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there ar e many ways of t raveling . people may t ravel by plane if they want to t ravel far and r each their destination in a shorter time . i t is the most comfor table but expensive way . most people t ravel by t r ain because it is a less expensive way but the compar tments a re cramped and stuffy . bus journey is a cheape r way but it is spent on nar row, bumpy roads which ar e crowded with t raffic . trip s by ship may be the cheapest and most comfort able way but it takes too much time .

i like tr aveling by bike . i can set out when i like and stop when i like . i can go whereve r i like so that i can enjoy delightful spots ra rely visited by other t ravele rs . when i feel tired , i sit down by the bike and have a good r est . besides , i can save much money for tickets and much time in waiting for the t rain or bus . i can cover more places by riding a bike than going on foot .

traveling by bike is good to health . it is really a sor t of good exercise to st rengthen one’s muscles
