

b e c中级口语第三部分




1. 应试技巧:












2. 考试演示


Effective Time Management

Your company has found that ineffective time management is one of the major problem areas throughout the workforce. You have been asked to put forward some suggestions for improving the situation.

Discuss and decide together:

why poor time management can become a major problem in company.

what procedures could be adopted to ensure that time is managed effectively.参考答案:

Zheng: Hi, Ms. Wen. As you know, our company is kind of out of control these days. Don't you think so

Wen: Yeah. Everything seems to be in disorder here in our company. And that obviously has a lot to do with poor time management.

Zheng: You mean poor time management has caused all these problems Why

Wen: When a company does not have a well-planned time-schedule, they usually do not allocate blocks of time to specified tasks. They do not have a

definite idea of when they should complete a certain task.

Zheng: I think they often neglect the ordering of priorities. I mean certain tasks need priority. But in the company every task is treated on an

equal basis, even if it is a very urgent task.

Wen: That's the point. So time should be planned according to the importance of the tasks we need to deal with.

Zheng: So what do you think we can do so that time is managed effectively here in our company

Wen: You mean what procedures we can adopt

Zheng: Sure. That's what our boss is asking us to do. Right

Wen: Right. I think we've got a lot to do. First, we should make all the staff members realize how important effective time management is to our company.

Zheng: Yes, I think we can give them instruction in time management, especially those in supervisory positions.

Wen: Great. Perhaps we can run a few training programs for them. If there is

a need, we may invite some experts from outside to help us.

Zheng: Another thing we can do is to make all the managers, or even every staff member, come up with a job description of their own. In this way, they can be pretty sure about what they are responsible for and what

they are not.

Wen: Yes, that's a good idea. And I think the top managers of our company should come up with a set of rules as to what kind of jobs should be

given priority to. In this way, we can make sure that important tasks

are dealt with first.

Zheng: Good idea. So to sum up, our company should run a few training programmes, and every staff member should write a job description of

their own.

Wen: And rules should be made about what kind of job should be given priority to.

3. 常用句型

● 开始一个论题

Let's start with…

Shall we begin with…

● 结束一个论题

Right,I think that covers the first item.

Shall we leave the item

Let's move on to the next item…

Now,we come to the question of…

● 限定讨论话题

Can we just deal with…

Let’s just deal with…

Let's get back to the main point.

● 打断插话

Excuse me,may I interrupt

May I interrupt for a second,I think in…This point we should consider…Can I say something here Jack,sorry…

● 坚持讲完自己的论点

Just let me finish.

I'll come to that in a moment.

I haven't finished what l was saying.

No, wait a moment…

● 评价对方论点


That's a good point.

I see what you mean.

● 强调

I’d like to point out…

Let me emphasize…

● 考虑其他论点

What about…

…is also worth considering.● 询问意见

What do you think

What’s your opinion

● 给出意见

I think/feel/believe…

In my opinion,we should…

In my view…/my view is…

● 评价对方观点

That's a good/an excellent idea.

That's very interesting.

I'm sure we'd all agree with that.

That's a very good/an important point.

● 要求对方明确观点

I'm not sure what you are saying. It's not clear what you mean.● 给别人机会说话

What's your opinion,Philip

● 完全不同意

I totally disagree.

● 待议,不确定

There are two sides to the argument. On one hand…on the other…I'm not sure/convinced about…

Well,it depends…

● 部分赞同

I agree,but…

I'm not against it, but…

I suppose that's true in a way, but…

I guess you could be right,but don't you think…

● 完全赞同

I entirely agree with you.

I couldn't agree more.

That's absolutely true.

● 积极回应

That's great.

That's fine.

● 中性回应


All right.

I see your point.

● 消极回应

I wouldn't accept that.
