
骨折固定 重要软组织的修复 创口引流
直接缝合 减张缝合或植皮术 延长闭合创口 皮瓣移植
术后联合应用广谱抗生素 及注射破伤风抗毒素
八 骨折延迟愈合、不愈合和 畸形愈合的处理
骨延迟愈合:骨折经过治疗,超过一般愈合所用的时 间,断端仍未出现骨连接。
X线片显示:骨折端骨痂少,轻度脱 钙,骨折线仍清晰,但无骨硬化表现
① 非手术治疗
a. 抬高患肢 b. 制动 c. 脱水(甘露醇)
② 手术治疗
根据有以下体征者应行减压术 a. 肢体明显肿胀与疼痛 b. 骨筋膜室张力大,压痛剧烈 c. 被动牵拉痛阳性 d. 测压大于4.0kpa
• 关节僵直(最常见)
晚 • 损伤性骨化
• 创伤性关节炎
期 • 缺血性骨坏死、肌挛缩
Palmar(1999)指出:“骨折的治疗必须着重于寻 求骨折稳固和软组织完整之间的一种平衡,特别是对 于严重粉碎的骨干骨折。过分追求骨折解剖学的重 建,其结果往往是既不能获得足以传到载荷的固定, 而且使原已损伤的组织血运遭到进一步破坏。” 不可错认为AO已被BO取代
早期(1-2周) 肌肉收缩为主 中期(3-4周)锻炼肌肉 较多关节活动 后期(4-8周)全面锻炼 但不负重
局部无压痛及纵向扣击痛 局部无反常活动 X线片显示骨折线模糊,有连续性骨痂通过骨折线 外固定解除后伤肢能满足以下要求:上肢向前平举 1kg达1分钟;下肢能不扶拐平地连续步行3分钟,并 不少于30步 连续观察2周,骨折处不变形
➢ 年龄 ➢ 健康状况
➢ 骨折类型和数量 ➢ 骨折部位的血供 ➢ 软组织损伤程度 ➢ 软组织嵌入 ➢ 感染

Factors Affecting Primary Bone Healing
Age, bone density, and the stability of the fracture site can influence primary bone healing. For instance, fractures in children heal faster than those in adults due to higher bone-forming activity.
Intramembranous Healing
This type of healing occurs in flat bones such as the skull and involves the direct formation of new bone tissue at the fracture site.
Endochondral Healing
This type of healing occurs in long bones and involves the formation of a cartilage intermediate before the final bone formation.

常用骨科医学专业英语词汇骨科 ORTHOPEDICS1、概论 INTRODUCTION*fracture n.骨折pathological fracture 病理骨折fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折*open fracture 开放骨折close fracture 闭合骨折*comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折compressed fracture 压缩骨折shock n.休克*deformity n.畸形tenderness n.压痛swelling n.肿胀ecchymosis n.瘀斑obstacle n.功能障碍*bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征infection n.感染spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤surrounding nerve 周围神经*fat embolism 脂肪栓塞bedsore n.褥疮arthroclisis n.关节僵硬ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩*traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎hematoma n.血肿*callus n.骨痂heal n.愈合*synovitis n.滑膜炎*ligament n.韧带*tendon n.肌腱* pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎*reduction n.复位*bone traction 骨牵引*osteoporosis n.骨质疏松2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle n.锁骨*humerus n.肱骨*rotation n.旋转supracondyle n.髁上blister n.水疱pulsate n.搏动thrombus n.血栓*cancellous n.松质骨*epiphysis n.骨骺*injury n.损伤*joint n.关节stability n.稳定ulna n.尺骨radius n.桡骨metacarpal bone 掌骨bone graft 植骨hemostasis 止血*periosteum n.骨膜tension n.张力adhesion n.粘连*skin grafting 植皮*arthrodesis n.关节融合extrusion n.挤压gangrene n.坏疽pallor n.苍白、灰白*amputation n.截肢plaster n.石膏paralysis n.瘫痪bandage n.绷带2、手外伤 HAND TRAUMAavulsion n.撕脱*dislocation n.脱位stiff adj.僵硬3、下肢骨折与关节损伤 FRACTURE OF LOWER EXTREMITIES AND ARTICULAR INJURYfemur n.股骨adduction n.内收separate v.分离cartilage n.软骨*synovialis n.滑膜*spinal column 脊柱5、脊柱及骨盆骨折 FRACTURE OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND PELVIS column n.椎体cervical column 颈椎*lumber vertebra 腰椎sacrum n.骶椎sense n.感觉movement n.运动reflect v.反射*pelvis n.骨盆6、关节脱位 ARTICULAR DISLOCATIONcongenital dislocation 先天性脱位pathological dislocation 病理性脱位*osteoarthritis n.骨关节炎*total hip replacement 全髋置换术7、运动系统慢性损伤 CHRONIC STRAIN OF MOVEMENT SYSTEM strain n.劳损*cystis n.滑囊*stenosed tenosynovitis 狭窄性腱鞘炎*ganglion n.腱鞘囊肿degenerative adj.退行性变multiply v.增生abnormal sense 感觉异常8、腰腿痛和颈肩痛LUMBAGO AND SHOULDER PAINSstenosed column 椎管狭窄9、骨与关节化脓感染OSTEOARTICULAR PURULENT LNFECTION channel n.窦道drill hole 钻孔*drainage n.引流10、骨与关节结核 OSTEOARTICULAR TUBERCULOSISbone tuberculosis 骨结核spinal cord compression 脊髓压迫11、骨肿瘤BONE TUMORbone tumor 骨肿瘤*osteochondroma n.骨软骨瘤*osteosarcoma n.骨肉瘤chemotherapy n.化疗*synoviosarcoma n.滑膜肉瘤医学英语分科常用词汇人体解剖学 HUMAN ANATOMY之运动系统 LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM 1、中轴骨 AXIAL BONES*bone n.骨*vertebrae n.椎骨*cervical vertebrae 颈椎*thoracic vertebrae 胸椎lumbar vertebrae 腰椎*sacrum n.骶骨coccyx 尾骨atlas n.寰椎axis n.枢椎*sternum n.胸骨sternal angle 胸骨角sternal manubrium 胸骨柄xiphoid process 剑突*rib n.肋*thoracic cage 胸廓2、颅SKULL*skull n.颅*frontal bone 额骨*parietal bone 顶骨*occipital bone 枕骨*temporal bone 颞骨*sphenoid bone 蝶骨*ethmoid bone 筛骨*mandible n.下颌骨hyoid bone 舌骨vomer n.犁骨*maxilla n.上颌骨palatine bone 腭骨nasal bone 鼻骨lacrimal bone 泪骨inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲zygomatic bone 颧骨*coronal suture冠状缝*sagital suture 矢状缝*lambdoid suture 人字缝orbit n.眶cranial fontanelle 颅囟2、附肢骨TARSAL BONES AND EXTREMITAL BONES *clavicle n.锁骨*scapula n.肩胛骨*humerus n.肱骨*radius n.桡骨*ulna n.尺骨carpal bone 腕骨metacarpal bone 掌骨phalanges n.指骨,趾骨*hip bone 髋骨*ilium n.髂骨*ischium n.坐骨*pubis n.耻骨*femur n.股骨patella n.髌骨*tibia n.胫骨*fibula n.腓骨tarsal bone 跗骨metatarsal bone 跖骨4、关节学 ARTHROLOGY*articulation n.关节*ligament n.韧带*flexion n.屈*extension n.伸*adduction n.收*medial rotation 旋内*lateral rotation 旋外pronation n旋前.supination n.旋后circumduction n.环转*vertebral column脊柱*thoracic cage 胸廓*intervertebral disc 椎间盘*temporal-mandibular joint 颞下颌关节*shoulder joint 肩关节*elbow joint 肘关节*radiocarpal joint 桡腕关节*pelvis n.骨盆*hip joint 髋关节*knee joint 膝关节*ankle joint 踝关节5、肌肉系统 MUSCULATURE(1)肌学系统INTRODUCTION OF MUSCULATURE *muscle n.肌肉muscle belly 肌腹tendon n.肌腱aponeurosis n.腱膜*fascia n.筋膜*tendinous sheath 腱鞘(2)躯干肌TRUNK MUSCLEStrapezius n.斜方肌latissimus dorsi 背阔肌erector spinae 竖脊肌*sternocleidomastoid adj.胸锁乳突的*scalenus n.斜角肌pectoralis major 胸大肌intercostales n.肋间肌*diaphragm n.膈(肌)*inguinal canal 腹股沟管*sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘(3)头肌 HEAD MUSCLESorbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌masseter n.咬肌*temporalis n.颞肌*deltoid n.三角肌*biceps brachii 肱二头肌*triceps brachii 肱三头肌*axillary fossa 腋窝(4)附肢肌 MUSCLES ATTACHED TO EXTREMITTES *gluteus maximus 臀大肌piriformis n.梨状肌*sartorius n.缝匠肌*quadriceps femoris 股四头肌triceps surae 小腿三头肌*femoral triangle 股三角popliteal fossa 腘窝医学英语分科常用词汇诊断学——骨关节系统OSTEOARTICULAR SYSTEM*Codman’striangle 骨膜三角,科德曼三角H-shaped vertebra,butterfly vertebra 蝴蝶椎Rugger-Jersay vertebra 夹心椎体Scheuermann’s disease 绍尔曼病Schmorl’s nodule 施莫尔结节Shenton’s line 沈通氏线apophysis n. 骺状突*arthrography n.关节造影basilar impression,basilarinvagination 颅底凹陷block vertebra 融合椎bone island 骨岛bursography n.泪囊造影compacta n.骨密度cortical porosity 皮质骨疏松症craniolacunia,luckenschadel n.颅骨陷窝*empty sella 空蝶鞍endosteal proliferation 骨内膜增生*epiphysis n.骨骺Intratrabecular resorption 骨小梁内吸收ivory vertebra 象牙椎marrow-packing disease 骨髓充填疾病massive osteolysis 大片骨溶解melopheostosis n.蜡油骨症ossification n.骨化osteopathia striata 纹骨症*osteopenia n.骨质减少osteopetrosis n.石骨症osteopoikilosis n.斑骨症pars interarticularis 椎弓峡部periosteal reaction 骨膜反应physis n.骨生长端*pseudofracture, Looser zone n.假骨折spina ventosa 骨气鼓spongiosa 骨疏松woven bone 编织骨*zone of provisional calcification 临时钙化带。

常用骨科医学专业英语词汇骨科 ORTHOPEDICS1、概论 INTRODUCTION*fracture n.骨折pathological fracture 病理骨折fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折*open fracture 开放骨折close fracture 闭合骨折*comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折compressed fracture 压缩骨折shock n.休克*deformity n.畸形tenderness n.压痛swelling n.肿胀ecchymosis n.瘀斑obstacle n.功能障碍*bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征infection n.感染spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤surrounding nerve 周围神经*fat embolism 脂肪栓塞bedsore n.褥疮arthroclisis n.关节僵硬ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩*traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎hematoma n.血肿*callus n.骨痂heal n.愈合*synovitis n.滑膜炎*ligament n.韧带*tendon n.肌腱* pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎*reduction n.复位*bone traction 骨牵引*osteoporosis n.骨质疏松2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle n.锁骨*humerus n.肱骨*rotation n.旋转supracondyle n.髁上blister n.水疱pulsate n.搏动thrombus n.血栓*cancellous n.松质骨*epiphysis n.骨骺*injury n.损伤*joint n.关节stability n.稳定ulna n.尺骨radius n.桡骨metacarpal bone 掌骨bone graft 植骨hemostasis 止血*periosteum n.骨膜tension n.张力adhesion n.粘连*skin grafting 植皮*arthrodesis n.关节融合extrusion n.挤压gangrene n.坏疽pallor n.苍白、灰白*amputation n.截肢plaster n.石膏paralysis n.瘫痪bandage n.绷带2、手外伤 HAND TRAUMAavulsion n.撕脱*dislocation n.脱位stiff adj.僵硬3、下肢骨折与关节损伤 FRACTURE OF LOWER EXTREMITIES AND ARTICULAR INJURYfemur n.股骨adduction n.内收separate v.分离cartilage n.软骨*synovialis n.滑膜*spinal column 脊柱5、脊柱及骨盆骨折 FRACTURE OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND PELVIS column n.椎体cervical column 颈椎*lumber vertebra 腰椎sacrum n.骶椎sense n.感觉movement n.运动reflect v.反射*pelvis n.骨盆6、关节脱位 ARTICULAR DISLOCATIONcongenital dislocation 先天性脱位pathological dislocation 病理性脱位*osteoarthritis n.骨关节炎*total hip replacement 全髋置换术7、运动系统慢性损伤 CHRONIC STRAIN OF MOVEMENT SYSTEM strain n.劳损*cystis n.滑囊*stenosed tenosynovitis 狭窄性腱鞘炎*ganglion n.腱鞘囊肿degenerative adj.退行性变multiply v.增生abnormal sense 感觉异常8、腰腿痛和颈肩痛LUMBAGO AND SHOULDER PAINSstenosed column 椎管狭窄9、骨与关节化脓感染OSTEOARTICULAR PURULENT LNFECTION channel n.窦道drill hole 钻孔*drainage n.引流10、骨与关节结核 OSTEOARTICULAR TUBERCULOSISbone tuberculosis 骨结核spinal cord compression 脊髓压迫11、骨肿瘤BONE TUMORbone tumor 骨肿瘤*osteochondroma n.骨软骨瘤*osteosarcoma n.骨肉瘤chemotherapy n.化疗*synoviosarcoma n.滑膜肉瘤医学英语分科常用词汇人体解剖学 HUMAN ANATOMY之运动系统 LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM 1、中轴骨 AXIAL BONES*bone n.骨*vertebrae n.椎骨*cervical vertebrae 颈椎*thoracic vertebrae 胸椎lumbar vertebrae 腰椎*sacrum n.骶骨coccyx 尾骨atlas n.寰椎axis n.枢椎*sternum n.胸骨sternal angle 胸骨角sternal manubrium 胸骨柄xiphoid process 剑突*rib n.肋*thoracic cage 胸廓2、颅SKULL*skull n.颅*frontal bone 额骨*parietal bone 顶骨*occipital bone 枕骨*temporal bone 颞骨*sphenoid bone 蝶骨*ethmoid bone 筛骨*mandible n.下颌骨hyoid bone 舌骨vomer n.犁骨*maxilla n.上颌骨palatine bone 腭骨nasal bone 鼻骨lacrimal bone 泪骨inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲zygomatic bone 颧骨*coronal suture冠状缝*sagital suture 矢状缝*lambdoid suture 人字缝orbit n.眶cranial fontanelle 颅囟2、附肢骨TARSAL BONES AND EXTREMITAL BONES *clavicle n.锁骨*scapula n.肩胛骨*humerus n.肱骨*radius n.桡骨*ulna n.尺骨carpal bone 腕骨metacarpal bone 掌骨phalanges n.指骨,趾骨*hip bone 髋骨*ilium n.髂骨*ischium n.坐骨*pubis n.耻骨*femur n.股骨patella n.髌骨*tibia n.胫骨*fibula n.腓骨tarsal bone 跗骨metatarsal bone 跖骨4、关节学 ARTHROLOGY*articulation n.关节*ligament n.韧带*flexion n.屈*extension n.伸*adduction n.收*medial rotation 旋内*lateral rotation 旋外pronation n旋前.supination n.旋后circumduction n.环转*vertebral column脊柱*thoracic cage 胸廓*intervertebral disc 椎间盘*temporal-mandibular joint 颞下颌关节*shoulder joint 肩关节*elbow joint 肘关节*radiocarpal joint 桡腕关节*pelvis n.骨盆*hip joint 髋关节*knee joint 膝关节*ankle joint 踝关节5、肌肉系统 MUSCULATURE(1)肌学系统INTRODUCTION OF MUSCULATURE *muscle n.肌肉muscle belly 肌腹tendon n.肌腱aponeurosis n.腱膜*fascia n.筋膜*tendinous sheath 腱鞘(2)躯干肌TRUNK MUSCLEStrapezius n.斜方肌latissimus dorsi 背阔肌erector spinae 竖脊肌*sternocleidomastoid adj.胸锁乳突的*scalenus n.斜角肌pectoralis major 胸大肌intercostales n.肋间肌*diaphragm n.膈(肌)*inguinal canal 腹股沟管*sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘(3)头肌 HEAD MUSCLESorbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌masseter n.咬肌*temporalis n.颞肌*deltoid n.三角肌*biceps brachii 肱二头肌*triceps brachii 肱三头肌*axillary fossa 腋窝(4)附肢肌 MUSCLES ATTACHED TO EXTREMITTES *gluteus maximus 臀大肌piriformis n.梨状肌*sartorius n.缝匠肌*quadriceps femoris 股四头肌triceps surae 小腿三头肌*femoral triangle 股三角popliteal fossa 腘窝医学英语分科常用词汇诊断学——骨关节系统OSTEOARTICULAR SYSTEM*Codman’striangle 骨膜三角,科德曼三角H-shaped vertebra,butterfly vertebra 蝴蝶椎Rugger-Jersay vertebra 夹心椎体Scheuermann’s disease 绍尔曼病Schmorl’s nodule 施莫尔结节Shenton’s line 沈通氏线apophysis n. 骺状突*arthrography n.关节造影basilar impression,basilarinvagination 颅底凹陷block vertebra 融合椎bone island 骨岛bursography n.泪囊造影compacta n.骨密度cortical porosity 皮质骨疏松症craniolacunia,luckenschadel n.颅骨陷窝*empty sella 空蝶鞍endosteal proliferation 骨内膜增生*epiphysis n.骨骺Intratrabecular resorption 骨小梁内吸收ivory vertebra 象牙椎marrow-packing disease 骨髓充填疾病massive osteolysis 大片骨溶解melopheostosis n.蜡油骨症ossification n.骨化osteopathia striata 纹骨症*osteopenia n.骨质减少osteopetrosis n.石骨症osteopoikilosis n.斑骨症pars interarticularis 椎弓峡部periosteal reaction 骨膜反应physis n.骨生长端*pseudofracture, Looser zone n.假骨折spina ventosa 骨气鼓spongiosa 骨疏松woven bone 编织骨*zone of provisional calcification 临时钙化带。

四、fragment displacement
Relatement: force is big/small;,the direction /character of the
force 。 The weight of the distal body。 Pull force of the muscles。 Transfer/treatment is not proper.
6compression fracture :compressed and deformed。
Occurs in spongy bone
。如spinal fracture
, calcaneal fracture 。 (right pic.)
7)depressed fracture: Skull bone。 8)Epiphyseal separation:
(blood vessel、surrounding nerve、spinal nerve cord injury)
• bonefascial compartment syndrome (Common in the calves and forearm )
(二)later complication
• Hypostatic pneumonia
三、The influence of treatment
• repeatedly gimmick reset (outer membrane injury of soft tissue and bone) Cut
• open reduction (soft tissue, stripping bone outer membrane)

During childhood, bones continue to grow in length and width, reaching their maximum size in late adolescence.
Adult Bone Remodeling
In adults, bone undergoes a process of remodeling, where old bone is continuously replaced by new bone to maintain its strength and integrity.
Medullary Cavity
The central cavity within the bone, housing the marrow and blood vessels.
Functions of the Bone
Support and Protection
Bones provide structural support for the body, protecting
Muscle Spasm
The surrounding muscles may be contracted and
Imaging Tests
The most common imaging test used to diagnose fractures, it produces images of the bones and can identify breaks or fractures.
Symptoms and Signs of a Frame

1. 骨折的一般表现 为局部疼痛、肿胀和功能障碍。
血红蛋白的分解,可呈紫色、青色或黄色。骨折局部出现剧烈疼痛,特别 是移动患肢时加剧,伴明显压痛。局部肿胀和疼痛使患肢活动受限,如
伸直型桡骨下端骨折 Colles fracture
1.PA radiograph teral radiograph
Colles fracture
distal radius fracture
1. a comminuted intraarticular fracture of the distal radius with a proximal and ulnar shift of the carpus relative to the radius. 2. a distal fragments displaced and angled dorsally relative to the proximal fracture fragment.
伸直型肱骨髁上骨折(Extension type supracondylar fracture )
股四头肌肌拉 力致髌骨骨折
Fibrous Dysplasia
Crook Deformity With Pathological Fracture of Femur

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1. 骨折产生的外力类型:外力的种类多样,常见的有直接暴力、间接暴力和多方向暴力等。直接暴力是指外力直接作用于骨骼,如摔倒、撞击等;间接暴力是指外力通过肌肉、关节或韧带等传导到骨骼上,如跌落时用手支撑地面;多方向暴力是指外力来自不同方向的作用,常见于高速车祸或跌落。
2. 外力作用的受力部位:骨折的发生位置与外力作用的受力部位密切相关。根据外力作用的方向和角度,骨折可发生于被压迫部位、被拉伸部位、被扭曲部位或被弯曲部位。如腕部扭转骨折常见于跌倒时手部着地受力过度扭转;股骨粗隆上骨折多发生于车祸等强直接暴力。
3. 骨折的诊断和治疗:介绍常见的骨折诊断方法,如临床症状、X射线检查、CT扫描以及其他辅助检查。针对不同类型的骨折,讲解不同的治疗方法,如保守治疗、手术治疗、骨折复位和固定等。同时,强调在康复期间的理疗、功能锻炼和饮食营养的重要性。
1. 基础:骨折是骨骼断裂的损伤,通常根据骨折的严重程度和类型进行分级。分类骨折是医生评估损伤严重程度、制定治疗方案以及预测康临床表现与诊断
Complications of fractures

3fatigue fracture :
Long-term, repeated and minor external force. the stress accumulated. such as: the second and third metatarsal fractures because of long-distance march ;distal 1/3 part fibula
四、fragment displacement
Relatement: force is big/small;,the direction /character of the
force 。
The weight of the distal body。
Pull force of the muscles。 Transfer/treatment is not proper.
• traumatic arthritis
• arthroclisis
• ischemic contraction • ischemic necrosis • ischemic muscle
stardard of Clinical healing
• Local tenderness and longitudinal taps pain; • Abnormal activity • X-ray show:fracture line is obscure; callus • continuous observation for two weeks without deformation; • Without fixion,hold the upper limbs at least for 1min,1kg;walk for 3min,at least 30 steps for lower limbs.

常用骨科医学专业英语词汇骨科ORTHOPEDICS1、概论INTRODUCTION*open fracture 开放骨折*fracture n.骨折pathological fracture 病理骨折fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折*open fracture 开放骨折close fracture 闭合骨折*comminuted fracture 粉碎性骨折compressed fracture 压缩骨折shock 口.休克*deformity 口.畸形tenderness 口.压痛swelling n.肿胀ecchymosis 口.瘀斑obstacle n.功能障碍*bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征infection 口.感染spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤surrounding nerve 周围神经*fat embolism脂肪栓塞bedsore n.褥疮arthroclisis n.关节僵硬ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩*traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎hematoma n.血肿*callus n.骨痂heal n.愈合*synovitis n.滑膜炎*ligament n.韧带*tendon n.肌腱* pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎*reduction n.复位*bone traction 骨牵引*osteoporosis n.骨质疏松2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle n.锁骨*humerus 口.肱骨*rotation n.旋转supracondyle n.髁上blister n.水疱pulsate n.搏动thrombus 口.血栓*cancellous n.松质骨*epiphysis n.骨骺*injury n.损伤*joint n.关节stability 口.稳定ulna n.尺骨radius n.桡骨metacarpal bone 掌骨bone graft 植骨hemostasis 止血*periosteum 口.骨膜tension 口.张力adhesion n.粘连*skin grafting 植皮*arthrodesis n.关节融合extrusion n.挤压fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折*open fracture 开放骨折gangrene 口.坏疽pallor n.苍白、灰白*amputation 口.截肢plaster n.石膏paralysis n.瘫痪bandage n.绷带2、手外伤HAND TRAUMAavulsion 口.撕脱"dislocation 口.脱位stiff adj.僵硬3、下肢骨折与关节损伤FRACTURE OF LOWER EXTREMITIES AND ARTICULAR INJURY femur 口.股骨adduction n.内收separate v.分离cartilage n.软骨*synovialis 口.滑膜*spinal column 脊柱5、脊柱及骨盆骨折FRACTURE OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND PELVIS column 口.椎体cervical column 颈椎"lumber vertebra 腰椎sacrum 口.骶椎sense n.感觉movement n.运动reflect v.反射*pelvis n.骨盆6、关节脱位ARTICULAR DISLOCATIONcongenital dislocation 先天性脱位pathological dislocation 病理性脱位*osteoarthritis n.骨关节炎*total hip replacement 全髋置换术7、运动系统慢性损伤CHRONIC STRAIN OF MOVEMENT SYSTEM strain n.劳损*cystis n.滑囊*stenosed tenosynovitis 狭窄性腱鞘炎*ganglion n.腱鞘囊肿degenerative adj.退行性变multiply v.增生abnormal sense 感觉异常8、腰腿痛和颈肩痛LUMBAGO AND SHOULDER PAINSstenosed column 椎管狭窄9、骨与关节化脓感染OSTEOARTICULAR PURULENT LNFECTION channel 口.窦道drill hole 钻孑L*drainage n.弓|流10、骨与关节结核OSTEOARTICULAR TUBERCULOSISbone tuberculosis 骨结核spinal cord compression 脊髓压迫11、骨肿瘤BONE TUMORbone tumor骨肿瘤*osteochondroma n.骨软骨瘤*osteosarcoma n.骨肉瘤chemotherapy n.化疗*synoviosarcoma n.滑膜肉瘤医学英语分科常用词汇人体解剖学HUMAN ANATOMY之运动系统LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM1、中轴骨AXIAL BONES*bone 口.骨*vertebrae 口.椎骨*cervical vertebrae 颈椎*thoracic vertebrae 胸椎lumbar vertebrae 腰椎*sacrum 口.骶骨coccyx 尾骨atlas n.寰椎axis 口.枢椎*sternum 口.胸骨sternal angle 胸骨角sternal manubrium 胸骨柄xiphoid process 剑突*rib n.肋*thoracic cage 胸廓2、颅SKULL*skull n.颅*frontal bone 额骨*parietal bone 顶骨*occipital bone 枕骨"temporal bone 颞骨*sphenoid bone 蝶骨"ethmoid bone 筛骨"mandible n.下颌骨hyoid bone 舌骨vomer 口.犁骨*maxilla n.上颌骨palatine bone 腭骨nasal bone 鼻骨lacrimal bone 泪骨inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲zygomatic bone 颧骨"coronal suture 冠状缝*sagital suture 矢状缝"lambdoid suture 人字缝orbit n.眶cranial fontanelle 颅囟2、附肢骨TARSAL BONES AND EXTREMITAL BONES "clavicle n.锁骨"scapula n.肩胛骨"humerus 口.肱骨"radius 口.桡骨"ulna n.尺骨carpal bone 腕骨metacarpal bone 掌骨phalanges n.指骨,趾骨"hip bone 髋骨"ilium 口.骼骨"ischium 口.坐骨"pubis n.耻骨"femur 口.股骨patella n.髌骨*tibia n.胫骨*fibula n.腓骨tarsal bone 跗骨metatarsal bone 跖骨4、关节学ARTHROLOGY"articulation n.关节*ligament n.韧带"flexion 口.屈"extension 口.伸"adduction 口.收"medial rotation 旋内"lateral rotation 旋外pronation n 旋前.supination 口.旋后circumduction n.环转"vertebral column 脊柱"thoracic cage 胸廓"intervertebral disc 椎间盘"temporal-mandibular joint 颞下颌关节"shoulder joint 肩关节"elbow joint 肘关节"radiocarpal joint 桡腕关节"pelvis n.骨盆"hip joint髋关节"knee joint 膝关节"ankle joint 踝关节5、肌肉系统MUSCULATURE(1)肌学系统INTRODUCTION OF MUSCULATURE "muscle n.肌肉muscle belly 肌腹tendon n.肌腱aponeurosis 口.腱膜"fascia n.筋膜"tendinous sheath 腱鞘(2)躯干肌TRUNK MUSCLEStrapezius n.斜方肌latissimus dorsi 背阔肌erector spinae 竖脊肌"sternocleidomastoid adj.胸锁乳突的"scalenus 口.斜角肌pectoralis major 胸大肌intercostales n.肋间肌"diaphragm n.膈(肌)*inguinal canal 腹股沟管*sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘(3)头肌HEAD MUSCLESorbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌masseter 口.咬肌*temporalis n.颞肌*deltoid n.三角肌*biceps brachii 肱二头肌*triceps brachii 肱三头肌*axillary fossa 腋窝(4)附肢肌MUSCLES ATTACHED TO EXTREMITIES *gluteus maximus 臀大肌piriformis n.梨状肌*sartorius n.缝匠肌*quadriceps femoris 股四头肌triceps surae小腿三头肌*femoral triangle 股三角popliteal fossa 月国窝医学英语分科常用词汇诊断学一一骨关节系统OSTEOARTICULAR SYSTEM*Codman, striangle骨膜三角,科德曼三角H-shaped vertebra,butterfly vertebra 蝴蝶椎Rugger-Jersay vertebra 夹心椎体Scheuermann' s disease 绍尔曼病Schmorl ’ s nodule施莫尔结节Shenton ’ s line 沈通氏线apophysis n.骺状突*arthrography n.关节造影basilar impression,basilarinvagination 颅底凹陷block vertebra 融合椎bone island 骨岛bursography n.泪囊造影compacta n.骨密度cortical porosity皮质骨疏松症craniolacunia,luckenschadel n.颅骨陷窝*empty sella 空蝶鞍endosteal proliferation 骨内膜增生*epiphysis n.骨骺Intratrabecular resorption 骨小梁内吸收ivory vertebra 象牙椎marrow-packing disease 骨髓充填疾病massive osteolysis 大片骨溶解melopheostosis n.蜡油骨症ossification 口.骨化osteopathia striata 纹骨症*osteopenia n.骨质减少osteopetrosis n.石骨症osteopoikilosis n.斑骨症pars interarticularis 椎弓峡部periosteal reaction 骨膜反应physis n.骨生长端*pseudofracture, Looser zone n.假骨折spina ventosa 骨气鼓spongiosa骨疏松woven bone编织骨*zone of provisional calcification 临时钙化带。

骨折概论Pri nciples of Fractures北京大学第三医院骨科周方定义:骨的连续性和完整性的中断Definition:A fractureis a breakstructuralcontinuityof boneI.病因EtiologyA.创伤性Traumatic:1.直接外力Direct force:骨折位于外力直接作用的部位The bone break at the point of impact间接外力Indirect force:骨折远离外力作用部位The bonebreaks ata distancefromwhere theforce isappliedB.疲劳或应力性:长期反复的轻微外力造成的骨折stress:repetitivestressC.病理性Pathological:轻微外力作用于病变的骨组织所造成的骨折Trivial force on weakened boneII.骨折类型Types of Fractures根据骨折开放与否: Depends on # exposure or not闭合骨折Closed #: 骨折部位的皮肤及粘膜完整skin and membrane intact开放骨折open /d #:骨折与外界直接相通skin orbodycavitybreached2.根据骨折的形态:Depends on morphology of #完全骨折:骨组织完全断裂成块以上complete #: complete break into two or more fragments横骨折Transverseb.斜骨折Obliquec.螺旋骨折Spirald.粉碎骨折Comminutede.嵌插骨折Impactedf.骨骺损伤Split of epiphysisg.节段性骨折l不完全骨折:骨组织不完全断裂且骨膜连续bone is incomplet e divided and the periosteo um remains in continuity a.线性骨Hairlineb.青枝骨折Greenstickc.压缩骨折Compression3.稳定与不稳定骨折Stable and unstableIII.骨折的移位nt of #most # usually become displaced by:因素:1.外力及其作用方向theforceand itsdirection2.地心引力the3.附着肌肉的拉力the pull of muscles attached to the bone4.搬运或治疗不当unprop er transport and treatment被描述为Displacementusually isdescribedin termsof:1.对位Apposition2.对线Alignment3.旋转Rotation4.重叠或短缩Altered length临床表现Clinical Features:1.病史:外伤史及肢体活动障碍Injury +inabilityto use theinjuredlimb其它病史Generalmedicalhistory一般体征General signs: a.休克及出血shock or haemorrh ageb.伴有颅脑、脊髓或脏器损伤associate d damage to brain, spinalviscerac.伴随疾病的体征a predispos ing cause 3.局部体征Local signs:一般体征common signs: 肿胀青紫压痛活动受限bruising,tenderness,restrictedrange ofmotion骨折专有体征#signs:畸形,异常活动,骨擦音/感deformity, abnormal movement, crepitus影像学检查X-rays: 常规检查,需从五个方面考虑mandator y, may taken in 5 aspects a.两张片子two views: a # may not be seen on apictureb.两个关节two joints : in the long bone #, joints below and above the # must be included c.两个肢体two limbs: in children’s #, normalmay confuse the diagnosesd.两种损伤two injuries: severe force may cause injury at more than one level f.两种情况two occasions:seensoon afterinjuryCT:关节内骨折及脊柱骨折MRI:脊柱骨折时神经损伤情况骨折的描述Description of #:1.开放或闭合open or closed?骨折部位which bone is broken and where?3.是否累及关节joint surface involved?4.骨折的形态shape of the #?V.骨折并发症Complicatio ns of #休克,弥漫性凝血障碍,呼吸功能障碍Shock,Diffusecoagulopathy,Respiratorydysfunction2.内脏损伤Visceral injury血管损伤Artery or Vascular injury4.脊髓损伤Spinal cord injury5.神经损伤Nerve injury6.脂肪栓塞Fat embolism7.挤压综合征Crush syndrome伤口感染Wound infection9.骨筋膜室综合征/缺血性肌挛缩Compartm entsyndrome/Volkm ann’s contracture肺炎Pneumonia11.褥疮Bed sore12.骨化性肌炎Myositis ossificans13.创伤性关节炎Haemoarthritis orTraumaticarthritis关节僵硬Joint stiffness15.缺血性坏死Avascular necrosis16.废用性骨质疏松Disuse osteoporosis17.深静脉血拴及肺栓塞D.V.T(deep venousthrombosis)andP.E(pulmoembolism)其它:延迟愈合、不愈合、畸形愈合,骨骺发育障碍等delayedunion,nonunion,malunion,growthdisturbance etc.VI.骨折愈合程of fracture healing骨折愈合过程取决于:Theprocessof # repairvariesaccordingto the:a.骨的类型type ofboneinvolvedb.骨折部the amount of movemen t at the # site.在长管状骨,缺乏坚强内固定的情况下,骨折愈合分为五个阶段: In a tubular bone, and in the absencefixation, healing proceedin g in 5 stages: 1.血肿形成期tissuedestruction andhaematomaformation2. 炎症反应及细期 2WInflammation andcellularproliferation3.原始骨痂形成期callus formation 4W4.骨痂坚固期Consolidation 数月骨痂改造塑型期Remodeling骨折临床愈合的指征:Indication for clinical # union:1.局部无压痛no tenderness2.无异常活动no abnormal movementX线所见:骨折线模糊,有连续骨小梁通过骨折端,骨折周围有明显骨痂包绕# line obliterate d and crossed bybone with well defined callus around it on XR4.上肢持重1kg超过1分钟,下肢不扶拐持续行走超过30步lift 1kg for 1 min. orous walking more than 30 steps without protecti on达到上述要求后,持续观察骨折端两周以上无变化no changes on # site for two more weeks observa tion影响骨折愈合的因素Factors on Fracture Union1.年龄Age2.局部血运Local Blood Supply3.感染Infection软组织损伤程度Degree of Soft Tissue Damage5.骨折断端间软组织嵌入I nterposition of SoftTissueBetweenTwoFragments健康状况General Condition7.治疗TreatmentVIII.骨折的治疗Treatment of #1.急救Emergency Treatment1).清除障碍Obtain access保持良好通气、换气Airway and ventilation3).止血Haemorrage4).抗休克Shock5).临时固定Splintage目的thepurpose:a.防止血管、神经及脏器的进一步损preventfurtherdamageto n. v.andvisceralb.减轻疼痛reduce painc.便于转运easy for transport6).包扎伤口wound dressing迅速转运transport2.闭合骨折的治疗Treatment ofclosed#:原则:复位,固定,功能锻炼reduce,hold,exercise复位Reducea.闭合复位closed reduction解剖复位—最理想的复位,关节内骨折及前臂骨折需达到此要求anatomicreduction-- theidealreduction,inintraarticular #,forearm #功能复位—必须达到以下要求:Functiona l reduction must reach:i.无旋转及分离移位No rotation and separationii.下肢短缩少于1cm/2cm(儿童),无侧方成角,可有轻度前后成角 in the lower limb shortenin g less then 1 cm/2 cm inadults/chi ldren, no lateral angulatioA.Pangulationiii.骨干骨折对位大于1/3,干骺端骨折对位大于3/4b.切开复位open reduction2).固定Hold reductiona.小夹板Wood splintage石膏Cast splintagec.功能性支具Functional braced.持续牵引:Continuoustraction儿童皮牵引4-5kg成人骨牵引,重重的1/7e.外固定架External fixationf.内固定Internalfixation:钢板,螺钉,髓内钉,椎弓根螺钉等适应征∶1.无法用手法复位者,2.不稳定骨。
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• 2. Special Signs for Fracture:
• (1). Deformity(畸形): The contour of the limb is changed because of the displacement of fracture. (2). Abnormal movement: The site that normally can’t move can move or be moved.
Etiology of Fracture
• 1. Direct Violence: F The bone is broken immediately beneath the site of impact accompanied by the overlying soft tissue injury.
• ⑵ Fever: F For most fractured patients, their body temperatures are normal. F In the situation of large amount of bleeding, lower fever <38℃ or 38.5℃ because of absorption of the haematoma(血肿). F High fever for open fracture indicates an infection.
• ② Greenstick Fracture: Frequently seen in young children. Just like the broken greenstick of willow
• ⑵ Complete Fracture: F The continuity of bone is completely broken. F ① Transverse Fracture: The fracture line is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the bone. F ②Oblique Fracture: There is a certain angle between the fracture line and the longitudinal axis of the bone.
Normal Bone Consists of :
Cortical Bone(皮 质骨) Cancellous Bone( 松质骨) Bone Marrow(骨 髓) Periosteum(骨膜 ) Blood Vessels
Definition of Fracture
The definition of fracture is a break in the continuity or intactness (完整 性) of bone.
X-ray Examination:
For the suspicious cases-avoid misdiagnosis. For the clinically diagnosed patients, to make sure the type and displacement of fracture for the purpose of treatment.
• ③ Spiral Fracture: The fracture line is spiral. F ④ Comminuted Fracture(粉碎骨折): The bone is broken into 3 or more fragments.
• ⑤ Impacted Fracture(嵌插骨折): The hard F cortical bone impacts into the soft F cancellous bone. F ⑥ Compression Fracture(压缩骨折): F A fracture with crushed bone tissue, seen F in cancellous bone.
Displacement of Fracture
• 1. Angulation Displacement.
2. Lateral Displacement. 3. Shortening Displacement.
4. Separation Displacement.
5. Rotation Displacement.
• 4. Bone Disease: The normal structure and intensity of bone is destroyed by the disease and pathologic fracture happens under a hit with minor force. e.g. osteomyelitis-bone infection bone tumors or tumor-like diseases, either benign(良性) or malignant(
• ⑵ Unstable Fracture: The fracture ends are easy to displace(移位) before or after reduction(复位). e.g. oblique fracture, spiral fracture, comminuted fracture, transverse fracture of femur(股骨).
Classifications 1. Dependent upon the intactness of the skin and mucous membrane ⑴ Closed Fracture: The skin or mucous membrane is intact and the fracture does not communicate with outside air.
Clinical Situation & X-ray Examination
Clinical Situation 1. systemic symptoms: ⑴Shock: Because of bleeding due to pelvic(骨盆 ) fracture, femoral(股骨) fracture, multiple femoral( ) fracture, and open fracture, injury to the important organs. Because of severe pain that can irritate sympathetic nerve(交感神经).
• 2. Indirect Vioansmitted through the axis of the limb and the fracture occurs at a distance from the site of the impact.
• 2. Local Symptom and Signs: F (1). Common symptom: F Pain: Nerve endings in the periosteum and soft tissue are irritated by the haematoma and swelling. F Swelling: reaction of soft tissue to the damage. F Loss of function: Framework to support the limb is damaged; Pain. F Black and blue colour on the skin because of decomposition of hemoglobin.
• 3. Repeated Fatigue(疲劳 Force: 疲劳) 疲劳
Long-term repeated minor force, either direct or indirect, can result in fracture in some certain bones, e.g. the distal 1/3 0f fibula(腓骨), the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals(跖骨).
⑵ Open Fracture: The skin or mucous membrane is ruptured and the fracture communicates with outside air. including pubis(耻骨) fracture with bladder or urethral track rupture, coccyx(尾骨) fracture with rectum(直肠) rupture.
bladder rectum
urethral track
2. Dependent upon degree and shape of fracture. • ⑴ Incomplete Fracture: The continuity of bone is partially broken. • ① Fissured Fracture: Occurs on flat bones like scapula(肩胛骨) and skull(颅骨).
normal physis or growth-plate
• 3. Dependent upon the stability of the fractured ends. F ⑴ Stable Fracture: The fracture ends are not F easy to displace(移位) before or/and after F reduction(复位). F e.g. fissured fracture, greenstick, F transverse, impacted fracture etc.