模拟联合国大会基本用语开头:1、请大会主席团成员和工作小组成员就位;2、Distinguished delegates, now we’re going to have the roll call. Please raise youplacard and answer ‘present’现在大会开始点名3、4、There are A delegates present, the Simple Majority is B, the two-thirds Majorityis C and 20% of All is D.名结束,本会场本分组会议共有A位代表出席,简单多数为B,2/3多数为C,20%数为D;5、现在我宣布首届模拟联合国大会正式开会;6、大会首先对叙利亚问题进行讨论,需要发言的国家请举牌;7、现在请X国代表上台对本国立场进行2分钟的陈述;正式辩论:1、下面有请X国代表上台发言,时间60秒;2、Now the Speakers’ List is open. Delegates, who want to be added in the Speakers’ List, please raise your placards.现在开启正式辩论发言名单,请希望被列入主发言名单的国家高举国家牌;注意点国家名时注意速度,以便主席助理记录3让渡时间让渡给主席The Chair: Thank you, delegate. You have X seconds left. Would you like to yield your time主席:谢谢X国代表,您还有__秒的发言时间;请问是否愿意让渡你的发言时间代表:让渡给主席;The Chair: Thank you.主席:谢谢让渡给其他代表The Chair: Thank you, delegate. You have X seconds left. Would you like to yield your time主席:谢谢X国代表,您还有__秒的发言时间;请问是否愿意让渡你的发言时间Delegate: I would like to yield my time to India代表:让渡给印度代表The Chair: Thank you. Delegate of India, now you have X seconds.主席:谢谢;印度代表,现在您有X秒的发言时间;让渡给问题The Chair: Thank you, delegate. You have X seconds left. Would you like to yield your time主席:谢谢X国代表,您还有__秒的发言时间;请问是否愿意让渡你的发言时间Delegate: I would like to yield my time to question.代表:让渡给问题;The Chair: Thank you. All those delegates who want to ask questions to X国, please raise your placards.主席:谢谢;下面代表们可以就X国代表发言提问,希望提问的代表请举牌;The Chair: Thank you, dear delegate. Your time is up.主席:谢谢x国代表,您的发言时间结束;动议和问题1、未见问题或动议TheChair:Arethereanypointsormot ionsofthefloorSeenone.We’llgoonthesp eakers’list.Honorabledelegatefrom…,youhave60stoaddressthebody.主席:请问场下有无问题或动议未见问题或动议;下面继续进行发言;尊敬的__国代表,您有60秒的发言时间;2、问题TheChair:Arethereanypointsormotionsonthefloor主席:请问场下有无问题或动议DelegateofIsrael:Point.以色列代表:问题;TheChair:DelegateofIsrael,towhatpointdoyourise主席:以色列代表有何问题程序性问题DelegateofPakistan:Pointoforder.Pakistanhasn‘tbeenaddedtothespeakers list.巴基斯坦代表:程序性问题;巴基斯坦未被列入发言名单;TheChair:Thankyou,delegate.TheRapporteurwilladdPakistantothespeakersl ist主席:抱歉;主席助理将把巴基斯坦列入发言名单;咨询性问题DelegateofCongo:Pointofinquiry.Congowantstomakesurehowmanyvotesweneedto passamotionofsuspendmeeting 刚果代表:咨询性问题;刚果代表想知道动议赞成中断会议需要多少代表投票通过TheChair:Thankyou,delegate.Weneedasimplemajority.主席:需要简单多数通过;动议TheChair:Arethereanypointsormotionsofthefloor主席:请问场下有无问题或动议DelegateofChina:Motion.中国代表:动议;动议更改发言时间TheChair:DelegateofChina,towhatpointdoyourise主席:中国代表有何动议DelegateofChina:Chinamotiontosetthespeakingtimeto40 seconds.中国代表:中国动议将发言时间缩短为40秒;TheChair:Thankyou.Nowthere’samotiononthefloortosetthespeakingtimeto1 minute.Is there a second Thank you. n ow have to vote.All those delegates in favor of thism o t i o n p l e a s e r a i s e y o u r p l a c a r d s.A l l t h o s e o p p o s e p l e a s e r a i s e y o u r p l a c a r d s.T h a n k y o u.With5infavorand13 oppose,thismotionfailed.主席:谢谢;现在中国代表动议将发言时间缩短为1分钟;请问场下有无赞同下面我们进行投票;赞成此动议的代表请举牌;反对此动议的代表请举牌;谢谢;5票赞成,13票反对,此动议未通过;动议自由磋商TheChair:DelegateofChina,towhatpointdoyourise主席:中国代表有何动议DelegateofChina:Chinamotionforanunmoderatedcaucusfor5minutes.中国代表:中国动议进行5分钟的自由磋商;T h e C h a i r:T h a n k y o u.N o w t h e r e’samotiononthefloorforanunmoderatedcau cusfor5minutes.IsthereasecondThankyou.IsthereoppositionThanknowhavetovote.Allth osedelegatesinfavorofthismotionpleaseraiseyourplacards.Allthoseoppose pleaseraiseyourplacards.Thankyou.With13infavorand5oppose,this m otionpassed.Weare nowinanunmoderatedcaucus.主席:谢谢;现在中国代表动议进行5分钟的自由磋商;请问场下有无赞同,下面进行投票;赞成此动议的代表请举牌;……反对此动议的代表请举牌;谢谢;13票赞成,5票反对,此动议通过;我们现在进行5分钟的自由磋商;The Chair: Delegates, you still have 1minute.主席:各位代表,你们还有1分钟的时间;The Chair: all delegates, please be seated.主席:代表们请就座;动议有主持核心磋商TheChair:DelegateofChina,towhatpointdoyourise主席:中国代表有何动议Delegate of China:Chinamotionforamoderatedcaucusfor5minuteson the topic of SecurityCouncilreformandeachdelegatehas30seconds speakingtime.中国代表:中国动议就安理会改革进行5分钟有主持核心磋商;每位代表有30秒的发言时间;The Chair:Thank you.Nowthere’samotiononthefloorforamoderatedcaucusfor5minutesonthetopicofSecurityCouncilreformandeachdelegatehas30seconds’ speaking time. IsthereasecondThankyou.Wenowhavetovote.Allthosedelegatesinfavorofthism o t i o n p l e a s e r a i s e y o u r p l a c a r d s.A l l t h o s e o p p o s e p l e a s e r a i s e y o u r p l a c a r d s. T h a n k y o u.With13infavorand5oppose,thismotionpassed. All thosedelegateswishtospeakpleaseraiseyourplacard.Sudan.Nowyouhave30sec onds.主席:谢谢;现在场下有一动议就安理会改革进行5分钟有主持核心磋商;每位代表有30秒的发言时间;请问场下有无赞同谢谢;下面进行投票;赞成此动议的代表请举牌;反对此动议的代表请举牌;13票赞成,5票反对,此动议通过;下面请希望发言的代表举牌;苏丹,现在你有30秒的发言时间;TheChair:TheChairwouldliketoaskalastdelegateto speak.主席:主席将请最后一位代表发言;TheChair:Sincewejusthave20secondsleft.Wewon’thaveanotherdelegate.And nowwe aregoingbacktoourspeakers’list.主席:因为有主持核心磋商只剩20秒;我们现在回到发言名单;工作文件和决议草案的提交TheChair:Thechairwouldliketoencouragethedelegatestosubmityourworkingp aperstothedirectornow.主席:主席希望代表现在能向会议指导提交工作文件TheChair:Thechairwouldliketoseedraftresolutionsubmittedtothedirectorn ow.主席:主席希望代表现在能向会议指导提交决议草案TheChair:Nowwehaveworkingpaper/draftsubmittedbyChinaprintedfor ever ydelegate,nowarethereanypointsormotionsonthefloor主席:中国代表提交了工作文件/决议草案,现已印发给了各位代表.请问场下有无问题或动议China:Motiontointroduceworkingpaper.中国:中国动议介绍工作文件;TheChair:China now have to vote.All thosedelegatesin favorofthismotionpleaseraiseyour placards.Thank you.All thoseopposepleaseraise your placards.Thank you. With 13 in favor andoppose,thismotionpassed._____, nowyouhave3minutestointroduceworkingpaper.主席:中国动议介绍工作文件;请问场下有无赞成谢谢;现在我们进行投票;赞成此动议的代表请举牌;反对此动议的代表请举牌;谢谢;13票赞成,5票反对;此动议通过;__国代表,现在你有3分钟的时间介绍工作文件;__国:ThankyouChair.Introduction.__代表:介绍工作文件TheChair:Nowalldelegatescouldask3questions onthegrammarof t hew o r kin g pap e r.Allthosedelegateswithquestionspleaseraiseyourplacards.主席:现在各位代表可就该工作文件的语法方面提出3个问题.希望提问的代表请举牌;工作文件和决议草案的介绍时间为3分钟;主席要提醒代表一旦决议草案被提交,正式辩论围绕决议草案展开,而非之前设定的议题;关于工作文件、决议草案的提问只限于语法、用词以及模糊不清的概念,而不可针对决议草案的内容;介绍决议草案仅限于行动性条款;结束辩论以及投票TheChair:Arethereanypointsormotionsofthefloor主席:请问场下有无问题或动议DelegateofChina:Motion.中国代表:动议;TheChair:DelegateofChina,towhatpointdoyourise主席:中国代表有何动议DelegateofChina:Chinamotiontoclosethedebate.中国代表:中国动议结束辩论;TheChair:There’samotiononthefloortoclose the debateandgodirectlytovoteforthedraftresolution.Weneedtwodelegatestosp eak for this motionandtwoagainstit.Thosedelegateswishingtoclose thisdebatepleaseraiseyourplacards.主席:中国代表动议结束辩论;下面请两位赞成此动议的代表和两位反对此动议的代表发言;希望结束辩论的代表请举牌;TheChair:__,nowyouhave1min.主席:__国代表,现在您有1分钟发言时间;TheChair:Wenowhavetovote.Allthosedelegateswishingtoclosethedebateplea seraiseyourplacards.Thoseopposepleaseraiseyourplacards.With14infavorand4oppose,this motion passed,thedebateisclosed.NowtheChairwouldliketointroducetheRapporteurtoholdthe rolecallvote.主席:现在我们开始投票;希望结束辩论的代表请举牌;希望继续辩论的代表请举牌;14票赞成,4票反对,现在结束辩论;现在由主席助理来主持进行针对决议草案的唱名表决; The Rapporteur:Nowwe will votefordraft . Please answer“yes”,“no” or “abstain” henyourcountry’snameiscalled.Australia, Australiavotes“y e s”…主席助理:先对决议草案进行唱名表决;请被点到的代表答“赞成”、“反对”或“弃权”;澳大利亚,澳大利亚赞成TheChair:W i t h…delegates infavorof this draft resolution,…abstain and …delegate opposed.Thisdraft resolution failed/passed.主席:…票赞成,…票弃权,…票反对,该决议草案未能通过/通过;主席应该提示代表哪些投票需要2/3多数;。
首先开头时说:If there are no objections, we will bring the committee into formal session. If all delegates will please take their seats, the rapporteur will begin roll call.然后书记员就是进行点名,之后主席说:For those delegates who may have arrived while the roll call was being taken, and whose attendance has not yet been recorded, please send a note forward to the dais to let us know of your arrival and voting status. Please be certain your State’s attendance has been recorded. You will not be recognized while the committee is in substantive voting session if the dais has not recorded your attendance at this session.之后主席说:Are there any motions on the floor at this time? Seeing none, the first order of business before the committee is to set the agenda order. The topics on the committee agenda are I, II and III. If there are no objections from the committee, the chair will open the speakers list to begin deliberations upon setting the agenda. All those who would like to be placed on the speakers list, please raise your placards until your State has been recognized.就是开speaker's list,主席点,书记员把国家名记下,写到speaker's list中。
Badge 胸卡Deprive the right to vote 取消表决权Close the debate 结束辩论Director 会议指导Deputy 副代表Head delegate 代表团团长,领队Head of delegation 代表团团长Faculty advisor 代表团指导Delegation bloc 代表团Distribution 分发Document officer 文件分发人员Drafting committee 起草委员会Draw lots 抽签Elect by an absolute (a simple) majority 以绝对(简单)多数选出Enjoy privileges 享受特权Entry into force 开始生效Executive secretary 执行秘书Exercise the right of vote 行使表决权Explain one’s rote 对所投的票加以说明Extend the term of office 延长任期Extraodinary session 特别会议Fill a vacancy 补缺Final report 最后报告First ballot 第一次投票表决First priority 最优先项目Fix the timetable of the settings 安排各次会议的时间表Foot-note 脚注Gallery 旁听席General committee 总务委员会General debate 一般性辩论Geographical distribution 按地域分配Give a ruling 作出裁定Give up one’s turn to speak in favour of 把自己的发言机会让给Give up the office to chair man 放弃主席的职务Go back upon a vote 重新表决Governing body 执行机构Hand over the chair to the vice-chairman 让副主席担任主席Have priority 有优先权Have the initiative 有倡议权Heading 标题Honorary president 名誉主席(会长)Host country 东道国I am authorized by my government 我受本国政府授权I ask for the floor 我请求发言I give the floor to 我请…(发言)I speak in my capacity of 我以…身份发言Immunities 豁免Implement the provisions of a convention 实施公约的规定Impose a vote 行使否决权In a private capacity 以私人身份In an official capacity 以官方身份In an unofficial capacity 以非官方身份In the hands of chairman 听从主席决定Include in the agenda 列入议程Information desk 问讯处(台)Infringement 违反行为Initiate a discussion 进行讨论International instrument 国际文件(特指国际公约等)Interrupt a vote 中断表决Intervene in a debate 参加辩论Invite speakers to be brief 请发言人简明扼要些Invoke the chairman’s authority 请使用主席的权利Leave it to the decision of the majority 由多数决定Item on the agenda 议程项目Leave the matter to the chairman’s decision 把事情交由主席决定Legal adviser 法律顾问Lobby 大厅,休息厅Maintain one’s candidature 保持候选资格Maintain order 维持秩序Make a personal statement 以个人名义发表声明Memorandum 备忘录Merge together several amendments 把几个修正案合并起来Minutes 会议记录Motion to change the speaking time 动议更改发言时间Motion for a moderated caucus 动议有主持核心商榷Motion for an un-moderated caucus 动议自由商榷Motion to close debate 动议结束辩论Move the closure of debate 动议结束辩论Move that a seperate vote be taken 提议分开表决Negative vote 反对票Note 照会Note a statement 将一个声明载入记录Note a violation of the rules 指出对规则的破坏Object in principle 在原则上反对Occupy the chair 担任主席Open a debate on procedure 开始程序问题的辩论Open the speakers’ list 产生发言名单Oppose a proposal 反对一个建议Original text 原文Overrule 驳回Party to a convention 公约缔约国Pass a vote of censure 通过指责决议。
模拟联合国重要词汇(部分含中英对照)代表,delegate ;代表团,delegation ;委员会,committee ;演讲,public speaking ;辩论,debate ;协商,negotiation ;合作,collaboration ;正式辩论,formal debate ;非正式辩论,informal debate ;简单多数,simple majority三分之二多数,Two-thirds majority主席团,Members of the Dais ;主席,Chair ;会议指导,Director ;主席助理,Rapporteur ;发言人名单,Speakers' list流程规则,Rules of procedure点名,Roll call确定议题,Setting the agenda让渡YieldYield time to another delegate / comments / questions / the Chair动议,Motion ;Motion to set speaking time(更改发言时间) /suspend the meeting(暂时中断正式辩论) /close debate (结束辩论)问题,Point ;Point of order(组织性问题)/inquiry(咨询性问题)/Personal privilege(个人特权)有主持核心磋商,Moderated Caucus自由磋商,Unmoderated Caucus立场文件,Position paper ;工作文件,working paper决议草案,Resolution ;修正案,Amendment ;友好修正案,friendly amendment ;非友好修正案,unfriendly amendment游说,lobby ; 国家牌Placard;起草国,Sponsors; 复议国,Signature到场,Present ; 缺席,Absent弃权,Abstain;赞成,Yes ; 反对,No序言性条款开头动词的一些积极词汇Affirming Alarmed by ApprovingAware of Bearing in mind BelievingConfident Contemplating ConvincedDeclaring Deeply concerned Deeply conscious Deeply convinced Deeply regretting DesiringReferring Seeking Taking into account Emphasizing Expecting Fulfilling Expressing its satisfaction Fully alarmedFully aware Fully believing Further recalling Guided by Having adopted Having considered Having considered further Having devoted attention Taking into consideration Taking noteViewing with appreciation Having examined Having heard Having received Having studied Keeping in mind Noting with deep concernNoting with regret Noting with satisfactionNoting further Noting with approval Observing Realizing Recalling Recognizing Welcoming行动性条款开头动词的一些积极词汇Accepts Emphasizes ReaffirmsAffirms Encourages Recommends Approves Endorses RegretsAuthorizes Expresses its appreciation RemindsCalls Express its hope RequestsCalls upon Further invites Solemnly affirms Condemns Further reminds Supports Congratulates Further requests Takes note of Considers Further resolves Transmits Declares accordingly Further recommends TrustsDeplores Has resolved Urges Designates Draws the attention Notes Proclaims。
模拟(mónǐ)联合国主持词第一篇:2022年模拟(mónǐ)联合国主持词模拟(mónǐ)联合国开幕式主持词男:尊敬的各位领导(lǐnɡ dǎo)各位老师女:亲爱(qīn ài)的各位同学合:大家节日好男﹕今天﹐全世界的鲜花都簇拥着劳动者的笑脸;女﹕今天﹐全世界的目光都敬仰着劳动者的襟怀。
问题和动议——Points and Motions
动议更改发言时间——Motions to set speaking time
E.g. Delegate:I have a motion for setting the speaking time for 90 seconds,since the time is a little bit longer than needed…etc.
MUN既可以是2-3个小时的短会,也可以是3-5天的长会。但不论会期长短,代表们的目的都是一致的——通过广泛协商合作,以争取其所代表国家的国家利益能在特定议题(Topic Area)的决议(Resolution)中得到充分的体现。
b. 不友好修正案(未经所有起草国同意):在决议草案投票前,按照决议草案处理流程处理,若通过则成为某份决议草案一部分。
9. 结束会议(Close the debate)
非正式辩论——Informal Debate
有主持核心磋商——Moderated Caucus
自有磋商——Unmoderated Caucus
立场文件——Position Paper
首先开头时说:If there are no objections, we will bring the committee into formal session. If all delegates will please take their seats, the rapporteur will begin roll call.然后书记员就是进行点名,之后主席说:For those delegates who may have arrived while the roll call was being taken, and whose attendance has not yet been recorded, please send a note forward to the dais to let us know of your arrival and voting status. Please be certain your State’s attendance has been recorded. You will not be recognized while the committee is in substantive voting session if the dais has not recorded your attendance at this session.之后主席说:Are there any motions on the floor at this time? Seeing none, the first order of business before the committee is to set the agenda order. The topics on the committee agenda are I, II and III. If there are no objections from the committee, the chair will open the speakers list to begin deliberations upon setting the agenda. All those who would like to be placed on the speakers list, please raise your placards until your State has been recognized.就是开speaker's list,主席点,书记员把国家名记下,写到speaker's list中。
模拟联合国会议常用用语Badge 胸卡Deprive the right to vote 取消表决权Close the debate 结束辩论Director 会议指导Deputy 副代表Head delegate 代表团团长,领队Head of delegation 代表团团长Faculty advisor 代表团指导Delegation bloc 代表团Distribution 分发Document officer 文件分发人员Drafting committee 起草委员会Draw lots 抽签Elect by an absolute (a simple) majority 以绝对(简单)多数选出Enjoy privileges 享受特权Entry into force 开始生效Executive secretary 执行秘书Exercise the right of vote 行使表决权Explain one's rote 对所投的票加以说明Extend the term of office 延长任期Extraodinary session 特别会议Fill a vacancy 补缺模拟联合国会议常用用语Final report 最后报告First ballot 第一次投票表决First priority 最优先项目Fix the timetable of the settings 安排各次会议的时间表Foot-note 脚注Gallery 旁听席General committee 总务委员会General debate 一般性辩论Geographical distribution 按地域分配Give a ruling 作出裁定Give up one's turn to speak in favour of 把自己的发言机会让给Give up the office to chair man 放弃主席的职务Go back upon a vote 重新表决Governing body 执行机构Hand over the chair to the vice-chairman 让副主席担任主席Have priority 有优先权Have the initiative 有倡议权Heading 标题Honorary president 名誉主席(会长)Host country 东道国I am authorized by my government 我受本国政府授权I ask for the floor 我请求发言模拟联合国会议常用用语I give the floor to 我请…(发言)I speak in my capacity of 我以…身份发言Immunities 豁免Implement the provisions of a convention 实施公约的规定Impose a vote 行使否决权In a private capacity 以私人身份In an official capacity 以官方身份In an unofficial capacity 以非官方身份In the hands of chairman 听从主席决定Include in the agenda 列入议程Information desk 问讯处(台)Infringement 违反行为Initiate a discussion 进行讨论International instrument 国际文件(特指国际公约等)Interrupt a vote 中断表决Intervene in a debate 参加辩论Invite speakers to be brief 请发言人简明扼要些Invoke the chairman'sauthority 请使用主席的权利Leave it to the decision of the majority 由多数决定Item on the agenda 议程项目Leave the matter to the chairma'ns decision 把事情交由主席决定Legal adviser 法律顾问。
2、Distinguished delegates, now we’re going to have the roll call.Please raise you placard and answer ‘present!’(现在大会开始点名)3、There are [A] delegates present, the Simple Majority is [B], the two-thirds Majority is [C] and 20% of All is [D].名结束,本会场本分组会议共有[A]位代表出席,简单多数为[B],2/3多数为[C],20%数为[D]。
2、Now the Speakers’ List is open.Delegates, who want to be added in the Speakers’ List, please raise your placards.现在开启正式辩论发言名单,请希望被列入主发言名单的国家高举国家牌。
注意点国家名时注意速度,以便主席助理记录3让渡时间 3.1让渡给主席The Chair: Thank you, delegate.You have X seconds left.Would you like to yield your time? 主席:谢谢X国代表,您还有__秒的发言时间。
The Chair: Thank you.(主席:谢谢)3.2让渡给其他代表The Chair: Thank you, delegate.You have X seconds left.Would you like to yield your time? 主席:谢谢X国代表,您还有__秒的发言时间。
模拟联合国用语范例集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]立场文件格式P P立场文件格式:代表:(学校:)国家:部门:(,ECOSOC等)议题:正文:第一段对议题的概述。
模拟联合国用语范例1.主席团介绍The Chair: Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is …, the Chair of today’sconference.(welcome). I would like to introduce the secretariat’s member of the …commission. To my left, is the Director……To my right is theRapporteur…主席:各位代表,我是今天的会议主席××。
The Director: I’m…, the Director of today’s conference. All the files, including working papers, draft resolutions, amendments will directly come to me and any other questions are welcome.会议指导:大家好,我是今天会议的会议指导××。
1、会议开场Hello, every delegate. I’m the chair of this conference. First of all, let’s introduce our dais here.各位代表大家好,我是本次会议的主席。
2、点名OK, let’s start roll call. The delegate called please raise your placard and say “present” (chair or rappotuer repeat: XXX is present or absent.)现在进行点名,被点到的代表请高举国家牌,答“到”。
OK, today we have XX delegate here, so the simple majority will be XX, the 2/3 majority will be XX. 现在我们有XX位代表出席会议,那么,简单多数是XX,三分之二多数是XX。
3、设定发言名单OK, we will set our speaker’s list, the delegate who wants to speak, please raise your placard.现在我们将设定发言名单,想要发言的代表请举起国家牌。
4、正式发言The delegate of XXX, you have 2 minutes to address your body.X国代表,你有两分名来陈述贵国立场。
Are there any motions or points on the floor?请问专政有无动议或问题?Are there any seconds?请问有无附议?OK, let’s start vote现在进行投票。
This motion clearly passes or failed.这个动议通过或失败了。
1. 尊敬的代表们,欢迎出席今天的模拟联合国会议。
2. 各位尊敬的代表们,欢迎出席今天的模拟联合国会议。
3. 尊敬的代表们,今天我们在这里开会,目的是为了共同推进全球合作,在更加和平、合作、开放和支持的环境中构建世界。
4. 尊敬的代表们,欢迎出席今天的模拟联合国会议。
5. 尊敬的代表们,我非常荣幸地在这场模拟联合国大会中担任主持人。
首先开头时说:If there are no objections, we will bring the committee into formal session. If all delegates will please take their seats, the rapporteur will begin roll call.然后就是进行点名,之后主席说:For those delegates who may have arrived while the roll call was being taken, and whose attendance has not yet been recorded, please send a note forward to the dais to let us know of your arrival and voting status. Please be certain your State’s attendance has been recorded. You will not be recognized while the committee is in substantive voting session if the dais has not recorded your attendance at this session.之后主席说:Are there any motions on the floor at this time Seeing none, the first order of business before the committee is to set the agenda order. The topics on the committee agenda are I, II and III. If there are no objections from the committee, the chair will open the speakers list to begin deliberations upon setting the agenda. All those who would like to be placed on the speakers list, please raise your placards until your State has been recognized.就是开speaker's list,主席点,把国家名记下,写到speaker's list中。
主席团用语1.主席团介绍The Chair: Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is …, the Chair of today’s conference.(welcome). I would like to introduce the secretariat’s member of the …commission. To my left, is the Director……To my right , is the Rapporteur…主席:各位代表,我是今天的会议主席××。
The Director: I’m…, the Director of today’s conference. All the files, including working papers, draft resolutions, amendments will directly come to me and any other questions are welcome.会议指导:大家好,我是今天会议的会议指导××。
The Rapporteur: Good afternoon, I’m…, the Rapporteur of today’s conference.主席助理:大家好,我是今天的主席助理××。
2.点名Roll CallThe Chair: Now the rapporteur will do the roll call. All delegates please raise your placard and say ‘present’ when your nation’s name is called.主席:下面进行点名。
首先开头时说:If there are no objections, we will bring the committee into formal session. If all delegates will please take their seats, the rapporteur will begin roll call. 然后书记员就是进行点名,之后主席说:For those delegates who may have arrived while the roll call was being taken, and whose attendance has not yet been recorded, please send a note forward to the dais to let us know of your arrival and voting status. Please be certain your State’s attendance has been recorded. You will not be recognized while the committee is in substantive voting session if the dais has not recorded your attendance at this session.之后主席说:Are there any motions on the floor at this time? Seeing none, the first order of business before the committee is to set the agenda order. The topics on the committee agenda are I, II and III. If there are no objections from the committee, the chair will open the speakers list to begin deliberations upon setting the agenda. All those who would like to be placed on the speakers list, please raise your placards until your State has been recognized.就是开speaker's list,主席点,书记员把国家名记下,写到speaker's list中。
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SHUPL MODEL UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE 2012上海政法学院校内模拟联合国大会·2012会场用语培训上海政法学院模拟联合国协会Introduction of the Dais主席团介绍The Chair: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is…, the chair of today’s conference. I would like to introduce the memb ers of the committee. To my left, is the Director…… To my right,is the Rapporteur……主席:尊敬的各位代表,我是今天的会议主席XX。
Roll Call 点名The Chair: The Rapporteur will do the Roll Call in alphabetic order, delegates, please raise your placards and answer ‘present’when your country’s name are called.主席:主席助理将按字母顺序进行点名。
Rapporteur: Afghanistan.Delegate of Afghanistan: Present.Rapporteur: Afghanistan is Present.主席助理:阿富汗。
Rapporteur: With_____countries present, this conference is in quorum, the two-thirds majority is_______, the simple majority is _______, 20% of the number is _______. Delegates,who are late for the Roll Call, please send a page to the Dais to show your presence.主席助理:本次会议共有_____个国家出席,符合大会规定。
本次会议的三分之二多数为_____,简单多数为______, 20%的国家数为______,请迟到的代表向主席团传递意向条。
Set the Agenda确定议题本场会议均为单议题,所以此项暂略。
Setting the Speakers’ List主发言名单The Chair: Now we will set up a Speakers ‘List, all delegates wishing to speak please raise your placards, I’call your countries’names randomly. China, Russian Federation…Thank you. If there’re more delegates wishing to speak, please send a page to theDais and we will put your country’s name at the bottom of the list. Every delegatewill have 90 seconds to deliver their speech. Now China, you’re recognized of 90seconds. Russia, please get ready.China: (Speech)主席:下面我们将建立主发言名单,请想要发言的代表高举国家牌,我会随机点出你们的国家名。
中国:(发言)Yield让渡Yield to Chair 让渡给主席Yield to Another Country 让渡给其他代表Yield to Question 让渡给问题Yield to Comment 让渡给评论The Chair: Delegate of China, you still have 20 seconds left, how wouldyou like to yield your time?主席:中国代表,您还有20秒的发言时间,请问你将如何让渡?To Chair主席China: I’d like to yield my time to Chair.The Chair: Thank you.中国:我将时间让渡给主席。
To Another Country其他代表China: I’d like to yield my time to India.The Chair: Thank you. Now delegate of India, you’re recognized of 20seconds. And you can’t yield your time again.India: (speech)中国:我将时间让渡给印度。
印度:(发言)To question问题China: I’d like to yield my time to question.The Chair: Thank you. I’d like to invite a question from the floor,delegates who want to ask a question, please raise your placard,Congo. Thanks. Now delegate of Congo you can ask a questionand the delegate of China has 20 seconds to answer it.Congo: (question).China: (answer).中国:我将时间让渡给问题。
刚果:(问题)中国:(回答)To Comment评论China: I’ like to yield my time to comment.The Chair: Thank you. Delegates, who want to give a comment on the speechgiven by China, please raise your placard now. Japan, Thanks.Delegate of Japan, you have 20 seconds to give your comment.Japan:(Speech)中国:我将时间让渡给评论。
Point问题Point of Inquiry 咨询性问题Point of Order 程序性问题Personal Privilege 个人特权问题Point of Inquiry咨询性问题The Chair:Now are there any points or motions on the floor?Japan: Point.The Chair: Delegate of Japan.Japan: Point of inquiry. Japan wants to make sure how many voteswe need to pass a motion to suspend the meeting?The Chair: Thank you, delegate. We need a simple majority.主席:场下有无动议或者问题?日本:问题。
Point of Order程序性问题The Chair:Now are there any points or motions on the floor?Japan: Point.The Chair: Delegate of Japan.Japan: Point of order. Points go first.The Chair: Thank you, delegate.主席:场下有无动议或者问题?日本:问题。
Personal Privilege个人特权问题The Chair:Now are there any points or motions on the floor, Mexico?Mexico: Point of personal privilege. The Delegate of Mexico can’tsee the screen clearly, would you mind turning the charactersbigger?The Chair: Thank you, delegate. I’ll have our staff get down to that.主席:场下有无动议或者问题?墨西哥。
Motions动议motion to change the speaking time 动议更改发言时间motion for a moderated caucus 动议有主持核心磋商motion for an un-moderated caucus 动议自由磋商motion to close debate 动议结束辩论motion to suspend the meeting 动议休会Change the Speaking Time 更改发言时间The Chair:Now are there any points or motions on the floor?Japan: Japan motions to shorten the speaking time to 60 seconds.主席:场下有无问题或动议?日本:日本动议更改发言时间为60秒。