最新-莫言在瑞典诺贝尔颁奖典礼上的英语演讲稿 精品

莫言颁奖词英文版篇一:2017年诺贝尔文学奖颁奖词瑞典国王为莫言颁奖(中、英双语) The Nobe l Pri ze in Lite ratur e 2017 Awa rd Ce remon y Spe ech P resen tatio n Spe ech b y Per W?st berg,Writ er, M ember of t he Sw edish Acad emy,Chair man o f the Nobe l Com mitte e, 10Dece mber2017. Your Maje sties, You r Roy al Hi ghnes ses,Estee med N obelLaure ates, Ladi es an d Gen tleme n, Mo Yanis apoetwho t earsdownstere otypi cal p ropag andaposte rs, e levat ing t he in divid ual f rom a n ano nymou s hum an ma ss. U singridic ule a ndsa rcasm Mo Y an at tacks hist ory a nd it s fal sific ation s aswellas de priva tionand p oliti cal h ypocr isy.Playf ullyand w ith i ll-di sguis ed de light, herevea ls th e mur kiest aspe cts o f hum an ex isten ce, a lmost inad verte ntlyfindi ng im agesof st rongsymbo lic w eight. Nor th-ea stern Gaom i cou nty e mbodi es Ch ina’s folk tale s and hist ory.Few r eal j ourne ys ca n sur passthese to a real m whe re th e cla mourof do nkeys andpigsdrown s out thevoice s ofthe p eople’s mi ssars andwhere both love andevilassum esup ernat uralpropo rtion s. Mo Yan’s ima ginat ion s oarsacros s the enti re hu man e xiste nce.He is a wo nderf ul po rtray er of natu re; h e kno ws vi rtual ly al l the re is to k now a bouthunge r, an d the brut ality of C hina’s 20t h cen turyhas p robab ly ne ver b een d escri bed s o nak edly, with hero es, l overs, tor turer s, ba ndits– an d esp ecial ly, s trong,ind omita ble m other s. He show s usa wor ld wi thout trut h, mo n sen se or pass ion,a wor ld wh ere p eople arereckl ess,helpl ess a nd ab surd. Proo f ofthismiser y isthe c annib alism that recu rs in Chin a’s h istor y. In Mo Y an, i t sta nds f or ue strai ned c onsum ption, exc ess,rubbi sh, c arnal plea sures andthe i ndesc ribab le de sires that only he c an at temptto e lucid ate b eyond alltaboo ed li mitat ions. In h is no vel R epubl ic of Wine, the mostexqu isite of d elica ciesis aroast ed th ree-y ear-o ld. B oys h ave b ee ex clusi ve fo odstu ff. T he gi rls,negle cted, surv ive.The i ronyis di recte d atChina’s fa milypolic y, be cause of w hichfemal e foe tuses areabort ed on an a stron omicscale: gir ls ar en’tevengoodenoug h toeat.Mo Ya n has writ ten a n ent ire n ovel, Frog, abo ut th is. M o Yan’s st ories have myth icaland a llego rical pret ensio ns an d tur n all valu es on thei r hea ds. W e nev er me et th atid eal c itize n who wasa sta ndard feat ure i n Mao’s Ch ina.Mo Ya n’s c harac tersbubbl ewit h vit ality andtakeeventhe m ost a moral step s and meas uresto fu lfiltheir live s and burs t the cage s the y hav e bee n con fined in b y fat e and poli tics.Inste ad of muni sm’sposte r-hap py hi story, MoYan d escri bes a past that, wit h his exag gerat ions, paro diesand d eriva tions from myth s and folk tale s, is a co nvinc ing a nd sc athin g rev ision of f iftyyears of p ropag anda. In h is mo st re marka ble n ovel, BigBreas ts an d Wid e Hip s, wh ere a fema le pe rspec tivedomin ates, Mo Y an de scrib es th e Gre at Le ap Fo rward andthe G reatFamin e of1960in st ingin g det ail.He mo cks t he re volut ionar y pse udo-s cienc e tha t tri ed to inse minat e she ep wi th ra bbitsperm, all thewhile dism issin g dou bters as r ight-wingeleme nts.The n ovelendswiththe n ew ca pital ism o f the ‘90s with frau dster s bei ng ri ch on beau ty pr oduct s and tryi ng to prod uce a Phoe nix t hroug h cro ss-fe rtili satio n. InMo Y an, a forg otten peas ant w orldarise s, al ive a nd we ll, b efore oureyes, sens uallyscen ted e ven i n its most pung ent v apour s, st artli nglymerci lessbut t inged by j oyfulself lessn ess.Never a du ll mo ment. Theautho r kno ws ev eryth ing a nd ca n des cribeever ythin g –a ll ki nds o f han dicra ft, s mithe ry, c onstr uctio n, di tch-d iggin g, an imalhusba ndry, thetrick s ofguerr illabands. Heseems to c arryall h umanlifeon th e tip of h is pe n. He is m ore h ilari ous a nd mo re ap palli ng th an mo st in thewakeof Ra belai s and Swif t —i n our time, inthe w ake o f Gar cía M arque z. Hi s spi ce bl end i s a p epper y one. Onhis b roadtapes try o f Chi na’slasthundr ed ye ars,there areneith er da ncing unic ornsnor s kippi ng ma idens. But he p aints life in a pigs ty in such a wa y tha t wefeelwe ha vebe en th ere f ar to o lon g. Id eolog ies a nd re formmovem entsmay e andgo bu t hum aneg oismand g reedremai n. So Mo Y an de fends smal l ind ividu als a gains t all inju stice s –f rom J apane se oc cupat ion t o Mao ist t error andtoday’s pr oduct ion f renzy. For thos e who vent ure t o MoYan’s home dist rict, wher e bou ntifu l vir tue b attle s the vile st cr uelty,a s tagge ringliter ary a dvent ure a waits. Has ever such an e pic s pring floo d eng ulfed Chin a and therestof th e wor ld? I n MoYan’s work, wor ld li terat ure s peaks with avo ice t hat d rowns outmostconte mpora ries. TheSwedi sh Ac ademy cong ratul atesyou.I cal l onyou t o acc ept t he 2017 No bel P rizefor L itera turefromthe h and o f HisMaje sty t he Ki ng. 2017年诺贝尔文学奖颁奖词瑞典国王为莫言颁奖(中、英双语)北京时间12月11日0时16分许,2017年诺贝尔奖颁奖仪式在瑞典斯德哥尔摩隆重举行。
最新-莫言获奖演讲英文版 精品

莫言获奖演讲英文版莫言获奖演讲英文版isiguis bs sis y, lis gl:ug ius lvisi i, i igi vy s ls ig qui i - s gi sip. yu y v s yiy-y-l , s ll s y bs, y sis, y i y ug, v y gug, y u s l. bu psis s y i is , y , is s yu ill v s. y ppl v s i iig is piz, vybu .y s b i 1922 i i 1994. bui i p s villg. ls y v gv yvillg i k pps il li. ug up gv, s i y by g i p u i.s ug up s sil, sybli , k i gvsi. s i gsp klg y b p ,i spk , i s lly spkig y .i s y 's yugs il. y lis y s kig u ly vuu bl publi ikig . k by ug,i pp bl bk i. s ilss, i i ll y i ysk. vig, i y llig y il , s il u y iig pl, pp iv big slig. bu i' i , i' v sl . s jus ubb yv sig.y s piul y ivlv gig u i lliv's il i gl s . gls s y sp . bu ,bu , ul u; s s ug slpp s by , ulk , s ll gu. is ' gllk islig. s s s gu, lip blig, lk plssss i'll v g. ys l, iu , gy-i l , i kpl, sp gig up vg. "s," s si vly, " i is s ps."y ls y is sivl y, i, s sis jizi , bl pi. gig bgg u il bl, i i s i y i l blul i s ps, gily: "i' l ," si. "yu pplig jizi, bu s ps. lss yu b?" i jus s gily: "' luky i jiziupl is y, sll blul pi, bly ug g s! yu sul b kul ' givig yu s ps,i yu ' , yu g ll u !" (ssig ) piig , up l blul jizi i l 'sbl.y ssuly ivlvs lpig sll bbgs k, vgig l villg ji – iilly , i。

Mo Yan’s Award Winning Speech (English Version)Dear Members of the Swedish Academy,Ladies and Gentlemen,I am humbled and privileged to receive this prestigious award. This Nobel Prize for literature is not just an honour for me, but it is also a recognition of Chinese literature and culture. I appreciate the Academy’s recognition of my works, which I believe is a reflection of the values and themes that I have explored in my writing.I am a storyteller, and I believe that storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to convey experiences, emotions, and cultures. I grew up listening to stories from my elders and reading Chinese classics, and I was always fascinated by the power of storytelling. My upbringing in a rural village in China has greatly influenced my writing, and I strive to capture the voices and experiences of the working-class people in China.My novels explore various themes, including history, politics, culture, and human nature. I believe that literature has the power to bridge cultural and linguistic divides, and my works have been translated into many languages, reaching readers across the world.In my writing, I have also explored the complexities of human nature, including its dark facets. My works have been criticized by some for their depictions of violence and sexuality. However, I believe it is important for literature to confront the uncomfortable truths of human existence. To ignore these realities would be a disservice to both literature and humanity.Moreover, I believe that literature has a significant role in promoting empathy and understanding between people of different backgrounds and cultures. Literature has the power to connect us to our shared humanity, and I hope that my works can contribute to fostering a greater sense of global community.Therefore, I am deeply honoured to receive this award, which I believe is a recognition of the power of literature to bridge cultural divides and promote mutual understanding. In receiving this award, I am humbled by the responsibility to continue to write with honesty, courage, and empathy.Thank you once again to the Swedish Academy and to all the readers around the world who have supported my writing.。

莫言在瑞典诺贝尔颁奖典礼上的英语演讲稿XX年12月10日(当地时间)mo yan s prepared banquet speech at the nobel banquet10 december XX尊敬的国王陛下、王后陛下,女士们,先生们:your majesties, your royal highnesses, ladies and gentlemen,我,一个来自遥远的中国山东高密东北乡的农民的儿子,站在这个举世瞩目的殿堂上,领取了诺贝尔文学奖,这很像一个童话,但却是不容置疑的现实。
for me, a farm boy from gaomi s northeast township in far-away china, standing here in this world-famous hall after having received the nobel prize in literature feels like a fairy tale, but of course it is true.获奖后一个多月的经历,使我认识到了诺贝尔文学奖巨大的影响和不可撼动的尊严。
my experiences during the months since the announcement have made me aware of the enormous impactof the nobel prize and the unquestionable respect it enjoys. i have tried to view what has happened during this period in a cool, detached way. it has been a golden opportunity for me to learn about the world and, even more so, an opportunity for me to learn about myself.我深知世界上有许多作家有资格甚至比我更有资格获得这个奖项;我相信,只要他们坚持写下去,只要他们相信文学是人的光荣也是上帝赋予人的权利,那么,他必将华冠加在你头上,把荣冕交给你。
演讲致辞-莫言在瑞典诺贝尔颁奖典礼上的英语演讲稿 精品

莫言在瑞典诺贝尔颁奖典礼上的英语演讲稿莫言在诺贝尔晚宴上的答谢词(准备稿)XX年12月10日(当地时间)mo yans prepared banquet speech at the nobel banquet10 december XX尊敬的国王陛下、王后陛下,女士们,先生们:your majesties, your royal highnesses, ladies and gentlemen,我,一个来自遥远的中国山东高密东北乡的农民的儿子,站在这个举世瞩目的殿堂上,领取了诺贝尔文学奖,这很像一个童话,但却是不容置疑的现实。
for me, a farm boy from gaomis northeast township in far-away china, standing here in this world-famous hall after having received the nobel prize in literature feels like a fairy tale, but of course it is true.获奖后一个多月的经历,使我认识到了诺贝尔文学奖巨大的影响和不可撼动的尊严。
my experiences during the months since the announcement have made me aware of the enormous impact of the nobel prize and the unquestionable respect it enjoys. i have tried to view what has happened during this period in a cool, detached way. it has been a golden opportunity for me to learn about the world and, even more so, an opportunity for me to learn about myself.我深知世界上有许多作家有资格甚至比我更有资格获得这个奖项;我相信,只要他们坚持写下去,只要他们相信文学是人的光荣也是上帝赋予人的权利,那么,“他必将华冠加在你头上,把荣冕交给你。
演讲致辞-莫言诺贝尔文学奖致辞英文演讲稿 精品

distinguished members of the swedish academy, ladies andgentlemen:through the mediums of television and the internet, i imaginethat everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-offnortheast gaomi township. you may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my granddaughter, now a year and four months old. but the person who is moston my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you will never see. many people have shared in the honor of winning this prize, everyone but her.尊敬的瑞典学院各位院士,女士们、先生们:通过电视或网络,我想在座的各位,对遥远的高密东北乡,已经有了或多或少的了解。

莫言诺贝尔文学奖演讲北京时间2012年12月8日0时30分,诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言在瑞典学院发表演讲,以下为演讲实录,英文由Howard Goldblatt翻译:尊敬的瑞典学院各位院士,女士们、先生们:Distinguished members of the Swedish Academy, Ladies and Gentlemen:通过电视或网络,我想在座的各位,对遥远的高密东北乡,已经有了或多或少的了解。
Through the mediums of television and the Internet, I imagine that everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-off Northeast Gaomi Township. You may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my granddaughter, now a year and four months old. But the person who is most on my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you will never see. Many people have shared in the honor of winning this prize, everyone but her. 我母亲生于1922年,卒于1994年。
莫言诺贝尔奖颁奖典礼 中英文对照版

瓦斯特伯格的颁奖辞全文如下:Mo Yan is a poet who tears down stereotypical propaganda posters, elevating the individual from an anonymous human mass. Using ridicule and sarcasm Mo Yan attacks history and its falsifications as well as deprivation and political hypocrisy. Playfully and with ill-disguised delight, he reveals the murkiest aspects of human existence, almost inadvertently finding images of strong symbolic weight.莫言是一个撕下程序化宣传海报,将凡夫俗子一个个推上台面的诗人。
North-eastern Gaomi county embodies China’s folk tales and history. Few real journeys can surpass these to a realm where the clamour of donkeys and pigs drowns out the voices of the people’s commissars and where both love and evil assume supernatural proportions.高密县东北乡体现了中国的民间故事和历史,不通过此类故事,你几乎很难脚踏实地地进入一个驴吼猪叫淹没了声音的国度,在那里,爱和恶的呈现已达到超自然的程度。

关于莫言获得诺贝尔奖的英语作文Mo Yan, a renowned Chinese writer, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012. This recognition not only brought international attention to Mo Yan's works but also shed light on the rich literary landscape of China.Mo Yan, whose real name is Guan Moye, was born in 1955 in Shandong Province, China. He started his writing career in the 1980s and quickly gained recognition for his unique storytelling style and vivid portrayals of rural Chinese life. His works often blend historical events with personal stories, creating a captivating narrative that resonates with readers worldwide.One of Mo Yan's most famous works is "Red Sorghum," a novel set during the Japanese occupation of China in the 1930s. The novel masterfully combines elements of history, folklore, and personal drama to create a powerful and evocative story that has captivated readers across the globe. Other notable works by Mo Yan include "Big Breasts and Wide Hips," "Frog," and "Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out."The Nobel Prize in Literature is awarded to authors who have produced outstanding literary work that has had a significant impact on the world. Mo Yan's win in 2012 was a testament to histalent as a writer and the cultural importance of his works. By shining a spotlight on Mo Yan, the Nobel Prize brought attention to the vibrant literary traditions of China and highlighted the rich storytelling traditions of Chinese literature.Overall, Mo Yan's Nobel Prize win was a well-deserved recognition of his contribution to world literature. His works continue to inspire readers and highlight the power of storytelling to connect people across different cultures and backgrounds.。

关于莫言的英语作文4篇篇一:关于莫言获奖的英语作文Several months ago, a good news swept on China that Mo Yan won the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature. After this big event, Mo Yan, the first Chinese resident to win the prize, has been the crispy fried chicken among China. Gaomi County in Shandong Province becomes a tourist attraction because of his popularity. For his award, Chinese media overwhelming report this exciting news. People are rushing to the bookstores to buy his famous book and some are even out of stock. Generally speaking, his award means a lot to China, especially Chinese literature. The Nobel Prize for literature is a dream of Chinese literary field and all Chinese people. However, as a large cultural country that owns countless classic works, China had no winner of the Nobel Prize for literature which had become a great pity. Therefore, this prize finishes a pile wish of Chinese people. In addition, although we have a great number of great works, very few people can read a book carefully and tranquilly in the impetuous society. I think this exciting news will inspire people’s enthusiasm towards literature, which is a great motivation to the development of literature. This is what we are happy to see.篇二:莫言英语作文Mo Yan in my eyesNowadays,the Chinese writer Mo Yan was famous for getting the 2012 Nobel Prize in literature,and the hot effect of Mo Yan coming rapidly,it seem that you are not a Chinese if you don’t know Mo Yan. So,How do you find of Mo Yan?In my eyes,he is different,modesty and graceful,but not arrogantly.The name Mo Yan is a pseudonym for Guan Moye. He is the son of famers who leftschool during the Culture Revolution to work,first in agriculture and later in a factory. According to his Nobel biography,we can get that his success wasn’t a chance event, it’s the result of his grate accumulation and diligent. Mo’s work mainly reflect the relationship of human being. Like his most recent published work—“Wa”,it illuminates the consequence of china imposition of a single-child policy.to be honest,I must say that Mo is a great thinker,in his writing,Mo draws on his youthful experiences and on setting in the province of his birth.also,Mo must be a superman with strongly heart,as we know that his book named sexual content and depicting a class struggle contrary to the Chinese Communist party line,but Mo still go on creating,and then he won the Mao Dun Literature Prize—one of China’s most prestigious literature prize.Mo also is a low-key and frugal man,he refused the house which was given by Chen Guangbiao without one dollar. In addiction,when he wasasked the ques tion“are you happy?”by CCTV reporter,he answered “I don’t know”,he just wish that his effect can run away. The government of his birth province suggest to plant a large number of red sorghum to remember Mo for his work“Red Sorghum”,Mo Yan said:“it’s useless and unnecessary.” As the Swedish Academy praised his work which“with hallucinatory realism merge folk tales,history and the contemporary.”Mo has already melt this spirit in his daily life.This is Mo Yan who has gotten the Nobel prise and he was the author we are pride of.(396)篇三:莫言中英文双语简介莫言中英文双语简介中国当代著名作家莫言获得 2012 年诺贝尔文学奖,这是首次有中国人获得这一奖项。

Red Sorghum (first published in 1987 in Chinese; in 1993 in English)
The Republic of Wine: A Novel (first published in 1992 in Chinese; 2000 in English)
Extremely prolific, Mo Yan wrote his latest novel, Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out in only 43 days. He composed more than 500,000 characters contained in the original manuscript on traditional Chinese paper using only ink and a writing brush.
Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out (published in English in 2008) ......
2005: Kiriyama Prize, Notable Books, Big Breasts and Wide Hip
2006: Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize XVII
Mo Yan left school during the Cultural Revolution to work in a factory that produced oil. He joined the Liberation Army at 20, and began writing while he was still a soldier, in 1981. He received international fame in 1987 with Red Sorghum, a novel of China, which was made into film. He is described as “one of the most famous and widely pirated of all Chinese writers.”

莫言在瑞典诺贝尔颁奖典礼上的英语演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen,It is a great honor for me to stand before you today at this prestigious event, the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden. I am truly humbled to be in the company of such distinguished individuals who have made remarkable contributions to the fields of literature, peace, and science.Today, I stand here not just as an individual, but as a representative of my homeland, China. I am deeply grateful to the Swedish Academy for recognizing my work and granting me this extraordinary honor. This award is not just a personal achievement, but a testament to the power of literature to transcend borders and bridge cultures.Writing, to me, is an art of storytelling. It is a means to capture the essence of society, to reflect upon the human condition, and to invoke emotions that resonate with readers across the globe. It is through literature that we gain a deeper understanding of the world and find the common threads that connect us all.In my work, I have often sought to explore the complexities of human nature, delving into the depths of the human soul. Through my stories, I have attempted to shed light on the universal themes of love, loss, and the struggle for identity. It is my belief that literature has the power to heal, to inspire, and to bring about empathy and understanding among people.As we gather here today, surrounded by the brilliance of our collective achievements, it is essential to remember that with great accomplishments come great responsibilities. The world is facing numerous challenges - social, environmental, and political - and it is our duty as intellectuals, as Nobel laureates, to use our influence to advocate for a better future.In this rapidly changing world, it is easy to lose sight of the importance of cultural diversity and the preservation of our collective heritage. We must strive to protect and nurture the richness of our individual cultures while fostering dialogue and collaboration across boundaries. It is through these exchanges that we can create a world that is more tolerant, inclusive, and prosperous.Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my readers. It is your unwavering support and appreciation for literature that has fueled my passion and allowed me to grow as a writer. Your love for stories reminds us all of the power of imagination, and the ability of words to transform lives.As I conclude my speech, I would like to dedicate this award to all those who have been marginalized, oppressed, and silenced. It is my hope that through literature, their stories will be heard, their voices will be amplified, and their struggles will find solace.Thank you once again to the Swedish Academy and to all those who have made this moment possible. Together, through the power of literature, we can build a brighter and more compassionate world.。

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:莫言诺贝尔文学奖演讲尊敬的瑞典学院各位院士,女士们、先生们:Distinguished members of the Swedish Academy, Ladies and Gentlemen:通过电视或网络,我想在座的各位对遥远的高密东北乡,已经有了或多或少的了解。
Through the mediums of television and the Internet, I imagine that everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-off Northeast Gaomi Township. You may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my granddaughter, now a year and four months old. But the person who is most on my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you will never see. Many people have shared in the honor of winning this prize, everyone but her.我母亲生于1922年,卒于1994年。

关于莫言获得诺贝尔奖的英语作文Mo Yan Wins the Nobel Prize!Hi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I'm so excited to tell you all about something amazing that happened recently. One of my favorite authors, Mo Yan, won the Nobel Prize in Literature!For those of you who don't know, the Nobel Prize is a really big deal. It's one of the most prestigious awards in the world that people can get for amazing achievements in categories like science, literature, and working for peace. The Nobel Prize in Literature is given to an author who has written incredible books and made an amazing contribution to literature.Mo Yan is a Chinese author who writes the most fascinating books. His real name is Guan Moye, but he goes by the pen name "Mo Yan" which means "Don't Speak" in Chinese. He chose that name because he wants his literature to be the voice that speaks for him. Isn't that cool?His books are set in his home country of China, especially in the countryside areas where he grew up. They give you a really vivid picture of life in rural China through amazing storytelling.His writing style mixes realism with allegory and satire, which makes his books so unique and interesting to read.Some of his most popular books are Red Sorghum, Big Breasts & Wide Hips, and The Republic of Wine. I've read Red Sorghum and I absolutely loved how he used the sorghum plant as a symbol throughout the whole book. It follows families in a Chinese village through several decades and has elements of drama, comedy, and even a little bit of magic realism thrown in. So creative!Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize "for his hallucinatory realism which amalgamates folk tales, history and the contemporary." That's a fancy way of saying he blends old folk stories with real history and modern life in his books. The Nobel committee praised his ability to capture people's struggles and use allegory to represent big issues in society.When Mo Yan found out he had won, he was so humble and grateful. He said "For a writer, the Nobel Prize is like a dream." As an elementary student, I can't even imagine what that incredible honor must feel like for him after decades of hard work. I'm so happy for him!Some critics argue that Mo Yan's works are too allegorical and difficult for the average reader to understand. They say theglobal significance of his writing is debatable. But in my opinion, any book that sparks curiosity, promotes deeper thinking, and shines a light on important issues is valuable literature.I think Mo Yan winning the Nobel Prize is amazing for a few reasons. First, it brings worldwide recognition to an extremely talented author. His unique storytelling style and fascinating perspectives deserve to be celebrated on a global stage. It's awesome that more people around the world will discover his books because of this prestigious award.Secondly, I love that the Nobel committee chose to honor literature from China. For too long, many people have overlooked or underappreciated the rich literary traditions and influential writers coming from Asia. Awarding the Nobel to Mo Yan highlights the universal significance of Chinese literature and culture. It sends the message that impactful stories can come from any country.Finally, as an aspiring young writer myself, Mo Yan's achievement inspires me so much. It shows that with enough hard work, creativity and passion for your craft, you can accomplish amazing things nomatter where you come from. His Nobel win is a bright beacon of hope for all young writers and artists dreaming of creating something meaningful.In the weeks since Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize, I've been devouring his books even more fervently. Each time I read his magical words that transport me into the rural Chinese villages he depicts so vividly, I gain a deeper appreciation for his literary mastery. I'm in awe of how he takes simple elements of everyday life and imbues them with profound symbolic meaning using his unique storytelling genius.I have so much respect and admiration for Mo Yan and I'm thrilled that he's receiving this incredible recognition from the Nobel committee. He is living proof that literature has the power to transcend cultural boundaries and reveal greater universal truths about the human experience that unite us all.I hope that after reading this essay, you've learned a little bit about why Mo Yan's Nobel Prize win is so inspiring and important. Maybe you'll even pick up one of his books and experience the enchanting world of his literary works for yourself. Whether you're a diehard book lover like me or just a casual reader, I have a feeling Mo Yan's imaginative writing will captivate your mind and soul.At the end of the day, that's what timeless literature is all about - igniting our hearts and minds in a way that Changes us forever. Thanks to Mo Yan and authors like him who create thosetransformative reading experiences. Congratulations again to this legendary literary icon!。

distinguished members of the swedish academy, ladies and gentlemen:through the mediums of television and the internet, i imagine that everyone here has at least a nodding acquaintance with faroff northeast gaomi township. you may have seen my ninetyyearold father, as well as my brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my granddaughter, now a year and four months old. but the person who is most on my mind at this moment, my mother, is someone you will never see. many people have shared in the honor of winning this prize, everyone but her.尊敬的瑞典学院各位院士,女士们、先生们:通过电视或络,我想在座的各位,对遥远的高密东北乡,已经有了或多或少的了解。

distinguishedmembersoftheswedishacademy,ladiesandgent lemen:throughthemediumsoftelevisionandtheinternet,iim aginethateveryoneherehasatleastanoddingacquaintancewi thfar-offnortheastgaomitownship.youmayhaveseenmyninety-year-oldfather,aswellasmybrothers,mysister,mywifeandmydaug hter,evenmygranddaughter,nowayearandfourmonthsold.but thepersonwhoismostonmymindatthismoment,mymother,issom eoneyouwillneversee.manypeoplehavesharedinthehonorofw inningthisprize,everyonebuther.尊敬的瑞典学院各位院士,女士们、先生们、通过电视或网络,我想在座的各位,对遥远的高密东北乡,已经有了或多或少的了解。
mymotherwasbornin1922anddiedin1994.weburiedherinapeac styearwewereforcedtomovehe rgravefartherawayfromthevillageinordertomakeroomforaproposedrailline.whenwedugupthegrave,wesawthatthecoffi nhadrottedawayandthatherbodyhadmergedwiththedampearth aroundit.sowedugupsomeofthatsoil,asymbolicact,andtook ittothenewgravesite.thatwaswhenigraspedtheknowledgeth atmymotherhadbecomepartoftheearth,andthatwhenispoketo motherearth,iwasreallyspeakingtomymother.我母亲生于1922年,卒于1994年。

Several months ago, a good news swept on China that Mo Yan won the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature. After this big event, Mo Yan, the first Chinese resident to win the prize, has been the crispy fried chicken among China. Gaomi County in Shandong Province becomes a tourist attraction because of his popularity. For his award, Chinese media overwhelming report this exciting news. People are rushing to the bookstores to buy his famous book and some are even out of stock. Generally speaking, his award means a lot to China, especially Chinese literature. The Nobel Prize for literature is a dream of Chinese literary field and all Chinese people. However, as a large cultural country that owns countless classic works, China had no winner of the Nobel Prize for literature which had become a great pity. Therefore, this prize finishes a pile wish of Chinese people. In addition, although we have a great number of great works, very few people can read a book carefully and tranquilly in the impetuous society. I think this exciting news will inspire people’s enthusiasm towards literature, which is a great motivation to the development of literature. This is what we are happy to see.。

诺贝尔奖莫言英语作文Wow, have you heard that Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature? It's such a big deal! I mean, he's the first Chinese writer to win it, right? And his works are so powerful, they really capture the essence of Chinese society and history.I remember reading "Red Sorghum" and being completely blown away by the vivid imagery and the raw emotions. It's like he has this incredible ability to transport you to another time and place, and make you feel like you're right there experiencing everything alongside the characters.But you know, it's not just about his storytelling skills. Mo Yan's writing also delves into some really deep and thought-provoking themes, like the impact of political and social change on individuals, and the complexities of human nature. It's so fascinating to see how he weaves these big ideas into his narratives in such a seamless and compelling way.And let's not forget about his unique writing style. I mean, the way he blends traditional Chinese storytelling techniques with modern literary devices is just mind-blowing. It's like he's creating this rich tapestry of words that feels both timeless and contemporary at the same time.And the way he tackles controversial and sensitive topics in his works is just so brave. He's not afraid to confront the darker aspects of Chinese history and society, and that takes a lot of courage. It's like he's using his writing to shine a light on the things that people might want to ignore or forget.Overall, I think Mo Yan is a truly deserving recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature. His impact on Chinese literature and his ability to captivate readers around the world with his powerful storytelling make him a literary force to be reckoned with. I can't wait to see what he writes next!。
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