如何回复审稿人意见(Response to Reviews)
1. 关于您提出的XXX问题:
+ 回应解释:XXX
+ 修改说明:我们在稿件中进行了相应的修改和补充,详细内容请参见XXX 页。
2. 您对XXX部分提出了建议:
+ 回应解释:XXX
+ 修改说明:我们接受了您的建议,对XXX部分进行了调整,具体内容请参见XXX页。
3. 您对XXX的表述提出了疑问:
+ 回应解释:XXX
+ 修改说明:我们对表述进行了重新组织和调整,以更清晰地表达我们的观点。
4. 您对XXX的理论基础提出了质疑:
+ 回应解释:XXX
+ 修改说明:我们重新审视了XXX的理论基础,并对其进行了更深入的解释和讨论。
5. 您对数据分析和方法提出了建议:
+ 回应解释:XXX
+ 修改说明:我们根据您的建议对数据分析和方法进行了优化和改进,以提高研究的可靠性和准确性。
Dear Editor and Reviewers:On behalf of my co-authors, we are very grateful to you for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript. we appreciate you very much for your positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Thermal Process and Mechanism of Phase Transition and Detoxification of Glass-ceramics from Asbestos Tailings” (ID: NOC-D-18-01200).We have studied reviewers’ comments carefully and tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. The following are the responses and revisions I have made in response to the reviewers' questions and suggestions on an item-by-item basis. Thanks again to the hard work of the editor and reviewer!Response to the comments of Reviewer #1Comment No. 1: Page number should be included in the manuscript.Response:Thanks to Reviewer for reminder, we added the page number to the manuscript.Comment No. 2: Is it differential thermal analysis or differential scanning calorimetry? (Abstract)Response: The crystallization and phase change of the samples were investigated by thermogravimetry-differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC), and the results were shown in figure 2.Comment No. 3: Please clarify: "Asbestos tailings are tailings produced during the mining and beneficiation of chrysotile (fibrid asbestos)" Given the fact that chrysotile is carcinogenic please include in the Introduction part some aspects about health regulations/concerns to take care during synthesis of chrysotile containing materials. For instance, which is the safety/allowed threshold for chrysotile content in building materials? (Introduction)Response: It is really true as Reviewer mentioned that due to the hazards of chrysotile, the use of chrysotile containing materials have been banned completely in many countries, and for the recycling of chrysotile containing materials, there are some legal restrictions which I have added to the section of Introduction. There are some safety hazards in the synthesis and use of asbestos-containing materials inevitably, however this concern doesn't exist in our experiment, because the samples prepared in the experiment are completely free of asbestos, which is explained in the response to Reviewer#2 below.Comment No. 4: Magnification within 1000-500 range included in the experimental part, but x5000 magnification is met in Figs 6. (Experimental characterization) Response: We are very sorry for our negligence of mistakenly writing the magnification range as 500-1000 in the experimental characterization, actually the magnification range is 500-5000.Response to the comments of Reviewer #2Comment No. 1: Manuscript deals with transformation of unhealthy chrysotile (serpentine) into forsterite and /or enstatite-containing materials for decorative building purposes. However, chrysotile content of the obtained materials should be thoroughly controlled.Response: Thank you for your valuable comment, it is definitely a critical issue that chrysotile content of the obtained materials (glass-ceramics) should be thoroughly controlled. Actually, the chrysotile in serpentine starts at 600℃ and completely removes hydroxyl at 700℃ resulting the decomposition of original minerals and the disintegration of structure, and form harmless substances including amorphous silica and forsterite. So in the experiment, the fiber structure chrysotile can be completely destroyed after pre-firing at 700℃. Furthermore, in the thermal treatment of crystallization and sintering at higher temperatures, the residue that has not been completely decomposed can be further decomposed and totally converted into harmless phases including forsterite, enstatite, etc. by solid phase reaction and solid-liquid reaction. Ultimately, the product was entirely asbestos-free and which can be seen from the morphology of the samples in figure 6.Response to the comments of Reviewer #3Comment No. 1: Give some reference for the chemical content of Asbestos tailings for the benefit of the reader. (Introduction)Response: As Reviewer suggested that it is indeed better to give some reference for the chemical content of Asbestos tailings. Two reference (reference 2 and reference 3) were added to confirm the chemical content and phase composition of asbestos tailings. Comment No. 2: How do you distinguish between the main crystal phase and the subcrystalline phase?Response: we are sorry that we may have not expressed it clearly, the word “subcrystalline” used in my manuscript may be not accurate. I think it would be suitable to change it to the word “minor”. The content of different crystal phases in the sample were determined by rietveld refinement using GSAS, and the results are shown below (with the weight fraction of forsterite being 39.44%, enstatite 24.92%, diopside 21.18% and magnesioferrite14.45% respectively). According to the result, it can be seen that the main crystal phases are forsterite and enstatite, and the minor phases are diopside and magnesioferrite.Fig 1. Rietveld refinement of the sample crystallized at 850℃ and sintered at 1200℃Comment No. 3: English has to be immproved.Response : Considering the Reviewer’s suggestion, we will take great effort to modify the sentence to make it more professional. The portion of language modification are marked in green in the revised manuscript, and I hope it can meet with requirement. 10203040506070802 ( )R e l a t i v e i n t e n s i t y (a .u .) × ① ② ③ ④ CalcObsDiff ① ② ③ ④Forsterite 39.44%Enstatite 24.92% Diopside 21.18%Magnesioferrite 14.45%。
1. 关于内容部分的意见
2. 关于格式方面的意见
Dear Editor,We have studied the valuable comments from you, the assistant editor and reviewers carefully, and tried our best to revise the manuscript. The point to point responds to the reviewer’s comments are listed as following:Responds to the rev iewer’s comments:Reviewer 1Comment 1: in page 3, line 40, we fed rats..." changed to rats were fed with... Response: According to the reviewer’s comment, we have corrected the sentence. Furthermore, we have had the manuscript polished with a professional assistance in writing.Comment 2:page 25. The style of reference 40 is not right (using initials for the first names). Since this paper has been published, the volume and page Nos should be provided.Response: Thank you for your careful work. We have added the volume and page numbers for reference 40.Reviewer 2Comment: I would like to thank the authors for their efforts in addressing the criticisms with additional experiments. The one criticism that they did not address was relating to energy expenditure as the reason that the animals on the low calcium diet gained more weight. While I understand that performing this experiment will not affect the conclusion of this manuscript, I do believe that this point could be discussed in the Discussion section.Response: Thank you for your valuable advice. Based on the previous revision, we further address the relationship between low calcium diet and energy expenditure in the section of discussion according to your thoughtful comments.Reviewer 3Comment 1: In the text you often write: “As previously described”. Unless that paper is from your lab or one of the method paper co-authors is on the present MS this is not quite proper since the statement infers method development from your lab. There are numerous instances like that in the methods section; these should all be changed “according to those described by…..”Response: We are sorry for this language mistake. We have carefully corrected this phrase throughout the manuscript according to your comment.Comment 2: There are still some wording, sentence structure and grammatical issues even in this basically well put together MS. For example, while authors may have been excited about the data you cannot start a sentence with “Excitedly” in line 418 or “Whatever” in line 395.Response: Thank you very much to point out the sentence structure and grammatical issues in our manuscript. According to the comments from you and the editors, we polished the manuscript with a professional assistance in writing, conscientiously.Comment 3:In my view a big omission in this work is ignoring the anabolic side of lipid metabolism as well as thermogenesis issues. For example all animals consumed the same amount of feed but we had extra fat storage in the low Ca diet groups. So where did the extra energy go? Zemel et al (citation 34) in similar work indicate that increased thermogenesis on the high Ca diet explains the dissipation of dietary energy. Further even though Zemel et al (#34) indicated lipogenesis was enhanced in the low Ca diets that was in 2000 and you should have monitored expression of FAS and UCP either as mRNA abundance or actual FAS/UCP changes via proteomics or blotting techniques. In any case these controls are missing here and not emphasized in the MS. Casual reading of this paper would lead to the conclusion that the dietary Ca effect on fat deposition is strictly a function of increased or decreased lipolysis. While lipolysis appears to be a major player, lipogenesis and thermogenesis cannot be ignored for completeness. In Fig 8 you also show a decline in cAMP for the low Ca diet. Well beta agonists or cAMP enhancers regulate transcription of adipose and liver FAS (in rats (J Biol Chem 271:2307, 1996) and recently with large animal models (Hausman et al J Animal Science 87:1218, 2009 and Halsey et al J Animal Science 89: 1011, 2011). In additioncAMP levels could have been monitored. I really do not like the last sentence in the Abstract line 47-50 where you state that “low calcium diet-induced increase in fat mass was due to enhanced lipogenesis mediated by an upregulated CaSR signaling pathway” Your results here show no such thing, this is a completely false statement based on data herein. Correct. You show that high Ca diets enhance lipolysis and low Ca diets are antilipolytic. You did not monitor lipid anabolism here at all. See also line 255-257 and lines 333-335 of your MS. Response: Thank you for your valuable and thoughtful comments. As you suggested that the anabolic side of lipid metabolism as well as thermogenesis issues should be monitored. We really agree with your viewpoints. In the present study, we did find that low calcium diet increased the mRNA level of fatty acid synthase (FAS) in white adipose tissue. Furthermore, the FAS mRNA level were also increased in adipocytes after treatment with 1,25-(OH)2D3in in-vitro experiments. However, the increased FAS mRNA levels were not affected by preventing either the nuclear vitamin D receptor (nVDR) or calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR), suggesting that FAS might not be involved in the CaSR pathway. In addition, we thought that FAS played its role in fatty acid synthesis mainly in liver previously. Besides, the manuscript was required to restrict number of total words and our previous focus was on the antilolytic role of CaSR in the process of fat accumulation. So we ignored to provide the data of FAS mRNA levels in the submitted manuscript. In the newly submitted manuscript, we have provided the mRNA levels according to your helpful suggestion.We have reported the effects of dietary calcium on UCP2 mRNA levels in adipose tissue and UCP3 in skeletal muscle in our previous studies (1, 2). Thus, we believed that low calcium diet led to decreased thermogenesis in the present study. It was a pity that we did not measure the rat core temperature in those studies. The UCP2 mRNA levels in adipocytes were observed to be decreased after treatment of 1,25-(OH)2D3. This effect was prevented by using nVDR CaSR gene silencing but not by CaSR gene knockdown, suggesting that UCP2 was not involved in CaSR pathways. In the newly submitted manuscript, we have provided the UCP2 results.Thank you for your careful reading of our manuscript. We are very sorry for our fault statement in the abstract. We have corrected it in the new manuscript.Comment 4: A point that does not emerge well from the discussion is how low Ca intakes result in higher intracellular [Ca] concentrations and really the effects on fatdeposition in the cells in many ways are due to an increased intracellular Ca level mediated via CaSR expression increases and the effect of VitD3 on nVDR show in Fig 8. The authors must remind readers that Ca levels in the blood are under hormonal regulation (Calcitonin, PTH and VitD3). Thus when diets low in Ca are consumed and blood Ca decline, PTH and VitD3 are called upon to mobilize bone Ca to replenish the blood Ca. Then coupled with an increase in CaSR more Ca actually is found in AT despite the fact that many would think the AT Ca level should decline. The reason is that tissue/circulating Ca levels are not diet depended but regulated. The vast bone stores of Ca will provide ample Ca here especially during a study of this length. While authors address these issues maybe could be presented in a less complicated discussion.Response:Thank you for your instructive suggestions. We are sorry for not describing the effect of low calcium diet on intracellular calcium concentrations mediated by CaSR, as well as the impact of hormone regulation on serum calcium levels clearly. According to your helpful advice, we have rewritten these two parts in the section of discussion. Thank you again.Comment 5: Not all citations are in JN styleResponse: We have careful recheck and corrected the style of the citations according to the requirement of JN.Comment 6: Abstract conclusion differs from lines 255-257 and 333-335; WHY? Response: Thank you for your careful reading of our manuscript. The conclusion from lines 255-257 is about the effect of low calcium diet on serum levels of free fatty acids (FFAs) and lipids. We considered FFA and glycerol as indicators of TG hydrolysis in adipose tissue. The low calcium diet caused decreased serum FFA and glycerol levels without influencing lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, so we thought the lipolytic effect of adipose tissue to be suppressed by low calcium diet. The conclusion from lines 333-335 was about the effect of 1,25-(OH)2D3 whose levels were increased under low calcium conditions on lipolysis. We used the glycerol level as the indicator of TG hydrolysis in adipocytes. Both the in vivo and in vitro experiments showed low calcium status caused an antilipolytic effect.Comment 7: Line 150-153. The qRT-PCR methodology is not at all understandable as you cite a Texas A&M published paper. This is completely insufficient with the newly established standards on gene expression via qRT-PCR. There is no mention of efficiencies of amplifications in these data nor how the use of the reference gene was established etc. I think Pfaffl and Bustin have recently written an article on this; please totally revise 150-153 in line with what you did and applying the new standards.Response: Thank you very much. Because the JN restricts the number of total words of manuscript, we cited the Texas A&M published paper. In the newly submitted manuscript, we describe the detailed protocols in our lab.Comment 8:Line 179 on Not clear as in sentences talk about different AT cell sources etc..revise.Response: We are sorry for not addressing the adipose tissue cell sources clearly. We have rewritten the methods.Comment 9: Any previous documentable work with siRNA?Response: Yes, we have documentable work with siRNA in our research team. The results were published in the journal of Biochem Biophys Res Commun (3).Comment 10: Line 214.. Cultured primary rat adipocytes and SW872 adipocytes ……Response: Thank you very much. According to your comment, we have had the manuscript polished and corrected the mistakes.。
避免使用模糊、笼统的语言,比如“已进行修改”,而要详细说明如何修改,例如“增加了新的案例分析,以进一步支持文中的观点,相关内容在第 X 页第 X 段”。
专家审稿意见回复范文如何回复中文审稿人意见结尾如何写专家审稿意见回复范文如何回复中文审稿人意见结尾如何写第一,不论审稿人提了什么意见,你在回复的时候一定要说:谢谢您的建议,您的所有建议都非常的重要,它们对我的论文写作和科研工作都具有重要的指导意义!第二,如果审稿人提 ___你暂时无法做到(比如,要你增加实验或改进实验等)。
你应该说:“谢谢您的建议,它非常的重要,由于您的建议,我发现了我目前工作中的不足之处,我会在以后的工作中按照您的建议提高科研水平,取得更多成绩!”这样说,等于委婉的拒绝了评审意见,又让评审人觉得你很看重他 ___。
第三,如果审稿人___明显有问题,也不说能说审稿人___是错误的,可以他 ___发表任何的评论,只需要列出你的理由和证据就可以了,结尾也不要强调自己的观点是正确的。
论文返修(response letter)一些很有用的套话1、According to the associate editor and reviewers’ comments, we have made extensive modifications to our manuscript and supplemented extra data to make our results convincing.2、In this revised version, changes to our manuscript were all highlighted within the document by using red colored text.3、Thank you for your nice comments on our article. According to your suggestions, we have supplemented several data here and corrected several mistakes in our previous draft. Based on your comments, we also attached a point-by-point letter to you and the other two reviewers. We have made extensive revisions to our previous draft. The detailed point-by-point responses are listed below.4、Thanks for your help. We feel really sorry for our carelessness.5、Thank you for your reminding. You and the other two reviewers’ comments are all of great importance to our article. All of these comments have contributed a lot to improve the quality of our article. After this revision, we have written apoint-by-point response letter to you as you can see above. Meanwhile, we also wrote a point-by-point response letter to the other two nice reviewers to acknowledge their helps and denote where we made revisions.6、We feel great thanks for your professional review work on our article. As you are concerned, there are several problems that need to be addressed. According to your nice suggestions, we have made extensive corrections to our previous draft. We have added necessary data to supplement our results and edited our article extensively. The detailed corrections are listed below.7、We feel sorry that we did not provide enough information about XXXX.8、it is really a giant mistake to the whole quality of our article. We feel sorry for our carelessness. We have corrected it and we also feel great thanks for your point out.9、thanks for your suggestions. We feel sorry for our poor writings, however, we do invite a friend of us who is a native English speaker from USA help polish our article. Due to our friend’s help, the article was edited extensively. And we hope the revised manuscript could be acceptable for you.(10、thanks for your careful checks. We are sorry for our carelessness. Based on your comments, we have made the corrections to make the unit harmonized within the whole manuscript.11、your suggestion really means a lot to us. Yes, it would be more understandable if we XXX.12、According to your suggestion, we have corrected the “XXX” into “XXX”.13、thanks for your correction. It was indeed a serious grammatical error. And we have corrected it according to your suggestion.14、thanks for your suggestions. We feel sorry for the improper wording. We have used “XXXX” as you suggested.15、According to the reviewer’s comments, we have revised the manuscript extensively. If there are any other modifications we could make, we would like very much to modify them and we really appreciate your help. “xxxx” is a journal of great popularity and prestige. We hope that our manuscript could be considered for publication in your journal. Thank you very much for your help.:。
5. 老师说的4点,确实很有道理。
Dear reviewer:I am very grateful to your comments for the manuscript. According with your advice, we amended the relevant part in manuscript. Some of your questions wereanswered below.引用审稿人推荐的文献的确是很重要的,要想办法和自己的文章有机地结合起来。
在回复中委婉地表达一下你的意见,不过要注意商讨语气哦!我的回复,请老外帮忙修改了Dear Editor:Thank you for your kind letter of “......” on November **, 2005. We revised the manuscript in accordance with the reviewers’comments, and carefully proof-read the manuscript to minimize typographical, grammatical, and bibliographical errors.Here below is our description on revision according to the reviewers’ comments.Part A (Reviewer 1)1. The reviewer’s comment: ......The authors’ Answer: .....2. The reviewer’s comment: ......The authors’ Answer: .....Part B (Reviewer 2)The authors’ Answer:Many grammatical or typographical errors have been revised.All the lines and pages indicated above are in the revised manuscript.Thank you and all the reviewers for the kind advice. Sincerely yours,具体例子1:这是我的一篇修稿回复,杂志是JBMR-A,影响因子3.652,已发表,供参考!Reply to the comments on JBMR-A-05-0172Comment:Reference #10 is missing from the Introduction but used much later in the manuscript. Should these be in order used in manuscript?Reply:The missing reference has been added into the revisedmanuscript.Comment (continued):What is the sample size for all tests performed?Reply:The sample size for drug release and PCL degradation tests was 3.0×3.0 cm2, with a thickness of about 0.1mm and a weight of about 40mg. This dada have been added into the revised manuscript.Comment (continued):Figure 7. There is no scientific evidence presented in the TEM figure to convince this reviewer of sub-jets. This statement on Page 9 cannot be made without clear evidence during the jet formation/separation. Figure 7 is just a large fiber and small fiber fused together, no other conclusion than this can be made.Reply:Necessary change in the statements has been made in the revised manuscript as well as in the referredfigure accordingly.Comment (continued):Table 3: Need standard deviation for all values reported not just for a select few.. Equation after Table 3 not necessary. Just reference method used.Reply:Done accordingly.Comment (continued):Page 11: "faster weight loss" What was the sample size? Where is the statistical analysis of this data? This reviewer does not see a significant difference in any of the data presented, thus weight loss would be considered equivalent.Reply:Although not too much difference was seen, the conclusion that “the GS/PCL membrane exhibited a relatively faster weight loss compared with the RT/PCL membrane” was indeed applicable through “one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)” analysis. Following the reviewer’s comment, a new sub-section has been added to the manuscript to address the statistical analysis for the data.Comment (continued):Page 12: What is the sample size for release data? Looks like results based on a sample size of one? Need stand deviations on the data presented in Figure 11.Why wasn't release performed and compared for all electrospun conditions investigated otherwise?Reply:Three repeated tests were performed for each set of measurements and the resulting data were averaged. As stated in the revised manuscript, each sample had a square area of 3cm2 with a slightly different thickness. 3Standard deviations have been added to the data shown in Fig. 11.The present manuscript aimed to show that medicaldrugs can be encapsulated in ultrafine fibers through a co-axial electrospinning process. The drug release data intended to show that the encapsulation was successful. We did not consider any specific application in this preliminary paper, and in fact the two drugs were just chosen as model illustration. As such, there seemed not necessary to perform release experiments for all of the membranes electrospun with different conditions (i.e. the core concentrations)Comment (continued):Table 3: Yang's or Young's Modulus (page 10 says Young's).Reply:Corrected accordingly.Comment (continued):Figure 11: What is the % release, not just concentration. Why just this small sample of release data? Where is the release data for the other conditions?Reply:Unfortunately, we did not measure the amount of the shell material in obtaining the composite nanofibers. Namely, the flow rate of the shell solution during the electrospinning was not accurately controlled using an injecting pump. Hence the % release was not applicable.Please refer to the previous reply related to Page 12 and Figure 11 for the remaining comments.We acknowledge the reviewer’s comments and suggestions very much, which are valuable in improving the quality of our manuscript.具体例子2:Major comments:1. The authors need to strengthen their results by including MMPsecretion, and tran-matrigel migration by a positive controlprogenitor cell population i.e. enriched human CD34 cellsobtained from mobilized PBL, since this is a moreclinicallyrelevant source of CD34 cells which has also been shown tosecrete both MMP-9 and MMP-2 (ref. 11). CD34 enriched cellsfrom steady state peripheral blood which also secrete MMPs arealso of interest.2. In fig 1C please specify which cell line represents MMP-negative cells. This needs to be clarified, as well as abetter explanation of the method of the protocol.3. The ELISA results are represented as "fold increase" comparedto control. Instead, we suggest that standards should be used andresults should be presented as absolute concentrations and onlythen can these results be compared to those of the zymography.4. When discussing the results, the authors should distinguishclearly between spontaneous migration vs chemotactic migration.Furthermore, the high spontaneous migration obtained with cordblood CD34 cells should be compared to mobilized PBL CD34enriched cells and discussed.5. The authors claim that the clonogenic assay was performed todetermine the optimum concentration for inhibition of MMPactivity by phenanthroline and anti MMP-9 mAb, however theyshould clarify that this assay can only determine the toxicity ofthe inhibitors and not their optimal inhibitory concentrations.Minor comments:1. There are many spelling and syntax errors, especially in theresults and discussion, which need correction.a. Of special importance, is the percent inhibition of migration,which is described as percent of migration. i.e. pg 7:"Migrationof CB CD34 was reduced to 73.3%?" Instead should read "Migration of CB CD34 was reduced by 73.3%?"b. The degree symbol needs to be added to the numbers inMaterials and methods.2. It would be preferable to combine figure 1A and B, in order toconfirm the reliability of fig. 1B by a positive control(HT1080).Answer to referee 1 comment:1. Mobilized peripheral blood is a more clinical source of CD34+ cells, so it is necessary to compare the MMP-9 secretion and trans-migration ability of CB CD34+ cells with that of mobilized PB CD34+ cells. However, we couldn't obtain enough mobilized PB toseparate PB CD34+ cells and determine the MMP-9 secretion and migration ability, so we couldn’t complement the study on PB CD34+ cells in this paper. Results obtained by Janowska-Wieczorek et al found that mobilized CD34+ cells in peripheral blood express MMP-9. Furthermore, Domenech’s study showed that MMP-9 secretion is involved in G-CSF induced HPC mobilization. Their conclusions have been added in the discussion. In our present study, our central conclusion from our data is that freshly isolated CD34+ stem/progenitor cells obtained from CB produce MMP-9.2. MMP-9 negative cell used in fig 1C was Jurkat cell. In zymographic analysis, MMP-9 was not detected in the medium conditioned by Jurkat cell. To exclude that the contaminating cells may play a role in the observed MMP-9 production, we screened the media conditioned by different proportion of CB mononuclear cells with MMP-9 negative cells by zymography. This result may be confusion. Actually, only by detecting the medium conditioned by 2X105 CB mononuclear cells(MNC)/ml (since the purities of CD34+ cell are more than 90%), it could exclude the MNC role. In the revised manuscript, we only detected MMP-9 activity and antigen level in the medium conditioned by 2X105 CB mononuclear cells (MNC)/ml. There is no MMP-9 secretion be detected in the medium conditioned by 2X105 CB MNC/ml. It excluded the possibility that the MMP-9 activity in CB CD34+ cells conditioned medium is due to the contamination by MNC.3.In this revised paper, we have detected the MMP-9 antigen levels by using commercial specific ELISA kits (R&D System, sensitivity, 0.156ng/ml). Recombinant MMP-9 from R&D System was used as a standard. The results are expressed in the absolute concentration. The absolute concentration result has been added in the paper. As shown in Fig2, MMP-9 levels were detectable in both CB CD34+ cell conditioned medium and BM CD34+ cell conditioned medium. However, MMP-9 level was significantly higher in CB CD34+ cell conditioned medium than in BM CD34+ cell conditioned medium (0.406±0.133ng/ml versus0.195±0.023ng/ml). Although gelatinolytic activity was not detected in media conditioned by CD34+ cells from BM, sensitivity of ELISA favors the detection of MMP-9 antigen in the BM CD34+.4. In our study, to establish the direct link between MMP-9 and CB CD34+ cells migration, we only determined the role of MMP-9 in spontaneous migration of CB CD34+ cells, but not in chemotactic migration. Actually, regulation of hematopoietic stem cell migration, homing and anchorage of repopulation cells to the bone marrow involves a complex interplay between adhesion molecules, chemokines, cytokines and proteolytic enzymes. Results obtained by the groups of Voermans reveal that not only the spontaneous migration but also the SDF-1 induced migration of CB CD34+ cells is greatly increased in comparison to CD34+ cells from BM and peripheral blood.5. CD34+ cells we obtained in each cord blood sample were very limited. It is not enough to screen the inhibitors concentrations to select the optimalinhibitory concentrations. In the blocking experiments, based on the concentrations used by others and the manufacturer's recommendation, we then determined the inhibitors concentrations by excluding the toxicity of the inhibitors in that concentration, which was determined by clonogenic assay.Minor comments:1.The spelling and syntax errors have been checked and corrected.2.Since the results in figure 1A and B were obtained from two separated and parallel experiments, it is not fitness to combine two figures.下面把我平时总结的一些答复审稿人的策略和写回复信的格式和技巧跟大家交流一下。
如何正确回复审稿人:标准的Responsetoreviewer在审稿意见回来之后,如何写一份标准的Response to reviewer!第1部分:对审稿人进行称呼第2部分:总述对文稿的修改情况(一般如果文稿进行润色了,最好在这里提及一下),以及夸夸审稿人(夸夸他的意见或者建议很好,对稿件的提升很大,千万不要和审稿人顶,不是干这个事情的时候),对稿件的期待。
4、不要直接回复yes 或no。
即使是被要求做一些小的修改,比如改正拼写错误的单词,你可以说“We 've corrected the typo.”。
如果是更严重的错误,你还可以加上“We apologize for our error.”5、尽可能让你的回复内容清晰明了。
回复审稿人意见模板Response: Thank you for pointing out the error in our abstract。
We have corrected it to state that we used XXX.Response to the comments of Reviewer #2Comment No。
1: The n XXX.Response: We have revised the XXX of our research objectives.Comment No。
2: The n XXX analysis of the results.Response: XXX analysis of our results and their XXX.Comment No。
3: Some of the figures are difficult to read and need to be improved.Response: We have XXX.Response to the comments of Reviewer #3Comment No。
1: The language and grammar need to be improved.Response: XXX.Comment No。
2: Some of the XXX.Response: XXX n to make it more clear and understandable.Overall。
XXX to address the reviewers' comments and ns。
and we hope that our revised manuscript will meet the standards of the journal。
Thank you again for your time and XXX.XXX (TG-DSC) method was used to XXX and phase changeof the samples。
如何回复审稿人意见(Response to Reviews)3
![如何回复审稿人意见(Response to Reviews)3](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b7ddbb1f90c69ec3d5bb757f.png)
Dear Reviewers,Thank you for your thoughtful, helpful, and most kind review of manuscript 2006/036. Your comments and suggestions have been incorporated as appropriate into the revised draft. Specific revisions are noted below.Reviewer Comment Authors’ ResponseReviewer #1More detail on the method of interviewing participants should be added. Table 1 has been added that specifically notes methods of data collection, instruments used if applicable and any special information related to timing of interviews.Addition of a legend for Table 3 (nowTable 4) would be helpful.This has been added.Elaboration of the implications of the study for health care providers and patients. More implications have been added; however, this is early research, and the full extent of the implications is not completely known at this time.Addition of more specific directionsfor future research.These have been added in the conclusions section, Reviewer #2Make an explicit statement that the approach is somewhat atheoretical and data driven. This has been added under data analysis, as well as in the abstract.Potential problem of implying that clusters may enhance identification of AMI for the lay public and professionals related to fact that only persons with diagnosed AMI were studied. We agree that all presentations for AMI may not be represented in this study. We have noted that as a limitation. Assessing the symptoms of persons who have not been diagnosed, however, would be very challenging if not impossible. Hopefully, once we identify some of the clusters, they will lead us to presentations of persons who do not get diagnosed for a variety of different reasons.The results of this study must be considered provisional hypothesis and in need of subsequent support in independent and ideally prospective samples. We agree and plan to do this. We have noted that more study leading to validation of these findings is needed.Some of the data analysis could be presented more clearly. We hope that this revision presents the steps in data analysis more clearly.Methodological limitations:1. More about source studies. Table 2 has been added with more detailed information on the source studies. This includes year of publication (if applicable), inclusion criteria, etc. In addition, a statement was added in the text stating that all data were collected after 1990. Most studies used ECG and serum markers for subject identification, and this is indicated. Subjects with NSTEMI were included. All source studies that have been published are included inthe reference list.2. Questions on all symptoms in all studies. Not all symptoms were assessed in all studies. This is a limitation of secondary data analysis. The specific number of persons assessed for each symptom is noted in Table 3, and this is noted in the text.3. Reorder symptoms in Table 2 inorder of occurrence.This has been done.4. Weak justification for choosing5 rather than6 clusters. This has been addressed in the text. Thank you for pointing out the Loken reference. We agree that the BIC is a conservative approach to assessing model fit and have noted this in the manuscript. However, Loken also states that the best method for assessing fit remains controversial. Therefore, we used all of the statistics available and related them to form our conclusion. We hope that we have stated this point clearly.5. Footnoting of abbreviations inTable 3 (now Table 4) and moreexplanatory caption.This has been added, thank you for the suggestion.Add a table summarizing symptoms for each cluster. Thank you for this excellent suggestion. Table 6 has been added.Strengths and Limitations1. Statement related togeneralizability of findings.This statement has been removed.2. Limitation related to sample only consisting of cases of confirmed AMI. A statement has been added related to this limitation. Also the inclusion criteria (troponin/CK-MB) for the source studies have been added in Table 6.Study by Ryan and Zerwic in background. This study assessed perceptions of AMI symptoms, not actual AMI symptoms that were experienced. The point of the study was to examine whether persons were able to identify symptom clusters. We did not add more details of the results of this study because we do not think that they really compare to the present analysis.Editorial suggestions. These have been corrected. Thank you for pickingthem up.Thank you again for your kind and thoughtful comments. We hope that the revision addresses your concerns.。
1. 意见一:[在此处回复审稿人的意见]
2. 意见二:[在此处回复审稿人的意见]
3. 意见三:[在此处回复审稿人的意见]
专家审稿意见回复范文如何回复中文审稿人意见结尾如何写第一,不论审稿人提了什么意见,你在回复的时候一定要说:谢谢您的建议,您的所有建议都非常的重要,它们对我的论文写作和科研工作都具有重要的指导意义!第二,如果审稿人提 ___你暂时无法做到(比如,要你增加实验或改进实验等)。
你应该说:“谢谢您的建议,它非常的重要,由于您的建议,我发现了我目前工作中的不足之处,我会在以后的工作中按照您的建议提高科研水平,取得更多成绩!”这样说,等于委婉的拒绝了评审意见,又让评审人觉得你很看重他 ___。
第三,如果审稿人 ___明显有问题,也不说能说审稿人 ___是错误的,可以他 ___发表任何的评论,只需要列出你的理由和证据就可以了,结尾也不要强调自己的观点是正确的。
如何回复英文论文编辑部的修改意见Response to Editor and Reviewer这是我的英文修改稿回复信Dear Editor,RE: Manuscript IDWe would like to thank XXX (name of Journal) for giving us the opportunity to revise our manuscript.We thank the reviewers for their careful read and thoughtful comments on previous draft. We have carefully taken their comments into consideration in preparing our revision, which has resulted in a paper that is clearer, more compelling, and broader. The following summarizes how we responded to reviewer comments.Below is our response to their comments.Thanks for all the help.Best wishes,Dr. XXXCorresponding Author下面是如何对Reviewer的意见进行point by point回答:一些习惯用语如下:Revision —authors’ responseReviewer #1:Major comments1.The referee correctly noted that our language about XXX was ambiguous.Therefore, we changed the text and the figures to emphasize that …. To furthersupport the concept that, we have analyzed …. As depicted in Supplementary Fig.S1…2.As suggested by the reviewer we have emphasized our observations of XXX inresults and discussion sections. We have added new findings (see above point) in Supplementary Fig S. to support…3.As requested by the reviewer we have added a scheme (Supplementary Fig.) thatsummarizes…Minor comments1.We have removed the word SUFFICIENT from the title.2.We have added and improved the scale bars in the figure 1 and 2.3.We have added statistics to Fig 5C.4.We have corrected the typescript errors in the XXX paragraph.Reviewer #2:1.Because of the reviewer’s request, we have performed new experiments to betterclarify… The new Fig. shows that… This finding suggests that…2.As suggested by the reviewer we have added new data of XXX to clarify the pointthat…3.We agree with the reviewer that … Because of the reviewer’s request we have usedXXX to confirm that… The new data are depicted in Supplementary Fig .4.Because of reviewer’s request, we have analyzed the efficiency of RNAi byquantitative RT-PCR the efficiency of RNAi. We have now added the new panel in Supplementary Fig.Reviewer #3:1.Because of the referee’s comment, we have moved the panel of Fig. 5 into the newFigure 6 and we have added new experiments to address …. The new Fig. 6 shows that….2.In response to the reviewer’s requests, we have studied…. The new data aredepicted in Suppplementary Fig.3.We agree with reviewer that…. However, a recent paper has shown that …. Wehave added this reference and mo dified the sentence to underline….4.We have changes Figure 1 with a picture that…. The previous one was too weekand the green fluorescence was lost during the conversion in PDF format.5.Because of review’s request, we have changed as much as p ossible themagnification in order to maintain the same scale bar but also to preserve details.6.The difference between XXX and XXX is not statistically significant. In order tobetter clarify this issue we changed the graphics of our statistical analysis in Fig.另外一篇5分杂志的回复:1nd Revision –authors’ responseReferee #1:We want to begin by thanking Referee #1 for writing that “the finding in our manuscript is generally interesting and important in the field.” We also appreciated the constructive criticism and suggestion. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer, as summarized below.1.According to the referee’s suggestion, the experiment demonstrating…; in the newexperiment, this result is presented in the revised Fig.2.The referee suggests demonstrating that…. This experiment was performed in XXXby comparing…3.The referee comments that it is unclear whether the effect of ….is due to …. Toaddress the referee’s comment, we revised Fig. and demonstrated that…. To furthe r confirm…. Two new data have been added in the revised Fig. In summary, the results in Fig. demonstrate that….4.Thanks to the referee’s comment, the wrong figure numbers were corrected in therevised manuscript.Referee #2:We want to thank Referee #2 for constructive and insightful criticism and advice. We addressed all the points raised by the reviewer as summarized below.1.The referee recommends to show…. We performed the experiment and its result isincluded in the revised Fig.2.Acc ording to the referee’s suggestion, the experiments in Fig. were repeated severaltimes and representative data are included in the revised Fig.3.Based on the referee’s comment that, echoing comment #4 of Referee #1, above. Asstated above, we have included new results, which include:4.All minor points raised by the reviewer were corrected accordingly.2nd Revision –authors’ responseWe would like to thank the referees for their thoughtful review of our manuscript. We believe that the additional changes we have made in response to the reviewers comments have made this a significantly stronger manuscript. Below is our point-by-point response to the referee’s comments.Referee #1:Referee #1 request two minor editorial changes. Both changes have been made accordingly in the revised manuscript.Referee #2:We sincerely apologize to Referee #2 for not completely addressing all of the points raised in the previous response. We have done so below and added additional data in hopes that this reviewer will be supportive of publication.1.Referee #2 requests evidence that …. According to the referee’s suggestion, a XXXassay was performed in XXX cells to demonstrate that …. The result is presented in Fig.2.Page 17, “the” E3 was changed to “an” E3.3.Referee #2 asks whether…. We would like to note that we investigated ….in ourprevious study and found no evidence that …. Therefore, in this manuscript wefocused on ….。
如何回复审稿人意见(Response to Reviews)
![如何回复审稿人意见(Response to Reviews)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/688e4613a0116c175f0e48f6.png)
Dear Editor,We have studied the valuable comments from you, the assistant editor and reviewers carefully, and tried our best to revise the manuscript. The point to point responds to the reviewer’s comments are listed as following:Responds to the rev iewer’s comments:Reviewer 1Comment 1: in page 3, line 40, we fed rats..." changed to rats were fed with... Response: According to the reviewer’s comment, we have corrected the sentence. Furthermore, we have had the manuscript polished with a professional assistance in writing.Comment 2:page 25. The style of reference 40 is not right (using initials for the first names). Since this paper has been published, the volume and page Nos should be provided.Response: Thank you for your careful work. We have added the volume and page numbers for reference 40.Reviewer 2Comment: I would like to thank the authors for their efforts in addressing the criticisms with additional experiments. The one criticism that they did not address was relating to energy expenditure as the reason that the animals on the low calcium diet gained more weight. While I understand that performing this experiment will not affect the conclusion of this manuscript, I do believe that this point could be discussed in the Discussion section.Response: Thank you for your valuable advice. Based on the previous revision, we further address the relationship between low calcium diet and energy expenditure in the section of discussion according to your thoughtful comments.Reviewer 3Comment 1: In the text you often write: “As previously described”. Unless that paper is from your lab or one of the method paper co-authors is on the present MS this is not quite proper since the statement infers method development from your lab. There are numerous instances like that in the methods section; these should all be changed “according to those described by…..”Response: We are sorry for this language mistake. We have carefully corrected this phrase throughout the manuscript according to your comment.Comment 2: There are still some wording, sentence structure and grammatical issues even in this basically well put together MS. For example, while authors may have been excited about the data you cannot start a sentence with “Excitedly” in line 418 or “Whatever” in line 395.Response: Thank you very much to point out the sentence structure and grammatical issues in our manuscript. According to the comments from you and the editors, we polished the manuscript with a professional assistance in writing, conscientiously.Comment 3:In my view a big omission in this work is ignoring the anabolic side of lipid metabolism as well as thermogenesis issues. For example all animals consumed the same amount of feed but we had extra fat storage in the low Ca diet groups. So where did the extra energy go? Zemel et al (citation 34) in similar work indicate that increased thermogenesis on the high Ca diet explains the dissipation of dietary energy. Further even though Zemel et al (#34) indicated lipogenesis was enhanced in the low Ca diets that was in 2000 and you should have monitored expression of FAS and UCP either as mRNA abundance or actual FAS/UCP changes via proteomics or blotting techniques. In any case these controls are missing here and not emphasized in the MS. Casual reading of this paper would lead to the conclusion that the dietary Ca effect on fat deposition is strictly a function of increased or decreased lipolysis. While lipolysis appears to be a major player, lipogenesis and thermogenesis cannot be ignored for completeness. In Fig 8 you also show a decline in cAMP for the low Ca diet. Well beta agonists or cAMP enhancers regulate transcription of adipose and liver FAS (in rats (J Biol Chem 271:2307, 1996) and recently with large animal models (Hausman et al J Animal Science 87:1218, 2009 and Halsey et al J Animal Science 89: 1011, 2011). In additioncAMP levels could have been monitored. I really do not like the last sentence in the Abstract line 47-50 where you state that “low calcium diet-induced increase in fat mass was due to enhanced lipogenesis mediated by an upregulated CaSR signaling pathway” Your results here show no such thing, this is a completely false statement based on data herein. Correct. You show that high Ca diets enhance lipolysis and low Ca diets are antilipolytic. You did not monitor lipid anabolism here at all. See also line 255-257 and lines 333-335 of your MS. Response: Thank you for your valuable and thoughtful comments. As you suggested that the anabolic side of lipid metabolism as well as thermogenesis issues should be monitored. We really agree with your viewpoints. In the present study, we did find that low calcium diet increased the mRNA level of fatty acid synthase (FAS) in white adipose tissue. Furthermore, the FAS mRNA level were also increased in adipocytes after treatment with 1,25-(OH)2D3in in-vitro experiments. However, the increased FAS mRNA levels were not affected by preventing either the nuclear vitamin D receptor (nVDR) or calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR), suggesting that FAS might not be involved in the CaSR pathway. In addition, we thought that FAS played its role in fatty acid synthesis mainly in liver previously. Besides, the manuscript was required to restrict number of total words and our previous focus was on the antilolytic role of CaSR in the process of fat accumulation. So we ignored to provide the data of FAS mRNA levels in the submitted manuscript. In the newly submitted manuscript, we have provided the mRNA levels according to your helpful suggestion.We have reported the effects of dietary calcium on UCP2 mRNA levels in adipose tissue and UCP3 in skeletal muscle in our previous studies (1, 2). Thus, we believed that low calcium diet led to decreased thermogenesis in the present study. It was a pity that we did not measure the rat core temperature in those studies. The UCP2 mRNA levels in adipocytes were observed to be decreased after treatment of 1,25-(OH)2D3. This effect was prevented by using nVDR CaSR gene silencing but not by CaSR gene knockdown, suggesting that UCP2 was not involved in CaSR pathways. In the newly submitted manuscript, we have provided the UCP2 results.Thank you for your careful reading of our manuscript. We are very sorry for our fault statement in the abstract. We have corrected it in the new manuscript.Comment 4: A point that does not emerge well from the discussion is how low Ca intakes result in higher intracellular [Ca] concentrations and really the effects on fatdeposition in the cells in many ways are due to an increased intracellular Ca level mediated via CaSR expression increases and the effect of VitD3 on nVDR show in Fig 8. The authors must remind readers that Ca levels in the blood are under hormonal regulation (Calcitonin, PTH and VitD3). Thus when diets low in Ca are consumed and blood Ca decline, PTH and VitD3 are called upon to mobilize bone Ca to replenish the blood Ca. Then coupled with an increase in CaSR more Ca actually is found in AT despite the fact that many would think the AT Ca level should decline. The reason is that tissue/circulating Ca levels are not diet depended but regulated. The vast bone stores of Ca will provide ample Ca here especially during a study of this length. While authors address these issues maybe could be presented in a less complicated discussion.Response:Thank you for your instructive suggestions. We are sorry for not describing the effect of low calcium diet on intracellular calcium concentrations mediated by CaSR, as well as the impact of hormone regulation on serum calcium levels clearly. According to your helpful advice, we have rewritten these two parts in the section of discussion. Thank you again.Comment 5: Not all citations are in JN styleResponse: We have careful recheck and corrected the style of the citations according to the requirement of JN.Comment 6: Abstract conclusion differs from lines 255-257 and 333-335; WHY? Response: Thank you for your careful reading of our manuscript. The conclusion from lines 255-257 is about the effect of low calcium diet on serum levels of free fatty acids (FFAs) and lipids. We considered FFA and glycerol as indicators of TG hydrolysis in adipose tissue. The low calcium diet caused decreased serum FFA and glycerol levels without influencing lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, so we thought the lipolytic effect of adipose tissue to be suppressed by low calcium diet. The conclusion from lines 333-335 was about the effect of 1,25-(OH)2D3 whose levels were increased under low calcium conditions on lipolysis. We used the glycerol level as the indicator of TG hydrolysis in adipocytes. Both the in vivo and in vitro experiments showed low calcium status caused an antilipolytic effect.Comment 7: Line 150-153. The qRT-PCR methodology is not at all understandable as you cite a Texas A&M published paper. This is completely insufficient with the newly established standards on gene expression via qRT-PCR. There is no mention of efficiencies of amplifications in these data nor how the use of the reference gene was established etc. I think Pfaffl and Bustin have recently written an article on this; please totally revise 150-153 in line with what you did and applying the new standards.Response: Thank you very much. Because the JN restricts the number of total words of manuscript, we cited the Texas A&M published paper. In the newly submitted manuscript, we describe the detailed protocols in our lab.Comment 8:Line 179 on Not clear as in sentences talk about different AT cell sources etc..revise.Response: We are sorry for not addressing the adipose tissue cell sources clearly. We have rewritten the methods.Comment 9: Any previous documentable work with siRNA?Response: Yes, we have documentable work with siRNA in our research team. The results were published in the journal of Biochem Biophys Res Commun (3).Comment 10: Line 214.. Cultured primary rat adipocytes and SW872 adipocytes ……Response: Thank you very much. According to your comment, we have had the manuscript polished and corrected the mistakes.。
回复审稿意见礼貌用语1. 尊敬的审稿专家,您的意见就像一阵及时雨,浇灭了我不少疑惑的小火苗,我定当全力以赴修改。
2. 审稿老师呀,您的眼光如同X光般犀利,指出的问题一针见血,我这就像勤劳的小蜜蜂一样去修正。
3. 亲爱的审稿人,您的建议简直是黑暗中的灯塔,照亮了我前行的路,我肯定马不停蹄地按照您说的改。
4. 尊敬的专家,您的评审意见好似孙悟空的金箍棒,一下子就把我的不足之处给打出来了,我会好好改进,绝不做那顽固的妖怪。
5. 审稿老师,您的眼光比老鹰还敏锐,发现的问题如同天上繁星一样清晰,我会一颗一颗把它们解决掉。
6. 亲爱的审稿专家,您的意见如同一记重锤,把我那些迷糊的想法都敲醒了,我这就重新打造一篇更好的文章。
7. 尊敬的审稿人,您的话就像魔法咒语,点出了文章的问题,我现在就像中了魔法的小木偶,乖乖听话去修改。
8. 审稿老师呀,您的评审如同照妖镜,让文章中的小瑕疵无处遁形,我得赶紧把这些小妖怪都收服了。
9. 亲爱的审稿专家,您的建议像超级英雄的信号弹,给我指明了修改的方向,我要像超级英雄去拯救世界一样去完善文章。
10. 尊敬的专家,您的意见像一把锋利的手术刀,精准地切割出文章的病灶,我这个小医生要赶紧进行治疗了。
11. 审稿老师,您指出的问题如同一串鞭炮,噼里啪啦地在我耳边炸响,我现在就清醒地去处理了。
12. 亲爱的审稿人,您的眼光似能看穿一切的透视眼,发现的问题让我惊叹,我会像建筑工人修补大厦漏洞一样去修订。
13. 尊敬的审稿专家,您的建议仿佛是打开宝藏的钥匙,让我知道如何让文章变得更有价值,我要赶紧挖掘这宝藏了。
14. 审稿老师呀,您的评审意见像一阵狂风,把我那些不扎实的论述都吹得摇摇欲坠,我得像加固房屋一样把它筑牢。
15. 亲爱的审稿专家,您的话就像紧箍咒一样,让我对文章的问题不敢忽视,我这就踏上修正的取经路。
16. 尊敬的审稿人,您的意见如同一把大火,把我文章中的一些杂草都烧光了,我要重新种上美丽的花朵。
1. 对审稿人的意见表示感谢:Thank you for your valuable comments and suggestions on our manuscript. We appreciate the time and effort you have spent in reviewing our work.2. 接着,对审稿人提出的问题进行回复:a. 如果同意审稿人的建议:4. 总结回复并再次感谢审稿人:在回复审稿人时,作者应当保持客观、诚恳的态度,愿意听取审稿人的意见并作出合理的改进。
以下是一些常用的英文回复审稿人话术,供大家参考:1. 感谢审稿人的宝贵建议。
Thank you for your valuable suggestions.2. 我们对审稿人指出的问题进行了仔细的思考和修订。
We have carefully considered and revised the issues pointed out by the reviewer.以上是一些常用的英文回复审稿人话术,希望对科研人员在回复审稿人意见时有所帮助。
Dear Editor,We have studied the valuable comments from you, the assistant editor and reviewers carefully, and tried our best to revise the manuscript. The point to point responds to the reviewer’s comments are listed as following:Responds to the rev iewer’s comments:Reviewer 1Comment 1: in page 3, line 40, we fed rats..." changed to rats were fed with... Response: According to the reviewer’s comment, we have corrected the sentence. Furthermore, we have had the manuscript polished with a professional assistance in writing.Comment 2:page 25. The style of reference 40 is not right (using initials for the first names). Since this paper has been published, the volume and page Nos should be provided.Response: Thank you for your careful work. We have added the volume and page numbers for reference 40.Reviewer 2Comment: I would like to thank the authors for their efforts in addressing the criticisms with additional experiments. The one criticism that they did not address was relating to energy expenditure as the reason that the animals on the low calcium diet gained more weight. While I understand that performing this experiment will not affect the conclusion of this manuscript, I do believe that this point could be discussed in the Discussion section.Response: Thank you for your valuable advice. Based on the previous revision, we further address the relationship between low calcium diet and energy expenditure in the section of discussion according to your thoughtful comments.Reviewer 3Comment 1: In the text you often write: “As previously described”. Unless that paper is from your lab or one of the method paper co-authors is on the present MS this is not quite proper since the statement infers method development from your lab. There are numerous instances like that in the methods section; these should all be changed “according to those described by…..”Response: We are sorry for this language mistake. We have carefully corrected this phrase throughout the manuscript according to your comment.Comment 2: There are still some wording, sentence structure and grammatical issues even in this basically well put together MS. For example, while authors may have been excited about the data you cannot start a sentence with “Excitedly” in line 418 or “Whatever” in line 395.Response: Thank you very much to point out the sentence structure and grammatical issues in our manuscript. According to the comments from you and the editors, we polished the manuscript with a professional assistance in writing, conscientiously.Comment 3:In my view a big omission in this work is ignoring the anabolic side of lipid metabolism as well as thermogenesis issues. For example all animals consumed the same amount of feed but we had extra fat storage in the low Ca diet groups. So where did the extra energy go? Zemel et al (citation 34) in similar work indicate that increased thermogenesis on the high Ca diet explains the dissipation of dietary energy. Further even though Zemel et al (#34) indicated lipogenesis was enhanced in the low Ca diets that was in 2000 and you should have monitored expression of FAS and UCP either as mRNA abundance or actual FAS/UCP changes via proteomics or blotting techniques. In any case these controls are missing here and not emphasized in the MS. Casual reading of this paper would lead to the conclusion that the dietary Ca effect on fat deposition is strictly a function of increased or decreased lipolysis. While lipolysis appears to be a major player, lipogenesis and thermogenesis cannot be ignored for completeness. In Fig 8 you also show a decline in cAMP for the low Ca diet. Well beta agonists or cAMP enhancers regulate transcription of adipose and liver FAS (in rats (J Biol Chem 271:2307, 1996) and recently with large animal models (Hausman et al J Animal Science 87:1218, 2009 and Halsey et al J Animal Science 89: 1011, 2011). In additioncAMP levels could have been monitored. I really do not like the last sentence in the Abstract line 47-50 where you state that “low calcium diet-induced increase in fat mass was due to enhanced lipogenesis mediated by an upregulated CaSR signaling pathway” Your results here show no such thing, this is a completely false statement based on data herein. Correct. You show that high Ca diets enhance lipolysis and low Ca diets are antilipolytic. You did not monitor lipid anabolism here at all. See also line 255-257 and lines 333-335 of your MS. Response: Thank you for your valuable and thoughtful comments. As you suggested that the anabolic side of lipid metabolism as well as thermogenesis issues should be monitored. We really agree with your viewpoints. In the present study, we did find that low calcium diet increased the mRNA level of fatty acid synthase (FAS) in white adipose tissue. Furthermore, the FAS mRNA level were also increased in adipocytes after treatment with 1,25-(OH)2D3in in-vitro experiments. However, the increased FAS mRNA levels were not affected by preventing either the nuclear vitamin D receptor (nVDR) or calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR), suggesting that FAS might not be involved in the CaSR pathway. In addition, we thought that FAS played its role in fatty acid synthesis mainly in liver previously. Besides, the manuscript was required to restrict number of total words and our previous focus was on the antilolytic role of CaSR in the process of fat accumulation. So we ignored to provide the data of FAS mRNA levels in the submitted manuscript. In the newly submitted manuscript, we have provided the mRNA levels according to your helpful suggestion.We have reported the effects of dietary calcium on UCP2 mRNA levels in adipose tissue and UCP3 in skeletal muscle in our previous studies (1, 2). Thus, we believed that low calcium diet led to decreased thermogenesis in the present study. It was a pity that we did not measure the rat core temperature in those studies. The UCP2 mRNA levels in adipocytes were observed to be decreased after treatment of 1,25-(OH)2D3. This effect was prevented by using nVDR CaSR gene silencing but not by CaSR gene knockdown, suggesting that UCP2 was not involved in CaSR pathways. In the newly submitted manuscript, we have provided the UCP2 results.Thank you for your careful reading of our manuscript. We are very sorry for our fault statement in the abstract. We have corrected it in the new manuscript.Comment 4: A point that does not emerge well from the discussion is how low Ca intakes result in higher intracellular [Ca] concentrations and really the effects on fatdeposition in the cells in many ways are due to an increased intracellular Ca level mediated via CaSR expression increases and the effect of VitD3 on nVDR show in Fig 8. The authors must remind readers that Ca levels in the blood are under hormonal regulation (Calcitonin, PTH and VitD3). Thus when diets low in Ca are consumed and blood Ca decline, PTH and VitD3 are called upon to mobilize bone Ca to replenish the blood Ca. Then coupled with an increase in CaSR more Ca actually is found in AT despite the fact that many would think the AT Ca level should decline. The reason is that tissue/circulating Ca levels are not diet depended but regulated. The vast bone stores of Ca will provide ample Ca here especially during a study of this length. While authors address these issues maybe could be presented in a less complicated discussion.Response:Thank you for your instructive suggestions. We are sorry for not describing the effect of low calcium diet on intracellular calcium concentrations mediated by CaSR, as well as the impact of hormone regulation on serum calcium levels clearly. According to your helpful advice, we have rewritten these two parts in the section of discussion. Thank you again.Comment 5: Not all citations are in JN styleResponse: We have careful recheck and corrected the style of the citations according to the requirement of JN.Comment 6: Abstract conclusion differs from lines 255-257 and 333-335; WHY? Response: Thank you for your careful reading of our manuscript. The conclusion from lines 255-257 is about the effect of low calcium diet on serum levels of free fatty acids (FFAs) and lipids. We considered FFA and glycerol as indicators of TG hydrolysis in adipose tissue. The low calcium diet caused decreased serum FFA and glycerol levels without influencing lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, so we thought the lipolytic effect of adipose tissue to be suppressed by low calcium diet. The conclusion from lines 333-335 was about the effect of 1,25-(OH)2D3 whose levels were increased under low calcium conditions on lipolysis. We used the glycerol level as the indicator of TG hydrolysis in adipocytes. Both the in vivo and in vitro experiments showed low calcium status caused an antilipolytic effect.Comment 7: Line 150-153. The qRT-PCR methodology is not at all understandable as you cite a Texas A&M published paper. This is completely insufficient with the newly established standards on gene expression via qRT-PCR. There is no mention of efficiencies of amplifications in these data nor how the use of the reference gene was established etc. I think Pfaffl and Bustin have recently written an article on this; please totally revise 150-153 in line with what you did and applying the new standards.Response: Thank you very much. Because the JN restricts the number of total words of manuscript, we cited the Texas A&M published paper. In the newly submitted manuscript, we describe the detailed protocols in our lab.Comment 8:Line 179 on Not clear as in sentences talk about different AT cell sources etc..revise.Response: We are sorry for not addressing the adipose tissue cell sources clearly. We have rewritten the methods.Comment 9: Any previous documentable work with siRNA?Response: Yes, we have documentable work with siRNA in our research team. The results were published in the journal of Biochem Biophys Res Commun (3).Comment 10: Line 214.. Cultured primary rat adipocytes and SW872 adipocytes ……Response: Thank you very much. According to your comment, we have had the manuscript polished and corrected the mistakes.。
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SAMPLE RESPONSE TO REVIEWERS’ COMMENTSBelow are actual comments to a review I wrote sometime ago. I include it here so you can see the level of detail/discussion I expect for your letter. Also, though you don’t have to do it for my class; if you’re doi ng it for an actual journal, make sure to use department letterhead.******************************************************************* Date<Editor’s name & title><Journal name><postal address>Dear Prof. <Editor’s Name>:First, I want to thank you and your reviewers for the extremely helpful comments provided for our paper. In the paper we’ve addressed all comments – both specific and general – from all three reviewers.There are too many comments and changes for us to list them all here. However, we would like to highlight some of the more general ones.Many of reviewer #1147’s comments came from notes directly on the document. Therefore, though the “typed” comments were two paragraphs, references to that reviewer appear quite frequently below.Finally, the numbers in parentheses refer to the reviewer.1. All three reviewers made reference to awkward sentences and lack of clarity in theflow of the text. We’ve addressed this issue across and within each section,paragraph, and sentence. As a result, we feel this version reads more cohesively and fluidly.Additionally, extra care was taken to remove polemical statements (#1072; #1147;#647)2. “What, exactly, does “after high school” mean? Does it mean high schoolgraduation?” (#1072; im plied by #1147).To address this, the following text was added to the description of the sample: All students who were selected in the 8th grade were reinterviewed in each of thesubsequent years, regardless of their individual progress. Their subsequent grade level(e.g. 10th grade, 12th grade, etc.) is not the criteria for inclusion. The fact that thestudent was in the original cohort is the criteria for subsequent inclusion. As a result,though the cohort may be in the 12th grade, some of the students may not be, becausethey were held back, dropped out, or may have skipped a grade and thus graduatedearlier than their 8th grade cohort. However, even with these variances within the post-8th grade years, throughout this document, we will use the same language used by theNational Education Longitudinal Study – 8th grade (1988), 12th grade (1992), and twoyears after high school (1994).3. Literature Review/Backgrounda. Due to the lack of clarity, the reference to sociocultural variables was removed(#1072).b. The text was changed to make it clear when we were referring to differenceswithin African American families as compared to differences between them andtheir non-African American counterparts (#1072).c. In the section on theoretical models, race and gender were addressed separatelyfrom social class (#1072; #1147).d. A theoretical/conceptual framework was identified – intersectionality – andfollowed throughout the document (Editor; #1027; #1147).e. The family organization section was rewritten to make it less confusing to thereader (#647).f. Sources/Citations were included where requested (#1147).4. Data and Methodsa. We made it clear that parents were also interviewed for this study. Further, wemade it clear when d ata came from the parent’s survey versus the student’s (#1072).b. Text was added to more clearly describe the tests given to the students (#1147):The tests developed and administered with the NELS were similar to the tests given forthe National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Cognitive tests for theNELS are based on Item Response Theory (IRT), where the student's score is based onthe probability of getting all of the questions correct.c. Text was added to make it clear that the parental configurations were notmutually exclusive categories (#1147):The three types of single-parent households are NOT configured to be mutuallyexclusive (see below for an example), but were developed to reflect the types of single-parent families most prevalent among African American children.And later in that same discussion:Again, the configurations are not mutually exclusive, i.e. any student in a marriedfamily is also in a two-parent household.d. The definition of dummy variables was removed (#1147).5. Resultsa. We made it clear that multiple regression was used for analysis (#1072).b. Summary statistics are included (#1072) because if one wants to replicate ourwork, s/he will need that information. We did not discuss those results for we felt they were self-explanatory and we did not want to use precious manuscript space …especially given our additions with this revision.c. Tables have been reformatted to be consistent with the style manual of theAmerican Psychological Association (Editor; #1072).d. We removed references to “African American students” and used the term“students.” However, we did leave it once at the end for purposes of emphasis and clarity.e. Reviewer #1072 is concerned that each regression model is not discussed. Eachmodel and pertinent findings within them are indeed discussed. We feel that the awkward writing style (which has now been corrected), may have buried this and thus led the reader to think we were “misleading.”f. Reviewer #1027 is also concerned that interaction effects were not run. Footnoteb in Table 4 now reads:Interaction effects were run between all parental configurations and 8th SES. Becausenone were statistically significant, the results are not shown here.Other interaction effects were not run because it is the relationship between parental configuration and SES that is most central to the questions raised in this paper.6. Discussion/Conclusiona. Reference to “statistical analyses of data collected with q uestionnaires [being] alimitation only insofar as African American households are concerned” wasremoved (#1072).b. To justify our claim about the intersecting categories of race/class/gender(#1072), we included the following sentence:Drawing on the discussion of race in the literature review (see above) and the findingsof this study, we conclude that African American family structure is at its core innatelytied to changes in the economy and the simultaneously intersecting categories ofrace/class/gender.c. Large portions of the discussion section were rewritten to discuss and interpretour findings in the context of what is already known. We also include a discussion of what needs further study (#1072; implied by Editor and #1147).Sincerely,Prof. Juan Battlejbattle@(212) 817-8775。