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剑桥少儿英语预备级下册必背单词和句型Unit 1 School is fun

重点单词:pencil-case铅笔盒bag 书包pen钢笔ruler尺子book书pencil铅笔eraser 橡皮big 大的small小的

掌握句型:What can you see ? 你能看到什么?

I can see a big book.我能看到一本大的书。Unit 2 Classroom Olympics

重点单词:hop单腿跳jump跳run跑walk 走badminton 羽毛球baseball棒球football足球basketball篮球

掌握句型:Hop to the blackboard 跳向黑板.

Jump to the window 跳向窗户.

Run to the door跑向门

Walk to the teacher 走向老师

Unit 3 Y ou and I

重点单词:I 我you你he他she她it它


口诀:(1)我是I,你是you, I, I, you, you 他是he, 她是she, he,he, she,she


他们,他们,they, they

It, it,就是它呀,就是它!(2)背会人称代词与be动词连接的口诀“我用am,你用are,is连着他她它,单数is,复数are。”.

Unit 4 They are my friends

重点单词:friend朋友all 全部的

掌握句型:This is_____这是_____

I’m/He’s/She’s_____. 我是、他是、她是_ He’s/She’s my friend. 他是、她是我的朋友。They are all my friends.他们是我的朋友。


语法点:缩写she is=she’s he is= he’s

I a m=I’m they are=they’re Unit5 I like dogs

重点单词cat 猫dog狗duck鸭子rabbit兔子spider蜘蛛mouse老鼠snake蛇turtle乌龟horse毛cow牛pig猪bird鸟


What animals do you like ? 你喜欢什么动物?

I like cats/dogs我喜欢猫|狗。

Look! They are rabbits.看!他们是兔子。Unit6 Do you like oranges?


掌握句型:I like oranges.我喜欢橘子

Do you like oranges ? 你喜欢橘子吗?Yes, I do / No , I don’t.是的我喜欢、不我不喜欢. 语法点:一般名词单词变复数在后+s ,但是peach(peaches) mango(mangoes) 除外Unit7 What’s Bobby doing?

重点单词:bathroom浴室bedroom卧室living room客厅dining-room餐厅kitchen厨房sleeping 正在睡觉

do one’s homework做家庭作业

taking a bath正在洗澡

having supper正在吃晚餐

watching TV正在看电视wash face 洗脸brush teeth刷牙eat meals吃饭


What’s Bobby doing ?Bobby正在干什么?He’s taking a bath .他正在洗澡

What time is it ? It’s 8 pm几点了,下午8点。Unit8 What’s in the pizza

重点单词:pea 豌豆bean 扁tomato西红柿potato土豆onion 洋葱pizza 披萨carrot 胡萝卜sausage香肠food食物

掌握句型:I like to eat a pizza with some


Unit9 Dress for Children’s day

重点单词:jacket 夹克衫skirt裙子vest背心shirt 衬衫sock袜子shorts短裤dress连衣裙T-shirt T恤cap帽子hat帽子shoes鞋子mirror镜子wear穿like喜欢jeans牛仔裤Children’s Day儿童节掌握句型:

What do you like to wear ? 你喜欢穿什么

I like skirts .我喜欢裙子

I don’t like trousers我不喜欢裤子

Unit10 What are they doing?

重点词组:brush teeth刷take a bath洗澡have breakfast吃早餐watch TV看电视climb the tree爬树play football踢足球

tell a story讲故事play hide-and-seek玩捉迷藏play a game玩游戏read books 读书keep a pet 养宠物good idea好主意


What are they doing ?他们正在干什么?What are the cows doing ? 牛正在干什么?

They are eating grass.他们正在吃草。

Unit11 Where are they going ?



重点短语:by plane by train by bus by car by ship by bike on foot 掌握句型:

What are you doing ? 你正在干什么?

We are going to Shanghai.我们将要去上海。. Where are you going? 你要去哪里?

What about you? 那你呢?

Unit12 A song of opposites


big-small大的--小的happy-sad高兴的---难过的tall-short高的---矮的hot-cold热的---冷的old- young老的--年轻的little-big小的---大的left –right 左--右quick –slow快的---慢的long – short长的---短的

掌握句型:The dog is big. =This is a big dog.

This is little and that’s big.

Unit13 The big man and the little people



arms 胳膊ears耳朵hands手

body身体hand 手head头


掌握句型:What’s this ?这是什么?

This is an eye.这是一个眼睛。

It’s a leg .它是一条腿。

Touch your head.摸一下你的头。Unit14 Hello! This is my friend, Linda.

重点单词:my 我的your你的his他的her她的our我们的their他们的

掌握句型:Who’s that? 那是谁?

He’s our new teacher .他是我们的新老师。That’s their new teacher. 他是他们的新老师。


Unit15 He’s got three sticks.

重点单词:one一two二three三four四five五six 六seven七eight 八nine 九ten十has got有


He’s got three sticks.他有三根木棍

少儿歌曲:little Indians

掌握have got 的用法
