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1.大量,许多 of (接不可数名


a great deal


a good/great


3. 一种,一类

a kind of

4. 一瓶 a bottle of

5.两个 a couple of

6. 一滴 a drop of

7.几个 a few (可数名词复数)

8. 一点儿 a little (不


9. 一点儿 a little bit

10. 一群

a group of

11.许多 a lot

12.许多,大量的 a lot of

13.刚才 a mome nt ago

14. 一张、片 a piece of

15. 一堆

a pile of

16. 一连串

a series of

17. 一套…… a set of

18. 一种类型的 a type of

19. 一双,一对

a pair of

29.至于,尽 --- 范围) - as far as


度, 30.好像,仿佛 as if

31.只要 as long as


as though/as if 33.通常,平常 as usual 34.也,还有 as well 35.至于,关于

as for

36.除一一之外, 但——而且——

(也),和 -- 一样,不 as well as

37. 多达 as many/much as 38. 有时 attimes 39. 至少 atleast 40. 最多 atmost 41. 首先


42. 最后,终于 at last

43. 全然,究竟 at all

44. 在工作 at work 45. 在上课 at school

20. —些,许多

a number

of (跟可数名词复数)


accord ing to (接名词)

22.合计达 add up


23.各种各样的 all kinds of 24.到处,遍及,结束 all over 25.行了,好吧 all right 26.(作为)结果 as a result of 27.像,如同 as —as -- 28. 一——就——

as soon as

46.正在吃早餐/中餐/晚餐at breakfast /at lun ch/at dinner 47.目前,现在 at prese nt 48.此刻,目前 at the mome nt 49.在末尾

at the end 50. 一直 all the time 51.此刻,目前 at the mome nt 52.整日整夜 all day and all ni ght 53.到处,全身 all over 54.周围,四周 all round 55.仍然,照样

all the same

11. 害怕,恐惧

terrified of +sth.

12. 不敢去做某事

13. 缺乏,缺少

14. 对---- 着迷crazy about

15. 由某人决定

16. 对---- 感到震惊

17. 为--感到惊讶

18. 因-- 而闻名

19. 作为一一而出名

21. 爱好,喜欢

for= like=enjoy

22. 一定要——

23. 对-- 有把握24. 与――相似

be afraid to do sth.

be short of


be up to sb.

be shocked at

be amazed at be famous for sth.

be famous as + 职业

70.允许做某事allow doing sth.

71.允许某人做某事allow sb. to do sth.

1.在家be in

2.外出be out

3.离开be off

4.赞成be for

5.反对be aga inst

6.从——来,是——人be from

7.对一一有好处be good for

8.对――有好处be bad for

9.在某方面做得好be good at

10.迟到be late for 25.因某事生某人的气be angry with sb for sth.


busy doing sth.

be busy with sth./ be

27. 属于belong to (sb.)

28. 两个都,既 -- 又both—and—

29.被----- 所覆盖

covered with/by


30. 对 -- 很熟悉be familiar with

31. 对 ---- 感到厌倦be fed up with


be satisfied with=be pleased with

56.与此同时at the same time

57. 一年到头all the year round

58.至始至终all through

59.在---多大的时候at the age of

60.立刻,马上at once

61. 一开始at the begi nning of

62.在--脚下at the foot of

63.首先,首要above all

64.毕竟,终究after all


arrive at ( 小地方)

arrive in ( 大地方)

66.付得起afford to do sth.

67.同意某人agree with sb. 20.适合be fit for =be suitable for

68. 同意(计划或建议)agree to sth.

69. 商定,达成共识agree on be afraid of /be

be fond of = care

be sure to do

be sure of /about be similar to
