RG1.172 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的软件需求规格书 1997


RG 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的验证、确认、审查和监查 (二)

RG 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的验证、确认、审查和监查 (二)

RG 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的验证、确认、审查和监查 (二)
- RG 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的验证
- 确认软件是否符合规范和要求
- 验证软件是否能够正常运行
- 确认软件是否能够处理各种异常情况
- 检查软件是否能够保障核电厂的安全
- RG 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的确认
- 确认软件是否符合设计要求
- 确认软件是否能够满足核电厂的需求
- 确认软件是否能够与其他系统协同工作
- 确认软件是否符合相关法律法规的要求
- RG 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的审查
- 审查软件的代码是否符合规范和标准
- 审查软件的设计是否合理
- 审查软件的测试结果是否可靠
- 审查软件的文档是否完整和准确
- RG 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的监查
- 监查软件的运行状态和性能
- 监查软件的日志和报警信息
- 监查软件的安全性和可靠性
- 监查软件的维护和更新情况
- 总体来说,RG 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的验证、确认、审查和监查是保障核电厂安全的重要措施,需要严格执行和监督,以确保软件能够稳定运行并及时发现和解决潜在问题。

RG1.171 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的软件单元测试 1997

RG1.171 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的软件单元测试 1997

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIONREGULATORY GUI OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCHREGULATORY GUIDE 1.171(Draft was DG-1057)SOFTWARE UNIT TESTING FOR DIGITAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE USED IN SAFETY SYSTEMS OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANTSA. INTRODUCTIONIn 10 CFR Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Pro duction and Utilization Facilities," paragraph 55a(a)(1) requires, in part,1 that systems and components be de signed, tested, and inspected to quality standards commensurate with the safety function to be performed. Criterion 1, "Quality Standards and Records," of Ap pendix A, "General Design Criteria for Nuclear PowerPlants," to 10 CFR Part 50 requires, in part, 1 that a qual ity assurance program be established and implemented in order to provide adequate assurance that systems and components important to safety will satisfactorily per form their safety functions. Appendix B, "Quality As surance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Re processing Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50 describes criteria that a quality assurance program for systems and com ponents that prevent or mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents must meet. In particular, besides the systems and components that directly prevent or mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents, the criteria of Appendix B also apply to all activities affect ing the safety-related functions of such systems and components as designing, purchasing, installing, test ing, operating, maintaining, or modifying. A specificl1n this regulatory guide, many of t he regulations have been paraphrased; see 10 CFR Part 50 for the full text.requirement is contained in 10 CFR 50.55a(h), which requires that reactor protection systems satisfy the cri teria of IEEE Std 279-1971, "Criteria for ProtectionSystems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations."2Paragraph 4.3 of IEEE Std 279-19713 states that quali ty of components is to be achieved through the specifi cation of requirements known to promote high quality, such as requirements for design, inspection, and test. Many of the criteria in Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 contain requirements closely related to testing activities. Criterion I, "Organization," requires the es tablishment and execution of a quality assurance pro gram. Criterion H, "Quality Assurance Program," re quires, in part, that the program take into account the need for special controls, processes, test equipment, tools, and skills to attain the required quality, as well as the need for verification of quality by inspection and test. Criterion III, "Design Control," requires, in part, that measures be established for verifying and checking the adequacy of design, such as by the performance of a2Revision I of Regulatory Guide 1.153, "Criteria for Safety Systems," en dorses IEEE Std 603-1991,"Criteria for S afety Systems for Nuclear Pow er Generating Stations," as a method acceptable to the NRC staff for satis fying the NRC's regulations with respect to the design, reliability, qualifi cation, and testability of t he power, instrumentation, and control portions of the safety systems of nuclear power plants.3IEEE publications may be obtained from the IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854.7.USNRCREGULATORYGUIDESThe guides we Issued in the following ten broad divisions:Reglatory Guides are Issued to descibe and make avlable tothe public such Informslion as methods acceptable to the NRC staf for Implementing specific pans of the Com- 1. Power Reactors 6. Productsmission's regulations, techniques usedbythestaff inevaluating specific problems orpos- 2Z Research and Test Reactors7. Transportationtulated accdentsa and data needed by the NRC staff In Its review of ap:icationrs forper- 3& F uels and Materials Facilities8. Occupations! Healthmits and licensea. Regulatory guides are not sstitutes for regulations, and compiance 4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitust and Financial Review with them Is not required. Methods and solutions different from those set out in theguides 5. Matrials and Plant Protection 10. Generalwill be acceptable If t hey provide a basis for the findings requisite to the Issuance or con linuance of a permit or license by the Commission.Single copies of regulatory guides may be obtained free of chrge bywrlfing te Printing. This guide was lesu after consideration of comments received from thre public. Com- Graphics anid Distribution Branch. Office of Administrtion, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com ments andsuggestions for inprovements Inthese guides wencosurged at all Imes, and mission, Washington, DC 2055-0001; or by fox at (301)415-5272gue will be revised, as appropriate, to accommodate comments and to reflect new in = on or aperience.Issued guides may also bepurchased! from me* N ational Technical Information Service on Whitten comments may be submitted to te Rules Review and Directives Branch, DFIPS,a standing order basis. Details on this service may be obtained by w riting NTIS, 5285 PortADM, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 2055-0001.Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.DESeptember 1997suitable testing program, and that design control measures be applied to items such as the delineation of acceptance criteria for inspections and tests. Criterion V, "Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings," requires activities affecting quality to be prescribed by docu mented instructions, procedures, or drawings of a type appropriate to the circumstances and that these activi ties be accomplished in accordance with these instruc tions, procedures, or drawings. Criterion V further re quires that instructions, procedures, and drawings include appropriate quantitative or qualitative accep tance criteria for determining that important activities have been satisfactorily accomplished. Criterion XI, "Test Control," requires establishment of a test pro gram to ensure that all testing required to demonstrate that structures, systems, and components will perform satisfactorily in service is identified and performed in accordance with written test procedures that incorpo rate the requirements and acceptance limits contained in applicable design documents. Test procedures must include provisions for ensuring that all prerequisites for the given test have been met, that adequate test instru mentation is available and used, and that the test is per formed under suitable environmental conditions. Crite rion XI also requires that test results be documented and evaluated to assure that test requirements have been sat isfied. Finally, Criteria VI, "Document Control," and XVII, "Quality Assurance Records," provide for the control of the issuance of documents, including changes thereto, that prescribe all activities affecting quality and provide for the maintenance of sufficient records to furnish evidence of activities affecting quali ty. The latter requires test records to identify the inspec tor or data recorder, the type of observation, the results, the acceptability of the results, and the action taken in connection with any deficiencies noted.This regulatory guide endorses ANSI/IEEE Std 1008-1987, "IEEE Standard for Software Unit Test ing,"3 with the exceptions stated in the Regulatory Position. IEEE Std 1008-1987 describes a method ac ceptable to the NRC staff for complying with parts of the NRC's regulations for promoting high functional reliability and design quality in software used in safety systems.4 In particular, the method is consistent with the previously cited General Design Criteria and the criteria for quality assurance programs of Appendix B as they apply to software unit testing. The criteria of Appendices A and B apply to systems and related quali 4The term "safety systems" is synonymous with "safety-related systems." The General Design Criteria cover systems, structures, and components "important to safety." The scope of t his regulatory guide is, however, limited to "safety systems," which are a subset of "systems important to safety..ty assurance processes, and if those systems include software, the requirements extend to the software ele ments.In general, information provided by regulatory guides is reflected in the Standard Review Plan (NUREG-0800). The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation uses the Standard Review Plan to review applications to construct and operate nuclear power plants. This regulatory guide will apply to the revised Chapter7 of that document.The information collections contained in this regu latory guide are covered by the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, which were approved by the Office of Management and Budget, approval number 3150-0011. The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.B. DISCUSSIONThe use of industry consensus standards is part ofan overall approach to meeting the requirements of10 CFR Part 50 when developing safety systems for nuclear power plants. Compliance with standards doesnot guarantee that regulatory requirements will be met. However, compliance does ensure that practices accepted within various technical communities will be incorporated into the development and quality assurance processes used to design safety systems. These practices are based on past experience and represent in dustry consensus on approaches used for developmentof such systems.Software incorporated into instrumentation and control systems covered by Appendix B will be referredto in this regulatory guide as safety system software.For safety system software, software testing is an im portant part of the effort to achieve compliance with the NRC's requirements. Software engineering practices rely, in part, on software testing to meet general qualityand reliability requirements consistent with Criteria 1and 21 of A ppendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, as well as Criteria I, II, III, V, VI, XI, and XVII of Appendix B.The consensus standard, IEEE Std 1008-1987 (reaffirmed in 1993), defines a method for planning, preparing for, conducting, and evaluating software unit testing. The method described is consistent with the previously cited regulatory requirements as they applyto safety system software.Current practice for the development of softwarefor high-integrity applications includes the use of a software life cycle process that incorporates software testing activities, e.g., IEEE Std 1074-1991, "IEEE Standard for Developing Software Life Cycle,Processes."3 Software testing, including software unittesting, is a key element in software verification andvalidation activities, as indicated by IEEE Std1012-1986, "IEEE Standard for Software Verificationand Validation Plans,"3 and IEEE Std 7-4.3.2-1993,"Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations." A common approach to software testing [NUREG/CR-6101,"Software Reliability and Safety in Nuclear ReactorProtection Systems" (November 1993); NUREG/CR-6263, "High Integrity Software for Nuclear PowerPlants: Candidate Guidelines, Technical Basis and Research Needs" (June 1995)]5 utilizes a three-level testprogram to help ensure quality in a complex softwareproduct or complex set of cooperating software products, i.e., unit-level testing, integration-level testing,and system-level testing such as system validation testsor acceptance tests. IEEE Std 1008-1987 delineates anapproach to the unit testing of software that is based onthe assumption of a larger context established by verification and validation (V&V) planning as well asgeneral planning for the full range of testing activitiesto be applied. Therefore, software unit testing performed in accordance with IEEE Std 1008-1987should be consistent with planning information established in V&V plans and higher-level software testplans, although that planning information is not withinthe scope of IEEE Std 1008-1987.C. REGULATORY POSITIONThe requirements in ANSI/IEEE Std 1008-1987, "IEEE Standard for Software Unit Testing," provide anapproach acceptable to the NRC staff for meeting therequirements of 10 CFR Part 50 as they apply to the unittesting of safety system software, subject to the provisions listed below. The appendices to IEEE Std1008-1987 are not endorsed by this regulatory guideexcept as noted below. Appendix A to this standard provides guidance regarding the implementation of thesoftware unit testing approach, and Appendix B to thestandard provides context regarding software engineering information and testing assumptions that underliethe software unit testing approach.To meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(h) and Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 as assured by complyingwith the criteria of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 ap5Copies are available at current rates from the U.S. Government PrintingOffice, P.O. Box 37082, Washington, DC 20402-9328 (telephone(202)512-2249); or from the National Technical Information Service bywriting NTIS at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Copies are I available for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRC Public Document Room at 2120 LStreet NW., Washington, DC; the PDR's mailing address is Mail Stop LL-6, Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone(202)634-3273; fax (202)634-3343.plied to the unit testing of safety system software, the following exceptions are necessary and will be consid ered by the NRC staff in the review of submittals from licensees and applicants. (In t his section, the cited crite ria are in Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 unless other wise noted.)1. SOFTWARE TESTING DOCUMENTATIONCriterion XI, "Test Control," requires that a test program be established to ensure that all testing re quired to demonstrate that systems and components will perform satisfactorily in service is identified and performed in accordance with written test procedures that incorporate requirements and acceptance limits contained in applicable design documents. Criterion I, "Organization," Criterion II, "Quality Assurance Pro gram," Criterion III, "Design Control," Criterion V, "Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings," Criterion VI, "Document Control," and Criterion XVIi, "Quality Assurance Records," contain requirements bearing on information associated with testing. IEEE Std 1008-1987, in section 1.1, mandates the use of the Test Design Specification and the Test Summary Report de fined by ANSI/IEEE Std 829-1983, "IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation." In addition, IEEE Std 1008-1987 either incorporates additional informa tion into these two documents or indicates the need for additional documents. Regardless of whether these two documentation formats are used, the documentation used to support software unit testing (either documen tation used directly in the software unit testing activity or documentation of the overall testing effort) must in clude information necessary to meet regulatory re quirements as applied to software test documentation. As a minimum, this information includes:"* Qualifications, duties, responsibilities, and skills required of persons and organizations assigned totesting activities," Environmental conditions and special controls, equipment, tools, and instrumentation needed forthe accomplishment of testing," Test instructions and procedures incorporating the requirements and acceptance limits in applicabledesign documents," Test prerequisites and the criteria for meeting them,"* Test items and the approach taken by the testing program,"• Test logs, test data, and test results,"* Acceptance criteria,Test records indicating the identity of the tester, thetype of observation, the results and acceptability,and the action taken in connection with anydeficiencies.Any of the above information items that are not present in the documentation selected to support soft ware unit testing must be incorporated as additional items.2. TEST PROGRAMCriterion XI, "Test Control," requires establish ment of a test program to ensure that all testing required to demonstrate that structures, systems, and compo nents will perform satisfactorily in service is identified and performed in accordance with written test proce dures that incorporate the requirements and acceptance limits contained in applicable design documents. The two aspects of test coverage that are particularly impor tant for the unit testing of safety system software are coverage of requirements and coverage of the internal structure of the code.2.1 Coverage of RequirementsFor safety system software, those requirements identified as essential to the safety determination6 must be tested. Section 3.2.2(5) of IEEE Std 1008-1987 sug gests consideration of expected use of the unit in the de termination of features to be tested. All features and as sociated procedures, states, state transitions, and associated data characteristics essential to the safety de termination must be included in the testing.2.2 Coverage of Internal StructureSection 3.1.2(2) of IEEE Std 1008-1987 specifies statement coverage (covering each source language statement with a test case) as a criterion for measuring the completeness of the software unit testing activity. Statement coverage is a very weak criterion for meas uring test completeness [See Beizer7 and NUREG/ CR-62638]. Therefore, the staff does not endorse state ment coverage as a sufficient coverage criterion for software unit testing. For safety system software, the unit test coverage criteria to be employed should be identified and justified.6Regulatory Guide 1.172, "Software Requirements Specifications for Dig ital Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants,"endorses IEEE Std 830-1993, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Soft ware Requirements Specifications."7Boris Beizer, Software Testing T echniques, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990.8S. Seth et al., "High Integrity Software for Nuclear Power Plants: Candi date Guidelines, Technical Basis and Research Needs," NUREG/ CR-6263, June 1995.3. TEST PROGRAM RECORDSCriteria VI, "Document Control," and XVII, "Quality Assurance Records," as well as 10 CFR 21.51, require the control and retention of documents and records affecting quality. In addition, Criterion III, "Design Control," requires that design changes be subject to design control measures commensurate with those applied to the original design. Preservation of testing products is discussed in section 3.8.2(4) ofIEEE Std 1008-1987. Since design control measuresmust be applied to acceptance criteria for tests and since some software testing materials are frequently re-usedand evolve during the course of software developmentand software maintenance (for example, regression test materials), such materials should be configuration items under change control of a software configuration management system.9 Additional information on thistopic is provided in section A6 of Appendix A to IEEEStd 1008-1987.4. INDEPENDENCE IN SOFFWAREVERIFICATIONCriterion III, "Design Control," imposes an inde pendence requirement for the verification and checkingof the adequacy of the design, requiring that those persons who verify and check be different from those who accomplish the design. Therefore, independence is an additional requirement for software unit testing. Either those persons who establish the requirements-based elements for a software unit test must be different from those who designed or coded the software, or there must be independent review of the establishment of the requirements-based elements. The guidance in sectionA7 of Appendix Ato IEEE Std 1008-1987 provides ac ceptable ways to meet this requirement for softwareunit testing. These independent persons must be suffi ciently competent in software engineering to ensurethat software unit testing is adequately implemented.5. OTHER STANDARDSSection 1.3 of IEEE Std 1008-1987 references ANSI/IEEE Std 729-1983, "IEEE Standard Glossaryof Software Engineering Terminology," and ANSI/ IEEE Std 829-1983, "IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation." These referenced standards should be treated individually.If a referenced standard has been incorporated sep arately into the NRC's regulations, licensees and appli cants must comply with that standard as set forth in the9Regulatory Guide 1.169 endorses IEEE Std 828-1990, "IEEE Standardfor Software Configuration Management Plans," and IEEE Std1042-1987, "IEEE Guide to Software Configuration Management," toprovide guidance for general software configuration management plansand their implementation.Kregulation. If the referenced standard has been endorsedin a regulatory guide, the standard constitutes a methodacceptable to the NRC staff of meeting a regulatory re > quirement as described in the regulatory guide. If a ref erenced standard has been neither incorporated into theNRC's regulations nor endorsed in a regulatory guide,licensees and applicants may consider and use the information in the referenced standard, if appropriatelyjustified, consistent with current regulatory practice.D. IMPLEMENTATIONThe purpose of this section is to provide informa tion to applicants and licensees regarding the NRCstaff's plans for using this regulatory guide. No backfit-ting is intended or approved in connection with the is suance of this proposed guide.Except in those cases in which an applicant pro poses an acceptable alternative method for complying with the specified portions of the NRC's regulations, the methods described in this guide will be used in the evaluation of submittals in connection with applica tions for construction permits and operating licenses. This guide will also be used to evaluate submittals from operating reactor licensees that propose system modifi cations voluntarily initiated by the licensee if there is a clear nexus between the proposed modifications and this guidance.BIBLIOGRAPHYBeizer, Boris, Software Testing Techniques, Van Nos trand Reinhold, 1990.Hecht, H., A.T. Tai, K.S. Tso, "Class 1E Digital Sys tems Studies," NUREG/CR-6113, USNRC, October 1993.1Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, "Stan dard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations," IEEE Std 7-4.3.2, 1993.1Lawrence, J.D., "Software Reliability and Safety in Nuclear Reactor Protection Systems," NUREG/ CR-6101 (UCRL-ID-117524, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), USNRC, November 1993.11Copies may be purchased at current rates from the U.S. Government Prin ting Offuie, P.O. Box 37082, Washington, DC 20402-9328 (telephone (202)512-2249); or from the National Technical Information Service by writing NTIS at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Copies are availabl" for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRC Public Docu went Room at 2120 L Street NW., Washington, DC; the PDR's mailing ad dress is Mail Stop LL-6, Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone (202)634-3273; fax (202)wrence, J.D., and G.G. Preckshot, "Design Factorsfor Safety-Critical Software," NUREG/CR-6294, USNRC, December 1994.1Seth, S., et al., "High Integrity Software for NuclearPower Plants: Candidate Guidelines, Technical Basisand Research Needs," NUREG/CR-6263, USNRC,June 1995.1USNRC, "Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants," Regulatory Guide1.152, Revision 1, January 1996.2USNRC, "Standard Review Plan," NUREG-0800, February 1984.12Single copies of regulatory guides maybe obtained free ofcharge by writing the Office of Administration, Printing, Graphics and DistributionBranch, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC20555-0001; or by fax at (301)415-5272. Copies are available for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRC Public Document Room at2120 L Street NW, Washington, DC; the PDR's mailing address is MailStop LL-6, Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone (202)634-3273; fax(202)634-3343.1-.REGULATORY ANALYSISA separate regulatory analysis was not prepared for this regulatory guide. The regulatory analysis prepared for Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1057, "Software Unit Testing for Digital Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants," provides the regulatory basis for this guide. A copy of the regulatory analysis is available for inspection and copying for a fee at the NRC Public Document Room, 2120 L Street NW., Washington, DC; the PDR's mailing address is Mail Stop LL-6, Washington, DC 20555-0001; phone (202)634-3273; fax (202)634-3343.Federal Recycling Program。



核安全级数字化仪控系统软件相关标准研究Study on the Related Standardsfor Nuclear Safety Level Digitized l&C System Software了义矜1各鷓%2毛从差3王斜起2(环境保护部核设施安全监管司1,北京100035;深圳中广核工程设计有限公司2,广东深圳518172;环境保护部核与辐射安全中心3,北京100082)摘要:针对核电厂安全级数字化仪控系统的特点,对其软件相关的标准进行了研究。

分析了安全级数字化仪控系统软件生命周期 的相关标准,以及在软件生命周期的开发阶段执行软件验证和确认(V&V)活动所应遵循的标准,以期为后续核电厂安全级数字化仪 控系统软件的设计审查提供技术参考。

关键词:核电厂数字化仪控系统安全软件生命周期验证和确认标准中图分类号:TH -3 ;TP27 文献标志码: A D O I:10.16086/j. cnki. issnlOOO -0380.201511017Abstract:According to the features of the safety level digitized I&C systems in nuclear power plant, the related standards for software are researched. The related standards about the life cycle of software for safety level digitized I&C system, and the standards to be followed by verification and validation ( V&V) activities in developing stage of software life cycle are analyzed. It is expected that these may provide technical reference for designing and examining such software in subsequence nuclear power plants.Keywords :Nuclear power plant Digital I&C system Safety software Life cycle Verification and validation Standard〇引言从20世纪70年代开始,数字化仪控系统逐渐替 代传统的模拟仪控系统,数字化仪控系统不仅在常规工业领域得到了广泛应用,在核电厂安全级仪控系统中应用数字计算机亦有近10年的历史。




1. IEC 60880:这是关于核电站安全系统用计算机软件的标准,包括对安全重要的仪器和控制系统形成A类功能的计算机系统的软件问题。

2. EN 62138:这是一个欧洲标准,规定了核电站中,对安全性重要的仪表与控制、计算机系统B类或C功能软件的运行要求。

3. IEEE 1012:这是关于软件验证和确认的标准,用于确保核电厂软件的安全性和可靠性。

4. ISO 26262:这是一个关于道路车辆安全的国际标准,但也可应用于核电厂的软件开发,特别是涉及到安全相关的功能。

5. CSA N26250:这是加拿大核安全委员会发布的关于核电厂软件安全的指南,其中包括对软件开发和维护的要求。




用于开发过程的 V&V 过程。核电厂 DCS 包含人
概念V&V活动包括:进行 DCS 总体需求和设 计文档的评审;产生总体测试和验收测试计划; 分析系统子功能的完整性等级;分析 DCS 系统 潜在的危险和信息安全威胁;识别在技术和管理 上可能存在的风险并提出建议。
需求 V&V 活动包括:进行各子项软件需求 的评审;分析软件需求到总体需求的可追踪性; 分配软件需求和功能的完整性级别;识别可能导
图 1 V&V 体系的构成 Fig.1 The constitution of V&V system
V&V 通常有两种模式:(1)与软件开发过程 同步进行的 V&V 活动;(2)对现有软件根据经验的
明确 V&V 指导文件是确立 V&V 活动需要

V&V 审查或对预先开发软件的质量鉴定[1]。本文重 遵守的国家法规和导则、国际和国家相关标准,
V&V 体系包括明确具有层级关系的 V&V 指 导文件、定义 V&V 过程、指定软件完整性等级 (Software Integrity Level,简称 SIL)方案、确定 独立性要求、进行人员资质管理和工具管理等方 面。V&V 体系的构成如图 1 所示。
安全性和可靠性成为必须解决的关键问题之一。 实施软件验证和确认(Verification and Valid-
DCS集成总体 测试
软件验证和确认总结报告作业指导书 异常报告作业指导书 验证和确认人员资质 验证和确认工具管理作业指导书
V&V 需求V&V
DCS子项 软件需求



核电厂数字化仪控系统配置管理浅析发布时间:2022-07-24T06:59:51.006Z 来源:《中国电业与能源》2022年5期3月作者: 1田青旺 2陈华[导读] 传统的核电厂控制系统配置管理关注于硬件,1田青旺 2陈华国核自仪系统工程有限公司上海 200241摘要:传统的核电厂控制系统配置管理关注于硬件,即关注点是保证设计输出和生产制造流程的变量能够追溯至可识别的成品;核电厂采用数字化仪控系统后,衍生出的软件配置管理更侧重设计流程(交付物是设计输出及中间设计输出)。



关键词:核电厂;配置管理;数字化仪控系统;配置项;Configuration Management of Digital I&C System of Nuclear Power plantsTian Qing-wang、Chen HuaState Nuclear Power Automation System Engineering Company, Shanghai 200241Abstract:The traditional Configuration management(CM) of nuclear power plant control systems focuses on hardware, that is, ensuring that the design output and manufacturing process variables can be traced back to identifiable end products. With the introduction of digital instrumentation and control systems in nuclear power plants, the resulting software configuration management focuses more on the design process (the deliverables are the design output and the intermediate design output). RG1.169 makes it clear that configuration management audit includes two parts: Functional Configuration Audit and Physical Configuration Audit.The CM of Nuclare Power Plant offers many benefits in terms of the quality and timely of the deliverable Digital I&C system,and also benefits in terms of the safety and efficiency of the facilities.Key words:Nuclear Power plant; Configuration Management; Digital Instrument and Control System; Configuration Management Item,but there are challenges that could affect the effective implementation of the CM.0 引言配置管理是核电厂工程活动的重要部分,针对安全重要的构筑物、系统和设备,国家核安全法规已经提出与配置管理相关的要求。



【摘要】经过近三年时间,由中核控制主编的国家标准GB/T 41142-2021 《核电




RG1.083 PWR SG传热管的在役检查1975.pdf
RG1.084 ASME第III卷设计制造和材料规范案例可接受性1989.pdf
RG1.084 ASME第III卷设计制造和材料规范案例可接受性1994.pdf
RG1.084 ASME第III卷设计制造和材料规范案例可接受性1999.doc
美国核管会法规NRC\01 NRC法规导则-RG
RG1.001 ECC和安全壳热排除系统泵的净压头1970.pdf
RG1.003 BWR LOCA的潜在辐射后果评估所用的假设1974.pdf
RG1.005 BWR蒸汽管线破裂的潜在辐射后果评估所用的假设1971.pdf
RG1.054 I, II, III级防护涂层2000.pdf

RG 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的验证、确认、审查和监查 (一)

RG 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的验证、确认、审查和监查 (一)

RG 核电厂安全系统中使用的数字计算机软件的验证、确认、审查和监查 (一)RG核电厂是一座重要的能源设施,它的安全系统对核电厂的安全运行起着至关重要的作用。


















核电站安全级DCS应用软件设计过程浅析郑伟智;张礼兵;刘静波;夏利民;谢志平【摘要】当应用数字化技术DCS对核电站安全重要系统进行设计时,为了保证安全级DCS应用软件的可靠性,对相关法规标准进行了研究.鉴于以IEEE标准为主的美国标准体系较为完整,认为可应用NRC认可的系列IEEE标准来指导应用软件的设计,并分析了各个软件相关IEEE标准间的关系以及设计时该如何应用这些标准.最后,依据标准要求对应用软件的设计方法进行了研究,初步得出了计划、需求、设计、实现、集成和确认、安装各个阶段的执行方法.【期刊名称】《自动化仪表》【年(卷),期】2014(035)002【总页数】5页(P53-57)【关键词】核电站;安全级DCS;应用软件;设计过程;安全审查【作者】郑伟智;张礼兵;刘静波;夏利民;谢志平【作者单位】北京广利核系统工程有限公司,北京100094;北京广利核系统工程有限公司,北京100094;北京广利核系统工程有限公司,北京100094;北京广利核系统工程有限公司,北京100094;北京广利核系统工程有限公司,北京100094【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TL362+.1;TP273+.50 引言目前,在新建核电站的安全重要系统中开始普遍采用数字化技术——安全级DCS对安全重要设备进行控制。





— -
bs s m e o i a gr Af cos ae s t s rr n ct o ntn) d ye p fm g e y u i
( 对应 国内 G 27 核 电厂 安 全 系统 计算 机 B112《
软件》 以及 E/ 5 ( JT1 8 核电厂安全系统计算机 0 软 件 》 J 以 及 IC 6 18《 ul r pw r ) , E 23 N c a o e e
e eean ai s ( r nrt gs tn) 对应 国内的 G / 32 g i to B T169
《 核电厂安全系统中数字计算机的适用准则》 )
的软 件为 安全 级 软件 ¨ 。 J
商为了开拓市场 , 业界对安全级设备 的数字化
表现 了极 大 的兴 趣 。 目前 中 国核 电站 核安 全 级 软件 均 为 国外 厂 商 , 内厂 商存 在 很 大 的发 展 国 空 间。但 如何 做 出符 合 要求 的安 全级 数字 化设 备成 了 困扰 , 尤其 是 安全 级 软件更 是关 注 焦点 。 对 核 安全 级软 件 设计 及 编码 相对 于普 通软 件 的
毛从 吉 , 毋 琦
( 环保部核 与辐 射安全 中心 , 北京 10 8 ) 0 02
摘要 : 当前法 律和法规规定 , 对核 电厂安全 系统 使用 的核安 全级数 字设备 必须对 其硬件 和软件进 行鉴定 。软件设 计和编码是软 件通过鉴 定关 键的一 环。核安 全级 软件必 须具备 可确定性 的特征 , 其设 计和编码必 须体现这一特 征。对于核安全级软件设计 和编码 如何 满足核 安全要 求 的研究 , 软件厂 商 是
和监管 当局 面临 的问题之 一。 关键 词 : 电厂 ; 核 核安全级 ; 软件 ; 计 ; 设 编码 ; 可确定性 中图分 类号 : T 1. P3 15 文献标识码 : A 文章 编号 : 05 - 3 (0 2 0 - 9 - 2 80 4 2 1 )40 70 9 4 4



面,详细 阐述了设计准则与平 台特性有机结合 的良好实践 ,为工程设计人员 掌握和应用设计 准则提供 了一种方法 。
同时,《核 电厂 安 全 系 统 第 一 部 分 :设 计 准
则》[3 和《核 电厂安全 系统 中数字计算机 的适 I 基本设计 准则
用准则》[4 规定了基于数字计算机 的安全级仪
行实体分隔和电气隔离 。
1.4 共 因故 障准则 数字化仪控系统 的应用使得计算机软件的
共 因故障问题显得尤为突出,应用 多样性和纵 深防御是处理这一问题 的两种方法 ,而多样性 又可通过“设备多样性 ”和 “功能多样性 ”两种 方法来保证 。“独立 性”设 计准则 可 以防止 由 核动力厂内共同危险引起 的共因故障 。 1.5 故障安全设计
收稿 日期 :2015—01—13 作者简介 :姚光霖 (1973一),男 ,四川武胜人 ,高级工 程师 ,硕士 ,主要从 事 核 电 DCS项 目管 理及 安 全 级 DCS系统研究 。
及 由单一故 障所引起 的故障时,安全级数字化 系统都能实现其安全功能。同时 ,在系统设计 时应采用冗余 性 以符合单 一故障准则 和 (或 ) 达到系统 的可靠性指标 ,而保证系统的独立性
在《核 电厂 安 全 系 统 第 一 部 分 :设 计 准
控系统所应满足的设计准则 。
则》C3]和《核 电厂安全 系统 中数字计算机 的适
在应用设计准则 时,工程设计人 员往往无 法将这些设计准则直接匹配到所基 于的安全级 数字化计算机平 台的特点中;或者说数字化计 算机平 台的 自身特点 已经 符合 了某些设计 准 则 ,但工程设计人员无法映射到这些设计准则 中。因此 ,在工程实践 中将设计 准则 与平 台特 性有机结合起来 ,才能准确有效 的满足核安全 法规和标准 中的设计准则 。本文从细化设计准 则 以便其具有可实施性以及从具体的安全级数



核电厂DCS安全级应用软件的集成测试方法徐展;夏丹阳【摘要】核电厂DCS安全级系统是整个DCS系统的重要组成部分,确保核电厂DCS安全级系统应用软件的安全可靠性是至关重要的,软件验证和确认活动给核电厂安全可靠性提供了重要保障,这其中包括一些相关测试活动,软件集成测试是验证和确认活动的重要环节.本文遵循标准IEEE-1012软件验证与确认,针对安全级平台Tricon系统,给出了一套完整的软件集成测试方法.%The safety-level system is the most important part of the whole distributed control system (DCS) in nuclear power plant. It's important to ensure the safety and reliability of safety-level system application software for nuclear power plant. Software verification and validation provide the important protection for the safety and reliability of nuclear power plant, which include several related test activities. Software integration test is an important part of verification and validation activities. A useful and powerful method of the software integration test on Tricon system for safety related system is given in this article based on IEEE standard 1012 software verification and validation.【期刊名称】《自动化博览》【年(卷),期】2015(000)006【总页数】3页(P103-105)【关键词】软件集成测试;验证和确认;DCS安全级应用软件【作者】徐展;夏丹阳【作者单位】中核控制系统工程有限公司,北京100176;中核控制系统工程有限公司,北京100176【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM623.8数字化技术已经在各工业领域得到了广泛成功的应用。






核电厂基本安全培训是一项范围最广、参与人数最多 的培训活动,包括消防、保卫、工业安全等多门课程,这些课 程是公司员工及承包商取得岗位授权资格必须要完成的培 训。使用信息化工具对核电厂基本安全培训活动进行全流 程管理,对实现基本安全培训管理规范化具有重要意义。
1 系统需求分析及功能设计
1.1 业务需求及数据要求 通过对核电厂基本安全培训管理的业务需求分析,明
收稿日期:2020-05-06 作者简介:白霄(1986 —),男,山西临汾人,工学硕士,工程师,研究方向:核电厂培训与资格管理。
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
白霄: 核电厂基本安全培训信息化管理工具的研制与应用
3 应用与展望 “核电厂基本安全培训管理系统”已在部分核电厂成
功应用,能够满足管理人员实时在线跟踪计划,显著提高 考试管理工作效率,保证各类人员能够快速、方便、准确地 查询到所需要的数据。系统实现了核电厂基本安全培训管 理工作的信息化与规范化,显著降低了管理成本。
制的信 息化 管理 工具, 能够规 范、统一 核电 厂基 本安 全培 训管 理工 作, 有助于 提高 管理 效率。
关键词: 核电厂;基本安全培训;息化管理工具
0 引言
核电厂基本安全培训是安全准入培训和专项安全培 训的总称,安全准入培训是指无监护进入核电厂各保卫分 区的人员必须完成的最低要求的安全培训,专项安全培训 是指对于某项特定工作任务、局部特殊工作环境存在的安 全风险,或根据特定的监管、管理要求而进行的有针对性 的专门安全培训。


LDP 1006
TC 2008
LDP 1001
LDP 1002
LDP 1003
LDP 1004
LDP 1005
TC 1001
TC 1020
TC 2007
FDP 1001
M 壁面热电偶
DP 2003
TC 2009
TC 3001
DP 2005
TC 2012
TC 2013
PT 1004
• RG 1.168~1.173 用于核电厂安全系统计算机软件的确认、验证、评审等……
HAD102/xx/《核动力厂安全分析用计算机软件开发与应用》 为核动力厂安全分析用计算机软件的开发、评估和应用提供规范。 年底完成第一稿,第一次征求意见
技术文件:《应急堆芯安全冷却系统行为的模型》 对ECCS系统行为计算的评价模型选择的要求 ✓ 保守模型的模型要求 ✓ 最佳估算模型的评估数据要求
“十二五”实施情况 “十三五”关注重点
推动建立法规标 准体系
• 核电软件开发规范 • 核电软件模型要求
试验 评估
法规 标准
整套核电 软件
• 获取国际数据 • 国内自主实验
与核电软件开发相关的国外 现有专用导则类型
保守方法和最佳估 算的模型要求
主要针对ECCS系 统评价
模型要求 (技术)
过程控制 (管理)
核电厂安全系统的 计算机软件
无专门针对安全分 析软件的



1.核电厂安全重要物项修改审评系统开发及应用 [J], 张国庆; 邹象; 赵鸿斌; 丁珊珊
2.小型计算机在图书馆的应用(一)——小型计算机系统与系统配置 [J], 董丽琴
3.驾驶模拟器三维场景自动生成系统的开发及应用 [J], 曾纪国;熊坚;万华森
4.利用核电厂模拟器进行操纵员可靠性研究 [J], 方向;赵炳全
5.核电厂DCS闭环测试平台的开发及应用 [J], 侯东;林萌;杨宗伟;刘鹏飞;杨燕华因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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September 1997U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIONREGULATORY GU OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCHREGULATORY GUIDE 1.172(Draft was DG-1058)SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATIONS FORDIGITAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE USED IN SAFETY SYSTEMSOF NUCLEAR POWER PLANTSA. INTRODUCTIONIn 10 CFR Part 50, "Domestic licensing of Pro duction and Utilization Facilities," paragraph 55a(a)(1) requires, in part,1 that systems and components be de signed, tested, and inspected to quality standards com mensurate with the safety function to be performed. Criterion 1, "Quality Standards and Records," of Ap pendix A, "General Design Criteria for Nuclear PowerPlants," to 10 CFR Part 50 requires, in part,1that appropriate records of the design and testing of systems //and components important to safety be maintained by or under control of the nuclear power unit licensee throughout the life of the unit. Appendix B, "Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50 describes cri teria that a quality assurance program for systems and components that prevent or mitigate the consequences of postulated accidents must meet. In particular, besides the systems and components that directly pre vent or mitigate the consequences of postulated acci dents, the criteria of Appendix B also apply to all activi ties affecting the safety-related functions of such systems and components as designing, purchasing,tin this regulatory guide, many of t he regulations have been paraphrased; see 10 CFR Part 50 for the full text.IDEinstalling, testing, operating, maintaining, or modify ing. A specific requirement is contained in 10 CFR 50.55a(h), which requires that reactor protection sys tems satisfy the criteria of IEEE Std 279-1971, "Crite ria for Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Genera ting Stations."2 Paragraph 4.3 of IEEE Std 279-19713 states that quality of components is to be achieved through the specification of requirements known to promote high quality, such as requirements for design, inspection, and test.Several of the General Design Criteria (GDC) of Appendix A, including Criteria 12, 13, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 28, describe functions that are part of the de sign bases of nuclear power plants and that would be in cluded in the software requirements specification (SRS) of any digital computer software that is part of basic components that perform these functions. In addi tion to the criteria of Appendix A, Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 provides quality assurance criteria that2Revision I of R egulatory Guide 1.153, "Criteria for Safety Systems," en dorses IEEE Std 603-1991,"Criteria for Safety Systems for N uclear Pow er Generating Stations," as a method acceptable to the NRC staff for s atis fying the NRC's regulations with respect to the design, reliability, qualifi cation, and testability of the power, instrumentation, and control portions of the safety systems of nuclear power plants.31EEE publications may be obtained from the IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854.USNRC REGULATORY GUIDESThe guides are lesued In t he following ton broad divisions: Regulatory Guidesawe itsued to describe and make a"ailable to the public such i*rma lion as methods acceptable to the NRC stff or implementing specific partsof ftCom- 1. PooerReactors6. ProductsIn*on5s regulations, tscmques used bythestaff evaluating specific problems or ps- 2. Research aid Test Reactors 7. Transportationlulated accidents, end data needed by the NRC Iitafflis review of applitio for Per.Fuets and Materials Facilities 8. Occupational Healthmits and licenses. Regulatory guides n stus loregiitori, n compilan. e 4. FJMrontentald. anarFcini Reviewwith them Isn ot raqtird. MeZthods ando beons differe 5o. hosa OUtheg 5 Matedals and Plant Protection10 Generalwi be acceptable Ift hey provide a basis for the findings requisite to the issuance or con Inuence of a permit or license by the Commission.Single copies of regulatory guides may be obtained k of charge bywing the Printing, Ths guLidewas Issued after consideration of comments receved from the publc. Com- Graphics ard Disaibuton Brnch, O1ce ofAdministrallon, U.S. Nular eguatory mentsandsuggestions forimproveme Intiheseguldes wemecouraged atall tlhs, admission, Washington, DC 20555-0001; or by fax at (301)415-5272.eswill be revised. es appropriate, to accommodste comments and to reflect new in = on r oerlece.issuedguides may also be purchased from the National Techiwical Information Service onWritten comments may be aubmitted to t he Rues Review mid Directives Branch, DFIPS, astanding o rder basis. Detalls on this service may beIobtained by writingN• S , 5285 Port ADM, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnmissicn, Washington, DC 20555-0001.Royal Road, Springfield. VA22161.design documentation for nuclear reactor safety sys tems must meet. Criterion III, "Design Control," requires measures for design documentation and identi fication and control of design interfaces, as well as measures for verifying or checking the adequacy of the design.This regulatory guide endorses IEEE Std 830-1993, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications,"'3 with the exceptions stated in the Regulatory Position. IEEE Std 830-1993 describes a method acceptable to the NRC staff for complying with the NRC's regulations for achieving high functional reliability and design quality in soft ware used in safety systems.4 In particular, the method is consistent with GDC 1 and the criteria for quality as surance programs in Appendix B as they apply to the development of software requirements specifications. The criteria of Appendices A and B apply to systems and related quality assurance processes, and if those systems include software, the requirements extend to the software elements.In general, information provided by regulatory guides is reflected in the Standard Review Plan (NUREG-0800), which is used by the Office of Nu clear Reactor Regulation in the review of applications to construct and operate nuclear power plants. This reg ulatory guide will apply to the revised Chapter 7 of t hat document.The information collections contained in this regu latory guide are covered by the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, which were approved by the Office of Manage ment and Budget, approval number 3150-0011. The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information un less it displays a currently valid OMB control number.B. DISCUSSIONThe use of industry consensus standards is part of an overall approach to meeting the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 when developing safety systems for nuclear power plants. Compliance with standards does not guarantee that regulatory requirements will be met. However, compliance does ensure that practices ac cepted within various technical communities will be in corporated into the development and quality assurance 4The term "safety systems" is synonymous with "safety-relatedsystems." The General Design Criteria cover systems, structures, and components "important to safety." The scope of t his regulatory guide is, however, limited to "safety systems," which are a subset of "systems important to safety."processes used to design safety systems. These prac tices are based on past experience and represent indus try consensus on approaches used for development of such systems.Software incorporated into instrumentation and control systems covered by Appendix B will be referredto in this regulatory guide as safety system software. The software requirements specification is an essential part of the record of the design of safety system software. Associated with system requirements allocated to software subsystems, software requirements serve as the design bases for the software to be developed. Therefore, software requirements specifications are a crucial design input to the remainder of the software development process. Software requirements specifications should exhibit characteristics, such as correct ness and completeness, that will facilitate the imple mentation of a carefully planned and controlled software development process.One consensus standard on software engineering, IEEE Std 830-1993, describes current practice for w rit ing software requirements specifications for a wide variety of systems. It is not specifically aimed at safety applications; however, it does provide guidance on the development of software requirements specifications that will exhibit characteristics important for develop ing safety system software. This is consistent with the NRC staff's goals of ensuring high-integrity software in reactor safety systems.Other standards mention software requirements specifications but do not provide detailed guidance for writing them. IEEE Std 7-4.3.2-1993, "Standard Cri teria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nu clear Power Generating Stations,",3 which is endorsed by Revision 1 of Regulatory Guide 1.152, "Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants," mentions unambiguous software requirements as a prerequisite for high quality software develop ment. IEEE Std 1012-1986, "IEEE Standard for Soft ware Verification and Validation Plans,"3 mentions un ambiguous software requirements as a prerequisite for verification and validation. IEEE Std 1074-1991, "IEEE Standard for Developing Software life Cycle Processes,"3 describes software requirements specifi cations as an essential input at the beginning of a soft ware development life cycle. Correct, complete, well written and unambiguous software requirements are essential inputs to the main design and verification pro cesses that are accepted as necessary to produce high integrity software products [see NUREG/CR-6101, "Software Reliability and Safety in Nuclear ReactorProtection Systems" (November 1993),5 and NUREG/ CR-6263, "High Integrity Software for Nuclear Power Plants: Candidate Guidelines, Technical Basis and Re search Needs" (June 1995)5].C. REGULATORY POSITIONThe recommended practices in IEEE Std 830-1993 provide an approach that is acceptable to the NRC staff for meeting the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 as they apply to the preparation of software require ments specifications for safety system software, sub ject to the exceptions listed below.To meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(h) and Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 as assured by complying with the criteria of Appendix B applied to the verifica tion, validation, reviews, and audits of software used in or affecting basic components of nuclear power plants, the following exceptions are necessary and will be con sidered by the NRC staff in the review of submittals from applicants and licensees. (In this Regulatory Posi tion, the cited criteria are in Appendix A or B of 10 CFR Part 50 unless otherwise noted.)1. DEFINITIONSSection 3 of IEEE Std 830-1993 refers to IEEE Std 610.12-1990, "IEEE Standard Glossary of Soft ware Engineering Terminology,"3 for definitions of technical terms. These definitions are acceptable with the following clarifications or additions.1.1 BaselineMeaning 1 o f baseline in IEEE Std 610.12-1990 is to be used in IEEE Std 830-1993. Formal review and agreement is taken to mean that responsible manage ment has reviewed and approved a baseline.1.2 InterfaceAll four variations of meaning in IEEE 610.12-1990 are to be used in IEEE Std 830-1993, de pending on the context. Meaning 1, "A shared bound ary across which information is passed," is interpreted broadly according to Criterion III to include design in terfaces between participating design organizations. 5Copies are available at current rates from the U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 37082, Washington, DC 20402-9328 (telephone (202)512-2249); or from the National Technical Information Service by writing NTIS at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Copies are available for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRC Public Docu ment Room at 2120 L S treet NW., Washington, DC; the PDR's mailing ad dress is Mail Stop LL-6, Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone (202)634-3273; fax (202)634-3343.2. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTSSPECIFICATIONSSection 4.3 of IEEE Std 830-1993 defines a set of characteristics of a good software requirements specifi cation (SRS). The first sentence of this section should be modified to read "An SRS must be...." The follow ing clarifications and additional information should be provided for this set of characteristics for safety system software.2.1 Traceability and AccuracyWhen specification or representation tools are used for requirements, as described in sections and of IEEE Std 830-1993, traceability should be maintained between these representations and the natu ral language descriptions of the software requirements that are derived from system requirements and system safety analyses.2.2 CompletenessFor safety system software, the description of func tional requirements should specify how functions are initiated and terminated as well as the system status at termination. Accuracy requirements, including units, error bounds, data type, and data size, should be pro vided for each input and output variable. Variables con trolled or monitored in the physical environment should be fully described. Functions expressly prohib ited should also be described.Timing information is particularly important in specifying software requirements for safety system software. Functions with timing constraints should be identified and criteria for each mode of operation should be provided. Timing requirements should be de terministic and specified for both normal and antici pated failure conditions.2.3 ConsistencyIEEE Std 830-1993 restricts the term to mean in ternal consistency, noting that an external inconsistency is actually an incorrect specification of a requirement. The term is used in this regulatory guide to mean both internal and external consistency. Exter nal consistency implies that the SRS is consistent with associated software products and system products, such as safety system requirements and design. Internal consistency means that no requirement in the require ments specification conflicts with any other require ment in the specification.2.4 Ranking for Importance or StabilityFor safety system software, this characteristic means that software requirements important to safety must be identified as such in the SRS. Criterion 20 ofAppendix A, among others, describes the functions that reactor protection systems must perform. Section of IEEE Std 830-1993 suggests three degrees of necessity of requirement: essential, conditional; and optional. As used in IEEE Std 830-1993, the terms conditional and optional refer to requirements that are not necessary for the software to be acceptable. For safety system software, unnecessary requirements should not be imposed. There may be documented vari ations in essential requirements, but the variations must be linked in the software requirements specifications either to site and equipment variations or to specific plant design bases and regulatory provisions.2.5 VerifiabilityIEEE Std 830-1993 recommends the removal or revision of unverifiable requirements. This is clarified to mean that all requirements should be verifiable and should be modified or restated as necessary so that it is possible to verify each one.2.6 ModifiabilityThis term is closely related to the style (form, struc ture, and modularity), readability, and understandabil ity of t he SRS. With respect to these characteristics, it is important that precise definitions of technical terms be available, either in the SRS or in a glossary.2.7 TraceabilitySection 4.3.8 of I EEE Std 830-1993 describes two types of traceability, and both types are required. Each identifiable requirement in an SRS must be traceable backwards to the system requirements and the design bases or regulatory requirements that it satisfies. Each identifiable requirement should be written so that it is also "forward traceable" to subsequent design outputs, e.g., from SRS to software design and from software design to SRS.Forward traceability to all documents spawned by the SRS includes verification and validation materials. For example, a forward trace should exist from each re quirement in the SRS to the specific inspections, analy ses, or tests used to confirm that the requirement has been met.3. CHANGE CONTROL IN SRSsSection 4.5(b) of IEEE S td 830-1993 recommends that SRSs be baselined and subject to a formal process for control of c hanges. The SRS must be subject to con trol of changes. Although this could be met directly by a change control procedure unique to IEEE Std 830 1993, it may also be accomplished by taking the SRSunder a general software configuration management program as a configuration item.4. INCOMPLETE SRS ENTRYAny entry in an SRS that is incomplete (uses "TBD"), as described by section of IEEE Std .830-1993, must describe the applicable design bases and commitments to standards or regulations that govern the final determination of the requirement entry.5. DESIGN-SPECIFIC ISSUESSection 4.7 of IEEE Std 830-1993 recommends that design-specific issues such as module partition ing, function allocation, and information flow be omitted from SRSs. Section 4.7.1 of IEEE Std 830-1993 states some exceptions to this policy, includ ing reasons of security or safety. When specific design techniques or features such as independence, separa tion, diversity, and defense-in-depth are required by the safety system design bases or by regulation, these are an appropriate part of an SRS and they should be de scribed therein.6. SOFTWARE ATTRIBUTESSection 5.3.6 of IEEE Std 830-1993 lists software attributes that can serve as requirements. Attributes of particular interest for safety system software are safety, security, and reliability or robustness.6.1 SafetySoftware requirements important to safety are de rived from system requirements and safety analyses and should be identified as such in the SRS. These re quirements should include considerations based on the safety analysis report (SAR) as well as abnormal condi tions and events (ACEs) as described in IEEE Std 7-4.3.2-1993, as endorsed by Revision 1 of Regula tory Guide SecuritySecurity threats to the computer system should be identified and classified according to impact on safety and likelihood of occurrence. Actions required of the software to detect, prevent, or mitigate such security threats should be specified, including access control re strictions. For instance, modification of instrument cal ibration data might be protected by a password system.6.3 RobustnessSoftware requirements for fault tolerance and fail ure modes, derived either from consideration of s ystem level hazards analyses or from consideration of soft ware internals, should be specified for each operating mode. Software behavior in the presence of unex pected, incorrect, anomalous, and improper input,hardware behavior, or software behavior should be fully specified. Software requirements for responding to both hardware and software failures should be pro ,/ vided, including requirements for analysis of and re covery from computer system failures. Requirements for on-line in-service testing and diagnostics should be specified.7. NONAPPLICABILITYBecause of its generality, IEEE Std 830-1993 dis cusses or recommends a number of content items that may be inappropriate to real-time, embedded safety systems. Headings for such inappropriate subjects in an SRS that is compliant with IEEE Std 830-1993 should be listed, followed by "Not applicable." For example, a graphical user interface may be inappropriate for a real time, embedded reactor trip system.-8. APPLICABILITY OF ANNEX AAnnex Ato IEEE Std 830-1993 is not endorsed by this regulatory guide and may be taken only as examples. Directions to use an outline from Annex A, such as those directions found in section 5.3.7 of IEEE Std 830-1993, may be taken as advisory only.9. OTHER CODES AND STANDARDSVarious sections in IEEE Std 830-1993 reference several industry codes and standards. These referenced standards should be considered individually. If a refer enced standard has been incorporated separately into the NRC's regulations, licensees and applicants must comply with that standard as set forth in the regulation. If t he referenced standard has been endorsed in a regula tory guide, the standard constitutes a method accept able to the NRC staff of meeting a regulatory require ment as described in the regulatory guide. If a referenced standard has been neither incorporated into the NRC's regulations nor endorsed in a regulatory guide, licensees and applicants may consider and use the information in the referenced standard, if appropri ately justified, consistent with current regulatory practice.D. IMPLEMENTATIONThe purpose of this section is to provide informa tion to applicants and licensees regarding the NRC staff's plans for using this regulatory guide. No backfit ting is intended or approved in connection with the issuance of this proposed guide.Except in those cases in which an applicant pro poses an acceptable alternative method for complying with the specified portions of the NRC's regulations, the methods described in this guide will be used in the evaluation of submittals in connection with applica tions for construction permits and operating licenses. This guide will also be used to evaluate submittals from operating reactor licensees that propose system modifi cations voluntarily initiated by the licensee if there is a clear connection between the proposed modifications and this guidance.BIBLIOGRAPHYHecht, H., A.T. Tai, K.S. Tso, "Class 1E Digital Sys tems Studies," NUREG/CR-6113, USNRC, October 1993.1Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, "Stan dard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations," IEEE Std 7-4.3.2, 1993.Lawrence, J.D., "Software Reliability and Safety in Nuclear Reactor Protection Systems," NUREG/ CR-6101 (UCRL-ID-117524, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), USNRC, November 1993.11Copies may be purchased at current rates from the U.S. Government Prin ting Office, P.O. Box 37082, Washington, DC 20402-9328 (telephone (202)512-2249); or from the National Technical Information Service by writing NTIS at 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Copies areavailable for inspection or copying for a fee from the NRC Public Document Room at 2120 L Street NW., Washington, DC; the PDR's mailing ad dress is Mail Stop LL-6, Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone (202)634-3273; fax (202)wrence, J.D., and G.G. Preckshot, "Design Factors for Safety-Critical Software," NUREG/CR-6294, USNRC, December 1994.1Seth, S., et al., "High Integrity Software for Nuclear Power Plants: Candidate Guidelines, Technical Basis and Research Needs," NUREG/CR-6263, USNRC, June 1995.1USNRC, "Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants," Regulatory Guide 1.152, Revision 1, January 1996.2USNRC, "Standard Review Plan," NUREG-0800, February 1984.2Single copies of r egulatory guides may be obtained free of c harge bywrit ing the Office of Administration, Printing, Graphics and Distribution Branch, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001; or by fax at (301)415-5272. Copies are available for in spection or copying for a fee from the NRC Public Document Room at 2120 L Street NW, Washington, DC; the PDR's mailing address is Mail Stop LL-6, Washington, DC 20555-0001; telephone (202)634-3273; fax (202)634-3343.REGULATORY ANALYSISA separate regulatory analysis was not prepared for this regulatory guide. The regulatory analysis prepared for Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1058, "Software Re quirements Specifications for Digital Computer Software Used in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants," provides the regulatory basis for this guide. A copy of the regulatory analysis is available for inspection and copying for a fee at the NRC Public Document Room, 2120 L Street NW., Washington, DC; the PDR's mailing address is Mail Stop LL-6, Washington, DC 20555-0001; phone (202)634-3273; fax (202)634-3343.2nFederal Recycling Program。
