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Journal of Soil and W ater Conservati on
V ol.19N o.4
A ug.,2005
白洋淀地区近16年芦苇湿地面积变化与水位的关系Ξ徐卫华1,欧阳志云1,3,Iris van D uren2,郑 华1,王效科1,苗 鸿1,曹全虎3 (1.中国科学院生态环境研究中心系统生态重点实验室,北京100085;2.Internati onal Institute for Geo2infor m ati on and Earth
O bservati on,P.O.Box6,7500AA,Enschede,the N etherlands;3.河北省安新县水利局,河北安新071600)
摘要:在野外实地调查的基础上,运用R S和G IS技术通过对1987年、1991年、1996年,2000年和2003年5期L and2
sat TM ETM遥感影像的解译和叠加分析,揭示了白洋淀地区16年芦苇湿地面积的变化规律,并分析水位与芦苇
关键词:R S; G IS; 白洋淀地区; 苇地面积; 水位
中图分类号:P931.7;P332.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100922242(2005)0420181204
Reed Land Change and Its Rela ti on sh i p to W a ter L evel i n Ba i yang Lake Si n ce1987
XU W ei2hua1,OU YAN G Zh i2yun1,Iris van D uren2,
ZH EN G H ua1,WAN G X iao2ke1,M I AO Hong1,CAO Q uan2hu3
(1.S y ste m s E colog y K ey L aboratory,R esearch Center f or E co2env ironm ental S ciences,CA S,B eij ing100085;
2.International Institute f or Geo2inf or m ation and E arth O bservation,P.O.B ox6,7500A A,E nsched e,the N etherland s;
3.A nx in County W ater Conservancy B ureau,A nx in,H ebei071600)
Abstract:Based on R S and G IS techno l ogies,the landsat TM ETM satellite i m ages in1987,1991,1996,2000 and2003w ere interp reted and analyzed using the overlap functi on,w h ich show ed the te mporal and s patial rules of reed land change in Baiyang L ake in the last16years.T he research result indicated that:the area of the w ho le reed land show ed a trend of“dow n2up2dow n”.W ater area and crop land w ere the m ain land cover types that reed converted.L ow er p laces in north and east parts of Baiyang L ake w ere the ones occurred the conversi on betw een reed land and w ater area,and h igher p laces in northw est and s outhw est occurred the conversi on betw een reed land and crop land.T he relati onsh i p betw een area of reed land and surface w ater level w as als o studied.T he result re2 vealed that there w as a significan t quadratic relati onsh i p betw een the average surface w ater level in the p revi ous2 years and the area of reed.T he relati onsh i p equati on is y=-0.1573x2+215.90x-57989(R2=0.97).T h is relati onsh i p w ill be of great sign ificance for contro lling the area of reed land based on surface w ater level and i m2 p roving the efficiency of using w ater res ource in Baiyang L ake.
Key words:R S; G IS; Baiyang L ake area; reed land area; w ater level
Ξ收稿日期:2005201211 3通讯作者