南非国家标准SANS 10140-2

纵观其照明产业,在非洲,不久前驱动电灯泡所需的太 阳能板功率应为20-30瓦,因人们只买得起白炽灯,但 LED灯效率更高,人们只需功率仅数瓦的太阳能电板即 可满足照明需求。随着LED灯、电池和太阳能板电板的 价格不断下跌,再加上商业计划的创新,非洲和其他地 区的数百万户家庭极可能将能够放弃煤油灯及白炽灯, 转而使用技术更先进的照明灯具。
电子电气产品进入南非市场必须标识SABS标志SABS标志 包含用于LOA(Letter of Authority)证书和用于EMC的 CoCo(Certificate of Conformance)证,CoCo并不是一个认 证标志,而是EMI测试通过后所发的一个证书。
南非与我国签订了自由贸易协定,灯具类关税在20 %~30%之间;
在照明通用灯具上采用系列标准SANS IEC 60598 灯座:SABS VC 8011; 管状荧光灯启动器:SABS VC 8039; 白炽灯:SABS VC 8043; 断路器:SABS VC 8036; 器具连接器:SABS VC 8012; 电源线装置和电源线延长装置:SABS VC 8029; 接地保护装置:SABS VC 8035; 电线电缆:采用标准SABS VC 8006、SABS VC 8075-2003 、SABS VC 8077-2003。
目前包括离网型太阳能照明产品、室内小型手提灯、 1W~5W的太阳能用LED灯泡、应急灯等,都是在非洲 市括市场、车站、商场 等场所的多元化LED照明市场,以及旅游景点、渡假别墅 市场,都存在新的应用与市场需求,不论是LED庭院灯、 LED路灯与商业照明,已经有厂商在非洲市场积极推动中。

前言以下数据分析结论以及建议均来自官方和本人根据个人知识经验不保证理论与实际情况完全相符由于篇幅较长错误难免我会尽量保证正确率和准确性但不保证文章的绝对准确和正确如因曲解误读或未按本文要求进行实践所造成的一切不良后果本人不承担任何责任因为是新帖所以还是要说一下各国标准以下分别是美标欧标和国标关于这个建议使用时间我个人的看法是由于厂家不了解每个用户的具体使用环境所以经过测试给出一个能最大限度保证用户安全的时限但这个时限并不是最大限度的利用口罩综合现在各地的雾霾情况加上节约开支上的考量按每天佩戴不超过三小时计算我个人建议三个月更换一次口罩N标准系列口罩9010官方简介用于某些非油性颗粒物的呼吸防护和病毒微生物的呼吸防护呼吸阻力小佩戴舒适折叠式设计更方便携带此款口罩算一种基础型口罩符合N95标准材质为经过静电处理的无纺布从官方所说的用于某些非油性颗粒物的呼吸防护我们可以看出此款口罩的防护范围并不大由于没有任何的性能数据我们也无从得知其具体性能在此仅从已知数据进行推测首先此口罩符合N95标准所以可以肯定的是能用于雾霾的基本防护其次此口罩没有呼吸阀所以不适合长时间佩戴最后口罩与面部接触的地方与普通口罩相同没有做太多处理从而导致气密性有一定缺陷不适合剧烈运动结论此口罩为基础防护口罩适合中度污染使用价格较低也适合频繁更换8210系列8210有多种版本基本上各个版本都是对舒适性进行改进防护能力没有太大区别8210系列分别为8210CN8210s8210舒适版8210V官方简介用于防护在研磨砂纸打磨清扫锯切装袋等过程中或在矿石煤铁矿面粉金属木材花粉和某些其它物质的加工过程中产生的颗粒物的防护用于防护由喷雾产生的不散发油性气溶胶或蒸气的液态或非油性的颗粒物当用于防护这些颗粒物时根据中国国家标准GB/T 18664 《呼吸防护用品的选择、使用与维护》本产品可用于不超过10倍职业接触限值的浓度水平此口罩有多种改进型一种型号衍生出多种改型说明了这种口罩的防护性能非常不错从官方简介我们可以看出几点首先此口罩的设计目的是供工业用其次此口罩不能防护油性颗粒物最后我们从本产品可用于不超过10倍职业接触限值的浓度水平可以看出此口罩的防护能力非常好可以在十倍以下职业接触限值浓度进行工作是一款针对性很强防护能力很好的口罩在各种衍生型号中我推荐8210V 理由是8210V有呼吸阀设计适合长时间佩戴结论8210的各种型号针对非油性颗粒物防护能力较好舒适度佳因符号N95标准所以适用于雾霾天气价格适中适合在雾霾天气佩戴1860官方简介用于职业性医护人员的呼吸防护,防护某些致病微和物颗粒如病毒细菌霉菌碳疽杆菌结核杆菌等这口罩主要是医用同时符合N95标准这口罩我用过气密性很差和脸部贴合问题相当大经常莫名其妙的漏气不知道是我脸的问题还是这口罩的问题不过价格到是很便宜总之这个如果针对雾霾的话我个人不推荐91321860折叠版没什么好说的8515官方简介打磨等湿热环境作业的工人专业们设计的经济型防尘口罩适合湿热环或长时间佩戴防护;舒适型适合建筑、石矿、纺织、打磨、五金铸造、制药、电子、制药、物料处理及打磨等作业时产生的粉尘的防护等行业。
sabs 163标准

SABS 163标准是南非的一个特定产品认证标准,它属于南非强制性认证体系。
SABS(South African Bureau of Standards)即南非标准局,负责制定和执行南非的国家标准。
具体到SABS 163标准,它可能是针对某一类产品的具体规范,比如轮胎等。
1. 符合国家标准:产品需要符合相应的SABS/SANS(南非国家标准)要求。
2. 通过标准测试:产品必须经过指定实验室的测试,并且测试结果需要满足标准规定的性能指标。
3. 质量体系要求:生产企业的质量管理系统需要满足ISO 9000标准或其他指定要求。
4. 指定代理人:在申请SABS认证的过程中,企业需要指定一个在南非的代理人来协助完成认证流程。

世界主要国家的阻燃标准及规定国名电气、电子设备领域建筑领域汽车、火车、飞机、船舶美国UL-746高分子材料UL-1270音响设备UL-1410电视机UL-94塑料燃烧试验UL-114办公设备ASTM E84-84建筑材料的燃烧性能ASTM E119建筑材料的燃烧试验方法ASTM D2843塑料分解燃烧的烟生成量FMVSS汽车内装饰材料FAR(Part25)飞机内装饰材料SOLAS(1974)船舶防火结构ASTM D3676ASTM E-162NFPA 258加拿大CSA C22,2加拿大电气规范(第二部分)主要零件采用UL标准NBC(加拿大国家建筑法规)UL C-CAN4S-101-M82建筑材料的耐火试验UL C-S102-M83表面燃烧试验SOLAS(1974)船舶用材料德国VDE 0304(第三部分:硅碳棒试验)VDE 0304(第一部分):本生灯法VDE 0470加热铁芯法VDE 0471第二部分:炽热电阻丝法等材料的燃烧试验标准DIN 4102大型建筑物及部件的耐火性DIN18230工厂建筑物的耐火结构(原东德标准:TGL10685/11建筑材料的燃烧性能和TGL10685/11建筑材料的耐火性能)建筑材料必须取得BTI(建筑技术研究所认可)DIN53438(第三部分):车辆的塑料车身德国商业同业公会规范25-00201飞机内装材料SCH SV part船舶用材料DIN 5510车辆的耐火性FAR part 23、FAR part 25:飞机用材料英国BS-738用火焰点火的燃烧试验及着火温度试验IEC公告707 BS 476(第4部分):不燃材料试验BS 476(第7部分):表面燃烧试验BS 476(第11部分):发热量试验BS 2782塑料试验方法BS 6853 I-2类:车辆的耐火性能SOLAS II-20章船舶材料法国NFC 32-070电线电缆的阻燃耐火性能UTEC 20-452、UTEC 20-453、UTEC 20-454、(低发烟、低有害气体试验)AFNOR(1985)建筑材料标准NEP 92-505材料燃烧试验GTM 001B NFP92503,507铁路车辆用材料NFP92-05汽车用材料意大利UN 18456 (CSERF1/75/A) UN 18457 (CSERF1/75/A) UN 19174(CSERF3/77) UN 19175 (CSERF4/83) 建筑材料日本UL94燃烧试验JISA1321建设省告示1231号JISA9511JIS D 1201汽车内装材料FMVSS302汽车内装材料运输省铁道81号之2铁道车辆用材料澳大利亚(1)AS 2420(炽热电阻丝试验、表面漏电痕迹试验)(2)电线电缆遵照IEC332,331正在研究与DS6977大致相同的内容正在研究引进发烟性能的标准按照AS 标准AS1530.1材料燃烧性能 AS1530.2材料燃烧性能 AS1530.3材料燃烧试验AS K156发泡聚苯乙烯标准韩国UL94、UL1410、UL1270、UL746D 均与日本标准一样,都是仿效UL 标准朝鲜阻燃协会标准的第112条、38条、40条。
解读SANS 50025南非钢材标准

解读SANS 50025南非钢材标准
本文档旨在解读SANS 南非钢材标准,提供对该标准的详细了
SANS 标准概述
SANS 是南非国家标准局(South African Bureau of Standards)
SANS 标准主要包括以下几个方面的内容:
SANS 标准对钢材的机械性能进行了要求,包括拉伸强度、屈
SANS 标准还规定了钢材的热处理要求。
SANS 标准适用于南非境内使用的钢材产品,包括建筑材料、
通过对SANS 南非钢材标准的解读,我们对该标准的内容和应用范围有了更清晰的认识。
SANS 1307-2009

ISBN 978-0-626-21251-3 SANS 1307:2009Edition 4 SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Domestic solar water heatersPublished by SABS Standards Division 1 Dr Lategan Road GroenkloofPrivate Bag X191 Pretoria 0001 Tel: +27 12 428 7911 Fax: +27 12 344 1568www.sabs.co.za© SABSSANS 1307:2009Edition 4Table of changesChange No.Date ScopeForewordThis South African standard was approved by National Committee SABS TC 1057, Solar heating systems, in accordance with procedures of the SABS Standards Division, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement.This document was published in January 2009. This document supersedes SANS 1307:2007 (edition 3.3).Annexes A and D form an integral part of this document. Annexes B, C and E are for information only.SANS 1307:2009Edition 41ContentsPageForeword1 Scope (3)2 Normative references (3)3 Definitions (4)4 Requirements (6)5 Methods of test (11)6 Marking and method of marking (12)Annex A (normative) Notes to purchasers (14)Annex B (informative) Factors governing corrosion and internal scaling of solar water heating systems (14)Annex C (informative) Chloride content of water supplied to certain South African urban areas (15)Annex D (normative) Installations, replacement and retrofit (16)Annex E (informative) Quality verification of solar water heaters (16)Bibliography (17)SANS 1307:2009Edition 4This page is intentionally left blank 2SANS 1307:2009Edition 4 Domestic solar water heaters1 Scope1.1 This standard specifies the requirements of domestic solar water heating systems.1.2 The standard is not applicable to solar water heaters for swimming pools or to industrial and commercial solar water heaters, or to push-through type domestic solar water heaters.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensible for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. Information on currently valid national and international standards can be obtained from the SABS Standards Division.ASTM A 167, Standard specification for stainless and heat-resisting chromium-nickel steel plate, sheet, and strip.ASTM A 240, Standard specification for heat-resisting chromium and chromium-nickel stainless steel plate, sheet and strip for pressure vessels and for general applications.EN 573-3, Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Chemical composition and form of wrought products – Part 3: Chemical composition and form of products.SANS 135/ISO 1456, Metallic coatings – Electrodeposited coatings of nickel plus chromium and of copper plus nickel plus chromium.SANS 141, Glass-reinforced polyester (GRP) laminates.SANS 151, Fixed electric storage water heaters.SANS 200, Copper alloy ingots and castings.SANS 460, Plain-ended solid drawn copper tubes for potable water.SANS 999, Anodized coatings on aluminium (for architectural applications).SANS 1034, Grey iron castings.SANS 1190 (SABS 1190), Malleable iron castings.3SANS 1307:2009Edition 4SANS 2063/ISO 2063, Thermal spraying – Metallic and other inorganic coatings – Zinc, aluminium and their alloys.SANS 6210 (SABS SM 1210), Domestic solar water heaters – Mechanical qualification tests.SANS 6211-1, Domestic solar water heaters – Part 1: Thermal performance using an outdoor test method.SANS 6211-2, Domestic solar water heaters – Part 2: Thermal performance using an indoor test method.SANS 9933/ISO 9933, Products in fibre-reinforced cement – Long corrugated or asymetrical section sheets and fittings for roofing and cladding.SANS 10106, The installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of domestic solar water heating systems.SANS 10137 (SABS 0137), The installation of glazing in buildings.SANS 10142-1, The wiring of premises – Part 1: Low-voltage installations.SANS 10252-1, Water supply and drainage for buildings – Part 1: Water supply installations for buildings.SANS 10254, The installation, maintenance, replacement and repair of fixed electric storage water heating systems.SANS 10400 (SABS 0400), The application of the National Building Regulations.SANS 51706/EN 1706, Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Castings – Chemical composition and mechanical properties.SANS 60335-2-21 (SABS 60335-2-21), Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety Part 2-21: Particular requirements for storage water heaters.3 DefinitionsFor the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply.3.1absorberpart of a solar heating collector that receives radiant energy and transforms it into thermal energy which is used to heat the heat-transfer fluid passing through the collector or to heat the water directly3.2acceptableacceptable to the authority administering this standard, or to the parties concluding the purchase contract, as relevant3.3aperturearea in a collector cover through which unconcentrated solar radiant energy is admitted to the absorber4SANS 1307:2009Edition 4 3.4collectordevice that contains or incorporates an absorber and a means for transferring thermal energy from the absorber to a fluid passing through the collector3.5collector covertransparent or translucent material that covers the aperture and provides thermal retention and environmental protection of the unit and may include a hail cover3.6daily heat outputenergy output above mean inlet temperature of a collector (Ta −Tc = 10 K) as determined by the full day heating test, and normalized to a base of 20 MJ/ m2/d of solar energy input3.7direct heating systemheating system in which the potable water to be heated is circulated through the absorber, and the solar heat gathered by the collector is transferred directly to the potable water itself3.8fluid channelschannels in solar water heater systems through which heat transfer fluid flows3.9hail covera cover for collector other than glazing that will prevent hail impact damage3.10heat exchangerdevice specifically designed to transfer heat between two physically separated fluids3.11heat transfer fluidmedium, such as air, water or other fluid, that passes through a collector and carries absorbed thermal energy from the collector to the potable water to be heated3.12indirect heating systemsystem in which an absorber transfers heat via a heat exchanger to the potable water to be heated 3.13preheatersolar heater installed in series between the pressure control valve and the primary water heater3.14separate storage systemsplit systemsystem in which the hot water storage container is remote from the collector(s)3.15solar water heatercomplete operating system that uses energy from the sun to produce hot water and comprises one or more collectors, one or more hot water storage tanks whether supported by supplementary energy sources or not, and all necessary interconnecting pipes and functional components3.16supplementary energy sourcesauxiliary heating source independent of solar thermal radiation5SANS 1307:2009 Edition 464 Requirements4.1 TypesA solar water heating system shall be one of the following, as required (see annex A).Table 1 — SWH system options1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Collector/Storage Combinationsintegral close-coupled splitHeat transfer methoddirect direct indirect direct indirect Circulation method thermo-siphonthermo-siphonpumped thermo-siphonpumped thermo-siphonpumped thermo-siphonpumpedNOTE 1 Any of the above may be with or without auxiliary (back-up) power supply i.e. electric or gas. NOTE 2 Pumped (forced) circulation can be achieved with electrical mains or photovoltaic powered pumps.4.2 Heating systemThe heating system shall be direct or indirect, and with or without supplementary energy sources as required (see annex A).4.3 Operating systemThe operating system shall be as required (see annex A), and shall consist of:a) an integral system, in which the hot water storage tank is incorporated integrally with the collector and is stored in the body of the collector;b) a close-coupled system, in which hot water is stored in a separate but close-coupled water storage tank (see 4.4);c) a separate storage system (split system), in which hot water is stored in a water storage tank (see 4.4) that is separate from the collector; ord) a pre-heater system, in which a solar water heater does not contain a means of supplementary heating and is installed to preheat the cold potable water supply prior to its entry into any other type of household water heater.4.4 Hot Water storage tankA hot water storage tank (with or without supplementary heating) shall comply fully with the relevant mechanical and design requirements of SANS 151 and with all the additional requirements for solar storage water heaters given in SANS 151 and with the additional requirements given in Collector coverThe collector shall be designed to operate with or without a collector cover, as required (see annex A). If a hail cover is used it should be non-corrosive, easily removable for cleaning and shall not impair the operation of the system. If constructed in solid sheet form it shall be secured so as to resist an upward force of not less than 200 N.SANS 1307:2009Edition 44.6 Thermal insulationThermal insulating material used in the construction of the collector and interconnecting pipes shall be of such quality and composition and so applied thata) it does not unduly compress after installation,b) when in contact with a metal, it does not cause corrosion of the metal,c) it does not react in the presence of heat in a manner that will produce corrosive salts or vapours,andd) it is dimensionally stable under dry conditions at the maximum expected temperatures likely to bereached in the collector or when exposed to the effects of UV radiation.4.7 Galvanic actionWhere different materials are joined together or coupled in the same system, acceptable precautions shall be taken in respect of the choice of materials, the method of jointing and the use of inhibitors, in order to reduce the possibility of galvanic action under wet and dry conditions.4.8 Construction4.8.1 GeneralAll components of a solar water heater shall be of sturdy and acceptable design and construction. The parts and the assembled unit shall have a neat workman-like appearance.4.8.2 JointsJoints between components shall be of acceptable design and quality and shall not leak and shall comply with the relevant SANS standard. Where required, adaptors to suit South African pipe and fitting standards shall be provided.4.9 Stagnation requirements for collector and connecting pipeworkThe construction of a solar water heater and the quality of the different materials used shall be such that, when the solar water heater is tested in accordance with 5.2, anya) deformation of any part of the collector,b) vapour deposition on the underside of the collector cover,c) degrading of paint, sealants, seals or insulation, andd) cracking, flaking, blistering or loss of cohesion of the absorber paint film,will not be of such magnitude as to impair the operation of the solar water heater.4.10 Working pressureA solar water heater shall be designed for a working pressure of zero (open type system), 100 kPa, 200 kPa, 300 kPa 400 kPa or 600 kpa, as required. The design and construction of any component or system shall be such that, when the component or system is tested in accordance with 5.3, there is no failure that could affect the acceptable operation of the component or system.7SANS 1307:2009Edition 44.11 Structural protection4.11.1 Resistance to rain penetration4.11.1.1 CollectorWhen the collector of a solar heater is tested in accordance with 5.4, the interior of the collector shall remain free from any water. Hot water storage tankA hot water storage tank that is intended to be installed on the outside of a building shall be effectively protected, by means of a corrosion resistant outer casing, against the effects of rain, wind and other elements. Seams on the outer casing and the entry holes for pipe connections shall be effectively sealed to make a permanent watertight closure. All exposed piping or fittings (or both) which form part of the storage tank, shall be of a non-corrosive material or protected against corrosion.4.11.2 Resistance to hailThe collector cover of a solar water heater shall be of such quality and strength that, when it is tested in accordance with 5.5, it does not suffer any damage that could impair its normal operation.4.11.3 Resistance to freezingA solar water heating system that is marked as resistant to freezing (see 6.1(f)) shall, when tested in accordance with 5.6, show no sign of any damage that could impair its normal operation. Failure of potable water inlet and outlet pipe work connections are not considered to be a system failure.4.11.4 Resistance to fatigue and hydrostatic pressureWhen a solar water heater is tested in accordance with 5.3, there shall be no leakage or any sign of damage or deformation that could impair the normal operation of any of its components.4.11.5 Resistance to physical damageThe major components of the solar water heater shall be so designed, constructed and, when relevant, protected as to ensure that the components will remain in an acceptable condition after handling, transport and installation.4.11.6 Safety requirements for hot water storage tanksThe hot water storage tanks of all solar water heaters shall comply with the safety requirements specified in SANS 60335-2-21. All solar water heater systems with provision for supplementary heating shall be tested with such supplementary energy operational.8SANS 1307:2009Edition 4 4.12 Materials4.12.1 GeneralExcept where already specified in applicable standards, the materials and, when relevant, their surface protection and its method of application, shall be such that they will perform their respective functions in a durable manner.NOTE 1 ISO/TR 10217 gives a brief introduction to the corrosion risks of various material/fluid combinations. NOTE 2 See also annex B for information on factors governing corrosion and internal scaling of solar water heating systems.NOTE 3 For information on chloride content of water supplied to certain South African urban areas, see annex C.4.12.2 AluminiumAn aluminium alloy that complies with the relevant SANS standard.4.12.3 Copper4.12.3.1 Copper tubing shall comply with the relevant requirements of SANS 460 where in contact with potable water and connected to a water supply in compliance with SANS 10252- castings shall comply with the requirements for Cu-Zn alloys of SANS 200. If the alloy is in direct contact with the main water supply, it shall, when a specimen is tested for dezincification in accordance with5.7, show a depth of penetration not exceeding 250 µm.4.12.4 Stainless steelStainless steela) for general mechanical construction shall be one of the types given in ASTM A 167 orASTM A 240, andb) for fluid channels shall be one of the types given in ASTM A Polymeric materials4.12.5.1 Glass-reinforced polyester (GRP)GRP shall comply with the relevant requirements for type S of SANS Other components (including fluid channels)Each polymeric material shall be one that is capable of performing the required function and thata) is based on a polymer of grade and quality recommended by the polymer manufacturer as beingsuitable for the function it has to perform,NOTE The polymer manufacturer should be advised if there is a possibility that the material could be used in contact with copper or could be required to operate at temperatures in excess of 100 °C.b) for fluid channels, contains no reground material,9SANS 1307:2009Edition 4c) for components other than fluid channels, contains no reground material in excess of 10 % bymass where any reground material present is clear reworked material derived from the manufacturer's own production, andd) has not deteriorated during compounding and production.Polymeric material shall have been acceptably heat-stabilized and protected from the effects of ultraviolet light by incorporation of acceptable UV stabilizer(s) in appropriate quantities.4.12.6 Fibre cementThe composition of fibre cement shall be as given in SANS 9933.4.12.7 Glass-reinforced cement (GRC)GRC shall consist of an acceptable mixture of cement and alkali-resistant glass fibre and shall be ofa quality recommended by the supplier as suitable for the particular duty for which it is intended.4.12.8 SealantsSealant material shall be suitable for its intended purpose.Sealant shall have been applied in accordance with the relevant recommendations of SANS 10137. No sealant shall be such that it will develop, or cause the development of corrosive salts or vapours.4.12.9 Water absorption of composite and polymeric material not in contact with transfer fluidThe water absorption of a composite or a polymeric material shall, when a specimen is tested in accordance with 5.8, not exceed 0,5 %.4.12.10 Heat transfer fluidThe heat transfer fluid used in an indirect heating system shall be non-toxic and non-corrosive.Heat transfer fluids should also have a colour added in order to detect a rupture between close and open circuits if it happens.4.13 Thermal properties4.13.1 Thermal performanceWhen the thermal performance of a solar water heater is evaluated in accordance with 5.10, the daily heat output shall not be less than 9 MJ/m2/d.4.13.2 Standing lossWhen the standing loss of a solar water heater is determined in accordance with 5.10, the overnight heat loss shall be as described in SANS Mixing factorWhen the mixing factor of a solar water heater is evaluated in accordance with 5.10, the hot water output shall be as described in SANS 151.10SANS 1307:2009Edition 4 4.14 Corrosion protection4.14.1 GeneralAll materials, including surface protection materials, that are intended to be in contact with potable water, shall be non-toxic, shall not cause the water to become toxic, and shall not impart any colour or objectionable odour to the water. The material(s) for waterways shall be intrinsically corrosion resistant.4.14.2 Corrosion resistance of external surfaces of componentsThe material of the component or quality and method of application of surface protection coatings (except surface coatings of absorber surfaces), as relevant, shall be such that, when any metallic component of a solar water heater is tested in accordance with 5.9, there is no visible sign of corrosion of the basic material or penetration of the surface coating.4.14.3 Electroplated coatingsElectroplated coatings shall comply with at least the requirements of SANS135 where applicable. 4.14.4 Thermal-sprayed metal coatingsThermal-sprayed metal coatings shall comply with the requirements of SANS 2063.4.14.5 AnodizingAnodizing shall comply with at least the requirements for a coating of grade AA20 of SANS 999.5 Methods of testNOTE For more information on quality verification of solar water heaters, see annex D.5.1 Sequence of testsCarry out the tests given in 5.2 to 5.10, (inclusive) in the sequence given, one immediately after the other .5.2 Stagnation test for collectorCarry out the test given in SANS 6210 and check for compliance with Mechanical strengthCarry out the test given in SANS 6210 and check for compliance with 4.10 and Resistance to rain penetrationCarry out the test given in SANS 6210 and check for compliance with Resistance to hailCarry out the test given in SANS 6210 and check for compliance with 1307:2009Edition 45.6 Resistance to freezingCarry out the test given in SANS 6210 and check for compliance with Dezincification resistanceCarry out the test given in SANS 6210 and check for compliance with Water absorption of composite and polymeric materialCarry out the test given in SANS 6210 and check for compliance with Corrosion resistanceCarry out the test given in SANS 6210 and check for compliance with Thermal propertiesCarry out the test given in SANS 6211-1 or SANS 6211-2 and check for compliance with 4.13.6 Marking and method of marking6.1 MarkingEach hot water storage tank shall be marked according to SANS 151 and all collectors shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the following information:a) the manufacturer's name, trade name or trade mark;b) the working pressure (see 4.10);c) a model number;d) the aperture area;e) whether fitted with hail cover or not;f) whether resistant to freezing or not;g) the material of the fluid channels;h) the material of the collector cover;i) the type, mixing ratio and grade of transfer fluid (for indirect systems);j) the total and useful energy rating, in kilo Watt hours per square metre per day; andk) date of manufacture and or serial number.6.2 Method of markingThe information required in 6.1(a) to 6.1(k) (inclusive) shall be stamped or embossed on the collector or on a nameplate securely attached to the collector. In addition, the information required in 6.1(f) shall be given (in letters of height at least 30 mm) on a removable sticker fixed to the glazing of the collector. (Instead of the removable sticker consider a tag for evacuated tubes.)12SANS 1307:2009Edition 46.3 Instruction bookletA booklet or leaflet in English shall be attached to each solar water heater and shall set out the following:a) information regarding the thermal properties of the solar water heater (see SANS 6211- 1 andSANS 6211-2);b) instructions for the safe and correct installation of the complete solar water heater, with adescription of all operating components and instructions for regular maintenance, including, when relevant, the maintenance of any sacrificial anode;c) clear and unambiguous advice regarding resistance to freezing and hail (see 6.1(f));d) safety precautions; ande) precautions regarding corrosion prevention and warning details are given in annex B.The information contained on the marking label shall be included in the booklet (see 6.1 and SANS 151).13SANS 1307:2009 Edition 414Annex A(normative) Notes to purchasersThe following requirements shall be specified in tender invitations and in each order or contract:a) the type of solar water heater (see 4.1);b) the type of heating system (see 4.2);c) the type of operating system (see 4.3);d) whether the collector is to be designed to operate with or without a cover (see 4.5);e) the working pressure (see 4.10) for both primary and secondary circuits;f) whether the solar heater is hail resistant (see 4.11.2); andg) whether it has a supplementary energy source or not (see 4.2).Annex B(informative)Factors governing corrosion and internal scalingof solar water heating systems1)B.1The tendency for metal corrosion or scaling to occur in a solar water heating system will depend on the characteristics of the water in the system. The evaluation given in annexes B.2 to B.4 may be included to aid in developing an acceptable corrosion prevention procedure.B.2 A full water analysis should be carried out and the Langelier Saturation Index and the Ryznar Stability Index calculated to give a guide as to the expected scaling/corrosion tendency of the water.B.3 The known performance of metals in a particular water should be ascertained from local user and supplier experience and checked against the likely performance as predicted from chemical analysis of the water. It should always be remembered, however, that design factors (open circuit, closed circuit, material choice, crevices, etc.) may override factors predicted from water chemistry or from the corrosion history.B.4In water with a high chloride or a high sulphate content, predictions calculated from a chemical analysis of the water should be treated with caution. It is difficult to define what a high chloride content is since this could vary from water to water and from metal to metal. The hardness of the water could be an important factor in terms of the chloride tolerance of a metal (see annex C).1) Callaghan, B G. Corrosion of solar water heating systems. British Corrosion Journal, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1979, p. 78.SANS 1307:2009Edition 415Annex C(informative)Chloride content of water supplied to certain South African urban areasIt should be emphasized that the figures given in table C.1 should not be regarded as representative of the water generally supplied to cities and towns. The chloride content of the water supplied in localities other than those listed could be of an entirely different order.Table C.1 ― Chloride content of water1 2 3 4 5Chloridemg/LItem SourceMin. Max. AverageRand Water Board 1 2 Zuikerbosch pump station Vereeniging pump station 7 16 14 89 10 34 Pretoria3 4 5 Fountains RietvleiSterkfontein– – – – – – 3 6 2 Cape Town6 7 8Voëlvlei (approximately) Wemmershoek Steenbras40 7 1880 13 2460 11 219 Port Elizabeth 61 64 61 10 East London – – 61 Durban 11 12 Umgeni Umlaas– – – – 10 54 Windhoek13 14 15Swakopdam GoreangapReclaimed sewage effluent– – – – – – 11 16 183 16 Bloemfontein – – 10 17 Empangeni (KwaZulu-Natal)––120NOTE The chloride content of the water supplied to customers in cities and towns varies, depending on the source of the water and the time of the year.Water obtained from certain boreholes could have a very high chloride content.Before systems that include stainless steel or aluminium components are installed, it is recommended that the borehole water should first be analysed to determine its suitability for use with such components.SANS 1307:2009 Edition 416Annex D(normative) Installations, replacement and retrofitD.1 Solar water heating installations shall comply to the following installation codes as applicable, SANS 10106, SANS 10254, SANS 10252-1, SANS 10400 and SANS 10142-1.D.2 For a new installation where there is no pre-existing hot water installation, any of the options in table 1 could be suitable.D.3 For replacement, in which the existing hot water installation is removed and replaced with a solar water heating system, any of the options in table 1 could be suitable.D.4 Retrofit installations onto existing electrical hot water installations can be either a solar pre-heater retrofit option (a) or a circulating retrofit option (b).a) A solar pre-heater retrofit option, where there will be no continual circulation of heated potablewater between the solar water heater storage tank and pre-existing electrical storage water heater. The cold inlet to the solar pre-heater is connected downstream of the existing pressure control valve, and the hot outlet of the solar pre-heater is connected to the inlet connection of the existing electrical storage water heater, not into its hot outlet pipe. Flow of solar heated water to the pre-existing electrical water heater only occurs when hot water is drawn off at terminal fittings. This option may negatively affect flow pressure performance at terminal fittings due to the additional in-line friction pressure losses.b) A solar circulating retrofit option or any appropriate system in table 1 may be used. Thecirculating potable water between the solar water heater and the existing storage water heater must be connected so that the heated water is circulated between the retrofitted solar water heater and the existing electrical storage water heater.D.5 I n both the (a) and (b) options the hot water supply or circulating pipes from the solar water heater may not be connected to the hot outlet pipe of the existing electrical storage water heater. The pressure rating of the solar water heating system shall be matched to that of the existing electrical storage water heater.Annex E(informative)Quality verification of solar water heatersWhen a purchaser requires ongoing verification of the quality of solar water heaters, it is suggested that instead of concentrating solely on evaluation of the final product, he also direct his attention to the manufacturer's quality system. In this connection it should be noted that SANS 9001 covers the provision of an integrated quality system.。
中国R o H S拟“扩物质”,4种邻苯类有害物质须关注

2022/4准与认证40标STANDARD & CERTIFICATION标准修订先行目前,中国RoHS 有害物质包括铅及其化合物、汞及其化合物、镉及其化合物、六价铬化合物、多溴联苯(PBB)、多溴二苯醚(PBDE)以及国家规定的其他有害物质。
标准作为中国RoHS 制度的技术支撑文件,主要指向GB/T 26572-2011《电子电气产品中限用物在不远的将来,4种邻苯类有害物质或将纳入中国电器电子产品有害物质限制使用管理。
这次会议不仅分析了当前电器电子领域有害物质限制使用的国内外行业执行情况,更明确传递出一个信息——中国RoHS 的管控物质将扩容,拟将4类邻苯二甲酸酯类物质(包含DEHP、BBP、DBP、DIBP)纳入《电器电子产品有害物质限制使用管理办法》(以下简称《管理办法》)有害物质清单。
本刊记者 于璇中国R o H S 拟“扩物质”,4种邻苯类有害物质须关注41质的限量要求》、GB/T 26125《电子电气产品六种限用物质(铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚)的测定》等。
中国RoHS“扩物质”的第一步,正是对GB/T 26572-2011《电子电气产品中限用物质的限量要求》进行修订,新增4种邻苯类有害物质的限量要求。
《电器》记者从会上获悉,新增4种邻苯类有害物质政策文件或将以部文或部公告的形式发布,并将向WTO/TBT 通报,计划的实施过渡期为180天。

IEC标准/EN标准:IEC/EN 60335-1 (家用和类似用途电器的通用标准)IEC 60335-2-15(液体加热器标准)IEC 60335-2-13(油炸锅、电煎锅标准)IEC 60335-2-3 (电熨斗标准)IEC 60335-2-85 (蒸汽熨衣器标准)UL标准:UL 1026 (家用电烹饪及食物加工器具)UL1083 (家用电长柄平底锅和煎炸型器具)UL 1082 (家用电咖啡壶及酿造类器具)UL 1005 (家用电熨斗器具)GB标准:GB 4706.1 (家用和类似用途电器的通用标准)GB 4706.2(电熨斗标准)GB 4706.19 (液体加热器标准)GB 4706.56 (油炸锅、电煎锅标准现在世界各国的认证可以分为以下几种:1、CB体系:CB体系是“Certification Bodies‘Scheme”(认证机构体系)的缩写,CB体系是电工产品安全测试报告互认的第一个真正的国际体系。

In a multilingual country such as South Africa, it makes good sense to try to arrive at a common “language” to serve both as an identification of the contents of specific pipelines and as a warning. This “language” usually appears on the pipe in the form of a pipeline colour coding system or a written identification of the contents (descriptive code indicator) or, where possible, both.
– It is imperative that those who carry out work involving, or in the vicinity of, a group of pipelines be trained to understand the colour coding system from induction training to ongoing training and toolbox discussions. Identifying and assisting any colour-blind workers are also important facets of this training.
南非标准nrs 076-2

南非标准nrs 076-2是一个涉及放射性物质的分类、标记和包装的南非标准。
具体来说,NIS 076-2标准规定了放射性物质的分类方法,包括根据放射性活度和放射性核素的种类进行分类。
同时,NIS 076-2标准还规定了放射性物质的包装要求,包括包装材料的选择、包装结构的强度和密封性等方面的要求。
南非国家标准SANS 10140-2

SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD 南非国家标准Identification colour marking颜色识别标记Part 2: Identification of hazards and equipment in work situations 第二部分:工作环境中的危险和设备识别SANS 10140-2:2008Edition版本2.3Acknowledgement致谢Standards South Africa wishes to acknowledge the valuable assistance derived from publications of the following organizations:南非标准得到以下机构的帮助,在此表示谢意:British Standards Institution英国标准协会International Organization for Standardization国际标准组织Foreword序言This South African standard was approved by National Committee StanSA TC 5120.16, Industrial safety colours, in accordance with procedures of Standards South Africa, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement. 该南非标准经过国家委员会StanSA TC 5120.16, Industrialsafety colours工业安全色的批准,符合南非标准程序,与WTO/TBT协议的附录3一致。
This document was published in April 2008. This document supersedes SABS 0140-2:1978(first revision). 该文件于2008年4月份出版。
SANS10400-S_dss 南非标准

DRAFT SOUTH AFRICAN STANDARD (DSS):PUBLIC ENQUIRY STAGEDocument number SANS 10400-SReference 7114/10400-S/SPDate of circulation 2010-05-11 Closing date 2010-07-13Number and title:SANS 10400-S: THE APPLICATION OF THE NATIONAL BUILDING REGULATIONS — PART S: FACILITIES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIESRemarks:PLEASE NOTE:•The technical committee, SABS TC 59: Construction Standards responsible for the preparation of this standard has reached consensus that the attached document should become a South Africanstandard. It is now made available by way of public enquiry to all interested and affected parties forpublic comment, and to the technical committee members for record purposes. Any comments shouldbe sent by the indicated closing date, either by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail toSABS Standards DivisionAttention: Compliance and Development departmentPrivate Bag X191Pretoria0001Fax No.: (012) 344-1568 (for attention: dsscomments)E-mail:dsscomments@sabs.co.zaAny comment on the draft must contain in its heading the number of the clause/subclause to which itrefers. A comment shall be well motivated and, where applicable, contain the proposed amended text.•The public enquiry stage will be repeated if the technical committee agrees to significant technical changes to the document as a result of public comment. Less urgent technical comments will beconsidered at the time of the next amendment.THIS DOCUMENT IS A DRAFT CIRCULATED FOR PUBLIC COMMENT. IT MAY NOT BE REFERRED TO AS ASOUTH AFRICAN STANDARD UNTIL PUBLISHED AS SUCH.IN ADDITION TO THEIR EVALUATION AS BEING ACCEPTABLE FOR INDUSTRIAL, TECHNOLOGICAL, COMMERCIAL AND USER PURPOSES, DRAFT SOUTH AFRICAN STANDARDS MAY ON OCCASION HAVE TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE LIGHT OF THEIR POTENTIAL TO BECOME STANDARDS TO WHICH REFERENCE MAY BE MADE IN LAW.AZ96.10 2008/08/08 sabs ptaISBN 978-0-626-SANS 10400-S:2010Edition 3Published by SABS Standards DivisionTel: +27 12 428 7911 Fax: +27 12 344 1568www.sabs.co.za© SABSSANS 10400-S:2010Edition 3Table of changesChange No. Date ScopeAcknowledgementThe SABS Standards Division wishes to acknowledge the work of the National Environmental AccessPart A:Part B:Part F:Part J:Part K: Walls.Part L: Roofs.Part M: Stairways.Part N: Glazing.Foreword (concluded)Part O: Lighting and ventilation.Part P: Drainage.Part Q: Non-water-borne means of sanitary disposal. Part R: Stormwater disposal.Part S: Facilities for persons with disabilities.Part T: Fire protection.Part V: Space heating.SANS 10400-S:2010Edition 31ContentsPageAcknowledgementForeword1 Scope .....................................................................................................................................2 Normative references .............................................................................................................34SANS 10400-S:2010Edition 3This page is intentionally left blank2SANS 10400-S:2010Edition 3The application of the National Building RegulationsPart S:SANS 10400-A, The application of the National Building Regulations – Part A: General principles and requirements.SANS 10400-M, The application of the National Building Regulations – Part M: Stairways.SANS 10400-P, The application of the National Building Regulations – Part P: Drainage.SANS 10400-T, The application of the National Building Regulations – Part T: Fire protection.3SANS 10400-S:2010 Edition 343 DefinitionsFor the purposes of this document, the definitions given in SANS 10400-A (some of which are repeated for convenience) and the following apply. 3.1 accessapproach, entry or exit 3.2accessiblecharacteristic of a building, that can be reached, entered and used3. who isa) registered in terms of the Architectural Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 44 of 2000), as either a P rofessional Architect or a Professional Architectural Technologist, and has suitable contextual k nowledge and experience to undertake a rational design or rational assessment in terms of the r equirements of part S of the Regulations; orb) generally recognized as having the necessary experience and qualifications to undertake a r ational assessment and advise a Professional Architect or Professional Architectural Technologist registered in terms of the Architectural Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 44 of 2000), on a rational designSANS 10400-S:2010Edition 3 in terms of the requirements of part S of the Regulations.3.9deemed-to-satisfy requirementnon-mandatory requirement, the compliance with which ensures compliance with a functional regulation53.10easy-to-usedescriptive of a fixture or fitting that has been designed and fitted in such a way that persons with disabilities are able to use it safely, comfortably and conveniently, both in terms of the mechanism used for its operation and the force required to operate it3.11emergency routethat part of an escape route which provides fire protection to the occupants of any building and which leads to an escape door3. than generally accepted optimum performance in a human ability, which might be a temporary or permanent condition3.20impairmentindicative of any one impaired ability3.21kerb cutlink between a road traffic surface and an elevated or lowered pedestrian pavement3.22landinglevel platform or part of a floor structure at the end of a flight of stairs or a ramp3.23main entranceentrance that leads directly to3.243.25a)3.26NOTE3.27including all external and internal routes and spaces in common usage, and the entrances and exits within these routes and spaces3.28person with disabilitiesperson who has long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which, in interaction with various barriers, might hinder his full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others3.29rampinternal or external walkway with a slope greater than 1:20 in the direction of travel3.30rational assessmentassessment by a competent person of the adequacy of the performance of a solution in relation to requirements including as necessary, a process of reasoning, calculation and consideration of accepted analytical principles, based on a combination of deductions from available information, research and data, appropriate testing and service experience3.313.323.33space3.34storeyc)andt h e r 3.353.36tactilethat can be perceived by using the sense of touch3.37transfer spacespace required by a wheelchair user to transfer to or from a vehicle, toilet or seat3.38turning spacecirculation space in which a wheelchair can turn through 360°3.39wheelchair-accessible toilettoilet designed to include use by wheelchair users4 RequirementsNOTE The requirements of this part of SANS 10400 form part of SANS 10400-D, SANS 10400-M and2)p4. requirements of SANS 1186-1 and shall have a symbol height of not less than 110 mm.4.2.3 Facilities that are not in accordance with the requirements of this part of SANS 10400 shall not bear the international symbol.NOTE The symbol is the property of the International Standards Office and its use can only be sanctioned where the minimum requirements of the National Building Regulations have been complied with.4.2.4 Clear legible signs shall indicate the direction and name of an accessible facility and shall incorporate the international symbol. The height of the lettering shall not be less than 50 mm.Where the viewing distance is greater than 10 m, the height of the lettering should be increased accordingly (see table 1).Table 1 — Height of lettering in relation to viewing distancevision. at least one parking space per 50 parking spaces (or part thereof) and at least 20 % of the parkingspaces at rehabilitation and medical facilities shall be provided for parking of vehicles used by persons with disabilities;b) the parking spaces provided for vehicles used by persons with disabilities shall be of a suitablelength, shall be at least of the dimensions shown in figure 2, and shall be situated on and accessed from a surface that is not steeper than 1:50;c) any parking space provided for vehicles used by persons with disabilities shall be located within 50 mof an accessible entrance.d) any parking space provided for vehicles used by persons with disabilities shall be clearly demarcatedas being intended for the use of persons with disabilities only.Entry to parking areas should allow for the entry of vehicles suitable for use by wheelchair users, and which have a hoist to carry the wheelchair on top of the car. The height clearance to accommodate this should be at least 2,4 m.4.3.2 Parking spaces shall be identified by a vertical sign incorporating the international symbol for access by persons with disabilities, in accordance with 4.2. The international symbol shall also be clearly painted on the road surface (see figure 2) and it shall be 1 000 mm × 600 mm. At least one accessible route shall be provided within the boundary of the site from all public transportation stops, accessible parking spaces, passenger loading zones and public streets and pavements to the accessible building entrance which they serve and the facilities inside the building. There shall be a means of access suitable for use by persons with disabilities from the outside of the building to the ground storey. The clear width of the walking surfaces shall not be less than 900 mm and shall not be reduced by protruding objects. If the clear width is less than 1,5 m, an accessible route shall be provided with passing spaces of 1,5 m by 1,5 m (minimum) at intervals not exceeding 5,0 m, or an intersection of two walking surfaces which provide a T-shaped space. Each accessible entrance to a building shall have at least one door or doorway in accordance with the requirements of Revolving doors, revolving gates and turnstiles shall not form part of an accessible route. 4.4.2 Wheelchair turning space4. A dished channel shall not be constructed within the boundaries of a path. A drainage grating that is within the boundaries of a path shall be set flush with the surface of the path. Such grating shall be placed so that its longitudinal elements are perpendicular to the main walking direction, and the gap between them shall not exceed 13 mm. Where identified parking for persons with disabilities is provided, a kerb cut that has a slip-resistant finish shall be provided immediately adjacent to the bay (see figure 3).NOTE 1 Kerb cuts should be provided where required, and in conjunction with pedestrian crossings, taxi and bus ranks and parking garages.NOTE 2 The recommended surface between a pavement and roadway is a ramp fitted with tactile guidance surface indicators. This provides a safe and trafficable surface for wheelchair users, and a detectable surface to indicate to persons with visual impairments that they are leaving a pedestrian footpath and entering a traffic roadway.NOTE 3 SANS 784 provides guidance on the design of kerb ramps at pedestrian crossings.x4.5.1 Floor and ground surfaces which form an integral part of an accessible route shall be stable, firm and slip resistant (see SANS 784).4.5.2 Carpet, carpet tiles or other floor finishes shall be securely attached and level across all types of pile. Pile height of carpets shall not exceed 3 mm.4.5.3 Openings in the floor finish or ground surface shall not exceed 13 mm in diameter and, where the opening is elongated, the long dimension shall be placed perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel.4.5.4 The vertical change in level between two floor surfaces shall not exceed 5 mm.4.5.5Where a surface is cambered for drainage purposes, the camber shall not exceed 1:50 (see figure 4).4.5.6 Cobbles (whether fixed or loose), gravel sand and other raised or loose finishes shall not form part of an accessible route. 6 — Clear width of leading leaf4.6.1.3 Minimum access dimensions to enable wheelchair users to make 90° turns, shall be as shown in figure Sliding doors may be installed in places where a hinged door would hinder circulation or manoeuvrability. Where revolving doors, turnstiles or other barriers are installed, an alternative means of access shall be installed.NOTE 1 Doors are a hindrance and their use should be avoided. Where doors cannot be avoided, for example, in a route used for emergency egress, doors should be held open on magnetic closers, or should require a force that is safe, comfortable and convenient for persons with disabilities to operate.NOTE 2 Frequently used doors, such as main entrance self-closing doors, should preferably open automatically and be equipped with a fail safe system that enables the door to open under emergency conditionsDimensions in millimetres4.6.2.1level. Round door knobs do not provide an adequate grip for persons with impaired dexterity and shall be avoided. All doors shall be openable with one hand. All door handles shall be horizontally aligned. Door furniture with sharp protruding edges is hazardous and shall not be used.4.7 RampsNOTE 1 Ramps might be required for use by persons without disabilities, for example, persons pushing trolleys who require ramps as an alternative to stepped access.NOTE 2 Ramps should only be provided where level access cannot be achieved. Where a ramp is provided, stepped access should normally accompany it for persons with ambulant disabilities who find ramps difficult to use.4.7.1 Any ramp or series of ramps shall provide a safe, comfortable and convenient route for wheelchair users.4.7.2 Any ramp provided in terms of this part of SANS 10400 shallc)f)g) The camber or banking on walkways and ramps shall not exceed 1:50, as shown in figure A raised kerb not less than 75 mm high, measured vertically above the surface of the ramp, shall be provided on exposed sides of a ramp.4.7.6 At any point where the clear height of the area below the soffit is less than 2,1 m, and it is not enclosed, the means of limiting inadvertent access to such area shall be indicated.4.8 Stairways4.8.1 Stairways shall comply with the requirements of SANS 10400-M, SANS 10400-T and the following requirements:a) the width of any stairway, measured to an enclosing wall or balustrade, shall be at least 900 mm;b) a landing that serves two flights of stairs in the same straight line shall be of length at least1 100 mm;c) the rise of each tread step shall be of the same height and shall not exceed 175 mm; where the stairway is wider than 2,4 m, it shall be provided at no more than 2,4 m intervals; andi) handrails shall be supported centrally from below with not less than 50 mm between the underside ofthe handrail and the top of the support.j) where a stairway is wider than 2,4 m, a handrail shall be provided at no more than 2,4 m intervals. NOTE Handrails that extend at the top and bottom of a stairway are a tactile aid for persons with visual impairments, and a balancing aid for ambulant persons with disabilities.Dimensions in millimetresa) have a minimum internal dimension of 1,1 m in width and 1,4 m in depth, clear of surface finishes,b) have a doorway with an unobstructed width of not less than 800 mm,c) be fitted with horizontal handrails the full length of the side of the lift car sides at a height of between850 mm and 1 000 m above the floor level of the lift,d) have a mirror on the top half of the rear wall equal to the width of the lift to enable wheelchair users toback out of the lift where the lift has internal dimensions less than 1,5 m in width and 2,0 m in depth,e) have a clear circulation space of not less than 1,5 m × 1,5 m at the entrance of the lift on each floor,f) have audible and visual warnings in the lift lobby and lift car to indicate the lift car approaching, thearrival of the lift, the lift doors opening, the lift doors closing, the floor requested and at which floor the lift stops;i)means.combined total of more than 20 toilets and urinals are required to serve the total population, not less than two toilets for every 20 toilets shall be provided for the use of persons with disabilities; and c) persons with disabilities shall not be required to travel, from any point in such building accessible tosuch person, a distance of more than 45 m on the same floor, or 35 m where horizontal and vertical distances are combined, in order to reach a compartment that contains a toilet accessible to them, regardless of the number of toilets available.NOTE Persons with disabilities should not have to travel further than persons without disabilities to get to a toiletfacility that is accessible to them (see annex B).4.11.2 In a wheelchair-accessible toilet,a) the door of the compartment that contains the toilet facilities shall open outwards unless a 1,2 mdiameter area that is clear of all fittings, fixtures and the line of the door swing is provided. It shall be fitted with a grab-handle on the inside and an easy-to-use locking device. The door leaf shall be openable from the outside by the use of a suitable device in the case of an emergency, and such leaf shall be fitted with a suitable means of indicating whether the compartment is occupied;b) the minimum finished wall-to-wall dimensions of the compartment shall be not less than1,8 m × 1,8 m;c)d)e)f)g)h)i)1)j)k)l)m) grab rails suitable for use by persons with disabilities shall be provided at the side and back of the toilet. The tube of any grab rail shall have an outside diameter between 32 mm and 38 mm. The back and side grab rail may be an integral unit.4.11.3 Any bath or shower cubicle provided for the use of persons with disabilities shall be so designed that a wheelchair user should be able to roll into such cubicle without being obstructed by a kerb or change of level.NOTE Annex E provides further guidance on the design and layout of toilet facilities.4.12 Auditoriums and halls4.12.1 Where any building contains one or more auditoriums or halls fitted with fixed seating, floor space accessible to any person in a wheelchair shall be set aside for the accommodation of wheelchairs in such auditoriums or halls. Such space shalla) be situated adjacent, or in close proximity, to an exit door and shall be so arranged that a wheelchairwill not obstruct any aisle or exit door, andb) be of a size sufficient to accommodate1)2)3) in millimetresc)4.15.2 Night lights shall be provided in external circulation areas, internal circulation areas and bathrooms, where these facilities are used after dark.NOTE Contrasting colours and levels of luminance should be used to assist persons with visual and intellectual impairments.Annex A(normative)National Building RegulationsPart S: Facilities for Persons with DisabilitiesDefinitionsadequateadequatesitestoreya) the ground storey is taken as the storey in which there is an entrance to the building from the level ofthe adjoining ground or, if there is more than one such storey, the lower or lowest of these,b) a basement is taken to be any part of the building which is below the level of the ground storey,c) an upper storey is taken to be any storey of the building which is above the level of the groundstorey, andd) the height expressed in storeys is taken to be that number of storeys which includes all storeys otherthan a basementsuitablecapable of fulfilling or having fulfilled the intended function, or fit for its intended purposeRegulationsS1 Application(1) Facilities that accommodate persons with disabilities shall be provided in any building except theA20(1) :th eanda n yw i t ha n ybuilding and such auditorium or hall shall, in relation to its seating capacity, be provided withsufficient open space to accommodate a reasonable number of people who use wheelchairsor other assistive devices.Where parking for more than 50 motor vehicles is provided in or in connection with any (2)building having a means of access contemplated in subregulation (1), adequate parking spaceshall be provided for the parking of motor vehicles used by persons with disabilities and asuitable means of access shall be provided from the parking area, whether such parking areabe inside or outside such building, to the ground storey of such building.(3) Where, in terms of regulation P1, toilet facilities are required and the building is one requiringfacilities for persons with disabilities in terms of regulation S1, an adequate number of such facilities shall be suitable for use by persons with disabilities: Provided that toilet facilities shall not be required in any such building classified as H3 in terms of regulation A20.S3 Deemed-to-Satisfy RequirementsThe requirements of regulation S2 shall be deemed to be satisfied where –(a) the facilities provided are in accordance with SANS 10400-S(b)Annex B(informative)Access needs of persons with disabilities in the contextof the South African legislative frameworkB.1 IntroductionDuring the latter half of 1990, the approach to disability shifted from regarding the provision of access for persons with disabilities as an act of kindness, towards the recognition that the creation of environmental barriers is a violation of the civil rights of persons with disabilities.Equality (Section 9)(3) T he state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or moregrounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth.(4) N o person may unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more groundsin terms of subsection (3). National legislation must be enacted to prevent or prohibit unfair discrimination.Human Dignity (Section 10)Everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected. Environment (Section 24)Everyone has the right to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being.B.3.2 The Employment Equity ActThe stated purpose of the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No. 55 of 1998) is to(b)(a)(b)(c)The●●adapting existing equipment or acquiring new equipment● re-organizing workstationsB.3.3 The Occupational Health and Safety ActThe Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993) affects all employers, persons in employment, and persons not in employment but who are affected by the employer's undertakings. This includes persons with disabilities visiting the workplace as well as employees with disabilities.An employer's responsibilities in terms of section 8(1) are toprovide and maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, a working environment that is safe and without risk to the health of his employees.An employer or self-employed person shall, in terms of section 9(1)(c)(a) race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age,disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth; or(b) any other ground where discrimination based on that other ground –(i) causes or perpetuates systemic disadvantage;(ii) undermines human dignity; or(iii) adversely affects the equal enjoyment of a person’s rights and freedoms in a serious manner that is comparable to discrimination on a ground in paragraph (a).Section 13 states thatif the complainant makes out a prima facie case of discrimination:(a) the respondent must prove, on the facts before the court, that the discrimination did not take placeas alleged; or(b) the respondent must prove that the conduct is not based on one or more of the prohibited grounds.Annex C(informative)Access needs of persons with different disabilitiesC.1 IntroductionThe individual anthropometric and ergonomic requirements of persons with disabilities vary enormously. Designers of buildings and local authorities who are responsible for approving alternative proposals should appreciate the environmental impact for, or access needs of, persons with commonly accepted categories of disability.risers.The features required by persons with visual impairments benefit the general safety of the total building population.C.2.3 OrientationThe built environment can either create confusion or facilitate orientation. External pathways can be designed to lead directly to the front entrance of a building, and a logical layout can be provided so that it is easy for someone with impaired sight to learn and remember.C.2.4 Visual informationBy creating clarity in the built environment, a level of safety that helps to minimize the risk of injury to persons with visual impairments can be achieved.An object should be so designed that if it is knocked over by a person, he will not injure himself. Rounded objects rather than sharp-cornered objects should be used.Glare introduces debilitating effects to a person with a visual impairment. To avoid glare, attention should be paid to the location of windows, the location and level of artificial light, the location of mirrors, and the specification of reflective surfaces, fixtures and fittings.persons with intellectual impairments, experience difficulties with cognition and perception. Learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, also have an environmental problem element.C.3.2 NavigationProblems with perception can result in an increased likelihood of tripping and falling, and an increased tendency to bump into objects. Navigational factors that impact on persons with visual impairments therefore apply equally here (see C.2.2).C.3.3 OrientationDifficulties with perception or cognition can lead to problems with orientation. The factors affecting persons with visual impairments apply equally here (see C.2.3).C.3.4 ComprehensionThe use of symbols to aid comprehension, either to reinforce written information, or as its own universal language, is recognized internationally.Information on controls in the built environment should be easy to understand and the use of identicalPersons who are completely deaf are still sensitive to vibrations. This can be used positively, for example, with the use of acoustic flooring.Deaf persons will find very noisy environments uncomfortable due to the reverberations that they sense.C.4.4 Safety and clarity in the visual environmentPersons with impaired hearing or who are completely deaf are not able to use their hearing to warn them of danger. Therefore the visual and tactile environment should be enhanced for their safety.The factors that create clarity in the environment for persons with visual impairments, also create a safer environment for persons with hearing impairments, and assist with lip-reading and the observation of sign language interpreters.Persons with impaired hearing are likely to be more reliant on their sight to compensate for their hearing loss. Therefore effective lines of sight should be maintained. For example, persons with a hearing impairment should be positioned so that they can see a door during a meeting, or when sitting at theirsensation in their lower limbs, and can be burnt on pipework from taps, or from the heat from the underside of a metal sink.Persons with certain cognitive impairments might not react to burning, thus causing themselves injury. Protection from hot surfaces, but also a control on the maximum temperature of hot water should be considered.Persons with certain neurological conditions cannot feel when they have come into contact with a sharp object; therefore object design is important.。

根据欧洲标准EN 149:2001+A1:2009,口罩的认证可以分为FFP1、FFP2和FFP3三个等级。
口罩的认证标准有欧洲联合CEN 所制定的标准和欧盟颁布的指令(Directive)。
欧洲联合CEN所制定的标准主要包括:1. EN 149:2001+A1:2009 呼吸器标准。
2. EN 14683:2019+AC:2019 手术口罩标准。
3. EN 149:2001+A1:2009 粉尘口罩标准。
欧盟颁布的指令主要包括:1. 93/42/EEC 医疗器械指令。
2. 89/686/EEC 生产和销售个体防护装备指令。
该指令规定了个体防护装备的标记要求,指出了必须上面标有CE 标记。
3. 2016/425 管理个体防护装备的新指令。

南非国家标准局(South African Bureau of Standards,SABS)是根
SABS 是南非的一个中立的第三方认证机构,负责南非的体系认证及产品认证。

表1 美国不锈钢标准牌号304及其衍生牌号与日本、中国、国际、欧洲标准中相应牌号对照表2 ASTM A959-04中不锈钢304及其衍生牌号与化学成分注:1)化学成分数值除范围标明外,其余均为最大值。
表3 JIS G4303、4304、4305—2005中不锈钢304及其衍生牌号与化学成分注:1)化学成分数值除范围标明外,其余均为最大值。
表4 GB/T20878-2007中对应不锈钢304及其衍生牌号与化学成分注:1)化学成分数值除范围标明外,其余均为最大值。
表5 ISO/TS15510:2003中不锈钢“304”及其衍生牌号与化学成分注(1)化学成分数值除范围标明外,其余均为最大值。
表6 EN10088-1:2005中不锈钢“304”其衍生牌号与化学成分注:1)化学成分数值除范围标明外,其余均为最大值。

不锈钢国际标准标准标准标准名GB 中华人民共和国国家标准(国家技术监督局)KS 韩国工业标准协会规格Korean StandardAISI 美国钢铁协会规格America Iron and Steel InstituteSAE 美国汽车技术者协会规格Society of Automative EngineersASTM 美国材料试验协会规格American Society for Testing and MaterialAWS 美国焊接协会规格American Welding SocietyASME 美国机械技术者协会规格American Society of Mechanical EngineersBS 英国标准规格British StandardDIN 德国标准规格Deutsch Industria NormenCAS 加拿大标准规格Canadian Standard AssociatoinAPI 美国石油协会规格American Petroleum AssociationKR 韩国船舶协会规格Korean Resister of ShippingNK 日本省事协会规格Hihon Kanji KokiLR 英国船舶协会规格Llouds Register of ShippingAB 美国舰艇协会规格American Bureau of ShippingJIS 日本工业标准协会规格Japanese Standard316和316L不锈钢316和317不锈钢(317不锈钢的性能见后)是含钼不锈钢种。

ADA(ASTM(BATF(CSA CULEPAFCC Compliance Testing FDA(IAPMO(ANSI/IEEENSF(ULBSI(European CE Marking GS MarkingTUV EMC Marking C-Tick Mark for EMCS-MarkVCCI安全规范与各国标准安规适用情况:1.资讯类产品:IEC60950,EN60950,UL1950,GB49432.视听类产品:IEC60065,EN60601,UL65003.医疗类产品:IEC60601,EN60601,UL2601安规认证的两种方式:1.非自我验证宣传,UL,CCC(产品检验合格后,才进行UL)2.自我验证宣传:CE(欧盟要求)英国BSI BEAS ASTA UK法国LCIE S.A芬兰FIMIKO Ltd西班牙AENOR希腊ELOT匈牙利MEEI奥地利OVE Testing Certification比利时CEBEC瑞士SEV捷克EZU德国VDE KEMAGS丹麦DEMKO以色列SII冰岛RER新西兰SANZ爱尔兰NSAI意大利IMQ卢森堡SEE荷兰KEMA挪威NEMKO葡萄牙IPQ瑞典SEMKO AB新加坡PSB沙特SASO美国UL CASUS FM欧盟CE澳大利亚QAS加拿大CSA国外标准代号序号国别标准代号标准名称标准制定机构1 叙利亚SSS 叙利亚标准规格叙利亚工业试验与研究中心2 匈牙利MSZ 匈牙利国家标准匈牙利标准局3 新西兰NZS 新西兰标准新西兰标准协会4 新加坡S.S. 新加坡标准新加坡标准与工业研究院5 赞比亚ZS 赞比亚标准赞比亚标准协会6 以色列S.I 以色列标准以色列标准学会7 智利NCh 智利标准智利全国技术研究与标准化学会8 伊朗ISIRI 伊朗标准伊朗标准与工业研究学会9 伊拉克IOS 伊拉克标准伊拉克标准组织10 意大利UNI 意大利国家标准意大利全国标准协会11 越南TCVN 越南国家标准越标准标准化计量与质量管理总局12 英国BS 英国国家标准13 印度尼西亚NI 印度尼西亚标准印度尼西亚标准委员会14 印度IS 印度标准印度标准学会15 印度IS 印度国家标准16 乌拉圭UNIT 乌拉圭标准学会标准乌拉圭技术标准学会17 土耳其TS 土耳其标准土耳其标准学会18 西班牙UNE 西班牙标准西班牙全国合理化与标准化学会19 委内瑞拉NORVEN 委内瑞拉标准委内瑞拉工业标准委员会20 泰国THAI 泰国国家标准规格泰国国家标准规格中心21 希腊NHS 希腊国家标准希腊国家经济工业局22 瑞士SNV 瑞士标准协会标准瑞士标准协会23 瑞典SIS 瑞典国家标准瑞典标准化委员会24 苏丹OSS 苏丹标准苏丹标准规格组织25 日本JIS 日本标准,工业标准日本工业标准调查会日本标准协会26 日本JES 日本工业产品标准统一调查会标准27 日本JGMA 日本齿轮工业协会标准28 斯里兰卡C.S. 斯里兰卡标准29 罗马尼亚STAS 罗马尼亚国家标准罗马尼亚标准研究所30 秘鲁NOP 秘鲁标准秘鲁工业技术研究与技术标准学会31 南斯拉夫IUS 南斯拉夫标准南斯拉夫标准化协会32 马来西亚MS 马来西亚标准马来西亚标准协会33 南非SABS 南非标准南非标准局34 葡萄牙NP 葡萄牙标准葡萄牙标准局35 蒙古VCT 蒙古国家标准蒙古部长会议国家局36 黎巴嫩L.S. 黎巴嫩标准黎巴嫩标准学会37 尼日利亚NSO 尼日利亚标准尼日利亚标准组织38 美国SAE 美国汽车协会标准美国汽车协会39 美国NBS 美国国家标准局标准美国国家标准局40 美国ASA 美国标准协会标准美国标准协会标准41 美国AISI 美国钢铁学会标准美国钢铁学会42 美国AGMA 美国齿轮制造者协会标准美国齿轮制造者协会43 美国ASME 美国机械工程师学会标准美国机械工程师学会标准44 美国ANSI 美国国家标准美国国家标准协会45 缅甸UBS 缅甸联邦标准缅甸标准联邦应用科学研究院46 欧洲共同体EN 欧共体标准47 挪威NS 挪威标准挪威标准化协会48 墨西哥DGN 墨西哥官方标准墨西哥标准总局49 摩洛哥SNIMA 摩洛哥标准摩洛哥工业标准化局50 科威特KSS 科威特标准规格科威特商工部51 加拿大CSA 加拿大标准协会标准加拿大标准协会52 荷兰NEN 荷兰标准荷兰标准化学会53 韩国KS 韩国标准韩国标准局制订,标准协会发布54 国际ISO 国际标准化组织标准55 国际ISA 国际标准协会标准56 古巴NC 古巴标准古巴标准与计量局57 芬兰SFS 芬兰标准协会标准芬兰标准协会58 菲律宾PTS 菲律宾贸易标准菲律宾标准局59 法国NF 法国国家标准法国标准化协会60 法国AFNOR 法国标准协会标准61 法国CPC 法国常设标准化委员会标准62 独联体ГОСТ/R 独联体标准63 东德TGL 原东德国家标准原东德标准化、计量与商检局64 德国DIN 德国国家标准德国标准委员会65 丹麦DS 丹麦标准丹麦标准协会66 朝鲜CSK 朝鲜国家标准朝鲜标准化委员会67 波兰PN 波兰标准波兰标准化、计量与质量委员会68 保加利亚БДС保加利亚标准69 巴西NB 巴西正式标准巴西技术标准协会70 巴拉圭NP 巴拉圭标准巴拉圭全国技术与标准化协会71 巴基斯坦PS 巴基斯坦标准巴基斯坦标准学会72 奥地利ONORM 奥地利标准奥地利标准化学会73 澳大利亚AS 澳大利亚标准74 爱尔兰I.S. 爱尔兰标准爱尔兰工业研究与标准学会75 埃及E.S. 埃及标准埃及标准化组织76 阿根廷IRAM 阿根廷标准阿根廷材料合理化学会77 阿尔巴尼亚STASH 阿尔巴尼亚国家标准阿尔巴尼亚计委标准化局认证标志UL标志是美国最认可的安全标志,只有UL公司才能授权使用UL标志。
南非标准SANS Emergency_lighting_Guidelines

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS EMERGENCY LIGHTINGINSTALLATION GUIDELINESEMERGENCY LIGHTINGINSTALLATION1. Applicable Standard Reaulatiens:The following standard regulations shall be applicable on the emergency lighting Installation which forms part of this project:Code of Practice: Interior Lighting: Part2: Emergency Lighting.Symbolic safety signs-Part 3: Internally illuminated signs.Safety of luminaires-part22: Luminairesfor emergency lighting.Interior lighting-parti: Artificial lightingof interiors.National building regulations.Occupational and Health Act.Electrical installation regulationsAll conduits trunking systems, outlet boxes, sleeves etc, will be supplied and installed as part of this contract, complete with draw wires.3. Emergency Lighting InstaHation:The complete emergency lighting installation forms part of this contract and must be SANS 0114-2: 1999: SANS 1186-3SANS 1464-22 SANS 0114-1 SANS 0400 Act 85 of 1993 SANS 0142 2. Conduits:supplied and installed in accordance with SANS ()114-2. The emergency lightinginstallation shall include the following:Emergency escape lightingEmergency lighting that provides illumination for the safety of people who are leaving a location on the premises or who are attempting to terminate a hazardous process before leaving the location.Emergency escape route lighting.Emergency lighting provided to enable people to exit safely from an area by providing visual information on the direction and exit points and safety equipment.High risk task area lighting.High risk task area lighting is provided in order for people to safely shut down potentially dangerous equipment or processes during a failure of the main power supply.Open area anti-panic lighting.Emergency lighting provided in large outdoor areas to prevent panic in the event of a power failure and if necessary to provide for the safe movement of people towards the exit points.4.Escape route requirements:In the case of escape routes of width up to 2m, the horizontal illuminance on the floor along the centre line of the route shall be at least 0,3 lux. Escape routes of width exceeding 2m can be treated as a number of strips each of width 2m, or they can be provided with open area anti-panic lighting. In the case of horizontal illuminance, the ratio of the maximum to the minimum illuminance shall not exceed 40:1 along the centre line of the floor of the escape route. The escape route lighting shall activate within 25s to 30s of the failure of the normal lighting and shall reach the required illuminance within 60s.In the case of open area anti-panic lighting the horizontal illuminance shall be at last 0,5 lux at the floor of the empty area and at a height of up to 0,5m on the perimeter of the area. The ratio of the maximum to the minimum illuminance shall not exceed 40:1.The open area anti-panic lighting shall activate within 25s to 30s of the failure of the nominal lighting shall reach the required illuminance within 60s.In areas where high-risk tasks are undertaken, the average horizontal illuminance shall be equal to that demanded by the task. During emergency situations it shall be at least 10% of the normal lighting level or 20 lux, whichever is the greater, ab\nd shall be free of any harmfull stroboscobic effect. The ratio of the illuminance measured at the task to that measured at a horizontal distance 5m from the task shall not exceed 10:1 The duration of operation shall be at least 30 min, or the period for which people are at risk, whichever is the greater. High-risk task area lighting shall either permanently maintain the full required illuminance, or that illuminance shall be reached within 0,5s depending on the task.5.Emergency escape lichtinc:GeneralLuminaires should be mounted at a height 2m to 2,5m above floor level. Illuminated signs, which shall be provided at all exits intended to be used in an emergencysituation and along all escape routes, shall be so illuminated that they can indicate the escape route unambigously.Where an emergency exit is not in direct view, an illuminated directional sign shall be provided to assist the progression of people towards the emergency exit.An escape lighting luminaire that complies with SABS 1464-22 shall be sited to provide a minimum of 5 lux for a horizontal distance of 2m from each exit door and also where it is necessary to emphasize the existance of potential danger or the location of safety equipment.Escape lighting luminaires shall be provided at the following:a)each exit door to be used in emergency,b)near stairs so the each flight of stairs receives direct light,c)near any change in level,d)where mandatory emergency exit and safety signs are installed,e)at each change of direction,f)at each intersection of corridors,g)outside and near each final exit,h)near each first aid post, andi)near each piece of fire fighting equipment and each call point.The positions denoted in (h) and (i), if not on the escape route or an open area, shall be at least 5 lux at floor level.The duration of operation shall be at least 60min.In order to identify colours on safety signs, the minimum value for the colour rendering index Ra of lamps used in emergency lighting shall be 40.Disability glare shall be kept low by limiting the luminous intensity of the luminaires within the field of vision.Additional escape lighting is required at the following locations:To assist the dispersal of people and to enable final exits to be negotiated safely, the illuminance in the area immediately to such exist shall be that equal to to that immediately inside the exit.Lift cars intended for conveying people shall be fitted with emergency lighting. The duration of this operation of the lighting shall be at least 3 hours.Toilets, lobbies and closets of floor area exceeding 8mm2shall be provided with escape lighting.Motor generator rooms, control rooms, plant rooms, switch rooms and adjacent to the main control equipment associated with the provision of normal and emergency lighting to the premises.Pedestrian escape routes from covered and multi-storey car park areas shall be easilyidentifiable by exit signs and shall be provided with emergency lighting.6.System integrity:Emergency escape lighting shall be activated not only on complete failure of the normal power supply but also in the case of a localized failure if such a failure would present a hazard, for example, if a single subcircuit on a stairway where to fail..The illumination provided by an emergency escape lighting system on an escape route should come from more than one luminaire, or supply circuit, so that failure of one luminaire or supply circuit does not plunge the escape route into total darkness or have an adverse affect on the beacon affect of the system.7.Emergency liehtivq system:All luminaires used shall be of the maintained type fitted with an audible alarm indicating that the betteries need replacement.8.Emergency signs:Emergency signs shall be used to ensure that, in an emergency, an escape route can be easily recognized and followed from any postion within the premises.Where direct sight of an exit is not possible and if there could be any doubt as to the direction of the appropriate exit, a directional sign shall be provided and be so placed as to guide people to the exit.Emergency signs shall comply with the appropriate requirements of SABS 1186-3Emergency signs must be so mounted that the base of the sign is between 2m and 2,5m above floor level.9.Drawings, Loe book and records:A complete set of n As Installed drawings11of the emergency lighting installation shallbe provided and retained on the premises by a responsible person.In addition a log book shall be provided and kept in the care of a responsible person appointed by the owner and it shall be readily available for examination by any duly authorized person. The log book shall be used to record at least the following information:The date of commisioning of the system, including any certificate relating to alterations.The date of each periodic inspection of test.The date and brief details of each service, inspection or test carried out.The dates and brief details of any defects and of the remedial action taken.The date and brief details of any alteration to the emergency lighting installation.If an automatic testing device is used, a description of the perfomance of that device.The date and brief details of annual tests for duration of operation, illumination andsystem recover.。
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SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD 南非国家标准Identification colour marking颜色识别标记Part 2: Identification of hazards and equipment in work situations 第二部分:工作环境中的危险和设备识别SANS 10140-2:2008Edition版本2.3Acknowledgement致谢Standards South Africa wishes to acknowledge the valuable assistance derived from publications of the following organizations:南非标准得到以下机构的帮助,在此表示谢意:British Standards Institution英国标准协会International Organization for Standardization国际标准组织Foreword序言This South African standard was approved by National Committee StanSA TC 5120.16, Industrial safety colours, in accordance with procedures of Standards South Africa, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement. 该南非标准经过国家委员会StanSA TC 5120.16, Industrialsafety colours工业安全色的批准,符合南非标准程序,与WTO/TBT协议的附录3一致。
This document was published in April 2008. This document supersedes SABS 0140-2:1978(first revision). 该文件于2008年4月份出版。
代替SABS 0140-2:1978(第一修订版)。
A vertical line in the margin shows where the text has been technically modified by amendment Nos 2 and 3. 页边空白的垂线部分说明已经被修正部分2和3更改的部分。
A reference is made in 2.1(a) to “national legislation”. In South Africa this means the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993). Amdt 32.1(a)中参考“国家法律”。
在南非,这指的是职业健康安全法案1993(法案号85,1993)A reference is made in 2.1(b) to “national legislation”. In South Africa this means theMines and Works Act, 1956 (Act No. 27 of 1956). Amdt 3 2.1(b)参考“国家法律”。
Preface序言There is a need (caused by the growth of work forces that lack a common language) to standardize a system, that does not require the use of words, of giving information and cautionary warnings. 有必要进行体制标准化(因越来越多的劳动力缺乏通用语言),不必通过使用语言给出信息和警告。
Output of production is to a great extent dependent on the health of personnel. One factor that is essential to the maintenance of health and of a steady flow of work is the elimination of danger to personnel. 产量在很大程度上取决于人员的健康。
The use of colour identification as a means of speedy recognition and a warning of danger, is obviously a valuable contributing factor in the reduction of industrial accidents. However, in the case of accident prevention, other efficient and established safety measures should not be replaced by, but should be used in conjunction with colour identification. This code must, therefore, be regarded as supplementary to any regulations laid down for public safety. 使用色彩标识作为快速识别、警告危险的方法,很明显在减少工业事故中具有很大的作用。
One essential factor of any such form of identification is that there should be uniformity of the colour schemes used in plants and organizations as this promotes greater safety, lessens the chance of error, and warns against hazards caused by the mishandling of materials. In the past, lack of uniformity has often been responsible for the destruction of property and injury to personnel. 这些识别形式的一个基本要素就是在车间和机构中使用的色系要具有统一性,因为这有助于更大的安全,减少失误几率,提醒因错误操作造成的危险因素。
It is, however, important to note that the number of colour identifications in the field of vision of workers should be kept to a minimum. This will avoid confusion and fatigue, and provide greater emphasis on the markings that are finally used. 但是,必须注意,在工作人员视野内的色彩标识的数目应保持在最小限度。
The International Organization for Standardization (of which the Republic of South Africa is a member) has published recommendations regarding the use of colour codes, and the range and application of the colours given in this code are based on theserecommendations. 国际标准化组织(南非共和国是其中一员)已经出版了有关色彩代号运用的推荐规范,本规范中的色彩范围和应用是根据这些推荐规范。
Education is an essential part of any system for giving information. On premises where colour identification is adopted (whether it be for safety, identification, or informatory purposes), it is essential that a program of education be applied. Education programs should be competently administered, and should be of such a nature that no personnel are allowed to work in any area of a factory or industrial plant until they are fully conversant with all relevant colour codes. 教育是信息系统的必要部分。
Finally, it is felt that, by the adoption of the colour identifications given in this code, and by its acceptance and use on a national scale, work personnel and the country as a whole will benefit. 最后,通过采用本规范的色彩标识,在全国范围内认可和使用,将有益于工作人员和整个国家。