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-What’s this letter? -It’s letter O.
Let’s trace the small letter c like this: 1. Who can trace small letter c?
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter D.
-Can you show me letter D? / Can you act like this?
大 写 的 A 像 圆 规, 小 写 的 a 像 蜗 牛。
大B 像 耳 朵 听 声 音, 小b像6直起腰。
大C 像月亮弯弯腰,
大 D 像 月 饼 切 一 半, 小 写 的 d 像 汤 勺,
/ i:/
E 像“山”字向右偏, 小 e 像只小眼睛。
• 字母是英语的符号,相当于汉字的部首! • 是学习英语的第一步!
• 亲--要耐心哦
• 一起 happy English
ABC Song
ABCDEFG HIJKLMN OPQ RST UVW XYZ X Y Z Now you see. I can sing my ABC.
P像小旗迎风飘,外边圆圆没有角。 小p总叫“劈劈劈”,像把斧头劈柴烧。
Q像椭圆的棒棒糖,右下一点勿忘记 q 是向左飘扬的小旗子
R像P要倒下,找根短棍支撑它。 小r写的像根草,才吐两片嫩嫩芽。
S像长蛇在爬行, 小蛇也学大蛇走,长短高低要分清。
Let’s trace the small letter m like this: 1. Who can trace small letter m?
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter N.
-Can you show me letter N? / Can you act like this?
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter E.
-Can you show me letter E? / Can you act like this?
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter E like this: 1,2,3,4. Who wants to have a try?
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter F like this: 1,2,3. Who wants to have a try?
Let’s trace the small letter f like this: 1,2. Who can trace small letter f?
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter G.
-Can you show me letter G? / Can you act like this?
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter G like this: 1,2. Who wants to have a try?
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter D like this: 1,2. Who wants to have a try?
Let’s trace the small letter d like this: 1,2. Who can trace small letter d?
(共计26个英文字母) Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Let’s trace the small letter g like this: 1,2. Who can trace small letter g?
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter H.
-Can you show me letter H? / Can you act like this?
“小 j”听来像“小姐”,要防帽子风吹走。
K像竹子两片叶,长短高低仔细写。 小竹叶子长得低,方向朝东没分别。
L的大写右半框,合并7字一扇窗。 开窗睁眼看世界,却见l小瘦又长。
大写的M像峡谷,两座山峰相对峙。 小写m的像梳子,总共只有三个齿.
N的左边是山峰,右边河谷一样深。 小写的n像拱门,不见门板不见人。
/’d ʌblju:/
双v变成大w 双v一撇是小w
X大错特错,画个叉 小叉弯弯犯小错
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter B like this: 1, 2, 3. Who wants to have a try?
Let’s trace the small letter b like this: 1, 2. Who can trace small letter b?
• 大写一律上两格,上不顶线为准则。 小写有头上两格,b d h k 和l;有尾下面两格托,g q y p 莫写错。 无头无 尾中间格,十三个字母勿漏写。a c e m n o r s u v w x z i t 中上一格半,还有 f j 三格点。所有字母略右斜,笔 顺笔画须记得;
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter A.
let's go!
• 看课件,复习英语字母的书写,更美观准确书 写
(1)注意英语字母倾斜,养成好的书写习惯 (2)注意以下易书写出现问题的字母
f g i j m Oo Pp r Tt • 能认读元音(vowel)并能分组 • 新单词认读
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter J like this: 1,2. Who wants to have a try?
Let’s trace the small letter j like this: 1,2. Who can trace small letter j?
Let’s trace the small letter e like this: 1,2. Who can trace small letter e?
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter F.
-Can you show me letter F? / Can you act like this?
大F像梳两个齿, 小f上钩加一横
Байду номын сангаас
G 像 一 座 圆 宝 库, 小 写 g 的 像 蝌 蚪。
H 像 河 上 独 木 桥。 小 写 的 h 像 椅 子。
I 像甘蔗砍一段,始终有节腰不弯。 小 i 长大就是“我”,为求正义头可断。
J 像一个长铁钩,拉钩守诺最长久。
Let’s trace the small letter i like this: 1,2. Who can trace small letter i?
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter J.
-Can you show me letter J? / Can you act like this?
-Can you show me letter A? / Can you act like this?
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter A like this: 1, 2, 3 (one, two, three). Who wants to have a try?
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter I.
-Can you show me letter I? / Can you act like this?
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter I like this: 1,2,3. Who wants to have a try?
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter C.
-Can you show me letter C? / Can you act like this?
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter C like this: 1. Who wants to have a try?
Let’s trace the small letter k like this: 1,2,3. Who can trace small letter k?
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter L.
-Can you show me letter L? / Can you act like this?
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter H like this: 1,2,3. Who wants to have a try?
Let’s trace the small letter h like this: 1,2. Who can trace small letter h?
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter L like this: 1,2. Who wants to have a try?
Let’s trace the small letter l like this: 1. Who can trace small letter l?
Let’s trace the small letter a like this: 1, 2. Who can trace small letter a?
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter B.
-Can you show me letter B? / Can you act like this?
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter M.
-Can you show me letter M? / Can you act like this?
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter M like this: 1,2,3,4. Who wants to have a try?
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter N like this: 1,2,3. Who wants to have a try?
Let’s trace the small letter n like this: 1. Who can trace small letter n?
-What’s this letter? -It’s letter K.
-Can you show me letter K? / Can you act like this?
Letter writing
Let’s trace the big letter K like this: 1,2,3. Who wants to have a try?