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a STORY about
• • • • • Once upon a time 从前 oak n . 橡树 acorn n . 橡果 fail vt. 失败 beat vt.打,敲 (过去分词 beaten 或 beat , 过去式 beat)
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Once upon a time there was an old mother pig and three little pigs and they lived in the middle of an oak forest . While the children were still quite small the acorn crop failed . That made it diffcult for mother to find enough food for her childern to eat .
And the little pigs had to go hungry. So at last the mother pig sent the little pigs of to search their fortunes . The three little pigs met a bad wolf ,who was hungry and finding food . Finally , the little pigs fought with the wolf and beat it.