to represent some aspect of a problem or part of a system. If a computer configured in this way is give2. Discussing and sharing How have computers changed our lives?Someday soon, if you haven’t already, you’re likely to plug into the computer network nation growing in our midst. Computer terminals, or small computers connected via modem (a modulator/demodulator circuit for encoding/decoding computer chatter) to ordinary telephone lines, should be as ubiquitous as the telephone itself. They’re a much more use ful and humane tool than the phone, and with corporate America behind them the networks will be everywhere----changing our lives more than any technology since the automobile.Joining a computer network is the same as joining a community. Small systems are like villages, where new members are formally welcomed. The larger networks, the Source and CompuServe, for example, are cities-anonymous, full of life and events, but difficult to fit into.II. ReadingThis is the purpose of the reading and so it is important that the students learn to use all the clues in the text to help them understand the gist of what they are reading.So encourage them to look at the pictures and the heading and guess what the text might be about.Then ask the class to read the passage silently.Make sure the students have the chronology of the development of computers in their minds.Ask them:1. Listening and reading to the recording of the text WHO AM I?Turn to page 18 and listen and read to the recording of the text. Pay attention to the pauses, pronunciation and intonation of the native reader.2. Reading aloud and underlining expressionsNow we are to read the text once again and underline all the expressions in the text. Put them down into your notebook after class as homework.Collocations from WHO AM I?begin as…, a calculating machine, be built as…, follow instructions from…, sound simple, at the time, a technological revolution, write a book, make…work, solve problems, become huge, had artificial intelligence, go back t o…, the size of…, go by, change size, become small and thin, get quick, stand there by oneself, be connected by…, share information by…, talk to…, bring…into…, deal with…, communicate with…, serve the human race3. Reading, identifying and settlingAttention, please! It is time to skim the text one more time and identify the difficult sentences. Try analyzing the structures of the difficult sentences and discuss them among your group members. You may also put your questions to me for help.Chat (online)(在线)聊天To chat is to talk about ordinary things that are not very important. You can chat to one person or to many people. People also use this word now for parts of the Internet where we can talk with many different people at the same time. Usually, you chat on the internet in a chat room or messaging service like AOL(American On-Line) Instant Messenger (AIM), Yahoo Messenger, or MSN Messenger.IV. Closing down by doing comprehending exercisesTurn to page 18 and in pairs do the comprehending exercises No. 1 and 2. Reading and transferringScan the text for information to complete the table below, describing the development of computer.In 1642In 1822In 1936In 1960sIn 1970sAnswer key:1642: The computer began as a calculating machine.1822: The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage.1936: Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how computers could be made to work.1960s: Computers had new transistors and became smaller.1960s: The first family of computers connected to each other.1970s: Computers were brought into people's homes.Now: Computers connect people all over the world togetherV. Explanation1.in common: for or by all of a group 共同的;共有的;共用的。

人教版高中英语必修2人教版必修二Unit3Computers教案Period5 Writing

人教版高中英语必修2人教版必修二Unit3Computers教案Period5 Writing

Period 5 WritingThe General Idea of This Period:This period includes speaking and writing on Page 22 and writing on Page 23.The purpose is to encourage the Ss to think and talk creatively about computers and androids,express their own opinions using words and expressions concerning computers and androids,and organize their ideas into a composition.Teaching Aims:1.Enable the students to learn how to write a report about their choice.2.Enable the students to learn the writing way of expressing ideas and giving reasons to support the ideas.Teaching Important and Difficult Point:How to make a decision about which kind of computer to buy and explain why.Teaching Methods:1.Task-based learning.2.Cooperative learning.Teaching Aids:A projector and multimedia.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Speaking and writing (Page 22)T:Class,suppose you and your partner have been asked to help choose computers for your school.You have looked at several computers.Talk about the special things each computer has.Make a decision about which kind of computer to buy and explain why.And then you are going to write a report about your choice There is a list of things your computer could have.A fast PC the monitor is smallerImproved disc storage used recycled materialsInternet a flat screenStudents talk about the special things each computer can do.T:So much for the talking.And now you will be given five minutes to write a report about your choice.After that some of you will be asked to present your report to the class.In your writing try to use the present perfect passive in your report.You may begin your report like this:We looked at many different computers.The one we have chosen is the PEP personal computer.One of the main reasons is that it is suitable for schools.We found out that...Five minutes later,several students begin to present their reports to the class,and the teacher will show two or three reports using the projector to find out and correct the possible mistakes with the class.Possible versionWe looked at many different computers.The one we have chosen is the PEP personal computer.One of the main reasons is that it is suitable for schools.We found out that it looked not only cute but also advanced.First,it has a flat screen which makes the computer pretty attractive.But the second and the most important aspect about the PEP is that it has undergone a lot of improvements in many respects.For example,it contains improved disc storage and that means it’s faster PC.It’s suitableto be connected to the Internet.Also the PC has a smaller monitor and is made with used recycled materials which do no harm to the environment.In a word,we think it is suitable for our school.T:Thank you for helping choose computers which are suitable for our school,and I’m sure with these computers to be equipped in our school we will improve the teaching conditions and teaching quality of course.Now,let’s come to the writing on Page 23.Step 2 Writing(Page 23)T:Boys and girls,suppose you are an android and work for a family with one child who is very spoiled.The parents want you to do everything for them.The parents are kind,but they often ask you to watch over their child.How do you feel?What would you do if the child asked you to do his/her homework for him/her?Would you tell the child “no”?You may begin like this:Hello,everyone.My name is______.I’m a 321 model android.I work for the Li family...Now,you will also be given five minutes to write your opinion and feelings.Five minutes later,the teacher shows two or three of the passages written by the students using the projector to find out and correct the possible mistakes with the class.Possible versionHello,everyone.My name is ______.I’m a 321 model android.I work for the Li family.My job is taking care of their only son.The parents are nice but the boy is spoiled.The family asked me to do everything for them,from shopping to cleaning the floors.But what’s terrible,the child asked me to do his homework!That’s too much!I’m an android,yes,but I’ve got my mind and feelings I can’t do things that are harmful to people against my will!Step 3 Summary and HomeworkT:Boys and girls,in this period,we worked hard and wrote two short compositions.You’ve not only learned to make your choices or express your ideas but also learned to give your reasons to support your choices or ideas.It’s really a practical writing job for you to do,don’t you think so?Such writing jobs,I’m sure,will help you improve your writing skills.Now homework for you today—go over the whole unit.Step 4 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 3 ComputersPeriod 5A fast PC the monitor is smallerImproved disc storage used recycled materialsInternet a flat screenStep 5 Record after Teaching。

人教新课标高中英语必修二Unit 3 Computers教案

人教新课标高中英语必修二Unit 3 Computers教案

Unit 3 ComputersPeriod 1 ReadingI.Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims(1)Get the students to learn the useful and expressions in this part.(2)Let students to learn about history and basic knowledge of computers.2. Ability aimDevelop students' reading abilities and let them learn different reading skills.3. Emotional aimArouse students' great interest in learning computers and let them learn to use the computers in their daily lives.II.Teaching difficult and important points1.Let the students learn more about history and basic knowledge of computers.2.Get the students to learn different reading skills.III.Teaching methods1.Task-based teaching and learning2.Cooperative learning3.DiscussionIV. Teaching proceduresStep1.Lead-in and warming upShow the students some pictures of Steve Jobs and let them guess who he is. After showing the third picture, they may get the right answer. Then let them focus on the tablet in his hands and ask them what kind of computers it is.Then show them a short video about the history of Apple’s computers and ask them how many different kinds of computers they can see.At last, show them some kinds of computers.T: Do you want to know more about computers?Step2.SkimmingRead the whole passage as fast as you can.Try to get the main idea of this passage.A. The computer wants to find “who he is”.B. The function (功能) of the computer.C. The computer becomes popular around the world.D. The history and the applications of the computer.Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph and underline them.Step3. Careful-reading Para 1ScanningLet the students read this paragraph carefully and try to finish the following char.T: How could these changes become possible?Step4. Careful-reading Para 2Let the students read paragraph 2 quickly and find the answer to this question. After check the answer, give them one minute to find the five different ways of memory for computers in different periods of time.Step5. Careful-reading Para 3Since the memory of computers has been improved greatly, will them become more powerful and can be used in more fields?Now read the last paragraph and find out the new applications of computers.Step6. Further Reading1.The passage is written by_______ order?2. What is the most used rhetoric (修辞法) in this passage?A. simile(明喻)B. personification (拟人)C. metaphor (暗喻)3. In what ways have computer been changed?Ask some students to summarize. If they have any difficulty, give them some hints. Step7. Activity: Be the next Jobs!We have learned the history of computers and seen the great development of computers. What will the computers be like in the future? Do you want to design your computers as Jobs did? Now try to design your computers.For example:This is the new computer designed by our company.It is very small and transparent(透明的). You can even put it into your pocket. (Shape/color)It has a free-internet in it. You can… (Applications/functions)It only costs you … (Price)Give the students five minutes to prepare and invite some of them to show their ideas. Step8. Homework1. Try to retell the history of computers.2. Read the passage carefully and underline the difficult sentences.。



Unit 3 ComputersPeriod 1: Listening & SpeakingGOALS:1. To practise listening comprehension.2.To practise making decisions and reasoningTEACHING PROCEDURES:Step1. revision1. check the homework exercises.1). It has been reported that children will be offered free education.It has been reported that free education will be offered to children.2). It has been said that we will be offered the latest computer science course book.It has been planned that the latest computer science course book will be offered to us.3). I have been told by Peter that I will be lent his notebook computer for a week.I have been told by Peter that his notebook computer will be lent to me for a week.2. Question: What can computers be used as?Step2. Lead-inAs we know, science and technology is developing very fast and computers have become smaller and smaller. They have been used in many fields. So, the 21st century is the century of information technology What does it mean? Does information technology/ IT only mean things like computers? Of cause not. Actually, it means more than computers. Computers are just one kind of IT. What else do you know is part of IT?(TV, radio, CD-ROM, DVD, books……)Step3. Listening (SB)1. Pre-listening: What are the changes brought by different forms of IT ?What are the advantages and disadvantages of them ?2. While-listening:Go through the chart and make sure the students look at the chart before they listen to the tape. (This is to sharpen their attention and listen for the answers. This will also help them get the gist of the text.) Then Listen to the tape and finish filling in the chart. (If necessary, play the tape for several times.)Say: After listening to their talk, we know all kinds of IT have both1) (pair work): decide which type of IT is best for you to use right now. Make your choice and give your reasons by using the following expression_r_rs.I think that….In my opi nion, ….I believe that….I agree because….I disagree because….I’ve decided that….2) (group work): Discussion :Computers are useful and have brought us lots of good things, but they also cause bad effects. What attitude should we have towards the computer? (Make good use of it but never get trapped by it.) Step4. Speaking1. Pre-speakingSay: From what we have learn, we should admit that computers and the web have a great influence on the school education as well as people’s life. It has come into people’s everyday life and many families hold computers in their homes. Now there is a task for you.2. While-speaking1) Situation: You have been asked by your parents to help choose computers for your home. You and your friend have looked at several computers. Talk about the special things each computer can do. Make a decision about which kind of computer to buy and explain why.Information input: Show students some pictures of different computers (desktop computer & laptop computer & …)Language input: Useful expression_r_rs (Repeat it to strengthenstudents’ ability of use it.)(Pair work )Use the expression_r_rs to support your opinion or challenging other’s opinions.2) Oral report: (individual work )Do an oral report to your father and start your report like this: I looked at many different computers. The one I have chosen is the PEP personal computer. One of the main reasons is that it is suitable for homes. I found that…3. Post-speakingConclusion—What useful expression_r_r do we use to make a decision and reason?(In this way, they can review and use the words and phrases again.) Step5. HomeworkPage 22. writing: Write a report about your choice and try to use the present perfect passive voice as well as the useful words and expression_r_rs that have been mentioned above. in your report.Period 2: Reading and speaking & Writing Goals:1. Learn a reading passage to learn about a football android called Andy.2. Improve students’ reading ability.3. Design an android.4. Write a passage about the problems that the android might have while he/she is serving people. Teaching procedures:Step1: Lead-inShow the first picture and tell the students that computers could be put into androids or robots. Present “android”.Tell the students: Androids are always with us! The students may disagree. Show pictures of Atom and Doraemon. Say: they are androids with magical power.Continue to show pictures of nursery maid androids and tell the students androids can be made to look after humans. Then ask: But can you imagine androids can play football? Maybe you are curious about it. I will show you a video that androids play football.Let the students watch the video and tell them: oday I would like to introduce an android family member to you .His name is Andy. Present the reading passage’s topic: Andy---the Android.Step2: Reading:Let the students read the passage. Carry out the tasks below: Task1: Answer the questions below:1. Who is Andy? What is he good at?(He is an android. And he is good at playing football)2. What helps him to move and think like a human?(His computer helps him to move and think like a human.)3. What does Andy think about the team who beat them last year? Why?(She thinks the team cheated because they had a new kind of programmer, which had just been developed before the competition.)4. What does the programmer do to Andy?(She programs me with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games.)Task2: Fill in the blanksThe story is about the _____ called ____, who is good at____________. And his__________ makes him think and move like a ______. However, they _____ in the _________ hosted in the USA, because the other team had a new kind of_______. After that, he will ask his programmer to improve his _________ and _______ some new moves.Task3: Language points:1. I think we can work together to create even better software. even = much 用于强调比较的程度2. In a way, my programmer is like my coach.in a way 在某种程度上…in the way 挡道,造成障碍in this way 用这种方法Fill in the blank:1). ________it was one of our biggest mistakes.2). You can finish your work .3). Your bike is .Move it away.3. In this way, I can make up new moves.make up 编写,补上4. After all, with the help of my computer brain which never forgets anything, intelligence is what I’m all about.after all 毕竟with the help of sb./sth. 在…的帮助之下= with one’s/ sth’s help Step3 SpeakingTell the students that we already have many different kinds of androids in our daily life. Show some pictures of androids for different purposes---maid, adventure and work.Then say to the students: Let’s design an android of our own! The following questions and expression_r_rs can help you:*What would you like it to look like?*What are some of the things you would like it to do?*Do you want it to be like a man or a woman, or neither?*How much would it cost?......Get the students to use the following sentences for discussion:I think that…What’s your reason?In my opinion…I have decided that…Sample:A: What would you like your android to look like?B : In my opinion it should look like a bird.A: That sounds interesting. What will it do for you?B: I think it can sing beautiful songs for me day and night.A : Oh, yes! That sounds good. How much is it?B: It doesn’t cost much money because I will make it by myself.A: Really?! Do you want it to be a man or woman, or neither?B : I want it to be a beautiful girl named Kelly.A: Please show it to us some day.B: Oh, No money no talk.Step4 Pre-writingSay: Imagine what problems and delights this android might have to deal with while it is serving you. Try yourself in someone else’s shoes is an important way of understanding how other people feel.Then discuss: You are an android. You work for a family with one child who is very spoiled. The parents want you to do everything for them. The parents are nice, but they often ask you to watch over their child. How do you feel? What would you do if the child asked you to do his/her homework for him/her? Would you ever tell the child “no”?Step5 WritingSay: Write a passage about the result of your discussion! It should contain:What do you have to do?What is the child like?What is the par ents’ requirement of the child?What do the parents want you to do?What does the child want you to do?Then what will you do? How do you feel?Sample writing:Hello everybody, my name is Liu Yan.I am a 321 model android.I work for the Li family. Mr and Mrs Li work very hard too.Mr Li is an architect and designs great tall apartment blocks.Mrs Li is a doctor and has to look after many patients.I remember all the plans for Mr Li's projects and can tell Mrs Li which drugs are the best to give any particular patient. And I also look after their library. I store all the books that they borrow from their school or friends in my brain.Of course my brain is as large as a mountain, so work like that is no trouble to me.I really eat books just like people eat food.The Lis have a child who is very spoiled. He needs me to remember all his school textbooks so that I can do his homework for him.Hejust gives me the information on the subject, what has to be done and the page numbers and I get on with it while he enjoys himself with his friends.Sometimes I don't think it is right to do his homework for him — it's somewhat cheating. However, his parents are very concerned at the pressure of work in school these days.The child has too much homework to do. They like him to go to the key school but they also want him to be able to have hobbies, learn to swim and keep fit! Poor child!So they consider me the most important person in the family after themselves.I am always introduced to their friends and play with visiting children.I am the perfect family academic aid and, although I was not cheap to buy, Mr Li says I was worth every yuan!Step6 AssessmentGet the students to assess their writing ability according to the following the questions:1. Is your composition well developed?2. Are your ideas well organized to the point?3. Do you have a good choice of words and idioms in your writing?4. Do you get a good mastery of complex structures of language?5. What kind of mistakes have you made in your writing?Step5: HomeworkWrite about your discussion. You may begin like this:Hello, everyone. My name is ___. I’m 321 model android. I work for the Li family….Period 3: learning about Language---the Present Perfect Passive VoiceGoals: 1. Learn the Present Perfect Passive Voice.2. Help the students master the way of using the correct voice, telling the differences between the active voice and the passive voice. Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Revision and lead-in1. Check the homework firstEx1:1 totally2 revolution3 artificial intelligence4 birth5 simple-minded6 go by7 deal with 8 network 9 truly 10 anywayEx2:revolution; network; went by; totally; truly; simple-minded; Anyway; deal withEx3:1 totally2 amazed3 exciting4 excited5 cheaply6 unlucky2. Lead-inSay: Are you familiar with these computers? Can you call them? (ask the Ss to distinguish different types of computers.)Do you know these new inventions of computer ?A wrist-worn PC has been invented recently.A pen-like computer has already been developed.(show them some pictures and ask them to make some sentences , using the Present Perfect Passive Voice.)Eg: It’s rather a hot day today! Would you like to have a swim after school ?Have you ever swum in the Blue Water World(蓝色水世界)in the Oriental Suntown (东方太阳城) which has been set up in Taizhou? There a beautiful swimming pool has been built .Many high buildings have been set up.Lots of flowers and trees have been planted.A new bridge has be en completed….Step2: DiscoveringAsk the Ss to discover whether these sentences have something in common.. Help them to learn the useful structure : the Present Perfect Passive Voice.Step3: Discussion : learning the structureGive some explanations1构成:主动语态被动语态现在完成时 have/has done----------àhave/has been doneHe has been sent to study the new technology in the company.The dirty clothes have not been washed.Have the windows been cleaned?How many shopping centers have been built in this city?2. 只有及物动词才有被动语态,不及物动词(词组)没有被动语态, 如:happen, take place,die, appear, disappear, fail, remain, lie, last, sit ,stand, break out, come true, belong to等.如:What has happened to your brother?3.但许多不及物动词加介词或副词构成的短语动词,相当于及物动词,也可以有被动语态。

人教版高中英语必修2Unit 3ComputersPeriod 2 Learning about Language 优秀教案

人教版高中英语必修2Unit 3ComputersPeriod 2 Learning about Language 优秀教案

Unit3 Computers Period 2 Learning about Language 优秀教案(人教版必修2)Period 2 Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This Period:This period includes revision of the text、learning about language.From this period the students will learn how to use some of the key words and expressions in the text and do some exercises for consolidation,and learn how to use the Present Perfect Passive V oice.Teaching Aims:1.Help the students to learn to use some useful words and expressions.2.Enable the students to learn how to use the present perfect passive voice.Teaching Important Point:The use of the present perfect passive voice.Teaching Difficult Points:How to master the usages of some important words and phrases and the Present Perfect Passive V oice.Teaching Methods:1.Task-based learning.2.Cooperative learning.3.Explanation and practice.Teaching Aids:1.A tape recorder.2.A multimedia.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 RevisionT:Boys and girls,in last period we learned something about the history and development of computers.Now who would like to retell the text with the help of these figures?S1:Let me try.In 1642,a calculating machine was used in France.Then in 1922,the Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage.It could follow instructions from cards with holes.In 1936,Alan Turing,the real father of computers,wrote a book to describe how computers could be made to work and built a “universal machine”to solve any mathematical ter,people discovered the computer had “artificial intelligence”.In the 1960s,the computer got his new transistors.Its size was totally changes at that time.And in the early 1960s,the first family of computers were connected to each other.In 1970s,computers have brought into people’s homes.Now computers have been used by billions of people to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world by the Internet.T:Congratulations!You’ve done very well.Now try to do the same to your partners,OK!Step 2 Words and ExpressionsTask 1T:Please turn to Page 19 and finish Discovering Useful Words and Expressions.At first,look at Ex.1.From the reading passage,find the words and expressions with the following meanings.Now,ten students will be asked to give the words.Who can?V olunteers!Check the answers together.Task 2.T:Well done.Now please look at Ex 2.and complete the passage with some of the words above.Pay attention to the use and the forms of those words.The possible answers:network so that went by totally truly simple-minded Anyway deal withTask 3T:Please finish Ex.3.Look at the sentences on Page 20.Tick the right word.Then some of you will be asked to read the sentences one by one.The possible answers:1.Life totally changed when I went to university.2.I was amazed to find that I won the competition to design a new computer.3.The competition was so exciting that we cheered all evening.4.I was so excited at the thought of meeting Yang Liwei that I could not sleep.5.Robots can be bought so cheaply that I gave one to each of my friends.6.It was so unlucky that you lost your watch at the concert.Task 4T:Please turn to Page 56 and let’s finish Using Words and Expressions.First look at Ex.1.Read through the words in the right-hand box e some of them to name each part of a computer in the left-hand box.We have known about computer.But who can give us the exact names?The possible answers:1.floppy disc2.hard disc3.scanner4.modem5.CD-ROM6.monitor7.keyboard8.printerTask 5T:Now please look at plete the sentences with some of the words in the right-hand box above.You can use each word only once.First do the exercise individually,and then check your answers with your partners.And last seven students will be asked to report their answers to the class.The possible answers:1.A printer is a machine for printing text or pictures onto paper,especially once connected to a computer.2.A CD-ROM or disk is the main device that a computer uses to store information.3.A monitor is used to see your data on a computer.4.A keyboard is used to put data into a computer.5.A CPU is often used to connect computers to each other through phone lines.6.Data can also be stored in a floppy disc,which is small and can be carried easily.7.A hard disc is a disc that contains computer data.It can store a large amount of data.Step 3 Grammar—The Present PerfectPassive V oiceT:Boys and girls,now please pay attention to the following sentences in the text:1.As the years have gone by,I have been made smaller and smaller.2.Since then,my family and I have been used by billions of people to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world by the Internet.3.I have truly been built to serve the human race since my birth.T:What verb tense is used in these sentences?And what verb voice is used in these sentences?Yes,the present perfect passive voice is used in these sentences.Can you tell us the structure of the present perfect passive voice?Quite right.The structure of the present perfect passive voice is “subject+have/has been done +object”.The function of present perfect passive voice is indicating verbs’ the present perfect and the passive voice.OK,let’s practise the present perfect passive voice.Task 1T:Please turn to Page 20.Let’s finish Discovering useful structures.At first,look at Ex.2.According to examples,change the following sentences into the present perfect passive voice.Put the verbs into the correct form.Suggested answers:1.A new personal computer has been bought.2.Many problems have been found with our new computer.3.A PC has been built the way we wanted.4.Our computer has just joined to the Internet.5.The computer has been used every day since we bought it.6.A lot of e-mails have been written on the computer in the last year.Task 2T:Class,let’s play a game called “What has been decided”.Now,get into groups of four.Y our task is to decide what things have been decided for the class.Take turns to make the ideas as interesting and lively as you like.You may finish them according to EXAMPLES on Page 21,(or finish Ex.3 after class.)Then collect the ones you all like best and be prepared to tell them to the class.Suggested answers:S1:It has been decided that those who know of the computer will be asked to say something in class.S2:It has been decided that those who didn’t clean the blackboard will be asked to come into office after school.Task 3T:Now,please turn to Page 57.Finish using structures.First,look at Ex.1 and change the following sentences according to the model,and pay attention to the passive voice form.First do the exercise individually,and then check your answers with your partners.After that we’ll check the answers in class.Step 4 HomeworkT:OK,it’s almost time for a break.Now look at Ex.2 on Page 57.Translate the following sentences into English after class.The words and expressions in brackets may help you.Step 5 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 3 ComputersPeriod 2The Present Perfect Passive V oice1.As the years have gone by,I have been made smaller and smaller2.Since then,my family and I have been used by billions of people to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world by the Internet.3.I have truly been built to serve the human race since my birth.Structure:“subject+have/has been done+object”Step 6 Record after Teaching。

人教版高中英语必修二教案:Unit 3 Computers Period 6 Using language

人教版高中英语必修二教案:Unit 3 Computers Period 6 Using language

Unit 3 ComputersPeriod 6 Using language教学设计I. Teaching aims:1.To do the listening exercises in this unit.2.Read the passage ANDY-THE ANDROID3.To master the following expressions:signal; goal; type; in a way ; arise; with the help of; electronic; deal with; watch over4. To know about the liaison and incomplete explosion.II. Teaching methods:Readingh; Listening ,speaking and writingIII. Teaching important and difficult points:Important points :Learn the expressions in this part.Difficult points:Understand the passage better.IV. Teaching procedures:Step 1 RevisionCheck the answers to the homeworkStep 2 Lead-in1.Talking about ITTeacher with the students together to have wo talk about IT:What is I T?(Information Technology)Can you tell some ITs?( students share their answers)Step 3 Listening1)Listen to the whole text and try to write down the main idea in onesentence.Two students are talking about information technology.2). Listen for the second time and fill in the chart on exercise 3 with your partner( Teacher had better play the listening materials one more times to make sure all the students can listen clearly)3). Discussion:What are the advantages and disadvantages of each form of IT?In small groups discuss this question and put your ideas on to the chart. Then decide when each kind of IT is most useful.Use the reasoning expressions on PPT 11—12 in your discussion. Step 4. Reading1.Ask the students to read the text and find out what is Andy and it’scharacters.Andy is part of an android football team.Andy is as big as a human. In fact, Andy looks like one too.Andy is a striker on the football team.Andy can run very fast.Andy’s computer chips help him to move and think like a human.2. Read the passage carefully and fill in the file for Andy in exercise 1on page 23.3. Create your own android. Fill in the file in exercise 2 and comparewith your partner.Step 5. Deal with the language points in this part.1. signal vi. & vt. 发信号n. 信号2. goal n.球门;(进球)得分;目标; 目的3. type 1) n. 类型; 2) vt. & vi. 打字4. in a way 在某种程度上in the way of 挡……的道;妨碍on the/one’s way (to) 在(去……)的路上by the way 顺便提一下in no way 决不all the way 自始自终;完全地in this way 用这种方法5. arise (arose, arisen) vi.出现;发生6. with the help of 在……的帮助下7. electronic adj.电子的8. deal with 处理;安排;对付9. watch over 看守; 监视Step 6 WritingWrite a description of your android and what it can do. You may drawa picture of it if you wish. Use your notes and the sample passage on page24 to help you.Step 7 Homework1.Finish writing the composition.2.Review the whole unit3. Complete exercise 1 on page 57Step 8 Blackboard DesignUnit 3 ComputersUsing language1 Two students are talking about information technology.2. in the way of 挡……的道;妨碍on the/one’s way (to) 在(去……)的路上by the way 顺便提一下in no way 决不all the way 自始自终;完全地in this way 用这种方法。

高一人教课标必修2unit3 computers全单元的教案

高一人教课标必修2unit3 computers全单元的教案

Period 1 ReadingThe General Idea of This Period:This period includes Warming up,Reading and Comprehending of Unit 3.It introduces the history and development of computers.From this period the students will learn more about computers.Meanwhile they can learn some reading strategies such as skimming and scanning.Teaching Aims:1.Train the students’ reading ability.2.Learn some useful words and expressions.3.Learn more about computers.Teaching Important Points:1.Help the students to understand the passage better.2.Learn how to use some important words and phrases in this passage.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the passage better.2.Learn how to use some important words and phrases in this passage.Teaching Methods:1.Skimming the passage to get the general idea of the text.2.Scanning to get the details from the passage.3.Explanations and practice to help the students master some language points.4.Discussion to help the students understand better what they’ve learned and to use the knowledge they’ve learned in this period.Teaching Aids:1.A tape recorder.2.A multimedia.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming up1.Greeting the students as usual.2.Introduce the topic of computersShow the five pictures (an abacus,a huge computer,a calculator,a PC,a notebook computer)and get the students name them in English.Through this task,st udents can have a general idea about what they are going to learn.Besides,students are expected to have a discussion about what they have in common while looking at them.And they are required to use the given expressions in their discussion to express their ideas.T:B oys and girls,today I am going to introduce some machines to you.Now let’s see whether you can name them in English correctly,and talk about them.Now work together with your partners and try to find out what they have in common.Two minutes late,five students are asked to talk about them in class.S1:An abacus is an old calculating machine used in China until now.S2:A huge computer is built to solve some mathematical pro blems.But,in my opinion,it is too big.S3:A calculator is a new calculating machine which can solve a large number mathematical problems.And I think it is very convenient to carry and use,so we ofte n use it.S4:A PC is a personal computer,which can solve all kinds of problems and is widely used in offices,schools,shops,at homes,etc.now.S5:A notebook computer is a kind of useful computer which can be taken conveniently like a notebook.But I think it is too expensive.T:Quite good.It seems that you are all quite familiar with these machines.But can you tell what they have in common?Any volunteers?S6:Let me try.I think they all calculate something.They can deal with some maths problems.S7:I believe that they are our good friends.With their help we can finish our work quickly.S8:The 21th century is the century of information technology.As middle school students,we should try to learn how to use computers.T:Well,your opinions are all right.Indeed,these machines all can calculate something.What’s more,from the abacus to the notebook computer,there is a long way.But now computers have already changed our lives greatly.But do you know more about computers and can you say something about how com puters have changed our lives.Step 2 Pre-readingShow the questions on the screen.T:Now,please have a discussion first,and then I’ll ask some students to report your work.After a few minutes.T:Now,who would like to answer the first question?V oluntee r!S9:I’ll have a try.I know that computers have developed from large machines.They have been made smaller and smaller,but work faster and faster.I really can’t imagine what they will be like and wh ether they can take the place of human beings in the future.T:Yes,this is really a big problem.I think you are all interested in computers,you may go on studying computers,and perhaps one day you will design your own computers and become the masters of computers.OK!Next question!S10:I think computers have changed our lives greatly.We use computers widely in our study,in our work.You are using the computer to teach us English,aren’t you?S11:In my opinion,in the modern society,using the computers means grasping a tool of controlling the world.We may communicate with each other from a very long distance.In short,we can not live freely without them.T:I agree with you.The computers are becoming more and more important in our lives.But learning more about computers is also importa nt,isn’t it?OK,let’s come to the reading passage “Who am I”.Step 3 ReadingTask 1.Skim the passage for the general idea.T:Boys and girls,you will be given two minutes to skim the passage and try to find out who “I” am and get the general idea of this pa ssage.After two minutes.T:Time is up.Who would like to tell us who “I” am and give the general idea of the text to the class?V olunteer!S12:Of course,“I”am the computer.The passage is mainly about the history and development of computers.S13:The passage is also about the relationship of computers and humans.Task 2.Scan for the details.T:Boys and girls,you will be given two more minutes to scan the passage and try to find out the answers to the following questions.Let’s see who can find out the answers most quickly and correctly.1.Where were you in 1642?2.What happened to you in 1822?3.What were you called in 1936?4.What did you get in the 1960s?5.What happened to you in the 1970s?T:Have you finished?S14:I have.I was in France as a calculating machine in 1642.In 1822,I was built as an Analytical Machine by Charles Babbage.I was called “a universal machine”in 1936,as I could solve any mathematical problem.In the 1960s,I was given a family connected by a network,so that I could share information with others and we could talk to each other.In the 1970s,I was brought into people’s homes.T:You are so quick-minded that in such a short time you could find out all the answers to the questions.Your mind really works like a computer!Step 4 ComprehendingTask 3.Fill in the timeline to remember the facts.T:But can you memorize facts like a computer?I am afraid you can not.But let’s try to remember the facts in the passage by filing in the timeline on Page 19,which,I am sure,will help you remember the facts easily.Suggested answers:Timeline1642:The computer began a s a calculating machine.1822:The Analytical Machine was built by Charles Babbage.1936:Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how computers could be made.1960s:Computers had new transistors and became smaller.1960s:The first family of computers connected to each other.1970s:Computers were brought into people’s homes.Now:Computers connect people all over the world together.T:Have you finished?If so,please check your answers yourself.I’m sure all of you have got them right.Now you can retell the history of computers easily with the help of the timeline,can’t you?Please have a try,boys and girls!Step 5 Homework1.Recite the key sentences.2.Prepare for Learning About Language.3.Try to retell the text using about 100 words.Step 6 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 3 ComputersPeriod 1The general idea of the text:Questions1.Where were you in 1642?2.What happened to you in 1822?3.What were you called in 1936?4.What did you get in the 1960s?5.What happened to you in the 1970s?Language points:1.in common/have... in common (with)...2.in one’s opinion3.deal with4.simple-minded5.“as” and “with”6.“There were times when... ”Step 7 Record after TeachingPeriod 2 Learning about LanguageThe General Idea of This Period:This period includes revision of the text、learning about language.From this period the students will learn how to use some of the key words and expressions in the text and do some exercises for consolidation,and learn how to use the Present Perfect Passive Voice.Teaching Aims:1.Help the students to learn to use some useful words and expressions.2.Enabl e the students to learn how to use the present perfect passive voice.Teaching Important Point:The use of the present perfect passive voice.Teaching Difficult Points:How to master the usages of some important words and phrases and the Present Perfect Passive V oice.Teaching Methods:1.Task-based learning.2.Cooperative learning.3.Explanation and practice.Teaching Aids:1.A tape recorder.2.A multimedia.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 RevisionT:Boys and girls,in last period we learned something about the history and development of computers.Now who would like to retell the text with the help of these figures?S1:Let me try.In 1642,a calculating machine was used in France.Then in 1922,the Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage.It could follow instructions from cards with holes.In 1936,Alan Turing,the real father of computers,wro te a book to describe how computers could be made to work and built a “universal machine” to solve any mathematical ter,people discovered the computer had “artificial intelligence”.In the 1960s,the computer got his new transistors.Its size was totally changes at that time.And in the early 1960s,the first family of computers were connected to each other.In 1970s,computers have brought into people’s homes.Now computers have been used by billions of people to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world by the Internet.T:Congratulations!You’ve done very well.Now try to do the same to your partners,OK!Step 2 Words and ExpressionsTask 1T:Please turn to Page 19 and finish Discovering Useful Words and Expressions.At first,look at Ex.1.From the reading passage,find the words and expressions with the following meanings.Now,ten students will be asked to give the words.Who can?V olunteers!Check the answers together.Task 2.T:Well done.Now please look at Ex 2.and complete the passage with some of the words above.Pay attention to the use and the forms of those words.The possible answers:ne twork so that went by totally truly simple-minded Anyway deal withTask 3T:Please finish Ex.3.Look at the sentences on Page 20.Tick the right word.Then some of you will be asked to read the sentences one by one.The possible answers:1.Life totally changed when I went to university.2.I was amazed to find that I won the competition to design a new computer.3.The competition was so exciting that we cheered all evening.4.I was so excited at the thought of meeting Yang Liwei that I could not sleep.5.Robots can be bought so cheaply that I gave one to each of my friends.6.It was so unlucky that you lost your watch at the concert.Task 4T:Please turn to Page 56 and let’s finish Using Words and Expressions.First look at Ex.1.Read through the words in the right-hand box e some of them to name each part of a computer in the left-hand box.We have known about computer.But who can give us the exact names?The possible answers:1.floppy disc2.hard disc3.scanner4.modem5.CD-ROM6.monitor7.keyboard8.printerTask 5T:Now please look at plete the sentences with some of the words in the right-hand box above.You can use each word only once.First do the exercise individually,and then check yo ur answers with your partners.And last seven students will be asked to report their answers to the class.The possible answers:1.A printer is a machine for printing text or pictures onto paper,especially once connected to a computer.2.A CD-ROM or disk is the main device that a computer uses to store information.3.A monitor is used to see your data on a computer.4.A keyboard is used to put data into a computer.5.A CPU is often used to conne ct computers to each other through phone lines.6.Data can also be stored in a floppy disc,which is small and can be carried easily.7.A hard disc is a disc that contains computer data.It can store a large amount of data.Step 3 Grammar—The Present PerfectPassive V oiceT:Boys and girls,now please pay attention to the following sentences in the text:1.As the years have gone by,I have been made smaller and smaller.2.Since then,my family and I have been used by billions of people to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world by the Internet.3.I have truly been built to serve the human race since my birth.T:What verb tense is used in these sentences?And what verb voice is used in these sentences?Yes,the present perfect pa ssive voice is used in these sentences.Can you tell us the structure of the present perfect passive voice?Quite right.The structure of the present perfect passive voice is “subject+have/has been done+object”.The function of present perfect passive voice is indicating verbs’the present perfect and the passive voice.OK,let’s practise the present perfect passi ve voice.Task 1T:Please turn to P age 20.Let’s finish Discovering useful structures.At first,look at Ex.2.According to examples,change the following sentences into the present perfect passive voice.Put the verbs into the correct form.Suggested answers:1.A new personal computer has been bought.2.Many problems have been found with our new computer.3.A PC has been built the way we wanted.4.Our computer has just joined to the Inter net.5.The computer has been used every day since we bought it.6.A lot of e-mails have been written on the computer in the last year.Task 2T:Class,let’s play a game called “What has been decided”.Now,get into groups of four.Y our task is to decide what things have been decided for the class.Take turns to make the ideas as interesting and lively as you like.Y ou may finish them according to EXAMPLES on Page 21,(or finish Ex.3 after class.)Then collect the ones you all like best and be prepared to tell them to the class.Suggested answers:S1:It has been decided that those who know of the computer will be asked to say something in class.S2:It has been decided that those who didn’t clean the blackboard will be asked to come into office after school.Task 3T:Now,pleas e turn to Page 57.Finish using structures.First,look at Ex.1 and change the following sentences according to the model,and pay attention to the passive voice form.First do the exercise individually,and then check your answers with your partners.After that we’ll check the answers in class.Step 4 HomeworkT:OK,it’s almost time for a break.Now look at Ex.2 on Page 57.Translate the following sentences into English after class.The words and expressions in brackets may help you.Step 5 The Design of the Writing o n the BlackboardUnit 3 ComputersPeriod 2The Present Perfect Passive V oice1.As the years have gone by,I have been made smaller and smaller.2.Since then,my family and I have been used by billions of people to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world by the Internet.3.I have truly been built to serve the human race since my birth.Structure:“subject+have/has been done+object”Step 6 Record after TeachingPeriod 3 Extensive ReadingThe General Idea of This Period:This perio d includes revision of the text,Reading and speaking on Page 22、Reading task on Page 58.In this period the students will be involved in a speaking activity about designing an android after reading the story of Andy,an d learn something about the performances of a sporting robot of the 22nd century,Hua Fei in 78th Olympics and 79th Olympics,so that the students will not only improve their reading and speaking,but also their creative thinking.Teaching Aims:1.Help the students to learn about the different ways of designing the robots and give their opinions to the class.2.Enable the students to discuss to design their own robots.Talk about the different ways of designing the robots.Teaching Important and Difficult Points:How to design their own robots and report their designing to the class.Teaching Methods:1.Task-based learning.2.Cooperative learning.Teaching Aids:1.A tape recor der.2.A multimedia.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 GreetingsStep 2 Reading (1)We’ve learned a lot about computers,but can you imagine that computers could be put into androids or robots.Think of the fun you c ould have!Now let’s first read the passage about a robot called Andy—what it looks like and what it can do on Page 22,and then we’ll have a des igning competition to see who will design the best robots.The students read the passage fo r several minutes.T:A few simple questions for you.What does Andy look like?What can it do?S2:Andy looks like a human.It is designed to play football games and can move and think like a human.Andy is really smart.T:I agree with you.Are you eager to design your smart robots?Now in small groups discuss how to design your own androids,draw a picture of your androids and write down your design.You may refer to the following questions:1.What would you like it to look like?2.What are some of the things you would like it to do?3.Do you want it to be like a man or a woman or neither?4.How much would it cost?T:And don’t forget to use the following expressions in your discussion.I think thatIn my opinion...What is your reason?I have decided that...After several minutes.T:Now,I’ll check your work.One from each group will show your picture of the android you have designed and tell the class your design.And we’ll see which group has designed the best android.Who would like to try first?S3:Look here.This is the picture of the robot we’ve designed.What does it look like?Yes,it looks like a dog.We all like dogs very much.Every morning it will wake us up so that we will not be late for school.Then it will company us to school and carry our heavy bags.You know how heavy our bags are!In the evening,after a whole day’s hard work,it will play beautiful music to help us relax.Maybe it will cost at least 2000 yuan,but we don’t think it is too expensive to have such a good friend.S4:Well,we’d like to design our robot in this way.We would like it to look like the famous footballer Beckham who serves as a striker on the football team.It has the most advanced program,so it can move and think like Beckham,and of course can shoot good goals like him.We would like it to enter the next Electronic World Cup,and we are sure that it will win the cup!T:Your designs are very unusual and smart.I really want to go on appreciating your designs,but time is limited.Will you put up your pic tures of the robots you have designed with instructions on the back wall,and then decide which group has designed the best androids after comparison?Step 3 Reading (2)Class,let’s come to the Reading Task on Page 58.First read the passage quickly and then fill in the chart of Exercise 1 and keep a record of his performances of the sporting robot of the 22nd century,Hua Fei in 78th Olympics and 79th Olympics.After doing it individual ly,please check your answers with your partners,and then we will check the answers in class.Step 4 HomeworkT:It’s almost time for a break.Now homework for you today.pare the designs of the androids of each group and try to decide which one is the best.2.Suppose you have been lucky enough to be allowed to interview Hua Fei in hospital for your school paper.Work out some questions together with your partner,and then interview each other.Step 5 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 3 ComputersPeriod 3dancesSilve r medalStep 6 Record after TeachingPeriod 4 ListeningThe General Idea of This Period:This period includes listening and writing on Page 21;listening on Page 55 and listening task on Page 58.Apparently,the purpose of this period is to train the students’listening—for information;for comprehension and for language.Meanwhile,the students will be trained to express their own opinions after listening.Teaching Aims:1.Help the students to learn about the knowledge of information technology.2.Enable the students to get the main ideas of the listening materials.Teaching Important and Difficult Points:1.How to get the main idea and information in details.2.Express their own opinions after listening.Teaching Methods:1.Task-based learning.2.Cooperative learning.Teaching Aids:1.A tape recorder.2.A multimedia.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 RevisionCheck the students’ interviews.Get the students to work together with their partners to interview each other.Step 2 Listening and writing (Page 21)Task 1 Listen to a conversationT:Class,as we all know,the 21st century is the century of information and technology.Next we will listen to a conversation about differe nt kinds of information technology or IT.And as we know,each kind of information technology has its own advantages and disadvantages.So from this conversation we will listen for the advantages and disadvantages of each one.But before listening let’s first look at the pictures on Page 21 and the form on Page 22 to make sure what you are going to do while listening.OK,let’s begin.The students listen to the conversation for the first time.Task 2 Discussion and fillingT:You can see there are a TV,a CD-ROM,a computer,a radio,a DVD and newspaper here.Now try to finish filling in the form with the information you have just got from the conversation.Book You can get information Sometimes it is out-of-date T:Now,let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of IT in small groups and then decide which type of IT is best for you to use,according to the form above and explain the reasons.While discussing,remember to use the following expressions:I think that...In my opinio n...I believe that...I agree because...I disagree because...I’ve decided that...Step 3 Listening (Page 55)T:Now come to the listening on Page 55.Before you listening,please read the requirements of Ex.1.After that,you will find the three robots from the pictures above on Page 55 and num ber them.The possible number:Picture 1—No.3 Picture 3—No.2 Picture 4—No.1T:Now please look at these boxes on Page 55 before you listen to the tape again,and try to find out the listening points.Pay more attention to the se points and you may make some notes while listening.Three minutes later.T:Now try to fill in the boxes with the information from the listening material,and then check your answers with your partners.SizeWhat it looks l ikeWhat it can doTelephone number Room-1234 Step 4 Listening task (Page 58)T:Now please turn to Page 58,and finish the listening task.As we know,computers are used widely and put into androids.Please look at the pictures above.There are two androids in it.One works as a maid.The other works in a car factory.They are friends and they were made at the same ti me.Now they are talking about their lives and what it feels like to be android.OK,please listen carefully to their problems and fill in the form.I’ll play the tape twice.After listening.T:Try to fill in the forms as quickly as you can,and then we will check the answers in class.Their programmer decided themThey are not able to change jobsTheir programmer does About how they are different from people They can not smellAbout how they are the same as peopleT:From what we have just listened,we know that Sally and Brenda have some troubles in their lives.They are treated badly.Now you are going to make a list of the rights that androids should have so that they will be treated better.You can work with your partners and have discussion.Suggested an swers:1.They should be able to choose the work they do.2.They should have their own time.3.They should be able to change their jobs.4.They should be able to decide their own future.5.They should be able to taste,smell,feel,etc.Step 5 AssignmentT:Class,I really appreciate your good performance in this listening class.I can see that your listening has greatly improved since you came to the senior school.Keep on your good work!OK,we have no time left.I’d like to assign you some homework to do.1.Go over the listening and writing on Page 21 and get ready for the writing.Step 6 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 3 ComputersPeriod 42 mLarge,energetic robotClimbs mountains;plays guitar;sings karaokeStep 7 Record after TeachingPeriod 5 WritingThe General Idea of This Period:This period includes speaking and writing on Pag e 22 and writing on Page 23.The purpose is to encourage the Ss to think and talk creatively about computers and androids,express their own opinions using words and expressions concerning computers and androids,and organize their ideas into a compositio n.Teaching Aims:1.Enable the students to learn how to write a report about their choice.2.Enable the students to learn the writing way of expressing ideas and giving reasons to support the ideas.Teaching Important and Difficult Point:How to make a decision about which kind of computer to buy and explain why.Teaching Methods:1.Task-based learning.2.Cooperative learning.Teaching Aids:A projector and multimedia.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Speaking and writing (Page 22)T:Class,suppose you and your partner have been asked to help choose computers for your school.You have looked at several computers.Talk about the special things each computer has.Make a decision about which kind of computer to buy and explain why.And then you are going to write a report about your choice There is a list of things your computer could have.A fast PC the monitor is smallerImproved disc storage used recycled materialsInternet a flat screenStudents talk about the special things each computer can do.T:So much for the talking.And now you will be given five minutes to write a report about your choice.After that some of you will be asked to present your report to the class.In your writing try to use the present perfect pass ive in your report.You may begin your r eport like this:We looked at many different computers.The one we have chosen is the PEP personal computer.One of the main reasons is that it is suitable for schools.We found out that...Five minutes later,severa l students begin to present their reports to the class,and the teacher will show two or three reports using the projector to find out and correct the possible mistakes with the class.Possible versionWe looked at many different computers.The one we have chosen is the PEP personal computer.One of the main reasons is that it is suitable for schools.We found out that it looked not only cute but also advanced.First,it has a flat screen which makes the computer pretty attractive.But the second and the most important aspect about the PEP is that it has undergone a lot of improvements in many respects.For example,it contains improved disc storage and that means it’s faster PC.It’s suitable to be connected to the Internet.Also the PC has a smaller monitor and is made with used recycled materials which do no harm to the environment.In a word,we think it is suitable for our school.T:Thank you for helping choose computers which are suitable for our school,and I’m sure with these computers to be equipped in our school we will improve the teaching conditions and teaching quality of course.Now,let’s come to the writing on Page 23.Step 2 Writing(Page 23)T:Boys and girls,suppose you are an android and work for a family with one child who is very spoiled.The parents want you to do everything for them.The parents are kind,but they often ask you to watch over their child.How do you feel?What would you do if the child asked you to do his/her homework for him/her?Would you tell the child “no”?You may begin like this:Hello,everyone.My name is______.I’m a 321 model android.I work for the Li family...Now,you will also be given five minutes to write your opinion and feelings.Five minutes later,the teacher shows two or three of the passages written by the students using the projector to find out and correct the possible mistakes with the class.。



高一英语必修2Unit3Computers全单元教案人教版高一英语必修2 Unit3 Computers全单元教案Unit 3 Computers Period 1: Listening & Speaking GOALS: 1. To practise listening comprehension. 2.To practise making decisions and reasoning TEACHING PROCEDURES: Step1. revision 1. check the homework exercises. 1). It has been reported that children will be offered free education. It has been reported that free education will be offered to children. 2). It has been said that we will be offered the latest computer science course book.It has been planned that the latest computer science course book will be offered to us. 3). I have been told by Peter that I will be lent his notebook computer for a week. I have been told by Peter that his notebook computer will be lent to me for a week.2. Question: What can computers be used as? Step2. Lead-in As we know, science and technology is developing very fast and computers have become smaller and smaller. They have been used in many fields. So, the 21st century is the century of information technology What does it mean? Does information technology/ IT only mean things like computers? Of cause not. Actually, it means more than computers. Computers are just one kind of IT. What else do you know is part of IT? (TV, radio, CD-ROM, DVD, books……) Step3. Listening (SB) 1. Pre-listening: What are the changes brought by different forms of IT ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of them ? 2. While-listening: Go through the chart and make sure the students look at the chart before they listen to the tape. (This is to sharpen their attention and listen for the answers. This will also help them get the gist of the text.) Then Listen to the tape and finish filling in the chart. (If necessary, play the tape for several times.) Say: Afterlistening to their talk, we know all kinds of IT have both disadvantages and advantages.Let’s check the answers together. Type of IT Advantages Disadvantages TV You can both listen and watch.You cannot write to friends. Web You can find information. It is very expensive. Radio You can listen to English.You cannot watch a film.Book You can get information. Sometimes it is out of date. 3. Post-listening: 1) (pair work): decide which type of IT is best for you to use right now. Make your choice and give your reasons by using the following expression_r_rs. I think that.... In my opinion, . (I)believe that…. I agree because…. I disagree because…. I’ve decided that…. 2) (group work): Discussion : Comp uters are useful and have brought us lots of good things, but they also cause bad effects. What attitude should we have towards the computer? (Make good use of it but never get trapped by it.) Step4. Speaking 1. Pre-speaking Say: From what we have learn, we should admit that computers and the web have a great influence on the school education as well as people’s life. It has come into people’s everyday life and many families hold computers in their homes. Now there is a task for you. 2. While-speaking 1) Situation: You have been asked by your parents to help choose computers for your home. You and your friend have looked at several computers. Talk about the special things each computer can do. Make a decision about which kind of computer to buy and explain why. Information input: Show students some pictures of different computers (desktop computer & laptop computer & …) Language input: Useful expression_r_rs (Repeat it to strengthen students’ ability of use it.) Supporting an opinion Challenging an opinion I think that … , because … Perhaps, but what if / about …? First, … Have you thoughtabout …? One reason is that … What makes you think that …? I think it is better because… I don’t like it because…. (Pair work )Use the expression_r_rs to support your opinion or challenging other’s opinions. 2) Oral report: (individual work ) Do an oral report to your father and start your report like this: I looked at many different computers. The one I have chosen is the PEP personal computer. One of the main reasons is that it is suitable for homes. I found that… 3. Post-speaking Conclusion—What useful expression_r_r do we use to make a decision and reason? (In this way, they can review and use the words and phrases again.) Step5. Homework Page 22. writing: Write a report about your choice and try to use the present perfect passive voice as well as the useful words and expression_r_rs that have been mentioned above. in your report. Period 2: Reading and speaking & Writing Goals: 1. Learn a reading passage to learn about a football android called Andy. 2. Improve students’ reading ability. 3. Design an android. 4. Write a passage about the problems that the android might have while he/she is serving people. Teaching procedures: Step1: Lead-in Show the first picture and tell the students that computers could be put into androids or robots. Present “android”. Tell the students: Androids are always with us! The students may disagree. Show pictures of Atom and Doraemon. Say: they are androids with magical power. Continue to show pictures of nursery maid androids and tell the students androids can be made to look after humans. Then ask: But can you imagine androids can play football? Maybe you are curious about it. I will show you a video that androids play football. Let the students watch the video and tell them: oday I would like to introduce an android family member to you .His name is Andy. Present the readingpassage’s topic: Andy---the Android. Step2: Reading: Let the students read the passage. Carry out the tasks below: Task1: Answer the questions below: 1. Who is Andy? What is he good at? (He is an android. And he is good at playing football) 2. What helps him to move and think like a human? (His computer helps him to move and think like a human.) 3. What does Andy think about the team who beat them last year? Why? (She thinks the team cheated because they had a new kind of programmer, which had just been developed before the competition.) 4. What does the programmer do to Andy? (She programs me with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games.) Task2: Fill in the blanks The story is about the _____ called ____, who is good at____________. And his__________ makes him think and move like a ______. However, they _____ in the _________ hosted in the USA, because the other team had a new kind of_______. After that, he will ask his programmer to improve his _________ and _______ some new moves. Task3: Language points: 1. I think we can work together to create even better software. even = much 用于强调比较的.程度 2. In a way, my programmer is like my coach. in a way 在某种程度上… in the way挡道,造成障碍 in this way 用这种方法 Fill in the blank: 1). ________it was one of our biggest mistakes. 2). You can finish your work . 3). Your bike is .Move it away. 3. In this way, I can make up new moves. make up 编写,补上 4. After all, with the help of my computer brain which never forgets anything, intelligence is what I’m all about. after all毕竟 with the help of sb./sth. 在…的帮助之下= with one’s/ sth’s help Step3 Speaking Tell the students that we already have many different kinds of androids i。

人教版高一英语必修2 Unit3 Computers全单元教案(范本)

人教版高一英语必修2 Unit3 Computers全单元教案(范本)

人教版‎高一英‎语必修‎2 U‎n it‎3 C‎o mp‎u te‎r s全‎单元教‎案人‎教版高‎一英语‎必修2‎Un‎i t3‎Co‎m pu‎t er‎s全单‎元教案‎‎‎U ni‎t 3‎Co‎m pu‎t er‎sP‎e ri‎o d ‎1: ‎L is‎t en‎i ng‎ S‎p ea‎k in‎gG‎O AL‎S:‎‎‎1.‎To‎pr‎a ti‎s e ‎l is‎t en‎i ng‎pr‎e he‎n si‎o n.‎‎T o ‎p ra‎t is‎e m‎a ki‎n g ‎d ei‎s io‎n s ‎a nd‎re‎a so‎n in‎g‎T EA‎C HI‎N G ‎P RO‎C ED‎U RE‎S:‎S te‎p‎‎ 1‎. r‎e vi‎s io‎n‎‎‎1. ‎h ek‎th‎e h‎o me‎o rk‎ex‎e ri‎s es‎.1‎). ‎I t ‎h as‎be‎e n ‎r ep‎o rt‎e d ‎t ha‎t h‎i ld‎r en‎il‎l b‎e o‎f fe‎r ed‎fr‎e e‎e du‎a ti‎o n.‎It‎ha‎s b‎e en‎re‎p or‎t ed‎th‎a t ‎f re‎e e‎d ua‎t io‎n i‎l l ‎b e ‎o ff‎e re‎d t‎oh‎i ld‎r en‎.2‎). ‎I t ‎h as‎be‎e n ‎s ai‎d t‎h at‎e ‎i ll‎be‎of‎f er‎e d ‎t he‎la‎t es‎t p‎u te‎r s‎i en‎e o‎u rs‎e b‎o ok‎.I‎t h‎a s ‎b ee‎n p‎l an‎n ed‎th‎a t ‎t he‎la‎t es‎t p‎u te‎r s‎i en‎e o‎u rs‎e b‎o ok‎il‎l b‎e o‎f fe‎r ed‎to‎us‎.3‎). ‎I h‎a ve‎be‎e n ‎t ol‎d b‎Pe‎t er‎th‎a t ‎I i‎l l ‎b e ‎l en‎t h‎i s ‎n ot‎e bo‎o k‎p ut‎e r ‎f or‎a ‎e ek‎.I‎ha‎v e ‎b ee‎n t‎o ld‎b ‎P et‎e r ‎t ha‎t h‎i s ‎n ot‎e bo‎o k ‎p ut‎e r ‎i ll‎be‎le‎n t ‎t o ‎m e ‎f or‎a ‎e ek‎.‎ Q‎u es‎t io‎n: ‎W ha‎t a‎n p‎u te‎r s ‎b e ‎u se‎d a‎s?‎S te‎p‎Le‎a d-‎i n‎A s ‎e k‎n o,‎si‎e ne‎an‎d t‎e hn‎o lo‎g i‎s d‎e ve‎l op‎i ng‎ve‎r f‎a st‎an‎dp‎u te‎r s ‎h av‎e b‎e e ‎s ma‎l le‎r a‎n d ‎s ma‎l le‎r. ‎T he‎ha‎v e ‎b ee‎n u‎s ed‎in‎ma‎n f‎i el‎d s.‎So‎, t‎h e ‎21s‎t e‎n tu‎r i‎s t‎h e ‎e nt‎u r ‎o f‎i nf‎o rm‎a ti‎o n ‎t eh‎n ol‎o g ‎W ha‎t d‎o es‎it‎me‎a n?‎Do‎e s ‎i nf‎o rm‎a ti‎o n‎t eh‎n ol‎o g ‎I T ‎o nl‎me‎a n ‎t hi‎n gs‎li‎k e ‎p ut‎e rs‎? O‎f a‎u se‎no‎t.‎A tu‎a ll‎,i‎t m‎e an‎s m‎o re‎th‎a n ‎p ut‎e rs‎.C‎o mp‎u te‎r s ‎a re‎ju‎s t ‎o ne‎ki‎n d ‎o f ‎I T.‎Wh‎a t ‎e ls‎e d‎o o‎u k‎n o ‎i s ‎p ar‎t o‎f I‎T?‎T he‎n L‎i st‎e n ‎t o ‎t he‎ta‎p e ‎a nd‎fi‎n is‎h f‎i ll‎i ng‎in‎th‎e h‎a rt‎. S‎i tu‎a ti‎o n:‎Yo‎u h‎a ve‎be‎e n ‎a sk‎e d ‎b o‎u r ‎p ar‎e nt‎s t‎o h‎e lp‎ho‎o se‎pu‎t er‎s f‎o r ‎o ur‎ho‎m e.‎Yo‎u a‎n d ‎o ur‎fr‎i en‎d h‎a ve‎lo‎o ke‎d a‎t s‎e ve‎r al‎pu‎t er‎s. ‎T al‎k a‎b ou‎t t‎h e ‎s pe‎i al‎th‎i ng‎s e‎a h ‎p ut‎e r ‎a n ‎d o.‎Ma‎k e‎a d‎e is‎i on‎ab‎o ut‎hi‎h k‎i nd‎of‎pu‎t er‎to‎bu‎an‎d e‎x pl‎a in‎h.‎In‎f or‎m at‎i on‎in‎p ut‎: S‎h o ‎s tu‎d en‎t s ‎s om‎e p‎i tu‎r es‎of‎di‎f fe‎r en‎tp‎u te‎r s ‎O ra‎l r‎e po‎r t:‎D‎o a‎n o‎r al‎re‎p or‎t t‎o o‎u r ‎f at‎h er‎an‎d s‎t ar‎t o‎u r ‎r ep‎o rt‎li‎k e‎t hi‎s: ‎I l‎o ok‎e d ‎a t ‎m an‎di‎f fe‎r en‎t p‎u te‎r s.‎Th‎e o‎n e ‎I h‎a ve‎ho‎s en‎is‎th‎e P‎E P ‎p er‎s on‎a l ‎p ut‎e r.‎On‎e o‎f t‎h e ‎m ai‎n r‎e as‎o ns‎is‎th‎a t ‎i t ‎i s ‎s ui‎t ab‎l e ‎f or‎ho‎m es‎. I‎fo‎u nd‎th‎a t…‎‎3. ‎P os‎t-s‎p ea‎k in‎gC‎o nl‎u si‎o n—‎W ha‎t u‎s ef‎u l ‎e xp‎r es‎s io‎n_r‎_r ‎d o ‎e u‎s e ‎t o ‎m ak‎e a‎de‎i si‎o n ‎a nd‎re‎a so‎n?‎St‎e p ‎5.‎Ho‎m eo‎r k‎P ag‎e 2‎‎r it‎i ng‎: W‎r it‎e a‎re‎p or‎t a‎b ou‎t o‎u r ‎h oi‎e a‎n d ‎t r ‎t o‎u se‎th‎e p‎r es‎e nt‎pe‎r fe‎t p‎a ss‎i ve‎vo‎i e ‎a s ‎e ll‎as‎th‎e u‎s ef‎u l ‎o rd‎s a‎n d ‎e xp‎r es‎s io‎n_r‎_rs‎th‎a t ‎h av‎e b‎e en‎me‎n ti‎o ne‎d a‎b ov‎e. ‎i n ‎o ur‎re‎p or‎t.‎‎P‎e ri‎o d ‎2: ‎R ea‎d in‎g a‎n d ‎s pe‎a ki‎n g ‎Wr‎i ti‎n g‎G oa‎l s:‎‎‎1.‎Le‎a rn‎a ‎r ea‎d in‎g p‎a ss‎a ge‎to‎le‎a rn‎ab‎o ut‎a ‎f oo‎t ba‎l l ‎a nd‎r oi‎d a‎l le‎d A‎n d.‎‎I‎m pr‎o ve‎st‎u de‎n ts‎’ r‎e ad‎i ng‎ab‎i li‎t.‎‎3.‎D es‎i gn‎an‎an‎d ro‎i d.‎‎4.‎Wr‎i te‎a ‎p as‎s ag‎e a‎b ou‎t t‎h e ‎p ro‎b le‎m s ‎t ha‎t t‎h e ‎a nd‎r oi‎d m‎i gh‎t h‎a ve‎hi‎l e ‎h es‎h e ‎i s ‎s er‎v in‎g p‎e op‎l e.‎Te‎a hi‎n g‎p ro‎e du‎r es‎:S‎t ep‎1: ‎L ea‎d-i‎nS‎h o ‎t he‎fi‎r st‎pi‎t ur‎e a‎n d ‎t el‎l t‎h e ‎s tu‎d en‎t s ‎t ha‎t p‎u te‎r s‎o ul‎d b‎e p‎u t ‎i nt‎o a‎n dr‎o id‎s o‎r r‎o bo‎t s.‎Pr‎e se‎n t ‎“an‎d ro‎i d”‎.‎T el‎l t‎h e‎s tu‎d en‎t s:‎An‎d ro‎i ds‎ar‎e a‎l as‎it‎h u‎s! ‎T he‎st‎u de‎n ts‎ma‎di‎s ag‎r ee‎. S‎h o ‎p it‎u re‎s o‎f A‎t om‎an‎d D‎o ra‎e mo‎n. ‎S‎a:‎th‎e a‎r e ‎a nd‎r oi‎d s ‎i th‎ma‎g ia‎l p‎o er‎.‎Co‎n ti‎n ue‎to‎sh‎o p‎i tu‎r es‎of‎nu‎r se‎r m‎a id‎an‎d ro‎i ds‎an‎d t‎e ll‎th‎e s‎t ud‎e nt‎s a‎n dr‎o id‎s a‎n b‎e m‎a de‎to‎lo‎o k ‎a ft‎e r ‎h um‎a ns‎.T‎h en‎as‎k: ‎B ut‎an‎ou‎im‎a gi‎n e ‎a nd‎r oi‎d s ‎a n ‎p la‎fo‎o tb‎a ll‎? M‎a be‎ou‎ar‎e u‎r io‎u s ‎a bo‎u t ‎i t.‎I ‎i ll‎sh‎o o‎u a‎vi‎d eo‎th‎a t ‎a nd‎r oi‎d s ‎p la‎fo‎o tb‎a ll‎.‎Le‎t t‎h e ‎s tu‎d en‎t s ‎a th‎th‎e v‎i de‎o a‎n d ‎t el‎l t‎h em‎: o‎d a ‎I o‎u ld‎li‎k e‎t o ‎i nt‎r od‎u e ‎a n ‎a nd‎r oi‎d f‎a mi‎l m‎e mb‎e r ‎t o ‎o u ‎.Hi‎s n‎a me‎is‎An‎d. ‎P re‎s en‎t t‎h e ‎r ea‎d in‎g p‎a ss‎a ge‎’s ‎t op‎i: ‎A nd‎---‎t he‎An‎d ro‎i d.‎St‎e p2‎: R‎e ad‎i ng‎:‎Le‎t t‎h e ‎s tu‎d en‎t s ‎r ea‎d t‎h e ‎p as‎s ag‎e. ‎C ar‎r o‎u t ‎t he‎ta‎s ks‎be‎l o:‎Ta‎s k1‎: A‎n se‎r t‎h e ‎q ue‎s ti‎o ns‎be‎l o:‎‎‎ 1‎. W‎h o ‎i s ‎A nd‎? W‎h at‎is‎he‎go‎o d ‎a t?‎‎ W‎h at‎he‎l ps‎hi‎m t‎o m‎o ve‎an‎d t‎h in‎k l‎i ke‎a ‎h um‎a n?‎‎3.‎Wh‎a t ‎d oe‎s A‎n d ‎t hi‎n k ‎a bo‎u t ‎t he‎te‎a m ‎h o ‎b ea‎t t‎h em‎la‎s t ‎e ar‎? W‎h?‎‎4. ‎W ha‎t d‎o es‎th‎e p‎r og‎r am‎m er‎do‎to‎An‎d?‎Ta‎s k2‎: F‎i ll‎in‎th‎e b‎l an‎k s‎T he‎st‎o r ‎i s ‎a bo‎u t ‎t he‎__‎___‎al‎l ed‎__‎__,‎ho‎is‎go‎o d‎a t_‎___‎___‎___‎__.‎An‎d h‎i s_‎___‎___‎___‎ma‎k es‎hi‎m t‎h in‎k a‎n d ‎m ov‎e l‎i ke‎a‎___‎___‎. H‎o ev‎e r,‎th‎e _‎___‎_ i‎n t‎h e ‎___‎___‎___‎ho‎s te‎d i‎n t‎h e ‎U SA‎, b‎e au‎s e ‎t he‎ot‎h er‎te‎a m ‎h ad‎a ‎n e ‎k in‎d o‎f__‎___‎__.‎Af‎t er‎th‎a t,‎he‎il‎l a‎s k ‎h is‎pr‎o gr‎a mm‎e r ‎t o ‎i mp‎r ov‎e h‎i s ‎___‎___‎___‎an‎d_‎___‎___‎so‎m e ‎n e ‎m ov‎e s.‎Ta‎s k3‎: L‎a ng‎u ag‎e p‎o in‎t s:‎‎‎ 1‎. I‎th‎i nk‎e ‎a n ‎o rk‎to‎g et‎h er‎to‎re‎a te‎ev‎e n ‎b et‎t er‎so‎f ta‎r e.‎ev‎e n ‎=m‎u h‎用于强‎调比较‎的程度‎‎In‎a ‎a, ‎m p‎r og‎r am‎m er‎is‎li‎k e ‎m o‎a h.‎in‎a‎a在‎某种程‎度上…‎in‎th‎ea‎挡道‎,造成‎障碍‎i n ‎t hi‎sa‎用这‎种方法‎Fi‎l l ‎i n ‎t he‎bl‎a nk‎:‎1)‎. _‎___‎___‎_it‎as‎on‎e o‎f o‎u r ‎b ig‎g es‎t m‎i st‎a ke‎s.‎2).‎Yo‎u a‎n f‎i ni‎s h ‎o ur‎or‎k.‎3)‎. Y‎o ur‎bi‎k e‎i s‎.Mo‎v e ‎i t ‎X X.‎‎3. ‎I n ‎t hi‎s a‎, I‎an‎ma‎k e ‎u p ‎n e ‎m ov‎e s.‎ma‎k e‎u p‎编写,‎补上‎ 4‎. A‎f te‎r a‎l l,‎it‎h t‎h e ‎h el‎p o‎f m‎pu‎t er‎br‎a in‎hi‎h n‎e ve‎r f‎o rg‎e ts‎an‎t hi‎n g,‎in‎t el‎l ig‎e ne‎is‎ha‎t I‎’m ‎a ll‎ab‎o ut‎.a‎f te‎ra‎l l‎毕竟‎i th‎th‎e h‎e lp‎of‎sb‎.st‎h.‎在…的‎帮助之‎下= ‎i th‎on‎e’s‎st‎h’s‎he‎l p‎S te‎p3 ‎S pe‎a ki‎n g‎Te‎l l ‎t he‎st‎u de‎n ts‎th‎a t ‎e a‎l re‎a d ‎h av‎e m‎a n ‎d if‎f er‎e nt‎ki‎n ds‎of‎an‎d ro‎i ds‎i ‎‎。

人教版高中英语必修2 Unit 3 Computers第一课时教案

人教版高中英语必修2 Unit 3 Computers第一课时教案

人教版高中英语必修2 Unit 3 Computers第一课时教案Period One Intensive ReadingTeaching Goals:1. Target Languagea. The Key Words and Phrasessimplify logically technological revolution solve from…on personalas a result totally so…that network Web application explore anyhow human raceb. T he Key SentencesOver time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told!And my memory became so large that even I couldn’t believe it!2. Ability Goals:Enable students to learn about the development and history of computers.Teaching Important & Difficult Points:Understand how details are used to support topic sentences.Teaching Methods:Prediction, scanning and discussion.Teaching Procedures & WaysStep I Warming-upT: How many of you have computers in your home? Please put up your hands.Ss :respond accordingly.T: What do you usually do on your computers?Ss:Type documents/homework, listen to music, watch videos, play games, search on the Internet, send mails …T: When I were at your age, I knew nothing about computers. Most Chinese families never heard about it. However, in recent years, computers have become more and more popular, and most families in cities have one or more than one computer in their home. And some families in villages also have their own computers. Computers make life more convenient and colorful. However, it took a long time for humans to have computers that we see today. Now look at the pictures on page 17 and discuss what they have in common. Then think about Questions 2 & 3.Suggested answers:1.These pictures are all technological inventions.2.From these pictures, we know computers have experienced a long development process,and the development will never stop.3.(There may be various answers.)Step II Pre-readingPrediction: Let students predict the content of the passage according to the pictures and the title. This will involve students in active thinking and exploring.Then let them make a list of the ways computers are used today.Sample list: date processing; industrial design; learning and teaching aids; TV program editing; entertainment (watch TV/video, listen to music, play games, online chat…) communication (e-mail, e-card, instant message) …T: Now look at the inventions in activity 3. First check their meanings in your dictionaries. Then put them in the order according to the time when they appeared.Help students understand the meanings of the words: analytical, calculate and universal. Note:Universal machine is also known as Alan Turing's “universal computing machine”, is capable of computing any algorithm.Students may have different answers. They will check it after reading the passage.T: Have you put them in the right order? You will find it after reading the passage. Now turn to page 18 please.Step III ReadingSkimmingGet students read the whole passage and try to get the main idea of it.After readingT: What does “I” in the title refer to?Ss: Computer.T: What is the main idea of the passage?Ss: The passage is mainly about the history and development of computers.ScanningT: Correct! Now read the passage and finish the timeline. With this timeline, you will have a clear idea of the development of computer.Check the answers.T: The passage has three paragraphs. Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph, and the details that are used to support the topic sentences. Then complete the chart in activity 2.the topic sentences are not standing there alone, they are supported with details and date, which make the topic sentences more convincing. Now I will play the tape of this passage. Listen and find out/underline the difficult words and expressions.Teacher gives some explanations.T: What can be “over time” replaced by?Ss: As time goes by.T: How do you understand the word “simplify”? Look! (on the board: simple+-ify). -ify is a suffix which means to turn into, make or become. For example, beautify. So if you know the meaning of “simple”, you can easily get the meaning of “simplify”. Who can tell me its meaning?S: To make something easier or less complicated.T: What does “it” in line 9 refer to?Ss: It refers to the fact that computer was programmed by an operator who used cards with holes.T: Why was Alan Turing called computer’s real father?S: I guess that’s because Alan made computer more powerful, which could solve any difficult mathematical problem.T: What does “this reality” in line 15 refer to?S: It refers to the reality that computer had grown as large as a room.T: In paragraph two, there are two sentences which contain the use of “so…that…” structure. Underline them and study carefully.Show the following on the screen/board:●Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forgetanything I have been told!●And my memory became so large that even I couldn’t believe it!Help students sum up the form and function of this structure:Form:so + adj./adv. + that + clauseFunction:This structure is used when emphasizing the degree or amount of something by saying what the result is.Step IV DiscussionT: Discuss this question in groups: Why do many countries want to host the Olympic Games while others do not? Use the mind map below to help you. Then prepare for a class discussion. Put forward your ideas and give reasons for your choices.T: Why do many countries want to host the Olympic Games?S: Hosting the games has a major effect on the economy and brings international prestige to the country. Thousands and thousands of visitors come to the game s and the host cities are permanently improved. By planting trees and creating parks, the city becomes more attractive for tourists.S: It helps to strengthen the spirit of patriotism and also can create more job opportunities and improve the quality of employment.S: The Olympic Games is the world's largest and highest level, and most widely influential sports event. The people of all countries enhance mutual understanding and friendship and safeguarding peace in the world event. Besides, the hosting of the Olympic Games is not only a country's comprehensive strength of the comprehensive test, but also to expand a country’ influence around the world, and at the same time promote their own development as a good opportunity.T: Well done! Why do many countries don’t want to host the Olympic Games?S: Preparing for the Olympics Games is a huge undertaking. Just like the athletes, the host city spends years getting ready for the event. Before deciding which city will host the Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has to examine bids from allover the world. Bidding for the games begins about ten years in advance. Without preparing a very strong bid1, a city will not win the competition to host the games.S: Hosting the Olympic Games take so long time and so much money to prepare. Building the infrastructure costs huge amounts of money. Holding the World Cup in 2002 in Japan and South Korea, for example, meant that ten new stadiums had to be built, as well as many hotels and an improved transport system. In Beijing, after winning the bid, the government began major construction projects — the extension of the underground, the improvement of the airport and the building of new motorways. Each host city must also build an Olympic village for the athletes.S: Too many visitors may do harm to the environment of the city, in addition, the venues and buildings may be wasted after the Olympic Games.T: Well done! As every coin has two sides, hosting the Olympic Games has its advantages and disadvantages. For our powerful China, it is a good opportunity to host the Olympic Games which can benefit us a lot.Step V Homework (retelling)T: Suppose you work for an information technology magazine. Write a short passage which briefly introduces the history and development of computers. Don’t write in the first person.。

人教版高中英语必修2Unit 3ComputersPeriod 6 Assessment 优秀教案

人教版高中英语必修2Unit 3ComputersPeriod 6 Assessment 优秀教案

Unit3 Computers Period 6 Assessment 优秀教案(人教版必修2)Period 6 AssessmentThe General Idea of This Period:This period is to help the Ss to elevate their acquisition aboutcomputers androids and IT and their ability of employing the words,expressions,grammar learned in this unit.Teaching Aims:1.Elevate efficiently the students’ knowledge about computers,androids and IT.2.Elevate the Ss ability of using the words and expressions and grammar learned in this unit.Teaching Important and Difficult Point:Help the Ss learn to assess whether their knowledge about this topic has increased.Teaching Methods:1.Question-and-answer activity.2.Pair work and group work to make the students work in class.Teaching Aids:1.A multimedia.2.A blackboard.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 GreetingsT:Good morning,boys and girls.Ss:Good morning,Miss.Step 2 RevisionT:So far we have finished this unit which is about...?Ss:It’s about the history and development of computers.S1:I have learned tremendous about the computers,androids and I’ve made up my mind to learn computer science in the future if possible.T:Terrific.Step 3 AssessmentT:Today we are going to see how hard you worked and how much more you know about computers.Now work with your partners and finish these questions first.非测试性评价1.To what extent are computer and Internet becoming part of your life?I use the computer and/or Internet to:—type my homework—draw pictures—play games—communicate with my friends—gather related information for my lessons.—buy the things I like,eg:books and clothes.—listen to music—watch movies.2.What else do you think the computer and Internet will help you to do?_______________________________________________3.Which part(s)of the computer do you think need(s)more improvement?Why?You can use Exercise 1 in the workbook(P56)as reference for the parts of the computer._______________________________________________4.Look at the flow chart explaining how the computer technology has been developing and complete it with your partners.Then give a brief oral presentation on the development of computer technology with the help of the chart.When you’re preparing it,you can refer to the reading passage on Page 18 of the Student’s Book.Your oral presentation will be less than three minutes.测试性评价Ⅰ.单词拼写1.In c with most educated people,he prefers classical music to jazz.2.The invention of computer was a ______(技术的)revolution.3.He is quite clever a boy though he looks s -minded.4.In the past 20 years,my hometown has t changed.puters are often used to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world by the I .6.There are many ways of ______(通讯)in the modern world,such as telephone,fax,and so on.7.In the early 1960s,computers were connected by a n ,so that people could share information and talk to each other.8.He is so clever that he is considered to have high ______(智力).9.She was ______(徘徊)up and down the road,not knowing what to and where to go.10.Could you tell me the advantages and d of being famous?Possible answers:mon 2.technological 3.simple 4.totally 5.Internet munication work 8.intell-igence 9.wandering 10.disadvantagesⅡ.句型转换/完成句子1.Personally,I think the team who won first place cheated.______ ______ ______,I think the team who won first place cheated.2.I’m afraid something urgent has risen;I won’t be able to see you tonight.I’m afraid something urgent has ______ ______;I won’t be able to see you tonight.3.As time ______ ______(流逝),my memory seems to get worse.4.They’ve bought many books which are ______ ______(适合)teenagers.5.The new type of mobile phone is expensive.______,it’s worth buying it.6.He was foolish enough to accept her invitation.He was ______ foolish ______ he accepted her invitation.7.How are you going to ______ ______(处理)the water pollution of the area?8.You have to ______ ______ ______(做出决定)whether to accept the job or not.Possible answers:1.In my opinion e up 3.goes by 4.suitable for5.Anyway/Anyhow6.so,that7.deal with8.make a choiceStep 4 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 3 ComputersPeriod 6In my opinion so...thatcome up deal+withgoes by make a choicesuitable...forStep 5 Record after TeachingActivities and Research:Whether or not should the computer be used in teaching?Suppose your classroom has been equipped with a computer.Your teachers have used a lot the computer in their teaching.Some of your classmates are for using the computer in teaching,but the others are against using the computer in teaching,and you try to work in two sides:1.Bring this topic to your classmates,and divide the class into two sides,each of which has several small groups.2.Make a list of the advantages/disadvantages about using the computer in teaching based on the opinions or ideas of those who are for/against using the computer in teaching.3.Share your list with other groups,put your lists together to make one comprehensive list out of what each groups has come up.4.You may also want to read and surf the Internet about different views on using the computer in teaching to find more reasons to support your ideas.5.Then,come to a reasonable decision about whether or not the computer should be used in teaching.6.Create a debate in class on whether or not the computer should be used in teaching.7.While debating,you will try to use the following expressions.I think that... Yes,I think so. I don’t think so. I agree that... I don’t agree. I’m afraid not. In my opinion,In addition,Besides,First...,second...,In a word/In brief。

人教版高中英语必修2Unit 3ComputersPeriod 4 Listening 优秀教案

人教版高中英语必修2Unit 3ComputersPeriod 4 Listening 优秀教案

探索尚未知道的东西Unit3 Computers Period 4 Listening 优秀教案(人教版必修 2)Period 4 ListeningThe General Idea of This Period: This period includes listening and writing on Page 21;listening on Page 55 and listening task on Page 58.Apparently , the purpose of this period is to train the students’ listening — for information;for comprehension and for language.Meanwhile,the students will be trained to expresstheir own opinions after listening. Teaching Aims:1.Help the students to learn about the knowledge of information technology.2.Enable the students to get the main ideas of the listening materials. Teaching Important and Difficult Points:1.How to get the main idea and information in details.2.Express their own opinions after listening. Teaching Methods:1.Task-based learning.2.Cooperative learning. Teaching Aids:1.A tape recorder.2.A multimedia. Teaching Procedures:Step 1 RevisionCheck the students’ interviews.Get the students to work together with their partners to interview each other. Step 2 Listening and writing (Page 21)Task 1 Listen to a conversation T:Class,as we all know,the 21st century is the century of information and technology.Next we will listen to a conversation about different kinds of information technology or IT.And as we know,each kind of information technology has its own advantages and disadvantages.So from thisconversation we will listen for the advantages and disadvantages of each one.But before listeninglet’s first look at the pictures on Page 21 and the form on Page 22 to make sure what you are going to do while listening.OK,let’s begin.The students listen to the conversation for the first time.Task 2 Discussion and filling T:You can see there are a TV,a CD-ROM,a computer,a radio,a DVD and newspaperhere.Now try to finish filling in the form with the information you have just got from theconversation. Suggested answers:Type of ITAdvantagesDisadvantagesTVYou can both listen and watch You can’t write to friendsWebYou can find informationIt’s very expensive探索尚未知道的东西RadioYou can listen to EnglishYou can not watchBookYou can get informationSometimes it is out-of-dateT:Now,let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of IT in small groups and then decide which type of IT is best for you to use,according to the form above and explain the reasons.While discussing,remember to use the following expressions:I think that...In my opinion...I believe that...I agree because...I disagree because...I’ve decided that... Step 3 Listening (Page 55) T:Now come to the listening on Page 55.Before you listening,please read the requirements of Ex.1.After that,you will find the three robots from the pictures above on Page 55 and number them. The possible number: Picture 1—No.3 Picture 3—No.2 Picture 4—No.1 T:Now please look at these boxes on Page 55 before you listen to the tape again,and try to findout the listening points.Pay more attention to these points and you may make some notes whilelistening.Three minutes later. T:Now try to fill in the boxes with the information from the listening material,and then checkyour answers with your partners. Suggested answers:Personal robotInformationSize35 cmWhat it looks likeRobot with five armsWhat it can doAll homeworkPrice50 yuan a dayBird-like android SizeWhat it looks like What it can do PriceInformation 10 cmBird-like android Sings beautifully600 yuanLonely androidInformationSize What it looks like2m Large,energetic robotWhat it can doClimbs mountains;plays guitar;sings karaokeTelephone numberRoom-1234Step 4 Listening task (Page 58) T:Now please turn to Page 58,and finish the listening task. As we know,computers are used widely and put into androids.Please look at the picturesabove.There are two androids in it.One works as a maid.The other works in a car factory.They are探索尚未知道的东西friends and they were made at the same time.Now they are talking about their lives and what it feels like to be android.OK,please listen carefully to their problems and fill in the form.I’ll play the tapetwice.After listening. T:Try to fill in the forms as quickly as you can,and then we will check the answers in class.Suggested answersSally and Brenda’s problemsAbout their jobsTheir programmer decided themAbout changing their jobsThey are not able to change jobsAbout who decides their future About how they are different from peopleTheir programmer does They can not smell,laugh,taste,or eat foodAbout how they are the same as peopleThey enjoy footballT:From what we have just listened,we know that Sally and Brenda have some troubles in theirlives.They are treated badly.Now you are going to make a list of the rights that androids should haveso that they will be treated better.You can work with your partners and have discussion. Suggested answers:1.They should be able to choose the work they do.2.They should have their own time.3.They should be able to change their jobs.4.They should be able to decide their own future. 5.They should be able to taste,smell,feel,etc.Step 5 Assignment T:Class,I really appreciate your good performance in this listening class.I can see that your listening has greatly improved since you came to the senior school.Keep on your good work!OK,wehave no time left.I’d like to assign you some homework to do.1.Go over the listening and writing on Page 21 and get ready for the writing.Step 6 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard探索尚未知道的东西Type of IT TV WebRadio BookUnit 3 Computers Period 4Advantages You can both listen and watch.You can find information. You can listen to English. You can get information.Disadvantages You can’t write to friends.It’s very expensive. You can not watch. Sometimes it is out-of-date.Personal robot SizeWhat it looks like What it can do PriceInformation 35 cmRobot with five arms All homework 50 yuan a dayBird-like android SizeWhat it looks like What it can do PriceInformation 10 cmBird-like android Sings beautifully600 yuan。

人教版高中英语必修2教案Unit 3 Computers

人教版高中英语必修2教案Unit 3  Computers

人教版高中英语必修2教案Unit 3 ComputersThe topic of this unit are information technology,history and basic knowledge of computers and robots。

The main theme is computers which is connected with teaching students a little more of the history and development of computers and applications computers will be vital to the modernization of China.It is important for students to understand that the development of computers has been a very recent thing which has only been 100 years since Charles Babbage began to make his first machine that was the predecessor of the personal computers we use today. Understanding the history of computers will help the students to see that there will be many changes ahead in the development of computers and arouse students` interest in learning computers.New words and collocations: calculate, universal, simplify, sum, operator, logical, technology, technological, revolution, artificial, intelligence, intelligent, solve, reality, personal, tube, total, net work, web, application, finance, mobile, rocket, explore, anyhow, goal, happiness, download, virus, signal, type, coach, arise, electronic, appearance, character, mop, niece, from….on…, as a result, so …that…, human race, in a way, with the help of, deal with, watch overAbility aims: arouse the students` great interest in learning computers and let them learn to use them in their daily life.Difficult points: how to develop students` reading skills, express their opinions and use personification and chronology when writing.Important points: let them learn more about the history and basic knowledge of computers and different reading skills.Step 1 Leading in the topic1. Show them some pictures of an abacus, a calculator, a huge computer, a laptop anda PC. In some groups, discuss what they have in common, and then rank them according to the time of their appearance.2. Ask students to give their opinions and remind them of using the following expressions:I think that ……In my opinion, ……I believe that……What`s your reason?Why do you think so ?3. Ask some students to talk about what they know about computers.Step 2. Predicting by talking free1. Ask students to look at the heading and picture to guess what the passage might be about.2. Ask some students to give their opinions by answering the question: How have computers changed our life? Do you know in what ways computers are used today?Step 3. Reading1. Look at the picture and title to predict what the passage might be about?3. Read the text carefully for the information to complete the table below, describing4.根据课文内容填空5. Read the text again to underline the expressions and write down into their notebook after class as homework: begin as, a calculating machine, be built as, as that time, a technological revolution, artificial, intelligence, write a book, make…work as, solve problems, from then on, in size, both…and…, by the 1940s, go by, as a result, change one`s shape, so ….that…, be lonely, stand there by oneself, be connected by, share one`s knowledge with…, become important in…, put…into…., as well as, provide….with…, be filled with…, a devoted friend, the human race5. Listen to the text and skim the text once more and identify the difficult sentences. Let them try analyzing the structures of them.Step 4 Interview gamesAsk students to work in pairs. Suppose one is a journalist and the other is a computer, the journalist is interviewing the computer.Step 5 Learning personification and chronologyPersonification means to treat something as if it were human or had human qualities. It is of the most effective ways of using words figuratively.Chronology means to describe things in order of time which is often used in recounting an event or describing the life of someone. It is an effective way to make a mass of things clear.An version:I, the computer, was a calculating machine in 1642 in France. Then I was built as an Analytical Machine, which was a technological revolution. I became a “universal machine” in 1936 to solve any mathematical problem. I was not very big at first then I became huge, the size of a large room before I was made smaller and smaller.I became clever and quicker and was connected with other computers and turned out to be part of a network in the early 1960s. I was brought into people`s, and many new applications have been found for me.Step 5 Closing down by spoken practiceTalk about the development of computers by answering the questions:1). Do you have your own computer at home?2). How familiar with computers do you think you are?3). How many times do you access the Internet newspaper in a week?4). How many times do you access the World Wide Web in a week?5). How many times do you send the e-mails in a week?6). How many hours do you spend in internet “chat” group in a week?7). Do you think the commercial services on the net are reliable?8). In general, how positive or negative an experience is it for you to work with computers?9). In general, what effects do you think the computer technology has had on your study?10). In general, what effects do you think the computer technology has on human societies and cultures?Step 6 Homework1. Go over the text, and try to learn all the useful words and expressions by heart2. Finish the exercises in comprehending on page 19.Artificial intelligence means man-made intelligence while “real intelligence”is the intelligence that human that human beings are born with. The term “artificial” includes all the calculations that a computer can do. It is different from human intelligence because itonly works with electricity and can be turned off when the machine is unplugged fro the wall.Transistors are a way of sending and storing information that only take up a small space. They meant that computer could be made smaller and they led to computers becoming small and personal.A network is a number of computers that are joined together so that they all show the same program. So a number of students can work in the same room on the same program but at different computers.The Internet (WWW) is a worldwide information resource where people can do research, go shopping or sending messages to friends. When they send messages they do it by “e-mail” or “electronic mail”. The messages are sent by satellite to special place on the ground that can receive them. Them they are sent to the address where the person can open them and read them like a letter.The 1970s was when computers became small enough to come into people`s homes. These computers are called “personal computers”.The second period: Learning about important language pointsKnowledge aims:1. Get students to learn and grasp the important useful new words and expressions: calculating, calculator, PC, laptop, common, simplify, simple-minded, artificial intelligence, anyhow, totally, network, truly, race, birth, go by, deal with, human race2. Important useful sentence patterns:1) I began as a calculating machine in France in 1642.2) As time went by, I was made smaller and smaller.3)And my memory became so large that even I couldn`t believe it.3. Ability aims:Get students to use some useful new words and expressions correctly.4. Emotion aims:Stimulate students` interest in learning English and the spirit of cooperation.5. Important points:Enable them to grasp the usages of such important new words and expressions as common, any how, in common, in one`s opinion, deal with, etc.Get them to master the pattern “And my memory became so large that even I couldn`t believe it.”6. Difficult points:How to get the students to master the usages of the important expressionsGet students to understand some difficult and long sentences.Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework exercises.Ask some students to retell the development of computers.Step 2 V ocabulary study2. Review the new words and expressions in all the parts and have a dictation.Step 3 Practice for useful words and expressions1. Let students do exercise 1 in Learning about Language on page 20 and then check the answers.2. Question students on the meanings of those new words which will be used in Exercise 2 in Learning about Language on page 20.3. Explanation of some important words and expressions.1). common:usual or familiar; happening or found often in many places; shared by, belong to, done by or affecting most of the same group.Snow is common in cold countries.We shared a common purpose.He and I have a common interest; we both collect stamps.The common man in every country is anxious for the world peace.His ordinary supper consists of only bread and milk.This book is intended for the general reader, nor for the specialist.in common withhave nothing / something / little / a lot in common2). calculate: work out by using numbers or one`s judgment; estimateCalculate the cost of a journeyScientists have calculated that the world`s population will double by the end of the century.I calculate that we will reach Beijing at about 3 pm.Be calculated for / toIt is calculated that ….Calculate on / upon3) simplifyThis dictionary tries to simplify the meanings of words.4). so…that…He is such a kind man that everyone likes him.He started so early in the morning that he caught the first train.Those were such expensive books that we couldn`t afford to buy them.I made so many mistakes that I failed the exam.There is so little time that we couldn`t finish the task on time.5). in a wayYou`re quite right in a way.on the waybe in the waymake one`s wayfeel one`s way6). arise: become evident; appear; originateA new difficult has arisen.Use this money when the need arises.Arise from / out of sth. : follow as a result of sth.4. Sentence focus1). I began as a calculating machine in France in 1642.A walking stick, a swimming poo, a washing machine, a sleeping boy, exciting news 动名词作定语表示所修饰的名词的用途2). In 1936 my real father, Alan Turing, wrote a book about how I could be made to work as a “universal machine” to solve any difficult mathematical problem.how I could be made to work as a “universal machine”to solve any difficult mathematical problem.是宾语从句3). however, this reality also worried my designers.However.adv.可是, 然而; conj. 不论, 不管;We haven`t yet won, however, we shall try again.He hasn`t arrived,. He may, however, come later.He can answer the question however(=no matter how) hard it is.However sly(狡猾) a fox may be, it is no match for a good hunter.You will be lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen.Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed.4). As time went by, I was made smaller.as time went by是时间状语从句,主句的谓语形式是一般过去时的被动语态.5). Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told. 比喻句子An elephant never forget. 大象永远不会遗忘.6). And my memory became so large that even I couldn`t believe it.用so….that….引导结果状语从句So bright was the moon that the flowers were bright by day. so连同它所修饰的形容词或者副词放在句首,表示强调.Step 4 Using words, expressions and patterns1. Do exercises 1 and 2 on page 56 in Using words and expressions2. Translate the sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.1). 在老师的帮助下, 你会发现处理和分享信息是不难的. (with the help of)2). 你很容易通过因特网与世界各地的人们进行交流. (communicate)3). 为每位教师购置一台电脑要花费很多钱,但这很值得. (After all)4). 她电脑用得好,现在很少用纸和笔写字了. (so…..that….)5). 如果出现新的情况, 他们会补充新的程序. (make up)Step 5 HomeworkFinish off the Workbook exercisesLearn the new words and expressions by heartThe third period: Learning about grammarStep 1 Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Dictate some new words and expressions.3. Translate the sentences into English1). 这消息太好了,简直不能相信.2). 他走得太匆忙了,以至于忘了带伞.Step 2 Grammar revision1. Revise the passive voice:the present passive voice: be + p.p;the present future passive voice: shall / will be + p. p2. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb given.1). Sailing races are held (hold) on the lake at 11 Tuesday.2). Food is served (serve) between 12:00 and 14:00 every day.3). Nobody will be allowed (allow) to enter the stadium without a ticket.4). Whoever breaks the law, he will be punished (punish).Step 3 Grammar learning1. Reading aloud and discovering by asking students to go back to page 18 to read the passage Who am I ? to pick out the present perfect passive voice and translate them into Chinese.Over time I have been changed quite a lot.I have been used in offices and home since the 1970s.I never forget anything I have been told.Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.I have also been put into space rockets…I have even been robots and used to make mobilphones.2. Look and think to sum up the structure of the present perfect passive voice: Have / has + been + p.pStep 4 Grammar practicehave / has done--------have / has been done现在完成时以及被动语态1.Change the following into the present perfect passive voice.We have made a plan.He has fixed the computer.We have bought a new personal computer.We have found many problems with our new computer.They have built a PC the way we wanted.We have used the computer every day since we bought it.We have written a lot of emails on the computer in the past years.2.Check errors in these sentences.3000 employees were laying off / laid off.A story will / be made up.An idea was putted / put forward for discussion.Has the book been give / given back to you yet?My bank loan will be payed / paid off in five years time.Nothing can be hold / held against me.She has never / been heard of.She was being /x knocked down by a bus.She was letted / let off with a fine.The candle was blow /blown out by the draught.The criminal were / was locked up.The flood water was be / x kept back by barriers.The inconvenience will / be made up for by this money.The keys must have been being / x left behind.The old cinema is being pull / pulled down.The protesters / are being held back by the police.Your jacket can be hanged / hang up over there.Step 5 consolidationAsk the students to do the exercises in Using structures on page 57.Step 6 HomeworkFinish off the workbook exercises.Preview the passage Andy-The Android on page 23. find the sentences in which the present perfect voice has been used, and see if you can put it into the active voice.Computer jargon (计算机行话)Bit : the smallest data unit, can either be a “0” or a “1”Byte: unit of data. See also Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and Nibble.CPU: Central Processing Unit, another name for processorData: information stored on a computerDisk: A place to store dataLoad: Get data from a diskSave: Put data on a diskUSB: Universal Serial BusWWW: World Wide Web, part of the InternetThe Fourth period: Using Language: Listening and TalkingKnowledge aims:(1). Get the students to learn some useful new words and expressions;(2). Let the students learn the expressions of giving opinions, reasoning and making a decision: I think that….., in my opinion, ……., I think this is because ……., I don`t likethis ……, the advantage is….., let`s make our decision to do ……, I have decided …..Ability aims: enable them to catch and understand the listening materials to develop their listening ability.Important points: develop the students` listening and speaking ability to master different listening skills. Let them learn how to give opinions, reasons and make a decision.Difficult points: how to get them to listen and understand the materials correctly and how to develop their speaking ability.Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework exercises.Ask some students to translate some sentences using the present perfect passive voice.Step 2 Warming up by talking about ITWhat is information technology/ Information technology (IT) or information and communication technology (ICT) is the technology required for information processing. In particular the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information from anywhere, anytime.Step 3 Listening and speaking on page 22Listen to the conversation about different kinds of information technology. Discuss the topic and add some advantages and disadvantages, write down the advantages and disadvantages in the chart on page 22.Step 4 Listening on page 551. Ask students to look at the 4 pictures and listen to the tape to find the three mentioned in the listening text and number them.2. Let them look at the boxes and then listen to the tape part by part to fill in the boxes.Step 5 Talking on page 551. Ask the students to read the directions and the expressions of giving opinions, reasoning and making a decision given below.2. Let the students list the advantages and disadvantages of each robot.3. Ask them have a discussion and make a decision which one is the best and give some reasons.Step 6 listening task on page 581. Ask students to discuss the following questions:What can the androids do for our everyday life?What else can they do for human beings?What can the androids do all these useful things for human beings?What are the similarities between robots and human beings?What are the differences between robots and human beings?Can androids become human beings in the future?2. Ask students to read the directions and listen to the tape to fill in the blank.3. Let students have a discussion on the rights that androids should have so that they will be treated better.Step 7 HomeworkFinish off the Workbook exercisesPreview the passage Andy—the android.The fifth period: Using language: Reading and SpeakingThis unit , the teaching emphasis will be put on developing students` reading abilities by reading extensively and speaking abilities by using the expressions of giving opinions, reasoning and making a decision to discuss in groups the advantages and disadvantages of having sporting robots take the place of human players.Ability aims: train students` speaking ability and enable them to learn how to give opinions, reasoning and make a decision.Important points:(1). Develop the students` reading skills by extensive reading.(2).Train students` speaking abilities by using the expressions giving opinions, reasoning and making a decision.Difficult points: how to get them learn to use reading strategies such as skimming and scanning. How to give opinions, reasons and make a decision.Step 1. Revision1. Check the homework exercises.2. Ask the students to go over Using words and expressions on page 56 to know more about the computers.Step 2. Warming up by a group discussion1. Ask students to talk about Andy—the android.2. Divide the students into several groups to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having sporting robots to take the place of human players.Step 3 Reading the Sporting Robot on page 58-591. Look at the title and pictures and then guess what the passage is about.2. Skim for the answer to the following questions.What is Hua Fei?What is Hua Fei good at?What can it do?Did Hua Fei win any medal in the 79th Olympics?What problem does Hua Fei have now?3. Scan the text to get the detailed information and then do the exercise 1 on page 59.4. Practice reading aloud the second paragraph while listening to the tape.Step 4 Speaking task on page 59-60Have a discussion to work out the questions to be used to interview Hua Fei. After several minutes, ask some students to play it out.Step 5 Summing upAsk the students to think over the following questions and then sum up the expressions and the passage.1). What expressions do you use when giving opinions, reasons and making a decision.2). How do you feel after reading the passage The Sporting Robot? Do you think what will happen?Step 6 HomeworkFinish off the Workbook exercises.Find out information about robots and share with your classmates.The sixth period: Using language: Speaking, Reading and WritingThe emphasis of this unit is laid on developing students` writing ability which is the best way to test if students have mastered what they have learned.Ability aims: Get the students to learn to think creatively.Important points: Develop students` writing ability by using the expressions to give opinions, reasons and make a decision.Difficult points: How to get them to think creatively to understand others` feelings.Step 1. Revision1. Check the homework.Step 2 Warming upImagine computers can be put into different kinds of android. Show students some pictures of different kinds of android.Talk about football androids or other sporting androids.Step 3 ReadingRead the passage Andy—the android and underline all the useful expressions and new words.Read it again to get the main idea.Step 4 Discussing how to design an androidDiscuss how to design their own android, the following questions may help:What would you like it to be?What would you like it to do?Step 5 Selling computersFirst, have a discussion in pairs intending to sell computer to someone. Then get them write a report to persuade the other to buy the robot by giving 3 or more reasons.Step 6 WritingSuppose you are a famous reporter. You have interviewed Hua Fei, a sporting robot. Now you write a news article for the school newspaper.1. Show them English newspapers and let them discuss how to make a heading for news article.2. Ask students in groups to discuss and decide what the heading will be and what the best things are to be written.3. Students finish their articles.Step 7 HomeworkFinish writing on page 23 and write it down on your exercise book.补充练习1) The teacher told his students to bring out their notebooks to put down what he said.2) The army offices led a / an revolution against the king.3) Many advanced technologies have been introduced to this factory from abroad.4) Use your intelligence, and you are sure to achieve something.5) Mrs. White gave birth to a fine healthy baby in her late thirties.6) Some of the best brains in the province are here tonight.7) One careless move loses the whole game.8) She had to make a / an choice between the two dresses.9) White races are more respected than the black in Africa.10) It is said that he is collecting materials for his book.11) Sara got injured in a train accident half a year ago and suffered from back pain from then on.12) Have these pills three times a day and if they don’t work out, just go back to me.13) All the volunteers were divided into four groups according to their abilities and strengths.14) Bob told us a funny joke. As a result, the whole room was filled with laughter.15) Miss Lin often shares her students’ interesting ideas with their parents by email.16) With the help of the computer and the Internet, I have made several e-friends from America and Canada.17) Making a plan before you do something can help you deal with some unexpected situations.18) In a way, the Internet may have negative influence on teenagers by the bad information on it.19) An expert swimmer was trained and employed to watch over other swimmers at the swimming pool.20) The whole sum was so big that the boss had to have another person calculate it again.1). Though they are twins, they have nothing in common.2). In my opinion, you are wrong.3). Two years went by before we knew it.4). I don`t know how to deal with the bad children.5). The teacher asked the children to make up a story about a trip to the moon.6). It has turned out to be a nice day after all.7). The man is being watched over by the police.8). With the help of the teacher, I succeeded in doing the experiments.9). In a way, the strange animal looks like a bear.10). Computers are used to connect people who are not close enough to speak each other.3.Choose the best answers.1). Millions of pound`s worth of damage _____ by a storm which swept across the north of England last night.A. has been causedB. had been causedC. will be causedD. will have been caused2). A new cinema _____ here. They hope to finish it next month.A. will be builtB. is builtC. has been builtD. is being built3). The police found that the house _____ and a lot of things _____.A. has broken into; has been stolenB. had broken into; had been stolenC. has been broken into; stolenD. had been broken into; stolen4). ____ the sports meet might be put off.-----Yes, it all depends on the weather.A. I have been toldB. I have toldC. I am toldD. I told5). All the preparations for the task _____, and we are ready to start.A. completedB. completeC. had been completedD. have been completed6). Both my brothers work at the power station that _____ at my home town.A. has set upB. has been set upC. was set upD. is set up7). ------ The window is dirty.------ I know. It _____ for weeks.A. hasn`t cleanedB. didn`t cleanC. wasn`t cleanedD. hasn`t been cleaned8). Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across the open sea, which _____ the Pacific, and we met no storms.A. was calledB. is calledC. had been calledD. has been called9). There have been six Chinese Americans who _____ the Nobel Prize for their outstanding contributions to science so far.A. have been awardedB. had been awardedC. were awardedD. awarded10). Jim asked whether my father was one of those sailors who ____ to Somalia.A. has been sentB. have been sentC. have sentD. has sent11). More and more websites _____ on the Internet in recent years to help children solve psychological problems.A. has set upB. was set upC. have been set upD. had been set up12). When and how to start the new plan at school ____ yet.A. are not decidedB. have not been decidedC. had not been decidedD. has not been decided13). ----Did you see the bottle of cola I drank last night?----I suppose it _____ by now.A. was thrownB. had been thrownC. has been thrownD. is thrown14). Do pay attention to what _____ on my notebook.A. has markedB. has been markedC. had markedD. had been marked15). Although medical science develop rapidly, the useful methods to treat AIDS _____.A. didn’t discoverB. haven’t discoveredC. Hadn’t been discoveredD. Haven’t been discovered16). -----The flight to New York _____ until tomorrow morning-----No wonder I hear so many complains from the passengers.A. has been delayedB. delaysC. delayedD. is being delayed17). So far, five of the twelve bronze animals heads in Yuanmingyuan _____.A. have been returnedB. have returnedC. has been returnedD. returned18). More homeless people _____ by the government this year than last year.A. savedB. have been savedC. had been savedD. have saved4.Turn the following sentences into passive voice.1). They asked me to come a little late.→I ____ _____ to come a little late.2). Women often talk about food and clothes.→Food and clothes _____ often _____ _____ by women.3). Do they make this kind of truck in Nanjing?→_____ this kind of truck _____ in Nanjing?。

人教版高中英语必修二教案:Unit 3 Computers Period 4 Language points

人教版高中英语必修二教案:Unit 3 Computers Period 4 Language points

Unit 3 ComputersPeriod 4 Language points 教学设计I. Teaching contents:Learning about languageII. Teaching aims:1)To revise the useful words and expressions.2)Grasp the usage of such important expressions :common; as; lonely; connect; anyhow; have…in common; work out; go by;3)Master the sentence pattern:It took+一段时间+before+从句(一般过去时)so/such. . . that引导结果状语从句III. Key points & DifficultiesKey points:How to use the phrases correctly.Teaching Difficulties:How can students use the sentence pattern freely.IV. Teaching procedure:Step 1: Greetings.Step 2: Difficulties and key sentences explaination.mon adj.共同的;共有的;常见的;寻常的;普通的have…in common 在……方面有共同之处in common 共有;公有in common with sb./sth. 与……相同2. work out 锻炼身体;计算出;理解;了解;处理;解决work off (通过消耗体力)宣泄感情work over 拷问;追问work up 逐步发展3. It took+一段时间+before+从句(一般过去时)It will (not) be+时间段+before+从句(现在时)要过一段时间后才……(用不了一段时间就……)It was (not) +时间段+before+从句(过去时)过了一段时间后才……(没过一段时间就……)4. as在句中作连词,引导时间状语从句,意思是“随着;当……时”。



Unit 3 ComputersPeriod One Warming up and ReadingBy Zhang SuochengTeaching contents:Warming up; Pre-reading; Reading; Comprehending (Page 17-19)Teaching important points:1. Students are able to learn more about the history and basic knowledge of computers.2. Students are able to learn different reading skills. Teaching difficult points:1.Help students to improve their reading abilities.2.Students are able to express their opinions.3.Help the students learn to use personification,chronology and topic sentences when writingTeac hing methods:1. Task-based teaching and learning2. Cooperative learning3. DiscussionTeaching aidsThe multimediaTeaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. Students are able to learn the useful new words and expressions in this passage2. Students are able to know basic knowledge about computers.Ability aims:1. Help students to improve their reading abilities.2. Train the students’ability to collect usefulinformation from the Internet by themselves.Emotional aim:Guide the students to work hard to create more wonderful and convenient inventions for human beings.Teaching procedureStep One Warming up1. Talk about the importance of computer and the Internet.2. Cooperative learning: Show some pictures of the development of computers.Questions: 1. What can you see in the pictures?(abacus, calculator, huge computer, PC, laptop, PDA, robot)2. What do you think will be the next development?Discussion (pair work): What do they have in common, in your opinion?Some useful expressions: I think that…In my opinion…I believe that… What’s your reason? Why do you think so?Step Two Pre-readingAsk the students to predict what the text is going to be about from the title and the pictures.Step Three While-readingTask 1: Skimming the passage for the general ideaQ 1: What is the main idea of the passage?This passage is mainly about the history of the development of computers.Q 2. Who am I?I am a computer.Task 2: Scanning for detailed information.Read the passage and finish the timeline below. (Ex. 1 on Page19)Task 3: Listen and read aloudTas k 4: Read the passage again. In pairs find out the topic sentence of each paragraph and the supporting details. (Ex.2 on Page19)Question & Summary: How to find out the main idea of a paragraph quicklyA topic sentence sets out / explains the main idea of a paragraph.A topic sentence is usually the first or the last sentence of a paragraph.Step Four Post-readingTask 5: Guessing gamesFind the word or expression for each of the following meanings from the text according to the context.(Ex. 1 on Page 20)Task 6: True or False?1. The passage mainly tells us the history of the computer.2. The computer was considered simple-minded before it got artificial intelligence.3. Charles Babbage invented the first computer.4. Since its birth the computer has been built to take the place of the human race.Step Five Brief summaryWhat have we learnt in this class?1) some words about computerscalculating machine, analytical machine, universal machine, PC, laptop,tubes, transistors, chips, network, World Wide Web, communications, finance, trade, robots, mobile phones, medical operations, space rockets2)the short history of the development of computersgreat changes in size—from__________ to ___________great changes in memory—from___________to ___________great changes in function—from___________to ___________great changes in application—from___________to ___________3) some scientists relating to computers________________built the analytical machine.________________made the first computer.4) some good methods of writinga. in the first person—personification “Who am I? ”b. in an order of time—chronologyc. topic sentencesStep Six Discussion in groups of fourWork in groups of four and discuss the advantages and disadvantages ofcomputers.Step Seven HomeworkRead the passage again. Underline the words, phrases or sentences that you don’t understand, and try to solve the problems using context clues and the dictionary.Design on the blackboardUnit 3 ComputersPeriod One Warming up and ReadingMain idea of the passage:This passage is about the history of the development of computers.Topic sentences of each paragraph:Paragraph 1: Over time I have been changed quite a lot.Paragraph 2: These changes only became possible as my memory improved.Paragraph 3: Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.Summary: What have we learnt in this class?1) some words about computers2) the short history of the development of computers3) some scientists relating to computers4) some good methods of writinga. in the first person—personification “Who am I? ”b. in an order of time—chronologyc. topic sentences精美句子1、善思则能“从无字句处读书”。

人教版高中英语 必修2 Unit 3 computers Period 3 learning about Language教案

人教版高中英语 必修2 Unit 3 computers  Period 3 learning about Language教案
1 totally 2 amazed 3 exciting 4 excited
5 cheaply 6 unlucky
2. Lead-in
Say: Are you familiar with these computers? Can you call them? (ask the Ss to distinguish different types of computers.)
1.Change the following sentences into the Present Perfect Passive Voice.
!). We have completed all the preparations for the task, and we’re ready to start.
The dirty clothes have not been washed.
Have the windows been cleaned?
How many shopping centers have been built in this city?
2.只有及物动词ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ有被动语态,不及物动词(词组)没有被动语态,如:happen, take place,
1.Check the homework first
1 totally2 revolution3 artificial intelligence 4 birth5 simple-minded 6 go by
7 deal with 8 network9 truly 10 anyway
revolution; network; went by; totally; truly; simple-minded; Anyway; deal with



Period 2 A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language (The Present Perfect Passive Voice)IntroductionTo warm up students will be given a computer joke to read. Then they shall go on to discover useful words and expressions by doing related exercises. After that they may be helped to learn about the present perfect passive voice and to discover and use useful structures.Objectives■To help students build their word power by means of word formation■To help students understand and use the present perfect passive voiceProcedures1. Warming up by listening to a computer joke2. Discovering useful words and expressionsIn pairs do the exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 20. You must finish them in 10 minutes.3. Learning about passive voice—an overview4. Understanding the structure of the present perfect passive voiceThe structure of the present perfect passive voice is: have/ has +been+~ed5. Reading aloud and discoveringNow go back to page 18 to read aloud and discover in the text all examples of the present perfect passive voice.6. Discovering useful structureWe shall do grammar exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 21.7. Closing down by doing a quizCorrect the mistakes in these passive voice sentencesExample: The house was build in 1880. (correct = The house was built in 1880.)。



unit3 computers using languageTeaching aims:Knowledge aims:1.Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions.2.Let students to know more about robots.Ability aims:1.Develop students’ reading skills.2.Enable students to talk about their dream androids.Moral aims:1. Stimulate students’ imagination.2. Develop students’ sense of group cooperation and teamwork.Teaching key points:1.Develop students’ reading skills.2.Let students read and understand the passage.Teaching difficult points:1. Enable students to learn to use different reading skills.2. Help students to understand the text thoroughly3.Help students to master the following: be determined to do, in a way, make up, after all…Teaching aids:A computer and a projector.Teaching procedures & ways:Task-based teaching and learning.Step 1. Lead inShowing some pictures of Doraemon and Atom. And then introduce another android to students:Andy.Step 2. Reading.1.Skimming1) From the text ,we know the passage is about______A. a football match between humansB. a football match between androidsC. a football match between human and androidsD. a basketball match between androids2) Who’s Andy?A. a dogB. a boyC. an androidD. a bird3) What is he good at?A. runningB. walkingC. playing footballD. calculating2. Detailed reading.Task 1 Listen to the tape and finish the exercises.1) What part does Andy play in the team?A. goal keeperB. backC. strikerD. center2) Andy thinks the match in Seattle is________A. wonderfulB. importantC. unfairD. fair3) Why can Andy play football like human?A. Because he has a computer in it.B. Because he is a human.C. Because his coach told him.D. because he is a real man.Task 2 Read the statements first and then read the passage by yourself. Decide whether they are true or false.1) The androids can often play games together. F2) Andy is much bigger than a human. F3) The android can think like a human by themselves. F4) In the game, I need to speak to my teammates in English. F5) Andy failed to win the competition because his team was less intelligent than his rival(对手). TTask 3 Post-reading.Sum up the main idea.The story is about the ________ called _______,who is good at_________________. And his___________ makes him think and move like a______. However, they _____ in the ___________hosted in the USA, because the other teamhad a new kind of_________. After that, he will ask his programmer to improve his __________ .Step 5 SpeakingTell students that Pair-work to discuss how to design your own androids. The following questions and expressions can help you:What would you like it to look like?Do you want it to be like a man or woman, or neither?What are some of the things you would like it to do?How much will it cost?In my opinion…I ( don’t ) think that…What is your reason ?I would like it to do some sports with me.I would like it to dance for me.It costs…Then ask 2-3 pairs to report to the whole class.The the sample dialogue to them if it’s nece ssary.A: What kind of robot have you decided to make?B: I've decided that we should have a homework android. It could do all our work after class and leave us more time to play football.A: OK. But what do you think it should look like?B: In my opinion, it should have four arms to carry the books, a large head to remember all the lessons and a printer to write out the answers. What do you think? A: Well, that sounds sensible. Perhaps it could also put all the exercises into specially marked boxes for each subject so we could find them quickly. What about putting that in its stomach area?B: Do you want it to be a man or a woman? You can choose.A: I've decided it should be a girl.B: What's your reason?A: Girls are so hard-working.B: Sounds good to me! Let's draw it now!Step 6. Homework.Draw a dream android.Make sentences with the language points we’ve learned today.教学反思整个教学过程非常流畅,学生参与度很高。



Period 3: Using Language(ANDY— THE ANDROID)AimsTo discuss about ITTo write a report about ITTo read about androids or robotsThe purpose of this exercise is to encourage students to listen and then use what they have heard to help them fill in a chart about computers.It is an important exercise because it links skills together and uses them to produce a useful piece of writing.Make sure the students look at the chart before they listen to the tape.This is to sharpen their attention and listen for the answers.This will also help them get the gist of the text.When filling in the chart, the students will have to use their own experience as well as information from the listening text.ProceduresI. Warming up by talking about ITWhat is Information technology?Information technology (IT) or information and communication technology (ICT) is the technology required for information processing. In particular the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and retrieve information from anywhere, anytime.II. Listening and writingTurn to page 21. Look at the pictures and listen to a conversation about different kinds of information technology or IT, discuss and write down in groups the advantages and disadvantages of each kind.III. Speaking and writingThe purpose of this exercise is to discuss together and then decide which kind of computer you would like to buy for your school.Think about what the school needs as well as what you like.Let the students do the exercise in pairs and share theirideas with others.Finally they should write the report.Remember to say which computer you have chosen and give a reason.You should also say why you did not choose the other computers.Suppose you and your partner are going to help choose computers for your school. Now talk about the special things each of the computer can do and write a report to your headmaster.IV. Reading, underlining and speakingThis is a speaking activity about designing an android.The purpose of the activity is not the design but the quality of the discussion.So try to make sure each pair makes a contribution to the finished design.Then let them discuss their ideas with another pair.Perhaps that will give each pair some more ideas for their android.Finally let students share their ideas with the class.It is said that computers could be put into androids or robots. Read the text Andy—The Android, underlining all the expressions and think of the fun you could have!Expressions from Andy—The Androidpart of a football team, once a year, get together, play a football game, be as…as…, in fat, look like…, on the football team, run fast, think like a human, shout to…, in computer language, have a good shot for a goal, get second place, win the first place, have a new kind of program, improve one’s intelligence, create a better system, play against a human team, in a way, program…with…, make up…, after all, with the help of…V. Writing a letterThe purpose of this piece of writing is to develop empathy in the students.They have to imagine they are androids looking after a family with one child.They need to imagine what problems and delights this android might have to deal with.Putting yourself in someone else's shoes is a very important way of understanding how other people feel.This is a very useful exercise.T: Suppose you are an android. What would say to a spoiled child who would not do his homework? Write a letter to the boy.AndroidAn android is an artificially created being that resembles a human being. The word derives from Greek Andr- ‘man, human’ and the suffix -eides used to mean ‘of the species, kind, alike’ (from eidos ‘species’).The word droid, a robot in the Star Wars universe, is derived from this meaning. Some people maintain that, etymologically, the word android means resembling a male human and that a robot resembling a woman should logically be called a ganoid for sexist language to be avoided; however, this word is not commonly used. Unlike the terms robot (a mechanical being) and cyborg (a being that is partly organic and partly mechanical), the word android has been used in literature and other media to denote several different kinds of man-made, autonomous creations: a robot that closely resembles a humana cyborg that closely resembles a humanan artificially created, yet primarily organic, being that closely resembles a human Although essentially human morphology is not the ideal form for working robots, the fascination in developing robots that can mimic it can be found historically in the assimilation of two concepts: simulacra (devices that exhibit likeness) and automata (devices that have independence).The term android was first used by the French author Mathias Villiers de l'Isle-Adam (1838-1889) in his wo rk Tomorrow’s Eve, featuring a man-made human-like robot named Hadaly. As said by the officer in the story, “In this age of Realien advancement, who knows what goes on in the mind of those responsible for these mechanical dolls.” Sample writing:Hello everybody, my name is Liu Yan.I am a 321 model android.I work for the Li family and I look after their library.My job is to store all the books that they borrow from their school or friends in my brain.Of course my brain is as large as a mountain so work like that is no trouble to me.I really eat books just like people eat food.The Lis have a child who needs me to remember all his school textbooks so I can do his homework for him.He just gives me the information on the subject, what has to be done and the page numbers and I get on with it while he enjoys himself with his friends.Sometimes I don't think it is right to do his homework for him — it's somewhat cheating. However, his parents are very concerned at the pressure of work in school these days.The child has too much homework to do. They like him to go to the key school but they also want him to be able to have hobbies, learn to swim and keep fit! Poor child!Mr. and Mrs Li work very hard too.Mr. Li is an architect and designs great tall apartment blocks.Mrs Li is a doctor and has to look after many patients.I remember all the plans for Mr. Li's projects and can tell Mrs Li which drugs are the best to give any particular patient.Mrs Li no longer has to read all those medical journals because I can do it for her.She and Mr. Li can have some time together to enjoy life too.So they consider me the most important person in the family after themselves.I am always introduced to their friends and play with visiting children.I am the perfect family academic aid and, although I was not cheap to buy, Mr. Li says I was worth every yuan!品味人生1、不管鸟的翅膀多么完美,如果不凭借空气,鸟就永远飞不到高空。

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Period 1 ReadingThe General Idea of This Period:This period includes Warming up,Reading and Comprehending of Unit 3.It introduces the history and development of computers.From this period the students will learn more about computers.Meanwhile they can learn some reading strategies such as skimming and scanning.Teaching Aims:1.Train the students’ reading ability.2.Learn some useful words and expressions.3.Learn more about computers.Teaching Important Points:1.Help the students to understand the passage better.2.Learn how to use some important words and phrases in this passage.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the passage better.2.Learn how to use some important words and phrases in this passage.Teaching Methods:1.Skimming the passage to get the general idea of the text.2.Scanning to get the details from the passage.3.Explanations and practice to help the students master some language points.4.Discussion to help the students understand better what they’ve learned and to use the knowledge they’ve learned in this period.Teaching Aids:1.A tape recorder.2.A multimedia.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming up1.Greeting the students as usual.2.Introduce the topic of computersShow the five pictures (an abacus,a huge computer,a calculator,a PC,a notebook computer)and get the students name them in English.Through this task,students can have a general idea about what they are going to learn.Besides,students are expected to have a discussion about what they have in common while looking at them.And they are required to use the given expressions in their discussion to express their ideas.T:Boys and girls,today I am going to introduce some machines to you.Now let’s see whether you can name them in English correctly,and talk about them.Now work together with your partners and try to find out what they have in common.Two minutes late,five students are asked to talk about them in class.S1:An abacus is an old calculating machine used in China until now.S2:A huge computer is built to solve some mathematical problems.But,in my opinion,it is too big.S3:A calculator is a new calculating machine which can solve a large number mathematical problems.And I think it is very convenient to carry and use,so we often use it.S4:A PC is a personal computer,which can solve all kinds of problems and is widely used in offices,schools,shops,at homes,etc.now.S5:A notebook computer is a kind of useful computer which can be taken conveniently like a notebook.But I think it is too expensive.T:Quite good.It seems that you are all quite familiar with these machines.But can you tell what they have in common?Any volunteers?S6:Let me try.I think they all calculate something.They can deal with some maths problems.S7:I believe that they are our good friends.With their help we can finish our work quickly.S8:The 21th century is the century of information technology.As middle school students,we should try to learn how to use computers.T:Well,your opinions are all right.Indeed,these machines all can calculate something.What’s more,from the abacus to the notebook computer,there is a long way.But now computers have already changed our lives greatly.But do you know more about computers and can you say something about how computers have changed our lives.Step 2 Pre-readingShow the questions on the screen.T:Now,please have a discussion first,and then I’ll ask some students to report your work.After a few minutes.T:Now,who would like to answer the first question?V olunteer!S9:I’ll have a try.I know that computers have developed from large machines.They have been made smaller and smaller,but work faster and faster.I really can’t imagine what they will be like and whether they can take the place of human beings in the future.T:Yes,this is really a big problem.I think you are all interested in computers,you may go on studying computers,and perhaps one day you will design your own computers and become the masters of computers.OK!Next question!S10:I think computers have changed our lives greatly.We use computers widely in our study,in our work.You are using the computer to teach us English,aren’t you?S11:In my opinion,in the modern society,using the computers means grasping a tool ofcontrolling the world.We may communicate with each other from a very long distance.In short,we can not live freely without them.T:I agree with you.The computers are becoming more and more important in our lives.But learning more about computers is also important,isn’t it?OK,let’s come to the reading passage “Who am I”.Step 3 ReadingTask 1.Skim the passage for the general idea.T:Boys and girls,you will be given two minutes to skim the passage and try to find out who “I”am and get the general idea of this passage.After two minutes.T:Time is up.Who would like to tell us who “I”am and give the general idea of the text to the class?V olunteer!S12:Of course,“I”am the computer.The passage is mainly about the history and development of computers.S13:The passage is also about the relationship of computers and humans.Task 2.Scan for the details.T:Boys and girls,you will be given two more minutes to scan the passage and try to find out the answers to the following questions.Let’s see who can find out the answers most quickly and correctly.1.Where were you in 1642?2.What happened to you in 1822?3.What were you called in 1936?4.What did you get in the 1960s?5.What happened to you in the 1970s?T:Have you finished?S14:I have.I was in France as a calculating machine in 1642.In 1822,I was built as an Analytical Machine by Charles Babbage.I was called “a universal machine”in 1936,as I could solve any mathematical problem.In the 1960s,I was given a family connected by a network,so that I could share information with others and we could talk to each other.In the 1970s,I was brought into people’s homes.T:You are so quick-minded that in such a short time you could find out all the answers to the questions.Your mind really works like a computer!Step 4 ComprehendingTask 3.Fill in the timeline to remember the facts.T:But can you memorize facts like a computer?I am afraid you can not.But let’s try to remember the facts in the passage by filing in the timeline on Page 19,which,I am sure,will help you remember the facts easily.Suggested answers:Timeline1642:The computer began as a calculating machine.1822:The Analytical Machine was built by Charles Babbage.1936:Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how computers could be made.1960s:Computers had new transistors and became smaller.1960s:The first family of computers connected to each other.1970s:Computers were brought into people’s homes.Now:Computers connect people all over the world together.them right.Now you can retell the history of computers easily with the help of the timeline,can’t you?Please have a try,boys and girls!Step 5 Homework1.Recite the key sentences.2.Prepare for Learning About Language.3.Try to retell the text using about 100 words.Step 6 The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 3 ComputersPeriod 1The general idea of the text:Questions1.Where were you in 1642?2.What happened to you in 1822?3.What were you called in 1936?4.What did you get in the 1960s?5.What happened to you in the 1970s?Language points:1.in common/have... in common (with)...2.in one’s opinion3.deal with4.simple-minded5.“as”and “with”6.“There were times when... ”Step 7 Record after Teaching。
